Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry Blanchard 5thed1937
Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry Blanchard 5thed1937
Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry Blanchard 5thed1937
ARTHUR A. B L A N C H A R D , P h . D .
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
J O S E P H W . P H E L A N , S.B.
Late Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
A R T H U R R. DAVIS, P h . D .
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
COPYRIGHT, 1908, 1910, 1916,
1908 Copyright renewed 1935
1910 Copyright renewed 1937
COPYRIGHT, 1922, 1930,
Printed in U. S. A. 4-39
Printing Composition Binding
Six years have elapsed since the appearance of the Fourth
Edition of this book. The general plan and purposes of the course
therein outlined have continued to meet satisfactorily the problem
of first-year college students in chemistry, yet the number of
improvements and supplementary preparations and exercises that
the present authors have accumulated and in part used hi piano-
graph form has so increased that a new edition seems to be in order.
A very considerable portion of the text has been wholly rewritten,
and the entire text has been subjected to a revision and rearrange-
ment. Specific new exercises and discussions which have been
introduced include such topics as the determinations of vapor
density and molecular weight, the standardization of acids and
the titration of acids and bases, Faraday's law, and the use of the
pH scale of hydrogen-ion concentration. Several new prepara-
tions have been introduced, and a few of the old ones have been
discontinued. A complete list of apparatus and chemicals re-
quired in the course has been added to the Appendix.
The purpose of this, as well as of the former editions, may be
indicated by a brief statement of the manner in which it is used
with the large freshman class at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. The entire year's work for both laboratory and
class room is outlined in this book. Each year a list of experi-
ments and preparations is made out and posted. All students
are supposed to perform these exercises (thirty laboratory periods
of three hours each in the course), and the class room exercises
(sixty hours) are built around the methods and principles of this
work. The lectures in chemistry (sixty hours) follow approxi-
mately the order in which the elements are taken up in the book,
but no attempt is made to keep in exact step. The historical, in-
dustrial, and economic aspects of chemistry are left largely to the
lectures, whereas the discussion of problems, both numerical and
manipulative, is left for class room and laboratory.
The students of barely passing grade may not complete more
than the posted exercises, but to the enthusiastic student is open
a free choice of the other preparations, subject of course to the
laboratory facilities. Indeed, except that he must not forget that
class room quizzes and examinations are based on the posted
preparations, the better student may be allowed to substitute
others for posted ones.
All students entering the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology should have met an entrance requirement in chemistry.
It is very discouraging to such students to be set at once to re-
viewing what they have already had, however much they may
need the review. The nature, and the considerable freedom in
the choice, of laboratory work solves this situation in a very
satisfactory manner. A review of preparatory school work is of
course necessary, but by bringing this in incidentally the sting
of it is removed.
The chapters of the book are divided into two parts, part
one containing the directions for laboratory work, and part two
the discussion of principles, review of previous work, and problems.
Except for Chapters I and III the first part contains the directions
for preparations involving the elements with which the chapter is
concerned. Part two of these chapters contains directions for
short experiments, many of which will be familiar from secondary
school work or will have been shown in the lecture; the facts ob-
served in the experiments, however, are stated, and the significance
of the facts is discussed in the text. The student is privileged
to perform as many of these experiments as he elects, but he is not
required to perform any. He is required, however, to study and
understand the experiments. In this way the necessary review is
achieved while at the same time adding considerably to the
student's previous knowledge and comprehension. These chapters
end "with a set of general questions which require a good deal of
thinking and looking up of data. Written discussions of these
questions are to be handed in by all students.
Chapter I is devoted to the quantitative measurements of
chemistry — combining ratios, densities, and so forth. Part one
may be actually performed in the laboratory or it may be handled
with part two entirely in the class room; the laboratory work
may start with the preparations of Chapters II and IV. Chapter
III deals with the ionic theory. The preparation work is inter-
rupted after about the fifth week and the short experiments in
ionization are performed in the laboratory. Part two of Chapter
III is simultaneously handled in the class room.
Experiments 23
Exp. 1. The combining Ratio of Zinc and Oxygen 24
Exp. 2. Weight of a Liter of Oxygen 25
Exp. 3. Volume of Hydrogen displaced by Zinc 28
Exp. 4. The Combining Ratio of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Water. 30
Exp. 5. Approximate Molecular Weight of a Volatile Liquid by
Dumas' Method 33
Notes and Problems 36
The law of definite proportions. The law of multiple proportions.
The law of combining weights. The atomic theory. Atomic
weights. Standard of atomic weights, 0 = 16. Measurement of
gases. Boyle's law. Charles' law. Dalton's law. Saturated water
vapor. Gay-Lussac's law of combining volumes. Avogadro's
principle. Molecular weights; Moles. Molal volume. Avogadro's
number. Atomic weights. Derivation of a formula.
Preparations 52
1. Potassium Nitrate 52
2. Crystallized Sodium Carbonate 58
3. Ammonium-Copper Sulphate 61
4. Potassium-Copper Sulphate 62
Experiments 63
Hydrates. Water of hydration. Composition of a crystal hydrate.
Efflorescence. Deliquescence. Elements and Water. Sodium.
Calcium. Magnesium. Iron. Removal of protective coating by
chemical action. Chlorine and water. Oxides and Water. Sodium
oxide. Calcium oxide. Magnesium oxide. Non-metal oxides.
Water contains two separately replacable portions of hydrogen.
Water as a solvent: concentration of solutions. Mole. Molal solu-
tion. Formula weight. Formal solution. Equivalent weight.
Normal solution 74
Experiment 6. Standardization of Solutions 76
Specific gravity 79
Formula weight method in chemical Arithmetic 79
Problems 80
General Questions II 81
ations . . . .. 137
Copper Oxide 137
Hydrogen Peroxide and Barium Peroxide Hydrate 139
Hydrochloric Acid .. 142
Hydrobromic Acid 144
9 Barium Chloride 147
10 Aluminum Sulphide 149
11 Calcium Sulphide 150
12. Mercuric Sulphide 151
13. Aluminum Nitride 153
14 Magnesium Nitride and Ammonium Chloride 154
Experiments . . 157
Valence Oxides Behavior of oxides and peroxides The halo-
gens Formation and properties of the hydrogen hahdes Charac-
teristic reaction of the hahde ions Relative activity of the halogens,
oxygen and sulphur Sulphur Nitrogen.
General Questions IV . 177
Preparations . . . 179
15. Sodium Carbonate by the Ammonia Process .. 179
16 Caustic Alkali from Alkali Carbonate 183
17 Sodium Hydroxide by the Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride
Solution Faraday's Law 185
18 Chemically Pure Sodium Chloride from Rock Salt 189
19 Ammonium Bromide 192
20 Strontium Hydroxide from Strontium Sulphate 194
21 Strontium Chloride from Strontium Sulphate 196
22 Barium Oxide and Barium Hydroxide from Barium Carbonate 199
Experiments 202
Stability of catbonates Oxides and water. Solubility and basic
strength of hydroxides Ammonium compounds
General Questions V . 205
25. Hydrated Aluminum Chloride 212
26. Anhydrous Aluminum Bromide 213
Experiments 216
Acid strength of boric acid. Amphoteric substances. Acid and
basic strength of aluminum hydroxide. Hydrolysis of aluminum
General Questions VI 219
Preparations 220
27. Crystallized Copper Sulphate from Copper Turnings 220
28. Cuprous Chloride 222
29. Cuprous Oxide 225
30. Ammonio-Copper Sulphate 227
31. Zinc Oxide 229
32. Mercurous Nitrate 232
33. Mercuric Nitrate 233
34. Mercuric Sulphocyanate 234
Experiments 236
Stability of carbonates. Hydrolysis of salts. Hydroxides. Basic
strength of silver oxide. Ammoniates. Complex negative ions.
Sulphides. Electromotive series.
General Questions VII 240
Preparations 242
35. Potassium Bromate and Potassium Bromide 243
36. Potassium Chlorate 246
37. Potassium Iodate 248
38. Iodic Acid; Iodine Pentoxide 249
39. Potassium Perchlorate 251
40. Sodium Thiosulphate 252
Experiments 255
Hypochlorites. Hypobromites. Chlorates and bromates. Bromic
and iodic acids. Properties of potassium chlorate. Reduction of
iodic acid. Sulphur dioxide. Sulphurous acid. Reducing action
of sulphurous acid. Oxidizing action of sulphur dioxide and sul-
phurous acid. Dehydrating action of sulphuric acid. Oxidizing
action of sulphuric acid. Nitric acid as an oxidizing agent. Nitrous
acid. Reducing action of nitrous acid.
General Questions VHI 264
Preparations 266
41. Precipitated Silica 266
42. Stannous Chloride 268
43. Stannic Sulphide (Mosaic Gold) 271
44. Anhydrous Stannic Chloride 273
45. Anhydrous Stannic Bromide 275
46. Lead Nitrate 278
47. Lead Dioxide 279
48. Red Lead 281
49. Ceric Oxide from Cerous Oxalate 283
50. Cerous Oxalate 284
51. Cerous Chloride 286
Experiments 287
Carbon dioxide. Combustibility of carbon compounds. Carbon
monoxide. Carbides. Silicon dioxide and silicic acid. Hydrolysis
of stannous salts. Reducing action of stannous salts. Lead salts.
Amphoteric character of hydroxides of tin and lead. Stannic acid.
Thio-salts of tin. Lead dioxide. Lead tetrachloride. Stability of
lead carbonate.
General Questions IX 297
Preparations 298
52. Ortho Phosphoric Acid 298
53. Disodium Phosphate 301
54. Phosphorus Tribromide. , 303
55. Arsenic Acid 305
56. Antimony Trichloride 308
57. Sodium Sulphantimonate 310
58. Antimony Pentasulphide 312
59. Metallic Antimony 313
60. Bismuth Basic Nitrate 314
Experiments 315
Oxidation products of the elements of Group V. Sulphides and thio-
salts. Reducing action of phosphorous acid. Non-oxidizing prop-
erty of phosphoric acid. Arsenious and arsenic acids. Reduction
of bismuth salts. Bismuth in a higher state of oxidation.
General Questions X 318
Preparations . . 320
61. Potassium Chromate and Dichromate 321
62 Chromic Anhydride . 324
63 Ammonium Chromate and Dichromate . 326
64 Chromic Alum 328
65. Basic Lead Chromate .. 330
66 Chromium Metal . . 332
67 Calcium Molybdate . 333
68. Ammonium Tungstate . . . . 334
69 Selemous Acid . 335
70 Manganous Chloride . 336
71 Potassium Permanganate 338
72 Manganese Metal 341
73. Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate and Feme Ammonium Alum 342
Experiments . 345
Stability of carbonates of metals in divalent state. Non-existence
of carbonates of tnvalent metals. Oxidation of a divalent oxide.
Properties of the hydroxides. Action of alkaline oxidizing agents
Oxidation in alkaline fusion. Permanganate Chromate and di-
General Questions XI 350
Concentration of Reagents . . . ... 352
Tension of Saturated Aqueous Vapor . . 353
Electromotive Series . . . 353
Periodic Classification of the Elements According to their Atomic
Numbers and the Arrangement of their Electrons 354
Chart The Periodic Arrangement according to Electron Groupings 355
Solubility Tables 364
Specific Gravity of Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Solutions . 371
Specific Gravity of Aqueous Hydrobromic Acid Solutions . . . 371
In the majority of chemical processes which are carried out
in the wet way, separations are accomplished by taking advantage
of differences in solubility. If a certain product is extremely
insoluble and is formed almost instantaneously when solutions
containing the requisite components are mixed, the process is called
precipitation and the insoluble substance is called the precipitate.
If the product to be formed is less insoluble, so that it separates
more slowly, or only after evaporating away a part of the solvent,
the process is called crystallization.
In some cases the precipitate, or the crystals, constitute the
desired product; in others, a product which it is necessary to
remove from the solution before the desired product can be ob-
tained pure. In either case it is necessary to make as complete
a separation as possible of the solid from the liquid. This in-
volves the manipulations described under Notes 2, 3 and 4.
In pouring a liquid from a vessel, either into a filter or into
another vessel, care must be taken not to slop the liquid or to
allow it to run down the outside of the vessel from which it is
poured. To this end touch a stirring rod to the lip of the dish
or beaker (Fig. 1) and allow the liquid to run down the rod.
FIG. l FIG. 2
(a) Washing on the Filter. Precipitates and crystals are washed
to remove the impurities contained in the mother liquor which
clings to them. Pure water is used for washing provided the solid
is not too soluble or is not decomposed (hydrolyzed) by it. Special
original volume of the mixture (Fig. 4), any soluble substances will
still remain uniformly distributed throughout the whole volume.
If now the upper four-fifths, consisting of the clear solution, is
drawn away, it follows that practically one-fifth of the solution,
containing one-fifth of the soluble impurities, remains with the
precipitate. By stirring up the solid again with pure water, the
soluble impurities become uniformly distributed through the larger
volume, and on letting the precipitate settle and drawing off
four-fifths of the liquid, as before, there will remain with the wet
precipitate only £ X i = •£% of the original soluble matter. After
the third decantation the remaining suspension will contain
i X ^ = j^s of the original impurities, and so on.
(a) When it is necessary to remove a part of the solvent from a
solution, as when a dissolved substance is to be crystallized from it,
the solution is evaporated. In some cases, where the dissolved
substance is volatile or is decomposed by heat, the evaporation
must take place at room temperature, but ordinarily the liquid
may be boiled. The concentration of a solution should always be
carried out in a porcelain dish of such size that at the outset it is
well filled with the liquid. The flame should be applied directly
under the middle of the dish where the liquid is deepest; the part
of the dish against which the flame plays directly should be pro-
tected with wire gauze. Under no circumstances should the flame
be allowed to play up over the sides of the dish: first, because, by
heating the dish where it is only partly cooled by liquid, there is
great danger of breakage; second, because, by heating the sides, the
film of liquid which creeps up is evaporated and the solid deposited
becomes baked hard and in some cases is decomposed. To prevent
the formation of a solid crust around the edges, which even at best
will take place to some extent, the dish should occasionally be tilted
back and forth a little, so that the crust may be dissolved, or
loosened, and washed back into the middle of the dish.
While evaporating a solution over a flame it should be carefully
watched, for if it should be allowed to evaporate to dryness the
dish would probably break and the product be spoiled. If a pre-
cipitate or crystals separate from the liquid and collect in a layer
at the bottom, the dish may break, because where the solid pre-
vents a free circulation of the liquid the dish becomes superheated,
and then when in any one place the liquid does penetrate, the
sudden cooling causes the porcelain to crack. Usually when a
solid begins to separate from a boiling liquid the evaporation should
be stopped and the liquid left to crystallize. After that the
mother liquor may be evaporated further in a smaller dish.
(6) Evaporating to Dryness. The only circumstances under
which a direct flame may be used to evaporate to dryness are
that the dish shall be held in the hand all the time and the contents
rotated to keep the sides of the dish wet.
Steam Bath. Laboratories are sometimes
equipped with general steam baths, which
are copper or soapstone chests kept filled
with steam, and provided with round open-
ings in the top into which evaporating
dishes may be set.
Each student, however, may set up a
steam bath, as shown in Fig. 5, at his own
desk. After the water in the beaker
reaches the boiling point a very small
flame is all that should be used, because
the steam that escapes around the sides of
the dish is wasted; only as much as will
condense on the bottom of the dish is
effective. With such a steam bath there
is no danger of spattering or of decom-
FIG. 5. Steam Bath for posing the solid product while evaporating
Evaporating to Dry- a solution to dryness.
ness. Note 6 (6)
Hot Plate. A large, thick iron plate
kept hot with a burner or with steam coils is useful for drying
certain damp preparations.
(a) A great number of pure substances are capable of assuming
the crystalline condition when in the solid form. Crystals are
bounded by plane surfaces, which make definite and characteristic
angles with each other and with the so-called axes of the crystals.
The external form of a crystal reflects in some manner the shape
or structure of the individual molecules of the substance, for the
crystal must be regarded as being built up by the deposition of
layer on layer of molecules, all of which are placed in the same
definite spatial relation to the neighboring molecules.
When a substance takes on the solid form very rapidly (as when
melted glass or wax cools) its molecules do not have an opportunity
to arrange themselves in a regular order, and consequently the
solid body is amorphous. The axes of the individual molecules
point in every direction without regularity, and consequently the
solid body possesses no crystalline axes or planes.
It is evident from the above that the essential condition favor-
ing the formation of perfect crystals is that the solid shall be built
up very slowly. This is the only general rule which can be given
in regard to the formation of perfect crystals.
The excellence of a chemical preparation is judged largely
from its appearance. The more uniform and perfect the crystals,
the better appearance the preparation presents.
In the following preparations sometimes a pure melted sub-
stance is allowed to crystallize by simply cooling; the cooling
should then take place slowly. More often crystals are formed
by the separation of a dissolved substance from a saturated solu-
tion. Perfect crystals can best be obtained in this case by keep-
ing the solution at a constant temperature and allowing it to
(a) A preparation that is not affected by the atmosphere can
be dried by being spread in a thin layer, allowing the liquid adher-
ing to the grains or crystals to evaporate. Paper towels are
extremely useful in drying preparations because a great deal of the
moisture is absorbed into the pores. When a corrosive liquid, for
example nitric acid, clings to the product, the latter is best spread
on an unglazed earthenware dish, which absorbs the liquid without
being attacked by it. During the drying the material should
occasionally be turned over with a spatula.
If the material is not decomposed by heat it can be dried much
more rapidly in a warm place, as on a steam-heated iron plate
(steam table); but a product containing water of crystallization
should never be dried at an elevated temperature. During the drying
the preparation must, of course, be carefully protected from
(b) Efflorescent crystals and crystals which absorb carbon di-
oxide should be quickly pressed between paper towels until as
much as possible of the liquid is soaked up, and then they should
be wrapped in a tight package in several layers of fresh paper
towels and left in the cupboard for not more than 24 hours. The
liquid is drawn by capillarity into the paper and evaporates from
the outer surface, but the paper so impedes the circulation of air
that water vapor does not escape, and the crystals will not effloresce
unless left for more than a day. With preparations that react
with carbon dioxide (such as barium hydroxide) the solution which
soaks into the paper retains all the carbon dioxide which might
otherwise contaminate the product.
(c) Substances which decompose on standing exposed to the air
may be quickly dried if they are first rinsed with alcohol, or with
alcohol and then ether. Rinsing with alcohol removes nearly all
the adhering water, and a further rinsing with ether removes
the alcohol. Alcohol evaporates more rapidly than water, but
In chemical reactions in which solid substances are involved the
action is limited to the surface of the solid, and for this reason it is
evident that it must be much slower than reactions which take
place between dissolved substances; it is also evident that, the
more finely powdered a solid substance, the greater is its surface,
and therefore the more rapidly it will react.
For grinding any quantity of a substance a large porcelain
mortar (say 8 inches in diameter) with a heavy pestle is preferable
to the small mortars usually supplied in the desks. One or more
such mortars is placed in the laboratory for general use.
If a hard substance can be obtained only in large pieces, it should
first be broken with a hammer, then crushed into small particles
in an iron or steel mortar, after which it should be ground in the
porcelain mortar. In the final grinding it is often advisable to sift
the fairly fine from the coarser particles, then to finish grinding
the former by itself and to crush and grind the coarser particles
Various indicators are used to determine whether a solution is
acidic or basic. For example, litmus is red in the presence of acid,
blue in the presence of a base, and of an intermediate purple tint
FIG. 9
Assemble the apparatus as shown in the diagram. The stem
of the generator tube E should reach flush with the bottom of the
stopper but not below. The delivery tube C should reach nearly
to the bottom of the generator bottle D. Place the requisite
amount of calcium carbonate (or zinc, or ferrous sulphide) in the
generator tube. Then insert a loose plug of glass wool F about
1| inches long so that it will stand about midway between the
top of the solid material and the stopper in the mouth of the tube,
and act as a gas filter (to remove acid spray). Pour the requisite
amount of acid into the reservoir A; clamp the reservoir at just
the same height as the generator tube, and pour in water cautiously
until the acid rises and barely touches the solid in the generator
tube. The generation of gas will now begin and proceed auto-
matically as fast as the gas is allowed to flow from the delivery
tube H.
Place the solution to be saturated with the gas in the flask G,
insert the stopper and delivery tube, but let the stopper remain
loose until the air is entirely expelled. Then make the stopper
tight; the gas will pass in as rapidly as it can be absorbed by the
solution. Shaking the receiving flask will greatly increase the
rapidity of absorption, but this should be done with a good deal
of caution at first, because if the undiluted acid is drawn too sud-
denly up in the tube E, the violence of the reaction may either blow
out the stoppers or drive foam through the glass wool filter F and
into the delivery tube H. After the solution is partly saturated
the flask may be shaken continuously and the reservoir A raised
to a higher level.
Two types of balances are available for weighing:
1. Rough Balances or Platform Scales. These are to be used
for weighing out materials approximately for preparations and
qualitative experiments and for weighing heavy objects of more
than 100 grams.
2. Analytical balances, which will weigh accurately to a centi-
gram. These balances are enclosed in glass cases. They are not
as sensitive as the best analytical balances, which weigh to one-
tenth of a milligram, but they are sufficiently accurate to do some
kinds of work extremely well and are so sensitive that they require
careful and intelligent handling. Hence before using one of these
balances apply to an instructor for individual instruction as to its
manipulation. The balances must not be used until permission
is obtained. The following general rules must always be ob-
served :
1. No load of more than 100 grams should be put on the sensitive
balances. No object heavier than this will need to be weighed
with a greater precision than can be obtained on the platform
2. The material to be weighed, unless it is in a single, clean,
dry piece, should never be placed directly on the scale pan.
Zinc and zinc oxide are both substances the weights of which
can be determined accurately, so that the quantity of oxygen which
is combined in the oxide can be found by difference. To convert
quantitatively a definite amount of zinc into the oxide by means
of direct combination with oxygen would be a difficult operation;
but the same result is accomplished indirectly by first treating
the metal with nitric acid to obtain the nitrate and then decom-
posing the zinc nitrate by heat, which leaves a residue of zinc
Materials: zinc, chemically pure, about 20 mesh,
nitric acid, 6iV.
Apparatus: 4-inch porcelain dish.
5-inch watch glass. •
600-cc. beaker.
Bunsen burner,
triangle, nichrome wire,
iron ring and ring stand.
Copy the following form on the left-hand page of your'note
book for recording data :
Weight of evaporating dish + zinc grams
Weight of empty evaporating dish grams
Weight of zinc grams
Ring M I
7 J
1 'l
Elbow Tube^
r 1
Pyrex T&bey^r^H
Ring Stand Large
must be brought to the same pressure, so that the two volumes
are directly comparable. Note: It is important that the flexible
rubber tube be filled completely with water; otherwise, when the
levels are equalized, there will be a column of air in one part and
a column of water in another part of the tube and the pressure on
the gas in the flask will not be the same as that of the atmosphere
on the water in the beaker. Empty the beaker and weigh it on
the platform balance (do not use the analytical balance) without
drying it. Hold the jet pointing into the beaker so that the
water may be seen dripping into it, and thus the rate of the pro-
duction of gas regulated. Open the pinch cock and commence
heating the potassium chlorate, so that a steady, but not a rapid,
stream of water runs from the jet. Heat slowly to avoid exces-
sive pressure and to prevent the entrainment of finely divided
solid salt in the gas stream issuing from the tube. If for any
reason the heating is interrupted during the process, submerge
the jet beneath the liquid, so that water, not air, will be sucked
back into the tube and flask. When about 400 cc. of water have
been forced over, submerge the jet and allow the ignition tube to
cool to room temperature. Raise the beaker to equalize the water
levels, and close the cock. Record the temperature of the lab-
oratory and the barometer reading. Weigh the water in the
beaker on the platform balance, which gives the actual volume of
the oxygen evolved. Calculate its volume under standard con-
ditions. Weigh the tube again, and the loss gives the weight of
Calculation. From your data calculate the weight of 1 liter of
oxygen under standard conditions.
Burette Clamp
Rubber Tube
Small Flask
Large Fan
Glass .Elbow
FlG. 11
drying tube lead an 18-inch rubber tube to a trough. This tube
should have a right angle, 3-inch glass tube, attached to its end.
Inside the drying tube is to be placed the zinc. Obtain a rod of it
about 2.5 cm. long and 0.6 cm. in diameter. Clean and dry it, and
weigh it accurately. A short piece of twisted copper wire supports
the zinc in the tube. Pour water into the funnel until the whole ap-
paratus is filled, and close the pinch cock. When everything is
ready invert a 300-cc. flask completely filled with water, over the
end of the glass tube in the trough. Pour dilute hydrochloric acid
(6iV) into the funnel and allow it to pass the pinch cock until
Data Form:
Weight of boat + copper oxide before reaction. grams
Weight of boat + copper after reaction grams
Weight of oxygen grams
Weight of U-tube after reaction grams
Weight of U-tube before reaction grams
Weight of water formed grams
Procedure: While setting up the apparatus as shown in Fig. 12
heat 5 or 6 grams of copper oxide to redness in a porcelain boat
so as to drive off any water it may contain. Place about 30 grams
of feathered zinc in an 8-ounce bottle. Through a tight-fitting,
two-hole rubber stopper pass a thistle tube reaching to the bottom
and an elbow tube just entering the top of the bottle. Fill each
of the U-tubes with granular calcium chloride to within 2 cm. of
the side arms, and insert a loose plug of cotton on top of the
calcium chloride on each side. Attach one of the U-tubes to the
generator tube on one side and the combustion tube on the other.
The latter should slope downward at an angle of 5° to 10°.
The other end of the combustion tube is attached to the second
drying tube. The two ends of the glass tubes should touch under
the short rubber connector. The second calcium chloride tube
should be prepared with especial care and be weighed accurately-
just before starting the operation. Prolong its open arm with an
elbow tube whose one end, drawn out to a capillary, is turned
upward. Test the tightness of the apparatus: This may be done
by adding enough water to the generating bottle to seal the end
•Comirasflbn Tube
Porcelain Boat and CuO Cotton
[am Chloride
Side Arm U-Tobe
- Ring Stand^
FIG. 12
of the thistle tube, then holding a finger on the exit tube of the
apparatus and pouring more water into the thistle tube. If the
top of the column of water in the thistle tube maintains its level
the apparatus is tight. Pour a few cubic centimeters of 6iV
hydrochloric acid through the thistle tube, let hydrogen generate
slowly, and fill the apparatus while preparing the rest of the
After it has cooled, accurately weigh the porcelain boat filled
with the copper oxide. Place the boat carefully, without spilling
any of the copper oxide, in the middle of the combustion tube.
Add a little more acid to the generator, and wait until the ap-
paratus is completely rilled with hydrogen before proceeding fur-
ther. Never bring a flame near the apparatus until the purity of
the hydrogen escaping has been proved. Test the hydrogen by
holding a short test tube over the jet and carrying the tube, mouth
downward, to a distant flame. If the gas does not explode, but
burns quietly, quickly convey the tube, still with mouth down-
ward, to the jet. If the hydrogen still burning in the tube ignites
the jet, it is then safe to proceed with the experiment. The gas
at the jet should be left burning. Increase the evolution of hydro-
of the wire holder to a ring stand. A split cork stopper will hold
the wire in the jaws of the clamp. The bottom of the bulb should
be about 1 cm. from the bottom of the beaker. Carry the apparatus
to the hood, and heat the water
with a low flame until it reaches
Split Cork
the boiling point. Maintain the K
bath at this temperature until
the carbon tetrachloride has en-
tirely vaporized, and the excess
vapor has escaped through the
open tip. After a lighted match - Wire Holder
is no longer extinguished at the
tip, wait two minutes for the
vapor in the bulb to be heated
to the temperature of the boiling
water, and for the pressure in-
side the bulb to come to equilib-
rium with the atmosphere out- .Dumas Bulb
side. Still keep the water
boiling, and, by means of a / Porcelain
second burner, warm the ex-
posed stem to vaporize any car-
bon tetrachloride which may
have condensed in it. Seal the
bulb by holding the flame at
the tip of the capillary. Re-
move the bulb from the beaker,
dry it, and tip it bottom up.
The condensed carbon tetra-
chloride will run into the stem
of the bulb, and if the tip is not
completely sealed bubbles of air
will be drawn through the liquid - d
into the bulb. If this happens F I G - 13
turn the bulb right side up and
immediately reheat the tip. If the seal is satisfactory allow the
bulb to cool to room temperature and weigh it accurately.
After the sealed bulb has been weighed it is to be filled with
water and weighed on the platform (not the analytical) balance.
Water from which dissolved air has been expelled must be used
to fill the bulb. To this end, while the sealed bulb is being cooled
and weighed, boil about 300 cc. of distilled water in an 8-inch por-
celain evaporating dish, and cool it rapidly. After the sealed bulb
has been weighed, immerse the stem in the air-free water and break
off the tip of the stem. Water will rush into the bulb and fill it
practically completely if the preceding manipulation has been
skilfully performed. If more than 3 cc. of air is found in the bulb,
reject your data to this point and start the experiment again.
The weight of the condensed carbon tetrachloride left in the bulb
may be neglected as it is very small in comparison with that of the
Perform the experiment a second time, starting with a dry
bulb. From your data make the following calculations for each
of the duplicate determinations:
1. The volume of the bulb (c-a), neglecting the weight of air
in the bulb and the coefficient of expansion of the glass.
2. Reduce to standard conditions the volume of vapor in the
bulb at the recorded bath temperature and pressure (assuming
that the vapor would not condense) (vst CCU).
3. Reduce to standard conditions the volume of air in the bulb
when it was weighed (yst air), and find the weight of this air,
using 1.293 as the weight of a liter of air (d).
4. The actual weight of the empty bulb (a-d) (e).
5. The weight of carbon tetrachloride vapor (6-e).
6. The molecular weight of carbon tetrachloride.
1. The combining ratio by weight of zinc and sulphur is
2.039 : 1. Assuming the knowledge that the atomic weight
of zinc is 65.4 and that zinc and sulphur combine in the
1:1 atomic ratio, find the atomic weight of sulphur.
or piVi = P2V2
Charles' law defines the change of volume with changing
temperature: the volume of a definite amount of a gas under
constant pressure is directly proportional to the absolute tempera-
ture. The absolute temperature is 273° plus the centigrade
temperature; but really the determination of the absolute scale
of temperature depends entirely on the behavior of gases.
The original statement of Charles' law was made in this way:
For every degree rise or fall in temperature the volume of a gas
increases or decreases by an amount equal to - j ^ its volume at
0°C. If this law held rigidly all the way down the scale of course
the volume of a gas would become zero at — 273°C. This point,
— 273°C, would be the absolute zero below which substances
could not be cooled. As different gases were studied it was found
that they obeyed this law quite exactly until they approached the
temperature at which they would condense to a liquid. The
more difficultly condensible a gas, the further down the scale it
would follow this law. Helium, which was the last gas to succumb
to efforts at liquefaction, follows the law with a good deal of accu-
racy to within a few degrees of — 273°C. Hence, since it was
found that the less condensible a gas the more nearly it approxi-
mated a certain ideal behavior, an imaginary " perfect gas " was
postulated which would have exactly the ideal behavior. The
absolute zero then is defined as the temperature at which the
volume of this perfect gas would become zero, that is — 273°C.
Charles' law is expressed in the equation
when the pressure is constant and T stands for the absolute
temperature; when the volume is held constant the pressure
must vary as the absolute temperature, or
The equations for the laws of Boyle and Charles can be com-
bined into one equation for use when pressure, volume, and tem-
perature vary.
Dalton's law describes the behavior of mixtures of gases as
follows: When two or more gases are contained in the same vessel
each one exerts the same pressure as if it occupied the whole vessel
alone at that temperature. The
actual measured pressure is the
sum of the partial pressures of
the gases present.
Since we frequently have to
measure gases which are con-
fined over water in the measur-
ing vessel, and are consequently
111 *Pressure
" Gauge mixed with water vapor, we are
Piston. J^
especially interested in applying
cylinder-^ Dalton's law to water vapor.
A gas may be mixed with any
S3i Reservoir
- Water
amount of water vapor up to the
saturation point, and the satura-
I tion point depends solely on the
At Pump temperature. We need only to
be sure that the gas is saturated
with water vapor in order to cal-
culate the effect of the latter.
FIG. 14 Saturated Water Vapor. In
order to help us make clear the
properties of saturated water vapor, let us make use of the some-
what idealized apparatus shown in Fig. 14,
11. Reduce 125.3 cc. of gas at 725 mm. to 760 mm. pressure.
12. A cylinder of 2500-cc. capacity contains oxygen under
91.5 atmospheres pressure. Find volume in liters after the
gas is run into a tank under atmospheric pressure.
13. Reduce 125.3 cc. of gas at 25.8° to 0°.
14. A sealed glass tube contains 125.3 cc. of gas at 27°
and 783 mm. pressure. What will be the pressure if the
tube is heated to 300° without change of volume?
15. Reduce 125.3 cc. of gas at 740 mm. and 20.7° to stand-
ard conditions.
16. Reduce 125.3 cc. of gas at 15.3 atmospheres and
— 65.5° to standard conditions.
17. Reduce 125.3 cc. of gas measured over water at 740
mm. and 20.7° to standard conditions.
18. A certain quantity of dry hydrogen gas occupies 2,275
liters at 25° and 760 mm. If this gas were bubbled through
water and collected in a vessel over water, what volume would it
then occupy at the same temperature and the same barometric
pressure? Assume that no hydrogen is dissolved in the water.
Gay-Lussac's Law of Combining Volumes. The measurement
of the volumes of gases which enter into chemical reaction led
Gay-Lussac to perceive the existence of an extremely simple
relationship which is known by the above title and which may be
stated as follows: The volumes of gases which react chemically
are in the ratio of small whole numbers. Furthermore, if the
products of the reaction are also gaseous their volumes are also in
the relation of small whole numbers to each other and to the vol-
umes of the original gases.
Gay-Lussac was unable to explain this law on the ground of
any reasonable hypothesis. He tried to postulate that equal
volumes of different gases must contain the same number of
atoms, but this postulate was almost at once found to be un-
tenable and he had nothing better to offer.
In the first set of data let us assume that the 1 volume of oxygen
contains 1 million molecules. Then the 2 volumes of water vapor
according to Avogadro's principle will contain 2 million molecules
of water. But the water vapor is a homogeneous substance, and,
since it contains oxygen, every molecule of it must contain at
least 1 atom of oxygen. Therefore, there must be at least 2 million
atoms of oxygen which were derived from the 1 million molecules.
Therefore, every molecule of oxygen must contain at least 2 atoms.
Following the same line of reasoning 1 million molecules of
hydrogen and 1 million molecules of chlorine produce 2 million
molecules of hydrogen chloride which must contain at least 2
table a few typical examples are selected from the data for all
gaseous or volatile oxygen compounds.
The smallest number in the next to the last column is 16, and
this must be the atomic weight of oxygen because it represents
the smallest weight of oxygen in the molecular weight of any of its
compounds. It is extremely unlikely that there would not be at
least some compounds whose molecules contained but a single
atom. But if such could be the case and 16 were for example
twice the atomic weight, we should expect that 8 would be the
greatest common divisor and that numbers equal to 3 X 8 or
5 X 8 and therefore not divisible by 16 would be found in the
next to the last column. We can therefore be reasonably certain
that 16 is the actual atomic weight and not a multiple of the atomic
weight of oxygen.
A similar study of other elements, for example of chlorine, hy-
drogen, sulphur, mercury, shows that in all the gaseous or volatile
compounds of these elements the smallest weight ever found in
the molal volume is 35.46 grams of chlorine, 1.008 grams of hydro-
gen, 32.06 grams of sulphur, and 200.6 grams of mercury; further-
more, when the molal volume contains a greater weight of these
elements, the weight is invariably a small even multiple of these
smallest weights. Thus the atomic weights of these elements
as given in the table are verified.
The following table shows selected examples from the col-
lection of the data for all gaseous or volatile chlorine compounds.
19. One liter of a certain gas under standard conditions
weighs 2.25 grams. Calculate the molecular weight of this
20. The molecular weight of a certain volatile substance
is to be determined: 0.435 gram of the substance is placed
in an evacuated vessel and the whole is heated to 136.5°, at
which temperature the substance is entirely converted to gas.
The pressure and volume of the gas are now found to be
380 mm. and 405.6 c c , respectively. Calculate the molecu-
lar weight of the gas.
21. When a certain liquid substance is vaporized, its vapor
is found to weigh 5.413 times as much as an equal volume of
air under the same conditions. Assuming the average mo-
lecular weight of air to be 28.955, find the molecular weight
of the substance.
At 10° At 100°
KNO 3 21 246
NaCl 36 40
KC1 31 56
NaNO 3 81 180
50° 100"
Heat in a covered casserole 170 grams of NaNOa, 149 grams of KC1, and 210 cc of water Boil
the mixture 1 minute and thenfilterhot Do not rinse out the casserole but use it for the second
On Filter Filtrate (B) Cool to 10° and filter
NaCl, dirt, and On Filter Filtrate (D) Saturated with KNO3 and NaCL Pour it
some KNO3 into original casserole containing impure NaCl (A) Boil
Transfer to cas Crystals of 5 minutes Filter hot
serole in which KNO3 impure
first boiling Press and wash
was made with 20 cc ice- On Filter Filtrate Cool to 10° and filter
cold water NaCl dirt and a
little KNOs
On Filter Filtrate Saturated
KNOs impure with KNO3 and
Press and wash NaCl Savetem
with ice - cold poranly in flask
Save tempora- water labelled "mother
rily liquors "
U) (C) (E) (F) «?)
Unite the two lots of moist impure KNO3, add half their weight of distilled water, and heat
until solution is complete Cool to 10° andfilter,pressing out as much as possible of the liquid
Stop suction Pour 15 cc ice cold distilled water over the crystals and let it permeate the mass
Apply suction and pressure Test for chloride If any is found repeat the washing process until
the product is free from chloride Add allfiltratesto the mother liquors, G
filtrate and washings in the flask of " mother liquors " (G). Again
test for presence of chloride. A trace will probably be shown.
Continue the washing process, using 15-cc. portions of ice water
each time until no test is shown for chloride. Transfer the crystals
to white paper towels. Fold the towels over the crystals to make
a compact package, and leave the package over night to dry at
room temperature. Transfer the dry crystal meal to a dry 4-ounce
bottle and label the preparation neatly.
If a sufficient quantity of pure product is not obtained, all the
mother liquor should be boiled down in the 750-cc. casserole and
used as a starting point in repeating the foregoing procedure.
Fifty grams may be regarded as a satisfactory yield.
The sequence of operations in this preparation can be readily
followed on the flow sheet, page 55.
1. In the recrystallization of the potassium nitrate why is it
preferable first to dissolve completely the batch of crystals in water
by heating and then cool to obtain the crystals again, instead of
merely washing the crystals with the same amount of cold water?
2. Define metathesis.
3. If we had barium nitrate and potassium sulphate from which
to prepare potassium nitrate, make a list of the solubilities of the
four salts concerned and arrange a flow sheet of a method by which
pure potassium nitrate could be obtained. Which of the opera-
tions would offer the most difficulty?
Many substances, as acids, bases, salts, and even elements,
when they separate from solution, or crystallize, carry water with
them. Familiar examples are (H3AsO4)2-H2O, Ba(OH) 2 -8H 2 O,
CuSO4-5H2O, and C12-8H2O. Such substances, when dried, show
no evidence of fluidity, that is, of the property one must natu-
rally think of as belonging to water, even sometimes when more
than hah" the weight of the substance is water. Such substances
are called hydrates, and the same substance without the water is
known as the anhydrous substance. Substances containing water
1. What reasons have you for believing that the water in crystal
hydrates is in chemical combination with the salt?
2. How could anhydrous sodium carbonate be prepared from
the hydrate?
3. How could the monohydrate, Na2CO3-H2O, be prepared?
ture, on paper towels. The double salt tends to effloresce, and the
crystals should be transferred to a stoppered bottle as soon as
they are dry.
1. Determine whether double salts can be prepared containing
sodium sulphate and copper sulphate; potassium sulphate and
copper sulphate.
(a) Dissolve 1 gram of potassium sulphate and 2 grams of
copper sulphate in 10 cc. of hot water. Pour the clear solution on
a watch glass. When crystals have formed, see if they are all of
the same kind (i.e., the double salt), or of two distinct kinds (the
two simple salts).
(6) Repeat the experiment using 1 gram of anhydrous sodium
sulphate and 2 grams of copper sulphate. Account for your results.
CuSO4 23 grams
K2SO4 12 cc
K2SO4-CuSO4 11 cc
1. Water of Hydration. Heat a crystal of blue vitriol
CuSO4-5H2O rather cautiously in a dry test tube holding the
tube in a nearly horizontal position. Observe that the
crystal gradually loses its blue color and becomes white and
powdery, also that drops of water condense on the cooler
part of the tube. Let the tube cool to room temperature and
add a few drops of water to the white copper sulphate.
Observe that the material regains at once its original blue
color and that it grows so hot that the hand cannot be held
on that end of the tube.
that the lump soon grows very hot, giving off clouds of steam,
and swells up and tumbles apart to form a fluffy white powder.
Stir a little of this powder with water. It makes a milky
suspension. If some of this suspension is placed in a test tube
the white solid settles and a clear liquid remains above. This
liquid colors litmus blue.
It is obvious from the large amount of heat developed that
the affinity between calcium oxide and hydrogen oxide is very
CaO + H 2 O - > C a ( O H ) 2
Experiment 6
If we have a solution of an acid of known normality we can
determine the concentration of an unknown basic solution by
finding what volumes of the two solutions are required to produce
neutrality. For example, it is found that 60 cc. of a 0.5N hydro-
chloric acid solution are required to neutralize 25 cc. of a sodium
hydroxide solution of unknown concentration. The normality
of the base is 1.2, or the solution contains 48 grams of solid NaOH
per liter. In general
NA : NB = VB : VA
VA = volume of acid and NA = normality of acid.
VB = volume of base and NB = normality of base.
Instead of a hydroxide a carbonate may be used to neutralize an
Na 2 CO 3 + 2HC1 -» 2NaCl + H2O + CO 2
A liV solution of sodium carbonate (molecular weight = 106)
contains -~- grams of solid in a liter of solution. Since sodium
carbonate can be obtained in a high state of purity and can be
accurately weighed it is frequently used to determine the exact
concentration of an acid solution. Any solution, the concentration
of which has been accurately determined, is known as a " standard
In this experiment hydrochloric acid will be standardized against
a known weight of pure sodium carbonate. A solution of methyl
orange will be used as an indicator to tell when the solution is
neutral. This indicator is pink in acid solution and yellow in
alkaline solution (see page 135).
The process of comparing the concentration of solutions is
known as titration. The apparatus used is a burette, a glass tube
accurately graduated in cubic centimeters.
Apparatus: two 50-cc. burettes.
2 burette clamps.
500-cc. graduated cylinder,
bottle with glass stopper,
bottle with rubber stopper.
300-cc. Erlenmeyer flask,
large vial.
Materials: 12 N hydrochloric acid.
sodium hydroxide, pellet form.
sodium carbonate, anhydrous.
solution of methyl orange.
Procedure: (a) Prepare an approximately 0.5N HC1 solution
by diluting 21 cc. of 12 N HC1 with 479 cc. of distilled water.
After thoroughly mixing, store it in the glass-stoppered bottle.
. (6) Prepare an approximately 0.5N NaOH solution by weighing
out 10.5 grams of the solid fused NaOH (0.25 F.W., allowing
5 per cent for impurities). After thoroughly mixing with 500 cc.
of distilled water, store it in the rubber-stoppered bottle.
(c) Pour about 10 cc. of the hydrochloric acid solution into one
of the burettes. Rinse it back and forth, and let the acid drain
out of the tip. Repeat the rinsing with two more 10-cc. portions
of acid. Fill the burette with the acid solution and clamp it to a
ring stand. In the same manner rinse and fill the other burette
with the sodium hydroxide solution. Clamp this
burette to the same ring stand. Make sure that
there are no bubbles of air in the tip of the burettes.
If any are found, they must be removed. This
can be done by opening the stop cock and allowing
the solution to run out rapidly. Drain enough of
the solution from the burette to bring the menis-
cus on the graduated scale. Allow the solution
to stand a minute until the film of liquid on the
wall of the tube has time to drain. Read the
position of the lower Gurve of the meniscus. This
should be done by putting a strip of white paper
around the burette with the upper straight edge
two small divisions below the bottom of the menis-
cus and bringing the eye to a position exactly hori-
zontal with upper edge of the paper (Fig. 16). FIG. 16
Record this reading as the initial volume. Do not try to set the
meniscus on any particular line, but read it exactly wherever it
comes to rest. Run approximately 40 cc. of the HC1 into the
300-cc. Erlenmeyer flask; add 100 cc. of water and 2 drops of
methyl orange. Then run in NaOH until the color changes from
pink to yellow. Rotate the flask to insure thorough mixing, and
rinse down the wall of the flask with distilled water from the wash
bottle. Since the "end point" is probably overstepped a little,
add HC1, drop by drop, until the color changes to pink, and then
make sure that a single drop, or less, of NaOH turns the color yel-
low after thorough mixing. Record the final reading of both bur-
ettes. Calculate the number of cubic centimeters of HC1 equiva-
lent to 1 cc. of NaOH. Confirm your result by running a duplicate,
and for the final value use the average of your two determinations.
Enter your data in your note book according to the following plan:
First trial Second trial
HC1 end reading 41.23 cc. 41.20 cc.
Initial reading 1.33 0.05
39.90 cc. 41.15 cc.
NaOH end reading 40.70 cc. 42.43 cc.
Initial reading 0.25 0.65
40.45 cc. 41.78 cc.
1 cc. NaOH = cc. HC1 0.9864 0.9849
Average 0.9857
(d) Standardize the HC1 solution against pure anhydrous
sodium carbonate. Put some dry sodium carbonate (balance
room) into a large vial, and weigh it accurately. Transfer ap-
proximately 1 gram of the solid to a dry 300-cc. Erlenmeyer
flask. Weigh the vial again to find the exact weight of the sodium
carbonate. Add 100 cc. of distilled water to the flask, and 2 drops
of methyl orange. When the carbonate has dissolved completely,
run in the HC1 from the burette, about 2 cc. at a time, with
shaking after each addition, until the pink color disappears more
slowly on shaking; and then proceed more cautiously until a single
drop of the acid turns the color from yellow to red. If the " end
point" is overstepped, add NaOH to bring the yellow color back,
and again add HC1, a drop at a time, until the exact end point is
reached. Immediately perform a duplicate standardization with
a second sample of pure Na 2 CO 3 . On the left-hand page of the
note book should be recorded the weight of the Na 2 CO 3 , and the
initial and final reading of both the HC1 and NaOH burettes.
From the total HC1 subtract the volume equivalent to the
NaOH that may have been used in titrating back. Find the
number of equivalent weights of Na 2 CO 3 equal to 1,000 cc. of
the HC1. Take the average of the duplicate determinations as
the normality of the HC1. Calculate also the exact normality of the
Preserve these standardized solutions for the later determina-
tion of the yield of NaOH in the electrolysis of brine (page 185)
and in the preparation of NaOH (page 183).
Specific Gravity. The specific gravity of a liquid is the ratio of
its weight to the weight of an equal volume of pure water at the
temperature of its maximum density (4°C). This applies alike
to pure liquids such as acetic acid and to solutions.
Substances dissolved in water change the specific gravity, and
since specific gravity is one of the properties of a liquid most easily
measured with great precision, it is much used by chemists for
determining the concentration of solutions which are known to
contain only a single dissolved substance.
Tabulations have been prepared for many common substances
such as hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, ammonia, and al-
cohol, in which the specific gravity and the corresponding percent-
age by weight of the solution have been placed in parallel columns
covering the whole range from pure water to saturated solution.
For example, if we wish to find the concentration of a given solu-
tion of NaOH, we measure its specific gravity which proves to be
1.390. Opposite this specific gravity in the table we find (inter-
polating if necessary) the percentage composition by weight, and
we derive the concentration as follows:
Specific gravity 1.390 Percentage by weight 36.00
Weight of 1 liter = 1,000 X 1.390 = 1,390 grams
Grams NaOH per liter = 1,390 X 0.3600 = 500.4
F.W. of NaOH per liter = 500.4/40 = 12.5
Normality of NaOH solution = 12.5
The Use of the Formula Weight Method in Chemical Arithmetic.
A chemical equation tells not only what substances, but also how
much of these substances, are involved in a chemical reaction.
For example, the equation
Na 2 CO 3 + C a ( 0 H ) 2 -» CaCO 3 + 2NaOH
reads: 1 F . W., or 106 grams, of sodium carbonate reacts with 1 F . W.,
or 74 grams, of calcium hydroxide to give 1 F.W., or 100 grams, of
calcium carbonate and 2 F.W., or 80 grams, of sodium hydroxide.
1. Define solution.
2. Water is essential to the maintenance of plant and
animal life. Discuss the properties of water that make it so.
3. Discuss the nature of the compounds of salts and water.
4. Describe two different classes of compounds formed
from oxides and water.
5. What is the meaning of the term hydrate? Why is
the compound of an oxide and water not regarded as a hy-
6. Explain the use of the term hydroxide in naming the
compound of a metal oxide and water.
7. Contrast the action of a metal with that of a metal
oxide on water in the formation of a hydroxide.
8. Contrast the formation of chlorine hydrate with the
action of chlorine and water in sunlight.
0 0 Q P
*- Copper
/ Mercury
— Fine
FIG. 17
3. Test the conductivity of pure tartaric acid (a solid) and of
pure acetic acid (glacial acetic acid).
Then test the conductivity of these same acids dissolved in
10 to 20 parts of water, and also of other common laboratory acids
diluted with water.
Look up the percentage of ionization in 0.1 N solution (table
on page 100) of each of the acids. What component is common to
all acids and is responsible for the characteristic properties of
acids? Name the other components (i.e., species of ions or mole-
cules) in any acid solution.
4. Strong and Weak Acids. In order to compare the strength
of acids it is necessary to have solutions of the same concentra-
tion. Prepare 50 cc. each of 0.1 N hydrochloric and acetic acids
by diluting 5 cc. of IN acid with 45 cc. water. Carefully com-
pare the conductivity of these 0.1 N acids, using electrodes B.
Carefully compare the intensity of the sour or acid taste,* but do not
swallow any of the acid. Rinse out the mouth with water. Quite
a bit of experimenting is necessary to find just the amount of acid
* Since a chemist should be familiar with the taste of hydrogen and hy-
droxyl ions, we have set the very bad precedent here of giving directions to
taste the dilute solutions of acids and bases. In no other case should any
laboratory chemical be taken in the mouth.
to take and how long to hold it on the tongue in order to get a fair
estimate of the comparative acidity. It must be borne in mind
that the strong acid may partly paralyze the nerves of the tongue
for a short time; therefore, after tasting one acid, wait a short time
before tasting another. Compare the effect of the two 0.1 N
acids on blue litmus.
The conductivity of the two acids ought to be proportional to
the degree of ionization; likewise the sour taste, which is the
property of the hydrogen ion, ought to be proportional to the
degree of ionization; even the weaker acid contains enough hydro-
gen ions completely to turn the color of the very sensitive litmus,
so no difference is shown by this indicator.
Make a tabulation for each acid of the number of grams of the
four components present in 1 liter of 0.1 N solution: (1) water,
(2) un-ionized acid, (3) hydrogen ion, (4) acid radical ion. (Con-
sult table of ionization values on page 100.) Arrange the tabula-
tion for each acid somewhat on the following plan.
5. Test the electrical conductivity of a dry lump of sodium or
potassium hydroxide (do not handle it with the fingers) before its
surface has become wet by taking moisture from the atmosphere.
Then test the conductivity of dilute solutions of sodium, potassium,
and ammonium hydroxides. Rub a single drop of liV NaOH
lightly between the thumb and forefinger and note the slippery
feeling. Immediately rinse the alkali from the ringers since it
would very soon take off the skin. Repeat the experiment with a
drop of liVNEUOH.
Look up the percentage of ionization in 0.1 N solution of each
of the bases. What component is common to all bases and is
responsible for the characteristic properties of bases? Name the
other components in any base solution.
is that, with the same substance, the extent of the freezing point
depression is proportional to the quantity of substance dissolved
in a given weight of water. The second rule is that, for different
substances, equimolal amounts produce the same freezing point
lowering with the same amount of water. A statement com-
bining these two rules is as follows: The lowering of the freezing
point is proportional to the number of moles of dissolved sub-
stance in a given amount of water. The proportionality factor is
given by the moled lowering of the freezing point, which is 1.86°C.
and is the effect produced by one mole of dissolved substance in
1,000 grams of water. This rule holds only when the solid sepa-
rating from the solution is pure ice, but this is almost invariably
the case when the solution is fairly dilute.
It should be clear that the above statements show a method
of determining the molecular weight of a substance dissolved in
water provided that the substance is a non-electrolyte.
The same regularities hold for solutions in solvents other
than water except that there is a different proportionality factor;
i.e., the molal lowering of the freezing point is different for each
different solvent.
The following set of problems will allow the student to find
whether he has grasped the significance of the statements in the
foregoing paragraphs. For the present we will consider the be-
havior of electrolytes as irregular. In a later section we will try
to discover any regularity that may appear in the " irregularities "
and see if that too can be reduced to any significant rule.
1. At what temperature will a solution freeze that is made
by dissolving 1 gram of sugar, C12H22O11, in 10 grams of
2. — one mole of urea, CO(NH 2 )2, in 10 liters of water?
3. How many grams of methyl alcohol, CH 3 0H, should be
added to 1,000 grams of water to give a solution that will
freeze at - 1 0 ° ?
4. What is the molecular weight of a substance, 3 grams of
which dissolved in 50 grams of water gives a solution freezing
at —0.93°? The solution does not conduct electricity.
5. Pure benzene freezes at 5.48°. What is the molecular
lowering of the freezing point for benzene if a solution of
6.4 grams of naphthalene, CioHs, in 100 grams of benzene
freezes at 3.03°?
KOH, NaOH 86
Ba(OH)2 <=> Ba++ + 2OH~ 75
NH4OH 1.4
Divide a good-sized sheet of paper into two columns; in the
left-hand column describe the observable effects of bringing
together the substances noted in the cases below; in the right-hand
column write the equation in the fully ionized intersecting form,
following Rules 1 to 8, inclusive, on page 104. In the following,
unless otherwise specified, the formula stands for the substance
in a fairly dilute solution. The table of solubilities in the Ap-
pendix should be consulted.
24. AgNO 3 + NaCl.
25. AgCl (solid) + Nal.
26. BaCl 2 + Na 2 CO 3 .
27. Pb(NO 3 ) 2 + H2SO4.
28. PbSO 4 (solid) + Na 2 S.
29. Cd(NO 3 ) 2 + Na 2 S.
30. CaCl 2 + Na 2 SO 4 .
31. CaSO4 (solid) + Na 2 CO 3 .
Neutralization. Acids and bases have the ability to mutually
neutralize the distinctive properties of each other.
An acid tastes sour, it turns blue litmus red, and it imparts dis-
tinctive colors to a number of other organic substances which may
be used in the same way as litmus; it reacts with active metals,
hydrogen being evolved and salts of the metal being left; it
reacts with calcium carbonate with an effervescence due to the
escape of carbon dioxide. These properties of an acid are all lost
when the acid has reacted with an equivalent quantity of a base.
A base tastes alkaline, that is, like lime water; it turns red
litmus blue, as well as imparting distinctive colors to the other
organic substances which may be used in a similar manner; it
causes a slippery feeling if a drop of its solution is rubbed between
the finger tips. These properties of a base are all lost when the
base has reacted with an equivalent quantity of an acid.
When the neutralization has been very carefully carried out, so
that exactly equivalent quantities of acid and base have been used,
the resulting solution shows none of the characteristic properties
or either acid or base. It still conducts electricity strongly, show-
ing that it contains ions; if it is evaporated a solid salt is left.
Since we know that all acids yield hydrogen ions when dissolved,
although the negative ions may be of most divergent kinds, it is
obvious that the distinctive properties of acid solutions must be the
properties of hydrogen ions. Likewise it is obvious that the dis-
tinctive properties of solutions of bases must be the properties of
hydroxyl ions.
Since we may see in the table of ionization values that pure
water contains but 0.000,000,1 mole of H+ ions and 0.000,000,1
mole of OH~ ions per liter, we may know in advance that when an
acid and a base are mixed the H+ and O H " ions cannot remain in
the presence of each other, but must unite according to the reaction
H+ + OH" -» H2O
until only a number corresponding to the exceedingly small con-
centration just stated is left.
A salt may be defined as a compound consisting of the positive
radical of a base and the negative radical of an acid. Hence the
Neither the acid nor the base alone furnishes many ions, but
when they are mixed, the H+ and O H " ions present unite at once.
This leaves the un-ionized parts of the acid and base out of equi-
librium, and further ionization occurs in consequence. This
process continues until both the acid and the base have become
fully ionized because there can be no accumulation of H+ and OH"
ions in presence of each other.
The neutralization of a weak acid and a weak base then con-
sists of three simultaneous but distinct ionic reactions: the ion-
ization of the acid, the ionization of the base, and the formation
of water from its ions. These reactions may be arranged in an
intersecting form in order to show which of the components take
part simultaneously in two reactions:
HC2HA ^ H+ + C2HA"
NH4OH ^ OH" + NH 4 +
As this train of reactions proceeds it is obvious that NH.4+ and
C2H3O2" ions, that is, the ions of the salt ammonium acetate, ac-
cumulate in the solution, and that their presence accounts for the
high conductivity of the neutral solution.
The total heat effect, 12,000 calories, produced by the action of
one equivalent of acetic acid and one equivalent of ammonium
hydroxide, is the sum of the heat effects of the three separate reac-
tions, and we should expect the value to be different from the
value of the neutralization of a strong acid and a strong base.
Since 13,700 calories must be generated by the formation of 1
mole of water, the difference between this value and 12,000, or 1,700
calories, must have been absorbed in the ionizing of the acid and
the base.
Displacement of a Weak Acid from Its Salt. When a salt of a
weak acid is treated with the solution of a strong acid the ions
of the weak acid unite to form un-ionized molecules and the salt
of the strong acid remains. One example of such a displacement
has been seen (p. 88, Exp. 10 (&)) in the action of sulphuric acid
with sodium acetate
2H+ SO 4 ""
2C 2 H 3 O 2 " 2Na+
water gives a red suspension. Upon adding HC1 this red powder
very slowly dissolves (much more slowly than copper oxide), and
finally a clear yellow solution of ferric salt is obtained
Fe 2 O 3 + 6HC1 -> 2FeCl 3 + 3H 2 O
The ionization of water is so slight that often it can be totally
disregarded. It cannot be neglected, however, in solutions of
salts when either the acid or the base — or both, from which the
salt is derived, is extremely weak.
Sodium cyanide is the salt of the weak hydrocyanic acid,
HCN (ionization = 0.01 per cent in 0.1 equivalent solution),
and the strong base, sodium hydroxide. A solution of this
salt shows an alkaline reaction to litmus, thus demonstrating
that the solution contains an appreciable quantity of OH~ ions.
This is the result of hydrolysis, and the process may be explained
as follows:
Na+ CN'
The salt, in accordance with the general rule for salts, will exist
in solution in the ionized condition. Water is in equilibrium with
a very small number of its own ions. But even the small num-
ber of H+ ions thus furnished to the solution is more than can
exist in presence of the large concentration of CN~ ions of the
salt. Undissociated hydrocyanic acid, HCN, must form; but
since this removes some of the H+ ions, the equilibrium between
water and its ions is temporarily destroyed. The equilibrium
must be reestablished through the ionization of more water.
This cycle of reactions repeats itself a great many times until
complete equilibrium among all the components is established.
When this condition is reached, as really happens in a very short
time, there has been a considerable accumulation of OH~ ions
and of an equivalent amount of un-ionized HCN.
In order to fully comprehend the extent and the limitation of
this hydrolysis, we should consider the reverse reaction which
occurs when solutions of hydrocyanic acid and sodium hydrox-
ide are mixed:
Na+ OH"
HCN ;=± CN" H+
The few ions furnished by the acid combine at once with OH"
ions of the base to form water, and this removal of H+ ions allows
Ammoniates. Review what was said in Chapter II about water
of crystallization and hydrates (pp 62-65). Two definite crystalline
compounds of sodium carbonate and water are the monohydrate
and the decahydrate. Both of these will dissolve in water, but
both solutions are absolutely identical. Furthermore, either one
or the other of these hydrates can be caused to crystallize from
the solution by adjusting the temperature.
In solution, undoubtedly some water is in combination with
the salt, but it is impossible to say how much, because there is no
physical means of distinguishing the water thus held in com-
bination from the solvent water.
There are other substances than water, notably ammonia,
which form compounds similar to hydrates, in this case ammo-
niates. Numerous solid compounds containing ammonia of
crystallization are known, for example ammonio-copper sulphate
CuSO 4 4NH 3 -H2O, which is the subject of one of our later prepa-
rations (page 227). This substance is easily soluble in water con-
taining a little excess of ammonia, and it is possible to measure
how much ammonia is held to the salt, or rather to the positive
ion, in the solution. This may be done, for example, by passing
an electric current through the solution and measuring the pro-
portionate amounts of copper and ammonia which travel with
the positive current. Results show that 4 moles of NH3 travel
with each mole of Cu++ ions. The formula of the deep blue am-
monio-copper ion is therefore Cu-4NH 3 + + .
When a moderate amount of ammonia is added to a copper salt
solution, a light blue precipitate is formed which is really a basic
salt but which for simplicity we shall treat as the simple hydroxide.
Cu++ sor~
2NH4OH ^± 2OH " 2NH 4 +
Addition of more ammonia quickly causes this precipitate to
redissolve, giving an intensely deep blue solution
Cu(OH)2 ^ Cu++ + 2OH-
4NH4OH ;=± 4NH3 + 4H2O
Describe observable effects and write the fully ionized equa-
tion for the following cases, when the reagent (second formula)
is added (a) in limited amount, and (6) in excess.
64. ZnSO4 + NH 4 OH.
65. CuCl solid + NH 4 OH.
66. A g2 SO 4 + NH4OH.
67. (Cu4NH 3 )S0 4 + HNO 3 .
68. (Ag-2NH3)C1 + HNO 3 .
69. AgNO 3 + KI.
70. AgCl (solid) + NaCl (saturated solution, in very large
71. AgNO 3 + KCN.
72. CuCl solid + KCN.
2K+ 2CF
In the left-hand column state the observable effect and in the
right-hand column write the fully ionized equations.
73. Fe (metal) + CuSO4.
74. Zn (metal) + HC1.
75. Cu (metal) + HC1.
76. Ag (metal) + AuCl 3 .
77. Cu (metal) + PtCU-
78. AgCl (finely divided solid) + Zn (zinc dust) suspended
in water.
79. Ag (in a photographic print) + PtCl^
80. FeCl2 + Cl2.
81. CuCl (solid) + Cl2.
82. Na (metal) + H 2 O.
Let us consider an electric circuit consisting of a dynamo and
metallic conductors connecting the poles of the dynamo to the two
poles of an electrolytic cell. The same amount of electricity flows
through every section of the circuit, but the mechanism by which
the current passes in the different parts of the circuit is of three
different kinds:
(1) Through the metallic conductor the current passes without
any alteration of the conductor. The electrons, which may be
regarded as atoms of negative electricity, simply pass through the
metallic mass without dislocating the atoms of the metal. (2)
Through the electrolytic conductor the current passes solely by the
movement of positive and negative ions in opposite directions.
(3) At the surface of the electrode electrons are transferred to or
from the atoms or ions at that surface. This involves a change of
valence, and at the cathode, which is the electrode at which elec-
trons flow into the cell from the metallic conductor, reduction
occurs. At the anode, which is the electrode at which electrons
flow out through the metallic conductor, oxidation occurs.
The sum of the changes at the anode and cathode makes a
complete reaction of oxidation and reduction, but the location of
the oxidation is remote from the location of the reduction.
Michael Faraday studied quantitatively the extent of the chem-
ical change at the electrodes when electric currents pass through
solutions, and in 1834 he stated a law which has since borne his
Faraday's Law: When the same amount of electric current is
passed through several electrochemical cells the quantities of the
new substances produced at the several electrodes are chemically
equivalent to each other.
The amount of electricity which must pass to effect the change
of one chemical equivalent (for example, to liberate 1.008 gram of
hydrogen) has been found to be 96,500 coulombs. This quantity
has been named the f araday, and it is designated by the symbol F.
The explanation of the mechanism of the electrolytic conduct-
ance in specific cases will make the application of Faraday's law
A current is passed through a solution of copper sulphate in a
U-tube with copper electrodes in the opposite arms. At the
cathode copper ions are reduced
that part of the circuit. The passage of Zn++ ions through the
porous wall in one direction and of SO4 ions in the other direc-
tion comprise the current in that part of the circuit.
If an electric current is passed through each of the following
cells, state observations and write electrochemical reactions for
both the anode and the cathode.
83. Dilute silver nitrate with silver electrodes.
84. Dilute sulphuric acid with copper electrodes.
85. Dilute sulphuric acid with platinum (unattackable)
86. A current of 0.5 ampere passes between silver eleo
trodes in a silver nitrate solution for 2 hours. What is the
change of weight of the anode and of the cathode? (1 ampere
= 1 coulomb per second.)
87. Acetic acid in 0.1 molal solution is 1.4 per cent ionized.
Find the value of the ionization constant K.
HAc ^ H+ + Ac"
[H+] X [Ac"
= K
88. Find the percentage ionization of acetic acid in molal
solution. Take the value of the ionization constant as
0.000018 and solve the quadratic equation by the method
of approximation.
89. What is the concentration of hydrogen ions in a 0.1
molal solution of acetic acid?
90. What is the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solu-
tion containing in a liter 0.1 mole of acetic acid and 0.1 mole
of NaAc? Assume as an approximation that the salt is 100
per cent ionized.
91. For the sake of showing the different effects of a neu-
tral salt of a strong acid upon the ionization of the acid, find
first the ionization constant of nitric acid if it is 90 per cent
ionized in 0.1 molal solution. Then using the constant thus
found calculate the hydrogen-ion concentration in a solution
containing, in 1 liter, 0.1 mole of H N 0 3 and 0.1 mole of KN0 3 .
Assume in this calculation that the law of molecular con-
centration holds accurately. The result shows that the
effect of a neutral salt of a strong acid upon the ionization
of the acid is not marked as it is in the similar case of a weak
acid. As a matter of fact, the actual effect is even less than
that calculated according to the law.
92. The ionization constant of ammonium hydroxide is
0.000018. (a) Find the concentration of OH" ions in a
molal solution of NH4OH. (6) Find the concentration of
OH~ ions in a molal solution of N H 4 0 H which contains
also 0.5 mole of NH4C1 per liter, assuming the latter to be
completely ionized.
93. What is the ionization constant of hydrocyanic acid
if the ionization in 0.1 N solution is 0.01 per cent?
94. What is the hydrogen-ion concentration in a solution
containing, in 1 liter, 0.1 mole of HCN and 0.1 mole of KCN,
assuming the latter to be 100 per cent ionized?
95. The molal solubility of AgBrO 3 at 24.5° is 0.0081.
How many grams of AgBrO3 could dissolve in a liter of 0.1
molal AgNO3? Assume complete ionization of the salts.
96. The solubility of PbSO4 is 0.04 gram per liter at 25°.
How many grams of sodium sulphate should be added to
1 liter to reduce the solubility of the lead sulphate to 0.0001
gram per liter?
pH [H+] Normality of strong acid or base
0 10° 1 N acid
1 io-i 0.1JV acid
2 io-2 0.01 N acid
3 10-' 0.001 N acid
4 10-4
5 io-6
6 10~« Buffer
7 10-7 exact neutrality Range
8 IO-98
9 IO-
10 lO-io
11 10-u 0.001 2V base
12 10-12 0.01 N base
13 IO-13 0.1 A^ base
14 1Q-14 1 N base
Control of pH. Values of pH near the top and near the bottom
of the scale may be definitely controlled by adjusting the nor-
mality of a strong acid or base. For values of 4 through 10 the
amount of the strong acid or strong base which would be added to
water is so small that its effect is commonly exceeded by that of
uncontrollable impurities. However, by the use of buffers the
pH value can be established precisely at any desired point and held
there with extremely little change against large accidental addi-
tions of either acid or base.
Buffers. A mixture of a weak acid and a salt of that acid or a
mixture of a weak base and a salt of that weak base serves as a
buffer. Let us consider a liter of solution containing 0.1 F.W. of
HAc and 0.1 F.W. of NaAc. The ionization constant of acetic
acid is given in the expression
[Ac"] _
which may be transposed:
[H+] = 0.000,018 X t~i} (1)
Since [HAc] = 0.1 (the ionization of HAc is repressed to almost
zero by the Ac" ions of the salt) and [Ac"] = 0.1 (the 0.1 mole of
salt is completely ionized)
01 18 10
[H+] = 0.000,018 X - = 0.000,018 = ^ ^ = ^ - = 10—
The pH value of this buffered solution is therefore 4.74.
To appreciate the effectiveness of this buffer solution let us
compare the effect upon the pH value of adding small amounts of
strong acid or base to pure water and then to the buffered solution.
If we add 1 cc. of 1 iV HC1 to 1 liter of pure water we obtain a
solution 0.001 N in H+ ions with a pH of 3. If, on the other hand,
we add 1 cc. of normal HC1 to 1 liter of the buffered solution, the
H+ + Ac" -* HAc
increases [HAc] by 0.001 and decreases [Ac"] by 0.001 so that
and the new p H value is 4.735, which is thus not materially changed
from its original value.
If we add Ice. of liV NaOH to 1 liter of pure water we obtain
a solution 0.001 N in OH~ ions with a pH of 11. If on the other
hand we add 1 cc. of 1 iV NaOH to 1 liter of the buffered solution
the reaction
O H " + HAc -» H2O + Ac"
decreases [HAc] by 0.001 and increases [Ac~] by 0.001 so that
and the new pH value is 4.7 55, which again is not materially changed.
From the above equation (1) it is apparent that the maximum
, „. . . . , , • ! ! ,i e added weak acid
buffering action is obtained when the ratio of a d d e d s a l t o f t h a t a c i d
is unity, also that a numerically greater pH (lower [H + ]) can be
obtained by lowering this ratio and a lower pH by increasing this
ratio. However, to obtain an essentially greater pH value than
5 it would be more advantageous to use a weaker acid and its salt
for the buffer.
The above reasoning applies to weak bases and their salts which
may be advantageously used as buffers to establish pH values be-
tween 7 and 11.
It goes without saying that, although absolutely pure water
has a pH value of 7, the pH value is subject to a variation of 1 or 2
units through almost unavoidable contamination from glass or
from NH 3 , H 2 S, or CO 2 from the air, and that to maintain an
unfluctuating value of 7 a buffer must be used.
97. From the per cent of ionization of hydrocyanic acid in 0.1 N
solution find the value of the ionization constant of that acid.
98. Calculate the H+ ion concentration in a solution 0.1 N in
HCN and O.liV in KCN. What is the pH value of this solution?
99. Calculate the pH value of 0.01 N acetic acid. What color
would this solution impart to methyl orange?
100. Calculate the pH value of 0.01 N HC 2 H 3 O 2 containing
0.1 F.W. of NaC 2 H 3 O 2 per liter. What color would this solution
impart to methyl orange?
One of the distinctive chemical properties of non-metallic
elements is their ability to combine with metals forming simple
binary compounds in which they are the negative constituent.
It is the purpose of this chapter to deal with such simple com-
pounds of the more pronounced non-metals: chlorine, bromine,
iodine, oxygen, sulphur, and nitrogen.
have a suspension of the copper oxide from which all air has been
expelled. Add a few drops of 6iV HC1 and observe very closely
for "effervescence," that is, for bubbles of escaping gas. Such
gas would be carbon dioxide and would show that the copper car-
bonate had not been entirely decomposed. When the test shows
the absence of carbonate, transfer the solid to a 2-ounce cork-
stoppered bottle.
1. Could hydrochloric acid take the place of nitric acid in this
preparation? Explain.
2. Basic copper carbonate is a variable mixture of copper car-
bonate and copper hydroxide. Assuming that it has the composi-
tion Cu(OH)2-CuCO 3 , write intersecting ionic equations to show
how it is formed. What type of ionic reaction does this illustrate?
The ordinary oxide of barium has the formula BaO, and it forms
the corresponding base Ba(OH) 2 when it combines with water.
Barium salts are formed when this base is neutralized with acids.
In addition there is another oxide of barium containing twice as
much oxygen, BaO 2 , which is easily obtained when barium oxide
is heated to a dull red heat in air free from carbon dioxide.
This oxide, however, does not behave like an ordinary oxide;
for example, it does not react with water to give such a base as
Ba(OH) 4 nor with acids to yield such a salt as Ba(NO 3 ) 4 . Both
oxygen atoms seem to be present as a single radical having the
same valence, namely 2, as the simple oxygen radical in ordinary
barium oxide, because, when barium peroxide is treated with acids,
the ordinary barium salt and hydrogen peroxide are formed.
BaO 2 + 2HC1 -» BaCl 2 + H 2 O 2
The name peroxide has been given to oxides which contain the
O2~ ~~ radical and which yield hydrogen peroxide when acidified with
The common heavy metals do not form peroxides; only the
most strongly metallic elements such as the alkali and alkaline
earth metals do so. For example, when sodium metal burns freely
1. Explain why barium chloride would not give a precipitate
with hydrogen peroxide.
2. The hydrogen peroxide solution obtained as an intermediate
product in this preparation contained barium chloride. Suggest
with what reagent one might treat the purified barium peroxide
hydrate to obtain a pure solution of hydrogen peroxide. Give
Materials: sodium chloride, rock salt, NaCl, 117 grams
36 N sulphuric acid, 222 cc.
Apparatus: 2-liter round-bottom flask.
500-cc. Woulff bottle, 3-necked.
8-ounce wide-mouth bottle.
thistle tube.
2-hole rubber stopper to fit flask and bottles.
three 1-hole rubber stoppers to fit Woulff bottle.
one 1-hole rubber stopper to fit drying tube.
glass delivery tube fitted as in diagram.
drying tube packed with glass wool.
pan of cold water.
8-ounce glass-stoppered tincture bottle.
burette clamp. Bunsen burner.
iron ring and ring stand.
Procedure. Set up the apparatus as in Fig. 18
with the rock salt in the large flask and 150 cc. of
water in each absorption bottle. Pour enough
of the sulphuric acid through the thistle tube to
seal the lower end of the tube. Watch the ac- CO
tion carefully to see that the foam does not rise
into the neck of the flask. As rapidly as seems
safe add the rest of the sulphuric acid. When
the action slackens apply heat very cautiously
to the flask and finally heat it strongly until
all the salt has dissolved and effervescence has
ceased. When the reaction is finished remove FIG. 19
The scale at the back is marked off in divisions of 0.1 inch. The acid
is placed in the shallow dish at the left and water in the dish at the right,
both being at the same temperature. The level is adjusted in both
dishes so that the surface of each liquid is exactly at the zero point of the
scale. Suction is applied at the top until the acid rises exactly to the
100 mark when the pinch cock is closed. The reading of the scale at
the top of the water column divided by 100 gives the specific gravity
of the acid.
the burner. Apply a gentle suction to the exit tube in the second
absorption bottle and draw all the hydrogen chloride from the large
flask into the absorption bottle.
Allow the contents of the flask to cool until crystals of NaHSC>4
begin to form. Wrap a towel around the neck of the flask.
Cautiously pour the contents of the flask into running water under
the hood. If allowed to cool completely the by-product of the
reaction will form a solid cake and the flask may be broken in
trying to remove it. It is important, however, to allow the con-
tents of the flask to cool nearly to room temperature before the
mixture of acid and acid sulphate are poured into water.
When the hydrochloric acid has cooled to room temperature
determine the volume and the specific gravity of the solution in
both absorption bottles. Use either a hydrometer or the apparatus
shown in Fig. 19. Consult the table on page 371 and determine
the percentage composition of the preparation. Calculate the
weight of hydrogen chloride obtained, the normality of the solu-
tion, and the percentage yield.
Practically all the hydrochloric acid will be found in the first
absorption bottle. Transfer this to a 250-cc. narrow-necked
glass-stoppered bottle.
1. How much of an excess of sulphuric acid was used in this
preparation? What is the advantage of using such an excess?
2. Why was air drawn through the apparatus after the reaction
was complete?
3. What conditions are necessary for the formation of Na2SO4
in the preparation of HC1? Why is NaHSO 4 called an acid salt?
The obvious method for preparing hydrobromic acid would be
to treat solid sodium bromide with concentrated sulphuric acid.
This is not a successful method, however, owing to the fact that
hydrogen bromide reacts to some extent with concentrated sul-
phuric acid according to the equation
H2SO4 + 2HBr -> 2H 2 O + SO2 + Br 2
and the gas passing over to the absorption bottles would be con-
taminated with sulphur dioxide and bromine. To prepare pure
hydrobromic acid it is necessary to employ a different procedure.
The method we shall use starts with bromine and allows it to
react with red phosphorus and water. Phosphorus and bromine
combine very easily to form PBr3, but the phosphorus bromide
hydrolyzes completely and hydrogen bromide passes over to the
absorption flask.
PBr 3 + 3H 2 O -y P(OH) 3 + 3HBr
FIG. 20
Procedure: After carefully studying the diagram (Fig. 20)
construct the apparatus. Place 6 grams of the red phosphorus,
12 grams of sand, and 6 cc. of water in the flask. The success of
this preparation depends very largely on the care with which the
phosphorus is spread out over the surface of the broken glass in
the small U-tubes. To this end mix 2 grams of the phosphorus
and 25 grams of the broken glass by shaking in a 300-cc. flask.
The phosphorus will not stick to the glass. Add water one drop
at a time, shaking after each addition until the phosphorus adheres
to the glass, but avoid using enough water to give any appearance
of wetness. Place the uncoated broken glass in the bend of each
small U-tube and fill the vertical arms nearly up to the side arm
with the glass coated with phosphorus. Pack a little glass wool
on top of the broken glass. Pour 25 cc. of distilled water, or enough
to close the bend, into the large U-tube. Caution: Use extreme
care in handling bromine. The liquid produces severe burns on the
skin and the vapor is very irritating to the eyes and throat. Make
sure that the stop cock of the separatory funnel is tight, properly
lubricated, and turns easily. When manipulating it after the
bromine has been added, hold the bulb with one hand, and exert
a slight inward pressure on the stop cock while turning it with the
other hand. Be very careful that the cock does not slip out of the
socket letting the bromine leak out over the fingers.
After making sure that the apparatus is tight, measure the bro-
mine and pour it into the funnel. Then let a single drop of bro-
mine fall into the flask, watching its effect. Add the rest of the
bromine a drop at a time as rapidly as proves safe. After the gas
ceases to be absorbed in the large U-tube disconnect the apparatus.
When the hydrobromic acid has cooled to room temperature deter-
mine its volume and specific gravity. Use either a hydrometer or
the apparatus shown in Fig. 19. Consult the table on page 371
and determine the percentage composition of your solution.
Calculate the weight of hydrogen bromide obtained, the normality
of the solution, and the percentage yield. Preserve your prepara-
tion in a 2-ounce glass-stoppered bottle. Wash out the apparatus
at the sink under the hood.
1. Why would not a metal like zinc, which will combine vig-
orously with bromine, serve instead of phosphorus?
2. Explain why phosphorus is placed in the small U-tubes.
3. Explain why at the outset of the process bubbles pass out-
ward through the large U-tube, and later they pass in the op-
posite direction.
4. What are the products of the reaction of concentrated
sulphuric acid with potassium bromide? (See Experiment 13,
page 167.) Write the equations. What property possessed by
hydrogen bromide, but not by hydrogen chloride, is shown?
A general method of preparing a salt is by neutralizing an acid
with the appropriate base. It is almost as effective to use the
carbonate of the metal as the base, because carbonic acid is so
easily displaced. Barium carbonate is found naturally as the
mineral witherite, which contains iron and silica as impurities.
In this country barium carbonate (known as "precipitated"
barium carbonate) is made commercially by reducing barium sul-
phate to sulphide, and converting the latter to the carbonate by
means of carbon dioxide. The resulting product frequently con-
tains silica, barium sulphate, barium sulphide, and iron as im-
purities. After the acid has been neutralized with barium car-
bonate a little barium peroxide is added to the mixture. The
barium peroxide is nearly insoluble, but it does hydrolyze to a
small extent forming barium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide.
Any iron present is oxidized and precipitated as ferric hydroxide.
4 BaO 2 + 8 H2O + 4 FeCl 2 = 4 Fe(OH) 3 + 4 BaCl 2 + 2 H 2 O 2
2 H 2 O 2 - * 2 H 2 O + O2
After the solution has been filtered it is made acid with hydro-
chloric acid.
Materials: barium carbonate, BaCC>3.
barium peroxide, BaO 2 , 3 grams,
hydrochloric acid.
Apparatus: 8-inch porcelain dish.
5-inch funnel.
8-inch crystallizing dish and cover,
two 5-inch watch glasses,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
Procedure: The hydrochloric acid obtained in Preparation 7
may be used for this preparation or 166 cc. of 12N HC1 (2 F.W.)
may be used. Calculate the weight of barium carbonate required
to convert your sample of hydrochloric acid into barium chloride.
Pour the acid into an 8-inch porcelain evaporating dish and add
enough water to make 600 cc. of solution. Remove 10 cc. of this
dilute acid and save it for use later in the preparation. Add the
1. How could you show that your preparation is a hydrate?
2. Barium carbonate dissolves in water to the extent of 0.0023
gram in 100 cc. of water. Explain how it was possible to dissolve
the carbonate since it is so insoluble. Write an ionic equation.
3. Write equations to show how barium carbonate is prepared
from barium sulphate. Indicate the conditions for each step.
4. Dissolve a small amount of your preparation in 10 cc. of
water. Divide this solution into three portions. To one add a
drop of sulphuric acid; to the second add a drop of potassium
chromate; to the third add a drop of silver nitrate. Record your
observations and write ionic equations for each reaction.
5. To a solution of barium hydroxide add a few drops of hydro-
gen peroxide. Record your observations and write an equation.
What is the role of hydrogen peroxide in this reaction?
6. To a solution of BaCl2 add H 2 O 2 and explain why the same
effect is not observed as in Experiment 5.
begins to get hot. A white puff of smoke indicates that the re-
action is taking place. If one can see the charge one can see an in-
candescence rapidly spread through it. After this reaction, leave the
crucible in the furnace for 30 seconds, then remove it with the tongs
and pour the liquid contents into the iron pan. Leave the latter
unmoved until the contents have solidified. Then, working in the
furnace room, crack the brittle aluminum sulphide from the lead;
place the latter in the box for scrap lead, and pack the aluminum
sulphide in a 2-ounce common bottle fitted tightly with a cork
stopper. Caution: Aluminum sulphide reacts with the moisture
of the air producing hydrogen sulphide. Do not take any part of
the preparation outside of the furnace room except the well-
stoppered bottle of product. The crucible with adhering alumi-
num sulphide can best be disposed of by putting it in a pail of water
as soon as it is cool, thus getting rid of the hydrogen sulphide all
at once.
1. Experiment. Drop a small lump of aluminum sulphide
(at the hood) into a test tube of water. What is the gas formed,
and what is the insoluble residue left? This is a case of hy-
drolysis. Write the equation in ionized form, and name the acid
and the base.
2. Lead sulphide does not hydrolyze. Compare the basic
strength of Pb(OH) 2 and A1(OH)3. Does this fully account for
the difference? Perhaps the relative solubility of PbS and A12S3
would account for some of the difference. Explain how. Would
this explanation require the solubility of AI2S3 (as such) in water
to be greater or less than that of PbS?
1. Red and black sulphides of mercury have exactly the same
composition, as expressed by the empirical formula HgS. Would
you regard them as the same or as different substances? Give
your arguments.
Magnesium nitride is prepared by the same general principle
as that employed in preparing aluminum nitride (Preparation 13).
If, however, a pile of magnesium were allowed to burn freely in the
Use this as the generating flask A in Fig. 21. Assemble the rest
of the apparatus as shown. Pour 50 cc. of water in the absorp-
tion flask C. The water should seal the bottom of the thistle
tube h but should stand about { inch below the end of the de-
livery tube g. Place 10 cc. of 6N HC1 in the absorption tube D,
and then add enough water to seal the bend. Remove the stopper
FIG. 21
A = Generating flask. B = Trap to catch solid matter entrained with gas
and steam. C = Absorptionflaskwith pure water in bottom. D = Absorp-
tion tube, bend sealed with dilute acid.
and fittings from the generating flask A. Pour water into the sepa-
ratory funnel i and open the stop cock until the stem of the tube
has filled with water. Replace the stopper in the flask and open
the stop cock to admit a single drop of water. Add another drop
as soon as the reaction subsides, and continue to add a single drop
at a time until the reaction becomes less violent. Finally add
enough water to make 70 cc. Rock the flask until the contents are
thoroughly mixed, then while still rocking it apply a small flame
until the liquid boils. Boil gently for 15 minutes. Pour together
the contents of the absorption flask and the absorption tube, and,
using litmus as an indicator, add enough more 6iV HC1 to just
neutralize the ammonia in the absorption flask. Evaporate the
solution in a porcelain dish on the hot plate to obtain solid am-
monium chloride, according to Note 6 (6), page 12. Preserve the
product in a 2-ounce cork-stoppered bottle.
1. Burn a little calcium in the air and test the ash for nitride.
2. Give reasons for regarding the action of magnesium nitride
with water as an example of hydrolysis. Remember that hy-
drolysis is the exact reverse of neutralization and produces an
acid and a base from a salt and water. What is the acid and what
is the base in this case?
3. Why is it necessary to mix the magnesium nitride with
an inert material such as sand before adding water?
4. The layer from the top of the crucible will often contain a
black substance as well as a white, particularly so if the gases
from the flame entered under the lid of the crucible. What is this
black substance, and why does it form?
5. On the basis that air contains 4 volumes of nitrogen to 1
volume of oxygen and that all the oxygen and nitrogen that enter
under the lid of the crucible combine to form solid oxide and
nitride, calculate what fraction of the magnesium would be con-
verted to nitride.
The elements are divided into two classes, metals and non-
metals. Chemically the properties of the metals are as different
from those of the non-metals as physically, for the metals form the
electropositive constituents of compounds, whereas the non-metals
form the electronegative constituents.
It must be remembered that an uncombined element is elec-
trically neutral, but every element, with the exception of the rare
gases, has a more or less strong tendency to assume an electrified
condition, the strength of which tendency is indicated by the posi-
tion of the element in the electromotive series. When a metal
and a non-metal combine chemically with each other we can con-
Nearly all the elements combine with oxygen forming simple
binary compounds.
No divalent negative ion of oxygen, 0 , has ever been found;
nevertheless the valence of oxygen is believed to be —2 because
of the composition of these compounds.
1. Treat a little cupric oxide with hydrochloric acid. The
liquid acquires a blue color and the black solid finally disap-
pears entirely. Evaporate the solution and a residue is left
which becomes brown on further heating.
The fogging of the breath, litmus test, and smoking with am-
monia indicate that hydrogen bromide is freely evolved. The
reddish tinge to the gas and the coloring of iodide-starch paper
indicate the presence of a rather small amount of free bromine.
19. Allotropic Forms, (a) Dissolve in a dry test tube a
small piece of roll sulphur in 3 to 5 cc. of carbon disulphide.
Pour the clear solution on a watch glass and allow it to evap-
orate spontaneously under the hood. Examine the crystals.
This is rhombic sulphur.
(6) Heat 10 grams of sulphur in a test tube until it has just
melted. Pour the liquid into the cone of a folded filter paper.
Then allow the melt to cool very slowly, and when it has par-
tially solidified, and a crust has formed over the surface,
break this crust and pour out what is still left in the liquid
state. Examine the crystals and compare them with those
observed in (a). This is monoclinic sulphur.
(c) Melt 10 grams of sulphur in a test tube. Heat slowly,
and observe all the changes that take place during the heating.
When the sulphur boils, pour it into a pan or large beaker
of water and observe the condition of the cooled product.
It will be found to be quite elastic. This is amorphous
Distinguish between the three solid forms of sulphur here ob-
served and discuss the differences in the conditions under which
they are formed (see reference book).
20. Hydrogen and Sulphur, (a) Prepare hydrogen sul-
phide by the action of dilute sulphuric acid on ferrous sul-
phide in a generator bottle (see Note 13 (a), page 18). Pass
the gas through a drying tube containing a plug of cotton
wool, which retains any acid spray, then through a piece of
hard glass tube the end of which is drawn out into a capillary
jet. Heat a section of the tube to redness and observe that
a white deposit is formed on the walls of the cooler part of
the tube beyond.
(6) Light the gas issuing from the capillary jet and note
the products of the freely burning hydrogen sulphide. The
odor of sulphur dioxide is unmistakable. If a cold bottle
is held over the flame, water condenses inside the bottle. Now
thrust a piece of cold porcelain half way into the flame and
note the deposit of sulphur.
(c) Generate hydrogen gas in exactly the same way as
hydrogen sulphide in (a). Place about 0.5 gram of sulphur
apply suction and press out the last possible drops of liquid.
Repeat the washing with another 15 cc. of distilled water. The
product may now be considered to be "commercially pure"
although it still contains an appreciable amount of chloride.
Test the preparation for chloride by dissolving about 0.1 gram in
5 cc. of distilled water, adding an excess' of dilute nitric acid and a
few drops of silver nitrate solution. Transfer the product to
a 4-inch porcelain dish, taking care not to include any of the
filter paper, and allow it to air-dry completely if it is to be pre-
served as sodium bicarbonate. If it is to be converted to the
carbonate it is not necessary to wait for complete drying. Place
the dish on an iron wire gauze on a ring stand, and adjust a gas
flame 2 inches high the top of which is | inch below the wire gauze.
Continue the heating in this fashion until the product appears
dry. Then place a watch glass over the dish to retain the heat in
the upper layer of the powder and continue the heating with
frequent stirring until escape of gas (seething) ceases. One-half
hour's heating with the low flame as described should suffice to
decompose the bicarbonate (200°) and avoid melting the car-
bonate (851°) and causing it to cake together and stick to the dish.
Put up the preparation in a 2-ounce cork-stoppered bottle.
1. What is the purpose of washing the product with water?
How much sodium bicarbonate is lost in the mother liquor and
the wash water (see solubility table)?
2. Why must the solution be acidulated with nitric acid before
testing with silver nitrate?
3. Why cannot potassium bicarbonate be effectively prepared
from potassium chloride by the ammonia process? (Look up
the solubility of potassium bicarbonate.) What process may
be used to prepare potassium carbonate from this source?
4. Write the intersecting ionic equation for the recovery of
ammonia from the ammonium chloride liquors.
5. What becomes of the ammonium chloride still clinging to
the sodium bicarbonate preparation when the latter is heated to
convert it to the carbonate?
6. Define an acid salt. Compare the acidity of NaHSC>4 and
NaHC0 3 . Write equations for reactions in which these acid salts
are showing their acid character.
CaCO 3 1
Ca(OH)2 0 02 0 02 X 0 042
CaCO3 0 00013 0 00013 X 0 00013
1. The calcium hydroxide used in causticizing is soluble only
to the extent of 1.7 grams per liter. Explain how, in spite of its
limited solubility, the required amount can enter into reaction.
2. Explain why the solution obtained contains practically no
calcium ions although an excess of calcium hydroxide, which is
appreciably soluble in pure water, has been used for causticizing.
and the anode arm into the other beaker. Rinse out the cathode
arm with three portions of 3 to 5 cc. of distilled water, adding the
rinsings to the beaker. Add a few drops of phenolphthalein.
Now carefully remove the anode from the coulometer, and set
it in a test tube full of distilled water. Be careful not to bruise it.
Then rinse it with alcohol and, after it has dried, weigh it. Return
the CUSO4 solution to a bottle marked " Used CUSO4 Solution."
Titrate the cathode solution with the standard acid prepared
in Experiment 6, and thus determine the number of equivalents
of NaOH produced in the cathode compartment.
From the loss of weight of the copper anode determine the num-
ber of faradays of electricity that were used in the cell. The ratio
of the number of equivalents of NaOH to the number of faradays
gives the current efficiency.
1. One coulomb per second is the unit of electric current, and
is called the " ampere." From the loss of weight of the anode
and the elapsed time, calculate the current that flowed through
the cell on the assumption that it was uniform during that time.
2. At the beginning of the electrolysis what ions are transferred
through the cotton plug of the U-tube? As the electrolysis
progresses and an OH~ ion concentration is built up in the cathode
compartment, how is the picture of the ion transference altered?
3. If N a + ions are practically the only positive ions which move
up to the cathode, how do you explain that H+ rather than Na+
ions are discharged at the cathode surface? Describe some form
of cell in which sodium metal is actually liberated at the cathode.
What is the essential difference between the latter cell and the
cell used in this experiment?
4. If the current efficiency of the hydrogen discharge is 100
per cent, calculate from the copper coulometer data the volume of
hydrogen escaping.
5. If a silver coulometer had also been inserted in the circuit,
what weight of silver would have been deposited on the cathode?
All deposits of salt in the earth are a result of the evaporation
either of sea water or of water containing approximately the same
salts as sea water. " Rock s a l t " is the name applied to coarse
unpurified salt, and it contains the same impurities as sea salt
although usually in lesser amount.
FIG. 23
pofagerock7).salPtreinpartehepugreenerhaytodrroflask gen acnhdlortidreeatinbgy itplaw cinithgth5e09g5ram ccs
cthoencepnretrapteadratiosnulpohfuhricydraoccihdlo.ricObasecrvide, tphaegedire1c4ti2o,nsandgivennoteundpearr-
bytoobfuthcbeobnlincdgeisnptraoittesadthlroouhfgyhdthroecthhelhoorictwaraeshcsiiinddgu, T
tchhelnoriditeissolpuatiossnedinthrothuegh60th0e-cc.wbideea-m o u t
h fu n n el i n t o th e s
ceases to be evolved on heating ktheer. W gehnenerathoyr,drocgoelnectcthhleoridpere-
1. Why must the hydrochloric acid gas be passed through a
washing bottle? Why is the safety tube necessary?
2. Why, in the light of the law of molecular concentration,
should one expect the solubility of sodium chloride to be lessened
by the presence of hydrochloric acid? It may be stated that
another effect known as the " salting-out effect " also comes into
play here and likewise tends to lessen the solubility of sodium
chloride. The great amount of heat liberated when hydrogen
chloride dissolves in water indicates a chemical action, and it is
very probable that the water and hydrogen chloride unite to form
an unstable compound. In the saturated solution then nearly all
the water is chemically combined and very little is left to hold
sodium chloride in solution.
3. Mention two possible causes for the very considerable
amount of heat produced when the hydrochloric acid gas is ab-
sorbed by the solution in the beaker.
4. Why does not the solution in the washing bottle also grow
Ammonium bromide could be prepared by the neutralization
of ammonium hydroxide with hydrobromic acid,
N H 4 0 H + HBr = NI^Br + H2O
Since, however, hydrobromic acid is a more expensive material
than uncombined bromine, the latter would have the preference
as a source of bromine, provided it yielded as satisfactory a prod-
uct. Bromine reacts upon a cold solution of sodium hydroxide
1. What products would be formed if bromine were added to
a solution of sodium hydroxide instead of ammonium hydroxide
(a) if the solution were kept cold? (6) if it were heated?
2. Add about 10 drops of bromine to 10 cc. of a cold 3.ZV
sodium hydroxide solution. Add this gradually to a solution
of ammonium hydroxide, made by diluting 1 cc. of the 6 N reagent
with 10 cc. of water. Determine what gas is given off.
3. What fraction of the entire amount of ammonium ion used is
lost through formation of nitrogen gas when ammonium bromide
is made by the action of bromine on ammonium hydroxide?
4. Why cannot hydrobromic acid be prepared from potassium
bromide by a method analogous to that used in the preparation of
hydrochloric acid?
One of the most important sources of strontium is the mineral
celestite, SrSO*. By reduction with charcoal this can be con-
verted into strontium sulphide,
SrSO4 + 4C = SrS + 4CO
and the strontium sulphide, by treatment with copper oxide and
water, can be made to yield strontium hydroxide,
SrS + CuO + H 2 O = Sr(OH) 2 + CuS
Copper oxide is, in the ordinary sense, insoluble; nevertheless, in
contact with water it does yield to an infinitesimal extent the ions
of cupric hydroxide.
CuO + H2O ^± Cu(OH) 2 ^ Cu++ + 2OH"
Since copper sulphide is a far more insoluble substance than
copper oxide, it follows that the few C u + + ions from the latter
unite with the S~~ ions from the strontium sulphide to form
copper sulphide, which precipitates continuously, while the
in order to avoid having the crystals form in the filter and clog it
completely. Heat 50 cc. of water to boiling in a beaker, and keep
it at this temperature until it is required. Add hot water to the
dish to replace any lost by evaporation, and pour (Note 2, page 4)
the hot solution through a large ordinary filter (Note 4 (c), page
7), catching the filtrate in a 500-cc. flask, and allowing the main
part of the residue to remain in the dish. Add the 50 cc. of hot
water to this residue, stir it thoroughly, heating it for a moment
over the flame, and then pour solution and residue into the filter
and drain out all the liquid. In order to lessen the rate of cooling
of the liquid in the filter funnel the latter should be kept covered
with a watch glass. Stopper the flask to exclude the air, and
wrap it with a towel, so that the solution may cool slowly and
larger crystals may be formed. Finally, after several hours cool
the solution with running tap water and then collect the crystals
on a suction filter. Drain the crystals for a moment, but do not
draw too much air through them, as they retain all the carbon
dioxide it contains. Wrap the product in paper towels and leave
it to dry over night at room temperature. (See Note 9 (6),
page 15.) Put the product in a 6-ounce cork-stoppered bottle.
1. What constituent of the atmosphere must be excluded from
the solution while crystallizing and from the crystals while drying?
How would it contaminate the preparation?
2. A sample of the preparation should dissolve nearly clear in
hot water. What will surely cause a slight cloudiness?
3. How could strontium chloride be prepared from strontium
4. Give some other method by which strontium hydroxide
could be obtained from strontium sulphide without the use of
copper oxide.
5. Starting with the mineral strontium carbonate, how might
strontium hydroxide be prepared? Strontium oxide? Strontium
Strontium chloride might be prepared by treating strontium
sulphide, the intermediate product in the last preparation, with
hydrochloric acid, but, to avoid the hydrogen sulphide nuisance,
Pressure of CO2 in
equilibrium with
700° 22 mm.
750 80
800 167
897 760
1000 2.7 mm.
1100 8740
1350 381.
The barium oxide obtained in this way is not pure, but contains
particles of charcoal as well as impurities coming from the mineral.
It is very suitable, however, for the manufacture of barium hy-
droxide, into which it is converted by treatment with water.
Barium hydroxide is extremely soluble in hot water, but sparingly
so in cold water, from which it separates in flake-like crystals of
the composition Ba(OH)2-8H2O.
Materials: barium carbonate, BaCO3, 99 grams = 0.5 F.W.; if
the mineral witherite is used it should be very
finely powdered; the artificially prepared mate-
rial will react more readily,
powdered charcoal, 25 grams,
rosin, 5 grams.
Apparatus: gas furnace.
30-gram clay crucible, with cover.
8-inch porcelain dish.
1. How does barium hydroxide become contaminated by ex-
posure to the air? Why might this product be dried with less
contamination by exposure to the air out-of-doors than to the air
of the laboratory?
2. The mineral witherite often contains barium sulphate as
an impurity. State what changes this substance would undergo
during the above process. How could barium hydroxide be pre-
pared from barium sulphide? (Compare preparation of stron-
tium hydroxide from strontium sulphate, page 194.)
3. Devise a method for preparing barium hydroxide from
barium carbonate by which the use of a furnace may be avoided.
Very few of the chemical properties of the non-metals are dis-
played except in conjunction with the metals; in our study of the
non-metals in the preceding chapters, therefore, we already have
had revealed to us many of the chemical properties of the metals.
1. Place a few small lumps of marble (calcium carbo-
nate) in a small porcelain crucible. Cover the crucible in
order to keep in the heat, and heat it strongly for 20 minutes
with a Bunsen flame. When the product has cooled, wet
each lump with a single drop or two of water and wait a few
minutes, if necessary, to observe the effect. The lumps
should grow very hot, and steam be driven off. Then wet
the product with somewhat more water, and test the reaction
of the moist mass towards litmus. The litmus is colored
strongly blue by the suspension.
Mg++ 2C1"
2NH4OH ^ 2OH " 2NH 4 +
Mg(OH) 2 1
When ammonium hydroxide dissociates electrolytically it yields
the ion NIL/1". The group of atoms NH 4 , which is often spoken
of as the ammonium radical, resembles in many respects the atom
of sodium or potassium. Like these, it can form a monovalent
positive ion, or it can form compounds with acid radicals, for
example, NH4CI, (NH^SCV, but unlike sodium and potassium,
it cannot exist in the uncombined state.
6. (a) Place a mixture of dry ammonium chloride and
calcium hydroxide in a dry test tube and heat gently. A gas
escapes from the tube, which has the odor of ammonia and
which turns moist litmus blue.
(6) Add a solution of a strong base to a solution of any
ammonium salt, warm. The odor of ammonia is at once
These experiments furnish an example of the displacement of
a weak base by means of a strong base. In (a) there is doubtless
enough moisture condensed on the surface of the solid material so
that the reaction can be considered as an ionic one. In this
case as well as in (6) we have the weak base NH4OH forming from
its ions. The non-electrolytic dissociation of NH4OH yields the
gas NH 3 , the odor of which is observed.
7. Gaseous Dissociation of Ammonium Chloride. Like all
ammonium salts, ammonium chloride can be volatilized by
applying heat. Some of the other salts are permanently de-
composed by the process, but the vapor of ammonium chloride
can be condensed again to the same solid substance.
Place 2 grams of ammonium chloride in the middle of a
combustion tube, and on either side place loose plugs of
asbestos. Outside the asbestos plugs at both ends place mois-
tened strips of both red and blue litmus paper. Support
the tube in a slightly inclined position by means of a clamp,
and heat the section containing the salt, using a flame spreader.
At both ends the red litmus is colored blue at first. Later
the color at each end changes to red.
The vapor of ammonium chloride is very largely dissociated
NH4CI ^ NH 3 + HC1
The rate of diffusion of gases, according to Graham's law, is
inversely proportioned to thesquare root of thedensities. Thus
the ammonia in the mixture wil diffuse —7=^- or1.5 times as fast
as the hydrogen chloride,and at eachend the gas which diffuses
through the plugs contains atfirstan excess of ammonia. The
residual gas inthemiddle is left with an excess of HC1, and when
this gasisfinallyexpelled by heat the moist litmus at each end
turns red.
8. Hydrolysis of Ammonium Salts. Boil for some time
a solution of ammonium sulphate to which has been added
a few dropsof blue litmus solution. Pass the vaporsinto a
flask of water containing a few drops of red litmus. The
litmus in the boilingflaskslowly turns red. The litmus in
theflaskin which the vapors are condensed turns blue.
The neutral salt of a base as strong as ammonium hydroxide is
practically not hydrolyzed at all in cold water, certainly not enough
to show by the litmus test. Water at 100° is ionized about ten
times as much as at ordinary temperature and consequently the
hydrolysis of the ammonium sulphate is increased:
2NH4+ SO4""
2NH4OH ?± 2NH3 + 2H2O
Even at 100° the hydrolysis is practically negligible except that
one hydrolysis product, NH40H, is volatile, whereas the other,
H2SO4, is non-volatile. Thus, since a minute amount of ammonia
passes over with the steam, before long the accumulation of
NH4OH in the condensingflaskturns litmus blue, and the residue
of H2SO4 in the boilingflasklikewise shows its presence there.
1. Make a tableof the elements of Group I, Family A, includ-
ing lithium and sodium, giving in succeeding columns: (1) the
symbol of the element; (2) itsvalence in its compounds; (3) the
formula of the oxide; (4) theformula of thehydroxide; (5) the
Boron and aluminum, the first two members of this group, are
the only ones which are classed among the common elements.
On this account, and also because the difference in properties
between Family A and Family B is far less marked than in Groups I
and II, the whole group is taken up under one heading.
The characteristics of this group are that the elements possess
a valence of 3, and that the oxides, M2O3, have but a weakly
developed basic character. Boron, in fact, shows practically
no base-forming properties, but forms rather a weak acid. The
oxide of aluminum displays both basic and acidic properties;
that is, it is amphoteric. The remaining elements are more dis-
tinctly base-forming than aluminum, without, however, approach-
ing in any way the alkaline earth metals in this respect.
In this preparation, borax, the sodium salt of tetraboric acid,
is chosen as the source of boron. Although boron is decidedly a
non-metal, still its acid-forming characteristics are not highly
developed and its acids are readily displaced by strong acids from
solutions of their salts. Thus tetraboric acid, H2B4O7, would be
set free from borax by hydrochloric acid, but the acid which
actually crystallizes is the more highly hydrated orthoboric acid,
Materials: borax, NaaB^-lOHaO, 96 grams = 0.25 F.W.
methyl orange solution.
Apparatus: 600-cc. beaker.
5-inch funnel.
suction filter and trap bottle.
5-inch watch glass,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner,
towel and rubber band.
1. Explain the relations between orthoboric acid, metaboric
acid, tetraboric acid, and boric anhydride. Experiment: Place
a few grams of boric acid on a watch glass upon the steam table
(100-110°) and leave for \ hour. What is formed? What
would be formed if the acid were heated to 140°? Suspend a
little of the acid in a loop of platinum wire, and heat in the Bunsen
flame. What is formed?
2. Experiment: Place a few crystals of boric acid in a small
porcelain dish, cover them with 5 cc. of alcohol, set fire to it. Ob-
serve the color of the edges of the flame, especially when stirring
and when the alcohol is almost burned out. Repeat, using borax
instead of the boric acid, and again, using borax moistened with
concentrated sulphuric acid.
What causes the green color of the flame, and why is it not
observed with borax alone?
Repeat if necessary the last part of Experiment 1, noticing the
color imparted to the flame while the orthoboric acid is first
melting, and again when a clear bead of boric anhydride is obtained.
What conclusions can you make from these experiments regard-
ing the volatility of boric acid and of boric anhydride?
3. What effect has a solution of borax upon litmus? Explain
what is thus shown regarding the strength of boric or tetraboric
acid. Explain why litmus will not be turned a bright red until
more than 2 moles of HC1 have been added to 1 mole of borax.
4. How can boron chloride be prepared? How does this sub-
stance behave when treated with water? How would it behave
if boron were a strongly metallic element?
At least three boric acids of the definite compositions shown
by the formulas H3BO3, HBO2, H2B4O7 can be prepared in the solid
form. These are all obtainable from the anhydride B 2 O 3 , and
they differ only in the degree of hydration of the B2O3.
Hydrogen peroxide differs from water in that it possesses the
divalent negative radical O2 instead of the ordinary divalent 0
radical of water. (Compare page 160.)
Peroxides such as BaO 2 possess the same O2 radical as hydro-
gen peroxide and exhibit similar oxidizing properties. There is
also a large number of acids and salts known in which an O2 group
takes the place of the single 0 atom in the ordinary compound.
These also possess the oxidizing properties of peroxides. One of
the most easily prepared of these is sodium perborate NaBO 3
which bears the same relation to sodium metaborate NaBO 2 that
hydrogen peroxide does to water. A solution prepared with equi-
formal amounts of H3BO3 and NaOH contains the proportions of
acid and base to yield NaBO 2 . But if this solution is evaporated
to the point where crystals separate, we do not obtain NaBO2 but
rather borax Na2B4O7-10H2O, and the remaining solution contains
a higher proportion of base. If, however, H 2 O 2 is added to the
dilute sodium metaborate solution, the sparingly soluble hydrated
sodium perborate NaBO 3 -4H 2 O crystallizes out. This salt when
into the first one with stirring and observe the decolorization and
the evolution of a gas. Again compare with the action of hydrogen
safety tube (Fig. 23, on page 191). The gas will then pass into the
flask containing the aluminum chloride solution. The end of the
delivery tube dipping into the solution must be at least 1.5 cm. in
diameter, else it will become stopped with the precipitated prod-
uct. To the latter flask fit an exit tube which will lead any
waste gas to within \ inch of the surface of water in a bottle.
Surround the flask of aluminum chloride with cracked ice and
water, and pass the gas into the solution until it is saturated.
Observe the usual caution about disposing of the hot contents of
the generator. Collect the crystalline precipitate in a 5-inch
funnel containing a marble and dry it as completely as possible
with suction while pressing the crystal mass with the round end of
a test tube. Place the product in a 4-inch porcelain dish in the
desiccator over solid sodium hydroxide. It will take several days
for the excess of hydrochloric acid to evaporate from the crystals.
When it is dry put the product in an 8-ounce cork-stoppered bottle.
1. Treat some of the aluminum chloride with water. Does it
dissolve to give a clear solution? Is there any noticeable heating?
Test the solution with litmus. Is the salt hydrolyzed? Is it
hydrolyzed extensively? Explain how you reach your conclusion
from this experiment.
2. Warm about 1 gram of the preparation in a porcelain dish
over a flame until fumes cease to come off. What are the vapors
given off, and by what tests do you make your conclusion? Is the
residue soluble in water? Of what does it consist?
3. Explain the difference in the extent to which the hydrolysis
takes place when the salt is dissolved in a large amount of water
and when it is heated with merely its water of crystallization.
1. Place 3 cc. of the carbon disulphide solution of aluminum
bromide in a dry 600-cc. beaker. In another beaker place 100 cc.
of cold water, and holding it at arm's length with the face turned
away, pour it all at once into the first beaker. The effect is
startling but not dangerous if one is not too near. Heat the con-
tents of the beaker until all the carbon disulphide is evaporated.
Is the aluminum bromide now dissolved in the water? Make
tests for Al + + + and Br~ ions on separate small portions. How?
1. Acid Strength of Boric Acid. Dissolve 3 grams of
H3BO3 in 50 cc. of water, thus making a formal solution.
Add a few drops of a solution of blue litmus and compare the
color with that produced by dilute HC1. Add 12V NaOH,
1 cc. at a time, noting the gradual change in color, until
the litmus is completely blue, and note the amount taken.
It would take 150 cc. of 12V NaOH to give Na 3 BO 3 , 50 cc
to give NaBO 2 , and 25 cc. to give Na2B4O7. The fact that the
solution becomes alkaline when there is still a large excess of boric
acid in the solution (even when it is figured as tetraboric acid,
H2B4O7) shows how very weak the acid is.
A substance which can behave both as an acid and a base is
known as amphoteric. In water such a substance would yield
both H + and OH~ ions, but the product of the concentrations of
these ions could not exceed the ion product of water;
[H+] X [OH"] = 10"7 X 10"7 = 1 0 - "
Amphoteric substances are necessarily extremely weak both as
acids and as bases, but they possess the property of reacting with
strong acids on the one hand and with strong bases on the other
Aluminum hydroxide is amphoteric; it is itself insoluble, but
its salts, such as A1C13 and Na 3 A10 3 , are very soluble; it is therefore
most easy to observe whether the aluminum hydroxide reacts with
an acid or a base, because if it does it is seen to dissolve.
On account of the fact that copper has not the power of displac-
ing hydrogen from acids, it is not possible to dissolve it directly in
dilute sulphuric acid. But although the metal itself is so difficult
to attack with non-oxidizing acids, nevertheless copper oxide is
readily dissolved by all acids; and thus the problem is to convert
copper into its oxide. The cheapest source of oxygen is the atmos-
phere, and on the commercial scale, the usual method of obtaining
copper sulphate from scrap copper is to allow dilute sulphuric acid
to drip slowly over the latter, to which air is given free access.
Since, however, this method would be too time-consuming for the
1. Explain why copper will not dissolve in dilute sulphuric acid.
2. Write the equation for the reaction of copper with con-
Cupric salts derived from the oxide CuO are stable in contact
with air and water and comprise the most used compounds of
copper. Cupric ions, C u + + , are present in solutions of cupric salts.
Cuprous salts are derived from cuprous oxide, Cu 2 O, and are
generally unstable in contact with air and water. No soluble
cuprous salts which dissolve in water to give cuprous ions, Cu+,
are known.
The conditions under which cuprous salts can exist may be ex-
plained in terms of the equilibrium which establishes itself in the
Cu° + Cu++ <=t 2Cu+ (1)
When copper metal is dipped in cupric sulphate solution this
reaction runs a very small distance to the right until the equilib-
rium ratio of cuprous and cupric ions is reached. This ratio is
very small. The same concentration ratio is reached from the
opposite direction when cuprous oxide is treated with dilute sul-
phuric acid
Cu 2 O + H 2 SO 4 -»• 2Cu+ SO«~~ + H 2 O
2Cu+ <=t Cu++ + Cu
when nearly all the cuprous sulphate resulting from the neutrali-
zation changes to cupric sulphate and copper.
Cuprous ions and chloride ions form two different combinations
Cu+ + Cl" ^ CuCl | (2)
Cu+ + 2C1" ^ CuCl 2 " (3)
In presence of chloride ions, C u + ions are thus removed and copper
can continue to react with C u + + ions as in (1) until the cupric
salt is all reduced to cuprous. Increasing concentration of Cl"
favors reaction (3) more than reaction (2), and thus in con-
centrated HC1 we obtain the soluble H + CuCl 2 ~. Dilution of the
latter reduces the concentration of (Cl~), which favors the com-
plex ion formation in proportion to its second power, and of the
move the filter paper, and break up the cake. Rest the watch
glass on a wooden ring or on a beaker and set in on the hot plate.
As soon as the odor of ether has disappeared, pulverize the product
and put it into a 2-ounce bottle which has been thoroughly dried.
The product should be pure white.
1. Explain why copper does not reduce cupric sulphate to cu-
prous sulphate.
2. Place 0.5 gram of cuprous chloride in the bottom of a dry
test tube. Fill it completely with 6N NH4OH and immediately
stopper it tightly, allowing no air bubble to remain at the top.
Invert the tube a number of times until the salt is dissolved. At
this point, the solution should be nearly colorless, and it would
be quite so if the salt had been pure and air had been completely
excluded. Pour the solution into an open beaker and note the
change in color. Equations?
3. Spread about 0.5 gram of cuprous chloride in a watch glass;
moisten it, and let it stand 5-10 minutes. What causes the
discoloration? Equation? Rinse the discolored mass into a
beaker and add 1-2 cc. 6N HC1. What causes the solid to
again become white and the solution blue? Equation?
Procedure: Dissolve the blue vitriol and the Rochelle salt each
in 200 cc. of hot water, filter the solutions separately if they are
not clear, and when they are nearly cold mix them together in the
8-inch dish. In the meantime dissolve the sodium hydroxide in
200 cc. of water, cool it completely, filter if not clear, and pour
it in a thin stream into the mixture in the dish, stirring constantly
and being careful not to allow the mixture to get more than barely
warm from the reaction. A clear deep blue solution results.
Dissolve the 10 grams of dextrose in 100 cc. of water. Heat the
cupric salt solution to boiling; add the dextrose solution 10 cc.
at a time until the blue color of the cupric salt is discharged. To
determine this point it is necessary after stirring to wait a few
moments to let the red precipitate of CU2O settle so that one can
observe the color of the upper layer of solution. Avoid adding
more than necessary of the dextrose since this substance is turned
brown by the hot alkali and the brilliant red color of the cuprous
oxide is dulled. Pour the contents of the dish into about 1 liter
of cold water in a 2-liter bottle and mix thoroughly; let settle for
about 15 minutes. Although the supernatant liquid still appears
turbid at this point, the amount of suspended cuprous oxide is
very small. Decant this turbid liquid very carefully so as not to
stir up the cuprous oxide. As the bottle is gradually tipped, the
heavy cuprous oxide finally settles into the shoulder of the bottle
and all but about 100 cc. of the liquid runs over the lip. Fill the
bottle again with water, mix, let settle, and decant as before.
Transfer the cuprous oxide to the suction filter, and as soon as the
last drop of water is sucked into the compacted cake in the bottom,
stop the suction. Then wash with 2 successive portions of 15 cc.
each of water and 3 successive portions of 15 cc. each of alcohol,
following the directions of the preceding preparation. Place the
cuprous oxide on a watch glass on the hot plate, and as soon as
the alcohol is evaporated, put up the product in a 2-ounce cork-
stoppered bottle.
1. Treat 0.25 gram of the product with 5 cc. of hot 6N H2SO4.
Note carefully the appearance of the undissolved residue, and
whether the solution is blue after the residue has settled. Read
the discussion of the preceding preparation and interpret the results
observed in this preparation.
2. Treat 0.25 gram of the product with 6 drops of water or
enough to moisten it and then add 6 N HCl a drop at a time noting
the progressive change in the appearance of the residue. Finally
see if a considerable amount (5-10 cc.) of the HCl will dissolve
the residue. Pour the clear solution into 500 cc. of cold water.
Read the discussion of the cuprous chloride preparation and
explain the observations made in this experiment.
3. Treat 0.25 gram of the product with 10 cc. of cold QN NH 4 0H
and compare the results with those of Experiment 2 under Cuprous
Chloride. Could you explain the difference by assuming that
cuprous oxide is much more insoluble than cuprous chloride in
pure water?
1. What is the reaction between C u + + and OH~ ions? To
a little 1 N CuSO* add 6 N NaOH drop by drop, until it is present
in excess.
2. Explain what successive reactions occur when ammonium
hydroxide is added instead of sodium hydroxide.
3. To 5 cc. of IN CUSO4 add 10 cc. of a molal solution of
tartaric acid; then add sodium hydroxide solution, as in (1),
and compare the results with those in (1) and (2), but do not
attempt to ascribe a definite formula to the complex compound
carbonate in 500 cc. of water and filter. Pour the filtrate into the
purified ZnSO4 solution. Note if there is any effervescence. The
precipitate should be pure white. Stir or shake to aid the escape of
carbon dioxide. Fill the bottle to the top with water, stir, and
let stand until the white precipitate has settled to one-third or
one-fourth the volume of the bottle. This will take about 30
minutes. Draw off the clear solution and wash the remaining
precipitate by decantation until it is calculated that it is con-
taminated with less than 0.1 per cent of the soluble sodium sulphate
present at first (see Note 5 (6), page 10). Finally, transfer the
sludge to a large, ordinary filter (Note 4 (c), page 7), and allow it
to drain over night. It should now be in the form of a jelly-like
cake which holds its shape. Without removing it from the filter
lift the latter from the funnel, unfold it without tearing, spread it
flat on paper towels, and leave it on the steam table until the ma-
terial is dry. Do not try to remove the material from the filter
until it is absolutely dry; it will then flake off clean when the paper
is bent. Heat the basic zinc carbonate in the 4-inch porcelain dish
gently with a flame 2 inches high which is held in the hand and
played over the bottom of the dish. The material falls to an
impalpable powder which seethes, or appears to boil, as long as
gases are being expelled. Avoid heating the dish to any faintest
sign of visible redness. The product is faintly yellow when hot
but it should become pure white when cold. Test the product by
wetting 0.1 gram with 2 cc. of water and adding a few drops of
6N HC1. The zinc oxide should dissolve, and there should be no
trace of effervescence. Put up the preparation in a 2-ounce
cork-stoppered bottle.
1. Why could not the precipitate of basic zinc carbonate have
been advantageously freed from the solution by means of a suction
2. Which is more readily decomposed by heat, calcium car-
bonate or zinc carbonate? Which then is the more strongly basic,
calcium oxide or zinc oxide?
3. To a solution of zinc sulphate add a solution of sodium
hydroxide, drop by drop, until the precipitate first formed re-
dissolves. How is zinc hydroxide similar to aluminum hydroxide
Mercury, like copper, will not dissolve in non-oxidizing acids,
but it does dissolve in nitric acid. Two oxides of mercury are
known, Hg2O and HgO, corresponding to the mercurous and mer-
curic salts. In order to obtain the nitrate corresponding to the
lower oxide, it is necessary merely to keep mercury present in
excess until after the acid is exhausted.
Materials: mercury, Hg, 25 grams = 0.125 F.W.
6N H N 0 3 , 20 cc.
Apparatus: 300-cc. flask.
4-inch porcelain dish,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
1. Treat 0.5 gram of the preparation with 20 cc. of cold water.
It does not dissolve to give a clear solution. Note the character of
the residue of basic salt. Add dilute nitric acid drop by drop,
until a clear solution is obtained. Explain why the presence of a
little nitric acid should enable us to get a clear solution.
When mercury is heated with an excess of nitric acid, mercuric
nitrate is produced. This salt is exceedingly soluble in water, and
it can be crystallized only with a good deal of difficulty. When
a solution of it containing an excess of nitric acid is evaporated,
it becomes a thick, heavy sirup, which by further driving off of
nitric acid and water becomes a pasty mass, due to formation of
small crystals of basic nitrate, Hg < _ *. If the materials taken
for the preparation of this salt are pure, the product can contain
no other foreign matter than an excess of nitric acid; consequently,
in view of the difficulty of obtaining good crystals, it is convenient
to preserve the salt in this pasty condition.
Materials: mercury, Hg, 25 grams = 0.125 F.W.
6.ZVHNO3, 60 cc.
Apparatus: 300-cc. flask.
125-cc. casserole.
2-ounce glass-stoppered bottle,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
Procedure: Heat 25 grams of mercury in a flask in the hood with
60 cc. 6N HNO3 until it is all dissolved. Test a drop of the solu-
tion by adding to it in a test tube 1 cc. of cold water and a drop of
1. To prepare a solution of this salt for use as a laboratory
reagent, explain why it is necessary to add nitric acid. (Compare
with Question 1 under Mercurous Nitrate, page 232.)
2. To a solution of mercuric nitrate add a little hydrochloric
acid. Now add a little stannous chloride solution. What is the
precipitate, and what change in the valence of mercury must have
occurred before it could form?
In most of its properties the sulphocyanate radical resembles
the halogens, with which it is often classed, in the same manner
that the ammonium radical, NH 4 , is classed with the alkali metals.
Mercuric sulphocyanate is insoluble in water, and may be pro-
duced by bringing together equivalent quantities of solutions of
mercuric nitrate and potassium sulphocyanate, but if a suffi-
cient excess of either of these reagents is used, the precipitate
dissolves in it. From a consideration of the principle of solu-
bility product one would predict that an excess of either ion
would cause a decrease in the solubility of the salt Hg(SCN) 2 ,
but this effect is outweighed by the tendency of Hg(SCN) 2 to
combine with either H g + + or SCN~ ions to form fairly stable
complex ions (see page 119). A very neat expedient may be
adopted in this preparation to show when the proper amount
of reagent has been added, as follows: ferric sulphocyanate,
Fe(SCN) 3 , is a soluble substance which has an intense red color.
If to a given solution of mercuric nitrate a few drops of a ferric
salt solution are added, and then to this is gradually added a
solution of potassium sulphocyanate, the SCN~ ions will unite
with the Hg++ ions as long as any of the latter are present, the
solution remaining colorless and the precipitate, Hg(SCN) 2 , form-
ing towards the end; but as soon as the H g + + ions are exhausted,
then the SCN~ ions unite with F e + + + ions, producing the red
compound, which indicates that the reaction is complete.
Mercuric sulphocyanate has a peculiar property: when ignited
it burns with the production of a very voluminous coherent ash,
which, from the form it assumes, is called " Pharaoh's Serpent."
It should not be burned indoors because of the production of
poisonous vapors.
Materials: mercuric nitrate from preceding preparation,
potassium sulphocyanate, KSCN, 25 grams,
ferric chloride for indicator.
Apparatus: 2-liter common bottle.
suction filter and trap bottle.
8-inch porcelain dish.
1. What is the degree of ionization of the soluble halides of
mercury, i.e., HgCl 2 , Hg(CN) 2 ? Do these salts form, in this
respect, any exception to the general rule regarding the ionization
of salts?
2. Describe at least three instances which have previously fallen
under your observation in which a reagent in limited amount will
give a precipitate, but, added in excess, will cause the precipitate
to redissolve.
Review in Chapter III Experiments 14, 15, 18, 19, pages 91-92
and the discussion of the basic properties of metal hydroxides,
page 112, and of complex ions, page 118. In Chapter IV, review
Experiments 16 on page 170 and 22 on page 175.
1. Stability of the Carbonates, (a) To about 10 cc. each of
solutions of CuSO4, ZnSO4, CdCl2, and AgNO 3 add 1 N Na 2 CO 3
until no further precipitate is formed and notice very carefully
whether any bubbles of gas escape. No gas escapes from the
cadmium and silver salt solutions; effervescence is noted with
the copper and zinc salt solutions. Collect the precipitates
from the copper and zinc salt solutions on niters, and wash
thoroughly with water until the excess of Na 2 CO 3 is removed.
This is accomplished when the washings from the filter no
longer effervesce when HC1 is added. Now pour a few drops
of HC1 on these precipitates and note that they effervesce
when they dissolve.
The escape of carbon dioxide when the Na 2 CO 3 is added shows
that the copper and zinc carbonates hydrolyze, but the further
escape of carbon dioxide when the precipitates are treated with
acid shows that the hydrolysis has not been complete. The pre-
cipitates then must consist of basic carbonates, such as Cu(OH) 2 .
CuCO 3 . This shows that the basic character of the hydroxides is
weak, but not as weak as that of A1(OH)3, because not even a basic
carbonate of aluminum can be formed. Since no effervescence
took place with the cadmium and silver salts, the precipitates
must have been the neutral carbonates, CdCO 3 and Ag2CO3, which
indicates that cadmium and silver oxides are more strongly basic
than the others.
(6) Heat a little dry basic copper carbonate by shaking it
in a test tube at some distance above a small flame. The
light blue powder is quickly changed to black, and the seeth-
ing of the dry powder shows that a gas is being expelled.
A drop of lime water is clouded by the gas. To the residue
after it has cooled add 5 cc. of water and then a little HC1 and
note that the black powder dissolves without effervescence.
The ease with which copper carbonate is decomposed by heat
shows further the weakness of the basic character of copper oxide.
residue; let it run through the filter, and test the filtrate for
Ag + ions by adding a drop of HC1. A distinct test is obtained.
Test a silver nitrate or a silver sulphate solution with litmus
and note that the indicator is not affected.
The brown silver oxide must combine with water to form the
hydroxide when it dissolves because of the tests for Ag + and OH~
ions that are obtained in the solution. Silver oxide is thus shown
to be appreciably soluble and markedly basic. As would be
expected of salts of such a base, we find that silver nitrate and
silver sulphate are not hydrolyzed. Silver oxide is exceptional for
a heavy metal oxide in displaying so marked a basic strength.
The ions of cupric iodide are brought together but cupric iodide
is unstable and decomposes into insoluble cuprous iodide, Cul, and
free iodine. With excess of KI the soluble salt KCuI 2 , which is
ionized as K+ CuI 2 ~, is formed. Cupric chloride, CuCl 2 , and
cupric bromide, CuBr2, do not decompose in the same way into
cuprous salts. (Compare the relative reducing action of chloride,
bromide, and iodide, Experiments 12, 13, and 14, pages 166-168.)
that they occur only at the top in the third, fourth, and fifth
groups; and that in the sixth and seventh groups they comprise
all the well-known members of the B families. It is true in these
families, as might be expected by recalling characteristics of
preceding groups, that the strength of the non-metallic character
grows weaker, and that the approach towards metallic character
grows more evident, as the atomic weight increases.
The characteristic valences of the sixth and seventh groups are
6 and 7, respectively, and the corresponding oxides are EO 3
and E2O7. In these oxides and in the compounds derived from
them, there is little dissimilarity between the A and B families.
Thus perchlorates and permanganates are analogous to each
other, as are also sulphates and chromates. In the lower states
of valence, the elements of the B families are entirely differ-
ent from those of the A families, the B family elements forming
exclusively negative ions, S~~, SC>4~~, whereas the A family
elements form positive ions, Cr + + , C r + + + .
Bromine, like chlorine, hydrolyzes to a considerable extent ac-
cording to the reversible reaction:
Br 2 + H2O ^ HBr + HBrO (1)
In presence of a base both acids are neutralized as fast as formed
and reaction (1) proceeds to completion. Thus the complete
reaction in presence of KOH is:
Br2 + 2 K 0 H -» KBr + KBrO + H2O (2)
Hypobromites are unstable, and, at boiling temperature, and
particularly in slightly acid solution, undergo an action of oxidation
and reduction, the total result of which is:
3KBrO -» KBrO 3 + 2KBr (3)
Multiplying equation (2) by 3 and adding equation (3) the equa-
3Br2 + 6 K 0 H -»• KBrO 3 + 5KBr + 3H 2 O (4)
is obtained. This equation represents the sum total of the chemi-
1. When the bromate is tested with silver nitrate why is it nec-
essary to have the solution hot? (Look up solubility of silver
2. How does dilute H2SO4 react with a pure bromate? Explain,
with reactions, the test for the presence of bromate in the
3. Explain why it would not be possible to free a preparation of
potassium bromide of a little bromate by recrystallization.
4. Explain why potassium bromate can be readily freed of
bromide by recrystallization.
Read the discussion of the hydrolysis of bromine in the pre-
ceding preparation. About one-third of the chlorine in chlorine
water is hydrolyzed. The bleaching power of chlorine is due
directly to the oxidizing action of the hypochlorous acid produced
by the hydrolysis. The formation of chlorate in this prepara-
tion is also a result of the oxidizing action of hypochlorous
In the action of chlorine with an alkali hydroxide, six equivalents
of the latter must react in order to produce one equivalent of
alkali chlorate. To economize in potassium hydroxide, which is
more expensive than sodium hydroxide, we shall use one equivalent
only of the former and five equivalents of the latter. The five
equivalents of sodium chloride which could be recovered as a by-
product is not of great value, and we shall discard it in this prep-
1. Tabulate the solubilities at high and low temperatures of
the salts concerned, and arrange a flow sheet of the method to
be followed if the mother liquors are worked over.
2. The commercial method of making potassium chlorate is
by the electrolysis of a potassium chloride solution. What are
the primary products formed at the two electrodes? Explain how,
when the primary products are allowed to mix in the cell, the re-
actions are similar to those of this and the preceding preparations.
As is well known, the chemical affinity of the halogens for
hydrogen or positive elements decreases in passing from fluorine
to iodine; but the affinity for oxygen increases in this order, so that
iodates and iodic acid (I2O6) are more stable than chlorates and
chloric acid (CUCX). Use is made of this fact in the following
preparation, in which the total change is represented fairly closely
by the equation
KCIO3 + | I 2 -»• KIO3 + |C1 2
The actual reaction, however, is not so simple as this. The
presence of a small amount of acid is necessary to make it take
place. This acid gives rise to a little free chloric acid, which is a
far stronger oxidizing agent than potassium chlorate, and oxidizes
iodine to iodic acid. The latter acid reacts with more potassium
chlorate and thus chloric acid is regenerated. It will be noticed
that in carrying out the following directions more iodine is taken
than is necessary to react with the potassium chlorate according
to the equation given above. This excess of iodine is oxidized to
iodic acid by a part of the free chlorine which is represented in the
equation as escaping.
Materials: potassium chlorate, KCIO3, 31 grams = 0.25 F.W.
iodine, 36 grams.
Apparatus: 1,000-cc. flask.
short-stemmed funnel.
pan of cold water.
suction filter and trap bottle.
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
1. Explain the secondary reaction of the foregoing preparation
in which chlorine reacts with iodine.
2. From knowledge of the reactions of chlorine and bromine
predict how iodine would react with a KOH solution. Find from
reference books whether this prediction is borne out by the facts.
there the conditions were such that a salt of iodic acid was obtained
rather than the free acid or its anhydride. Starting with this salt,
however, the free acid is obtained by metathetical reactions which
depend on the insolubility of barium iodate and the still greater
insolubility of barium sulphate.
Materials: potassium iodate, KIO 3 , 43 grams = 0.2 F.W.
barium nitrate, Ba(NO 3 ) 2 ,26 grams = 0.1 F.W.
362VH2SO4, 8 c c .
162V H N 0 3
Apparatus: 600-cc. beaker.
750-cc. casserole,
suction filter and trap bottle,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
Procedure: Dissolve the potassium iodate and the barium ni-
trate, separately, each in 250 cc. of hot water, and mix the two
solutions at the boiling temperature while stirring well. Cool the
mixture, let the heavy precipitate settle, decant off the clear liquid,
and wash the salt twice by decantation with pure water. Drain
the barium iodate on a suction filter, and wash it on the filter with
cold water. Then remove it to a porcelain casserole, suspend it in
250 cc. of water, heat to boiling, and stir in a solution of 8 cc.
36 2V H2SO4 in 100 cc. of water. Keep this mixture well stirred at
the boiling temperature for at least 10 minutes, since the conver-
sion of solid barium iodate into solid barium sulphate is a reaction
that requires some time. Filter the solution and rinse the last
of the iodic acid from the solid barium sulphate by washing two
or three times on the filter with small portions of water. Evapo-
rate the solution in a casserole to a small volume, and finally,
holding the casserole in the hand, keep the contents rotating, so
that the whole inside of the dish is continually wet. Continue
evaporating until solid iodic acid separates in some quantity.
Cool completely and rinse the crystals with three successive por-
tions of 10 cc. each of 162V nitric acid, triturating the crystals
thoroughly with each portion of the acid. Warm the casserole
carefully until the product is perfectly dry and ceases to give off
acid vapors. This warming will convert the iodic acid to a large
extent into the anhydride I2O5. Place the iodine pentoxide at
once in a 2-ounce cork-stoppered bottle.
1. Dissolve a little of the iodine pentoxide in water. Test the
solution to show whether it contains a strong acid. How?
2. Heat 0.5 gram of iodine pentoxide in a dry test tube. Insert
a glowing splinter in the tube. Note whether the entire substance
can be volatilized; also if any of the original substance deposits in
the cooler part of the tube.
When potassium chlorate is heated to about 400° it may de-
compose according to either of the following independent reactions:
4KC1O3 = KC1 + 3KC1O4 (1)
KCIO3 = KC1 + l i O 2 (2)
The second reaction is accelerated by catalyzers, such as man-
ganese dioxide or ferric oxide, or in fact any material with a rough
surface. Too high a temperature also causes reaction (2) princi-
pally to take place. On the other hand, if the temperature is
maintained at the right point, the salt is free from dirt, and the
inside of the crucible is perfectly clean and free from roughness,
the decomposition proceeds mainly according to reaction (1).
Potassium perchlorate is very sparingly soluble in cold water and
may be separated from potassium chloride and any undecomposed
potassium chlorate by crystallization.
Material: potassium chlorate, KC1O3, 61 grams = 0.5 F.W.
Apparatus: 100-cc. porcelain crucible and cover,
suction filter and trap bottle,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
Procedure: Place 61 grams of potassium chlorate in a dry, clean
100-cc. porcelain crucible, the glaze of which is in perfect condition.
1. Why is manganese dioxide added when oxygen is prepared
by heating potassium chlorate?
2. What is the reaction of hydrochloric acid with hypochlorous,
chloric, and perchloric acids, respectively?
3. What are the four oxy-acids of chlorine? Compare their
4. To what extent are hydrochloric, hypochlorous, chloric, and
perchloric acids ionized in dilute solution?
5. How could pure perchloric acid be prepared from potassium
6. What is the solubility of silver chlorate and of silver per-
chlorate? How may preparations of chlorates and perchlorates
be tested for the presence of chlorides?
Sodium sulphite is a salt of the lower oxide of sulphur, and may
thus be regarded as unsaturated with respect to oxygen; it is, in
fact, capable of slowly absorbing oxygen from the air and thereby
1. Dissolve 0.5 gram of the product in 5 cc. of water and add
2 cc. of hydrochloric acid. Observe the odor and the precipitate.
What is the free acid corresponding to the salt, sodium thio-
sulphate? What can be said regarding the stability of this
2. What is the valence of sulphur in each of the salts: sodium
sulphide, sodium sulphite, and sodium sulphate? State in each
case whether the sulphur plays the part of a positive or negative
3. Distinguish between the parts played by the two atoms of
sulphur in sodium thiosulphate.
4. When sulphur dioxide was passed into the sodium carbonate
The hypochlorite solution contains OCF ions, and the fact that
this solution does not bleach rapidly indicates that the ions are not
the principal bleaching agent. Addition of sulphuric acid pro-
duces un-ionized hypochlorous acid, H+ + OC1~ —• H0C1, the
ionization of this acid in 0.1 N solution being 0.06 per cent. Thus
it is clear that HOC1 must be the principal bleaching agent.
That the hypochlorite solution did bleach the cloth slowly might
have been due to a slow action of the OC1~ ion, or perhaps to a
small amount of HOC1 produced by hydrolysis of the salt, or set
free by the action of carbonic acid from the air. That no bleaching
occurs after adding the NaOH settles this point, because no free
H0C1 can remain in presence of the base.
This experiment shows that the salt of hypochlorous acid is
more stable than the acid itself.
2. Hypobromites. Add a few drops of bromine to 2 cc.
of 6N NaOH diluted with 5 cc. of water. The red color of
the bromine disappears. Dip colored cloth and litmus paper
in this solution and then in dilute H2SO4, to show that it
bleaches in the same way as a hypochlorite solution.
Add a part of the solution to 2 cc. of NH4OH and notice
that there is effervescence, the escaping gas being non-com-
bustible and a non-supporter of combustion (nitrogen). (See
Preparation 19.)
Add the rest of the solution to a solution of 0.25 gram of
urea in 5 cc. of water and notice a similar effervescence.
In (c) the ions of chloric acid are brought together and thus a
solution of chloric acid containing also the ions of potassium sul-
phate is obtained. Chloric acid is a soluble, highly ionized acid
of a stability comparable to that of nitric acid.
In (b) chloric acid is formed, but the concentrated sulphuric acid
acts as a dehydrating agent.. The oxide C12O6, which is obviously
Iodate and iodide ions alone have no action on each other, but
with hydrogen ions present a mutual oxidation and reduction of the
iodine takes place.
6H+ + 51" + IO 3 " -»• 3H 2 O + 3I 2
Carbon dioxide and silicon dioxide are chemically very similar
to each other in that both form weak acids, that of silicon, the
heavier element, naturally being the weaker acid. On the other
hand, these oxides are very dissimilar in their physical properties,
one being a gas, and the other a solid with an extremely high
melting point.
The mineral quartz is crystallized silicon dioxide. Sea sand
consists mostly of rounded grains of broken quartz. If finely
ground quartz or sand is fused for a long time with sodium car-
bonate, the weaker, but non-volatile, acid anhydride displaces
the carbon dioxide, and sodium silicate is obtained. This is a
glass-like substance, which, however, can slowly be dissolved by
water heated under pressure. The solution so obtained is evapo-
rated to a sirup-like consistency and is sold on the market under
the name of " water glass." Several grades of water glass of differ-
ent ratios Na2O:SiO2 are sold, but perhaps the most common
grade approximates the composition Na2Si4O9 ( = Na2O-4SiO2 =
Na 2 Si0 3 -3Si0 2 ).
The addition of an acid to a sodium silicate solution causes a
separation of silicic acid which appears as a jelly-like substance.
Orthosilicic acid has the composition H^SiC^, metasilicic acid,
H 2 Si0 3 ; the acid corresponding to the sodium salt of the above
formula, H2Si4O9. Suspended in water these different silicic acids
are more or less easily interchangeable one into another, but,
if silicic acid is heated, it loses all its water and becomes the an-
hydride. The anhydride practically will not take on water again
to form acids.
The very finely divided anhydride prepared by precipitating
and drying silicic acid is more reactive than the most finely
powdered quartz, and it finds use as a reagent in certain analytical
Materials: water-glass, 25 cc.
Apparatus: 8-inch porcelain dish.
600-cc. beaker,
suction filter and trap bottle,
hot plate.
Procedure: To 25 cc. of water glass in a porcelain dish add
25 cc. of water and slowly stir in 6N HC1 until the acid is in excess.
The liquid first coagulates to a jelly, then the jelly hardens and
breaks up on stirring into seemingly dry lumps, and later after
an excess of acid is added (about 30 cc. in all) the mass grows
partially fluid again. Place the dish on a water bath or a hot
plate to evaporate to complete dryness. If a hot closet or hot
plate at 130° is available the dish and contents should be baked for
1 hour at this temperature. Otherwise heat the dish over a flame
for 15 minutes, avoiding, if possible, letting any part of the con-
tents get above 150° as this would render traces of iron oxide
very difficult to redissolve in acid. While the dish is still warm
moisten the contents completely with 12 N HC1. Let it digest
for 15 minutes. Wash the contents of the dish into a 600-cc.
beaker and let the silica settle. Wash by decantation several times
and collect the silica on the suction filter, washing it well on the
filter. Dry the product and put it up in a 2-ounce cork-stoppered
1. Quartz can be melted like glass, but at a much higher
temperature, and many kinds of chemical apparatus are made
of fused quartz. Dishes made of fused quartz are used for boiling
concentrated sulphuric acid. Why cannot they be used equally
well for concentrating caustic alkalies?
2. Mix 0.5 gram of the precipitated silica with 1 gram of pow-
dered calcium fluoride. Place the mixture in a test tube, moisten
it with 36 N H2SO4, and warm it gently under the hood. Dip a
stirring rod in water and lower it, with a drop adhering, into the
gas in the test tube. Note the precipitate that forms in the drop of
water. Write equations for all the reactions, and state what
rather unusual properties are shown by this experiment to be
possessed by hydrofluoric acid and by silicon tetrafluoride.
This salt can be prepared by the action of hydrochloric acid
upon metallic tin, but since the action is exceedingly slow, it is
hastened by the addition of a very small quantity of nitric acid,
which oxidizes the tin. Nitric acid is ordinarily reduced only to
the oxide NO by its action upon a metal; but in the course of
this preparation no red fumes of oxides of nitrogen are found to
escape, because, under the influence of tin and stannous chloride,
the reduction does not stop at nitric oxide, but continues to the
lowest possible step, which is ammonia or in this case its salt,
ammonium chloride. Stannous salts are oxidized quite readily
to stannic by the oxygen of the air; to prevent this happening
during the evaporation of the solution, an excess of metallic tin is
kept in the liquid.
repeating this process once or twice more, almost the entire mother
liquor should be used up and nearly the calculated yield of stannous
chloride should be obtained.
1. Explain why during this preparation no red oxides of nitrogen
are seen to escape in consequence of the reduction of nitric acid
by the metal. If nitric acid is reduced to NH3, show how many
more equivalents of oxygen it will yield for the oxidation of the
tin than if it were reduced only to NO.
To test for the presence of ammonium salt in the product, take
about 1 gram of the crystals; dissolve in 10 cc. of water in a small
beaker. Add sodium hydroxide solution until the precipitate
first formed redissolves. Place over the beaker a watch glass, on
the under side of which is stuck a piece of moistened red litmus
paper. Place some cold water in the hollow of the watch glass,
and warm the solution in the beaker very gently. What observa-
tion will indicate the presence of ammonium salt, and why?
2. Dissolve 1 gram of stannous chloride crystals in 1 to 2 cc. of
cold water. Then add a considerable amount of water. What
is the precipitate? What can be added to prevent its forma-
3. To a cold solution of stannous chloride add sodium hydroxide
until it has redissolved the precipitate first formed. Write the
equation. Save the solution.
4. Pour the solution saved from Experiment 3 over a little
bismuth hydroxide on a filter paper. (The bismuth hydroxide can
be precipitated for the occasion.) Compare the action with that
of stannous chloride on mercuric chloride.
5. Prepare a very concentrated cold solution of sodium stan-
nite: Dissolve 1 gram of stannous chloride in 1 cc. of water. Dis-
solve a small lump of sodium hydroxide in its own weight of water,
and add this solution, a drop at a time, to the first solution —
cooling all the while under the water tap — until the precipitate
at first formed redissolves. Then heat the solution. Compare
the action with that in Experiment 4.
6. In preparing a solution of stannous chloride for a laboratory
reagent, what is the necessity of adding hydrochloric acid and of
placing a piece of metallic tin in the bottle?
Chlorine Water
Generator 6-N NaOH
Fro. 24
entering the bottle should not dip into the liquid, but should reach
down to near its surface; a safety tube should be supplied, and
the exit tube should dip into a solution of sodium hydroxide in
another bottle. Into the retort should be fitted the tube supply-
ing chlorine from the generator and wash bottles, and this should
reach nearly to the center of the surface of the tin, which is to be
melted before the action is started. Glass tubing is to be used
throughout, and where connections are made with rubber the
ends of the glass tubes should be brought close together. Before
beginning to generate the chlorine, the whole apparatus must be
proved to be tight, so that none of this gas can escape into the
Procedure: Melt the tin. Commence the generation of chlorine,
and regulate it so that the tin in the retort can be seen to burn
quietly. Continue the action until all the tin has disappeared
and the tin tetrachloride has been caught in the receiving flask.
Remove the neck of the retort from the condenser, and insert
instead a stopper with a tube leading to the bottles already used
for absorbing waste chlorine. Close the side arm of the receiving
flask and, with the condenser still in the same position, boil the tin
tetrachloride .until it is colorless (it contains a large amount of
dissolved chlorine and, on boiling, this reacts with the tin foil).
Change the position of the flask and condenser, and distil the tin
tetrachloride into the prepared container. During the distillation
this container should not be open to the air, but should be con-
nected by a tube to the absorbing bottles already used. When
the liquid is all distilled, seal the neck of the container at a blast
lamp, so that the preparation can be preserved out of contact
with the air.
1. What is the purpose of the wash bottles as arranged for the
chlorine gas?
2. Suggest how hydrated stannic chloride, SnCl4-5H2O, might
be made, starting with stannous chloride.
3. What happens if hydrated stannic chloride is heated? (Com-
pare aluminum chloride and bromide, Preparations 25 and 26.)
been expelled and the liquid begins to distil slowly into the tube.
The first part of the distillate is usually dark colored and boils
around 150°. It should be rejected. Watch the color and boiling
point of the distillate; when it becomes colorless and the tem-
perature reaches 200°, change the receiver to a weighed, dry,
6-inch Pyrex test tube. This should be done without interrupting
the distillation. If the distillation is not too rapid, all the vapor
will condense in the side arm of the flask and the test tube. When
the distillation is complete, immediately stopper the test tube
and allow it to stand in an upright position until the stannic
bromide has crystallized.
The product should be colorless. If a satisfactory result is not
obtained, the stannic bromide may be redistilled from a clean,
dry flask, to which one or two small pieces of tin have been added.
In each of the following experiments record your observation
and write an equation.
Make a solution of stannic bromide by mixing in a graduated
cylinder 1 cc. of your preparation of anhydrous stannic bromide,
4 cc. of 6N HC1, and 15 cc. of water. Shake the mixture until
solution is complete. Use this solution for the following tests.
1. (a) To 3 cc. of the solution add a few drops of 6N NaOH.
Then add an excess of NaOH.
(6) To 3 cc. of the solution add a few drops of 6N NaOH.
Then add an excess of 6 N HC1.
(c) Repeat (a) using stannous chloride solution.
(d) Repeat (6) using stannous chloride solution.
2. (a) To 3 cc. of mercuric chloride solution add an equal
volume of the stannic bromide solution.
(6) To 3 cc. of mercuric chloride solution add an equal volume
of stannous chloride, and then 3 cc. more stannous chloride.
Compare the reducing properties of stannous and stannic ions.
3. (a) To 3 cc. of stannic bromide solution add a few drops of
sodium sulphide, and then an excess of sodium sulphide.
(6) To 3 cs. of stannous chloride add a few drops of sodium
sulphide, and then an excess. To the mixture add sodium poly-
sulphide, Na2S:e.
Name the different compounds of tin formed in these reactions.
Lead nitrate is one of the most readily prepared salts of lead,
since it is of moderate solubility and can be obtained in well-
formed anhydrous crystals, Pb(NO3)2. In it lead appears in its
usual state of oxidation, which corresponds to that of the oxide
PbO; indeed, the salt is actually prepared by treating this oxide
(litharge) with nitric acid.
A saturated solution contains for each 100 grams of water the given
number of grams of lead nitrate
1. Explain w h y lead n i t r a t e should be less soluble in dilute
nitric acid t h a n in p u r e water.
2. Add a few drops of a m m o n i u m hydroxide t o 1 cc. of lead
The compounds of lead in which its valence is 2 are the most
stable, but with strong oxidizing agents the valence may be raised
to 4. The oxide PbO 2 is very much less basic than the lower
oxide, and, furthermore, it is very insoluble — either the anhy-
drous oxide or its hydrated forms, Pb(0H)4 or PbO(OH) 2 . The
effect usually observed when a salt of divalent lead is oxidized is
a precipitation of dark brown lead dioxide. This precipitate can
be obtained by oxidizing an alkaline solution containing a lead
salt with chlorine, but it cannot be obtained in an acid solution
with this oxidizing agent because hydrochloric acid reduces lead
dioxide (see Experiments 10 and 6, Chapter IV, pages 162 and
164). In an acid solution containing no reducing agent, that is
in a nitric acid or a sulphuric acid solution, lead dioxide can be
formed by the action of a very strong oxidizing agent, as for
example,^ by the electrolytic oxidizing action at the anode of a
lead storage battery. It is to be noted that nitric acid does not
oxidize lead to the tetravalent condition.
In this preparation we shall make use of bleaching powder in
a slightly alkaline solution as the oxidizing agent. This is chosen
in preference to chlorine because it is easier to handle and no
precautions need be taken to avoid escape of objectionable chlorine
into the laboratory. It should be recalled that the effect of bleach-
ing powder is the same as that which would be obtained by passing
chlorine into an alkali. The precipitate finally obtained after
the bleaching powder has acted contains the greater part of the
lead in the form of lead dioxide; but it may also contain a small
1. Why could not lead dioxide be prepared equally well by
treating a solution of lead chloride with chlorine?
2. Compare the reaction of lead dioxide and of lead monoxide
with hydrochloric acid.
3. Compare the action of lead dioxide with that of manganese
dioxide upon hydrochloric acid.
4. Why should not lead dioxide and manganese dioxide dissolve
in dilute nitric acid as well as in hydrochloric acid?
Of the oxides of lead, the monoxide PbO is the most stable when
heated to a high temperature, and in fact all the other oxides
are converted into this one when they are heated strongly in con-
tact with the air. At a moderate heat, however, the monoxide
is capable of taking on more oxygen from the air until the com-
position approximates that of the formula Pb3O4. This substance
is not to be regarded as a simple oxide of lead, but rather as a
compound of PbO and PbO 2 , in which the monoxide is the basic
component and the dioxide the acidic. It may thus be regarded
as the salt, lead orthoplumbate, 2PbO-PbO 2 = Pb 2 (Pb0 4 ). This
1. If it is assumed that Pb2C>3 and PbgO* are lead metaplumbate
and lead orthoplumbate, respectively, write formulas to express
these facts. Write the formulas of the corresponding meta- and
orthoplumbic acids.
2. Warm a little of the red lead with nitric acid. What is the
residue, and what soluble salt is formed? Filter the mixture and
test the filtrate by diluting and adding a few drops of sulphuric
3. Heat a little of the red lead to a dull red heat on a thin piece
of iron.
Procedure: Pour the cerous oxalate into the clean iron sand bath.
Support the pan on an iron ring and heat with a long blue flame
with no cone. The flame should be long enough to be in contact
with all parts of the pan, but it should not appear above the rim.
The solid should be stirred frequently to insure complete decompo-
sition. When the solid is no longer white, the temperature should
be increased and the pan heated for 10-15 minutes with a hot flame.
Cool, weigh the pan plus the solid, and heat again until the weight
is approximately constant. Put the product in an 8-ounce cork-
stoppered bottle.
1. Pour 4-5 cc. concentrated hydrochloric acid on 0.5 gram of
the product. Equation?
2. Heat 0.5 gram of the product in a test tube with 5 cc. con-
centrated nitric acid. Equation? To what is the color due?
In the quantitative determination of cerium, use is made of
the fact that cerous oxalate is insoluble in neutral and acid solu-
tion. Since a quantitative yield is not necessary in this prepara-
tion, some of the cerium is sacrificed to insure complete removal
of any iron that may be present. In order to have a neutral
solution for the hydrolysis of the iron, a slight excess of eerie
oxide is used.
From the discussion of the preparation of eerie oxide it is evi-
dent that the cerous oxide, Ce2O3, which would be the direct
50 cc. of boiling water, filter if necessary, and pour into the hot
solution of cerous chloride while stirring. Boil for 1 minute,
filter hot, using suction. Wash the precipitate on the filter with
two successive 10-cc. portions of ammonium oxalate solution.
Dry on paper towels, weigh, and put up in a 2-ounce cork-stop-
pered bottle.
1. Explain at what point in the preparation and how the eerie
compound was reduced to cerous.
2. Explain how the separation of iron depends on the difference
in the extent to which ferric and cerous salts hydrolyze. Which
is more basic, Fe(OH) 3 or Ce(OH) 3 ?
Ceric oxide dissolves in hydrochloric acid, forming cerous
chloride and evolving chlorine. (Read the discussion of Prepara-
tion 50.) The cerous chloride hydrolyzes to only a slight extent
in neutral solution. By evaporating and cooling the solution,
crystals of CeCl3-7H2O may be separated if hydrolysis is prevented.
A saturated solution at room temperature contains 128 grams of
CeCl3-7H2O in 100 cc. of solution, and the solubility increases
rapidly with rise in temperature. The salt is soluble in its own
water of crystallization at a temperature below the boiling point.
Materials: CeO2, 48 grams = 0.25 F.W. + 5 grams.
12ATHCl,84cc. = 1F.W.
sodium carbonate, anhydrous.
Apparatus: 2-liter common bottle.
500-cc. flask.
5-inch funnel.
8-inch porcelain dish.
4-inch crystallizing dish.
5-inch watch glass,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
Procedure: Dilute 84 cc. of 12 N HC1 to 125 cc. and pour it into
the 500-cc. flask. Add the ceric oxide under a hood. Warm
gently until the reaction starts. Stop heating until the reaction
slows down, then heat cautiously to boiling, and keep at that tem-
perature for 5 minutes. Cool, filter without suction into the 2-
liter bottle. To remove iron from the solution proceed according
to the same principle as in the preparation of cerous oxalate.
Prepare cerous carbonate by adding an excess, about 5 grams,
Na 2 CO 3 to one-tenth of the cerous chloride solution. Wash the
cerous carbonate by decantation (see Note 5 (6), page 10) until
the soluble sodium chloride is completely removed. Add the
cerous carbonate suspension to the main part of the cerous chloride
solution; digest with frequent stirring for 15 minutes or longer.
Remove the ferric hydroxide and excess cerous carbonate by
filtering, add 5 cc. 12 N HC1 to the filtrate, and evaporate in
the 8-inch porcelain dish to 70 cc. Pour into a small crystallizing
dish, cover with a 5-inch watch glass, cool slowly. Remove the
crystals; dry them on a watch glass. Allow the solution to
evaporate in an uncovered dish to obtain an additional crop of
crystals. Put up the product in an 8-ounce cork-stoppered bottle.
Answer the questions under Cerous Oxalate.
1. Carbon Dioxide. From a generator (Note 13 (a), page
18) fill with carbon dioxide several test tubes inverted in a
pan of water, and use them in the following experiments.
(a) Place the thumb over the mouth of a test tube of
carbon dioxide and transfer it to a beaker of freshly drawn
water. Clamp it in position and note the level of the water
at intervals of about 15 minutes.
(b) Stick a gummed label on a second test tube of the gas,
and make a light pencil mark at the middle point of the
length of the tube. Place the thumb over the mouth of this
tube, remove it from the water, and turn it upright. Draw
some fresh water from the tap, and, removing the thumb
sufficiently, pour water into the tube until the level stands
at the pencil mark. Close the tube again tightly with the
thumb, invert the tube, and place a heavy mark at the level
of the surface of the water, calling this mark 1 (it will of course
possible, using the flame spreader, and note if now any gas
issues from the delivery tube which is not absorbed by the
NaOH. Test the gas for its combustibility.
In the same way that the higher oxide SnO2 is more acidic than
SnO, the higher sulphide SnS2 is more acidic and reacts more easily
with the basic sulphide, Na 2 S.
Addition of an acid displaces the very weak thio-stannic acid
from its salt solution, 2HC1 + Na 2 SnS 3 -»• 2NaCl + H 2 SnS 3 ; this
acid is very unstable and decomposes into stannic sulphide, the
yellow precipitate, and hydrogen sulphide, H 2 SnS 3 —* H 2 S f +
SnS2 i .
12. Lead Dioxide, (a) To 2 cc. of Pb(NO 3 ) 2 solution add
5 cc. of water and 6 2V NaOH until the precipitate first formed
redissolves. Then add chlorine water and note the dark
brown precipitate.
(b) Collect the precipitate on a filter, wash it with water,
break the tip of the filter, and wash the precipitate with a jet
from the wash bottle into a test tube. Shake the test tube
and divide the suspension equally among four tubes. Add
to the respective tubes (1) 62V HNO 3 , (2) 62V H2SO4, (3) 62V
HC1, (4) 62V NaOH, and note that nitric and sulphuric acids
have no effect, hydrochloric acid dissolves the brown precip-
itate with evolution of chlorine, and sodium hydroxide has
no effect.
visible. Let the rest of the yellow solution grow warm and
note that chlorine gas is evolved and that a crystalline white
precipitate separates.
1. Arrange a table of the dioxides of the elements of Group IV:
column 1, the formulas of the dioxides, placing those of the A
family at the left and those of the B family at the right of the
column; column 2, the character of the dioxide specifying, a. =
distinctly acidic, w. a. = weakly acidic; ind. = indifferent; w.b.=
weakly basic; b. = distinctly basic; amph. = amphoteric; column
3, the formula of as well denned a salt as possible of the dioxide;
column 4, the extent of hydrolysis of this salt, specifying much,
little, or none.
2. Make a similar table embracing the lower oxides, CO, SnO,
Ce2O3, PbO.
3. Make a table for the tetrachlorides of all the elements of
Group IV: column 1, the formula of thetetrachloride; column 2,
its state of aggregation, specifying, gas, liquid, or solid; column 3,
its boiling point at atmospheric pressure, specifying dec if it de-
composes before the boiling point is reached; column 4, the equa-
tion for its reaction with a large amount of water.
Judging from the decreasing metallic properties in the series, Pb,
Sn, Si, C, we should expect the tetrachlorides to hydrolyze more
readily as we progress in this order. Two factors modify this
effect: the tendency to form a complex acid such as H^SnCle with
the anion SnCl6~~, and the insolubility or total lack of ioniza-
tion of the tetrachloride. Explain from this point of view why
carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulphide are without perceptible
action with water.
4. Find out what elements of Group IV form carbonates, and
give the formulas of the carbonates and approximately their
relative stability.
5. What is a thio-salt? Describe how a thio-salt of tin can be
formed, and discuss its properties and its relation to the corre-
sponding oxy-salt.
1. Write the reaction by which phosphoric acid can be prepared
from calcium phosphate.
2. How can phosphoric anhydride, pyrophosphoric acid, and
metaphosphoric acid be prepared? Give formulas. Why cannot
the anhydride be prepared by heating orthophosphoric acid?
For what practical purpose is phosphoric anhydride used?
3. Compare the acid strength of phosphoric acid with that of
other common acids. Do all three hydrogen ions of H3PO4 dis-
sociate with equal readiness?
4. Give the formulas of primary, secondary, and tertiary
sodium phosphates. State how the solution of each behaves with
5. Write the reaction for the precipitation which occurs when
magnesium chloride and a large excess of NH4OH are added to a
solution of phosphoric acid. This precipitate constitutes one of
the most important tests for a phosphate.
6. Give an example of phosphorous acid acting as a reducing
The raw material from which phosphorus and its compounds are
prepared is calcium phosphate, either in the form of natural " phos-
phate rock" or in bone ash. For laboratory preparations bone
ash is preferable since it is practically free from fluorides and com-
pounds of iron. This bone ash may be assumed to be 80 per cent
The inert material does not react at all with the acid.
It is obvious that if all the phosphate is to be dissolved, such an
amount of sulphuric acid should be taken that after all the cal-
cium carbonate has reacted there will be more than 2 F.W. of
H2SO4 for each formula weight of Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 . Furthermore, an
amount of acid in excess of that required for reaction (2) is to be
avoided since the excess would remain in solution. A quantity is
chosen, therefore, which is more than sufficient to complete re-
action (3) but insufficient to complete reaction (2). All the
phosphate is converted into soluble form, and all the sulphate
appears as insoluble calcium sulphate.
After the removal of the insoluble calcium sulphate the filtrate
is treated with sodium carbonate in sufficient amount to satisfy
the equations:
Na 2 CO 3 -» Na 2 HPO 4 + CO 2 + H 2 O
Ca(H 2 PO 4 ) 2 + 2Na 2 CO 3 -»2Na 2 HPO 4 + CaCO 3 1 + CO 2 + H2O
1. Test solutions of monosodium phosphate, NaH 2 PO4, disodium
phosphate, Na 2 HPO4, and trisodium phosphate, Na3PO4, with
litmus paper. See pages 116-117. Explain how a compound
can be an acid salt and react alkaline to litmus.
2. List the solubilities of the three sodium phosphates. How
would you prepare each from phosphoric acid?
3. To 5 cc. of magnesium chloride solution add 6N NH 4 0H
until it is alkaline. Add solid NH4C1 in small portions until the
precipitate of magnesium hydroxide is dissolved. This solution
is known as "magnesia mixture" and is used in testing for phos-
phates. Add a little Na2HPC>4 solution and allow the tube to
stand until a white, crystalline precipitate of MgNHaPO* is formed.
Write equations for all reactions.
Phosphorus reacts directly with bromine to form two com-
pounds. With an excess of phosphorus the tribromide, PBr 3 , is
formed; the pentabromide, PBr 5 , results from the use of an excess
of the flask and the sides of the bottle offer sufficient cooling sur-
face to condense all the vapor if the distillation is not too rapid.
Cover the mouth of the bottle with an inverted beaker until it
has cooled; then insert the glass stopper.
1. Experiment. Caution at the hood. Place 0.5 cc. of PBr 3 in
each of two dry test tubes. To one tube add 0.5 cc. of water and
note that it forms a layer above the heavier PBr3. Agitate gently
to mix the layers and increase the surface of contact. The mixture
warms up, and rather suddenly the two liquids become homo-
geneous and a gas is evolved. Blow the breath across the mouth
of the tube while this gas is issuing and note the effect. What is
the gas? What is left in the residual solution? To the other
tube add suddenly 15 cc. of cold water and let the tube stand until
the two layers become homogeneous. Explain the difference in
the observed effect in the two tubes.
2. Write the equations for the hydrolysis of PBr 3 and PBr 6
3. What are the specific gravity, melting point, and boiling
point of phosphorus trichloride — of phosphorus pentachloride?
How would you arrange an apparatus to prepare each of these
Arsenic acid in its properties shows a striking similarity to
phosphoric acid; and even the method of its preparation is similar,
in that use is made of the oxidizing action of nitric acid. Instead
of starting with uncombined arsenic, however, use is made of
arsenious oxide, As2O3, a product which condenses in the flues
wherever ores which contain arsenic are roasted. This is oxidized
by the nitric acid to the higher oxide, AS2O5, which, with water,
yields arsenic acid, H3ASO4. By evaporating its solution for a
long time on the water bath, crystals of ortho-arsenic acid having
the composition H3ASO4 can be obtained. By prolonged evapo-
ration at higher temperatures crystals of the composition H4AS2O7
and HAsO 3 , respectively, can be obtained. When a solution of
arsenic acid is concentrated according to the following directions,
a liquid is obtained of almost exactly the composition given by the
1. Compare the strength of arsenic and arsenious acids. Of
what general rule is this comparison an example?
2. To a solution of arsenic acid (0.1 gram in 10 cc. of water)
add magnesium chloride and then NH4OH until strongly alkaline.
Compare with Question 5 under Phosphoric Acid.
3. Add a little potassium iodide solution to some arsenic acid
solution, and warm gently. Is iodine set free? Write equation.
Prepare a faintly alkaline solution of arsenious acid as follows:
Dissolve a minute quantity of arsenious oxide in not more than 2
or 3 drops of hydrochloric acid; dilute to 10 cc. and add, without
heating, a considerable amount of sodium bicarbonate in excess
of what is necessary to neutralize the acid. To this solution add,
drop by drop, a solution of iodine, and determine whether any
free iodine disappears. Write the equation. So far as the state of
oxidation of the arsenic is concerned, the reaction is exactly the
reverse of the one preceding. Recall a previous instance in which
the direction of a reaction of oxidation and reduction is changed on
passing from an acid to an alkaline solution.
1. Treat a fragment of antimony trichloride with water. Why
does it not give a clear solution? Add HC1. Why does this cause
a clear solution to be formed?
2. Pass hydrogen sulphide into the solution of antimony tri-
chloride. What is the color of the precipitate? How could it be
converted into a product like stibnite?
3. Compare the reactions of phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony
trichlorides with water. Is hydrolysis more complete or less
complete in the case in which a precipitate forms?
The oxides of arsenic and antimony, and more particularly the
higher oxides, are acidic in nature, and form salts with basic oxides.
1. What is the acid of which Na 3 SbS 4 is the salt? Add HC1 to
a solution of this salt. Is the acid set free? Is it a stable acid?
2. What is the primary reaction in the hydrolysis of Na3SbS4?
This compound cannot be prepared directly from the trisulphide
and sulphur, because it is decomposed at a temperature below that
at which the latter substances would react. As has just been seen,
however, the higher sulpho-salt of antimony can be readily pre-
pared in the wet way; and this, on decomposition with a dilute
acid, yields antimony pentasulphide. This substance is used in
vulcanizing rubber and produces a red colored product.
Materials: sodium sulphantimonate, Na3SbS4-9H2O, from pre-
ceding preparation, 48 grams = 0.1 F.W.
6N H2SO4, 108 cc.
Apparatus: 2-liter common bottle.
5-inch funnel.
Procedure: Dissolve the sodium sulphantimonate obtained in
the last preparation, and dilute with 1 liter of cold water. Add the
sulphuric acid and 350 cc. of water to the large common bottle.
To this add slowly, and with constant stirring, the solution pre-
pared above. Fill the bottle with water and stir thoroughly. Let
the precipitate settle, draw off the liquid, and wash by decantation
until the wash water no longer gives the test for a sulphate with
barium chloride. After the last washing let the solid settle for
some time, draw off as much as possible of the clear liquid, and
transfer the sludge to a large plain filter (Note 4 (c), page 7; do
not omit to reenforce the point of the filter) to drain for 12 hours
or longer. Without removing the pasty antimony sulphide,
open out the filter on paper towels, and leave it on a shelf above
the steam table where the temperature does not rise above 50°.
When the product is completely dry, detach the hardened lumps
from the paper and pulverize them in a mortar. Put up the prod-
uct in a cork-stoppered bottle.
1. Write equations for all reactions involved in the preparation
of antimony pentasulphide from stibnite.
This metal is obtained on a commercial scale both by reducing
antimony oxide with carbon and by reducing antimony sulphide
by means of metallic iron. The second method possesses the ad-
vantage that antimony sulphide, a natural product, is used directly
and does not need to be first converted into the oxide. The iron
sulphide formed by this method is fusible and forms an immiscible
layer which floats on top of the molten antimony. The addition
of borax facilitates the separation of the liquid layers, and thus the
globules of melted antimony are allowed to sink more easily to the
bottom of the crucible and form a metallic regulus. The upper
layer furthermore covers the surface of the metal and hinders its
oxidation and the escape of the volatile Sb2O3.
1. Warm a piece of metallic antimony with hydrochloric acid.
Where does antimony stand in the electromotive series?
2. Boil 0.5 gram of powdered antimony in a small flask with 6 N
HN0 3 . Describe the result and write equations remembering that
Sb2O3 is basic and gives a soluble nitrate with HN0 3 , but that
Sb2O6 (H3Sb04) is an acidic oxide.
Bi(OH) 2 NO 3 OR BiONO 3
Bismuth is the most strongly metallic element of the fifth group,
yet its salts in aqueous solution undergo partial hydrolysis very
readily. In presence of a considerable amount of free acid, the
B i + + + ion is capable of existence in solution; but with decreasing
quantities of acid the tendency to hydrolyze increases, and the
basic salt of bismuth, which is only slightly soluble, separates:
Bi(NO 3 ) 3 + 2H 2 O ^ Bi(OH) 2 NO 3 1 + 2HNO 3
On pouring a solution of bismuth nitrate into a considerable
quantity of cold water the basic nitrate is precipitated, according
to the above formula. This salt, however, is not stable in con-
tact with a solution which does not contain nitric acid of a con-
centration of at least 0.5 molal, but slowly changes over into some
other more basic nitrate, and if washed repeatedly with pure water
will finally go over completely into the hydroxide:
Bi(OH) 2 NO 3 + H2O ^ Bi(OH) 3 J, + H N 0 3
Under the conditions in the following procedure, this production
of a more basic salt will occur if the precipitate is allowed to stand
in contact with the solution for a considerable time; hence the
directions to filter at once.
The basic nitrate is by no means completely insoluble in water,
and the filtrate contains considerable quantities of bismuth, which
can be conveniently saved as oxide by precipitating with sodium
1. In accordance with the above directions, sodium carbonate
is used to precipitate bismuth hydroxide. Why should not the
precipitate be bismuth carbonate?
2. If this precipitate is not finally boiled with an excess of
sodium carbonate, it is likely to contain a certain amount of basic
nitrate. Explain why this should be so and why the boiling will
convert it completely into the hydroxide.
Review in Chapter III the section on the ionization of polybasic
acids, page 116; in Chapter IV, Preparations 8 and 14, and
Experiments 15 and 25; in Chapter VIII, Experiments 11 and 12.
1. Oxidation Products of the Elements of Group V. Treat
0.5 gram each of (a) red phosphorus, (6) powdered arsenic,
(c) powdered antimony, and (d) powdered bismuth with
excess of 6N HNO 3 (10-15 cc.) and note that red gases are
evolved in each case.
(a) A clear solution results. Evaporate this until excess
of volatile nitric acid is expelled, but do not exceed a tem-
perature of 180°. A sirupy liquid is left which dissolves in
water to give an acid solution.
(6) A clear solution is left. Evaporate this carefully to
dryness. A white solid is left which dissolves in water to give
an acid solution.
(c) The metal disappears and a white powdery solid re-
mains in the liquid. This solid is insoluble in nitric acid or
(d) A clear solution results out of which, after concentrat-
ing and cooling, clear crystals of a salt separate. These crys-
tals dissolve in a little water acidified with H N 0 3 to give a
clear solution, but a white precipitate is formed if the solution
is diluted with a large amount of water.
2NaHCrO 4 ?± Na 2 Cr 2 0 7 + H 2 O
A saturated solution contains for each 100 grams of water the given
number of grams of the anhydrous salt.
1. Name at least three oxidizing agents which might have
been used instead of potassium nitrate in this preparation, and
write equations.
2. To 5 cc. of a chromic sulphate solution add NaOH in excess;
cool, add about 1 gram of sodium peroxide, agitate for a few min-
utes, and then boil until effervescence ceases. Describe observa-
tions and write equations.
3. To a solution of potassium dichromate add K 2 CO 3 until no
more effervescence takes place. Explain the effervescence and
the change in color. Write equation.
4. To the solution from Experiment 3 add 6 N H2SO4; observe
and explain as before. Explain fully the difference between chro-
mates and dichromates.
5. Show that potassium acid sulphate, KHSO4, and potassium
dichromate, are very similar, differing mainly in the degree of
1. Dissolve 0.5 gram of chromic anhydride in a few drops of
water. What is the color of the solution? Dilute with 200 cc.
water. What is the color? Write ionic equations showing the
equilibrium condition among the different acids of chromium and
their ions in the solution. Show that according to the law of
molecular concentration the proportion of the yellow to the red
components should increase as the solution is diluted with water.
2. Heat a little chromic anhydride strongly on a bit of porcelain.
Pulverize the residue in a white mortar so as better to observe its
color. What is the residue? Is it soluble in water?
(NH 4 ) 2 Cr04 AND (NH4)2Cr207
The raw material for this preparation is the chromic anhydride
from the preceding preparation, which contains at least a small
amount of sodium acid sulphate. This dissolves with the chromic
anhydride, and it should remain in the mother liquor (as neutral
sulphate) from which the ammonium chromate is crystallized.
The second and third crop of crystals of the latter, however, are
likely to be contaminated with sodium sulphate. An excess of
ammonium hydroxide is used to insure the formation of the
neutral chromate.
Materials: chromic anhydride, CrO3, 100 grams = 1 F.W.
15 N ammonium hydroxide, 160 cc.
6 N acetic acid.
Apparatus: 500-cc. flask.
5-inch funnel.
suction filter and trap bottle,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
on the filter. Wash the crystals with 10 cc. of ice water and drain
again. Dry the product in a warm place until it does not smell of
acetic acid. Preserve the preparation in a 4-ounce cork-stoppered
1. Heap up 10 grams of ammonium dichromate in a small
mound on a porcelain plate, and apply the flame to the top of the
mound until a reaction starts. Write the equation. What ele-
ment is oxidized and what one reduced? Show that the algebraic
sum of the valence changes is zero.
2. Note the color of the dry crystals of ammonium chromate
and ammonium dichromate. Do either have the odor of am-
monia? Dissolve 1 gram of the chromate in as little water as
possible. Note whether the solution has an odor of ammonia.
What is its color (yellow like K2CrC>4 or orange like K 2 Cr 2 07)?
Write equation for the hydrolysis of (NH^CrO* and explain why
it should hydrolyze more than K2CrC>4.
3. Heat 10 grams of ammonium chromate and compare its
action with that of ammonium dichromate and with that of
chromic anhydride when heated.
1. Write equations for the following steps in the reaction of
potassium dichromate in acid solution with alcohol, (a) Resolve
the salt into its basic and acidic anhydrides. (6) Let the acid
anhydride, which is the higher oxide of chromium, be reduced by
the alcohol to the lower oxide, Cr 2 O 3 . (c) Let the sulphuric acid
form salts with the basic anhydride and the lower oxide of chro-
mium, which is also a basic oxide. Add the steps together to give
the complete equation.
2. Sulphur dioxide might serve as the reducing agent. Write
equations for the reaction in steps and add the equations.
3. Describe the effect observed when hydrogen sulphide is
passed into a hot acidified solution of K2Cr2O7. Write the equa-
tion in one line marking the valences of sulphur and chromium
and showing that the algebraic sum of the valence changes is zero.
It is often true that a basic salt is less soluble than either the
base itself or the salt, and in such cases the basic salt is especially
easy to prepare. In general, basic salts do not have definite
composition but are indefinite mixtures of base and salt. This is
true of basic lead chromate in which the ratio of PbO to PbCrO*
varies with the method of preparation. Lead chromate, PbCrO4,
is used as a yellow pigment for paints. Basic lead chromate is
bright red and is also used as a pigment.
Materials: lead acetate, Pb(C2H3O2)2-3H2O, 38 grams = 0.1
sodium dichromate, Na2Cr2O7-2H2O, 8 grams,
sodium hydroxide, NaOH, 12 grams.
Apparatus: 8-inch porcelain dish.
5-inch funnel.
2-liter common bottle,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
1. Treat about 0.5 gram of your product with 5 cc. of 6 N acetic
acid. Warm the mixture until it boils. Note the change in color.
Filter and add a few drops of sodium sulphide solution to the
Molybdenum trioxide, MoO3, is, like sulphur trioxide, an acid
oxide. It is a white, solid substance, sparingly soluble, but
Tungsten like chromium and molybdenum is acidic in its high-
est valence, WO3, and forms salts known as tungstates.
Materials: tungstic oxide, WO3, 23.2 grams = 0.1 F.W.
15 N NH4OH, 50 cc.
Apparatus: 250-cc. beaker.
4-inch evaporating dish.
4-inch iron ring and ring stand.
2.5-inch funnel.
1. Heat 1 gram of the product in a dry test tube. Smell cau-
tiously. Observations? Equations?
2. Heat a few crystals with 5 cc. of hydrochloric acid. How do
you explain the results?
Procedure: Warm the nitric acid in the flask gently until the
acid is almost boiling. Using a spatula, add a small amount of
selenium; when this has been dissolved, add a little more. Con-
tinue this intermittent addition until all the selenium has been
added. Regulate the addition and the heating so that the con-
tents of the flask will not boil over. After all the selenium has
been added, boil for 5 minutes after red fumes cease to be evolved.
Cool, filter if necessary, and let the filtrate stand in a previously
weighed beaker until it has evaporated to dryness. (Do not
heat, as SeO2 is volatilized by heat!) Dissolve in one-fifth its
weight of boiling water, cool to room temperature, add a small seed
tion, which is neutral and entirely free from iron salts, yields
crystallized manganous chloride, MnCl 2 -4H 2 O, upon evaporation.
Materials: waste liquor from chlorine generator, 250 cc.
anhydrous sodium carbonate.
Apparatus: 8-inch porcelain dish.
5-inch funnel and filter.
2-liter common bottle,
iron ring and ring stand.
Bunsen burner.
1. Explain the action of manganese dioxide in the generation
of chlorine gas from hydrochloric acid. In what state of oxidation
does manganese exist in the salt manganous chloride?
2. If iron were in the ferrous condition, it would not be removed
frbm the solution by the above procedure. Explain why iron is
necessarily in the ferric condition in the liquors used.
3. Dissolve a small grain of manganous chloride in a half test
tube of water. Test the solution with hydrogen sulphide; then
add a few drops of ammonia, and if necessary add a little more
hydrogen sulphide. Then add acetic acid (a weak acid) until the
solution is again faintly acid. Does the manganous sulphide
dissolve? Compare the solubility of manganous sulphide with
that of copper sulphide; of zinc sulphide.
4. Explain how facts involved in the foregoing preparation
show that Mn(OH) 2 is more strongly basic than Fe(OH^».
Although manganese dioxide is a powerful oxidizing agent, it
is nevertheless capable of being itself oxidized when it is fused
with a basic flux. The trioxide of manganese is acidic in nature
and combines with the base to form a salt. Thus it is evident that
the presence of a base favors the oxidation.
The dioxide of manganese is neither strongly basic nor acidic in
nature and shows no marked tendency to form salts. The mon-
oxide is distinctly basic and the trioxide is distinctly acidic, so
that the former forms salts with acids and the latter with bases.
It follows, therefore, that in the presence of acids the dioxide has
a tendency to produce salts of manganous oxide whereby an atom
of oxygen is set free, and that in the presence of bases manganese
dioxide has a tendency to take on another atom of oxygen in order
to produce a salt of the trioxide.
Thus, when manganese dioxide is fused with potassium hy-
droxide and an oxidizing agent, the salt potassium manganate is
formed. This salt is soluble in water and is fairly stable as long as
a considerable excess of potassium hydroxide is present; but in
presence of an acid — even as weak a one as carbonic acid — the
1. Name and give the formulas of all the oxides of manganese.
2. From which oxide is K 2 Mn04 derived? KMnO 4 ?
3. Write the reactions involved in the above preparation.
4. How could KMnO 4 be converted back into K2M11O4? Equa-
1. If pyrolusite containing water were used without previous
heating, what disadvantage would result during the process?
2. What economy of materials is effected by converting the man-
ganese dioxide into the lower oxide?
A saturated solution contains for each 100 grams of water the given
number of grams of the anhydrous salt.
1. What tests can be applied to show whether this preparation
dissociates in solution into the ions of the two simple salts?
2. Recall instances in which complex salts of heavy metals do
not give the simple ions of the heavy metals.
crystals, and wash them with a little distilled water. Dry them
thoroughly at room temperature with white paper towels. Do
not expose the crystals to direct sunlight or to temperatures higher
than that of the room. Discolored crystals may be washed with
a little distilled water and dried as before.
1. If an unacidified solution of ferrous sulphate is oxidized by
the oxygen of the air, what products are formed? Equation?
Compare the equation for the oxidation of ferrous sulphate as
carried out in this preparation.
2. Experiment: Prepare a solution of a ferrous salt by dissolv-
ing 2 grams of ferrous ammonium sulphate in 20 cc. of water,
adding a little dilute sulphuric acid and a piece of iron wire.
Test both this solution and a solution of a ferric salt (nitrate or
chloride) with potassium ferrocyanide, potassium ferricyanide, and
potassium sulphocyanate. Tabulate the results. These consti-
tute the standard tests for ferrous and ferric salts. Write equation.
The elements of the alkali and alkaline earth families show a
uniform valence in all their compounds. Proceeding in the order
in which the elements have been taken up in this book, a con-
stantly increasing tendency has been shown to display two or
more valences. In fact, the most important chemical properties
of the elements considered in the present chapter depend on their
ability to change their valence. When the valence changes to a
lower one the element acts as an oxidizing agent. Examples of
compounds of chromium and manganese acting as oxidizing agents
are shown in Experiments 10 and 23, pages 164 and 176.
1. Stability of Carbonates of Metals in Divalent State.
Heat about 1 gram of dry, light green nickel carbonate in a
dry test tube by shaking it a little distance above a small
flame. The powder turns black, and the gas that comes off
clouds a drop of lime water. Treat a second sample of nickel
carbonate with dilute HC1. It dissolves with effervescence to
give an apple green solution; no odor of chlorine is manifest.
Treat the black residue with dilute HC1. It dissolves to give an
apple green solution, and a strong odor of chlorine is manifest-
The ease with which carbon dioxide is expelled from NiCO 3 indi-
cates that nickelous oxide, NiO, is a weakly basic oxide. The fact
that NiCO 3 , the salt of weak carbonic acid, exists at all shows
that NiO has distinct, even if rather weak, basic properties. Since
the carbonates CrCO 3 , MnCO 3 , FeCO 3 , CoCO 3 , CuCO 3 , ZnCO3,
PbCO 3 all decompose at about the same temperature the oxides
CrO, MnO, FeO, CoO, CuO, ZnO, PbO are indicated as having a
basic strength of about the same order as that of NiO. The black
oxide which remained after heating NiCO 3 dissolved in HCl to give
a solution of NiCl 2 , but the evolution of free chlorine indicated an
oxidizing agent. Nickelous oxide, NiO, takes on oxygen from the
air to form nickelic oxide, Ni2O3, and this is the oxidizing agent
When a metal is in contact with a solution containing its ions,
a difference in electrical potential arises due to the resultant effect
of two tendencies: of the metal on the one hand to throw off posi-
tive ions and thus charge the solution positively, and of the metal
ions on the other hand to deposit on the metal and impart their
charges to it.
The figures given in the table are for the potential of a solution,
normal in the ions of the given metal, measured against the metal
itself which dips in the solution. The potential of a normal
solution of hydrogen ions measured against a hydrogen electrode
(platinum electrode saturated with hydrogen gas under atmos-
pheric pressure) is taken as zero, and the other potentials are
measured from this arbitrary zero point.
The elements for which no figures are given are placed in ap-
proximately their correct position in the series.
K +2.9 Fe(Fe++) +0.44 As —
Na + 2.7 Cd +0.40 Bi —
Ba + 2.7 Co +0.23 Sb —
Ca +2.7 Ni +0.23 Hg(Hg+) -0.74
Mg + 1.8 Sn(Sn++) + 0.13 Ag -0.80
Al + 1.3 Pb +0.12 pa —
Mn + 1.1 H2 +0.00 Pt —
Zn + 0.8 Cu(Cu++) -0.34 Au ,. - 1 . 3
Cr +0.5
— I2 -0.53
2 -1.36 O2 (in IN OH" solution)... -0.40
Cli -1.24 S —
O2 (in 1 N H+ solution). -1.08
will take up the electron lost by the cesium atom and become the
chlorine ion, Cli7 2-8-8.
Major Periods. The major periods of the periodic classification
embrace all the elements between two succeeding inert gases.
The first period comprises but two elements, hydrogen and
The next two periods comprise eight elements each.
The next two periods comprise eighteen elements each.
The next period comprises thirty-two elements.
Only a fragment of the next period is known. Obviously nuclei
of elements of a higher atomic number than 92 are unable to exist.
In fact, all the known elements of this period, and RaF (or polon-
ium) in the preceding period, are radioactive.
In the eight element periods the chemical properties of the
elements are dependent on the tendency for the atoms to gain or
lose electrons to acquire the structure of the atoms of the inert
gases at either end.
The electrostatic strain of acquiring a large charge (either posi-
tive or negative) is great and distinctly polar valences of more than
3 are very unusual. Yet sulphur in H2SO4 is considered to have
a positive valence of 6 due to its tendency to revert to the structure
of neon; and chlorine in HCIO4 is considered to have a positive
valence of 7 due to the same cause. Yet these high valences are
not altogether of a polar nature, although they are obviously
dependent on the distance of the element beyond the preceding
inert gas.
In the longer periods (of 18 and 32 elements) the elements near
the beginning and end obviously derive their properties from their
proximity to the inert gases.
In the middle parts of the longer periods the electrons to be
gained or lost to acquire the structure of the nearest inert gas
would impart too great an electrostatic strain. The usually
encountered positive valences of two or three of such elements is
attributed to a shifting of electrons into the kernel layers, thus
leaving but two or three electrons in the valence layer (or sheath)
of the neutral atom. Take, for example, the period beginning with
Xe M : The elements Cs66, Ba6e, La57 display the expected valences
of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Cerium, Ce58, sometimes displays a
valence of 4 which is derived from the structure of xenon, Ce68
2-8-18-18-8-4, but cerium shows an even stronger inclination to
Ni28 2 8 18
Pd46 2 8 18 18
Er08 2 8 18 32 8
Pt78 2 8 18 32 18
: C l : Cl :
H Cl: *0 : *0 :
H: C: H : Cl: C : Cl: : 0: S : 0: : 0 : Cl: 0 :
H Cl: .0 : 0 :
A substance is classified as soluble if as much as 2 parts by
weight dissolves in 100 parts of water. There is no sharp dividing
line between soluble and insoluble, but in general a substance is
classified as insoluble if less than 1 part by weight dissolves in 100
parts of water. It is advisable to learn the following general
statements of solubilities.
1. All simple salts of sodium, potassium, and ammonium.
2. Acetates and nitrates, except some basic acetates and ni-
3. Chlorides, except AgCl, HgCl, CuCl, PbCl 2 .
4. Sulphates, except BaSO4, SrSO4, CaSO4, PbSO 4 .
1. Oxides and hydroxides
2. Carbonates except those of
3. Phosphates sodium, potassium,
4. Sulphides and ammonium.
The tables on the following pages give more exact data which
should be useful in connection with the preparations and ques-
tions in this book.
The formulas are those of the crystallized compounds which
most readily separate from aqueous solution at the laboratory
temperature, but it should be remembered that many salts have
several hydrates.
In the second column the behavior of the crystallized salt when
it is exposed to the air of the laboratory is indicated: s = stable,
i.e. unchanged by exposure to atmosphere; e = efflorescent; d =
deliquescent; d, e = deliquescent or efflorescent, according as
to whether the humidity is above or below the average; CO2 =
absorbs carbon dioxide and falls to a white powder; Ox = com-
pound is oxidized, especially in presence of moisture; Hyd =
hydrolyzed, even by the water vapor of the air.
In the third column are given the figures for the solubility at
0°, 25°, and 100°, except in the cases in which other tempera-
tures are indicated in parenthesis. Fractions have, as a rule,
been dropped in giving the solubilities.
Much of the data in this table has been obtained from Seidell, Solu-
bilities of Inorganic and Organic Substances.
chloride, A1C13 6H2O d (15°) 70 4
nitrate, A1(NO3)3 9H2O d very soluble
sulphate, A12(SO4)3.18H2O s 31 38 89 0.8
sulphide, A12S3 Hyd hydrolyzes completely
acetate, NH4C2H3O2 d very soluble
bromide NH4Br s 61 79 146 6
(bi) carbonate, NH4HCO3 s 12 24 27
chloride, NH4C1 s 29 39 77 5
chromate, (NHj) 2CrO4, yellow s (30°) 40 2.3
dichromate, (NH4)2Cr207, or
ange s (30°) 47 1.4
iodide, NHJ d 154 177 250 6
nitrate, NH4NO3 d 118 214 871 11
oxalate, (NH4)2C2O4 s 2 1 48 04
sulphate, (NH4)aSO4 s 71 77 103 4.5
chloride, SbCl3 d f hydrolyzes with water
sulphate, Sb2(SO4)3 d < to insoluble basic salt.
[ very soluble in acids
sulphide, Sb2S3, black, orange s insoluble, soluble in con
centrated acids
Arsenic" insoluble in water or acids.
sulphide, As2S3, yellow s soluble in alkalies
acetate, Ba(C2H3O2)2 H2O s 58 77 75 2
bromide, BaBr2 2H2O s 98 106 149 25
carbonate, BaCO3 s 0 0023 0 000,11
chloride, BaCl2 2H2O s 32 37 59 17
chromate, BaCrO4, yellow s 0 0004 0 000,015
hydroxide, Ba(OH)2.8H2O CO2 17 4 7 (80°) 101 02
iodate, Ba(IO3)2 H2O s 0 008 0 03 0 2 0 001
iodide, Bal2 6H2O d 170 213 272 3
nitrate, Ba(NO3)2 s, d 5 10 34 03
peroxide, BaO2 8 H 2 O . . . . e 0 15 0 01
sulphate, BaSO4 s 0 00023 0 000,010
sulphide, BaS Ox hydrolyzes to Ba(SH)i
(soluble) and Ba(OH)i
sulphite, BaSO3 s (20°) 0 020 (80°) 0 002 0 001
chloride, BiCl3 d 1 hydrolyzes with water to
nitrate, Bi(NO3)3 5H2O d > insoluble basic salt.
sulphate, Bi2(SO4)3 d 1 very soluble in acids
sulphide, Bi2Sa, black s insoluble in acids or alkalies
Salt. Formula of crystallized salt *a
Color 2 « Grams anhydrous salt per F W per liter
(White unless otherwise specified) 100 grams water in a sat. of solution
is 1 urated solution at ab laboratory
01 0° 25° 100° temperature
carbonate, CdCO3 . . s insoluble, soluble m acids
chloride, CdCl2 2|H2O e 90 (18°) 110 147 5
nitrate, Cd(NO3)2 4H2O d 110(l8°)127 326 43
sulphate, CdSO4 2?H2O e 76(40°) 79 61 2
sulphide, CdS, yellow s insoluble, soluble in con
centrated acids
acetate, Ca(C2H3O2)2 2H2O e 37 34 30 19
bromide, CaBr2 6H2O d 125 153 295 5
carbonate, CaCO3 s 0 0013 0 00013
chlorate, Ca(C103)2 2H2O d (18°) 178 53
chloride, CaCl2 6H2O d 60 88 159 52
chromate, CaCrO4 2H2O,
yellow e 11 12 3 08
fluoride, CaF2 s 0 0016 0 0002
hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 CO2 0 19 0 16 0 08 0 02
nitrate, Ca(NO3)2 4H2O d (18°) 122 52
oxalate, CaC2O4 H2O s 0 0007 0 00004
sulphate, CaSO4 2H2O . s 0hydrolyzes
18 0 21to Ca(SH)0 16 0 015
sulphide, CaS .. Ox (soluble) and Ca(OH)22
sulphite, CaSO3 0 004 0 0003
chloride, CrCl3 6H2O, purple d 130 8
nitrate, Cr(NO3)3 9H2O,
purple very soluble melts 36 5°
sulphate, Cr2(SO4)3 18H2O,
purple s, e 120 4
carbonate, CoCO3, pink s insoluble, soluble in acids
chloride, CoCl2 6H2O, pink s 42 53 104 3
nitrate, Co(NO3)2 6H2O, pink d (0°)84 (91°) 340 43
sulphate, CoSO4 7H2O, pink s 26 in water
insoluble 39 or dilute
83 2
sulphide, CoS, black. s acids
mCu(OH)2reCuCO3,green s insoluble, soluble in acids
chloride, CuCl2 2H2O, blue s, d 71 79 108 50
nitrate, Cu(NO3)s 6H2O, blue e 82 150 275 48
sulphate, CnSO4 5H2O, blue s, e 14 23 75 12
sulphide, CuS, black s insoluble in water or acids
Salt Formula of crystallized salt. t£
Color 2« Grams anhydrous salt per F W per liter
(White unless otherwise specified) a 2 100 grams water in a sat of solution
•§ "8 urated solution at at laboratory
0° 25° 100° temperature.
arsenic acid, H3ASO4 JH^O d very soluble melts 35 5°
benzoic acid, HC7H6O2 s 0 17 0 35 5 9 0 03
bone acid,
iodic acid, H3BO3
HIO3 s 20 47 27 5 0 6
d, s 300
oxalic acid, H2C2O4 2H2O 09
phosphoric acid, H3PO4 sd 3very
5 soluble,
11 4 melts
(70°) 64
carbonate (ous), FeCO3. s insoluble soluble in acids
chloride (ous), FeCl2 4H2O,
pale green
chloride (IC). FeCl3 6H2O, d (15°) 67 (80°) 100
yellow d very soluble, melts 31°
nitrate (ous), Fe(NO3)2 6H2O Ox (18°) 82
(ic),Fe(NO3)3 9H O d very soluble melts 47°
sulphate (ous), FeSO4 7H22O,
pale green
sulphate (ic),Fe2(SO4)3 9H2O e, dOx (0°)16 (30°) 33 (90°) 43 2
very soluble
sulphide, FeS, black s insoluble, soluble in acids
acetate, Pb(C2H3O2)2 3H2O s 50 200 15
bromide, PbBr2 s 0 5 10 4 8 0 02
carbonate, PbCO3 s 0 0001 0 000,003
chromate,PbCl 2
PbCrOj, yellow s 0 7 11 3 3 0 05
s 0001 000,000,3
hydroxide, Pb(OH)2 s 0 01 0 000,4
iodide, Pbl2, yellow s 0 04 0 08 0 44 0 002
nitrate, Pb(NO3)2 s 38 61 139 14
sulphate, PbSO4 s 0 004 0 000,13
sulphide, PbS, black s insoluble soluble in con-
centrated strong acids
carbonate, Li2CO3 s 15 13 0 7 0 17
(bi) carbonate, L1HCO3 s (13°) 5 5 08
chloride, LiCl d 67 82 128 13 3
hydroxide, LiOH H2O CO2 12 7 12 9 17 5 50
nitrate, LiNO3 3H2O d (0°) 54 (30°) 138 (70°) 176 7 3
sulphate, Li2SO4 s 35 34 30 28
bromide, MgBr, 6H2O d 92 98 120 46
carbonate, MgCO3 3H2O s 02 0 01
hydroxide,MgCl 2 6H2O
Mg(OH) d 53 57 73 51
2 CO2 0 001 0 000,2
nitrate, Mg(NOi>)s 6H2O d (0°) 67 (40°) 85 4 0
sulphate, MgSO4 7H2O e 27 39 74 28
Salt. Formula of crystallized salt :i
Color 8 1 Grams anhydrous salt per F W per liter
(White unless otherwise specified) H 100 grams water in a sat- of solution
11 urated solution at at laboratory
V 0° 25° 100° temperature.
carbonate, MnCO3, pale pink. S insoluble, soluble in acids
chloride, MnCl2 4H2O, rose e, d 63 77 115 5
nitrate, Mn(NOj)j 6H2O, rose d 102 166(35 5°)331 5
sulphate, MnSO4 5H2O, rose s, e 53 65 32 4
sulphide, MnS, pink . Ox insoluble soluble
in dilute
chloride (ous), HgCl s 0 0002 0 000,01
(ic), HgCl2 s 37 74 61 02
iodide (ic), Hgl2, red s 0 005 0 000,1
nitrate (ous), HgNO3.H2O s, e \ very soluble inalittle water
much water ppts basic salt
(ic), Hg(NO3)2 iH2O d [very soluble in HNOa
sulphate (ous), Hg2SO4 s 0 06 0 001
(ic), HgSO4. s hydrolyzes. moderately
soluble in acids
sulphide (ic), HgS, black.. s insoluble insoluble in con
centrated acids
carbonate, N1CO3, green s insoluble, soluble in acids
chloride, NiCl2 6H2O, green s, d 54 67 88 4
nitrate, NiNO3 6H2O, green s, d (0°)80 (20°) 96 (95°) 233 6
sulphate, NiSO4 7H2O, green e (0°) 27 (30°) 43 (99°) 77 2
sulphide, NiS, black s insoluble inacids
water or dilute
acetate, KC2H3O2 d (5°) 188 (14°) 230 (62°) 492 25
bromate, KBrO3 s 3 1 80 50 0 38
bromide, KBr s 54 68 104 46
carbonate, K2CO3 1§H2O d 89 113 156 59
(bi) carbonate, KHCO3 s 22 36 (80°) 60 28
chlorate, KC103 s 31 82 56 0 52
chloride, KC1 s 28 36 57 39
chromate, K2Cr04, yellow s 59 64 79 27
(di) chromate, K2Cr207, or-
ange s 5 16 89 04
ferricyanide, K3Fe(CN)6, red s 31 46 82 12
K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O, yellow s 13 28 76 06
fluoride, KF 2H2O . d (18°) 92 12 4
hydroxide, KOH.2H2O .. d 97 119 178 18
iodate, KIO3 . . s 47 99 32 0 35
iodide, KI . . s 128 148 208 60
manganate, K2Mn04,
intense green . . d very soluble
nitrate, KNO3 s 13 37 246 26
Salt. Formula of crystallized salt *a
Color Grams anhydrous salt per F W per hter
(White unless otherwise specified) ^ s 100 grams water in a sat- of solution
&1 urated solution at at laboratory
I 0° 25° 100° temperature.
oxalate, K2C2O4 H2O s 38 16
perchlorate, KC104 s 19 20 0 11
permanganate, KMnO4,
intense purple s 2 8 8 0 (65°) 25 0 33
sulphate, K2SO4 s 7 12 21 0 62
(bi) sulphate, KHSO4 36 (20°) 51 122 35
sulphide, K2S 5H2O d very soluble
sulphite, K2SO3 2H2O d very soluble
thiocyanate, KSCN d 177 (20°) 217 11
acetate, AgC2H3O2 s 07 1 1 (80°) 2 5 0 06
bromate, AgBrO3 s 0 19 0 008
bromide, AgBr s 0 000,01 0 000,000,6
carbonate, Ag2CO3 s 0 003 0 000,1
chlorate, AgC103 s 15 06
chloride, AgCl s 0 000,2 0 000,01
chromate, Ag2Cr04, red s 0 002 0 000,15
fluoride, AgF . . d (16°) 182 13 5
iodate, AgIO3 s 0 005 0 000,2
iodide, Agl, yellow s 0 000,000,3 0 000,000,01
nitrate, AgNO3 s 122 257 952 84
nitrite, AgNO2 s 0 16 0 4 1 36(60°) 0 03
oxide, Ag2O, brown, dis-
solves as AgOH s 0 0025 0 000,2
perchlorate, AgClCh d very soluble
sulphate, Ag2SO4 s (18°)0 73 (100°) 1 5 0 024
sulphide, Ag2S, black s lnaoluble in water or acids
acetate, NaC2H3O2.3H2O s, e 36 50 170 6
(tetra) borate,
Na2B4O7 10H2O s 13 33 53 0 15
bromate, NaBrO3 s 28 38 91 17
bromide, NaBr 2H2O s 73 87 118 69
carbonate, Na2CO3 10H2O e 70 28 46 18
(bi) carbonate, NaHCO3 s 69 10 11
chlorate, NaC103. .. s 82 105 233 64
chloride, NaCl s 36 36 40 54
chromate, Na2CrO4.10H2O,
yellow e 32 86 127 33
(di)chromate, Na2Cr20, 2H2O
orange d (o°)163 (98°) 433 50
fluoride, NaF s (21") 4 2 11
hydroxide, NaOH H2O d 42 114 348 21
iodate, NaIO3 s 25 11 34 05
iodide, NaI.2H2O e, d 159 184 302 81
Salt. Formula of crystalhzed salt *a
Color Grams anhydrous salt per F W per liter
(White unless otherwise specified) « -2 100 grams water in a sat- of solution
m* urated solution at at laboratory
! 0° 25° 100° temperature.
nitrate, NaNO3 s 73 92 178 74
nitrite, NaNO2 d 72 88 162 10
oxalate, Na2C2O4 s 36 03
NaMnO4 3H2O, intense
purple d very soluble
phosphate, Na3PO4 12H2O e 1 15 108 0 85
Na2HPO4 12H2O e 1 12 102 0 81
NaH2PO4H2O . s 58 95 247 60
sulphate, Na2SO4.10H2O e 5 28 43 18
(bi) sulphate, NaHSO* H2O d 29 50 2
sulphide, Na2S 9H2O /Ox 17 2
sulphite, Na2SO3 10H2O e (0°) 14 20°) 27 (40°) 50 2
(bi) sulphite, NaHSOa e very soluble
thiosulphate, Na2S2O3.5H2O s, e (10°) 60 (25°) 76 (45°) 124 5
carbonate, SrCO3 s 0 001 0 000,07
chloride, SrCl2 6H2O e 44 56 101 30
hydroxide, Sr(OH)2 8H2O CO2 04 10 32 0 06
nitrate, Sr(NO3)2 4H2O e 40 79 101 27
sulphate, SrSO4 s 0 01 0 000,6
chloride (ous), SnCL 2H2O /(.Ox (o°)84 (15°) 270 7
sulphide (ous), SnS, black s insoluble soluble inNasS*
(ic), SnS2, yellow s insoluble soluble in Na2S
carbonate, ZnCO3 s insoluble soluble macids
chloride, ZnCl2 3H2O d 208 432 615 92
nitrate, Zn(NO3)2 6H2O d 95 127 47
sulphate, ZnSO4 7H2O e 42 58 81 31
sulphide, ZnS s insoluble soluble inacids
1 1 0032
2 1 0082
4 1 0181
6 1 0279
8 1 0376
10 1 0474
12 1 0574
14 1 0675
16 1 0776
18 1 0878
20 1 0980
22 1 1083
24 1 1187
26 1 1290
28 1 1392
30 1 1493
32 1 1593
34 1 1691
36 1 1789
38 1 1885
40 1 1980
1 1 0053
2 1 0124
4 1 0269
6 1 0417
8 1 0568
10 1 0723
12 1 0883
14 1 1048
16 1 1219
18 1 1396
20 1 1579
22 1 1767
24 1 1961
26 1 2161
28 1 2367
30 1 2580
35 1 3150
40 1 3772
45 1 4446
50 1 5173
55 1 5953
60 1 6787
65 1 7675
Articles which have a limited use are indicated by the experiment (E) or
preparation (P) number for which they are required. Articles in the desk
equipment are indicated by *. Roman numerals refer to chapters.
P 10° 11° 12° 13° 14° 15° 16° 17° 18° 19° 20° 21° 22° 23° 24° 25° P g
f (mm.) 5-6 6-0 6-4 6-9 7-3 7-8 8-4 8-9 9-5 10-1 10-8 11-4 12-2 12-9 13-7 14-6 f (mm.)
If the confining liquid is 30 per cent potassium hydroxide, solution, the pressure of water vapour over this solution at the
temperature concerned (f mm., see above) must be subtracted from the observed barometric pressure after reduction to 0°.