CPK 1245
CPK 1245
CPK 1245
min Cpk
2.7. Definition of Cpk
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Data collected during a capability study of the wire pull force for a
wire bond process (in gram)
The specification limits are 8.0 to 50.0 gram.
Use file wire pull simple in folder Data 15.
Use JMP to calculate process capability indices.
Is the process capable of manufacturing can openers with the specs
What can you say about the sigma level of the process?
2.8. Example : Process Capability
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The Cp and Cpk capability indices require the data to be
normally distributed.
Often attribute data is not normally distributed.
Cell phone defect rates.
Number of calls waiting to be answered in a call center.
3.1. Capability Indices for Attribute Data
13 OSV 2012 Internal Use Only
Percentile Capability Indices:
Used when the attributed data has counts.
Example: Number of calls in a call center waiting to be answered.
NOTE: This technique can also be used for non-normal, variable
YB needs to consult to a MBB/BB for doing capability calculations for
non-normal data. It is covered here for completeness purposes.
DPMO (Defects per Million Opportunities):
Used when the attributed data has two values: good and bad. GB is
expected to be able to do this capability calculation
Example: Number of defective phones produced.
3.2. Capability Indices for Non-Normal Distributions
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3.3. Percentile Capability Indices
Similar to the Cp and Cpk calculations.
The mean is replaced by the median.
Percentiles are used instead of sigma.
NOTE: Need a minimum sample size of 100.
* The n in Cnp and Cnpk stands for nonparametric
005 . 0 995 . 0
005 . 0 50 . 0
50 . 0
50 . 0 995 . 0
50 . 0
, min
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3.4. DPMO based Capability Indices
By examining the raw data, we can count the number of
defects that do not meet customer requirements and
translate that directly into a defect calculation referred to
as Defects Per Million Opportunities, or DPMO.
Based on the DPMO, look up the sigma quality level.
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3.5. DPMO Defined
DPMO = Defects Per Million Opportunities
= 1 Million * [ D / ( N * O ) ]
D* = total number of defects counted in the sample:
a defect defined as failure to meet a Critical Customer Requirement
or CCR
N = number of units of product or service
O = number of opportunities per unit of product or service for a customer
defect to occur
M = million
There must be at least 5 defects and 5 non-defects to use the
DPMO formula.
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3.6. Opportunity
People often get confused in determining the number of opportunities for
defects. The basis for the defects and the opportunities must match.
Example: A die has 28 leads requiring 28 wires and 56 bonds (one on each
end of the wire).
Defect Opportunity
Number of die with at least one bad
wire bond.
1 (Only count one possible defect per
Number of bad wires per die 28 (There are 28 wires per die)
Number of bad bonds per die 56 (There are 56 bonds per die)
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3.7. DPMO/PPM Based Capability Indices
Sigma DPMO Cp Cpk
2 308770 0.67 0.17
2.25 226716 0.75 0.25
2.5 158687 0.83 0.33
2.75 105660 0.92 0.42
3 66811 1.00 0.50
3.25 40060 1.08 0.58
3.5 22750 1.17 0.67
3.75 12225 1.25 0.75
4 6210 1.33 0.83
4.25 2980 1.42 0.92
4.5 1350 1.50 1.00
4.75 577 1.58 1.08
5 233 1.67 1.17
5.25 88 1.75 1.25
5.5 32 1.83 1.33
5.75 11 1.92 1.42
6 3.4 2.00 1.50
Compute the defects per million
opportunities and then look up
on the table for the Cp and Cpk.
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A hotel provides room service meals to its guests.
Hotel policy is that the meal must be delivered at the time scheduled by the
The hotel six sigma team has found from the Voice of the Customer that a
too early breakfast delivery will inconvenience the guest as well as a too late
Guest research indicates that customers require that the breakfast meal be
delivered within 10 minutes of the scheduled delivery time.
725 deliveries were monitored and 53 of those arrived outside the +/- 10
minute window.
What is the capability of the meal delivery service?
3.8.a. Example: DPMO Based Capability Indices
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For this example:
D = 53 Early or late deliveries
N = 725 Number of deliveries monitored
O = 1 Each delivery had one opportunity for
a defect
DPMO = 1,000,000 * [53 / (725*1)]
= 73,103 DPMO
Using the Sigma Calculation table, enter the DPMO column and look up the
process sigma directly.
Sigma Quality Level Approximately 2.9
3.8.b. Example: DPMO Based Capability Indices
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Thank You