Unit 2 - Lessons - 36-40 (Pp. 119-126)

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Ask the pupils to listen to the story you will read about Manny Pacquiao.
Emmanuel D. Pacquiao also known as Manny 'Pacman Pacquiao was born in
Kibawe, Bukidnon, Mindanao and lives in General Santos City, South Cotabato,
Philippines. He was born on December 17, 1978. He became known Ior his talent
in boxing. He`s been winning many boxing competitions abroad. For all his
achievements, he became the !rst Filipino boxer to win Iour world titles in Iour
diIIerent divisions.
Comprehension Questions:
Activity A: (Refer to LM, p. 229, Lets Read and Answer)
Ask the pupils to work on their selI-assessments about their talents.
Let them practice repeating the Iollowing statements. Tell them to !ll in the
blanks with an appropriate word.
Example: I can sing beautiIully.
I can dance graceIully on stage.
I can draw pictures on my sketch pad.
I can the piano.
I can math questions in a minute.
I can books with understanding.
I can like a !sh.
Activity B: (Refer to LM, p. 230, We Can Do It)
Let the pupils complete Manny Pacquiao`s word web.
Read the Iollowing story to the pupils. Make questions related to the story and let the
pupils answer the questions.
Every month oI July is 'Nutrition Month in our school. Pupils Irom diIIerent grades
join the parade wearing their Iruit and vegetable costumes. Parents cook and bring
nutritious Ioods which they later share with everyone. There are also storytelling
activities about Iood. Everybody in school is happy during the 'Nutrition Month
Have the pupils listen to the Iollowing story. Make questions related to the story and let
the pupils answer the questions.
Anna is an artist. She is good in drawing Iaces oI people and painting the beauty oI
nature. One day there was a 'Poster Making Competition in their school. She told
her teacher that she wanted to join the competition. Anna did and got the !rst place
Let the pupils draw a picture showing what they want to become when they grow up.
Have them write something about the picture they drew.
Lesson 37: Listen
IdentiIy and use the elements oI an inIormation or Iactual text heard inIormational
reports (three-step directions)
Express ideas through illustrations or a story board
Subject Matter: Following Three-step Directions
Materials: paper, crayon
Value Focus: Following directions
Ask the pupils to talk about their Iavorite actors/athlete. Probe why they like them.
Play the game 'Simon Says.
Example: Simon says jump Iour times.
Simon says touch your nose.
Simon says wave your hands.
You may replace the name Simon with a pupil`s name. That pupil will give the
Provide the pupils with a small sheet oI paper. Let them know that the activity you are
about to do will prove how well they listen and Iollow directions. InIorm the pupils that
you will repeat the instruction twice. (Refer to LM, p. 230, Lets Aim)
1. Draw a box. Write your Iull name in the box. Encircle all the vowel letters.
2. Draw a circle. Draw a triangle inside the circle. Write the !rst letter oI your name in
the triangle.
3. Write the numbers 1 to 9. Cross out the odd numbers. Encircle the even numbers.
Let them compare their answers with their seatmate.
Evaluate if the pupils were able to follow the directions correctly.
Activity A: Ask the pupils to listen carefully and follow what is said.
(Refer to LM, p. 231, Lets Listen)
Activity B: Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Give task sheets on meta cards that pupils
can work on for giving directions. Let pupil A give a three-step direction
twice. Pupil B follows. Then vice versa. Let the pupils describe their
experience on working with a partner. Probe on their direction-giving skills.
When giving instructions, make sure it is clear and specic.
Application: (Refer to LM, p. 232, I Can Do It)
Ask the pupils to listen and follow the directions.
1. Color the pictures.
2. Encircle all farm animals.
3. Box all zoo animals.
Evaluation: (Refer to LM, p. 232, Measure My Learning)
Let the pupils listen. Let them follow your directions.
1. Encircle all animals that have the word FISH.
2. Box all animals that have the word SEA.
3. Color the remaining animals.
Have the pupils prepare a set of directions for cooking an egg. Let them present it to the
Lesson 38: Speak Up!
Identify and use the elements of an informational/factual text heard conversation
Express feelings and opinions through a journal, log, etc.
Subject Matter: Identifying and using the elements of an informational/factual text heard
Materials: string-can telephone, stick puppets
Value Focus: Listening attentively
Ask the pupils to listen and do the Iollowing directions. Draw one big circle. Draw three
small circles inside the circle. Draw two curve lines on top oI the big circle to Iorm an
ear. Let them identiIy the !gure they made.
Show pupils a string-can telephone. Call pupils in Iront to use the string-can telephone.
Let the pupils listen to their conversation.
Ask: What are they talking about?
Ask the pupils to listen to the conversation oI the two girls. Find out what are they
talking about. Use stick puppets.
Mary: Jane, this is Alice, my cousin.
Alice, this is Jane, my Iriend.
Jane: Nice to meet you, Alice.
Alice: Nice to meet you, too.
Jane: Where are you Irom Alice?
Alice: I`m Irom Sorsogon.
Jane: How long will you be staying here?
Alice: Until I shall have !nished my studies.
Mary: Alice will be our new classmate. Her parents died in a car accident. She is
staying with us now. She will start attending our school on Monday.
Jane: Oh I see! Nice to meet you, Alice. See you on Monday.
Alice: Nice to meet you too, Jane.
Ask the Iollowing comprehension questions.
1. Who are the characters in the conversation?
2. What are they talking about?
3. Who is Alice?
4. Where is she Irom?
5. What happened to her parents?
6. What is the relationship oI Mary and Alice?
Activity A: Lead the pupils in practice speaking. (Refer the LM, p. 234, Lets Speak)
Have them try role playing activities on daily greetings and goodbyes.
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Group the pupils. Ask them to role play some conversational activities.
Group 1 Introducing people
Group 2 Telephone conversation
Group 3 Asking Ior permission
Application: (Refer to LM, p. 235, I Can Do It)
Say: Listen to the telephone conversation and answer the questions.
Pair the pupils. Let them present a conversation in giving directions. (Refer to LM, p.
235, Measure Mv Learning)

Lesson 39: Story of Me
State Iacts and details oI a text during and aIter reading
IdentiIy and use the elements oI an inIormational/Iactual text heard personal recounts
Share inter- and intra-personal experiences, Ieelings, and emotions using the mother tongue
and English describe/talk about one`s experience
Subject Matter: Stating Iacts and details oI text during and aIter reading
IdentiIying and using the elements oI an inIormational/Iactual text heard
personal recounts
Materials: pictures
Value Focus: Following orders Irom elders
Ask the pupils to read the Iollowing statements:
Hold on Ior a while. Thank you.
This is my teacher, Mrs. Elena Cruz. Nice to meet you.
Do you know where Acacia St. is? I`m sorry but I don`t live here.
Encourage pupils to share their experiences when they Iollow their parents or when they
disobey them.
Ask: Do you always listen and Iollow orders Irom your parents?
What will happen when you disobey your parents?
Let the pupils listen to the story oI the moth using pictures to guide the pupils.
The Story of the Moth
One night when Jose Rizal was a child, her mother noticed that he was not paying
attention to what she was saying. As she was looking at him, she noticed that Jose Rizal
was staring at the moth "ying around the lamp. So his mother told a story about the
Once there was a mother and a young moth "ying around the candle. The mother
moth told her child not to go near the light because the !re oI the light might kill him.
But the young moth never listened. He "ew nearer to the light. Soon, the wind blew
the light oI the candle and it reached the wings oI the young moth and it died.
Rizal`s mother told him that iI only the young moth Iollowed what his mother said,
he wouldn`t be killed by the !re.
Comprehension Questions: (Refer to LM, p. 236, Lets Aim)
Guided Activity:
Activity A: Call some pupils to tell a situation in their lives when they disobeyed their
Let them tell the result oI disobedience.
Ask the listeners to identiIy when the situation happened and who are the
people involved.
Activity B: Group the pupils and let them complete the story map about the story oI the
moth. (Refer to LM, p. 237, We Can Do It)
Setting: Time: Place:
Application: (Refer to LM, pp. 237-238, I Can Do It)
Ask the pupils to read the story and answer the questions.
Ask the pupils to listen to the story and answer the questions that Iollow.
(Provide the appropriate questions.)
One day, young Jose Rizal rode on a boat. While in the middle oI the lake, he accidentally
dropped one oI his slippers into the water. The slipper was immediately swept by the
waves. Because oI that, he got his other slipper and dropped it into the water. He thought
that it would be better to throw the other slipper so that whoever !nds the other pair can
use and wear them. He thought a slipper is useless iI one pair is missing.
Lesson 40: Water, Water, Everywhere!
State Iacts and details oI a text during and aIter reading
IdentiIy and use the elements oI an inIormational/Iactual text heard explanation
(liIe cycle, water cycle)
Explain why it rains
Subject Matter: Stating Iacts and details oI a text during and aIter reading
IdentiIying and using the elements oI an inIormational/Iactual text heard
Explaining liIe cycle, water cycle
Value Focus: Following orders Irom elders
Ask the pupils to study the pictures. Arrange them according to how the events
happened. Number it Irom 1 to 4 to show when it begins and ends.
Ask the pupils to recite the poem 'Rain, Rain, Go Away. Let them talk about the rain
and the ideas associated with it.
Show the picture oI the water cycle. Tell the pupils to listen as the diagram is explained.
(Refer to LM, p. 239 for the diagram)
Explain the water cycle with emphasis on the arrow-directions.
Let the pupils answer the comprehension questions. (Refer to LM, p. 239, Lets Aim)
The Water Cycle
Discuss and explain the water cycle/diagram. Provide enhancements that could meet the
level oI the pupils` understanding.
Let the pupils draw rain, clouds, sun, land, and lake. Let them write evaporation,
condensation, precipitation, and collection to show the water cycle.
The water cycle is as Iollows: precipitation, evaporation, condensation,
and collection.
Make a rain model. Let the pupils make their own rain cycle report. Ask Ior an
individual re"ection on why there is rain.
The Water Cycle

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