DOW Water and Process Solutions: Calculation of A Demineralisation Plant With Rohm and Haas Ion Exchange Resins
DOW Water and Process Solutions: Calculation of A Demineralisation Plant With Rohm and Haas Ion Exchange Resins
DOW Water and Process Solutions: Calculation of A Demineralisation Plant With Rohm and Haas Ion Exchange Resins
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Client Project name Project code
1. GENERAL REMARKS Strong acid & strong base resin data relate to resins in Na & Cl form respectively. 2. ORIGIN AND PRE-TREATMENT OF THE WATER Origin Pre-treatment river UF
3. WATER ANALYSIS [meq/L] Ca : Mg + Fe : Na : K: NH4 : Total Cations 0,700 0,300 1,000 0,000 0,000 2,000 Cl : SO4 : NO3 : HCO3 : 1,100 0,200 0,000 0,700 ) ) EMA : ) CO2 : SiO2 :
2,000 0,015
Temperature 5 C Organics 20 mg/L as KMnO4 4. OPERATION DATA Flow rate per line Running time Regenerants 300,0 m3/h net 13,0 hours 32 % HCl
( 2)
5. LAYOUT OF THE PLANT (Without Degasifier) [3] SAC - SBA Amberjet 1000 H - Amberlite IRA458RF Cl
SCI_case_1_SACSBA [383]
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Volume to purchase [L] Running time [h] Gross throughput [m3] Ionic load [eq] Organic load [g/L R as KMnO4] Operating capacity [eq/l R] Flow-rate [BV/h] Regenerant mode Leakage (overrun) [%] Regenerant type Concentration [%] Regenerant ratio [% theory] Regenerant Level [g/L R] Total regen. [kg 100%] Consumption [g/m3 treated water] Excess of regenerant [eq] Dilution water [m3] Regen. displacement [m3] Fast rinse [m3]
(Total recycle rinse)
8750 13,0 3988 7976 1,00 38,6 Amberpack HCl 5,0 150 55 437 112,1 4004 7,4 11,9 0,0 0,0 90,1 296 0,95 < 0,8 S/cm
13,0 3988 9033 4 0,48 16,4 Amberpack NaOH (5C) 3,2 207 40 748 191,8 9667 21,9 46,7 0,0 0,0
Backwash water [m3] Total waste water [m3] TDS of waste [meq/L] Safety factors Leakage Sizing and pressure drop External diameter [mm] Filter area [m2] Linear velocity [m/h] Bed depth shrunk form [mm] Bed depth swollen form [mm] Bed depth end of run [mm] Pressure drop [kPa]
These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable. They are offered in good faith, but without guarantees, as conditions of use of our products are beyond our control. The plant manufacturer remains therefore responsible for plant performance. Suggestions for uses of our products should not be understood as a recommendation to infringe any patent. Amberpack is a technology licensed by Rohm and Haas Company to selected OEMs. Safety factors should always be smaller than 1.0. Dow Water & Process Solutions SCI_case_1_SACSBA [383] IXCalc 1.9.1