The Laws of Cryptography With Java Code
The Laws of Cryptography With Java Code
The Laws of Cryptography With Java Code
with Java Code
by Neal R. Wagner
Copyright c 2003 by Neal R. Wagner. All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to retrieve a single electronic copy of this book for personal use, but the
permission does not extend to printing a copy of the book or to making a copy, electronic or in
any other form, for any other than personal use.
Table of Contents
Parts and Chapters
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
I. Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Cryptographers’ Favorites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Cryptographers’ Favorite Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
I. Preliminaries
1. Cryptographers’ Favorites
Law XOR-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Law XOR-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Law LOG-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Law LOG-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Law GROUP-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Law FIELD-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Law FIELD-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Law FERMAT-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2. Cryptographers’ Favorite Algorithms
Law GCD-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Law EXP-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Law PRIME-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Law PRIME-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
II. Coding and Information Theory
3. Coding and Information Theory
Law ENTROPY-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Law ENTROPY-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Law INFORMATION-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Law SHANNON-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4. Visualizing Channel Capacity
5. The Huffman Code for Compression
Law SHANNON-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Law COMPRESSION-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6. The Hamming Code for Error Correction
Law HAMMING-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7. Coping with Decimal Numbers
Law DECIMAL-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Law DECIMAL-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8. Verhoeff’s Decimal Error Detection
Law DECIMAL-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
III. Introduction to Cryptography
9. Cryptograms and Terminology
vi The Laws of Cryptography
Law CRYPTOGRAPHY-1a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Law CRYPTOGRAPHY-1b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Law CRYPTOGRAPHY-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Law CRYPTANALYSIS-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Law CRYPTANALYSIS-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Law CRYPTANALYSIS-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Law CRYPTANALYSIS-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Law CRYPTANALYSIS-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
10. The One-Time Pad
Law PAD-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
11. Conventional Block Cipher Cryptosystems
Law BLOCKCIPHER-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Law BLOCKCIPHER-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
??. Conventional Stream Cipher Cryptosystems
24. Decryption
25. Passwords
26. Zero-Knowledge Protocols
27. Identification Schemes
28. Threshold Schemes
Law THRESHOLD-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
??. Case Study: the Secure Shell (ssh)
Java Programs
A. Using Printed Log Tables
B. Unsigned bytes in Java
Law JAVA-BYTES-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Law JAVA-BYTES-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Table of Contents
Java Programs
I. Preliminaries
1. Cryptographers’ Favorites
a. Demonstration of Xor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 161
b. Formulas for logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 162
c. Fermat’s Theorem Illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . 12 163
2. Cryptographers’ Favorite Algorithms
a. Basic GCD Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 165
b. Extended GCD Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 166
c. Extended GCD Algorithm (debug version) . . . . . . 17 167
d. Testing Two Exponential Algorithms . . . . . . . . 19 169˜wagner/lawsbook/
This book was partly inspired by two undergraduate courses in cryptography taught at the
University of Texas at San Antonio during the Spring 2002 and Spring 2003 semesters. The
web page for the course has many links and other information:˜wagner/CS4953/index.html
Consider first confidentiality. This is just a big word meaning “secrecy” — keeping the
data secret. For this one uses encryption, a process of taking readable and meaningful data, and
scrambling or transforming it so that someone who happens to intercept the data can no longer
understand it. As part of the process, there has to be a way for authorized parties to unscramble
or decrypt the encrypted data.
Integrity means keeping the data in unaltered form, while authentication means to know
where the data came from and who sent it. Neither of these services has anything to do with
secrecy, though one might also want secrecy. Consider, for example, the transfer of funds
involving U.S. Federal Reserve Banks (and other banks). While secrecy might be desirable, it is
of small importance compared with being sure who is asking for the transfer (the authentication)
and being sure that the transfer is not altered (the integrity). One important tool that helps
implement these services is the digital signature. A digital signature has much in common with
an ordinary signature, except that it works better: when properly used it is difficult to forge,
and it behaves as if the signature were scrawled over the entire document, so that any alteration
to the document would alter the signature. In contrast, ordinary signatures are notoriously easy
to forge and are affixed to just one small portion of a document.
The final service, non-repudiation, prevents someone from claiming that they had not sent
a document that was authenticated as coming from them. For example, the person might claim
that their private key had been stolen. This service is important but difficult to implement, and
is discussed in various of the books referred to in the references.
Refinements and extensions of these basic services fall into a category I call cryptographic
trickery: clever capabilities that might initially seem impossible, such as public keys, zero
knowledge proofs, and threshold schemes. I include examples of this material to entice readers
into the fascinating field of cryptography.
xiv The Laws of Cryptography
Taken all together, cryptography and its uses and implementations have become essential
for mankind’s technical civilization. The future promise is for the smooth functioning of these
and other services to allow individuals, businesses, and governments to interact without fear in
the new digital and online world.
Part I
The Laws of Cryptography
Cryptographers’ Favorites
1.1 Exclusive-Or.
The function known as exclusive-or is also represented as xor or a plus sign in a circle, .
The expression
means either or but not both. Ordinary inclusive-or in mathematics
means either one or the other or both. The exclusive-or function is available in C / C++ /
Java for bit strings as a hat character: ˆ. (Be careful: the hat character is often used to mean
exponentiation, but Java, C, and C++ have no exponentiation operator. The hat character also
sometimes designates a control character.) In Java ˆ also works as exclusive-or for boolean
Law XOR-1:
The cryptographer’s favorite function is Exclusive-Or.
Exclusive-or comes up continually in cryptography. This function plays an essential role
in the one-time pad (Chapter 10), stream ciphers (Chapter ??), and the Advanced Encryption
Standard (Part VI), along with many other places.
Recall that the boolean constant true is often written as a 1 and false as a 0. Exclusive-or
is the same as addition mod 2, which means ordinary addition, followed by taking the remainder
on division by .
For single bits and , Table 1.1 gives the definition of their exclusive-or.
The exclusive-or function has many interesting properties, including the following, which
hold for any bit values or bit strings , , and :
Table 1.1 Definition of Exclusive-Or.
4 I. Favorites
m mi
i (insecure line)
r ri
(secure line)
, where is bit complement.
if , then and .
Beginning programmers learn how to exchange the values in two variables a and b, using
a third temporary variable temp and the assignment operator = :
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
The same result can be accomplished using xor without an extra temporary location, re-
garding a and b as bit strings. (A Java program that demonstrates interchange using exclusive-
or is on page 161).
a = a xor b;
b = a xor b;
a = a xor b;
For an example of exclusive-or used in cryptography, consider taking the xor of a pseudo-
random bit stream with a message bit stream
to give an encrypted bit stream , where
. To decrypt, xor the same pseudo-random bit stream with to give back:
. Figure 1.1 illustrates this process.
1. Cryptographer’s Favorites 5
Law XOR-2:
Cryptographers love exclusive-or because it immediately
gives a cryptosystem.
1.2 Logarithms.
By definition,
means the same as
. One says: “ is the logarithm of to base
,” or “ is the log base of .” Stated another way,
you raise to in order to get . Thus
(also known as ) is the exponent
. In more mathematical terms, the logarithm
is the inverse function of the exponential.
Law LOG-1:
The cryptographer’s favorite logarithm is log base 2.
One uses logs base in cryptography (as well as in most of computer science) because of
the emphasis on binary numbers in these fields.
means the same as
, and a logarithm base of is the exponent you
" #$
!%' & )(
raise to in order to get . In symbols: if , then
) (
. In particular
means the same as
is not defined for . - ,
. Notice that
for all , and inversely
# base
Logarithms 2
! 0 undefined
1. The integers (all whole numbers, including and negative numbers) form a group us-
ing ordinary addition. The identity is and the inverse of is . This is an infinite
commutative group.
2. The positive rationals (all positive fractions, including all positive integers) form a group
if ordinary multiplication is the operation. The identity is and the inverse of is
. This is another infinite commutative group.
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
4 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
5 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
6 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
7 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
8 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 4
and the identity is
This is an infinite non-commutative group.
5. The chapter on decimal numbers gives an interesting and useful example of a finite non-
commutative group: the dihedral group with ten elements.
Law GROUP-1:
The cryptographer’s favorite group is the integers mod n,
1. Cryptographer’s Favorites 9
In the special case of
, the operation of addition in can be defined by
mod , that is, divide by 10 and take the remainder. Table 1.3shows how one can
also use an addition table to define the integers modulo 10:
1.4 Fields.
A field is an object with a lot of structure, which this section will only outline. A field has
two operations, call them and (though they will not necessarily be ordinary addition and
multiplication). Using , all the elements of the field form a commutative group. Denote the
identity of this group by and denote the inverse of by
. Using , all the elements of the
field except must form another commutative group with identity denoted and inverse of
/ /
denoted by . (The element has no inverse under .) There is also the distributive identity,
linking and : , for all field elements , , and . Finally,
one has to exclude divisors of zero, that is, non-zero elements whose product is zero. This is
equivalent to the following cancellation property: if is not zero and , then .
1. Consider the rational numbers (fractions) Q, or the real numbers R, or the complex num-
bers C, using ordinary addition and multiplication (extended in the last case to the com-
plex numbers). These are all infinite fields.
A 6B $@ A )@ =$=$= /
2. Consider the integers mod p, denoted , where p is a prime number ( , , , , ,
, , , , , ). Regard this as a group using (ordinary addition followed by
remainder on division by ). The elements with left out form a group under (ordinary
multiplication followed by remainder on division by ). Here the identity is clearly ,
but the inverse of a non-zero element is not obvious. In Java, the inverse must be an
element satisfying . It is always possible to find the unique element
, using an algorithm from number theory known as the extended Euclidean algorithm.
This is the topic in the next chapter, but in brief: because is prime and is non-zero, the
5 /
greatest common divisor of and is . Then the extended Euclidean algorithm gives
ordinary integers and satisfying , or
, and this
says that if you divide
by , you get remainder , so this is the inverse of . (As
integer, might be negative, and in this case one must add to it to get an element of
Law FIELD-1:
The cryptographer’s favorite field is the integers mod p,
denoted Zp , where p is a prime number.
The above field is the only one with elements. In other words, the field is unique up to
renaming its elements, meaning that one can always use a different set of symbols to represent
the elements of the field, but it will still be essentially the same.
10 I. Favorites
There is also a unique finite field with elements for any integer
* .
, denoted
* E>
Particularly useful in cryptography is the special case with , that is, with elements for
. The case is used, for example, in the
new U.S. Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES). It is more difficult to describe than the field . The chapter about multiplication for the
E> D
AES will describe this field in more detail, but here are some of its properties in brief for now:
It has elements, represented as all possible strings of bits. Addition in the field is just the
same as bitwise exclusive-or (or bitwise addition mod ). The zero element is , and
the identity element is . So far, so good, but multiplication is more problematic:
has to regard an element as a degree polynomial with coefficients in the field (just a or
a ) and use a special version of multiplication of these polynomials. The details will come in
the later chapter on the AES.
Law FIELD-2:
The cryptographer’s other favorite field is GF(2n).
Theorem (Fermat): If
is a prime and is any non-zero number less than , then
7 % mod
The cryptographer’s favorite theorem is Fermat’s Theorem.
Table 1.4 illustrates Fermat’s Theorem for . Notice below that the value is always A
by the time the power gets to , but sometimes the value gets to earlier. The initial run up
A ( >
to the value is shown in bold italic in the table. The lengths of these runs are always numbers
> B
that divide evenly into , that is, , , , , or . A value of for which the whole row is
bold italic is called a generator. In this case , , , and are generators.
Because to a power mod always starts repeating after the power reaches , one can
reduce the power mod
might be,
and still get the same answer. Thus no matter how big the power
mod mod 7 % mod =
1. Cryptographer’s Favorites 11
p a % %'& % % %
13 2 2 4 8 3 6 12 11 9 5 10 7 1
13 3 3 9 1 3 9 1 3 9 1 3 9 1
13 4 4 3 12 9 10 1 4 3 12 9 10 1
13 5 5 12 8 1 5 12 8 1 5 12 8 1
13 6 6 10 8 9 2 12 7 3 5 4 11 1
13 7 7 10 5 9 11 12 6 3 8 4 2 1
13 8 8 12 5 1 8 12 5 1 8 12 5 1
13 9 9 3 1 9 3 1 9 3 1 9 3 1
13 10 10 9 12 3 4 1 10 9 12 3 4 1
13 11 11 4 5 3 7 12 2 9 8 10 6 1
13 12 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1
Thus modulo in the expression requires modulo in the exponent. (Naively, one might
expect to reduce the exponent mod , but this is not correct.) So, for example, if as
mod A<=
The Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) discovered a generalization of Fer-
mat’s Theorem which will later be useful in the discussion of the RSA cryptosystem.
Theorem (Euler): If
is any positive integer and is any positive integer less
with no divisors in common with
, then
4 62 % =$=$= 4 6 2 1
and ,
% ==$=
are all the prime numbers that divide evenly into
, including
is a prime, then using the formula,
, so Euler’s 4 2 7 % 4
result is a special case of Fermat’s. Another special case needed for the RSA cryptosystem
comes when the modulus is a product of two primes:
. Then
4 6 2 4
12 I. Favorites
n a % %'& % % % % %
15 2 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 4
15 3 3 9 12 6 3 9 12 6 3 9 12 6 3 9
15 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1
15 5 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10
15 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
15 7 7 4 13 1 7 4 13 1 7 4 13 1 7 4
15 8 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1 8 4
15 9 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6 9 6
15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
15 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1
15 12 12 9 3 6 12 9 3 6 12 9 3 6 12 9
15 13 13 4 7 1 13 4 7 1 13 4 7 1 13 4
15 14 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1
6 E 6 E 4 62A
4 62E A 4 E04 D . Notice here that a is reached
when the power gets to D (actually in this simple case when the power gets to or ( ), but only
for numbers with no divisors in common with E . For other base numbers, the value never gets
to .
The tables above were generated by the Java program on page 163.
In a way similar to Fermat’s Theorem, arithmetic in the exponent is taken mod
, so
that, assuming has no divisors in common with
mod mod =
6E as above, then
D , and if neither A nor E divides evenly into , then
D . Thus for example,
mod 6E mod mod 6E mod 6E<=
The proof in Chapter 14 that the RSA cryptosystem works depends on the above fact.
1. For any bit string , what is equal to?
1. Cryptographer’s Favorites 13
2. Prove in two ways that the three equations using exclusive-or to interchange two values
work. One way should use just the definition of xor in the table, and the other way
should use the properties of xor listed above. (On computer hardware that has an xor
instruction combined with assignment, the above solution may execute just as fast as the
previous one and will avoid the extra variable.)
3. Use the notation to mean “inclusive-or”, to mean “and”, and to mean “not”. With
this notation, show, using either truth tables or algebraically that
4. Show how to use exclusive-or to compare the differences between two bit strings.
5. Given a bit string , show how to use another mask bit string
of the same length to
reverse a fixed bit position , that is, change to and to , but just in position .
6. How many bits are needed to represent a number that is 100 decimal digits long? How
many decimal digits are needed to represent a number that is 1000 bits long? How many
decimal digits are needed to represent a number that is 100 decimal digits long?
7. Write a Java function to return the log base
of , where * and * . Test your
8. In the example of 2-by-2 matrices, verify that the product of a non-zero element and its
inverse in the identity.
The Laws of Cryptography
Cryptographers’ Favorite Algorithms
Law GCD-1:
The cryptographer’s first and oldest favorite algorithm is
the extended Euclidean algorithm, which computes the greatest
common divisor of two positive integers a and b and also sup-
plies integers x and y such that x*a + y*b = gcd(a, b).
The proof that this works is simple: a common divisor of the first two numbers must also
be a common divisor of all three numbers all the way down. (Any number is a divisor of , sort
of on an honorary basis.) One also has to argue that the algorithm will terminate and not go on
forever, but this is clear since the remainders must be smaller at each stage.
Here is Java code for two versions of the GCD algorithm: one iterative and one recursive.
(There is also a more complicated binary version that is efficient and does not require division.)
Java function: gcd (two versions)
public static long gcd1(long x, long y) {
if (y == 0) return x;
return gcd1(y, x%y);
A complete Java program using the above two functions is on page 165.
D @ ( >
D @3/ (> . D @81 (>
The Extended GCD Algorithm: Given the two positive integers and , the extended
Euclidean algorithm finds unique integers and so that
4 @
$D @ / > $(> .
In this case, .
For this example, to calculate the magic and , just work backwards through the original
equations, from step 3 back to step 0 (see above). Below are equations, where each shows two
/ 1
numbers and from a step of the original algorithm, and corresponding integers and (in
bold), such that . Between each pair of equations is an equation in
italics that leads to the next equation.
1*105 + (-2)* 42 = 21 (from Step 3 above)
(-2)*357 + (-2)(-3)*105 = (-2)*42 = (-1)*105 + 21 (Step 2 times -2)
(-2)*357 + 7*105 = 21 (Combine and simplify previous equation)
7 *462 + (7)(-1)* 357 = 7*105 = 2*357 + 21 (Step 1 times 7)
7*462 + (-9)*357 = 21 (Combine and simplify previous equation)
(-9)*819 + (-9)(-1)*462 = (-9)*357 = (-7)*462 + 21 (Step 0 * (-9))
(-9)*819 + 16*462 = 21 (Simplify -- the final answer)
It’s possible to code the extended gcd algorithm following the model above, first using a
loop to calculate the gcd, while saving the quotients at each stage, and then using a second
loop as above to work back through the equations, solving for the gcd in terms of the original
two numbers. However, there is a much shorter, tricky version of the extended gcd algorithm,
adapted from D. Knuth.
Java function: GCD (extended gcd)
public static long[] GCD(long x, long y) {
long[] u = {1, 0, x}, v = {0, 1, y}, t = new long[3];
while (v[2] != 0) {
long q = u[2]/v[2];
16 I. Favorites
while (v[2] != 0) {
long q = u[2]/v[2];
// vector equation: t = u - v*q
t[0] = u[0] - v[0]*q; t[1] = u[1] - v[1]*q; t[2] = u[2] - v[2]*q;
check(x, y, t);
// vector equation: u = v;
u[0] = v[0]; u[1] = v[1]; u[2] = v[2]; check(x, y, u);
// vector equation: v = t;
v[0] = t[0]; v[1] = t[1]; v[2] = t[2]; check(x, y, v);
return u;
1 0 1 462 1 -1 357
1 1 -1 357 -1 2 105
3 -1 2 105 4 -7 42
2 4 -7 42 -9 16 21
2 -9 16 21 22 -39 0
2. Cryptographer’s Favorite Algorithms 17
gcd(819, 462) = 21
1 0 1 24140 1 -1 16762
1 1 -1 16762 -1 2 7378
2 -1 2 7378 3 -5 2006
3 3 -5 2006 -10 17 1360
1 -10 17 1360 13 -22 646
2 13 -22 646 -36 61 68
9 -36 61 68 337 -571 34
2 337 571 34 -710 1203 0
gcd(40902, 24140) = 34
(337)*40902 + (-571)*24140 = 34
A complete Java program with the above functions, along with other example runs appears on
page 167.
A number of cryptosystems require arithmetic on large integers. For example, the RSA public
key cryptosystem uses integers that are at least bits long. An essential part of many of the
algorithms involved is to raise an integer to another integer power, modulo an integer (taking
the remainder on division).
Law EXP-1:
Many cryptosystems in modern cryptography depend on
a fast algorithm to perform integer exponentiation.
It comes as a surprise to some people that in a reasonable amount of time one can raise a
bit integer to a similar-sized power modulo an integer of the same size. (This calculation
can be done on a modern workstation in a fraction of a second.) In fact, if one wants to calculate
(a -bit exponent), there is no need to multiply by itself
times, but one only needs
) (
to square and keep squaring the result times. Similarly, squarings yields
-bit exponent), and an exponent with bits requires only that many squarings if it is an
exact power of . Intermediate powers come from saving intermediate results and multiplying
them in. RSA would be useless if there were no efficient exponentiation algorithm.
There are two distinct fast algorithms for raising a number to an integer power. Here is
pseudo-code for raising an integer to power an integer :
Java function: exp (first version)
int exp(int x, int Y[], int k) {
// Y = Y[k] Y[k-1] ... Y[1] Y[0] (in binary)
int y = 0, z = 1;
18 I. Favorites
The variable is only present to give a loop invariant, since at the beginning and end of
The loop invariant at each stage and after the each iteration of the inner while statement is:
Here is a mathematical proof that the second algorithm actually calculates . Just before
the while loop starts, since
, , and , it is obvious that the loop invariant is
true. (In these equations, the is a mathematical equals, not an assignment.)
Now suppose that at the start of one of the iterations of the while loop, the invariant holds.
Use , , and for the new values of , , and after executing the statements inside one
iteration of the inner while statement. Notice that this assumes that is even. Then the following
are true:
82 (exact integer because y is even)
2. Cryptographer’s Favorite Algorithms 19
This means that the loop invariant holds at the end of each iteration of the inner while
statement for the new values of , , and . Similarly, use the same prime notation for the
variables at the end of the while loop.
7 %
So once again the loop invariant holds. After the loop terminates, the variable
must be ,
so that the loop invariant equation says:
& =
For a complete proof, one must also carefully argue that the loop will always terminate.
A test of the two exponentiation functions implemented in Java appears on page 169.
Law PRIME-1:
A source of large random prime integers is an essential
part of many current cryptosystems.
Usually large random primes are created (or found) by starting with a random integer
and checking each successive integer after that point to see if it is prime. The present situation
is interesting: there are reasonable algorithms to check that a large integer is prime, but these
algorithms are not very efficient (although a recently discovered algorithm is guaranteed to
produce an answer in running time no worse that the number of bits to the twelth power). On
the other hand, it is very quick to check that an integer is “probably” prime. To a mathematician,
it is not satisfactory to know that an integer is only probably prime, but if the chances of making
a mistake about the number being a prime are reduced to a quantity close enough to zero, the
users can just discount the chances of such a mistake.
Tests to check if a number is probably prime are called pseudo-prime tests. Many such
tests are available, but most use mathematical overkill. Anyway, one starts with a property of
a prime number, such as Fermat’s Theorem, mentioned in the previous chapter: if is a prime
and is any non-zero number less than , then mod . If one can find a number
20 I. Favorites
for which Fermat’s Theorem does not hold, then the number in the theorem is definitely not
a prime. If the theorem holds, then is called a pseudo-prime with respect to , and it might
actually be a prime.
So the simplest possible pseudo-prime test would just take a small value of , say or ,
and check if Fermat’s Theorem is true.
A 7%
Simple Pseudo-prime Test: If a very large random integer (100 decimal digits
or more) is not divisible by a small prime, and if mod
, then the number
is prime except for a vanishingly small probability, which one can ignore.
One could just repeat the test for other integers besides as the base, but unfortunately
E)> A 6B
there are non-primes (called Carmichael numbers) that satisfy Fermat’s theorem for all values
of even though they are not prime. The smallest such number is , but
7 %
these numbers become very rare in the larger range, such as 1024-bit numbers. Corman et
al. estimate that the chances of a mistake with just the above simple test are less than ,
although in practice commercial cryptosystems use better tests for which there is a proof of the
low probability. Such better tests are not really needed, since even if the almost inconceivable
happened and a mistake were made, the cryptosystem wouldn’t work, and one could just choose
another pseudo-prime.
Law PRIME-2:
Just one simple pseudo-prime test is enough to test that a
very large random integer is probably prime.
1. Prove that the long (debug) version of the Extended GCD Algorithm works.
(a) First show that u[2] is the gcd by throwing out all references to array indexes 0
and 1, leaving just u[2], v[2], and t[2]. Show that this still terminates and just
calculates the simple gcd, without reference to the other array indexes. (This shows
that at the end of the complicated algorithm, u[2] actually is the gcd.)
(b) Next show mathematically that the three special equations are true at the start of the
algorithm, and that each stage of the algorithm leaves them true. (One says that they
are left invariant.)
(c) Finally deduce that algorithm is correct.
Part II
Coding and
Information Theory
The Laws of Cryptography
Coding and Information Theory
, with probabilities of occurrence:
of this set of messages is:
(with sum equal ),
Intuitively, the entropy is just the weighted average of the number of bits required to repre-
sent each message, where the weights are the probabilities that each message might occur.
The entropy of a message is just the number of bits of
information in the message, that is, the number of bits needed
for the shortest possible encoding of the message.
It is possible to list reasonable properties of any entropy function and to prove that only the
above formula gives a function with those properties.
For example, if we have two messages 1
male female, each having probability , 62
then the entropy is
62 6 2 62 / 62
62 62
24 II. Coding and Information Theory
and the remaining probabilities are zero. In this case the entropy works
out to be as one would expect, since one is only going to receive the message
is no information and no surprise in receiving this message. The actual message
, so there
might be %
complex, with many bits representing it, but its probability is , so only this message can occur,
entropy, the term 62
with no information or “surprise” on its receipt, even if it is complex.
comes up, which looks like
(In the calculation of
. This term would be
indeterminate, but the first part tends to much faster than tends to , so that in
A % 2 6 2)( 62)(
practice such terms are regarded as .)
As another example, suppose
= E
and , , and .
Then the entropy works out to be
, and
. It is possible to encode these messages as follows:
. In this case the average code length is the same as the entropy.
One doesn’t normally expect to be able to represent a collection of messages with a code whose
average length is exactly equal to the entropy; it is never possible to get the average length less
than the entropy.
Finally, suppose there are
equally probably messages. Then the entropy is:
62 6
@8=?@>EBD)( DE<=
Thus the entropy value of these messages means that there are nearly bits of information
in each message. Similarly, if there are
equally likely messages, then the entropy of a message
. The equal probable case gives the largest possible value for the entropy of a collection
of messages.
A random message has the most information (the greatest
entropy). [Claude Shannon]
1. Source Coding. This usually involves data compression: representing the data with as
few bits as possible. Notice that one always needs at least as many bits to encode a
message as the entropy of the message. The next chapter talks more about source coding,
and presents one special example: the Huffman code.
2. Channel Coding. Here one uses error detection and error correction to improve the
reliability of the channel. This is accomplished by adding extra redundant bits. The rest
of this chapter presents material on channel capacity and error correction codes. A later
chapter talks about one particular error correcting code: the Hamming code.
3. Secrecy Coding. For secrecy, one uses cryptography to scramble the message so that
it may not be intelligible to an eavesdropper. Much of the rest of the material in these
notes is concerned with cryptographic coding. Often the scrambled message has the same
number of bits as the original message.
In all coding theory, information transmission is essen-
tially the same as information storage, since the latter is just
transmission from now to then.
It is possible to have a single code that combines two or even all three of these functions,
but the codes are usually kept separate. Normally one would compress a message (making the
message smaller, to save storage or channel bandwidth), then transform it cryptographically for
secrecy (without changing the message length), and finally add bits to the message to allow for
error detection or correction.
, ,
The simplest example of such a channel is the binary symmetric channel. Here every time
a bit is transmitted, there is a fixed probability , with such that a transmitted is
received as a with probability and received as a with probability
. The errors occur
at random.
26 II. Coding and Information Theory
Channel Capacity
Table 3.1 Channel Capacity.
For example, if
there are no errors at all on the channel, and the channel capacity is
(meaning 100%). If , the capacity is still as long as you realize that all bits are reversed.
, then on receipt of a bit, both and are equally likely as the bit that was sent, so
one can never say anything about the original message. In this case the channel capacity is
and no information can be sent over the channel.
For binary symmetric channels there is a simple formula for the capacity
(a Java program
that calculates channel capacity is on page 172):
/ / 4
4 =
Alternatively, one can write this formula as:
Channel Probability
Table 3.2 Inverse channel capacity.
8 =BE
fourth bit on the average will be reversed, with the reversals occurring completely at random.
The capacity of the binary symmetric channel with is:
case equal numbers of s and s are received.) Table 3.3 gives the results (a Java program that
prints the table is given as the answer to the next exercise).
It should be clear that you can get as low an error rate as you like by using more and
more duplicates, reducing the transmission rate to near zero. At a little less than the channel
capacity (7 duplicates and a transmission rate of 14%), you can get the error rate down to 7%.
Shannon’s theory says that there are other more complicated codes that will also take the error
rate arbitrarily close to zero, while maintaining a transmission rate close to 18%. (These other
codes can get very large and complicated indeed. No general and practical codes have ever
been discovered.)
Exercise: Find the channel capacity for
[Ans: 0.08170.] Do up a table for
similar to the one for
. [Ans: see the program on page 177.]
Information Code
Word Word
000 000 000
100 100 011
010 010 101
001 001 110
011 011 011
101 101 101
110 110 110
111 111 000
differs from the transmitted word in only one position, whereas all others differ in at least two
positions. For this reason, this code is single error correcting, just like the previous triple code,
where each bit is transmitted three times.
Notice a difference between this code and the triple transmission code: this code has a
transmission rate of 50%, while the triple code has a rate of only 33.3%, even though both do
single-error correction.
In the previous code, after transmitting each bit 3 times, one got a better error rate by
transmitting each bit 5 times, or 7 times, or 9 times, etc. The transmission rate went to zero,
while the error rate also went to zero. In the same way, one could repeat the codes in this
section, and the transmission rates would be slightly better than the earlier ones, though they
would still go to zero. What is wanted is a way to keep a high transmission rate while lowering
the error rate.
Over a noisy channel it is always possible to use a long
enough random code to signal arbitrarily close to the channel ca-
pacity with arbitrarily good reliability [known as Shannon’s Noisy
Coding Theorem].
The proof chooses an integer
for the blocksize of the information words —
must be very
large indeed. The information words are all
strings of s and s of length
. Corresponding
to each information word one chooses a codeword completely at random. The length of the
30 II. Coding and Information Theory
codewords must be greater than the blocksize divided by the channel capacity. Then it is
possible to prove Shannon’s result by choosing
large enough. (Notice that it is possible to
choose two identical random codewords. This will contribute another error, but as the blocksize
gets large, the probability of these errors will also tend to zero.)
The actual situation is just a little more complicated: a code table chosen at random might
be anything at all, and so might not perform well. Shannon’s proof of his result takes the
average over all possible codes. For large enough
, the average satisfies his theorem, so there
must exist an individual specific code table that satisfies his theorem. In practice, for large
random code is very likely to work.
These codes are impractical because the system requires keeping a table of all the random
code words. Assuming the table would fit into memory, encoding could be done efficiently.
However, for decoding one must find the code word in the table that most closely matches the
received code word (that has errors from the noise on the channel).
Exercise: Create a simulation of Shannon’s result for specific parameter values and for a
<= DDB
specific random code table (with codewords chosen at random). Use for the error
probability in the binary symmetric channel. Thus the channel capacity
will be
Now try a specific value for the blocksize
, say
6 E A B)>D
, so that there will be information
Please keep in mind that all this discussion assumes a binary symmetric channel with prob-
8= DDB
ability , that is, on the average, one out of every four bits transmitted is reversed — an
extremely high error rate. The corresponding channel capacity is approximately .
In practice, simulation runs need longer codeword lengths, perhaps up to twice the channel
capacity values. I was able to run the simulation for blocksize = , using up to Megabytes
of main memory on an iMac. Hypothetical runs for blocksizes of or would take up to
E (
Gigabyte or Gigabytes of memory. (The memory requirements grow exponentially as the
blocksize grows: adding to the blocksize makes the memory requirements about times as
Initial results of simulation runs were discouraging and equivocal. It seemed that I would
need a far larger blocksize than my computer could run in order to get reasonable results. For
example, the results of runs answering the original questions in the exercise were:
( A
Thus at substantially under the channel capacity for codeword lengths ( bits or
of capacity), the error rate is still , indicating that the blocksize is not remotely close to a
value needed for reasonable accuracy. More discouraging was that these runs gave no hint of a
magic channel capacity value behind the scenes.
This specific graph shows the actual simulation results, with points connected by straight
lines. (No curve-fitting was carried out.) The black line (for blocksize = ), is accurate since
each point represents trials, but there are only 14 points, so this graph has an angular
look. The graphs for blocksizes of
and are smoother (because more points are plotted),
but less accurate (smaller number of trials per point). Finally, the red graph (blocksize = )
is somewhat irregular because only
trials per point did not produce the accuracy of the
other graphs.
It is important to realize that the graph only illustrates what Shannon’s theorem proves. The
graph and these simulation results prove nothing, but just give an indication of what might be
get arbitrarily close to . In the limit as the block size tends to infinity, the graph will look like
a step function: at
to the left of the dashed vertical line and at to the right.
The proofs of both of Shannon’s theorems are found in books on information theory. In the
terms of this course they are very difficult and technical.
The Java simulation program in three files is found on page 179.
Figure 4.1. Simulation of Shannon’s Random Codes
(Error Probability = 0.25)
Blocksize = 5, Tablesize = 32, Trials = 10000000 @ 14 points
Blocksize = 10, Tablesize = 1024, Trials = 1000000 @ 24 points
Blocksize = 15, Tablesize = 32768, Trials = 100000 @ 26 points
90 Blocksize = 20, Tablesize = 1048576, Trials = 10000 @ 30 points
Dashed vertical line: channel capacity = 0.18872 18755
(as codeword size, equals 1/0.18872 = 5.2988)
Error Rate (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Codeword Size (1 = Source Size)
Figure 4.1 Simulation of Shannon’s Random Codes
The Laws of Cryptography
The Huffman Code for Compression
In the absence of noise, it is always possible to encode or
transmit a message with a number of bits arbitrarily close to the
entropy of the message, but never less than the entropy [known
as Shannon’s Noiseless Coding Theorem].
To achieve this result, it may be necessary to lump together a large number of messages.
In contrast to the proof of Shannon’s Noisy Coding Theorem (discussed in the chapter on
coding theory), Shannon’s Noiseless Coding Theorem has a constructive proof given below as
a reasonable method for data compression, though the method is not used any more for actual
Intuitively, a random message has the largest entropy and allows no compression at all.
A message that is not random will have some “regularity” to it, some predictability, some
“patterns” in the sequence of its bits. Such patterns could be described in a more succinct way,
leading to compression.
These concepts provide a new way to describe random sequences: A finite sequence is
random if it has no succinct representation, that is, any program or algorithm that will generate
the sequence is at least as long as the sequence itself. This is the concept of algorithmic
information theory, invented by Chaitin and Kolmogoroff, which is beyond the scope of this
Still speaking intuitively, the result of a good compression algorithm is a file that appears
random. (If it did not look random, it would be possible to compress it further.) Also, a good
compression algorithm will end up relatively close to the entropy, so one knows that no further
compression is possible.
36 II. Coding and Information Theory
Just like Niven’s law (never fire a laser at a mirror), one
says: never compress a message that’s already compressed.
The joke is to take a large file, Shakespeare’s plays, say, and repeatedly compress the file
until the result is a single bit. Intuitively, one realizes that there really is information in the plays.
They could be compressed, but many bits would still be needed to represent the true information
in them. (Of course, the entropy of his plays gives the smallest size of any compressed version.)
Just as with inventors of perpetual motion machines, crackpots fixated on compression reg-
ularly announce fantastic compression schemes without knowledge of the limitations imposed
by information theory. As I write this (2002), a small company is claiming to compress any
random file and recover every bit of the original during decompression, assuming the original
file is “large enough”. Simply counting the number of possible files to compress and the num-
ber of their compressed forms easily shows that these claims are impossible, and the argument
requires nothing subtle from information theory. People making claims about perpetual motion
or faster than light travel are just suggesting a violation of the accepted laws of physics, some-
thing that might be true here or in another universe, but the compression crazies are suggesting
a violation of the laws of logic — impossible for reasonable people to imagine.
For one very simple example of compression, consider a file with many sequences of blank
characters. One needs a special character (or sequence of characters) to represent a sequence of
blanks. Use a Ascii blank itself for this purpose. This special character must always be followed
by an 8-bit number representing the number of blanks. Thus a single blank is represented by
two bytes: a normal blank, followed by a 1. If the file contains many long sequences of blanks,
each such sequence shorter than 256 blanks could be represented by two bytes. This might
provide a large compression. On the other hand, if the file mostly consists of isolated blanks,
the above technique will replace single blanks by two-byte sequences, so the “compression”
algorithm will output a larger file than the input.
A later section below presents Huffman’s compression algorithm, which in a sense is op-
timal. Huffman’s code provides an explicit solution to Shannon’s Noiseless Coding Theorem,
but Huffman’s algorithm has significant disadvantages. It usually needs an initial statistical
analysis of the file itself, and it usually requires transmitting a large decoding table along with
the file. For these and other reasons, Huffman’s code has been replaced with a large number of
other clever compression codes. The complete description is far beyond the scope of this book,
but the .gif images or the bit stream processed by a modem use very sophisticated algorithms
that adapt to the nature of the source file. These methods allow the receiving station to construct
a decode table “on the fly” as it carries out decompression.
Images with a .gif suffix use the LZW compression algorithm, which has an interesting his-
tory. Two researches named Lempel and Ziv came up with a remarkable compression algorithm
which they published in the scientific literature, though their companies also patented it: the
(surprise) Lempel-Zip method. Later an employee of Unisys named Welch made minor modifi-
cations to Lempel-Ziv to produce the LZW algorithm used in .gif images. Unisys patented the
algorithm and after its use became widespread started demanding payments for it. I personally
5. The Huffman Code for Compression 37
resent this situation because Unisys and even Welch had relatively little to do with the break-
through — Lempel and Ziv were the ones with the insight — yet Unisys wants money for its
minor modification of a standard algorithm.
The Huffman algorithm starts with a simple list of each symbol, regarding the list as a
sequence of single-element trees with the symbol and the frequency at the root node of each
tree (the only node in this case). Then the algorithm repeatedly combines the two least frequent
root nodes as left and right subtrees of a new root node with symbol and frequency the sum of
the two previous frequencies. (I use the symbol @ as the symbol for the root of the combined
Thus, referring to Figure 5.1, the first step combines the single-node trees for letters c and
d, each with frequencies 0.125, into a single tree, with subtrees the trees above, and a root
node with frequency 0.125 + 0.125 = 0.25. Now this process is repeated with the new
node and the old node for the letter b with frequency 0.25. The final combination yields a
single tree with frequency 1.0.
If there are multiple choices for the “least frequent” root nodes, then make any choice. The
resulting Huffman trees and the resulting codes may not be the same, but the average code
lengths must always work out the same.
So step 1 in Figure 5.1combines c and d, yielding a new root node of frequency 0.25.
Then step 2 combines the result of step 1 with b. That result is combined in step 3 with a, to
give a single root node with frequency 1.0.
In the final part of the algorithm, one heads down the tree from the root as shown above,
building a code string as one goes, adding a 0 as one goes up and a 1 as one goes down.
5. The Huffman Code for Compression 39
The resulting binary codes for symbols are shown in bold in Figure 5.2(note the codes for
intermediate nodes also):
To encode using the result of the Huffman algorithm, one makes up a code table consisting
of each symbol followed by the corresponding codeword. To encode, look up each symbol
in the table, and fetch the corresponding codeword. (Encoding can be efficient if the table is
arranged so that binary search or hashing is possible.)
Symbol: a, Codeword: 1
Symbol: b, Codeword: 01
Symbol: c, Codeword: 001
Symbol: d, Codeword: 000
The same table could be used for decoding, by looking up successive sequences of code
symbols, but this would not be efficient. The process of decoding can be made simple and
efficient by using the above Huffman coding tree itself. Start at the root (left side) of the tree
40 II. Coding and Information Theory
and process the code symbols 0 and 1 one at a time. For a 0 head upward and for a 1 head
downward. When a leaf node (one with no subnodes) is reached, the symbol at that node is
the one being decoded. For example, in decoding the string 001, start at the root, head up
because of the first (leftmost) 0. Then head up again because of the second 0. Finally head
down because of the final 1. This is now a leaf node holding c, so that is the symbol decoded
from 001. The diagram in Figure 5.3shows the path through the tree in boldface:
The entropy of the four symbols above with the given probabilities is 1.75, and this is
exactly the same as the average code length, given by
0.5 * 1 + 0.25 * 2 + 0.125 * 3 + 0.125 * 3 = 1.75.
Huffman codes are always optimal (the best possible), but this particular code has average
code length equal to the entropy, and it is never possible to create a code with shorter average
length. Most Huffman codes have average code length greater than the entropy (unless all
frequencies are a fraction with numerator and denominator a power of 2). The next simple
example shows this.
Example 2. Start with the file aaaaaabc. Here is the frequency table, and the tree along with
the the code strings is in Figure 5.4:
Symbol: a, Weight: 0.75
Symbol: b, Weight: 0.125
Symbol: c, Weight: 0.125
In this case, the entropy is 1.061278 while the average code length is 1.25.
Product Codes: Now suppose one forms the “product” code of the code in Example 2 by con-
sidering all possible pairs of symbols and their respective probabilities, which are the products
of the probabilities for individual symbols:
Symbol: A (for aa), Weight: 0.5625 = 0.75 * 0.75
Symbol: B (for ab), Weight: 0.09375 = 0.75 * 0.125
Symbol: C (for ba), Weight: 0.09375 = 0.125 * 0.75
Symbol: D (for ac), Weight: 0.09375 = 0.75 * 0.125
Symbol: E (for ca), Weight: 0.09375 = 0.125 * 0.75
5. The Huffman Code for Compression 41
Figure 5.4 Huffman Tree: Entropy less than average code length.
<= EE>
Figure 5.5gives the corresponding Huffman tree, along with the code words:
1. Devise a simple example where there are different choices for the least trees and where
the Huffman algorithm yields different answers. Get an example where there are even
two different distributions for the lengths of the codewords. Verify that the average code
lengths are the same for the two examples. [Ans: See page 191 for an answer.]
2. After looking at the answer to the previous problem, see if you can create the simplest
possible example and argue that there is no simpler example.
3. Write a program that will translate to and from Morse code. In the coded text, use a blank
between the Morse codes for letters and three blanks between the codes for words. Only
insert newlines between words.
4. Expand the Huffman code implementation to handle binary files using techniques similar
to those of the Hamming code implementation. Comments at the end of the code indicate
how to handle these binary files.
The Laws of Cryptography
The Hamming Code for Error Correction
The Hamming code uses parity checks over portions of the positions in a block. Suppose
there are bits in consecutive positions from to
. The positions whose position number is
( D >
a power of are used as check bits, whose value must be determined from the data bits. Thus
the check bits are in positions , , , , , ..., up to the largest power of that is less than or
equal to the largest bit position. The remaining positions are reserved for data bits.
Each check bit has a corresponding check equation that covers a portion of all the bits, but
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Bin Rep 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 10000 10001
Check:1 x x x x x x x x x
Check:2 x x x x x x x x
Check:4 x x x x x x x x
Check:8 x x x x x x x x
Check:16 x x
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Binary 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 1011
Word 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Check:1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Check:2 1 1 0 1 0 1
Check:4 0 1 0 1
Check:8 0 1 0 1
has a as its rightmost bit, then the check equation for check bit covers those positions. If
the position number has a as its next-to-rightmost bit, then the check equation for check bit
covers those positions. If the position number has a as its third-from-rightmost bit, then the
check equation for check bit covers those positions. Continue in this way through all check
bits. Table 6.1 summarizes this.
( D >
In detail, Table 6.1 shows the parity checks for the first 17 positions of the Hamming code.
(Check bits are in positions , , , , and , in bold italic in the table.)
( D
Table 6.2 assumes one starts with data bits (in plain type). The check equations
above are used to determine values for check bits in positions , , , and , to yield the word
11101010101 below, with check bits in bold italic here and in Table 6.2 .
Intuitively, the check equations allow one to “zero-in” on the position of a single error. For
example, suppose a single bit is transmitted in error. If the first check equation fails, then the
error must be in an odd position, and otherwise it must be in an even position. In other words, if
the first check fails, the position number of the bit in error must have its rightmost bit (in binary)
equal to one; otherwise it is zero. Similarly the second check gives the next-to-rightmost bit of
the position in error, and so forth.
Table 6.3 below gives the result of a single error in position (changed from a to a
). Three of the four parity checks fail, as shown below. Adding the position number of each
failing check gives the position number of the error bit, in this case.
The above discussion shows how to get single-error correction with the Hamming code.
46 II. Coding and Information Theory
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Result
Binary 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 1011
Word 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 (err)
Check:1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 fail
Check:2 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 fail
Check:4 0 1 0 1 - pass
Check:8 0 1 0 0 8 fail
One can also get double-error detection by using a single extra check bit, which is in position
. (All other positions are handled as above.) The check equation in this case covers all bits,
including the new bit in position . Values for all the other check bits are calculated in any
order, but the overall check must come at the end, to determine the th check bit.
In case of a single error, this new check will fail. If only the new equation fails, but none
of the others, then the position in error is the new th check bit, so a single error of this new
bit can also be corrected. In case of two errors, the overall check (using position ) will pass,
but at least one of the other check equations must fail. This is how one detects a double error.
In this case there is not enough information present to say anything about the positions of the
two bits in error. Three or more errors at the same time can show up as no error, as two errors
detected, or as a single error that is “corrected” in the wrong position.
Notice that the Hamming code without the extra th check bit would react to a double
error by reversing some bogus position as if it were a single error. Thus the extra check bit
and the double error detection are very important for this code. Notice also that the check
bits themselves will also be corrected if one of them is transmitted in error (without any other
The binary Hamming code is particularly useful because it
provides a good balance between error correction (1 error) and
error detection (2 errors).
D > D
so that this is the full binary Hamming code, including double error detection.
For example, with bits or bytes, one gets
bits of data and uses bits for the
check bits. Thus an error-prone storage or transmission system would only need to devote out
6. The Hamming Code for Error Correction 47
finite field with 10 elements. It is possible to apply normal coding theory to the fields of order
and separately, and then handle a message modulo and modulo separately, combining
results at the end. It is also possible to convert a decimal number to binary and use binary error
detection and correction. For decimal numbers, neither of these approaches is satisfactory. In
the first case the extra error digits would be different numbers of binary and base digits,
which would not fit together and could not be combined into individual checkable decimal
digits. More importantly for both approaches, the possible errors in a message will be errors in
decimal digits. If the number is expressed in binary, a decimal error might change any number
of binary bits. If the number is represented using 4 bits per decimal digit, a single decimal error
could still change up to 4 bits. For these and other reasons, one needs new decimal-oriented
approaches to handle decimal numbers
One needs special methods for decimal-oriented applica-
tions; general binary coding theory is not useful.
& / A / % / A B / / B / mod
A / B /
It is essentially the same scheme to repeat the coefficients , A , and B
indefinitely. This
scheme also catches all single errors and it catches all adjacent transpositions of digits that
do not differ by 5. Thus 88.888% of adjacent transposition errors are caught (80 out of 90).
(Computer programs later in the book verify this fact; it is also easy to prove mathematically.)
The IBM Check: The most common check now in use, for example on credit card numbers, is
often called the “IBM check”. Here the check equation is:
%/ /
&/ / / =$=$= mod
means to multiply
by and add the decimal digits. In Java 2#a[i] =
(2*a[i])/10 + (2*a[i])%10.
For example, if the account number is , then the check equation without the check
digit is:
KE / ( / @ / @ / > mod
/ / ( / / D / @ / / mod
/ ( / @ / @ / A mod > mod ><1
so that the check digit must equal 4 to make the check equation true. Actual credit cards
currently have 16 digits and place the check digit on the right, but they treat the other digits
50 II. Coding and Information Theory
as above, so that the first (leftmost) digit is acted on by , while the final 16th digit (the
( B B 6E@ )( (
rightmost digit, which is also the check digit) is just added in to the check sum. For example, if
a VISA card has number , then the rightmost is the check digit, chosen
so that the check equation will work out to zero:
( / / KB / / KB / / / /
/ E / @ / / / / / ( mod
D / / E / / E / / / /
/ E / @ / / ( / / ( / ( mod
@ @
This scheme detects all single-digit errors as well as all adjacent transpositions except for
and . Thus it catches 97.777% of all adjacent transposition errors (88 out of 90).
The ISBN Check: The ISBN number of a book uses a mod 11 check. The check equation is:
%/ A / (
&/ / =$=$=6/ 7 % mod 81
just keep repeating the weights from to . Actual ISBN numbers use
$( (>E)>@
and write the digits in reverse order. For example if the ISBN number is , then the
rightmost digit of is chosen so that the following check equation is true:
/ @ / D ( / B / > /
E ( / ( > / A E / > / @ mod
The check catches all single errors and all transpositions, whether adjacent or not. (If
then transpositions are caught if they are no more than 10 positions apart.) Unfortunately,
in this check the check “digit” has a value from to , and the ISBN number uses an
to represent . (I guess they were thinking of “ten” in Roman numerals.) Because the check
AB"(>> )(>
calculates numbers modulo and requires an extra symbol for the “digit” , it is not properly
speaking a decimal check at all. Here is an ISBN number with an in it: (the
ISBN for Franz Kafka’s Der Prozess).
All these checks have disadvantages. The IBM check seems best, except that it does miss
two transpositions. The ISBN check performs much better, but it has the serious disadvantage
of an extra inside every 11th number on the average.
Verhoeff’s Scheme: The next chapter presents a more interesting decimal error detecting
scheme developed by a Dutch mathematician Verhoeff: ¡a href=”verhoeff.html”¿Verhoeff’s
Check¡/a¿. This method has a section to itself because it is more challenging mathematically.
additions or omissions), and 99.94% of adjacent double errors. Overall, it catches 99% of all
errors, compared with 90% for the single check digit schemes.
Keep in mind that the mod @B
check “digit” itself would be represented as two decimal
digits. These two digits would be protected against all double errors. However, a double error
would only be caught of the time if it involved adjacent digits where one is a check digit
(part of the mod check digit), and the other is a data digit.
For even better performance, one could use a modulo or a modulo @@B @@BA
check, again
@B @@B @@BA
with weights successive powers of , and with 3 or 4 check digits, respectively. (The numbers
, , and are each the largest prime less than the respective power of .)
The Hamming mod 11 Code With Two Check Digits: With two mod check digits and
up to 9 data digits, the code would use the following two check equations:
Here the two check digits are in the first equation and in the second. One starts with
% &
data digits through , then determines the check digit so that the first check equation
%'& %
is true, and then determines the check digit so that the second check equation is true. To
correct any single error, get the amount of the error from the second check equation and the
position of the error from the first.
This system will correct any single error (including errors in the check digits themselves).
Unlike the binary Hamming code, this code will interpret many double errors as if they were
some other single error.
The Hamming mod 11 Code With Three Check Digits: Nine data digits are probably too
few for current applications, but the Hamming code will work fine with a third check digit,
allowing up to data digits. Again, such a system would correct any single error, including
a single error in one of the check digits. Keep in mind that all these mod
checks require the
possibility of an (or something else) as the value for any of the check digits.
Here the digits go from
up to as high as
. The check digits are , , and . & % %%
(An actual implementation might collect these three digits at one end.) There are three check
52 II. Coding and Information Theory
% / / / A / =$=$= / @ / %'& /
&%% / % % / A % / =$=$=/ @ & / % /
=$== /
%%'& / %%% / %% / A %% / =$=$=/G@ %% / % & mod
/ % / / /.=$==/ / %'& /
&%% / % / % / % /.=$==/ & / % /
=$== /
%%'& / %%% / %% / %% /.=$==/ %% / % & mod
/ / / /.=$=$=/ / mod
& % %% % &
=$=$= '% & % $= == % % % &
The above equations explicitly show multipliers by to help keep the pattern clear. Start
with up to 118 data digits , , , , , , , . In either order, determine the
% %% &
check digits and using the first two equations. Then determine the check digit using
the third equation. If there are fewer than data digits, just set the remaining ones equal to
zero in the equations above (and leave them off in transmission and storage). As before, the
third equation gives the value of the error, and the first two equations give the location of the
error. If is the location of the error ( ), then the first equation gives , while the
second gives , and together these give .
Suppose this scheme were used for current credit card numbers. These use the IBM scheme
and have 15 data digits (expandable to any number of digits) and one check digit. One would
replace these with 15 data digits (expandable to 118 data digits) and 3 mod check digits.
Thus the new numbers would have two disadvantages compared with the old: two extra digits
digits, about of double errors are detected, or are undetected.
With only 18 digits, most double errors ( ) will be interpreted as an error in a position
greater than 18 and so will be detected as a double error. Also if a double error is interpreted
as a “correction” of a position other than 0, 1, or 11 to an , or if the amount of error comes
a size such as 15 data digits, about6E of double errors would be erroneously interpreted as
a single error, compounding the problems. For these and other reasons, it does not seem likely
that anyone will want to use this code for practical decimal-oriented applications.
In contrast, the binary Hamming code (see the chapter on the Hamming code) corrects any
single error and detects any double error. In the mod Hamming code above, the overall
check gives the amount of the error. With the binary Hamming code, the corresponding check
is not needed, since if there is an error, its amount must be (that is, a changed to a or
vice versa). Moreover, any double error will still show up as an error according to the other
checks, but a double binary error appears as no error in the overall check. Thus the double
error detection works only in the special case of the base 2 Hamming code. Because of this the
binary Hamming code has often been implemented for hardware RAM memory. The absence
of double error detection in the Hamming mod code, and more importantly, the fact that
double errors can mask as a single correctable errors, are fatal flaws.
Hamming codes exist for prime bases other two, but be-
cause they do not support double error detection, and because
they may misinterpret a double error as a correctable single er-
ror, they are not useful.
✦ The U.S. Bank Scheme (all but 10 transpositions detected): see the program on page
✦ The ”IBM” Scheme (all but 2 transpositions detected): see the program on page 206.
✦ The ISBN Scheme (all transpositions detected): see the program on page 209.
✦ The mod 97 Scheme (all transpositions detected): see the program on page 212.
✦ Hamming mod 11 Code, Test single error correction: see the program on page 215.
✦ Hamming mod 11 Code, Test handling of double errors: see the program on page
The Laws of Cryptography
Verhoeff’s Decimal Error Detection
In the past, researchers have given “proofs” that it is impossible for a check to detect all
adjacent transpositions (as well as all single errors). It is true that if one uses a simple sum of
digits with weights on the individual locations, then such a check is mathematically impossible.
However, the more general scheme in this section works.
✦ single errors:
changed to (60 to 95 percent of all errors)
✦ adjacent transpositions: changed to (10 to 20 percent)
✦ twin errors: changed to (0.5 to 1.5 percent)
✦ jump transpositions: changed to (0.5 to 1.5 percent)
✦ jump twin errors: changed to (below 1 percent)
✦ phonetic errors: changed to (0.5 to 1.5 percent; “phonetic” because in some
languages the two have similar pronunciations, as with thirty and thirteen)
✦ omitting or adding a digit: (10 to 20 percent)
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9 5
2 2 3 4 0 1 7 8 9 5 6
3 3 4 0 1 2 8 9 5 6 7
4 4 0 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8
5 5 9 8 7 6 0 4 3 2 1
6 6 5 9 8 7 1 0 4 3 2
7 7 6 5 9 8 2 1 0 4 3
8 8 7 6 5 9 3 2 1 0 4
9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
addition or multiplication. Keep in mind that the ten symbols through are the only symbols
@ @
in the group. When two are combined, you get another of them. There is no number , but
@ B *
only separate group elements and that could be combined in two ways: and
. There is no concept of order such as or in this group. The five numbers
through combine in the group just as they do with addition in the group , but the remaining
E > B D @
numbers are quite different, since each of , , , , and is its own inverse. (With ordinary
addition in
, only is its own inverse.)
Figure 8.1 at the end of this chapter shows a way to visualize this dihedral group. It is known
as the group of symmetries of a pentagon, meaning all rigid motions in the 2-dimensional plane
A (
that will transform a regular pentagon onto itself. First there are clockwise rotations by 0, 72,
144, 216, and 288 degrees. These rotations correspond to the group elements , , , , and ,
respectively. Any other possible rotation that would take a pentagon to itself is equivalent to one
of these, as for example a counter-clockwise rotation by 432 degrees is the same as element 4:
a clockwise rotation by 288 degrees. These 5 group elements are illustrated in the left column
of Figure 8.1.
The remaining 5 group elements can be visualized as each of the earlier rotations followed
by a reflection of the pentagon (flipping it over) along the vertical axis of symmetry. The right
E > B D @
column of Figure 8.1 shows the action at the left in each case followed by a reflection about
the vertical axis. These actions correspond to group elements , , , , and , as shown in the
figure. These actions show where the entries in Table 8.1 come from. For example, element
is a rotation by 288 degrees followed by a vertical reflection. If one wants to see the result of
, first do the action specified by , that is, a rotation by 144 degrees. Then follow that by
the action specified by : a further rotation by 288, for a rotation by 144 + 288 = 432, which is
> @ >
the same as a rotation by 72 (group element ), followed by the vertical reflection, which will
result finally in group element . This shows that
, as we also see from the table. All
other results of combining two group elements can be see to agree with the table entries in the
same way. The result of any combination of rotations (by any angle that is a multiple of 72
56 II. Coding and Information Theory
degrees) and of reflections (about any of the 10 axes of symmetry of the pentagon) must end
up equivalent to one of the 10 different group elements.
& % =$=$=
where is the group operation in , this would be much better than simply adding the
digits modulo 10, since in both cases single errors are caught, but in two-thirds of adjacent
transpositions are caught (60 out of 90, represented by the bold italic entries in the table above),
whereas ordinary addition catches no transpositions. This suggests that stirring things up a little
more would give the answer.
Verhoeff considered check equations of the form
catches 95.555% of twin errors, 94.222% of jump transpositions and jump twin errors, and
95.3125% percent of phonetic errors (assuming ranges from to ).
It is possible to use a single check digit to detect all single
errors and all adjacent transpositions, but this method is seldom
I had earlier formulated the above law using the words “and nobody uses this method” at the
end. However, Professor Ralph-Hardo Schulz of the Freie Universität in Berlin pointed out that
Verhoeff’s method was used for serial numbers on German currency, before the introduction of
the Euro.
✦ Use of the Dihedral Group (all but 30 transpositions detected): see the program on
page 223.
✦ Verhoeff’s Scheme (all transpositions detected): see the program on page 226.
Part III
Introduction to
The Laws of Cryptography
Cryptograms and Terminology
9.1 Cryptograms.
Newspapers in the U.S. have long presented to their readers a special puzzle called a cryp-
togram. The puzzle has taken a quotation in capital letters and substituted another letter for
each given letter. The trick is to guess the substitutions and recover the original quotation. Here
is an example of a cryptogram:
It looks like complete gibberish, but if one knows, deduces, or guesses the translation
scheme, the key for uncovering the quotation, then it is understandable. In this case the key
Given the quotation, the person making up this cryptogram would write Z for each A, U for
each B, W for each C, and so forth. Given the cryptogram as above, one just has to go backwards,
changing each Z back to A, and so forth. In this way, knowing the translation key, it is easy to
recover the original quotation:
I have never solved one of these puzzles, but my parents often used to spend an hour or so
recovering such quotations. (I must try one sometime.) I remember that my mother would first
focus on a word that is a single letter as above, since this letter must be either an A or an I in
ordinary English. After trying I for awhile, assume that Z is an A. Then there is a three-letter
word ZFY that one now guesses starts with an A. This word appears twice, so one might guess
that it is AND. From this, the last word (last name of an author?) becomes A N D. There is
only one well-known author whose name looks like this, and the quotation is perhaps his most
famous one, so one would have solved the puzzle immediately.
As another approach, my mother would check the frequencies of all the letters. In the
scrambled quotation (leaving off the last line), they are far from uniform: Z:11, M:10, F:9,
G:8, B:7, A:7, etc. Now, E is the most frequent letter in English, and it is the next-to-most-
62 III. Introduction to Cryptography
frequent in this quotation. One can also look for words with double letters or with other unusual
features. With trial and error, and some luck, one soon has the quotation.
A Java program to produce cryptograms at random, using whatever quotation you wish
appears on page 229.
Cryptography reduces the problem of keeping an arbitrar-
ily long message secret to the problem of keeping a short key
secret. What an impressive improvement!
Although the techniques of cryptography are wonderful and powerful, one also needs to
realize the limitations of these tools. There still remains something to keep secret, even if it is
Cryptography reduces the problem of keeping an arbitrar-
ily long message secret to the problem of keeping a short key
secret. This is little if any improvement, since the problem of
keeping something secret still remains.
Keeping keys secret and distributing them to users are fundamental difficult problems in
cryptography which this book will take up later.
achieving security. Network “sniffers” work because packets are in the clear, unencrypted. In
fact, we make as little use of cryptography as we do because of a long-standing policy of the
U.S. government to suppress and discourage work in the area and uses of it, outside classified
military applications. If a transmission line needs security there are still only two basic options:
physical security, with fences, rasorwire, and guard dogs, or security using cryptography. (The
emerging field of quantum cryptography may yield a fundamentally different solution.) With
cryptography, it doesn’t matter if the line goes across a field or across the world.
Cryptography is the only means of securing the transmis-
sion of information where the cost is independent of the dis-
9.4 Cryptanalysis.
The early part of this section regarded a cryptogram as a special (simple) cryptographic code.
The process of recovering the original quotation is a process of breaking this code. This is
called cryptanalysis, meaning the analysis of a cryptosystem. In this case the cryptanalysis is
relatively easy. One simple change would make is harder: just realize that revealing where the
blanks (word boundaries) are gives a lot of information. A much more difficult cryptogram
would leave out blanks and other punctuation. For example, consider the cryptogram:
One might also present this just broken into groups of five characters for convenience in han-
Now there are no individual words to start working on, so it is a much more difficult cryp-
togram to break. However, this is an encoding of the same quotation, and there is the same
uneven distribution of letters to help decrypt the cryptogram. Eventually, using the letter distri-
butions and a dictionary, along with distributions of pairs of letters, one could get the quotation
Even here there are problems breaking the text into words, since it seems to start out with
64 III. Introduction to Cryptography
Notice that the uneven statistical distribution of symbols is still a strong point of attack
on this system. A much better system uses multiple ciphertext symbols to represent the more
common plaintext letters. This is called a homophonic code, and it can be arbitrarily hard to
cryptanalyze if one uses enough additional ciphertext symbols.
The cryptanalysis above assumed that the ciphertext (the cryptogram) was available, but
nothing else. However, often much more information is at hand, and good cryptosystems
must be resistant to analysis in these cases also. Often the cryptanalyst has both plaintext and
matching ciphertext: a known plaintext attack. In the case of cryptograms, the code would
be known for all letters in that particular plaintext, and this would effectively break the code
immediately unless the plaintext were very plain indeed. Sometimes the cryptanalyst can even
choose the plaintext and then view his own choice of plaintext along with the corresponding
ciphertext: a chosen plaintext attack.
Amateurs in cryptography sometimes think they should keep the method of encryption
secret, along with the particular key. This is a bad idea though, because sooner or later the
underlying method with be discovered or bought or leaked.
The method or algorithm of a cryptosystem must not be
kept secret, but only the key. All security must reside in keeping
the key secret.
In most of computer science, an algorithm that only works once in a while is no reasonable
algorithm at all. The situation is reversed in cryptography because it is intolerable if ciphertext
can be decrypted even “once in a while”.
Ordinarily an algorithm that only occasionally works is
useless, but a cryptanalysis algorithm that occasionally works
makes the cryptosystem useless.
People naively think that as computers get faster, it gets easier to break a cryptosystem, but
this is actually backwards logic. The utility of cryptography depends on the asymptotic ease
of encryption and decryption compared with the asymptotic difficulty of cryptanalysis. Faster
machines simply increase this disparity.
The faster computers get, the more powerful cryptography
gets. [Radia Perlman]
9. Cryptograms and Terminology 65
( = A @
by trying them all is entirely impossible.” No mention was made of attacks other than brute
force ones, not even known plaintext attacks. The cryptograms in this section have
different keys — the equivalent of an -bit binary key. This is far too many
keys for a brute force attack, yet a cryptogram is easily broken with only ciphertext available,
and is trivial to break under a known plaintext attack.
While a large number of possible keys is a requirement for
a strong cryptosystem, this does not ensure strength.
Getting a new cryptosystem approved for reasonable use by individuals, companies, and
governments is now an involved process. It can even start with a proposal like one of the
systems mentioned above, but better is a method like that for the Advanced Encryption Standard
(AES), where a number of different systems were proposed and evaluated by a committee of
experts and by the larger community. Mathematical evaluations of the strength of a new system
are desirable, as well as the “test of time”: a long period during which many people worldwide
evaluate the system and try to break it. The AES has already undergone an enormous amount
of scrutiny, and this examination will continue indefinitely. No new cryptosystem should ever
be used for sensitive (unclassified) work, but only systems that have been thoroughly studied.
A cryptosystem should only be used after it has been
widely and publicly studied over a period of years.
For example, the public key cryptosystem proposed by Diffie and Hellman in 1976 (based
on the integer knapsack problem) was broken in its strongest form in 1985. On the other hand,
the RSA cryptosystem, proposed in 1978, still resists all attacks. (Most attacks are based on
factoring large composite integers, and no efficient algorithm for this problem has been found.)
The Laws of Cryptography
Perfect Cryptography
The One-Time Pad
Introduction to Cryptography.
For this simple algorithm there are only possible keys: the shift distances of , , , etc.
E >
up to , although leaves the message unchanged, so a key equal to is not going to keep
many secrets. If the key is greater than , just divide
and take the remainder. (Thus the
keys just form the integers modulo , the group described in the chapter Cryptographer’s
If an interceptor of this message suspects the nature of the algorithm used, it is easy to try
each of the
keys (leaving out ) to see if any meaningful message results – a method of
breaking a code known as exhaustive search. In this case the search is short, though it still
might pose problems if the letters in the ciphertext are run together without blanks between
The Caesar Cipher is just a special case of the cryptograms from the previous chapter, since
10. Perfect Cryptography: The One-Time Pad 67
Consider the Caesar cipher of the previous section, and associate the letters A through Z
with the numbers through , that is, A is associated with , B with , C with , and so on
until Z with . One can represent the previous shift of in the example by the letter D, so that
each letter specifies a shift. A special encryption method called the Beale cipher starts with
a standard text (the key in this case) like the U.S. Constitution (WE THE PEOPLE . . .)
and with the message to encrypt, say ATTACK. Write down the letters of the standard text on
one line, followed by the letters of the message on the next line. In each column, the upper
letter is interpreted as a shift to use in a Caesar cipher on the letter in the second row. Thus
below in the second column, the E in the first row means a shift of is applied to the letter T in
the second row, to get the letter X.
Standard text (key): WETHEP
Message: ATTACK
Encrypted message: WXMHGZ
The person receiving the encrypted message must know what the standard text is. Then this
receiver can reverse the above encryption by applying the shifts in the opposite direction to get
the original message back. This method will handle a message of any length by just using more
of the standard text. Notice that in this example the two Ts came out as different letters in the
encrypted message. For more security, one should not use a standard text as well known as the
one in this example. Instead the sender and receiver could agree on a page of a book they both
have with them as the start of their standard text.
In fact, the original historical Beale cipher consisted of three messages: one in the clear and
the other two encrypted. The first encrypted message used the start of the U.S. Constitution just
as above, and told of a buried treasure. The third message was to tell where to find the treasure,
but it has never been decrypted. In fact, if the standard text is not known, it can be very hard to
cryptanalyze a Beale cipher.
All the security of this system resides with the secrecy of the standard text. There are a
number of subtle pitfalls with this method, as with most of cryptography. For example, suppose
you make a trip to, ummmm, Karjackistan, and you want to communicate in secret with your
friend back home. You buy two copies of a cheap detective novel, and agree on a page as above.
The Karjackistan Secret Police might notice the novel you are carrying, and might digitize the
entire book and try all possible starting points within its text, as possible ways to decrypt your
transmissions. If that didn’t work, they could try taking every third letter from every starting
point, or try other more complex schemes.
68 III. Introduction to Cryptography
So, for example, the third column uses the letter B, representing a rotation of , to transform
the plaintext letter T into the ciphertext letter U. The receiver must have the same random string
of letters around for decryption: RQBOPS in this case. As the important part of this discussion,
I want to show that this method is ¡em¿perfect¡/em¿ as long as the random standard text letters
are kept secret. Suppose the message is GIVEUP instead of ATTACK. If one had started with
random letters LBYKXN as the standard text, instead of the letters RQBOPS, then the encryption
would have taken the form:
Standard text (random key): LBYKXN
Message: GIVEUP
Encrypted message: RJUORC
The encrypted message (ciphertext) is the same as before, even though the message is
completely different. An opponent who intercepts the encrypted message but knows nothing
10. Perfect Cryptography: The One-Time Pad 69
about the random standard text gets no information about the original message, whether it might
be ATTACK or GIVEUP or any other six-letter message. Given any message at all, one could
construct a standard text so that the message is encrypted to yield the ciphertext RJUORC. An
opponent intercepting the ciphertext has no way to favor one message over another. It is in this
sense that the one-time pad is perfect.
In this century spies have often used one-time pads. The only requirement is text (the pad)
of random letters to use for encryption or decryption. (In fact, even now I would not want to
be found in a hostile country with a list of random-looking letters.) The party communicating
with the spy must have exactly the same text of random letters. This method requires the secure
exchange of pad characters: as many such characters as in the original message. In a sense the
pad behaves like the encryption key, except that here the key must be as long as the message.
But such a long key defeats a goal of cryptography: to reduce the secrecy of a long message to
the secrecy of a short key. If storage and transmission costs keep dropping, the one-time pad
might again become an attractive alternative.
Law PAD-1:
The one-time pad is a method of key transmission, not
message transmission. [Bob Blakeley]
During World War II the Germans used an intricate machine known as Enigma for encryp-
tion and decryption. As an important event of the war, British intelligence, with the help of
Alan Turing, the twentieth century’s greatest computer genius, managed to break this code. I
find it sobering to think that if the Germans had not been so confident in the security of their
machine but had used a one-time pad instead, they would have had the irritation of working
with pad characters, keeping track of them, and making sure that each ship and submarine had a
sufficient store of pad, but they would have been able to use a completely unbreakable system.
No one knows what the outcome might have been if the allies had not been able to break this
German code.
one-time pad requires a truly random sequence of characters. If instead, one used a random
number generator to create the sequence of pad characters, such a generator might depend on a
single 32-bit integer seed for its starting value. Then there would be only different possible
pad sequences and a computer could quickly search through all of them. Thus if a random
number generator is used, it needs to have at least 128 bits of seed, and the seed must not be
derived solely from something like the current date and time. (Using the current time and date
would be terrible, allowing immediate cryptanalysis.)
Exercise: Write a program that will generate duplicate copies of sequences of random charac-
ters, for use in a one-time pad. [Ans: for programs that will generate a one-time pad, see
page 239. For a pair of wheels that makes the one-time pad easy to use, see page 242.]
The Laws of Cryptography
Conventional Block Ciphers
The identical block size of plaintext and ciphertext should not be too small or the system
would not be practical. In practice a convenient size is chosen, nowadays usually either or
)D >(
bits. The size of the key must be large enough to prevent brute-force attacks. Thus the
ancient (25-year old) Data Encryption Standard (DES) had a -bit key and then bits in
the original proposals. This was finally cut to bits on a transparently false pretext that eight
out of bits should be used for parity. It is now clear that the U.S. National Security Agency
>( E>
(NSA) wanted a key size that they could just barely break using a brute force attack and that no
one else could break. A -bit key requires 256 times as much work to break as does a -bit
one, but this is still obviously inadequate in today’s world. The new U.S. Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) requires at least bits in a key, and this is now regarded as a minimum
( =B
desirable size. There has been recent talk that this latter size will also soon give way to a brute-
force attack, but this is nonsense — DES is still not trivial to break, and the AES would be at
least or roughly harder, a very large number. (Note that this estimate is just for
@ E>
a brute-force attack — there might be easier ways to break any given system.) For additional
security, the AES also has key sizes of and bits available.
The section describing Claude Shannon’s noisy coding theorem used a random code for
11. Conventional Block Ciphers 71
error correction of data sent over a noisy channel. In cryptography, a random code with no
duplicate code words could be considered for a cryptographic code, but the code table would
need to be unacceptably large, and the decoding algorithm would be difficult to make efficient.
(Here the code table would take the place of the key.) Instead of using random ciphertexts,
which is not practical, one wants to have ciphertexts that appear to be random.
Encryption itself provides a function from each possible plaintext block to a ciphertext
block, with no duplicate values occurring. Similarly decryption gives the inverse mapping,
which would not be uniquely defined if there were duplicates. Encryption in this type of cryp-
tosystem is essentially a parameterized collection of encryption functions, one for each key
The usual characterization of a block cipher assumes no memory or state from block to
block, that is, each plaintext block is always transformed to the same ciphertext block, assuming
the same key. The ciphers with state are stream ciphers. If the blocksize is small and there
is no state, one could just use attacks in the next section to try to determine the ciphertext
corresponding to each possible plaintext block.
In a block cipher, the blocksize must be large, as least 64
bits, unless the cipher has state.
Thus a cipher with small blocksize needs to actually be a stream cipher. The cipher block
chaining mode described later in this chapter is so important because it converts a block cipher
to a stream cipher.
✦ Chosen plaintext: This scenario assumes the opponents can ask for encryption of
plaintexts of their choosing, and see the resulting ciphertexts. This is the strongest
information normally assumed of opponents: that they essentially have access to an
“encryption box” with the key buried inaccessibly inside.
One always wants a cryptosystem to be secure against a chosen plaintext attack, so of course
the AES appears to resist this attack. Notice that a cryptosystem may often be strong (resistant
From the beginning, critics of the DES’s short key were told that they could use double or triple
DES encryption, thus using two or three -bit DES keys, and getting an effective key length of
or bits. For example, double encryption uses two keys and , encrypting first with
the first key, and then encrypting the resulting ciphertext with the second key. A brute-force
attack on all pairs of keys would indeed require steps, but such a double encryption should
not be regarded as nearly as secure as a cryptosystem designed from scratch with a -bit key.
In fact, there is a special attack on such a system, called meet-in-the-middle.
In order to carry out an attack, one needs enough information to recognize when the attack is
successful. One possibility is that the plaintexts might have extra information (such as padding
with bits, or representing ASCII characters) that will allow their recognition. More common is
a known plaintext attack: Suppose one has several pairs of corresponding plaintext : ciphertext
from known plaintext information:
, etc. These correspond to double DES
encryption using two unknown keys in succession: and
. The objective is to determine
these unknown -bit keys.
First calculate the ciphertexts
for all possible keys . These should be
stored as a (very large) hash table to allow efficient lookup. Then for each possible key ,
11. Conventional Block Ciphers 73
7 %
satisfies: % %
. Look up each
in the hash table. If an entry is found, then it
, for some keys and . This might represent
a false alarm, so one needs to check these two keys against another plaintext : ciphertext pair
not so far beyond what is possible. There is also a refinement of this attack called the time-
memory trade-off that uses steps of execution and blocks of storage, where /G
(See the Handbook of Applied Cryptography for details.) So even if
blocks of storage is not
possible, one can trade a smaller amount of storage for a larger amount of execution time.
There are clever ways to use block ciphers, as illustrated in the next section, that will
eliminate these meet-in-the-middle attacks.
% ==$=
from the Handbook of Applied Cryptography):
In the image above, a sequence of plaintext blocks: , , ,
is being encrypted using
a key and block encryption algorithm . Step of the algorithm uses plaintext , key ,
and theciphertext
produced by the previous step. Step requires a special initialization
. As shown, step of decryption uses the inverse decryption algorithm
and the same key , along with the ciphertext block
and the previous ciphertext block
This CBC mode has so many pleasant properties that no one should consider using ECB
mode in its place.
Always use the cipher block chaining (CBC) mode instead
of the electronic code book (ECB) mode.
C0 = IV
Pj E −1 K
K E Cj−1
Encryption Decryption
CBC Mode
✦ What is transmitted: At each stage, one ciphertext block is transmitted. It must
also be arranged that the same secret key and the same initialization vector
are at both ends of the transmission, although the IV could be included in an initial
✦ Initialization Vector (IV): This needs to be the same size as the plaintext and cipher-
text. It does not need to be kept secret, but an opponent should not be able to modify
it. For less security, the IV could be all zeros, making the first step of CBC the
same as ECB. For extra security, the IV could be kept secret along with the key, and
then an opponent will not be able to obtain even one pair of plaintext : ciphertext
corresponding to the given key.
✦ CBC converts a block cipher to a stream cipher: The CBC mode is essentially a
stream cipher that handles one block’s worth of bits at a time. The state or memory
in the system is the previous ciphertext.
✦ Each ciphertext block depends on the current plaintext and on all plaintext that
came before: If a single bit of the initialization vector of of the first plaintext block
is changed, then all ciphertext blocks will be randomly altered (50% of bits different
from what they were on the average).
✦ CBC is secure against the various attacks mentioned earlier: This includes all the
ways of fiddling with and searching for encrypted blocks.
✦ Use of CBC as a file checksum: The final ciphertext block depends on the entire
sequence of plaintexts, so it works as a checksum to verify the integrity of all the
plaintexts (that they are unaltered and are complete and in the correct order). As
with all checksums, there is a very small probability that the checksum will fail to
detect an error. Using a -bit block, for example, the probability of error is so
small that an advanced civilization could use this method for millennia and expect a
vanishingly small chance of a single undetected error.
✦ Recovery from errors in the transmission of ciphertext blocks: If one or more bits
of ciphertext block
are transmitted in error, the error will affect the recovery of
plaintext blocks and . The recovered block will be completely random-
ized (50% errors on the average), while plaintext block
Cipher Feedback (CFB) Mode: This is used for applications requiring that a portion of a
block be transmitted immediately. See the Handbook of Applied Cryptography for details.
Part IV
Public Key
The Laws of Cryptography
Public Key Distribution Systems
The first ideas of public key cryptography can best be explained using a clever method
for two people to exchange a common secret key using only public communications. The
following example is not intended to be practical, but it illustrates the ideas. In fact, it would
work in practice, but there are better methods.
Alice and Bob must be able to create “puzzles” that are hard but not impossible to solve.
For example, they could agree that all but the low bits of a -bit AES key would be zero
bits. Then they could encrypt two blocks of information with this key. A brute-force breaking
of the “puzzle” would mean trying keys on the average. The encrypted information would
also start with a block of zero bits, so that they can tell when the puzzle is broken. Suppose it
takes Alice and Bob an hour of computer time to break one of these puzzles. It is important to
emphasize that Boris also knows exactly how the puzzles are constructed. Suppose Boris has a
$(( )D
much more powerful computer and can break a puzzle in just one minute.
Bob creates of these puzzles, each containing a -bit random key in one block and
a sequence number identifying the puzzle (a number from to in binary with leading
zeros to make it bits long). Bob transmits all of these puzzles to Alice, in random order.
Alice chooses one puzzle at random and breaks it in one hour. She then keeps the random key
and sends the sequence number back to Bob. (Boris listens in to this sequence number, but it
does him no good because he doesn’t know which number goes with which puzzle.) Bob has
saved the content of the puzzles (or has generated them pseudo-randomly) so that he can look
up the sequence number and find the same random key that Alice has. Boris, their opponent,
(( 2 E
must break half of the puzzles on the average to recover the common key that Alice and Bob
are using. Even with his much faster machines, it still takes Boris minutes or days
on the average to break Alice and Bob’s system. Thus Alice and Bob get days of secret
80 IV. Public Key Cryptography
communications. If they want more time, say days, then Bob just needs to send ten times as
many messages initially, that is, . If the disparity between their computing power and
that of the listeners is even greater, then again Bob must simply send more puzzles initially.
If Boris can actually alter messages (change or inject or delete them) as well as listening in,
then he might pretend to be Alice and communicate with Bob, or vice versa. In this case Alice
and Bob must be able to describe shared experiences or to communicate shared information to
one another to be sure they are not communicating with a stranger (Boris).
If Boris can intercept and change all messages between Alice and Bob, then he could answer
both Alice’s and Bob’s requests to communicate, and pretend to be each to the other. Once
Boris has secure communication established with both Alice and Bob, he could relay messages
back and forth between them, translating between the two cryptosystems. Then even if they
authenticated each other, he would still be listening in. This is called a man-in-the-middle
attack. In this extreme case, the method does not work. This shows the great care that must be
taken with cryptographic protocols. There are more complicated methods relying on a trusted
server that will foil this and other attacks
12. Public Key Distribution Systems 81
If the quantities above were ordinary real numbers, and the equation were , then
solving for would give
, the “logarithm base of ”. Because of this notation
from real numbers, one also refers to above as the “discrete logarithm of to base modulo
”. It turns out that there is no known efficient way to calculate discrete logarithms, even
knowing , , and . Using a brute force approach, one could just try all possible values of ,
but there are ways to do better than this, including a “meet-in-the-middle” approach similar to
the attack of the same name on double encryption with block ciphers. There are algorithms that
are efficient if has no large prime factors. With the best known approaches, if the prime
is large and random, and if
has a large prime factor, then there is no efficient algorithm
to calculate discrete logarithms.
. The size needed depends on how fast the computers have become and on whether there has
been progress in computing discrete logs; at present
should be at least )(
/ /
bits long. Then
test the numbers
, etc., until the next prime is found. It is not enough just
to have a random prime, but the prime minus one must have a large prime factor. So just find
a larger prime with as a factor. For this purpose, test to see if it is prime. If it
is not a prime, start over again with another random
. Finally, one will have a prime with
, for a prime of about half the size of . In order to get a
the property that
generator, choose an at random, or start with . Check this to see if mod or
if mod
. When an doesn’t satisfy either of these, one knows the value is a generator,
and can be used for key distribution. (A random would also probably work, but not with
The Laws of Cryptography
Public Key Cryptography
5. Signing followed by verifying works: The set of messages is the same as the
set of ciphertexts
, for all , so that the decryption algorithm can be
13. Public Key Cryptography 83
applied to a message, resulting in what is called a signed message or a signature. If
that is,
is the signature corresponding to some plaintext , then
, for any message .
The word “efficient” above means that that calculation uses an acceptable amount of re-
sources, while “intractible” means roughly that this computation uses more resources than the
secrecy of the message is worth. (This varies with time, as computations get cheaper.)
Alice makes her public algorithm publicly available, by publishing it or by putting it online,
and so does every other user. In practice a public key server in needed to supply authenticated
public keys to users. Alice keeps her secret algorithm completely to herself, just as every other
user does. (No one else must know the secret algorithm.)
above of the RSA cryptosystem. Other systems usually don’t have property 5., but it is still
possible to create digital signatures in a more complicated way as a later chapter will discuss.
Bob uses his secret decryption key on the message itself (rather than on ciphertext). For RSA,
the collection of all possible messages is the same as the collection of all possible ciphertexts:
any integer less than the fixed integer
used for that instance of RSA. Thus Bob calculates
. At the other end, Alice can retrieve Bob’s public key from the key authority
and use it to recover the message, by calculating . Anyone can
fetch Bob’s public key and do this calculation, so there is no secrecy here, but assuming the
system does not break down (that the key authority works and that the cryptosystem is not
leaked or stolen or broken), only Bob can have signed this message, so it must have originated
with him.
Bob can use this same method to broadcast a message intended for everyone, and anyone
can verify using Bob’s public key that the message can only have originated with him.
Bob signs a secret message and sends it to Alice: This can be done in two ways,
84 IV. Public Key Cryptography
with Bob using his secret key and Alice’s public key . (Once again, this assumes RSA
with property 5 is used.) Calculate either , or . In either
case, Alice reverses the process, using her secret key and Bob’s public key . There is
one other slight problem with the RSA cryptosystem, because the maximum size of plaintext
or ciphertext is less than an integer
for Alice, and is less than a different integer
for Bob.
What happens then depends on which of these two integers is larger, for if
is the larger,
might be too large to be handled by using a single block, so one would have
the awkward business of breaking this into two blocks. However, in this case one can calculate
first, and this is definitely less than the block size of the key . In case the sizes are
reversed, just do the two steps above in the opposite order also, so there is no need for more
than one block even for a signed and secret message.
Notice that Alice knows the message must have originated with Bob, and that no one else
can read it, giving both authentication and secrecy.
Bob uses a hash function to sign an arbitrarily long message using only one block:
Here one just signs the hash code of the message. These matters will be discussed more thor-
oughly in the chapter on hash functions.
The sum has to add up to exactly — being close counts for nothing. The optimization
problem asks just which numbers must be added. Is is an interesting exercise to see that if one
had an efficient algorithm to answer the decision problem, then using this algorithm a relatively
small number of times, one could get another algorithm that would also answer the optimization
There are many different kinds of instances of the knapsack problem. Some of them are
easy to solve and some are hard. The trick with using this problem for public key cryptography
is to make breaking the problem look like a hard instance, but it is really a disguised hard
instance. If you know the trick, the disguise, you can transform it into an easy instance, and
use the secret key to decrypt.
13. Public Key Cryptography 85
One type of easy instance is one with relatively small numbers for the numbers . Then
standard dynamic programming algorithms will solve the problem. Another easy instance, the
one we will use here, is for the to form a superincreasing sequence, meaning that each value
is larger than the sum of all the values that came before.
The Laws of Cryptography
The RSA Public Key Cryptosystem
Law RSA-1:
The RSA cryptosystem is the de facto world-wide standard
for public key encryption.
is the ciphertext corresponding
1. Encryption followed by decryption works: If
to some plaintext , then . (In other words: , for any message
2. Can encrypt efficiently: For any message , there is an efficient algorithm to calculate
3. Can decrypt efficiently: For any message or ciphertext , there is an efficient algorithm
to calculate .
14. The RSA Public Key Cryptosystem 87
4. Public and private keys stay that way: From a knowledge of , there is no efficient way
to discover .
5. Signing followed by verifying works: The set of messages is the same as the set of
, for all , so that the decryption algorithm can be applied to
a message, resulting in what is called a signed message or a signature. If
. (In other words:
is the signature corresponding to some plaintext , then
, for any message .)
As mentioned earlier, RSA is unique in having property 5, which makes signatures using it
particularly easy.
Users , ,
can create their own pairs ,
, of RSA key pairs. The 1 =$=$=
encryption algorithms are “published” or made available on a secure public key server, while
the decryption algorithms are kept secret from everyone except the originator. The previous
chapter has gone over how these can be used.
In RSA, the plaintexts and ciphertexts are just large positive integers, up to a certain size
depending on the specific key pair. The underlying algorithms are not secret but only certain
information used in them. The RSA system itself is constructed as follows:
1. Choose random “large” prime integers and of roughly the same size, but
not too close together.
2. Calculate the product
(ordinary integer multiplication).
: less than
that has no factors in
4 4
3. Choose a random encryption exponent
common with either or
4. Calculate the (unique) decryption exponent satisfying
4 =
: 4
; mod
, for any message .
5. The encryption function is
, for any ciphertext .
6. The decryption function is
7. The public key (published) is the pair of integers
1: .
8. The private key (kept secret) is the triple of integers 1 <1 .
1. At present, “large” means at least bits. For better security each prime should be at
least bits long. There are efficient algorithms for generating random numbers of a
given size that are almost certainly prime (see below).
is then either at least )( or (D bits long.
88 IV. Public Key Cryptography
: A
4 4 A
3. The encryption exponent can be just . If one is using this exponent, then the primes
must be such that
are not divisible by .
4. The decryption exponent must be calculated, and there are efficient algorithms to do this,
)( D
Some people are surprised that RSA just deals with large integers. So how does it represent
data? Suppose the value of
is at least
bits long. This is the same as bytes. In
principle then, one can just run bytes of Ascii text together and regard the whole as a single
RSA plaintext (a single large integer) to be encrypted or signed. In practice, the protocols will
demand additional data besides just the raw message, such as a timestamp, but there is room
for a lot of data in a single RSA block.
To show that RSA decryption reverses what RSA encryption does, one only needs to show that:
for any message , or specifically to show that
But recall that
: mod 4 4; , so that
; mod
; mod
7 % 7 % mod
% mod
The last line follows from the chapter on favorite algorithms which shows that the exponent
can be reduced modulo
14. The RSA Public Key Cryptosystem 89
4 4 =
✦ Key generation:
✦ Encryption and Verification:
This uses an exponent of . The main known weakness here is that the message
must be bigger than the cube root of
, since otherwise the ciphertext will be ,
without any modular division. Smaller messages must be padded to make them long
90 IV. Public Key Cryptography
✦ The Test:
There is just a simple test of this software, though bits is a realistic size.
For the implementation code and the simple test see page 246.
Here is an altered implementation of the RSA cryptosystem, using the the Chinese Remain-
der Theorem (CRT) to speed up decryption. Please refer first to the comments in the earlier
subsection and to other material about the RSA cryptosystem.
✦ Algorithm.
The algorithm presented here is described in items 14.71 and 14.75 in the Handbook
of Applied Cryptography, by Menezes, van Oorschot and Vanstone, CRC Press,
1996. If is ciphertext, then RSA decryption calculates
, where
Suppose one calculates
mod , and
instead. The Chinese Remainder Theorem (and associated algorithm) allows one to
deduce mod from a knowledge of mod and mod .
Arithmetic mod should be done mod in an exponent, because 4
7 % mod (Fermat’s theorem).
mod 7 % mod ,and
mod 7 % mod 3=
Finally, following the algorithm 14.71 referred to above, calculate
7 % mod , and
mod 3=
The final answer is:
%/ =
(In calculating in my implementation, I had to check for a result less than , and I
had to add to the result in that case.)
✦ Security.
The CRT version of decryption requires the primes and , as well as the decryption
exponent , so this might seem to be an extra source of insecurity. However, it is
simple to factor the modulus
given the decryption exponent , so no security is
lost in using this method.
✦ Performance.
Theory predicts that the CRT decryption should be 4 times as fast. I tried 600 -
8= 6EB
bit decryptions using a Sun Ultra 10 workstation. The average decryption time for
8= (>
the normal method was about seconds per decryption. With the CRT method
here, the average decryption time was about seconds per decryption, giving
a speedup by a factor of about . The more complicated algorithm has various
sources of extra overhead, so it is not surprising that the full speedup by a factor of
is not achieved.
✦ Summary.
If one uses an encryption and verifying exponent of as I am with this software,
then these operations are quite fast compared with decryption and signing (at least
100 times faster). A speedup by a factor of for decryption and signing is signif-
icant. The extra algorithmic complexity is minimal, so no one would want an RSA
algorithm without this speedup factor.
Law RSA-2:
RSA encryption should use exponent 3, making it hun-
dreds of time faster, and RSA decryption should use the Chinese
Remainder Theorem, making it four times as fast.
92 IV. Public Key Cryptography
One does have to be careful with exponent in two ways: if the message is less than the cube
root of , then the encrypted message will be the same as the message, and if someone obtains
ciphertext for a message encrypted under several different public keys, it may be possible to
calculate the message.
The implementation code can be found on page 251.
Exercise: Write a “toy” implementation of RSA in the Java language, using the long type
( -bit integers) for the calculations. This should be a working implementation in every respect
except that the integers cannot be very large.
The Laws of Cryptography
Rabin’s Version of RSA
Law RABIN-1:
Rabin’s cryptosystem is a good alternative to the RSA
cryptosystem, though both depend on the difficulty of factoring
for their security.
In elementary algebra, one learns that positive numbers have two square roots: one positive
A @ ( E E A > A B E D @ @
and one irrational. In the same way, for the integers modulo a prime, non-zero
numbers that
are squares each have two square roots. For example, if
, , , , , , ( , and
then in
%% , ,
. Table 15.1 shows
( @ A
those numbers that have square roots:
A E > B D
Notice that , , and have their “ordinary” square roots of , , and , as well as an extra
square root in each case, while and each also have two square roots, and , , , , and
Rabin’s system uses
each have no square roots at all.
, where and are primes, just as with the RSA cryptosystem.
It turns out that the formulas are particularly simple in case ( A and ( A
94 IV. Public Key Cryptography
Numbers mod 11
Square Square Roots
1 1, 10
3 5, 6
4 2, 9
5 4, 7
9 3, 8
is true for every other prime on the average), so the rest of this chapter makes that assumption
about the primes used. The simplest such case has and . In this case Table 15.2
gives the square roots.
Here the “normal” situation is for a square to have four different square roots. However,
certain squares and square roots have either or as a divisor. In this case, each square has
two square roots (shown in bold italic above). Of course, all the numbers not appearing in the
left column don’t have a square root. A program that creates the above table appears on
page 256. This same section gives a table for and , again satisfying the special
/ 2 K4 /
Rabin property. In these tables, it looks as if there are a lot of bold italic entries, but in fact
such squares with or as a factor, while there are
/ / 4 A 2)(
there are
squares altogether. An actual Rabin instance will use very large
primes, so that only a vanishingly small number of them have the divisibility property, and the
chances of this happening at random can be ignored.
In the special case in which both primes when divided by give remainder , there are ( A
simple formulas for the four roots:
Formulas for the four square roots of a square . Calculate in order:
/ , (extended GCD algorithm).
and , satisfying
$ mod .
$ mod .
/ mod
4 mod
formulas allow the roots to be calculated. Thus in this case one could construct the Rabin
machine. On the other hand, if one has access to a Rabin machine, then take any message ,
calculate , and submit to the Rabin machine. If the machine returns all four roots,
then and give no additional information, but either of the other two roots minus will
have one of or as a factor. (Take the greatest common divisor of it with
The same proof that breaking Rabin is equivalent to factoring
provides what has been
called a “fatal flaw” in Rabin’s system. The above argument is just a chosen ciphertext attack.
96 IV. Public Key Cryptography
It is not wise to allow an opponent to mount such an attack, but one would also not want a
cryptosystem vulnerable to the attack, which is the case with Rabin’s system. (However, see
the next section.)
> ( >(
of vanishingly small probability. The Handbook of Applied Cryptography suggests replicating
the last bits of any message. Or one could use s as the last bits. In these or similar cases,
!7 >(
the Rabin machine would be programmed to return only messages with the proper redundancy,
and if is not a small enough margin of error, then just choose more than redundant
bits. Then the attack described above doesn’t work any more because the Rabin machine will
only return a decrypted message (a square root) with the proper redundancy. Thus the Rabin
machine returns at most one square root, and possibly none if someone is trying to cheat. (The
probability of having two square roots with the given redundancy is again vanishingly small.)
Breaking the new system is longer formally equivalent to factoring
, but it is hard to imagine
any cryptanalysis that wouldn’t also factor
Hugh Williams gave another variation of Rabin’s cryptosystem that avoids the “fatal flaw”
in a mathematically more elegant way.
E ) (
Here is an example with tiny values for the primes. Of course a real example would use primes
in the range from
, B
, and
BB 4 A
bits long, just as in the case of RSA.
B/ 4A
A >
Take . Then , so that and .
Suppose one uses -bit messages whose bits are then replicated to give bits, up to the
E %'& (!E %'&
number . Messages must be in the range from to , so this system of redundancy will work.
4 BB
mod and mod .
A (E
mod . In binary, the four square roots are , ,
, and . Only has the required redundancy, so this is the only
number that this modified Rabin machine will return.
Part V
Random Number
The Laws of Cryptography
Random Number Generation
Law RNG-1:
Good ciphertext has the appearance of a true-random bit
From the beginning (where “beginning” is the 1940s, the start of the computer age) there
was interest in so-called “true” random numbers, that is, numbers generated by a random pro-
cess in the world. Physical events such as the radioactive decay of particles are unpredictable
except for their behavior averaged over time, and so could be used as a source of random num-
bers, but these events have been difficult to utilize and have been disappointing in practice.
More promising recently are possibilities from quantum theory, but such matters are outside
the scope of this discussion.
By far the most common source of random numbers is some deterministic process, such
as a software algorithm. These provide “random-looking” numbers, but the numbers are not
really random — there is always an exact algorithm for specifying them. This is the reason that
researchers now describe such numbers using the word “pseudo”, which means “false”. These
are not true random numbers, but for most applications they can be just as useful. Sometimes
they can be more useful, as for example when one wants to repeat a simulation with exactly the
same random or pseudo-random numbers.
Law RNG-2:
Anyone who uses software to produce random numbers is
in a “state of sin”. [John von Neumann]
100 V. Random Number Generation
At first one might think that the best way to get random-looking numbers is to use a “ran-
dom” algorithm – one that does crazy operations, everything imaginable, in every possible or-
der. Donald Knuth tried out such an algorithm as an example, and showed that its performance
was no good at all. In its first run, Knuth’s “random” algorithm almost immediately converged
to a fixed point. Knuth was arguing that one should use science and great care in generating
pseudo-random numbers.
Law RNG-3:
One should not use a random method to generate random
numbers. [Donald Knuth]
An early suggested source of pseudo-random numbers was an equation which was much
later to become a part of modern “chaos” theory. The next chapter describes a generator derived
from this equation.
Another early idea for a source of random numbers was to use the bits or digits in the
expansion of a transcendental number such as , the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41972 ... (decimal)
3.11037 55242 10264 30215 14230 63050 56006 70163 21122 ... (octal)
It has long been conjectured that this is a very good source of pseudo-random numbers, a
conjecture that has still not been proved. In 1852 an English mathematician named William
Shanks published 527 digits of , and then in 1873 another 180 digits for a total of 707. These
numbers were studied statistically, and an interesting excess of the number was observed in
the last 180 digits. In 1945 von Neumann wanted to study statistical properties of the sequence
of digits and used one of the early computers to calculate several thousand. Fortunately for
Shanks his triumph was not spoiled during his lifetime, but his last 180 digits were in error
and his last 20 years of effort were wasted. Also there was no “excess of 7s”. The number
has now been calculated to many billions of places, but the calculation of its digits or bits is
too hard to provide a good source of random numbers. The later digits are harder to calculate
than earlier ones, although a recent clever algorithm allows calculation of the
th binary (or
hexadecimal) digit without calculating the previous ones.
Later work focused on a particularly simple approach using a congruence equation, as
described below.
where all terms are integers, is the multiplier, (usually taken to be ) is the increment, and
is the modulus. An initial seed is . Each successive term is transformed into the
16. Random Number Generation 101
m k
% (Beware! RANDU)
Table 16.1 Parameters for Linear Congruence Generators.
next, so that a function to return random numbers has the unusual property of automatically
cycling itself to the next number. The pseudo-random terms are in the range from to .
To get (more-or-less) uniformly distributed floating point numbers between and , just do
a floating point division
by . Assuming that , the quality of the numbers produced
depends heavily on and .
This type of generator can produce at most different numbers before it starts to repeat.
To get this behavior, one can start with a prime number for and use a generator for so that
all numbers will be produced in a repeating cycle, starting with whatever the seed is.
generator useless except for toy applications. The C Standard Library still allows this function
to return numbers in the range from to , although a larger range is now also possible.
<% / A >EEA@ %
When -bit machines first became popular in the 1960s, the multiplier for RANDU, the
most common generator at that time, was , taken modulo . This multiplier
gave extremely poor performance and was eventually replaced by better ones. The most com-
B >D B
mon replacements used the fact that is a prime and searched for a good muliplier. The
multiplier frequently used (starting in 1969) was
%4 $(B)(DA>)(>
and the constant was taken to
be zero. This generator is quite efficient, and has a cycle length of . The
multiplier was chosen so that various statistical properties of the sequence would be similar to
the results for a true random sequence. In the 1970s when I first started using this sequence the
cycle length seemed quite long – now it seems short since I have frequently run experiments
with hundreds of billions of trials.
%4 >D B
Knuth in his chapter on conventional random number generators approves the values
and above as “adequate”, but he has suggestions for better values, such as
those given in Table 16.1 (except for RANDU in the first line).
Knuth suggests other more complicated generators, including one that combines the first
two table entries above:
102 V. Random Number Generation
16.4 Commentary.
Knuth has other suggestions for efficient random number generators of high quality, where
“quality” is measured by a variety of statistical tests that compare the output of the pseudo-
random generator with true random numbers. If for a given test the comparison says the two sets
of numbers look similar, then one says the generator “passes” this particular test. A generator
that passes all the popular tests that people can devise is of high quality.
However, even generators of high quality are mostly not usable in cryptography. For ex-
ample, given several successive numbers of a linear congruence generator, it is possible to
compute the modulus and the multiplier with reasonable efficiency. One could make the gener-
ator more complex in order to resist this attack, but there would still be no proof or assurance
of the difficulty of “reverse engineering” the generator. Instead, if generators are needed in
cryptographic applications, one is usually created using a conventional cipher such as the Ad-
vanced Encryption Standard or using a public key cipher such as RSA or one of its variants.
The AES-based generator will be efficient and will satisfy most practical requirements, but the
RSA-based systems, while extremely slow compared to the others, have a very strong property
of being cryptographically secure, a term that means the generator will pass all possible effi-
cient statistical tests. These matters will be defined and discussed in the chapter after the next
>D B mod % 4
poses problems because the multiply step overflows a 32-bit integer. This generator was usually
coded in assembly languages on IBM 360++ machines, where the ready access to all 64 bits of
104 V. Random Number Generation
a product makes implementation easy. On machines with only 32-bit integers, one can break
the integers into pieces during the calculations.
Java/C/C++ function: rand2
// rand2: version using ints. Works on all hardware, by
// breaking up numbers to avoid overflow.
int seed2 = 11111;
double rand2() {
int a = 16807,
m = 2147483647,
q = 127773,
r = 2836;
int hi, lo, test;
hi = seed2/q;
lo = seed2 - q*hi;
test = a*lo - r*hi;
if (test > 0) seed2 = test;
else seed2 = test + m;
This function, in exactly the form given above, works in Java, C, and C++.
In another approach, one can use the double type, which includes exact 52-bit integer
arithmetic as a special case. If the multiplier is small enough to not overflow a 52-bit integer,
then everything can be done using doubles. (In C the operator % does not work for doubles,
while it does in Java.) Here is the C versions of this function. (For this to work, you may need
to include a special library such as math.h to get the function floor.h.)
C/C++ function: rand1
// rand1: version using doubles. Works on all hardware.
double seed1 = 11111.0;
double rand1() {
double a = 16807.0,
m = 2147483647.0;
double q;
seed1 = a*seed1;
q = floor(seed1/m);
seed1 = seed1 - q*m;
This particular generator once represented the minimum standard for a random number gener-
ator. I suggest that one now ought to use Knuth’s double generator as the minimum standard,
shown here in C:
Java function: rand1
// rand: version using doubles. Works on all hardware.
// seed1 = 48271*seed1 mod 2ˆ31 - 1
// seed2 = 40691*seed1 mod 2ˆ31 - 249
// seed = (seed1 - seed2) mod 2ˆ31 -1
double seed1 = 11111.0;
double seed2 = 11111.0;
16. Random Number Generation 105
double seed;
double rand() {
double a1 = 48271.0, a2 = 40692.0,
m = 2147483647.0, m2 = 2147483399;
double q1, q2;
double q, diff;
seed1 = a1*seed1; seed2 = a2*seed2;
q1 = floor(seed1/m); q2 = floor(seed2/m2);
seed1 = seed1 - q1*m; seed2 = seed2 - q2*m2;
// now combine results
if ((diff = seed1 - seed2) < 0.0) diff = diff + m;
q = floor(diff/m);
seed = diff - q*m; return(seed/m);
To convert this to Java, one just needs to write Math.floor in place of floor. In the past
such a generator might be slow because of all the floating point operations, including 4 floating
point divides, but now extremely fast floating point hardware is commonplace.
Exercise: Use BigInteger to implement Knuth’s two more complex generators described
The Laws of Cryptography
Random Numbers from Chaos Theory
Many interesting results have come from the field known as “chaos theory”, but I know of
only two published methods for obtaining pseudo-random numbers from this theory. Wolfram
proposed a discrete method based on cellular automata, and I made my own proposal based on
a common equation from chaos theory called the “logistic equation”. This method is unusual
because it works directly with floating point numbers, producing uniformly distributed values.
7 % , where
7 % , for
81 1 <1A<1$=$=$=
gives uniformly distributed
Using the notation , , and so forth, the sequence
takes the form
7 % , for
81 1 31A81$=$==
This sequence will be uniformly distributed for “almost all” starting values .
17.2 Behavior in Infinite Precision.
The above equations give uniformly distributed sequences of real numbers if one could use
7 %
precision” real numbers, that is, mathematical reals. Even in this case,
what are called “infinite
the sequence
in the sequence
does not at all behave like a true random sequence. A cycle occurs
in case it repeats after finitely many iterations. There are infinitely
many finite cycles, even though “almost all” real numbers will not belong to such a cycle. For
example, is transformed to itself by . Starting with a random initial value, one would
avoid a finite cycle with probability , but even the influence of the short cycles will have a bad
effect, producing non-randomness. For example, if one starts with an value very close to ,
successive values will also be close to (though each new value not as close), so even this
theoretical sequence is definitely not always random-looking.
( @(5A E
followed by a relatively short cycle. Table 17.1 gives results of experiments run to determine
the cycle structure. For a float one can try out all possible starting values to see
the cycle lengths that occur and their percent occurrence, as shown in the table. Notice that
after an initial run of a few thousand values, the function falls into the cycle of length (the
cycle that maps to itself) of the time. The second part of Table 17.1 gives results of
trials for doubles, using random starting points and recording the percentages.
At this point, the logistic equation would seem useless for random number generation, since
it has non-random behavior and often falls into a stationary point. However, I came up with
two separate ideas that together make this approach useful.
108 V. Random Number Generation
where is a special viscosity constant, and the calculation of 4 and / is done modulo
, that is, by dividing by and taking the remainder. In effect, this wraps the linear array of
nodes into a circle. Combining terms gives:
110 V. Random Number Generation
4 /
7 % / % 1 ,
In two dimensions, the equations take the form:
% 4F( , / , 7 % / % / 7 % / % 1
H1 H1
Here again arithmetic with both subscripts is carried out modulo . In both the 1- and
2-dimensional versions above, the numbers should be doubles, and the constant should be
!7 %
small, so as not to disturb the uniform distribution and to promote more turbulence. I have used
for this constant. It is necessary to iterate the equations before outputting a value; I have
iterations. The sizes should be at least size in one dimension and size in two
If the initial values are symmetric about some axis, then the lattice will repeat as if there
were just single logistic equations, so it would be best to use another random number generator
to initialize the lattice values. The individual nodes are probably be independent of one another,
so that this will produce or
random reals at a time, depending on whether it is 1- or 2-
If one is worried about a symmetric set of values coming up (a highly improbable occur-
rence), one could use a variation of the equations that is not symmetric, such as:
4 (
/ =
7 % / 8=?@
% /
% / 8?= D
% 1
, 7 H1 , H1
As a way of visualizing the 2-dimensional lattice of size A A (with @ nodes), if the left and
right sides are pasted together, the lattice would form a vertical hollow cylinder. Then if the
top and bottom sides are pasted together, it would form a donut-shaped object (called a torus
by mathematicians). (The picture is similar to the old “Pac Man” games, where the Pac Man
would exit on one side and immediately come in from the other side.)
The pseudo-random number generator based on this lattice seems to be a very good source
of random numbers, but from the nature of this theory, it is not possible to prove results about
the probable length of cycles or about the quality of its random behavior. It seems likely that
for almost all starting values (nine doubles), the generator will not cycle for a very long
time. It has been tested for random initial values and did not cycle for billions of iterations.
The numbers produced gave good results when subjected to statistical tests. Nevertheless, the
“perfect” generators of the previous section are to be preferred to this one.
In the Java implementation it was necessary to iterate each step enough times so that each
node would fill completely with noise and so that any possible symmetries would completely
A -A
disappear. Java code to determine these parameters appears on page 266. The random number
generator itself, for the lattice, appears in the same section.
The Laws of Cryptography
Statistical Tests and Perfect Generators
19.1 Overview.
> D $@ E>
The new U.S. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a block cipher with block size of
> )( A D
bits, or bytes. Keys for the cipher come in one of three lengths: , , or bits, which
( A
is , , or bytes. The algorithm is oriented toward bytes ( bits), but there is also emphasis
on what the AES specification calls words, which are arrays of bytes (or bits, the size of
an int in Java). My Java implementation presented here tends to de-emphasize the words.
The main mathematical difficulty with the algorithm is that it uses arithmetic over the field
. Even the field itself only poses real difficulties with multiplication of field elements
and with multiplicative inverses. These topics are covered in Section 2 below.
Otherwise, the AES algorithm is just an annoying number of details to orchestrate, but not
really difficult. Section 3 below covers the S-Boxes, while Section 4 shows how the keys are
handled. Section 5 covers the remainder of the encryption algorithm, and Section 6 covers
I have implemented the algorithm following the AES specification and using B. Gladman’s
commentary. I haven’t worried about efficiency, but mostly have just tried to produce a clear,
simple, working Java program. One exception is to give Gladman’s more efficient imple-
mentation of multiplication in because it is interesting (see Section 2). Gladman has
produced an optimized C implementation and has a lot to say on the subject of efficient imple-
mentation, especially with methods using tables.
Law AES-1:
Conventional block ciphers are always ugly, complicated,
inelegant brutes, and the AES is no exception.
In order to create such a cryptosystem, one must remember that anything done by encryption
must be undone during decryption, using the same key since it is a conventional (symmetric
key) system. Thus the focus is on various invertible operations. One standard technique in
using the key is to derive a string somehow from the key, and use xor to combine it with the
emerging ciphertext. Later the same xor reverses this. Otherwise there are “mixing” operations
that move data around, and “translation” (or “substitution”) operations that replace one piece
of data with another. This last operation is usually carried out on small portions of ciphertext
using so-called “S-boxes”, which define replacement strings. One set of mixing, replacements,
116 VI. The Advanced Encryption Standard
and exclusive-or with a string derived from the key is called a round. Then there will typically
be a number of rounds. The AES uses different numbers of rounds for the different key sizes
according to Table 19.1 above. This table uses a variable Nb for the plaintext block size, but
it is always 4 words. Originally the AES was going to support different block sizes, but they
settled on just one size. However, the AES people (at the NIST) recommend keeping this as a
named constant in case a change is ever wanted.
Remember that a word is 4 bytes or 32 bits. The names Nk, Nb, and Nr are standard for
the AES. In general, I try to use the names in the AES specification, even when they do not
conform to Java conventions.
The particular form of this type of algorithm, with its rounds of mixing and substitution
and exclusive-or with the key, was introduced with the official release of the Data Encryption
Standard (DES) in 1977 and with work preceding the release. The DES has a block size of
64 bits and a very small key size of 56 bits. From the beginning the key size of the DES was
controversial, having been reduced at the last minute from 64 bits. This size seemed at the
edge of what the National Security Agency (but no one else) could crack. Now it is easy to
break, and completely insecure. The AES, with its minimum of 128 bits for a key should not
be breakable by brute force attacks for a very long time, even with great advances in computer
Multiplication in GF(256): this is not mentioned explicitly above, but the indi-
vidual functions use it frequently. It is described in Section 2 below.
Nb: Right now, this is always 4, the constant number of 32-bit words that make up a
block for encryption and decryption.
Nr: the number of rounds or main iterations of the algorithm. The possible values depend
on the three different possible key sizes the earlier table showed.
in: the input block of 128 bits of plaintext, arranged as 4*Nb = 16 bytes, numbered 0
to 15 and arranged in sequence.
out: the output block of 128 bits of ciphertext, arranged the same as in.
state: the internal array that is worked on by the AES algorithm. It is arranged as a 4
by Nb 2-dimensional array of bytes (that is, 4 by 4).
w: the expanded key. The initial key is of size 4*Nk bytes (see table earlier), and this
is expanded to the array w of 4*Nb*(Nr+1) = 16*(Nr+1) bytes for input to the en-
cryption algorithm. Each round uses 4*Nb bytes, and each portion of w is used only
once. (There are Nr+1 full rounds, and an extra use before and after in partial rounds,
for a total of Nr+1 uses.) This function for expanding the key is described in Section 4
SubBytes(state): this takes each byte of the state and independently looks it up
in an “S-box” table to substitute a different byte for it. (The same S-box table is also used
in the key expansion.) Section 3 shows how the S-box table is defined and constructed.
ShiftRows(state): this simply moves around the rows of the state array. See
Section 5 below.
118 VI. The Advanced Encryption Standard
MixColumns(state): this does a much more complicated mix of the columns of the
state array. See Section 5 below.
AddRoundKey(state, w, param1, param2): this takes the 4*Nb*(Nr+1)
bytes of the expanded key, w, and does an exclusive-or of successive portions of the
expanded key with the changing state array. The integer values param1 and param2
take on different values during execution of the algorithm, and they give the inclusive
range of columns of the expanded key that are used. My implementation of this function
doesn’t use these parameters, because each round just uses the next 4*Nb bytes of w.
The details of this function appear in Section 4 below.
Well, that’s pretty much it. Now the remaining sections just have to fill in a large number
of missing details. Section 6 gives the inverse algorithm for decryption, but this is not a big
problem, since the parameters and functions are either identical or similar.
The Laws of Cryptography
The Finite Field GF(256)
/ /
A field is an algebraic object with two operations: addition and multiplication, represented by
and , although they will not necessarily be ordinary addition and multiplication. Using ,
all the elements of the field must form a commutative group, with identity denoted by and the
inverse of denoted by . Using , all the elements of the field except must form another
commutative group with identity denoted and inverse of denoted by . (The element
has no inverse under .) Finally, the distributive identity must hold: ,
for all field elements , , and .
There are a number of different infinite fields, including the rational numbers (fractions),
the real numbers (all decimal expansions), and the complex numbers. Cryptography focuses
prime integer and any integer
on finite fields. It turns out that for any
greater than or equal
to , there is a unique field with
elements in it, denoted . (The “GF” stands for
“Galois Field”, named after the brilliant young French mathematician who discovered them.)
Here “unique” means that any two fields with the same number of elements must be essentially
the same, except perhaps for giving the elements of the field different names.
In case
is equal to , the field is just the integers mod , in which addition and multipli-
cation are just the ordinary versions followed by taking the remainder on division by . The
a non-zero element in , finding
only difficult part of this field is finding the multiplicative inverse of an element, that is, given
. This is the same as finding a such that .
This calculation can be done with the extended Euclidean algorithm, as is explained elsewhere
in these notes.
, that is, , because this is the field used by the new U.S. Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES).
The AES works primarily with bytes (8 bits), represented from the right as:
The 8-bit elements of the field are regarded as polynomials with coefficients in the field
120 VI. The Advanced Encryption Standard
/ / / / / / % % / &=
The field elements will be denoted by their sequence of bits, using two hex digits.
add two field elements, just add the corresponding polynomial coefficients using addition in
. Here addition is modulo , so that , and addition, subtraction and exclusive-or
are all the same. The identity element is just zero: (in bits) or (hex).
20.4 Multiplication in GF(2n).
Multiplication is this field is more complicated and harder to understand, but it can be im-
plemented very efficiently in hardware and software. The first step in multiplying two field
elements is to multiply their corresponding polynomials just as in beginning algebra (except
that the coefficients are only or , and makes the calculation easier, since many
terms just drop out). The result would be an up to degree polynomial — too big to fit into
one byte. A finite field now makes use of a fixed degree eight irreducible polynomial (a poly-
nomial that cannot be factored into the product of two simpler polynomials). For the AES the
polynomial used is the following (other polynomials could have been used):
/ / /
The intermediate product of the two polynomials must be divided by . The remainder
from this division is the desired product.
This sounds hard, but is easier to do by hand than it might seem (though error-prone). To
/ /
/ /
make it easier to write the polynomials down, adopt the convention that instead of
just write the exponents of each non-zero term. (Remember that terms are either
BE)( >( > EA
zero or have a as coefficient.) So write the following for : .
Now try to take the product (which is the same as in hex-
adecimal). First do the multiplication, remembering that in the sum below only an odd number
of like powered terms results in a final term:
(7 5 4 2 1) * (6 4 1 0) gives (one term at a time)
(7 5 4 2 1) * (6) = (13 11 10 8 7)
(7 5 4 2 1) * (4) = (11 9 8 6 5)
(7 5 4 2 1) * (1) = (8 6 5 3 2)
(7 5 4 2 1) * (0) = + 7 5 4 2 1)
(13 10 9 8 5 4 3 1)
20. The Finite Field GF(256) 121
(the remainder)
Here the first element of the quotient is and the second element of the quotient is . Thus
the final result says that > EA A>
in the field. (When I did the calculations above,
I made two separate mistakes, but checked my work with techniques below.)
(5 4 0)
(6 4 2)
6 (5 4 0)*(1) = (6 5 1) + (6 5 1)
(5 4 2 1)
The final answer is the same as before. Here is an algorithm (almost) in Java that realizes
the above calculations:
public byte FFMul(unsigned byte a, unsigned byte b) {
unsigned byte aa = a, bb = b, r = 0, t;
while (aa != 0) {
if ((aa & 1) != 0)
r = r ˆ bb;
t = bb & 0x80;
bb = bb << 1;
if (t != 0)
bb = bb ˆ 0x1b;
aa = aa >> 1;
return r;
Unfortunately, Java has no unsigned byte type, and the logical operations produce a
32-bit integer. Finally, one ought to be able to use Java’s “right shift with zero fill” operator
>>>, but it doesn’t work as it is supposed to. See Appendix B for a discussion of the problems
encountered in converting the above “Java” program to actual Java. Later examples below show
the code for this function.
A8=I( B
logarithms of trig functions of angles, so that you got the log directly for further calculations.)
As a simple example, suppose one wanted the area of a circle of radius cm. Use the
famous formula (“pie are square, cake are round”), so one needs to calculate
)A8=?( B )A8=?( B A<= $( >8=
WeA<=?( would
B =?A>@B > and A8= $( > =?(@B 6E> . Now add two copies of the first
look up the logarithm (base 10) of each number in the printed table:
=A>@B >
/ =A>@B > /.=I(@B 6E)> 8A = A>EDD8=
Finally, take the “anti-log” (that is, take to the power A<= A>EDD ) to get the final answer:
6B "( = . This works because
20. The Finite Field GF(256) 123
/ / =
The actual use of log tables was much more horrible than the above might indicate. In case
you want to find out how it really worked, look at Appendix A, but have an air sickness bag
In a similar way, in finite fields one can replace the harder multiplication by the easier
addition, at the cost of looking up “logarithms” and “anti-logarithms.”
E % E ,
E A E A ,
E A E $A D ,
A ,
so successive powers of just take on the values , E , D , , and repeat, so that E is not a
( A
Now try powers of , taken modulo :
(<% ( ,
( A > A A ,
( A A (
A ,
( A ( $A @ ,
( A @ (
A ,
( A ( $A ,
( A , @ , , , and
so successive powers make a longer cycle, but still not all elements: , ,
repeat, so is also not a generator.
Finally try successive powers of , taken modulo :
!% ,
A ( A ( ,
A D A D ,
A A,
124 VI. The Advanced Encryption Standard
A >,
A >
A , ,
A $A
A $A @,
A @
A E,
A B ,,
A $A
A ,
( D A > @ E B
> B
so successive powers take on all non-zero elements: , , , , , , , , , , , , and
repeat, so finally is a generator. (Wheh! In fact,
the generators are , , , and .)
E B ( E B @
is not a generator for the field , so it doesn’t work to just try . (The genera-
tors in are , , , , , , , , , and .)
A /
The above random search shows that generators are hard to discover and are not intuitive.
It turns out that , which is the same as as a polynomial, is the simplest generator for
. Its powers take on all non-zero values of the field. In fact Table 20.1 , a table
of “exponentials” or “anti-logs”, gives each possible power. (The table is really just a simple
linear table, not really 2-dimensional, but it has been arranged so that the two hex digits are on
different axes.) Here
is the field element given by , where these are hex numbers,
and the initial “ ” is left off for simplicity.
Similarly, Table 20.2 is a table of “logarithms”, where the entry
> EA
gram that directly outputs the HTML source to make the tables appears on page 273.
As an example, suppose one wants the product
above, leaving off the “ ”). Use the table above to look up
and : > EA
(the same product as in the examples
. This means that
answer: A> .
Thus these tables give a much simpler and faster algorithm for multiplication:
public byte FFMulFast(unsigned byte a, unsigned byte b){
int t = 0;;
if (a == 0 || b == 0) return 0;
t = L[a] + L[b];
if (t > 255) t = t - 255;
return E[t];
126 VI. The Advanced Encryption Standard
As before, this is Java as if it had an unsigned byte type, which it doesn’t. The actual
Java code requires some short, ugly additions. (See Unsigned bytes in Java in Appendix B to
convert the above “Java” program to actual Java.)
This section has presented two algorithms for multiplying field elements, a slow one and a
fast one. As a check, here is a program that compares the results of all 65536 possible products
to see that the two methods agree (which they do): see Compare multiplications on page 275.
decryption. With the AES it is a single simple function applied over and over again to each byte
during stages of the encryption, returning a byte. Each of the possible byte values is trans-
formed to another byte value with the SubBytes transformation, which is a full permutation,
meaning that every element gets changed, and all possible elements are represented as the
result of a change, so that no two different bytes are changed to the same byte. The SubBytes
transformation changes a single entry as follows (here stands for the th bit of a byte value
byte SubBytesEntry(byte b) {
byte c = 0x63;
if (b != 0)} // leave 0 unchanged {\timesbf
b = multiplicativeInverse(b);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
b[i] = b[i] ˆ b[(i+4)%8] ˆ b[(i+5)%8] ˆ
b[(i+6)%8] ˆ b[(i+7)%8] ˆ c[i];
return b;
In practice, the values given by the transformation of each byte should be precomputed
and stored in a table. Because the table is computed only once before the start of encryption,
there is less need to optimize its performance. Here is a copy of the table. This and the next
table were printed using the Java program on page 277.)
S-Box Values
S(rs) s
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
0 63 7c 77 7b f2 6b 6f c5 30 01 67 2b fe d7 ab 76
1 ca 82 c9 7d fa 59 47 f0 ad d4 a2 af 9c a4 72 c0
2 b7 fd 93 26 36 3f f7 cc 34 a5 e5 f1 71 d8 31 15
3 04 c7 23 c3 18 96 05 9a 07 12 80 e2 eb 27 b2 75
4 09 83 2c 1a 1b 6e 5a a0 52 3b d6 b3 29 e3 2f 84
5 53 d1 00 ed 20 fc b1 5b 6a cb be 39 4a 4c 58 cf
6 d0 ef aa fb 43 4d 33 85 45 f9 02 7f 50 3c 9f a8
r 7 51 a3 40 8f 92 9d 38 f5 bc b6 da 21 10 ff f3 d2
8 cd 0c 13 ec 5f 97 44 17 c4 a7 7e 3d 64 5d 19 73
9 60 81 4f dc 22 2a 90 88 46 ee b8 14 de 5e 0b db
a e0 32 3a 0a 49 06 24 5c c2 d3 ac 62 91 95 e4 79
b e7 c8 37 6d 8d d5 4e a9 6c 56 f4 ea 65 7a ae 08
c ba 78 25 2e 1c a6 b4 c6 e8 dd 74 1f 4b bd 8b 8a
d 70 3e b5 66 48 03 f6 0e 61 35 57 b9 86 c1 1d 9e
e e1 f8 98 11 69 d9 8e 94 9b 1e 87 e9 ce 55 28 df
f 8c a1 89 0d bf e6 42 68 41 99 2d 0f b0 54 bb 16
The Java pseudo-code for this part is now very simple, using the Sbox array defined above:
void SubBytes(byte[][] state) {
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < Nb; col++)
state[row][col] = Sbox[state[row][col]];
The Laws of Cryptography
AES Key Expansion
Powers of x = 0x02
i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 1b 36 6c d8 ab 4d 9a
Discussion of items in the above pseudo-code in order:
The constant Nb = 4: This was mentioned earlier. Nb is the number of words in an
AES block, and right now it is always 4.
The key, key: the input key consists of Nk words, or 4*Nk bytes.
The expanded key, w: This consists of Nb*(Nk+1) words, or 4*Nb*(Nk+1) bytes.
The range of sizes are in Table 22.1 .
Notice that in the algorithm for key expansion, the first reference to Rcon is
Rcon[i/Nk], where i has value Nk, so that the smallest index to Rcon is 0, and
this uses .
SubWord(): This just applies the S-box value used in SubBytes to each of the 4 bytes
in the argument.
for use by the AddRoundKey() function in the main AES algorithm (see Section 1). This
does a byte-wise exclusive-or of 4*Nb = 16 bytes at a time of the key with the 4*Nb =
16 bytes of the state. Successive segments of 4*Nb = 16 bytes of the expanded key are
exclusive-ored in before the rounds of the algorithm, during each round, and at the end of
the rounds. In the end, there are Nr rounds, but Nr+1 exclusive-ors of parts of the expanded
key. Since none of the expanded key is used more than once, this means that algorithm needs
4*Nb*(Nr+1) = 16*(Nr+1) bytes of expanded key, and this is just the amount provided
by the KeyExpansion() function.
The Laws of Cryptography
AES Encryption
One also needs to organize a number of minor details to get a complete working Java
In the first two parts, the AES is moving around and “stirring up” data in the 4-by-4 array
of bytes named state.
description of the field itself, except with an extra layer of complexity. These polynomials are
added and multiplied just using the operations of the field on the coefficients, except
stands for the field element A
. This sounds horrible, but mathematical manip-
ulations can reduce everything to the following simple algorithm, where multiplication in the
field is represented below by . The principle change needed to convert this to actual Java is
to replace with a call to FFMul(). (Gladman gives a shorter but more obscure version of
this code.)
void MixColumns(byte[][] s) {
byte[] sp = new byte[4];
for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
sp[0] = (0x02 # s[0][c]) ˆ (0x03 # s[1][c]) ˆ
s[2][c] ˆ s[3][c];
sp[1] = s[0][c] ˆ (0x02 # s[1][c]) ˆ
(0x03 # s[2][c]) ˆ s[3][c];
sp[2] = s[0][c] ˆ s[1][c] ˆ
(0x02 # s[2][c]) ˆ (0x03 # s[3][c]);
sp[3] = (0x03 # s[0][c]) ˆ s[1][c] ˆ
s[2][c] ˆ (0x02 # s[3][c]);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) s[i][c] = sp[i];
Tables, which gives values from computed tables and various untility functions.
Print, which prints 1- and 2-dimensional arrays of bytes for debugging, and
As before, one also needs to organize a number of minor details to get a complete working
Java program.
the theory of this here (or elsewhere) later. For now, it suffices to say that the function multiplied
each column by the inverse polynomial of :
7 %
/ @ / : 1
The resulting function, when simplified, takes the following form in Java pseudo-code,
where as before # indicates multiplication in the field:
void InvMixColumns(byte[][] s) {
byte[] sp = new byte[4];
for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
sp[0] = (0x0e # s[0][c]) ˆ (0x0b # s[1][c]) ˆ
(0x0d # s[2][c]) ˆ (0x09 # s[3][c]);
sp[1] = (0x09 # s[0][c]) ˆ (0x0e # s[1][c]) ˆ
(0x0b # s[2][c]) ˆ (0x0d # s[3][c]);
sp[2] = (0x0d # s[0][c]) ˆ (0x09 # s[1][c]) ˆ
138 VI. The Advanced Encryption Standard
AESdecrypt, which provides the principle functions for AES decryption, and
25.1 Passwords.
Passwords are at present the most common method for verifying the identity of a user. This
is a flawed method; systems continue to use passwords because of their ease of use and ease
of implementation. Among many problems are the successful guessing of user’s passwords,
and the intercepting of them or uncovering them online. To prevent guessing and for additional
security, the NSA recommends using a random 8-letter password that is regularly changed.
Since such a stream of passwords is almost impossible to remember (certainly for me), the
hapless user is forced to write these passwords down, adding to the insecurity. Thus passwords
need to be protected by cryptographic techniques, whether they are stored or transmitted.
Several simple techniques can help make the old-fashioned form of passwords easier to
memorize. First, the system can present a user with a list of possible random passwords from
which to choose. With such a choice, there may be one password that is easier for a given user
to remember. Second, the most common passwords are limited to 8 characters, and experience
has shown that users have a hard time picking such a short password that turns out to be secure.
If the system allows passwords of arbitrary length (fairly common now), then users can employ
pass phrases: a phrase or sentence that is not going to be in dictionaries yet is easy for the given
user to remember. My favorite pass phrase is “Dexter’s mother’s bread,” but I won’t be able to
use it any more.
Personal physical characteristics form the basis for a number of identification methods now
in use. The characteristics or biometrics range from fingerprints to iris patterns, from voice to
hand geometry, among many examples. These techniques are outside the scope of this book.
The remaining two sections study two uses of one-way functions to help secure passwords.
as a table entry in the password file, with similar entries for other users. When Alice
supplies her password to the system, the software computes of her password and compares
this result with the table entry. In this way the systems administrators themselves will not know
the passwords of users and will not be able to impersonate a user.
In early Unix systems it was a matter of pride to make the password file world readable.
A user would try to guess other’s passwords by trying a guess : first calculate and
then compare this with all table entries. There were many values of to try, such as entries
in a dictionary, common names, special entries that are often used as passwords, all short
passwords, and all the above possibilities with special characters at the beginning or the end.
These “cracker” programs have matured to the point where they can always find at least some
passwords if there are quite a few users in the system. Now the password file is no longer
public, but someone with root privileges can still get to it, and it sometimes leaks out in other
To make the attack in the previous paragraph harder (that attack is essentially the same as
ciphertext searching), systems can first choose the one-way function to be more execution-
time intensive. This only slows down the searches by a linear factor. Another approach uses
an additional random table entry, called a salt. Suppose for example that each password table
entry has another random -bit field (the salt), different for each password. When Alice first
puts her password into the system (or changes it), she supplies . The system chooses the salt
and calculates 1
, where is fixed up to handle two inputs instead of one.
The password file entry for Alice now contains , , and . With this change, an attack on
a single user is the same, but the attack of the previous paragraph on all users at the same time
now takes either an extra factor of time equal to either or the number of users, whichever is
smaller. Without the salt, an attacker could check if “Dexter” were the password of any user
by calculating “Dexter” and doing a fast search of the password file for this entry. With the
salt, to check if Alice is using “Dexter” for example, the attacker must retrieve Alice’s salt
% means , , %'and &&&
& & & & so forth. Alice wants to
in some secure way, possibly by just personally dropping it off. This value is stored in the
@ @@
computer system along with a counter value of . When Alice wants to authenticate herself
, she sends and to
. Now
'% &&&
and compares it
with the value already stored, authenticating Alice the first time. Now
replaces the
old values with and @@@
. Only Alice knows any value except
, so only Alice can
calculate and supply to
. (Alice could keep all the around, or she could calculate any
desired one of them from scratch starting with .) The next time Alice wants to authenticate
herself to
, she will supply and
Even if someone hijacked Alice’s communication with
, intercepting and pretending
to be her, they could only do it once, since they could not calculate the previous value . Al-
ice’s use of these passwords continues for up to
authentications, at which time Alice must
restart the whole system with a new initial value . This system is proof against eavesdrop-
ping, and even a more active opponent can only impersonate Alice once without intercepting
another of Alice’s authentications. If the authentication ever fails for Alice, she will not retry
the same , but will use 7 % >E"(
the next time.
In case of a communication breakdown, the system
may have (say) and
and may receive from Alice and
% , for example. In this case
knows to calculate
before comparing with the stored entry, and of course
will store and
as the new entry.
The Laws of Cryptography
Zero-Knowledge Protocols
if . A path is simple (doesn’t cross itself) if no vertex appears more than once. A
path is complete if it includes every vertex. The Hamiltonian Cycle Problem (HC) asks if a
given graph has a simple complete cycle. It turns out that HC is an NP-complete problem, so
in general no efficient algorithm is known.
If one had an efficient algorithm to solve HC, then one would also have an efficient algo-
rithm to actually obtain the Hamitonian cycle itself. First check the entire graph to see if there
is such a cycle. Then try deleting each edge in turn, checking again if there is still a Hamilin-
tonian cycle, until only the edges of a Hamiltonian cycle remain. (There may be more than one
such cycle, but this method will find one of them.)
For a given graph, even a large one, it may be easy to decide this problem, but there is no
known efficient algorithm to solve the general problem as the number of vertices increases.
Consider now the specific simple graph in Figure 26.1. The graph illustrated in this figure
is the same as the vertices and edges of a dodecahedron (a 12-sided regular polyhedron with
each side a pentagon). All that is present is a wire framework of the edges, and the framework
has been opened up from one side and squashed onto the plane.
This graph is not complicated, but it still takes most people at least a minute or two to
find one of the Hamiltonian cycles in the graph. Try to do it now, without peeking ahead (and
without writing in the book). Once you have found a cycle, read on. The cycle is shown later
in Figure 26.2 as a thicker set of lines.
26. Zero-Knowledge Protocols 145
15 19
6 14
7 13
1 4
8 12
2 3
16 18
9 11
Dodecahedron Graph
Vertex Edges Cycle
0 1, 4, 5 1
1 0, 2, 7 7
2 1, 3, 9 3
3 2, 4, 11 4
4 0, 3, 13 0
5 0, 6, 14 14
6 5, 7, 15 5
7 1, 6, 8 8
8 7, 9, 16 16
9 2, 8, 10 2
10 9, 11, 17 9
11 3, 10, 12 10
12 11, 13, 18 11
13 4, 12, 14 12
14 5, 13, 19 13
15 6, 16, 19 6
16 8, 15, 17 17
17 10, 16, 18 18
18 12, 17, 19 19
19 14, 15, 18 15
In computer algorithms, graphs are often represented as a list of vertices, and for each
4 @
vertex, a list of the vertices which together with the first one make up an edge. Suppose that
the vertices are numbered from to
, or in this case, to . Table 26.1 gives information
describing the graph in this way. The rightmost column also shows a Hamiltonian cycle by
giving, for each vertex, the next vertex in the cycle.
Now on to a zero-knowledge proof by Alice to Bob that she has a Hamiltonian cycle of this
graph while revealing nothing about the cycle itself.
Alice must carry out a number of steps in the process of a probablistic proof. After
almost certain that Alice has a Hamiltonian cycle for the graph, with only a
stages, Bob can be
probability of that she does not have a cycle, but is cheating. At each stage Alice chooses
a new (true) random permutation of the vertices in the graph. In the example below, we assume
she has chosen the rearrangement of vertices given in Table 26.2 .
Alice rearranges the table by sorting the newly renumbered vertices into order again. For
each vertex, the list of vertices at the other end of an edge must be made all the same length,
using extra dummy entries. (In the case here all the lists are already the same length.) Finally
26. Zero-Knowledge Protocols 147
15 19
6 14
7 13
1 4
8 12
2 3
16 18
9 11
Original vertex: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Changed to: 12 17 16 19 8 13 7 3 10 5 18 11 2 9 15 6 0 14 4 1
she must randomize the order of these lists. Table 26.3 shows the results of all these changes.
Alice needs a means to selectively reveal parts of this last table, but she has to commit to the
entire table without being able to cheat. This is easy to do with any cryptosystem, such as the
AES, for example. For each item in the table needing concealment, use a separate encryption
with a separate key. (Or similar items can be handled with a single key, as long as an extra
random string is included to foil ciphertext comparisons.) Alice sends all the information in the
table, with each item encrypted. Notice that if Alice encrypts the vertex number 17 with some
AES key, it is not feasible for her to find another key that decrypts the same ciphertext to some
other number, say 16, assuming there are a large number of redundant bits in the ciphertext.
So Alice sends the entire table in permuted and encrypted form to Bob. Bob then asks Alice
to show him one of two parts of the table:
In the second case, Alice sends the keys needed to reveal only the parts of the table in boldface.
26. Zero-Knowledge Protocols 149
(The vertex numbers are implicit, starting at 0.) This shows each succesive vertex in the cycle,
and shows that the vertex is actually on an edge. All this is assuming that the hidden graph is
really the correct one. If Alice wanted to cheat, it would be easy for her to make up numbers
so that it would look like a Hamiltonian cycle was present.
In the second case, Alice sends the keys needed to reveal all parts of the table except for the
column labeled “cycle”. The extra column labeled “permutation” is there to make it easy for
Bob to verify that the permuted graph is still the same as the original. (There are no efficient
algorithms to show that two graphs are really the same.)
If Alice doesn’t know a cycle, she can cheat and answer either question correctly, but she
has to commit herself to an answer before knowing what part Bob will ask for. In the first case
she reveals nothing at all about how the Hamiltonian cycle is situated in the graph, but only
that it exists. In the second case she reveals nothing at all about the Hamiltonian cycle. At each
stage of this probablistic proof, Alice chooses a new permutation of the vertices, rearranges
the table again, and chooses new keys for encrypting. At each step, if she is cheating, she will
caught half the time on the average.
Alice could conceivably use HC to establish her identity. First she constructs a large,
complex graph , making sure at each stage of the construction that has a Hamiltonian
cycle. Alice securely transfers the graph to a trusted server . Then if Alice wanted to prove
her identity to Bob, she could have Bob retrieve the graph from , and then she could prove
(probablistically, in zero knowledge) that she has a Hamiltonian cycle. Even an eavesdropper
would not learn the Hamiltonian cycle. This particular method has two separate flaws as a way
for Alice to identify herself:
The method is subject to replay attacks, where Boris just sends someone else exactly the
same messages Alice transmits as a way to “prove” that he is Alice.
It is necessary for Alice to create a “hard” instance of HC, that is, an instance where
known algorithms take a very long time to find a Hamiltonian cycle.
Alice could handle the first flaw by adding a timestamp to the part of the graph that she
encrypts. The second flaw above is the difficult one, since finding hard instances of an NP-
complete problem is often a difficult computation itself, and that especially seems to be the
case with HC. The next chapter shows how to use factoring as the hard problem, and factoring
has been studied much more extensively than HC.
no further letters, because the letter writer ignores them, focusing on the (roughly) 2048 people
who got a correct first prediction. At the end of 10 weeks, and after writing approximately 8184
letters, one would expect an average of 4 individuals to have received 10 correct predictions,
including above.
Here is the protocol:
Protocol: Fiat-Schamir Identification. (Alice) proves knowledge of a secret to (Bob),
using a trusted center .
1. Setup for : The trusted center chooses large random primes and and forms the
. (These should fit the requirements for the RSA cryptosystem.)
for all users, and keeps and secret, or just destroys them.
, , 4
2. Setup for each user: Each user chooses a random secret satisfying
which has no factors in common with
. Then calculates mod
and lets store
this value in public. (Each user has his own unique secret value and each user stores a
unique square of this value with . Notice that no secrecy is needed at , but users need
to rely on the integrity of information supplied by . If someone wants to calculate the
secret just knowing the public value , they would have to take the discrete square root
of , and this problem is computationally equivalent to factoring
, as was discussing in
the chapter on Rabin’s cryptosystem.)
, , 4
3. Witness step: chooses a random number satisfying
committment, calculates
, and sends to .
to use as a
4. Challenge step:
chooses a random challenge bit and sends it to : .
5. Response step: In case , sends : back to
. In case : , calculates
, and sends this back to .
6. Verification step: verifies the response from by calculating mod
. If
, then should be equal to the that was first sent, that is, is a square root of the
value , a calculation that is only efficiently
possible for . If , then should be
equal to mod
, and must verify this equality.
At each iteration of the above protocol, the chances that is not who she claims to be and
62 &
is in fact cheating goes down by a factor of 2. One should repeat the protocol at least 50 times,
to reduce the probability of successfully cheating to less than .
As part of the analysis
of this protocol, suppose someone else, say
(Carlos), wished to
pretend to be to . We are not assuming that
can intercept an ongoing protocol between
and , but we do assume that
can communicate with , claiming to be . Of course
guesses that will respond with a challenge of
, then
would only need to :
send a random mod
just like , and respond to the challenge with the original
. would accept this round of the protocol.
152 VII. Identification and Key Distribution
guesses that
will respond with a challenge of :
, then
must provide a
response so that when calculates mod
, this is the same as mod
, where
is the initial value sent by
to , and is ’s public value that anyone (including
can look up. Notice that
doesn’t need to send the square of a random value at the first
step, but only needs to send a value such that later
can send another value , with the
property that when calculates mod
same. In other words, it needs to be true that mod
, these will work out to be the
, or that 7%
where is the inverse of using multiplication mod
. ( has such an inverse because
, and therefore have no factors in common with
.) Thus the initial that
send in this case should be the square of some random times the inverse of . If
In summary, a cheating
could succeed in either part of the protocol if he knew ahead of
time which challenge bit would send back.
can choose the initial value to succeed either
way, but no single value succeeds both ways for
. Thus
’s cheating is detected half of the
time at each iteration of the protocol.
The Laws of Cryptography
Threshold Schemes
maintaining secret keys, and the schemes in this chapter are just what is needed.
Suppose there are executives in a company that maintains a locked room with company
secrets inside. When the company was incorporated, the founders wanted to make sure that
only a majority (that is, at least ) of the executives could together gain access to the room. For
this purpose, the founders created a special steel door with a sliding rod on its outside. The
rod slides through holes in two flanges on the door and through a hole in another flange beside
the door. The rod in turn has a ring welded onto it so that it cannot be removed from the two
flanges on the door. Between the door’s flanges, there are special padlocks around the rod.
The dimensions are chosen so that if any four of the six padlocks are removed, the rod will slide
just far enough so that the door will open. If fewer than four padlocks are removed, the rod will
still barely catch, and the door is still locked. (See the figure for an illustration of this Rube
Goldberg contraption.) Each executive is given a key to one of the locks, and then everyone can
( >
be sure that only four of more of the executives of the company, working together, can open the
door. (There is nothing special about the numbers and in this example.)
In general, a
threshold scheme starts with a secret , with
users who can share the
Each user is given a share of the secret: , for , ,
secret, and with a threshold value of of the users needed to recover the secret, where
. Then the threshold scheme must
somehow arrange that any of these shares can be used to produce (or compute) the secret,
whereas any (81>
or fewer will not allow the secret to be recovered. The door with its rod and
locks above give a simple example of a (or “four out of six”) threshold scheme, except
that its crude mechanical nature is limiting.
Now keep the files and separate from one another, and the book is safe. To recover the
book, just calculate . An opponent who knows only or
has no information
about the book . This is obvious for
, since it was true random and had nothing to do
154 VII. Identification and Key Distribution
with . The file was defined using , but since it is the exclusive-or of a true random bit
for any . However, if two users get together, their
in the equation for the line gives
A A81
Similarly a plane in -dimentional space is uniquely determined by any three points on it.
Just as in the previous paragraph, this leads to a
threshold scheme. The same thing can be
% 1 1 1$=$== 1
7 % /=$=$= / % % /
done in -dimensional space, consisting of all ordered lists of numbers: .
4 7 %
Then a random linear equation of the form specifies a
hyperplane in this space. As above, with only points on this hyperplane, any value of
is still possible, but with points there will be equations in unknowns (the coefficients
along with ), which can be solved for all unknowns including the crucial .
The scheme in this section can be made to work, but I will not finish it, instead turning
to another approach. The method of this section would need to switch from floating point
numbers, and would still need to decide what picking an equation “at random” might mean.
Adi Shamir developed a threshold scheme based on polynomial interpolation. The scheme is
based on the fact that a polynomial function of degree is uniquely determined by any
28. Threshold Schemes 155
points on it.
4 A /
Example. Suppose
and the “secret” is . Choose a “random” polynomial
1 1 A81 1 (81> 1 6 2 3 1 A 2)( 1$=$=$=
. Then , the secret. Points on the graph of this function yield shares, for
% / /
example: Using only the first three shares and assuming an
equation of the form , one gets three linear equations in three unknowns
by plugging in the values from the three shares.
% / /
@ / A /
> > %% /0( /
These equations are easy to solve, for , 4 A , and , and so just from the
shares, the secret is seen to be .
Here is the general case of Shamir’s 1
threshold scheme:
integers and , ,
1. Start with a secret , a desired number of shares
, and a threshold , where all three are
2. Choose
a prime bigger than both and
. Everything will be done over the finite field
7 % 7 %/ =$== /
% /
3. Choose a random polynomial of degree :
by choosing the coefficients
uniformly and at random from the interval from to
inclusive, that is, from .
shares as points 1
4. Compute
on the graph of . (The -coordinates do not have
to be consecutive integers, but no -coordinate can be zero, since that would immediately
reveal the secret.) These shares are distributed securely to each of the
5. If any users get together with their shares, they know distinct points on the polyno-
mial’s graph, and so the users can compute the polynomial’s coefficients, including the
constant term, which is the secret.
There are a number of ways to calculate the polynomial from the shares in the situation
above, but perhaps the most convenient way is to use the Lagrange interpolation formula: 1 , ,
A polynomial
of degree is uniquely determined by points,
assuming that the are all distinct. The polynomial is given by the formula:
for ,
% %
Here the Greek (sigma) means to add up terms obtained by setting . 1 31$=$=$=1
Similarly the Greek (pi) means to multiply terms following it together, where takes on
values from to , but leaving off in each case. The computations are all done in , that is,
156 VII. Identification and Key Distribution
modulo . In the case of the in the denominator, one needs to use the multiplicative
inverse of in .
1 4
, ,
It is easy to see that this formula works, because it is a degree
polynomial in that
agrees with each of the points for
, and this polynomial must be unique. To
get a feeling for the equation, look at a special case, say, . Then the equation is
4 4 4 % 4 4 % 4
% % 4 % 4 4 % 4 4 % 4 =
/ /
Now evaluate , that is, set % throughout. The multipliers of % both reduce to ,
is a times each of and , so this reduces to just . Similarly,
. The general formula behaves in exactly the same way. %
It is not necessary to determine the entire random polynomial , but only , which is
the secret . By substituting above, the equations become
1 where
This is a particularly easy way to calculate the secret from the shares.
1. It is perfect is the sense that the secret can be computed from shares, but even
shares gives no information about the secret. In other words, given shares, all
possible values for the secret are still equally probable.
2. One can calculate new shares and distribute them to new users along with the ones already
passed out.
3. One can distribute more than one share to a user and in this way give that user more
power over the secret.
4. In case the secret is too large for the convenient computer arithmetic of a given imple-
mentation, the secret can be broken into two or more blocks, and security will still be
perfect. Thus there is no reason for large integers and extended precision arithmetic in
this example.
28. Threshold Schemes 157
Shamir’s (t, n) threshold scheme gives perfect security for
a shared secret, since t users can recover the secret, while t – 1
or fewer users still have no information about the secret.
Here is another larger run. (By an unlikely coincidence, the values of the polynomial below are
symmetric going down from and up from . Something like this will always be true, but it is
surprising that it appears here for such small values of .)
% java ThresholdTest 1111 3 5 1999
New (3,5) threshold scheme, with p = 1999 and s = 1111
Function f(x) = 1111*xˆ0 + 1199*xˆ1 + 971*xˆ2
All 5 Output Shares: (1,1282) (2,1396) (3,1453) (4,1453) (5,1396)
The code below shows how xor can be used to interchange data elements.
Java class: Xor
// test xor function ˆ for interchanges
public class Xor {
Java supplies a function to calculate natural logs, base : 3= B $D D D D(!E@ (!E
. To calculate
logs to other bases, you need to multiply by a fixed constant: for a log base multiply by
Java class: Logs
// try out logarithm formulas
public class Logs {
whole row is bold is called a generator. In this case 2, 6, 7, and 8 are generators.
11 2 2 4 8 5 10 9 7 3 6 1
11 3 3 9 5 4 1 3 9 5 4 1
11 4 4 5 9 3 1 4 5 9 3 1
11 5 5 3 4 9 1 5 3 4 9 1
11 6 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1
11 7 7 5 2 3 10 4 6 9 8 1
11 8 8 9 6 4 10 3 2 5 7 1
11 9 9 4 3 5 1 9 4 3 5 1
11 10 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1
Java code to produce the table above and the one below.
Java class: Fermat
// given a prime integer p, calculate powers of a
// fixed element a mod p. Output html table
public class Fermat {
if (firstCycle)
if (pow(row, col, p) == 1) firstCycle = false;
} // end of main
This class gives (in bold below) two versions of the simple greatest common division algorithm:
the first recursive and the second iterative.
Java class: GCD
// GCD: Greatest Common Divisor
public class GCD {
This extended greatest common divison algorithm is the version in Knuth’s Seminumerical
Algorithms, Third Edition. When the algorithm finishes, x*u[0] + y*u[1] = u[2] =
gcd(x, y).
Java class: ExtGCDsimple
// ExtGCDsimple: Extended GCD
public class ExtGCDsimple {
The long (debug oriented) version of this program was discussed in the text of the book.
Java class: ExtGCD
// ExtGCD: Extended GCD (long version)
public class ExtGCD {
while (v[2] != 0) {
long q = u[2]/v[2];
// t = u - v*q;
t[0] = u[0] -v[0]*q; t[1] = u[1] -v[1]*q; t[2] = u[2] -v[2]*q;
check(x, y, t);
// u = v;
u[0] = v[0]; u[1] = v[1]; u[2] = v[2]; check(x, y, u);
// v = t;
v[0] = t[0]; v[1] = t[1]; v[2] = t[2]; check(x, y, v);
System.out.println(q + "\t"+ u[0] + "\t" + u[1] + "\t" + u[2] +
"\t"+ v[0] + "\t" + v[1] + "\t" + v[2]);
return u;
0 0 1 987654321 1 0 123456789
8 1 0 123456789 -8 1 9
13717421 -8 1 9 109739369 -13717421 0
gcd(123456789, 987654321) = 9
(-8)*123456789 + (1)*987654321 = 9
gcd(1122334455667788, 99887766554433) = 33
(-756725504178)*1122334455667788 + (8502533754809)*99887766554433 = 33
2 0 1 128475948374657 1 -2 127785051825323
1 1 -2 127785051825323 -1 3 690896549334
184 -1 3 690896549334 185 -554 660086747867
1 185 -554 660086747867 -186 557 30809801467
21 -186 557 30809801467 4091 -12251 13080917060
2 4091 -12251 13080917060 -8368 25059 4647967347
2 -8368 25059 4647967347 20827 -62369 3784982366
1 20827 -62369 3784982366 -29195 87428 862984981
4 -29195 87428 862984981 137607 -412081 333042442
2 137607 -412081 333042442 -304409 911590 196900097
1 -304409 911590 196900097 442016 -1323671 136142345
1 442016 -1323671 136142345 -746425 2235261 60757752
2 -746425 2235261 60757752 1934866 -5794193 14626841
4 1934866 -5794193 14626841 -8485889 25412033 2250388
6 -8485889 25412033 2250388 52850200 -158266391 1124513
2 52850200 -158266391 1124513 -114186289 341944815 1362
825 -114186289 341944815 1362 94256538625 -282262738766 863
1 94256538625 -282262738766 863 -94370724914 282604683581 499
1 -94370724914 282604683581 499 188627263539 -564867422347 364
1 188627263539 -564867422347 364 -282997988453 847472105928 135
2 -282997988453 847472105928 135 754623240445 -2259811634203 94
1 754623240445 -2259811634203 94 -1037621228898 3107283740131 41
2 -1037621228898 3107283740131 41 2829865698241 -8474379114465 12
3 2829865698241 -8474379114465 12 -9527218323621 28530421083526 5
2 -9527218323621 28530421083526 5 21884302345483 -65535221281517 2
2 21884302345483 -65535221281517 2 -53295823014587 159600863646560 1
2 -53295823014587 159600863646560 1 28475948374657 -384736948574637 0
gcd(384736948574637, 128475948374657) = 1
(-53295823014587)*384736948574637 + (159600863646560)*128475948374657 = 1
Program I.2.d
Testing Two Exponential Algorithms
Referred to from page 19.
The code below the two algorithms for carrying out integer exponentiation that were presented
in the text. Each function has additional debug statements to provide extra output.
Java class: Exp
// Exp: test Java versions of two exponentiation algorithms
public class Exp {
z = z*x;
y = y - 1;}
dump2("Round: " + (round++) + ", ", x, y, z);
return z;
Here are results of test runs, with a few extra blanks to improve readability:
2. Cryptographer’s Favorite Algorithms 171
% java Exp 3 12
Try first exponentiation algorithm ...
Initial. x: 3, y: 0, z: 1, (xˆy): 1
Round: 1, x: 3, y: 0, z: 1, (xˆy): 1
Round: 1, x: 3, y: 1, z: 3, (xˆy): 3
Round: 2, x: 3, y: 2, z: 9, (xˆy): 9
Round: 2, x: 3, y: 3, z: 27, (xˆy): 27
Round: 3, x: 3, y: 6, z: 729, (xˆy): 729
Round: 3, x: 3, y: 12, z: 531441, (xˆy): 531441
Method 1: exp1(3, 12) = 531441
% java Exp 2 23
Try first exponentiation algorithm ...
Initial. x: 2, y: 0, z: 1, (xˆy): 1
Round: 1, x: 2, y: 0, z: 1, (xˆy): 1
Round: 1, x: 2, y: 1, z: 2, (xˆy): 2
Round: 2, x: 2, y: 2, z: 4, (xˆy): 4
Round: 2, x: 2, y: 4, z: 16, (xˆy): 16
Round: 2, x: 2, y: 5, z: 32, (xˆy): 32
Round: 3, x: 2, y: 10, z: 1024, (xˆy): 1024
Round: 3, x: 2, y: 11, z: 2048, (xˆy): 2048
Round: 4, x: 2, y: 22, z: 4194304, (xˆy): 4194304
Round: 4, x: 2, y: 23, z: 8388608, (xˆy): 8388608
Method 1: exp1(2, 23) = 8388608
Typical output:
% javac
% java Capacity 0.3
Probability: 0.3, Capacity: 0.11870910076930735
% java Capacity 0.999
Probability: 0.999, Capacity: 0.9885922422625388
% java Capacity 0.001
Probability: 0.0010, Capacity: 0.9885922422625388
% java Capacity 0.5
Probability: 0.5, Capacity: 0.0
% java Capacity 0.5001
Probability: 0.5001, Capacity: 2.8853901046232977E-8
% java Capacity 0.51
Probability: 0.51, Capacity: 2.8855824719009604E-4
Program II.3.b
Table of Channal Capacities
Referred to from page 26.
Here is the program to print an HTML table of channel capacities. The resulting table (when
interpreted by an HTML browser) will print a table that looks much like the one in the text.
Java class: CapacityTable
// print table of capacities
// p: the channel probability for a binary symmetric channel
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class CapacityTable {
static final int TABLE_SIZE = 20;
static DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
static DecimalFormat fifteenDigits = new
<td><b>Channel Capacity</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>0.00 or 1.00</td><td>1.000000000000000</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.05 or 0.95</td><td>0.713603042884044</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.10 or 0.90</td><td>0.531004406410719</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.15 or 0.85</td><td>0.390159695283600</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.20 or 0.80</td><td>0.278071905112638</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.25 or 0.75</td><td>0.188721875540867</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.30 or 0.70</td><td>0.118709100769307</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.35 or 0.65</td><td>0.065931944624509</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.40 or 0.60</td><td>0.029049405545331</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.45 or 0.55</td><td>0.007225546012192</td></tr>
<tr><td>0.50 or 0.50</td><td>0.000000000000000</td></tr>
Program II.3.c
Inverse of the Channal Capacity formula
Referred to from page 26.
Here is a Java program that prints a table of channel capacities and corresponding channel
probabilities. (The function calculating the inverse of the channel capacity function is given in
Java class: CapacityInverse
// print table of inverse capacities
// p: the channel probability for a binary symmetric channel
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class CapacityInverse {
static final int TABLE_SIZE = 20;
static DecimalFormat eightDigits =
new DecimalFormat("0.00000000");
// main function to do calculation
public static void main (String[] args) {
double p; // channel probability
double c; // channel capacity
System.out.println("<table border><tr align=center>");
for (int i = 0; i <= TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
c = (double)i/TABLE_SIZE;
System.out.print("<tr><td>" + c);
if ((int)(10*c) == 10*c) System.out.print("0");
System.out.print("</td><td>" +
eightDigits.format(capacityInverse(c)) + "</td>");
System.out.println("</td><td>" +
eightDigits.format(1 - capacityInverse(c)) +
} // end of main
do {
mid = (lo + hi)/2;
cLo = capacity(lo);
cHi = capacity(hi);
cMid = capacity(mid);
if (c > cMid) hi = mid;
else lo = mid;
} while (hi - lo > 1.0E-15);
return mid;
Here is the table printed by the above program (roughly as it would look in a browser):
Here is a Java program that will generate the entire table, for any input probability p:
Java class: RepetitionTable
// given p, calculate a table of duplicates
// p: the channel probability for a binary symmetric channel
public class RepetitionTable {
Here is the Java simulation program in three files. The program uses the blocksize (variable
N in file, accessible as a command line argument). The program calculates
2**N as the size of the code table (variable expN in file The length of each
codeword in bytes is also a variable (CWS in file accessible as a command
line argument. Thus the number of bits in each codeword is 8*CWS. The main data struc-
ture is the coding table: expN entries each of size CWS bytes. Each entry is the class Word,
and the table itself is of class Table. This coding table is allocated inside, and
each entry is allocated inside and filled with random bits. The simulation
is repeated simSize many times (another command line argument inside
At each iteration, a random index in the coding table is chosen (length N bits), and the corre-
sponding codeword (length CWS bytes) is fetched from the table. The codeword is ”perturbed”
by reversing each bit with probability 1 - p = 0.25, where p is a variable inside Shan- The table is then checked for the closest match to this new perturbed word. Here
”closest” means to check each entry to see the number of bit positions in which it differs from
the perturbed word. The program focuses on the word or words in the table that differ from the
perturbed word in the smallest number of bit positions. If there is more than 1 ”closest match”,
this is regarded as an error, as is the case in which the closest match is a word different from
the original unperturbed word. (In case of more than one closest match, one could choose a
word at random, but this program does not do that.) The error rate is simply the percent of
errors compared with all trials. The program uses a reasonably clever and efficient method
for comparing codewords (as bit strings). They are compared byte-by-byte. To compare two
bytes, say b1 and b1, in function countDiffs inside file, the function first
calculates b = b1 b̂2 (the bit-wise exclusive-or). A 1 bit in b represents a difference in the
two byte values, so one needs only to count the number of 1s in the byte b. This is done with a
table lookup in the array c, declared in, but used in The variable
b ranges from -128 to 127 inclusive, so it is necessary to access c[b+128] and to create c
to give the correct answers when used in this way. The array of Strings s (inside
gives the bit representation of each value of b, but this was only used for debugging.
Java class: Word
// an array of CWS (codeword size) bytes
import java.util.Random;
public class Word {
public static int[] c = {
// number of 1 bits in 2s complement value (use value+128)
// used in class Table
1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6,
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
2,3,3,4,3,4,4,5, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7,
3,4,4,5,4,5,5,6, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, 4,5,5,6,5,6,6,7, 5,6,6,7,6,7,7,8,
180 Program II.4.a
// perturb: alter bits of input word, each time with prob 1-P
public static Word perturb(Word v) {
Word u = new Word(ranNumGen, v);
int[] mask = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, -128};
for (int i = 0; i < Shannon.CWS; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (ranNumGen.nextDouble() > Shannon.P) {
u.w[i] = (byte)(mask[j]ˆu.w[i]);
return u;
Here is a Huffman code program in 6 files, coded in Java. The program is for demonstration
purposes, and needs additional code to perform practical file compression, as is detailed at the
end of this section. The program below either reads a file directly from standard input, or if the
file name is on the command line, it uses that for the input. The program analyzes the input
file to get the symbol frequencies, and then calculates the code words for each symbol. It also
creates the output coded file. However, this file is a string of 0 and 1 ascii characters, not
binary numbers. The code also produces a human-readable version of the Huffman decoding
tree, as well as the entropy of the file and the average code length of the resulting Huffman
The encode algorithm (function encode inside just uses sequential
search, although the corresponding decode algorithm makes efficient use of the Huffman tree.
The priority queue (implemented in the file just uses a simple list and sequen-
tial search, whereas a good priority queue should be implemented with a heap.
Java class: Entry
// entry in the code frequency table
class Entry {
public char symb; // character to be encoded
public double weight; // prob of occurrence of the character
public String rep; // string giving 0-1 Huffman codeword for char
Java class: Table
// Huffman code frequency table
class Table {
public final int MAXT = 100; // maximum # of different symbols
public int currTableSize; // current size as table constructed
public Entry[] tab; // the table array, not allocated
private Reader in; // internal file name for input stream
String file = ""; // the whole input file as a String
private boolean fileOpen = false; // is the file open yet?
private String fileName; // name of input file, if present
private int totalChars = 0; // total number of chars read
char markerChar = ’@’; // sentinal at end of file
int i;
TreeNode tNode;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
tNode = new TreeNode();
tNode.weight = tab[i].weight;
tNode.left = tNode.right = null;
tNode.symb = tab[i].symb;
tNode.rep = "";
// least: Remove and return from the list that tree with greatest
// root weight; sort of a pain in the ass to write
public TreeNode least() {
ListNode l, oldl, minl = null, oldminl = null; // for compiler
double minw = 1000000;
oldl = list;
l = list;
while (l != null) {
if (l.hufftree.weight < minw) {
minw = l.hufftree.weight;
oldminl = oldl;
minl = l;
oldl = l;
l =;
if (minl == oldminl) {
list =;
return minl.hufftree;
} =;
return minl.hufftree;
p = new PQueue();
p.buildList(, t.currTableSize);
tree = huffman(t.currTableSize);
insertRep(tree,, t.currTableSize, "");
encodedFile = encode(t.file);
System.out.println("Entropy: " + t.entropy() +
", Ave. Code Length: " + t.aveCodeLen());
int i;
TreeNode tree = null; // = null for compiler
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
tree = new TreeNode();
tree.left = p.least();
tree.left.step = i + 1; // just for displaying tree
tree.right = p.least();
tree.right.step = i + 1; // just for displaying tree
tree.weight = tree.left.weight +
tree.symb = markerChar; // must not use ’@’ in input file
tree.rep = "";
return tree;
| |
| +---+---@: 0.2500, 10 (step 4)
| | |
| | +---c: 0.1500, 101 (step 2)
| |
+---+---@: 0.6000, 1 (step 5)
| +---d: 0.1700, 110 (step 3)
| |
+---+---@: 0.3500, 11 (step 4)
+---e: 0.1800, 111 (step 3)
There are simple examples of Huffman codes, where there are two structurally distinct Huffman
trees for the same set of symbols and frequencies. Because the Huffman code is optimal, these
codes must have the same average code length. Here is one simple example: a:9, b:5,
c:4, d:3, and e:3. There are clearly two distinct ways to construct the tree, resulting in
Huffman codes for the symbols with a different set of lengths for the codewords. In both cases
the average code length is 2.25 bits per symbol.
Here are two different sets of lengths:
+---a: 0.3750, 0 (step 4)
---+---@: 1.0000,
| +---e: 0.1250, 100 (step 1)
| |
| +---+---@: 0.2500, 10 (step 3)
| | |
| | +---d: 0.1250, 101 (step 1)
| |
+---+---@: 0.6250, 1 (step 4)
| +---c: 0.1667, 110 (step 2)
| |
+---+---@: 0.3750, 11 (step 3)
+---b: 0.2083, 111 (step 2)
| | |
| | +---d: 0.1250, 101 (step 1)
| |
+---+---@: 0.6250, 1 (step 4)
+---a: 0.3750, 11 (step 3)
This section presents an implementation of the binary Hamming code. The Java source was de-
signed for simplicity and ease of understanding, rather than for efficiency. The basic Hamming
algorithm is implemented using arrays of “bits” (0 or 1 stored in an int), with from 1 to 120
message bits and from 4 to 128 bits in the codeword. In order to read and write files of bytes,
it is necessary to unpack each byte so that the Hamming routines can work on it, and then to
pack the result for writing. (A more efficient implementation would not use arrays of bits in
this way and so would not need the packing and unpacking.)
The complete array-based implementation of the Hamming code is in the Java class Ham-
ming. This is a straightforward implementation. Here are comments about individual features:
The constructor Hamming: this just builds the necessary masks, described next.
The 2-dimensional array m: nine 128-bit masks used to decide which bits to use in each
parity check: m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7]. The mask m[i]
gives the bits to check for the check bit in position pow(2,i). Thus m[0] is all 1 bits,
m[1] has odd-numbered bits 1, m[2] has alternating pairs of 0’s and 1’s, and so forth.
The mask m0 has a 1 bit in those positions used for check bits: all powers of 2.
The encodeMessage method: Takes an input array of message bits (where the length
of the array gives the number of bits), and produces an output array of bits that represents
the Hamming codeword obtained by inserting extra check bits. Again the length of the
codeword is given by the length of the array.
The insertMessage method: Called by encodeMessage, this inserts message bits
into each non-check bit postion.
The insertCheckBits method: Called by encodeMessage, this inserts the proper
check bit values.
The decodeMessage method: This first checks for errors (checkErrors), then cor-
rects a single error if one is found, and finally extracts the message without check bits
and returns it. In case of a detected double error, a null is returned.
Expanding the implementation size: This is easy to do. For example, to double the
maximum size, change MAX CHK LEN from 8 to 9, MAX RES LEN from 128 to 256, and
add 128 to end of list defining checkPos. (The class HammingDecode accesses the
instatiation of Hamming and builds another array based on these sizes.)
Making use of the class: The following code show how to use the class Hamming, as it
is used in the classes HammingEncode and HammingDecode below:
194 Program II.6.a
Here is Java code for the class Hamming, with a few extra debug lines reporting the number of
errors corrected.
Java class: Hamming
// Hamming: implement Hamming code
// Uses arrays of "bits": mess = uncoded input, res = coded result
public class Hamming {
public final int MAX_CHK_LEN = 8; // max number of check digits
public final int MAX_RES_LEN = 128; // 2ˆ(MAX_CHK_LEN - 1)
public int[] checkPos = {0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64}; // positions to check
public final int MAX_MESS_LEN = MAX_RES_LEN - MAX_CHK_LEN; // 120
private int[][] m = new int[MAX_CHK_LEN][MAX_RES_LEN]; // check masks
private int[] m0 = new int[MAX_RES_LEN]; // mask for message insertion
private int[] buf = new int[MAX_RES_LEN]; // buffer for coded messages
public int errCount; // ****** extra counter for debugging ******
The final three classes in this section implement the encoding and decoding of an arbitrary
binary file using the Hamming code. The method here encodes anywhere from 1 bit to 120
bits at a time. This requires 4 to 128 bits in the Hamming codeword. The test below shows
the results of encoding a 3116-byte binary PDF file into files of varying sizes depending on the
message length. The coded file is then decoded to get the original back.
The coded file starts with a byte giving the number of message bits in each codeword. This
file does not usually have a number of bits divisible by 8, so the last byte of the file indicates
how many bits of the next-to-the-last byte are part of the coded result. As part of the debugging,
single errors were simulated at some random bit position in each codeword before the decoding
The class HammingEncode reads bytes of a source file (using encodeHammingBit).
Each bit of each byte is sent of another function (encodeBit), which accumulates them until
there is a block the size of the desired message size. This block is transformed to a coded
Hamming block when an instance of Hamming adds check bits. Then the resulting block is
sent one bit at a time to a function writeBit which accumulates them until it has 8 to write
as a byte.
The class HammingDecode reads bytes of a source file (using decodeHammingBit).
The first byte of the source file gives the message size for the particular Hamming code used
in the file. The last byte of the file gives the number of bits used in the next-to-the-last byte, so
it necessary to read three bytes ahead during processing. After the first byte, each bit of each
byte is sent of another function (decodeBit), which accumulates them until there is a block
the size of the desired codeword size. This block is transformed to a message block when an
instance of Hamming removes check bits. Then the resulting block is sent one bit at a time to
a function writeBit (different from the previous writeBit) which accumulates them until
it has 8 to write as a byte.
Java class: HammingEncode
// HammingEncode: encode an input file with the Hamming code
public class HammingEncode {
Hamming ham = new Hamming(); // Hamming code implementation
InputStream in; // input file
OutputStream out; // output file
int currPos = 0, currPosRest = 0; // keep track of bit positions
int bRest = 0; // last byte
int messLen; // bit length of original message
int[] mess, messRest, res; // message, remaining message, code result
int[] bMask = {0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80}; // bit masks
6. The Hamming Code for Error Correction 197
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.print("Error writing file");
Finally, here is a sample debug run of this software with a 3116-byte input binary file (PDF
format): utsa.pdf. Extra errors are inserted half the time.
% java HammingFiles -encode 53 utsa.pdf utsa53.code
% java HammingFiles -decode utsa53.code utsa2_53.pdf
212 errors detected
202 Program II.6.a
Hamming-encoded File
Message Codeword File Coded
size size size file size
1 4 3116 12467
2 6 3116 9351
3 7 3116 7273
4 8 3116 6235
5 10 3116 6235
10 15 3116 4677
20 26 3116 4054
30 37 3116 3846
40 47 3116 3664
50 57 3116 3555
100 108 3116 3368
120 128 3116 3327
Program II.7.a
U.S. Banking Scheme
Referred to from page 53.
Here is the simple scheme used by U.S. banks, involving successive weights of 3, 7 and 1,
Java class: ErrorDetection
// base class for single-digit error detection
public class ErrorDetection {
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[9];
boolean checkFlag = false;
for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10.0);
a[4] = (a[4] + 1)%10;
Here is the output, showing a simple test, and a test of all adjacent interchanges. Here if digits
differing by 5 are interchanged, the error goes undetected. I have tested interchanges for each
pair of the three weights, so the 10 missed transpositions are repeated 3 times below.
7. Coping with Decimal Numbers 205
? 95967 315
1 95967 315
1 95977 315
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[15];
boolean checkFlag = false;
for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10.0);
a[4] = (a[4] + 1)%10;
} // end of main
208 Program II.7.b
Here is the output, showing a simple test, and a test of all adjacent interchanges. Interchange
errors not caught are 09 and 90.
? 31623 91033 1003
7 31623 91033 1003
7 31633 91033 1003
Here is the ISBN mod 11 scheme used for U.S. book publishing numbers.
Java class: ErrorDetection
// base class for single-digit error detection
public class ErrorDetection {
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[9];
boolean checkFlag = false;
for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10.0);
a[4] = (a[4] + 3)%10;
} // end of main
Here is the output, first showing a simple test. I tweaked the test until the check ”digit” was an
”X”. Next is a test of all adjacent interchanges. Here all interchanges are caught.
? 11696 554
X 11696 554
X 11626 554
7. Coping with Decimal Numbers 211
Here is the mod 97 scheme used for extra error detection. The check below tests its performance
for adjacent double error detection. One expects this check to catch apprximately 99% of all
random errors. However, it catches 99.94% of all adjacent double errors (except for possible
adjacent double errors involving one of the two decimals representing the check ”digit” and the
first actual data digit).
Java class: ErrorDetection
// base class for single-digit error detection
public class ErrorDetection {
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[100];
boolean checkFlag = false;
// no need for a random start
for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10.0);
} // end of main
Here is the output, showing that there are only 6 kinds of adjacent double errors that remain
undetected. For example, "10" changed to "89". Here in the weight equation, "10" is an
additional 1 + 0*10 = 1 (along with extra power of 10 weight), while "89" is an additional
8 + 9*10 = 98 (along with the same extra power of 10 weight). When the 98 is reduced
modulo 97, it also becomes 1, so that the new equation has the same value as the old. The
error rate is 0.060606...%, or the equation catches 99.94% of all adjacent double errors.
Error, old digits: 00, new digits: 79. Position: 1
Error, old digits: 10, new digits: 89. Position: 1
Error, old digits: 20, new digits: 99. Position: 1
Error, old digits: 79, new digits: 00. Position: 1
Error, old digits: 89, new digits: 10. Position: 1
Error, old digits: 99, new digits: 20. Position: 1
Here is a test of the Hamming mod 11 Error Correcting code, using 3 check digits and 121
digits altogether. The test starts with a random initial word. It first inserts the proper check
digits in positions 0, 1 and 11. The test then makes a random change in each position and
corrects the change, so there are 121 changes (some are 0 added — no change). In repeated
runs, the code has always corrected the proper position to the old value.
Java class: H11EC
// Implement the mod 11 Hamming code
public class H11EC {
// Using the sum1 check sum, if have error e and check1 result c,
// then pos[e][c] gives the position in error (modulo 11),
// using the first check equation.
// If the error is e and check11 result is c,
// then pos[e][c] gives the value position/11.
public static int[][] pos = {
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10},
{0, 6, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 10, 5},
{0, 4, 8, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7},
{0, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7, 10, 2, 5, 8},
{0, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2},
{0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9},
{0, 8, 5, 2, 10, 7, 4, 1, 9, 6, 3},
{0, 7, 3, 10, 6, 2, 9, 5, 1, 8, 4},
{0, 5, 10, 4, 9, 3, 8, 2, 7, 1, 6},
{0, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}};
return check;
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[121];
boolean checkFlag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
if (i != 11) a[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10.0);
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
int oldValue = a[i];
a[i] = (a[i] + (int)(Math.random() * 10.0))%10;
System.out.print("Position: " + i + " changed from " +
oldValue + " to " + a[i] + "; ");
if (oldValue == a[i]) System.out.println();
if (a[i] != oldValue)
} // end of main
Here is a Java program that simulates random double errors. There are two input parameters
on the command line: the number of simulation trials to run, and the number of digits to use.
The program identifies various outcomes:
Thus, with 18 digits, only 14.4% of double errors get ”corrected” as if there were a single error,
while with 121 digits 81.5% are miscorrected in this way.
Java class: H11ED
// Implement the mod 11 Hamming code
public class H11ED {
return true;
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
totalTrials = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); // total num of trials
arraySize = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // size of array
int[] a = new int[arraySize];
int loc1, loc2;
boolean checkFlag = false;
222 Program II.7.f
Here are the results of two runs, the first using 18 digits (15 data digits) and the second using
the maximum of 121 digits (118 data digits). In each case a large number of double errors were
deliberately introduced. In the first case, all but 14.9% of these double errors were detected.
In the second case only 18.5% of double errors were detected.
% myjava H11ED 10000000 18
Total: 10000000, errorZero: 919248, toTen: 130462, subscript: 7501457,
misCorrected: 1444074, allZero: 4759
% myjava H11ED 1000000 121
Total: 1000000, errorZero: 100002, toTen: 85080, subscript: 0,
misCorrected: 814827, allZero: 91
Program II.8.a
Use of the Dihedral Group
Referred to from page 57.
Here is the a scheme using the dihedral group without any special permutations. Notice that
2/3 of all adjacent transpositions are detected (60 out of 90).
Java class: ErrorDetection
// base class for single-digit error detection
public class ErrorDetection {
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[15];
boolean checkFlag = false;
for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10.0);
a[4] = (a[4] + 1)%10;
System.out.println("All transpositions detected");
} // end of main
Here is the output, showing a simple test, and a test of all adjacent interchanges. Notice that 30
(out of 90) adjacent transpositions go undetected.
? 49588 58802 3606
8 49588 58802 3606
8 49598 58802 3606
Here is Verhoeff’s scheme using the dihedral group using special permutations. Notice that all
adjacent transpositions are detected.
Java class: ErrorDetection
// base class for single-digit error detection
public class ErrorDetection {
// main function
public static void main (String[] args) {
VerhoeffErrorDetection v = new VerhoeffErrorDetection();
int[] a = new int[15];
boolean checkFlag = false;
for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 10.0);
a[4] = (a[4] + 1)%10;
a[8] ˆ= a[9];
if (VerhoeffErrorDetection.doCheck(a)) {
System.out.println("Warning: Interchange of " +
p1 + " and " + p2 + " not detected");
checkFlag = true;
if (checkFlag)
System.out.println("At least one transposition undetected");
System.out.println("All transpositions detected");
} // end of main
Here is the output, showing a simple test, and a test of all adjacent interchanges. All interchange
errors are detected.
? 75787 12372 9429
1 75787 12372 9429
1 75797 12372 9429
Here is a Java program to create standard cryptograms, as they are found in newspapers. The
program will read the quotation to be scrambled into a cryptogram from the standard input. In
Unix this file can just be directed into the program, as shown in the commands below. Each
time it is executed, the program will create a new and unique translation table to create the
cryptogram. The resulting table and cryptogram itself are output on the standard output file,
which might be redirected into a named file.
Java class: Cryptogram
// Cryptogram: create a cryptogram as in a newspaper
public class Cryptogram {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Exception reading character");
return ch;
public void createCryptogram() {
char ch;
while ((byte)(ch = getNextChar()) != -1) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) ch = alf[ch - ’A’];
// main: for cryptogram program
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cryptogram crypto = new Cryptogram();
Here is a run of the program, first showing the quotation to be translated, and then the translated
version, that is, the cryptogram:
% cat quote.text
% java Cryptogram < quote.text
Here is what the message looks like after decrypting:
Program III.10.a
Caesar Cipher
Referred to from page 67.
Here is a Java implementation of the Caesar cipher. The program reads the input message from
the standard input and outputs the ciphertext on the standard output. The key is an integer in
the range from 0 to 25 inclusive, and one must use the same key for encryption and decryption.
The program uses a function rotate to translate lowercase characters in a circle by a distance
of key.
Java class: Caesar
// implement the Caesar cipher
// This carries out a simple rotation of lower-case letters, and
// does nothing to all other characters, making the decryption
// process even easier, because caps and punctuation marks survive
// unchanged.
// Usage: java Caesar (-d | -e) key
// Above, option "-d" is for decryption, "-e" is for encryption
public class Caesar {
private Reader in; // standard input stream for message
private int key; // (en|de)cryption key
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Exception reading character");
return ch;
// rotate: translate using rotation, version with table lookup
public char rotate(char c, int key) { // c must be lowercase
String s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
int i = 0;
while (i < 26) {
// extra +26 below because key might be negative
if (c == s.charAt(i)) return s.charAt((i + key + 26)%26);
return c;
Here is the result of an initial run of the program. First is the message file (a quotation for Ec-
clesiastes), followed by encryption by the key 3, and then by encryption followed by decryption
(both using the same key), showing that the original message results. An simple analysis of
the ciphertext would show a distribution of letters that would immediately lead to breaking the
code. Notice also that the plaintext and ciphertext both end in double letters (ll and oo).
% cat message.text
i returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet
riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but
time and chance happeneth to them all.
i returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet
riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but
time and chance happeneth to them all.
Notice that the ciphertext and decrypted plaintext both have all the original punctuation charac-
ters, making it even easier to break the system. A more reasonable system would drop all such
punctuation characters from the ciphertext. The one must break the decrypted ciphertext into
separate words — a task that is not hard for English. Here is a run of the program that has been
altered to discard all characters except for lower-case letters. The final version of the message
shows the words run together.
% java Caesar2 -e 3 < message.text
Here is a Java implementation of the Beale cipher. As with the Caesar cipher, the program reads
the input message from the standard input and outputs the ciphertext on the standard output.
However, this program also reads a file to use as the key: key1.text in the first run and
key1.text in the second run. The first key file is very simple — just the letter d repeated
over and over. This shows that the Beale cipher includes the Caesar cipher as a special case.
The second key file is just another quotation (from B.F. Skinner). The program
only uses successive lowercase letters from a key file (and discards the other letters).
Java class: Beale
// implement the Beale cipher
// Usage: java Beale (-d | -e) keyFile
// The program reads a separate file (keyFile) for the key or pad.
// The message is just the standard input.
// Caps and punctuation marks in the message remain unchanged.
// Only lowercase letters are used in the key file/
public class Beale {
private Reader messIn; // for message
private Reader keyIn; // keyFile for key file
Here are the results of a run of the program where the key file consists of all letters ”d”, so that
is does the same rotation by 3 as the previous example of the Caesar cipher:
% cat message.text
i returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet
riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but
time and chance happeneth to them all.
% cat key1.text
10. The One-Time Pad 237
Here is a Java program which, when executed, generates a unique Postscript file that will
print two copies of 1000 random letters for a one-time pad. This program is just for simple
demonstration purposes, and would not be suitable for applications because of weaknesses in
the random number generator and its seed. A program for actual use would need a more secure
generator with at least a 128-bit seed made up from various random inputs.
Java class: Pad
// generate Postscript code to print a one-time pad
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
Here is typical output of the program, a Postscript file. (It will have different random characters
in it each time it is generated by executing the Java program.)
/Courier-Bold findfont 14 scalefont setfont
/onepad {
0 0 moveto
0 -15 moveto
0 -30 moveto
0 -45 moveto
0 -60 moveto
0 -90 moveto
0 -105 moveto
0 -120 moveto
0 -135 moveto
0 -150 moveto
0 -180 moveto
0 -195 moveto
0 -210 moveto
0 -225 moveto
0 -240 moveto
0 -270 moveto
0 -285 moveto
0 -300 moveto
0 -315 moveto
0 -330 moveto
gsave 30 750 translate onepad grestore
gsave 30 360 translate onepad grestore
10. The One-Time Pad 241
10 390 moveto
(============t=e=a=r===h=e=r=e==============t=e=a=r===h=e=r=e==========) show
Here is the page that will be generated by the above Postscript program (shrunk to 60% of
normal size).
Program III.10.d
Circles for a One-Time Pad
Referred to from page 69.
Here are two circles for use in creating a rotating tool for making use of one-time pad characters.
Each image has been shrunk by 60%.
25 0 1
24 A B 2
Y C 3
23 D
16 P L
O N M 11
14 13 12
Y 25 0 1
24 2 D
X 3
9 20 21 W
Inner letters are
plaintext characters
7 8 6
R 18 1
11 16 K
1 5 Q
L 12 13 14 P
Here is Postscript source to create the larger circle (at full size):
/r 360 26 div def
/inch { 72 mul} def
/Tempstr 2 string def
/radius 225 def
/circleofLetters {
[(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T)
(U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)]
/ary exch def % the array of letters
Here is Postscript source to create the smaller circle (at full size):
/r 360 26 div def
/inch { 72 mul} def
/Tempstr 2 string def
/Helvetica-Bold findfont 18 scalefont setfont
/radius 120 def
/circleofLetters {
[(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
(K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T)
(U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)]
/ary exch def % the array of letters
This Java implementation of the basic RSA cryptosystem uses the Java BigInteger library
class. This is just a “skeleton” implementation that creates keys from scratch and uses them,
but does not save keys to a file for repeated use, or fetch such keys from the file. For further
comments about the implementation, see the chapter on the RSA cryptosystem.
This code implements RSA using 3 Java classes:
RSAPublicKey: The data and methods needed for RSA public keys, with the modu-
and exponent , along with a username to keep the keys straight. The important
methods are encryption and verification.
RSAPrivateKey: This extends the previous class to add the primes and , and the
decryption exponent as data members. Important methods include decryption and sign-
ing, along with key generation.
RSATest: A class to test out the system with realistic key sizes (1024 bits).
// getN: provide n
public BigInteger getN() {
return n;
x = x.add(TWO);
return x;
A Test Run.
Here is a run of the above test class, showing simple encryption, signing, and a combination of
signing and encryption. Unix commands appear in boldface.
% javac
% javac
% javac
% java RSATest
Message m:
Here is an altered implementation of the RSA cryptosystem, using the the Chinese Remainder
Theorem (CRT) to speed up decryption. Please refer first to the basic RSA as described in the
main RSA section and then to the description of this version of RSA. Additions and changes
related to the faster implementation are highlighted in boldface.
Java class: RSAPublicKey
// RSAPublicKey: RSA public key
// See the listing in the previous section for this class.
Java class: RSAPrivateKeyFast
// RSAPrivateKeyFast: RSA private key, using fast CRT algorithm
import java.math.*; // for BigInteger
import java.util.*; // for Random
public class RSAPrivateKeyFast extends RSAPublicKey{
private final BigInteger TWO = new BigInteger("2");
private final BigInteger THREE = new BigInteger("3");
private BigInteger p1, pM1, q1, qM1, phiN; // for key generation
private BigInteger dp, dq, c2; // for fast decryption
q = nextPrime(q1);
qM1 = q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
n = p.multiply(q);
phiN = pM1.multiply(qM1); // (p-1)*(q-1)
d = e.modInverse(phiN);
// remaining stuff needed for fast CRT decryption
dp = d.remainder(pM1);
dq = d.remainder(qM1);
c2 = p.modInverse(q);
RSAPrivateKeyFast other) {
// two ways to go, depending on sizes of n and other.getN()
if (n.compareTo(other.getN()) > 0)
return other.RSAVerify(RSADecrypt(c));
return RSADecrypt(other.RSAVerify(c));
Java class: RSATestFast
// RSATestFast: Test Fast RSA Implementation
import java.math.*; // for BigInteger
import java.util.*; // for Random
public class RSATestFast {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rnd = new Random();
BigInteger m, m1, m2, m3, c, s, s1;
RSAPrivateKeyFast alice = new RSAPrivateKeyFast(1024, rnd, "Alice");
RSAPrivateKeyFast bob = new RSAPrivateKeyFast(1024, rnd, "Bob ");
m = new BigInteger(
"1234567890987654321012345678909876543210" +
"1234567890987654321012345678909876543210" +
"1234567890987654321012345678909876543210" +
"1234567890987654321012345678909876543210" +
"1234567890987654321012345678909876543210" +
System.out.println("Message m:\n" + m + "\n");
c = bob.RSAEncrypt(m); // Using Bob’s public key
System.out.println("Message encrypted with Bob’s public key:\n" +
c + "\n");
m1 = bob.RSADecrypt(c); // Using Bob’s private key
System.out.println("Original message back, decrypted:\n" + m1 +"\n");
Here is a run of the above test class, showing simple encryption, signing, and a combination of
254 Program IV.14.b
Here is a program that prints a table of square roots modulo a product of two primes Rabin’s
cryptosystem makes use of square roots modulo n = p*q, where p and q are primes both
equal to 3 modulo 4. The program below, however, works with any two primes and produces
a table of all square roots. Those square roots with a factor in common with either p or q are
shown in the table in bold italic.
Java class: SquareTable
// create table of squares and square roots
public class SquareTable {
Here is a table with p = 7, q = 11, and n = p*q = 77. Notice that the bold italic entries
all have either 7 or 11 as a factor. Notice also the symmetry: if s is a square root, then so is
n - s.
258 Program V.15.a
This section contains an implementation of several simple linear congruence random number
generators, using the Java BigInteger class. This makes the generators slow, but eliminates
any overflow problems. In practice this method is fast enough for most applications.
The class Congruence below implements a specific generator with input multiplier, modulus,
and seed. The the class Generators creates 8 instances of generators with different values
for the multiplier and modulus. Notice that generator number 0 is the infamous “RANDU”
which should not be used.
Java class: Congruence
// Congruence: linear congruence generators, all using BigInteger
import java.math.*; // for BigInteger
public class Congruence {
public BigInteger k; // multiplier
public BigInteger m; // modulus
public BigInteger s; // seed
private BigInteger x; // next generator value
private int rBits;
private int twoToRBits; // 2ˆrBits
private BigInteger bigTwoToRBits;
Here is brief output from each generator. More thorough testing appears in a later section.
16. Linear Congruence Random Number Generators 261
This section demonstrates transformations from the uniform distribution to the exponential and
the normal distributions. The version of uniform distribution implemented is Knuth’s method
with 2 seeds. An applet plots all three distributions, using 1000, 10000, 100000, and 1000000
points. Each plot uses 500 intervals over the range, although the exponential and normal distri-
butions ignore the few points outside the displayed range. So the pictures at the end give 500
vertical lines that represent approximately 2, 20, 200, and 2000 trials. In each case the area
covered by all the lines is approximately the same.
Java class: DistPlot
// DistPlot: plot 3 random distributions: exponential, uniform, normal
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class DistPlot extends Applet implements ActionListener{
int[] expC = new int[1000]; // counter for nextExpDist
int[] unifC = new int[500]; // counter for nextUniformDist
int[] normC = new int[500]; // counter for nextNormalDist
double scale; // scale factor for displaying distributions
else if (e.getSource() == next2) {
iter = 100000; scale = 10.0;
else if (e.getSource() == next3) {
iter = 1000000; scale = 100.0;
The output of the above program has not been included here because it takes up a lot of memory.
Program V.17.a
The logistic Lattice as a RNG
Referred to from page 110.
The program in this section uses the logistic lattice in two dimensions to return pseudo-random
37 % >
doubles. Based on experiments described later in this section, this program sets the constants
NU to and NSTEP to . NSTEP is half the number of iterations, so the logistic equation
will be iterated times at each node. With this value of NU, the given number of iterations
are sufficient to assure that each node will fill completely with noise and become independent
of each other node by the time the code supplies more random numbers. The code below uses
all 9 doubles at each stage, thereby increasing efficiency by a factor of . (Each node will be
independent of the other nodes.)
Java class: Chaotic2D
// a random number generator based on chaos theory
import java.util.*; // for Random
public class Chaotic2D {
private final int NMAX = 3; // size of lattice
private final double BETA = 0.292893218813452476; // magic number in f
private double NU; // = 1.0e-13, // viscosity constant in step
private final double TWO_DIV_PI = 0.636619772367581343; // 2/Pi in S
private int NSTEP; // = 60, // half # of steps to iterate
private int flag; // flag used in nextBlock
private double[][] t; // seed array, where the work occurs
private double[][] tn; // extra copy of seed array
private double[][] tret; // array for returning values (these are
// transformed to the uniform distribution)
private Random random; // extra RNG to initialize seed array t
Below is simple output showing 10 random numbers coming from this generator. The next
section shows a test of this generator using 256 000 random numbers. Notice that the seed is
a Java long or up to 18 decimal digits. The real seed inside the generator is the array of 9
doubles, and it would be possible to use this directly as the seed, rather than the method here
of seeding using the Java Random class as an auxiliary generator.
% java Chaotic2D 999999999999999999
7 %
Next is an experiment showing how the array of nodes evolves as the generator iterates. This
experiment shows the results of three parallel runs, with the viscosity constant equal to ,
, and
. Simple changes were made to the code to allow these different values and to
print values of all 9 nodes.
8 = 7 % 37 %
below, all nodes were set to except for one which was set to . The
The value
resulting output is shown for three values of in three columns below: , , and .
leaves all nodes independent of one another, that is, just 9 independent logistic
equations. Iterations 2, 48, 74, 100, and 120 are shown.
Notice that after 120 iterations, all node values in the middle and right columns have drifted
completely apart. This is the reason that 120 iterations are used in the generator itself.
<= E
Notice also that the initial value of is transformed to itself by the remapped logistic equa-
8=?DAAAAAA =$=$=
tion. (This corresponds to in the original equation.) This value is then transformed to
by the transformation that yields numbers uniformly distributed in the inter-
val from to .
The results of coupled values perturbing nearby nodes is shown in bold below:
v = 0 v = 10ˆ-12 v = 10ˆ-13
Iteration number: 2
0.8333333333331865 0.8333333333331865 0.8333333333331865
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
17. Random Numbers From Chaos Theory 269
Iteration number: 48
0.5040834897791248 0.5036049050782517 0.5021691550116464
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333331818866 0.8333333333219761
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333332366295 0.83333333332515
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333332015176 0.8333333333229862
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333332189119 0.8333333333241839
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333333334
Iteration number: 74
0.3602326768156076 0.5833674744417872 0.47153769384353167
0.8333333333333334 0.8231749738724833 0.8325716798549819
0.8333333333333334 0.826847020511059 0.8327845046032647
0.8333333333333334 0.8244919644092912 0.8326394144500628
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333331181 0.8333333333333328
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333331748 0.833333333333333
0.8333333333333334 0.8256584292117882 0.8327197098392694
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333331479 0.8333333333333328
0.8333333333333334 0.8333333333332305 0.8333333333333331
The following Java program uses the slow multipy function to generate two tables
needed for fast multiplication: a table of all powers of the generator 0x03, and the inverse
table. (The tables in the main section had a few extra frills inserted by hand.)
Java class: FFMultTables
// FFMultTables: create the arrays E and L, write html versions
public class FFMultTables {
public byte[] E = new byte[256];
public byte[] L = new byte[256];
private String[] dig = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7",
public byte FFMul(byte a, byte b) {
byte aa = a, bb = b, r = 0, t;
while (aa != 0) {
if ((aa & 1) != 0)
r = (byte)(r ˆ bb);
t = (byte)(bb & 0x80);
bb = (byte)(bb << 1);
if (t != 0)
bb = (byte)(bb ˆ 0x1b);
aa = (byte)((aa & 0xff) >> 1);
return r;
int index;
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
L[E[i] & 0xff] = (byte)i;
There have been two algorithms for multiplying field elements, a slow one and a fast one. As
a check, the following program compares the results of all 65536 possible products to see that
the two methods agree (which they do):
Java class: FFMultTest
// FFMultTest: test two ways to multiply, all 65536 products
public class FFMultTest {
public FFMultTest() {
Here is a Java program that will generate a number of 256-byte tables needed for the Advanced
Encryption Standard:
Java class: Tables
// Tables: construct and print 256-byte tables needed for AES
public class Tables {
public Tables() {
System.out.print("<tr><th> " + hex(i/16) +
" </th>");
System.out.print("<td> " + hex(S[i]) +
" </td>");
if (i%16 == 15) System.out.println("</tr>");
// sB.printInv();
Program VI.23.a
AES Encryption
Referred to from page 135.
Encryption in the AES uses 6 classes: 2 principal ones, 3 utility ones, and a main driver. The
results of testing both encryption and decryption appear after the next section on decryption.
The class AESencrypt provides all the principle functions for the AES encryption al-
The class Tables gives access to computed tables and utility functions.
The class GetBytes just reads bytes represented as Ascii hex characters (not in binary).
The class Copy copies arrays back and forth for the AES.
The class Print prints 1-and 2-dimensional arrays of bytes for debugging.
The class AEStest is a driver for testing encryption.
Java class: AEStest
// AEStest: test AES encryption
public class AEStest {
Classes Tables, GetBytes, Copy, and Print are the same as for encryption as presented
in the previous section.
The class AESdecrypt provides all the principle functions for the AES decryption algorithm,
while AESinvTest is a driver for testing decryption.
Java class: AESdecrypt
// AESdecrypt: AES decryption
public class AESdecrypt {
public final int Nb = 4; // words in a block, always 4 for now
public int Nk; // key length in words
public int Nr; // number of rounds, = Nk + 6
private int wCount; // position in w (= 4*Nb*(Nr+1) each encrypt)
AEStables tab; // all the tables needed for AES
byte[] w; // the expanded key
Here are results of test runs with all the sample test data supplied in the AES Specification
and in B. Gladman’s writeup about the AES. The values in the state variable are shown at
the start of each round. There are also test runs with plaintext and key all zeros and with a
single 1 inserted. The AES Specification and Gladman also show step-by-step results of the
key expansion for these cases, which was useful for my debugging, but I don’t show that data
Gladman’s Test Data, 128-bit key
Encrypting ...
Plaintext: 32 43 f6 a8 88 5a 30 8d 31 31 98 a2 e0 37 07 34
Key: 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c
Start round 1: 19 3d e3 be a0 f4 e2 2b 9a c6 8d 2a e9 f8 48 08
Start round 2: a4 9c 7f f2 68 9f 35 2b 6b 5b ea 43 02 6a 50 49
Start round 3: aa 8f 5f 03 61 dd e3 ef 82 d2 4a d2 68 32 46 9a
Start round 4: 48 6c 4e ee 67 1d 9d 0d 4d e3 b1 38 d6 5f 58 e7
Start round 5: e0 92 7f e8 c8 63 63 c0 d9 b1 35 50 85 b8 be 01
Start round 6: f1 00 6f 55 c1 92 4c ef 7c c8 8b 32 5d b5 d5 0c
Start round 7: 26 0e 2e 17 3d 41 b7 7d e8 64 72 a9 fd d2 8b 25
Start round 8: 5a 41 42 b1 19 49 dc 1f a3 e0 19 65 7a 8c 04 0c
Start round 9: ea 83 5c f0 04 45 33 2d 65 5d 98 ad 85 96 b0 c5
Start round 10: eb 40 f2 1e 59 2e 38 84 8b a1 13 e7 1b c3 42 d2
Ciphertext: 39 25 84 1d 02 dc 09 fb dc 11 85 97 19 6a 0b 32
Decrypting ...
Ciphertext: 39 25 84 1d 02 dc 09 fb dc 11 85 97 19 6a 0b 32
Key: 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c
Start round 1: e9 31 7d b5 cb 32 2c 72 3d 2e 89 5f af 09 07 94
Start round 2: 87 6e 46 a6 f2 4c e7 8c 4d 90 4a d8 97 ec c3 95
Start round 3: be 3b d4 fe d4 e1 f2 c8 0a 64 2c c0 da 83 86 4d
Start round 4: f7 83 40 3f 27 43 3d f0 9b b5 31 ff 54 ab a9 d3
Start round 5: a1 4f 3d fe 78 e8 03 fc 10 d5 a8 df 4c 63 29 23
Start round 6: e1 fb 96 7c e8 c8 ae 9b 35 6c d2 ba 97 4f fb 53
Start round 7: 52 a4 c8 94 85 11 6a 28 e3 cf 2f d7 f6 50 5e 07
Start round 8: ac c1 d6 b8 ef b5 5a 7b 13 23 cf df 45 73 11 b5
Start round 9: 49 db 87 3b 45 39 53 89 7f 02 d2 f1 77 de 96 1a
Start round 10: d4 bf 5d 30 e0 b4 52 ae b8 41 11 f1 1e 27 98 e5
Plaintext: 32 43 f6 a8 88 5a 30 8d 31 31 98 a2 e0 37 07 34
Start round 4: cb 42 fd 92 33 3f 28 43 21 11 fe 84 3c bc a8 1a
Start round 5: 94 99 c6 ee b9 78 94 12 bb 04 09 b7 a7 97 c0 25
Start round 6: 8a 6c 1e 3e db 78 a6 4e f5 db 78 62 ea d6 a4 01
Start round 7: 43 5c e2 58 97 7c 16 d8 71 7c 0f f7 79 19 e5 19
Start round 8: 70 b8 37 b9 ae fc 8b bc 5c d2 ab a5 cc 56 d7 4e
Start round 9: 94 a2 c3 31 ed 28 bf de d7 d6 c5 83 4b a9 ed 1e
Start round 10: 52 2d 88 c5 ed ab 19 4e 25 ec 73 1c 11 fa 6b 08
Start round 11: ab 82 54 06 da 72 4d 0c 2b cc f6 c2 39 32 12 01
Start round 12: 43 88 b3 26 6a f7 68 e8 4f cc a4 2a 3a 4d 45 5f
Ciphertext: f9 fb 29 ae fc 38 4a 25 03 40 d8 33 b8 7e bc 00
Decrypting ...
Ciphertext: f9 fb 29 ae fc 38 4a 25 03 40 d8 33 b8 7e bc 00
Key: 2b 7e 15 16 28 ae d2 a6 ab f7 15 88 09 cf 4f 3c
76 2e 71 60 f3 8b 4d a5
Start round 1: 1a 68 49 cf 02 4b 6e f7 84 e3 6d 9b 80 c4 45 e5
Start round 2: 62 40 42 7c 57 4b c9 6f f1 23 20 fe 12 13 e3 25
Start round 3: 00 62 8f 30 55 ce 7f a6 3f 2d c4 2f 82 d8 d4 9c
Start round 4: 22 34 a6 72 55 f6 55 c7 0e d3 2e 1d b3 3a 08 ec
Start round 5: 51 b0 62 2f e4 b5 0e 56 4a b1 9a 65 4b 6c 3d 06
Start round 6: 1a 10 76 d4 88 10 d9 6a a3 d4 98 61 b6 4a 47 68
Start round 7: 7e bc bc 7c b9 b9 49 b2 e6 f6 72 2f 87 50 24 aa
Start round 8: 22 bc 01 3f 56 f2 ba 28 ea 88 b4 c9 5c ee 22 a9
Start round 9: 1f 75 bb a2 c3 82 c2 4f fd 65 54 1a eb 2c 34 5f
Start round 10: fa 86 15 51 6d cc a8 c0 05 9d 67 aa 57 98 80 66
Start round 11: 40 09 ba a1 7d 4d 94 97 cf 96 8c 75 f0 52 20 ef
Start round 12: d4 bf 5d 30 e0 b4 52 ae b8 41 11 f1 1e 27 98 e5
Plaintext: 32 43 f6 a8 88 5a 30 8d 31 31 98 a2 e0 37 07 34
Start round 2: 08 41 f1 47 cd b2 29 fa 1b 15 a5 fd ac 7e 6f 0c
Start round 3: 5f d9 be 83 3b ba db 40 f0 24 c4 db 32 92 67 9a
Start round 4: 7f f8 a4 70 87 73 ba 40 98 e1 8e 00 90 eb a4 20
Start round 5: f6 43 10 54 07 df c7 ad ef 63 60 96 ee 09 82 9a
Start round 6: 75 8b f6 f1 ab 23 bd 23 dd 80 69 8b 69 57 fc fc
Start round 7: a5 23 16 26 bf 51 1b 6a 8c 0b e4 b3 b1 f7 26 9f
Start round 8: fb 57 f5 82 d8 c4 7e 45 2c 5b f6 84 c9 dc 31 9a
Start round 9: 8a a8 54 cf cc be bf 1a 06 ee f2 fc 4e e6 38 21
Start round 10: 3c 65 6e 18 03 c0 d2 d1 a6 5a cd d5 ad fe a4 76
Start round 11: c4 3b fc 5f 33 95 d2 03 db d7 e9 58 c3 c2 09 1e
Start round 12: cb a3 24 3b c9 f1 b8 48 98 f9 c2 1b 4c 41 08 58
Start round 13: 40 09 0b 37 7d cd e5 97 93 c0 8c 75 3c 52 20 87
Start round 14: d4 bf 5d 30 e0 b4 52 ae b8 41 11 f1 1e 27 98 e5
Plaintext: 32 43 f6 a8 88 5a 30 8d 31 31 98 a2 e0 37 07 34
Start round 4: f7 5c 77 78 a3 27 c8 ed 8c fe bf c1 a6 c3 7f 53
Start round 5: 22 ff c9 16 a8 14 74 41 64 96 f1 9c 64 ae 25 32
Start round 6: 80 12 1e 07 76 fd 1d 8a 8d 8c 31 bc 96 5d 1f ee
Start round 7: 67 1e f1 fd 4e 2a 1e 03 df dc b1 ef 3d 78 9b 30
Start round 8: 0c 03 70 d0 0c 01 e6 22 16 6b 8a cc d6 db 3a 2c
Start round 9: 72 55 da d3 0f b8 03 10 e0 0d 6c 6b 40 d0 52 7c
Start round 10: a9 06 b2 54 96 8a f4 e9 b4 bd b2 d2 f0 c4 43 36
Start round 11: 88 ec 93 0e f5 e7 e4 b6 cc 32 f4 c9 06 d2 94 14
Start round 12: af b7 3e eb 1c d1 b8 51 62 28 0f 27 fb 20 d5 85
Ciphertext: dd a9 7c a4 86 4c df e0 6e af 70 a0 ec 0d 71 91
Decrypting ...
Ciphertext: dd a9 7c a4 86 4c df e0 6e af 70 a0 ec 0d 71 91
Key: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Start round 1: 79 3e 76 97 9c 34 03 e9 aa b7 b2 d1 0f a9 6c cc
Start round 2: c4 94 bf fa e6 23 22 ab 4b b5 dc 4e 6f ce 69 dd
Start round 3: d3 7e 37 05 90 7a 1a 20 8d 1c 37 1e 8c 6f bf b5
Start round 4: 40 6c 50 10 76 d7 00 66 e1 70 57 ca 09 fc 7b 7f
Start round 5: fe 7c 7e 71 fe 7f 80 70 47 b9 51 93 f6 7b 8e 4b
Start round 6: 85 e5 c8 04 2f 86 14 54 9e bc a1 7b 27 72 72 df
Start round 7: cd 54 c7 28 38 64 c0 c5 5d 4c 72 7e 90 c9 a4 65
Start round 8: 93 fa a1 23 c2 90 3f 47 43 e4 dd 83 43 16 92 de
Start round 9: 68 cc 08 ed 0a bb d2 bc 64 2e f5 55 24 4a e8 78
Start round 10: 1f b5 43 0e f0 ac cf 64 aa 37 0c de 3d 77 79 2c
Start round 11: 84 e1 dd 69 1a 41 d7 6f 79 2d 38 97 83 fb ac 70
Start round 12: 63 53 e0 8c 09 60 e1 04 cd 70 b7 51 ba ca d0 e7
Plaintext: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
Start round 2: d1 ed 44 fd 1a 0f 3f 2a fa 4f f2 7b 7c 33 2a 69
Start round 3: cf b4 db ed f4 09 38 08 53 85 02 ac 33 de 18 5c
Start round 4: 78 e2 ac ce 74 1e d5 42 51 00 c5 e0 e2 3b 80 c7
Start round 5: d6 f3 d9 dd a6 27 9b d1 43 0d 52 a0 e5 13 f3 fe
Start round 6: be b5 0a a6 cf f8 56 12 6b 0d 6a ff 45 c2 5d c4
Start round 7: f6 e0 62 ff 50 74 58 f9 be 50 49 76 56 ed 65 4c
Start round 8: d2 2f 0c 29 1f fe 03 1a 78 9d 83 b2 ec c5 36 4c
Start round 9: 2e 6e 7a 2d af c6 ee f8 3a 86 ac e7 c2 5b a9 34
Start round 10: 9c f0 a6 20 49 fd 59 a3 99 51 89 84 f2 6b e1 78
Start round 11: 88 db 34 fb 1f 80 76 78 d3 f8 33 c2 19 4a 75 9e
Start round 12: ad 9c 7e 01 7e 55 ef 25 bc 15 0f e0 1c cb 63 95
Start round 13: 84 e1 fd 6b 1a 5c 94 6f df 49 38 97 7c fb ac 23
Start round 14: 63 53 e0 8c 09 60 e1 04 cd 70 b7 51 ba ca d0 e7
Plaintext: 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
Start round 5: 79 89 5e 0d d2 19 17 93 a2 96 41 74 c2 e1 0d 64
Start round 6: a0 f7 36 25 ca ae 92 22 a4 76 49 4b 04 d0 d6 8b
Start round 7: a8 1b dd b6 3b f7 72 10 81 6b 51 a9 70 27 04 e1
Start round 8: 89 51 a6 38 37 41 9e 27 9c 5d fe a7 d0 20 3c 26
Start round 9: 4c 39 fa 23 09 9f 8d 0b 53 f7 13 4f 0a 53 02 53
Start round 10: dd 9d a7 03 9c a1 f1 58 42 43 46 94 5d c8 68 7a
Ciphertext: 05 45 aa d5 6d a2 a9 7c 36 63 d1 43 2a 3d 1c 84
Decrypting ...
Ciphertext: 05 45 aa d5 6d a2 a9 7c 36 63 d1 43 2a 3d 1c 84
Key: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
Start round 1: c1 32 5a da de 1a 45 7b 2c e8 5c 6a 4c 5e a1 22
Start round 2: 29 db 7d ed 01 68 77 26 ed ed 2d 2b 67 12 5d 84
Start round 3: a7 83 bb f7 9a 4c eb 07 de b7 24 cc 70 d1 0b 5c
Start round 4: c2 68 d1 f8 e2 7f f2 4e 0c cc c1 ca 51 af 40 d3
Start round 5: e0 e4 3b 3d 74 38 f6 3f 49 70 05 93 f2 68 4f b3
Start round 6: b6 d4 83 43 b5 90 d7 d7 3a f8 58 dc 25 a7 f0 92
Start round 7: f3 44 8c 08 01 f9 f8 58 32 ef 6e d5 51 83 30 57
Start round 8: 33 1a 7d 1e f6 85 34 f2 f0 8a 61 89 99 e1 11 be
Start round 9: 72 63 c0 7c 7c 63 c0 b2 7c 63 b2 63 7c c0 c0 63
Start round 10: 63 63 63 7c 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
Plaintext: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The code below implements Shamir’s threshold scheme using 6 Java classes:
CreateThreshold: This class uses parameters fed into the constructor to create a
new threshold scheme. Inputs are the secret s, the threshold value t, the number of
users n, and the prime p. It first creates a random polynominal of degree t-1 by
choosing the coefficients at random. (The random number generator used is just Java’s
Math.random(), so an actual production system would need a better generator.) Then
the class evaluates the polynomial at successive positive integers to create the shares.
Secret: This class also uses parameters fed into the constructor to recover the secret
value. The input parameters are the threshold value t, the prime p, and x and y coor-
dinates for t shares. There is also a boolean parameter debug that will produce debug
output if it is true. After calculating the secret, the method getSecret() will return
NewThreshold: The main of this class uses command line parameters to create a new
threshold scheme. On the command line are: the secret s, the threshold value t, the
number of users n, and the prime p. The class supplies arrays into which the n shares are
placed by the createThreshold class. The class finally writes the parameters (on the
first line) and the shares (one to a line) to the standard output as 4 + 2*n integers.
RecoverSecret: The main of this class reads integers from the standard input, first
the threshold value t and the prime p, and then t shares (x and y coordinates). The class
finally writes the secret to the standard output.
ThresholdTest: This class has a main that creates instances of CreateThresh-
old and Secret in debug mode. Using the same 4 command line parameters as
NewThreshold, it creates a threshold scheme instance, providing debug output show-
ing the n shares. Then t of these shares are chosen at random for input to the Secret
class, which also provides debug output.
GetNext: A class to read ints from the standard input. The integers are delimited by
any non-digit characters, which are ignored.
// GetNext: constructor
public GetNext () {
in = new InputStreamReader(;
String s ;
char ch;
while (!Character.isDigit(ch = getNextChar()))
s = "" + ch;
while (Character.isDigit(ch = getNextChar()))
s += ch;
return Integer.parseInt(s);
The following code illustrates the acutal threshold schemes, without the debug information.
First using standard input and output:
% java NewThreshold 2222222 5 8 10316017
2222222 5 8 10316017
1 9512402
2 8010272
3 7372056
4 8834487
5 5214807
6 1542801
7 4744780
8 3011547
% java RecoverSecret
5 10316017
3 7372056
4 8834487
7 4744780
8 3011547
2 8010272
In the Java language, to right shift an integer amount
shiftAmount, use the code
int shiftedValue = (byteValue & 0xff) shiftAmount;**
where byteValue is of type byte and shiftAmount is an int in the
range from 0 to 8. A 0 for shiftAmount is the same as not do-
ing the shift, but just to store an unsigned byte into an int type
int shiftedValue = byteValue & 0xff;
Left shifts work as they ought to, but the result is an int, so it needs to be cast to a byte if
that is needed.
public class TestLeftShift {
public static void main(String[] args) {
312 B. Unsigned bytes in Java
byte b = (byte)0x01;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
int c = (b << i);} // <----------------------------------
System.out.println("b: " + b + ", shift by: " + i + ", c: " + c);
byte bb = (byte)(b << i);} // <----------------------------------
System.out.println("b: " + b + ", shift by: " + i + ", bb: " + bb);
/* Output:
b: 1, shift by: 0, c: 1
b: 1, shift by: 0, bb: 1
b: 1, shift by: 1, c: 2
b: 1, shift by: 1, bb: 2
b: 1, shift by: 2, c: 4
b: 1, shift by: 2, bb: 4
b: 1, shift by: 3, c: 8
b: 1, shift by: 3, bb: 8
b: 1, shift by: 4, c: 16
b: 1, shift by: 4, bb: 16
b: 1, shift by: 5, c: 32
b: 1, shift by: 5, bb: 32
b: 1, shift by: 6, c: 64
b: 1, shift by: 6, bb: 64
b: 1, shift by: 7, c: 128
b: 1, shift by: 7, bb: -128
b: 1, shift by: 8, c: 256
b: 1, shift by: 8, bb: 0
In the Java language, logical and shifting operators work
as follows:
All operators return an int, so they must be cast to a byte if
a byte is needed. This includes: &, , *5* *5* *
, and .
Hex constants such as 0xff actually define an integer, so this
is the same as 0x000000ff. For values bigger than Ox7f a
cast to byte is needed.
Arithmetic (except for / and %) with Java’s signed bytes
works just as if the bytes were unsigned, since there is no
The Laws of Cryptography
Here is a sample run, starting with a binary PDF file utsa.pdf. Using Unix redirection, the
encrypted output goes to a binary file utsa.binary of the same size. Finally, another run
using the same key recovers the original file, this time named utsa2.pdf. Notice that the key
is the long with value 98765432123456789, nearly a full 64-bit integer.
% pandora% javac
% java Cipher 98765432123456789 < utsa.pdf > utsa.binary
% java Cipher 98765432123456789 < utsa.binary > utsa2.pdf
% ls -l
total 18
-rw-r--r-- 1 wagner faculty 769 May 26 22:33 Cipher.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 wagner faculty 462 May 26 20:34
-rw-r--r-- 1 wagner faculty 3116 May 26 22:34 utsa2.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 wagner faculty 3116 May 26 22:33 utsa.binary
-rw-r--r-- 1 wagner faculty 3116 May 26 16:32 utsa.pdf
Analysis of the initial system: The above system uses the Random class from Java as the
random number generator (RNG). This class is provided for simulation and for other similar
uses and is not intended to be a cryptographically secure RNG, where this means a RNG whose
future outputs cannot be efficiently calculated from earlier outputs. In the case of the class
Random, the multiplier and modulus are known, so any output immediately allows calculation
of later outputs. Even if the multiplier and modulus are not known, given a sequence of integers
produced by such a RNG, there are efficient (though difficult) algorithms to calculate them.
In the case above, one is far from knowing any of the integer outputs, however. One knows
only a succession of 8-bit inital values from the floating point output of the generator. A known
plaintext or chosen plaintext attack will produce such a sequence of these values immediately.
I have no idea if there are efficient algorithms to deduce the portion of the RNG in use just
from a succession of these 8-bit values. It most likely would be harder to break if one only had
a succession of 1-bit values output by the RNG, the leading bits of the floating point outputs.
(This step doesn’t help against the brute-force attack mentioned in the next paragraph below.)
Project 1.1 Modify the code above so that at each stage 8 calls to the RNG produce
8 most significant bits that are assembled into an 8-bit byte for use in xor as in the
original code.
The RNG Random is described as a “48-bit random number linear congruence generator.” In
Systems with a modified generator: One could try modifying the generator. For example,
one could use two seeds and two separate copies of the Random RNG. The input seeds would
each be 64 bit long, but the RNGs are actually 48 bits, for 96 bits total in two generators. How
can one use two generators? Consider some possibilities.
✦ Alternate the use of the two generators, back and forth, or according to some scheme
publicly known. (Argue that this is essentially no help at all.)
✦ In order to get 8 bits for each byte of source, take 4 bits from one generator and 4
bits from the other. (Argue that this is essentially no help at all.)
✦ How about just averaging two floating point outputs from the two generators? (What
is the matter with this? Can it be made to work?)
Choose a value
for the address
✦ Here is a scheme of Knuth’s to use two generators:
size of a buffer, say,
for a buffer of size . Fill the buffer with 8-bit
values from the first generator. Then get 10-bit values from the second generator,
using this number to fetch the 8-bit value from the first generator at that address in
the buffer, and then replacing the value in the buffer using the first generator again.
One could also use one of the two double-seeded RNGs described at the end of Section 16.2.
= =D((!B
In each case these are two 32-bit seeds for a total of 64 bits. Thus the brute-force attack takes
or 20 billion billion steps. Finally one could use a more sophisticated
RNG such as the one based on chaos theory in Chapter 17, or the perfect RNGs of Chapter
(?19? in Section V). I have no proof of the difficulty of breaking any scheme of the type shown
here, but even the very first piece of Java code seems like it would be quite hard to break,
if it could be broken at all except by a brute-force search (an attack which always succeeds,
though perhaps taking an unacceptable amount of time). Each refinement may make the system
stronger; it’s hard to imagine any way to break a system based on the RNG in Chapter 17, since
no one has ever solved such 2-dimensional chaotic equations analytically.
Project 1.2 Modify the code above so it uses a better RNG with a longer total
number of seed bits, or uses two or more RNGs.
The key is somewhat awkwardly handled up to now. It would be better to have an arbitrary
character string as the input key. This string should be hashed into whatever actual inputs are
needed for the random number generator. The final project could look somewhat like the Unix
crypt utility.
Project 1.3 Look up the man page on crypt and modify the code above so it
handles an arbitrary character string as the input key. It should be indistinguishable
from crypt.
316 C. Projects
long (as it is with the Beale cipher). However, making the key long is something
you can also leave as a feature you might have included if you had had more time.
✤ One standard trick is to mess around with the key, and exclusive-or the result with
a plaintext block. Then to reverse this, mess around with the key the same way and
exclusive-or again. Notice that in this case you do not need to be able to reverse
what you do to the key.
✤ Block ciphers often use combinations of three basic elements, repeated in rounds
(to decrypt, the rounds are carried out in the opposite order):
✥ Use the trick above: xor with something to encrypt and xor with the same
thing during decryption.
✥ Use a permutation of elements of the plaintext or of the key. Here the
word permutation means a rearrangement of elements of the plaintext or
of the key. Of course one uses the reverse of the rearrangement to decrypt.
✥ Use a substitution of new items for elements of the plaintext or key. Here
something completely different is inserted in place of each element. This
operation also needs to be reversed for decryption.
✤ See another appendix at the end of this book for material about bit operations in
Java. In particular, the result of b1ˆb2 (both bytes) in Java is an int with the
proper bits in the 8 least significant bits. You then need to cast to a byte (using
(byte) to get a byte value for assignment or other uses.
✤ If your block size in only 8 (as in this case), this is also a weakness (why?). How
might you attack any block cipher with block size of 8? Obviously you could in-
crease the block size, but what else might you do to eliminate this weakness?
✤ You could increase the block size using the skeleton below by just handling more
than one byte at a time, say 4, 8, or 16 bytes at a time. In this case you may want to
pad the file at the end so that its length is a multiple of the block size.
in = new FileInputStream(infile);
out = new FileOutputStream(outfile);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error opening files");
The second class below (Code) actually reads and writes the files, byte-at-a-time. Between
reading and writing a byte, it either encodes or decodes the byte, depending on the value of
a boolean switch encode. As mentioned before, your main work (in a simple version of the
assignment) could be to find more complicated functions to use for the methods encodeByte
and decodeByte, but remember that they must be inverses of one another.
Java class: Code
// Code: encode or decode a file
public class Code {
int key; // input key
InputStream in; // input file
OutputStream out; // output file
boolean encode = false; // encode or decode
Here are the results of a simple run on a Unix box, using the JDK directly. User input is in
boldface. Notice that after encoding and decoding, the original file is recovered.
% cat mess.text
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party
% java Crypto -encode 13 mess.text cipher2.text
320 C. Projects