Ice Btech FT Syllabus r2007

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Tech: INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING (FULL TIME) (For students admitted in 2007-2008 and afterwards) CURRICULUM SEMESTER I Code Category Theory LE0101 G MA0101 B PH0101 B CY0101 B GE0101 E Practical PD0101 G GE0107 G GE0105 B PH0103 B CY0103 B ME0120/ME0130 E Total Total Contact hours

Course English Mathematics I Physics Chemistry Basic Engineering I Personality Development - I NCC/NSS/ NSO/YOGA Computer Literacy Physics Lab Chemistry Lab Workshop practice/Engineering Graphics

L 1 3 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 14/15 32/33

T 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

P 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 4 16

C 2 4 3 3 4 0 1 1 1 1 2/3 22/23

G: General programme comprising Language/Communication skills, Humanities and Social Sciences, Economics and Principles of Management and NCC/NSS/ NSO/rural development B: Basic sciences comprising Computer literacy with Numerical analysis, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry E: Engineering Sciences and Technical arts comprising Engineering Graphics, Workshop Practice, Basic Engineering etc. P: Professional subjects corresponding to the branch of studies, which will include core subjects, electives and Project work. SEMESTER II Code Category Theory GE0108 G GE0102 B GE0104 B MA0102 B PH0102 B GE0106 E IC0102 P Practical PD0102 G CS0140 B ME0130/0120 E IC0110 P Total Total Contact hours

Course Value Education Biology for Engineers Principles of Environmental Science Mathematics II Materials Science Basic Engineering-II Electronic Devices Personality Development - II Computer Practice Engineering Graphics / Workshop Practice Devices Lab

L 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 0 1 1/0 0 19/18 34/33

T 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

P 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 4 3 13

C 1 2 2 4 3 4 3 0 2 3/2 1 25/24

SEMESTER III Code Theory LE0201/0203/0205 MA0211 CE0221 IC0201 IC0203 IC0205 IC0207 Practical PD0201 IC0213 IC0215 Total Total Contact hours SEMESTER IV Code Theory LE0202/0204/0206 MA0212 ME0232 IC0202 IC0204 IC0206 IC0208 Practical PD0202 IC0212 IC0214 Total Total Contact hours

Category G B E P P P P G P P

Course German / Japanese / French Language Phase - I Mathematics-III Engineering Mechanics Electrical Machines Digital Systems Electronic Circuits Electric Circuits and Networks Personality Development III Circuits Lab Electrical and Electronics Lab

L 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 20 30

T 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 8

C 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 24

Category G B E P P P P G P P

Course German / Japanese / French Language Phase - II Probability & Queuing Theory Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Linear Integrated Circuits Transducer Engineering Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation Communication Engineering Personality Development - IV Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits Lab Transducer Engineering Lab

L 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 20 30

T 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 8

C 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 24

SEMESTER V Code Category Course Theory MB0301 G Engineering Economics and Management IC0303 P Industrial Instrumentation IC0305 P Control Systems IC0307 P Microprocessors & Microcontrollers IC0309 P Analytical Instrumentation IC0311 P Digital signal processing Practical PD0301 G Personality Development V IC0313 P Microprocessors & Micro Controllers Lab IC0315 P Control Engineering Lab IC0317 P Computer skills/IC0319 P Comprehension-I IC0321 P Industrial Training I* Total Total Contact hours *An industrial training of minimum two weeks has to be undergone by the student the III/IV semester.

L 3 3 3 3 3 3

T 0 0 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 0

C 3 3 3 3 3 3

1 0 2 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 4/2/0 2 0 1 0 0 2 1 19 2 14/10 26/24 35/31 in the winter/summer vacation of

SEMESTER VI Code Theory IC0302 IC0304 IC0306 IC0308 IC0310 IC0XXX Practical PD0302 IC0312 IC0314 IC0316 IC0318 Total Total Contact hours SEMESTER VII Code Theory IC0401 IC0403 IC0405 IC0XXX IC0XXX Practical IC0413 IC0415 IC0417 IC0444 Total Total Contact hours

Category P P P P P P G P P P P

Course Industrial Drives and Control Biomedical Instrumentation Process Control Modern Control systems Signal Processing & Telemetry Elective I Personality Development VI Design project lab Process Control Lab Computer skills Comprehension-II

L 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 19 29/33

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 0/4 0 8/12

C 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0/2 1 23/25

Category P P P P P P P P P

Course Virtual Instrumentation Computer Control of Processes Industrial Automation Elective II Elective III Virtual Instrumentation Lab Automation Lab Industrial Training II** Project Work@

L 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 15 33

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 10 18

C 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 0 18

**An industrial training of minimum two weeks has to be undergone by the student in the winter/summer vacation of the V/VI semester.
SEMESTER VIII Code Category Course L T P C Theory IC0XXX P Elective IV 3 0 0 3 IC0XXX P Elective V 3 0 0 3 Practical IC0444 P Project Work 0 0 12 8 Total 6 0 12 14 Total Contact hours 18 @ Project title and the supervisor are to be identified by the students within two weeks from the beginning of the seventh semester. The student is expected to put in a minimum of 10 hrs of work per week in their project work in the VII semester. The project progress in the VII and VIII semesters has to be periodically assessed for sessional marks. Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII Total %

Total G B E P

22/23 3 13 6/7 0

25/24 1 13 7/6 4

24 3 4 3 14

24 3 4 3 14

26/24 5 0 0 21/19

23/25 2 0 0 21/23

18 0 0 0 18

14 0 0 0 14

176 17 34 19 106

100 9.65 19.1 10.79 60.23



IC0350 IC0352 IC0354 IC0356 IC0358 IC0360

Fiber Optics and Laser Instruments Digital System Design Personal Computer System Power Plant Instrumentation Data Structures and Algorithms Power Electronics

L 3 3 3 3

T 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0

C 3 3 3 3


IC0451 IC0453 IC0455 IC0457 IC0459 IC0461 IC0463 IC0465 IC0467

Robotics and Automation. Advanced Control Theory. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control. Instrumentation and Control in Paper Industry. Design of Microcontroller Based Systems Digital Image Processing. VLSI and Embedded Systems. Industrial Data Networks Automotive Electronics

L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


IC0450 IC0452 IC0454 IC0456 IC0458 IC0460 IC0462 IC0464 IC0466 IC0468

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Instrumentation and Control in Petrochemical Industries. Instrumentation and Control in Iron & Steel Industries. Optimal Control System. Adaptive Control. Instrumentation in Aerospace and Navigation. Computer Networks Fundamentals of MEMS Advanced Process Control Operating Systems

L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


LE 0101

Prerequisite Nil

L 1

T 0

P 2

C 2

PURPOSE To provide an adequate mastery of communicative English Language training primarily - reading and writing skills, secondarily listening and speaking skills. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To provide language training to the engineering students which will enable them to understand and acquire knowledge in technical subjects. UNIT 1 LISTENING Listening Practice Hints on Listening Listening Practice Note Taking: Note Taking Strategies UNIT 2 SPEAKING 2+6 Definitions: Expressing Opinions (agreement / disagreement )-Offering Suggestions Technical Definitions Describing Objects speaking practice. Phonetics: Pronunciation-Phonetic Transcription-Stress-Intonation UNIT 3 READING 4+5 Comprehension: Skimming-scanning-close reading-Comprehension Transferring Information Exercise An unseen passage should be given and questions may be asked in the form of True or False statements, MCQ, short answers. Transcoding : Interpreting tables, flow charts, piechart, bar diagram, tree diagram, graphs. UNIT 4 WRITING Art of Writing : Writing Language Rules for effective writing Technical Essay Writing Exercise Report Writing : Technical Writing Lab Report Exercise Letter Writing : Formal Letters Letter to the Editor Letter Inviting Dignitaries Letter of Application Curriculum Vitae Placing an Order. Dialogue Writing UNIT 5 FOCUS ON AND COMMUNICATION AND COMPUNICATION Communication : Basic Concepts Process Kinds Routes Forms Factors Barriers Triangles Communication (Communicate through Computers Power Point & Tele Conference). INTERNAL ASSESSMENT Based on the submission of Assignments and test performance of the students marks will be awarded. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Abraham Benjamin Samuel, Practical Communication Communicative English LSRW2000, SRMEC June 2006 Revised Edition. 2. Staff of the Department of Humanities and Social Science, Anna University, English for Engineers / Technologist Vol.-I. Orient Longman, 1990. 2+6 4+8 3+5

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Herbert. A. J. , The structure of Technical English, Orient Longman 1995. 2. Pickett and Laster, Technical English, Writing, Reading and Speaking, New York Harper and Row Publications, 1997. 3. Interactive course in phonetics and spoken English, Published by Acoustics Engineers (ACEN) 2002. 4. Munter, Mary, Business Communication Strategy and Skill, Prentice Hall Inc.,New Jersey, 1987.

MA 0101

MATHEMATICS -I Prerequisite Nil

L 3

T 2

P 0

C 4

PURPOSE To impart analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, student should be able, To apply advanced matrix knowledge to Engineering problems. To improve their ability in solving geometrical applications of differential calculus problems to equip themselves familiar with the functions of several variables. To familiarize with the applications of differential equations. To expose to the concept of three dimensional analytical geometry. UNIT 1 MATRICES 9 Characteristic equation Eigen values and eigen vectors of a real matrix Properties of eigen values Caley Hamilton theorem Orthogonal reduction of a symmetric matrix to diagonal form Orthogonal matrices Reduction of quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformations. UNIT 2 GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 9 Curvature Cartesian and polar coordinates Circle of curvature Involutes and Evolutes Envelopes Properties of envelopes. UNIT 3 FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES 9 Function of two variables Partial derivatives Total differential Taylors expansion Maxima and Minima Constrained Maxima and Minima by Lagrangean Multiplier method Jacobians UNIT 4 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9 Simultaneous first order linear equations with constant coefficients Linear equations of second order with constant and variable coefficients Homogeneous equation of Euler type Equations reducible to homogeneous form. UNIT 5 THREE DIMENSIONAL ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY 9 Direction cosines and ratios Angle between two lines Equation of a plane Equation of a straight line Co-planar lines Shortest distance between skew lines Sphere Tangent plane Plane section of a sphere Orthogonal spheres. TUTORIAL TOTAL 30 75

TEXT BOOK 1. Grewal B.S, Higher Engg Maths, Khanna Publications, 38th Edition., Veerajan, T., Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,2000. 2. Dr.V.Ramamurthy & Dr. Sundarammal Kesavan, Engineering Mathematics Vol I & II, Anuradha Publications, Revised Edition 2006. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kreyszig.E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons. Singapore,2001. 2. Kandasamy P etal, Engineering Mathematics, Vol.I (4th revised edition), S.Chand &Co., New Delhi,2000. 3. Narayanan S., Manicavachagom Pillay T.K., Ramanaiah G., Advanced Mathematics for Engineering students, Volume I (2nd edition), S.Viswanathan Printers and Publishers, 1992. 4. Venkataraman M.K., Engineering Mathematics, First Year (2nd edition), National Publishing Co., Chennai,2000

PH 0101

PHYSICS Prerequisite Nil

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to develop scientific temper and analytical capability through learning physical concepts and their applications in engineering and technology. Comprehension of some basic physical concepts will enable the students to logically solve engineering problems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the student will be able to: Understand the general scientific concepts required for technology, Apply the concepts in solving engineering problems, Explain scientifically the new developments in engineering and technology, and Get familiarized with the concepts, theories, and models behind many technological applications. UNIT 1 PROPERTIES OF MATTER AND SOUND 9 Properties of Matter: Hookes law Twisting couple on a cylinder Shafts Torsion pendulum Bending of beams Bending moment Uniform bending and non-uniform bending I shape girder. Sound: Shock waves Mach number (simple problems) Ultrasonic production (magnetostriction and piezoelectric methods) and application Acoustics of buildings Sources and impacts of noise Sound level meter Control of noise pollution. UNIT 2 ELECTROMAGNETISM AND MICROWAVES 9 Electromagnetism: Divergence, curl and gradient Maxwells equations Wave equation for electromagnetic waves Propagation in free space Poynting vector Rectangular and circular wave guides. Microwaves: Properties and applications Generation by magnetron and reflex klystron oscillator Travelling wave tube Biological effects. UNIT 3 OPTICS 9 Photometry: Principles and Lummer-Brodhun photometer. Lasers: Principles and characteristics Types of lasers (CO2, excimer, NdYAG, GaAs, free electron) Holographic mass storage. Optical Fiber: Principles Physical structure and types Optical fiber communication. Photoelasticity: Theory and applications. UNIT 4 CRYSTAL PHYSICS AND CRYOGENICS 9 Crystal Physics: Crystal directions Planes and Miller indices Basic symmetry elements Translational symmetry elements Reciprocal lattice Diamond and HCP crystal structure Imperfections in crystals. Cryogenics: Methods of liquefaction of gases (cascade process, Lindes process, and adiabatic demagnetization process) Measurement of cryogenic temperatures. UNIT 5 ENERGY PHYSICS 9 Introduction to non-conventional energy sources Solar cells Thermoelectric power generators Thermionic power generator Magneto hydrodynamic power generator Fuel cells (H2O2) Solid state batteries (Lithium) Low voltage and high voltage nuclear cells Thermocouple based nuclear cell Ultra capacitors. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Arumugam, M., Engineering Physics, 2nd edition, Anuradha Publishers, Kumbakonam, 2003. 2. Gaur and Gupta, Engineering Physic, 7th edition, Dhandapani and Sons, New Delhi, 1997. 3. Thiruvadigal, J. D., Ponnusamy, S., Vasuhi, P. S. and Kumar, C., Physics for Technologists, 5th edition, Vibrant Publication, Chennai, 2007. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Vasudeva, A. S., Modern Engineering Physics, Revised edition, S. Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. 2. Vasudevan, D. N., Fundamentals of Magnetism and Electricity, 11th edition, S. Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1983. 3. Nair, K. P. R., Atoms, Molecules and Laser, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006. 4. Pillai, S. O., Solid State Physics ,5th edition, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. 5. Khan, B. H., Non-Conventional Energy Resources, Mechanical Engineering Series, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.

CY 0101

CHEMISTRY Prerequisite Nil

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To impart a sound knowledge on the principles of chemistry involving the different application oriented topics required for all engineering branches. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students should be conversant with 1. The role of applied chemistry the field of engineering. 2. The knowledge of water quality parameters and the treatment of water. 3. The principles involves in corrosion and its inhibitions. 4. Important analytical techniques, instrumentation and the applications. 5. Knowledge with respect to the phase equlibria of different systems. UNIT 1 TECHNOLOGY OF WATER 9 Water quality parameters: Physical, Chemical & Biological - Hardness of water estimation of hardness (EDTA method & O. Hehners method), Alkalinity determination disadvantages of using hard water in boilers: Scale, sludge formation disadvantages prevention treatment: Internal conditioning phosphate, calgon and carbonate conditioning methods External: Zeolite, ion exchange methods - desalination reverse osmosis and electrodialysis domestic water treatment. UNIT 2 CORROSION AND ITS CONTROL 9 Corrosion: Basic concepts principles, mechanism of chemical, electrochemical corrosion Pilling Bedworth rule galvanic corrosion differential aeration corrosion - pitting corrosion - stress corrosion - factors influencing corrosion. Corrosion control: cathodic protection sacrificial anodic method corrosion inhibitor. Protective coatings: surface preparation for metallic coatings - electro plating and electroless Plating - chemical conversion coatings anodizing, phosphating & chromate coating. UNIT 3 PHASEEQUILIBRIA 9 Phase rule: Statement explanation of the terms involved - one component system (water system only). Condensed phase rule - thermal analysis two component systems: simple eutectic, Pb-Ag; Br, Cd - solid solution Cu-Ni and compound formation Mg-Zn - applications of eutectics. UNIT 4 POLYMERS AND REINFORCED PLASTICS 9 Classification of polymers types of polymerization reactions mechanism of addition polymerization: free radical, ionic and ziegler Natta - effect of structure on the properties of polymers strength, plastic deformation, plastics elasticity and physical nature Preparation and properties of important resins:- Polyethylene, PVC, PMMA, Polyester, Teflon Bakelite, Epoxy resins, compounding of plastics, moulding methods - injection, extrusion, compression and calendaring - reinforced plastics FRP Carbon, Graphite, Glass applications. UNIT 5 INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS 9 Basic principles, instrumentation of potentiometry, flame photometry applications. Elementary theory principle instrumentation of UV visible spectroscopy and atomic absorption spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Jain.P.C and Monika Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Danpat Raj publishing company (P) Ltd, New Delhi 2002. 2. Dara.S.S, Text book of Engineering Chemistry, S. Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi 2003. 3. Willard H.A., Merit L.L and Dean J.A., Instrumental methods of analysis, 6th Edition Van Nostrand, 1986. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kuriacose J.C. and Rajaram J., Chemistry in Engineering and Technology, Volume II, Tata McGraw Hill p.b. Co., 1988. 2. Jeyalakshmi.R & Ramar. P, Engineering Chemistry, 1st Edition, Devi Publications, Chennai 2006. 3. Kamaraj.P & Arthanareeswari. M, Applied Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Sudhandhira Publications, 2003. 4. Arivalagan. K, Engineering Chemistry, 1st Edition, Mass publications, 2007. 5. P.Kamatchi, Applied Chemistry-I, Ponnuswamy publications, Chennai.


Dr. Helen P Kavitha , Engineering Chemistry I ILA Publications, 2002 L 4 T 0 P 0 C 4

GE 0101

BASIC ENGINEERING - I Prerequisite Nil

PART A CIVIL ENGINEERING PURPOSE To get exposed to the glimpses of Civil Engineering topics that is essential for an Engineer. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To know about different materials and their properties. 2. Engineering aspects related to buildings. 3. To know about importance of Surveying. 4. To know about the transportation systems. 5. To get exposed to the rudiments of engineering related to Dams, Water Supply, Transportation system and Sewage Disposal. UNIT 1 BUILDING MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 10 Introduction - Civil Engineering Building Materials Brick, Stone, Cement, Steel, Concrete, timber Properties Uses. Units Stress, strain and three modulii of elasticity factor of safety - Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia for rectangle and circular section simple problems. UNIT 2 BUILDINGS AND THEIR COMPONENTS 10 Buildings Classification - Components of buildings and their functions Foundations - functions classification of foundations Bearing capacity Floorings functions - Types - Cement Concrete flooring Mosaic flooring Marble flooring Roofs - Types Requirements Madras Terrace roof. Tall structure types of structural systems. UNIT 3 UTILITY AND SERVICES 10 Surveying - Objective Principles Classification Instruments used for Surveying. Dams - Purpose Selection of site Classification Gravity dam (cross-section details only) Transportation system - Classification Roadway components classification of roads - Railway Cross-section of permanent way- components parts and functions. Docks and Harbour classification Terminology Bridges components of a bridge - types of bridges.Water supply - Sources - Standards of drinking water (BIS) elementary treatment methods RO System Sewage disposal Septic tank function and components. TOTAL 30 TEXT BOOKS 1. Raju K.V.B., Ravichandran P.T., Basics of Civil Engineering, Ayyappa Publications, Chennai, 2000. 2. Ramesh Babu, Civil Engineering, VRB Publishers, Chennai, 2000. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Rangwala,S.C., Engineering Materials, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, 1980. 2. National Building Code of India, Part V, Building Materials, 2005 3. Surendra Singh, Building Materials, Vikas Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1996

PART B MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PURPOSE To familiarize the students with the basics of Mechanical Engineering. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To familiarize with 1. The basic machine elements 2. The Sources of Energy and Power Generation 3. The various manufacturing processes UNIT 1 MACHINE ELEMENTS 10 Springs: Helical and leaf springs Springs in series and parallel. Cams: Types of cams and followers Cam profile. Power Transmission: Gears (terminology, spur, helical and bevel gears, gear trains). Belt drives (types). Chain drives. Simple Problems.

UNIT 2 ENERGY Sources: Renewable and non-renewable (various types, characteristics, advantages/disadvantages). Power Generation: External and internal combustion engines - Hydro and nuclear power plants (layouts, element/component description, advantages, disadvantages, applications). Simple Problems.


UNIT 3 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 10 Sheet Metal Work: Introduction Equipments Tools and accessories Various processes (applications, advantages / disadvantages). Welding: Types Equipments Tools and accessories Techniques employed (applications, advantages / disadvantages (gas and arc welding only)) Gas cutting Brazing and soldering. Lathe Practice: Types - Description of main components Cutting tools Work holding devices Basic operations. Simple Problems. Drilling Practice: Introduction Types Description Tools. Simple Problems. TOTAL 30 TEXT BOOKS 1. Kumar, T., Leenus Jesu Martin., and Murali, G., Basic Mechanical Engineering, Suma Publications, Chennai, 2007. 2. Prabhu, T. J., Jai Ganesh, V., Jebaraj, S., Basic Mechanical Engineering, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 2000. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Hajra Choudhary, S.K. and Hajra Choudhary, A. K., Elements of Manufacturing Technology, Vols. I & II, Media Publishers, 1986. 2. Nag, P.K., Power Plant Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006. 3. Palanichamy, M.S., Basic Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill , New Delhi 1991. 4. Nagpal G. R., Power Plant Engineering, Khanna Publisher, Delhi,2004

PD 0101


L 0

T 0

P 2

C 0

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to build confidence and inculcate various soft skills and to help Students to identify and achieve their personal potential INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To guide thought process. 2. To groom students' attitude. 3. To develop communication skill. 4. To build confidence. METHODOLOGY The entire program is designed in such a way that every student will participate in the class room activities. The activities are planned to bring out the skills and talents of the students which they will be employing during various occasions in their real life. 1. Group activities + individual activities. 2. Collaborative learning. 3. Interactive sessions. 4. Ensure Participation 5. Empirical Learning UNIT 1 Self-analysis SWOT - Time management - Creative chain story telling UNIT 2 Vocabulary games I Attitude - Interpersonal skills UNIT 3 Motivation I - Vocabulary games II - Article review 6


UNIT 4 Team building exercise - Critical Thinking - Event Management UNIT 5 Business situation - Leadership Qualities - Review

TOTAL SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION Marks allocated for regular participation in all oral activities in class SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Complete Internal evaluation on a regular Basis



Prerequisite Nil

L 0

T 0

P 2

C 1


YOGA SYLLABUS LECTURE Benefits of Agnai Meditation Benefits of santhi Meditation Lecture & Practice Analysis of Thought Benefits of Thuriyam Attitude Importance of Arutkappy & Blessings Benefits of Blessings Hours = 30

PRACTICE I II III IV V VI VII VIII Meditation Agnai, Asanas, Kiriyas, Bandas, Muthras Meditation Santhi Physical Exercises (I & II) Kayakalpa Yoga Asanas, Kiriyas, Bandas, Muthras Meditation Santhi Physical Exercises III & IV Meditation Thuriyam Kayakalpa Asanas, Kiriyas, Bandas, Muthras Meditation Thuriyam Kayakalpa Asanas, Kiriyas, Bandas, Muthras Meditation Thuriyam Kayakalpa Asanas, Kiriyas, Bandas, Muthras Meditation Santhi Kayakalpa Asanas, Kiriyas, Bandas, Muthras

TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. Vedatri Maharshi , Yoga for Modern Age Vedatri Maharshi, Simplified Physical Exercises

II. NATIONAL SPORTS ORGANISATION (NSO) Each student must select two of the following games and practice for two hours per week. An attendance of 80% is compulsory to earn the credits specified in the curriculum. List of games: 1. Basket Ball 2. Football 3. Volley Ball 4. Ball Badminton 5. Cricket 6. Throwball III. NATIONAL CADET CORE (NCC)

Any student enrolling as a member of National Cadet Core (NCC) will have to attend sixteen parades out of twenty parades each of four periods over a span of academic year.


Attending eight parades in first semester will qualify a student to earn the credits specified in the curriculum. IV. NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (NSS) A student enrolling as member of NSS will have to complete 60 hours of training / social service to be eligible to earn the credits specified in the curriculum.

L GE0105 COMPUTER LITERACY Prerequisite Nil 0

T 0

P 2

C 1

PURPOSE This Lab Course will enable the students to understand the basics of computer and to know the basics of MS-Office. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To learn the basics of computer. 2. To work on Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Power Point and Ms-Access EXPERIMENTS TO IMPLEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Study experiment on evolution of computer programming languages. Suggest some of the Network Topologies that can be incorporated in your campus. Justify your choice. Experiments to demonstrate directory creation and file creation. Create a document with all formatting effects. Create a document with tables. Create labels in MS word. Create a document to send mails using mail merge option. Create an Excel File to analyze the students performance. Create a chart for the above data to depict it diagrammatically. 9. Create Excel sheet to use built-in-function. 10. Create Excel sheet to maintain employee information and use this data to send mails using mail merge. 11. Create a Power Point presentation for your personal profile with varying animation effects with timer. 12. Consider student information system which stores student personal data, mark information and non academic details. * Use MS Access to create Tables and execute SQL queries to do this following * Display all student records. * Display student details with respect to his identity. * Delete some records from the table. * Find total marks obtained by student in each list. TOTAL 30

TEXT BOOK 1. Introduction to Information Technology ITL Education Solutions Ltd., Pearson 2nd Edition, 2006.

PH 0103


L 0

T 0

P 2

C 1

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to develop scientific temper and analytical capability among the engineering students. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the student will be able to: Understand scientific concepts in measurement of different physical variables Develop the skill in arranging and handling different measuring instruments and Get familiarized with the errors in various measurements and planning / suggesting how these contributions may be made of the same order so as to make the error in the final result small.


LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Determination of Youngs Modulus of the material Uniform bending 2. Determination of Rigidity Modulus of the material Torsion Pendulum 3. Determination of velocity of Ultrasonic waves in liquids 4. Determination of dispersive power of a prism using spectrometer 5. Determination of laser parameter Divergence and wavelength for a given laser source laser grating 6. Particle size determination using laser 7. Study of attenuation and propagation characteristics of optical fiber cable 8. Calibration of voltmeter using potentiometer. 9. Calibration of ammeter using potentiometer. 10. Construction and study of regulation properties of a given power supply using IC TOTAL 30 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Chattopadhyay, D., Rakshit, P. C. and Saha, B., An Advanced Course in Practical Physics, 2nd edition, Books & Allied Ltd., Calcutta, 1990. 2. Chauhan and Singh, Advanced Practical Physics, Revised edition, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut, 1985. 3. Thiruvadigal. J. D., Ponnusamy. S., Vasuhi. P. S. and Kumar. C, Hand Book of Practical Physics, 5th edition, Vibrant Publication, Chennai, 2007.

CY 0103

CHEMISTRY LAB Prerequisite Nil

L 0

T 0

P 2

C 1

PURPOSE An integrated laboratory course consists of experiments from applied chemistry and is designed to illustrate the underlying principles of measurement techniques, synthesis, dynamics and chemical transformation. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Students should be able to understand the basic concept and its applications. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Preparation of standard solutions. Estimation of total hardness, permanent and temporary hardness by EDTA method. Conductometric titration determination of strength of an acid. Estimation of iron by potentiometer titration. Determination of molecular weight of polymer by viscosity average method. Determination of dissolved oxygen in a water sample by Winklers method Determination of Na / K in water sample by Flame photometry. Estimation of Copper in ore. Estimation of nickel in steel. Determination of total alkalinity and acidity of a water sample. TOTAL REFERENCE 1. Chemistry department manual, Edition, 2003. L 0 T 0 P 4 C 2 30

ME 0120


PURPOSE To provide the students with hands on experience on different trades of engineering like fitting, carpentary, smithy, welding and sheet metal. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To familiarize with The basics of tools and equipments used in fitting, carpentry, sheet metal, welding and smithy.


The production of simple models in the above trades. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS EMPHASIS TO BE LAID ON REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS WHEN FRAMING THE EXERCISES. UNIT 1 FITTING Tools & Equipments Practice in Filing and Drilling. Making Vee Joints, Square, dovetail joints, Key Making. 12

UNIT 2 CARPENTARY 12 Tools and Equipments- Planning practice. Making Half Lap, dovetail, Mortise & Tenon joints, a mini model of a single door window frame. UNIT 3 SHEET METAL Tools and equipments - Fabrication of a small cabinet, Rectangular Hopper, etc. 12

UNIT 4 WELDING 12 Tools and equipments - Arc welding of butt joint, Lap Joint, Tee Fillet. Demonstration of Gas welding, TIG & MIG. UNIT 5 SMITHY Tools and Equipments Making simple parts like hexagonal headed bolt, chisel. 12

TOTAL 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. Gopal, T.V., Kumar, T., and Murali, G., A first course on workshop practice Theory, practice and work book, Suma Publications, 2005. REFERENCE BOOKS 1) Kannaiah,P. & Narayanan,K.C. Manual on Workshop Practice, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 1999. 2) Venkatachalapathy, V.S. , First year Engineering Workshop Practice, Ramalinga Publications, Madurai 1999.

ME 0130

ENGINEERING GRAPHICS Prerequisite Nil (Only First Angle Projection is to be followed)

L 1

T 0

P 4

C 3

PURPOSE 1. To draw and interpret various projections of 1D, 2D and 3D objects. 2. To prepare and interpret the drawings of buildings. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To familiarise with The construction of geometrical figures The projection of 1D, 2D & 3D elements Sectioning of solids and development of surfaces Preparation and interpretation of building drawing UNIT 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING GRAPHICS 2 Lettering, two dimensional geometrical constructions, conics, representation of three-dimensional objects principles of projections standard codes projection of points. UNIT 2 PROJECTION OF LINES AND SOLIDS Projection of straight lines, projection of solids auxiliary projections UNIT 3 SECTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS Sections of solids and development of surfaces. UNIT 4 PICTORIAL PROJECTIONS 4


Conversion of projections: Orthographic projection, isometric projection of regular solids & combination of solids. UNIT 5 BUILDING DRAWING 2 Building Drawing plan, elevation and section of single storied residential (or) office building with flat RCC roof and brick masonry walls having not more than 3 rooms (planning / designing is not expected in this course). PRACTICAL 60 TOTAL 75 TEXT BOOKS 1. Jeyapoovan, T., Engineering Drawing and Graphics using AutoCAD 2000, Vikas Publishing house Pvt Ltd, NewDelhi, 2005. 2. Narayanan, K.L & Kannaiah, P., Engineering Graphics, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Bhatt, N.D., Elementary Engineering Drawing (First Angle Projection), Charotar Publishing Co., Anand, 1999. 2. Venugopal, K., Engineering Drawing & Graphics, New Age international Pvt. Ltd., 2001. 3. Natarajan, K.V., Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Private Publication, Chennai, 1990. 4. Shah, M.B. and Rana, B.C., Engineering Drawing, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., Delhi 110 092, 2005.



GE 0108

VALUE EDUCATION Prerequisite Nil

L 1

T 0

P 0

C 1

PURPOSE To provide guiding principles and tools for the development of the whole person, recognizing that the individual is comprised of Physical Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual dimensions. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To help individuals think about and reflect on different values. 2. To deepen understanding, motivation and responsibility with regard to making personal and social choices and the practical implications of expressing them in relation to themselves, others, the Community and the world at large. 3. To inspire individuals to choose their own personal, social, moral and spiritual values and be aware of practical methods for developing and deepening them. UNIT 1 3 Value EducationIntroduction Definition of values Why values? Need for Inculcation of values Object of Value Education Sources of Values Types Values: 1. Personal values 2. Social values 3. Professional values 4. Moral and spiritual values 5. Behavioral (common) values UNIT 2 3 Personal values Definition of person Self confidence Self discipline Self Assessment Self restraint Self motivation Determination Ambition Contentment Humility and Simplicity - Sympathy and Compassion Gratitude -Forgiveness Honesty Courtesy. UNIT 3 3 Social values Definition of Society Units of Society - Individual, family, different groups Community Social consciousness Equality and Brotherhood Dialogue Tolerance Sharing Responsibility Co-operation Freedom Repentance and Magnanimity. UNIT 4 3 Professional values Definition Competence Confidence Devotion to duty Efficiency Accountablility Respect for learning /learned Willingness to learn-Open and balanced mind Team spirit Professional Ethic Willingness for Discussion Aims Effort Avoidance of Procrastination and slothfulness Alertness. UNIT 5 3 Behavioral values Individual values and group values Good manners at home and outside Equality Purity of thought, speech and action Understanding the role of religion Faith Understanding the commonness of religions respect for other faiths unity in diversity Living together Tolerance Non-violence Truthfulness Common aim Unified effort towards peace Patriotism. TOTAL 15 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Dr. S. Ignacimuthu S. J., Values for life, Better yourself Books, Bandra Mumbai-600 050 (1999). 2. Values(Collection of Essays)., Published by : Sri Ramakrishna Math., Chennai4.,(1996) 3. Prof. R.P.Dhokalia., Eternal Human Values NCRT Campus Sri Aurobindo Marg., New Delhi - 110 011. 4. Swami Vivekananda., Education., Sri Ramakrishna Math., Chennai-4(1957) 5. Tirukural (English Translation by Dr.G.U.Pope). 6. The Bible 7. The Kuran 8. The Bagavath Geetha


GE 0102


L 2

T 0

P 0

C 2

PURPOSE To provide a basic understanding of biological mechanisms from the perspective of engineers. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To familiarize the students with the basic organization of organisms and subsequent building to a living being. With this knowledge, the student will be then imparted with an understanding about the machinery of the cell functions that is ultimately responsible for various daily activities. Nervous and immune systems will be taught as examples of this signaling machinery. UNIT 1 FROM ATOMS TO ORGANISMS 6 The Cell: the Basic Unit of Life - Molecular Components of Cells - Expression of Genetic Information - Protein Structure and Function- Cell Metabolism - Cells Maintain Their Internal Environments - Cells Respond to Their External Environments - Cells Grow and Reproduce - Cells Differentiate UNIT 2 THE MOLECULAR DESIGN OF LIFE 6 Biochemistry and the Genomic Revolution- . DNA Illustrates the Relation between Form and Function- Biochemical Unity Underlies Biological Diversity-. Chemical Bonds in Biochemistry -. Biochemistry and Human Biology-. Protein Synthesis Requires the Translation of Nucleotide Sequences Into Amino Acid Sequences-.2. AminoacylTransfer RNA Synthetases Read the Genetic Code- A Ribosome Is a Ribonucleoprotein Particle (70S) Made of a Small (30S) and a Large (50S) Subunit-Protein Factors Play Key Roles in Protein Synthesis-. Eukaryotic Protein Synthesis Differs from Prokaryotic Protein Synthesis Primarily in Translation Initiation UNIT 3 CATALYTIC STRATEGIES 6 Proteases: Facilitating a Difficult Reaction-. Making a Fast Reaction Faster: Carbonic Anhydrases-. Restriction Enzymes: Performing Highly Specific DNA-Cleavage Reactions- Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinases: Catalyzing Phosphoryl Group Exchange between Nucleotides Without Promoting Hydrolysis- metabolism-anabolism and catabolism-photosynthesis and carbon fixation- biological energy production. UNIT 4 MECHANOCHEMISTRY 6 How Protein Motors Convert Chemical Energy into Mechanical Work- Brief Description of ATP Synthase StructureThe F1 Motor: A Power Stroke-A Pure Power Stroke- Coupling and Coordination of Motors- Measures of EfficiencyF1-Motor of ATP synthase- The Bacterial Flagellar Motor- Motor Driven by H_ and Na_ Ion Flux- Proton Motive Force, Sodium-motive Force, Ion Flux- Molecular Motor Directionality- Chimeric Kinesin Motors- Backwards Myosins- Chimeric Myosin Motors- Bidirectional Dyneins? UNIT 5 SENSORY AND IMMUNO SYSTEMS 6 General Principles of Cell Signaling-Signaling via G-Protein-linked Cell-Surface Receptors-Signaling via Enzymelinked Cell-Surface Receptors-Target-Cell Adaptation-The Logic of Intracellular Signaling: Lessons from Computerbased "Neural Networks"-The Cellular Basis of Immunity-The Functional Properties of Antibodies-The Fine Structure of Antibodies-The Generation of Antibody Diversity-T Cell Receptors and Subclasses-MHC Molecules and Antigen Presentation to T Cells-Cytotoxic T Cells-Helper T Cells and T Cell Activation-Selection of the T Cell Repertoire TOTAL TEXT BOOK 1. J.M.Berg, J.L.Tymosczko and L.Sryer., Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman Publications. 2. STUDENT COMPANION to accompany Biochemistry, Fifth Edition -Richard I. Gumport 3. Frank H. Deis, Nancy Counts Gerber, Roger E. Koeppe, II Molecular motors. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Alberts, 2003, Molecular Biology of the cell 2. Lodish, 2004 Molecular cell biology 30


GE 0104


L 2

T 0

P 0

C 2

PURPOSE The course provides the comprehensive knowledge in environmental science, environmental issues and the management. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. The importance of environmental education, ecosystem and ethics. 2. Knowledge with respect to biodiversity and its conservation. 3. To create awareness on the various environmental pollution aspects and issues. 4. To educate the ways and means to protect the environment. 5. Important environmental issues and protection UNIT 1 ENIVRONMENT AND ECOSYSTEMS 6 Environmental education: definition - scope - objectives and importance. Concept of an ecosystem types (terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems) structure and function ecological succession - food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids UNIT 2 BIODIVERSITY 6 Introduction: definition - genetic, species and ecosystem diversity - value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values - threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife endangered and endemic species of India, Conservation of biodiversity: in-situ and ex-situ conservations. UNIT 3 POLLUTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 6 Air and water pollution classification of pollutants and their effects control measures of air pollution. Waste water treatment (general) primary, secondary & tertiary stages. Solid waste management: causes - effects of municipal waste, hazardous waste, bio medical waste - process of waste management. UNIT 4 CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 6 Environmental ethics -issues and possible solutions- population explosion, climatic change, ozone layer depletion, global warming, acid rain and green house effect. Sustainable development: definition, objectives and environmental dimensions of sustainable development- environmental audit for sustainable development. UNIT 5 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 6 National and international concern for environment: Important environmental protection acts in India water, air (prevention and control of pollution) act, wild life conservation and forest act functions of central and state pollution control boards - international effort key initiatives of Rio declaration, Vienna convention, Kyoto protocol and Johannesburg summit. TOTAL 30 TEXT BOOKS 1. Sharma.B.K. and Kaur, Environmental Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut, 1994. 2. De.A.K., Environmental Chemistry, New Age International (p) lt., , New Delhi, 1996. 3. Kurian Joseph & R. Nagendran, Essential of Environmental Studies, Pearson Education, 2004. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Dara S.S., A, Text Book of Environmental Chemistry and pollution control, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. 2. Jeyalakshmi.R, Principles of Environmental Science, 1st Edition, Devi Publications, Chennai 2006. 3. Kamaraj.P & Arthanareeswari.M, Environmental Science Challenges and Changes, 1st Edition, Sudhandhira Publications, 2007. 4. Arivalagan.K, Ramar.P & Kamatchi.P, Principles of Environmental Science, 1st Edition, Suji Publications, 2007.


MA 0102

L T MATHEMATICS - II 3 2 Prerequisite MATHEMATICS - I (Common to all Branches of Engineering except BT, BP, BI, BME, FPE, & GE)

P 0

C 4

PURPOSE To impart analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of the course, students should have understood Multiple Integrals , Laplace Transforms, Vector Calculus and Functions of a complex variable including contour integration and be able to apply to all their Engineering problems. UNIT 1 MULTIPLE INTEGRALS 9 Double integration in Cartesian and polar coordinates Change of order of integration Area as a double integral Triple integration in Cartesian coordinates. UNIT 2 LAPLACE TRANSFORMS 9 Transforms of simple functions Basic operational properties Transforms of derivatives and integrals Initial and final value theorems Inverse transforms Convolution theorem periodic functions Applications of Laplace transforms for solving linear ordinary differential equations up to second order with constant coefficients only. UNIT 3VECTOR CALCULUS 9 Gradient, divergence, curl Solenoidal and irrotational fields Vector identities (without proof) Directional derivatives Line, surface and volume integrals Statements of Greens, Gauss divergence and Strokes theorems only Verification and applications to cubes and parallelopipeds only. UNIT 4 ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS 9 Definition of Analytic Function Cauchy Riemann equations Properties of analytic functions - Determination of harmonic conjugate Milne-Thomsons method Conformal mappings: 1/z, az az+b and bilinear transformation. UNIT 5 COMPLEX INTEGRATION 9 Line integral Cauchys integral theorem (without proof ) Cauchys integral formulae (with proof) application of Cauchys integral formulae Taylors and Laurents expansions (statements only) Singularities Poles and Residues Cauchys residue theorem (with proof) - Evaluation of line integrals. TUTORIAL TOTAL 30 75

TEXT BOOK 1. Grewal B.S, Higher Engg Maths, Khanna Publications, 38th Edition. 2. Veerajan, T., Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,2000. 3. Dr.V.Ramamurthy & Dr. Sundarammal Kesavan, Engineering Mathematics Vol I & II, Anuradha Publications, Revised Edition 2006. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Kreyszig.E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons. Singapore,2001. Kandasamy P etal., Engineering Mathematics, Vol.I (4th revised edition), S.Chand &Co., New Delhi,2000. Narayanan S., Manicavachagom Pillay T.K., Ramanaiah G., Advanced Mathematics for Engineering students, Volume I (2nd edition), S.Viswanathan Printers and Publishers, 1992. Venkataraman M.K., Engineering Mathematics First Year (2nd edition), National Publishing Co., Chennai,2000.


PH 0102


L 2

T 0

P 2

C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to develop comprehension of the rapidly changing technological scenario and the requisite expertise for appropriate selection of materials for specific engineering applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Understand electrical properties of materials, 2. Understand the properties and applications of semi conducting materials, 3. Understand general properties and applications of magnetic and dielectric materials, 4. Understand the behaviour of materials on exposure to light, 5. Understand general properties and application of modern engineering and bio materials, and 6. Get familiarized with the concepts of Nano Science and Technology. UNIT 1 ELECTRONIC AND PHOTONIC MATERIALS 6 Electronic materials: Importance of Classical and Quantum free electron theory of metals Fermi energy and Fermi Dirac distribution function Variation of Fermi level with temperature in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors Hall effect Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors (DMS) and their applications High temperature Superconductivity. Photonic materials: LED and LCD materials Photo conducting materials Nonlinear optical materials (elementary ideas) and their applications. UNIT 2 MAGNETIC, DIELECTRIC AND MODERN ENGINEERING MATERIALS 6 Magnetic materials: Ferrites and garnets Magnetic bubbles and their applications Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) Colossal Magneto Resistance (CMR). Dielectric materials: Various polarization mechanisms in dielectrics (elementary ideas) and their frequency and temperature dependence Dielectric loss Piezo electric and ferro electric materials and their applications. Modern engineering materials: Shape memory alloys Metallic glasses Advanced ceramics and composites. UNIT 3 BIO MATERIALS 6 Classification of biomaterials Comparison of properties of some common biomaterials Effects of physiological fluid on the properties of biomaterials Biological responses (extra and intra vascular system) Metallic, Ceramic and Polymeric implant materials Introduction to bio sensors and tissue engineering. UNIT 4 NANO MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 6 Basic concepts of Nano science and technology Quantum wire Quantum well Quantum dot Properties and technological advantages of Nano materials Carbon Nanotubes and applications Material processing by Sol Gel method, Chemical Vapour deposition and Physical Vapour deposition Microwave Synthesis of materials Principles of SEM, TEM and AFM . UNIT 5 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 6 Stress Strain diagram for different engineering materials Engineering and true stress strain diagram Ductile and brittle material Tensile strength Hardness Impact strength Fatigue Creep Fracture (Types and Ductile to brittle transition) Factors affecting mechanical properties. PRACTICALS 1. Band gap determination using Post office box. 2. Dielectric constant measurement. 3. Photoconductivity measurement. 4. Resistivity determination for a semiconductor wafer using Four probe method. 5. Determination of Hall coefficient and carrier type for a semiconductor material. 6. To trace the hysteresis loop for a magnetic material. 7. Magnetic susceptibility Quinckes method. 8. Determination of thermal conductivity Lees Disc method 9. Visit to Nano Technology Laboratory (optional) TOTAL 30



TEXT BOOKS 1. S.O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Van Vlack, L.H., Material Science for Engineers, 6th edition, .Addision Wesley, 1985. 3. Thiruvadigal, J. D., Ponnusamy, S. and Vasuhi.P. S., Materials Science, 5th edition, Vibrant Publications, Chennai, 2007. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Rolf E. Hummel, Electronic Properties of materials, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1994. 2. Raghavan.V., Materials Science & Engineering A First Course, 5th edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,2005. 3. Khanna. O. P., A Text Book of Material Science & Metallurgy, Revised edition, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi,2006. 4. Sujata V. Bhat, Biomaterials, 2nd edition, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006. 5. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Michells Simmons and Burkhard Raguse, Nano Technology Basic Science and Emerging Technologies, 1st edition, Overseas Press,New Delhi,2005.

GE 0106


L 4

T 0

P 0

C 4

PART A ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PURPOSE This course provides comprehensive idea about circuit analysis, working principles of machines and common measuring instruments. It also provides fundamentals of electronic devices, transducers and integrated circuits. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course students will be able 1. To understand the basic concepts of magnetic, AC & DC circuits. 2. To explain the working principle, construction, applications of DC & AC machines & measuring instruments. 3. To gain knowledge about the fundamentals of electric components, devices, transducers & integrated circuits. UNIT 1 ELECTRICAL MACHINES 12 Definition of mmf, flux and reluctance, leakage flux, fringing, magnetic materials and B-H relationship. Problems involving simple magnetic circuits.Faradays laws, induced emfs and inductances, brief idea on Hysteresis and eddy currents. Working principle, construction and applications of DC machines and AC machines (1-phase transformers, 3-phase induction motors, single phase induction motors split phase, capacitor start and capacitor start & run motors). UNIT 2 AC & DC CIRCUITS 10 Circuit parameters, Ohms law, Kirchhoffs law. Average and RMS values, concept of phasor representation. RLC series circuits and series resonance, RLC parallel circuits (includes simple problems in DC & AC circuits) Introduction to three phase systems types of connections, relationship between line and phase values. (qualitative treatment only) UNIT 3 WIRING & LIGHTING 8 Types of wiring, wiring accessories, staircase & corridor wiring, Working and characteristics of incandescent, fluorescent, SV & MV lamps. Basic principles of earthing, simple layout of generation, transmission & distribution of power. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Kothari D P and Nagrath I J , Basic Electrical Engineering , Tata McGraw Hill,1991 2. Mehta V K ,Principles of Electronics, S Chand & Co,1980 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kothari D P and Nagrath I J, Basic Electrical Engineering , Tata McGraw Hill,1991 2. Mithal G K , Electronic Devices and Circuits, Khanna Publications,1997 30


PART B ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PURPOSE This course provides comprehensive idea about circuit analysis, working principles of machines and common measuring instruments. It also provides all fundamentals of circuit components, electronic devices, transducers and integrated circuits. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE 1. To understand the basic concept of magnetic, AC and DC circuits. 2. To explain the working principle, construction and applications of DC and AC machines. 3. To gain knowledge about the fundamentals of electric components, devices, transducers, measuring instruments and integrated circuits. UNIT 1 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND DEVICES 10 Passive components Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors and their types. Semiconductor: Energy band diagram, Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, PN junction diodes and Zener diodes characteristics. Transistors: PNP and NPN transistors theory of operation Transistor configurations characteristics comparison. Special semiconductor devices : FET SCR LED V I characteristics applications. Rectifiers: Half wave and full wave rectifier capacitive filter wave forms ripple factor regulation characteristics. UNIT 2 TRANSDUCERS AND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 10 Transducers: General features and classification of transducers, Resistive Transducers Potentiometer, Unbonded strain gauge-Bonded strain gauge-Load cell, Inductive transducers Differential output transducers LVDT, Flow transducers, Temperature Transducers Thermistors, Thermocouple and pyrometers. Measuring Instruments: Basic principles and classification of instruments, Moving coil and moving iron instruments, CRO Principle of operation. UNIT 3 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS & LINEAR ICs Digital Fundamentals: Number systems Boolean Theorems DeMorgans Theorem - Logic gates Implementation of Boolean Expression using Gates. Integrated Circuits: IC fabrication Monolithic Technique, Function of Operational Amplifier. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Muthusubramanian.R, Salivahanan.S, Muraleedharan.K.A, Basic Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Tata McGraw - Hill ,1999. Metha V.K, Principles of Electronics, S. Chand & Co.,1980. Kalsi H S, Electronics Instrumentation, ISTE publication,1995 10


REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. Kothari D. P and Nagrath IJ, Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw- Hill, 1991. Thomas L.Floyd, Electronic devices, Addison Wesley Longman (Singapore) Pvt . Ltd., 5th Edition.


ELECTRONIC DEVICES Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0102 & BM0102)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to develop a strong foundation in the field of electronic devices. The subject may enhance the students to have a thorough knowledge about the characteristics of any electronic device and to analyse and design any real time application.


INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, student should be able to 1. Understand the fundamental concepts 2. Logically analyse any electronic circuit. 3. Apply the logic in any application. UNIT 1 SEMICONDUCTORS 9 Semiconductor fundamentals Fermi Level Energy Band diagram Generation and Recombination of carriers Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors Majority and Minority Charge carriers Mobile Charge carriers and Immobile Ions Drift and Diffusion currents UNIT 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF DIODES 9 Working and description of a PN diode- Diode Equation Varactor Diode Avalanche and Zener Breakdown Zener diode Tunnel Diode PIN diode Photo diode Photo voltaic cell Light emitting diode Liquid crystal cell seven segment display Light dependant resistor- opto couplers and laser diode . UNIT 3 TRANSISTORS 9 Junction transistor Transistor construction Current Components Cut off, Active and saturation regions of a transistor Input and output characteristics of CE,CB and CC Configurations Evaluation of H- parameters Transistor hybrid model for CE configuration Transistor as a switch Power transistors Use of a heat sink UNIT 4 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS 9 Junction field effect transistor theory of operation volt-ampere characteristics JFET small signal model VVR operation of a FET MOSFETS and their V-I Characteristics Gate capacitance MOS as a charge transferring Device CCD , BBD -Power MOSFET- Unijunction transistor

UNIT 5 THYRISTORS AND IC FABRICATION 9 Working, V-I characteristics and features of Silicon Controlled Rectifier, DIAC , TRIAC, GTO - Device Technology Planar process Diffusion Ion Implantation Vapour Deposition NMOS , PMOS Fabrication Twin Tub Process of CMOS Thick film and thin film Technology. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Millman and Halkias, Electronic devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill International Edition, 1994. 2. G.K.Mithal, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Khanna Publishers, 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Street Man, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall Of India, 1995. 2. David A.Bell, Electron Devices and Circuits, Prentice Hall Of India, 3rd Edition, 1995. 3. Mathur Kulshrestha and Chadha, Electron Devices Applications and Integrated Circuits, Umesh Publications, 1986. 4. Thomas L. Floyd , Electron Devices, Charles & Messil Publications, 1984.

PD 0102


L 0

T 0

P 2

C 0

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to build confidence and inculcate various soft skills and to help Students to identify and achieve their personal potential INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To guide thought process. 2. To groom students' attitude. 3. To develop communication skill. 4. To build confidence.


METHODOLOGY The entire program is designed in such a way that every student will participate in the class room activities. The activities are planned to bring out the skills and talents of the students which they will be employing during various occasions in their real life. 1. Group activities + individual activities. 2. Collaborative learning. 3. Interactive sessions. 4. Ensure Participation. 5. Empirical Learning UNIT 1 Puzzles I - Poster design/Caption/Slogan writing (Social issues) - Bone of contention I debate UNIT 2 Bone of contention II - Puzzle II - Survey and Reporting (favorite channel, music, food) UNIT 3 Interpretation of Visuals of I & II - Vocabulary games III UNIT 4 Book Review - Quiz I - Presentation Skills I UNIT 5 Presentation Skills II - Analytical Thinking - Review TOTAL EVALUATION 1. Activities assessed by both group and individual participation 2. Continuous assessment based on daily participation SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION Marks allocated for regular participation in all oral activities in class SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Complete Internal evaluation on a regular Basis 6




L 1

T 0

P 2

C 2

(Common For All Branches Except ME, AU, MH, AS, CS and IT)
PURPOSE: To introduce programming languages C and C++ as tools to solve problems and to provide hands on training. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: After completing the course, the students should be able to Understand the program development life cycle Design algorithms to solve simple problems using computers Convert algorithms into C and C++ programs and execute UNIT 1 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS 3 Computer Basics; Program Development Life Cycle: Flow Chart, Algorithm, Compilation and Execution; Introduction to C Language: program structure, variables, keywords, data types; Input / Output functions: scanf, printf; simple programs. UNIT 2 DECISION AND LOOP CONTROL STRUCTURE 3 Logical operators; Decision statements : if/else, switch/case statements; Loop control statements for, while, do/while.


UNIT 3 ARRAYS AND FUNCTIONS 3 Arrays: Introduction to arrays; one dimensional arrays: declaration , reading and printing array elememts, sorting and searching. Functions: Definition; declaration of functions; return statement; recursion. UNIT 4 INTRODUCTION TO OOP CONCEPTS 3 OOP concepts: data hiding, encapsulation, inheritance, overloading, polymorphism; classes and objects; constructor and destructor; simple program in C++. UNIT 5 INHERITANCE AND OVERLOADING 3 Inheritance single, multiple, multilevel; Overloading Function overloading, Operator overloading. TOTAL 30 LIST OF EXERCISES: Note to the Instructors: Design exercise problems to demonstrate the use of C and C++ in the area of specialization. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Programs to demonstrate the use of scanf( ) and printf( ) functions Programs to evaluate arithmetic expressions Programs using conditional statements Programs using for,while , dowhile Programs on arrays Programs to perform matrix addition and multiplication Programs to implement functions Programs to illustrate recursion Program to create classes and objects using C++

10. Program to implement Constructor and Destructor in C++ 11. Program to implement single inheritance in C++ 12. Program to implement Function overloading in C++ 13. Program to implement Operator overloading in C++ REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Computer Practice Laboratory Manual, SRM University 2. Kanetkar P.Yashwant, Let us C, BPB publications, 2002. 3. Ashok N.Kamthane, Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Education, 2006. 4. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference C++, TataMcGrawHill, 2001, 3rd Edition. 5. Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in Microsoft C++, The Waite Group, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002.

ME 0130

ENGINEERING GRAPHICS Prerequisite Nil (Only First Angle Projection is to be followed)

L 1

T 0

P 4

C 3

PURPOSE 1. To draw and interpret various projections of 1D, 2D and 3D objects. 2. To prepare and interpret the drawings of buildings. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To familiarise with The construction of geometrical figures The projection of 1D, 2D & 3D elements Sectioning of solids and development of surfaces


Preparation and interpretation of building drawing UNIT 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ENGINEERING GRAPHICS 2 Lettering, two dimensional geometrical constructions, conics, representation of three-dimensional objects principles of projections standard codes projection of points. UNIT 2 PROJECTION OF LINES AND SOLIDS Projection of straight lines, projection of solids auxiliary projections UNIT 3 SECTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS Sections of solids and development of surfaces. 4

UNIT 4 PICTORIAL PROJECTIONS 4 Conversion of projections: Orthographic projection, isometric projection of regular solids & combination of solids. UNIT 5 BUILDING DRAWING 2 Building Drawing plan, elevation and section of single storied residential (or) office building with flat RCC roof and brick masonry walls having not more than 3 rooms (planning / designing is not expected in this course). PRACTICAL TOTAL 60 75

TEXT BOOKS 1. Jeyapoovan, T., Engineering Drawing and Graphics using AutoCAD 2000, Vikas Publishing house Pvt Ltd, NewDelhi, 2005. 2. Narayanan, K.L & Kannaiah, P., Engineering Graphics, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Bhatt, N.D., Elementary Engineering Drawing (First Angle Projection), Charotar Publishing Co., Anand, 1999. 2. Venugopal, K., Engineering Drawing & Graphics, New Age international Pvt. Ltd., 2001. 3. Natarajan, K.V., Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Private Publication, Chennai, 1990. 4. Shah, M.B. and Rana, B.C., Engineering Drawing, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., Delhi 110 092, 2005.

ME 0120


L 0

T 0

P 4

C 2

PURPOSE To provide the students with hands on experience on different trades of engineering like fitting, carpentry, smithy, welding and sheet metal. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To familiarize with The basics of tools and equipments used in fitting, carpentry, sheet metal, welding and smithy. The production of simple models in the above trades. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS EMPHASIS TO BE LAID ON REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS WHEN FRAMING THE EXERCISES. UNIT 1 FITTING 12 Tools & Equipments Practice in Filing and Drilling. Making Vee Joints, Square, dovetail joints, Key making. UNIT 2 CARPENTRY 12 Tools and Equipments- Planning practice. Making Half Lap, dovetail, Mortise & Tenon joints, a mini model of a single door window frame.


UNIT 3 SHEET METAL Tools and equipments - Fabrication of a small cabinet, Rectangular Hopper, etc.


UNIT 4 WELDING 12 Tools and equipments - Arc welding of butt joint, Lap Joint, Tee Fillet. Demonstration of Gas welding, TIG & MIG. UNIT 5 SMITHY Tools and Equipments Making simple parts like hexagonal headed bolt, chisel. 12

TOTAL 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. Gopal, T.V., Kumar, T., and Murali, G., A first course on workshop practice Theory, practice and work book, Suma Publications, 2005. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kannaiah,P. & Narayanan,K.C., Manual on Workshop Practice, Scitech Publications, Chennai, 1999. 2. Venkatachalapathy, V.S., First year Engineering Workshop Practice, Ramalinga Publications, Madurai, 1999.


DEVICES LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0110 & BM0110)

L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To gain practical knowledge about basic electrical circuits, useful theorems in circuit analysis and fundamental characteristics of electronic devices. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students will be able to 1. Determine the characteristics of any basic electronic device in a circuit ELECTRON DEVICES LAB 1. Characteristics of semiconductor Diode 2. Characteristics of Zener Diode. 3. Characteristics of Transistor under Common Emitter configuration. 4. Characteristics of Transistor under Common Base Configuration. 5. Characteristics of Transistor under Common collector configuration. 6. Characteristics of UJT 7. Characteristics of FET. 8. Characteristics of SCR 9. Characteristics of DIAC 10. Characteristics of TRIAC. 11. Characteristics of LDR 12. Characteristics of PHOTO DIODE TOTAL REFERENCES Devices Laboratory Manual 45





PURPOSE Enabling the Engineering Students to one more Foreign Language, especially German, which is scientific and technical language. This may be useful in the field of employment opportunities as well as helping them to develop projects on browsing German websites. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Developing pronunciation so that they can read the text and e-mail during their employment, instructing them to write their own CV and developing a fundamental conversation with any German national.

UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION German Language, Alphabets and Pronunciation.


THEMEN Name, Land, Leute, Beruf, Familie geschwister, Einkaufen, Reisen, Zahlen, Haus, Freunden, Essen and Stadium, Fest, Zeit. UNIT 2 LISTENING Listening to the cassette and pay special attention to the meaning and sounds. Listening Comprehension Announcements / Airport / Station / General. UNIT 3 READING Listening to the cassette and reading it aloud. READING COMPRENSION BASICS / STATION / NEWS / NOTICE BOARDS. TOTAL GLOSSARY Technical Words Lesson (1-5) TEXT BOOK WITH CASSETTES Grundkurs Deutsch Momentmal (Max Mueller Bhavan Goethe Institute, Germany). SCHEME OF EVALUATION Internal 50 = Listening 10 Marks, Speaking 20 Marks, Reading 10 Marks and Writing = 10 Marks External 50 2 hours final written exam 10





L 2

T 0

P 0

C 2

PURPOSE 1. In view of globalization, learning Foreign Language by Engineering graduates enhances their employment opportunities. 2. Get awareness of understanding of International culture. 3. Widening the Linguistic Skills of the Students. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To learn the scripts of Japanese Languages namely Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji, Vocabularies etc. To learn basic grammar and acquire basic communication skills. To understand Japanese culture.


UNIT 1 Alphabets (Hiragana ), Self Introduction, Greetings, Classroom expressions, Numbers, Conversation. UNIT 2 Alphabets Hiragana (continued),Vocabularies. Counters .Time expression. Conversation UNIT 3 Katakana and related vocabulary. Kanjis introduction. conversation. UNIT 4 Lesson-1 Watashiwa Nihonjin desu. Grammar,Marume &Sentence pattern.Marume. Conversation. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Nihongo Shoho I main Text sold in India by the Japanese Language Teachers Association Pune. 2. Hiragana and Katakana Work Book published by AOTS Japan 3. Grammar and Kotoba ( Work Book ) 4. Japanese for Dummies.(Conversation) CD. SCHEME OF EVALUATION Internal 50 = Listening 10 Marks, Speaking 20 Marks, Reading 10 Marks and Writing = 10 Marks External 50 2 hours final written exam L 2 T 0 P 0 C 2




PURPOSE 1. As language skills are as valuable as technical skills, a knowledge of French enables the engineering graduates in career orientation. 2. As a second international global Language after English there is a wider choice of job opportunities in the international employment market and also multinationals in India and an understanding of French culture through language. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE Characterised by the Roman script, grammar, vocabulary and colloquial expressions are taught which enables them to communicate effectively with any native speaker. UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION AND PRONUNCIATION 8 Introduction of the French Language, Alphabets and Pronunciation, Greetings (Wishing, Thanking and Bidding good bye), Introducing oneself & someone Presenter quelquun et se presenter - conversational French sentences based on the topics discussed above. UNIT 2 VOCABULARY 6 Numbers and Dates, Days, Months and Seasons, Time, Nouns, Professions and Nationalities. C;onversational sentences on weather, time, and professions. UNIT 3 GRAMMAR 5 Basic Verbs (Avoir, Etre, Aller, Faire) Conjugation Present tense, Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Adjectives (Qualitative), Subject Pronouns and Disjunctive Pronouns. UNIT 4 CONVERSATION AND LISTENING Conversational sentences on physical description and expressions with verbs like avoir, etre and faire UNIT 5 GRAMMAR Prepositions ( a, de,dans, en, sur,sous, pour.),Contracted Articles, Question Tag (Qui, Quel, Ou, etc) 6


TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Panorama Goyal Publishers 2. Apprenons le Francais I, Sarawathy publication. SCHEME OF EVALUATION Internal 50 = Listening 10 Marks, Speaking 20 Marks, Reading 10 Marks and Writing = 10 Marks External 50 2 hours final written exam




L 3

T 2

P 0

C 4

(Common for EEE , ECE, IT, CSE, ICE & EIE) PURPOSE To enable the students understand Fourier series, partial differential equations and their application and also to provide indepth knowledge in Fourier transforms and work heat questions. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course. The students will be fully equipped with 1. Thorough knowledge on Fourier series 2. Sound knowledge in P.D.E & its application to vibration of strings 3. To be familiar with its applications. UNIT 1 FOURIER SERIES 9 Dirichlets conditions General Fourier series Half range Sine and Cosine series Parsevals identity Harmonic Analysis. UNIT 2 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9 Formation Solution of standard types of first order equations Lagranges equation Linear homogeneous partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients - Classification of second order linear partial differential equations. UNIT 3 ONE DIMENSIONAL WAVE & HEAT EQUATION 9 Boundary and initial value problems - Transverse vibrations of elastic string with fixed ends Fourier series solutions One dimensional heat equation - Steady and transient states problems. UNIT 4 TWO DIMENSIONAL HEAT EQUATION 9 Two dimensional heat equation Steady state heat flow equation Laplace Equation Cartesian form Laplace equation in polar form heat flow in circular plates including annulus - Fourier series solution. UNIT 5 FOURIER TRANSFORMS 9 Statement of Fourier integral theorem Fourier transform pairs Fourier Sine and Cosine transforms Properties Transforms of simple functions Convolution theorem Parsevals identity. TUTORIAL 30 TOTAL 75 TEXT BOOKS 1. Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, 36th edition, Khanna Publishers, 2002. (Unit I Chapter 10 Section 10.2 10.7, 10.9, 10.11 Unit II Chapter 17 Section 17.2, 17.5, 17.6, 17.8 17.10, Chapter 28 Section 28.2, Unit III Chapter 18 section 18.4 (2), 18.5(2), Unit IV Chapter 18 Section 18.7, 18.8(1) Unit V Chapter 22 section 22.3 22.7). REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kreyszig.E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2000. 2. Kandasamy P etal., Engineering Mathematics, Vol. II & Vol. III (4th revised edition), S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2000. 3. Narayanan S., Manicavachagom Pillay T.K., Ramanaiah G., Advanced Mathematics for Engineering students, Volume II & III (2nd edition), S.Viswanathan Printers and Publishers, 1992. 4. Venkataraman M.K., Engineering Mathematics Vol.III A & B (13th edition), National Publishing Co., Chennai, 1998.



ENGINEERING MECHANICS Prerequisite Nil (Common to EIE)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To familiarise the students with the fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics and Principles. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to understand the basics of Rigid Body and Friction Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Kinematics and Kinetics of Rigid Body and Particles UNIT I BASICS AND STATICS OF PARTICLES 9 Introduction Basic concepts of mechanics fundamental principles units and dimensions vectors-elementary vector operations vertical representation of forces and moments. Coplanar forces resolution and composition of forces resultant of concurrent forces free body diagram equilibrium of a particle- Forces in space equilibrium and particle in space. UNIT 2 STATICS AND RIGID BODIES AND FRICTION 9 Introduction Moment of a force Varignons theorem moment of a couple equivalent system of forces resultant of coplanar non-concurrent forces equilibrium of rigid bodies in Two dimension-Three dimensions. Friction laws of dry friction simple contact friction screw friction belt friction. UNIT 3 CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 9 Centroid of simple plane areas integration method centroid of composite areas theorems of Pappus and Guldinus centroid of simple volumes by method of integration. Second moment of areas radius of gyration parallel axis theorem perpendicular axis theorem moment of inertia of plane areas by integrating moment of inertia of composite sections mass moment of inertia of thin plates and simple solids. UNIT 4 KINEMATICS AND KINETICS OF PARTICLES 9 Displacement , velocity and acceleration rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles with uniform acceleration relative motion of two particles free falling objects and projectiles. Newtons second law equations of rectilinear motion dynamic equilibrium D Alemberts principles Work energy and Impulse Momentum principle. UNIT 5 KINEMATICS AND KINETICS OF RIGID BODIES 9 Translation and Rotation of rigid bodies general plane motion absolute and relative velocity in plane motion instantaneous centre of rotation absolute and relative acceleration. Equations of translational and rotational motion D-Alemberts principle kinetic energy of a rigid body principles of work energy moment of momentum equation TOTAL 45

TEXT BOOKS 1. Beer and Johnson, Mechanics for Engineers Vol I Statics and Vol II Dynamics, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1987. 2. B.Rajasekharan and Sankarasubramaniyam, Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Vikey Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,1999.

REFERENCES 1. Irving Shames H., Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Printice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 1963. 2. Kumar K.L., Engineering Mechanics, Tata Mc Graw Hill publishing company Ltd.,1990. 3. Bhaviktti S.S., Engineering Mechanics, New Age international Pvt. Ltd.,1994. 4. Meriam ,Engineering Mechanics (Statics & Dynamics ), Wiley international Ltd.,2002.



ELECTRICAL MACHINES Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0201)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to understand the fundamentals of d.c. machines, transformers, a.c. machines. The students are exposed to the constructional details, classifications, performance equations, phasor diagrams of all the machines. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to Identify the need for various types of machines Gain constructional details and operating principles of all machines Predict the performance of all the machines by drawing different characteristics of the machines Understand the concepts of special machines. UNIT 1 DC MACHINES 9 Review of constructional details - working principle of DC generator - E.M.F equation - classification & performance equations - No load & load characteristics - working principle of DC motor - Back e.m.f - equations for torque, power & speed - characteristics of shunt, series & compound motors - Need for starters - 3 point starter - Power stages & efficiency - speed control (qualitative treatment only) UNIT 2 SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER 9 Construction - working principle - e.m.f equation - transformer operation on no load & load - phase diagram approximate equivalent circuit - voltage regulation & efficiency calculations - predetermination from OC & SC test direct loading- 3-phase transformer (qualitative treatment only)-Constructional details of 3-phase transformer connection of banks of 1-phase transformer for different operations such as star-star, delta-delta, star-delta, delta -star. UNIT 3 SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES 9 General constructional features - types - synchronous generators - e.m.f. equation - brief idea of armature reaction voltage regulation calculation by approximate formula - phasor diagram - Synchronous Motor-Operation at constant load, variable excitation - constant excitation, variable load - phasor diagrams - starting methods (qualitative treatment only). UNIT 4 INDUCTION MACHINES 9 Types - construction features of 3-phase induction motor - Torque equation - slip torque characteristics- power stages & efficiency- starting & speed control methods (qualitative treatment only). UNIT 5 SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR & SPECIAL MACHINES 9 Principle of operation of single phase induction motor - split phase - capacitor start & run motors - servo motor stepper motor - linear induction motor - reluctance, Universal motor. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Theraja B.L. & Theraja .A.K., A Text Book of Electrical Technology, Vol.II, AC & DC machines, S.Chand & Co. Ltd., 1990. 2. Bhattacharya.S.K., Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1994.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Edward Hughes, Electrical Technology, English Language book society / longman, 1987. 2. Rajput R.K., A text book of Electrical Machines, Lakshmi publications, 1991. 3. Sen. S.K. , Electrical Machinery, Khanna Publishers, 1989. 4. Gupta J.B., Theory & performance of Electrical Machines, Katson publishers House (Regd) 1994.



DIGITAL SYSTEMS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0203 & BM0203)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to develop a strong foundation in the field of Digital Electronics. The subject gives the students an in-depth knowledge about Digital logic families, Combinational circuits and enables them to analyze and design any sequential circuits. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, student should be able to Understand the fundamentals of Digital concepts. Logically explain the Implementation of combinational and sequential circuits. Design any synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuit. UNIT 1 NUMBER SYSTEM AND BOOLEAN ALGEBRA 13 Review of number systems :Types and Code Conversions, Binary Arithmetic, Signed binary-Codes BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC, Execss-3 codes, Gray codes, Error detecting code (Hamming code)- Parity Generation and detection. Boolean Algebra Demorgans Therom- Minimization of Boolean functions using Karnaugh maps & Quine Mclusky Methods. UNIT 2 DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 9 RTL, DTL, HTL, TTL, ECL, MOS & CMOS families. Circuit diagram and analysis characteristics and specifications, Tri-State Logic-Specification and Transfer characteristics of Basic TTL interfacesinterfacing of CMOS to TTL and Interfacing of TTL to CMOS. UNIT 3 COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS 8 Half Adder, Full Adder, Decimal Adder, Subtractor, Code converters, encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers and De Multiplexers, Comparators, Function realization using gates &Multiplexer. UNIT 4 SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS 9 Flip flops SR, JK, T, D, Master slave FF, Truth table and Excitation table, Synchronous and Asynchronous counters, Up-Down counter, Modulo Counter, Ring counter, Shift register, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits their design, State Diagram, State minimization, State assignment. UNIT 5 SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORIES Memories: ROM, RAM, EPROM, Memory expansion PAL and PLA. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1.Morris Mono, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 1991. 2.Ronald J. Tocci, Digital System Principles and Applications, PHI, 6th Edition, 1997. 3.CharlesH.Roth, Fundamentals Logic Degisn, Jaico Publishing,IV Edition,2002 6


REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, Universal Book stall, New Delhi, 1986. 2. Morris Mono, Digital Logic and Design, Prentice Hall of India, 1979. 3. R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, 1997. 4. Malvino.A.P. and Donald.P.Leach, Digital Principal and Applications, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999.



ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0205 & BM0207)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to have a fair knowledge about the h-parameters and r-parameters in the transistors, amplifiers, basic concepts of feedback, oscillators, power supply. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To get an exposure about various transistor configurations and analysis of FET amplifiers 2. To have an idea about the frequency response of amplifiers and different types of feedback 3. To have a clear understanding of operation of oscillators and power supplies UNIT 1 AMPLIFIERS 9 Small signal models for transistors Two port devices and network. h parameters, hybrid pi models, r parameters, rparameter equivalent circuits, Analysis of CE, CB and CC amplifiers, small signal FET amplifier, operation of JFET amplifier. UNIT 2 DIFFERENTIAL & TUNED AMPLIFIERS 9 Classification of amplifiers, Distortion in amplifiers, frequency response of an amplifier, cascade and Darlington connections, operation and analysis of class A Power amplifier, push-pull amplifier, Class B amplifier, class C amplifiers, complementary symmetry power amplifier, operation of emittercoupled differential amplifier, single tuned and double tuned amplifier, stagger tuned amplifier. UNIT 3 FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS & WAVE SHAPING CIRCUITS 9 Basic concepts of feedback, four types of negative feedback Effect of feedback on input resistance, output resistance, voltage gain and current gain, advantages of negative feedback. RC wave shaping circuits, diode clippers and clampers, voltage multipliers. UNIT 4 OSCILLATORS & MULTIVIBRATORS 9 Classification of oscillators Barkhausen criterion- operation and analysis of RC phase shift, Wienbridge, Hartely, Colpitts and crystal oscillators. Multivibrators astable, monostable and bistable Analysis of performance parameters of multivibrators using Schmitt Trigger Blocking oscillators. UNIT 5 RECTIFIERS & POWER SUPPLIES 9 Single phase half-wave and full-wave rectifiers Bridge rectifiers Ripple factor, rectification efficiency, Transformer utilisation factor and regulation Performance characteristics of rectifiers with filters Regulated power supply series and shunt type voltage regulators switched mode power supplies. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Millman and C.Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill.,2001 2. Mathur.S.P., KulshreshthaD.C. & Chanda.P.R., Electronic Devices Applications and Integrated circuits, Umesh Publications.,1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Malvino, Electronic Principles, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th edition,2000. Boylestad & Nashelsky, Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory, Eighth edition, Prentice Hall Of India (P) Ltd., 2003. Sedha.R.S., A Text Book of Applied Electronics, Sultan chand Publishers,1999. Allen Mottershed, Electronic Devices & Circuits, An Introduction, Prentice Hall Of India (P) Ltd,1999.



ELECTRIC CIRCUITS AND NETWORKS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0207)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to acquire knowledge about the basics of circuit analysis, network theorems, AC circuits, and transient analysis. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to 1. Understand about analysis of complex circuits using mesh current & nodal voltage method and theorems 2. Understand about analysis of complex circuits using netwok theorems. 3. Get an insight into solution of RLC circuits, analysis of coupled circuits. 4. Understand the concept of complex frequency & free and forced responses of RL, RC & RLC circuits. 5. Understand the different parameters of two port networks. UNIT 1 BASICS OF CIRCUIT ANALYSIS 9 Ideal sources Dependent and Independent sources KCL and KVL - Formation of matrix equations and analysis of complex circuits using mesh current and nodal voltage methods-Super mesh analysis_ Super node analysis_ Star _Delta transformation - application to DC circuits. UNIT 2 NETWORK THEOREMS 9 Thevenins Theorem, Nortons Theorem, Superposition theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, compensation Theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Millmans theorem, Tellegens theorem Statement, illustration & application to DC circuits. UNIT 3 AC CIRCUITS- STEADY STATE ANALYSIS 9 Voltage, Current relationship of R, L, C, RL, RC & RLC circuits power& power factor series resonance, parallel resonance Q factor Bandwidth. Self Inductance Mutual Inductance Coefficient of coupling dot rule- effective inductance of coupled coils in series & in parallel. UNIT 4 TRANSIENT ANALYSIS 9 Concept of complex frequency Network functions- Poles and Zeros _Representation of network elements in time domain & frequency domain Free & forced responses of RL, RC, and RLC circuits with DC and sinusoidal excitation. UNIT 5 TWO PORT NETWORKS 9 Definitions of driving point and transfer immittance function of two port networks -of network functions- Two port Parameters: z, y, h, inverse-h, ABCD parameters and transmission parameters- Relationship between the different parameters. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Hayt & Kemmerley, Engineering circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill.1993. 2. Sudhakar, A. And Shyam Mohan.S.P, Circuits and Networks Analysis and Synthesis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi 1994. 3. Soni &Gupta, A course in Electrical circuits Analysis, Dhanpat rai & Sons,1992.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Arumugam & Premkumar, Electric Circuit Theory, Khanna Publishers.2002. 2. Edminister J.A. , Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits, Schavms outline series McGraw Hill Book Company, 5th edition.1994 3. Aatre .V.K, Network Theory and Filter Design, Wiley Eastern ,1985.


PD 0201


L 0

T 0

P 2

C 1

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to build confidence and inculcate various soft skills and to help students to identify and achieve their personal potential INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To guide thought process. 2. To groom students' attitude. 3. To develop communication skill. 4. To build confidence. METHODOLOGY The entire program is designed in such a way that every student will participate in the class room activities. The activities are planned to bring out the skills and talents of the students which they will be employing during various occasions in their real life. 1. Group activities + individual activities. 2. Collaborative learning. 3. Interactive sessions. 4. Ensure Participation. 5. Empirical Learning UNIT 1 Goal Setting - Problem Solving - Emotional Quotient UNIT 2 Assertiveness - Stress Management - Quiz II UNIT 3 Lateral Thinking (Situational) - Team Work (Role Plays) Impromptu - Text Analysis UNIT 4 Business plan presentation I - Business plan presentation II - Chinese Whisper UNIT 5 Picture Perfect - Case Studies - Review TOTAL SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION Marks allocated for regular participation in all oral activities in class 6


SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Complete internal evaluation on a regular Basis


CIRCUITS LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0213)

L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To gain practical knowledge about basic electrical circuits, useful theorems in circuit analysis and fundamental characteristics of electronic devices.


INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students will be able to Design circuits for verifying theorems in circuit analysis Understand transient analysis of AC circuits LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Verification of Kirchoffs Laws 2. Verification of Thevenins and Norton Theorem 3. Verification of Superposition and Reciprocity Theorem 4. Verification of Maximum power transfer and compensation theorem 5. Series and Parallel Resonance Circuits. 6. Transients in RLC Circuits. 7. Series and Parallel AC Circuits and Phasor Diagram. 8. Coupled Circuits and Tuned Circuits. TOTAL REFERENCE Circuits & Devices Laboratory Manual. 45


ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0215)

L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To gain practical knowledge in Electrical Machines and few applications of basic electronic components. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Students will learn 1. OC and SC test on single phase transformer 2. Characteristics of shunt motor 3. Speed control of series and shunt motor 4. Analyse the response of amplifier 5. Working of Multi vibrators and Voltage regulators LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Load characteristics of Shunt Generator 2. Speed control of Series motor 3. Speed control of Shunt motor 4. OC & SC test on single phase transformer 5. Load test on single phase transformer 6. Load test on single phase capacitor motor & (Universal motor) 7. Frequency response of CE and CC amplifier 8. Class B Power Amplifier 9. Differential Amplifier 10. Wein bridge Oscillator & RC Phase shift Oscillator 11. Astable Multivibrator 12. Transistor Series Voltage Regulator TOTAL REFERENCE Electrical and Electronics Laboratory Manual. 45



PURPOSE Enabling the Engineering Students to one more Foreign Language, especially German, which is scientific and technical language. This may be useful in the field of employment opportunities as well as helping them to develop projects on browsing German websites. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Developing pronunciation so that they can read the text and e-mail during their employment, instructing them to write their own CV and developing a fundamental conversation with any German national. UNIT 1 SPEAKING Dialogue Questioning / Basic queries / Conversational with practical exposure. 20

UNIT 2 GRAMMATIK (WRITING) 10 Verben, Wortstellung, Nomen, Pronomen, Artikel, Nominitativ, Akkusativ, Dativ, Adjective, Prasens, Perfect and Neben Satze. TOTAL 30 GLOSSARY Technical words. Lesson (6-10) TEXT BOOK WITH CASSETTES Grundkurs Deutsch, Momentmal Prescribed by Max Mueller Bhavan Goethe Institute, Germany). SCHEME OF EVALUATION Internal 50 = Listening 10 Marks, Speaking 20 Marks, Reading 10 Marks and Writing = 10 Marks External 50 2 hours final written exam



L 2

T 0

P 0

C 2

PURPOSE 1. In view of globalization, learning Foreign Language by Engineering graduates enhances their employment opportunities. 2. Get awareness of understanding of International culture. 3. Widening the Linguistic Skills of the Students. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To learn the scripts of Japanese Languages namely Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji, Vocabularies etc. To learn basic grammar and acquire basic communication skills. To understand Japanese culture. UNIT 1 Lesson 2-{Korewa Tsukue desu } Grammar, Sentence pattern, Marume . Conversation UNIT 2 Lesson 3 [Kokoni denwa ga arimasu] - Grammar, Sentence pattern, Marume .Copnversation UNIT 3 Lesson 4 {Asokoni hito ga imasu} - Grammar, Sentence pattern, Marume . 8


Lesson 5 {Akairingo wa ikutsu arimasu ka}-Grammar, Sentence pattern, Marume . Conversation. UNIT 4 Lesson 6 {Barano hana wa ippon ikura desu ka}- Grammar, Sentence pattern.Marume.Conversation TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Nihongo Shoho Imain Text sold in India by the Japanese Language Teachers Association Pune. 2. Hiragana and Katakana Work Book published by AOTS Japan 3. Grammar and Kotoba ( Work Book ) 4. Japanese for Dummies.(Conversation) CD. SCHEME OF EVALUATION Internal 50 = Listening 10 Marks, Speaking 20 Marks, Reading 10 Marks and Writing = 10 Marks External 50 2 hours final written exam 6 30



L 2

T 0

P 0

C 2

PURPOSE 1. As language skills are as valuable as technical skills a knowledge of French enables the engineering graduates in career orientation. 2. As a second international global Language after English there is a wider choice of job opportunities in the international employment market and also multinationals in India and an understanding of French culture through language. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE Characterised by the Roman script, grammar, vocabulary and colloquial expressions are taught which enables them to communicate effectively with any native speaker. UNIT 1 Sports (Ski, natation, tennis, Tour de France), Cuisine (French dishes),Cinema (Review of a film) Articles on these topics and group discussion will be followed. 6

UNIT 2 GRAMMAR 6 Possessive Adjectives, Demonstrative Adjectives, Past tense Pass Compose( Verbe Auxiliare:.Etre et Avoir) UNIT 3 6 Culture and Civilization French Monuments (Tres celebres), French History (Jeanne d Arc, Louis XIV, Prise de la Bastille), Culture and Civilisation (vin, fromage, mode, parfums) UNIT 4 Transport system, government and media in France articles on these topics. 6

UNIT 5 6 Comprehension and Grammar Comprehension passages and conversational sentences in different situations (at the restaurant, at the super market) TOTAL 30 TEXT BOOK: 1. Panorama Goyal Publishers 2. Apprenons le Francais II, Sarawathy Publications SCHEME OF EVALUATION Internal 50 = Listening 10 Marks, Speaking 20 Marks, Reading 10 Marks and Writing = 10 Marks External 50 2 hours final written exam




L 3

T 2

P 0

C 4

PURPOSE To make the student familiar with probability, random variables and distribution and their characteristics and also principles of Queuing theory. OBJECTIVES At the end of this course The students with get exposed to 1. Probability and Random principles. 2. Be familiar with theoretical distribution and their application. 3. To have a knowledge of testing of hypothesis. 4. Be thorough with the knowledge of queuing theory.

UNIT 1 PROBABILITY AND RANDOM VARIABLES 9 Probability concepts Random Variable Characteristics of random variables: Expectation, Variance, Covariance, Moments; Moment generating function Function of random variable Chebychevs inequality. UNIT 2 THEORETICAL DISTRIBUTIONS 9 Discrete : Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial; Continuous : Exponential and Normal Distributions. UNIT 3 TESTING OF HYPOTHESES 9 Large sample tests based on Normal Distribution Small sample tests based on t, F distributions Chi square tests for goodness of fit and independence of attributes. UNIT 4 PRINCIPLES OF QUEUEING THEORY 9 Introduction to Markovian queueing models Single server model with finite and infinite system capacity Characteristics of the model; Applications of queueing theory to computer science and engineering. UNIT 5 MARKOV CHAINS Introduction to Markov process Markov chains Transition probabilities Limiting distribution. TUTORIAL TOTAL 9

30 75

TEXT BOOKS 1. Veerarajan T., Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, Tata McGraw Hill,1st Reprint 2004. (Unit I Chapter 1 Pages 1.1-1.20, Chapter 2 Pages 2.1 2.3, Chapter 3 Pages 3.1, Chapter 4 Pages 4.36 Unit II Chapter 5 Pages 5.1 5.8, 5.38, 5.39,5.44 5.53, Unit IV Chapter 8 Pages 8.1-8.10,8.15, Unit VChapter 6 Pages 6.1 6.3, Chapter 7 Pages 7.45 7.49) 2. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 9th extensively revised edition, Sultan Chand & Sons, 1999. (Unit III Chapter 12 Section 12.1, 12.3,12.4,12.6-12.42, Chapter 13 Section 13.5, 13.39, 13.49, Chapter 14 Section 14.16- 14.24, 14.57). REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. Trivedi K S, Probability and Statistics with reliability, Queueing and Computer Science Applications, Prentice Hall of India,New Delhi, 1984 Gross.D and Harris.C.M. Fundementals of Queuing theory, John Wiley and Sons, 1985. Allen.A.O., Probability, Statistics and Queuing theory, Academic Press, 1981.




L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to develop understanding of Mechanical Engineering concepts and principles and apply these to solve the practical problems encountered in their profession. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to Understand the basic thermodynamic principles and concepts. Understand the principles of working of various Mechanical Engineering systems and their operating characteristics. Understand the principles of Fluid Mechanics and the Measurement Techniques of Fluid properties. UNIT 1 BASICS OF THERMODYNAMICS 9 Systems, Zeroth Law, First Law - Concept of Internal Energy and Enthalpy, Applications to closed and open systems - Second Law - Concept of Enthalpy - Clausius Inequality. UNIT 2 CYCLES AND SYSTEMS 9 Otto, Diesel and Brayton cycles, IC engines - 4 stroke and 2 stroke engines - Brake power - Efficiencies - Heat Balance - Simple problems. Properties of steam - Use of steam tables and mollier diagram -Rankine cycle - Simple problems. UNIT 3 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 9 Vapour compression refrigeration systems - COP - Simple problems - Basics of air conditioning systems, Reciprocating compressors - Volumetric efficiency - Power required - Rotary compressors - Heat transfer - Modes of heat transfer - Simple problems on conduction, convection and radiation. UNIT 4 BASICS OF FLUID MECHANICS 9 Introduction - Properties of fluid - Density, viscosity, pressure and velocity - Types of fluid flow - Continuity equation - Energy / Head of fluid - Euler's equation - Bernoulli's equation, flow through pipes - Hagen Poiseulli's law - major and minor losses. UNIT 5 FLUID MEASUREMENTS 9 1. Flow Measurements - Orifice meter, Venturi meter, Rota meter and Elbow meter. 2. Pressure Measurement -Total and static pressure measurements using pitot tube, manometer, mechanical gauges. 3. Velocity Measurements - Anemometers - Cup and Vane types, Hot wire anemometers, Laser anemometers. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Sarkar B.K., Thermal Engineering , Tata McGraw Hill Co. Ltd., India, 1999. 2. Rajput.R.K, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, S.Chand & Co., India 1998. 45

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Rayner & Joel, Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, Addison Wesley Publishing Company Ltd., 5th Edition, 1996. 2. Nag.P.K., Engineering Thermo Dynamics, Tata McGraw Hill Co. Ltd., India, 1995. 3. Rajput R.K., Thermal Engineering, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., NewDelhi, Edition. 2001. 4. Shames.I.H, Koga Kusha, Mechanics of Fluids, Tokyo, 1998. 5. D.S.Kumar, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering, S.K.Kataria & Sons Publishers, India, 6th Edition, 2003.



LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0202 & BM0202)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to understand the fundamentals of Integrated circuits and designing electronic circuits using it. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To design simple circuits like amplifiers using Op-Amps. To design waveform generating circuits . To design simple filter circuits for particular application. To gain knowledge in designing stable voltage regulators. UNIT 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF OPAMP AND ITS APPLICATIONS 9 Ideal Op-amp characteristic, DC characteristics, AC characteristics, and analysis of data sheet of IC 741. Linear application Basic Op-amp applications, Instrumentation amplifier, AC amplifier, Summer, Integrator, Differentiator, V to I and I to V converter. Non linear application rectifiers, clipper, clamper, sample and hold, log & antilog amplifiers, multiplier, divider and programmable transconductance amplifier. UNIT 2 COMPARATOR AND WAVEFORM GENERATORS 9 Introduction, basic comparator operation, regenerative comparator, monostable multivibrator, astable multivibrator (square wave generator), triangular wave generator, sawtooth wave generator, sine wave generator Wein bridge and phase shift oscillator. UNIT 3 ACTIVE FILTERS & PLL 9 RC active filter Low pass, High pass, Band pass, Band reject and notch filter, Butterworth & state variable filter. PLL Description and application frequency multiplier, frequency divider, AM detector and FM demodulator. UNIT 4 ANALOG / DIGITAL, DIGITAL / ANALOG CONVERTERS 9 Digital / Analog Basic concepts, Analog switches, Types - weighted resistor, R-2R ladder and inverted R-2R ladder DAC. Analog / Digital Basic Concepts, Types- Flash, Counter, Successive approximation and Dual slope ADC. General ADC and DAC specifications. UNIT 5 VOLTAGE REGULATORS & TIMER 9 Op-amp voltage regulator-Series, shunt and switching regulators, three terminal voltage regulator, 723 generalpurpose voltage regulator. Timer (IC555) Timer functional diagram, Monostable operation, Astable operation, Schmitt trigger and their applications. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1.Roy Choudhury and ShailJain, Linear Integrated circuits, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1995. 2.Coughlin & Driscull, Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits, 6th ed., Prentice Hall Of India, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Gayakwad A.R. , Op-Amp and Linear Integrated circuits,4th ed. Prentice Hall of India, 2003. 2. Sergio Franco,, Design with operational amplifier and analog integrated circuits, McGraw Hill, 1997.



TRANSDUCER ENGINEERING Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0204)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to select and design suitable instruments to meet the requirements of industrial applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1. It deals with various types of Sensors & Transducers and their working principle. 2. It deals with Resistive, Capacitive and Inductive transducers. 3. It deals with some of the miscellaneous transducers also. UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION 9 Sensors Transducer-Classification of Transducer Basic requirements of a transducer. Generalised scheme for measurement system Basic method of measurement Static characteristicsErrors in measurement Types of errors Statistical analysis of measurement data Mean, Standard Deviation, Probability errors. UNIT 2 RESISTIVE TRANSDUCERS 9 Potentiometer Loading effect Application - Strain gauge - Theory, Types, Temperature compensationApplications Resistance thermometer Thermistors materials - Constructions, Characteristics Hot wire anemometer.-LDR UNIT 3 INDUCTIVE TRANSDUCERS 9 Self inductive transducer Mutual inductive transducers Reluctance pick up Linear Variable Differential Transformer LVDT Accelerometer - RVDT Synchros - Proximity sensors - Microsyn Induction Potentiometer Variable Reluctance Accelerometer Magnetostrictive Transducers-Applications(thickness & level measurement). UNIT 4 CAPACITIVE TRANSDUCERS 9 Capacitive transducer- Variable Area Type Variable Air Gap type Variable Permittivity typeApplications(Measurement of level,pressure,thickness,sound) Signal Conditioning Circuit Frequency response. UNIT 5 MISCELLEANEOUS TRANSDUCERS 9 Piezoelectric Transducer Piezoelectric Crystals Accelerometer Charge Amplifier Hall Effect transducersApplications-Shaft Encoder IC sensors for Temperature and Pressure Intelligent Sensors. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Deoblin E.O., Measurement System Application and Deisgn, McGraw Hill, 1990. 2. Patranabis D., Principle of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill,1986. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Considine D.M., Process Instruments and Control Hand Book, McGraw Hill, 1985. 2. Fribance A.E., Industrial Instrumentation Fundamentals, Mc Graw Hill 1975. 3. Anderson N.A., Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, Chilton company, 1980. 4. Neubert ,HKP, Instrument Transducers, Oxford University Press, 1999. 5. Sawhney A. K., A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1995. 45






L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to learn in detail about the various instruments available for monitoring/measuring electrical parameters encountered in domestic / industrial applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIIVES The students will be able to 1. Understand and learn the different principles and instruments adopted for measurement of current, voltage, power, energy etc. 2. Study different methods available for measurement of passive elements like resistance, inductance & capacitance 3. Solve problems in the topics mentioned above. 4. Construction of power supplies 5. Analyzing signals using cathode ray oscilloscope 6. Storage of digital signal and analyzers for analyzing digital signal to provide with meaning full information. UNIT 1 MEASUREMENT OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGE 9 Introduction to electrical measurements classification of analog instruments Galvanometers vibration, tangent and dArsonval type. Principle of operation, construction, sources of errors and compensations in PMMC, moving iron, dynamometer and induction type instruments. Extension of ranges and calibration of ammeters & voltmeters. UNIT 2 MEASUREMENT OF POWER AND ENERGY 9 Power measurement Voltmeter ammeter method, electrodynamic wattmeter Theory, errors and compensation methods, low power factor wattmeter power measurement in poly-phase systems-Energy measurement single phase and poly phase induction type energy meter theory and adjustments meter testing of energy meters-Calibration of wattmeter and energy meter. UNIT 3 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE AND IMPEDANCE 9 Low Resistance : Kelvins double bridge and Ductor Ohmmeter method-Medium Resistance: Voltmeter Ammeter method, Substitution method, Wheatstone bridge method High Resistance: Megger, Direct deflection method, Megohm bridge method.-Earth resistance measurement. Introduction to A.C. bridges Sources and Detectors in A.C. bridges. Measurement of Self Inductance : Maxwells bridge, Hays bridge, and Andersons bridge. Measurement of Mutual Inductance : Heaviside M.I. bridge, Measurement of Capacitance : Scherings bridge, De- Sautys bridge Measurement of frequency using Wiens bridge. UNIT 4 POWER SUPPLIES 9 Fixed and variables power supplies - positive and negative voltage regulators - functional block diagram of voltage regulator IC's. OSCILLOSCOPES & SIGNAL GENERATORS CRO-general purpose and advanced type -sampling and storage scopes - Signal and function generators - noise generators - pulse and square wave generator - sweep generator - wobbluscope - pattern generator UNIT 5 RECORDING DEVICES AND WAVE ANALYSERS 9 Bar graph display - seven segment and dot matrix displays - signal recorders - x-y recorder - magnetic tape recorders digital recording and data loggers -basic wave analyzer - frequency selective and heterodyne spectrum analyzer fundamental type harmonic distortion analyzers - distortion factor meter - Q meter - Distortion analyzers using resonance bridge, Wien bridge, bridge -T Method - Impedance measurement. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Sawhney A. K., A Course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 1995. 2. Golding E. W. and Widdis F. E, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, Sir Issac Pitman and Sons Pvt. Ltd., 1985. 3. Kalsi.H.S., Electronic Instrumentation, 2002. 4. Cooper W.D & Hlefrick A.D., Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Technique, III Edition, Prentice Hall of India 1991. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Stout .M. B., Basic Electrical Measurements, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1990. 2. Rajendraprasad, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1999. 3. Gupta J.B, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, S.K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi, 1993. 4. B.M. Oliver and J.M.Gage, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, McGraw Hill 1977.


5. 6.

George .C.Barney , Intelligent Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India, 1988. Bouwens .A.J., Digital Instrumentation, McGraw Hill 1986.


COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0208)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To know about the basics of communication engineering such as Analog modulation (AM,FM, Transmission, Reception), and pulse modulation methods. . INSTURCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. AM Modulation and Demodulation DSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB, VSB. 2. FM Modulation and Demodulation 3. PAM, PPM, PWM, PCM, TDM AND FDM. 4. Fundamentals of TV, satellite and fiber optic communication. UNIT 1 AMPLITUDE MODULATION 9 Need for Modulation_ Amplitude Modulation Generation of AM waves (DSB-FC) - Suppressed carrier systems (DSB-SC) Single side band modulation(SSB) Vestigial side band modulation (VSM) - comparison of various AM systems - Source of noise Internal and external Types Demodulation of AM waves Envelope Detectors UNIT 2 TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS 9 AM Transmitters - Low level and High level transmitters AM Receivers TRF receiver, super heterodyne receiver Frequency Division Multiplexing. UNIT 3 FREQUENCY MODULATION AND DEMODULATION 9 Introduction to angle modulation systems Definitions for FM & PM Narrow band FM Wide band FM FM Modulators - Direct method FM Transmitters - FM Demodulators Slope detector - Frequency discriminator PLL - FM Receivers - Comparison between AM & FM. UNIT 4 PULSE MODULATION 9 Introduction to Pulse modulation systems Pulse amplitude modulation Pulse Time modulation Pulse code modulation Inter symbol Interference - Eye Pattern Equalization - companding time division multiplexing synchronous and asynchronous - Bandwidth of PCM noise in PCM delta modulation comparison between PCM and DM. UNIT 5 COMMUNICATION SERVICES ( Elementary Treatment Only) 9 Television: Picture elements Transmission and reception of picture information Motion picture Horizontal and vertical scanning frequencies TV transmitters TV channels. Satellite communication: Orbit Satellite altitude Transmission path loss Satellite system. Fiber optical communication: Need Principles of light transmission in a fiber optical fiber communication system optical fiber Light sources Photo detectors Advantages. TOTAL 45

TEXT BOOKS 1. Singh.R.P. Sapre.S.D, Communication Systems, Analog and Digital, McGraw Hill Pub. 5th Reprint 2000. 2. Deshpande,N.D , Communication Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.1989.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kennedy, Electronics of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill 5th reprint 2000. 2. Roddy D. and Coolen J., Electronic communications, Prentice Hall of India P. Ltd. 1987. 3. Anokh Singh, Principles of communication Engineering S.Chand & Co. 1991.


PD 0202


L 0

T 0

P 2

C 1

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to build confidence and inculcate various soft skills and to help students to identify and achieve their personal potential. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To guide thought process. 2. To groom students' attitude. 3. To develop communication skill. 4. To build confidence. METHODOLOGY The entire program is designed in such a way that every student will participate in the class room activities. The activities are planned to bring out the skills and talents of the students which they will be employing during various occasions in their real life. 1. Group activities + individual activities. 2. Collaborative learning. 3. Interactive sessions. 4. Ensure Participation. 5. Empirical Learning UNIT 1 Motivation II - Interpretation of Visuals of I & II UNIT 2 Humor in real life - Body language - Collage and poster designing and slogan writing UNIT 3 Brain Teasers JAM - Current News Update I UNIT 4 Current News Update II - Enactment (SKIT I) - Enactment (SKIT II) UNIT 5 Survey and Reporting (heroes, sports persons etc.) - Quiz III - Review TOTAL EVALUATION: 1. Activities assessed by both group and individual participation 2. Continuous assessment based on daily participation SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION Marks allocated for regular participation in all oral activities in class SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Complete internal evaluation on a regular basis 6



IC0 212


L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To study various Digital &Linear Integrated Circuits used in Simple System Configuration. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To study the Operational amplifier characteristics To know about the design of counters using flip flops To understand the various types of code converters LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. OP-AMP Characteristics and OP-AMP Applications Active filters using OPAMP A/D and D/A converter. Oscillators and Wave generators 5. Study of Basic Digital IC s (Verification of Truth table for logic gates and flip flops) 6. Implementation of Boolean Functions, Adder and Subtractor Circuits 7. Implementation and testing of code converters 8. Implementation and testing of multiplexers& demultiplexer. 9. Implementation of 4- Bit shift registers using flip flops 10. Implementation and testing of counters using flip flops. TOTAL REFERENCE Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits Laboratory Manual L 0 T 0



TRANSDUCER ENGINEERING LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0214)

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To enable the students to know about transducers and about the types of transducers and various transducers used for the measurement of various physical quantities. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To learn about resistive, capacitive and inductive transducers. 2. To know practically about the transducers used for the measurement of temperature, speed of a fan, and load. 3. To know practically the loading effect of potentiometer. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. LDR characteristics 2. Characteristics of RTD 3. Characteristics of Thermistor 4. Strain gauge characteristics 5. Load cell characteristics 6. Characteristics of thermocouple 7. Characteristics of Synchros 8. Loading effect of Potentiometer 9. Characteristics of Stroboscope 10. Hall effect transducer characteristics 11. Characteristics of AD590 12. Characteristics of LVDT 13. Characteristics of Piezo-electric transducer 14. Characteristics of Hall-effect transducer


TOTAL REFERENCE Transducer Engineering Laboratory Manual



L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3



PURPOSE To provide engineering students with the management skills to enable them to assess, evaluate and take key management decisions by the application of management concepts. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students are expected to: 1. Understand the various key concepts of micro economics 2. Demonstrate the effect of time value of money and depreciation 3. Apply the various project management techniques 4. Understand the various issues related to industrial safety UNIT 1 8 Role and Importance of Economics for Engineers, Law of demand and supply, Break-even analysis, pricing Policies UNIT 2 8 Cost determination, Balance Sheet, Cost benefit analysis, Time Value of Money, Methods of Depreciation, Long Term and short term financing, Financial Institutions. UNIT 3 10 Management Nature and functions, Project Management Phases and Techniques, CPM, PERT, Human Aspects of Project Management Issues and Problems, Managing-vs-leading a project. UNIT 4 10 Marketing Concepts, Marketing MIX, product life cycle, Plant layout, Plant location, Material Handling, Productivity, Plant Maintenance and Industrial Safety. UNIT 5 9 Current Trends in financing, Role of Industrial Engineer and Applications of Industrial Engineering, Process of Project Management and the Future, Ethics and Project Management, E-Marketing Ethical and legal issues. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. R. Pannerselvam, Engineering Economics, PHI, 2001. 2. O.P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanapat Rai and sons, 1992. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kotler, Marketing Management, PHI. 2. Prasanna Chandra, Finance Sense for non-finance executives, TMH


INDUSTRIAL INSTRUMENTATION Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0303)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To provide details on basic process parameters that are applied in most processing industries for both measurement and control applications. For better focusing the basics of such parameters, the entire set has been divided into three parts of which this one is the first one. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES


To enable the students to Review the basics of measurements and different parameters used in industry Appreciate the need for the measurements covered in this part and Relate such measurements in real time application UNIT 1 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT 8 Temperature measurement using physical parameter-Electrical type temperature sensor-RTD-ThermistorThermocouples-law of thermocouple-fabrication of industrial thermocouples-signal conditioning -cold junction compensation-special techniques for measuring high temperature using thermocouples-Radiation methods of temperature measurement UNIT 2 PRESSURE MEASUREMENT 9 Units of pressure-manometers-different types-elastic type pressure gauges-Bourdan tube bellows-diaphragms- Bell Gauge Measurement of pressure using Electrical transducer as secondary transducer- vacuum pressure measurement-Mcleod gauge-thermal conductivity gauges-Ionization gauge cold cathode and hot cathode typesDifferential pressure measurement-flapper-nozzle assembly. UNIT 3 FLOW MEASUREMENT 9 Variable head type flowmeters- variable area flowmeters- EM flowmeter -turbine flowmeter- Ultrasonic flowmeterVortex flowmeter-Dall tube - Mass flowmeter: Direct and Indirect methods-open-channel & soild flow measurement. UNIT 4 LEVEL MEASUREMENT 9 Electrical methods-Resistive, Inductive & Capacitive-Measurement of Level using Gamma rays-Ultrasonic MethodsMeasurement of Liquid level using Float type-Displacer type-Soild Level measurement-Hydrostatic types. UNIT 5 MEASUREMENT OF TORQUE, VELOCITY, HUMIDITY, DENSITY 10 Measurement of torque using strain gauge-Inductive priniciple-Digital methods and Magneto-stricitive transducerMeasurement of velocity using electromagnetic transducer-moving magnet type-moving coil type-electromagnetic tachogenetor-stroboscope-Measurement of humidity using dry and wet bulb psychometers-dew cell-hygrometerMeasurement of density using pressure type-float type bridge type densitometer TOTAL 45

TEXT BOOKS 1. D.Patranabis, Principles of Industrial Instrumentation, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1999 2. A.K.Sawhney, A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Raj and Sons, New Delhi, 1999.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Ernest O.Doebelin, Measurement systems application and design international student 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1999. 2. R.K.Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurements, Khanna Publishers, Delhi 1999. 3. Eckman D.P.M, Industrial Instrumentation, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1990. 4. Liptak B.G., Instrument Engineers Handbook (Measurement), Chilton Book Co., 1994. L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3


CONTROL SYSTEMS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0305 & BM0303)

PURPOSE To give an introduction to the analysis of linear control systems. This will permit an engineer to exploit time domain and frequency domain tools to design and study linear control systems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Describe what feedback control is and basic components of control systems. 2. Describe the various time domain and frequency domain tools for analysis and design of linear control systems. 3. Describe the methods to analyze the stability of systems from transfer function forms.


UNIT 1 TRANSFER FUNCTIONS 9 Introduction and classification of control systems-linear, nonlinear, time varying, time in-variant, continuous, discrete, SISO and MIMO systems definitions. Transfer function Mathematical modeling of mechanical (translation and rotational), Electrical systems- mechanical-electrical analogies Block Diagram reduction technique and Signal flow graphs. UNIT 2 CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS 9 Transfer function of potentiometers, armature controlled and field controlled dc motor. tachogenerators -gear trainscontrollers (On Off, P, PI,PD, PID) UNIT 3 TRANSIENT AND STEADY STATE ANALYSIS 9 Transient and steady state response-definitions-mathematical expression for standard test signals-type and order of systems-step, ramp and impulse response of first order and second order under damped systems - Step response of second order critically damped and over damped systems - Time domain specifications of second order under damped systems - Steady state error analysis. UNIT 4 STABILITY ANALYSIS 9 Stability analysis characteristic equation location of roots in S-plane for stability -Rouths stability criterionrelative stability analysis-root locus technique-construction of root loci for negative feed back systems. UNIT 5 FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS 9 Frequency response analysis-frequency domain specifications of second order systems-Bode plots and stability (gain and phase) margins- Need for compensation -Introduction to lead, lag, lead-lag compensating networks, minimum phase& non-minimum phase systems - polar plots-constant M and N circles-Nichols chart - Nyquist stability criterion TOTAL 45

TEXT BOOKS 1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Second edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1995. 2. Nagrath I J and Gopal .M., Control Systems Engineering, I edition,Wiley and sons, 1985.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Benjamin C Kuo, Automatic Control System, 7th edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1993. 2. Gajic Z., Lelic M., Modern Control System Engineering, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1996. 3. Richard .C. Dorf and Robert.H.Bishop, Modern Control System Engineering, Addison Wesley , 1999.


MICROPROCESSORS & MICROCONTROLLERS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0307 & BM0305)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to understand different types of microprocessors and micro controllers and to use microprocessor and microcontroller for different applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES During the course the student will be able 1. To learn the concepts of basic microprocessors. 2. To get knowledge in interfacing devices. 3. To know the concepts of microcontroller and its applications. 4. To develop skill in simple program writing. UNIT 1 INTEL 8085 MICROCPROCESSOR 9 Evolution of microprocessors 8085-microprocessor architecture addressing modes- Instruction set Memory interfacing Basic timing diagram- interrupts Software Interrupts - Data transfer schemes simple programs .


UNIT 2 PERIPHERAL INTERFACING 9 Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255 Programmable Communication Interface 8251 USART Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259A - Programmable Interval Timer 8253 Keyboard/Display Controller 8279 DMA Controller 8237 Floppy Disk Controller 8272- CRT Controller 8275. UNIT 3 INTEL 8086/8088 MICROPROCESSOR 9 Architecture of 8086/8088-Register organization Signal Description of 8086 Minimum mode Maximum mode and timings 8086 Instruction set Addressing modes Assembler Directives and operators- simple programs. UNIT 4 8031/8051 MICROCONTROLLER 9 Single chip microcontroller Introduction to 8 bit microcontroller architecture of 8031/8051- Signal descriptions of 8051- Register set of 8051 operational features of 8051- Memory and I/O Interfacing-Interrupts Instruction set addressing mode simple programs UNIT 5 INTERFACING 9 Microprocessor based process control system microcomputer based scale interfacing alphanumeric displayskeyboard interface-speed control of stepper motor high power devices interfacing - A/D and D/A interfacing. TOTAL 45 TEXTBOOKS 1. Ramesh S.Gaonkar, Microprocessor architecture, programming and its application with 8085, Penram Int. Pub. (India) IV edition. 2. A.K Roy, K.M Bhurchandi, Intel Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, McGraw Hill International Edition 20001 3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janica Gilli Mazidi, The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems, Pearson Education, 5th Indian reprint, 2003 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Rafiquzzaman M. , Microprocessors Theory and Applications Intel and Motorola, PHI Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi 2001. 2. Douglas V.Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing programming and hardware, Tata McGraw Hill Edition 1997. 3. Myke Predko, Programming and customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi Second Edition, 2001.


ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTATION Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0309)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basis of electrodes, analysis and chromatography. The main objective of this to help to study the spectrophotometers and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course 1. The students will be able to understood and design 2. Various types electrodes, analyzer and spectrometers. UNIT 1 PH CONDUCTIVITY & DISSOLVED COMPONENT ANALYSER 8 Sampling systems ion selective electrodes conductivity meters pH meters - dissolved oxygen analyser sodium analyser silica analyser moisture measurement. UNIT 2 GAS ANALYSER 8 Oxygen analyser CO monitor Nox analyser H2S analyser dust and smoke measurement- thermal conductivity type thermal analyser industrial analysers. UNIT 3 CHROMATOGRAPHY Gas chromatography liquid chromatography principles, types and applications high-pressure liquid chromatography detectors. 10


UNIT 4 SPECTRO PHOTOMETERS 10 Spectral methods of analysis Beers law UV visible spectrophotometers single beam and double beam instruments source and detectors IR spectrophotometers sources and detectors FTIR spectrometers atomic absorption spectrophotometer flame emission spectrophotometers sources of flame photometry applications. UNIT 5 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE AND RADIATION TECHNIQUES 9 NMR basic principle NMR spectrometers applications introduction to mass spectrophotometers nuclear radiation detectors GM counter proportional counter solid state detectors introduction to x-ray spectroscopy. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Willard, H.H., Merrit L.L., Dean J.A Seattle F.L., Instrumental Methods of Analysis, CBS Publishing and Distribution, 1995 Robert D.Braun, Introduction to Instrumental Analysis, McGrawHill, Singapore, 1987.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Skoog, D.A. and West D.M., Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Holt Sounder Publication, Philadelphia, 1985. Ewing G.W., Instrumental Methods of Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1992 Mann C.K. Vickers, T.J. and Guillick W.H, Instrumental Analysis, Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 1974. Liptak, B.G, Process Measurement and Analysis, Chilton Book Company, 1995. Frank A. Settle, Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997


DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0311)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basics of Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing and to DSP processor. The main objective of this subject is to help students to design the digital filters and Implementation of digital filters using various structures. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the students will be able to design and implement digital IIR and FIR filters, understand about the architecture of the DSP processor. UNIT 1 REPRESENTATION OF SIGNALS 9 Continuous and discrete time signals: Classification of Signals Periodic aperiodic even odd energy and power signals Deterministic and random signals complex exponential and sinusoidal signals periodicity properties of discrete time complex exponential unit impulse unit step impulse functions Transformation in independent variable of signals: time scaling, time shifting UNIT 2 ANALYSIS OF LINEAR TIME INVARIANT SYSTEM 9 Basic properties of continuous time systems: Linearity, Causality, time invariance, stability, magnitude and Phase representations of frequency response of LTI systems -Analysis and characterization of LTI systems using Laplace transform Z transform Inverse Z transform and its application to system analysis and characterization of discrete time systems DFT, its properties and applications FFT, its properties and applications. UNIT 3 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL FIR FILTERS 9 Basic elements of Digital Signal Processing. LTI system as Frequency selective filters. Design of digital FIR filters using Frequency sampling method- Fourier series method using window techniques. UNIT 4 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF DIGITAL IIR FILTERS 9 Review of analog filters using Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations Frequency transformations - Design of digital IIR filters using Bilinear transformation method Impulse Invariant transformation method.


UNIT 5 FILTER IMPLEMENTATION 9 Implementation of discrete time systems, Structures for the realization of discrete time systems Structures for IIR and FIR filters Representation of numbers Quantization of filter coefficients Round off effects in digital filters. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. John G.Proakis and Dimitris C. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd,1996. 2. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing A Computer Based Approach, McGraw Hill, 1998.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald Schaffer W., Discrete Time Signal Processing, PHI, 1989. 2. Rabiner .L.R. and Gold C.B., Theory and Applications of Digital signal Processing, Prentice Hall India, 1987. 3. Johny R. Johnson, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, PHI. DSP Processor TMS320 Manual 1989.

PD 0301


L 1

T 0

P 2

C 2

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to build confidence and inculcate various soft skills and to help Students to identify and achieve their personal potential INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students will be able to 1. Acquire the important soft skills for employment 2. Take part in group discussions and job interviews confidently 3. Appear for placement aptitude tests confidently 4. Gain self confidence to face the placement process METHODOLOGY The entire program is designed in such a way that every student will participate in the class room activities. The activities are planned to bring out the skills and talents of the students which they will be employing during various occasions in their real life. 1. Group activities + individual activities. 2. Collaborative learning. 3. Interactive sessions. 4. Ensure Participation. 5. Empirical Learning UNIT 1 3 Syllogism - Binary Logic [cause & effect] - Assertive & Counter Argument - Simple Interest - Time & Work - Time & Distance UNIT 2 3 Upstream &Downstream Reasoning - Verbal Comprehension I - Verbal Comprehension II- Compound Interest Logarithms - Surds & Indices UNIT 3 Verbal Reasoning I - Verbal Reasoning II - Verbal Reasoning III Percentage Test Averages 3

UNIT 4 3 Deductive Reasoning I - Deductive Reasoning II - Language Usage I - Decimal Fractions - Profit & Loss - Probability UNIT 5 Language Usage II - Logic Games I - Logic Games II Area - Pipes & Cisterns - Test 3


TOTAL SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION Marks allocated for regular participation in all oral activities in class SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Complete internal evaluation on a regular Basis



MICROPROCESSOR & MICRO CONTROLLER LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0313 & BM0313)

L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To enable the students to do basic programming in microprocessors and microcontrollers. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES During this course the students will be able: 1. To understand code conversion 2. To carry out basic arithmetic and logical calculations 3. To understand the applications of p, c based system LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Addition and subtraction of 8 bit numbers Addition and subtraction of 16 bit numbers Multi byte subtraction Multiplication of two 8 bit numbers Division of two 8 bit numbers Sorting numbers in ascending order and descending order Block data transfer forward and reverse order Sum of series of N numbers Code conversion Decimal to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to Decimal Stepper motor control Interfacing of Analog to digital (ADC) Interfacing of Digital to Analog converter (DAC) Interfacing of traffic light control systems Keyboard/Display Interface Rolling display Flashing display The above experiments can be done using Intel 8085,8086 and 8051 REFERENCE Microprocessor & Microcontrollers Lab manual TOTAL 45 L 0 T 0 P 3 C 1 45

IC 0315

CONTROL ENGINEERING LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0315)

PURPOSE To familiarize the students with control system components in a practical approach. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To enable the students to understand-Transfer function concepts,Time response, Frequency response,PID controller LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Transfer function of separately Excited DC generator.


Transfer function of armature controlled DC shunt motor. Transfer function of field controlled DC shunt motor. Simulation of standard test signals- step, ramp, parabolic and sinusoidal using C. Step response of P, PI, and PID controllers. Simulation of step and ramp responses of first order system using C and MATLAB simulink. Identification of type of damping from the given characteristic equation of second order system. Simulation of step response of second order system using C and MATLAB simulink. Determination of time domain specifications from the step response of second order under damped system using C and MATLAB simulink. 10. Root locus, Bode and Polar plots for a given transfer function using MATLAB. 11. Frequency response of Lead and Lag networks. 12. DC Motor speed control. REFERENCE Control Engineering Lab manual TOTAL 45

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


COMPUTER SKILLS Prerequisite Nil

L 0

T 0

P 4

C 2

PURPOSE To acquire knowledge to enable computer implementation for various engineering solutions. IMPLEMENTATION The students are expected to undergo atleast two computer courses from a list of courses provided from time to time by all the departments of engineering and technology. Resources for conducting the courses will be found from in-house talents and outside professionals with expertise in the particular course. Certification will be done by both the university and the bodies drafted for the purpose. TOTAL 60 L 0 T 2 P 0 C 1


COMPREHENSION I Prerequisite Should have studied Instrumentation and Control Engineering Subjects Prescribed upto IV SEMESTER

PURPOSE To provide a complete picture of Instrumentation and Control Engineering topics covered from I to IV semesters for comprehensive understanding of Instrumentation and Control Engineering is processed so that students are well prepared to face job interviews and subjects related to competitive examinations. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To provide overview of all the Instrumentation and Control Engineering topics covered I to IV semesters given below. 2. To assess the overall knowledge level of Instrumentation and Control Engineering standards and guide them to take corrective measures where deficiencies are detected. COMPREHENSION A. Review of the following topics of Instrumentation and Control Engineering: 1. Basis of Analog and Digital Electronics. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Electric Circuits and Networks. Basis of Digital Systems, Linear Integrated Circuits. Analysis of Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation. Overview of various transducers and smart sensors. Overview of various process parameters. 30


B. Seminar/group discussion Students shall have seminar/group discussion sessions on the topics listed under A above under the guidance of staff. TOTAL 30

(Evaluation shall consist of a 3 hour duration end semester examination consisting of objective type as well as conventional questions)

L IC0321 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING I Prerequisite Nil (Training to be undergone after IV Semester) 0

T 0

P 2

C 1

PURPOSE To provide hands-on experience at Process-Plant, PLC & DCS where Instrumentation and Control Engineering projects are executed. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To enable the students to gather a first hand experience on site. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING I 1. Students have to undergo two weeks of Inplant training in project sites of Instrumentation and Control Engineering. At the end of the training they have to submit a report together with a certificate in the format prescribed and explanation should be given in a power point presentation which shall be evaluated.


L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3


INDUSTRIAL DRIVES AND CONTROL Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0308)

PURPOSE To enable the students identify the need and choice for various drives. The students will be exposed to different speed control methods in d.c. and a.c motros using thyristors based control schemes. Microprocessor based drives are also introduced. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to 1. Select the drives for various industrial applications 2. Gain the knowledge about operation of d.c motor speed control using converters and choppers 3. Get an insight into a.c. motor speed control using converters, inverters and choppers 4. Identify the use for drives in industries using microprocessor UNIT 1 SELECTION OF MOTORS 9 Introduction, selection of drive, Rating of motors, speed torque characteristics of various types of loads & drive motors, starting braking and reversing operations. UNIT 2 DC DRIVES (QUALITATIVE TREATMENT ONLY) 9 Speed control of DC motors Thyristor converter fed DC drives : Single, two and four quadrant operations. Chopper Drives control strategies, operation of step-up and step-down choppers, chopper configuration operation of class A, B, C, D & E. UNIT 3 THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES 9 Speed control of Induction motors Stator control stator voltage and frequency control, AC chopper, Inverter cycloconverter fed induction motor drives. Rotor control Rotor resistance control and slip-power recovery schemes, static control of rotor resistance using DC chopper, static kramer and scherbius drives, cycloconverter fed drives. UNIT 4 SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR DRIVES 9 Speed control of 3-phase synchronous motors VSI & CSI fed synchronous motors, cyclo converter fed synchronous motors. Effects of harmonics on the performance of AC motors PWM inverter fed synchronous motors construction, principle of operation and drive circuits of variable reluctance stepper motors. UNIT 5 9 Microprocessors in the control of Electric drives Applications of microprocessors on electrical variable speed drive d.c. motor speed control, Induction motor speed control, synchronous motor speed control using a microprocessor. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Dubey G.K. and Kasarabada Rao., Power Electronic and Drives, Narosa Publications, 1986. 2. Vedam Subramaniyam, Thyristor control of Electric drives, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd,1998. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Vedam Subramaniyam, Electric Drives, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd,1994. 2. Pillai S.K. , A First course on Electric Drives, Wiley Eastern Ltd,1989. 3. Singh M.D., Power Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill , N.D.,1998. 4. Dubey G.K. , Power Semiconductor controlled Drives, PHI, 1986.


L IC 0304 BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0352) 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to develop knowledge of how instruments work in the various department and laboratories of a hospital and thereby recognize their limitations. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to Interpret technical aspects of medicine. Solve Engineering Problems related to medical field. Understand medical diagnosis and therapy.

UNIT 1 BASIC PHYSIOLOGY 9 Cell and their structures, neuron, axon, synapse, action and resting potential, electro physiology of cardio pulmonary system, respiration and blood circulation, central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, electrode theory, bipolar and unipolar electrodes, surface electrodes.

UNIT 2 ELECTRO PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT 9 ECG, phonocardiography, vector cardiography, EEG, EMG, ERG lead system and recording methods, typical waveforms, computer diagnosis.

UNIT 3 NON- ELECTRICAL PARAMETER MEASUREMENTS 9 Measurement of blood pressure, blood flow, cardiac output, plethysmography, cardiac rate, heart sound, measurement of gas volume, flow rate of Co2 and O2 in exhaust air, pH of blood.

UNIT 4 MEDICAL IMAGING AND TELEMETRY 9 X-ray machine, echocardiography, computer tomography, MRI/NMR, ultrasonography, endoscopy, different types of telemetry system, laser in bio medicine.

UNIT 5 ASSISTING AND THERAPEUTIC DEVICES 9 Cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, ventilators, muscle stimulator, diathermy, introduction to artificial kidney, artificial heart, lung machine, limb prosthetics, onthotics, elements of audio and visual aids. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell and Erich A. Pleiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, Prentice Hall of India, 1980. L.A. Geddes and L.E. Baker, Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1989.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 2. 3. 4. Kandpur R.S. Hand book of Biomedical Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill, 1987. Richard Aston, Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement, Merrill Publishing Company, 1990. Jacobson B. and Webster J.G., Medical Clinical Engineers, Prentice Hall, 1979. John .G Webster, Editor, Medical Instrumentation, Application and Design, John Wiley and Sons Inc1998.


IC 0306

PROCESS CONTROL Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0308)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to learn the basic concepts of process control and to develop sufficient knowledge of the various control actions and controllers used to control any process. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to 1. Understand the behavior of various physical systems and mathematically model them. 2. Learn the basic control actions and characteristics of different types of controllers. 3. Select and tune a controller to suit a particular process. 4. Study about the characteristics of final control elements 5. Learn about the control schemes applied to various processes. UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION 8 Process control introduction Need for process control Hardware elements of a process control system Degrees of freedom Mathematical model of thermal, hydraulic and gaseous processes Interacting and Non-interacting systems - Servo and Regulator Operation Batch & Continuous Process concept of self-regulation-Dead time UNIT 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTROLLERS 13 Direct and Reverse action of a controller with suitable examples- Control modes - Characteristics of ON- OFF, Single speed floating, Proportional, Integral and derivative controllers - Characteristics of P+I, P+D and P+I+D controllers Response of controllers to Step & Ramp input signals Servo and Regulatory response of P and PI controllers Reset Wind-up and prevention Derivative and Proportional kick Bumpless transfer Pneumatic and Electronic realization of Controllers. Selection of a controller for a particular process. UNIT 3 CONTROLLER TUNING 8 Need for controller tuning Evaluation criteria Quarter Decay Ratio, IAE, ISE and ITAE - Types of controller tuning: Process reaction curve method, Continuous cycling method and Damped oscillation method. Procedure for tuning of a controller based on gain margin and phase margin. UNIT 4 FINAL CONTROL ELEMENTS 9 I/P, P/I converters Final control elements Pneumatic and electric actuators Types of control valves Valve positioner and its importance Inherent and Installed characteristics of control valve Control valve sizing Cavitation and flashing. UNIT 5 MULTILOOP CONTROL 7 Cascade control Feed forward control Ratio Control Inferential control Split-range control Examples from Distillation columns, Chemical Reactors, Heat Exchangers and Boiler Introduction to adaptive control. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Stephanopoulis, G, Chemical Process Control, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1990. 2. Eckman. D.P., Automatic Process Control, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1993. 3. Johnson .C.D., Process Control Instrument Technology, Prentice Hall Inc. 1988. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Harriott .P., Process Control, Tata McGraw Hill, 1984. 2. Anderson .N.A., Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, Chilton company 1980. 3. Pollard A., Process Control, Heinemann educational books, London, 1971. 4. Smith C.L and Corripio.A..B, Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985. 5. Shinskey, Process Control Systems, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1996. 45

IC 0308


L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3


Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0354) PURPOSE To gain a working knowledge of the basic linear system design techniques and nonlinearities in control systems in order to enable students to deal with real-life applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this course, the students will be able: To design cascade compensators in time domain and frequency domain. To develop an understanding of sampling. To gain a working knowledge of z-transform theory. To understand and develop state space model for different systems. UNIT 1 9 Introduction to design- Effect of adding a pole and zero to a system- compensating networks types-cascade and feedback-design of cascade lead and cascade lag compensation in time domain and frequency domain P, PI, PD and PID controllers design UNIT 2 9 Sampled data control systems - functional elements-sampling process - z-transforms- properties - inverse ztransforms- ZOH and First order Hold process- pulse transfer functions - step response stability analysis-Jurys stability test. UNIT 3 9 Concepts of State, State variable and State space model- State space representation of linear continuous time systems using physical variables, phase variables and canonical variables-diagonalization-State space representation of discrete time systems-Solution of state equations-computation of state transition matrix. UNIT 4 9 Concepts of Controllability and Observability linear time invariant systems-pole placement by state feedbackAckermans Formula-Observers-full order and reduced order. UNIT 5 9 Non-linear systems-properties-common physical non-linearities-dead zone, relay, saturation nonlinearities-phase plane method-singular points-phase trajectories-stability analysis by Describing function method-Liapunovs stability criterion. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, second edition Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1995. 2. Nagrath I J and M Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, I edition , Wiley and sons, 1985. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Benjamin C Kuo, Automatic Control System, 7th edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi,1993. 2. Gopal .M, Modern Control Systems Theory, New Age International Pvt.Ltd, 1987.

IC 0310

SIGNAL PROCESSING & TELEMETRY Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0356)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to learn about signal processing, various methods involved in it, and to familiarize about the devices used for signal processing and also to learn about telemetry. INTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To know about signal conditioning and devices used for signal conditioning. 2. To know about various methods of signal processing.


3. 4.

To know how the signal can be transmitted. To know more about the Techniques of Telemetry.

UNIT 1 9 Signal conditioning introduction bridges instrumentation amplifiers dynamic compensation choppers V/F & F/V converters. A/P & D/A converters sampling sampling theorem Interferance Grounding and Sheilding resolution , conversion time Comparision of A/D & D/A converters Isolation Amplifiers. UNIT 2 9 Data acquisition system sampling and digitizing Alaising sample and hold circuit -practical implementation of sampling and digitizing . Definition, design of and need for data acquisition system modulation and encoding methods band width and noise restrictions. Microprocessor / PC based data acquisition system. UNIT 3 9 Pulse modulation systems pulse amplitude modulation channel bandwidth for PAM Detection of PAM signals pulse time modulation generation of PDM and PPM conversion of PDM to PPM detection of PTM signals. Time code modulation system quantizing PCM systems. Decoders. UNIT 4 9 Multiplexing Time division multiplexing Frequency division multiplexing Telemetry Fundamentals of telemetry FM Telemetry Sub carrier osciallators Telemetry transmitters PAM Telemetry Systems Accurracy PCM telemetry systems Comparision of Telemetry Systems. UNIT 5 9 Data loggers pointers, scale indicators, potentiometric indicating controllers, Illuminative devices LED & LCD plasma displays CRO Galvanometric recorders X-Y Recorders LED & LCD magnetic tape recorders. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Clayton G.B., Data Converters, The Mac Millan Press Ltd., 1982. 2. Jones B.E., Instrumentation, Measurements and Feedback, TcMH, 1978. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Jones C.B., nstrument Technology, Vol III, Butterworth Scientific Pub, 1957. 2. Doebelin E.O., Measurement System Application and Design, McGraw Hill, 1973. 45

PD 0302


L 1

T 0

P 2

C 2

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to build confidence and inculcate various soft skills and to help Students to identify and achieve their personal potential INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students will be able to 1. Acquire the important soft skills for employment 2. Take part in group discussions and job interviews confidently 3. Appear for placement aptitude tests confidently 4. Gain self confidence to face the placement process METHODOLOGY The entire program is designed in such a way that every student will participate in the class room activities. The activities are planned to bring out the skills and talents of the students which they will be employing during various occasions in their real life. 1. Group activities + individual activities. 2. Collaborative learning. 3. Interactive sessions. 4. Ensure Participation.


5. Empirical Learning UNIT 1 3 Self Introduction - Narration - Current News Update Numbers - Height & Distance - Square & Cube Roots UNIT 2 3 Current Tech Update - Verbal Aptitude Test I - GD I - Odd man out series - Permutation & Combination - Problems on ages UNIT 3 3 GD II - Resume Writing - Mock Interview I / reading comprehension - Problems on trains Allegation of Mixtures Test UNIT 4 3 Mock Interview II / reading comprehension - Mock Interview III/ reading comprehension - GD III - Ratio & Proportion - Clocks - H.C.F & L.C.M UNIT 5 GD IV - Verbal Aptitude Test II Review Partnership Puzzles - Test PRACTICAL TOTAL SCHEME OF INSTRUCTION Marks allocated for regular participation in all oral activities in class SCHEME OF EXAMINATION Complete Internal evaluation on a regular Basis 3 30 45



L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE During this lab course students will 1. acquire knowledge to design for instruments 2. prepare a documentation of Instrumentation project 3. to operate MATLAB tool box

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES It deals with design of compensators It deals with design of controllers It deals with design of various circuits related to instrumentation LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 45 1. Design of Cascade lead compensator using MATLAB ( Root Locus approach) 2. Design of Cascade lead compensator using MATLAB (frequency domain approach) 3. Design of Cascade lag compensator using MATLAB ( Root Locus approach) 4. Design of Cascade lag compensator using MATLAB ( frequency domain approach) 5. Design PID Controllers for set point & gain adjustment. 6. Design of RPS and Design of Instrumentation Amplifiers. 7. PID diagram case study. 8. Design of Signal Conditioning circuit for Strain gauge & RTD 9. Design of Control valve sizing & flow lift characteristics 10. Piping and Instrumentation diagram- Case study 11. Preparation of Documentation of Instrumentation project (process flow, instrument index Sheet and instrument specifications sheet) 12. Preparation of project scheduling (job scheduling, installation procedure and safety regulations ) REFERENCE Design Project Lab manual



IC 0314

PROCESS CONTROL LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0314)

L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To enable the students to understand the fundamentals of process control, types of processes, characteristics of different types of controllers for controlling a process and process automation. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To understand 1. Control of processes using PID and ON-OFF controllers 2. Control of a process using personal computer 3. Automation of process using PLC and DCS LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Characteristics of I/P and P/I converters 2. Step and Impulse response of Interacting and Non-interacting systems 3. Piping and Instrumentation diagram of plant 4. Characteristics of control valve with and without positioner 5. Study of Level controller and level transmitter 6. Study of flow controller and flow transmitter 7. Control of level process using analog controller and PC as a controller 8. Control of flow process using analog controller and PC as a controller 9. Control of pressure process using analog controller. 10. Control of temperature process using analog controller and PC as a controller 11. Study of Supervisory control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) 12. Study of DCS REFERENCE Process Control Lab manual TOTAL 45 L 0 T 0 P 4 C 2 45


COMPUTER SKILLS Prerequisite Nil

PURPOSE To acquire knowledge to enable computer implementation for engineering solutions. IMPLEMENTATION The students are expected to undergo atleast two computer courses from a list of courses provided from time to time by all the departments of engineering and technology. Resources for conducting the courses will be found from inhouse talents and outside professionals with expertise in the particular course. Certification will be done by both the university and the bodies drafted for the purpose. TOTAL L 0 60 T 2 P 0 C 1


COMPREHENSION II Prerequisite Should have studied the Instrumentation and Control Engineering Subjects prescribed / opted for upto VI SEMESTER


PURPOSE To provide a complete picture of all the Instrumentation and Control Engineering topics covered in I to IV semesters including the related topics covered in I to IV semesters so that a comprehensive understanding of Instrumentation and Control Engineering is achieved so that students are well prepared to face job interviews and subjects related competitive examinations INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To provide overview of all the Instrumentation and Control Engineering topics covered in V and VI semesters including the related topics covered in I to IV semesters as given below. 2. To assess the overall knowledge level of Instrumentation and Control Engineering standards and guide them to take corrective measures where deficiencies are detected. COMPREHENSION A. Review of the following topics of Instrumentation and Control Engineering: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Brief description of Control Systems, Industrial Instrumentation. Analysis of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. Overview of Signal Processing. Overview of Process Control, Modern Control System, Computer Control of Processes. Overview of Virtual Instrumentation, PLC & DCS. 30

B. Seminar/group discussion Students shall have seminar/group discussion sessions on the topics listed under A above under the guidance of staff. TOTAL 30

(Evaluation shall consist of a 3 hour duration end semester examination consisting of objective type as well as conventional questions)

IC 0401 VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0401 & BM0405) L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

PURPOSE Enable students to under stand basics, programming techniques, data acquisition and interfacing techniques of virtual instrumentation and to use VI for different applications. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to 1. Familiarize the basics and interfacing of VI 2. Write programs for different applications. UNIT 1 REVIEW OF VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION 9

Historical perspective, Need of VI, Advantages of VI, Define VI, block diagram & architecture of VI, data flow techniques, graphical programming in data flow, comparison with conventional programming. UNIT 2 PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES 9 VIS and sub-VIS, loops & charts, arrays, clusters, graphs, case & sequence structures, formula modes, local and global variable, string & file input. Graphical programming in data flow, comparison with conventional programming. UNIT 3 DATA ACQUISITION BASICS 9 ADC, DAC, DIO, Counters & timers, PC Hardware structure, timing, interrupts, DMA, Software and Hardware Installation. GPIB/IEEE 488 concepts, and embedded system buses - PCI, EISA, CPCI, and USB & VXI. A


UNIT 4 COMMON INSTRUMENT INTERFACES 9 Current loop, RS 232C/RS 485, GPIB, System basics, interface basics: USB, PCMCIA, VXI, SCXI, PXI etc, networking basics for office & industrial application VISA & IVI, image acquisition & processing, Motion Control. ADC, DAC, DIO, DMM, waveform generator. UNIT 5 USE OF ANALYSIS TOOLS AND APPLICATION OF VI 9 Fourier transforms, Power spectrum, Correlation methods, windowing & flittering. Application in Process Control projects, Major equipments- Oscilloscope, Digital Multimeter, Pentium Computers, temperature data acquisition system, motion control employing stepper motor. TOTAL 45 EXT BOOKS: 1. Gary Johnson, LABVIEW Graphical Programming, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1997. 2. Lisa K. Wells and Jeffrey Travis, LABVIEW for Everyone, PHI, 1997. 3. Skolkoff, Basic concepts of LABVIEW 4, PHI, 1998.

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. S. Gupta, J.P. Gupta, PC Interfacing for Data Acquisition and Process Control, ISA, 2nd Edition, 1994. 2. Technical Manuals for DAS Modules of Advantech and National Instruments. 3. L.T. Amy, Automation System for Control and Data Acquisition, ISA, 1992.


COMPUTER CONTROL OF PROCESSES Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0403)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To provide students with fundamentals and some special knowledge in computer based process control. Based on the fundamental the advancement of process automation can be understood. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To know about 1. The need of computer in process industry. 2. Modeling and Identification of processes. 3. Control algorithms and its implementation. 4. PLC & SCADA for process automation. UNIT 1 9 Need of computer in a control system-Functional block diagram of a computer control system-Data loggersSupervisory computer control- Direct digital control-Digital control interfacing-SCADA. UNIT 2 9 System modeling and identification - Mathematical model for processes - first order - second order processesWithout and with pure delay - higher order systems - pulse testing for process identification linear least square algorithm. Implementation of digital controllers Digital temperature control system - digital position control system - stepping motors and their control. UNIT 3 9 Design of control algorithms using Z transforms: dead beat algorithm - Dahlins method -Ringing - Kalmans approach - discrete equivalent to an analog controller - design for load changes-PID algorithms -position and velocity forms-Tuning the algorithms- tuning techniques-Selection of a sampling time. UNIT 4 Programming of PLC- Relay logic - ladder logic - functional blocks timers and counters 9


UNIT 5 Requirement of communication networks for PLC- connecting PLC to computer - Interlocks and alarms.

TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Deshpande P.B. and Ash R.H., Elements of Computer Process Control, Instrument society of America 1995. 2. Smith C.L., Digital Computer Process Control, Intext Educational Publishers , 1992. 3. Petrezeulla, Programmable Controllers, McGraw Hill , 1989 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Houpis C.M., Lamont, G.B, Digital Control Systems Theory, Hardwork, Software, Mc Graw Hill Book 1985. 2. Hughes .T, Programmable Logic Controllers, ISA Press, 1989. 3. Stephanoupoulis, G., Chemical Process Control, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi 1990.


Industrial Automation Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0405)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To provide students with fundamentals and some special knowledge in process automation in industries. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The objectives of this course are to help students: Understand the need for automation in process industries. Learn about the various technologies used in process automation. Learn programming of PLC. Understand DCS and communication in DCS. UNIT 1 PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER BASICS 9 Definition Overview of PLC systems Input/Output modules power supplies and isolators. Fundamentals of logic AND, OR, NOT, EX-OR. UNIT 2 PROGRAMMING OF PLC 9 Programming of PLC- Relay logic- Ladder logic functional blocks requirement of communication networks for PLC- connecting PLC to computer interlocks and alarms.

UNIT 3 DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEMS 9 Evolution Different architectures local control unit Operator Interface Displays Engineering Interface UNIT 4 APPLICATION OF DCS 9 DCS Applications in power plants, Iron and steel plants, Chemical plants, Cement plants, paper and pulp industries. UNIT 5 HART AND FIELD BUS 9 Introduction evolution of signal standards HART communication protocol communication modes HART networks Control system interface HART commands HART field controller implementation HART and OSI model Field bus Introduction General field bus architecture basic requirements of field bus standard field bus topology interoperability interchangeability. TOTAL 45


TEXTBOOKS 1. Frank D. Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controllers, Glencoe McGraw Hill Second Edition, 2. Michael Lucas, Distributed Control Systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.,1986 REFERENCES 1. Romily Bowden, HART application guide and the OSI communication foundation., 1999 2. G.K.McMillan, Process/ Industrial instrument and handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1999 3. Popovic D. and Bhatkar V.P., Distributed Computer Control for industrial automation, Marcel Dekkar Inc., 1990


VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION LAB Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0413 & BM0413)

L 0

T 0

P 3

C 1

PURPOSE To familiarize the students with Virtual Instrumentation and to do progamming for applications INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To study about Programming Techniques To study about Data Acquisition and interfacing techniques To do programming for process control and other applications LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Getting Started with Lab VIEW Basic operations, controls and indicators. 2. Simple programming structures and Timing Issues 3. Lab VIEW Debugging a VI, Sub-VI's 4. Lab VIEW Traffic Light - Programming Structure, Sub-Vis, Clusters 5. GPIB-Serial poll Byte 6. Communication via RS232/ Serial Port. 7. Oscilloscope - Attribute Nodes, Menus 8. RC Circuit measurement - Timing issues 9. Lab VIEW Incorporating user written C subroutines 10.Digital-to-Analog acquisition interfacing - Analog I/O 11.The RS232 Interface Function Generator 12. Importing pictures, Global/ local variables. Arrays, Clusters TOTAL REFERENCE Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory Manual L 0 T 0 P 3 C 1 45



Automation Lab Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0415)

PURPOSE To enable the students to work with PLC and SCADA INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To understand Automation of process using PLC Automation of process using SCADA LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. Sequential control of Motor 2. Tank level control 3. Fan Control 4. Seven segment Display 5. Reaction Vessels 45


6. 7. 8. 9.

Starter Control Star-Delta Relay units fixed with 8 Relays Implementation of PLC programming through SCADA

REFERENCE PLC Lab manual TOTAL 45 L 0 T 0 P 2 C 1


INDUSTRIAL TRAINING II Prerequisite Nil (Training to be undergone after VI Semester)

PURPOSE To provide hands-on experience at process where Instrumentation and Control Engineering projects are executed. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To enable the students to gather a first hand experience on site. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING II 1. Students have to undergo two weeks inplant training in project sites of Instrumentation and Control Engineering. At the end of the training they have to submit a report together with a certificate in the format prescribed and a power point presentation.



L 0

T 0

P C 17 8

Hardware/ Numerical /Simulations Theoretical research and development work is to be allotted. A maximum number of three students may be involved in each project. However the contribution of the individuals in the project should be clearly brought out. The combined project report is to be submitted as per the university regulations. A seminar has to be presented on the allotted topic. All the students involved in the project will be examined for their contribution.



FIBER OPTICS AND LASER INSTRUMENTS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0358 & BM0352)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To understand and apply optical fiber and laser technology to sophisticated modern telecommunication systems and medical field. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to 1. Analyze the theory and behaviour of basic constituents such as optical fibers, light sources, photo detectors and lasers. 2. Design principles of optical fiber and laser according to the requirements in communication and medical field. 3. Use it generally in non-invasive testing in medicine and NDT in industry.


UNIT 1 OPTICAL FIBERS: STRUCTURES, WAVE GUIDING AND SIGNAL DEGRADATION 9 Basic optical laws and definitions, optical fiber modes and configuration, single mode fibers, graded index fiber structure, fiber materials, attenuation, signal distortion in optical waveguides, pulse broadening in graded index waveguides. UNIT 2 FIBER OPTIC SENSORS 9 Fiber optic probes, liquid level sensor, pressure sensor, temperature sensor, interferometric sensors, polarization sensors, fiber grating sensors, fiber optic gyroscopes, acoustic sensors. UNIT 3 OPTICAL SOURCES 9 LED structures, light source materials, quantum efficiency and LED power, modulation of an LED. Laser rate equation , 3 & 4 level lasers, properties of laser, laser modes, resonator configuration, Q switching, mode locking, cavity damping, single frequency operation, types of lasers gas, solid, liquid and semiconductor lasers. UNIT 4 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION OF LASER 9 Laser for measurement of distance, length, atmospheric effects and pollutants, material processing, laser heating, melting, scribing, trimming, welding, material removal and vaporization, calculation of power requirement of laser for material processing. UNIT 5 HOLOGRAPHY AND MEDICAL APPLICATION 9 Holography, basic principles, methods of holographic interferometry and applications, Holography for NDT, medical application of lasers, laser and tissue interaction, laser instruments for surgery, removal of tumors of vocal chords, brain surgery, plastic surgery, gynecology, oncology. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Wilson J. & Hawkes J.F.B., Opto-Electronics: An Introduction, Prentice Hall International, 1983. 2. Keiser, Optical Fiber Communication Systems, Mc Graw Hill Ltd., 1983. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Allen H.C., An Introduction to Optical Fibers, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1983. 2. Ghatak and Thiagarajan .K, Optical Electronics, Foundation Books, 1991. 3. Jasprit Singh, Semiconductor Opto-Electronics, Mc Graw Hill, 1995. 4. Smith H.M., Principles of Holography, John Wiley and Sons, 1975. L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 45


DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0306)

PURPOSE As the world is dependent on computers and it accepts digital data the subject digital system design gains importance. It helps us in gaining information from many areas like memory design, manufacturing chips etc. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. It helps us in understanding different characteristics of integrated circuit families. 2. It helps us to know various bus interface. 3. Helps us in understanding about memory design. 4. Various technologies adopted in digital system design. 5. Helps us to know about different digital system design examples UNIT 1 9 Circuit diagram of TTL, CMOS, NMOS, ECL, GaAs building blocks, operating conditions, interfacing between different families, interpreting datasheets of 74 series, CD4000 series ECL, 10000 series, power supply, grounding conditions for digital IC's, RS232, RS485, RS422, ISA, PCI and IIC bus characteristics, Bus interface in IC's. UNIT 2 DESIGNING WITH PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES AND N/WS FOR ARTHIMETIC OPERATORS 9 Read only memory - PLA's - PAL's - other sequential programmable logic devices - design of key board manner serial adder with accumulator - state graphs - Binary multiplies - Multiplication of signed binary numbers - Binary dividers.


UNIT 3 DESIGN WITH S.M. CHARTS 9 State machine charts - derivation - realization - implementation of dice game - alternative realizations using micro programming - linked state machines. DESIGN WITH CPLD'S AND PGA.XILINX 3000 series FPGA's - desinging with FPGA's XILINX 4000 series one hot state assignment Altera CPLA's - Alter FLEX 10K series CPLD's. UNIT 4 DIGITAL MEMORIES 9 Principles and design considerations of specific PROMS, EPROMS, SRAMS, and SDRAMS, dural ported memories, FIFO's etc. UNIT 5 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN CASE STUDIES 9 Multiphase clock generators, digital FIR design using TLL/CMOS IC's, PRBS generator, digital PLL's, DRAM controller design, LED/LCD display controller and other examples. TOTAL 45

TEXT BOOKS 1. Charles H. Roth Jr., Digital system design using VHDL, PWS Publishing Co., 1998. 2. Tietze.U.Schenk.Ch, Electronic Circuits Design and Application, Narosa Publishing House, 1992. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Horowit Z.P., Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press 1999. 2. Prince B., High Performance Memories, TMH 1996. 3. Roger C. Alford, Programmable Logic Devices, Howard Sams and Co., 1996.

IC 0354

PERSONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0456)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable students to develop understanding of a personal computer and the operating system concepts. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to 1. Know the operating system concepts 2. Know the motherboard logic 3. Know the overall hardware 4. Know the interfacing concepts UNIT 1 MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS AND ITS PERIPHERALS MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS 9 Introduction - Computer organisation Number system and codes - Memory -Arithmetic and logic unit - control unitInstruction prepfetch-Interrupts - Input - output techniques-device controllers - personal computer concepts and techniques. PERIPHERAL DEVICES Introduction - keyboard - CRT display monitor-printer-magnetic storage devices - Floppy disk drive - hard disk drive special peripherals. UNIT 2 OVERVIEW OF PC HARDWARE 9 The PC family-The 8086 family - parts of PCS Hardware - Breakdown - BIOS-DOS interaction - PC Hardware system box - Motherboard logic -Memory space I/O port addresses - wait state interrupts I/O Data transfer - DMA channels - peripheral interfaces and controllers - keyboard interface parallel interface-serial interface-CRT display controller-Floppy disk controller. Hard disk controller - Memory refresh - Post sequence. Hard disk card coprocessors. UNIT 3 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUITS 9 Introduction - Motherboard functions-Functional units and interconnection - Reset logic CPU Nucleus Logic - DMA logic wait state logic DMA logic - Bus Arbitration logic RAM logic ROM logic - ROM decode logic RAM parity


logic - NMI logic. I/O ports decode logic Time of Day (TOD) logic - Dynamic memory refresh logic - speaker logic Mode switch input logic control bus logic - Address bus logic Data bus logic - I/o slot signals - SMPS. Hardware details of the Pentium - Protected mode operation - comparison of 8088 and 8086. UNIT 4 THE MEMORY WORKBENCH 9 Memory overview-getting into memory - The PC's memory organization - into extended memory-Memory banks8088 introduction CPU specifications - CPU pin configuration- The 8284 clock generator-The 8288 bus controllersystem timing diagrams -PC bus standards-8088 memory systems design-8088 - & IO systems design - cache memory-The problem of speed - The cache technology. DOS AND BIOS FUNCTION CALLS 9 Programming with DOS and BIOS function calls-using disks and files-programming with 80 86 peripherals. UNIT 5 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS AND ADVANCED PCS 9 Introduction -Data communication fundamentals. Real time clock (RTC) - serial port in PC magnetic tape subsystems-LAN. OVERVIEW OF ADVANCED PCS PC Advanced Technology - Microprocessors in AT-PC-AT operating modes - Hardware overview IBM PC - AT and clones-system configuration-Post and error codes -PC-AT peripherals-AT 286-AT386 features. VLSI AT Motherboard-SCSI small computer system interface. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Govindarajalu.B, Microcode consultants Madras (IBM PC and Clones H/W troubleshooting and maintenance, Tata Mcgraw Hill,14th reprint 1998. 2. James.L.Antonakes, An introduction to the Intel family of Microprocessors, Third Edition Pearson Education Asia,1999. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Peter Norton, Inside the IBM PC, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi 110 001 second edition, 1990. 2. Harry fairhead, The 386/486 PC, First Indian Edition, BPB Publications, NewDelhi. 1991. 3. Walter A. Triehel Avtar Singh, The 8088 and 8086 Micrprocessors, Prentice Hall of India, NewDelhi, 2000.


POWER PLANT INSTRUMENTATION Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0459)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE We can know about the various methods of power generation and its control methods. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Familiarises about different power generation process 2. Important parameter that has to be monitored and controlled 3. Various parameters that has to be analysed and monitored 4. Various instruments involved in and its controlling process. UNIT 1 METHODS OF POWER GENERATION 9 Power generation - types - importance of instrumentations in power generation - basic building block for all types of power generation plants - details of boiler processes - P&I diagram of boiler - cogeneration. UNIT 2 PARAMETERS OF POWER PLANT AND ITS MEASUREMENT 9 Electrical and non electrical parameter measurement -correction factor for steam temp and temp-steam pressure drum level measurement -radiations detector - smoke density measurement -dust monitor - speed vibration, shell temp monitoring & control - steam pressure control lubricant temp control of turbines. UNIT 3 ANALYZERS IN POWER PLANTS Fluegas oxygen analyzer - analysis of impurities in feedwater and steam - dissolved oxygen analyzer chromatography - PH Meter - Fuel analyser -pollution monitoring instruments9


UNIT 4 CONTROL LOOPS IN BOILER 9 Combustion Control-air/fuel ratio control - furnace draft control - drum level control - main steam and reheat steam temp control - super heater control - attemperator - deaerator control -distributed control system in power plants interlocks in boiler operation. UNIT 5 9 Nuclear power plant instrumentation - P&I diagram of different types of nuclear power plant - radiations detection instruments - process sensors for nuclear power plants - Spectrum Analyzer - nuclear reactor control systems and allied instrumentation. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Liptak B.G., Instrumentation in Process Industries, Chilton, 1973. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. The Control of boilers - Sam .G.Duke low - ISA press,1991. 2. Modern Power Station Practice - Vol.6 - A.Sherryetal Pergamon Press, 1971.


Data structures & Algorithms Prerequisite Nil Common to EIE- EI0364-Data structures & Algorithms

L T P 3 0 0

C 3

PURPOSE TO PRESENT THE CONCEPT OF DIFFERENT TYPE DATA STRUCTURES THROUGH ALGORITHM. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES TO INTRODUCE THE CONCEPTS OF ARRAYS AND ITS REPRESENTATIONS. To study linked lists, stack and queue structures. To study trees, representation of trees, tree traversal and basic operations on trees. To study the concept of graphs, traversal techniques and minimum spanning tree.

Representation of linear array, Traversing linear array and Insertion and deletion in linear arrays Multidimensional arrays:- Representation of N-dimensional arrays in memory Linked list:Representation of linked list in memory, Traversing linked list, Insertions and deletions in linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list and Header linked list - Sorted linked list:- Searching, Insertion and Deletion. Representation of stack with array and linked list, Simple applications, Recursions and Implementation of recursive procedures - Queues:- Representation of queue with array and linked list, Priority queue, Representation of priority queue with array and list, Circular queue and Dequeue. Types of binary trees, Representation of binary trees and Traversing binary trees Binary Search Tree:Searching, Inserting and Deleting in binary search tree AVL Search Tree:- Insertion and Deletion in AVL tree B Trees:- Searching, Inserting and Deleting in B trees Heap Tree:- Insertion and Deletion in Heap tree Threading in trees:- Minimum weighted path length tree General tree to binary tree representation. Definitions Representation of graph with adjacency matrix and linked list Path Matrix Shortest path algorithms Warshalls algorithm, Dijkstras algorithm Minimum spanning trees:- Prims algorithm and Kruskals algorithm Traversing a graph Breadth first search and tree Depth first search and tree Topological sorting Operations on graph. Binary search Hashing:- Hash function, Collision, Separate chaining, Open addressing, Rehashing and Extendible hashing Sorting:- Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Merge, Quick, Heap and Radix Sort. TEXT BOOKS


1. Weiss, M. A., Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, 4th Impression, Pearson Education, 2006. 2. Tanenbaum, A.M., Langsam, Y. and Augenstein, M.J., Data Structures Using C, 1st Impression, Pearson Education, 2006. 3. Lipschutz, S., Vijalakshmi Pai,G.A., Data Structures, Tata McGraw - Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2006. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kruse, R.L., Bruce, P. and Tondo, L.C.L., Data Structures and Program Design in C, 16th Printing, Prentice-Hall of India, 2001. 2. Michael Berman, A., Data Structures Via C++, 1st Indian Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007. 3. Sahni, S., Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in Java, 2nd Edition, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2005.

L IC0360 POWER ELECTRONICS Prerequisite Nil (AS SAME AS EI0302) PURPOSE To develop Analysis skills for Basic Power Electronics Circuit. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES a. To learn fundamentals of power Semi Conductor Devices, Communication Techniques. b. To learn converters new to design, Inventor AC, DC Drives. 3

T 0

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UNIT 1 POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES 8 Power diodes power transistor characteristics of SCR, Triac, power MOSFET IGBT MCT LASCR SCR turn on, turn off characteristics thyristor specifications thyristor protection circuits. UNIT 2 COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS 8 Thyristor trigger circuits R, RL, RC triggering Single pulse and train of pulses triggering with microprocessor forced commutation different techniques series and parallel operation of SCRs. UNIT 3 CONVERTERS 10 Natural commutation single phase three phase half controlled and fully controlled rectifiers effect of source and load inductance dual converters cyclo converters. UNIT 4 INVERTERS AND CHOPPERS 10 Voltage source inverters series, parallel and bridge inverters current source inverters PWM inverters DC chopper step up and step down chopper AC chopper UNIT 5 TYPICAL APPLICATION 9 Control of DC and AC drives stepper and switched reluctance motor drive AC voltage regulators SMPS uninterrupted power supply induction heating. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. P.S.Bimbhra, Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002 2 G.K.Dubey, Doradia, S.R. Joshi and R.M.Sinha, Thyristorised, Power Controllers, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.


REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics circuits, devices and applications, PHI, New Delhi, 1995. Joseph Vithyathi, Power Electronics, McGraw-Hill, USA, 1995. Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1995. P.C.Sen, Modern Power Electronics, Wheeler Publishers, New Delhi, 1998.


IC0451 ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0451) PURPOSE: Enable students to under stand about the working concepts of robot and its role in automation. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: The students will be able to know about: 1. Power Sources and Sensors 2. Manipulators, Actuators and Grippers 3. Kainematice and Path Planning UNIT 1 BASIC CONCEPTS 9 L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

Definition and origin of robotics different types of robotics various generations of robots degrees of freedom Asimovs laws of robotics dynamic stabilization of robots. UNIT 2 POWER SOURCES AND SENSORS 9

Hydraulic, pneumatic and electric drives determination of HP of motor and gearing ratio variable speed arrangements path determination micro machines in robotics machine vision ranging laser acoustic magnetic, fiber optic and tactile sensors. UNIT 3 MANIPULATROS, ACTUATORS AND GRIPPERS 9

Construction of manipulators manipulator dynamics and force control electronic and pneumatic manipulator control circuits end effectors various types of grippers design considerations. UNIT 4 KINEMATICS AND PATH PLANNING 9

Solution of inverse kinematics problem multiple solution jacobian work envelope hill climbing techniques robot programming languages. UNIT 5 CASE STUDIES 9

Multiple robots machine interface robots in manufacturing and non-manufacturing application robot cell design selection of a robot.



1. Mikell P. Weiss G.M., Nagel R.N., Odraj N.G., Industrial Robotics, McGraw Hill Singapore, 1996. 2. Ghosh, Control in Robotics and Automation: Sensor Based Integration, Allied Publishers, Chennai, 1998.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deb.S.R., Robotics technology and flexible Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992. Asfahl C.R., Robots and manufacturing Automation, John Wiley, USA 1992. Klafter R.D., Chimielewski T.A., Negin M., Robotic Engineering An integrated approach, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1994. Mc Kerrow P.J., Introduction to Robotics, Addison Wesley, USA, 1991. Issac Asimov I Robot, Ballantine Books, New York, 1986.



ADVANCED CONTROL THEORY Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0452)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To enable the students to understand the advanced control systems like optimal control, Robust control, Adaptive control fuzzy and Neural control. The course will provide the methods to overcome the difficulties in implementing conventional control through advanced control. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To understand 1. The conventional PID and its control and Robust control design. 2. Optimal control and stability analysis 3. Adaptive control and its implementation UNIT 1 PID CONTROL 9 Tuning Rules for PID controller - Modifications of PID control schemes-Two degrees of freedom control. UNIT 2 OPTIMAL CONTROL 9 Formulation-Necessary conditions of optimality-state regulator problem-matrix Riccati equation-infinite time regulator problem- Output regulator tracking problems-Pontryagin's minimum principle-time optimal control problem. UNIT 3 LIAPUNOV STABILITY ANALYSIS AND QUADRATIC OPTIMAL CONTROL 9 Liapunov stability analysis - Linear, Time invariant systems-Model Reference control systems-Quadratic optimal control. UNIT 4 ADAPTIVE CONTROL 9 Classification-MRAC systems-Different configuration, classification, mathematical descriptions-direct and indirect MRAC-self tuning regulators, different approach to self tuning, recursive parameter estimation, implicit and explicit STR. UNIT 5 ROBUST CONTROL 9 Robust control Analysis of Robustness Robust PID Control Robust stability criterion Design of Robust control system. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Morden Control Engineering, Third Edition, - Prentice Hall , India 1995. 2. Nagarath, I.J. and Gopal.M., Control Systems Engineering, Wiley & sons, 1985. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Astrom K.J. and Wittenmark.B, Adaptive Control, Addison Wesley Publishing, 1985. 2. Bernard friedlanced , Advanced Control System Design, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi,1996. 3. Richard.C. Dorf and Robert.H.Bisho, Modern Control System, Addison Wesley & sons, 1999.


NEURAL NETWORKS AND FUZZY CONTROL Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0461 & BM0451)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE On completion of this course students will: learn to design of Neural network and Fuzzy Logic Controllers for various applications. acquire basic understanding of the various algorithms involved in Neural Networks & Fuzzy . INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES It deals with Introduction and different architecture of neural networks


It deals with an Application of Neural Network It deals with Fuzzy Logic It deals with an application of Fuzzy logic. UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION AND DIFFERENT ARCHITECTURE OF NEURAL NETWORK 9

Introduction Artificial Neural Network Biological Neural Networks Typical Architectures Setting Weights Common Activation Functions McCulloch Pitts Neuron: Architecture, Algorithm, Application Simple neural networks for classification: Architecture, Biases and Threshold, Linear separability Hebb Net Algorithm and application perceptron learning convergence theorem delta rule. UNIT 2 9 Back propagation architecture algorithm-derivation of learning rules number of hidden layers- learning factorsHopfield neural net : architecture algorithm applications. UNIT 3 9 Neural network based on competition: fixed- weight competitive nets- kohonen self organizing maps and applications. Adaptive Resonance theory: Basic architecture and operation. Neural controller for a temperature process. UNIT 4 9 Basic concepts of fuzzy sets Relational equation fuzzy logic control fuzzification defuzzification knowledge base Decision making logic membership functions rule base. UNIT 5 9 Fuzzy logic controller: functional diagram, membership functions: triangular, trapezoidal- scale factors. Fuzzification: membership value assignments using intuition knowledge base. Defuzzification : max-membership principle centeroid method weighted average method rule. Choice of variables-derivation of rules- case study: fuzzy logic controller design for a temperature process. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Timothy J.Ross, Fuzzy logic with Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill,New york, 1996. 2. Kosko.B, Neural Network and fuzzy systems, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,1992. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Robert .J.Schalkoff, Artificial Neural networks, McGraw Hill,Singapore, 1998 2. Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1994. 3. Driankov D., Helledorn H., M.Reinframe, An Introduction to fuzzy control , Narosa publishing Co., New Delhi, 1996



L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE To provide a window of applications of instrumentation and automation in processing industries to senior students with specialization in Instrumentation Engineering. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To enable the students to Have an in-depth understanding of the various unit operations in the industry Find the alternative sensors and transducers for various measurements Evolve the appropriate controls and schematics for specific applications Have cases world-class mills employing IT-enabled applications Understand the importance of safety to plant and personnel Economic and social implications of the industry Appreciate the role of Instrumentation Engineer in such industries


UNIT 1 9 Role of paper in various forms in the civilised world; history of paper making; per-capita consumption of paper and board in India and in other countries. Process description in diagrammatic and functional block details; conventional and non-conventional raw materials for paper manufacture. Various grades of paper; properties of paper. UNIT 2 9 Different pulping processes; importance of kraft process; continuous and batch digesters, brown stock washers, bleaching plant, chemical recovery process; paper machine operations; conversion processes. Pulping process involves various chemical processes; impact of effluents and need for treatment and disposal. Paper making is addition and removal of water; process water, DM water and potable water; water treatment plant.Cogeneration Plant for steam and power generation. UNIT 3 9 Identification of various process parameters in the industry; selection of suitable measurement hardware for flow, pressure, level, temperature, density, solids, consistency, pH, ORP, conductivity. Special gauges for measurement of basis weight, moisture and caliper. Control room layout for mill operations; graphic displays; alarm management. UNIT 4 9 Special applications for controls; Digester blow tank controls; digester liquor feed pump control; brown stock washer level control; stock chest level control; dissolving tank density control; white liquor classifier density control; white liquor flow control; condensate conductivity control. dryer temperature control. Basis weight control; web moisture control. UNIT 5 9 Evolution of computer applications in the industry; Review of data logging, SCADA, DDC, PLC and DCS. Computer controls for online basis weight and web moisture in modern mills. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Liptak, Bela G, Instrumentation in the Processing Industries, Chilton Publishers, 1973.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Considine, D.M, Hand Book of Applied Instrumentation, McGraw Hill, 1964. 2. Considine D. M., Process/Industrial Instruments and control Handbook, McGraw Hill, 4thedition 1993. 3. 4. Robert H. Perry, Green D.W. and Maloney J.O., Perrys Chemical Engineers, Handbook, McGraw HillInc, New York, 7th ed, 1998.



L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE This course aims to familiarize students with the use of microprocessors and microcontrollers for simple control and interfacing applications and also this course is used to show how hardware and software interact in the solution of interfacing problems. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students will be able to Know the Concepts of Microprocessors and Microcomputer Know the design techniques and programming Know the interfacing concepts To design microcontroller for different applications.



Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcomputer based Design-Review of 8051-Evolution of Microprocessor Microcomputer Hardware-Microcomputer systems software and programming concepts - basic features of Microcomputer development systems. applications UNIT 2 MICRO-CONTRLLER RESOURCES 9

Family members, bus width program and data memory parallel ports, D/A and A/D converters, reset circuitry, watchdog timers, power down considerations UNIT 3 PROGRAMMING FRAMEWORK 9 CPU register, Structure, addressing modes, instruction sets, assembly languages, assemblers. 8051 programming UNIT 4 REAL TIME CONTROL 9 Interrupt Structures programmable timers, real-time clock, latency, interrupt, density and interval constraints.

UNIT 5 DESIGN SYSTEM 9 Design of an Electronic weighing Bridge - Design issues Software development - calibration - Design of a microcontroller 8051 based length measurement systems for continuously rolling cloth or paper - Different applications of Microcontrollers. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. John, B.Peatman, Design with Micro-controllers, McGraw Hill International Ltd., 1989. 2. Mohamad Rafiquzzamen, Microprocessors and Microcomputer based systems design, Universal Book Stall New Delhi 1995. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. RAM B.,Fundamentals of Microprocesors and Micrcomputers, Dhanpat Rai Publications(P) Ltd, New Delhi April 1998. 2. Gilmore, Microprocessors principles and Applications, Tata McgrawHill Edition , New Delhi second edition 1998. 3. Douglas V.Hall, Microprocessors and interfacing , Tata McgrawHill Edition , New Delhi second edition 1998 4. Peter Abel, IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming, III Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi 1996.

L IC0461 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Prerequisite Nil (Same as EC0464)

PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to introduce to the students the basic concepts and methodologies for digital image processing and to develop a foundation that can be used as the basis for further study and research. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The students undergoing this course will be able 1. To know the fundamentals of image processing 2. To know sampling and reconstruction procedures. 3. To know various transforms used in image processing


4. 5.

To know about various techniques of image enhancement, reconstruction and image compression. To design image processing systems.

UNIT 1 DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS 9 Introduction - Elements of Digital Image Processing systems-Visual perception and properties of human eye - image representation - A simple image model - Some basic relationships between pixels - Imaging geometry. UNIT 2 IMAGE SAMPLING AND QUANTIZATION 9 Two-dimensional sampling theory - Spectrum of sampled image - Reconstruction of the image from its samples Nyquist rate, Aliasing and foldover frequencies - Practical limitations in sampling and reconstruction - Image quantization. UNIT 3 IMAGE TRANSFORMS 9 2-D Fourier transform - 2-D DFT - Fast Fourier transform - Walsh, Hadamard , Discrete cosine, Haar, Slant, KL Transforms. UNIT 4 IMAGE ENHANCEMENT AND RESTORATION 9 Contrast Enhancement - Image enhancement by Histogram modification technique - Image smoothing - Image sharpening - Homomorphic filtering for image enhancement - Degradation model - Diagonalization of circulant and block circulant matrices - Algebraic approach to restoration - Inverse filtering - Least mean square (Wiener) filter Constrained Least Squares Restoration Restoration in spatial domain - Geometric transformation. UNIT 5 IMAGE COMPRESSION AND SEGMENTATION 9 Fundamentals - Image compression models - Elements of information theory - Error-free compression - Lossy compression - Detection of discontinuities - Edge linking and boundary detection - Thresholding - Region oriented segmentation. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education Asia / Addison Wesley publishing company, Sixth Indian Reprint 2001. 2. Anil K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Maher A. Sid-Ahmed, Image Processing Theory, Algorithms and Architectures, McGraw-Hill, 1995. 2. William K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing, Wiley-Interscience publication, Second Edition, 1991.


VLSI AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0312)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE This subject gives an introduction to VLSI and Embedded systems technologies, which are the latest trends in the field of communication and engineering.The VLSI topics gives an overview about MOS Transistor (enhancement and depletion), Basic inveter in nMOS and CMOS technology, Gates in nMOS and CMOS technology, Design rules and Stick diagrams. The embedded systems gives depth knowledge about the basics of embedded systems, softwares, interrupts, architectures and RTOS. INSTRUCTION OBJECTIVES MOS device operation, fabrication and designing gates. Circuits using MOS transistors and Programmable logic devices. Basics of Embedded system software. Introduction to RTOS. Introduction to Microcontrollers. UNIT 1 MOS TECHNOLOGY AND CIRCUITS 9 Review of nMOS, CMOS and bipolar technologies, MOS circuits electrical properties, nMOS and CMOS design rules, Design of logic gates, Stick Diagrams.


UNIT 2 LAYOUTS AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS 9 Scaling of MOS circuits, Pass transistor, Supper Buffers, Clocking Strategies, Types of PLDs, Design using PAL and PLA. UNIT 3 INTRODUCTION AND BASICS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 9 Principles of Embedded System, Examples of Embedded System. Interrupts: Basics, Shared Data problems, Interrupt Latency. Survey of software architectures: Round Robin, Round Robin with interrupts, Function Queue- Scheduling architectures and RTOS architectures. UNIT 4 REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM 9 RTOS: Task and task states, Task and Data, Semaphores and Shared data. More Operating System services: Message Queues, Mail Boxes and Pipes, Timer functions, Events, Memory management, Interrupt routines in an RTOS environment. UNIT 5 VHDL 9 Introduction to VHDL-NTT architecture-Data type-Operator Sequential circuit-concurrent circuit-Libraries and functions. TOTAL 45 TEXTBOOKS 1. 2. Douglas A. Pucknell, Basic VLSI Design Systems and Circuits, Prentice Hall of India, 1993. David E. Simon, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson Education Asia,1999.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Eugene Fabricius, Introduction to VLSI Design, McGraw Hill Int. Co. 1990. 2. Randall L. Geiger, VLSI Design for Analog and Digital Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill Int. Co. 1990. 3. Myke Predico, Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi,2001.



L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE This course is an introduction to data network and its applications in industry. This course fulfills the need of an instrumentation engineer who want to perform internetworking of various sensors, PLC, DCS etc. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the student will have knowledge on various data network standards available in industry. Course syllabus Serial data communications interface standards, balanced and unbalanced transmission lines, RS-232 standard, RS-449 interface standard, RS-423 interface standard, RS-422 interface standard, Comparison of RS/EIA interface standard, Universal Serial Bus (USB) Parallel data communication interface standard: GPIB/IEEE 488, Centronics interface standard Interface: Introduction, PROTOCOLS , OSI model,Principles of interface, tcp/IP,ATM Fieldbus: Use of fieldbuses in industrial plants, functions, international standards, performance, use of Ethernet networks, fieldbus advantages and disadvantages. Fieldbus design, installation, economics and documentation. Instrumentation network design and upgrade: Instrumentation design goals, cost optimal and accurate sensor networks. Global system architectures, advantages and limitations of open networks, HART network and Foundation fieldbus network.


PROFIBUS-PA: Basics, architecture, model, network design and system configuration. Designing PROFIBUS-PA and Foundation Fieldbus segments: general considerations, network design.

1. Noltingk B.E., Instrumentation Reference Book, 2nd Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, 1995. 2. B.G. Liptak, Process software and digital networks, 3rd Edition, CRC press, Florida. 3.Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology Series) by Steve Mackay



L 3

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C 3

(Same as EI0465) PURPOSE To provide knowledge about application of electronics in Automobile engineering INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, students will be able to know Fundamentals of automotive electronics Sensors and actuators for various engine applications Electronic fuel injection and ignition systems Automobile control system Electronics application to security and warning systems FUNDAMENTAL OF AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS Current trend in Automobiles - Open loop and closed loop systems - Components for electronic engine management. Electronic management of chassis system. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS Introduction, basic sensor arrangement, types of sensors such as -oxygen sensors, Crank angle position sensors - Fuel metering, vehicle speed sensor and detonation sensor -Altitude sensor, flow sensor. Throttle position sensors, solenoids, stepper motors, relays. ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION AND IGNITION SYSTEMS Introduction, Feed back carburetor systems (FBC), Throttle body injection and multi point fuel injection, Fuel injection systems, injection system controls. Advantages of electronic ignition system. Types of solid-state ignition systems and their principle of operation, Contact less electronic ignition system, Electronic spark timing control. DIGITAL ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Open loop and closed loop control systems -Engine cranking and warm up control -Acceleration enrichment Deceleration leaning and idle speed control. Distributor less ignition - Integrated engine control system, Exhaust emission control engineering. VEHICLE MOTION CONTROL AND STABILIZATION SYSTEMS Vehicle motion control - Adaptive cruise control, Electronic transmission control. Vehicle stabilization system Antilock braking system, Traction control system, Electronic stability program. Onboard diagnosis system. TEXT BOOKS William B. Ribbens, Understanding Automotive Electronics, 5th Edition, Butterworth, Heinemann Woburn, 1998 Tom Weather Jr and Cland C.Hunter, Automotive Computers and Control system, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey BOSCH, Automotive Handbook, 6th Edition, Bentley publishers


REFERENCE BOOKS Young. A.P. and Griffths.L, Automobile Electrical Equipment, English Language Book Society and New Press Crouse.W.H., Automobile Electrical equipment, McGraw Hill Book Co Inc., New York, 1955 Robert N Brady., Automotive Computers and Digital Instrumentation, A Reston Book, Prentice Hall, Eagle Wood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988 Bechtold., Understanding Automotive Electronics, SAE, 1998

IC0450 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND EXPERT SYSTEMS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0450) L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3

PURPOSE To learn the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Expert system, and to acquire basic understanding of its various techniques and apply it in practice. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems Study of various AI Algorithms, tools and Languages Knowledge Representation & Semantic Networks UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION 9 Definition of Artificial Intelligence , History and Applications, Production Systems, database programs Vs expert systems, Components of AI UNIT 2 AI ALGORITHMS 9 Structures and Strategies for state space search- Data driven and goal driven search , Depth First and Breadth First Search, DFS with Iterative Deepening ,Heuristic Search- Best First Search, A* Algorithm, AO* Algorithm, Constraint Satisfaction, Using heuristics in games- Minimax Search, Alpha Beta Procedure. UNIT 3 KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION 9 Knowledge representation - Propositional calculus, Predicate Calculus, Theorem proving by Resolution, Answer Extraction, AI Representational Schemes- Semantic Nets, Conceptual Dependency, Scripts, Frames, Introduction to Agent based problem solving. UNIT 4 EXPERT SYSTEMS 9 Machine Learning- Symbol based and Connectionist, Social and Emergent models of learning, The Genetic Algorithm- Genetic Programming, Overview of Expert System Technology- Rule based Expert Systems, Introduction to Natural Language Processing. UNIT 5 AI LANGUAGES 9 Languages and Programming Techniques for AI- Introduction to PROLOG and LISP, Search strategies and Logic Programming in LISP, Production System examples in PROLOG TOTAL 45

TEXT BOOK 1. George.F.Luger, Artificial Intelligence- Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, 4/e, 2002, Pearson Education. 2. E. Rich, K.Knight, Artificial Intelligence, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill REFERENCES 1. Winston. P. H, LISP, Addison Wesley 2. Ivan Bratko, Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, 3/e, Addison Wesley, 2000




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PURPOSE On completion of this course students will: 1. learn the complete operation of Petrochemical Industries. 2. acquire basic understanding of reaction & control of this Industries. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1. It deals with various equipments involved in the Petrochemical Industries. 2. It deals Distillation Column, Reactor, Heat exchangers, Evaporators. 3. It deals with performance of the pumps also. UNIT 1 9 Introduction: Petroleum Exploration, production and Refining Refining Capacity in India Consumption of Petroleum products in India Constituents of Crude Oil. UNIT 2 9 P & I diagram of petroleum refinery Atmospheric Distillation of Crude oil Vacuum Distillation process Thermal Conversion process Control of Distillation Column Temperature Control Process control Feed control Reflux Control Reboiler Control. UNIT 3 9 Controls of chemical Reactors: Temperature Control, Pressure Control Control of Dryers Batch Dryers Atmospheric and Vacuum; Continuous Dryers. UNIT 4 9 Control Heat Exchangers and Evaporators variables and Degrees of freedom Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers Steam Heaters Condensers Reboilers and Vaporizers Cascade Control Feed forward Control. Evaporators: Types of Evaporators. UNIT 5 9 Control of Pumps: Centrifugal pump: On-Off level control Pressure control Flow control Throttling control. Rotary pumps: On-Off pressure control. Reciprocating Pumps: On-Off control and Throttling control. Effluent and Water Treatment Control: Chemical Oxidation chemical Reduction Naturalization Precipitation Biological control. TOTAL TEXT BOOKS 1. Dr. Ram Prasad, Petroleum Refining Technology, Khanna Publisher, 1st Edition,2000. 2. Liptak B.G., Instrumentation in Process Industries, Chilton Book Company,1973. REFERENCES 1. Considine M. and Ross S.D., Handbook of Applied Instrumentation, McGraw Hill,1962. 2. Liptak B.G., Instrument Engineers Handbook, Volume II.,1989. 45




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C 3

PURPOSE To provide a window of applications of instrumentation and automation in processing industries to senior students with specialization in Instrumentation Engineering. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To enable the students to Have an in-depth understanding of the various unit operations in the industry Find the appropriate sensors and transducers for various measurements Evolve the appropriate controls and schematics for specific applications Have cases world-class mills employing IT-enabled applications Understand the importance of safety to plant and personnel Economic and social implications of the industry Appreciate the role of Instrumentation Engineer in such industries UNIT 1 9 The need for iron and steel in the civilised world; history of steel making; per-capita consumption of steel in India and in other countries. Process description in diagrammatic and functional block details; raw materials preparation; operation of blast furnace (BF) and auxiliary units including stoves; basic oxygen furnace (BoF); electric furnace (EF); open hearth furnace (OHF); relative merits of various steel making furnaces. UNIT 2 9 Quality of steel; impurities present and allowed limits for usable steel; waste recycling. Continuous casting and batch casting of steel; primary and secondary rolling; features of cold rolling; steel finishing operations. UNIT 3 9 Identification of various process parameters in the industry; selection of suitable measurement hardware for temperature, pressure, level, flow, weighing and proportioning; special gauges for measurement of thickness and shape; Control room layout for mill operations; graphic displays; alarm management. UNIT 4 9 Special applications for controls; Blast Furnace (BF) Stove combustion control system; gas and water control system in Basic Oxygen Furnace (BoF); Mould Level control system in Strand Casting operations. UNIT 5 9 Evolution of computer applications in the industry; Review of data logging, SCADA, DDC and DCS. Practices for model calculating and data logging; steel rolling mill control; annealing process control; utilities management with computer system. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1. Liptak, Bela G, Instrumentation in the Processing Industries, Chilton Publishers, 1973. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Considine D. M., Process/Industrial Instruments and control Handbook, McGraw Hill, 4th edition 1993. 2. Serope Kalpakjian, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Massachusetts,3rd edition, 1995. 3. Robert H. Perry, D.W. Green and J.O. Maloney, Perrys Chemical Engineers, Handbook, McGraw Hill Inc, New York, 7th ed, 1998.




L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE This course is intended to introduce optimal control with enough theoretical background to justify the techniques and provide a foundation for advanced research. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this course, the students will be able to: 1. Provide students with the skills to formulate, solve and analyze solutions to certain optimal control problems and to certain related optimization problems. 2. The student should be able to design optimal controllers for both linear and nonlinear systems. UNIT 1 9 Introduction Examples and structure of optimal control problems: objective functions and constraints- Parameter optimization-Servomechanism-Performance Indices-Optimum control problems. UNIT 2 Dynamic programming - the principle of optimality routing problem - a recurrence relation of dynamic programming. 9

UNIT 3 9 The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation-discrete linear regulator problem-continuous linear regulator problem-state variable approach. UNIT 4 9 Calculus of Variations- Introduction fundamental concepts - the derivation of Euler's equation-functionalsextremals. UNIT 5 9 Simple examples of time and energy-optimal problems; the Pontryagin maximum principle-LQG control systems. TOTAL TEXT BOOK 1.Donald E Kirk, Optimal Control Theory, Prentice Hall Electrical Engineering Series,1985. 45

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Rao S S, Optimization Theory and Control, Wiley Eastern, 1992. 2. Katsuhiko Ogata., Modern Control Engineering, second edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1995. 3. Nagrath I J and Gopal M , Control Systems Engineering, I edition, Wiley and Sons, 1985



L 3

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PURPOSE To establish theoretical foundation of Adaptive Control System for the process. It provides knowledge about modeling, identification, different methods of adaptive controllers, state estimation and observers and advancement in the adaptive control. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES To know about 1. Process modeling and Simulation of Process Dynamics. 2. Methods to identify system parameters. 3. Adaptive Control of deterministic systems. 4. Kalman filter and Adaptive Predictive Control.


UNIT 1 MATHEMATICAL MODEL 9 Mathematical models of I order, II order, I order with pure delay and higher order systems-discretisation techniques and computer solution of differential equations - simulation of process dynamics - state models. UNIT 2 IDENTIFICATION METHODS 12 Conventional techniques of identification - identifications of systems with dead time-discrete systems - ARMA process - discrete state model - least squares techniques - recursive lest squares algorithms - fixed memory algorithm minimum variance method frequency domain methods of identifying linear dynamical systems - gradient algorithm. UNIT 3 ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF DETERMINISTIC SYSTEMS 12 Adaptive control of continuous time systems - Adaptive controller design - Direct and indirect adaptive control-auto tuning adaptive control-Gain scheduling-MRAC-STC-minimum variance controller-predictive control-minimum prediction error adaptive controls-adaptive control algorithms for closed loop pole assignment-adaptive control of time varying systems. UNIT 4 STATE ESTIMATION AND OBSERVERS 6 Parameter estimation and state estimation - luenberger asymptotic observers - adaptive observers - extended recursive least squares - FM and Kalman filter. UNIT 5 ADAPTIVE PREDICTIVE CONTROL Adaptive predictive control systems - Fuzzy logic - inverse modeling - Neural Network Methods. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Astrom K.J., and Wittenamrk B., Adaptive Control, Addison Wesley Publishing Co. USA, 1989. 2. Hsia T.C.H.A., System Identification, Lexington Books, 1974. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Sastry S. and Bodson M., Adaptive Control Stability, Convergence and Robustness, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1989. 2. Milon W.T., Sutton R.S. and Webros P.J., Neural Networks for Control, MIT Press, USA, 1992. 3. Bernard Friedlanced , Advanced Control System Design, Prentice Hall 1996. 4. Graham.C.Goodwin and Kwai Sang Sin, Adaptive Filtering Prediction and Control, Prentice Hall, 1984. 6



L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE The purpose of this subject is to understand the technical aspects of Aerospace and Navigation. Since the subject is practical oriented, the student can realize the applications of various instrumentation based topics. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE: While studying this subject the students will know , The basics of aerospace and navigation. The technical aspects of this subject. The idea of modern technology. UNIT 1 9 Air craft and aerospace vehicle instrumentation: Air data instruments: altimeter, air speed rate of climb gyroscopic instruments turn and back indicator artificial horizon directional Gyro Schuler Tuning, Stable Platform Automatic pilots integrated flight instruments Capacitance type fuel level indicating system altitude compensation magnetic compass.

UNIT 2 9 Radio Navigation Aids: automatic direction finder instruments landing system visual omni range distance measuring equipments radar optical instruments engine instruments and control pressure measurements thermal meter control pressure measurement thermal meter tachometer accelerometer smoke and fire detection propeller controls cabin pressure and temperature.


UNIT 3 9 Satellite and space vehicle instrumentations propulsion controls stabilisation stabilisation sensors Gyros Sun sensors Horizon sensors star tracker Stabilisation controls. UNIT 4 9 Air Craft Flight Simulation Instrumentatio:Basic description of a flight simulator Solution of Aerodynamics equations simulation of abnormal conditions Jet engine power plant troubles Flight controls and auto pilot troubles. UNIT 5 9 Electrical Troubles: Hydraulic systems troubles landing gear troubles cabin conditioning troubles indication of unsafe canopy Boeing condition Radio troubles Separate generator System troubles Trouble indicator light Advantages of instrumentated flight Simulation Simulation of difficult conditions Weapons system trainer Need for realism Instrumentation. TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Pallett E.G.H., Aircraft Instrumentation and Integrated Systems, Longman Scientific and Technical, 1992. 2. Nagaraja N.S., Elements of Electronic Navigation,,Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi, 1975. REFERENCES 1. Douglas M. Considine and S.D. Ross, Handbook of Applied Instrumentation, McGraw Hill, 1965.


COMPUTER NETWORKS Prerequisite Nil (Same as EI0360 & BM0455)

L 3

T 0

P 0

C 3

PURPOSE To learn the concepts of Computer Networking and its services INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Study of Protocols and layers 2. Services of Transport and Network layers 3. Study about Link layer 4. Learn about providing security and Multimedia services UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION 8 Computer networks and Internet, the network edge, the network core, network access, delay and loss, protocol layers and services, Application layer protocols, socket programming, content distribution. UNIT 2 TRANSPORT & NETWORK LAYERS 12 Transport layer services, UDP and TCP, congestion control, Network layer services, routing, IP, routing in Internet, router, IPV6, multicast routing, mobility. UNIT 3 LINK LAYER 8 Link layer services, error detection and correction, multiple access protocols, ARP, Ethernet, hubs, bridges, switches, wireless links, PPP, ATM. UNIT 4 MULTIMEDIA NETWORKING Multimedia networking, streaming stored audio and video, real-time protocols, UNIT 5 SECURITY Security, Cryptography, authentication, integrity, key distribution, network management 8

TOTAL 45 TEXT BOOK 1 J. F. Kurose and K . W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring Internet, 2/e, Pearson Education, 2003.


REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Peterson L.L. & Davie B.S., Computer Networks, A systems approach, 3/E, Harcourt Asia, 2003. 2. Keshav S., An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Pearson Education, 2000. 3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 3/E, PHI



L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE This course is an introduction to MEMS, which also uses micro electronics. This course fulfills the need of electronic engineer who want to create MEMS devices. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the student will have knowledge on MEMS materials, fabrication and micro sensor design. SYLLABUS CONTENTS MEMS and Microsystems, Microsystems and microelectronics, Microsystems and miniaturization, Working principle of micro system - Micro sensors, Micro actuators, MEMS with Micro actuators. Materials For MEMS - Substrate and wafer, silicon as a substrate material, silicon compound, silicon Piezo-resistors, Gallium Arsenide, quartz, piezoelectric crystals, polymers and packaging Materials. Fabrication Process - Photolithography, Ion implantation, Oxidation, Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Physical vapor deposition, Deposition by Epitaxy, Etching. Manufacturing Process - Bulk Micromachining, Surface Micromachining, LIGA Process. Micro system Design - Design consideration, process design, Mechanical design, Mechanical design using MEMS. Mechanical packaging of Microsystems, Microsystems packaging, interfacing in Microsystems packaging, packaging technology, selection of packaging materials, signal mapping and transduction. Case study on strain sensors, Temperature sensors, Pressure sensors, Humidity sensors, Accelerometers, Gyroscopes , RF MEMS Switch, phase shifter, and smart sensors. Case study of MEMS pressure sensor Packaging. L = 45 TOTAL = 45

TEXT BOOKS Tai - Rai Hsu, "MEMS and Microsystems DESIGN and Manufacturing", Tata MC Graw Hill, Edtion 2002 Julian W Gardner, "Microsensors MEMS and smart devices", John Wiley and sons Ltd,2001 Chang Liu, "Foundation of MEMS", Pearson International Edition,2006 Gabriel M Rebeiz, "RF MEMS - Theory Design and Technology", John Wiley and Sons, 2003



L 3

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C 3

PURPOSE Knowledge of basic control theory, Laplace Transforms, PID controllers Classification of control variables-Hardware elements-Use of digital computers in process control- -Development of mathematical model for process control-State variables and state equations for chemical process-Dead time--The input output model for control purposes-- Degrees of freedom. Computer Simulation of process dynamicsLinearization of systems with one variableDeviation variables Linearization of Systems with many variables. Lap lace transforms of some basic functionsDerivativesIntegrals Transfer function of process with single outputwith multiple outputsPoles and Zeros of Transfer function Qualitative analysis of the response of system. Dynamic Behaviour of First Order Systems- Process Modelled as First Order Systems-Dynamic Response of a Pure Capacitive Process-- -First Order Lag System Second Order SystemDynamic Response of SOSMulticapacity Processes as SOS Inherently Second Order ProcessesN Capacitance in Series Dynamic Systems With Dead Time.


Concepts-Types of Feedback Controllers---Measuring Devices(Sensors) -Transmission LinesFinal Control Elements-- Block Diagram and Closed Loop Response-Effect of Proportional Control-Integral Control-Derivative Control on the Response of a Controlled Processes.

TEXT BOOKS 1.George Stephanopoulos, "Chemical Process Control", Prentice Hall India REFERENCES: 2. Harriot P., Process Control, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1991. 3. Curtis Johnson, Process control instrumentation technology



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C 3

( Same as EI0466) PURPOSE To develop an adequate knowledge of process and memory management and file systems in an operatingsystem

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The student will get to know To know the components of an operating system. To have a thorough knowledge of process management To have a thorough knowledge of storage management To know the concepts of I/O and file systems. Basics: Operating System Functionalities, Types of Operating Systems, Computer Architecture support to Operating Systems Process Management: Process Scheduling - Uniprocessor scheduling algorithms, Multiprocessor and Real-time scheduling algorithms, Process Synchronization - Peterson's Solution, Bakery Algorithm, Hardware Support to Process Synchronization, Semaphores, Critical Regions, Monitors - Deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance and Deadlock Detection and Recovery - Bankers Algorithm, Threads Memory Management: Segmentation and space allocation, Basics of linking and loading, Demand Paging, Page replacement algorithms, Analysis of page allocation policies - Working Set File Systems: Contiguous, Sequential and Indexed Allocation, File system interface, File System implementation, Case study of Unix File system - Buffer Cache, Inodes, The system calls - ialloc, ifree, namei, alloc and free, Mounting and Unmounting files systems, Network File systems I/O System: Disk Scheduling, Device drivers - block and character devices, streams, Character and Block device switch tables Protection and Security - Accessibility and Capability Lists Distributed OS - Design issues in Distributed OS. Case study - Design and implementation of the UNIX OS, Process model and structure - Memory management -File system - UNIX I/O management and device drivers. Text Books 1. Operating System Concepts - Operating System Concepts, Sixth Edition, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2003. 2. Design of the Unix Operating System - Maurice Bach, Prentice Hall 1986 References 1. Modern Operating Systems- Andrew S Tanenbaum, Second Edition , Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, 2002. 2. Operating Systems - Operating System: Internals and Design Principles (4th edition), William Stallings Prentice Hall of India 2003. 3. Operating Systems - System Programming and Operating Systmes D M Dhamdhere, tata Mc Graw Hill,1999 4. Operating Systems - Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, 2/E, Gary Nutt, Addison Wesley,2000 5. Operating Systems - Operating Systems, Achyut S Godbole, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2005



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