Osho Vedanta, Seven Steps To Samadhi (Extract)

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If this is remembered the whole sear h will be ome !"alitati#el$ differe%t& The% $o" are %ot i% sear h of somethi%' o"tside, b"t somethi%' i%%er& The% $o" are %ot i% sear h of somethi%' whi h is 'oi%' to ha((e% i% the f"t"re, it a% ha((e% ri'ht %ow) it is alread$ ha((e%i%'& A%d the% the whole thi%' be omes #er$ rela*ed& If the tr"th is somewhere i% the f"t"re the% $o" are bo"%d to be te%se, the% $o" are bo"%d to be worried, a dee( a%*iet$ is bo"%d to be there& +ho ,%ows whether it will ha((e% i% the f"t"re or %ot- The f"t"re is "% ertai%) $o" ma$ miss it . $o" ha#e bee% missi%' so lo%'& /"t if the di#i%e is here a%d %ow, the #er$ e*iste% e, the #er$ breath, the #er$ $o", the% there is %o "% ertai%t$, the% there is %o worr$, %o a%*iet$&

E#e% if $o" 'o o% missi%', $o" a%%ot miss him& 0o" ma$ ha#e missed him for so ma%$ ma%$ li#es, b"t reall$ $o" ha#e %e#er missed him be a"se he has alwa$s bee% hidde% there, waiti%' for $o" to t"r% withi%& 0o" ha#e bee% loo,i%' o"tside, $o" ha#e bee% fo "sed o% the ob1e ti#e world, a%d that whi h $o" are see,i%' is hidde% withi%, it is $o"r s"b1e ti#it$& 2od is %ot a% ob1e t) 2od does%3t e*ist as a% ob1e t& +hatsoe#er theolo'i ia%s sa$, the$ are absol"tel$ wro%' . 2od does%3t e*ist as a% ob1e t& 0o" a%%ot worshi(, be a"se he is hidde% i% the worshi((er& 0o" a%%ot (ra$, be a"se he is hidde% there from where the (ra$er arises& 0o" a%%ot see, him witho"t, be a"se he is $o"r withi%%ess&


Not that there is 'oi%' to be %o tra%sformatio%, b"t that o%l$ thro"'h this a e(ta% e tra%sformatio% be omes (ossible& O% e $o" a a e(t $o"r e(t $o"r bei%' there is %o s"((ressio%, o% e $o"

bei%' the whole bei%' omes i%to o%s io"s%ess& There is %o %eed to hide a%d to ("sh some (arts, fra'me%ts, i%to the dar,%ess, i%to the "% o%s io"s& The "% o%s io"s is a b$4(rod" t of 5hristia%it$& There is %othi%' li,e the "% o%s io"s& If $o" a e(t $o"rself, $o"r whole mi%d will be o%s io"s& If $o" de%$, re1e t, o%dem%, the%

the o%dem%ed (arts will mo#e i%to dar,%ess& Not that the$ will %ot a t %ow, the$ will a t more, b"t their a tio% will be %ow hidde%, (er#erted, dis'"ised& It will %ot be a((are%t, it will ta,e a hidde% o"rse& 0o" a%%ot fa e it dire tl$ b"t it 'oes o% wor,i%'& The "% o%s io"s is reated b$ '"ilt& O% e $o" a e(t that there is %o "% o%s io"s, the barrier has 'o%e, the bo"%dar$ disa((eared, a%d the o%s io"s a%d "% o%s io"s be ome o%e . as the$ are reall$, as the$ sho"ld be& A%d whe% $o"r o%s io"s a%d "% o%s io"s are o%e $o" a% meditate, %e#er before it& O% e $o"r i%%er di#isio%s disa((ear, o% e $o" be ome o%e i%side, a dee( sile% e des e%ds "(o% $o", a 'reat blissf"l mome%t is rea hed . 1"st b$ the disa((eara% e of the bo"%daries, di#isio%s, fra'me%ts&

/"t I sa$ to $o", reli'io% is %ot for the wea,, it is o%l$ for the stro%', be a"se it is s" h a 1"m(& It is a total 1"m( from the ,%ow% to the "%,%ow%& The wea, a%%ot ta,e it& The$ a% tra#el ste( b$ ste(, b"t the$ a% %e#er ta,e a 1"m(& A%d remember, if $o" tra#el ste( b$ ste(, 'rad"all$, $o" are %e#er tra%sformed) $o" are at the most modi6ed& 0o" remai% the same& A little re6%ed, modi6ed, a little ha%'e here a%d there, b"t $o" remai% the same& A little better loo,i%', b"t all "'li%ess hidde% i%side, 1"st olored& O%l$ those who are stro%' e%o"'h, who are er"(ti%' with e%er'$, e*(lodi%' with e%er'$, a% ta,e the 1"m(&

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