Fiber Optics Toolkit
Fiber Optics Toolkit
Fiber Optics Toolkit
The main motive for this work was the need for a low cost laboratory alternative for schools teaching Fiber Optic Communications (FOC) to supplement courses offered in this field This FOC educational toolkit (ETK) provides both undergraduate and graduate students with a new way to study the physical layer of high speed fiber optic communications systems
The Fiber Optic Communications educational toolkit (FOC ETK) provides undergraduate and graduate students with a low cost and flexible tool to study high speed fiber optic communication systems As an introductory tool, the FOC ETK allows for deductive approach, to investigate existing systems. Advanced students ready for an inductive approach can use the toolkit in their own projects
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Able to demonstrate phenomena related to high speed data communications; issues involve bandwidth, dispersion, rise and fall time, synchronous communications involving coding and retiming with phase-lock loop Uses inexpensive plastic fiber, no longer than 25m Inexpensive high speed, at least 1Mb/s set-up
Developed Experiments
Several Experiments were developed and implemented using the educational FOC toolkit. These experiments include: Fiber Optic Link Linearity. FOC Link Attenuation FOC Link Dispersion Data transmission The following slides cover those experiments
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The LED load resistor is selected to adjust the LED current, and the photo diode load resistor sets the sensitivity of the receiver.
Using the basic fiber optic link circuit given in the previous slide, several Experiments were developed to test the source and link linearity and fiber optic link attenuation. Given that the LED forward voltage is nearly constant, we expect to see a linear relationship between the transmitter and the receiver currents.
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The power budget is a useful tool for considering how optical power can be a constraining factor. The FOCETK can be used for Attenuation Experiments The difference between the transmitter power and the minimum required power at the receiver is the amount of power available to the link, which comprises the sum of all the losses and margin.
High speed data Transmitter Receiver, detector and slicer Dispersion & rise & fall time Data Encoding & decoding Retiming, phase-lock loop
A large resistance is selected to provide the required sensitivity. The amplifier uses negative feedback in such a way that from the photo detector the effective resistance appears very small, which allows the bandwidth and data rate to be large.
To =
Ttx 2 + Tf 2 + Trx 2
K H (s) = 1+! s
; where
Fc =
1 2" !
Beginning of a message
Symbol Retiming
It is common practice in communications to use a phase-lock loop to track a Manchester coded signal. The FOC ETK can produce a preamble waveform and provides a discrete time phase-lock loop for retiming
The FOC toolkit presents a low cost alternative for educators to teach the physical layer of FOC data links A field programmable gate array (FPGA) is used to generate the transmit data signal and also retime received signals. Other than the flexibility afforded by an FPGA, the accompanying development board should be particularly flexible in the discretion afforded to the instructor.