Zheng, Xinjian Resume

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S463 Concord Cross|ng Dr|ve, Mason, Ch|o 4S040
(S13) 238-S632 | x|n[|anzheng09Qgma||.com

8ache|or of Sc|ence, Industr|a| Management LxpecLed: May 2013
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Mlnor: 8uslness AnalyLlcs 1eachlng AsslsLanL: Managerlal AccounLlng
CA: 3.98/4.0 Scholarshlp: kolodzlk 8uslness Scholars, CCl
uean's LlsL 8eclplenL CerLlflcaLlon: lnnovaLlon & ueslgn 1hlnklng
Data Ana|yst !anuary 2013-resenL
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AsslsLed wlLh fronLllne leadershlp Lo supporL LransporLaLlon pro[ecLs and lnlLlaLlves Lhrough daLa mlnlng and analysls
CreaLed, malnLalned and revlewed reporLlng meLrlcs Lo ldenLlfy opporLunlLy Lo reduce cosL LhroughouL producL demand
plannlng and LransporLaLlon sLraLegy
ConducLed research Lo assess Lhe accuracy of carLon dlmenslons and poLenLlal savlng on lmplemenLlng a 3u Scanner
Space Mode||ng May 2013-!anuary 2014
used SCL Lo deslgn a model LhaL forecasLs lnvenLory level of 3 dlsLrlbuLlon cenLers, whlle LacLlcal model forecasL space
need for nexL 6 monLhs, and sLraLeglc model forecasL space need for nexL 7 years
Leverage v8A ln Lxcel Lo deslgn a user-frlendly lnLerface, allowlng user Lo lnpuL compllcaLed scenarlos and auLomaLlcally
generaLe reporL wlLh 93 accuracy, currenLly used by Lwo deparLmenL dlrecLors Lo asslsL wlLh operaLlonal sLraLegy
8udget 1oo| CcLober 2013-uecember 2013
used SCL Lo deslgn a model Lo perform raLe and fuel analysls Lo asslsL deparLmenL dlrecLor wlLh LransporLaLlon expense
lorecasLed LransporLaLlon expenses by servlce and brand Lo asslsL wlLh budgeL plannlng
ueslgned a user-frlendly lnpuL lnLerface ln Access and Lxcel Lo generaLe auLomaLed conclse reporLs wlLhln 30 seconds
A|r rof|tab|||ty Ana|ys|s March 2013-Aprll 2013
LvaluaLed 1.2 mllllon packages shlpped vla nexL uay Alr, nexL uay Alr Saver, and Second uay Alr from llscal ?ear 2012 Lo
supporL Lhe analysls
ueLermlned Lhe key drlvers of parcel alr shlp Lhrough examlnlng $392,000 loss ln proflL and propose poLenLlal soluLlons
Lo deparLmenL dlrecLor
ConducLed furLher research Lo lnvesLlgaLe hlgh frequency of free shlpplng and lnefflclenL shlpplng charge collecLlon
ACL Leader !anuary 2014-resenL
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SelecLed Lo exempllfy Lhe Llndner ACL uevelopmenL laLform of rofesslonallsm, Academlcs, CharacLers and
LngagemenL as a Leachlng asslsLanL for a group of 13 Llndner College of 8uslness freshmen
Culde Lhe growLh and developmenL of sLudenLs Lhrough menLorlng, group dlscusslon and collaboraLlve pro[ecL
managemenL, as well as gradlng asslgnmenL and preslde over group pro[ecLs
AsslsL lnsLrucLor Lo ensure a successful ACL experlence for 60 Chlnese lnLernaLlonal SLudenLs
Student Ambassador CcLober 2013-resenL
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CoordlnaLe hlgh school vlslLs and emall communlcaLlon Lo prospecLlve/admlLLed sLudenLs Lo drlve college enrollmenL
ulscuss college experlences and presenL Lhe advanLages of aLLendlng uC Lo prospecLlve hlgh school sLudenLs
Serve as a model sLudenL durlng key programmlng and evenLs LargeLlng donors, professlonals and prospecLlve sLudenLs
Member, Amerlcan roducLlon and lnvenLory ConLrol SocleLy 2011-resenL
volunLeer, LlLLle SlsLer of oor Aprll 2013
volunLeer, naLlonal Slgnage 8esearch & LducaLlon Conference CcLober 2012
Language: lluenL ln Chlnese
CompuLer: MlcrosofL Word, owerolnL, Lxcel, v8A ln Lxcel, CuLlook, Access, SCL, MaLLab

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