Plan de Lectie - Model
Plan de Lectie - Model
Plan de Lectie - Model
year of study) There are six teenage learners in the class. They have a 2-hour lesson every week as part of an evening course. The class began one onth ago. !e do not use a coursebook so " decided to bring y own aterial. !ain aim: #y the end of the lesson the learners will be able to express ability and inability using can$can%t. S bsidiar" aim: To practise intensive reading. Personal aim: To reduce TTT (teacher talking ti e) in whole class activities and provide learner interaction. !aterials (incl din# so rce): &lashcards 'isuals (andouts )ards Tape *arkers +nvelopes ,ource: Ass mptions: -earners will know -earners ost of the vocabulary. Anticipated diffic lties $ith tas%s: ay want to translate the verb can. Sol tions: " will be prepared to explain the use of it with ore exa ples. ore
LANG&AGE ANAL'SIS S(EE) LANG&AGE ANAL'SIS *O+! !EANING )an affir ative for The use of can or ,ub.ect/can/verb in cant to si ple for express ability or e.g. (e can play soccer inability. very well. )an negative for ,ub.ect/can/not (can%t) /verb in si ple for e.g. (e can%t play soccer very well. P(ONOLOG' %,n %a:nt Anticipated problems 0. -earners ay isunderstand the use of can. 2. -earners ay ispronounce cant when using the negative for . Sol tions 0. 1ive exa ples of fa ous people who are well-known for their abilities 2. (ighlight for when drilling negative for .
Lesson plan proced re Sta#e -ead in Sta#e aim To introduce the topic Proced re 2ut visuals on the board of different well-known people. 3sk 4uestions so learners can give infor ation about those people 1ive the learners !orksheet 0 with infor ation about fa ous people. 1ive the ti e to read on their own and work through the exercise. *onitor learners to check that they are co pleting the task. 3sk learners to check their answers in pairs. -earners use !orksheet 0. 3sk learners to read it on their own and underline sentences with can and cant. *onitor learners to check that they are co pleting the task. Interaction T5, 6 ins )ime
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To allow learners to discuss their answers in To elicit the usage of can and cant
"ndividual practice
<o inating To let learners give their individuals answers individually to check 2air work To provide speaking practice with can/cant
3sk learners to check their answers in pairs. !rite two sentences fro !orksheet 0 on the board. +licit their co ponents in affir ative and negative for (for ula). 3sk learners to co e to the board and write the for ula. -earners are given !orksheet 2. 3sk the to work alone to co plete the exercises. )heck that learners have co pleted the task successfully. )heck that learners% answers are correct and help as necessary. 3sk learners to work with a partner. 1ive each learner a flashcard. -earners use both cards and tell each other a sentence using can/cant to talk about their abilities or inabilities.
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?irect correction
)heck that learners% answers are correct and help as necessary. 2ut learners into groups of three. 1ive each group an envelope with cards which have the co ponents of a sentence. 3sk the to for correct sentences. 3sk learners to read their sentences and teacher helps as necessary.
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-or%sheet .
7ead each paragraph and write the na e of the fa ous people in the correct box. Salma (a"e% Pa l !c/artne" Sha%ira !ichael Phelps 0):::::::::::::: (e was born on @une 9A, 086;, in #alti ore, >,. (e is an athlete. (e can swi very fast. (e eats spaghetti and piBBa as part of his diet. (e trains approx. nine hours a day. (e can do gy nastics but he can%t play soccer well. (e won eight edals at the 2AAC =ly pic 1a es in 3thens, 1reece. 2):::::::::::: This fa ous actress was born on ,epte ber 2, 08DD, in )oatBacoalcos, 'eracruB, *exico. ,he is the daughter of a ,panish other and -ebanese father. "n 0880, she oved to -os 3ngeles. ,he can speak +nglish very well. ,he can act and produce fil s. ,he loves usic but she can%t sing well.
9):::::::::::: ,he was born on &ebruary 2, 08EE, in #arran4uilla, )olo bia. (er father is -ebanese and her other is )olo bian. ,he can sing and dance very well. ,he is very popular around the world. ,he can write songs in +nglish. ,he likes fil s but she can%t act. ,he created the 2ies ?escalBos &oundation to help children in )olo bia. C)::::::::::::::::: (e was born on @une 06, 08C2, in -iverpool, +ngland. (e is a #ritish vocalist. (e can sing and co pose beautiful songs. (e worked with The #eatles in the 08DAs. (e can play different instru ents but he can%t use a co puter well. (e is a creative person, he can write poe s and one of his favourite hobbies is painting
-or%sheet 0 -ook at the pictures and write a sentence using can or cant and a verb that fits. *ike ::::::::::::::::::::::::: the guitar. #ob :::::::::::::::::::::::: his car fast. *y friends :::::::::::::::::::: disco ,usan ::::::::::::::::::::: &rench. usic.
1lac%board plan