Mphil 2013 Prospectus

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Department of Education University of Delhi

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Programme Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programme


Important Information
This is a combined prospectus for the MPhil and PhD Programmes of the Department of Education. M.Phil. admissions for the full-time and part-time programmes are conducted annually at the beginning of each academic year in July August. PhD admissions are conducted twice in each academic year in July August and January February. PhD is a rigourous programme of four years duration, requiring candidates admitted to the programme to be full-time scholars at the Department for a period of two years. Only those candidates who strictly meet the eligibility requirements of the PhD Programme and are committed to serious research, are encouraged to apply. The Written Test for the M.Phil. Programme and for PhD candidates applying in July August will be common. For details please refer to the specific sections of this Prospectus.

Central Institute of Education Department of Education University of Delhi 33, Chhatra Mag, Delhi - 110 007 Tel. : 011-27667030, 27667509 Fax : 011-27667925 Website : http://

About CIE
The Central Institute of Education (CIE) was set up in 1947, soon after India gained independence, as a national institute of teacher education directly under the Ministry of Education, Government of India. It was inaugurated on December 19, 1947 by the then Minister of Education Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. In the words of Maulana Azad, CIE, besides turning out 'model' teachers, was expected to serve as "a research centre for solving new educational problems of the country and . . . a beacon light for the training institutions of the country. . ." CIE has since fulfilled this aim and has come a long way in establishing itself as a premier institute of educational research and training in the country. Starting as a teachers' college, offering a Bachelor of Teaching degree (evolving to the first B.Ed. degree in 1951), CIE was soon recognized by the University as a Postgraduate Centre for Education. It became a full- fledged Department of Education of the University of Delhi in 1979. It, however, continues to be known popularly by its original name, the Central Institute of Education. In 1989, the Department of Education was given the status of an Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE) by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The IASE scheme was accepted in an extended form, giving emphasis to the field of elementary education, in addition to the existing focus on secondary education. The Maulana Azad Centre for Elementary and Social Education (MACESE) thus came into existence as a constituent Unit of CIE. CIE offers the following academic programmes:

Academic Programmes
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.): A full-time professional teacher education programme of the duration of one academic year, after graduate or postgraduate studies, leading to a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Degree. This programme is offered at present at CIE (Department of Education, University of Delhi), as well as at three affiliated colleges of the University of Delhi. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed. Special Education) V.I. (Visually impaired) and M.R. (Mentally retarded): A full-time professional teacher education programme of the duration of one academic year, after graduate or postgraduate studies, leading to a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed. Special Education) Degree. B.Ed. (V.I.) is offered at Durgabai Deshmukh College and B.Ed. (M.R.) is offered at Lady Irwin College. Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) : A full-time professional programme of four years, after 12 years of schooling, in elementary teacher education leading to a Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) Degree. This programme is offered in eight colleges of the University of Delhi.

Master of Education (M.Ed.): A full-time advanced programme in Education of the duration of one academic year leading to a Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degree offered at CIE (Department of Education, University of Delhi). A part-time advanced programme in Education of two academic years leading to a Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degree offered at CIE (Department of Education, University of Delhi). This programme is targeted at school teachers and other educational practitioners. Master of Philosophy (MPhil): A full-time and a part-time pre-doctoral research programme, leading to the degree of Master of Philosophy - MPhil (Education). Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) : A doctoral research programme leading to Doctor of Philosophy - PhD(Education).

The Faculty
CIE is quite a large community of faculty, scholars, student-teachers and individuals who share a commitment to excellence and social relevance in teaching, learning, research and outreach. The CIE faculty is drawn from a range of related academic disciplines, perspectives and orientations. Known for its invigorating teaching approaches, it imbues the programme with an ethic that fosters reasoned dialogue and sound scholarship, creating a stimulating learning environment. Renowned for their scholarly pursuits, the CIE faculty includes two Jawaharlal Nehru Fellows, a Fulbright Fellow, a Commonwealth Fellow, an Asian Fellow, a Senior Fellow and a Research Scientist-Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, UGC Career Awardee, a Vice-Chancellor, the former Director of NCERT and experts in pedagogy of social sciences, languages and science education, evaluation, special education, elementary and social education, foundational courses of education, curriculum studies and educational technology. The CIE faculty is constantly drawn upon to provide consultancy support to a number of organisations: government and non-government, both on a collective and an individual basis. There is also a tradition of CIE faculty having participated in a number of Committees and Commissions appointed by the Government of India from time to time. Some of the prominent Committees on which CIE faculty have been members, are: The Mudaliar Commission on Secondary Education (1952-53), the Ramamurti Committee (1989) which reviewed the National Policy on Education (1986), the Yash Pal Committee (1993), CABE (2004), National Curriculum Framework Committee (2005)and the National Curriculum for Teacher Education (2010).

CIE Resources and Facilities

The Institute's facilities are designed to support student research and academic work. The CIE library is known to be one of the best in education in the country. With approximately one lac titles, the library houses an extensive collection of rare documents, periodicals, and other special editions/publications designed to support research and training work of students and faculty. The Computer Centre provides excellent facilities for analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data, production of publication - quality graphics, word processing - and much more. A short duration skill development training programme is organized to facilitate general computer literacy amongst students. The Institute's Psychology Laboratory is equipped with a variety of tests relating to diverse domains of Psychology and Education. There is an archival collection of tests and material reflecting the experimental origin of the discipline. The lab is meaningfully used as an academic space, a workshop space and a creative space for co-curricular activities. Shaktibhawan and Shreebhawan, the hostels, which house men and women are an integral component of CIE's campus life.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Programme in Education

The MPhil Programme is a crucial preparatory programme for prospective researchers at the pre-doctoral level. The programme is designed to give students a firm grounding in educational research and to build conceptual foundations in specific areas of advanced studies in education. It is intended for students with professional goals as educational practitioners in various settings, which may include careers as college and university faculty, researchers, managers and development professionals in government, non-government and autonomous research organizations and development agencies; policy analysts, planners, educational consultants; academic and professional leaders in the school system etc.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Programme

Admission Schedule: 2013 2014
June 17 July 5, 2013 Monday Fri day July 12, 2013 Friday July 16, 2013 Tuesday July 25, 2013 Thursday July 30, 2013 Tuesday August 6, 2013 Tuesday August 7 August 9, 2013 Wednesday - Friday August 12, 2013 Monday August 14, 2013 Wednesday August 16, 2013 Friday 2:30 p.m. up to 4:00 pm 10:00 am Meet the Faculty Submission of Options Classes commence 4:00 pm Display of list of Candidates recommended for admission Fee Submission at CIE, University of Delhi. 4:00 pm Display of the List of Candidates called for interview Interviews at CIE, University of Delhi. 10:00 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm Availability & Submission of Application Form* Display of the list of Candidates eligible for Written Test. Written Test at CIE, University of Delhi.

4:00 pm

10:00 am

10:00 am1:00 pm

*Application Form to be downloaded from CIE website http// and Delhi University website http//

Completed application forms are to be submitted on all working days (Monday Friday) from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except gazetted holidays in Room No. 4 of the Department of Education, University of Delhi, 33, Chhatra Marg, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007

Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) Programme: Course Structure and Contents

Designed with the objective of enhancing students' conceptual and analytical understanding of educational theory and practice, the M.Phil Programme is offered in two parts. Part I comprises a compulsory course in research methodology, two optional courses in diverse areas of education, and a research seminar. Research work leading to a dissertation constitutes Part-II of the Programme. PART-I: Part-I offers courses in two groups (A and B). Every M. Phil scholar is required to study any three courses- one research based( Group A) and any two optional courses from Group B. Group A A-3 Descriptive Research

Group B (Any two of the following) B-4 Culture, Cognition & Pedagogy B-5 B-7 B-8 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-17 B-19 B-22 B-25 B-27 B-30 B-31 Psychodynamics of Mental Health Education and Communication Advanced Psychometry Science, Society and Education Educational Administration, Supervision and Management Creativity, Development and Society Philosophical Foundations of Education Women and Education Equality and Education Teacher Education and Development Special Education: Issues and Perspectives Mathematics Curriculum: Perspectives and Debates Education, Youth and Democracy

Note: Details of the courses offered this academic session will be notified by Friday, August 9, 2013. 8

PART II : Research leading to a Dissertation Upon successful completion of Part-I, the scholar enters Part-II in which he/she is expected to submit a dissertation at the end of six months for full-time students and at the end of one year for part-time students. The topic vis-a-vis the nature of research of each scholar is approved by the M Phil Committee, which appoints a Supervisor. It may also appoint an Advisory Committee for each scholar, consisting of three members including the Supervisor. The dissertation may include results of original research, a fresh interpretation of existing facts and data, a review article of a crucial nature, or may take such other forms as may be determined by the Supervisor/Advisory Committee and approved by the MPhil Committee. The dissertation will be submitted only when the Supervisor(s) concerned is/are satisfied that the dissertation is worthy of consideration in part-fulfillment of the M. Phil Degree Examination. The application for submission of the dissertation is counter-signed by the Head of the Department. Both Part - I and Part - II carry a maximum of 300 marks each. PART I: Performance in each of the three courses is evaluated out of 100 marks. A schematic representation of the break-up of marks is given below:

Scheme of Examination and Evaluation

M. Phil Evaluation Scheme : Part I
I Course Specific Seminar / Assignment II Term Paper III Book Review + Annotated Bibliography or Any other research based assignment IV Theory Examination V Final Seminar (M.Phil. Committee) VI Total

Group A Research Methods Group B Optional I Optional II













10 20 10 40 20* 100 These marks are notionally taken out of the respective courses. There will be only one Final Seminar with a maximum of 50 marks.

Specifications of Evaluation for Part I i) Course Specific Seminar or Assignment : This is organized by the teacher/s concerned to enable students to learn skills involved in writing scholarly assignments and seminar papers. Each scholar is expected to do at least one such task in each of the three courses selected. Term Paper: Each scholar is expected to write a term paper in each of the three courses selected, guided by the teacher concerned which may ultimately link up with his / her planned dissertation topic. Book Review / Annotated Bibliography: An academic book review and annotated bibliography is required in at least one of the courses of the MPhil Part - I Programme. Theory Examination: The examination is conducted in all the three courses selected by each scholar. The theory examination is of three hours' duration in each of the three courses at a time stipulated in the Programme Schedule. Final Seminar: A final seminar is to be presented before the entire MPhil Committee wherein each scholar is expected to prepare, present and defend his/ her perspective with conceptual clarity and appropriate communication. The seminar may be from any area of the scholars academic interest reflecting his/her depth of knowledge and understanding.





PART - II : The Dissertation carries a maximum of 300 marks. The Dissertation is assessed by an internal examiner, the supervisor and an external examiner appointed by the MPhil Committee. The Viva-Voce examination based on the dissertation is conducted by a panel appointed by the M Phil Committee in accordance with the University rules. The break-up of marks is as follows: i) ii) iii) Internal assessment by the Supervisor (s): Assessment of the Dissertation by an External Examiner other than the Supervisor: Viva-Voce Examination: 75 Marks 75 Marks 150 Marks

Attendance The scholar is required to attend not less than 75% of the lectures delivered in each course, seminars and Departmental research colloquium, that are held during Part I of the M.Phil Programme. Those falling short of the required attendance will not be permitted to take the final written exam.


Result M. Phil results are declared after both Part-I and Part-II Examinations have been held. The result of Part-I is declared separately. Candidates are placed in the following categories, on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained: Distinction I Division Pass : : : 75% or above 60% or above but below 75% 50% or above but below 60%

Note 1: A candidate must secure at least 50% marks in each course of Part-I separately as well as in the aggregate. A student who clears at least two courses in Part - I examination may be allowed to proceed to start the dissertation work. Such a student shall be permitted to submit his/her dissertation only when she/he has passed the examination in all the courses prescribed in Part - I. Note 2: Any change in the title of the MPhil Dissertation should be submitted with the approval of the Supervisor at least one month before the submission of the Dissertation. Note 3: A minimum of 50% of marks will also be required in the Part-II Examination. Viva-voce Examination will be held only when a candidate obtains at least pass marks (i.e. 50%) in the dissertation. In case of failure in the dissertation, a candidate will be required to prepare and submit the dissertation again but not before a period of six months. In case of failure at the Viva-Voce Examination only, the candidate may be granted one more chance to appear at the Viva-Voce.

Programme Structure
Duration of the programme The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Programme in Education is offered both in a full- time and a part-time mode. Full-Time : 18 months duration starting January 31, 2015. 24 months duration starting July 31, 2015. from August 16, 2013 to


from August 16, 2013 to


Number of Seats The number of seats available on the M.Phil programme (both full-time and parttime put together) shall be twenty. This will include the seat offered to the M.Ed topper (highest scorer from M.Ed. FullTime and Part-Time programme of that year.) Reservation of Seats The extent of reservation of seats with respect to the reserved categories of students to be admitted to the M.Phil programme (Full-Time and Part Time) will be governed by guidelines issued by the university in accordance with statutory provisions. Medium of Instruction The medium of instruction shall be English. However, candidates will be permitted to take their examination in English or Hindi. Course Schedules and Deadlines The Course schedules for full-time and part-time students in terms of minimum academic engagement that is necessary to obtain the MPhil degree are as follows: COURSE COMPONENT
Course work of Part-I Examination of Part-I Seminar Presentation Dissertation Proposal Defense Dissertation Submission


August 2013 March 2014 April 10 to April 25, 2014 May , 2014 July 2014 January 31, 2015 for MPhil (full time) July 31, 2015 for MPhil (part-time)

Note 1: No student shall be allowed to appear in any part of the Examination more than twice and a student must clear the MPhil Examination within three years of his/her initial registration for the MPhil full-time Programme and within four years of his/her initial registration for the MPhil part-time Programme. If a candidate, having fulfilled the attendance requirements etc. and otherwise eligible to appear in the examination fails, or fails to appear at the same he/she shall be required to appear/reappear at the same on his/her being enrolled as an exstudent in accordance with the prescribed rules. Note 2.The M.Phil.( Full Time) Scholars may be given extension till July 31 st 2016 and M.Phil.(Part Time) scholars can be given extension till July 31 2017 on a written request to the chairperson, M.Phil committee from the scholar with the recommendation of the supervisor. The decision regarding permission for extension will be taken by the M. Phil committee which will be final and binding. 12

.Note 3: In case an MPhil scholar fails to submit her/his dissertation within the stipulated period commencing from the initial registration, she/he becomes an ex-student. In such cases, where a dissertation is submitted beyond the date when it should have been submitted in the ordinary course, the same shall be treated and entertained in relation to the next year's examination. The concerned scholar shall be required to fulfill all the formalities including enrolment as an exstudent and filling up a fresh examination form for this purpose. Ex-students are not entitled to hostel and other facilities.

Eligibility Conditions
For Full-time Candidates i) The minimum qualifications for admission to the MPhil (Full-time) Programme shall be a Master's Degree of an Indian University or an equivalent degree of a foreign University, in Education, or an allied* subject with a Second Class i.e., minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade.

For Part-time Candidates i) The minimum qualifications for admission to the MPhil (Part-time) Programme shall be a Master's Degree of an Indian University, or an equivalent degree of a foreign University, in Education or an allied* subject, with a Second Class i.e., minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade. Preference will be given to candidates having experience of working as educational practitioners. The eligibility criteria with respect to the reserved categories of students to be admitted to the M.Phil programme (Full-Time and PartTime) will be governed by guidelines issued by the university in accordance with statutory provisions.


Note: i) ii) Rounding of fractions is not allowed while computing the percentage of marks for eligibility. Allied* subjects include Psychology, Child development, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, Linguistics, Philosophy, Physical Education/ Health Education.


Admission Procedure
Submission of Application Forms Application to the M.Phil programme requires submission of a Statement of Purpose and duly filled in Application Form along with the attested copies of relevant documents as specified in the application form. Application form can be downloaded from the website of CIE An entrance examination fee of Rs. 100/- (for General Category and OBC candidates) and Rs. 25/- ( for reserved category candidates- SC/ST/PwD)in cash has to be submitted with the application form in the Department of Education, University of Delhi latest by Friday, July 5, 2013. Applications can also be sent by registered post to The Dean, Faculty of Education, Delhi University, Delhi -110007, mentioning the name of the programme on the envelope along with the statement of purpose and a bank draft of Rs. 100/(for General Category and OBC candidates) and Rs. 25/- (for reserved category candidates- SC/ST/PwD). Please do mention your name, address and phone number on the reverse side of the draft. The application forms must reach the Department by Fri day,J u l y 5 , 2013. The department will not be responsible for any postal delays or loss, if any. Note: If, at any stage, after verification, it is found that the furnished information is wrong or inaccurate, or certificates/ documents produced are fake, the consequences may lead to cancellation of the test result, admission, examination, forfeiture of the tuition fee, degree and even prosecution in appropriate cases. Other stipulations and procedures : i. The candidate who is the highest scorer of the M.Ed (Full-time and Part-time courses taken together ) of the Department of Education, University of Delhi will be offered a seat in the MPhil Programme. Candidates are required to produce their degrees/certificates in original for verification before final admission. Candidates selected to the Programme should register themselves by depositing fees as directed. In case they fail to do so by the specified date, their admission will stand cancelled.





No candidate shall be eligible to register herself/himself for the MPhil Programme of study in the Department of Education if she/he is already registered for any other full-time programme of study in this or any other University/Institution. The decision of the MPhil Committee with regard to the admission of a candidate to the MPhil Programme will be final. MPhil scholars are eligible to apply for a limited number of seats available in the CIE and University hostels. Selected candidates must join the Programme on the date specified. Should any candidate fail to do so without prior permission, her/his admission is liable to be cancelled and the caution money forfeited. The MPhil Committee may strike off from the rolls of the Department, the name of any candidate admitted to the course if her/his progress is found to be unsatisfactory or if any rules are violated. Full-time MPhil Scholars will not be permitted to take up any kind of employment during the MPhil Programme. The candidate offered admission has to fill in a declaration form regarding this. If at the time of admission, the candidate is employed, he /she has to either resign or obtain leave from the institution where he/ she is working (as the case may be) and has to submit a valid document such as duly accepted resignation letter/ letter regarding grant of leave(declaration form to be obtained from the departments office.). If, at any point of time the declaration is found to be fully/ partially incorrect, admission to the M.Phil programme shall stand cancelled. In this and any other related matter, the decision of the M.Phil. committee will be final and binding. Students initially registered for the MPhil. programme of the Department and who obtain a score of 60% or more marks in the Part I examination of the M.Phil programme would be eligible for admission to the doctoral programme without completing their M Phil degree. The candidates will have to follow the procedures laid down by the appropriate body.( Refer to Phd prospectus for the procedure.)






Foreign Candidates
Foreign candidates should apply for M.Phil admission through foreign students registry office, University of Delhi, Delhi. Their cases will be duly considered and research proposals scrutinized by the M.Phil. Committee. Process for Selection of Candidates The process of selection for admission to the MPhil Programme for candidates who fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements consists of : 15


Written Test Maximum Marks - 75 , Duration 3 hours The written test will comprise the following three sections: Section I: Specific questions based on one or more given passages related to theoretical ideas and contemporary issues and debates in education. Reading and interpreting data and commenting on research methodology and analysis as provided in the question paper. Writing short essay(s) on a given set of themes.

Section II:

Section III:


Interview Marks - 25 Interview will consist of a defense of the statement of purpose and candidates understanding of theoretical approaches, basic ideas and perspective on issues and themes in Education. A maximum of 2.5 times the number of candidates in each category shall be called for the Interview, based on their performance in the Written Test. The list of candidates called to appear for the interview will be displayed on the CIE notice board as well as CIE website on Friday July 25th, 2013. The final list will be prepared on the basis of the combined performances in the Written Test and Interview. All candidates have to prepare a statement of purpose (approx. 500 words) stating reasons for wanting to pursue the MPhil programme and describing their proposed area of research interest.

Scholars who are admitted to the MPhil Programme are eligible to compete for Junior Research Fellowships of UGC. They may apply for these as and when advertised. Non-NET UGC Fellowships The UGC scheme (vide letter No. D.O. No. F. 19.33/2006 (CU) 31.01.07) provides fellowships to those research scholars who have not cleared JRF / NET for the fellowship and hence are not in receipt of any fellowship from any source. 16

Admission to the MPhil programme under this non-net UGC New Scheme of Research Fellowships (also for those who are not in receipt of fellowship from any source), shall be in strict accordance with the following guidelines: 1. M.Phil students registered on or after 01.04.2012 and not availing any financial assistance from any funding agency will be considered for award for Non NET Fellowship of Rs. 5,000/- per month with contingency of Rs. 10,000/- per year for Science students and Rs. 8,000/- for Humanities students for 12 months or vivavoce examination, whichever is earlier. Any extension of fellowship is subject to actual release of funds from UGC and compliance of stipulated conditions.( vide University of Delhi Notification Ref. Sch/ Non NET/139/2013-14 dated May 17, 2013) 2. Date of grant and duration of the fellowship will be as per the rules and regulations under the Ordinance for the MPhil programme of the Department. 3. No fellowship programme. will be given to students who join Part-time MPhil

Conversion from M.Phil. (Full-Time) to M.Phil. (Part-Time) and vice a versa

M.Phil. students who wish to change from full time to part time M. Phil. Course must apply formally to the chairperson, M.Phil. committee enclosing copy of their appointment letter. The decision of the M.Phil. committee regarding permission to convert or not would be final and binding. Similarly application for conversion from part time to full time M.Phil. course must be accompanied by the copy of the resignation letter as well as the employers acceptance of it The candidate has to apply formally to the chairperson, M.Phil. committee for the desired change. The decision of the M.Phil. committee regarding permission to convert or not would be final and binding. Note : Candidates seeking admission to the M.Phil. Part Time program must be in regular full time employment in a local educational/ research institution/ foreign mission as professional practitioner in education in Delhi/ NCR. Such candidates will be required to produce a certificate to the effect of their being in regular employment and a No Objection certificate from their employer.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programme in Education

The Doctoral Programme in Education aims to develop an understanding of research, public policy and educational practice, and the relationships among them. It begins with a study of specific courses followed by rigorous research leading to a dissertation. The course work gives students the opportunity to study individualized courses that are tailored to suit their research interests. These could be a combination of courses designed within the Department of Education and those chosen from courses across disciplines offered by other departments of the University of Delhi, including courses on qualitative and quantitative research methods. The doctoral program is based on the premise that rigorous research will help develop a cadre of professionals who can develop specialised knowledge in areas of educational practice and public policy. The programme prepares students to assume roles as university faculty members, senior-level educational leaders, professional practitioners, policy makers, and researchers. Prospective students should investigate the research interests of the Department faculty, and discuss courses that can be offered in order to complete the application for admission.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programme

Admission Schedule: July /August 2013

June 17 July 5, 2013 Monday Friday July 12, 2013 Friday July 16, 2013 Tuesday

11:00 am 4:00 pm . 4:00 pm

Availability & Submission of Application Form* and 12 copies of the Statement of Purpose Display of the list of Candidates eligible for Written Test.

10:00 am

Written Test at CIE, University of Delhi.

July 25, 2013 Thursday August 1, 2013 Thursday August 6, 2013 Tuesday

4:00 pm

Display of the list of Candidates called for interview. Interviews at CIE, University of Delhi.

10:00 am

4:00 pm

Display of the list of Candidates recommended for admission.

Tentative Admission Schedule, JanuaryFebruary, 2014

(Only for those candidates who are advised to modify/ change their Statement of Purpose by the Departmental Research Committee in July- august 2013) 3 week of January 2014

Last date for the submission of Application Forms and 12 copies of the Statement of Purpose. Interviews at the Department of Education, University of Delhi.


2 week of February 2014


Specific dates will be notified well in time on the CIE website and the Notice Board of the Department.

Please Note: Written entrance test will be held only once a year in the month of August. No Fresh applications will be invited in Jan Feb 2014

*Application Form to be downloaded from the Department of Education website http// and Delhi University website http// Completed application forms are to be submitted on all working days (Monday Friday) from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm except gazetted holidays in Room No. 4 of the Department of Education, University of Delhi, 33, Chhatra Marg, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007.


Doctoral Programme in Education

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programme at the Department of Education follows the norms stipulated in the University of Delhi Ordinance VI-B, as approved by the Academic Council Meeting of 24-07-2008 and the Executive Council Meeting of 29-07-2008. Appropriate sections of the PhD Ordinance are presented under suitable sub-heads below, to communicate conditions of eligibility, provisional admission to the programme and procedures of ratification, details of course requirement, conditions of progress and procedures therein, duration of the doctoral programme of study, and submission of the doctoral thesis.

Eligibility Conditions
To be eligible for admission to the PhD programme, a candidate must have obtained a Masters or an M.Phil degree of the University of Delhi, or any other recognized University, or any degree recognized as equivalent in the subject in which the candidate wishes to pursue a course of research, or in an allied subject. She/he must have obtained either a minimum of 50% marks or an equivalent grade in the M.Phil degree or a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade in the Masters degree. Students having fellowships and/or scholarships instituted by the University, national and international agencies under schemes approved/and recognized by the University of Delhi, through procedures laid down by the University, may be registered provisionally by the Departmental Research Committee (DRC) and the Board of Research Studies. Registration is confirmed after completion of the required course work, by the Board of Research Studies. Students who are otherwise eligible for admission to the PhD programme and do not have any financial assistance will be admitted through an entrance examination and an interview organized and conducted by the Departmental Research Committee. Students provisionally admitted to the Ph.D programme through an entrance examination and interview will be awarded University Grants Commission fellowships for programmes of doctoral research or any other fellowship that is launched by existing national agencies. The number of fellowships under this category will be determined annually by the Department. Foreign students with their national or other fellowships recognized by the University or sponsored by their employers, may be given provisional admission, followed by confirmation through due process after a stipulated period of time.


The University/ College teachers holding a permanent, temporary or ad-hoc position and having completed two years of service as teacher in a Department/ Constituent College of the University of Delhi. Candidates sponsored by their employers shall be considered only if they get study leave for a period of two years to fulfill residence requirements of the University of Delhi fulfilling all the procedures laid down by the DRC only after fulfilling all the procedures for admission into the PhD Programme. Permanent teachers / employees, who are in service in any other recognized University / College / Research Institutes in India and have a minimum of three years teaching / research experience, will be considered if they get study leave for a period of two years to fulfill residence requirements of the University of Delhi only after fulfilling all the procedures laid down by the DRC for admission into the PhD Programme. Students who are initially registered for the M.Phil. programme of the University and who obtain a score of 60% or more marks in Part I examination of the M.Phil. programme would be eligible for admission to the doctoral programme without completing their M.Phil. degree on the specific recommendation of the Departmental Research Committee. M.Phil scholars (with less than 60% marks in Part I examination of the M.Phil programme) can only apply after declaration of their final result after the Viva-voce. In case they still wish to apply before declaration of their result and are desirous to take admission, they would have to discontinue their M.Phil course and have to join immediately after their names are recommended for admission to the PhD programme. The final decision with regard to their course work for the PhD programme will be as per the directives of the Departmental Research Committee and its subsequent approval by the Board of Research Studies in Education.

Number of Seats
Group I - Twelve (12) seats are available in the PhD programme in the academic session 2013-14 for the Non Net (having no fellowship/ financial assistance) candidates. Group II - There are up to a maximum of 13 Seats for JRF holders, Delhi University teachers and for those candidates who were initially registered for the MPhil.* programme of the Department and have obtained a score of 60% or more marks in the Part I examination of the MPhil programme.
* Those M.Phil scholars without fellowship/ financial assistance will be considered in Group I and those with fellowship/ financial assistance will be considered in group II.


Note: The extent of reservations and the eligibility criteria for the reserved categories of students to be admitted to the doctoral programme will be governed by guidelines issued by the university in accordance with statutory provisions.

Submission of Application
Application to the PhD programme requires submission of 12 copies of Statement of Purpose* and duly filled in Application Form along with the attested copies of relevant documents as specified in the application form. Application form can be downloaded from the websites of Department of Education or of the University. An entrance examination fee of Rs. 100/- (for General Category and OBC candidates) and Rs. 25/- (for reserved category candidates- SC/ST/PwD) in cash has to be submitted with the application form at the Department of Education, University of Delhi latest by Wednesday, July 10, 2013. Applications can also be sent by registered post to The Dean, Faculty of Education, Delhi University, Delhi -110007, mentioning the name of the programme on the envelope along with 12 copies of the statement of purpose and a bank draft of Rs. 100/- (for General Category and OBC candidates) and Rs. 25/- (for reserved category candidates- SC/ST/PwD). Please do mention your name, address and phone number on reverse side of the draft. The application forms must reach the Department by Wednesday, July 10,2013 . The Department will not be responsible for any postal delays or loss.

The Statement of Purpose should be written in about 2000 words in the area of research that the candidate desires to pursue. The statement of purpose (SoP) should indicate to the reader why you wish to take up research in a particular area and that you have the necessary capability and the interest to do so. It is necessary to show that you have read enough in the area you want to pursue and are aware of possible strands that can be explored. As a Ph.D. applicant, you will also be expected to have a certain level of independent and critical thinking and a clear idea of why you want to study further. The Statement of Purpose must not follow the format of a research proposal with objectives, design, methodology etc. All Statements of Purpose in this format will be disqualified. Plagiarized or cut and paste texts will not be considered favourably.


Process for Selection of Candidates

The process of selection for admission to the Ph.D programme for candidates who fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements consists of: (a) Written Test Maximum Marks - 75 , Duration 3 hours The written test will comprise the following three sections: Section I: Specific questions based on one or more given passages related to theoretical ideas and contemporary issues and debates in education.

Section II:

Reading and interpreting data and commenting on research methodology and analysis as provided in the question paper. Writing short essay(s) on a given set of themes.

Section III: (b)

Interview Marks - 25 The Interview will focus on gauging the candidates understanding of the field, extent of their readings in the area and clarity of purpose, and their ability to present a defense of the Statement of Purpose. Based on their performance in the written test, the number of candidates to be called for interview shall be about 2.5 times the number of seats available in each category, as per the University rules . Two separate final selection lists for Group I and Group II( Refer Page No.21) will be prepared on the basis of the candidates combined performance in the Written Test and Interview. Candidates finally recommended for admission by the Departmental Research committee have to get themselves registered for PhD within a period of one month from the date of memorandum issued by the Board of Research Studies in Education. However, the candidates can defer their admission to the PhD programme for one year extendable to another year subject to the specific recommendation of Departmental Research Committee and subsequent approval of the Board of Research Studies in Education. The deferment for admission would be considered only on two grounds (a) Non availability of the vacancy with the Supervisor in that particular area of research and (b) In case there is delay in getting the study leave sanctioned/ 23

relieving letter from the appropriate authority as the case may be. For no other reason whatsoever the deferment would be considered. The written entrance test results of those candidates who are called for the Ph.D interview will be considered valid for a period of one year. Those candidates (if any)who are advised to modify/ change their Statement of Purpose by the Departmental Research Committee can submit their fresh/ modified Statement of Purpose along with an application in January/ February 2014. Such candidates would not be required to submit any fee with their application form. No fresh applications would be invited for admission to the Phd programme in the months of January February, 2014.

Foreign Candidates Foreign candidates should apply for Ph.D. admission through Foreign Students Registry , University of Delhi, Delhi. Their applications will be duly considered and research proposals scrutinized by the Departmental Research Committee.

Ratification of Admission
The provisional registration of the students by the Department shall require ratification by the Board of Research Studies of the Faculty of Education. The Department and the Board of Research Studies of the Faculty of Education will maintain records of registration and progress of research undertaken by the students. The provisional admission of candidates in the PhD programme will be confirmed by the Departmental Research Committee and the Board of Research Studies only on the successful completion of course work and on completion of other formalities such as the defense of the thesis topic in a Departmental Seminar. The period of course work of one year or two semesters, as the case may be, and as indicated in the Ph.D. ordinance VI B, should be considered from the date of provisional registration of each concerned candidate. Registration of students in the PhD programme may be confirmed by the Board of Research Studies in August and February each year, based on the recommendations of the Departmental Research Committee. Ph.D. research scholars need to submit a full research proposal within a period of three months from the date of completion of their course work. The research proposal submitted by scholars on completion of course work should be endorsed by the Supervisor and the Advisory committee members. 24

Requirements of Course Work

Students who are provisionally registered for the Degree of Doctorate of Philosophy will be required to take a minimum of two courses and up to a maximum of eight courses as per the decision of the Departmental Research Committee. Each course will be of three hours instruction/studies per week. The course work should be completed in a period of two semesters not exceeding one academic year from the date of the provisional registration. Doctoral students may be permitted to take courses in related and allied subjects offered by other Departments of the University and design individualized courses based on their research interest in consultation with faculty. Each Student will be evaluated at the end of each semester. If a student is not able to pass a course with 50% marks, the student shall be allowed to reappear in the examination within 12 months. 1. Every scholar is required to do a minimum of two courses for the duration of one academic year. Of these, one will be a compulsory course in Research Methods offered by the Department, or any other Department of the University, as per the nature of the research. The other course would be a specialized course related to the scholars area of study. This course may be specially designed by the Supervisor in consultation with the Advisory Committee and the Scholar, and must be duly approved by the Department Research Committee. The course must have clear details about the course objectives, content and a bibliography. 2. Alternatively, the Supervisor may recommend that the scholar pursue an M.Phil Course, offered by the Department in the Scholars area of specialization. The concerned teacher who teaches that course would then conduct the course and evaluate it as well. 3. If individually designed courses approved by the DRC and offered to specific research scholars, are to be used for subsequent research scholars, these should be adapted appropriately with due acknowledgement of the original course design and approval of the DRC in each case. 4. All those candidates who do not have a masters degree in education will have to pursue at least four courses in consultation with their supervisor and the advisory committee 5. In addition to the minimum of two courses which will be formally evaluated, the Supervisor may recommend that a Scholar audit other Post-Graduate and Research Courses being offered by the Department, or any other Department of the University. This is specially recommended for those Scholars who may not have any formal degree in Education.


6. Recognizing that Ph.D. candidates are admitted to the programme twice a year, the Research Methods course will span a period of 24-26 weeks, beginning in September and ending in April. All Ph.D. scholars, irrespective of whether they are admitted to the Ph.D. programme in March or September, are required to attend and complete this course. Twenty meetings of the duration of three hours each, will constitute the formal contact component of the course. The Course Coordinator, who will be a teacher of the Department will keep records of attendance and assignments of scholars and also organize special workshops during the course. It is recommended that Scholars be given exposure to Quantitative, Qualitative, Historical and Ethnographic Research, Case Studies etc., through these workshops. A workshop on Research Writing would be an essential component of this course. 7. Scholars admitted in January- February may commence their other course/s of study immediately, but will join the research methods course in August, when it commences. 8. Those scholars who join the Ph.D. programme on grounds of deferment of admission will also have to participate in the research methods course from August to March. They may pursue their other course/s in the interim time 9. At the end of their course work, each Ph.D. scholar is expected to complete the following requirements:For the Research Methods Course: One Field-based Assignment; Two Short Assignments and a minimum of 50% marks in the Year-end Examination/ assignment/ project work. For Course work related to the area of Research: One assignment and One Term Paper. A term paper should be a brief treatise of 6,000 8,000 words reflecting the following:i) ii) iii) iv)

review of related literature. evidence of scholarly analysis and understanding of the area of study. detailed end notes, footnotes wherever used. complete list of references used.

10. As part of the course work requirement, each scholar is also expected to present a Research Seminar in the Ph.D. Colloquium of the Department. 11. The entire portfolio of term papers, assignments and research seminar should be submitted to the DRC with the evaluation and recommendation of the concerned Supervisor. The parameters used to critically assess the term papers (one for the Research Methods Course and one for course related to the area of research) will be sent to the Advisory Committee of each scholar along with the term paper, seeking their detailed qualitative comments and approval. In addition, a grade is assigned for the work submitted on a 5 point scale as under:26

Grade A+ A B+ B C

80 and above 70 79 60 69 50 59 Below 50

The comments of the Advisory Committees and its approval along with the Supervisors evaluation and recommendation will be placed in the DRC for consideration. 12. It is mandatory to submit six-monthly progress reports of research scholars, endorsed by the concerned Supervisor to the Board of Research Studies (Education) each February and August of the concerned year.

Procedures and Progress of Doctoral Thesis

The Departmental Research Committee, on the recommendation of the Supervisor, may appoint scholars of eminence who may be residing in India or abroad, as Joint Supervisor (s). The student, if required, may be ordinarily permitted to do research for a maximum of 12 months in the institute of the Joint Supervisor. Any extension shall require the prior approval of Departmental Research Committee. Every candidate shall have an Advisory Committee consisting of the Supervisor (s) and two other members suggested by the Supervisor (s). These members can be from the Departments/Colleges of the University or outside the University but within the National Capital Territory of Delhi. One member of the Advisory Committee, besides the Supervisor (s), should be from within the University of Delhi. Annual Reports on the progress based on presentations and seminar of the course work will be processed by the Departmental Research Committee and sent to the Board of Research Studies for confirmation of admission of each candidate. The thesis must be a piece of research work characterized either by the discovery of new facts, or by a fresh interpretation of facts or theories. In either case, it should evince the candidates capacity for critical examination and judgment. It must be satisfactory as far as its language and presentation are concerned. The candidate may incorporate in her/his thesis the contents of any work which she/he may have published on the subject and shall indicate the same in the thesis. However, she/he shall not submit as her/his thesis any work for which a degree has been conferred on her/his by this or any other University.


Cases of neglect of research work and indiscipline that include unethical practices such as plagiarism and misrepresentation of data will be reported to the Board of Research Studies and the University administration. Students shall submit their thesis within four years of provisional registration. A six month extension for submission can be granted by the Board of Research Studies on a written request by the student and recommendation of the Supervisor (s). Any extension beyond this shall require a written justification for the delay by the student and the Supervisor (s). Such extension shall require the approval of the ViceChancellor. Before the doctoral thesis is submitted, the research findings will be discussed in a Departmental pre-submission seminar. The candidates are required to submit the thesis within 89 days from the date of the presentation of the pre Ph.D. seminar as per the decision of the Board of research studies in Education. In case, the candidate fails to submit the thesis within the prescribed period, he/she has to present the pre Ph.D. seminar again.

Other Stipulations and Procedures

No candidate shall undertake any employment during the first two years of her/his study without the permission of the Supervisor (s) and the Departmental Research Committee which will then be reported to the Board of Research Studies. The candidate offered admission has to fill in a declaration form regarding this. If at the time of admission, the candidate is employed, he /she has to either resign or obtain leave from the institution where he/ she is working ( as the case may be) and has to submit a valid document such as duly accepted resignation letter/ letter regarding grant of leave( declaration form to be obtained from the departments office.). If, at any point of time the declaration is found to be fully/ partially incorrect, the admission to the Ph.D course shall stand cancelled. In this and any other related matter, the decision of the Departmental research committee ratified by the Board of Research Studies (Education) will be final and binding. After the completion of two years of study, if a candidate joins any institution for employment purposes, he/ she has to submit a copy of the appointment letter immediately. No candidate shall, without the permission of the Supervisor (s), the Departmental Research Committee and the Board of Research Studies enroll in any other course of study which is not stipulated as an essential requirement for the PhD programme by the Department. No candidate shall appear in any examination conducted by the University or a public body without informing the Supervisor (s) and the Departmental Research Committee. Every candidate shall pursue research in the University or a recognized institution in Delhi for not less than two calendar years after the date of provisional 28

registration. The student may be permitted by the Board Research Studies on the recommendation of the Supervisor (s), to be absent from Delhi for ordinarily not more than 2 semesters on the ground that it is in the interest of her/his research. Subsequent to confirmation and prior to completion of five years, a student who is a teacher in the University of Delhi, may deregister for purposes of employment or any other purpose and re-register within three years of deregistration on the recommendation of the Departmental Research Committee, the Board of Research Studies and the consent of the Vice-Chancellor. On re-registration, the student must submit the Ph.D thesis after a minimum period of one year and within a period such that the total span of the initial registration and re-registration is not more than five years.

Norms for Submission of Doctoral Thesis

The candidate shall submit four printed or typed copies of the thesis and one electronic copy as per the requirements of the University. Candidates are required to forward, six weeks in advance of the submission of thesis, seven copies of the Abstract of the thesis including table of contents, through the Supervisor to the Head of the Department under intimation to the Controller of Examinations, University of Delhi, to be considered by the Departmental Research Committee.


Faculty Profile
Alka Behari Associate Professor M.Sc. (Zoology), M.Ed., MPhil, PhD Teacher Education, Elementary Education, Pedagogy of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies, Science Education Anita Rampal Professor M.Sc. (Physics), PhD Curriculum Studies, Policy Analysis, Elementary Teacher Education, Science and Mathematics Education, Literacy and Human Development Ashish Ranjan Assistant Professor M.A. (History), M.Ed. Pedagogy of History, Comparative Education, Social Science Education, Public Policies Bharati Baveja Professor M.Sc. (Zoology), M.Ed., PhD Biological and Cultural bases of Cognition, Pedagogy, Teacher Education C. K. Saluja Associate Professor M.A. (Sanskrit), M.A. (Political Science), M.A. (Hindi), M.A. (Linguistics), LLB, M.Ed. PhD Pedagogy of Sanskrit, Language Education, Social Science Education, Principles of Education D. Parimala Assistant Professor M.A. (History), MPhil, PhD History of Education, Women's Education, Equity Education, Policy Issues Gaysu R. Arvind Professor M.Sc. (Zoology), M.Ed., MPhil, PhD Cultural Studies, Cognitive Psychology, Equality, Social Policy Studies, Pedagogy of EVS Geeta Sahni Associate Professor M.A. (English), M.Ed., MPhil, PGDTE (Diploma), PhD Pedagogy of English, Language Education, Educational Technology Haneet Gandhi Assistant Professor M.Sc. (Maths), M.Ed., PhD Mathematics Education, Research Methods and Statistical Analysis in Education, Computer Education Jayshree Mathur Associate Professor M.A. (Philosophy), M.Ed., MPhil, PhD Philosophy of Education, Educational Theory, Equality and Education, Higher Education Kanchan Assistant Professor M.Com., M.Ed. Pedagogy of Commerce, Higher Education, Educational Finance Krishna Kumar Professor M.A. (English), M.A. (Education), PhD Philosophical Foundation of Education, Sociology of Education, Curriculum Studies, Social Theory of Education


M. Rajendran Assistant Professor M.Sc.(Physics), M.Ed ICT in Education, Teacher Education, Computer Education, EVS / Integrated Science Manju Agarwal Associate Professor M.A. (Economics), M.Ed., PhD Economics Education, Educational Planning & Finance, Educational Administration, Social Science Education Namita Ranganathan Professor M.A. (Psychology), MPhil, PhD Educational Psychology, Personality, Mental Health, Guidance, Child and Adolescent Development, Psychology of Gender Neera Narang Associate Professor M.A. (Hindi), M.Ed., PhD, P.G. Diploma (Ling.) Pedagogy of Hindi, Language Education, Organization of Co-curricular Activities Nirupma Jaimini Associate Professor M.Sc. (Chemistry), M.Ed., PhD Pedagogy of Chemistry, Science Education, Educational Technology P. Mohan Raju Associate Professor M.A. (Psychology), M.Ed., PhD Educational Psychology, Psychometry,Organisational Behaviour, Research Methods and Statistical Analysis in Education, Health Psychology, Cognition, Counselling and Guidance Pankaj Arora Associate Professor M.A. (Political Science.), M.Ed., PhD Pedagogy of Political Science, Social Science Education, Adolescence Education Poonam Batra Professor M.A. (Psychology), MPhil, PhD Social Psychology of Education, Elementary Education, Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies, Teacher Education, Public Policy, Gender Studies Preeti Vivek Mishra Assistant Professor M.A. (Psychology), M.Ed., MPhil (Education) Educational Psychology, Indian Psycho- Philosophical Thought, Education for Mental Health, Pedagogy of Psychology Rama Mathew Professor M.A. (Teaching English to Young Learners), M.Ed., Ph. D Language Pedagogy, Teaching English to Young Learners, Language Assessment, Language Teacher Education Ritu Bala Assistant Professor M.A. (Sanskrit), M.Ed., MPhil Philosophy and Sociology of Education, Equality, Women's Education Rumesh Chander Associate Professor M.A. (Philosophy), M.Ed. Elementary Education, Educational Theory, Science Education, Special Education


Sadhna Saxena Professor M.Sc. (Physics), PhD Science Education, Adult Education, Women's Education, Elementary Education Sailaja Chennat Associate Professor M.Sc. (Zoology), M.Ed., PhD, B. Lib. Sc. Science Education, Teacher Education, Special Education, Research Methods Sandeep Kumar Assistant Professor M.A. (Political Science), M.Ed., MPhil (Education) Social Science, Educational Psychology, Human Rights Education, Social Theory of Education Seema Sarohe Assistant Professor M.A. (Sociology), M.Ed Gender Studies, Elementary Education, Teacher Education, Sociology of Education Shobha Sinha Associate Professor M.A. (English), MS, PhD Language Education, Reading, Research Methods Shree Ram Mittal Professor M.A. (English), M.Ed., PhD, Diploma in Teaching Visually Impaired, Diploma in Education of the Blind (Scotland, UK) Education of the Visually Impaired, Special Education, Personality Shyam B. Menon Professor (on deputation as Vice-Chancellor, Ambedkar University, Delhi) M.Ed., PhD Curriculum Studies, Educational Research, Higher Education Sushmita Lakhyani Assistant Professor M.F.A, PhD Art Education T. Geetha Associate Professor M.Sc. (Geography), MPhil (Geography), MPhil (Education), PhD (Geography) Geography Education, Environmental Education, Curriculum Studies, Rural Development and Education Vandana Saxena Associate Professor M.Sc. (Physics), M.Ed., PhD Pedagogy of Physics, Science Education, Diversity & Inclusive Pedagogy Vinod Kumar Kanvaria Assistant Professor M.Sc. (Maths), M.Ed. Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Technology, Experimental Education, ICT in Education, Pedagogy of Mathematics Yukti Sharma Assistant Professor M.Sc. (Botany), M.Ed., PhD Pedagogy of Biological Sciences, Science Education, Special Education


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