OS Unit 1 and 2 Question Bank

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Class: II Msc [Software Engineering]
Question Bank:
2 marks:
1. What is an Operating system?
2. What is the advantage of Multiprogramming?
3. What are the different types of multiprocessing?
4. What is Dual- Mode Operation?
5. How is the protection for memory provided?
6. What are the various OS components?
7. What is a process?
8. What is process control block (PCB)?
9. What is meant by context switch?
10. What is spooling?
11. What are System calls?
12. List the services provided by an operating system?
13. What are the two types of real time systems?
14. What is the difference between hard real time and soft real time


15. Write the difference between multiprogramming and non

16. What are the designs of operating systems?
17. What are the five major categories of system calls?
18. What is the use of fork and execve system calls?
19. Define Elapsed CPU time and Maximum CPU time?
20. What is process control block?
21. What are the various OS components
22. What do you mean by Time-sharing systems?
23. What is an Interactive computer system?
24. What is the Kernel?
25. Why is the OS viewed as a resource allocates and control

12 marks:
1. Explain process creation and process termination
2. Write short note on early operating system. List the differences
between multiprogramming and Time-sharing systems.
3. Explain the architecture of an operating system.
4. Explain about inter process communication.
5. What is a process? Explain the process control block and
various process states?
6. Define system calls .write about the various types of system
7. What are the system components of an operating system and
explain them?

8. Differentiate Symmetric and Asymmetric multiprocessing

9. Discuss scheduling and inter-processor communication
2 marks:
1. What is a thread?
2. What are the benefits of multithreaded programming?
3. Compare user threads and kernel threads.
4. Define thread cancellation & target thread.
5. Define CPU scheduling.
6. What is preemptive and non preemptive scheduling?
7. What is a Dispatcher?
8. What is dispatch latency?
9. What are the various scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling?
10.Define throughput?
11.What is turnaround time?
12.Define race condition.
13.What is critical section problem?
14.What are the requirements that a solution to the critical
section problem must satisfy?
15.Define entry section and exit section
16.Give two hard ware instructions and their definitions which
can be used for implementation mutual exclusion
17.What is a semaphore?
18.Define busy waiting and spin lock.

19.How can we say the first come first served scheduling

algorithm is non preemptive?
20.What is waiting time in CPU scheduling?

21.What is Response time in CPU scheduling?

22.Differentiate long term scheduler and short term Scheduler.
23.Write some classical problems of synchronization?
24.When the error will occur when we use semaphore?
25.What is Mutual Exclusion?
26.Define the term critical regions?
27.What are the drawbacks of monitors?
28.What are the two levels in threads?
29.What is a Gantt chart?
12 marks:
1. Write about the various CPU scheduling algorithms.
2. Explain the classical problem on synchronization.
3. Explain about monitors.
4. Explain Monitor Implementation Using Semaphores
5. Discuss the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive

6. suitable for hypercube multiprocessor operating system
7. What is RPC (Remote Procedure Call)? What is the major

issue in implementing the RPC? Describe them briefly

8. Define the requirement of the correct solution. How

semaphores are used to solve dining philosophers problem.

9. What two advantages do threads have over multiple processes?

10. What is semaphore? Explain the application of semaphore.
11. Compare preemptive and non-preemptive algorithm.

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