Cisco Router Command Configuration Overview
Cisco Router Command Configuration Overview
Cisco Router Command Configuration Overview
[Abstract] Cisco router configuration statement summary startup interface, assigning IP address: router>router>enablerouter#router#configureterminalrouter (config) #router (config)#interf acetypeportrouter (config-if) #noshutdownrouter (config-if) # ipaddressip-addresssubnetmas router (config-if) rip routing protocol # ! " configuration: #$ seconds to update a router(config) #routerriprouter (config-if) #%%%%%%
Cisco router: commond configuration overview: Start the interface, IP address allocation: &outer> &outer> enable &outer# &outer# configure terminal &outer (config) # &outer (config) interface type port # &outer (config-if no shutdown) # &outer (config-if) IP address IP-address subnet-mas # &outer (config-if) # ! "
Configure the rip routing protocol: 3 seconds to update once &outer (config router &IP) # &outer (config-if networ networ -number) # ' -- notice the standard a, (, C networ -- > &outer (config-if) # ! "
Configure the I!"P routing protocol: # seconds to update once &outer (config) router I)&P as-number # ' -- as-number range of * to +,,#, -- > &outer (config-if networ networ -number) # ' -- notice the standard a, (, C networ -- > &outer (config-if) # ! "
Configure the $ovell IP% routing protocol: $ovell rip & second to update once &outer (config) IP- routing .node address/ # &outer (config) IP- ma0imum-paths paths # ' -- set the load balance, the range of * to ,*1 -- > &outer (config) interface type port #
&outer (config-if) IP- networ networ -number .encapsulation encapsulation-type/ .secon dary/ #' -- notice the standard a, (, C networ -- > &outer (config-if) # ! "
'he configuration of ddr: &outer (config) dialer-list group-number protocol protocol-type permit .list # acl-number/ &outer (config) Interface (&I $ # &outer (config-if dialer-group group-number) # &outer (config-if) dialer map protocol-type ne0t-hop-address name hostname # telphonenumber &outer (config-if) # ! "
'he configuration of isdn: &outer (config) isdnth-typeth-type ' -- # configuration I234 switch type, Chinese using basic-net# -- > &outer (config-if) # ! "
Configure frame rela(: &outer (config-if) encapsulation frame-relay .cisco I567 # 8/ &outer (config-if) frame-relay lmi-type .ansi Cisco # 8 8 9:##a/ &outer (config-if bandwidth ilobits) # &outer (config-if) # frame-relay in;ers-arp .protocol/ .dlci/ ' -- 2tatic in;ers <&P table: &outer (config) frame-relay protocol protocol-address 3=CI # .broadcast/ .Cisco/ .payload -compress I567 8 8 pac et-by-pac et/ -- > ' -- set the eepali;e inter;al: &outer (config-if eepali;e number) # -- > ' -- the local interface with the specified dlci: &outer (config-if) frame-lelay local-dlci number # -- > ' -- sub interface: &outer (config-if) interface type port%subininterface-number multipoint 8 # .point-to-point/ &outer (config-subif) IP unnumbered interface #
Configuration the standard acl: &outer (config) access-list access-list-number permit 8 # .3eny/ source .source-mas / ' -access-list-number range: * to :: standard <C=> *$$ ? *:: e0tended <C=> @$$ to @:: standard IP- <C=> :$$ ? ::: e0pansion of IP- <C=> *$$$?*$:: IP- 2<P <C=> +$$ ? +::apple tal <C= --> &outer (config) interface type port # &outer (config-if) IP access-group access-list-number in 8 # .out/ &outer (config-if) # ! "
Configure an e)tended acl: &outer (config) access-list access-list-number permit 8 # .3eny/ .protocol protocolnumber/source source-wildcard 8 .source-port/ destination destination-wildcard .destinatio n-port/.established/ &outer (config) interface type port # &outer (config-if) IP access-group access-list-number in 8 # .out/ &outer (config-if) # ! "
Configuration the naming acl: &outer (config) IP access-list standard 8 # .e0tended/ acl-name &outer (config .std- 4aCl e0t-/ 8) 8 # .permit deny/ .ip-access-list-test-conditions/ &outer (config .std- 4aCl e0t-/ 8) # no .permit deny/ .ip-access-list-test-conditions/ 8 &outer (config .std- 4aCl e0t-/ 8) # ! " &outer (config) interface type port # &outer (config-if) IP access-group .acl-name *?*:: # 8 8/ .in out/ &outer (config-if) # ! " Configure the *C+ cloc,: &outer# show controllers type port ' -- define 3C5 interface -- > &outer (confin-if) cloc rate +A$$$ # ' -- into the 3C5 interface to set the cloc rate -- > &outer (config-if) # ! "
&outer (config) username name password set-password-here # ' -- Berification establish database -- > &outer (config) interface type port # &outer (config-if encapsulation PPP) # -- start -- > ' PPP protocol &outer (config-if PPP outhentication) # .chap chap P<P P<P chap 8 8 8 P<P/ ' -- choose PPPauthentication -- > &outer (config-if) PPP Pap sent-username name password password # ' -- send ;erificationinformation -- > &outer (config-if) # ! "
PAP authentication configuration e)ample: 'he verifier: &outer-ser;er (config) username client password *1#A, # ' -- Berification establish database --> &outer-ser;er (config) interface serial $ # &outer-ser;er (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outer-ser;er (config-if) PPP authentication Pap # ' -- choose to use P<P to achie;e PPP certification -- > &outer-ser;er (config-if) # ! "
Attested part(: &outer-client (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outer-client (config-if) PPP Pap sent-username client password *1#A, # ' -- send ;erificationinformation -- > &outer-client (config-if) # ! "
PAP bidirectional authentication configuration e)ample: "outer a: &outera (config) username ( password *1#A, # &outera (config) interface serial $ # &outera (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outera (config-if) PPP authentication Pap # &outera (config-if) PPP Pap sent-username a password ,A#1* # &outera (config-if) # ! " "outer b: &outerb (config) username a password ,A#1* #
&outerb (config) interface serial * # &outerb (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outerb (config-if) PPP authentication Pap # &outerb (config-if) PPP Pap sent-username ( password *1#A, # &outerb (config-if) # ! "
Chap authentication configuration e)ample: 'he verifier: &outer-ser;er (config) username router-client password *1#A, # &outer-ser;er (config) interface serial $ # &outer-ser;er (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outer-ser;er (config-if) PPP authentication chap # &outer-ser;er (config-if) # ! " Attested part(: &outer-client (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outer-client (config-if) PPP authentication chap # &outer-client (config-if) PPP chap hostname router-client # &outer-client (config-if) PPP chap password *1#A, # &outer-client (config-if) # ! " chap bidirectional authentication configuration e0ample: "outer a: &outera (config) username routerb password *1#A, # &outera (config) interface serial $ # &outera (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outera (config-if) PPP authentication chap # &outera (config-if) PPP chap hostname routera # &outera (config-if) PPP chap password ,A#1* # &outera (config-if) # ! " "outer b: &outerb (config) username routera password ,A#1* # &outerb (config) interface serial * # &outerb (config-if encapsulation PPP) # &outerb (config-if) PPP authentication chap # &outerb (config-if) PPP chap hostname routerb # &outerb (config-if) PPP chap password *1#A, #
'elnet use: &outera# terminal monitor ' -- can bac to e0ecute the debug command on a remote hostresults -- > &outera# telnet IP-address .router-name/ ' -- the host telnet to the specified address or name --> &outerb# .e0it logout/ ' -- 8 e0it telnet -- > &outerb# CC'+> then press ' -- hang telnet -- > &outera# show sessions ' -- shows all current telnet information, including connectnumber -- > &outera# connect-number ' -- returns the specified telnet connection -- > Connection -- > routera# disconnect IP-address .router-name/ ' -- disconnect the specified address or name of the host &outera# show user ' -- show the telnet connection to the information -- > this machine &outera# clear line .$ 8 * 8 1 8 # 8 A/ ' -- disconnect connection to the specified telnet -- > thismachine 4o telnet to the machine: &outer (config) line ;ty $A # &outer (config-line access-class acl-number) # &outer (config) # ! " Set the host name: &outer (config hostname set-hostname) # &outer (config) # ! " &outer (config) # ! "
Set user mode code: &outer (config) line console $ # &outer (config-line) # login &outer (config-line password set-password) # &outer (config-line) # ! "
Set the telnet password: &outer (config) line ;ty $A # &outer (config-line) # login
Set the privileged mode password: &outer (config) enable password set-password # ' -- the password is not encrypted, password -- > &outer (config) enable secret set-password # ' -- the encrypted password -- > &outer (config) # ! "
-or all the password encr(ption: &outer (config) ser;ice password-ancryption set-password-here # &outer (config) no ser;ice password-ancryption # ' -- cancel encryption -- > &outer (config) # ! "
Set the login banner: &outer (config banner DE63) # separator set-banner-information-here delimiters ' -- before and after the delimiter must agree -- >
Set interface description information: &outer (config-if description set-port-information-here) # &outer (config) # ! "
'he control of cdp: &outer (config-if C3P enable) # ' -- in the designated port enable C3P, default -- > &outer (config-if) no C3P enable # ' -- close C3P -- > in the designated port &outer (config C3P run) # ' -- that all ports enable C3P -- > &outer (config) no C3P run # ' -- that all ports closed C3P -- >
'he use of ping: &outer# Ping IP-address &outer# Ping ' -- e0tended ping command -- > Protocol .ip/:.protocol-type/ ' -- select the protocol type -- > 6arget IP address:ip-address ' -- input test address -- > &epeat count .,/: ' -- choose to send ICDP pac et number -- > 3atagram siFe .*$$/: ' -- choose the siFe of each pac age -- >
6imeout in seconds .1/: ' -- set each pac et timeout -- > 50tended commands .n/:y ' -- using the e0tended ping command -- > 2weep range of siFes .n/:
'he use of trac,e: &outer# trace IP-address .host-name/ Cisco A$$$ router specified media type: &outer (config-if media-type *$baset) # ' -- the <GI (the default) failure, modified to use &H-A, --> &outer (config-if) # ! "
Change the startup se.uence of routers: &outer (config) boot system flash ios-filename # &outer (config) boot system 676P ios-filename tftp-ip-address # &outer (config) boot system &ED # &outer (config) # ! "
/odif( register values: &outer (config config-register ;alue) # ' -- Cisco default ;alue I $01*$1, ;alue range: $01*$$(enter &ED monitor), $01*$* (the system boot from &ED to $01*$f ($01*$1), enables the system to boot from 4B&<D)% $0* I $01*$*, starting from the smallest bit change -- > Change the register ;alues in the &ED monitor: > oJr ;alue
"outer password recover(: Cold shutdown, then start again and in +$ seconds press ctrl>C to enter the &ED monitor mode > oJr $01*A1 > > confreg '--1,00 router or $01*A1 '--*+00 router &outer> I &outer> n &outer> enable &outer# copy startup-config running-config &outer# configure terminal &outer (config) enable secret new-password #
&outer (config config-register $01*$1) # &outer (config) # ! " &outer# copy running-config startup-config &outer# reload
Configuration name 0 main entrance: &outer (config) # IP host set-name .tcp-port-number/ IP-address .IP-address 1%% &outer (config) # ! "
'he definition of the *$S host: &outer (config) IP name-ser;er ser;er-address # .ser;er-address 1%% &outer (config) # ! "
*isable dns: &outer (config) no IP domain-loo up # &outer (config) # ! " configuration le;el segmentation: &outer (config-if IP split-horiFon) # &outer (config-if) no IP split-horiFon # &outer (config-if) # ! "
Static router configuration: &outer (config) IP route IP-address subnet-mas # .ne0t-hop-address .distace local-outport// 8 ' -- distance range: * ? 1,,, e9ui;alent to the priority, the smaller the better% &ipI*1$>dspfI**$> igrpI*$$> eigrpI:$ -- > &outer (config) # ! "
Configure a default router: &outer (config) IP defoult-networ IP-address # ' -- 3ynamic default route -- > &outer (config) IP route $%$%$%$ $%$%$%$ # .ne0t-hop-address local-out-port .distace// 8 ' -2taticdefault route -- > &outer (config) # ! "
&outer# show running-config &outer# show startup-config &outer# show flash &outer# show interface .type port/ &outer# show buffers &outer# show protocol &outer# show mem &outer# show stac s &outer# show processes &outer# show C3P entry .de;ice-name/ ' -- display the specified neighbor three layers of information -- > &outer# show cdp neighbors &outer# show cdp neighbors detail ' -- shows all the neighbors three layers of information - > &outer# show IP router &outer# show IP- router &outer# show host &outer# show ip protocol &outer# show IP interface type port &outer# show IP- interface type port &outer# show IP- ser;ers &outer# show IP- traffic &outer# show access-lists .acl-number/ &outer# show I234 status &outer# show dialer ' -- Biewing the I234 dial information -- > &outer# show I234 acti;e &outer# show frame-relay PBC &outer# show frame-relay map &outer# show frame-relay =DI &outer# erase startup-config &outer# reload &outer# setup &outer# copy running-config startup-config &outer# copy startup-config running-config &outer# copy 676P running-config
&outer# copy running-config 676P &outer# debug IP- routing acti;ity &outer# debug IP- 2<P &outer# debug I234 9:1* &outer# debug I234 K:#* &outer# debug dialer &outer# debug IP rip &outer# clear interface bri
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