Consumer Motivation & Needs
Consumer Motivation & Needs
Consumer Motivation & Needs
Motivation is the driving force within individuals that impels them to action. This driving force is produced by a state of uncomfortable tension, which exists as the result of an unsatisfied need. All individuals have needs, wants, and desires. The individuals subconscious drive to reduce need-induced tensions results in behavior that he or she anticipates will satisfy needs and thus bring about a more comfortable internal state. Motivation can be either positive or negative. Innate needsthose an individual is born withare physiological (biogenic) in nature; they include all the factors required to sustain physical life (e.g., food, water, clothing, shelter, sex, and physical safety). Acquired needsthose an individual develops after birthare primarily psychological (psychogenic); they include love, acceptance, esteem, and self-fulfillment. All behavior is goal oriented. Goals are the sought-after results of motivated behavior. The form or direction that behavior takesthe goal that is selectedis a result of thinking processes (cognition) and previous learning (e.g., experience). There are two types of goals: generic goals and product specific goals. A generic goal is a general category of goal that may fulfill a certain need; a product-specific goal is a specifically branded or labeled product that the individual sees as a way to fulfill a need. Product-specific needs are sometimes referred to as wants. For any innate or acquired need, there are many different and appropriate goals. The specific goal selected depends on the individuals experiences, physical capacity, prevailing cultural norms and values, and the goals accessibility in the physical and social environment. Needs and goals are interdependent and change in response to the individuals physical condition, environment, interaction with other people, and experiences. As needs become satisfied, new, higher-order needs emerge that must be fulfilled. Failure to achieve a goal often results in feelings of frustration. Individuals react to frustration in two ways: fight or flight. They may cope by finding a way around the obstacle that prohibits goal attainment or by adopting a substitute goal (fight); or they may adopt a defense mechanism that enables them to protect their self-esteem (flight). Defense mechanisms include aggression, regression, rationalization, withdrawal, projection, daydreaming, identification, and repression. Motives cannot easily be inferred from consumer behavior. People with different needs may seek fulfillment through selection of the same goals; people with the same needs may seek fulfillment through different goals. Although some psychologists have suggested that individuals have different need priorities, others believe that most human beings experience the same basic needs, to which they assign a similar priority ranking. Maslows hierarchy-ofneeds theory proposes five levels of human needs: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, egoistic needs, and self-actualization needs. Other needs widely integrated into consumer advertising include the needs for power, affiliation, and achievement. There are self-reported and qualitative methods for identifying and measuring human motives, and researchers use these techniques in tandem to assess the presence or strength of consumer motives. Motivational research and its current extended form (commonly referred to as qualitative research), seeks to delve below the consumers level of conscious awareness, and to identify underlying needs and motives. Moreover, quantitative research has proved to be of value to marketers in developing new ideas and advertising copy appeals.
1. Human needsconsumer needs are the basis of all modern marketing. a) b)
Needs are the essence of the marketing concept. The key to a companys survival, profitability, and growth in a highly competitive marketing environment is its ability to identify and satisfy unfulfilled consumer needs better and sooner than the competition.
2. Marketers do not create needs, although in many instances they may make consumers
corporate focus on developing products that will satisfy consumers needs ensures that the company stays in the forefront of the search for new and effective solutions. A. Discuss the statement marketers dont create needs; needs pre-exist marketers. Can marketing efforts change consumers needs? Why or why not? Can marketing efforts arouse consumer needs? If yes, how? Needs
1. Every individual has needs; some are innate, others are acquired. 2. Innate needs are physiological or biogenic, and include food, water, air, clothing, shelter,
4. 5. 6.
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and sex. a) These needs (innate) are considered primary needs or motives. Acquired needs are needs that we learn in response to our culture or environment and include the need for self-esteem, prestige, affection, power, and learning. a) Because acquired needs are generally psychological (i.e., psychogenic), they are considered secondary needs or motives. b) They result from the individuals subjective psychological state and from relationships with others. Motives or needs can have a positive or negative direction. We may feel a driving force toward some object or condition or a driving force away from some object or condition. Some psychologists refer to positive drives as needs, wants, or desires and to negative drives as fears or aversions. However, although positive and negative motivational forces seem to differ dramatically in terms of physical (and sometimes emotional) activity, they are basically similar in that both serve to initiate and sustain human behavior. For this reason, researchers often refer to both kinds of drives or motives as needs, wants, and desires. Some theorists distinguish wants from needs by defining wants as product-specific needs. Others differentiate between desires, on the one hand, and needs and wants on the other. There is no uniformly accepted distinction among the terms needs, wants, and desires.
1. Goals are the sought after results of motivated behavior. All behavior is goal oriented. 2. Generic goals are the general classes or categories of goals that consumers select to
branded products and services that consumer select for goal fulfillment. 5. Individuals set goals on the basis of their personal values and they select means (or behaviors) that they believe will help them achieve their desired goals. The Selection of Goals
1. Goal selection by individuals depends on: a) Their personal experiences. b) Physical capacity. c) Prevailing cultural norms and values. d) The goals accessibility in the physical and social environment. 2. Like needs, goals can be positive or negative. 3. A positive goal is one toward which behavior is directed; thus it is often referred to as an 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
approach object. A negative goal is one from which behavior is directed away and is referred to as an avoidance object. Because both approach and avoidance goals are the results of motivated behavior, most researchers refer to both simply as goals. Many studies applied goal selection into consumption situations. One study found that approach-oriented and avoidance-oriented consumers are likely to respond differently to promotional appeals. Goals are also related to negative forms of consumption behavior.
emotional motives.
2. They use the term rationality in the traditional economic sense, which assumes that
consumers behave rationally when they carefully consider all alternatives and choose those that give them the greatest utility. 3. In a marketing context, the term rationality implies that consumers select goals based on totally objective criteria, such as size, weight, price, or miles per gallon. Emotional motives imply the selection of goals according to personal or subjective criteria (e.g., pride, fear, affection, status). 4. Recent studies illustrate the complexity of rational versus emotional motivation during consumption.
order needs emerge as lower-order needs are fulfilled. Success and Failure Influence Goals
1. Researchers have concluded that individuals who successfully achieve their goals usually
set new and higher goals for themselves. Individuals raise their levels of aspiration.
2. The nature and persistence of an individuals behavior often is influenced by expectations
between consumer expectations and objective performance. i) Even a good product will not be repurchased if it fails to live up to unrealistic expectations created by ads that overpromise. Substitute Goals
1. When an individual cannot attain a specific goal or type of goal that he or she anticipates
primary-goal status.
1. Failure to achieve a goal often results in feelings of frustration. Individuals react
personal failure and experience feelings of anxiety. 4. Products may represent creative responses to the concept of frustration. Defense Mechanisms
1. People who cannot cope with frustration often mentally redefine the frustrating situation
forms, such as aggression, rationalization, regression, withdrawal, projection, daydreaming, identification, and repression. 4. Marketers often consider the protection of self-esteem by consumers when selecting advertising appeals. The ads (appeals) often portray a person resolving a particular frustration through the use of the advertised product. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
1. Dr. Abraham Maslow formulated a widely accepted theory of human motivation.
Maslow's theory identifies five basic levels of human needs, which rank in order of importance from low-level (biogenic) needs to higher-level (psychogenic) needs. 2. Maslows hierarchy of needs theory suggests that individuals seek to satisfy lower-level needs before higher-level needs emerge. Physiological Needs
1. In the hierarchy-of-needs theory, physiological needs are the first and most basic level of
human needs.
2. Physiological needs are those things that are required to sustain biological life: food,
Safety Needs
1. Safety needs are concerned with much more than physical safety. They include order,
stability, routine, familiarity, control over ones life and environment. Health and the availability of health care are important safety concerns.
Social Needs
1. Social needs relate to such things as love, affection, belonging, and acceptance. 2. Because of the importance of social motives in our society, advertisers of many product
esteem, for success, for independence, and for personal satisfaction with a job well done.
3. Outwardly-directed ego needs include the needs for prestige, for reputation, for status,
become everything he or she is capable of becoming. 2. According to Maslow, most people do not satisfy their ego needs sufficiently to ever reach this level. An Evaluation of the Need Hierarchy and Marketing Applications
1. The major problem with Maslows theory is that it cannot be tested empirically; there is
no easy way to measure precisely how satisfied one need is before the next higher need becomes operative. 2. Maslows hierarchy offers a useful, comprehensive framework for marketers trying to develop appropriate advertising appeals for their products. 3. The hierarchy enables marketers to focus their advertising appeals on a need level that is likely to be shared by a large segment of the prospective audience. 4. The hierarchy facilitates product positioning or repositioning. Segmentation and Promotional Applications
1. Maslows need hierarchy is readily adaptable to market segmentation and the
development of advertising appeals because there are consumer goods designed to satisfy each of the need levels and because most needs are shared by large segments of consumers. 2. Advertisers may use the need hierarchy for positioning productsthat is, deciding how the product should be perceived by prospective consumers. 3. The key to positioning is to find a niche that is not occupied by a competing product or brand. 4. The need hierarchy is a very versatile tool for developing positioning strategies because different appeals for the same product can be based on different needs included in this framework.