Configuration Management Plan
Configuration Management Plan
Configuration Management Plan
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ntroduction......................................................................................................................................! "oles and "esponsibilities...............................................................................................................! Configuration Control......................................................................................................................# Configuration Management Database $CMD%&..............................................................................' Configuration (tatus )ccounting ....................................................................................................* Configuration )udits ......................................................................................................................+
The purpose of the Configuration Management Plan is to describe how configuration management $CM& will be conducted throughout the project lifecycle. This includes documenting how CM is managed- roles and responsibilities- how configuration item $C & changes are made- and communicating all aspects of CM to project sta.eholders. Without a documented configuration management plan it is li.ely that C s may be missed- incomplete- or unnecessary wor. is done because of a lac. or /ersion and document control. While a configuration management plan is important for all projects- this is especially so for software and other information technology $ T& projects. The 0e12en Project will utilize e1isting (mith Company networ. infrastructure and add numerous capabilities in order to allow for remote access- direct ability to modify 3)04W)0 en/ironments- and impro/ed monitoring of networ. tools and de/ices. )s a result- (mith Company5s ability to perform networ. maintenance and updates will be significantly impro/ed. )dditionally- (mith Company will impro/e its ability to monitor all networ. diagnostics in real time and streamline wor.force efficiency. Cost sa/ings will be realized by greatly reducing the amount of time associated with competing networ. tas.s and allowing (mith Company employees to perform wor. that was pre/iously outsourced. n order to effecti/ely manage the 0e12en Project- a coordinated Configuration Management $CM& Plan is needed. This plan will establish CM roles and responsibilities and describe how the 0e12en Project team will trac.- implement- and communicate configuration items $C s& and changes throughout the project lifecycle.
The Project (ponsor is responsible for: Chairing all CC% meetings Pro/iding appro/al for any issues re7uiring additional scope- time- or cost Pro'!( Manag!r The Project Manager is responsible for: 8/erall responsibility for all CM acti/ities related to the 0e12en project dentification of C s )ll communication of CM acti/ities to project sta.eholders Participation in CC% meetings "e9baselining- if necessary- any items affected by CM changes Configura ion Manag!r The Configuration Manager will be appointed by the Program Management 8ffice $PM8&. The Configuration Manager is responsible for: 8/erall management of the CMD% dentification of C s Pro/iding configuration standards and templates to the project team Pro/iding any re7uired configuration training L!a+ Engin!!r) )ll identified C s will be assigned to a 3ead 6ngineer. The assigned 3ead 6ngineer is responsible for: Designating a focus group to de/elop the change re7uest 6nsure all change re7uests comply with organizational templates and standards prior to the CC% dentification of C s Engin!!r) 6ach C will be assigned to a focus group consisting of se/eral engineers. 6ach member of the focus group will pro/ide input to the change re7uest prior to submitting the change re7uest to the lead engineer for re/iew and presentation at the CC%
Configuration Control is the process of systematically controlling and managing all steps of configuration throughout the project lifecycle. n order to effecti/ely handle project CM it is important to use a process which ensures only necessary configuration changes are made. )dditionally- li.e any change management efforts- configuration change decisions must be made with the understanding of the impact of the change. The 0e12en Project will use a standardized configuration control process throughout the project lifecycle in order to ensure all C s are handled in a consistent manner and any appro/ed changes are fully /etted regarding impact and communicated to sta.eholders.
)s C s are identified by the project team- the Configuration Manager will assign a C name and the C will be entered into the CMD% in an :initiate; status. The C will then be assigned to an engineer focus group. 6ach member of a C s focus group will ha/e the ability to access the C through the CMD%- ma.e changes and edits- and enter the C bac. into the CMD% with a description of the change4edit annotated in the CMD% log. t is imperati/e that for any software changes testing is conducted by the focus group in order to /alidate any changes made. The 3ead 6ngineer assigned to manage the focus group is responsible for ensuring that testing has been conducted- changes are entered into the CMD% log- and that all changes4edits are sa/ed properly into the CMD%. The 3ead 6ngineer is also responsible for assigning new /ersion numbers and CMD% status for any changes made by his4her assigned focus group. Many times a C will ha/e a relationship with one or more other C s within a project. The 3ead 6ngineer- CM- and Project Manager will wor. together to ensure these relationships are fully understood. The 3ead 6ngineer and CM will then be responsible for illustrating these relationships and co9dependencies in the CMD% to ensure a full understanding of each C and how they relate to one another. )ny configuration changes which are identified by the project team or sta.eholders must be captured in a configuration change re7uest $CC"& and submitted to the CC%. The CC% will re/iew- analyze- and appro/e4deny the re7uest based on the impact- scope- time- and cost of the proposed change. f the change is appro/ed- the project re7uirements will be re9baselined $if necessary& and all changes will be communicated to the project team and sta.eholders by the Project Manager. Denied CC"s may be re9submitted with additional or new information for re9 consideration by the CC%.
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT DATA*ASE ,CMD*) Configuration Management Database $CMD%& is where the organizations configuration information is stored. CMD% is a term which originates from nformation Technology nfrastructure 3ibrary $ T 3& which pro/ides a framewor. for best practices in T ser/ices management. The CMD% contains not only the configuration information for assets but also information about the assets such as physical location- ownership- and its relationship to other configurable items $C s&. ) .ey component to configuration management is ha/ing a well defined and followed process for both document and data management. The CMD% will be the centralized repository for all configuration information for the 0e12en project. The CMD% pro/ides a common platform for the project team to edit- change- re/iseand re/iew C s and also to ensure all documents and data are updated with the latest re/ision and release formats.
)ccess to the CMD% will be granted and go/erned by standard <0 = permissions. Two types of CMD% access will be granted for the 0e12en project: ,& >ull read and write access will be granted to the CM- Project Manager- 3ead 6ngineersand 6ngineers. These indi/iduals will be authorized to access the CMD% to ma.e changes- edit documents and data- and re/iew and appro/e /ersions and C status. !& "ead only access will be granted to the Project (ponsor and all other sta.eholders. This access will allow these indi/iduals to /iew all C s and C data but they will not be authorized to ma.e any changes. f these indi/iduals identify the need for a change or edit they will notify the CM who will re/iew the notification and pro/ide feedbac.. The CMD% will pro/ide assurance that members of the project team are always off of the latest /ersion of software- data- and documentation. ?owe/er- it is important to maintain the history of these assets throughout the project lifecycle. )s these assets are changed and updatedthe 3ead 6ngineer of the C 5s assigned focus group will be responsible for updating the status of the C and pro/iding new re/ision numbering. This numbering will be done in accordance with (mith Company5s standard re/ision control numbering process wherein higher /ersion numbers indicate more recent /ersions of the software- data- or documentation.
#& %uild "eporting a. >iles b. C relationships c. ncorporated Changes '& )udits a. Physical Configuration b. >unctional Configuration Prior to any new software releases- the CM will wor. with each 3ead 6ngineer to ensure all C s are updated with latest release /ersions.
)udits are an important part of project and configuration management. The purpose of an audit is to ensure that established processes are being followed as intended and to pro/ide an opportunity to correct any de/iations from these processes. Many people hold a negati/e /iew of audits@ howe/er- when used appropriately- audits are an effecti/e management and 7uality assurance tool. Configuration audits will be an ongoing part of the 0e12en project lifecycle. The purpose of the configuration audit is to ensure all team members are following the established procedures and processes for configuration management. Project audits for the 0e12en Project will occur prior to any major software release or at the Project Manager or (ponsor5s discretion if they determine the need for one. )ll 0e12en configuration audits will be performed by the CM. Throughout the project the CM wor.s closely with 3ead 6ngineers to ensure that all configuration processes and procedures are being followed. )s part of the configuration audit the CM will perform the following tas.s: ,& 6stablish an audit en/ironment in the CMD% !& The CM will copy all of the latest software- data- and document /ersions into the audit en/ironment #& The CM will ensure all /ersions are correctly numbered and that /ersion control has been performed properly '& The CM will analyze historical /ersions and timestamps of all software- data- and documents to ensure all changes4edits were properly recorded and captured *& The CM will copy latest software /ersions and conduct software testing to ensure re7uirements are being met +& The CM will ensure all re7uired artifacts are present and current in the CMD% C& The CM will ensure all appro/ed CC"s ha/e been incorporated into the project and are recorded in the CMD% 8nce the audit has been performed- the CM will compile his4her audit findings. >or each finding- the CM must wor. with the Project Manager4Team to identify the correcti/e action$s& necessary to resol/e the discrepancy and assign responsibility for each correcti/e action.
<pon completion of the project audit and findings- the CM will note all discrepancies and compile a report to be presented to the Project Manager- (ponsor- and AP of Technology.
)ppro/ed by the Project (ponsor: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EProject (ponsorF EProject (ponsor TitleF Date:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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