Cycles (C) Every 309,000 Years Approx: Realm Fluctuation of Earth
Cycles (C) Every 309,000 Years Approx: Realm Fluctuation of Earth
Cycles (C) Every 309,000 Years Approx: Realm Fluctuation of Earth
(C) Every 3600 years roughly: comet swarm into inner solar system
(C) Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilization of 3 races of humans occupying different
sections of a huge Island empire (Kantekkians, “Native Americans,” Paranthas), which, in itself, underwent
3 incarnations (each ending in a cataclysm: (1) Mars/comets, (2) Venus, (3) crystals) over a 100,000-year
(C) During peak of Atlantis: the Lizards live among humans for a thousand years
(C) 3 billion years ago: formation of the moon (caused by the regular passage of a large comet cluster
which caused a gravitational disruption allowing a large chunk of the original earth’s surface, which was
somewhat less solid at that point in space/time, to break away from the main body and assume a locked in
orbit around the main body)
(C) 890 million years ago: comet cluster joins our solar system
(C) 309,882 years ago: cometary cataclysm accompanying “Fall”, Lemuria submerged.
(C) 309,448 years ago: magnesium wall constructed by Lizard beings; part of a base buried during
(C) 309,000 years ago approx: “Fall” -- when the first prototype of “modern man” was created.
(C) 130,000 years ago: Jews genetically engineered and then planted in the Middle East
(C) 80,000 years ago approximately [78,000 BC]: Venus enters solar system
(C) 80,000 years ago approximately [78,000 BC]: break-up of Kantek into asteroid belt, transfer of
population to Earth. Neanderthals exist side by side with the “new model” for 233 years before being
(C) 74,000 years ago [72,000 BC]: Lizards begin to alter history
(C) 58,000 years ago [56,000 BC]: human types on earth were a thriving, techno-society, already long
since entrenched.
(C) 14,000 years ago, approximately [12,000 BC]: beginning of subterranean civilization
(C) 12,656 years ago [10,662 BC]: the “flood of Noah” (destruction of Atlantis)
(C) 12,000 years ago [10,000 BC]: Kantekkians (Atlantian refugees) arrive on the Canary Islands
(C) 12,000 years ago [10,000 BC]: Kantekkians (Atlantian refugees) first take up residence in the British
(C) 9046 B.C.: Nephalim most recently brought to Earth (fifth time)
(C) 10643 years ago [8649 BC]: great pyramid and sphinx temple built by Atlanteans
(C) 10,000 years ago, approximately [8,000 BC]: Remolecularizer installed by Lizard beings on Oak Island
(C) 10,000 years ago [8,000 BC]: weather changes, changing green and fertile North Africa to present state
(C) 8243 years ago [6249 BC]: the Aryans invade India
(C) 8,000 years ago approx [6,000 BC]: Tiahuanaco built by Lizard Beings in cooperation with humans
(C) 5211 [BC] approx: the approximate years of the life of Hermes Trismegistus
(C) 7200 years ago approx [5200 BC]: Native Americans rescued from Asia by Grays from cataclysm
(C) 7,000 years ago approx [5,000 BC]: Reptoid “dudes” came down from the heavens in silvery objects
and demonstrate techno-wonders from thousands of years in the future, teaching calculus, geometry and
(C) 3218 B.C.: Baalbek project halted (Venus first appearance and pass)
(C) 3108 years ago approx [1114 BC]: Angkor Wat built by lizards
(C) 3065 years ago [1071 BC]: last continuous inhabitation of Mohenjo-Daro
(C) 564 AD: Loss of civilized structure (Europe) due to overhead cometary explosion (Dark Ages)
(C) 1302 AD: the present 12 sign zodiac begins to be established as it is now