RC Hollow Members Confined With FRP Experimental Behavior and Numerical Modeling
RC Hollow Members Confined With FRP Experimental Behavior and Numerical Modeling
RC Hollow Members Confined With FRP Experimental Behavior and Numerical Modeling
Naples, Italy
RC hollow members confined with FRP: Experimental behavior and numerical modeling
Ph.D. Thesis 19th Cycle
vii viii ix
Chapter 1
1.1 1.2
Hollow Bridge Piers. State of the art: Hollow Bridges Piers 1.2.1 1.2.2 Hollow Circular Piers. Hollow Square Piers.
7 14 15 22 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 38 40
State of the art: Strengthening techniques. 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Concrete encasement. Steel plates Externally bonded. Advanced Composites (FRP) Externally Bonded FRP FRP materials (Fibers and Resins) Durability of FRP
1.4 1.5
State of the art: Strengthening hollow piers with FRP. Upgrading index through FRP pier wrapping. 1.5.1 Design Procedure.
Chapter References.
Chapter 2
Experimental Campaign: From the design of the test matrix and test set-up to the main experimental outcomes
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2.2 2.3
Test Results. 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 Specimen U1: test result. Specimen U2: test result. Specimen U3: test result. Specimen S1: test result. Specimen S2: test result. Specimen S3: test result.
Chapter References.
Chapter 3
Confined concrete behavior. First Confinement models based on Mohrs Circle Confinement models based on reinforcement yielding: Mander Confinement models based on elastic reinf.: Spoelstra-Monti Confinement models based on elastic theory: Fam and Rizkalla
Confinement models based on plain strain theory: Braga Laterza 126 Shape factor for confinement effectiveness Superimposed models for internal and external confinement FRP strain efficiency 3.1.3 3.1.4 Confined concrete eccentrically loaded. Steel internal reinforcement. Reinforcement stability and Fracture of concrete cover 3.1.5 3.2 Wall Stability. 128 134 135 136 141 142 146 150 152 153 157 159 165 165 166 167 171 171
Proposed Nonlinear Refined Method. 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Model Assumptions. Cross Section Discretization. Computation Algorithm. Convergence Criteria 3.2.4 Numerical Strategies. Moment Curvature diagram Interaction diagram plot 3.2.5 Taking into account second order effects.
Proposed Hollow Sections Confinement model. 3.3.1 First Part: Walls interaction and confinement.
Second Part: Square hollow section confinement. Plane Strain Conditions. Concrete model with variable confinement pressure. Radial Displacement Compatibility. Non Linear Characteristics. Iterative Procedure. Ultimate Strain and Failure of the Confining Device. Parametric Study. Radial and Circumferential Stresses Effect of Confining Device Relative Stiffness Effect of Hole Size
175 176 179 181 183 185 187 187 188 190 190 193
Chapter References.
Chapter 4
Experimental-Theoretical Comparison
Experimental Outcomes: Comparative Discussion. 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 Strength. Failure Modes. Ductility. Longitudinal Strains. FRP Strains. Theoretical Model Restraints Validation.
197 198 201 207 212 214 218 221 222 225
Experimental-Theoretical Comparison. 4.2.1 Constitutive Laws of Materials. First part: Walls interaction and confinement
Second part: Square hollow section confinement. 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.3 Strength. Ductility. Longitudinal Strains. FRP Strains. Theoretical Displacement Assessment. Effect of Constitutive Models.
Chapter References.
Chapter 5
Finite Elements Nonlinear Modeling of Hollow Cross Section RC piers and FRP Confinement effects
Finite Elements Non Linear modeling of RC members. 5.1.1 5.1.2 Solid elements. Concrete model. Crack modeling 5.1.3 Reinforcement elements
252 253 256 259 270 272 277 280 284 288 295 301 307
DIANA models of tested specimens. 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 Specimen U1: FEM numerical predictions. Specimen U2: FEM numerical predictions. Specimen U3: FEM numerical predictions. Specimen S1: FEM numerical predictions. Specimen S2: FEM numerical predictions. Specimen S3: FEM numerical predictions. Summary of FEM predictions.
Chapter References.
Chapter 6
High elevation bridges with very large size columns are constructed to accommodate high moment and shear demands. In particular, bridge piers designed in accordance with old design codes may suffer severe damage during seismic events, caused by insufficient shear or flexural strength, low ductility and inadequate reinforcement anchorage. Many parameters may influence the overall hollow column response such as: the shape of the section, the amount of the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, the cross section thickness, the axial load ratio and finally the material strength of concrete and reinforcement. This research program focuses on rectangular hollow cross sections and investigates the columns behavior under a state of compression combined with flexure. The experimental results have been compared with analytical predictions,
concentrating on the behavior of the hollow column strengthened with FRP composite materials to improve the cross section performances both in terms of ductility as well as flexural strength. As the state of stress changes from pure compression to combined compression and flexure, and the flexural stresses become predominant over the compression ones, the neutral axis moves inside the section altering the failure mode and consequently the response that the cross section may have to such type of loading. FRP materials have been widely used in the form of jacketing to enhance shear and flexural strengths as well as ductility, and their effectiveness has been extensively proven in many research programs investigating solid column behavior. Although it is uncertain how these jackets may perform in the repair of rectangular hollow columns since very little research has been performed in this area and the few studies are related to circular and
rectangular hollow columns with applied low level of axial load, investigating the performance of the cross section subjected to combined shear and flexure stresses. This research investigation provides an overall view of square hollow cross section behavior subjected to several combined axial load and bending loads and strengthened with FRP jacketing. Laboratory work has been conducted at the University of Naples and includes two parts: the first series of tests focusing on the flexural-compression behavior of un-strengthened square hollow columns and a second series of tests studying FRP strengthened hollow columns under the same loading conditions, investigating changes in failure mode, ductility and flexural strength enhancements.
The objective of the proposed investigation is to evaluate the behavior of square hollow bridge cross sections retrofitted with FRP composites materials used as external jacketing. The influence of external loading conditions, namely pure compression and combined flexure and compression has been studied in order to determine the available ductility of unstrengthened and strengthened rectangular hollow cross sections. This evaluation consists in an experimental phase undertaken in conjunction with analytical studies to predict and to model the results of the former tests. The development of design construction specifications and a refined methodology to design and assess hollow cross section members behavior under combined axial load and bending is the final output of the program.
Research Impact
Apart from the possible human victims, severe earthquake damage on bridges results in economic losses in the form of significant repair or replacement costs and disruption of traffic and transportation. For these reasons, important bridges are required to suffer only minor, repairable damage and maintain immediate occupancy after an earthquake so as to facilitate relief and rescue operations. Most of the existing bridges worldwide were designed before their seismic response had been fully understood and modern codes had been introduced; consequently they represent a source of risk in earthquake-prone regions. Since recent destructive earthquakes and modern studies have caused the revision of seismic maps, there is now the need to assess the seismic capacity of existing bridge structures. Till FRP materials approached the construction market as a viable, cost and time effective solution for upgrading and retrofitting existing concrete structures, the only available answer to the aforementioned problems were either to rebuild the structure or to use standard restoring techniques (i.e. section enlargement, steel jacketing and others) that would have had a high social and economical impact as well as structural consequences such as increase in self weight consequently with a negative contribution to foundations and to seismic response of the overall structure. The aim of this research program is to contribute the knowledge towards asbuilt hollow square piers and together with the information gathered from previous research works, to provide the tools for best approaching the retrofitting and strengthening of such kind of cross sections with a cost and time effective solution.
The last occurred intense seismic events confirmed, worldwide, the need of identifying, developing and implementing measures to accomplish effective earthquake hazard risk reduction. Infrastructures vulnerability to earthquake damage and consequently losses might be reduced by implementing preventive (mitigative) actions. This mitigation can be defined as sustained actions taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their effects. Seismic risk calculations are the foundation for risk mitigation decisionmaking, a key step in risk management. Improvement gained from a mitigation measure is the difference between the original condition and the improved (mitigated) condition. Earthquake loss reduction is a complex long-term commitment. It requires the continuing participation of a team of scientist from multidisciplinary fields. The multidisciplinary of the seismic risk evaluation R is evident in its definition:
Where the Seismic Hazard is defined as the probability that a given level of a seismic parameter is exceeded in a given period of time and the Exposition represents the estimation of the economic damage expected for the element exposed to the risk. The Vulnerability is the probability that a given level of damage is reached as consequence of the seismic event.
These concepts expresses the multidimensionality of disasters by focusing attention on the totality of relationships in a given social situation which constitute a condition that, in combination with environmental forces, produces a disaster. In the present work the mitigation measurements are evaluated in the field of vulnerability. Measures such as incorporating seismic design requirements into new structures, or accomplishing seismic rehabilitation of existing structures, will reduce the vulnerability, thus reducing the expected losses. Bridges and viaducts are amongst all the structures, those that sustain the most damage, as clearly demonstrated in several reports of recent earthquakes. Object of this study is a significant part of the Italian, and global, highway network, whose vulnerable elements are supposed to be the Reinforced Concrete (R.C.) bridges, and in particular, their safety is limited and conditioned by pier capacities. Several studies and works have been carried out on solid piers vulnerability and can be applied also to building structures (i.e. columns); however, for hollow piers much less research is found in the literature. Many of these hollow section piers, especially those built in last 60s and 70s, are now in need of a seismic upgrade to improve their response under earthquake. Bridge piers designed in accordance with old design codes may suffer severe damage during seismic events because of insufficient shear or flexural strength or low ductility. Because of its brittle nature, failure in shear of an RC bridge pier must be avoided. Accordingly, the member behavior is dominated by flexure; therefore, the flexural performance of hollow cross sections must be investigated. However, the knowledge about the behavior of hollow piers is still lacking, and their seismic performances (in flexure and shear), retrofit techniques, and numerical analyses should be investigated. Recently Fiber Reinforced Polymers (F.R.P.) has been widely used in the retrofitting and strengthening of reinforced
concrete structures, especially in regions under high seismic risk. The present work aimed at evaluating the benefits generated by an FRP wrapping on hollow section piers vulnerability. To investigate the behavior of unstrengthened and FRP jacketed square hollow piers subjected to combined axial load and bending, a total of seven 1:5 scaled specimens has been tested at University of Naples Federico II. Tested specimens represent in reduced scale typical square hollow bridge piers. Along with test results on shear controlled/dominated tests, the present work was meant to provide a complete summary on the behavior of members having hollow noncircular cross section. The thesis discusses the outcomes of the performed tests focusing on the analysis of cross-section curvature, member deformability, specific energy, etc An original refined method has been developed to predict the behavior of unstrengthened and FRP strengthened hollow square piers. The work is exposed in the following chapters: In Chapter 1 are introduced the main issues of bridges with hollow cross section piers, a discussion of the typical retrofit techniques with particular attention to the FRP confinement/wrapping and to a state-of-the-art of the actual knowledge of FRP effectiveness as a strengthening technique for hollow columns. In Chapter 2 is described the experimental campaign with details on the design of the test matrix, the design of the equipment setup to realize the experimental campaign. The main results in terms of both global and local parameters are presented for each specimen. In Chapter 3 are critically described the existing available models concerning solid section assessment (concrete modeling, steel reinforcement stability, effect of confinement, etc). Besides is described the proposed refined nonlinear methodology. An automated algorithm has been developed accounting for steel bars buckling and concrete cover spalling. The effect of concrete hollow
core confinement by FRP wrapping has been also modeled adopting two confinement models: the former is an adaptation of existing models for a solid section to a hollow one, the latter is an innovative model proposed for confinement of hollow sections. In Chapter 4 is presented an experimental-theoretical comparison. With reference also to the theoretical considerations, the main experimental outcomes are discussed. The refined methodology proposed to predict the behavior of square hollow section unstrengthened and wrapped with FRP has been checked on the experimental outcomes. In Chapter 5 is presented a Finite Elements Method (F.E.M.) modeling of the tested specimens both unstrengthened and strengthened. The nonlinear behavior of concrete in tension (cracking) and in compression, the effect of FRP wrapping have been modeled also by means of the commercial code TNO DIANA v. 9.1. The proposed methodology has been also validated with the FEM modeling in terms of both global and local deformability. In Chapter 6 a basic example on a real pier upgrade, not designed for seismic actions, by means of FRP wrapping to satisfy seismic ductility requirements is illustrated. The proposed refined algorithm coupled with the proposed confinement model for hollow square RC piers was adopted. Besides main conclusions are discussed and some design recommendations related to hollow cross section piers, as built assessment and FRP strengthening, are drawn to improve their response under seismic actions thus reducing their vulnerability.
Chapter 1 Background: Hollow cross sections in RC Structures and FRP Strengthening Techniques
Bridge are key elements in our society, they control the capacity of the transportation system, representing the highest cost per kilometer of an infrastructure. For example, a bridge crossing a valley may have the function of safely connecting a community with the schools and services (i.e. hospitals, first aids) of another community by avoiding dangerous journeys down and up step and twisting roads. If the bridge fails, the system fails. In recent years progresses in design and assessment procedures have been achieved all over the world and practices have changed. Beautiful bridges have been built in high seismicity areas and large viaducts were severely challenged by intense seismic action; some of them sustained significant damage and had to go through complex and innovative repair and retrofit process. Pier Section design is more critically affected by seismic considerations than other parts of the bridge. With conventional seismic design, ductility, implying potential damage, will be expected from the piers under design-level seismic response. Single-column or multiple-column piers: circular, rectangular, oval, or special architectural section shapes: solid or hollow pier sections are the alternatives the designer can deal with. As a matter of fact, the choice between the
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above alternatives is currently based on convention and tradition, rather than pure structural considerations, and hence regional differences are noticeable. The choice between single-column and multi-column piers depends on the kind of pier/superstructure connection type. When dealing with supported superstructures, the single-column design results in a seismic response equal in orthogonal directions, since the pier responds as a simple vertical cantilever in all directions. On the other hand, a single-column vertical cantilever has a lack of redundancy that should lead to assign lower design ductility levels for this type of design relative to multi-column designs. This latter design is more appropriate when monolithic pier/superstructure are present and also when the superstructure width is large, resulting in high eccentric load moments. However, if the superstructure is simply supported on a multi-column pier-cap, pier response is as a vertical cantilever in the longitudinal direction, and by double-bending transversely, resulting in non-uniform strength and stiffness in orthogonal directions. Multi-column piers with small section size were the rule with bridges constructed in the 50s to 70s. The general trend world-wide today appears to be the single-column piers with much larger section size. In the case of very wide bridges with multiple traffic lanes, bridge superstructure width can be reduced by supporting the two traffic directions by independent bridge structures. Once the substructure is chosen, then the principal choice will be between circular and rectangular sections, with a secondary choice between solid and hollow section shapes. Additional more complex section shapes, principally chosen on the basis of architectural considerations, may be considered. Hollow sections are used to reduce seismic masses, based on economic considerations of the cost saving associated with reduced material and design moments compared with increased construction complexity, and hence increased labor costs. Hollow columns are larger and taller than solid columns, as a consequence
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they are more visible, and also more expensive and architectural considerations have a significant influence. For example, a single-column bridge design increases the transparency of a tall bridge. It is not sufficient to have adequate information about a bridge site and the traffic loads to have an automatic design of an efficient ad aesthetically pleasing bridge. The design process is different for every engineer because it is dependant on personal experience. Aesthetics are a part of the bridge design program from the beginning. Oftentimes the function of a bridge goes beyond the simple connection of points with a given volume of traffic. Its function must be understood by the designer; given a choice, even with a modest increase in initial cost, the community will prefer the bridge that has the nicer appearance. The parts of the structure must be in agreement with each other and the whole structure must be in agreement with its surroundings. Harmony between the elements of a bridge depends on the proportions between the span length and depth of the girders, height and size of piers, and free spaces and solid masses. Piers have features of their own that can improve the appearance of a bridge. The key is that they fit in with the superstructure and its surroundings and they express their structural process. The most successful ones are those that have some flare, taper, texture or other features that improve the visual experience of those who pass by them.
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pylons have been constructed throughout the world particularly in Europe, United States and Japan, where high seismic actions and natural boundaries require high elevation infrastructures. In Europe, hollow columns are used for columns as low as 20m (Slovenia) or 30m (Italy), but in the United States, it is rare to use hollow columns for column heights less than 40m. Hollow bridge piers accommodate the high moment and shear demands by reducing the self weight and the high bearing demand on pile foundations, maximizing structural efficiency of the strength-mass and stiffness-mass ratios and reducing the mass contribution of the column to seismic response. Recent earthquakes in urban areas have repeatedly demonstrated the vulnerability of older structures to seismic actions, also those made with reinforced concrete materials, with deficient shear strength, low flexural ductility, insufficient lap splice length of the longitudinal bars and, very often, inadequate seismic detailing, as well as, in many cases, very bad original design, with insufficient flexural capacity. The most critical mode of failure in RC structures is the column shear failure. To prevent this brittle failure, the column needs to have guaranteed shear capacity both in its ends, the potential plastic hinge regions, where concrete shear capacity can degrade with increasing ductility demands and in its center portion, between flexural plastic hinges. Bridges and viaducts are amongst all the structures, those that sustain the most damage, as clearly demonstrated in several reports of recent earthquakes. Object of the study is a significant part of the Italian highway network, whose vulnerable elements are supposed to be the bridges. Even for moderate magnitude earthquakes, the consequences in these structures have been very dramatic, in many occasions causing their partial destruction, and in some cases total collapse, with corresponding heavy costs. In comparative terms, these consequences of bridge vulnerability are found greater than those observed in building structures and, in most cases, the bridge safety is
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limited and conditioned by piers capacity. Several studies and works have been carried out on solid piers and can be applied to building structures; however, for hollow piers, much less research is found in the literature. The need for strengthening the existing bridges stems from the consideration that most of the bridges built in the past in seismic zones according to nowobsolete codes are inadequate to meet the more stringent requirements imposed in the new generation of codes, as regard both strength and ductility. The deficiencies that make existing bridges, even those built until the very last few years, vulnerable to seismic action all have a single common cause: the conventionality of the seismic design approach used in the former codes (and still in some of the present ones). It is widely known that those codes had the limitations of emphasizing the strength aspects while only making implicit reference to the concept of ductility. As a consequence, existing bridge piers built according to those codes as observed either from original project drawings or through in-situ inspections after destructive seismic events rather frequently, at least in Italy, are equipped with adequate amounts of longitudinal reinforcement (thus complying with the flexural strength requirements), while systematically showing insufficient transverse reinforcements (thus lacking the confinement necessary for ensuring a ductile response). Specific column deficiencies are mainly related to: Inadequate transverse reinforcement volume to provide adequate confinement to concrete and anti-buckling restraint to longitudinal reinforcement. Inadequate transverse reinforcement to ensure reliable shear strength exceeds maximum feasible flexural strength. Inadequate detailing of transverse reinforcement to ensure that the required shear strength and anti-buckling roles are achieved satisfactorily.
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Premature termination of longitudinal reinforcement in columns, resulting in a propensity for flexural hinging and shear failure at column mid-height. Inadequate anchorage of flexural reinforcement in footings and cap beams. Lap-splicing of flexural reinforcement at the base of columns, thus limiting the curvature ductility capacity of column-base plastic hinges. Another common source of inadequacy of existing bridge piers arises from
the nowadays frequent re-classifications of seismic zones (based on more accurate hazard studies); in such cases, most bridge piers designed according to a previous seismic zonation do not satisfy the verifications with the new increased seismic actions. As traffic expanded (i.e. track loading constantly increasing), highway bridges increased in number and size. In Italy, the Autostrade S.p.a. highway system has 5594 km of highways, comprising a total of less than 3000 bridges. These bridges were built basically in the 60s and in the 70s. Seismic design regulations of that time considered almost nominal horizontal forces equal to 10% of the permanent weights in the zones of highest seismicity (less in the other seismic zones), with no attention to grant ductile behavior, to check compatibility between adjacent decks, the strength of the bearings, etc.; in addition, many areas, which today are considered to be seismic, in those years were not yet classified. In low seismicity regions the column size may be affected by eccentric live-load considerations, particularly for single-column piers. In mid to high seismicity regions seismic considerations control the column size. The reinforcement of the piers were not designed for the seismic forces, but for wind and braking forces, or more simply considering the minimum percentage code requirements. Tradition has in Italy that bridge piers should be and look rather rigid and this provides in many cases a useful extra strength. Also the foundations, in order to ensure satisfactory performances under service loads, in many cases are stronger than the superstructure, a desirable property under
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seismic action. More than one third of the total of the bridges are made up of decks which are simply supported on different piers systems. An other third of the total of the bridges are single span structures directly supported on the abutments, and the remaining bridges are variously distributed among Gerber, arch, continuous deck, cantilever construction and frame-like types and some of them have unique characteristics, like some large arch bridges built in the sixties, as well as other important bridges with large spans (in excess of 100 m). Pinto and Monti (2000). found that in Italy, most spans are around 30 m and only the more recent ones reaching 40 m, while the ratio between the cross section dimension and the height of the pier is a widely variable parameter. Representative hollow cross sections of the cited Italian bridges piers can be a rectangular hollow cross section with dimensions of 6.60x3.80 m2 and a circular shaped one with a diameter of 3.80 m. For those cross sections, the pier heights are in the range of 10 to 45 m for rectangular section and in the range 8 to 24 m for the circular one. Internal reinforcements, both longitudinal and transverse can be, on safe side, those provided by the 60s codes. Upper limits to the longitudinal reinforcement ratio are generally specified by codes to be about 4%, but previous codes often permitted ratios as high as 8%. In the case of higher ratios, the anchorage of longitudinal reinforcement in foundations or cap beams becomes difficult because of congestion. Volumetric ratios of transverse reinforcement have a practical lower limit of 0.5%; upper limits tend to be between 1% and 2%, with spacing along the column axis between 50mm and 150mm, although spacing of transverse reinforcement was typically 300mm in the 60s and 70s. In table 1.1 is reported a survey of pier reinforcement details courtesy of Fib TG 7.4 on Seismic Design and Assessment Procedures for Bridges.
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Trans. Steel size and spacing (mm) fc fy (MPa) fu ALR Drift Limit Design Ductility Seismic Demand
12-20 100250 20-35 >430 >540 0.03 to 0.08 None Varies LowMid
>10 <8db <0.5B <200 30-45 500 >600 About 0.10 None 3.5 LowMid
Flexural behavior of these piers made up of single bents can be described by means of a bi-linear force-displacement relationship at the top of the pier where ultimate ductility is given by the ratio of ultimate curvature at the base section and yielding curvature. Considering elastic spectrum suggested in the Eurocode 8 for intermediate
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soil conditions, and shear capacity evaluated in accordance with Eurocode 2, shear failure occurs only for the shorter (H=10 m) rectangular pier; in all other piers collapse is governed by exhaustion of ductility. Circular piers have consistently lower values of acceleration causing collapse, due to lower available ductility with respect to the rectangular ones: this in turn is due to the shape of the section and to the higher average vertical stress. In addition to the considered structural failure mechanisms of the piers, another type of failure, frequently observed in recent earthquakes, even for bridges of the last generation, is the possibility of collapse due to loss of support of the deck. Recent studies, analyzing recorded soil time histories obtained from strong motion arrays installed in seismic areas, clearly demonstrated that relatively close points on the soil can experience significant relative displacements. This is due both to reflection and refraction of seismic waves through underlying soil layers with different mechanical characteristics and to the presence of soils of different nature. From the structural analysis point of view, this implies that the conventionally adopted assumption of equal seismic input under all supports is only acceptable when dealing with bridges of moderate dimensions, while it is far from reality if long-span bridges are considered. In these cases different input motions experienced at adjacent supports can significantly modify the overall structural response thus making vulnerable the design concept.
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the shape of section: circular or rectangular, the amount of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement (steel ratio ),
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the numbers of layers of reinforcement placed near inside and outside faces of the section and tied through the wall thickness, the wall relative thickness (inside to outside diameter ratio Di/De), and the axial load ratio The main body of research conducted till now can be divided into two main
categories of tests based upon the shape of the section being either circular or rectangular.
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Whittaker et al. (1987); (b) Zahn et al. (1990).
Transverse reinforcement in columns has three roles: to provide shear resistance, to prevent premature buckling of longitudinal reinforcement, and to confine the compressed concrete. Spiral or circular hoop reinforcement placed near the outside face of circular hollow column restrains the growth of the tube diameter caused by longitudinal compression. The resulting spiral bar stress applies a radial pressure fr that causes a circumferential compression stress 2 in the curved tubular wall. The circumferential compression stress 2 puts a concrete element cut out of the curved wall into biaxial compression, with the primary stress 1 arising from axial load and flexure (see figure 1.3). A compressive confining stress acts on the inside face of curved wall in the radial direction only in a solid confined concrete section. When concrete compressive strain arise and concrete on the inside face of the tube wall crushes, there is nothing to prevent this crushing from penetrating into the tube wall towards the outside face.
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The position of the neutral axis at the flexural strength of the section is the most important variable controlling whether a circular hollow cross-section column has available curvature ductility:
Low axial load, moderate longitudinal steel percentage or reasonably thick wall (wall thickness of not less than 15 percent of the overall section) put the neutral axis close to the inside face of the tube wall and the column may be expected to be ductile, resulting in small longitudinal strain in the unconfined region of the concrete compression zone.
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Instead, if the neutral axis passes trough the void at some distance from the inside face of the tube, the column can be expected to fail in a brittle manner as a result of rapid disintegration of the concrete in the compression zone and deterioration of the flexural strength. There is a little margin for the strain to grow with increasing curvature before failure commences because the resulting high longitudinal compressive strain on the inside face causes early vertical splitting and crushing of the concrete. The amount of spiral steel placed near the outside face of the tube wall plays
a relative minor role in the available ductility of circular hollow sections. The radial confining stress exerted by spiral reinforcement puts the compressed portion of the curved wall into circumferential compression and thus helps to delay vertical cracking. In solid members, the restraint provided by the transverse steel against concrete dilatancy generates a confining action in terms of an inward radial pressure. In contrast, in thin-wall circular hollow members the action of transverse steel generates circumferential compression stresses on the tubular wall. In this case, the radial component of the confining stress is rather low and does not contribute to the enhancement of the concrete strength. In the absence of any confinement in the radial direction, annular cracks start to form once a critical value of the longitudinal compressive concrete strain is exceeded. For direct design or for determining the flexural strength of circular hollow columns with a single layer of longitudinal and spiral reinforcement placed near the outside face of the section with inside to outside diameter ratio Di/De<0.70, it is sufficiently accurate to base the calculations on an equivalent solid circular with the same outside diameter, area of longitudinal reinforcing steel and axial load ratio based on the sectional area of the hollow column excluding the void. Using a code approach, the reinforcing ratio percentage t for the equivalent solid columns
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is the area of longitudinal steel as a percentage of the gross sectional area of the hollow columns Atot including the void. The axial load ratio P/fcAg is taken as the value given P over Ag, the gross sectional area of the column excluding the void. Zahn et al. (1990) constructed and tested six circular hollow RC columns under axial compression (applied through steel roller and held constant throughout the test) and cyclic fatigue (horizontal load applied at the mid-height of the column). The voids in the columns were formed by cardboards tubes that were left in place after the concrete had been cast, and the voids did not penetrate neither into the central stub nor into the end regions of the column units. The parameters analyzed were the wall relative thickness and the axial load ratio. All column units failed by more or less rapid collapse of the concrete wall in the compression zone. No signs of shear failure were observed in any of the tests. The smallest measured concrete compression strains measured at first visible crushing at the extreme (outside) fiber of the cover concrete was 0.008. They validate the suggested simplified design approach based on an equivalent solid section proposing a conservative set of curvature ductility design factor to allow the designer to read off directly the curvature ductility factor that a particular section can sustain. The obvious variables in these charts are the axial load ratio, the inside to outside diameter ratio Di/De, the longitudinal steel percentage. Yeh et al. (2001) tested three hollow circular bridge piers under a constant axial load and a pseudo static, cyclically reversed horizontal load applied at the end of the specimen. The parameter considered for the specimens were the amount of lateral reinforcement to evaluate the displacement ductility factor, and the height-diameter ratios to study the influence of flexure or shear, respectively. All three specimen developed flexural cracks perpendicular to the column axis. The first occurred in region close to the bottom of the columns. The flexural cracks became inclined and extended into the neutral axis of the column due to the
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influence of shear, typically as a stage exceeding the first yielding of longitudinal reinforcing bars. Although each specimen developed the estimated flexural strength, the ultimate performance was different for each column. The ultimate capacity of the specimen with sufficient shear reinforcement was dominated by flexural due to the rupture of longitudinal reinforcing bars at the bottom of the column occurred after steel buckling during compression cycles (this effect can be reduced by using smaller spacing of the transverse reinforcement). When the ultimate state was dominated by a bond failure of spliced longitudinal reinforcing bars at the plastic hinge region, fewer and wider cracks occurred (insufficient shear reinforcement and relatively large lateral reinforcement spacing). The plastic hinge did not fully develop and much lower displacement ductility was observed.
When the ultimate performance was dominated by shear capacity (shear reinforcement only 40% of the code required) concrete crushed at the bottom of
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the specimen. The rupture of a few tensile longitudinal reinforcing bars occurred immediately before shear failure of the specimen and it developed low displacement ductility because its plastic hinge can not be fully developed. The displacement ductility factor is defined as the displacement at 80% of the maximum lateral load in the descending portion of the horizontal loaddisplacement relationship divided by the yield displacement. The yield displacement is defined according to Zahn et al. (1990) as the displacement obtained from the intersection point of the horizontal line at the ideal load capacity and the straight line from the origin passing through the point on the load-displacement plot at 75% of the ideal lateral load capacity. The available displacement ductility factor capacity should decrease as the aspect ratio L/D or L/h of the column increases. Ranzo and Priestley (2000) conducted experimental studies on three large size specimens, designed with only one layer of longitudinal and spiral reinforcement near the outside face, and tested with a cantilever scheme, under pseudo-static cyclic loading. The results indicated that the implosion of concrete in the inside surface, under the effect of high bending and shear forces, governs the activation of the strength degradation mechanism. For the same shear strength, members with higher flexural capacity were found to require thicker walls in order to prevent concrete spalling in the inside wall surface. Predictions on the behavior and on the failure mode of members characterized by a small ratio of the shear span to section diameter, approached with recently developed shear strength models and with the experimental results, can be obtained and well predicted, i.e. using the shear strength model UCSD suggested by Priestley. The nominal shear capacity is expressed as the sum of three independent components: the term Vs derived by the classical truss analogy proposed by Ritter and Mrsh and representing the shear carried by transversal steel reinforcement,
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Vc and Vp derived by the concrete resisting mechanism and identifying two effects: the one provided by concrete in tension (Vc) where is recognized a reduction of the shear stress transmitted by aggregate interlock as diagonal cracks become wider and a certain extent of degradation of the strength capacity with increasing displacement ductility, and the one provided by the concrete in compression (Vp) trough a compression field developed by the presence of the axial load, that is not subjected to degradation. The shear carried by concrete in tension (Vc) is also included in some models through the longitudinal steel ratio and the transversal volumetric ratio, those parameters should be approximately accounted considering the full section, neglecting thus the presence of the hollow core, in order to avoid the paradox to have on a hollow section a better nominal crack control respect to a solid section with more concrete and the same amount of reinforcement.
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The test indicate very stable behavior in the loops with comparatively light axial load ratio P/fcAg =0.1 and with 74% of the transverse reinforcement required. Column which was provided with only 55% of the transverse reinforcement required and a higher axial load (P/fcAg =0.3), due to the reduced level of confinement failed due to the fracture of some hoops in the compression flange, followed by buckling of longitudinal reinforcement. Whenever larger spacing of transverse reinforcement is used, the ductility of the column is prematurely limited by buckling of longitudinal reinforcement. Mander et al. (1983) tested four rectangular hollow specimens with different arrangements of confining steel in the plastic hinge zone, under constant axial load and cyclic lateral displacements, investigating shear and ductility behavior of the columns varying the level of axial load and the amount of transverse reinforcement in the plastic hinge zone to prevent buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement. Tests showed the need to reduce the stirrups spacing and to increase the length of lap splice of the longitudinal bars in columns with high levels of axial load, to avoid premature failure caused by buckling of longitudinal reinforcement. The ductility capability of RC members is achieved by providing sufficient transverse reinforcement in the form of rectangular hoops or spirals to adequately confine the concrete, to prevent buckling of the longitudinal reinforcement, and to prevent shear failure. When the axial load level is high, the secondary moments from the P- effect become more significant as the displacement increases. Yeh and Mo (2002) tested prototype and scaled model of hollow columns under a flexure dominant loading condition and discussed the size effect. The scale ratio of prototype to model was 1:3. The study showed that prototypes had greater ductility than models. The failure mode governing was rupture of longitudinal rebars for all the specimens since shear failure and buckling was prevented by an appropriate anchoring and confinement.
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The crack pattern analyzed for all specimens showed flexural cracks in the flange part (in all reviewed literature, it is common to call flanges the two opposite sides of the hollow cross section perpendicular to the horizontal load and web the two parallel to it) changing into diagonal cracks drastically when the progressed into the web part of the column. Mo et al. (2001) tested columns under a flexure dominant loading condition. The specimens were designed with the lateral reinforcement code requirements to avoid shear failure and spacing less than six times the diameter of longitudinal reinforcing bars (suggested by Priestley et al. 1996). Specimens with higher concrete compressive strength had greater maximum lateral force than expected. Higher concrete compressive strength increased the yielding displacement, so decreasing displacement ductility factor. In fact the displacement ductility factor depends on the steel yielding. Greater axial force produces greater maximum lateral force and less ductility factor, also the failure mode changed from flexural failure to shear failure. The shear capacity predicted by the ACI code was less than (conservative) the actual capacity (the force in the specimen when shear failure occurred) Deformation performance around the ultimate state is deteriorated when the axial load applies. Since the concrete area to bear the axial load is small in the hollow section, the pier loses the restoring force rapidly once the concrete begins spalling not only outside, but also into the void and reinforcement buckles. Few studies (Taylor et al. 1995) are reported on the behavior of thin walled concrete box piers. Tests results showed the validity of guidelines proposed by AASHTO Specifications on the slenderness ratios. If the slenderness ratio of the compression flange (defined in Figure 1.5) reaches the value of 15 or greater it was found that the flange would fail by buckling while for lower values the flange failed due to crushing of the concrete.
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Figure 1.5 Typical Cross Section and Definition of Wall Slenderness Ratio u / t
As found in circular hollow columns, local buckling reduces the capacity of the hollow column and must be avoided by appropriate detailing: when double layer of reinforcing is used, cross ties must be provided between the two layers of steel.
Figure 1.6 Typical Test Setup Used for Testing Hollow Columns
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Masukawa et al. (2000) analyzed the timing of spalling of concrete cover and buckling of reinforcement on the inner and outer sides of hollow sections, a key aspect to predict accurately and to understand the ductility of RC members with a hollow section. Hollow piers first suffer the spalling of concrete cover outside the compressive flange followed by the buckling of reinforcement, then the concrete cover spalls and reinforcement buckles inside the section. Finally, internal concrete crushes and the strength deteriorates substantially (Figure 1.7).
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existing structures. This chapter provides suggestions about how structures made out of different materials (i.e., reinforced concrete, masonry, steel) should be assessed and outlines also which strengthening techniques could be used. This significant upgrade of the national codes has stimulated the awareness of institutions, owners and engineers on the fact that any intervention on an existing structure should not be done without an assessment of its current conditions and of its seismic performance; the availability of design criteria and formulas for the assessment and for the design of upgrade interventions has increased the trust of owners about the reliability of engineers judgments as well as about necessary strengthening works for which they have to pay. For RC structures, the following three techniques are allowed by OPCM 3431: concrete encasement; steel encasement; external strengthening using (FRP) materials. The first two techniques have been extensively used in the past; however, several disadvantages have been highlighted.
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slabs, and walls can be enlarged to add load-carrying capacity or to increase the stiffness. In all cases, the designer should incorporate the weight of the additional concrete overlay/jacket in the design of the enlargement. The section enlargement method is relatively easy and economically effective. The disadvantage of this method is possible corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel. These problems can be avoided by using adequate concrete cover or the use of FRP reinforcement, which is resistant to corrosion. A typical enlargement is approximately 2 to 3 inches for slabs, and 3 to 5 inches for beams and columns.
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restriction on the length of individual plates for ease of manipulation and handling. The steel elements may need to be spliced, which complicates the design and construction operations. As with any glue, bonding the steel plates to the concrete requires pressing them together. This is achieved by using adhesive anchors. It is strongly recommended to provide some supplemental anchors, especially at the ends of the plate. This is done to ensure that the bonded steel element will still share some load in case of adhesive failure. Considerable site work is required to accurately locate the existing reinforcement to avoid damaging them while placing the anchors. In addition, elaborate and expensive falsework is required to maintain the steelwork in position during bonding.
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committee of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The CNR DT-200 is more than a standard CNR guideline because the OPCM 3431 refers to it for the design of FRP strengthening and this reference makes CNR DT-200 the official Italian code for FRP interventions. The applications of Carbon FRP (CFRP) and Glass FRP (GFRP) materials in Italy have grown during the last 10 years; the first cases have concerned the flexural strengthening of building slabs or beams as well as bridge girders. These types of interventions were mainly requested by durability (i.e., corrosion of internal steel reinforcement) or by lack of structural capacity under gravity loads. Then, the market has slowly started to select FRP as an alternative to the traditional techniques (i.e., concrete or steel encasement) for seismic strengthening; at present, seismic applications have become comparable if not more frequent than those related to lacks under gravity loads. Externally bonded FRP laminates with fibers in the hoop direction are often wrapped around column buildings or bridge piers to increase their confinement and/or their shear capacity. In fact, the lack of appropriate size and spacing of ties in a column or pier can induce the collapse to occur at its end, resulting in crushing of the not confined concrete, instability of the steel reinforcing bars in compression and pull out of those in tension. In addition, the lack of transverse reinforcement can cause a brittle shear failure, with formation of inclined cracks due to diagonal tension, concrete cover spalling and rupture of the transverse reinforcement. FRP wrapping is sometimes designed also to prevent the brittle failure that could be generated by insufficient length of the lap splice in the longitudinal steel reinforcement. This is a typical deficiency concerning the lower end of columns or piers; as vertical cracks initiate in the cover, concrete dilatation occurs and eventually cover spalling is generated. Along with that of columns or piers, the upgrade of beam-column joints represents another key issue for both buildings and bridges. In fact, the strengthening of columns by providing them with higher
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confinement level and/or with more flexural reinforcement could cause the failure to occur in the nodal zone. In order to move up along the strength hierarchy, the joint panel should be also strengthened. The upgrade of both column and panel could allow moving from the previous intermediate level of the strength hierarchy (i.e., shear failure of the panel) to its upper bound (i.e., crisis of the beams). Inducing such failure mode would be the best result of a seismic repair/strengthening. Formation of plastic beam hinges would mean that a ductile and very effectively energy dissipating mechanism is achieved. Experimental tests on single members (i.e., columns or piers) and on sub assemblages (i.e., portions of frames including columns, joint and beam) have confirmed the effectiveness of FRP laminates as a strengthening technique. Full-scale tests on real RC frames have lately validated these results and witnessed the beneficial influence of FRP upgrade on the global seismic performance.
For seismic zones, FRP may also be used to wrap columns to enhance the ductility due to the induced confinement of the concrete. FRP material selection should be based on strength, stiffness and durability required for a specific application. Resins are selected on the basis of the environment to which the FRP will be exposed, as well as the method by which the FRP is manufactured. Externally bonded FRP systems come in a variety of forms, including wet lay-up systems and procured systems. Wet lay-up FRP systems consist of dry unidirectional or multidirectional fiber sheets or fabrics impregnated with a saturating resin on-site. Precured FRP systems consist of a wide variety of composite shapes manufactured off-site. Typically, adhesive along with the primer and putty are normally used to bond the precured shapes to the concrete surface. The primer is used to penetrate the surface of the concrete, providing an
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improved adhesive bond for the saturating resin or adhesive. The putty is used to fill small surface voids in the substrate and to provide a smooth surface to which the FRP can bond. Precured FRP systems include unidirectional laminates, multidirectional grid and precured shells. In spite of the significant research being reported on their structural mechanism and performance, there are still heightened concerns regarding possible premature failure due to debonding, especially in zones of combined high flexural and shear stresses. In addition, externally bonded FRP reinforcement is relatively unprotected against wear and impact loads. The structural performance of the externally bonded FRP could also be greatly affected by harsh environmental conditions.
FRP materials (Fibers and Resins)
Fibers are the basic load-bearing component of any FRP product. Fibers are often preassembled into various forms to facilitate the fabrication of composite products. Discontinuous fibers are often used also to produce low-cost composite products such as sheet molding compounds or non-woven mats. Fiber, filaments yarns and rovings generally represent parallel bundles of continuous filaments. The fiber bundles may be used directly in composite fabrication, such as by filament winding or pultrusion process to produce bars or structural shapes, or they may be further converted to other reinforced forms such as prepregs (preimpregnated plates), fabrics and sheets. Fibers used in modern composites can be broadly classified into three main categories:
Polymeric fibers, including aramid fibers (i.e. Kevlar 29, Kevlar 49 and Kevlar 149 which is the highest tensile modulus aramid fiber); Carbon fibers, including pan-based carbon and pitch-based carbon. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and cellulose are the common precursors from which pan-based carbon fibers are currently made. Petroleum and
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polyvinyl chloride are the common sources for the pitch used for carbon fibers. Pan-based carbon fibers have diameters of 57 m while pitchbased carbon fibers have diameters of 1012 m.
Inorganic fibers including E-glass, S-glass and boron fibers. Other specialty fibers such as optical fibers are currently being investigated for structural health monitoring applications. Figure 1.8 illustrates the strength and modulus of elasticity of various FRP
materials. Bars, prepregs or sheets are parallel filaments held by matrix material. The matrix could be thermoplastic resin or partially cured thermoset resin. The role of the resin in composites is vital. Resin selection controls the manufacturing process, upper use temperature, flammability characteristics, and corrosion resistance of the composite. Although loads are carried by the fiber composite, mechanical performance depends to a large extent on the resin modulus, failure strain and the bond between the resin and the fiber.
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Durability of FRP
Although FRP composites perform extremely well in practice, there are heightened concerns related to their durability in the field as related to civil infrastructure applications. In these cases, FRP composites are exposed to harsh environmental conditions, ranging from wide temperature fluctuations and humidity levels to rain and snow. There are limited theoretical and experimental studies on the durability of the bond between FRP and concrete. Investigations by different researchers are focusing on the durability of externally bonded FRP reinforcement. Further studies are still needed to establish accurate reduction factors to be used in bond strength models for design purposes. Wetdry cyclic exposure has a significant effect on the bond length, shear stress distribution and differential strain between FRP and concrete. The shear modulus of the adhesive at the FRPconcrete interface was found to be a critical parameter for obtaining durable FRP retrofitted concrete members. Adhesives are generally sensitive to water. Deterioration of bonded joints is characterized by absorption of water by the adhesive and by moisture diffusion to the adhered interface. Voids can be created in the adhesive layer and at the interface. Presence of voids implies less area of contact. Water can also replace the adhesive by capillary transmission, and this weakens the bond between the externally bonded FRP reinforcement and concrete. The influence of freezethaw cycles on the structural performance of concrete beams strengthened with FRP sheets and strips was studied by several Researchers and test results showed that freezethaw action did not degrade the bond of FRP-strengthened beams. High temperatures showed a detrimental effect on the bond characteristics of FRP. Test results showed a reduction of 8090% in the bond strength of FRP with different surface treatment at temperatures ranging from 20 to 250C. In comparison, steel showed a reduction of 38%.
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the first way is to give piers enough ductility, and the other way is to make piers to have enough strength. If the design seismic force is too large to adopt only the first way due to
residual deformation or other reasons, we have to adopt both the ways to retrofit. If the pier shows shear failure or failure at the cut-off section of longitudinal bars, restoration from seismic damage after earth quakes would be difficult. The pier has to fail in flexure at the bottom end. Osada et al. (1999) carried out static and pseudo-dynamic tests investigating the seismic behavior of hollow circular RC piers having reinforcement cut-off planes and variable wall thicknesses, examining the effect of carbon fiber sheets to improve seismic performances. The specimens were created as close as possible to the actual piers as 1:20 scaled models. Tests were conducted with low level of axial load and high horizontal load applied at the top of the column, with the most solicited cross section subjected to both flexure and shear. FRP showed
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good improvement of cross section properties, increasing shear strength and avoiding premature buckling of longitudinal reinforcement as experienced in section with very high confinement reinforcement. The outermost longitudinal rebars yielded at all cut off points, the load carrying capacity decreased from the peak due to the extensive growth of diagonal cracks and suddenly decreased due to the concrete crushing at the top of the reinforced concrete column. Flexural failure occurred near the bottom end of the CFRP zone in the specimen retrofitted mainly longitudinally (3 to 4 layers). CFRP in the hoop direction ruptured at overall height and lateral load declined markedly. It finally failed in shear representing brittle behavior. Specimen which was retrofitted only in the hoop direction suffered no serious damage such as shear failure and buckling of longitudinal rebars even at the ultimate load, and displayed ductile behavior without any decrease of lateral load. In view of the concentration of crack openings at the point where stiffness changed drastically at the bottom end of the CFRP, it was considered preferable to avoid a sudden decrease of CFRP used for retrofit in the longitudinal direction but to gradually reduce the volume of CFRP for retrofit at the end. It was verified that the lateral strain in CFRP indicated almost the same level as in the hoop reinforcement at the same position until the hoop yielded. From this result, it seems possible to convert the CFRP volume into hoop volume in the calculation of shear capacity. Mo et al. (2002) investigated the seismic behavior of eight hollow rectangular bridge columns retrofitted by FRP sheets under constant low levels of axial load (P/fcAg=0.080 to 0.136) and cyclically reversed horizontal load. Columns had two-layers of longitudinal reinforcement. The effects of FRP sheets on ductility, dissipated energy as well as on shear strength were investigated. Test
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results showed that the ductility factor increases with the number of FRP sheets as well as the shear strength of the hollow cross section, being able to eliminate all shear cracks and changing the failure mode of the specimen from shear to flexure. Specimen without steel and FRP transverse reinforcement failed due to longitudinal bars buckling, while the specimen with only steel stirrups failed due to shear. Specimen with only FRP transverse reinforcement failed due to concrete crushing and afterwards, the FRP sheets ruptured. No buckling of longitudinal rebars occurred. The specimen confined both by transverse reinforcement and FRP sheets failed due to flexure with the rupture of longitudinal rebars at the bottom end of columns. Yeh and Mo (2005) found that the confinement provided by FRP sheets in the circular piers is more effective than in rectangular ones. CFRP sheets can improve both the ductility factors (in their tests up to 5.5) and the shear capacity of the hollow bridge piers and can successfully transform the failure mode from shear (brittle) to flexure (ductile). At the University of Pavia, Italy, two testing campaigns have been carried out recently (Pavese et al. 2004), investigating the seismic behavior of both unstrengthened and strengthened rectangular hollow piers respectively. Different FRP strengthening solutions have been considered to improve the cyclic response of bridge piers with native deficiencies due to design philosophy assumptions as in the case of structures built in Italy. The piers investigated were reduced scale square hollow bridge piers with the following characteristics: rectangular cross section 45x45 cm2 and 7.5 cm thickness, 1.35 m height, and longitudinal reinforcement made of 24D8 or 40D8 and transversal reinforcement made of two or four legs D3@75 mm stirrups. Tests were performed with columns subjected to low levels of axial load and increasing horizontal load investigating the most
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solicited cross section at the base of the column, under a state of both shear and flexure stresses. The variables investigated were lacks in shear reinforcement and insufficient lap-splice length. FRP showed to be very efficient restoring the shear strength not accomplished in the original design. They found that under-designed structures are often unable to sustain the loads essentially for loss of detailing (insufficient confinement, loss of bonding, etc.) and incorrect proportioning of flexural and shear strength. Particularly this second aspect is due to a global lack of design strategy oriented to a hierarchical arrangement of the collapse modes expected on structural elements and on the whole structure. The best results have been obtained in piers, where the lack of shear resistance is responsible of the brittle behavior. The transversal wrapping improves the shear capacity allowing deep plastic deformations in the longitudinal bars. When FRP are adopted also for flexural strengthening, the importance of anchorage of fibers at the base of the pier was emphasized as the crucial problem and, only after the debonding was prevented, the benefit of strengthening was fully achieved. The aim of the cited studies is mainly the prediction of the shear strength of FRP wrapped hollow piers.
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confinement of the plastic hinge zone. Unless the concrete is well confined by closed transverse stirrups, crushing rapidly extends into the core, buckling of longitudinal reinforcement occurs and loss of strength is observed. In extreme conditions the columns become unable to sustain gravity loads. There are several examples of failure in plastic hinge zones, such as top column failure, as shown in Figure 1.9. Another common design deficiency is highlighted by discontinuity of longitudinal reinforcement leading to weak sections. Failure may also occur without yielding of vertical reinforcement, due to an inadequate lap-splice length or failure in welded bars.
Figure 1.9 - Different damage patterns for RC piers: symmetric buckling (left) flexural failure (middle) shear failure (right).
Elastically designed structures may suffer shear failure, since the shear strength corresponding to the maximum (not design) flexural strength would not have been considered. Shear failure mechanisms are not usually (with a few exceptions) suitable for ductile seismic response, because of the low levels of deformation corresponding to failure. Short columns are particularly susceptible
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to such effects. Several cases of symmetric buckling of reinforcement and compressive failure of piers may be attributable to high vertical earthquake forces.
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while increasing compression strength is effective for increasing section curvature ductility capacity. High strength steel produces a reduction in ductility. Significant ductility in a structural member can be achieved only if inelastic strains can be achieved over a reasonably length of that member. At member level, the displacement ductility capacity is governed by the ability of plastic hinges at the ends to be sufficiently ductile. For vertical cantilevers, the relationship between curvature and displacement ductilities can be expressed by integrating the curvature along the height . Adopting a linear approximation and defining an equivalent plastic hinge length p over which the plastic curvature is assumed equal to its maximum, the displacement ductility factor is: