Secrets of The Top 4
Secrets of The Top 4
Secrets of The Top 4
I realized that although markets constantly present fantastic profit opportunities, a hidden factor in my own mental makeup was preventing me from exploiting the opportunity flow.
At first I wondered whether I had a hidden wish to fail or some other unconscious self-sabotaging belief? But Im Ivy League educated and a successful entrepreneur. Ive always believed in myself and my ability to succeed at anything I put my mind to. Something else was wrong. I noticed that when it came to trading, I couldnt do anything consistently because I was constantly tweaking things. I sought out new methods, new indicators, new stocks, new markets in a desperate attempt to find a combination that would work. After spending over $50,000 on workshops, live trading rooms, trading systems and custom indicator programming, I realized something really important about the trading environment and about myself.
Moreover, I wasnt a recreational gambler or poker player, so I was also unprepared for the intensity of the risk/reward dynamics in trading. Up $100, down $100; up $1000, down $1000. The moment by moment P&L stressed me out more than I expected; more than I was even aware of. Frankly, I was a nervous wreck when trading and didnt know it. One day it dawned on me:
In trying hard to do the right thing (like I did in school and business), I inadvertently made matters worse for myself because my natural self-protective instincts worked against me in the trading environment.
For example I would get defensive when I should have been aggressive. That made me miss out on the best trades. I would get greedy when I should have been cautious, which caused me to chase, so I was entering too early or too late and with too large a position, so when I was wrong, losses really hurt. And somehow, I would always miss the obvious, but see it plain as day once the opportunity had passed. Frankly, I suspect that my perceptions were distorted by a combination of primal emotions and my own biases and opinions. After just a few years of trading, I had somehow undermined the confidence, consistency and clarity I needed in order to succeed. Page 4
The most frustrating thing was that even though I knew more about the market from experience, I was less and less effective in real time! Once I realized that my issue was largely an internal one, I began to look at exactly how I was getting in my own way. Thats when everything changed for me.
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For most traders, it is only a matter of time before risk begins to trump reward. Whereas we previously viewed the market as a field of opportunity, we come to regard it as a predatory environment out to trick us and trap us and cause us to lose. We begin to fear the robots, the Fed, the banks, the brokerages, the Russians, and/or any other manipulator real and imagined who might contribute to the loss of our precious capital. Instead of trading-to-win, one then begins to trade-not-to-lose, or not-to-bewrong or not-to-miss-out. These are double negatives. Im sure you realize that the attempt to avoid a bad outcome is not the psychological equivalent of having a positive vision or goal. Far from it. It is possible that this subtle shift to the dark side is what sabotages 90% of traders? Is this what makes it impossible for most traders to follow in the footsteps of success even if they have been mentored by some of the best traders around? Is this why the vast majority eventually leave the active trading community with nothing tangible to show for their truly heroic efforts? Page 6
In zero sum markets such as futures, currencies and options (where there are no market makers), the technical setups that professional traders use work for this very reason. Someone gets fooled and then they make the situation even worse for themselves by not recognizing the mistake and taking the stop quickly. Instead, these traders freeze or they deny reality or they resist taking the loss because they are already trading-not-to-lose and they feel they have already lost too much. Catch 22. This is why trading-not-to-lose actually causes losses. Either way, their small loss quickly multiplies into a major one because their relationship to the market is based on fear. This isnt not anyones personal fault. Most human brains are wired this way. Let me explain.
and part reptilian. In trading, however, there is one part of our brain that really gets in the way of rational, systematic trading. I call it the Risk Manager (RM). It is a primitive defensive structure that we share with mammals and reptiles, dedicated to just one thing: survival. You see, survival is not just a good idea, its an imperative, so the attitudes and behaviors that bear directly upon our survival are controlled not by our conscious thoughts, which are variable, but by our instincts, which are invariably reliable. This is why it is difficult to consciously cut oneself or even prick a finger for a glucose test. Your Risk Manager simply objects. Unfortunately for traders, financial losses, or the threat of financial losses (of any size) are closely scrutinized by this part of the brain. A failure to bring home the bacon, or losing the bacon you already had, is something the RM takes very seriously. When the Risk Manager is activated four things happen that degrade your trading:
your field of attention narrows; your deliberative mind is sidelined (forget the trading plan); and your behavioral options are dramatically reduced your protective (split-second) defensive reactions are primed.
These things happen so that the RM can fulfill its prime directive, which is to protect your survival.
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Additionally, your brain is programmed to feel the pain of financial loss acutely, so that it has a better chance of avoiding loss the next time. Im not making this up.
Clinical studies show that for most people, financial losses have about 2.5 times the emotional impact compared to the pleasure that comes from winning the same amount of money.
This built-in neurological imbalance (known as loss aversion) has huge consequences for your trading. First, the pain of small losses gets exaggerated. This can make trading feel like death by a thousand cuts. Feeling the pain of every loss leads to trading-not-to-lose, but at the same time unconsciously expecting to lose. If the aspiring trader doesnt win at least twice as often as he or she loses, the traders brain drops into a reward deficit. You become irritable and lose confidence, consistency and clarity. If a large loss occurs, there are two possible outcomes. 1) Risk aversion or revenge. Risk aversion makes it virtually impossible to stay in a winning trade. Anger results in repeated account blow ups.
Is it possible for traders to train ourselves to pacify our internal Risk Manager so we can tolerate losses and thrive in the trading environment? Page 10
But wait. You might be thinking: These guys are already rich, so of course they can trade well. I dont buy it. True story. A Canadian who had recently sold his technology business for around a hundred million dollars wanted to learn to trade futures. Curiously, he would get upset over a $100 loss. It wasnt the money, obviously, it was his ego that was getting bruised. He could not tolerate any amount of losing. Success had literally ruined him. Im 100% certain that my trader friends above are not positive merely because they are winning; they win because they are positive. Moreover, they each had periods of intense struggle in which they lost their positive mindset and then re-learned to be positive.
To successfully meet the challenge of the trading environment and your own reactions to it, it is imperative that you create a mindset that is bulletproof. By that I mean, a mindset that can quickly rebound from losses so they dont create a self-fulfilling cycle of doom. Page 12
Thats why I created Positive (+) NeuroProgramming, to give traders just like you the tools you need to immunize yourself against your own negativity, so that you can trade exactly like the best traders.with confidence, consistency and clarity. Positive (+) Neuroprogramming promotes the minds resiliency by immediately neutralizing the negativity that spontaneously arises from lossespresent or past. This prevents the neural cascade that puts a trader on the sidelines or into a desperate fight with Mr. Market. Positive (+) Neuroprogramming is presented in an audio Mp3: Training a Winning Mindset. The program has three neuro-conditioning protocols that: Clear Negativity, Install Positive Beliefs; and Train your Brain to remain clear-minded, resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity. Unlike other programs you may have tried, the Pain Eraser protocol in this Mp3 program clears away the residue of negativity, which is essential before installing the positive beliefs associated with a confident, winning attitude. Heres what Mike R. wrote:
I am writing to tell you how pleased I am with the Pain Eraser. I have been troubled by my previous losses and it was affecting my trading by stopping me from taking qualified trades. I listened to the Pain Eraser twice on the 1st and 2nd days, then daily for the last few days. I dont know how or why, but it works!. The memory of previous losses was debilitating and now I can remember the losses but Im not emotionally disturbed by them. The pain has been erased! Page 13
Deep-seated neural confidence is your only defense against your brain switching to survival mode, a mentalemotional condition in which you are at high risk of reactive, self-sabotaging behaviors. Heres what Jody C. wrote, a surfer from Australia
I wanted to let you know that the Mp3 files are really starting to work. I have been battling with this fear of losing for a couple of years now and it was getting worse and worse. I was beginning to feel pretty hopeless about it all. I have listened to the files about two weeks and there is a big difference. it is not imaginary. I can pull the trigger and it feels fine. Instead of focusing on not losing I am now focusing on looking for good setups, which is one of the ideas in the second file on installing new beliefs: quite a difference. Amazing!
Once the negativity is cleared, the program helps you install the key beliefs and emotional resilience of winning traders. The Technique: Listen to my Positive (+) NeuroProgramming Mp3 once a day for 21 days, using headphones. The Expected Results: A dramatic reduction in reactive, self-sabotaging behavior; Increased clarity, confidence and consistency; Increased ability to trade your plan. You can order the complete downloadable Training a Winning Mindset Mp3 for just $249.00 on my website.
Page 14 I guarantee you will learn something about yourself that you can apply to your trading today. Warm regards, Kenneth Reid, Ph.D.
Copyright Kenneth Reid, Ph.D. 2014. All Rights Reserved
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