International Capital Markets
International Capital Markets
International Capital Markets
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After invention of computer and Internet and revolution of financial market in 2010, almost all financial markets are converted in international capital markets. We can give the example of Hong Kong, Singapore and Wall Street. International capital market was started with dealing of foreign exchange. After globalization of financial sector, companies have to take certificate for dealing in international market. Suppose, Indian company wants to sell shares in France, for this, Indian company should take certificate named global depository receipt (GDR). International capital market's daily turnover has crossed $ 5 trillion. International capital market is very helpful for reducing the risk of small company because in international market, you can buy different countries companies shares, debentures and mutual funds. Different countries have different business environment, so if any country is facing loss and due to financial crisis, your investment in that country may suffer losses but you can fulfill this loss from other country's investment. So, overall risk will be reduced by this technique [3].
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Major foreign currencies International bond market Global equity market Off-shore financial centers agencies
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Source: Bankers Accuity web site; m/resources/bank-rankings/#.Uef0JtKl54M; visited at July 18, 2013
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Private and Business Clients (PBC) provides a broad range of banking services to private individuals, self-employed clients as well as small and medium-sized businesses. These services include current accounts, deposits, loans, investment management and pension products. Outside of Germany, PBC has longstanding operations in Italy, Spain, Belgium and Portugal and has also been active in Poland and India for several years. PBCs product range includes payment and current ac count services, investment management and retirement planning, securities as well as loans to private clients and businesses. As the leading retail bank in home market, they provide services to approximately 24 million clients in Germany and another five million abroad. PBC has around 2,800 branches in Belgium, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain [5].
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Retail Banking - BNP Paribas Retail activities comprises a set of Domestic Markets, International Retail Banking and BNP Paribas Personal Finance. Investment Solutions - Investment Solutions offers a broad range of high value-added products and services around the world, designed to meet all the requirements of individual, corporate and institutional investors. Corporate & Investment Banking - BNP Paribas CIB provides its clients with corporate banking, advisory and capital markets services [7]
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United States US Dollar ($) Eurozone (Primarily Germany, France, Italy and Spain) Euro () Japan Japanese Yen () United Kingdom Pound () Switzerland Swiss Franc (Fr) Canada Canadian Dollar ($) Australia Australian Dollar ($) New Zealand New Zealand Dollar ($) These economies have the largest and most sophisticated financial markets in the world. By strictly focusing on these eight countries, we can take advantage of earning interest income on the most credit-worthy and liquid instruments in the financial markets. Economic data is released from these countries on an almost daily basis, allowing investors to stay on top of the game when it comes to assessing the health of each country and its economy [9] .
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As the global capital market has evolved, the international bond market has grown increasingly sophisticated. Syndicates of investment banks, securities firms, and commercial banks put together complex packages of international bonds to serve the borrowing needs of large, creditworthy borrowers, such as Major MNCs. National governments and international organizations. The global bond is one such innovative financial instrument. It is large, liquid financial asset that can be traded anywhere at any time. World Bank was the pioneer of using global bonds. Attracted by the World Banks success, many other large organizations, such as, Matsushita Electric, the Province of Ontario, Citicorp, and Household Finance have also issued global bonds [11].
International Business by Griffin and Pustay Chapter 8; The International Bond Market
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Source: Baby Pips web site;; visited at July 18, 2013
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Recently, several studies have examined the impact of offshore financial centers on the world economy more broadly, finding the high degree of competition between banks in such jurisdictions to increase liquidity in nearby onshore markets. Proximity to small offshore centers has been found to reduce credit spreads and interest rates, while a paper by James Hines concluded, "By every measure credit is more freely available in countries which have close relationships with offshore centers." Low-tax financial centers are becoming increasingly important as conduits for investment into emerging markets. For instance, 44% of foreign direct investment (FDI) into India came through Mauritius last year, while over two thirds of FDI into Brazil came through offshore centers. Blanco & Rogers find a positive correlation between proximity to an offshore center and investment for least developed countries (LDCs); a $1 increase in FDI to an offshore center translates to an average increase of $0.07 in FDI for nearby developing countries.[12]
5) Conclusion
The international capital market is growing in sophistication as a result of technological advances in telecommunications and computer. Major international banks still utilize their traditional correspondent relationships with other banks but are also increasingly engaged in overseas banks of any country to conduct lending operations in whatever currencies their clients require. MNCs now commonly raise capital, both debt and equity, on a global basis, wherever its cost is lowest.
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