Abraham Called by God
Abraham Called by God
Abraham Called by God
CONTENT The Significance of God's Calling The Background and Origin of God's Calling and the Experience of the Called The Motive and Strength of Being Called The Progress in ns!ering God's Calling "iving #$ %aith The Trial of the Called The &ictor$ of the Called 'no!ing Grace for the %ulfill(ent of God's Purpose) The Seed and the "and 'no!ing Grace for the %ulfill(ent of God's Purpose) God's Covenant !ith #raha( 'no!ing Grace for the %ulfill(ent of God's Purpose) The llegor$ of the T!o *o(en 'no!ing Grace for the %ulfill(ent of God's Purpose) God's Covenant Confir(ed !ith Circu(cision 'no!ing Grace for the %ulfill(ent of God's Purpose) The +nveiling of the ,ivine Title and The Changing of -u(an Na(es for the %ulfilling of God's Purpose 'no!ing Grace for the %ulfill(ent of God's Purpose)Circu(cision for the %ulfill(ent of God's Purpose "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) Co((union !ith God on the -u(an "evel "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) Glorious .ntercession "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) ,efeated /ighteous Man "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) Pillar of Salt "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) The Seed #$ .ncest "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) The -idden *eakness and a Sha(eful .ntercession "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) The Birth and Gro!th of .saac "iving in %ello!ship !ith God)
The Offering of .saac 012 "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) The Offering of .saac 032 "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) The ,eath and Burial of Sarah "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) The Marriage of .saac Practical "iving in Oneness !ith the "ord "iving in %ello!ship !ith God) The Marriage of .saac T$pe of Christ Marr$ing the Church -aving No Maturit$ in "ife .nheriting Grace /esting and En4o$ing -aving Natural *eakness as #raha( and "iving in the Natural "ife as 5aco# #raha()Called #$ God is co(posed of (essages taken fro( "ife6stud$ of Genesis7 a detailed stud$ of the #ook of Genesis that e(phasi8es the experience of Christ as life for the fulfill(ent of the eternal purpose of God to have a corporate expression of -i(self9 The (essages in this volu(e are devoted pri(aril$ to the experience of #raha(7 the one called #$ God to #eco(e the father of the called race9 -aving #een called #$ God7 #raha( !as trained to live #$ faith in God as the uni:ue source9 "iving the life of an altar and a tent7 #raha( eventuall$ ca(e to kno! grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose and to live in fello!ship !ith God9 Because the experience of .saac is7 to a great extent7 inter!oven !ith that of #raha( and #ecause (an$ of the aspects of .saac;s life are covered in the (essages on #raha(7 this volu(e includes (essages that concentrate on the spiritual significance of .saac7 !ho rested in and en4o$ed the riches #esto!ed on hi( #$ #raha(9 Ma$ all the children of God7 all the called ones7 !alk in the steps of the faith of our father #raha( 0/o(9 <=1329
1. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GODS CALLING No! the "ord had said unto #ra(7 Get thee out of th$ countr$7 and fro( th$ kindred7 and fro( th$ father;s house7 unto a land that . !ill sho! thee= and . !ill (ake of thee a great nation7 and . !ill #less thee7 and (ake th$ na(e great> and thou shalt #e a #lessing= and . !ill #less the( that #less thee7 and curse hi( that curseth thee= and in thee shall all fa(ilies of the earth #e #lessed9 0Genesis 13=16?2 The Scripture7 foreseeing that God !ould 4ustif$ the Gentiles out of faith7 announced the gospel #eforehand to #raha(= @.n $ou shall all the nations #e #lessed9A 0Galatians ?=B2
INTRODUCTION .n this chapter !e co(e to the (ost !onderful section of the #ook of Genesis7 the section on God;s calling 011=1C)DC=3E29 Genesis7 a #ook of fift$ chapters7 is divided into three sections9 The first section 01=1)3=3D2 covers God;s creation7 the second 0?=1)11=F2 covers the serpent;s corruption of (ankind7 and the third covers 5ehovah;s calling9 Each of these sections #egins !ith a special phrase9 The first section #egins !ith the !ords7 @.n the #eginning God9A The second section #egins !ith the phrase7 @No! the serpent9A The third section #egins !ith the !ords7 @No! 5ehovahA 013=17 -e#929 .n these three sections !e see three titles)God7 the serpent7 and 5ehovah9 These titles (ean a great deal to us9 fter God created7 the serpent crept in to corrupt7 and then 5ehovah ca(e in to call9 So the #ook of Genesis (ainl$ relates these three (a4or things9 ccording to the revelation of the Bi#le7 Elohi(7 the -e#re! !ord for God in 1=17 is a title that (ainl$ relates to God;s creation9 The title of 5ehovah7 ho!ever7 is especiall$ concerned !ith God;s relationship to (an in the (atter of life9 5ehovah is part7 a (ain ele(ent7 of the !onderful na(e of 5esus7 for 5esus (eans @5ehovah the Saviour9A Since the na(e 5esus includes 5ehovah7 !e (a$ sa$ that 5esus is the Ne! Testa(ent 5ehovah and that 5ehovah !as the Old Testa(ent 5esus9 .n these three sections of Genesis !e see that God created7 the serpent7 Satan7 corrupted7 and 5ehovah called9 Thus7 in these sections !e have creation7 corruption7 and calling9 *hich of these do $ou love the (ostG . love God;s calling9 *e are not onl$ the created ones #ut also the called ones9 GODS CREATION, REVEALING GODS PURPOSE AND PROCEDURE H God;s creation unveils -is eternal purpose9 God;s eternal purpose is that (an express -i( !ith -is i(age and represent -i( !ith -is do(inion9 *e7 the hu(an race7 are destined to express and represent God9 This is clearl$ revealed in the first chapter of Genesis9 .n the second chapter !e see God;s procedure to fulfill this divine purpose9 -is procedure is #$ the divine life9 God (ust !ork -i(self into us as our life that !e (ight #e a#le to fulfill -is eternal purpose9 Thus7 in chapter one !e see God;s purpose and in chapter t!o God;s procedure for the fulfill(ent of this purpose9 THE SERPENTS CORRUPTION, CAUSING MANS FALL H .n the second section 0?=1)11=F2 !e see that the serpent7 Satan7 crept in to cause (an;s fall9 The serpent corrupted (an and caused hi( to fall to the utter(ost9 Man fell lo!er and lo!er until it !as i(possi#le for hi( to fall an$ further9 t that ti(e Satan !as happ$ and could cele#rate his success9 The !hole hu(an race !as in re#ellion against God9 .n a sense7 God had #een driven out fro( the earth9 THE LORDS (JEHOVAHS) CALLING, FULFILLING GODS PURPOSE BY GODS PROCEDURE
H lthough Satan7 !orking through fallen (an7 had apparentl$ driven God out fro( the earth7 God is sovereign and cannot #e defeated or frustrated #$ an$ kind of attack9 ll of Satan;s !ork si(pl$ affords -i( an excellent opportunit$ to displa$ -is !isdo(9 lthough so(eti(es . !as sorr$ that . !as a fallen person7 (ost of the ti(e . re4oiced7 #ecause . had #een redee(ed7 regenerated7 and regained9 Because of the fall7 our relationship !ith God the %ather is s!eeter and (ore (eaningful than it !ould have #een !ithout the fall9 .f $ou !ill spend so(e ti(e to revie! $our life7 . #elieve $ou !ill !eep7 not in sorro!7 #ut in s!eet re(e(#rance of God;s !ise and gracious !ork9 *hen !e enter into eternit$7 !e shall exercise our spirit and recall our ti(e on earth7 and the (e(or$ of that ti(e !ill #e s!eet7 tasteful7 and (eaningful9 God is !ise9 -e allo!ed the serpent to co(e in9 God !atched the serpent and see(ed to sa$7 @"ittle serpent7 !hat are $ou doingG Go ahead and do (ore9 The (ore $ou do7 the (ore opportunit$ . have to (anifest M$ !isdo(9 "ittle serpent7 do $our #est9 Go on until $ou are satisfied and can do nothing (ore9A Eventuall$7 Satan had to sa$7 @. have done all that . can do9 . have exhausted ($self in causing (ankind to fall lo!er and lo!er9 . cannot (ake hi( fall an$ further9 This is all . can do9 . a( finished9A *hen this point !as reached7 God ca(e in7 not as Elohi(7 #ut as 5ehovah7 the seed that !as pro(ised in ?=1D9 Nothing can frustrate God7 defeat -i(7 or force -i( to forsake -is eternal purpose9 -e !ill co(plete !hat -e has deter(ined to perfor(9 Nothing can change -i(9 n$ interruption si(pl$ affords -i( the opportunit$ to express (ore of -is !ise counsel9 .f God had not #een so !ise7 the #ook of Genesis !ould have #een ver$ short9 But for God to displa$ -is !isdo(7 it has fift$ chapters9 The last thirt$6nine and a half chapters are an a#stract of the !hole Ne! Testa(ent9 ,o $ou kno! ho! the Ne! Testa(ent #eginsG .t #egins !ith the !ords7 @The #ook of the generation of 5esus Christ Son of ,avid7 Son of #raha(A 0Matt9 1=129 ccording to the genealog$ in Matthe!7 the gospel #egins !ith #raha(9 The Ne! Testa(ent #egins !ith the genealog$ of #raha(9 This corresponds !ith Genesis 139 Nearl$ ever$thing found in the Ne! Testa(ent is so!n as a seed in Genesis9 So the thirt$6nine and a half chapters that co(pose the third section of Genesis are a #rief of the entire Ne! Testa(ent9 s !e have pointed out on other occasions7 the Ne! Testa(ent #egins !ith the preaching of the gospel of the kingdo(9 *hen 5ehovah ca(e in to call #raha( in Genesis 137 -e gave hi( a pro(ise7 and that pro(ise !as the preaching of the gospel9 Galatians ?=B proves this= @The Scripture7 foreseeing that God !ould 4ustif$ the nations #$ faith7 preached the gospel #eforehand to #raha(= .n $ou all the nations shall #e #lessed9A The first preaching of the gospel is not in Matthe! #ut in Genesis 139 .n the preaching of the gospel to #raha(7 the (ain ite( is the nation9 The nation is the kingdo(9 .n the next (essage !e shall see that God pro(ised to (ake #raha( a great nation and that this nation is the kingdo( of God including .srael as God;s kingdo( in the Old Testa(ent7 the church as God;s kingdo( in the Ne! Testa(ent7 the (illennial kingdo( in the co(ing age7 and also the ne! heaven and the ne! earth9 This is the kingdo( and this is the gospel of the kingdo(9 Galatians ?=1< speaks of the #lessing of #raha(= @That the #lessing of #raha( (ight co(e to the nations in 5esus Christ7 that !e (ight receive the pro(ise of the Spirit
through faith9A *hat is the #lessingG .t is the Spirit9 *ho is the SpiritG The Spirit is 5esus 03 Cor9 ?=1I29 The Spirit is 5esus7 5esus is 5ehovah7 and 5ehovah is God9 Therefore7 this #lessing is 4ust God -i(self9 .n God;s preaching of -is gospel to #raha(7 -e pro(ised the called ones that -e !ould give -i(self to the( as a #lessing9 This #lessing is 5ehovah -i(self9 5ehovah is 5esus7 and 5esus is the Spirit !ho( !e have received through faith in Christ9 This is the gospel9 /e(e(#er7 Genesis is a #ook giving us an a#stract of the !hole Ne! Testa(ent9 -o! !e (ust !orship God for -is sovereign !isdo(J This long section of Genesis covers the lives of onl$ three persons) #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco#9 *hen God revealed -i(self to Moses7 -e said7 @. a( the God of th$ father7 the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco#A 0Exo9 ?=E29 s !e shall see later on7 this is clearl$ related to the Triune God9 The Ne! Testa(ent is si(pl$ an auto#iograph$ of the Triune God)of the %ather in #raha(7 the Son in .saac7 and the Spirit in 5aco#9 Perhaps so(e !ill !onder a#out 5oseph9 s !e shall see7 5oseph does not stand alone> he is a part of 5aco#9 The entire stor$ of the called ones in the #ook of Genesis is a stor$ of these three persons7 and the !hole Ne! Testa(ent is a record of the divine Trinit$7 the %ather7 the Son7 and the Spirit7 experienced #$ all the Ne! Testa(ent #elievers9 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GODS CALLING THE NEW BEGINNING OF GOD H No! !e need to consider the significance7 the (eaning7 of God;s calling9 %irstl$7 God;s calling !as a ne! #eginning9 *hen God created (an7 there !as a #eginning9 But that (an !as corrupted and spoiled9 The (an !ho( God created for -i(self fell and forsook -i(9 So God ca(e in to call (an that -e (ight have a ne! #eginning !ith the fallen (an9 Even !ith us7 God;s calling !as a ne! #eginning9 *e all have had a ne! #eginning9 . thank God that after living over nineteen $ears in the old creation7 . received a ne! #eginning #efore . !as t!ent$9 God;s calling is a ne! #eginning (ade #$ God -i(self9 God !ould not give up (an9 /ather7 -e ca(e in to call (an that -e (ight have a ne! #eginning9 The (an !ho( God called !as #raha(9 *hen God created da(7 -e did not create a single (an #ut a corporate (an9 *hen God called #raha(7 in a sense -e called a corporate (an7 #ut7 in another sense7 -e called a single person9 lthough all of the descendants of da( !ere created in da(7 !e cannot sa$ that all the descendants of #raha( !ere called in #raha(9 lthough it appears so out!ardl$7 actuall$ this is not the case7 for /o(ans F=I6B sa$s that not all the seed of #raha( are the children of God9 Si(pl$ #ecause a person is a 5e! #$ #irth does not (ean that he has had a ne! #eginning !ith God9 Even those !ho are 5e!s #$ #irth need a ne! #eginning9 *hether !e are 5e!s or Gentiles7 as long as !e have had a ne! #eginning #$ faith in Christ7 !e are #raha(;s seed 0Gal9 ?=I29 Most of us are not 5e!ish7 #ut !e are all the seed of #raha( through faith in Christ9 *e are the seed of #raha( #ecause !e have had a ne! #eginning9 t the ti(e of -is calling of #raha(7 God #egan to have a ne! #eginning7 and no! !e all have entered into this ne! #eginning through faith9 *henever $ou speak a#out God;s calling7 $ou (ust reali8e that -is calling (eans a ne! #eginning9 . can never forget that
afternoon in 1F3D !hen . !as called #$ God9 .((ediatel$ . had a ne! #eginning and ($ !hole life7 #eing7 and concepts !ere changed9 This is God;s calling9 THE TRANSFER OF RACE H .n -is calling7 God;s ne! #eginning !ith (an is a transfer of race9 God;s calling of #raha( (eant that -e had given up the race of da( and had chosen #raha( !ith his descendants as the ne! race to #e -is people for the fulfilling of -is eternal purpose9 This !as a transfer of race7 a transfer fro( the created da(ic race to the called #raha(ic race 013=36?> Gal9 ?=I6F7 1<> /o(9 <=1E61I29 *hen !e sa$ that God;s calling is a ne! #eginning7 !e (ust understand that this ne! #eginning is a transfer of race9 *e all have #een transferred fro( the old created race to the ne! called race9 lthough !e !ere #orn in a particular race7 at the ti(e of our calling !e !ere transferred into another race7 the ne! race of the called ones9 THE TRANSFER OF LIFE H The transfer of race in God;s calling is actuall$ the transfer of life9 lthough $ou can #oldl$ declare that $ou have undergone the transfer of race7 can $ou sa$ that $ou have experienced the transfer of lifeG lthough !e have had the transfer of race7 !e are still in the process of the transfer of life9 . dare not sa$ that . have had a full transfer of life9 Neither can . sa$ that . have had no transfer of life9 . have had so(e transfer of life7 #ut this process has not $et #een co(pleted9 *e all are in the process of the transfer of life9 *e need an inner transfer of life9 Even though !e have had the transfer of race7 the life !ithin us (ust #e transferred9 .f !e do not have this inner transfer of life7 !e shall re(ain the sa(e as the fallen race9 .f !e are si(pl$ re(oved fro( one position to another7 !e actuall$ re(ain the sa(e in life9 The (ere transfer of position cannot fulfill God;s purpose in -is calling of us9 There (ust also #e a transfer of life9 Since the transfer of life is fro( the life of da( to the life of Christ7 it is a transfer fro( the life of the old creation to the life of the ne! creation9 ,ue to the fall of (an7 all of God;s original creation #eca(e old and is no longer a#le to fulfill God;s purpose9 So God needs a ne! creation7 a creation !ith a life stronger and (uch #etter than the created life of da(9 This stronger life is the uncreated life of God7 the life of Christ9 The transfer of life in God;s calling is fro( the fallen life of the old creation to this stronger and #etter life of the ne! creation9 AS SEEN IN THE CALLED ONES H The significance of God;s calling is clearl$ seen in God;s called ones9 .n #raha(7 in .saac7 in 5aco#7 and in the Ne! Testa(ent #elievers !e can see the ne! #eginning of God7 the transfer of race7 and the transfer of life9 Their lives can #e considered as clear pictures of the significance of God;s calling9 IN ABRAHAM The picture that is portra$ed in #raha( is ver$ clear9 -e had the ne! #eginning7 the transfer of race7 and the transfer of life7 !hich !as a great pro#le( to #oth hi( and God9 lthough the ne! #eginning and the transfer of race in hi( transpired i((ediatel$ at the
ti(e that he !as called7 the transfer of life in hi( took (an$ $ears9 .t took several decades for hi( to have the transfer of life7 and even then it !as not full$ co(pleted9 FIRSTLY RELYING UPON ELIEZER H *hen God called #raha( out of the corrupted land7 #raha( had no sons7 no successors9 God !as sovereign9 Before #raha( had undergone the transfer of race7 God did not allo! hi( to have a son9 Because #raha( !as childless7 he relied upon Elie8er7 his household servant7 to #e the possessor of his house7 sa$ing to the "ord7 @"ord God7 !hat !ilt thou give (e7 seeing . go childless7 and the son of possession of ($ house is this Elie8er of ,a(ascusG nd #ra( said7 Behold7 to (e thou hast given no seed= and7 lo7 a son of ($ house is (ine heirA 01D=36?7 -e#929 #raha( called Elie8er the son of possession of his house and thought that he !ould #e his heir9 #raha( !as ver$ natural7 4ust as !e are toda$9 lthough he received the pro(ise7 he interpreted it in a natural !a$9 God re4ected Elie8er7 sa$ing to #raha(7 @This shall not #e thine heir> #ut he that shall co(e forth out of thine o!n #o!els shall #e thine heirA 01D=<29 God !as telling #raha( that Elie8er !ould not #e the one to inherit the pro(ise that -e had given to hi(9 seed out of #raha( hi(self7 #orn of Sarah7 !ould #e #raha(;s heir9 THEN BEGETTING ISHMAEL BY THE STRENGTH OF HIS FLESH H fter God had re4ected Elie8er as the heir7 #raha(7 at the suggestion of Sarah that he have a son #$ -agar7 exercised the strength of his flesh to fulfill God;s pro(ise9 -e #rought forth .sh(ael9 The !ife !as the one !ho (ade the proposal and eventuall$ she !as the one !ho !as trou#led #$ the result of her proposal9 .t !as sovereign that Sarah !as trou#led in this !a$9 On the one hand7 Sarah;s proposal that #raha( have a son #$ -agar !as of the flesh9 On the other hand7 her co((and that .sh(ael #e driven out !as according to God;s sovereignt$9 She told #raha( that he had to drive out .sh(ael7 the one !ho !as #orn of the #ond!o(an 031=F61C29 This co((and !as ver$ grievous to #raha(> he !as deepl$ trou#led #$ it9 Then God intervened and said to #raha(7 @"et it not #e grievous in th$ sight #ecause of the lad7 and #ecause of th$ #ond!o(an> in all that Sarah has said unto thee7 hearken unto her voice> for in .saac shall th$ seed #e calledA 031=1329 This (eant that God told #raha( to let .sh(ael go7 for he !as not the one !ho !as to inherit the pro(ise that God had given #raha(9 .saac !as to #e his heir9 *e all (ust reali8e that in God;s calling nothing of our natural life can #e prevailing9 To onl$ have the transfer of race is not ade:uate9 *e need a co(plete transfer of life9 HIS NAME BEING CHANGED AND HIS FLESH BEING CIRCUMCISED H %irstl$7 God pro(ised #raha( that he !ould have seed to inherit the pro(ised land 013=I> 1?=1D61E29 "ater7 !hen God told #raha( that Elie8er !ould not #e his heir and that onl$ the one #orn of hi(self !ould #e his heir7 God strongl$ confir(ed -is pro(ise that #raha( !ould have seed of hi(self 01D=36D29 fter this7 #raha( atte(pted to fulfill God;s pro(ise #$ using his fleshl$ strength to produce .sh(ael9 s a result7 God ca(e in7 sa$ing7 @. a( the l(ight$ God> !alk #efore (e7 and #e thou perfectA 01I=129 God see(ed to #e sa$ing to #raha(7 @*hat $ou have done in #egetting .sh(ael is not perfect #efore Me9 No! . (ust transfor( $ou9 Kour na(e shall #e changed fro( #ra(7 !hich (eans an exalted father7 to #raha(7 !hich (eans the father of a great (ultitude
01I=D29 %or this7 $ou (ust #e circu(cised 01I=1C61<2 that $our fleshl$ strength (a$ #e cut off7 that . (a$ co(e to fulfill M$ pro(ise7 and that $ou (a$ #e exceeding fruitful9A -ere God pro(ised #raha( to (ake hi( a great father7 the father of a great (ultitude9 This indicated that #raha( !ould #e the father not onl$ of his descendants according to the flesh7 #ut also of the Ne! Testa(ent #elievers according to faith 0/o(9 <=1E61I29 *e Christians have all #eco(e #raha(;s seed #$ faith in Christ9 lthough !e !ere #orn of the da(ic race7 !e have #een re#orn into the #raha(ic race9 BRINGING FORTH ISAAC BY THE STRENGTH OF GODS GRACE H t the ti(e !hen God changed #raha(;s na(e and co((anded hi( to #e circu(cised7 God said to hi( in 1I=317L.saac7 !hich Sarah shall #are unto thee at this set ti(e in the next $ear9A -ere !e see that God (ade an appoint(ent7 setting up a ti(e !hen .saac !ould #e #orn9 This is referred to in 1B=1< !hen the "ord said7 @ t the ti(e appointed . !ill return unto thee7 at the ti(e of life7 and Sarah shall have a sonA 0-e#929 The appointed ti(e7 the ti(e set for the #irth of .saac !as @the ti(e of life9A This ter(7 @the ti(e of life7A is ver$ (eaningful9 The !ord life in this phrase is the sa(e -e#re! !ord that is used for the tree of life in 3=F9 The ti(e !hen .saac !ould #e #orn !as @the ti(e of life9A This happened after #raha( !as circu(cised9 This indicates that @the ti(e of lifeA !hen Christ !ill #e life to us !ill co(e after our natural strength has #een dealt !ith9 Af !" #! $!% # &f #! ' "!() # &f #*' f+!'# Before .saac !as #orn7 #raha( and Sarah !ere co(pletel$ deadened9 Sarah;s !o(# !as deadened7 and #raha(;s #od$ !as considered dead 0/o(9 <=1B61F29 *hat he had )Elie8er)and !hat he intended to keep).sh(ael)!ere all re4ected7 and his natural a#ilit$ !as ter(inated9 Then !hat could he doG Perhaps #raha( and Sarah had so(e unhapp$ fello!ship9 #raha( (ight have said to his !ife7 @,ear7 look at $ourself9 Kour function has #een deadened9A Sarah (ight have said to #raha(7 @,ear7 look at $ourself9 -o! oldJA Both of the( !ere in a deadened condition9 Sarah (ight have said7 @Elie8er is good7 #ut God has re4ected hi(9A #raha( (ight have replied7 @.sh(ael is #etter7 #ut God !ould not accept hi( either9 Since Elie8er has #een eli(inated and .sh(ael has #een re4ected7 that leaves $ou and (e in such a poor situation9 *hat shall !e doGA But !hen @the ti(e of lifeA ca(e7 .saac !as #orn of these t!o dead ones7 as if it !as #$ the po!er of resurrection9 The ti(e of that #irth !as @the ti(e of life9A Spirituall$ speaking7 the #irth of .saac !as a #irth of life9 B, J!#&-%#' -*'* % *&( The #irth of .saac !as #$ 5ehovah;s visitation7 #$ the "ord;s co(ing 01B=1<29 .saac;s #irth !as not (erel$ a hu(an #irth9 .n that #irth there !as the co(ing of 5ehovah7 for the "ord had said that at the appointed ti(e7 -e !ould return and .saac !ould #e #orn and that that ti(e !ould #e @the ti(e of life9A *hen #raha(;s natural strength !as ended7 5ehovah ca(e to #ring in .saac;s #irth at @the ti(e of life9A That !as the transfer of life9 Ever$thing of the natural life (ust go9 Even the a#ilit$ to #eget a son (ust #e ter(inated9 Nothing of our natural life or of our self has an$ share in God;s econo($9 Ever$thing natural (ust #e ter(inated until !e are finished7 dead7 and have #eco(e nothing9 Then7
!hen !e have co(e to the end7 5ehovah !ill co(e in9 This co(ing in of 5ehovah (eans life9 This is @.saac9A -ence7 the #irth of .saac is the co(ing of 5ehovah9 This is life7 this is the ne! #eginning7 and this is the transfer of life9 This is the significance of God;s calling9 .t is ver$ good to reali8e that !e all have #een called and have had a ne! #eginning and the transfer of race9 But !e should all agree that !e are still in the process of the transfer of life9 Pro#a#l$7 so(e of us still cling to Elie8er7 so(e !ant to hold on to .sh(ael7 and so(e have #een full$ disappointed9 -o!ever7 others a(ong us have co(e to @the ti(e of life9A .n their case7 @.saacA has #een #orn9 5ehovah;s co(ing7 5ehovah;s visit7 has transpired !ith so(e of us9 This is the transfer of life9 *e all need such a transfer9 *e need to forget the superficial and natural teachings7 such as i(proving and #ehaving ourselves9 .t is not a (atter of #ehavior #ut of a life transfer9 *e all (ust #e transferred not onl$ in race #ut also in life9 *hen #raha( !as called out of the corrupted land7 he had no son9 -e #eca(e old and still did not have a son9 Therefore7 he put his trust in Elie8er7 the son of possession9 God re4ected Elie8er9 Then #raha( exercised the strength of his flesh to produce .sh(ael9 #raha( loved .sh(ael and !anted to keep hi(7 #ut God !ould not accept hi(9 The pro(ised son had to #e #orn of 5ehovah;s co(ing in7 of the strength of God;s grace at the appointed ti(e9 *hen the appointed ti(e arrived7 5ehovah ca(e to Sarah and .saac ca(e forth9 .n a sense7 5ehovah ca(e into Sarah and .saac ca(e out of her9 That !as @the ti(e of life9A .t !as altogether a transfer of life9 IN ISAAC .n a sense7 in .saac the transfer of life !as acco(plished #ut it !as not full$ co(pleted9 *e kno! this #$ the fact that .saac still #egat Esau !ho( God hated 0/o(9 F=1?29 This (eans that !ithin .saac the natural life still re(ained9 Thus7 !e (a$ sa$ that in .saac the transfer of life !as not co(pleted thoroughl$9 .t !as co(pleted in 5aco#9 IN JACOB FIRSTLY BEING THE SUPPLANTER JACOB H t first7 5aco# !as a supplanter9 -is na(e (eans a supplanter9 To supplant (eans to take the place of another7 or to get so(ething7 through su#tle (eans9 5aco# !as one !ho stole in a secret !a$9 %or instance7 he stole fro( his uncle7 "a#an9 "a#an thought that 5aco# !as helping hi( !ith his flocks7 #ut !hile 5aco# !as helping "a#an7 he (ade a flock for hi(self9 This is an exa(ple of 5aco#;s supplanting9 t the first7 5aco# certainl$ did not have the transfer of life9 TRANSFORMED INTO ISRAEL, THE PRINCE OF GOD H God had a !a$ to deal !ith 5aco#9 -e transfor(ed 5aco#7 the supplanter7 into a prince of God9 lthough it took God a long ti(e to acco(plish this7 at a certain ti(e -e told
5aco# that his na(e !as #eing changed fro( 5aco# to .srael 0?3=3I63B29 Thereafter7 he !as called .srael9 God did the sa(e thing to 5aco# that -e had done to #raha(= -e changed his na(e and his strength9 *hen God ca(e in to deal !ith 5aco#7 5aco# !as trul$ a supplanter9 -e even !restled !ith God9 -e !as so strong in a natural !a$ that even God found it difficult to su#due hi(9 *e should not laugh at 5aco#9 *e are the sa(e as he !as9 *e are so strong that even God finds it difficult to su#due us9 *hen God co(es to deal !ith us7 !e !restle !ith -i(9 lthough it is difficult for God to su#due us7 eventuall$ !e shall #e su#dued #$ -i(9 5aco#;s !restling forced God to touch his thigh7 to touch the strongest part of his #eing9 fter that happened7 he !as la(e9 %ro( that da$ on!ard7 his supplanting !as over9 The supplanter had #eco(e a prince of God9 Throughout the re(ainder of his da$s he did not steal again9 -is supplanting hands #eca(e #lessing hands9 -e no longer supplanted> he onl$ #lessed9 -e stretched out his hands to #less !ho(ever ca(e to hi(9 -e even #lessed Pharaoh7 the greatest king on earth at that ti(e 0<I=I7 1C29 The supplanter #eca(e a #lesser9 This is the prince of God9 -ere !e have the full transfer of race !ith the co(plete transfer of life9 This is God;s calling9 God;s calling #egan at Genesis 13=1 and !ill continue until the co(ing of the Ne! 5erusale(9 ll the supplanters !ill #e ter(inated and #eco(e the princes of God9 The Ne! 5erusale( !ill co(e in7 not onl$ as a transfer of race7 #ut also as a transfer of life9 IN THE BELIEVERS BEGINNING WITH REGENERATION H .n principle7 the experience is the sa(e !ith the #elievers toda$9 *ith the #elievers7 this transfer of life #egins !ith regeneration 05ohn ?=?7 D29 fter #eing regenerated7 !e are in the process of the transfer of life9 ACCOMPLISHED BY THE E.PERIENCE OF SPIRITUAL CIRCUMCISION H *ith the #elievers7 the transfer of life is acco(plished #$ the experience of circu(cision7 #$ the putting off of the flesh 0Col9 3=11> Gal9 D=3<29 Toda$ God is circu(cising us7 and this circu(cision lasts :uite a long ti(e9 . #elieve that (an$ a(ong us are still under God;s circu(cising hand9 Kou (a$ still cling to $our fleshl$ strength or to $our natural (an9 This re:uires God to co(e in and cut7 or circu(cise7 that part of $ou9 -ence7 !e all are in the process of #eing circu(cised9 .n other !ords7 !e are in the process of transfor(ation9 COMPLETED AT THE REDEMPTION AND TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR BODY H The transfer of life !ill #e full$ co(pleted at the ti(e of the "ord;s co(ing #ack9 t that ti(e our #od$ !ill #e full$ redee(ed and transfigured 0/o(9 B=3?> Phil9 ?=3129 Then !e shall #e the called ones7 not onl$ in the transfer of race7 #ut also in the co(plete transfer of life9 t that ti(e !e shall en4o$ all of the #lessings that God pro(ised to our father #raha(9 This is God;s calling9 God;s calling is not for #raha(;s natural
descendants9 God;s calling is for the people !ho follo! #raha( to exercise the o#tained faith7 to live #$ and in God7 and to experience the transfer of life #$ the !orking of God9 s a result of this process7 !e shall #e altogether another people7 a people of God;s calling9 Then !e shall en4o$ all the #lessings of God;s pro(ise9 ll that God pro(ised to #raha( !ill #e the #lessings of the Ne! Testa(ent gospel in !hich !e all shall participate through faith in Christ9
/. THE BAC0GROUND AND ORIGIN OF GODS CALLING AND THE E.PERIENCE OF THE CALLED nd 5oshua said to all the people7 Thus sa$s 5ehovah7 the God of .srael7 Kour fathers d!elt across the /iver long ago7 Terah7 the father of #raha( and the father of Nahor> and the$ served other gods9 05oshua 3<=32 Moreover he said7 . a( the God of th$ father7 the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco#9 0Exodus ?=E2 lthough Genesis is a long #ook7 it has onl$ three sections= God;s creation 01=1)3=3D27 the serpent;s corruption 0?=1)11=F27 and 5ehovah;s calling 011=1C)DC=3E29 .n the last (essage !e sa! the significance of God;s calling9 God;s calling (eans the ne! #eginning of God7 the transfer of race7 and the transfer of life9 On our side7 God;s calling is a transfer of race and life7 #ut on God;s side it is a ne! #eginning9 God had a ne! #eginning in -is creation of (an7 #ut that (an #eca(e corrupted9 So God ca(e in to have another #eginning !hen -e called #raha(9 This ne! #eginning is actuall$ the transfer fro( the race of da( to the race of #raha(7 a transfer fro( the created race to the called race9 God;s calling (eans that !e are called out of the original7 created race into the present7 called race9 This transfer of race is not (erel$ positional #ut also dispositional7 for it is actuall$ a transfer of life9 #raha( experienced #oth a positional and dispositional transfer9 -e !as transferred fro( the old land of Chaldea to the good land of Canaan9 That !as a positional transfer9 -o!ever7 God !orked upon hi( in!ardl$ as !ell as out!ardl$9 t a certain ti(e7 God ca(e in and told hi( that his na(e had to #e changed 01I=D29 ccording to the Bi#le7 the changing of na(e al!a$s indicates the changing in life9 *hen #raha(;s na(e !as changed7 it (eant that his disposition7 his life7 !as #eing changed9 .t see(s that God !as telling #raha(7 @Kou are still in $our old (an9 Kou are too (uch in $our natural life9 lthough $ou have #een called out of the old race7 the nature and life of the old race still re(ain in $ou7 and $ou still live #$ that life9 .t is necessar$ for Me to deal !ith $ou9 . (ust cut off that life9A This cutting off of the old life !as signified #$ circu(cision9 #raha(;s circu(cision transpired at the sa(e ti(e that God changed his na(e9 Out!ardl$7 his na(e !as changed7 and in!ardl$7 his disposition7 his nature7 and his life !ere dealt !ith9 fter the strength of #raha(;s natural life had #een cut off7 .saac !as #orn at @the ti(e of life9A .n a ver$ real sense7 .saac !as not #orn of #raha(;s natural strength> he !as #orn of God;s co(ing7 for God had said7 @ t the ti(e appointed . !ill
return unto thee7 at the ti(e of life7 and Sarah shall have a sonA 01B=1<7 -e#929 The co(ing of the "ord !as the #irth of .saac9 This (eans that .saac !as not produced out of #raha(;s natural strength #ut out of a life dealt !ith #$ God9 *e see #$ this that #raha( !as not onl$ transferred positionall$ #ut also dispositionall$9 pparentl$ .saac did not need a transfer of life9 Nevertheless7 Esau7 the first of the t!ins #orn to .saac and /e#ekah7 !as ver$ natural9 God !ill never accept an$thing that is natural9 Since the first of .saac;s sons !as so natural7 God chose the second9 The first#orn signifies the natural life9 %or this reason7 God destro$ed the lives of all the first#orn in Eg$pt during the night of the Passover9 The second7 on the contrar$7 signifies the transferred life9 Because 5aco# !as the second7 he !as chosen9 lthough 5aco# had #een chosen7 his nature !as not transferred9 So7 at a certain ti(e7 God ca(e in and touched 5aco#;s natural strength9 t that ti(e his na(e !as changed fro( 5aco#7 a supplanter7 to .srael7 a prince of God9 %ro( then on7 5aco# !as la(e9 -is la(eness !as a sign that he had #een touched #$ God7 that his natural strength had #een dealt !ith7 and that he had #eco(e a prince of God9 This is the true (eaning of God;s calling9 -ave $ou #een calledG .f $ou sa$ that $ou have #een called7 then $ou (ust co(e out of Chaldea7 Ba#el7 the old race7 and $our natural life9 Kou (ust get out of $our natural life and get $our natural life out of $ou9 .n God;s calling there is the need of the ne! #eginning7 the transfer of race7 and the transfer of life9 *e all need to #e transferred9 .n all the $ears that . have #een here !ith the saints7 . have #een !atching the process of this transfer9 . have #een happ$ to see so (an$ saints undergoing the transfer of life9 lthough at ti(es the process of this transfer is not pleasant7 after a !hile $ou can see in the saints the real transfer of life9 This is the (eaning of God;s calling9 THE BAC0GROUND OF GODS CALLING1BABEL FORSA0ING GOD H No! in this (essage !e need to see the experience of the called ones9 But #efore !e co(e to this7 !e need to consider the #ackground and origin of God;s calling9 *hen God appeared to #raha(7 he !as in the darkest #ackground9 -is #ackground !as exceedingl$ strong9 The first aspect of this #ackground !as that (an had forsaken God9 Man;s forsaking of God !as signified #$ his #uilding a cit$9 *e sa! this in the case of Cain in chapter four9 Man #uilt a cit$ #ecause he had lost God as his protection9 Since (an no longer had God as his safeguard7 he #uilt a cit$ to protect hi(self9 So the #uilding of the cit$ !as the sign that (an had forsaken God9 Man see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @"et God go9 . !ill #uild a cit$ to protect ($self9A The #uilding of the cit$ !as the declaration that (an had forsaken God9 E.ALTING MAN
H Not onl$ did (an forsake God7 #ut he #uilt a to!er to exalt hi(self9 The to!er !as a sign of (an;s self6exaltation9 *hen (an forsakes God7 auto(aticall$ he exalts hi(self9 *henever (an #uilds a cit$ he !ill also #uild a to!er to (ake a na(e for hi(self9 DENYING THE RIGHT OF GOD H %urther(ore7 at Ba#el (an also denied God;s right over -is creation9 Both (an and the earth !ere God;s creation9 Nevertheless7 (an !ould not recogni8e God;s right #ut instead esta#lished the nations9 The esta#lishing of nations signified that (an had denied God;s right and authorit$9 s !e have seen7 after the flood God gave (an the authorit$ to rule others7 #ut Satan caused (an to a#use this God6given authorit$ to for( nations that (an (a$ have his o!n do(inion7 den$ing God;s right and authorit$ over (an9 SERVING IDOLS H %inall$7 5oshua 3<=3 sho!s us that at Ba#el (an turned fro( God to idols7 to other gods9 Behind all the idols are de(ons9 *henever a (an !orships an idol7 he !orships de(ons9 pparentl$ he is !orshipping idols> actuall$ he is !orshipping de(ons9 s the #ackground of God;s calling !e have the cit$7 the to!er7 the nations7 and the de(ons9 Man had forsaken God7 had exalted hi(self7 had denied God;s right and authorit$7 and had turned fro( God to serve idols9 ,o $ou #elieve that the situation is an$ #etter toda$G . do not #elieve it9 .t is as #ad toda$ as it !as then9 The situation is exactl$ the sa(e9 THE ORIGIN OF GODS CALLING1GOD *ho originated this callingG #raha( did not originate it9 lthough he !as the father of the called race7 the calling !as not initiated #$ hi(9 . #elieve that #raha( !as the sa(e as !e are toda$9 -e never drea(ed of #eing called #$ God9 Suddenl$7 !hile he and his relatives !ere there in Chaldea !orshipping other gods 05osh9 3<=327 God appeared to hi(9 God !as the originator of this calling9 THE APPEARING OF GOD H lthough God;s calling is carried out in ti(e7 so(ething prior to that)God;s selection )took place in eternit$ past9 God selected #raha( in eternit$ past9 fter that7 also in eternit$ past7 God predestinated7 pre(arked7 #raha(9 Before #raha( !as #orn7 even #efore the foundation of the !orld !hen nothing #ut God -i(self !as in existence7 God chose #raha( and predestinated hi(9 One da$7 in ti(e7 !hile #raha( !as !orshipping other gods7 having no forethought that he !as to #e called #$ God7 God visited hi(9 God 4ust ca(e in as the ver$ God of glor$9 #raha( !as surprised9 The God of glor$ not onl$ ca(e to #raha(7 #ut -e appeared to hi(9 Because #raha(;s #ackground !as so dark7 God had to appear to hi( in a strong !a$9 Man$ of us have also experienced such a strong calling of God9 . can testif$ that one da$7
!hen . !as an a(#itious $oung (an7 God ca(e to (e in a strong !a$9 That !as God;s visitation to (e9 . cannot den$ it9 Man$ of us have experienced the sa(e thing9 *e !ere deepl$ fallen7 and light and loose preaching !ould never have !orked in our case9 *e needed the living God7 the God of glor$7 to pa$ us a visit9 . have heard (an$ testi(onies regarding this9 God appeared to #raha( t!ice9 The first ti(e !as in +r of the Chaldees 0 cts I=3> Gen9 11=?129 .f !e stud$ the Bi#le carefull$7 !e shall see that7 in +r of the Chaldees7 God did not appear to #raha(;s father #ut to #raha(9 #raha(7 ho!ever7 did not accept that calling i((ediatel$7 and God sovereignl$ caused his father7 Terah7 to #ring the fa(il$ fro( +r to -aran9 The$ sta$ed there until Terah died9 #raha(;s staggering in ans!ering God;s calling #rought a#out his father;s death9 God took his father a!a$9 Then7 at -aran7 God appeared to #raha( the second ti(e 013=129 *e can see #$ this that God has a specific purpose in dealing !ith people9 . do not #elieve that an$ of $ou reading this (essage !ould respond i((ediatel$ if God !ere to visit $ou9 *e all are the children of #raha(7 and children are al!a$s like their fathers9 Because #raha( hesitated in follo!ing God7 God had to appear to hi( the second ti(e9 THE CALLING OF GOD H God not onl$ appeared to #raha( t!ice7 #ut -e called hi( t!ice9 The first calling of God !as !hen #raha( !as at +r 0 cts I=36<29 ccording to cts I7 God called #raha( out of his countr$ and out of his kindred9 But7 in the second calling at -aran7 God called #raha( out of his countr$7 his kindred7 and also out of his father;s house 013=129 So God appeared to #raha( t!ice and called hi( t!ice9 The first ti(e God called hi( out of his countr$ and kindred7 (entioning nothing of the father;s house9 So the father;s fa(il$ also ca(e out of +r9 t the ti(e of God;s second calling7 ho!ever7 -e told hi( not onl$ to leave his countr$ and kindred #ut also his father;s house9 #raha( had t!o appearings of God and t!o callings of God9 These appearings and callings of God sho! that God !as the origin of God;s calling9 THE E.PERIENCE OF THE CALLED THREE BEING ONE H s $ou read the #ook of Genesis7 $ou !ill notice that the records of da(7 #el7 Enoch7 and Noah are :uite distinct one fro( another9 The records of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco#7 ho!ever7 overlap9 Genesis7 speaking of the(7 considers the( as one corporate (an9 .saac;s life stor$ #egan in chapter t!ent$6one7 and #raha(;s life stor$ ended in chapter t!ent$6five9 5aco#;s life stor$ #egan in chapter t!ent$6five7 and .saac;s life stor$ ended in chapter thirt$6five9 5aco#;s life stor$7 supple(ented #$ that of 5oseph7 ended in chapter fift$9 The significance of this overlapping is that7 according to the experience of life7 these three persons are one (an7 a corporate (an9 *hen God created (ankind7 -e created (an in a corporate !a$7 for da( !as a corporate (an 0D=329 .t is not a s(all thing to see this9 ,o not think that7 as a called one7 $ou are co(plete as an individual9 None of us is a co(plete individual unit9 *e all need one another9 Kou need (e and .
need $ou9 .n like (anner7 #raha( needed .saac and 5aco#7 .saac needed #raha( and 5aco#7 and 5aco# needed #raha(7 .saac7 and 5oseph9 ll of the( needed the others in order to have the co(pletion of God;s calling9 *hen so(e read this7 the$ (a$ ask7 @,on;t $ou #elieve that #raha( !as an individual personGA Of course . #elieve it7 4ust as . #elieve that $ou are an individual person9 But the Bi#le tells us that !e are (e(#ers 0/o(9 13=D> 1 Cor9 13=3I29 (e(#er can never #e a separate and co(plete individual unit9 *hen a (e(#er #eco(es individuall$ co(plete7 that (eans death9 M$ thu(#7 for exa(ple7 is a (e(#er of ($ #od$9 .t is not separatel$ co(plete or individual7 for7 if it !ere7 that !ould (ean death9 T#! G&$ &f A2"%#%3, #! G&$ &f I'%%4, %($ #! G&$ &f J%4&2 2!*() &(! G&$ H The God !ho ca(e to call this corporate person and !ho dealt !ith this corporate (an !as the Triune God)the %ather7 the Son7 and the Spirit9 *hen God spoke to Moses out of the #urning #ush7 -e said7 @. a( the God of th$ father7 the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco#A 0Exo9 ?=E29 .n Exodus ? !e see that Moses !as called #$ the angel of the "ord7 that the angel of the "ord !as the "ord -i(self7 and that the "ord -i(self !as the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco# 0vv9 37 <7 E29 God did not sa$7 @. a( the God of #raha(7 .saac7 5aco#7 5oseph7 and Moses9A No7 -e said that -e !as the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco#9 This God7 !ho is the "ord7 is also the angel of the "ord9 Can $ou figure this outG .f $ou read Exodus ?7 $ou !ill find that verse 3 speaks of the angel of the "ord and verse < of the "ord9 Then in verse E7 this angel of the "ord7 !ho is the "ord -i(self7 told Moses7 @. a( the God of th$ father7 the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco#9A ,o $ou #elieve that these are three godsG -ere there are three plus t!o others7 the angel of the "ord and the "ord9 re these five individuals7 five godsG The angel of the "ord and the "ord surel$ are t!o9 Can !e sa$ that the angel of the "ord is 4ust the "ord -i(selfG *e can7 #ecause the Bi#le tells us so9 No one can exhaust the stud$ of Exodus ?9 Eventuall$7 in Exodus ?=1<7 God said to Moses7 @. a( that . a(9A God see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @. a( the angel of the "ord9 . a( the "ord9 . a( the God of #raha(9 . a( the God of .saac9 . a( the God of 5aco#9 . a( that . a(9 . don;t care !hether $ou understand this or not). a( that . a(9 . don;t care !hether $ou agree !ith this or not). a( that . a(9A This is our God7 the God !ho !orked upon the corporate (an9 This God !as the angel of the "ord7 the "ord -i(self7 the God of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco#7 and the great . (9 T#! G&$ &f A2"%#%31 #! F% #!" H God;s calling to #raha( !as the !ork of God the %ather9 #raha(;s original na(e !as #ra( !hich (eans @an exalted father7A and the na(e #raha(7 that replaced this na(e7 (eans @the father of a great (ultitude9A Both of these na(es have the #asic thought of the father9 The first in the Triune God is the %ather7 and #raha( !as the first of the called ones9 #raha( !as the father of the called ones7 and the first of the Triune God is also the %ather9 The %ather is the source of life9 -e is also the source of plan and purpose9 God the %ather had a plan7 a purpose9 Because -e had a purpose7 -e selected and predestinated in eternit$ past9 Eventuall$7 in ti(e7 the %ather ca(e in to call7 4ustif$7 accept7 and care for the called ones9 God the %ather;s !ork is to select7 predestinate7 call7
4ustif$7 accept7 and take care of the called ones9 Both selection and predestination precede the (atter of calling9 .f $ou read /o(ans F=117 $ou !ill see that these t!o ite(s are found !ith 5aco#9 Nevertheless7 in #raha( !e see nearl$ all of the experiences that are related to God the %ather9 This is ver$ (eaningful9 T#! G&$ &f I'%%41 #! S&( H .saac !as the son9 .t is ver$ interesting to see that the second of the Triune God is also the Son9 *hat is a sonG son is one !ho co(es out of the father7 !ho inherits all that the father is and has7 and !ho acco(plishes all that the father desires9 .f $ou look at .saac;s histor$7 $ou !ill find that he !as 4ust like this9 -e !as out of the father7 he inherited ever$thing of the father7 and he !orked to acco(plish his father;s purpose9 This is the experience of .saac7 the experience !hich fits the second of the Triune God7 God the Son9 The "ord 5esus7 as the Son of God7 ca(e out of the %ather 05ohn 1E=3B27 inherited all that the %ather is and has 05ohn 1E=1D27 and acco(plished all the %ather;s !ill 05ohn E=?B29 .saac;s life corresponds to -is9 T#! G&$ &f J%4&21 #! S5*"* H No! !e co(e to 5aco#9 5aco#7 a su#tle supplanter7 needed (ore than 4ust the experience of the calling and the inheritance9 -e (ainl$ needed the dealings to transfor( hi( fro( a (an in the flesh to a (an in the Spirit9 So7 it is ver$ (eaningful that the third of the Triune God is the Spirit !ho !orked upon the su#tle7 supplanting 5aco# to discipline and transfor( hi( into a prince of God9 -ere7 in 5aco#7 !e see regeneration7 discipline7 transfor(ation7 and the gro!th and (aturit$ in life9 ll of this is the !ork of the Spirit9 So the God of 5aco# should #e God the Spirit9 The respective experiences of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# #eing three aspects of a co(plete one% s the transfer of race #egan !ith #raha(7 passed through .saac7 and !as co(pleted !ith 5aco#7 so their experiences should #e considered as one co(plete experience9 .t is i(plied that the three !ere one9 The Triune God considered the( as (e(#ers of a corporate (an for -is dealings and for -i( to #e their God in this !a$9 The last thirt$6nine and a half chapters of Genesis are a #iograph$ of a corporate person co(posed of three plus one9 .f !e add together all the different aspects of the experiences of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# including 5oseph7 !e see a clear picture of the co(plete experience of the called ones9 A2"%#%3' E65!"*!(4! H #raha( had a good #eginning !ith #eing called7 #ut there is no record of his #eing chosen or of his reaching an ulti(ate and (atured end9 %or his co(pletion7 #raha( had the need of 5aco#;s #eing chosen and of 5aco#;s (atured end9 ,o $ou #elieve that7 according to the record of Genesis7 #raha( attained to the highest and consu((ate (aturit$ of lifeG *e cannot find such a record9 #raha(;s offering .saac on the altar !as the cli(ax of his spiritual life 0ch9 3329 -o!ever7 he did not reach (aturit$9 .n chapter t!ent$6four !e see that he did so(ething (arvelous in o#taining a !ife for his son7 .saac9 But7 after that7 he took another !ife 03D=129 This sho!s us that #raha( !as not (atured9 *here7 then7 is #raha(;s (aturit$G -is (aturit$ is in 5aco#;s (aturit$9
"et us use as an illustration of this the visits that #raha( and 5aco# (ade to Eg$pt9 #raha(;s trip to Eg$pt !as sha(eful7 for he told a lie a#out his !ife 013=1C63C29 But 5aco# had a glorious visit 0<I=I29 -e did not go to Eg$pt in order to take advantage of others9 -e !ent there !ith a #lessing hand7 even #lessing Pharaoh7 the greatest king on earth at the ti(e 0<I=1C29 This reveals that the (aturit$ of life is !ith 5aco# and not !ith #raha(9 ccording to the Bi#le7 the greater al!a$s #lesses the lesser 0-e#9 I=I29 No $oung one can #less an older one9 .n order to #less people $ou need the (aturit$ of life9 ,oes the Bi#le ever sa$ that #raha( #lessed so(eoneG No9 5aco#7 on the contrar$7 !as so (ature in life that he could #esto! #lessings on others9 *hen he #lessed his grandchildren7 he did it clearl$7 not #lindl$ as did .saac9 *hen 5oseph tried to change the position of his hands7 5aco# refused and said7 @. kno! it7 ($ son7 . kno! itA 0<B=1F29 5aco# !as full$ (atured9 lthough #raha( !as high in the life of faith7 !e do not see in hi( the (aturit$ of life that !e see in 5aco#9 %or the (aturit$ of life7 #raha( had to rel$ upon 5aco#9 lthough #raha( !as the grandfather7 he still needed his grandson for his co(pletion9 B$ this !e can see that7 according to experience7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are not individuals #ut three (e(#ers of the !hole Bod$9 "ike!ise7 !e are (e(#ers one of another 0/o(9 13=D2 and7 in certain aspects of life7 !e need to depend on each other9 I'%%4' E65!"*!(4! H .saac is another illustration of this9 .saac;s experience !as !ithout #eginning or end9 -e !as never called and he never (atured9 lthough he #lessed his sons7 he did it #lindl$ 03I=1B63F27 not so clearl$ as 5aco# did !ith his grandsons9 .saac needed the #eginning of #oth #raha(;s and 5aco#;s experiences and the end of 5aco#;s experience for his co(pletion9 .saac !as in the (iddle9 -e !as never dealt !ith9 lthough his father and son !ere dealt !ith7 he did not need an$ dealings9 -e !as full$ covered #$ the t!o ends in the (atter of God;s dealings9 Man$ ti(es it is good for us to sta$ in the (idst of other (e(#ers of the Bod$7 for those ahead of us and those #ehind us #eco(e our co(pletion9 This is the coordination a(ong the (e(#ers of the Bod$9 J%4&2' E65!"*!(4! H .n his experience7 5aco# had the #est7 highest7 and (ost (atured end9 lthough he #egan as a su#tle supplanter7 after #eing dealt !ith #$ God7 he (atured to the utter(ost9 lthough there are so (an$ good ones7 such as #el7 Enoch7 Noah7 and #raha(7 in the #ook of Genesis7 no one is as (ature as 5aco#9 fter he (atured7 his supplanting hands #eca(e #lessing hands9 *henever so(eone ca(e under his hands7 there !as no conde(nation7 onl$ #lessing9 -e not onl$ #lessed the descendants of faith #ut even the !orldl$ people9 -e !as so high and so (ature9 lthough 5aco# !as (atured in life7 he had neither the experience of #eing called nor of the life of faith9 Neither did he have the experience of the inheriting of grace9 %or his co(pletion7 5aco# needed to have #raha(;s #eing called and #raha(;s experience in the life of faith as !ell as .saac;s experience in the inheriting of grace9 5aco# !as poor in faith9 -e did not kno! ho! to #elieve> he onl$ kne! ho! to supplant9 fter #raha( had #een #lessed #$ Melchisedec follo!ing the slaughter of kings7 he (et the king of Sodo(9 The king of Sodo( encouraged #raha(7 !ho had gained the victor$ for hi(7 to take the
spoil for hi(self9 But #raha( refused to take even one thread7 #elieving in the sufficienc$ of the l(ight$ God 01<=1F63?29 #raha( had received the #lessing fro( Melchisedec and did not need help fro( the king of Sodo(9 That !as #raha(;s experience of faith9 But 5aco#;s experience !as ver$ different9 *herever he !ent7 he !as the first to supplant9 .n the (idst of his supplanting life7 5aco# even (ade a deal !ith God9 *hen God appeared to hi( in a drea( at Bethel7 5aco# said upon !aking7 @.f God !ill #e !ith (e7 and keep (e in this !a$ that . go7 and !ill give (e #read to eat7 and rai(ent to put onLthen shall the "ord #e ($ GodLand of all that thou shall give (e . !ill surel$ give the tenth unto theeA 03B=3C63329 5aco# (ade a deal !ith God9 .f God !ould take care of his needs7 5aco# !ould give -i( ten percent in return9 5aco# see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @O God7 if Kou !ill take care of ($ food7 clothing7 and all ($ needs7 then . !ill give Kou a ten percent co((ission9A ccording to that arrange(ent7 5aco# received ninet$ percent and God onl$ ten percent9 *e see #$ this that 5aco# did not have #raha(;s faith9 Eventuall$7 ho!ever7 5aco# !as full$ (atured9 -e reached such a high level of (aturit$ that 5oseph7 a part of 5aco#7 !as reigning over the !hole !orld9 t that ti(e7 the !orld !as under the hand of Pharaoh7 and Pharaoh;s authorit$ !as altogether !ith 5oseph9 .n a ver$ real sense7 5oseph did not reign for Pharaoh #ut for 5aco#9 -ere !e see the kingdo(9 The Ne! Testa(ent ends !ith the kingdo(9 fter the called ones have co(pleted their experiences !ith the Triune God7 the period of reigning !ill co(e9 That !ill #e the (illenniu(9 5oseph onl$ reigned for a period of $ears7 #ut in the kingdo( !e shall reign for a thousand $ears9 .f !e add together the experiences of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco#7 !e have a clear portrait of the co(plete experience of the called one9 s a help in doing this7 let us consider the chart that is printed on page ?19 s God;s called ones7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# !ere chosen in eternit$ past9 Then7 in ti(e7 after their #irth7 the$ !ere called9 Man$ $ears after #raha( !as called7 he !as circu(cised and his na(e !as changed9 This is indicated #$ the curve9 This is one line7 or one aspect7 of the experience of the called ones9 *e see fro( this chart that .saac;s experience is a straight line9 .t rese(#les a tasteless glass of plain !ater9 *e see another curve !hen !e co(e to 5aco#;s experience9 fter this supplanting one !as touched and dealt !ith7 he #eca(e a prince of God9 Eventuall$7 all three of the called ones #eca(e a straight line9 The$ !ill all #e there in eternit$ future9 *e see fro( this chart that 5aco#7 or .srael7 includes 5oseph9 The reason for this is7 as !e have seen7 that 5oseph !as the reigning part of 5aco#9 *hile 5aco# !as a prince of God7 5oseph !as the one !ho reigned over the !orld7 reigning over all the earth for 5aco#9 5oseph !as the reigning son and 5aco# !as the reigning father9 The experiences of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are the co(plete experience of the corporate called one9 .f !e see this7 !e shall #o! do!n and sa$7 @O God the %ather7 !e need Kou9 *e need Kour plan7 purpose7 selection7 predestination7 calling7 4ustification7 acceptance7 and care9 O God the Son7 !e need Kou9 *e need Kou to redee( us that !e (ight have the inheritance9 *e need Kou to acco(plish all that the %ather planned7 all that the %ather intended to do9 O God the Spirit7 !e need Kou9 *e need Kou to regenerate us7 to discipline us7 to transfor( us7 and to (ake us gro! that !e (ight
(ature in life9 *e need Kou to (ake us the real .sraels9 *e need Kou to (ake all that the %ather has planned and all that the Son has acco(plished real to us9 Our Triune God7 ho! !e #o! to Kou7 !orship Kou7 praise Kou7 and thank Kou for all that Kou have done to us and in usJA fter seeing such a thing7 !e shall #e hu(#led and reali8e that the !hole experience of the corporate called one is too (uch for us to have individuall$9 . cannot #e #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# !ith 5oseph9 Since . can onl$ #e one of these three7 . (ust learn to rel$ upon ($ #rothers for the re(ainder9 Even if . !ere as (ature as .srael7 . !ould still need so(eone to #e ($ #raha( and ($ .saac9 *e all (ust reali8e that7 at the (ost7 !e are onl$ a (e(#er of the Bod$9 *e need all the other (e(#ers9 ccording to our traditional #ackground7 ever$one ranks #raha( at the top7 thinking that he exceeds ever$#od$ else9 But he did not exceed ever$one9 lthough he exceeded others in the (atter of faith7 he did not surpass the( in (aturit$9 s !e have seen7 5aco# !as the (ost (ature9 t present !e are all in the process of this experience of God;s called ones9 So(e of us are #raha(s7 so(e are .saacs7 and others are 5aco#s9 No! !e are en4o$ing the Triune God in our experience7 not in theolog$9 *e do not have -i( as a doctrinal concept #ut as an experiential en4o$(ent9 *e are en4o$ing God the %ather7 God the Son7 and God the Spirit9 -o! good it is to en4o$ the %ather;s calling7 4ustif$ing7 accepting7 and caring for us9 -o! !onderful it is to reali8e the Son;s redee(ing7 saving7 #ringing us into the inheritance7 and acco(plishing of God;s eternal purpose9 -o! excellent it is to experience the Spirit;s regenerating7 disciplining7 transfor(ing7 and causing us to gro! and (ature9 *e are not (erel$ discussing the Triune God9 *e are experiencing -i(> !e are participating in the %ather7 Son7 and Spirit9 The Triune God is !ith us experientiall$9 .n the church life7 !e are #raha(s7 .saacs7 and 5aco#s including 5osephs experiencing the Triune God9 *e are en4o$ing the selection7 predestination7 calling7 4ustification7 acceptance7 care7 rede(ption7 inheritance7 acco(plish(ent of God;s purpose7 regeneration7 discipline7 transfor(ation7 gro!th7 (aturit$7 and eventuall$ the reigning9 Praise the "ordJ This is the Triune God !ith the corporate called one9
?. THE MOTIVE AND STRENGTH OF BEING CALLED No! the "ord had said unto #ra(7 Get thee out of th$ countr$7 and fro( th$ kindred7 and fro( th$ father;s house7 unto a land that . !ill sho! thee9 0Genesis 13=12 nd he said7 Men7 #rothers and fathers7 listen9 The God of glor$ appeared to our father #raha( !hile he !as in Mesopota(ia7 #efore he d!elt in -aran7 and said to hi(7 @Co(e out fro( $our land and fro( $our relatives7 and co(e into the land !hich . !ill sho! $ou9A Then he ca(e forth fro( the land of the Chaldeans and d!elt in -aran9 nd fro( there7 after his father died7 -e re(oved hi( into this land7 in !hich $ou no! d!ell9 0 cts I=36<2
.n the last (essage !e sa! that the Triune God dealt !ith #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# as one co(plete corporate (an9 .f !e are going to get into the last section of the #ook of Genesis7 the section on God;s calling7 !e need to re(e(#er that #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are not three separate and co(plete units #ut7 under God;s dispensation7 are one co(plete corporate (an9 God dealt !ith each of the( as a part of a co(plete unit9 Their experiences are not three separate individual experiences #ut the aspects of one co(plete experience9 .n this (essage !e need to see the first aspect of the co(plete experience of God;s called ones9 This aspect is full$ sho!n in #raha(;s life 011=1C)3D=1B29 This is :uite #asic9 #raha(;s life is an illustration of the first aspect of the co(plete experience of God;s called ones9 -is experience goes fro( #eing called7 through the living #$ faith in fello!ship7 to the kno!ing of grace9 .n his experience #raha( firstl$ !as called #$ God9 s !e have seen7 God;s calling !as not originated or initiated #$ the called one9 .t !as initiated #$ the God !ho called9 God !as the originator of -is calling9 s God;s calling did not originate !ith the called one #ut !ith the God !ho calls7 so the (otive and strength to receive God;s calling did not originate fro( the side of the called one #ut fro( the side of the calling One9 The (otive and the strength !here#$ #raha( could ans!er God;s calling ca(e fro( God -i(self9 *hat !as this (otive and strengthG .f !e look into the situation in a detailed !a$7 !e can see three things that (otivated #raha( to accept God;s calling= God;s appearing7 God;s calling7 and God;s pro(ise9 No! !e need to consider each of these ite(s9 GODS APPEARING The first aspect of the (otive and strength to accept God;s calling !as God;s appearing9 .f . !ere to co(e to $ou7 it !ould (ean nothing #ecause . a( nothing9 .f the president of the +nited States !ere to pa$ $ou a personal visit7 $ou !ould #e ver$ excited9 Pro#a#l$ $ou !ould #e una#le to sleep for a !hole night9 But !ho ca(e to visit #raha(G The God of glor$ 0 cts I=329 Outside of Stephen;s !ord in cts I=37 !here Stephen told his persecutors that the God of glor$ appeared to their father #raha(7 there is no other verse in the Bi#le that sa$s that the God of glor$ appeared to #raha(9 *hile Stephen !as speaking7 the 5esus of glor$ appeared to hi( 0 cts I=DD6DE29 The heavens !ere opened and he sa! 5esus in glor$ standing on the right hand of God9 Stephen !as #old to die for 5esus #ecause7 !hile the$ !ere opposing hi(7 he sa! the "ord 5esus9 The people stoned hi(7 #ut 5esus s(iled at hi(9 Because the "ord appeared to hi(7 it !as eas$7 even a great 4o$7 for hi( to undergo persecution9 There !as no co(parison #et!een that persecution and the appearing of 5esus in glor$9 Because Stephen !as in such a situation7 the 5esus in glor$ appeared to hi(9 *ithout such an appearing7 his environ(ent !ould have #een too difficult for a hu(an #eing to take9
.n the sa(e principle7 the God of glor$ appeared to #raha(7 pa$ing hi( a visit !ith -is personal appearance7 #ecause7 at that ti(e7 #raha( !as under the influence of a strong #ackground in Chaldea9 s !e shall see in the next (essage7 Chaldea in -e#re! (eans de(onic9 Chaldea !as a de(onic place7 a place full of de(ons9 5oshua 3<=3 sa$s that #raha( and his fa(il$ served other gods9 The$ !orshipped idols7 and #ehind the idols !ere de(ons9 Chaldea !as in a land called Mesopota(ia9 The !ord Mesopota(ia (eans @#et!een rivers9A ccording to geograph$7 the region of Mesopota(ia !as #ound #$ t!o great rivers7 the Euphrates 0Perath in -e#re!2 and the Tigris 0-iddekel in -e#re!29 Bet!een these t!o rivers !as a great plain7 the land of Mesopota(ia9 Chaldea !as a part of Mesopota(ia9 This (eans that #raha(;s d!elling place !as not onl$ in a place full of de(ons #ut also in a place that !as enclosed #$ t!o great rivers9 .t !as ver$ difficult for hi( or an$ other person to leave such a place7 for the de(ons held hi( and the great rivers enclosed hi(9 Since there !as no (odern transportation7 the people had to !alk9 -o! !as #raha( a#le to get out of ChaldeaG Since his #ackground !as so strong7 God appeared to hi( in order that he (ight co(e out of it9 This is a picture7 an illustration7 of our situation #efore !e !ere saved9 *e all !ere in a Chaldea9 ll the $oung people need to reali8e that ever$ 4unior high school is a Chaldea7 a place filled !ith de(ons9 So (an$ of the students are little de(ons selling drugs and tr$ing to hold $ou #ack7 sa$ing7 @-o! can $ou #e different fro( usG .f $ou !ant to #e different fro( us7 !here shall $ou goG There are t!o great rivers that keep $ou here9 Kou (ust sta$ !ith usJA So(eti(es the hus#ands are de(ons to the !ives and the !ives are de(ons to the hus#ands9 s far as the !orldl$ people are concerned7 !henever a $oung (an gets (arried he enters into a de(onic region9 The sa(e is true for ever$ $oung !o(an !ho (arries9 Consider the exa(ple of a $oung (an !ho falls in love !ith a certain $oung lad$9 This $oung !o(an has a tre(endous #ackground co(posed of a great (an$ relatives and friends7 all of !ho( are de(onic9 .f this $oung (an !ere to (arr$ her7 he !ould fall into a de(onic region9 .f he ca(e to (e7 . !ould sa$7 @,on;t think that this $oung lad$ is so prett$7 nice7 and kind9 Kou (ust look into her #ackground9 Kou are not onl$ (arr$ing her)$ou are (arr$ing her !ith her !hole #ackground9 fter $ou (arr$ a girl !ith such a de(onic #ackground7 $ou !ill find $ourself in Chaldea9 The de(ons there !ill hold $ou9A But God has chosen this $oung (an9 ,o not think that it !ill #e eas$ for hi( to #elieve in the "ord 5esus and #e saved9 .t is not a (atter of #eing saved and !aiting to go to heaven9 No7 in the Bi#le7 to #e saved is to #e called out of $our #ackground7 region7 and environ(ent9 Kou need to get $ourself out9 s !e have seen7 God;s pro(ise to #raha( !as a preaching of the gospel 0Gal9 ?=B29 s part of this preaching7 God told #raha( to get out of his countr$9 *hat !ould $ou have done if $ou had #een #raha(G Behind Sarah there (ight have #een (an$ de(ons7 and these de(ons !ould not agree !ith #raha(;s getting out of Chaldea9 This !as the reason that the God of glor$ appeared to #raha(9 .t !as neither an angel nor a dignified person !ho appeared to #raha( #ut the God of glor$ -i(self !ho appeared to hi(9 That appearing !as a great attraction7 inciting #raha( to take God;s calling9
.n Matthe! !e are told that as 5esus !alked #$ the sea of Galilee -e called Peter7 ndre!7 5a(es7 and 5ohn 0Matt9 <=1B63329 The "ord 5esus si(pl$ said to the(7 @%ollo! Me7A and the$ follo!ed -i(9 %or (an$ $ears . !as una#le to understand this9 The little 5esus of Na8areth spoke the !ords7 @%ollo! Me7A and the$ follo!ed -i(9 . did not understand this until one da$ . noticed that the 5esus !ho !alked #$ the sea of Galilee !as a great light 0Matt9 <=1E29 Peter7 ndre!7 5a(es7 and 5ohn !ere all attracted #$ that great light9 *hen 5esus looked at the( and called the(7 the$ !ere attracted to -i(9 pparentl$7 the One !ho called the( !as a poor Na8arene> actuall$7 -e !as the God of glor$9 "ike!ise7 the God of glor$ appeared to #raha( in the land of de(ons7 a land enclosed #$ great !aters9 . #elieve that7 in principle7 !e all have experienced such an appearing9 To #e saved is not (erel$ a (atter of hearing the preaching of the gospel7 nodding $our head7 and then confessing that $ou are a sinner and that $ou #elieve in the "ord 5esus9 lthough this is correct7 . (ust sa$ that a true saved one is one !ho has had the appearing of 5esus9 .n our conversion (an$ see(ed to see @the glor$ of God in the face of ChristA 03 Cor9 <=E29 This #eca(e a great sti(ulation to so (an$ of us9 *e7 the saved ones7 have all had the appearing of 5esus9 This did not occur in an out!ard !a$7 #ut in our spirit deep !ithin9 lthough !e (ight forget the da$ or even the $ear !hen !e !ere saved7 !e can never forget the ti(e that7 deep !ithin7 !e sa! 5esus9 5esus appeared to us and !e (et !ith -i(9 This is the real experience of #eing saved9 To #e saved is si(pl$ to #e called9 Before the "ord 5esus appeared to $ou7 $ou found it difficult to #e a genuine Christian9 Kour #ackground and surroundings did not allo! $ou to #e different fro( others9 One da$7 ho!ever7 -e appeared to $ou9 Oh7 the living 5esus in glor$ appeared to $ou9 That !as $our calling9 .t !as also -is separating and -is saving9 B$ appearing to $ou in this !a$7 -e called $ou7 saved $ou7 and separated $ou9 #raha( had the sa(e kind of experience9 That appearing of God strongl$ attracted #raha(9 This appearing !as #raha(;s (otive and strength to accept God;s calling9 .f $ou consider #raha(;s #ackground and situation $ou !ill reali8e that !ithout such an attraction and sti(ulation7 it !ould have #een i(possi#le for hi( to accept God;s calling9 GODS CALLING The second factor of the (otive and strength !as God;s calling 0 cts I=?6<> Gen9 13=129 God did not appear to #raha( !ithout speaking to hi(9 *hen -e ca(e to #raha(7 -e called hi(9 God spoke to #raha(9 Calling (eans speaking9 .t is not a s(all thing to hear God;s speaking9 t the ti(e !e !ere saved7 !e all experienced the appearing of 5esus9 t the sa(e ti(e that -e appeared to us7 -e spoke to us9 There !as a divine speaking7 a kind of speaking in the spirit9 Man$ of us can testif$ that at the ti(e !e !ere saved7 deep !ithin us !e had the consciousness that 5esus !as speaking to us9 Perhaps the "ord 5esus ca(e to $ou !hen $ou !ere a student and said7 @*hat are $ou doing hereGA Kou ans!ered7 @. a( stud$ing to get ($ degree9A Then the "ord asked7 @%or !hatGA Kou replied7 @To (ake a good living in the future9A fter this7 the "ord asked7 @Then !hatG *hat a#out $our futureGA
*ith others7 the "ord 5esus has spoken in a different !a$7 sa$ing7 @"ook at ho! sinful $ou are7 at ho! #ad and poor $ou areJA .n response to this7 so(e have said to the "ord7 @,on;t #other (e9A Then the "ord said7 @. love $ou9 . !ant to save $ou9 ,on;t $ou kno! that .;( 5esus9 . !ant to rescue $ou fro( $our poor situation9 ren;t $ou !illing to take MeGA To others of us the "ord 5esus said7 @,on;t $ou kno! that . a( the living One9 . a( the onl$ One !ho can give $ou eternal life9A Man$ of us have heard !ords such as these7 not out of the (outh of a preacher #ut out of the (outh of the living 5esus9 ,o $ou recall the kind of speaking $ou heard fro( the living 5esus !hen -e appeared to $ou at the ti(e $ou !ere called and savedG The non6Christians7 including the professing Christians7 have not had this kind of experience and the$ consider it as superstition9 But it is not superstitionJ The God of glor$ has co(e to us and spoken to us9 #raha( could sa$7 @,on;t tell (e that this is a superstition9 . heard -i( speak9 -e said7 MGet thee out of th$ countr$J; This !ord did not co(e fro( ($ father or fro( ($ !ife9 .t !as spoken #$ the God of glor$9A Tell (e honestl$7 have $ou not heard the speaking of 5esusG . do not #elieve that an$ saved person !ill ever #e lost again9 lthough a saved one (a$ #ackslide7 he can never forget the appearing and the speaking of 5esus9 -e (ight even sa$7 @. don;t #elieve in 5esus an$(ore7A #ut deep !ithin the "ord sa$s7 @-o! can $ou sa$ that $ou don;t #elieve in Me an$(oreGA Kou can never forget -is appearing and -is speaking to $ou9 good nu(#er of $oung people have asked (e !hat is the difference #et!een a true Christian and a false Christian9 ll of the( profess to #elieve in 5esus9 The #est ans!er that . can give is this= a true Christian has had the speaking of 5esus7 #ut the professing Christian onl$ has the preaching of a doctrine9 genuine Christian has7 at least once7 heard the speaking of 5esus #$ the living Spirit directl$ in the depths of his #eing9 That speaking !as the strength that ena#led all of us to accept God;s calling9 GODS PROMISE The third aspect of the (otive and strength to accept God;s calling is God;s pro(ise 013=36?29 Most of God;s speaking to us is -is pro(ise9 .f God sa$s7 @. don;t !ant to #other $ou> . !ant to save $ou7A that is a pro(ise9 .f -e sa$s7 @. love $ou7A that also is a pro(ise9 Most of !hat -e speaks to us is a pro(ise9 *hat did the God of glor$ sa$ to #raha(G %irstl$7 the God of glor$ said7 @Get thee out of th$ countr$ and fro( th$ kindredA 013=129 Kou (a$ think that this !as not a pro(ise9 But it i(plied a pro(ise9 *hen God told #raha( to get out of his countr$7 it i(plied that God !as pro(ising #raha( a place9 Other!ise7 #raha( !ould have said7 @.f . get out of ($ countr$7 !here should . goGA God had a place for #raha(9 Even the co((and to get out of the countr$ i(plied a pro(ise7 the pro(ise of the good land9 #raha( could sa$7 @Since God co((ands (e to get out of ($ countr$7 this (ust surel$ (ean that -e has a place for (e9A God told #raha( to get out of his countr$7 fro( his kindred7 and fro( his father;s house7 unto a land that -e !ould sho! hi(9 That certainl$ !as a pro(ise9 God;s pro(ise !as an incentive for hi( to leave his countr$9 TO MA0E THE CALLED 7A GREAT NATION8
H .n 13=3 God said to #raha(7 @. !ill (ake of thee a great nation9A This !ord !as a contrast to #raha(;s #ackground9 t Ba#el7 there !ere (an$ nations for(ed !ith fa(ilies9 #raha( lived in such an at(osphere9 *hen God ca(e to #raha(7 telling hi( to get out of his countr$7 #raha( (ight have said !ithin hi(self7 @*hat a#out the (atter of #eing a nationGA Then God pro(ised that -e !ould (ake of hi( a great nation9 God also said7 @. !ill #less thee7 and (ake th$ na(e great9A This also !as in contrast !ith Ba#el9 *hen the people #uilt a to!er at Ba#el7 the$ !ere tr$ing to (ake a na(e for the(selves9 But God7 in -is pro(ise7 see(ed to #e telling #raha(7 @Kou don;t need to (ake a na(e for $ourself9 . !ill (ake $our na(e great9 Kou don;t need to for( a nation9 . !ill (ake a nation out of $ou9A God pro(ised #raha( that -e !ould (ake of hi( @a great nation9A This @great nationA is the kingdo( of God7 co(posed of the nation of .srael in the Old Testa(ent7 the church in the Ne! Testa(ent7 the (illennial kingdo( in the co(ing age7 and the ne! heaven and the ne! earth in eternit$9 0.n the (illennial kingdo( there !ill #e t!o parts)the heavenl$ part and the earthl$ part9 The heavenl$ part !ill #e the kingdo( of heaven9 The overco(ers of the past and present ages !ill #e in the heavenl$ part of the (illenniu( as co6kings !ith Christ9 The earthl$ part is the Messianic kingdo(7 the kingdo( of the Messiah7 co(posed of the future 5e!ish nation92 The nation of .srael in the Old Testa(ent age7 the church in the Ne! Testa(ent age7 the co(ing kingdo( in the (illenniu(7 and the ne! heaven and the ne! earth in eternit$)all are included in this @great nationA !hich God pro(ised to (ake of #raha(9 .n this !a$ #raha(;s na(e #eca(e great9 Other than the na(e of the "ord 5esus7 no na(e on earth is greater than that of #raha(9 -e is the father of @a great nation9A -e is the father of the nation of .srael7 the father of the church7 and he !ill #e the father of the (illennial kingdo( and of all the redee(ed ones in eternit$9 *hat a @great nationA !ith a great na(e this isJ TO BLESS THE CALLED H God pro(ised to #less #raha( 013=329 *hat is this #lessingG .t is the #lessings of God;s creation and rede(ption7 including all that God !ants to give (an)God -i(self and all that -e has in this age and in the age to co(e9 Galatians ?=1< sho!s us that this #lessing eventuall$ is the pro(ise of the Spirit= @That the #lessing of #raha( (ight co(e to the nations in 5esus Christ7 that !e (ight receive the pro(ise of the Spirit through faith9A Since the Spirit is God -i(self7 this (eans that God pro(ised that -e !ould give -i(self to #raha( as the #lessing9 TO MA0E THE CALLED A BLESSING TO ALL FAMILIES OF THE EARTH H God not onl$ pro(ised that -e -i(self !ould #e a #lessing to #raha(7 #ut that #raha( !ould #e a #lessing to all the fa(ilies7 all the nations7 of the earth 013=?29 .n -is calling7 God turned fro( da( to #raha(9 This (eant that -e had given up the da(ic race9 But7 in -is pro(ise7 God (ade another turn fro( #raha( #ack to all the fa(ilies of the da(ic race through Christ7 the seed of #raha( 0Gal9 ?=1<29 This is ver$ (eaningful9 %irstl$7 God turned fro( da( to #raha( and7 eventuall$7 -e turned fro( #raha( through Christ #ack to the created race9 B$ this ne! turn !e all !ere captured9
.t appeared that God had left us and had turned to #raha(9 Then God see(ed to sa$ to #raha(7 @. !ill not onl$ give M$self to $ou as a #lessing7 #ut . !ill (ake $ou a #lessing to all those pitiful people of the da(ic race9 #raha(7 let us go #ack9A *e (a$ sa$ that God (ade a +6turn9 B$ this +6turn all of the called ones fro( the nations have #een gathered in9 "et (e sa$ a !ord a#out our attitude to!ard the 5e!s9 Never (istreat the 5e!ish people9 God said7 @. !ill #less the( that #less thee7 and curse hi( that curseth thee9A 0.n this !ord7 @the(A and @hi(A indicates people in #oth plural and singular nu(#er92 .f $ou read histor$7 $ou !ill find that during the past t!ent$6five centuries7 fro( the ti(e that Ne#uchadne88ar destro$ed the cit$ of 5erusale( until no!7 ever$ countr$7 people7 race7 or individual that has cursed the 5e!ish people has received a curse9 -o!ever7 !hoever #lesses the 5e!ish people receives a #lessing9 No leader in histor$ died in such a pitiful !a$ as -itler did9 -itler died in that !a$ #ecause he !as cursed for his cursing of the 5e!ish people9 Since the +nited States is helping the nation of .srael toda$7 surel$ the +nited States is under God;s #lessing9 This is not ($ opinion9 This is according to God;s pro(ise in Genesis 13=?9 GODS PROMISE BEING THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO ABRAHAM H *hen . read 13=36? as a $oung (an7 . !as not inspired #$ it9 These verses see(ed to #e dr$ #ones9 . did not understand !hat God !as talking a#out !hen -e told #raha( that -e !ould (ake of hi( a great nation7 and that -e !ould #less hi(7 and (ake hi( a #lessing9 Eventuall$7 after (an$ $ears7 . ca(e #ack to these verses !ith the help of Galatians ?9 . ca(e to reali8e that God;s pro(ise to #raha( in 13=36? !as the preaching of the gospel9 The three ite(s of God;s pro(ise)to (ake of #raha( a great nation7 to #less hi(7 and to (ake hi( a #lessing to all the fa(ilies of the earth)!ere the gospel preached to #raha( 0Gal9 ?=B29 The contents of God;s pro(ise are exactl$ the sa(e as the contents of the gospel9 %irstl$7 the preaching of the gospel opens !ith the !ords7 @/epent7 for the kingdo( of the heavens has dra!n nearA 0Matt9 ?=329 s !e have seen7 the @great nationA refers to the kingdo(9 Secondl$7 the #lessing that God pro(ised #raha( !as the Spirit7 that is7 God -i(self9 .n the gospel7 after !e repent for the kingdo(7 !e need to #elieve that !e (a$ have eternal life7 !hich is in the Spirit9 The #lessing pro(ised to #raha(7 !hich7 according to Galatians ?=1<7 is the pro(ise of the Spirit7 is the ver$ #lessing of the gospel9 This #lessing7 as the third ite(7 is for all the nations7 for it is said7 @.n thee shall all fa(ilies of the earth #e #lessed9A IMPLYING GODS ETERNAL PURPOSE H God;s pro(ise to #raha( i(plied -is eternal purpose9 God;s eternal purpose is that (an express and represent -i(9 God said that -e !ould (ake of #raha( @a great nationA and that -e !ould #less hi(9 nation is a (atter of do(inion to represent God7 and #lessing is a (atter of i(age in the Spirit to express God9 *e all shall #e transfor(ed into -is i(age #$ the "ord Spirit 03 Cor9 ?=1B29 This re:uires that !e have a regenerated spirit9 So(e (a$ ask !h$ 1=3E7 3B (ention expressing God !ith -is i(age first and
representing -i( !ith -is do(inion second9 The reason for this is that there !e see God;s original purpose9 But #ecause (an has fallen7 in the gospel (an has to repent in order to co(e #ack to the #eginning9 Therefore7 in the gospel7 do(inion is first and i(age follo!s9 .n God;s original purpose7 it !as i(age and do(inion7 #ut7 due to the fall7 in the gospel the order is reversed9 THE CONTENTS IN GODS ETERNAL PURPOSE, PROMISE, GOSPEL, AND FULFILLMENT BEING THE SAME H .n God;s eternal purpose7 pro(ise7 gospel7 and fulfill(ent7 the contents are the sa(e9 .t is ver$ interesting to see this9 I( G&$' ! !"(%+ 59"5&'!1:* # A$%3 H .n God;s eternal purpose !e have t!o ite(s= i(age to express God and do(inion to represent God9 I( G&$' 5"&3*'!1 & A2"%#%3 H s !e have seen7 in God;s pro(ise to #raha(7 the nation7 !hich is for do(inion to represent God7 is (entioned first and the #lessing7 !hich is for the i(age to express God7 is (entioned second9 I( #! )&'5!+1:* # #! 2!+*!-!"' H .n the gospel 0salvation2 !ith the #elievers !e firstl$ have repentance for the kingdo( 0Matt9 ?=329 This repentance is for the do(inion to represent God9 Secondl$7 !e have the (atter of receiving eternal life 05ohn ?=1E29 This receiving of eternal life is for the i(age to express God9 I( #! f9+f*++3!( 1*( #! N!: J!"9'%+!3 H *e also see the sa(e contents in the fulfill(ent7 in the Ne! 5erusale(9 The entire Ne! 5erusale( !ill #ear God;s appearance9 God;s appearance rese(#les 4asper9 /evelation <=? sa$s that God7 the One sitting on the throne7 has the appearance of 4asper9 .n /evelation 31=117 1B#7 !e see that the !hole Ne! 5erusale( shines like 4asper9 The appearance of the !all and of the entire cit$ of Ne! 5erusale( !ill #e the sa(e as God;s appearance)4asper9 This (eans that in eternit$ the !hole Ne! 5erusale( !ill express God9 %urther(ore7 in eternit$ all the saved ones in the Ne! 5erusale( !ill reign as kings !ith God 0/ev9 33=D29 This !ill #e the do(inion to represent God9 lthough !e did not care a#out God;s do(inion and i(age at the ti(e !e !ere called and saved7 deep !ithin7 in God;s calling and speaking7 !e reali8ed that these (atters !ere i(plied9 fter #eing saved7 !e had the reali8ation that !e needed to #e under God;s ruling9 This is the kingdo(7 the do(inion9 lso7 deep !ithin us7 !e had the sensation that7 after #eing saved7 !e had to glorif$ God9 This is the (atter of i(age to express God9 -o!ever7 after !e !ere saved7 (ost of us (et so(e (istaken preachers !ho told us (an$ !rong things that distracted us fro( God;s purpose9 Praise the "ord that in God;s recover$ -e has recovered us to -is original purpose and -e has #rought us #ack to the #eginning9 *e the real called ones7 the sons of #raha( receiving God;s calling !ith -is
speaking and pro(ise7 are no! in -is kingdo( to represent -i( and have -is i(age to express -i(9
;. THE PROGRESS IN ANSWERING GODS CALLING nd Terah took #ra( his son7 and "ot the son of -aran his son;s son7 and Sarai his daughter6in6la!7 his son #ra(;s !ife> and the$ !ent forth !ith the( fro( +r of the Chaldees7 to go into the land of Canaan> and the$ ca(e unto -aran7 and d!elt there9 nd the da$s of Terah !ere t!o hundred and five $ears= and Terah died in -aran9 0Genesis 11=?16?32 The God of glor$ appeared to our father #raha( !hile he !as in Mesopota(ia7 #efore he d!elt in -aran9 0 cts I=3#2 Then he ca(e forth fro( the land of the Chaldeans and d!elt in -aran9 nd fro( there7 after his father died7 -e re(oved hi( into this landL 0 cts I=<2 s !e have pointed out (an$ ti(es7 nearl$ ever$ ite( in the #ook of Genesis is a seed9 .n this (essage !e co(e to the seed of river crossing7 to the experience of the first river crosser9 *hat is river crossingG .t is the real and actual follo!ing of the "ord9 %ollo!ing the "ord is a (atter of crossing the river9 lthough it is eas$ to talk a#out river crossing7 it is not eas$ to have the real river crossing according to the experience of #raha(9 .n this (essage !e need to see ho! #raha( crossed the river9 -is experience7 an exa(ple for us all7 is another of the seeds so!n in Genesis9 This seed is no! gro!ing in so (an$ of us9 -o! !e need the gro!th of this seedJ CALLED THE FIRST TIME AT UR OF CHALDEA IN MESOPOTAMIA The #est !a$ to stud$ the *ord is to co(pare one portion of it !ith another9 *e (a$ do this !ith respect to the calling of #raha(7 for his calling is (entioned in #oth Genesis 13 and cts I9 B$ the help of the "ord7 it is eas$ for us to see the co(parison in these t!o passages9 *e can see fro( these t!o portions of the *ord that the God of glor$ appeared to #raha( t!ice9 God did not co(e to hi( once for all9 This is not our guess> it is proved #$ cts I=3 !hich sa$s that the God of glor$ appeared to #raha( #efore he d!elt in -aran7 !hile he !as still in Mesopota(ia9 Then Genesis 13=1 indicates that after #raha( had d!elt in -aran for a ti(e7 God appeared to hi( again9 B$ these t!o verses !e see that God appeared to #raha( in t!o different places= at +r of Chaldea and at -aran9 .t is certain that these t!o callings did not occur at the sa(e ti(e9 The first call ca(e !hile #raha(;s father !as still alive7 and the second ca(e after his father had died9 This is a strong proof that God appeared to #raha( t!ice9 There is a ver$ crucial difference #et!een these t!o callings of God9 .n the first calling God told #raha( to get out of his countr$ and his kindred 0 cts I=?29 .n the second
calling God told hi( to get out of his countr$7 his kindred7 and his father;s house 0Gen9 13=129 *hen God called #raha( the second ti(e7 -e not onl$ (entioned #raha(;s kindred in a general !a$ #ut his father;s house in a particular !a$9 .t !as not sufficient for hi( to leave his kindred> he had to co(e out of his father;s house9 "ater on !e shall see the reason for this9 But no! !e can see that #raha( experienced t!o different callings at t!o different places9 .n the first calling God told hi( to get out of his countr$ and his kindred7 and in the second calling -e told hi( to get out of his countr$7 his kindred7 and his father;s house9 Once !e see this (atter of the t!o callings7 ever$thing is clear9 *hen . !as $oung7 . !as told #$ certain teachers that cts I !as a :uotation of Genesis 139 These teachers never pointed out clearl$ that God called #raha( t!ice9 Perhaps so(e of $ou reading this (essage still hold on to the concept that cts I is a :uotation of Genesis 139 But the call in cts I occurred #efore #raha( !as #rought to -aran7 and the call in Genesis 13 happened after he had lived there for a ti(e9 The call in cts I preceded the call in Genesis 139 NOT OBEYING GODS CALLING RIGHT AWAY *h$ did God need to appear to #raha( t!ice and call hi( t!iceG *h$ did God need to repeat -is callingG s far as God !as concerned7 there !as no need for -i( to repeat -is calling9 .t !as #raha( !ho needed the repetition9 There is hardl$ one !ho has experienced God;s calling 4ust once and then i((ediatel$ crossed the river9 No one a(ong us has ever ans!ered God;s calling !ithout dragging his feet through (ud and !ater9 -ardl$ an$one has ever given a clean6cut ans!er to God;s calling9 Kou (a$ sa$7 @*hat a#out Peter and 5ohn !hen the$ !ere called #$ the "ord #$ the Sea of GalileeG The "ord called the(7 and the$ follo!ed -i( i((ediatel$9A .f $ou read other portions of the *ord7 $ou !ill see that even these disciples !ere dragging their feet9 .t is difficult to have a clean6cut ans!er to God;s calling9 *e al!a$s drag our feet through (ud and !ater9 Our relatives (ight #e the (ud and !e ourselves (ight #e the !ater9 lthough $ou (ight have received the calling fro( God7 $ou allo! $our relatives to #e the (ud through !hich $ou drag $our feet9 nd $ou $ourself are the !ater7 the dirt$ and #lack !ater9 Kou drag $our feet through this (ud and !ater9 *hile #raha( !as living at +r7 the God of glor$ suddenl$ appeared to hi(9 This appearing #rought in light9 0The na(e +r (eans light92 .n a de(onic land7 a land full of de(ons 0Chaldea (eans de(onic27 the God of glor$ appeared and #rought in light9 This is ver$ (eaningful9 *henever God co(es to call a (an7 there is al!a$s light9 *hile Saul of Tarsus !as on the !a$ to ,a(ascus to persecute the Christians there7 a light fro( heaven shone upon hi( 0 cts F=16?29 t that (o(ent7 Saul !as at +r9 -e !as under the light9 *hen $ou !ere called7 $ou also !ere under the light9 Kou sa! that $our place7 $our environ(ent and surroundings7 !as not the right place for $ou to sta$ an$ longer9 Kou !ere called at +r7 the place of light9 TA0EN TO HARAN BY HIS FATHER AFTER HIS BROTHERS DEATH
. #elieve that #raha( received God;s calling !hen he !as $oung9 -e (ight have told his father7 Terah7 and his relatives ho! God had appeared to hi( and had told hi( to get out of his countr$ and his kindred9 #raha( pro#a#l$ did not have the #oldness to do this hi(self9 .n 11=3B !e are told that @-aran died #efore his father Terah in the land of his nativit$7 in +r of the Chaldees9A -aran (ight have #een #raha(;s older #rother and he (ight have opposed God;s calling to #raha(9 .t (ight have #een that God !aited a certain period of ti(e9 *hen #raha( still did not take an$ action7 God took a!a$ -aran7 the opposing one9 -aran (ight have #een Terah;s eldest son9 The eldest son;s death (ight have #een a !arning to the father not to tarr$ an$ longer9 The na(e Terah (eans to tarr$7 to dela$7 or to #e laggard9 Terah took the !hole fa(il$7 !ent forth !ith the( fro( +r of the Chaldees7 and d!elt in -aran 011=?1> cts I=<a29 .t !as not #raha( !ho took the initiative to leave +r> it !as his father9 Terah and his fa(il$ (ight have traveled north!ard along the side of the river Euphrates9 Eventuall$7 after a 4ourne$ of at least five hundred (iles7 the$ ca(e to -aran9 ccording to the ancient (ethod of travel7 it (ust have taken over half a (onth to travel fro( +r to -aran9 But although the$ (ade such a long 4ourne$7 the$ never crossed the river as God !anted the( to9 -o! (an$ $ears have $ou #een dragging along the side of the river !ithout crossing itG Kou (a$ sa$7 @Praise the "ord that . a( no longer in +r9A /ight7 $ou are not in +r7 #ut $ou are still on the other side of the river9 Even in the church life $ou have #een 4ourne$ing along the riverside !ithout crossing the river9 Man$ of $ou have 4ourne$ed north!ard #ut are still on the other side9 But even this 4ourne$ north!ard !as caused #$ God;s doing9 t +r there !as a person na(ed -aran7 and no! !e see a cit$ !ith the sa(e na(e9 This (eans that the$ left one -aran and ca(e into another9 .n the e$es of God7 #oth are the sa(e9 *hether -aran is a person or a place7 it is still -aran9 The na(e -aran (eans dr$9 *hen the elder #rother !as opposing God;s calling7 he (ust have #een dr$9 n$ relative !ho tries to prevent $ou fro( accepting the "ord;s calling is a dr$ one7 and an$ place that hinders $ou fro( ans!ering God;s calling is a dr$ place9 Kou can never #e !atered there9 .n such a place $ou have the sensation of dr$ness9 Man$ of us have experienced this9 CALLED THE SECOND TIME AT HARAN AFTER HIS FATHERS DEATH Christians are used to exalting #raha(9 -e is considered as #eing ver$ high9 But #raha( !as not that high> he !as as lo! as !e are9 *hen God ca(e to #raha(7 he lacked the #oldness to take action9 -is father finall$ acted7 taking the fa(il$ to -aran !here the$ d!elt until the father died 011=?329 Then God appeared to #raha( and called hi( again 011=?3)13=?> cts I=<#29 #raha(;s dela$ in ans!ering God;s calling caused t!o deaths7 the death of his #rother at +r and the death of his father at -aran9 #raha( took t!o steps7 and each step !as caused #$ the death of a close relative9 .n -is second calling God added another ite(7 telling #raha( not onl$ to co(e out of his countr$ and his kindred #ut also out of his father;s house 013=129 This (eans that he !as onl$ allo!ed to #ring his !ife !ith hi(7 not an$ (e(#er of his father;s house9 God;s calling !as (ore severe the second ti(e than it !as the first ti(e9 .f $ou look into the
(eaning of all the na(es7 $ou !ill see that7 apart fro( the na(e #ra(7 !hich (eans an exalted father7 the onl$ other na(e !ith a positive (eaning is Sarai7 !hich (eans ($ princess9 The exalted father !as the hus#and7 and the princess !as the !ife9 t -aran God called onl$ these t!o9 But again #raha( dragged his feet through the (ud7 for he took his nephe! "ot !ith hi(9 .n the second calling God !as not onl$ (ore severe7 #ut -e also gave #raha( the pro(ise of the gospel as an incentive to encourage hi( to ans!er -is calling 013=36?29 -e received a (ore severe calling #ut !ith a great incentive9 OBEYING GODS CALLING IN A DRAGGING WAY This ti(e #raha( o#e$ed God;s calling7 #ut he did not do so in a clean6cut !a$9 -e !as still dragging along9 *e kno! this #ecause he did not onl$ take his !ife Sarai !ith hi( #ut also his nephe! "ot 013=<29 "ot !as a (e(#er of his father;s fa(il$9 ,id not #raha( hear !hen God told hi( to get out of his father;s houseG *h$ then did he #ring !ith hi( a (e(#er of his father;s houseG . #elieve that . can tell $ou the reason9 t that ti(e #raha( !as :uite old9 -e !as sevent$6five $ears of age9 lthough he !as sevent$6 five $ears old7 he still did not have a son of his o!n9 %or such a long 4ourne$ he surel$ needed a $oung (an to help hi(9 That !as his excuse9 #raha( (ight have said7 @God called (e7 #ut should . leave ($ nephe!G Should . not love hi(GA -u(anl$ speaking7 ever$one !ould sa$ that #raha( !as right in #ringing "ot9 *hat is the (eaning of the na(e "otG .t (eans a veil7 a !rapping9 Kour dear relatives7 !ho( $ou love so (uch and !ho( $ou !ould take !ith $ou in ans!ering God;s calling7 are al!a$s veils to $ou9 "ook at $our situation9 Man$ of us have ans!ered God;s calling in a !a$ of taking a veil along !ith us9 "ot did not help #raha( at all9 /ather7 he caused trou#le9 *hen !e co(e to Genesis 1?7 !e shall see that "ot caused a great deal of trou#le to #raha( and that eventuall$ he had to leave #raha(9 .f $ou exa(ine $our o!n situation $ou !ill see that pro#a#l$ it !as exactl$ the sa(e as #raha(;s9 .n the gospel preaching toda$ people are (ostl$ told that if the$ #elieve in the "ord 5esus7 the$ !ill #e saved fro( hell and !ill go to heaven one da$9 This is true7 #ut it is shallo!9 %ro( God;s point of vie!7 to #e saved is to #e called9 God is not concerned a#out hell #ut a#out $our countr$7 $our kindred7 and $our father;s house9 God is concerned a#out $our environ(ent7 surroundings7 and #ackground9 To #e saved (eans to #e called out of $our #ackground7 to #e called out of $our present surroundings7 environ(ent7 and situation9 To #e saved is not (erel$ a (atter of having $our sins forgiven7 of #eing rescued fro( hell7 and of #eing :ualified to go to heaven9 To #e saved (eans to #e called out of $our #ackground and environ(ent9 To #e saved is also to take a 4ourne$7 to !alk along the !a$7 and to run the race9 Pilgri(;s Progress7 a ver$ fa(ous #ook !ritten #$ 5ohn Bun$an7 stresses the one point that salvation is a 4ourne$9 To #e saved is to #e called and to #e on a 4ourne$9 People talk (uch a#out 4ustification #$ faith7 using #raha( as the exa(ple9 But #efore #raha( !as 4ustified7 he took a 4ourne$9 -is 4ustification transpired in Genesis 1D=E9 Before
Genesis 1D7 ho!ever7 !e have at least three chapters telling us that this 4ustified one !as on a 4ourne$9 . hope that all the $oung people !ill see this9 The place !here the $oung people are toda$ is !orse than Chaldea9 But praise the "ord7 $our +r is #righter and has (ore light9 Toda$ God;s calling to the $oung people is clearer and stronger than it !as to #raha(9 Koung people7 $ou (ust get out of the land7 out of the people7 and a!a$ fro( $our relatives9 To #e saved is to #e on a 4ourne$ to reach God;s purpose9 God ca(e in to call #raha( !ith a purpose9 .f $ou are called #$ God according to -is purpose7 $our salvation is guaranteed #$ that calling9 Kou do not need to #e concerned a#out $our salvation9 .f $ou take care of God;s purpose7 -e !ill certainl$ take care of $our salvation9 To #e saved is to #e called to fulfill God;s purpose9 *hen God ca(e in to call #raha(7 it !as not for the purpose that #raha( #e saved fro( hell or filled !ith 4o$> it !as for the purpose of fulfilling God;s plan9 God called #raha( for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 *e all (ust hear this calling9 God has a plan and a purpose9 -e has a good land that !e (a$ enter into9 #raha( !ent into the good land of Canaan 013=<6D29 Our good land toda$ is Christ7 the church7 and the kingdo(9 Consider the case of Saul of Tarsus !ho #oldl$ persecuted the church9 .n the e$es of God7 !hile Saul !as persecuting the church7 he !as living in @Chaldea9A On the road to ,a(ascus7 the "ord appeared to hi(7 shined upon hi(7 and called hi(7 and Saul;s Chaldea #eca(e @+r7A the place of light9 The "ord did not call hi( in order to save hi( fro( hell to heaven7 or even to 4ustif$ hi(9 lthough these are included in the "ord;s calling7 the "ord called hi( out of a 5udaistic Chaldea9 The "ord called Saul out of that religion in order that he (ight enter into Christ7 God;s ne! covenant econo($7 the church7 and the kingdo(9 nd Paul did get into Christ7 into the Ne! Testa(ent econo($7 into the church7 and into God;s kingdo(9 .f !e ans!er God;s calling7 taking care of -is purpose that !e enter into Christ7 the Ne! Testa(ent econo($7 the church7 and the kingdo(7 -e !ill not allo! us to go to hell9 ,o not #e concerned a#out hell7 and do not consider that (uch a#out heaven9 *e have so(ething #etter than heaven9 .s not Christ #etter than heavenG .s not God;s econo($7 the dispensation of the Triune God into (an7 (uch #etter than heavenG .s not the church #etter than heavenG -eaven is going to #e shaken9 -e#re!s 13=3E sa$s that God is going to shake not onl$ the earth #ut also heaven9 Onl$ God -i(self is unshaka#le9 *e have received an unshaka#le kingdo(7 !hich is Christ !ith the church9 ,o not appreciate heaven so (uch9 .n the last t!o chapters of the Bi#le !e see that the Ne! 5erusale( !ill descend out of heaven9 God is going to leave heaven and d!ell in the Ne! 5erusale(7 !hich is the consu((ation of the church7 for eternit$9 *e all (ust see that to #e saved (eans to #e called to fulfill God;s purpose9 To #e saved is to #e delivered out of (an$ negative situations so that !e (a$ co(e into God;s goal9 Man$ Christians have #een saved7 #ut the$ have never co(e into God;s goal9 God;s goal firstl$ is Christ9 *e are in Christ9 *e are in the en4o$(ent of Christ9 This is God;s good land9 Secondl$7 God;s goal is the church9 Kears ago . did not reali8e that7 in a sense7 the
church is also the good land of Canaan9 %urther(ore7 God;s Ne! Testa(ent econo($7 the kingdo(7 and the Sa##ath rest7 are all the good land to us toda$9 re $ou in the good land of CanaanG .f $ou are7 it (eans that $ou are in Christ7 in the riches and the en4o$(ent of Christ9 .t also (eans that $ou are in God;s ne! covenant dispensation and in the church life9 Man$ of us !ere saved for (an$ $ears #efore !e crossed the river9 *e !ere neither in God;s econo($ nor in the church9 Moreover7 !e !ere not in God;s kingdo(9 So(e of us had the concept that the kingdo( had #een suspended and that the (illennial kingdo( !ould co(e in the future7 #ut !e never entered into the realit$ of the kingdo( life toda$9 lthough according to !hat is portra$ed in Genesis 13 #raha( !as dragging along7 -e#re!s 11=B tells us that he o#e$ed God;s calling #$ faith and !ent out !ithout kno!ing !here he !as going9 .n -is calling7 God told hi( definitel$ !hat he had to leave7 #ut God did not tell hi( clearl$ !here he had to go9 #raha( o#e$ed God;s calling and !ent out #$ faith9 This !as great9 On the one hand7 he !as dragging along> on the other hand7 he took a great step #$ faith9 -is not kno!ing !here to go caused hi( to trust in God and to look unto the "ord all the ti(e9 *e (a$ sa$ that the living God !as a road (ap to hi( for his traveling9 REMOVED BY GOD INTO THE LAND OF CANAAN /egardless of ho! long #raha( dela$ed in ans!ering God;s calling7 he could not dela$ God ver$ long9 ccording to God;s feeling7 a thousand $ears are the sa(e as a da$9 Can $ou dela$ God a thousand $earsG No one can do this9 t the (ost7 !e (ight dela$ hi( for fift$ $ears7 !hich in God;s e$es are a little (ore than an hour9 God is sovereign and patient9 God could sa$ to -aran and Terah7 @ ll that $ou are doing is in vain9 fter $ou die7 . !ill #ring M$ called one to M$ land9A God is God9 No one can frustrate -i(9 Once -e has chosen and called $ou7 -e !ill not #e stopped #$ an$thing9 Sooner or later -e !ill get through9 -e !ill co(e to $ou again and again9 .f one death is not sufficient to acco(plish -is ai(7 there !ill #e another one9 -e has a !a$9 -e is (uch greater than $ou are9 ccording to cts I=<7 it !as not #raha( !ho entered into the good land #ut God !ho re(oved hi( into the land9 lthough -e#re!s 11=B sa$s that #raha( !ent out #$ faith7 cts I=< sa$s that God re(oved hi( fro( -aran into Canaan9 t (ost7 !e can dela$ the "ord for 4ust a short ti(e9 Eventuall$ !e shall #e gained #$ -i(9 .f !e dela$7 !e shall onl$ !aste our ti(e9 God told #raha( to get out of his countr$9 Since he did not do it in a rapid and clean6cut !a$7 God re(oved hi( into -is land9 PASSING THROUGH THE LAND TO THE PLACE WHICH GOD CONFIRMS t -aran7 #raha( crossed the river9 fter crossing the river7 he so4ourned through the land7 traveling south!ard until he reached a place called Sheche( 013=E29 The !ord Sheche( (eans a shoulder !hich affords strength9 t Sheche( !as Moreh !here there !as an oak9 The na(e Moreh (eans a teacher !ho affords kno!ledge9 #raha( 4ourne$ed to a place !here he could get #oth strength and kno!ledge9 *as that the place !here God intended for #raha( to #eG Kes9 *e kno! this #ecause God did not
reappear to #raha( until he had arrived at the oak of Moreh9 There God reappeared to hi( 013=I29 God;s reappearing to $ou confir(s that $ou have arrived at the right place9 Perhaps $ou experienced an appearing of God (an$ $ears ago9 fter that ti(e $ou !andered7 4ourne$ed7 and traveled fro( place to place !ithout having another appearing of God9 One da$7 after arriving at the oak of Moreh7 the church7 the "ord appeared to $ou again9 This appearing confir(ed that $ou had arrived at the right place9 Man$ of us can testif$ that after !e !ere saved !e traveled through Christianit$ !ithout having God;s reappearing9 .t !as not until !e ca(e to toda$;s Sheche( !ith the oak of Moreh7 that is7 the church life7 that the inner appearing rose up once again9 Man$ of us can testif$ that after !e ca(e to the church7 !e had the feeling that God had appeared to us again7 telling us7 @This is the place9A The oak7 a strong7 hard$ tree7 signifies strength9 n oak tree also affords shade fro( the heat of the sun9 This is ver$ (eaningful9 . #elieve that in s$(#ol this signifies the church life !hich affords us the strength and shade9 The church life strengthens us and shades us fro( the heat of the sun9 *hen God appeared to #raha( at Moreh7 -e said to hi(7 @+nto th$ seed !ill . give this landA 013=I29 This !as the first ti(e that the pro(ise of the land !as clearl$ given9 .n 13=1 God onl$ said to #raha(7 @unto a land that . !ill she! theeA> God did not tell hi( !here the land !as or that -e !ould give the land to hi(9 But here God told hi( definitel$ !here the land !as and -e pro(ised to give this land to his seed9 *hen !e get to the place !hich God confir(s #$ -is reappearing7 !e also shall receive the pro(ise of toda$;s good land)Christ7 the church7 and the kingdo(9 t the place !here the "ord reappeared to hi(7 #raha( #uilt an altar9 This altar !as an anti6testi(on$ to the #uilding of the to!er of Ba#el9 t Ba#el7 (en #uilt a to!er to (ake a na(e for the(selves9 t Sheche(7 #raha( did not #uild an$thing to (ake hi(self a na(e> he #uilt an altar for calling on the na(e of the "ord 013=B29 This signifies that !hen !e arrive at the place that God has chosen7 God appears to us7 and !e have a deeper7 fuller7 richer7 and (ore inti(ate fello!ship !ith -i( #$ calling on -is na(e9 *e all can testif$ that !e never called on the na(e of the "ord as (uch as !e have since co(ing into the church life9 Calling on the na(e of the "ord follo!s the #uilding up of an altar to the ver$ God !ho has appeared to us9 .n the church life7 under the oak of Moreh7 !e have the inti(ate appearing of the "ord9 *hat shall !e do in response to thisG *e should #uild an altar to -i( and put ever$thing !e are and have on the altar9 *e need to tell the "ord that ever$thing !e are and have is for -i(7 and then !e need to call on the na(e of the "ord to (aintain a deeper7 richer7 and (ore inti(ate fello!ship !ith -i(9 No! !e have seen the experience of the first -e#re!7 the first river crosser9 #raha( !as the first one to cross the river and to reach the place !here God could reappear to hi( and !here he could #uild an altar and call on the na(e of the "ord9 This place is the right place9 .t is not at +r7 -aran7 or an$ place other than at the oak of Moreh9 -ere !e have God;s appearing and God;s presence9 -ere !e receive the pro(ise of the good land9
-ere !e can #uild an altar to the "ord7 call on -is na(e7 and have inti(ate fello!ship !ith -i(9
<. LIVING BY FAITH B$ faith #raha(7 #eing called7 o#e$ed to go out unto a place !hich he !as to receive as an inheritance> and he !ent out7 not kno!ing !here he !as going9 0-e#re!s 11=B2 %or !e !alk #$ faith7 not #$ appearance9 03 Corinthians D=I2
nd the "ord appeared unto #ra(7 and said7 +nto th$ seed !ill . give this land= and there #uilded he an altar unto the "ord7 !ho appeared unto hi(9 nd he re(oved fro( thence unto a (ountain on the east of Beth6el7 and pitched his tent7 having Beth6el on the !est7 and -ai on the east= and there he #uilded an altar unto the "ord7 and called upon the na(e of the "ord9L Then #ra( re(oved his tent7 and ca(e and d!elt in the plain of Ma(re !hich is in -e#ron7 and #uilt there an altar unto the "ord9 0Genesis 13=I6B> 1?=1B2 .n all of hu(an histor$ there has never #een a #ook as !onderful as the Bi#le9 s the first #ook in the Bi#le7 Genesis is not a #ook of doctrine> it is a #ook of histor$9 .t is not a histor$ in a hu(an !a$ #ut in a ver$ divine !a$9 Genesis uses the #iographies of so(e ancient saints to tell us so(ething that is so divine9 The divine revelation is contained in the hu(an lives7 in the hu(an stories7 of the people in Genesis9 .n this (essage !e need to see the divine revelation found in #raha(;s experience of living #$ faith9 .n so(e of the preceding (essages !e have seen that the experience of the called ones has three aspects7 the aspects of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco#9 The first stage of the first aspect7 the aspect of #raha(7 !as #raha(;s #eing called #$ God9 *e have covered this point ade:uatel$ in the last t!o (essages9 No! !e co(e to the second stage of the experience of #raha()living #$ faith7 or !e (a$ sa$ a life #$ faith9 *hen !e speak of a life #$ faith7 !e do not (ean the life !ithin #ut the life !ithout7 that is7 the dail$ living7 the dail$ !alk7 of the called ones9 This dail$ !alk is not #$ sight #ut #$ faith 03 Cor9 D=I29 #raha(;s histor$ is a seed9 The entire #iograph$ of #raha( is a seed9 .t is not a seed of doctrine #ut a seed of our histor$9 #raha(;s histor$ is the seed of our histor$ #ecause our histor$ gro!s out of his histor$9 .n a sense7 !e and #raha( are one in the experience of life9 *e7 the #elievers7 are the true descendants of #raha(7 and he is the true father of ever$one !ho has #een called #$ God9 *hen !e read his #iograph$7 !e are also reading our o!n9 -is stor$ is a#out us9 s !e read all of the chapters in Genesis a#out #raha(7 !e (ust read the( in the !a$ of reali8ing that his stor$ is our stor$9 *e need to see the steps that !e (ust take in follo!ing the "ord9 The first step is #eing called7 and the second is living #$ faith9 -ave $ou #een calledG Kou (ust strongl$ sa$7 @ (en7 . have #een called9A #raha( !as the first to #e called7 and7 as !e have seen7 he
did not ans!er God;s calling in a clean6cut !a$ #ut in the !a$ of dragging his feet through (ud and !ater9 Our stor$ is the sa(e9 Our ans!er to the "ord;s calling !as exactl$ the sa(e as his9 .n principle7 the seed is on a s(all scale7 the gro!th is on a greater scale7 and the harvest is on the greatest scale9 *e have seen that !hen #raha( left -aran7 he took "ot !ith hi(9 ,id $ou not #ring a "ot !ith $ouG .f #raha(7 the seed7 #rought one "ot7 then it is pro#a#le that each one of us has #rought (an$ "ots9 . a( afraid that so(e of those reading this (essage have #rought (ore than ten "ots !ith the(9 B$ this !e see that our histor$ is found in #raha(;s #iograph$9 /egardless of ho! (uch #raha( dragged his feet through the (ud and !ater7 God !as still sovereign9 God is God9 #raha( !as not onl$ called> he !as caught9 -e ca(e out of his countr$7 his kindred7 and his father;s house7 and !as #rought to Moreh7 the place !here God !anted hi( to #e and !here -e reappeared to hi( 013=E6I29 God;s reappearing !as a seal to #raha(;s ans!er to -is calling9 God;s calling !as clean6cut7 #ut #raha(;s ans!er to God;s calling !as not9 Nevertheless7 eventuall$ God received a full ans!er to -is calling9 . do not care ho! (uch the $oung #rothers and sisters drag their feet9 Sooner or later7 the$ !ill #e full$ caught9 The Christian !orkers and the leading #rothers (ust have the faith never to #e disappointed !ith the #rothers and sisters9 Never feel that a particular #rother is #e$ond hope9 /ather7 !e (ust sa$ that there is (uch hope !ith that #rother9 Si(pl$ !ait a!hile and $ou !ill see that ever$one !ill co(e to Moreh9 STRENGTH1THE APPEARANCE OF GOD t Moreh God reappeared to #raha( and he (et God again 013=E29 .f $ou sa$ that $ou have #een called7 . !ould ask $ou this :uestion= *hat is the seal of $our callingG The seal of our calling is God;s reappearance9 God;s reappearance7 -is co(ing again to us7 is the seal of our ans!er to -is calling9 The reappearing of God to #raha( !as the strength that ena#led hi( to live #$ faith9 .f $ou read the record in Genesis7 $ou !ill see that during #raha(;s ti(e (ankind lived in the !a$ of #uilding a strong cit$ for their protection and erecting a high to!er for (aking the(selves a na(e9 That !as the living of the hu(ankind at Ba#el9 But #raha( lived in an a#solutel$ different !a$9 -is living !as an anti6testi(on$ to the !a$ of the hu(ankind7 to the !a$ that had #een full$ developed at Ba#el9 s !e sa! in (essage thirt$6six7 at Ba#el there !as a great cit$ #uilt #$ (an9 This cit$ !as not #uilt !ith God6 created stones #ut !ith (an6(ade #ricks9 Those #ricks !ere (ade #$ killing the ele(ent in the soil that gro!s life9 But #raha(7 the called one7 did not live in that !a$9 *ith #raha(7 there !as no cit$ and no to!er9 fter God;s reappearing as the seal to #raha(;s ans!er to God;s calling7 #raha( i((ediatel$ #uilt an altar7 not to (ake a na(e for hi(self #ut to call upon the na(e of the "ord9 *h$ did #raha( do thisG Because he had the reappearing of God9 -o! !as he a#le to do thisG lso #ecause he had the reappearing of God9 /e(e(#er that the record in Genesis concerning #raha( is a #iograph$7 not a doctrine7 religion7 or tradition9 #raha( did not #uild an altar #ecause of teaching or religious tradition9 -e #uilt it #ecause God had reappeared to hi(9 God;s reappearing (eant ever$thing to hi(9 .t not onl$ sealed #raha(;s ans!er to God;s
calling> it also strengthened hi( to live in a !a$ that !as a#solutel$ different fro( the !a$ of all of the hu(ankind9 .t caused hi( to live as an anti6testi(on$ to his generation9 The altar that #raha( #uilt !as an anti6testi(on$ to the to!er of Ba#el9 AFTER ARRIVING AT CANAAN H No! !e need to find out at !hat ti(e #raha( experienced God;s reappearing9 Our God never does an$thing !ithout a purpose and -e never acts in a (eaningless !a$9 Ever$thing -e does is purposeful and (eaningful9 fter #raha( ans!ered God;s calling7 #elieving in -i( and o#e$ing -i(7 he ca(e to the oak of Moreh 013=E6I29 *hen he ca(e to that place7 God reappeared to hi( #ecause he had #elieved in God;s calling and had o#e$ed it9 s one !ho #elieved and o#e$ed God;s calling7 #raha( had no choice of the place !here he should sta$9 God called #raha( a second ti(e at -aran7 and he crossed the river there7 #eginning a long 4ourne$9 *hile he !as on this long 4ourne$7 he did not have his o!n choice9 -e#re!s 11=B tells us that #raha( did not kno! !here he !as going9 -e had no road (ap in his hand9 -is road (ap !as a living Person7 the living God9 *hile he !as 4ourne$ing7 he had to look to God continuall$> he could not stop at an$ place he chose9 s he !as traveling7 God;s presence !as his direction7 his road (ap9 -e follo!ed God in this !a$ until he arrived at Moreh9 t Moreh7 God appeared to hi(9 That appearing of God at Moreh indicated that #raha( had co(e to the place !here God !anted hi( to #e9 There God told #raha( that -e !ould give that land to his descendants9 God;s first appearing to us does not depend upon us at all9 .t is God !ho initiates that calling9 -o!ever7 after the initial appearing7 ever$ other appearing depends upon our condition9 lthough God;s first appearing is initiated #$ -i( and does not depend upon us7 the su#se:uent appearings depend upon our condition9 .f #raha( had not arrived at Moreh7 he !ould not have had God;s reappearing7 the reappearing that strengthened hi( to go on !ith God9 This going on !ith God !as #raha(;s living #$ faith in God9 AFTER THE SEPARATION OF LOT H second reappearing of God to #raha( is recorded in Genesis 1?=1<61I9 .n this chapter !e see that #raha( had difficult$ !ith "ot9 .n the flesh7 "ot !as #raha(;s nephe!7 #ut #efore God he !as #raha(;s #rother9 lthough "ot gave #raha( a difficult ti(e7 #raha( did not strive !ith hi(9 /ather7 he allo!ed "ot to have the choice9 fter "ot had separated fro( #raha(7 leaving hi( alone7 God reappeared to #raha( again9 This reappearing !as due to the fact that #raha( did not strive or fight for hi(self #ut left all the choices !ith his #rother "ot9 This second reappearing of God also strengthened #raha(;s life #$ faith9 fter !e have #een called #$ God7 !e need to live #$ faith9 This is our need toda$9 .f $ou have #een called #$ God7 $ou have to live #$ faith9 .n the Bi#le7 faith is in contrast to sight9 .f $ou have #een called #$ God7 $ou (ust live #$ faith7 not #$ sight9 "ook at toda$;s !orld= it is undou#tedl$ a harvest of the hu(an living so!n at Ba#el9 seed !as so!n at Ba#el7 and the !orld toda$ is a great harvest of that seed9 People are #uilding
great cities for their living and are erecting high to!ers for their na(e9 This is the situation ever$!here on earth9 But !e have #een called9 *hat shall !e doG *e (ust live #$ faith9 *hat does it (ean to live #$ faithG .t (eans to live #$ trusting in God for ever$thing9 #raha( did not declare that he lived #$ faith9 Neither did he preach living #$ faith9 -e si(pl$ lived #$ faith9 No! !e need to see in !hat !a$ #raha( lived #$ faith9 SIGNIFICANCE1THE ALTAR THE FIRST ALTAR H fter #raha( had arrived at Moreh and after God had reappeared to hi(7 he #uilt an altar 013=I29 This !as the first altar that #raha( #uilt9 .n order to live #$ faith7 !e (ust first of all #uild an altar9 .n the Bi#le an altar (eans that !e have all for God and serve God9 Building an altar (eans that !e offer ever$thing !e are and have to God9 *e need to place all that !e are and all that !e have on the altar9 Before !e do an$thing for God7 God !ould sa$ to us7 @Child7 don;t do an$thing for Me9 . !ant $ou9 . !ant $ou to put all that $ou are and all that $ou have on the altar for Me9A This is real fello!ship7 real !orship9 The real !orship of the called ones is to put all that !e are and have on the altar9 ccording to the hu(an vie!point7 people !ill sa$ that !e are foolish for doing this9 The$ !ill accuse us of !asting our ti(e7 of !asting our lives9 .f the$ had #een !ith #raha(7 the$ !ould have said7 @ #raha(7 !hat are $ou doingG re $ou cra8$G *h$ do $ou #uild such a lo! thing as an altar7 and put ever$thing on it and #urn itG .sn;t that foolishGA s called ones7 !hatever !e do !ill #e foolish in the e$es of the !orldl$ people9 Man$ of our relatives !ill sa$ that it is foolish for us to attend (eetings so often7 !ondering !h$ !e do not sta$ at ho(e and !atch television !ith our fa(il$9 The !orldl$ people cannot understand !h$ !e attend (eetings several ti(es a !eek9 The$ think that !e are cra8$9 The$ !ould sa$7 @*hat are $ou doing there in that little #uildingG *h$ do $ou go there on *ednesda$7 %rida$7 Saturda$7 t!ice on Sunda$7 and even so(eti(es on Monda$7 Tuesda$7 and Thursda$G re $ou people cra8$GA Kes7 according to the !orldl$ people7 !e are cra8$9 God;s appearing (akes us cra8$9 n altar (eans that !e do not keep an$thing for ourselves9 n altar (eans that !e reali8e that !e are here on earth for God9 n altar (eans that our life is for God7 that God is our life7 and that the (eaning of our life is God9 So !e put ever$thing on the altar9 *e are not here (aking a na(e for ourselves> !e are putting ever$thing on the altar for the sake of -is na(e9 .f $ou check !ith $our experience7 $ou !ill see that i((ediatel$ after $ou !ere called7 God appeared to $ou again7 and $ou said7 @"ord7 fro( no! on ever$thing is Kours9 ll that . a(7 all that . have7 all that . can do and a( going to do is for Kou9A . can still recall !hat happened on the afternoon that . !as saved9 s . !ent out of that church #uilding and !alked along the street7 . lifted up ($ e$es to heaven and said7 @God7 fro( toda$ on ever$thing is for Kou9A That !as a real consecration9 .n a spiritual sense7 it !as the #uilding of an altar9 . #elieve that (an$ of $ou reading this (essage have had such an
experience9 *hen !e received God;s calling7 !e !ere cra8$7 not caring a#out !hat !ould happen9 lthough !e did not reali8e !hat it (eant at the ti(e7 !e pro(ised the "ord that ever$thing !e had !as for -i(9 *hen . said this to the "ord that da$ on the street7 . did not reali8e !hat it involved9 *hen after a fe! $ears . found ($self in so(e difficulties7 the "ord !ithin (e said7 @,on;t $ou re(e(#er !hat $ou said that afternoon as $ou !alked along the streetG ,idn;t $ou sa$7 MO God7 fro( toda$ on ever$thing is for Kou;GA *hen . signed the contract7 . did not kno! !hat !as involved9 But it !as too late to repent> the contract had alread$ #een signed9 To tell the "ord that ever$thing is for -i( is the real #uilding of an altar9 *e all can testif$ ho! s!eet is the sensation and ho! inti(ate is the fello!ship !henever !e tell the "ord that ever$thing is for -i(9 t that ti(e7 !e co(e deepl$ into the "ord -i(self9 lthough !e (a$ tell the "ord that ever$thing !e are and have is for -i(7 !e (a$ forget it a fe! da$s later9 But the One !ho called us !ill never forget9 -e has an excellent (e(or$9 Often -e !ill co(e to us and re(ind us of !hat !e have said to -i(9 -e (a$ sa$7 @,on;t $ou re(e(#er !hat $ou said to Me that da$GA This is not a doctrine> it is a real experience9 +nless $ou have not #een called7 $ou are not an exception9 s long as $ou are a called one7 . have the co(plete assurance that $ou have had this kind of experience9 The "ord did reappear to $ou7 and at that reappearing $ou !ere cra8$7 pro(ising to give the "ord ever$thing7 !ithout considering the (eaning of the involve(ent9 Kou si(pl$ consecrated $ourself to -i(9 Kou did not reali8e the (eaning of !hat $ou pro(ised9 . thank God that !e !ere not clear a#out this !hen !e did it9 *e did not reali8e ho! (uch !e #eca(e involved !ith God as a result of speaking one short sentence9 *e !ere #ound #$ it9 -e is God9 -e is the calling One7 and !e are the called ones9 .t is all of -i(9 Even if !e !ant to #e cra8$ for -i(7 in ourselves !e do not have the incentive to do it9 But once -e appears to us7 !e are cra8$ and sa$7 @O "ord7 ever$thing is Kours9 Take it9 "ord7 do !hat Kou !ant9 . offer ever$thing to Kou9A Such a ti(e of offering ourselves to the "ord is like a drea(9 "ater !e !ake up and #egin to reali8e !hat it involves9 .n the earl$ da$s of ($ (inistr$ . !as #urdened to help people to consecrate the(selves9 lthough . gave a lot of teaching a#out consecration7 . did not see (uch result9 M$ teaching did not !ork ver$ !ell9 Eventuall$7 . learned that $ou cannot help people to consecrate the(selves #$ teaching the(9 .t is not teaching that causes people to consecrate the(selves to the "ord> it is the "ord;s appearing that (otivates the( to do this9 .f !e can help people to (eet the "ord and co(e into -is presence7 that !ill #e sufficient9 *e do not need to tell the( to consecrate the(selves to God or to offer ever$thing to the "ord on the altar9 Once God appears to people7 nothing can stop the( fro( consecrating the(selves9 Spontaneousl$ and auto(aticall$7 the$ !ill sa$7 @"ord7 ever$thing is Kours9 %ro( no! on ever$thing is for Kou9A -ave $ou not had this kind of experienceG -ave $ou not laid ever$thing $ou are and have upon the altar for God and -is purposeG THE SECOND ALTAR
H fter #raha( #uilt an altar to the "ord at Moreh7 he traveled through the land9 God did not give hi( 4ust one little spot> -e gave hi( a spacious land9 .n his travels7 #raha( ca(e to a place that !as #et!een Bethel and i9 Bethel !as on the !est and i !as on the east9 -ere7 #et!een Bethel and i7 #raha( #uilt another altar 013=B> 1?=?6<29 Bethel (eans the house of God7 and i (eans the heap of ruins9 Bethel and i stand in contrast one to another9 *hat does this contrast (eanG .t (eans that in the e$es of the called ones onl$ God;s house is !orth!hile9 Ever$thing else is 4ust a heap of ruins9 The principle is the sa(e !ith us toda$9 On the one hand7 !e have Bethel7 God;s house7 the church life9 Opposite to this is a heap of ruins9 Ever$thing that is contrar$ to the church life is a heap of ruins9 .n the e$es of God;s called ones7 ever$thing other than the church life is a heap of ruins #ecause the called ones look at the !orld situation fro( God;s point of vie!9 This point of vie! is a#solutel$ different fro( the !orld;s point of vie!9 ccording to the !orldl$ vie!point7 ever$thing in the !orld is high7 good7 and !onderful7 #ut7 fro( the point of vie! of God;s called ones7 ever$thing opposite to the house of God is a heap of ruins9 %irstl$7 !e consecrate ourselves at Moreh9 Then !e consecrate ourselves at the place that is #et!een the church life and the heap of ruins9 s far as !e are concerned7 onl$ the house of God is !orth!hile9 Ever$thing other than this is a heap of ruins9 Bet!een the house of God and the heap of ruins !e #uild an altar that !e (ight fello!ship !ith God7 !orship -i(7 and serve -i(9 THE THIRD ALTAR H #raha( #uilt the third altar at Ma(re of -e#ron 01?=1B29 Ma(re (eans strength7 and -e#ron (eans fello!ship7 co((union7 or friendship9 ccording to Genesis 1B=17 it !as at Ma(re that God ca(e to visit #raha(9 .n that visit God not onl$ appeared to hi( #ut sta$ed !ith hi( for :uite a long ti(e7 even feasting !ith hi(9 *e shall see (ore a#out this !hen !e co(e to that chapter9 lthough #oth Moreh and the place #et!een Bethel and i !ere good7 neither one !as the place !here #raha( sta$ed for constant fello!ship !ith the "ord9 The place !here #raha( sta$ed for such constant fello!ship !ith the "ord !as Ma(re of -e#ron9 *e all need to (aintain a constant fello!ship !ith the "ord9 This does not happen #$ accident> neither should it occur occasionall$9 .t (ust #e constant9 Perhaps so(e $ears ago $ou #uilt an altar to the "ord9 This is good7 #ut !hat has happened since thenG Kou (a$ sa$ that $ou #uilt an altar t!o $ears ago7 #ut ho! a#out toda$G Man$ of us have had the experience at Moreh #ut have not had the experience at Ma(re9 . #elieve that #raha(;s life !as (ostl$ spent at -e#ron7 the place !here he could have constant fello!ship !ith the "ord9 There7 at -e#ron7 he #uilt the third altar9 *e all need to #uild at least three altars= the first at Moreh7 the second #et!een Bethel and i7 and the third at Ma(re in -e#ron9 *e need to #uild an altar at Ma(re in -e#ron so that !e (a$ !orship God7 serve -i(7 and have constant fello!ship !ith -i(9 This is the experience of the third altar7 the altar in -e#ron9
E.PRESSION1THE TENT BECAUSE ALL THE THINGS HE HAD WERE FOR GOD AND HE TRUSTED IN GOD H fter #raha( #uilt an altar7 he pitched a tent 013=I6B29 t Ba#el7 the people firstl$ #uilt a cit$ and then erected a to!er9 But #raha( firstl$ #uilt an altar and then erected a tent9 This (eans that #raha( !as for God9 The first thing he did !as to take care of the !orship of God7 of his fello!ship !ith God9 Secondl$7 he took care of his living9 The tent !as for #raha(;s living9 #raha( did not take care of his living first9 That !as secondar$9 *ith #raha(7 the pri(ar$ (atter !as to consecrate ever$thing to God7 to !orship and serve God7 and to have fello!ship !ith God9 Onl$ then did #raha( pitch a tent for his living9 #raha(;s d!elling in a tent indicated that he did not #elong to the !orld #ut !as a testi(on$ to the people 0-e#9 11=F29 AT THE PLACE OF TESTIMONY H #raha( firstl$ pitched his tent at the place #et!een Bethel and i 013=B> 1?=?29 That !as the place !here God;s house !as and !here he #egan his testi(on$ in expressing God #$ fello!shipping !ith -i(9 -is altar !as the #eginning of his testi(on$ for God to the !orld7 !hereas his tent !as the co(pletion of his testi(on$ to the !orld for God9 -is tent !as a (iniature of the ta#ernacle #uilt #$ his descendants in the !ilderness7 !hich !as called the @ta#ernacle of testi(on$A 0Exo9 ?B=3129 Since his tent !as pitched #$ Bethel7 in a sense it (a$ #e considered as the house of God for God;s testi(on$ on earth9 AT THE PLACE OF FELLOWSHIP H "ater7 #raha( re(oved his tent to -e#ron7 !hich (eans fello!ship 01?=1B29 -is tent firstl$ !as a testi(on$ for God to the !orld and then it #eca(e the center !here he had fello!ship !ith God9 This is strongl$ proved #$ !hat occurred in chapter eighteen !hen God ca(e to sta$ !ith hi( in the tent at Ma(re in -e#ron9 B$ #raha(;s pitching a tent God had a place on earth !here -e could co((unicate and fello!ship !ith (an9 -is tent #rought God fro( heaven to earth9 ll of us7 God;s called ones7 should pitch a tent9 On the one hand7 such a tent is a testi(on$ of God to the !orld> on the other hand7 it is a place of fello!ship !ith God to #ring God fro( heaven to earth9 ,o not think that this (atter of a tent is a s(all thing9 "ater7 !hen #raha(;s descendants !ere called out of Eg$pt and entered into the !ilderness7 God co((anded the( to #uild a tent and in front of the tent -e co((anded the( to #uild an altar 0Exo9 3E=1> 3I=129 There7 in Exodus7 !e see an altar !ith a tent7 a ta#ernacle9 That ta#ernacle !as God;s house on earth9 #raha(;s tent !as also God;s house on earth9 .n Genesis 1B !e can see that God ca(e and sta$ed !ith #raha( in his tent9 t that ti(e7 #raha( !as a priest offering sacrifices to God9 -is #uilding an altar and offering sacrifices to God proved that he functioned as a priest9 God;s intention is that all of -is called ones should #e priests9 *e are priests9 *e do not need others to offer sacrifices for us9 *e (ust do it ourselves9 *hen #raha( !as feasting !ith God in his tent7 he !as the high
priest7 and the inner part of his tent !as the -ol$ of -olies9 God !as there9 B$ this !e can see that #raha(;s tent !as a prefigure of the ta#ernacle #uilt #$ #raha(;s descendants in the !ilderness as the d!elling place for God and for the priests9 -ere in Genesis !e see a priest na(ed #raha( !ho lived !ith God in his tent9 t the side of this tent there !as an altar9 SOJOURNING BY FAITH AS IN A STRANGE COUNTRY H ,o not forget that #raha(;s histor$ is $ours9 ,o $ou not have a tent !here $ou al!a$s have the "ord;s presenceG The !orldl$ people do not have such a tent9 The$ onl$ have a great cit$9 The onl$ thing that the !orldl$ people can see is their great cit$9 The$ sa$7 @"ook at ($ corporation9 "ook at ($ education7 ($ attain(ent9 "ook at ho! (an$ things . have9A But !e can sa$ to the !orldl$ people7 @Kou have ever$thing7 #ut there is one thing that $ou don;t have)God;s presence9 Kou do not have the tent)$ou have the cit$ of Ba#el9 ll that $ou have is a part of the great Ba#$lon9A *hether !e are high6 class people or lo!6class people does not (ean ver$ (uch9 ll that (atters is that !herever !e are !e have a tent !ith God;s presence9 *hen !e have a tent !ith God;s presence7 !e have the deep sensation !ithin that nothing here on earth is lasting9 Ever$thing is te(porar$9 *e are looking to eternit$9 The #anks7 the corporations7 the attain(ents)all are te(poral and (ean nothing9 *e have nothing constant on this earth9 . 4ust like to have a tent !ith God;s presence9 . like to live in such a situation9 *e (a$ sa$ to the !orldl$ people7 @,r9 So6and6so7 . don;t have as (uch as $ou have7 #ut . have the one thing that $ou don;t have)God;s presence9 . don;t have to !ait for eternit$ to have God;s presence9 . have -is presence right no! in ($ tent9 M$ surroundings are a tent7 a (iniature of the Ne! 5erusale(9 This (a$ not #e !orth!hile in $our e$es7 #ut in God;s e$es it (eans a great deal9A This is !hat it (eans to pitch a tent9 *henever !e ans!er God;s calling and God reappears to us and !e #uild an altar for God7 telling -i( that ever$thing !e are and have is for -i(7 !e shall i((ediatel$ erect a tent9 Spontaneousl$7 people !ill see that this is an expression7 a declaration7 that !e do not #elong to this !orld9 B$ pitching a tent !e declare that !e #elong to another countr$9 *e do not #elong to this countr$> !e are looking for a #etter one9 *e do not like this countr$7 this earth7 this !orld9 *e expect to co(e into another countr$9 *e are so4ourning #$ faith as in a strange countr$ 0-e#9 11=F29 WAITING WITH E.PECTATION FOR A CITY WITH FOUNDATIONS H -e#re!s 11=1C sa$s that #raha( @!aited for the cit$ !hich has the foundations7 !hose rchitect and Maker is God9A This cit$ !hich has foundations is undou#tedl$ the Ne! 5erusale(7 !hich has solid foundations laid and #uilt #$ God 0/ev9 31=1<7 1F63C29 *hile #raha( !as living in a tent !ithout an$ foundations7 he !as looking and !aiting for a cit$ !ith foundations9 But . do not #elieve that #raha( kne! that he !as !aiting for the Ne! 5erusale(9 Even (an$ Christians do not kno! that !hat the$ are !aiting for is the Ne! 5erusale(9 But !e have to #e clear that !e are living in the tent of the church life toda$7 !aiting for its ulti(ate consu((ation7 !hich !ill #e the Ne! 5erusale()the cit$ of God !ith foundations9
LIVING IN A SHADOW OF THE NEW JERUSALEM H #raha(;s tent !as a (iniature of the Ne! 5erusale(7 !hich !ill #e the ulti(ate ta#ernacle of God in the universe 0/ev9 31=36?29 s he lived in that tent7 he !as living in a shado! of the Ne! 5erusale(9 *hile he !as living there !ith God7 he !as !aiting for a cit$7 a cit$ that eventuall$ !ill #e the Ne! 5erusale(9 The Ne! 5erusale(7 the eternal ta#ernacle7 !ill replace that te(porar$ tent in !hich #raha( lived9 #raha(;s tent !as a seed of God;s eternal d!elling place9 This seed gre! in the ta#ernacle erected #$ his descendants in the !ilderness 0Exo9 <C27 and its harvest !ill #e the Ne! 5erusale(7 the ta#ernacle of God !ith (an9 God still needs to have such a seed in all of us9 *e all need to #e those !ho live in a tent and !ho look for!ard to a #etter countr$7 a countr$ in !hich there !ill #e the eternal ta#ernacle !here God and !e7 !e and God7 !ill live together for eternit$9 #raha(;s interest !as altogether in a #etter countr$9 lthough God had told hi( that -e !ould give the land to #raha( and his descendants7 #raha( did not care for that9 -e !as looking for another countr$ and for a cit$ !ith foundations9 Eventuall$7 the Bi#le tells us that this #etter countr$ is the ne! heaven and the ne! earth and that the cit$ !ith foundations is the Ne! 5erusale(7 the eternal d!elling place for God and for all -is called ones9 Toda$ !e are repeating the life and histor$ of #raha(9 Once there !as onl$ one #raha(> no! there are (an$9 The church life toda$ is the harvest of the life and histor$ of #raha(9 #raha(;s life #$ faith is presentl$ #eing repeated a(ong us9 *e all are here #uilding an altar and pitching a tent9 "ook at the church life= !e have an altar and a real ta#ernacle9 This is a picture of the co(ing Ne! 5erusale( !here !e shall spend eternit$ !ith God9 The Bi#le ends !ith a tent9 The Ne! 5erusale( is the ulti(ate tent7 the ulti(ate ta#ernacle7 in the universe9 Ma$#e one da$ #raha( !ill (eet !ith God in the Ne! 5erusale(7 and God !ill sa$7 @ #raha(7 don;t $ou re(e(#er that da$ !hen !e feasted together in $our tentG Kour tent !as a (iniature of this eternal ta#ernacle9A #raha(;s tent !as a seed9 The gro!th of that seed is in Exodus and its harvest is in /evelation 319 .n principle7 there is no difference #et!een #raha(;s tent7 and the Ne! 5erusale(7 the ulti(ate tent9 .f . !ere #raha( (eeting !ith God in the Ne! 5erusale(7 . !ould sa$7 @"ord7 . re(e(#er the da$ Kou ca(e to ($ tent9 No! . co(e to Kour tent9A
=. THE TRIAL OF THE CALLED nd #ra( 4ourne$ed7 going on still to!ard the south9 nd there !as a fa(ine in the land= and #ra( !ent do!n into Eg$pt to so4ourn there> for the fa(ine !as grievous in the land9 0Genesis 13=F61C2
nd #ra( !as ver$ rich in cattle7 in silver7 and in gold9L nd "ot also7 !hich !ent !ith #ra(7 had flocks7 and herds7 and tents9 nd the land !as not a#le to #ear the(7 that the$ (ight d!ell together= for their su#stance !as great7 so that the$ could not d!ell together9 nd there !as a strife #et!een the herd(en of #ra(;s cattle and the herd(en of "ot;s cattle9L 0Genesis 1?=37 D6I2 .n this (essage !e co(e to #raha(;s experience of trials9 *e have seen ho! #raha( !as called #$ God and ho!7 #$ God;s appearing7 he !as strengthened to ans!er that call9 *e have also seen that7 #$ God;s appearing7 #raha( !as #rought to the ver$ place !here God intended hi( to #e9 %irstl$ he !as #rought to Sheche( 013=E2 and then to the place #et!een Bethel and i7 the place #et!een the house of God and the heap of ruins 013=B29 That place #et!een the house of God and the heap of ruins !as the high point7 and #raha( should have re(ained there9 -o!ever7 suddenl$7 after such a high attain(ent in his experience of God7 #raha( continued his 4ourne$7 going to!ard the south 013=F29 .n stud$ing this chapter7 . have spent (uch ti(e to find out the reason !h$ #raha( continued his 4ourne$9 *h$ did he 4ourne$ on and not re(ain there #et!een the house of God and the heap of ruinsG #raha( had attained the high point7 the place !here God intended for hi( to #e9 B$ God;s (erc$7 he should have re(ained there9 But #raha( 4ourne$ed south!ard9 This (eans that he !ent do!n!ard9 fter such a high attain(ent in the experience of God7 an$ 4ourne$ !ould #e do!n!ard9 This continuing of his 4ourne$ !as the cause of #raha(;s failure9 *e have seen that7 at the #eginning7 #raha( dragged his feet through (ud and !ater9 Eventuall$7 he !as victorious7 going all the !a$ to Sheche( and after!ard to the place near Bethel9 That !as !onderful9 .n #oth of those places he #uilt an altar and at the place #et!een Bethel and i he also called upon the na(e of the "ord and pitched his tent as a declaration to the !hole !orld that he !as an anti6testi(on$ to the situation at Ba#el9 ,o $ou not think that in doing so #raha( had arrived7 attained the high point of his experience of GodG Perhaps $ou are thinking that if $ou had #een #raha(7 $ou surel$ !ould have re(ained there9 But !e should not think this !a$7 for !e are toda$;s #raha(9 The ancient #raha( !as 4ust like us9 s !e have pointed out else!here7 #raha(;s experience !as a seed of our o!n experience9 The record of #raha( in Genesis is his #iograph$7 #ut it is our auto#iograph$9 Kou (a$ sa$7 @No7 it is #raha(;s auto#iograph$ and ($ #iograph$9A But this record is $our auto#iograph$ not $our #iograph$7 #ecause the #iograph$ of #raha( !as !ritten #$ Moses and $our #iograph$ is !ritten #$ $ourself9 #raha(;s experience corresponds !ith ours9 *e and he are one9 -ave $ou not had a !onderful ti(e !ith the "ord in !hich $ou reached the high point and shouted7 @-allelu4ahJ -o! good it is hereJ No place is #etter than this place9 This is the #est place for (e to #e9A -ave $ou not said thisG But !hat happened the ver$ next da$G Kou #egan to 4ourne$ do!n!ard9 The night #efore $ou said7 @-allelu4ah7 this is the place for (e7A and the next (orning $ou #egan to 4ourne$ do!n!ard to the #order of Eg$pt9 This (eans that $ou 4ourne$ed to a place that !as so close to the !orld7 close to the (ovie theaters9
One night $ou !ere on the high point in Canaan and the next (orning $ou !ere (oving do!n!ard to the #order of the !orld9 -as this not happened to $ouG . a( so happ$ and surprised to hear the 4unior high $oung people offer such !onderful pra$ers in the (eetings9 But . need to sa$ an honest !ord to the(> . do not trust $ou9 fter pra$ing such a !onderful pra$er one night in the (eeting7 the next (orning $ou (a$ 4ourne$ do!n!ard to the #order of !orldl$ entertain(ents9 Toda$ $ou (a$ sa$7 @-allelu4ah7 this is the #est place for (e7A and next !eekend $ou (a$ (ove do!n!ard to the (ovie theater9 /e(e(#er that !e are toda$;s #raha(9 .t is eas$ to reach the high point7 #ut it is not eas$ to re(ain there9 There is not (uch roo( on the high point9 .f $ou (ove 4ust slightl$7 $ou !ill fall do!nhill9 .t is ver$ difficult to keep the God6appointed position9 The high point is surrounded #$ pits7 and it is eas$ to fall into one of the(9 The called ones !ill not usuall$ go #ack!ard7 #ut it is eas$ for the( to go do!n!ard into Eg$pt9 #raha( never !ent #ack to Chaldea7 #ut he did go do!n into Eg$pt9 .n 13=F)1?=1B !e see #raha(;s trial9 The !ord trial is not a pleasant !ord9 No one likes to experience trials9 ,o $ou like to have trials in $our lifeG lthough no one likes trials7 the$ are good experiences9 Not too long after #raha( !as called and #egan to live #$ faith7 a trial ca(e to hi(9 ,o not pra$7 @"ord7 Kou are so good to (e9 ,on;t let an$ trials co(e to (e9A This kind of pra$er !ill onl$ hasten the co(ing of the trials9 The "ord !ill ans!er $our pra$er in 4ust the opposite !a$9 .f $ou sa$7 @"ord7 don;t send an$ trials7A the "ord !ill sa$7 @. !ill send a trial ver$ :uickl$9A . a( assured that no one can sa$ that since he !as called #$ the "ord he has al!a$s en4o$ed good ti(es9 No one can sa$ that9 Our God is not onl$ the God of love #ut also the God of sovereignt$9 Our God is sovereign9 Our God is not onl$ the God of love7 the God of light7 and the God of life7 #ut also the God of sovereignt$9 Ever$thing is under -is dispensation9 -e (anages the !hole !orld 4ust for us9 *e (ust all #elieve that God (anages the entire universe for ever$ one of us9 Kou (a$ sa$7 @-o! s(all . a(J -o! could the sovereign God (anage the universe 4ust for (eGA But -e does (anage it 4ust for $ou9 Kou (ust #elieve this9 Kou are not so s(all that God does not sovereignl$ arrange $our environ(ent for $ou9 Kou are #ig enough to have God;s sovereign arrange(ent9 . have learned this fro( ($ o!n experience9 %ift$ $ears ago . did not like this stor$ of #raha( going do!n to Eg$pt9 . si(pl$ could not #e happ$ !ith that experience9 *hen7 at that ti(e7 . read so(e (essages on #raha(;s do!n!ard experience7 . did not understand it and did not feel good a#out it9 . even :uestioned God9 But no!7 after (an$ $ears of experience7 . a( ver$ happ$9 -o! !e need to hear this (essage on #raha(;s trialJ .t is eas$ to reach the high point in our experience !ith God7 #ut it is not eas$ to re(ain there9 "ook at the environ(ent that surrounds $ou on ever$ side9 .t !as sovereignl$ arranged #efore $ou !ere #orn9 God is sovereign9 lthough $ou (a$ consider $ourself a s(all creature7 as far as God is concerned7 $ou are a ver$ i(portant person9 Before the foundation of the !orld7 God arranged ever$thing for $ou9 -e even arranged that $ou !ould #e reading this (essage right no!9 *e are under God;s arrange(ent9 ,o not tr$ to escape9 .f $ou escape to a certain place7 $ou !ill find that place to #e the exact place that
God arranged for $ou9 *hen $ou reach old age7 $ou !ill #o! do!n and sa$7 @"ord7 . a( full$ convinced that Kou arranged ever$thing for (e #efore the foundation of the !orld9A #raha(;s trial !as for hi( to learn a lesson9 *e all need to learn so(e lessons9 *e cannot learn these lessons fro( our parents or fro( the experienced #rothers and sisters9 *e all (ust learn so(e lessons of God;s sovereignt$9 FAMINE s !e have seen7 the second aspect of #raha(;s experience !as living #$ faith9 -e had to live #$ trusting in God for his dail$ needs9 .n 13=1C !e read that there !as a grievous fa(ine in the land9 This fa(ine !as a test to see !hether or not #raha( !ould trust in God in the (atter of (aking a living7 in the (atter of his dail$ living9 .f $ou exa(ine 13=1C63C7 $ou !ill see that in this situation #raha( !as !eak and lo!9 -e failed to keep the God6appointed position and !ent do!n to Eg$pt9 Behind Canaan !as Ba#el7 #eside Canaan !as Eg$pt7 and close to Canaan !as Sodo(9 #raha( (oved graduall$ south!ard until he !ent do!n to Eg$pt9 s !e shall see7 in Eg$pt he sinned #$ l$ing9 Pro#a#l$ none of us !ould #elieve that #raha( could #e so !eak and lo!9 God had appeared to hi( at +r7 at -aran7 and at Sheche(9 t Sheche(7 God said to #raha(7 @+nto th$ seed !ill . give this landA 013=I29 God told #raha( definitel$ that -e !as going to give that place to his descendants9 *ho !as the God that spoke to #raha(G -e !as the Creator7 the Possessor of heaven and earth9 This !as the ver$ God that appeared to #raha(9 *hen the fa(ine ca(e7 #raha( should not have had an$ dou#ts #ut should have said7 @. don;t care a#out the fa(ine #ecause . have the living God9 . a( not concerned a#out the lack of food #ecause the One !ho called (e7 #rought (e here7 and reappeared as a confir(ation to ($ 4ourne$ is the l(ight$ God9 . have put ($ trust in -i( and no! . a( living #$ trusting in -i( for ($ dail$ need9 . don;t care !hether there is food or not9A #raha( should have pra$ed in this !a$9 -o!ever7 !hat did #raha( do !hen the fa(ine ca(eG ,id he pra$G ,id he sa$ to his !ife7 @,ear7 let us pra$AG No7 it see(ed that #raha( forgot to pra$9 *hen such a period of testing ca(e to hi(7 he did not pra$9 ,o not laugh at #raha(9 *hen ever$thing is going !ell7 $ou find it eas$ to pra$9 But !hen the fa(ine co(es7 $ou forget that $ou are a Christian and onl$ re(e(#er that $ou are a hu(an #eing9 Kou forget the living God !ho appeared to $ou7 onl$ re(e(#ering that $ou have a sto(ach9 #raha( !as concerned a#out his sto(ach9 -e looked at the situation= in the land there !as fa(ine7 and in Eg$pt there !as plent$ of food9 #raha( and his !ife did not talk ver$ (uch9 .((ediatel$ the$ #oth agreed to go to Eg$pt9 . #elieve that even #efore the$ (ade this decision7 the$ !ere alread$ going do!n!ard9 Both the hus#and and the !ife forgot God9 The$ did not consider !here God !anted the( to go9 .t !as as if the$ had no God9 SINNING BY LYING H *hen #raha( and Sarah ca(e to the #order of Eg$pt7 he said to her7 @.t shall co(e to pass7 !hen the Eg$ptians shall see thee7 that the$ shall sa$7 This is his !ife= and the$ !ill
kill (e7 #ut the$ !ill save thee aliveA 013=1329 %earing that the Eg$ptians !ould kill hi( and take his !ife7 #raha( pra$ed to Sarah7 not to God sa$ing7 @Sa$7 . pra$ thee7 thou art ($ sister= that it (a$ #e !ell !ith (e for th$ sake> and ($ soul shall live #ecause of theeA 013=1?29 #raha( and Sarah agreed that she should lie a#out #eing his !ife9 #raha( !as prepared to sacrifice his !ife in order to save his life9 .t see(ed that he had no standard of (oralit$9 (ong Christians7 #raha( has #een uplifted too highl$9 -e !as not that high9 Man$ of us !ould not have done !hat #raha( did9 But #raha( !as so lo! that he !as !illing to sacrifice his !ife7 allo!ing her to #e taken to #e the !ife of another (an7 in order to save his o!n life9 -o! sha(eful that !asJ ,o $ou #elieve that God;s called one7 the father of faith7 could do such a thingG *e see #$ this that #raha( !as not higher than !e are9 t the (ost7 he !as the sa(e as !e are9 %or the sake of his sto(ach he !as prepared to sell his !ife7 and Sarah su#(itted to this9 She !as certainl$ the #est !ife7 the standard of all !ives9 She !as su#(issive7 took #raha(;s counsel7 and did not #la(e hi(9 .n this (atter #raha( !as a good prophet7 for things happened in Eg$pt exactl$ as he had predicted9 The Eg$ptians took his !ife a!a$ to Pharaoh;s palace 013=1<61D29 .n a sense7 #raha( did sell his !ife9 Because of Sarah7 Pharaoh gave #raha( (an$ things )sheep7 oxen7 ca(els7 (enservants7 and (aidservants 013=1E29 #raha( #eca(e rich9 . have #een una#le to understand ho! #raha(7 seeing that his !ife had #een taken7 could have had the peace to receive all of these things fro( Pharaoh9 But he did receive the(9 -e did not fast9 -e did not sa$7 @Oh7 . can;t accept this9 . !ant SarahJA No7 he let Sarah go9 . #elieve that #raha( !as certain that his !ife !as lost7 that she !as gone9 ccording to his figuration7 Sarah !as gone9 More or less7 he received as the price of letting her go the cattle7 oxen7 and servants9 BEING 0EPT BY GOD H But God !ould not let #raha( go9 God ca(e in7 not to deal !ith #raha( #ut to deal !ith Pharaoh9 &erse 1I sa$s7 @ nd the "ord plagued Pharaoh and his house !ith great plagues #ecause of Sarai7 #ra(;s !ife9A The Bi#le sa$s that great plagues ca(e upon Pharaoh and his house9 lthough it is not confir(ed #$ the !ord in the Bi#le7 . #elieve that fro( the ti(e Pharaoh took Sarah he #eca(e seriousl$ ill7 #eco(ing sick to such an extent that he !as a#out to die9 *e are told that great plagues !ere upon hi( and his house9 *hat !ere these plaguesG ,id a fire #urn the palaceG . do not #elieve that9 fter (uch consideration7 . strongl$ #elieve that the plagues !ere certain diseases that ca(e over Pharaoh and over ever$one in the house !ith the exception of Sarah9 The !hole palace (ight have talked a#out !hat !as happening7 !ondering !h$ ever$one had #eco(e sick7 !h$ Pharaoh !as d$ing7 and !h$ onl$ Sarah had #een spared9 Perhaps the$ said7 @*ho is that !o(anG *h$ is she not sickGA The$ (ight have asked Sarah the reason9 Sarah7 seeing the !hole situation7 #egan to understand9 Then she told Pharaoh that she !as #raha(;s !ife9 . #elieve that this is the !a$ it (ight have happened9 God;s hand !as on Pharaoh for Sarah9 -e ca(e in to preserve #raha( and his !ife9 *hen !e7 the #elievers7 have faith in God7 all of the surrounding people receive the #enefits7 #ut !hen !e fail to have faith in God7 !e (a$ #ring har( to the people in our
surroundings9 God !as sovereign and Pharaoh suffered9 lthough . do not sa$ that God took things out of Pharaoh;s hand and passed the( on to #raha(7 the real situation !as so(e!hat like that9 Eventuall$7 #raha( did not lose his !ife #ut instead gained great riches9 *hile he !as in Eg$pt7 #raha( experienced God;s keeping grace9 *ithout the keeping grace7 none of us can re(ain on the high point of our experience9 *e all need the keeping grace9 ,o not trust in $our experience)trust in -is keeping grace9 s far as God;s keeping grace !as concerned7 #raha( !as still on the high point even !hen he !as selling his !ife in Eg$pt9 *hether he !as on the top or on the #otto(7 he !as al!a$s in God;s keeping grace9 .n a ver$ good sense #raha( never touched Eg$pt7 for the keeping grace !as under hi( all the ti(e9 lthough he !ent do!n to Eg$pt7 he !as still in the keeping grace9 Even if $ou have fallen7 $ou are still in the keeping grace7 and the keeping grace !ill #ring $ou #ack to the high point9 The keeping grace could sa$ to #raha(7 @ #raha(7 don;t #e naught$ an$(ore9 Kou gave (e an opportunit$ to sho! $ou ($ sovereignt$7 #ut it is #etter for $ou to trust in (e9A HAVING LEARNED THE LESSON THAT GOD TA0ES CARE OF HIM IN EVERYTHING AND THAT EVERYTHING IS IN GODS HAND H B$ this one experience in Eg$pt #raha( learned that the God !ho called hi( also took care of hi( and that ever$thing !as in -is hand9 s !e shall see7 the next chapter proves that #raha( had learned this lesson9 Through this experience #raha( !as disciplined not onl$ to trust in God #ut to kno! that God is real and faithful9 s long as $ou are one of God;s called ones7 -e !ill take care of $ou !hether or not $ou #elieve in -i( or trust in -i(9 .f $ou sta$ on the high point7 -e feeds $ou9 .f $ou fall to the #otto(7 -e feeds $ou the (ore9 *hether !e sta$ on the high point or fall to the #otto( is up to us9 .t does not (ake an$ difference to -i(7 for !hether !e are on the top or on the #otto(7 -e takes care of us9 This is our stor$ as !ell as the stor$ of #raha(9 . can testif$ to $ou fro( ($ experience that God is real and faithful9 Our %ather is real and faithful9 The One !ho has called us is real and faithful9 /egardless of !hether the econo($ of the !orld is good or #ad7 God takes care of us9 *e7 the called ones7 can en4o$ God9 *hile !e (a$ #e selling our !ives7 our God is taking care of us9 *hile !e (a$ #e planning to sell our !ives to save our lives7 God is planning ho! to preserve our !ives7 to gain (an$ things for us7 and to send us #ack to -is place !ith all of the riches that !e have ac:uired9 *hen . read this stor$ at first7 . did not agree !ith it9 Eventuall$7 . !as laughing #ecause our calling God is so good9 *hen #raha( !as planning to sell his !ife7 God !as preparing to #less hi(7 preserve his life7 and give hi( (an$ riches9 .f . had #een #raha( at that ti(e7 . !ould have said7 @God7 !hat can . sa$G . have no face to sa$ an$thing to Kou9A .f . had #een #raha( and had looked at ($ !ife7 cattle7 and servants7 . !ould not even have had the face to sa$7 @%ather7 thank Kou9A . !ould have said to Sarah7 @,ear7 let us go #ack9 .t doesn;t (atter !hether the servants !ant to co(e !ith us or not9 . don;t deserve an$ of these riches that God has given us and . feel asha(ed to en4o$ the(9 . a( not !orth$7 #ut God gives so
freel$9 Sarah7 !hile . !as selling $ou7 God gave all of these things to us9 Kou (a$ sa$ that it is good7 #ut . feel asha(ed9 Sarah7 $ou pra$ and thank God for (e9 . 4ust don;t have the face to pra$ for ($self9A . do #elieve that this happened to #raha(9 .n 1?=1 !e see that #raha( @!ent up out of Eg$pt9A -e !ent #ack to the ver$ place !here the high point !as7 @unto the place !here his tent had #een at the #eginning7 #et!een Bethel and i> unto the place of the altar7 !hich he had (ade there at the first= and there #ra( called on the na(e of the "ordA 01?=?6<29 #raha( returned to the place !here he had #uilt an altar and pitched his tent9 *hen #raha( !as planning to sell his !ife in Eg$pt7 there !as no altar7 tent7 or calling on the na(e of the "ord9 There !as no declaration of his anti6testi(on$ to Ba#el9 *hen he !as in Eg$pt7 he lost all of this9 But #raha( ca(e #ack to the #eginning7 to the place of the altar7 and there he recovered his calling on the na(e of the "ord9 THE STRIVING OF THE BROTHER fter passing through the experience in chapter t!elve7 it (ight #e eas$ for #raha( or for us to sa$7 @Praise the "ord7 . have learned the lessonJA But so(e tests are needed to prove !hether or not !e have trul$ learned the lesson9 One test is the striving of the #rother 01?=D61?29 #raha( had #eco(e rich #$ tr$ing to sell his !ife7 and these riches caused hi( so(e trou#le9 -e #eca(e too rich9 "ot also ac:uired riches7 and the land !as too s(all to #ear the( #oth9 .n 1?=E !e are told that @the land !as not a#le to #ear the(7 that the$ (ight d!ell together= for their su#stance !as great7 so that the$ could not d!ell together9A So there !as @strife #et!een the herd(en of #raha(;s cattle and the herd(en of "ot;s cattleA 01?=I29 This #eca(e another trial for #raha(9 Man$ ti(es the second trial co(es out of the #lessing of the first trial9 Kou (a$ sa$7 @Praise the "ordJ *hen . !as !alking out of Eg$pt7 . didn;t have the face to thank the "ord7 #ut no! after three (onths . can praise -i( for -is goodness to (e9 -e preserved ($ !ife and has given (e all of these riches9A .f $ou sa$ this7 $ou (a$ soon find $ourself in trou#le7 for the second trial !ill co(e fro( the #lessing of the first trial9 This is our experience9 Chapter thirteen indicates that #raha( had learned a lesson9 This ti(e he did not fail> he !as prevailing #ecause he had learned the lesson in the first trial9 .f $ou read carefull$7 $ou !ill see that in this case the fault !as not !ith #raha( #ut !ith "ot9 #raha( learned the lesson of not striving for hi(self and of having no choice for hi(self #ut of trusting in God;s care9 -e kne! that he !as in the hand of God and under the care of God9 There is no hint in chapter thirteen of an$ kind of failure on the part of #raha(9 -e !as co(pletel$ successful9 @ nd #ra( said unto "ot7 "et there #e no strife7 . pra$ thee7 #et!een (e and thee7 and #et!een ($ herd(en and th$ herd(en> for !e #e #rethren9 .s not the !hole land #efore theeG separate th$self7 . pra$ thee7 fro( (e= if thou !ill take the left hand7 then . !ill go to the right> or if thou depart to the right hand7 then . !ill go to the leftA 01?=B6F29 #raha( see(ed to #e telling "ot7 @"ot7 !e are -e#re! #rothers7 the onl$ -e#re!s in the land9 ll of the others are Gentiles9 The$ are looking at us9 There should #e no strife #et!een us7 for that !ould #e a sha(e to the God in !ho( !e trust9 "ot7 look over the land and choose the place !here $ou !ould like to #e9 . !ill not strive or have an$ choice9A ,eep !ithin7 #raha( (ust have said7 @M$ choice is !ith
God9 . have learned the lesson #$ going do!n to Eg$pt9 No! . kno! that . a( under the care of ($ God and that under -i( ever$thing is (ine9 . don;t need to choose9 . !ill let "ot (ake his choice9A "ot (ade his choice7 departed fro( #raha(7 and @pitched his tent to!ard Sodo(7A not caring a#out the !ickedness of Sodo( 01?=1361?29 .t !as not a s(all thing for #raha( to #e left !ithout "ot9 #raha( did not have a son9 -is nephe!7 "ot7 a ver$ close relative7 !as 4ust like a son to hi(9 . #elieve that #raha( treated "ot as his o!n son9 So !hen "ot left hi(7 he !as alone9 But at this point God appeared to #raha( again9 .n Eg$pt7 God dealt !ith Pharaoh in the plagues7 #ut -e did not appear to #raha( #ecause he !as in the !rong position9 .n Eg$pt7 #raha( !as in God;s keeping grace7 #ut he did not have God;s appearing9 No! in chapter thirteen #raha( !as not onl$ in God;s keeping grace #ut7 having co(e #ack to the original place7 !as also in the right position9 %urther(ore7 he did not strive for hi(self or choose for hi(self9 s a result of the discipline he under!ent in Eg$pt7 he learned that his future and ever$thing !ere in the hand of God and that he !as under God;s care9 So God appeared to hi( and said7 @"ift up no! thine e$es7 and look fro( the place !here thou art north!ard7 and south!ard7 and east!ard7 and !est!ard= for all the land !hich thou seest7 to thee !ill . give it7 and to th$ seed foreverA 01?=1<61D29 #raha( told "ot to take his choice of the land9 Then God ca(e in and see(ed to tell #raha(7 @. do not allo! $ou to choose9 . a( giving all the choices to $ou9 "ook north!ard7 south!ard7 east!ard7 and !est!ard)all is $ours9 Kou gave the choice to "ot9 No! . a( giving ever$thing to $ou9A *e (ust learn fro( this never to strive for ourselves in the church life9 "et $our #rother have all the choices9 .f $ou give the choice to $our #rother7 God !ill co(e in and give all the choices to $ou9 This ti(e in -is appearing God confir(ed the pro(ise concerning the good land in 13=I and the pro(ise concerning the increase of his seed in 13=39 Our prevailing over an$ trial al!a$s confir(s God;s pro(ises to us9 This happened to #raha(9 Moreover7 #raha(;s prevailing over this trial ushered hi( to the peak of his experience of God9 -e re(oved his tent and ca(e to d!ell in -e#ron 01?=1B2 !here he d!elt for (ost of the re(ainder of his ti(e in the fello!ship !ith God 01B=129
>. THE VICTORY OF THE CALLED nd Melchi8edek king of Sale( #rought forth #read and !ine= and he !as the priest of the (ost high God9 nd he #lessed hi(7 and said7 Blessed #e #ra( of the (ost high God7 possessor of heaven and earth= and #lessed #e the (ost high God7 !hich hath delivered thine ene(ies into th$ hand9 nd he gave hi( tithes of all9 0Genesis 1<=1B63C2 So also Christ did not glorif$ -i(self in #eco(ing a -igh Priest7 #ut it !as -e !ho said to -i(7 @Kou are M$ Son> this da$ have . #egotten KouA> even as also in another place -e sa$s7 @Kou are a Priest forever according to the order of Melchisedec9A 0-e#re!s D=D6E2
%or this Melchisedec7 king of Sale(7 priest of the Most -igh God7 !ho (et #raha( returning fro( the slaughter of the kings and #lessed hi(7 to !ho( also #raha( apportioned a tenth part of all> first #eing interpreted king of righteousness7 and then also king of Sale(7 !hich is king of peace> #eing !ithout father7 !ithout (other7 !ithout genealog$> having neither #eginning of da$s nor end of life7 #ut likened to the Son of God7 a#ides a priest perpetuall$9 0-e#re!s I=16?2 .n this (essage !e co(e to the victor$ in #raha(;s experience 01<=1163<29 .f !e read the #ook of Genesis carefull$7 !e shall see that apart fro( chapter fourteen it does not relate (uch concerning the international affairs a(ong the Gentiles9 But chapter fourteen gives us a record concerning the international fighting a(ong the Gentiles9 *h$ is there such a recordG The !ording in the Bi#le is ver$ econo(ical9 Not one !ord is !asted9 Nevertheless7 chapter fourteen is al(ost entirel$ concerned !ith the international fighting a(ong the Gentile kingdo(s9 The events in chapter fourteen7 ho!ever7 are not 4ust related to international affairs #ut are sovereignl$ related to God;s people9 *h$ does this chapter dedicate such a length$ !ord to the international fighting a(ong the GentilesG lthough this fighting apparentl$ !as international7 actuall$ it !as sovereignl$ arranged #$ the "ord9 God is sovereign over the environ(ent and over all the events concerning -is people9 .n the land of Canaan at that ti(e7 there !ere onl$ t!o fa(ilies of the -e#re! race)the fa(il$ of #raha( and the fa(il$ of "ot9 ll of the rest !ere Gentiles9 .n this chapter !e see that God !as sovereign7 causing so(ething to happen for the good of -is people9 Chapter fourteen of Genesis relates the fighting #et!een a group of four kings and a group of five kings9 Eventuall$7 the five kings !ere defeated #$ the four kings9 .f $ou read carefull$7 $ou !ill see this fighting !as a#solutel$ for "ot and for #raha(9 .n other !ords7 #oth "ot and #raha(7 the t!o -e#re!s7 !ere put to the test under God;s sovereignt$9 *as this fighting good or notG -u(anl$ speaking7 no fighting is good9 -o!ever7 in this chapter the fighting !as good for "ot and especiall$ for #raha(9 .n this (essage !e need to see the profita#le aspects related to God;s people in this fighting9 THE CAPTIVITY OF THE BROTHER The fighting occurred (ainl$ at Sodo(9 .t (ainl$ happened at Sodo( #ecause one of God;s people7 "ot7 !as living there9 Before the ti(e of that fighting7 "ot had separated hi(self fro( #raha( 01?=1129 ,o $ou think that it !as good for "ot to have separated hi(self fro( #raha(G No7 it !as not good9 ll of the $oung people toda$ like to #e separated fro( the older generation9 .n God;s econo($7 ho!ever7 it is not good for the $oung ones to #e separated fro( the older generation9 .f $ou do this7 $ou !ill (iss the (ark and the protection9 t the ti(e of Genesis 1?7 God;s goal and eternal (ark !ere !ith #raha(9 .f $ou had #een there and had separated $ourself fro( hi(7 it !ould have #een e:ual to separating $ourself fro( God;s (ark9 God;s goal is !ith the called ones9 .f $ou separate $ourself fro( the called ones7 $ou separate $ourself fro( God;s goal9 "ot should never have separated hi(self fro( #raha(7 #ecause God;s goal !as !ith #raha(9 To leave #raha( !as to leave God;s (ark9 Moreover7 to leave #raha( !as to leave the protection9
"ot !as not firstl$ defeated #$ the four kings9 That defeat !as the issue of at least t!o foregoing defeats9 Before "ot !as captured #$ Chedorlao(er7 he alread$ had had t!o defeats9 The first defeat occurred !hen "ot;s herd(en !ere striving against #raha(;s herd(en and #raha( offered "ot the choice of the land 01?=I61129 *hen #raha( offered the choice to "ot7 "ot should have said7 @+ncle7 ($ choice is $ou9 M$ choice is $our choice9 . don;t like to (ake an$ choice of ($ o!n9 .f ($ herd(en !ill not listen to (e7 . !ill fire the(7 #ut . !ill never go a!a$ fro( $ou9 . have no choice #ut $ou and $our choice9A But7 on the contrar$7 !hen #raha( gave hi( his choice7 i((ediatel$7 !ithout (uch consideration7 "ot (ade his choice and !ent his !a$9 That !as his first defeat9 fter separating fro( #raha(7 @"ot d!elled in the cities of the plain7 and pitched his tent to!ard Sodo(A 01?=1329 "ot !as going do!nhill9 fter taking the first step do!n!ard7 it !as eas$ for hi( to take the second and the third9 The first step !as leaving #raha(7 !ho stood afar off fro( Sodo(9 "ot took the !a$ that !as to!ard Sodo(9 -e !alked in the direction of Sodo(9 .n the e$es of God7 Sodo( !as a !icked and sinful cit$ 01?=1?29 "ot7 as one of the people of God7 surel$ kne! this9 -e should have sta$ed a!a$ fro( Sodo( and not have !alked to!ards it9 Nevertheless7 #ecause the land around Sodo( !as rich7 "ot 4ourne$ed to!ard Sodo(9 Eventuall$7 he (oved into the cit$7 lived there7 and settled there9 That !as his second defeat9 ,o $ou think that God !ill allo! -is people to d!ell in such a !icked cit$G Certainl$ not9 Thus7 under God;s sovereignt$7 Chedorlao(er led the attack against Sodo(9 God allo!ed that !ar to take place9 %our kings fought against five kings9 -u(anl$ speaking7 the five kings should have #een victorious since their nu(#er !as greater9 But the four kings defeated the five kings7 and the cit$ of Sodo( !as taken9 The Bi#le stresses the taking of Sodo( #ecause "ot d!elt there9 This fighting !as not (erel$ a (atter of four kings against five kings> it !as a fighting for one of God;s people9 "ot (ight have #een peaceful as he d!elt in Sodo(7 #ut God !as not peaceful9 God !ould never allo! "ot to sta$ there in peace9 God (ight have said7 @"ot7 $ou (a$ have peace !ithin7 #ut . !ill stir up so(e distur#ance fro( !ithout9 . !ill send the four kings to defeat the five kings and capture $our cit$9 The$ !ill capture $ou7 $our fa(il$7 and all that $ou have9A This is in fact !hat happened to "ot9 "ot suffered defeat after defeat9 Eventuall$7 as the last step of his defeat7 he fell into the hands of the ene($9 -e !as captured7 and the king of Sodo( could not help hi(9 FIGHTING FOR THE BROTHER .n the (atter of the capture of "ot7 God !as sovereign9 Genesis 1<=1? sa$s7 @ nd there ca(e one that had escaped7 and told #ra( the -e#re!9A The four kings had captured Sodo( and all of its food suppl$7 #ut one person !ho escaped told #raha( that "ot had #een captured9 ,o $ou #elieve that this happened #$ accidentG *hile so (an$ others !ere captured7 this one escaped9 That person !as preserved #$ God;s sovereignt$9 s !e shall see7 it (ust have happened #ecause of the intercession #ehind the scene9 The one
!ho escaped did not run a!a$ #ut ca(e purposel$ to #raha( and told hi( that "ot had #een captured9 +nlike us7 #raha( did not count the !eak point of his #rother and did not take pleasure in "ot;s suffering and cala(it$9 #raha( did not sa$7 @"ot should never have separated hi(self fro( (e9 . kne! this !as going to happen9 -e got !hat he deserved9 . #elieve that God is sovereign and that "ot;s suffering co(es fro( God9 Be at peace and go ho(e9 God !ill preserve "ot9A . #elieve that (an$ of us !ould have responded in this !a$9 But #raha( !as different9 *hen he received this infor(ation7 he (ade a strong decision to fight for "ot 01<=1<29 s !e shall see7 #raha( pra$ed9 .n verse 33 he told the king of Sodo( that #efore he !ent out to !ar he lifted up his hand to God9 -o! could #raha( have pra$ed and (ade such a decisionG .t (ust have #een due to the fact that so(eone #ehind the scene !as interceding for hi(9 . #elieve that the intercessor kne! of the fighting that !as going on and of the capture of "ot9 s a result of this intercession7 #raha( (ade a #rief and #old decision9 #raha( decided to take his three hundred eighteen (en and fight against the four kings and their ar(ies9 The four kings (ust have had several ar(ies7 the nu(#er of (en in !hich (ust have #een (uch greater than the nu(#er of #raha(;s (en9 -o! could #raha( have fought against the( !ith such a s(all nu(#erG Moreover7 the$ !ere kings and generals !ho had fought (an$ #attles7 and #raha( !as a la$(an9 -o! could he fight against those !ho !ere experts in !arG -o! could he defeat the( !ith such a s(all nu(#erG Nevertheless7 #raha( !as #old7 having confidence in God9 s far as #raha( !as concerned7 it !as a sha(e for hi( to see that his #rother had #een captured9 .t is the sa(e in the church toda$9 .t is a sha(e for us to see that an$ #rother or sister has #een captured9 .f a #rother in the #rothers; house is captured and $ou see it7 that is a sha(e9 Kou should not tolerate it #ut should sa$7 @. cannot #ear !ith this9 . (ust rise up and do so(ething a#out itJA This is !hat #raha( did9 #raha(;s #old decision (ust have #een due to the fact that #ehind the scene so(eone !as interceding for hi(9 Perhaps $ou are thinking that there is no record of this in the Bi#le9 Neither is there a record of Melchisedec;s parents or genealog$9 But do $ou #elieve that he had no parents or genealog$G Certainl$ he did7 $et the Bi#le does not (ention the(9 Man$ things #ehind the scene in this chapter are not recorded9 . do #elieve that #ehind the scene there !as so(e intercession9 So(eone concerned for God;s interest on earth !as interceding for "ot7 #raha(7 and #raha(;s fighting9 *e have seen that "ot;s defeat did not #egin at Sodo(9 .n the sa(e principle7 #raha(;s victor$ did not start !ith the slaughter of the kings9 #raha(;s victor$ #egan !hen "ot departed fro( hi(9 #raha( had #een called #$ God7 and he ans!ered that calling #$ co(ing for!ard to the ver$ land that God intended to give hi(9 t that ti(e7 ho!ever7 #raha( had nearl$ no experience9 ll he had !as a little experience in ans!ering God;s calling and co(ing for!ard to the place !here God intended hi( to #e9 s !e sa! in the last (essage7 a fa(ine arose as a test to #raha(7 and he !as not a#le to !ithstand that test9 #raha( failed God7 tr$ing #$ hi(self to (ake a living at the sacrifice of his !ife9
+nder God;s sovereign teaching7 #raha( learned a great deal #$ that failure9 #raha( learned that God is sovereign over ever$thing and that -e kno!s ever$thing concerning -is people9 Ever$thing related to God;s called ones is in -is hand9 #raha( sa! that7 experienced it7 and ca(e full$ into it9 fter!ard7 !hen the pro#le( arose #et!een #raha( and "ot7 #raha( !as victorious9 -is victor$ #egan at that ti(e #ecause he had learned the #asic lesson in his going do!n to Eg$pt9 *e all (ust learn such a #asic lesson9 fter $ou have #een called and have ans!ered God;s calling #$ co(ing to the place !here -e intends $ou to #e7 the first #asic lesson that God !ill teach $ou is that7 as a called one of God7 ever$thing concerning $ou is under God;s hand9 God is sovereign over $ou9 This !as the #asic lesson that #raha( learned #$ going do!n to Eg$pt9 fter learning that lesson7 he gained the victor$ !ith "ot9 *hen the pro#le( arose !ith "ot7 #raha( didn;t take his o!n choice> he kne! that his choice !as in the hands of God9 That !as the #eginning of #raha(;s victor$9 Then the ti(e ca(e !hen #raha( could sho! the !hole universe that he !as on God;s side9 *hen Melchisedec appeared7 t!o special titles of God are revealed= the Most -igh God and the Possessor of heaven and earth 0v9 1F29 Both Melchisedec and #raha( spoke of God in this !a$9 #raha( said7 @. have lifted up (ine hand unto the "ord7 the (ost high God7 the possessor of heaven and earthA 01<=3329 #raha( could sa$7 @B$ going do!n to Eg$pt . have learned the lesson that ($ God7 the One !ho called (e7 is the Possessor of #oth heaven and earth9 . don;t need to have an$ choice9 M$ choice is 4ust -e9 . cannot #ear seeing that ($ #rother has #een captured9 This is a sha(e to (e9 . (ust take hi( #ack9 . don;t care for the nu(#er of soldiers and . don;t care for the kings and ar(ies9 . don;t care that . have less than the$ do9 M$ #urden is to get ($ #rother #ack9 .f . don;t do this7 it is a sha(e to (e9A .n fighting for his #rother7 #raha( risked his life9 .t !as not a s(all thing for hi( to risk his life in order to rescue his captured #rother9 But he did it9 The fight !ent s(oothl$7 and #raha( pursued the ene($ fro( the south all the !a$ to ,an in the north9 -is victor$ (ust have #een the result of the intercession #ehind the scene9 #raha( gained the victor$ #$ trusting in God9 -e had confidence in God #ecause he had learned to kno! -i(9 "ike!ise7 !e all (ust learn to kno! God9 *e (ust learn that7 even toda$7 the earth is God;s9 God is the landlord9 -e is not onl$ the landlord #ut also the heavenlord9 Both the heaven and the earth #elong to our %ather7 the One !ho has called us9 *e need to have such confidence in -i(9 .f !e lack this confidence7 !e are alread$ defeated and shall #eco(e a "ot9 *h$ !as "ot defeatedG Because7 unlike #raha(7 he did not learn the lesson that God is the Possessor of heaven and earth9 Even after he had #een rescued7 there is no record that he thanked #raha( or said a !ord to the "ord9 "ot !as a#solutel$ out of function9 ccording to the follo!ing chapters7 he !ent #ack to Sodo(9 lthough his capture !as a !arning to hi( not to return to Sodo(7 he still !ent #ack7 even after his capture and rescue9 *e see fro( this that once $ou have #een defeated it is ver$ difficult to keep $ourself a!a$ fro( that defeat9
lthough "ot had #een defeated7 #raha( !as victorious9 This victor$ !as the peak of his out!ard experience9 "ater on7 God ca(e in to give hi( so(e in!ard experiences9 THE MINISTRY OF MELCHISEDEC -o! !as it possi#le for one !ho escaped to have co(e to #raha(7 and ho! could #raha( have (ade such a #rief and #old decisionG *hat happened so that7 after a short ti(e7 the ene($ ran a!a$G Melchisedec ca(e in9 *ho is MelchisedecG -e is a t$pe of Christ9 -e is ver$ (uch like Christ9 *hen he ca(e in7 it signified that Christ ca(e in9 -e !as a t$pe of Christ as God;s -igh Priest9 This is not revealed in Genesis 1<7 #ut it is found in Psal( 11C9 .n Psal( 11C !e are told that God;s anointed One7 the ver$ Christ7 is the Priest according to the order of Melchisedec7 an order !hich is prior to that of aron9 Before aron ca(e into the priesthood7 Melchisedec !as God;s Priest alread$9 The aronic priesthood dealt !ith sin7 taking care of things on the negative side9 The (inistr$ of Melchisedec7 on the contrar$7 is positive9 Melchisedec did not co(e in to take a!a$ sin9 -e did not appear #ecause #raha( had sinned #ut #ecause #raha( had gained the victor$9 Melchisedec did not appear !ith an offering to take a!a$ sin #ut !ith #read and !ine to nourish the victor9 Nearl$ all Christians consider Christ as the -igh Priest !ho takes care of sin7 #ut hardl$ an$one pa$s attention to Christ as the -igh Priest according to the order of Melchisedec9 s such a -igh Priest7 Christ does not take care of sin #ut (inisters to us the processed God7 signified #$ the #read and !ine7 as our nourish(ent9 ,o $ou not #elieve that #efore Melchisedec ca(e to (inister #read and !ine7 as the priest of God he !as interceding for "ot and #raha(G . #elieve that he !as9 . do not #elieve that Melchisedec !as sleeping during all the fighting and that !hen he heard the ne!s of #raha(;s victor$ he hurriedl$ appeared to #raha( to (inister #read and !ine9 . #elieve that #raha(;s #rief and #old decision to fight for the rescue of "ot !as stirred up #$ the intercession of Melchisedec9 . also #elieve that the one !ho ca(e to tell #raha( of "ot;s capture escaped #ecause Melchisedec !as interceding for "ot9 s a priest7 Melchisedec (ust have #een taking care of God;s people9 .n ans!er to his intercession7 one escaped fro( Sodo(7 told #raha( the ne!s7 and #raha( (ade the #old decision to fight for the rescue of "ot9 *hile !e !alk on this earth7 (an$ things happen to us9 pparentl$7 these things 4ust happen9 ctuall$7 #ehind the earthl$ scene7 an intercession is going on9 Our Melchisedec7 our -igh Priest Christ7 is still interceding for us in heaven 0-e#9 I=3D29 -is intercession overshado!s us and cares for us9 Melchisedec;s co(ing to #raha( !as so(e!hat of an indication of Christ;s second co(ing9 *hat are !e7 toda$;s #raha(7 doing hereG *e are slaughtering the ene(ies9 So(e of God;s people7 like "ot7 have suffered defeat after defeat9 B$ God;s (erc$7 so(e others need to #e toda$;s #raha( !ho experience victor$ after victor$9 *e need to learn the #asic lesson that our God7 the One !ho called us7 is the Possessor of heaven and
earth9 *e are living for -i( on the earth and !e are -is testi(on$9 *e do not tolerate an$ da(age to God;s interest on earth9 *hen !e hear of such da(age7 !e (ake a :uick decision to defeat the ene($ and to slaughter the kings9 *e need to slaughter so(e kings dail$9 *e need to slaughter the kings in our (ind7 e(otion7 and !ill9 *e need to slaughter the kings in our environ(ent7 fa(ilies7 and schools9 fter !e have finished our slaughter of the kings7 our Melchisedec !ill co(e to us7 (eet !ith us7 and cele#rate our victor$9 The "ord !ill not co(e #ack until !e have slaughtered all the kings9 Then -e !ill return and drink the fruit of the vine !ith us7 as indicated #$ -is !ord in Matthe! 3E=3F= @. !ill #$ no (eans drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until that da$ !hen . drink it ne! !ith $ou in the kingdo( of M$ %ather9A Melchisedec interceded for "ot and #raha(9 Toda$ Christ7 our -igh Priest7 is interceding for all the overco(ing ones9 *hile -e is interceding no! for us in heaven7 !e are slaughtering the kings on earth9 fter the overco(ing ones slaughter all the kings7 our .ntercessor7 the -igh Priest of the Most -igh God7 !ill appear !ith the full taste of the processed God9 Melchisedec;s co(ing signified that Christ had co(e9 Our victor$ al!a$s (akes Christ (anifested9 The people in our environ(ent (a$ find it difficult to see !here Christ is9 -o!ever7 if !e gain a victor$7 that victor$ !ill declare Christ to the(9 Our victor$ !ill #ring in Christ in a ne! aspect9 -o! interesting it is to see that suddenl$7 in chapter fourteen of Genesis7 Melchisedec7 !hose na(e (eans the king of righteousness and !ho !as the king of Sale(7 !hich (eans the king of peace7 appeared9 *hat does this signif$G .t signifies that Christ !ill #e declared to people and #rought to the( #$ the overco(ing ones9 One da$ the !hole earth !ill #e surprised #$ Christ;s appearing9 The people in the !orld do not even #elieve that there is a Christ7 calling such #elief nonsense9 But after !e have slaughtered all of the kings7 Christ !ill suddenl$ appear9 Christ !ill #e (ade (anifest #$ our slaughter of the kings7 and the !hole !orld !ill #e surprised at -is co(ing9 To us7 the overco(ers7 Christ;s second appearing !ill not #e a surprise7 #ut to the !orldl$ people it !ill #e a great surprise9 The$ (a$ sa$7 @*ho is this oneG *hat is his na(e and !here does he co(e fro(GA *e (a$ ans!er7 @-is na(e is Christ7 the real Melchisedec7 and -e co(es fro( the heavens !here -e has #een interceding for centuries9A *e all need to echo the "ord;s intercession9 .f !e turn to our spirit and contact -i(7 there !ill al!a$s #e so(e echoing9 .f !e go according to that echoing7 forgetting our environ(ent7 ene(ies7 and even ourselves7 !e shall gain the victor$ and slaughter the kings9 t the end of our slaughter of all the kings7 our Melchisedec !ill appear to us9 That !ill #e the second co(ing of Christ9 *hen Christ co(es in7 the !hole earth !ill kno! the Most -igh God9 Then all the earth !ill reali8e that God is the Possessor of heaven and earth9 The earth is not possessed #$ an$ king7 president7 states(an7 or politician7 it is possessed #$ the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth9 -o! can this fact #e declared to the earthG Onl$ #$ our slaughter of the kings9 #raha(;s victor$ in chapter fourteen is not a s(all thing9 .n the Bi#le7 God is revealed in a progressive !a$9 .n Genesis 1 !e do not have the title7 @the Most -igh God9A Even
up to chapter thirteen !e have neither this title nor the special title7 @Possessor of heaven and earth9A lthough $ou (a$ have #een a Christian for $ears7 perhaps $ou have never reali8ed that God has such titles9 God is the Most -igh God and the Possessor of heaven and earth9 -e is the heavenlord and the landlord9 B$ our experience of Christ7 God;s titles are progressivel$ revealed to us9 .n our experience of Christ7 !e shall reali8e that our God is the Most -igh God and the Possessor of heaven and earth9 This (ust #e our attraction and incentive to go on to slaughter the kings9 ,o not #e toda$;s "ot7 for that is to #e ti(id and co!ardl$9 *e all (ust #e #rief and #old #ecause !e have the Most -igh God and the Possessor of heaven and earth9 #raha( told the king of Sodo( that7 #efore he !ent to !ar7 he lifted up his hand to the Most -igh God7 to the Possessor of heaven and earth9 -e !ent to !ar in such a spirit9 Since #raha( had full confidence in the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth7 he had to #e victorious9 *hen Melchisedec ca(e to #raha(7 he #lessed #raha( !ith the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth 0v9 1F29 This proves that he !as greater than #raha( 0-e#9 I=E6I29 -e also #lessed God for #raha(;s victor$ 0v9 3C29 Our victor$ al!a$s causes our Melchisedec to grant us #lessing and to give #lessing to God9 Our victor$ #rings in (ore #lessings in Christ7 #oth to us and to God9 t Melchisedec;s #lessing7 #raha( gave hi( tithes of all7 the tithes of his choice spoils 0v9 3C> -e#9 I=37 <29 This also proves Melchisedec;s greatness9 Our victor$ gains the spoils7 and the offering of our spoils to Christ al!a$s declares the greatness of Christ9 *ithout victor$7 !e have nothing to offer to Christ and -is greatness !ill not #e declared9 OVERCOMING THE TEMPTATION OF EARTHLY SUBSTANCE #raha(;s victor$ regulated and restituted the !hole situation and rearranged the entire environ(ent9 The four kings had defeated the five kings and had captured ever$thing9 The !hole situation had #een turned upside do!n9 #raha(;s victor$ changed this situation altogether7 turning it right side up9 -e turned the un4ust environ(ent into a 4ust one and (ade the !hole situation peaceful9 s a result7 there !as the king of righteousness and the king of peace9 #raha(;s victor$ stopped all the fighting and strife and #rought in genuine peace9 The king of Sodo( could hu(#l$7 honestl$7 and truthfull$ sa$ to #raha(7 @Kou have gained the victor$9 Ever$thing that $ou #rought #ack (ust #e $ours9 Kou take it9 ll . !ant is ($ people9A .f $ou and . had #een #raha(7 !e pro#a#l$ !ould have said7 @That is right and fair9 . rescued $our people and recovered ever$thing that $ou lost9 .t is good that $ou have the people and that ever$thing else #e (ine9A But the environ(ent that !as rearranged #$ #raha(;s victor$ !as not at all like this9 .t !as pure9 #raha( said to the king of Sodo(7 @. !ill not take fro( a thread even to a shoe latchet7A and @. !ill not take an$thing that is thine7 lest thou shouldest sa$7 . have (ade #ra( richA 01<=3?29 #raha( see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @.f . take a thread fro( $ou7 $ou !ill #e a#le to sa$ that
$ou have (ade (e rich9 But . !ant to give a full testi(on$ to the !hole universe that ($ riches do not co(e fro( $ou9 M$ riches co(e fro( the Possessor of heaven and earth7 fro( ($ Most -igh God9A -o! pure this !asJ There in that situation !e see righteousness and peace9 Consider the scene in Genesis 1< after #raha( had slaughtered the kings9 #raha( had #rought #ack ever$thing7 and the kings ca(e out to (eet hi(9 Melchisedec7 the priest of the Most -igh God7 !as there7 granting #raha( the #lessing and receiving tithes fro( hi(9 ll of the people !ere !atching7 !ondering to !ho( the things !ould go9 Even the people !ho had #een captured and #rought #ack #$ #raha( !ondered !hose people the$ !ould #e fro( then on9 Then #raha( said7 @. have lifted up (ine hand unto the "ord7 the (ost high God7 the possessor of heaven and earth9A #raha( said that he !ould not take an$thing9 ll the people received a full settle(ent9 .n that situation there !as righteousness and peace9 .n a sense7 it !as like the (illennial kingdo(7 full of righteousness and peace 0.sa9 ?3=17 1E61B> Psa9 I3=36?7 I29 #raha( !as fair7 sa$ing to the king of Sodo( that he !ould take nothing @save onl$ that !hich the $oung (en have eaten7 and the portion of the (en !hich !ent !ith (e7 ner7 Eschol7 and Ma(re> let the( take their portionA 01<=3<29 #raha( said that his fighters and confederates should have their portion #ut that he !ould give his portion to the king of Sodo(9 *hat a (an he !asJ -e had slaughtered four kings and no! he !as dealing !ith another one7 the king of Sodo(9 -e !as over all of the(9 *e Christians need to #e this kind of person toda$9 *e (ust #e higher than the earthl$ kings and presidents9 There is onl$ one !ho is a#ove us)our Melchisedec9 .n Genesis 1< !e see that #raha( !as ver$ high9 Can $ou #elieve that one !ho !as so high could have #een so lo! as to plan to sacrifice his !ife for his livingG Can $ou #elieve that the one !ho !ould sell his !ife in Eg$pt could #e so high as to #e a#ove all the kingsG *hen #raha( !as !illing to sell his !ife7 he !as in the lo!est hell7 #ut !hen he dealt !ith the kings7 he !as in the highest heaven9 *e all (a$ #e like #raha( in #oth respects9 *e (a$ #e (ean7 planning to sell our !ives7 or7 #$ the "ord;s grace7 !e (a$ #e higher than the kings9 #raha(;s victor$ and his #eing higher than the kings !ere a#solutel$ due to the intercession #ehind the scene9 Behind the earthl$ scene7 so(ething !as going on in heaven that deter(ined the entire situation9 *e all need to see this9
?. 0NOWING GRACE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE THE SEED AND THE LAND fter these things the !ord of the "ord ca(e unto #ra( in a vision7 sa$ing7 %ear not7 #ra(= . a( th$ shield7 and th$ exceeding great re!ard9L nd he #rought hi( forth
a#road7 and said7 "ook no! to!ard heaven7 and tell the stars7 if thou #e a#le to nu(#er the(= and he said unto hi(7 So shall th$ seed #e9 nd he #elieved in the "ord> and he counted it to hi( for righteousness9 nd he said unto hi(7 . a( the "ord that #rought thee out of +r of the Chaldees7 to give thee this land to inherit it9 0Genesis 1D=17 D6I2 .n this (essage !e co(e to a great turn in #raha(;s experience of God9 Ever$thing that !e have seen of #raha(;s experience of God thus far has #een out!ard9 #raha( !as called #$ God and he ans!ered God;s calling #$ going to the place !here God intended hi( to #e9 That !as a#solutel$ out!ard9 %ollo!ing that7 #raha(;s second experience !as living #$ faith and trusting in God for his living9 The first trial that he faced in living #$ faith !as a grievous fa(ine through !hich he learned to trust God in the (atter of eating9 *hether in ancient or in (odern ti(es7 !hether in the Orient or in the *est7 all people7 regardless of their attain(ent7 education7 or position7 are concerned a#out the (atter of (aking a living9 Making a living is co(pletel$ dependent on eating7 on #read and #utter9 .n the Bi#le and in hu(an histor$7 (an$ ti(es God exercised -is control over the hu(an race through this (atter of eating9 ,o not #e proud7 for once God re(oves $our food suppl$7 $ou !ill #o! do!n and sa$7 @O God7 help (eJA *e have seen in previous (essages that after #raha( ca(e to the place !here God !anted hi( to #e7 the first lesson he had to learn !as to trust God in the (atter of eating9 -e failed this test and !ent do!n to Eg$pt9 There7 in Eg$pt7 he learned the lesson of trusting in God9 fter learning that lesson7 he returned to the place #et!een Bethel and i9 .((ediatel$ after that7 there follo!ed another lesson in the sa(e real(7 in the real( of eating7 !hen there !as strife #et!een the herds(en of "ot and the herds(en of #raha(9 These herds(en !ere fighting for their #read and #utter7 striving !ith one another for the sake of a #etter living9 The$ did not !ant others to take a!a$ their #read and #utter9 #raha( !as victorious in the second trial7 having learned in the first trial that God !as sovereign in his dail$ life9 #raha( ca(e to kno! that the God !ho had called hi( !as the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth9 -e did not need to take care of his o!n #read and #utter7 for he had learned that the One !ho had called hi( !ould take care of this for hi(9 The fighting #et!een the four kings and the five kings !as also related to #read and #utter9 ccording to histor$7 all of the !arfare a(ong the hu(an race is over this (atter9 ll international !arfare is for one purpose)#read and #utter9 Genesis 1<=11 indicates that the fighting #et!een the four kings and the five kings !as for this purpose9 #raha( !as not afraid of those four kings #ut !ent out #oldl$ and fought against the(7 slaughtering the( and recovering the food suppl$9 fter #raha( had gained the victor$ over the four kings7 Melchisedec ca(e to (eet hi( !ith #read and !ine 01<=1B29 This #read !as ($sterious9 There !as no need for #raha( to do an$thing in order to get it and he did not have to fight for it9 #raha( 4ust fought the #attle and recovered the food suppl$7 and then Melchisedec ca(e to hi( !ith #read9
ll of #raha(;s experiences up to the end of chapter fourteen !ere out!ard7 #eing concerned !ith out!ard #lessing7 care7 and suppl$9 *hen #raha( !ent do!n to Eg$pt7 God took care of hi( out!ardl$7 giving hi( cattle and servants9 The victor$ that he !on against the four kings !as also out!ard9 Even !hat Melchisedec #rought to #raha( !as out!ard9 Ever$thing that #raha( had experienced to that point !as out!ard9 Before hearing this7 $ou (ight have thought that at the end of chapter fourteen #raha( (ust have #een on the peak of his experience of God9 Kes7 in a sense he !as on the peak7 #ut it !as the peak of the ele(entar$ stage of his experience9 ll that #raha( had experienced prior to chapter fifteen !as ele(entar$9 t the #eginning of chapter fifteen7 God ca(e in to turn hi( to an advanced stage in experiencing God9 Genesis 1D=1 sa$s7 @ fter these things the !ord of the "ord ca(e unto #ra( in a vision7 sa$ing7 %ear not7 #ra(= . a( th$ shield7 and th$ exceeding great re!ard9A *hen God ca(e in to speak these !ords7 #raha( !as still in an ele(entar$ stage9 fter his slaughter of the kings7 a strong en(it$ had #een created #et!een hi( and the people !ho #elonged to those kings9 *hen #raha( !as fighting the #attle against the ene($7 he !as #old and #rave9 But after gaining the victor$ and going ho(e he (ight have said to hi(self7 @*hat have . doneG Those people (ight co(e #ack9 *hat should . do thenG . onl$ have three hundred and eighteen (en7 and the$ have (an$ (ore than that9A #raha( #egan to #e afraid9 Man$ ti(es !e are the sa(e as #raha(9 *hen !e are in faith7 !e are #old7 sa$ing7 @-allelu4ah to the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth9 . have lifted up ($ hand to -i(9A fter gaining the victor$ and shouting hallelu4ahs in the (eetings7 $ou go ho(e and #egin to consider7 sa$ing to $ourself7 @*hat have . doneG *hat shall . do if the ene($ returnsGA *hen God appeared to #raha( in 1D=17 -e said7 @%ear not9A God;s sa$ing this to #raha( indicates that #raha( !as fearing his ene(ies9 God see(ed to #e telling hi(7 @ #raha(7 $ou don;t need to fear9 . a( $our shield9 Be at peace9 . a( also $our exceeding great re!ard9A #raha(7 still #eing in an ele(entar$ stage at the ti(e7 !as concerned a#out t!o things= that his ene(ies (ight return to fight against hi( and that he still had no child of his o!n9 #raha( (ight have said7 @"ook at (e). a( old9 "ook at ($ !ife)she is nearl$ out of function9 *e still don;t have a child9 "ord7 don;t Kou kno! !e are getting old in $earsG *hen !ill Kou give us a childGA *hen God appeared to hi(7 #raha( !as concerned a#out these t!o things9 .n the presence of God !e cannot hide our intention9 .f !e are given the opportunit$7 !e shall sooner or later utter !hatever is in our heart9 Therefore7 in 1D=3 #raha( said7 @"ord God7 !hat !ilt thou give (e7 seeing . go childless7 and the son of possession of ($ house is this Elie8er of ,a(ascusGA 0-e#929 The next !ord that #raha( spoke to the "ord !as not ver$ polite9 -e said7 @Behold7 to (e thou hast given no seed= and7 lo7 a son of ($ house is (ine heirA 01D=?7 -e#929 #raha( see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @"ord7 . go childless #ecause Kou have never given (e a child9 Kou (ust #ear the #la(e for this9 *h$ do . go childlessG Because Kou have never given (e a childJ No! Kou co(e to tell (e that Kou are ($ great re!ard9 *hat;s the use of Kour giving (e a re!ard if . have no childGA
#raha( told the "ord that a son of his house7 !ho !as Elie8er of ,a(ascus7 !ould #e his heir9 .n ,ar#$;s Ne! Translation the footnote sa$s that @a son of ($ houseA (eans @one of his do(estics9A This indicates that Elie8er (ust have co(e fro( ,a(ascus9 .t (ight have #een that !hen #raha( !as passing through ,a(ascus he o#tained hi( there9 None of us has ever ans!ered God;s call in a clean6cut !a$> !e all dragged our feet through (ud and !ater9 #raha( even suffered t!o deaths7 the death of his elder #rother7 -aran7 and his father7 Terah9 Eventuall$7 #raha( ans!ered God;s calling7 #eing una#le to avoid it an$ longer9 -e left -aran7 !here he had #een called the second ti(e7 taking "ot along !ith hi(7 and passed through ,a(ascus !here he picked up Elie8er9 *hen the "ord appeared to #raha(7 sa$ing that -e !as #raha(;s shield and great re!ard7 #raha( see(ed to sa$ in repl$7 @"ord God7 . go childless #ecause Kou have not given (e a child9 The one !ho( . intend to have as the heir and possessor of ($ house (ust #e ($ do(estic servant7 Elie8er9A The "ord said to #raha(7 @This shall not #e thine heir> #ut he that shall co(e forth out of thine o!n #o!els shall #e thine heirA 01D=<29 The "ord see(ed to #e sa$ing to #raha(7 @. didn;t care for "ot9 Neither do . care for this one9 There (ust #e a seed #orn out of $ourself7 not one of $our do(estics9A Then the "ord said to hi(7 @"ook no! to!ard heaven7 and tell the stars7 if thou #e a#le to nu(#er the(= and he said unto hi(7 So shall th$ seed #eA 01D=D29 .t !as at this 4uncture that #raha( #elieved in the "ord9 &erse E sa$s that @he #elieved in the "ord> and he counted it to hi( for righteousness9A #raha(;s #elieving !as counted to hi( #$ the "ord as righteousness7 and at that ti(e #raha( !as 4ustified9 This is 4ustification #$ faith9 #raha(;s having a seed !as a#solutel$ not an out!ard (atter #ut altogether an in!ard one9 #raha( tried to (ake this an out!ard (atter7 for Elie8er !as so(ething outside of hi(7 not so(ething out of hi(9 *e need to see the difference here9 Toda$7 not (an$ Christians care for the in!ard experience9 Most Christians care for the out!ard experiences9 The things that are taught a(ong Christians toda$ (ostl$ go as far as the end of Genesis 1<9 So(e (a$ argue !ith this7 sa$ing7 @,on;t the$ have 4ustification #$ faith7 and is this not in chapter fifteenGA Kes7 the$ do have 4ustification #$ faith7 #ut even this has #een (ade #$ the( an out!ard thing9 #raha( !as not 4ustified #$ faith in chapter fourteen !hen he #elieved that God !as the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth9 God did not count that kind of faith to hi( as righteousness9 *hat kind of faith !as it that !as reckoned to #raha( as righteousnessG .t !as the faith that #elieved that God !as a#le to !ork so(ething into hi( to #ring forth the seed9 Believing that God !ill suppl$ our dail$ needs7 our dail$ food7 is good7 #ut it is not the kind of faith that is precious in the e$es of God9 *hat kind of faith is precious in God;s sightG The faith that #elieves that -e is a#le to !ork -i(self into us to #ring forth Christ9 Most Christians toda$ onl$ care for the faith that #elieves that God can do out!ard things for the(9 That kind of faith #elieves that God is a#le to give the( health7 healing7 a good 4o#7 or a pro(otion9 Man$ Christians onl$ have that kind of faith9 lthough that kind of faith is good7 it is not the faith that is so dear and precious in the e$es of God9 -e did not count that kind of faith as righteousness to #raha(9 The kind of faith that !as counted as righteousness to #raha( !as the faith
that God !as a#le to !ork so(ething into hi( to #ring forth a seed9 .n Genesis 1D #raha( did not #elieve that God !ould give hi( #read and #utter7 cattle7 or (ore servants9 -e #elieved that God !as a#le to !ork so(ething into hi( and #ring forth a seed9 *hat kind of faith do $ou haveG Most Christians appreciate the faith that #elieves that God !ill provide all the$ need for their dail$ living9 That is the faith that #elieves in God as the Most -igh God7 as the Possessor of heaven and earth9 Perhaps $ou are thinking that $ou !ould #e satisfied to have such a faith as that9 fter reading the last (essage7 $ou (ight have tried to #elieve in the Most -igh God7 #elieving that our God is the Possessor of heaven and earth9 But that faith is not the faith that is so dear and precious in the e$es of God9 *e need to have the faith that #elieves that God is !orking -i(self into us7 the faith that #elieves that a heavenl$ seed !ill #e #rought forth #$ so(ething that has #een !rought into us9 Ma$ this (atter #e inscri#ed into our #eingJ TWO CATEGORIES OF GODS DOINGS FOR THE CALLED FOR HIM TO E.IST H Prior to chapter fifteen7 #raha( had experienced God as the One !ho protected hi( and provided (an$ (aterial things 013=1E29 #raha( had given all the choices to "ot and had gained the victor$ over the four kings9 None of these things7 ho!ever7 had an$thing to do !ith the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose #ut !ere onl$ related to #raha(;s existence 013=1C> 1<=3<29 -e experienced all these out!ardl$ in his environ(ent7 not in!ardl$ in his life9 FOR HIM TO FULFILL GODS PURPOSE H ,o $ou kno! !hat God;s purpose isG God;s purpose is to have a people to express -i( !ith -is i(age7 represent -i( !ith -is do(inion7 and take the earth for -is kingdo(9 Beginning !ith Genesis 1=3E7 !e see that God;s eternal purpose is to have a people expressing -i( in -is i(age7 representing -i( !ith -is do(inion7 and taking over the earth for -is kingdo(9 *hen God ca(e in to call #raha( -e pro(ised #raha( that he !ould have the #lessing to express God and #eco(e a great nation so that through hi( God (ight have -is kingdo( on earth9 This is God;s eternal purpose toda$9 But ever$thing that had happened to #raha( prior to Genesis 1D had nothing to do !ith the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 .t is fro( chapter fifteen through chapter t!ent$6four that !e have a record sho!ing us ho! God had !orked so(ething into #raha( so that he !as a#le to fulfill God;s purpose9 .t !as no longer (erel$ out!ard experiences in environ(ent #ut in!ard experiences in life9 Most Christians toda$ onl$ care for their existence7 not for God;s eternal purpose9 Even (an$ a(ong us still have not #een deepl$ i(pressed !ith God;s eternal purpose9 Man$ are still hoping that the "ord !ill give the( a #etter 4o#7 a good hus#and or !ife7 a good education7 or an excellent pro(otion9 *hile all of these things (a$ ena#le $ou to exist7 the$ have nothing to do directl$ !ith the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 Ever$thing prior
to chapter fifteen !as good7 helpful7 and profita#le for #raha(;s existence7 ena#ling hi( to live as a hu(an #eing7 #ut none of those things had an$thing to do directl$ !ith the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 "ook into #raha(;s situation9 Could the cattle that #raha( gained in Eg$pt express GodG Could the (aidservants represent GodG lthough God had given #raha( a great deal7 nothing that he had !as useful for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 To exist is one thing7 and to fulfill God;s purpose is another9 The principle is the sa(e !ith us toda$9 Our education7 4o#s7 and houses are all good for our existence7 #ut none of the( are good for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 TWO THINGS NEEDED FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE THE SEED H No! !e need to see the t!o things that !ere necessar$ for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose in #raha(;s da$9 The first ite( !as the seed 01D=16E> see 1?=1E> 33=1I61B> 13=329 God called #raha( !ith the intention of fulfilling -is purpose9 s !e have seen7 -is purpose is to have a people in -is i(age to express -i(self and !ith -is do(inion to represent -i(self9 But #raha( did not have a seed9 -o! could #raha( fulfill God;s purpose !ithout having a seedG God needs the seed9 -e needs to have a people through the seed9 N& :#% A2"%#%3 #%$ H #raha( !as the sa(e as !e are7 and !e are the sa(e as he !as9 *hen #raha( understood that he needed a seed7 he counted on Elie8er 01D=36<29 #raha( see(ed to sa$7 @No! . reali8e that . (ust have a seed for God to have a people9 Since . a( old and ($ !ife is nearl$ out of function7 the seed (ust #e !hat . alread$ have9A But God !ill never use for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose the things that !e alread$ have9 *hatever !e have is altogether no good for this9 ,o not think that !hat $ou have is good for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 *hat $ou have is 4ust an Elie8er9 Nothing that $ou have is counted9 Nothing that !e have is useful for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 t #est7 !hatever !e have is not of God #ut is so(ething of ,a(ascus9 B9 :#% G&$ 5"&3*'!$ & :&"@ &9 H The seed that !as needed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose had to #e !hat God pro(ised to !ork out through #raha(9 .t had to #e so(ething that God !orked into hi( so that he (ight #ring it forth 01D=<6D29 *hat then is the seedG .f $ou pra$ and read Genesis 1D and Galatians ?7 $ou !ill see that the seed is Christ -i(self9 Nothing that !e have could ever #ring forth Christ9 Our education7 attain(ents7 skills7 etc9 (ean nothing9 ll of these things are 4ust Elie8ers7 things !hich are not !hat the "ord has !rought into us to #ring forth Christ7 the seed9 None of the( are su#4ective #ut altogether o#4ective in our environ(ent9 Kour Elie8er (ight #e $our college education9 Perhaps even in the church life $ou (ight still #e trusting in this Elie8er7 (eaning that $ou still trust in $our college education9 ll of us have passed through so(e ,a(ascus7 picking up at least one Elie8er9 That could never #e the seed that God !ants9 The seed (ust #e so(ething that God !orks into us7 not so(ething that !e have picked up9 *hatever !e picked up fro( our ,a(ascus can never #ring forth Christ9 Onl$ that !hich God !orks into our #eing can #ring forth Christ as the seed9
.n order to fulfill God;s purpose !e (ust have Christ !rought into us9 This is !h$ Paul told us that Christ !as revealed into hi( 0Gal9 1=1D61E27 that Christ lived in hi( 0Gal9 3=3C27 that Christ !as for(ed in hi( 0Gal9 <=1F27 and that for hi( to live !as Christ 0Phil9 1=3129 Paul lived Christ9 *hen he !as Saul of Tarsus7 he passed through a 5e!ish ,a(ascus7 gaining (an$ things9 ll that he ac:uired during that ti(e !as 4ust an Elie8er9 The "ord told Paul that he had to forget all of those things)the$ !ere dung7 gar#age7 dog food)and to cast the( aside9 None of the things that Paul had could #ring forth Christ9 Onl$ that !hich God !orked into his #eing could #ring forth Christ9 The "ord see(ed to tell Paul7 @The things that $ou had fro( $our religious #ackground can never #ring forth Christ9 Onl$ !hat . a( !orking into $ou !ill #ring forth Christ9 *hat . a( !orking into $ou is M$ grace9A Eventuall$7 Paul could sa$7 @B$ the grace of God . a( !hat . a(> and -is grace unto (e !as not in vain7 #ut . la#ored (ore a#undantl$ than all of the(7 $et not .7 #ut the grace of God !ith (eA 01 Cor9 1D=1C29 t this point7 . need to sa$ a !ord a#out the difference #et!een grace and #lessing9 *hat (ost Christians consider to #e grace is actuall$ #lessing9 *hat is #lessingG Blessing is prosperit$7 #enefit7 and #ount$9 Man$ Christians7 using the ad4ective for( of the !ord grace7 are fond of sa$ing7 @Oh7 ho! gracious God is to us9A But this is far short of the (eaning of the real grace9 The -e#re! !ord for gracious in Nu(#ers E=3D (eans to #end or to stoop oneself in order to #e kind to an inferior person9 %or exa(ple7 in kindness7 a king (a$ stoop to give so(ething to a #eggar9 That is !hat it (eans to #e gracious9 -o!ever7 in the Bi#le7 grace is nothing less than God -i(self9 .n the Bi#le grace is si(pl$ God -i(self co(ing into us to #e our en4o$(ent9 5ohn 1=1I sa$s7 @%or the la! !as given through Moses> grace and realit$ ca(e through 5esus Christ9A 5ohn 1=1< sa$s that @the *ord #eca(e fleshLfull of grace and realit$7A and 5ohn 1=1E tells us that @of -is fullness !e all received7 and grace upon grace9A Blessings are for our existence7 #ut grace is for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 *e do need God;s #lessing for our existence9 .f God did not #less us7 !e !ould lose our 4o#s7 health7 and perhaps even our ph$sical lives9 . have no dou#t that7 for ($ existence7 . a( full$ under God;s #lessing9 Merel$ to exist7 ho!ever7 is vanit$ of vanities9 *hat are !e doing here in this countr$G re !e 4ust here to (ake a living for our existenceG .f this is the case7 it is vanit$ of vanities9 ll the cars7 houses7 degrees7 and 4o#s are vanities9 So(e people (a$ sa$7 @Praise the "ord7 !e have three sons and t!o daughters9 The sons are (edical doctors and the daughters are professors9 *hat a #lessing this isJA This is a #lessing for $ou and $our fa(il$ to exist in the vanit$ of vanities7 if $our existence is not for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 Others (a$ sa$7 @%ive $ears ago . !as onl$ (aking ND7CCC a $ear7 #ut this last $ear . (ade N3D7CCC9 *hat a #lessing this isJA This also is a #lessing for people to exist in the vanit$ of vanities7 if the$ are not for God;s eternal purpose9 /ecentl$7 the "ord a!oke (e earl$ one (orning and pointed out to (e that not one of the Ne! Testa(ent #ooks ends !ith the !ords7 @Blessing #e !ith $ouA or @Blessing #e !ith $our spirit9A -o!ever7 nearl$ all the Epistles end !ith the !ords7 @Grace #e !ith $ouA
0Gal9 E=1B> Eph9 E=3<> Phil9 <=3?> Col9 <=1B29 To sa$7 @Blessing #e !ith $ou7A (eans that $ou !ill #e prospered !ith (aterial things9 But our Bi#le never sa$s an$thing like that9 The Gospel of 5ohn does not sa$ that the *ord #eca(e flesh full of #lessing7 or that #lessing ca(e !ith Christ9 No #ook ends #$ sa$ing7 @Blessing #e !ith $ou9A .n the Old Testa(ent !e (ainl$ have #lessings7 #ut in the Ne! Testa(ent the ph$sical #lessings i((ediatel$ are replaced #$ spiritual #lessings9 Ephesians 1=? sa$s that God has #lessed us !ith all spiritual #lessings in Christ7 and the last verse of the sa(e #ook sa$s7 @Grace #e !ith all those !ho love our "ord 5esus Christ9A The last verse of the !hole Bi#le also speaks of grace9 /evelation 33=31 does not sa$7 @The #lessing of the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth7 #e !ith $ou all9A No7 it sa$s7 @The grace of the "ord 5esus #e !ith all the saints9A ,o $ou re(e(#er the #lessing that the priests used to give the children of .srael in Nu(#ers E=3<63EG .t !ent like this= @The "ord #less thee7 and keep thee= the "ord (ake his face shine upon thee7 and #e gracious unto thee= the "ord lift up his countenance upon thee7 and give thee peace9A Paul;s #lessing in 3 Corinthians 1?=1<7 on the contrar$7 is in another categor$= @The grace of the "ord 5esus Christ7 and the love of God7 and the fello!ship of the -ol$ Spirit #e !ith $ou all9A . repeat7 #lessings are for our existence7 and grace is for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 G&$' 5"&3*'! %($ A2"%#%3' f%* # 4&9( !$ f&" "*)# !&9'(!'' H fter re4ecting #raha(;s proposal7 God pro(ised hi( that -e !ould do so(ething for hi( so that he (ight have seed #orn of hi(self7 even as (an$ as the stars in heaven 01D=D29 #raha( #elieved in the "ord according to -is !ord7 and the "ord counted his #elieving to hi( for righteousness 01D=E29 .t is the kind of faith that #elieves that God !ill !ork in us to #ring forth Christ7 the seed7 that is precious to God and is our righteousness in the e$es of God9 This is the faith for receiving God;s grace7 not for receiving -is #lessing9 Toda$7 (ost Christians care for #lessing7 not (uch for grace9 lthough this is the Ne! Testa(ent age7 (an$ Christians still live in the Old Testa(ent dispensation7 caring onl$ for #lessings7 not for grace9 .n the "ord;s recover$ !e do need the #lessings9 .t is a great #lessing to (eet together all of the ti(e9 But7 (ore than this7 !e need grace9 *e need God to co(e in and sa$7 @*hat $ou have does not count9 *hat $ou can do and !ill do does not count either9 . !ill !ork so(ething into $ou7 and this !ill #ring forth the seed9 ,o $ou #elieve in thisGA .f !e #elieve this7 this kind of faith is precious to God9 This is not the faith that #elieves that God !ill give us all that !e need for our existence> it is the faith that #elieves that God is !orking -i(self into us in order to #ring forth Christ as the uni:ue seed7 the seed that is needed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 THE LAND H The second thing needed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose !as the land 01D=1I631> see 13=I> 1?=1<61D7 1I> 1I=B29 T#! $!f*(* *&( &f #! +%($
H *hat is the landG Man$ Christians think that the land is heaven7 considering ph$sical death as the 5ordan /iver9 This concept is altogether not according to the proper understanding of the -ol$ *ord9 ,uring #raha(;s ti(e7 the land !as a place in !hich he could live9 #raha( needed a place to live in and to live on9 -ence7 the land is a place for God;s people to live in and to live on9 %urther(ore7 during #raha(;s ti(e7 the land !as a place in !hich #raha( could defeat all of his ene(ies in order that God (ight have a kingdo( on earth9 Moreover7 the land !as the place !here God could have a ha#itation as the expression of -i(self9 Thus7 !e see five points concerning the land= that it !as a place for God;s people to live in7 a place for the( to live on7 a place !here God;s ene(ies could #e defeated7 a place !here God could have -is kingdo(7 and a place !here God could have a ha#itation for -is expression9 Eventuall$7 in the land7 the kingdo( of God !as esta#lished7 the te(ple !as #uilt for God;s ha#itation7 and the glor$ of God !as (anifested9 ll of that !as a (iniature of the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 This !as altogether a different (atter fro( #raha(;s existence9 .t !as one thing for #raha( to exist> it !as another thing for hi( to have the seed and the land for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 *hat is the land for us toda$G +ndou#tedl$7 the land is Christ !ho is living in us and in !ho( !e are living9 Toda$7 !e (ust live in Christ and on Christ9 But (an$ Christians do not practice this9 The$ care neither for Christ;s #eing !rought into the( as the seed nor for their living in Christ as their land for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 To the(7 Christ is not the land for the( to live in and to live on> neither is -e the land for the( to slaughter all their ene(ies9 *here can !e slaughter our ene(iesG .n Christ our land9 Christ is the ver$ place in !hich !e slaughter our Chedorlao(er and all of the other kings9 Christ is also the land for the kingdo( of God !here God;s ha#itation can #e #uilt9 .f !e see this7 then !e kno! ho! greatl$ (ost Christians have (issed the (ark in seeking onl$ for God;s #lessings9 *e do not need to pa$ that (uch attention to our existence or to #e so concerned a#out God;s #lessings7 #ecause our %ather kno!s !hat !e need9 *e should let -i( take care of us9 -e !ill never leave us nor forsake us 0-e#9 1?=D29 .n this (atter of God;s purpose !e should not count on !hat !e have or on !hat !e can do9 *hat !e have is Elie8er and !hat !e can do is .sh(ael9 Elie8er !as !hat #raha( had and .sh(ael !as !hat #raha( could do7 and neither of the( counted for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 *hat !e have and !hat !e can do does not count9 .t has to #e God -i(self9 fter a certain ti(e7 !hen !e trul$ have #eco(e nothing7 God !ill !ork -i(self into us7 and that !hich -e has !orked into us !ill #ring forth Christ as the seed and !ill also #ring us into Christ as our land9 Christ should #e the seed !ithin us9 Christ should also #e the land in !hich !e live9 ,o !e not have Christ in usG Kes7 #ut -e (ust #e the seed9 re !e not in Christ toda$G Kes7 #ut !e (ust live in -i( as our land9 Toda$ the land is also the church7 for the church is the enlarge(ent of Christ9 The Bod$ of Christ7 the church7 is the expansion of Christ9 .n the church !e live in Christ and on Christ> in the church !e slaughter the ene(ies> and in the church !e have the kingdo( of God !ith the ha#itation of God9 %or this reason7 !hen !e ca(e into the church7 !e
i((ediatel$ had the sensation that !e had co(e ho(e9 No! !e are no longer !andering #ut have a place in !hich and on !hich to live7 a place in !hich to slaughter all our ene(ies7 a place in !hich !e (a$ have the kingdo( of God !ith the ha#itation of God9 Before !e ca(e into the church7 !e did not have the proper Christian living7 #ut after co(ing into the church7 !hat a positive change has happened to our livingJ Before co(ing into the church7 it !as difficult for us to defeat an$ of our ene(ies7 #ut after co(ing into the church7 it !as so eas$9 Chedorlao(er is afraid of the church9 *here can !e slaughter all of our ene(iesG .n Canaan9 *hat is toda$;s CanaanG .t is the church7 the enlarged Christ9 *here is the kingdo( of God !ith God;s ha#itation toda$G lso in the church9 The church7 the enlarged Christ7 is our good land toda$9 Both the seed and the land are Christ9 The seed is Christ in us and the land is the Christ in !ho( !e live9 Christ lives in us as the seed7 and !e live in -i( as the land9 -e is #oth the seed and the land for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 G&$' 5"&3*'! %($ A2"%#%3' +%4@*() &f f%* # H .n this chapter God not onl$ repeated -is pro(ise to #raha( concerning the seed #ut also the pro(ise to hi( concerning the land9 The pro(ise concerning the seed is full$ covered in the first six verses9 #raha( #elieved in the "ord for that pro(ise concerning the seed9 The pro(ise concerning the land is affir(ativel$ (ade #$ God in verse I7 #ut #raha( lacked faith to #elieve in God for this pro(ise concerning the land9 B$ this !e can see that #elieving in God for the seed is easier than #elieving in God for the land9 .t is easier for us to let Christ live in us as the seed than it is to live in Christ as the land9 To take Christ as the seed living in us is easier than to take Christ as the land for us to have the church life for God;s kingdo( !ith God;s ha#itation9 Because #raha( !as like us7 lacking faith in God in this respect7 God !as forced to (ake a covenant !ith hi( to confir( -is pro(ise concerning the land9 .n the next (essage !e shall see the details concerning the covenant that God (ade !ith #raha(9
A. 0NOWING GRACE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE GODS COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM nd he said unto hi(7 . a( the "ord that #rought thee out of +r of the Chaldees7 to give thee this land to inherit it9 nd he said7 "ord God7 !here#$ shall . kno! that . shall inherit itG nd he said unto hi(7 Take (e a heifer of three $ears old7 and a she goat of three $ears old7 and a ra( of three $ears old7 and a turtledove7 and a $oung pigeon9 nd he took unto hi( all these7 and divided the( in the (idst9L nd it ca(e to pass7 that7 !hen the sun !ent do!n7 and it !as dark7 #ehold a s(oking furnace7 and a #urning la(p that passed #et!een those pieces9 .n that sa(e da$ the "ord (ade a covenant !ith #ra(7 sa$ing7 +nto th$ seed have . given this landL 0Genesis 1D=I61C7 1I61B2
.n the last (essage !e sa! that !hatever #raha( experienced prior to Genesis 1D !as a (atter of God;s #lessing for his existence9 But God;s calling of #raha( !as not (erel$ that #raha( should exist> it !as that God;s eternal purpose (ight #e fulfilled through hi(9 Beginning !ith chapter fifteen7 God ca(e in to sho! #raha( that he needed grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 #raha( not onl$ needed out!ard #lessings in his environ(ent #ut also grace in his life9 .f !e read Genesis 1D through 33 carefull$7 !e shall see that in these chapters God !as dealing !ith #raha( in order to #ring hi( to the reali8ation that he needed -is grace in order to fulfill -is eternal purpose9 So God ca(e in not si(pl$ to #less #raha( out!ardl$ #ut to !ork -i(self into hi( as grace in order that #raha( (ight have so(ething su#stantial for the carr$ing out of God;s eternal purpose9 s !e sa! in the previous (essage7 t!o things !ere needed for #raha( to fulfill God;s purpose)the seed and the land9 .f $ou read Genesis 1D again7 $ou !ill see that these t!o things7 the seed and the land7 are (entioned repeatedl$9 *e have seen that #oth the seed and the land are Christ9 %irstl$7 the seed is the individual7 personal Christ7 and eventuall$ it is the corporate Christ9 Galatians ?=1E reveals that Christ is the seed of #raha(9 .nitiall$ the seed !as the individual Christ7 #ut ulti(atel$ it has #eco(e the corporate Christ)the Christ !ho is the -ead !ith all of us as -is Bod$9 This is the seed that is needed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 Christ is also the land9 The concept that Christ is the land (a$ see( rather ne! or strange #ecause in the past (an$ of us !ere told that the good land of Canaan !as a t$pe7 a s$(#ol7 of heaven9 This concept is held #$ (an$ Christians7 #ut if !e return to the pure *ord7 !e can see that the land actuall$ s$(#oli8es Christ9 .n t$pe7 the land is the place !here God;s people have rest and !here God can defeat all of -is ene(ies and esta#lish -is kingdo( !ith -is ha#itation for -is expression and representation9 Please re(e(#er the follo!ing points regarding the land= that it is the place !here God;s people (a$ have rest> that it is the place !here all of God;s ene(ies can #e slaughtered> and that it is the place !here God esta#lishes -is kingdo( and #uilds up -is ha#itation that -e (a$ #e expressed and represented on this re#ellious earth9 *hat is :ualified to #e such a landG Nothing other than Christ9 .n Christ7 !e have rest and !e slaughter the ene(ies9 .n Christ7 God esta#lishes -is kingdo( and #uilds -is ha#itation7 the church7 for -is expression and representation9 -ave $ou seen that #oth the seed and the land are ChristG The seed that God pro(ised #raha( is toda$ the corporate Christ7 and the land that God pro(ised hi( is the !onderful resurrected and elevated Christ in !ho( !e rest and slaughter our ene(ies and in !ho( God esta#lishes -is kingdo( and #uilds up -is ha#itation that -e (ight #e expressed and represented9 *hen God pro(ised #raha( that he !ould have a seed7 #raha( #elieved God for this i((ediatel$ 01D=E29 *hen #raha( #elieved in God for the pro(ise concerning the seed7 his faith7 !hich !as so precious to God7 !as counted as righteousness to hi( #$ God9 t that ti(e7 #raha( !as 4ustified #$ faith7 #$ the faith that #elieved that God !ould give hi( the seed to acco(plish God;s eternal purpose9 *hen #raha( #elieved in God for that7 God !as happ$ !ith hi(9 fter this7 ho!ever7 !hen God also pro(ised #raha( that -e !ould give hi( the land7 #raha( fell short7 sa$ing to the "ord7 @"ord God7
!here#$ shall . kno! that . shall inherit itGA 0v9 B29 lthough he !as a#le to #elieve in God for the pro(ise concerning the seed7 he could not #elieve in -i( for the pro(ise concerning the land9 The principle is the sa(e toda$9 To #elieve that Christ is the seed is eas$7 #ut to #elieve that Christ is the land is difficult9 .t is easier to #elieve that Christ is our life than it is to #elieve that Christ can #e our church life9 Man$ Christians #elieve in God for Christ;s #eing their life7 #ut !hen the$ co(e to the (atter of the church life7 the good land !here !e can rest7 slaughter the ene(ies7 and afford God the ground to esta#lish -is kingdo( and #uild up -is ha#itation7 the$ sa$ that it is i(possi#le for us to have this toda$9 Man$ Christians see( to #e sa$ing7 @.t is possi#le for us to live #$ Christ7 #ut it is i(possi#le to have the church life9A .t is easier for the( to #elieve that Christ can #e their life than that the church can #e their living9 The$ cannot #elieve that it is possi#le to have the church life toda$9 Once again !e see that !e are the sa(e as #raha(7 finding it eas$ to #elieve in God for the seed #ut finding it difficult to #elieve in -i( for the land9 ,o $ou have Christ as the seedG ,o $ou also have -i( as the landG .t is not such a si(ple (atter to have Christ as the land for us to live in so that !e (a$ have the church life and that God (a$ have -is kingdo( !ith -is ha#itation for -is expression and representation9 Kears ago7 #efore !e ca(e into the church life7 !e (inistered on the (atter of living #$ Christ7 #ut !e ourselves !ere not in the rest9 *e !andered restlessl$ until one da$7 #$ -is grace7 !e ca(e into the church9 *hen !e ca(e into the church7 !e #egan to have the sensation that !e !ere in the rest9 Before !e ca(e into the church life7 it !as ver$ difficult for us to slaughter the ene(ies7 #ut after co(ing into the church life7 !e found that it !as eas$ to slaughter the( all9 .n the church life God;s kingdo( is set up7 -is ha#itation is #uilt up7 and God is expressed and represented9 This is the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose toda$9 GOD CONFIRMING HIS PROMISE BY MA0ING A COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM THROUGH CHRIST Because #raha( found it difficult to #elieve in God regarding the pro(ise of the land7 God !as forced to (ake a covenant !ith hi(9 .n 1D=F631 !e see that God confir(ed -is pro(ise #$ (aking a covenant !ith #raha( through Christ9 The !a$ in !hich God (ade this covenant !ith #raha( !as ver$ peculiar9 This portion of the *ord is difficult for people to understand9 *e need to see that God !as forced to (ake this covenant !ith #raha(9 s far as God !as concerned7 there !as no need for -i( to do this9 .f #raha( had i((ediatel$ #elieved in God for the pro(ise of the land7 Genesis 1D !ould have #een (uch shorter than it is no!9 There !ould have #een no need for (an$ things that are (entioned there= the dividing of the heifer7 the she6goat7 and the ra(> the offering of the turtledove and the $oung pigeon> the deep sleep that fell upon #raha(> the horror of great darkness that ca(e upon hi(> God;s passing through the pieces as a s(oking furnace and as a torch of fire> and the (ention of the four hundred $ears9 .t see(s that nothing !as pleasant9 .t !as not the ti(e of sunrise #ut of sunset7 and God did not co(e in a lovel$ !a$ #ut as a s(oking furnace and a fla(ing torch9 .f !e had !itnessed such a scene7 !e pro#a#l$ !ould have #een frightened to death7 #eing una#le to !ithstand it and
finding it altogether a terrif$ing thing9 This scene7 ho!ever7 has a ver$ s!eet flavor #ecause in it God (ade a covenant !ith -is dear called one> -e had no intention of terrif$ing hi(9 . have spent (uch ti(e in tr$ing to understand this portion of the *ord9 .n the earl$ da$s . could not understand it #ecause . lacked experience9 . looked into so(e #ooks7 #ut none of the( said an$thing helpful a#out this (atter9 But eventuall$ #$ experiences through the $ears the "ord has sho!n (e the real significance of this portion of the *ord9 This incident in Genesis 1D is the consu((ation of a covenant7 the record of God;s enacting of a covenant9 The first covenant that God (ade !as !ith Noah 0F=B61I27 a covenant that had a rain#o! as its sign9 -ere7 in Genesis 1D7 is the second covenant (ade #$ God !ith (an9 *e need to keep this fact fir(l$ in (ind9 THREE CATTLE SIGNIFYING THE CRUCIFIED CHRIST H .n (aking -is covenant !ith #raha(7 God told hi( to take a heifer7 a she6goat7 a ra(7 a turtledove7 and a $oung pigeon 0v9 F29 The three cattle7 all of !hich !ere three $ears of age7 !ere divided in half7 #ut the t!o #irds !ere not> the$ !ere kept alive9 .t !as through these that God (ade -is covenant !ith #raha(7 i(pl$ing that it !as in this !a$ that #raha( could fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 *e need to see the significance of the three cattle and the t!o #irds9 .n t$polog$7 all things offered to God #$ (an are a t$pe of Christ9 Based upon this principle7 each of these five things undou#tedl$ is a t$pe of Christ9 Christ is firstl$ the crucified Christ7 the cut Christ7 and secondl$ -e is the resurrected7 living Christ9 .f !e see this7 then !e can i((ediatel$ understand that the three cattle7 !hich !ere cut and killed7 are t$pes of the crucified Christ9 The crucified Christ !as the One !ho #eca(e flesh7 living on earth in -is hu(anit$9 5ohn chapter one sa$s that the *ord !ho !as God #eca(e flesh 0v9 1<29 Then it speaks of this One as the "a(# of God 0v9 3F29 The "a(# of God !as the One !ho !as the *ord of God #eco(ing flesh9 Thus7 the three cattle in Genesis 1D should signif$ Christ in -is hu(anit$ #eing crucified for us9 .f !e read Genesis 1D along !ith the #ook of "eviticus7 !e can see that the fe(ale heifer !as for a peace offering 0"ev9 ?=129 *h$ does the peace offering co(e firstG Because !hen God !as (aking a covenant !ith -is called one7 there !as the need of peace9 .n (aking a covenant or an$ agree(ent #et!een t!o parties there is the need of peace9 .n order for God to (ake a covenant !ith -is called one7 there !as firstl$ the need of a peace offering9 nd Christ !as that peace offering9 The she6goat !as a t$pe of Christ as our sin offering 0"ev9 <=3B> D=E29 /egardless of ho! good !e (a$ #e as God;s called ones7 !e are still sinful9 Thus7 follo!ing the peace offering !e need the sin offering9 -allelu4ah7 the pro#le( of sin has #een settledJ .t has #een taken a!a$ #$ Christ as our she6goat7 as our sin offering9 %ollo!ing this there !as the need of the #urnt offering7 the offering !hich signifies that ever$thing (ust #e for God 0"ev9 1=1C29 fter the peace offering7 there !as the sin offering7 and after the sin offering7 there !as the #urnt offering9 Christ !as all of the offerings that God passed through in (aking a covenant !ith -is called one9
*h$ !ere the three cattle all three $ears oldG Because Christ !as not killed in death #ut in resurrection9 -e !as not offered in death #ut in resurrection9 /eferring to -is crucifixion7 the "ord told the 5e!s7 @,estro$ this te(ple7 and in three da$s . !ill raise it upA 05ohn 3=1F29 The "ord !as killed !hen -e !as @three $ears old7A (eaning that -e !as killed in resurrection9 Even #efore -e !as killed -e !as alread$ in resurrection #ecause -e !as al!a$s in resurrection 05ohn 11=3D29 Therefore7 !hen -e !as killed7 -e !as killed in resurrection7 and this !as !h$ -e could #e resurrected9 Christ offered -i(self to God in resurrection9 -e !as nailed to the cross in resurrection9 /egardless of ho! strong $ou (a$ #e7 if $ou !ere to #e killed7 $ou !ould #e killed in death7 not in resurrection9 But the "ord 5esus !as killed in resurrection9 TWO BIRDS SIGNIFYING THE RESURRECTED CHRIST H The t!o #irds7 neither of !hich !as killed7 signif$ the resurrected7 living Christ 0"ev9 1<=E6I29 This resurrected Christ is (ainl$ in -is divinit$ #ecause7 according to the Bi#le7 a dove in t$polog$ signifies the -ol$ Spirit 05ohn 1=?329 Therefore7 !hile the cattle t$pif$ Christ in -is hu(anit$7 the #irds t$pif$ -i( in -is divinit$9 So the #irds in Genesis 1D signif$ the heavenl$ Christ7 the Christ !ho ca(e fro( and !ho still is in heaven 05ohn ?=1?27 the Christ !ho !as and !ho still is living9 Christ has #een crucified7 $et -e lives9 -e !as killed in -is hu(anit$7 #ut -e lives in -is divinit$9 -e !as killed as a (an !ho !alked on this earth7 #ut no! -e is living as the heavenl$ One soaring in the heavens9 *hile -is hu(anit$ !as good for -i( to #e all the sacrifices7 -is divinit$ is good for -i( to #e the living One9 -e !as sacrificed for us in -is hu(anit$7 and -e is living for us in -is divinit$9 .n t$polog$7 the turtledove signifies a suffering life and the $oung pigeon signifies a #elieving life7 a life of faith9 *hile -e !as living on earth7 the "ord 5esus !as al!a$s suffering and #elieving9 .n -is suffering life -e !as the turtledove and in -is #elieving life -e !as the $oung pigeon9 There !ere t!o #irds7 and the nu(#er t!o (eans testi(on$7 #earing !itness 0 cts D=?329 The t!o living #irds #ear testi(on$ of Christ as the resurrected One living in us and for us 05ohn 1<=1F63C> Gal9 3=3C29 The living 5esus is the testi(on$7 the One !ho constantl$ #ears !itness9 .n /evelation 1 the "ord 5esus said7 @. a(Lthe living One7 and . #eca(e dead7 and #ehold7 . a( living forever and everA 0v9 1B29 -is living forever is -is testi(on$7 for the testi(on$ of 5esus is al!a$s related to the (atter of #eing living9 .f a local church is not living7 it does not have the testi(on$ of 5esus9 The (ore living !e are7 the (ore !e are the testi(on$ of the living 5esus9 There !ere three cattle and t!o #irds7 (aking a total of five ite(s9 The nu(#er five is the nu(#er of responsi#ilit$7 indicating here that Christ as the crucified and living One is no! #earing all the responsi#ilit$ for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 AS FOWL FROM THE AIR, SATAN AND HIS ANGELS COMING TO MA0E CHRIST OF NONE EFFECT
H *hen the sacrifices !ere (ade read$7 the fo!l fro( the air ca(e do!n tr$ing to eat the( 0v9 1129 This signifies that Satan and his angels co(e to (ake Christ of none effect for the church life 0Gal9 D=37 <29 Toda$ Satan and his angels 03 Cor9 11=1?61D2 are doing their #est to ro# Christians of the en4o$(ent of Christ for the church life 0Col9 3=B29 s #raha( drove the fo!l a!a$7 so !e (ust drive Satan and his angels a!a$ fro( !hat Christ is to us for the church life9 THE COVENANTING GOD PASSING BETWEEN THE PIECES OF THE SACRIFICES H .t !as through the sacrifices as t$pes of Christ that God passed to (ake a covenant !ith #raha( 0vv9 1I61B> cf9 5er9 ?<=1B61F29 fter #raha( divided the cattle and arranged all the sacrifices7 @!hen the sun !as going do!n7 a deep sleep fell upon #ra(> and7 lo7 an horror of great darkness fell upon hi(A 0vv9 1161329 *hen #raha( !as in this kind of situation7 God ca(e in9 &erse 1I sa$s7 @ nd it ca(e to pass7 that7 !hen the sun !ent do!n7 and it !as dark7 #ehold a s(oking furnace7 and a torch of fire that passed #et!een those piecesA 0v9 1B7 -e#929 God did not co(e in a ver$ lovel$ !a$ #ut as a s(oking furnace and as a fla(ing torch9 furnace is for refining7 and a torch is for enlightening9 .n the (idst of a dark situation God ca(e in to refine and to enlighten9 This happens :uite often in the church life9 Suddenl$ the sunrise #eco(es the sunset7 a dark night descends upon us7 (an$ saints are sleep$ and out of function7 and there is suffering on ever$ side9 ,uring such a ti(e of affliction7 !e (a$ #egin to dou#t7 sa$ing7 @*hat is thisG .s so(ething !rong !ith usGA t such a ti(e God !ill al!a$s co(e in as a furnace to refine us7 to #urn us out7 and also as a torch to enlighten us9 People often sa$ of those in the church life7 @-o! can $ou people have so (uch lightG *hat light there is a(ong $ouJ -o! the torch is fla(ingJA The light (ainl$ co(es fro( the sufferings9 "ook at #raha(;s situation= the sun !ent do!n7 night ca(e7 #raha( !as sleeping7 and God ca(e in7 not as a co(forter #ut as a furnace to #urn and as a torch to enlighten9 On the one hand God is #urning us and !e are suffering> on the other hand -e is enlightening us and !e are under the light9 t such a ti(e7 even if !e are in a dark night7 !e shall #e so clear9 .t !as in this kind of a situation that God passed #et!een the pieces of the sacrifices7 and that !as the enacting of God;s covenant9 God (ade a covenant !ith #raha( in the !a$ of passing through all of the sacrifices as a s(oking furnace and a torch of fire9 .t !as in this !a$ that God confir(ed -is pro(ise to #raha( #$ (aking a covenant !ith hi( for the fulfill(ent of -is eternal purpose9 THE CALLED ONE IDENTIFIED WITH CHRIST BY OFFERING HIM TO GOD H *henever people offered so(ething to God in the Old Testa(ent7 the$ laid their hand upon the sacrifice7 signif$ing their union or identification !ith it9 God;s asking #raha( to offer the cattle and #irds to -i( i(plied that #raha( had to #e one !ith all of the things that he offered to God9 God see(ed to #e sa$ing to hi(7 @ #raha(7 $ou (ust #e in
union !ith all of the things that $ou offer to Me9 Kou (ust #e identified !ith the cattle and the #irds9A This indicates that !e also have to #e cut in Christ;s #eing cut and crucified in -is crucifixion9 Our natural (an7 our flesh7 and our self (ust #e cut and crucified9 s !e are identified !ith -i( in -is crucifixion7 !e are also identified !ith -i( in -is resurrection9 *e are dead in -is death 0/o(9 E=Da7 Ba2 and !e are living in -is resurrection 0/o(9 E=D#7 B#2 to fulfill God;s purpose9 *e !ere ter(inated in -is crucifixion and !e !ere ger(inated in -is resurrection9 .t is in this !a$ that !e are ena#led to fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 .t is i(possi#le for the natural (an to have the church life9 (ong us !e have (an$ different kinds of #rothers and sisters9 -u(anl$ speaking7 it is i(possi#le for us to #e one9 Nevertheless7 in the church !e are trul$ one #$ the crucified and resurrected Christ9 *e are so one in -i( that even the ,evil has to ad(it that !e are one9 Our old (an !as ter(inated in Christ;s crucifixion9 *henever ($ ter(inated old (an co(es out of the grave7 . i((ediatel$ re#uke hi(7 sa$ing7 @*hat are $ou doing hereG Kou have #een ter(inated alread$9 .t is !rong for $ou to co(e here9A *e all have #een ter(inated in Christ;s crucifixion and ger(inated in -is resurrection9 .n -is resurrection !e all are living7 not living #$ ourselves #ut #$ the resurrected Christ !ho lives !ithin us and !ho ena#les us to have the church life9 No! !e see ho! God can have such a !onderful seed and land as the people and the sphere in and !ith !hich -e can esta#lish -is kingdo( and #uild up -is ha#itation for -is expression and representation9 -o! can God do thisG Onl$ #$ Christ;s #eing crucified as our peace offering7 sin offering7 and #urnt offering and #eing resurrected to #e our life9 No! !e7 the called ones7 those !ho offer Christ to God and are identified !ith -i(7 are one !ith Christ9 *hen Christ !as crucified and resurrected7 !e also !ere crucified and resurrected !ith -i(9 *e !ere crucified in -is crucifixion and resurrected in -is resurrection9 No! !e can all declare7 @.t is no longer . !ho live7 #ut Christ lives in (eA 0Gal9 3=3C29 .t is #$ this fact that !e can #e living toda$ in order to have the church life9 .n the church life !e have Christ !ithin as the seed and Christ !ithout as the land9 -o! can !e get into such a land7 into such a church lifeG Onl$ through the crucified and resurrected Christ7 through the heifer7 she6goat7 ra(7 turtledove7 and pigeon9 On the one hand7 !e all have #een crucified> on the other hand7 !e all are living9 So here God can have the seed and the land for the fulfill(ent of -is eternal purpose9 -allelu4ah for such a Christ as the seed for us to live #$ and as the land for us to live inJ THE AFFLICTION OF THE PROMISED SEED SIGNIFIED BY THE GREAT DAR0NESS H &erses 13 through 1E speak of the affliction of the pro(ised seed9 This affliction !as signified #$ the great darkness that fell upon #raha(9 s the sun !as going do!n7 #raha( fell into a deep sleep7 and a horror of a great darkness ca(e upon hi(9 .n that darkness God prophesied concerning #raha(;s seed7 sa$ing7 @'no! of a suret$ that th$ seed shall #e a stranger in a land that is not theirs7 and shall serve the(> and the$ shall afflict the( four hundred $earsL#ut in the fourth generation the$ shall co(e hither againA 0vv9 1?7 1E29 God see(ed to #e telling #raha(7 @ #raha(7 $ou should not dou#t
that . !ill give $ou the land9 Kour seed !ill inherit the land9 But $our descendants are going to suffer affliction for four hundred $ears9A The "ord;s prophec$ here is ver$ (eaningful9 .n the church life toda$7 at a certain point the sun !ill go do!n7 the dark night !ill co(e7 and (ost of the people !ill #e sleeping7 that is7 the$ !ill #e out of function and no longer useful9 Such a ti(e is a ti(e of affliction9 -ere !ith #raha( !e see three things= that the sun !as going do!n7 that a deep sleep fell upon #raha(7 and that a horror of a great darkness fell upon hi(9 .t is during such a ti(e that God;s called people are under suffering9 God told #raha( that his seed !ould #e suffering like that for four hundred $ears9 Those four hundred $ears !ere to #e one long night7 a dark age !hen all the children of .srael !ould #e sleeping7 out of function7 and suffering affliction9 #raha(;s sleep signified that the four hundred $ears !ere to the children of .srael a dark night through !hich the$ passed9 FROM ISHMAELS PERSECUTION OF ISAAC TO THE E.ODUS OUT OF EGYPT H -istor$ proves that #raha(;s seed did suffer affliction for a period of four hundred $ears #eginning !ith .sh(ael;s persecution of .saac 031=F> Gal9 <=3F2 a#out 1BF1 B9C9 until the exodus out of Eg$pt a#out 1<F1 B9C9 0Exo9 ?=I6B> cts I=E29 .sh(ael;s (ocking of .saac !as the start of the affliction of #raha(;s seed that !as to continue for four hundred $ears9 *hat is the significance of the nu(#er four hundredG This nu(#er is co(posed of ten ti(es fort$9 .n the Bi#le7 the nu(#er fort$ is the nu(#er of trials7 sufferings7 and tests9 Thus7 four hundred indicates ten ti(es of trials9 Before the children of .srael !ere tested in the !ilderness for fort$ $ears7 the$ had #een tested for ten ti(es fort$ $ears alread$9 %ro( .sh(ael;s persecution of .saac7 the pro(ised seed7 until the exodus out of Eg$pt !as four hundred $ears9 *h$ then does Exodus 13=<C6<1 0cf9 Gal9 ?=1I2 speak of four hundred thirt$ $earsG This four hundred thirt$ $ears #egan !ith Genesis 13=16E7 fro( a#out the $ear 1F31 B9C9 %ro( the da$ that #raha( !as called in Genesis 13 to the persecution of .saac #$ .sh(ael !as exactl$ thirt$ $ears7 the period in !hich God;s called ones lived in a strange land9 *hile #raha( !as in Canaan7 it !as a strange land to hi(7 and it re(ained a strange land to God;s called ones until the da$ the$ entered into it as the good land9 The persecution of the seed #egan thirt$ $ears after #raha( !as called in Genesis 13 and continued for four hundred $ears9 This is not (erel$ a doctrinal (atter7 for the principle is the sa(e in the church life toda$9 *hile !e are en4o$ing Christ as the seed !ithin and as the land !ithout7 a dark night (a$ fall upon us and so(e trials and testings (a$ co(e9 *hat is the purpose of thisG %or the purpose that7 in the (idst of the dark night7 the lack of function of the called ones7 and the affliction7 God (ight co(e in as a s(oking furnace to refine us and as a fla(ing torch to enlighten us that !e (a$ fulfill -is purpose #$ the seed and #$ the land9 AS A SIGN FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS COVENANT H .n (aking the covenant !ith #raha(7 God sovereignl$ (ade an environ(ent of darkness in !hich -e told #raha( that his descendants !ould suffer affliction for four hundred $ears9 This prophec$7 !hich !as fulfilled accordingl$7 !as a sign for the
fulfill(ent of God;s covenant (ade here9 The affliction of the pro(ised seed !as a sign that God !ould fulfill -is covenant9 B$ suffering the affliction as God prophesied7 God;s people should #e assured that God !ould fulfill -is covenant9 .t is the sa(e !ith us toda$9 The suffering of the church in dark ti(es is a strong sign that God !ill fulfill -is covenant for the church life !ith Christ as the seed and the land9 .n verse 1B the "ord (ade a covenant !ith #raha( and said7 @+nto th$ seed have . given this land7 fro( the river of Eg$pt unto the great river7 the river Euphrates9A #raha(;s seed !as given a spacious land7 fro( the river of Eg$pt to the great river of Euphrates9 The nation of .srael toda$ has onl$ a narro! strip of land7 #ut the pro(ised land is (ore spacious than this9 .n t$polog$7 this (eans that after all of the experiences of affliction7 the church life !ill #e expanded and #eco(e spacious9 Then !e shall have a richer seed and a !ider7 #roader church life9 The seed !ithin us !ill #e richer7 and the land !ithout us !ill #e #roader9 .t is here that !e fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 . #elieve that no!7 #$ the "ord;s (erc$7 Genesis 1D7 a chapter !hich has #een so difficult to understand7 has #een (ade clear to us9 .n this chapter !e have the seed and the land9 -ere !e have Christ as the crucified One and as the resurrected and living One9 -ere !e also have our identification !ith -i(9 .n this chapter there are the four hundred $ears of affliction and God;s co(ing in as a furnace and a torch9 .t is here that God enacted -is covenant that !e (ight fulfill -is eternal purpose9 -o! did God enact -is covenantG .n the !a$ of Christ;s #eing crucified as the peace offering7 sin offering7 and #urnt offering and #eing resurrected as the living One> in the !a$ of our offering Christ and #eing full$ identified !ith -i( in -is crucifixion and resurrection> and in the !a$ of our reali8ing that !e shall have the dark night7 the affliction7 and God;s co(ing in as the furnace and the torch to refine and enlighten us9 .t is here in Genesis 1D that !e are in the covenant (ade through Christ that ena#les us to fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 .t is here that in the church life !e en4o$ Christ as the seed and as the good land9 .t is here that !e en4o$ -i( as the all6sufficient grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9
1B. 0NOWING GRACE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE THE ALLEGORY OF THE TWO WOMEN God said unto #raha(7LSarah shall her na(e #e9 nd . !ill #less her7 and give thee a son also of her= $ea7 . !ill #less herL nd #raha( said unto God7 O that .sh(ael (ight live #efore theeJ 0Genesis 1I=1D61E7 1B2 %or it is !ritten that #raha( had t!o sons7 one of the (aidservant and one of the free !o(an9 -o!ever the one of the (aidservant !as #orn according to the flesh7 #ut the one of the free !o(an !as #orn through pro(ise9 These things are spoken allegoricall$7 for these !o(en are t!o covenantsL 0Galatians <=3363<2
Genesis is a #ook of the riches of God;s divine revelation9 The (ore . sta$ !ith this #ook7 the (ore . en4o$ its s!eet riches9 *hen !e read the #ook of Genesis7 !e need the divine enlighten(ent7 for #$ our hu(an (entalit$ !e cannot get an$thing out of this #ook except historical records and so(e interesting stories9 *hen . !as $oung7 . !as happ$ to hear the stories in this #ook7 #ut if !e onl$ understand Genesis as a stor$ #ook7 !e shall (iss a great deal9 Sarah and -agar7 the !ife and the concu#ine of #raha(7 God;s called one7 are an allegor$ of t!o covenants 0Gal9 <=3<29 .f the postle Paul had not !ritten the #ook of Galatians in !hich he tells us that these t!o !o(en are an allegor$ of t!o covenants7 none of us !ould ever have drea(ed of such a thing9 lthough so(e Christians critici8e the allegori8ation of the Bi#le7 Paul took the lead to allegori8e the Old Testa(ent9 .f !e are going to appreciate the treasures in the #ook of Genesis7 !e (ust reali8e that Genesis is a #ook of allegories9 #raha(;s #iograph$ is an allegor$9 -is !ife and his concu#ine especiall$ are a ver$ (eaningful allegor$9 .n this (essage !e shall do our #est to pro#e into the (eaning of this allegor$9 Before !e co(e to this allegor$7 ho!ever7 !e need to see so(ething a#out the #ook of Genesis9 *h$ is Genesis so s!eet and preciousG Because it is a #ook containing (an$ seeds of the divine revelation that !ere so!n #$ God -i(self9 This #ook contains all of the (ain aspects of God;s divine revelation9 .n the ver$ first chapter !e see that God has an intention to express -i(self through (an and that for this purpose -e created (an in -is o!n i(age 01=3E29 Man !as (ade according to God;s i(age !ith the intention that he (ight #eco(e God;s exact expression and that through this expression God (ight have a do(inion7 a kingdo(7 in !hich -e could exercise -is authorit$9 This is God;s ulti(ate intention7 -is eternal purpose9 .f $ou read the Bi#le !ith this heavenl$ light7 $ou !ill see that the !hole Bi#le covers this divine intention9 .n order for God to fulfill -is intention of having -i(self expressed and of o#taining a do(inion on earth7 -e needs to have the seed and the land7 #oth of !hich are related to Christ9 This Christ (ust #e !rought into God;s people9 God !anted to do this !ith da(7 #ut da( failed9 Eventuall$7 God had a ne! start !ith a ne! race7 the race of the called ones7 the first one of !hich !as #raha(9 .f $ou read #raha(;s #iograph$7 $ou !ill see that again and again God ca(e to hi( !ith a pro(ise concerning t!o things)the seed and the land 013=I> 1?=1D61E> 1D=D7 I7 1B29 #raha( !as not $oung !hen he !as first called #$ God> he !as sevent$6five $ears of age !hen he ans!ered God;s calling in a full !a$9 lthough #raha( !as sevent$6five $ears of age7 he still did not have a child9 s far as God !as concerned7 that !as ver$ good9 .f !hen God calls $ou $ou have nothing7 that is ver$ good7 for if $ou have too (uch7 that !ill frustrate God;s calling9 *hen #raha( !as called #$ God7 he did not have a child and he lived in a conde(ned7 de(onic land7 a land out of !hich God called hi(9 fter he !as called7 #raha( had no child and no land9 Suppose a (an and his !ife toda$ !ould have no child and no land9 *ould the$ not think of the(selves as the (ost pitiful people on earthG Perhaps #raha( said to his !ife7 @*hat are !e here forG . a( sevent$6five and $ou are sixt$6five7 and !e don;t have even one child9 *e have also #een called out of our land9 *here are !eG *hat are !e doing hereG *here are !e goingGA .t see(s that the$ !ere in a pitiful situation9 But the
(ore pitiful !e are in this !a$7 the #etter it is for God;s purpose9 . hope that none of us has a child !ithin nor a land !ithout9 .f #oth !ithin and !ithout !e have nothing7 that !ould #e !onderful9 *h$G Because God does not !ant us to have an$thing for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 *hat God !ants is to !ork Christ into us as the seed and then to !ork Christ out of us as the land9 %irstl$7 the seed (ust #e !rought into us> secondl$7 it (ust #e !orked out of us to #eco(e the land9 Both the seed and the land are Christ9 *e have seen that #raha( ans!ered God;s calling in the !a$ of dragging his feet through (ud and !ater9 Since God did not give #raha( a child7 #raha( took "ot7 his nephe!7 along !ith hi(9 #raha( could not sa$ that he had nothing7 #ecause he had taken "ot !ith hi(9 %urther(ore7 it (ight have #een that as he !as traveling through ,a(ascus7 he found Elie8er and took hi( along !ith hi(9 %ollo!ing that7 it (ight have #een that after #raha( fell into Eg$pt7 drifting do!nstrea( like a piece of drift!ood7 he ac:uired -agar9 lthough he planned to sacrifice his !ife in Eg$pt7 under God;s sovereignt$ his !ife !as preserved7 and7 according to God;s good plan7 #raha( ac:uired (an$ riches7 including an Eg$ptian (aid na(ed -agar9 .n -aran #raha( picked up "ot7 in ,a(ascus he found Elie8er7 and in Eg$pt he secured -agar9 But in the good land he did not gain an$thing9 ll he o#tained in the good land !as God;s pro(ise in plain !ords regarding the seed and the land9 lthough #raha( !as not free to argue !ith God7 !ithin hi(self he pro#a#l$ said to God7 @God7 Kou don;t need to pro(ise (e over and over again that Kou !ill give (e a #o$9 Kou alread$ told (e that ($ descendants !ill #eco(e a great nation9 Kou have told (e three ti(es that . !ould have a seed7 #ut !h$ don;t Kou do an$thingG God7 don;t Kou reali8e that one action is #etter than a thousand !ordsG Kou;ve not onl$ (ade a pro(ise to (e #ut also a covenant9 Kou tell (e that the rain is going to co(e7 #ut . have not $et seen even one drop of !ater9 lso7 Kou told (e that Kou !ould give (e this land9 *h$ don;t Kou give it to (e right no!G Kou al!a$s sa$7 M. !ill give it to $ou7; #ut don;t Kou kno! that . need it no!GA This !as a real testing to #raha(9 %irstl$7 #raha( relied upon "ot9 Eventuall$ "ot #eca(e a pro#le( to hi( and separated fro( hi(9 fter that7 #raha( put his trust in Elie8er7 telling God that Elie8er !ould #e his heir9 *hen God said that Elie8er !ould not #e the heir7 #raha( (ight have said7 @God7 !hat are Kou doingG Kou have 4ust ro##ed (e9 Kou sa$ no to this and no to that9 Kou don;t give (e even one $es9A .n order to strengthen #raha(;s faith7 God (ade a covenant !ith hi( in a ver$ extraordinar$ !a$7 using three cattle and t!o living #irds9 That covenant (ade #$ God !as (uch stronger than 4ust -is pro(ise9 fter this7 #raha( and Sarah (ight have had a lot of sad fello!ship9 #raha( (ight have said to his !ife7 @Sarah7 (an$ $ears ago God pro(ised that !e !ould have a seed9 *here is itG God also pro(ised to give us the land9 .n order to strengthen our faith7 -e (ade a covenant !ith us9 *e cannot sa$ that the covenant is not #elieva#le or trust!orth$7 #ecause . offered the cattle and the #irds as the "ord told (e to9 But !e still don;t have an$thing9A .n ti(es like this7 the !ives are often like Sarah9 Often the !ives are finer and look at things in (ore detail9 .t (ight have #een that !hile #raha( !as talking in such a sad !a$ that Sarah presented hi( !ith a good proposal sa$ing7 @ #raha(7 !e cannot sa$ that God;s !ord is not trust!orth$7 #ut look at ho! old !e are9
,idn;t God tell $ou that so(eone #orn out of $ou !ould #e $our seedG No! . have a good proposal9 .t (ust have #een sovereign that !e ac:uired -agar in Eg$pt9 *h$ don;t $ou go to her and have a child #$ herG Then !e shall have the seed to fulfill God;s purpose9A .f !e had #een #raha( !e pro#a#l$ !ould have said7 @This is a !onderful idea9 . never thought of it7 #ut thank God that $ou had the !isdo( to propose such a plan9A #raha( took Sarah;s counsel and .sh(ael !as produced9 Perhaps after .sh(ael !as #orn #raha( said7 @*ho can den$ this oneG -e !as certainl$ #orn of (e9 ,on;t $ou #elieve that God !as sovereign in giving us -agar in Eg$pt and in the fact that she gave #irth to a #o$7 not to a girlG God has #een sovereign in three respects)in giving us -agar7 in causing her to conceive7 and in giving us a #o$ through her9 Praise the "ordJ This is surel$ the sovereignt$ of God9A But after the #irth of .sh(ael7 God sta$ed a!a$ fro( #raha( for thirteen $ears 01E=1E> 1I=129 On the one hand7 during that period of ti(e #raha( (ight have #een happ$ #ecause he had a child7 #ut on the other hand7 he !as suffering #ecause he did not have God;s appearing9 -e (ight have said to his !ife7 @*h$ don;t !e have God;s appearingG *hat has happenedG *e didn;t go do!n to Eg$pt again or do an$thing !rong9 *e acted on $our proposal to have a seed to fulfill God;s purpose9 *hat is !rong !ith usG *e have a child7 #ut !e don;t have God;s presence9A s !e shall see in the next (essage7 after thirteen $ears7 God finall$ ca(e in7 sa$ing to #raha(7 @. a( the all6sufficient God> !alk #efore (e7 and #e thou perfectA 01I=17 -e#929 God see(ed to #e telling #raha(7 @ #raha(7 $ou (ust #e perfect9 lthough $ou have done no !rong7 it is certain that $ou are not perfect9A Then God told hi( that a seed !ould #e #orn not onl$ out of hi( #ut also out of his !ife7 sa$ing that -e !ould give #raha( a son #$ her 01I=1E29 .sh(ael had #een #orn out of #raha( #ut not out of Sarah9 #raha(7 #eing ver$ reluctant to give up .sh(ael7 said to God7 @O that .sh(ael (ight live #efore theeJA 01I=1B29 God ans!ered #raha(7 sa$ing7 @Sarah th$ !ife shall #ear thee a son indeed> and thou shalt call his na(e .saacA 01I=1F29 God see(ed to #e telling #raha(7 @ #raha(7 $ou have (isunderstood Me9 The seed (ust not onl$ #e out of $ou #ut also out of Sarah9 nd his na(e shall #e .saac7 not .sh(ael9A God had re4ected .sh(ael9 .n Galatians Paul tells us that Sarah and -agar7 the t!o !o(en7 are an allegor$ s$(#oli8ing t!o covenants9 Paul could onl$ have seen this through God;s revelation9 *ithout Paul;s telling us a#out this7 !ould $ou ever have drea(ed that Sarah !as a s$(#ol of the covenant of grace and that -agar !as a s$(#ol of the covenant of la!G *e should not #e content !ith 4ust kno!ing the stories in Genesis #ut should press on to understand the (eaning of the allegor$9 .n Galatians ?=1I Paul said7 @ nd . sa$ this a covenant ratified #eforehand #$ God7 the la! having co(e four hundred and thirt$ $ears after does not annul7 so as to (ake the pro(ise of none effect9A This four hundred thirt$ $ears covers the span of ti(e fro( Genesis 13=1 to the giving of the la! in Exodus 3C9 Before the la! !as given7 there !as an allegor$9 .n other !ords7 #efore the la! !as given7 God took a photograph of !hat !ould happen !ith the la! four hundred thirt$ $ears later9 *e all (ust see this9
THE FREEWOMAN, SARAH, SIGNIFYING THE COVENANT OF PROMISE (GRACE) Sarah7 the free!o(an7 signifies the covenant of pro(ise 0Gal9 <=3?29 God;s covenant of pro(ise !ith #raha( !as a covenant of grace9 .n that covenant God pro(ised that -e !ould give #raha( the seed7 !ithout having an$ intention that #raha( needed to do an$thing in order to have it9 God !ould !ork so(ething into hi( that he (ight #ring forth a seed to fulfill -is purpose9 .t !ould #e God;s doing7 not #raha(;s9 This is grace9 Sarah7 as the free!o(an7 the proper !ife of #raha(7 !as a s$(#ol of this covenant of grace9 She #rought forth .saac not #$ (an;s strength #ut #$ God;s grace9 THE BONDWOMAN, HAGAR, SIGNIFYING THE COVENANT OF LAW -agar7 the #ond!o(an7 signifies the covenant of la! 0Gal9 <=3D29 .t !as !hen the children of .srael ignored God;s !ork of grace upon the( and atte(pted to please God #$ the(selves that the la! !as #rought in9 *hen (an is ignorant of God;s grace7 he !ill al!a$s endeavor to do so(ething to please God7 and this #rings in the la!7 of !hich -agar7 the #ond!o(an7 the i(proper !ife of #raha(7 !as the s$(#ol9 Since she !as the i(proper !ife7 she should not have co(e in9 *hat she #rought forth could not re(ain in God;s econo($9 This signifies that the la! should not have co(e in and that the produce of the la! has no position in fulfilling God;s purpose9 -agar #rought forth .sh(ael7 !ho !as re4ected #$ God7 #$ (an;s effort7 not #$ God;s grace9 The produce of (an;s effort through the la! has no share in the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 ccording to God;s econo($7 a (an should onl$ have one !ife9 Thus7 Sarah;s proposal that #raha( have a seed #$ -agar !as a#solutel$ against God;s econo($9 -agar !as not a proper !ife #ut a concu#ine9 -agar7 #raha(;s concu#ine7 !as a s$(#ol of the la!9 B$ this !e can see that the position of the la! is the position of the concu#ine9 *hile grace is the proper !ife7 the (other of the proper heirs 0Gal9 <=3E7 3B7 ?127 the la! is the concu#ine7 the (other of those !ho are re4ected as heirs9 ccording to the ancient custo(7 (en (ainl$ took concu#ines #ecause their !ives could not #ear children9 This is :uite (eaningful9 *hen grace has not $et !orked and $ou are in a hurr$7 $ou !ill 4oin $ourself to a concu#ine7 to the la!9 Sarah !as a s$(#ol of grace7 of the covenant of pro(ise7 and -agar !as a s$(#ol of the la!9 Grace is the proper !ife and the la! is the concu#ine9 THE COVENANT OF PROMISE (GRACE) BEING MADE FIRST The pro(ise !as given in 13=37 I> 1?=1D61I> 1D=<6D7 and the covenant !as (ade in 1D=I6 319 ccording to God;s intention7 the covenant of pro(ise ca(e first9 God had no intention of #ringing in the la! and of having (an endeavor to keep it for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 *hat -e originall$ intended to do !as to !ork -i(self into (an to fulfill -is purpose through (an9 THE COVENANT OF LAW BEING BROUGHT IN LATER
The covenant of la! !as #rought in later #$ the effort of the flesh in Genesis 1E9 *hat !e have in Genesis 1E is the effort of the flesh that #rought in -agar7 the s$(#ol of la!9 The pro(ise !as given !hen #raha( !as called in Genesis 137 a#out 1F31 B9C97 and the la! !as given in Exodus 3C7 four hundred thirt$ $ears later7 after the exodus out of Eg$pt a#out 1<F1 B9C9 0Gal9 ?=1I29 Grace al!a$s co(es first7 #ut the la! follo!s to frustrate9 Not ver$ (an$ Christians see that the position of the la! is that of a concu#ine7 that it is against God;s econo($7 and that its produce is under God;s re4ection9 Nevertheless the$ appreciate the la! and tr$ their #est to keep it7 (aking the(selves .sh(aels7 the children of the #ond!o(an9 THE PRODUCE (ISHMAEL) BY THE EFFORT OF THE FLESH WITH THE LAW *ithout exception7 ever$ Christian is like #raha(9 fter !e !ere saved7 !e ca(e to reali8e that God !ants us to live a Christ6like life7 a heavenl$ life7 a victorious life7 a life that constantl$ pleases God and glorifies -i(9 Kes7 God does !ant us to live such a life7 #ut -e !ill !ork Christ into us to live for us a heavenl$ life to please -i( and glorif$ -i(9 -o!ever7 all of us focus on the intention and neglect the grace9 The intention is that !e live a heavenl$ life for the glor$ of God7 and the grace is that God !ill !ork Christ into us for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 So firstl$ !e rel$ upon our "ot7 that !hich !e #rought !ith us fro( our natural #ackground7 tr$ing to use hi( to fulfill God;s purpose in living a heavenl$ life for the glor$ of God9 *hen God does not allo! us to rel$ upon "ot7 then !e turn to Elie8er7 expecting that he !ill ena#le us to live a heavenl$ life for God;s glor$9 Eventuall$ God tells us7 @. don;t !ant that9 . don;t !ant an$thing o#4ective #ut so(ething su#4ective fro( !ithin $our o!n #eing9A Once !e reali8e that God !ants this7 then !e #egin to exercise our o!n energ$7 our natural strength7 to fulfill God;s purpose9 *e all have a -agar7 a (aid !ho is al!a$s !illing to cooperate !ith us9 *e (a$ not have the la! given #$ Moses7 #ut !e do have (an$ self6(ade la!s9 *e all are la!givers and (ake la!s for ourselves9 "et us consider so(e exa(ples of these self6(ade la!s9 Perhaps $ou sa$ that never again !ill $ou lose $our te(per !ith $our hus#and or have a negative attitude to!ards hi(9 This is $our first co((and(ent9 The second co((and(ent is that7 as a Christian lad$ and a Christian !ife7 $ou need to #e nice7 s!eet7 and hu(#le9 Kour third co((and(ent is never to critici8e others7 and the fourth is to al!a$s love people and never to hate the(9 These self6(ade la!s are our -agars9 *hether !e succeed or not in keeping our la!s (akes no difference in the e$es of God #ecause in -is e$es even our successes do not count9 .n the past $ears so(e sisters nearl$ succeeded in fulfilling their self6(ade la!s9 The$ had a strong character7 a strong !ill7 and a strong intention7 and all da$ long the$ tried their #est to control their te(per and to #e nice7 s!eet7 and hu(#le9 lthough such sisters (ight have #een successful at this7 !hat the$ produced !as 4ust an .sh(ael9 These sisters !ere happ$ !ith their .sh(ael and7 in a sense7 the$ !ere proud of hi(9 The principle is exactl$ the sa(e !ith the #rothers9 lthough !e (a$ gain an .sh(ael !ho is good in our e$es7 !e have the deep sensation that !e are (issing so(ething9 *e have lost God;s presence9 Moreover7 this .sh(ael !ill
al!a$s (ock the spiritual things 031=F29 On the one hand7 !e do not like this (ocking ele(ent7 #ut7 on the other hand7 !e still feel that since .sh(ael !as produced #$ us7 he is not that #ad9 But7 having lost God;s presence7 !e find ourselves in trou#le9 5ust as the descendants of .sh(ael are a pro#le( to .srael toda$7 so the .sh(ael that !e have produced re(ains a pro#le( to us9 Once !e are clear a#out this7 !e !ould pra$7 @"ord7 keep (e in Kour grace9 'eep (e in the pro(ise9 *hether Kour pro(ise !ill #e fulfilled toda$ or (an$ $ears fro( no! does not (atter9 . onl$ !ant to care for Kour pro(ise9A lthough it is eas$ to sa$ this7 it is not eas$ to live it9 *hat is true in our Christian life is also true in our Christian !ork9 The Ne! Testa(ent tells us that after !e are saved !e need to preach the gospel and #ear fruit9 But ho! (uch natural effort and strength are exercised in the (atter of so6called soul !inningJ Man$ kinds of -agars7 all of !ho( !ere ac:uired in Eg$pt7 are used to !in souls9 Ever$ !orldl$ (eans of soul6!inning is a -agar9 Kes7 $ou (a$ use -agar to !in souls7 #ut !hat kind of souls !ill $ou !inG The$ !ill not #e .saac #ut .sh(ael9 ccording to the Ne! Testa(ent7 the proper fruit6#earing and gospel preaching are #$ the overflo! of the inner life7 #$ God !orking Christ into7 through7 and out of us9 This (eans that the proper gospel preaching is #$ Christ as grace to us9 There are a great (an$ -agars in the Christian !orld toda$9 ,o $ou !ant to live a Christian life #$ $ourselfG .t is #etter for $ou to stop9 ,o $ou !ant to preach the gospel !ith !orldl$ (eansG .t is #etter that $ou stop this as !ell9 Stop living the Christian life #$ $ourself and stop !orking for the "ord !ith !orldl$ (eans9 Then $ou (a$ sa$7 @.f . stop7 .;ll #e finished9A That is right9 That is exactl$ !hat God expects9 lthough #raha( full$ ans!ered God;s call !hen he !as sevent$6five7 God did not do an$thing !ith hi( until he !as ninet$6nine #ecause until then he still had his natural strength9 -e had "ot and Elie8er to rel$ upon and -agar to (atch his natural strength9 Eventuall$ God !as forced to sta$ a!a$ fro( hi(9 "ike!ise7 as long as !e have a "ot and an Elie8er to rel$ upon7 or a -agar to endeavor !ith7 God cannot do an$thing9 s long as !e still have the strength to produce an .sh(ael7 God cannot do an$thing9 fter the producing of that .sh(ael7 -e !ill sta$ a!a$ for a period of ti(e9 *hen #raha( !as ninet$6nine $ears of age7 according to his figuration7 he !as a dead person9 /o(ans <=1F sa$s that @he considered his o!n #od$ alread$ #eco(e dead7 #eing a#out a hundred $ears old9A /o(ans < also indicates that Sarah !as out of function9 Both #raha( and Sarah !ere full$ convinced that the$ !ere finished and could do nothing the(selves9 t that point God ca(e in9 ll of the revival preachers stir up people7 telling the( to live for Christ and to !ork for -i(9 But in our (inistr$ !e are sa$ing that $ou have to stop living a Christian life #$ $ourselves and doing a Christian !ork !ith !orldl$ (eans9 ,o not #e #othered at our sa$ing this7 for regardless ho! (uch !e tell people to stop7 hardl$ an$one !ill stop9 .f an$one !ill stop tr$ing to live a Christian life #$ hi(self or to !ork for the "ord #$ !orldl$ (eans7 #lessed is he9 .t is not eas$ to stop $our self6effort in the Christian life and $our natural 8eal in Christian !ork9 lthough it is eas$ to #e called #$ God7 it is (ost difficult to stop $our natural 8eal9 .f the "ord !ould co(e in to stop $ou7 $ou (ight sa$7 @No7 "ord9 "ook at toda$;s situation9 -ardl$ an$one !orks for Kou in !hat . a( #urdened to do9 .;( nearl$ the onl$ one9 -o! could . stop ($ !ork for KouGA But
#lessed is the one !ho !ill stop7 for !hen $ou stop7 God co(es in9 The end of hu(anit$ is the #eginning of divinit$9 *hen our hu(an life ends7 the divine life #egins9 *hen #raha( !as eight$6six $ears of age7 he still had too (uch of his o!n strength7 causing God to !ait for another thirteen $ears9 Perhaps God7 sitting in the heavens and looking at #raha(7 said7 @ #raha(7 $ou are no! eight$6six7 #ut . still have to !ait for another thirteen $ears9A *hile $ou are pra$ing that God !ill do so(ething7 God is pra$ing that $ou !ill stop9 *hile $ou are sa$ing7 @O "ord7 help (e to do so(ething7A God is sa$ing7 @.t !ould reall$ #e good for $ou to stop9A *hile #raha( !as so #us$ on earth7 God (ight have looked at hi( and said7 @Poor #raha(7 $ou don;t need to #e that #us$9 *on;t $ou stop and let Me co(e inG Please stop and let Me do it9 Since $ou !on;t stop7 . have to !ait until $ou are ninet$6nine $ears old9A God !aited until #raha( !as a d$ing person out of function9 Then -e ca(e in and could sa$7 @No! is M$ start9 No! is M$ ti(e to #egin so(ething9A The produce of the effort of the flesh !as .sh(ael7 #ut .sh(ael !as re4ected #$ God 01I=1B61F> 31=1C613a> Gal9 <=?C29 Not onl$ !as .sh(ael re4ected #$ God7 #ut he also frustrated God;s appearing9 Our experience toda$ tells us the sa(e thing7 for our .sh(ael #reaks our fello!ship !ith God and keeps us fro( God;s appearing9 *e see #$ this that it is not a (atter of !hat !e do or of !hat !e are> it is altogether a (atter of !hether or not !e have God;s presence9 ,o $ou have God;s appearance all the ti(eG *e (ust forget our doing and our !orking and take care of God;s appearing9 *hen God;s appearing is !ith us7 !e are in the grace7 in the covenant of grace9 But (ost Christians toda$ onl$ care for their doing and !ork7 not for God;s appearing and presence9 lthough the$ (a$ produce (an$ .sh(aels7 the$ do not have God;s presence9 *hat !e need is God;s presence9 *hat !e need is not the out!ard fruit of our out!ard !ork #ut the in!ard appearing of our God9 ,o $ou have the presence of God !ithin $ouG This is a (ost crucial test9 THE PRODUCE (ISAAC) BY THE PROMISE OF GRACE The produce of the pro(ise of grace7 !hich is .saac7 is the seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose 01I=1F> 31=13#29 The seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose is nothing less than Christ -i(self !rought #$ God into7 through7 and out of us9 *hat God has !rought into us #rings in Christ as the seed 0Gal9 ?=1E29 This seed !ill eventuall$ #eco(e our land9 No! !e have the seed as our life and the land as our living9 *ithin !e have Christ as the seed #$ !ho( !e live7 and !ithout !e have Christ as the land in !ho( !e live9 This is the church life !ith Christ as our life9 This is the onl$ !a$ for us to fulfill God;s purpose9 No longer should !e consider this stor$ in Genesis (erel$ as a kind of prediction #ut as an allegor$ of toda$;s situation9 Grace7 la!7 and our natural strength are all here7 and !e are al!a$s #eing te(pted to exercise our natural strength to coordinate -agar to produce an .sh(ael to fulfill God;s purpose9 But !e have a safeguard)to check !hether or not !e have God;s presence in our dail$ life and in our Christian !ork9 The safeguard is not ho! (uch fruit !e have> it is God;s presence9 ,o $ou have the assurance7 the confidence7
that da$ after da$ Christ is #eing !rought into $our #eing to #e the inner life #$ !ho( $ou liveG ,o $ou have the assurance that this Christ is even #eco(ing the real( in !hich $ou liveG This real( is the church life9 *e need to have the seed and the land7 the proper Christian life plus the church life9 *e need to live #$ Christ !ithin and !e need to live in Christ !ithout9 This is the proper !a$ for us to fulfill God;s purpose9 *e need to see this not for others #ut for ourselves9 #raha(;s #iograph$ is our auto#iograph$7 and the allegor$ of the t!o !o(en is a portrait of our life9 s !e live toda$7 !e need Christ as the seed and as the land9
11. 0NOWING GRACE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE GODS COVENANT CONFIRMED WITH CIRCUMCISION The "ord appeared to #ra(7 and said unto hi(7 . a( the l(ight$ God> !alk #efore (e7 and #e thou perfect9L Neither shall th$ na(e an$ (ore #e called #ra(7 #ut th$ na(e shall #e #raha(> for a father of (an$ nations have . (ade thee9L This is ($ covenant7 !hich $e shall keep7 #et!een (e and $ou and th$ seed after thee> Ever$ (an child a(ong $ou shall #e circu(cised9 0Genesis 1I=17 D7 1C2 nd he received the sign of circu(cision7 a seal of the righteousness of the faith !hich he had !hile in uncircu(cision7 that he (ight #e the father of all those in uncircu(cision !ho #elieve7 that righteousness (ight #e accounted to the( also9 0/o(ans <=112 .n this (essage !e co(e to Genesis 1I7 a record of God;s crucial dealing !ith #raha( in confir(ing -is covenant9 *e have seen that #raha( !as called and that he received God;s call7 pro(ise7 and covenant9 fter God called #raha(7 -e gave hi( the pro(ise and then -e confir(ed the pro(ise #$ (aking a covenant !ith hi(9 fter #raha( received the covenant7 he accepted his !ife;s proposal to exercise his flesh along !ith the expedienc$ of -agar to produce a seed9 The result !as .sh(ael9 -ere !e see three things= Sarah;s proposal7 -agar;s expedienc$7 and #raha(;s exercise of the flesh to produce .sh(ael9 GODS DISAPPEARING FOR THIRTEEN YEARS BECAUSE OF ABRAHAMS E.ERCISE OF THE FLESH #raha( (ight have thought that it !as not serious for hi( to exercise his flesh to produce .sh(ael7 #ut according to God;s econo($ for -is eternal purpose7 it !as ver$ serious9 .f !e co(pare the first verse of chapter seventeen !ith the last verse of chapter sixteen7 !e can see that #et!een these t!o chapters there !as a period of thirteen $ears and that there !as no record of #raha(;s life during those thirteen $ears9 *hen #raha( #rought forth .sh(ael7 he !as eight$6six $ears of age7 and thirteen $ears later7 !hen he !as ninet$6nine7 God appeared to hi( again9 ,uring that long period of thirteen $ears7 #raha(7 a (an called #$ God7 a (an !ho !as living #$ faith and !ho !as
learning to kno! grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose7 (issed God;s presence9 -o! serious it is not to have God;s presenceJ fter #raha( had ans!ered God;s calling and had #egun to live a life #$ faith in God for his existence7 he had a failure9 Being short of faith7 he !ent do!n to Eg$pt !here he !as even planning to sacrifice his !ife9 ccording to the hu(an concept7 that !as (uch !orse than using -agar to produce .sh(ael9 But if !e read these chapters attentivel$7 !e shall see that God !as not as displeased !ith #raha(;s going do!n to Eg$pt as -e !as !ith his using -agar to produce .sh(ael9 Of course7 it !as not good for #raha( to go do!n to Eg$pt7 #ut that did not offend God as (uch as his exercise of the flesh to #ring forth .sh(ael9 Going do!n to Eg$pt !as a failure !ithout7 #ut taking -agar to produce .sh(ael !as failure !ithin9 .t !as deeper7 for it !as not (erel$ related to circu(stances #ut to life9 Taking -agar to produce .sh(ael !as not si(pl$ a (atter of right or !rong or of co((itting a sin> it !as a (atter of life9 Nothing that !e do #$ ourselves is life9 *hatever !e !ork #$ ourselves is not life9 "ife is God -i(self9 .t is God #eing so(ething to us in our ver$ #eing9 *e should not do an$thing #$ ourselves #ut #$ God;s #eing !rought into us9 *hatever !e do #$ ourselves is not life #ut death7 for it is the issue of our natural self9 .n the e$es of God7 our natural self is (ore dirt$ and (ore defiling than sin9 lthough sin is unclean in the presence of God7 it is not as offensive to God as our natural self is9 *hile !e all recogni8e the seriousness of sin7 not (an$ people reali8e the seriousness of our natural self9 .f !e co((it a sin7 !e !ould i((ediatel$ confess it to God7 #ut if !e do certain good things #$ our natural self7 !e do not have the sense that !e are offending God9 .f . hate a particular #rother7 it is eas$ for (e to recogni8e that this hatred is a sin and confess it as such to God9 But if . love this #rother #$ ($ natural self7 it !ould #e difficult to reali8e that this is against God9 Sin onl$ offends God;s righteousness7 #ut our natural self offends God -i(self9 God !ants to co(e into us to #e our life and our ever$thing that !e (a$ live7 !ork7 and do ever$thing #$ -i(9 But !hen !e do things #$ our self7 our natural self7 !e put -i( aside9 B$ this !e can see that the natural self is against God -i(self9 .t is not onl$ against God;s righteousness or holiness #ut against God -i(self9 God;s intention !ith #raha( !as that -e !ould !ork -i(self into #raha( so that #raha( (ight #ring forth a child to fulfill God;s purpose9 God did not intend that #raha( do this #$ his natural strength9 Nevertheless7 #raha( used his natural strength to #ring forth a child to fulfill God;s purpose9 Nothing offends God (ore than this kind of natural doing9 *orking #$ our natural self is the (ost offensive thing to God9 To #raha(7 it !as not so serious for hi( to take -agar9 -is !ife7 Sarah7 even proposed this7 thinking that it !ould help #raha( to produce the seed since #raha( !as old and she !as out of function9 But God had pro(ised that the$ !ould have a son9 Since the$ did not kno! ho! this could co(e a#out7 the$ took the expedienc$ of using -agar7 the Eg$ptian (aid7 to produce a child7 not reali8ing ho! offensive that !as to God9 .t !as an insult to -i(9 Therefore7 God disappeared fro( -is dear called one for thirteen $ears9 .t !as as if God had turned -is face a!a$ fro( #raha( and had refused to speak to hi( for that length of ti(e9 There is no record in the Bi#le of !hat happened during that
period of ti(e9 *e onl$ kno! fro( the last verse of chapter sixteen and the first verse of chapter seventeen that God reappeared to #raha( thirteen $ears later9 ccording to the Bi#le record7 thirteen $ears of #raha(;s life !ere !asted9 .n the heavenl$ record those $ears !ere lost #ecause #raha( exercised his natural self to do so(ething for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 PERFECTION RECUIRED BY GODS ALLDSUFFICIENCY Genesis 1I=1 sa$s7 @ nd !hen #ra( !as ninet$ $ears old and nine7 the "ord appeared to #ra(7 and said unto hi(7 . a( the all6sufficient God> !alk #efore (e7 and #e thou perfectA 0-e#929 -ere !e see that God charged #raha( !ith t!o things)that #raha( had to !alk #efore the all6sufficient God and that he had to #e perfect9 .n chapter sixteen7 #raha( did not !alk #efore God> he !alked #efore Sarah7 -agar7 and .sh(ael9 Since he had not !alked #efore God7 God ca(e and told hi( to !alk #efore -i( and to #e perfect9 God;s telling #raha( to #e perfect indicates that #efore that ti(e he !as not perfect9 .n chapter sixteen7 #raha( !as i(perfect> he lacked so(ething9 Before !e consider further !hat it (eans to !alk #efore God and to #e perfect7 !e need to learn the (eaning of the title of God in 1I=17 the all6sufficient God9 .n -e#re! this title is El6Shaddai9 El (eans the Strong One7 the Might$ One7 and Shaddai7 i(pl$ing the (eaning of #reast7 udder7 (eans all6sufficient9 El6Shaddai is the Might$ One !ith an udder7 the Might$ One !ho has the all6sufficient suppl$9 n udder produces (ilk7 and (ilk is the all6sufficient suppl$7 having !ater7 (inerals7 and (an$ vita(ins in it and containing all that !e need for our dail$ living9 So El6Shaddai (eans the all6sufficient Might$ One9 *hen #raha( did things #$ his natural self7 he forgot the source of his suppl$9 .n other !ords7 he forgot God as his all6sufficient source of suppl$9 Therefore7 God ca(e to #raha( and see(ed to sa$7 @. a( the Might$ One !ith an udder9 re $ou lacking so(ethingG *h$ don;t $ou co(e to this udderG re $ou hungr$ or thirst$G Co(e to this udder9 The source of $our suppl$ is not $our natural self7 #ut .7 the Might$ One !ith an udder9 . a( the all6sufficient One !ho can suppl$ ever$thing $ou need for $our living and ever$thing $ou need for the fulfill(ent of M$ eternal purpose9 . a( the source9 Kou are not the source9 Kou should not live on $our o!n or #$ $ourself9 Kou have to live #$ Me as the source of $our suppl$9A .n chapter seventeen it is not a (atter of the Most -igh God or of the Possessor of heaven and earth as in chapter fourteen> it is a#solutel$ a (atter of the Might$ One !ith an udder9 *hen #raha( !as afraid of his ene(ies7 God ca(e in and said7 @%ear not7 #ra(= . a( th$ shield7 and th$ exceeding great re!ardA 01D=129 t that ti(e God see(ed to sa$ to #raha(7 @Kou don;t need to #e afraid of $our ene(ies9 . a( $our shield and protection9A But after #raha( had done so(ething of his o!n natural self to fulfill God;s purpose7 doing so(ething that !as against God -i(self7 God ca(e in and see(ed to sa$7 @. a( El6Shaddai7 the Might$ One !ith an udder9 Kou should not do an$thing on $our o!n or #$ $ourself9 Kou (ust reali8e that . a( $our suppl$9A n udder does not give us !eapons !ith !hich to kill people #ut (ilk that co(es into us as our suppl$9
God;s suppl$ (ust co(e into us as (ilk9 God does not !ant $ou to energi8e $our strength to produce a seed for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose> -e !ants $ou to drink of -is (ilk7 to take so(ething of -i(self into $ou so that $ou (ight produce a seed9 .f !e did not have the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e could never understand ade:uatel$ this title of God7 #ut no! !e can understand this title ade:uatel$9 Toda$ !e (a$ constantl$ live #$ taking the suppl$ of the Might$ One !ith an udder9 re $ou receiving the suppl$ fro( the divine udder da$ #$ da$G This is not the protection of the shield against the ene($> it is the suppl$ of the udder for producing the seed9 This is not a (atter of receiving a good 4o# in place of a poor one #ut of rendering us the suppl$ !hich7 !hen taken into us7 !ill #eco(e the ver$ constituent to produce a child for the fulfilling of God;s eternal purpose9 *hat suppl$ are $ou receiving da$ after da$G *e are receiving the suppl$ fro( the Might$ One !ith -is divine udder9 ,a$ #$ da$ !e are under -is udder and have the all6 sufficient suppl$9 God is such an all6sufficient Might$ One to us9 .n 1I=1 God told #raha( to !alk #efore -i(9 *hat does this (eanG .t (eans to en4o$ the "ord9 *alking #efore the "ord (eans that !e constantl$ en4o$ -i( and the suppl$ of -is udder9 *ill $ou !alk #efore -i(7 en4o$ing the all6sufficient suppl$ of -is divine udderG To !alk #efore God does not (ean that !e !alk #efore -i( fearfull$ as #efore the -ol$ One9 No7 the Might$ One !ith the all6sufficient udder supplies all of our dail$ need9 s !e are en4o$ing -is suppl$7 !e are !alking in -is presence9 God also told #raha( to #e perfect9 *hat does it (ean to #e perfectG %or #raha( to #e i(perfect did not (ean that he !as not good> it (eant that he !as short of God9 None of us can #e perfected !ithout God9 *ithout God7 there is no perfection9 *ithout -i( !e are al!a$s lacking so(ething9 /egardless of ho! perfect !e (a$ #e in ourselves7 !e are still short of God and need to #e perfected #$ and !ith God9 .f $our ho(e life is !ithout God7 $our ho(e life is not perfect9 .f God is not in $our (arried life7 $our (arried life is i(perfect9 There is no perfection !ithout God9 Suppose $our hand had onl$ four fingers9 lthough it (ight #e a good hand7 since it did not have the thu(#7 it !ould not #e perfect9 Kour hand !ould need to #e perfected #$ the addition of the thu(#9 .f one da$ the thu(# !ould co(e to #e added to $our hand7 $our hand !ould #e perfect9 -ence7 to #e perfect (eans that !e need God to #e added to us9 To !alk #efore God (eans to en4o$ -i(7 and to #e perfected (eans to have God added to us9 -ave $ou ever reali8ed that $our perfection is God -i(selfG -ave $ou ever reali8ed that regardless of ho! good $ou are or ho! perfect $ou are in hu(an e$es7 !ithout God $ou are short of so(ethingG *e do not have the perfecting factor in ourselves7 for the perfecting factor is God -i(self9 God (ust #e added into our lives9 .f -e is not added into our lives7 our lives !ill re(ain i(perfect9 *h$ did God re:uire #raha( to #e perfectG Because God !as and still is the all6 sufficient Might$ One9 Since -e is the all6sufficient Might$ One7 there is no reason or excuse for us to #e i(perfect9 *hatever !e lack7 God is9 ,o $ou lack strengthG God is strength9 ,o $ou need energ$G God is energ$9 God is !hatever !e need9 Thus7 God;s all6 sufficienc$ re:uires us to #e perfect9 There is no reason for us to #e poor> !e have a large deposit in the heavenl$ #ank9
Practicall$ speaking7 to #e perfect (eans that !e do not rel$ upon the strength of the flesh #ut trust in the all6sufficient Might$ One for our life and !ork9 *e should not rel$ upon the exercise of our natural self or upon the energ$ of our flesh9 *e (ust al!a$s trust in God;s all6sufficienc$ for ever$thing9 Man$ of us7 for exa(ple7 are trou#led #$ our te(per9 *h$ do !e lose our te(per at certain ti(esG Because at those ti(es !e do not trust in God9 The losing of our te(per should force us to learn one lesson)never to sta$ a!a$ fro( God #ut to trust in -i( ever$ (o(ent9 ,o not tr$ to overco(e $our te(per9 .f $ou forget $our te(per and trust in God ever$ (o(ent7 $our te(per !ill #e overco(e9 Ever$ i(perfection is due to one thing= that !e keep ourselves a!a$ fro( the all6 sufficient Might$ One9 *hen !e keep ourselves a!a$ fro( -i(7 !e are like an electrical appliance that !ill not !ork #ecause it is cut off fro( the suppl$ of electricit$9 *e all (ust learn to keep ourselves constantl$ in God9 This is the !a$ to #e perfect9 *hen as a $oung Christian . read 1I=17 . reali8ed that . !as not perfect9 . lacked kindness7 hu(ilit$7 patience7 love7 and (an$ other virtues and attri#utes9 Therefore7 in ($ pra$er . (ade the decision that !ith the help of the "ord . !ould have love7 patience7 hu(ilit$7 kindness7 and the other virtues that . lacked9 But . (ust tell $ou that . never succeeded9 *henever . read 1I=1 . could not understand !hat it (eant to #e perfect9 Eventuall$ . sa! that the perfecting factor in our life is God -i(self and that . needed to have God added into (e9 The (ost that !e have is four fingers> !e do not have the thu(#9 /egardless of ho! (uch !e (ight train our four fingers to do things7 the$ !ill still #e i(perfect #ecause the$ are !ithout the thu(#9 *e need the thu(# to #e added to our hand to (ake it perfect9 THE CHANGING OF NAME No! !e co(e to the changing of na(e9 .n 1I=D God said to #raha(7 @Neither shall th$ na(e an$(ore #e called #ra(7 #ut th$ na(e shall #e #raha(> for a father of (an$ nations have . (ade thee9A #ra( (eans an exalted father7 and #raha( (eans the father of a great (ultitude9 lthough #raha( !as a high father7 he !as not the father of a (ultitude7 the father of (an$ nations9 But in 1I=D his na(e !as changed fro( exalted father to the father of a (ultitude9 .n -e#re! the na(e #ra( is co(posed of 4ust four letters represented #$ the English letters 6#6r6(9 The na(e #raha( is co(posed !ith one additional letter)h9 This indicates four plus one9 %our is the nu(#er of the creature7 and one is the nu(#er of the Creator9 -ence7 as four fingers plus one thu(# (akes a co(plete hand7 so (an plus God e:uals perfection9 %our plus one e:uals five7 the nu(#er of responsi#ilit$9 /egardless of ho! good !e (a$ #e as the nu(#er four7 !e are still short of the nu(#er one9 .n order to #e the nu(#er five7 #earing the responsi#ilit$ to fulfill God;s eternal purpose7 God (ust #e added to us9 *hat !as the significance of the changing of #raha(;s na(eG .t !as that God !as added into hi(9 Before Genesis 1I7 #raha( !as 4ust #ra(7 a (an !ho did not have God added to hi(9 But in Genesis 1I the (an7 and not onl$ his na(e7 !as changed #$ having God added into hi(9 One uni:ue letter !as added to the four letters7 and God !as added into (an9 God is the perfecting factor9 *ithout -i( !e are i(perfect9 *e all need God to #e added into us9 This is perfection9
s the person is the realit$ of one;s na(e7 so the changing of #raha(;s na(e signifies the changing of his person9 -is original na(e indicated that he !as an exalted father9 No! God changed his na(e to indicate that he !ould #e the father of a great (ultitude9 *hat is needed to fulfill God;s eternal purpose is not an exalted father #ut a father of a great (ultitude7 not an exalted individual #ut a (ultiplied person7 a person !ith a great (ultitude as his (ultiplication9 God needed a great (ultitude of people to fulfill -is purpose7 and for this -e needed a producing father9 Most Christians desire to #e a person !ith exalted spiritualit$9 The (ore the$ seek this kind of spiritualit$7 the (ore the$ #eco(e #arren and individualistic7 producing no seed9 But God needs us to #e (ultiplied in producing seed7 not exalted in seeking spiritualit$9 %or this !e need the changing of na(e7 the changing of our person9 The exalted father has to #e changed to the father of a great (ultitude9 The exalted6spiritualit$6seeking person has to #e changed to the (ultitude6producing person9 This re:uires the ter(ination of the spiritualit$6seeking self9 Even this kind of self has to #e ter(inated so that !e (a$ #e a (ultiplied person7 not an exalted one7 for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 .n 1I=1D !e see that Sarah;s na(e !as also changed9 @ nd God said unto #raha(7 s for Sarai th$ !ife7 thou shalt not call her na(e Sarai7 #ut Sarah shall her na(e #e9A Sarai (eans ($ princess and Sarah (eans princess9 The !ord @($A #efore princess indicates narro!ness7 #ut princess #$ itself indicates #roadness9 Sarai;s na(e !as changed to Sarah #ecause in a #road !a$7 not in a narro! !a$7 she !as to #e a (other of (an$ nations9 .n 1I=1E God said7 @ nd . !ill #less her7 and give thee a son also of her= $ea7 . !ill #less her7 and she shall #e a (other of nations> kings of people shall #e of her9A *hen God is added into us7 !e #eco(e !ider and #roader9 *ithout God;s #eing added into us7 !e are not onl$ i(perfect #ut also narro!9 lthough $ou (a$ #e a #rother or sister7 if $ou do not have God added into $ou7 $ou are a narro! #rother or sister9 .f $ou are a hus#and !ho does not have God added into $ou7 $ou are a narro! hus#and9 .f $ou are a !ife !ho does not have God added into $ou7 $ou are a narro! !ife9 *hat can !iden usG Onl$ God -i(self9 .f $ou are going to #e a #roadened person !ith a #roadened vie! and !ith a #roadened (ind7 heart7 and spirit7 $ou need God to enlarge $ou9 /egardless of !ho !e are7 as long as !e do not have God added into us7 !e al!a$s sa$ things such as7 @($ interest7A @($ profit7A @($ future7A @($ gro!th in life7A @($ seeking of the "ord7A @($ function in the church (eetings9A +nless God enlarges us7 !e shall not care for others9 Our na(e7 !hich is @($ princess7A (ust #e changed to @princess9A *e sa$7 @This is ($ da$7 ($ house7 ($ ti(e7 ($ this7 and ($ that7A #ecause !e are short of God7 #ut once !e have God added to us7 !e i((ediatel$ #eco(e #roadened9 *hen !e have God added into us7 !e shall not onl$ #eco(e a father of a great (ultitude #ut also a princess of (an$ nations for the fulfilling of God;s eternal purpose9 *e all need such a change7 a change !hich co(es fro( God #eing added into us to #roaden our narro! person9 *e all need to #e changed fro( @($ princessA to @princess7A transfor(ed fro( our narro! concept of spiritualit$ to a #roadened and general spiritualit$ that !e (a$ #e no longer @($A princess #ut a @(other of nations7A caring for others and having the seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 This also re:uires the ter(ination of our old and natural
(an so that !e (a$ #e transfor(ed into a ne! person7 producing the seed7 caring for (an$ others7 and ena#ling God;s purpose to #e fulfilled !ith a great (ultitude9 %or God;s eternal purpose !e need to #e the @father of a great (ultitudeA and the @(other of nations9A *e need to #e transfor(ed into a (ultiplied and (ultipl$ing person and into a #roadened and general person9 THE COVENANT CONFIRMED WITH CIRCUMCISION .n order for us to have God added into us and to #e #roadened !e need to #e circu(cised9 The covenant that God (ade !ith #raha( in Genesis 1D !as confir(ed in Genesis 1I !ith circu(cision9 There !as no need for God to confir( it again7 for -e had confir(ed it once alread$7 #ut it had to #e confir(ed fro( #raha(;s side9 *hile God !as faithful to -is covenant7 #raha( !as not #ecause he had used his natural strength to produce .sh(ael9 Since #raha(;s use of his natural energ$ !ith -agar to produce .sh(ael !as the cause of the trou#le7 God confir(ed -is covenant #$ having #raha( circu(cised 01I=F6117 1?29 .n the Ne! Testa(ent !e can find out the significance of circu(cision9 The spiritual (eaning of circu(cision is to put off the flesh7 to put off the self and the old (an9 Colossians 3=11613 sa$s7 @.n !ho( also $ou !ere circu(cised !ith a circu(cision not (ade !ith hands7 in the putting off of the #od$ of the flesh7 in the circu(cision of Christ7 #uried together !ith -i( in #aptis(7 in !ho( also $ou !ere raised together through the faith of the operation of God7 !ho raised -i( fro( a(ong the dead9A Circu(cision is a (atter of putting off the flesh7 the old (an> it is not a (atter of dealing !ith sin9 .n a strict sense7 circu(cision has nothing to do !ith the dealing !ith sin> it is a (atter of #eing crucified and #uried !ith Christ9 Circu(cision (eans to ter(inate $our self7 to ter(inate $our flesh9 #raha( exercised his flesh in Genesis 1E7 #ut here7 in Genesis 1I7 God !anted his flesh to #e cut off9 .n Genesis 1E he had energi8ed his natural strength7 #ut in Genesis 1I his strength had to #e ter(inated9 This is circu(cision9 The pro#le( is the sa(e toda$9 s long as our natural strength re(ains7 it is difficult for God to co(e in to #e our ever$thing for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 God !ants to co(e into us to #e ever$thing to us7 #ut our flesh7 our natural #eing and strength7 our old (an and our old self7 are a frustration to God;s #eing ever$thing to us9 This self7 this old (an7 (ust #e ter(inated9 .t (ust #e circu(cised7 that is7 crucified9 . !ant to tell $ou the good ne!s that our old (an has #een crucified alread$ 0/o(9 E=E29 *ith #raha(7 it !as to #e crucified7 #ut !ith us7 it has #een crucified alread$9 *e all (ust see this7 reckon on it7 and take it #$ faith9 B$ faith !e can declare that our flesh7 our natural (an !ith its strength7 has #een crucified9 @. have #een crucified !ith Christ7 and it is no longer . !ho live7 #ut Christ lives in (eA 0Gal9 3=3C29 *e all need to live !ith the reali8ation that the old (an7 the self7 has #een crucified9 .f !e declare this and live according to it7 then the God of resurrection i((ediatel$ has the !a$ to co(e into us and to #e ever$thing to us for the carr$ing out of -is econo($9 Circu(cision is a sign7 a seal7 of 4ustification #$ faith 0/o(9 <=1129 -o!ever7 (an$ Christians neglect this sign9 lthough the$ (a$ reali8e and declare that the$ have #een
4ustified #$ faith7 after having #een 4ustified #$ faith the$ do not have the sign of the ter(ination of the self9 -o! can $ou sho! people that $ou have #een 4ustified #$ GodG Kou (ust live a life of the ter(ination of the self9 Kou (ust sho! that $ou are no longer living #$ $ourself #ut that $ou are living #$ Christ9 Then $our living #eco(es a sign of $our having #een 4ustified9 To live a crucified life in the resurrection of Christ is a sign of our #eing 4ustified9 Suppose .7 a saved person !ho has #een 4ustified #$ God7 still live7 act7 and !ork #$ ($self7 doing ever$thing #$ ($self9 .f such is the case7 it !ill #e difficult for an$one to recogni8e that . a( a 4ustified person9 People (a$ even dou#t that . a( saved9 But if . live a crucified life7 putting ($self aside and taking Christ as ($ life7 no one could dou#t that . have #een 4ustified #$ faith9 Ever$one !ould have to sa$7 @Praise the "ordJ There is no dou#t that here is a #rother !ho has #een 4ustified #$ God9A The life of the ter(ination of the self is a sign and a seal of our 4ustification9 The confir(ation of the covenant #$ circu(cision concerned the seed and the land for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose 01I=36B29 .n order to fulfill God;s eternal purpose that (an express and represent -i(7 !e need to have Christ as our seed and as our land9 .n order to have Christ as the seed and the land for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose7 !e need to #e circu(cised and to live a crucified life9 Circu(cision is for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 *hen the flesh7 the self7 and the old (an have #een ter(inated7 the door is open for God to co(e in and #ring forth .saac9 (ong the 5e!s7 circu(cision !as al!a$s practiced on the eighth da$ 01I=1329 The eighth da$ !as the first da$ of a ne! !eek and denoted a ne! start7 a ne! #eginning in resurrection9 *henever !e live a crucified life7 !e have a ne! #eginning in resurrection9 *hen !e re4ect and den$ our self and live a crucified life7 !e i((ediatel$ have a ne! #eginning in resurrection9 lthough $ou (ight have #een (arried for (an$ $ears7 if toda$ $ou #egin to live a crucified life7 $ou !ill have a ne! #eginning in resurrection in $our (arriage7 and $our (arriage !ill #e rene!ed9 *henever there is circu(cision there is the eighth da$9 .n other !ords7 !henever !e live a crucified life7 !e are in resurrection9 ll of the uncircu(cised people !ere cut off fro( this covenant9 .n 1I=1< God said to #raha(7 @ nd the uncircu(cised (an6child !hose flesh of his foreskin is not circu(cised7 that soul shall #e cut off fro( his people> he hath #roken ($ covenant9A This is true toda$9 .f !e do not live a crucified life7 !e are cut off fro( Christ7 fro( the church life7 and fro( the suppl$ of the divine udder9 *henever !e are un!illing to #e circu(cised7 !e are finished !ith the fulfilling of God;s eternal purpose9 Toda$ our en4o$ing God7 our living #$ Christ7 and our practicing the church life all depend upon one thing)upon circu(cision7 upon living a crucified life9 THE BIRTH OF ISAAC PROMISED .n 1I=1D631 !e see the #irth of .saac pro(ised (ore definitel$ than ever #efore9 *e kno! that it is (ore definite #ecause the na(e .saac !as (entioned and his (other !as designated9 .n the foregoing chapters7 God said that -e !ould give #raha( a seed and that #raha( !ould #ring forth the seed7 #ut God did not (ention that the seed !ould #e
out of Sarah9 Neither did -e sa$ that the seed !ould #e na(ed .saac9 But in these verses !e see that God pro(ised in a definite !a$ that the seed !ould #e .saac and that .saac !ould #e #orn of Sarah9 AFTER ABRAHAM HAD BECOME AS OLD AS DEAD AND SARAH HAD BECOME OUT OF FUNCTION H The pro(ise of the #irth of the seed !as confir(ed definitel$ at the ti(e !hen #raha( !as as old as dead and Sarah !as out of function9 Perhaps #raha( said to Sarah7 @Sarah7 . a( a hundred $ears old and $ou are ninet$9 . a( d$ing and $ou are out of function9 *e #oth have #eco(e nothing and !e can do nothing9A .t is !onderful to #eco(e nothing7 for then the Might$ One !ith an udder can co(e in to do ever$thing for us9 . !ould like to #e a hundred $ears of age and #eco(e nothing9 Beco(ing nothing !ould afford the l(ight$ One7 the all6sufficient One7 the #est opportunit$ to feed (e and to suppl$ (e !ith !hatever -e likes9 Even toda$ there are ti(es !hen God !ould like to give (e a ne! portion of (ilk7 and . sa$7 @No7 . still have so(e !a$7 so(e energ$7 so(e strength9A *e all need to #eco(e a hundred $ears of age9 But do not tr$ to act as if $ou are alread$ a hundred $ears of age9 fter reading this (essage telling $ou that $ou need to #e a hundred $ears of age and #eco(e nothing7 $ou (a$ pretend to #e a hundred $ears of age9 But $ou cannot #eco(e nothing overnight9 The "ord kno!s ho! (uch !e still are9 Nevertheless7 the principle is that !e all need to #eco(e nothing so that the all6 sufficient Might$ One (a$ co(e in to #e our ever$thing !ith -is all6sufficient udder to render us the suppl$ that !e need9 NOT BY ABRAHAMS NATURAL STRENGTH BUT BY GODS VISITATION H fter #raha( and Sarah had #eco(e nothing7 God pro(ised that .saac !ould #e #orn of Sarah 01I=1E7 1F7 3129 This (eans that the #irth of .saac !as not the result of #raha( and Sarah;s energ$ #ut that it !as a#solutel$ the result of God;s gracious visitation9 .n 1B=1C7 1< !e see clearl$ that the #irth of .saac !as due to God;s return to #raha( at the ti(e of life9 -is gracious visitation to #raha( included -is feeding and suppl$ing hi( !ith all that -e !as9 God had to #e the udder suppl$ing the (ilk that #raha( needed to #ring forth .saac9 .saac !as not produced #$ an$ ele(ent in #raha(;s natural #eing> he !as #rought forth #$ God;s all6sufficient suppl$ out of the divine udder9 ISHMAEL, THE SEED PRODUCED BY THE FLESH, BEING REJECTED BY GOD H .sh(ael7 the seed produced #$ the flesh7 !as re4ected #$ God 01I=1B> 31=1C29 *hatever !e do #$ our a#ilit$ or #$ our natural self !ill al!a$s #e re4ected #$ God9 lthough $ou (a$ do good #$ keeping the la!7 that !ill #e re4ected #$ God9 *hatever !e live7 do7 and !ork #$ the natural self and the old (an !ill #e altogether re4ected9 Not (an$ Christians reali8e that even their natural goodness is re4ected #$ God9 *hatever !e do #$ our natural self7 natural strength7 natural a#ilit$7 or natural (an7 regardless of !hether it is good or #ad7 !ill #e re4ected #$ God9
ISAAC, THE SEED BROUGHT FORTH BY GODS GRACE, ESTABLISHED FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE H Onl$ .saac7 the seed #rought forth #$ God;s grace7 #$ the suppl$ out of the divine udder7 !as esta#lished for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose 01I=1F7 31> 31=13> /o(9 F=I6F29 God !ill onl$ honor !hat is out of -i( #ecause onl$ the seed that is produced out of -i( #$ the suppl$ of -is grace can fulfill -is purpose9 This (eans God !ill onl$ honor Christ7 not an$thing out of our self7 our natural (an9 Onl$ the Christ !ho( !e experience of the divine udder as our suppl$ of grace can acco(plish God;s purpose9 Onl$ this Christ !ill #e esta#lished as the real seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 Our .sh(ael !as re4ected7 #ut our .saac7 Christ7 has #een and !ill #e esta#lished in God;s econo($9 No! !e can see !hat grace is9 Grace (eans that God trans(its so(e ele(ent out of -is #eing into us to #e our suppl$ and that this suppl$ #eco(es the ver$ ele(ent #$ !hich !e #ring forth .saac for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 fter #raha( !as called7 he learned to live #$ faith in God for his existence9 Then7 #eginning !ith Genesis 1D7 God #egan to train hi( in the (atter of kno!ing grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 *e have seen this clearl$ in chapters fifteen7 sixteen7 and seventeen9 Our self7 flesh7 natural strength7 natural (an7 and old (an (ust #e ter(inated so that !e (ight take God as our suppl$ and that so(e of God;s divine #eing (ight #e !rought into us to #e the ele(ent to produce .saac for the fulfill(ent of God;s pro(ise9 This is grace9
1/. 0NOWING GRACE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE THE UNVEILING OF THE DIVINE TITLE AND THE CHANGING OF HUMAN NAMES FOR THE FULFILLING OF GODS PURPOSE The "ord appeared to #ra(7 and said unto hi(7 . a( the l(ight$ God9L Neither shall th$ na(e an$ (ore #e called #ra(7 #ut th$ na(e shall #e #raha(9 0Genesis 1I=17 D2 .f !e are to understand Genesis 1I7 !e (ust kno! !hat God;s purpose is9 God;s purpose7 !hich -e (ade in eternit$ past7 is to express -i(self through a #od$ of people on earth9 .n order to have a collective people as -is expression7 God created the universe and !ithin the universe7 as its center7 -e created (an in -is i(age !ith the intention that (an !ould express -i( and represent -i( so that -e (a$ have a do(inion on earth as -is kingdo(9 This !as God;s purpose !ith da( and !ith the children of .srael in the past7 it is -is purpose !ith the church toda$7 and it shall #e -is purpose in the (illenniu( and throughout eternit$9 Throughout all the ages7 God;s purpose has re(ained the sa(e= to have -i(self expressed and represented #$ (an on earth9 %or the fulfill(ent of -is purpose7 God needs a people9 .f God can gain a people7 -e !ill #e a#le to acco(plish -is purpose7 #ut if -e cannot gain a people7 -e !ill #e defeated9
But our God cannot #e defeatedJ God created da(7 and da( #eca(e a failure9 Then God called #raha( to #e the head of a ne! race9 lthough God called onl$ one person7 #raha(7 this person had to #eco(e a race so that God could #e expressed and represented on earth9 God called #raha( for this purpose9 .t is i(possi#le for an individual to fulfill God;s purpose7 for !hat God needs is not 4ust an individual #ut a people9 One #raha( (ust #e (ultiplied into a great (an$ #raha(s9 But this cannot #e acco(plished according to (an;s natural understanding or #$ his natural a#ilit$7 strength7 or #eing9 GODS DESIRE TO WOR0 HIMSELF INTO MAN The Bi#le reveals that God;s !a$ to express -i(self is to !ork -i(self into (an9 God;s !a$ is extraordinar$9 lthough God !ants us to do things for -i(7 -is desire is not that !e do an$thing #ut that -e co(e into us to do ever$thing through us for -i(self9 -is desire is to !ork -i(self into us7 (aking -i( one !ith us and us one !ith -i(9 But no one is !illing for God to do this9 Ever$one see(s to sa$7 @O "ord7 if Kou ask (e to do so(ething7 .;ll do it for Kou7 #ut . cannot #ear to have Kou co(e into (e to annul (e and dethrone (e9 *hen . do so(ething for Kou7 . like to do it #$ ($self9A Nevertheless7 God !ould sa$7 @Before $ou do an$thing for Me7 . (ust !ork M$self into $ou9 B$ co(ing into $ou7 . !ill have $ou crucified and then . !ill (ake $ou alive #$7 !ith7 and for Me9 re $ou !illing for thisGA #raha( did not !ait for God to do this7 #ut7 as Genesis 1E reveals7 he acted on his o!n to #ring forth a seed9 THE UNVEILING OF THE DIVINE TITLE .n 1I=1 God ca(e in to unveil -is divine title7 unveiling !hat -e7 the ver$ God7 is9 To unveil a na(e is to unveil a person7 for a na(e al!a$s represents a person9 Since God;s divine title denotes -is divine Person7 the unveiling of the divine title is actuall$ the revelation of the divine Person9 .n 1=1 God !as unveiled as Elohi(7 !hich pri(aril$ (eans the Might$ One7 the Strong One7 and !hich is (ainl$ related to God;s creation9 .n Genesis 3 God !as revealed as 5ehovah7 the great . (9 The na(e 5ehovah (eans @. ( that . (7A i(pl$ing that God is the self6existent and ever6existing One9 This title of 5ehovah refers to God;s relationship !ith (an9 %urther(ore7 God revealed to #raha( that -e !as the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth 01<=3329 This is (ainl$ related to God;s care for -is people;s existence9 But no! in chapter seventeen7 God co(es in to unveil -i(self further7 revealing -i(self to #raha( as El6Shaddai7 the all6sufficient Might$ One !ith an udder9 God;s all6sufficienc$ is in -is divine udder9 Perhaps so(e readers are unhapp$ !ith the use of the !ord udder and prefer that !e use the !ord #reast9 -o!ever7 if !e !ere to use the !ord #reast7 (ost people !ould associate it !ith the (atter of love9 But the divine title in 1I=1 denotes that God is the rich source of suppl$ as grace to -is people for the( to fulfill -is purpose9 lthough -e !ants us to fulfill -is purpose7 -e does not need an$thing fro( us9 -e !ants to #e our suppl$9 Our God has an all6sufficient source of suppl$7 and this source is likened to an udder9 This is the (eaning i(plied in the title El6 Shaddai9 Ever$thing that is supplied to us fro( the udder of a co! co(es into us and
even #eco(es our constituent9 ll of the ele(ents and ingredients of the riches of the (ilk !e drink #eco(e our constituent7 our organic tissue9 .t see(ed that God !as sa$ing to #raha(7 @Kou have kno!n Me as the Most -igh God9 lthough that is !onderful7 it is no longer ade:uate9 . a( not onl$ the Most -igh God to $ou o#4ectivel$7 #ut . !ant to #e the divine (ilk to $ou su#4ectivel$9 . (ust #e the One that $ou drink into $our #eing9A Our (ind (a$ #e #othered at the thought of such a divine drinking9 The first ti(e that . gave a (essage on the eating of 5esus !as in 1FDB9 fter that (essage7 a ver$ highl$ educated #rother said to (e7 @Brother "ee7 that (essage !as ver$ good7 #ut the ter( Meating 5esus; is too !ild9A . replied7 @Brother7 . a( not the first one to use this ter(9 .n 5ohn E=?D and DI the "ord 5esus said7 M. a( the #read of life; and M-e !ho eats Me shall also live #ecause of Me9;A re $ou trou#led #$ the likening of God;s rich #reast to the udder of a co!G lthough . !ould prefer to liken God to a nice7 tender7 gentle (other !ith a loving #reast7 it is (ore (eaningful to liken God to a co! !ith a rich udder7 as the Scripture i(plies9 *e all have #een positioned under this divine udder9 Man$ verses in the Bi#le give us the ground to speak of God in this !a$9 Exodus ?=B sa$s7 @. a( co(e do!n to deliver the( out of the hand of the Eg$ptians7 and to #ring the( up out of that land unto a good land and a large7 unto a land flo!ing !ith (ilk and hone$9A The good land is a t$pe of the all6inclusive Christ9 *ith this Christ there is the flo!ing of (ilk9 Before the children of .srael ca(e into the good land to drink of the (ilk7 the$ drank of the !ater that flo!ed fro( the riven rock !hich also !as Christ 0Exo9 1I=E> 1 Cor9 1C=<29 .n /evelation 33 !e see that in the Ne! 5erusale( there !ill #e a river flo!ing fro( the throne of God and of the "a(#9 .f !e put all of these verses together7 !e can see that our God toda$ is One out of !ho( so(ething is flo!ing to :uench7 suppl$7 and satisf$ us9 /egardless of !hether !e call it (ilk or living !ater7 it flo!s out of God;s #eing to suppl$ us9 -ence7 1 Corinthians 13=1? sa$s that !e have all #een (ade to drink of one Spirit7 !ho is God -i(self 05ohn <=3<29 *hen !e are drinking of the Spirit7 !e are drinking of God9 Our God is so rich that one t$pe or s$(#ol cannot give us a co(plete understanding of -i(7 so the Bi#le uses different t$pes and s$(#ols to reveal the various aspects of -is riches9 The (ilk and the living !ater #oth reveal ho! rich God is to us9 The principle in each case is the sa(e= that the riches of -is divine #eing are flo!ing out to #e our suppl$ as grace to us for us to fulfill -is purpose9 *e all (ust drink of the rich suppl$ that flo!s out fro( our God that !e (a$ #e a#le to fulfill the divine purpose9 None of us is :ualified to fulfill God;s purpose9 lthough religion tells us that !e (ust do certain things for God7 !hat God !ants us to do is to take -i( in as our suppl$ so that -e (a$ #eco(e our constituent and that !e (a$ #eco(e one !ith -i(9 The Bi#le reveals that God;s intention is to get into us and that !e (ust eat and drink of -i(7 taking so(ething of -i(self into our #eing9 s !e take into our #eing so(e ele(ent of -is divine #eing7 partaking of -is divine nature7 this divine ele(ent !ill !ork in and through us to fulfill -is purpose9 t the ti(e of Genesis 1I7 God needed to reveal this divine title of -is to #raha(9 .n Genesis 1E #raha( did so(ething not for his o!n purpose #ut for the fulfill(ent of
God;s purpose9 -o!ever7 !hat #raha( did for the fulfilling of God;s purpose !as acco(plished #$ his natural #eing and natural strength9 Since he did so(ething for God #$ his natural strength7 God !as displeased and disappeared fro( hi( for thirteen $ears9 fter that long a#sence7 God ca(e in and see(ed to sa$7 @ #raha(7 $ou (ust kno! that . a( the all6sufficient One !ith an udder9 Kou (ust drink of the suppl$ of this udder and not do an$thing for Me #$ $our natural strength or natural a#ilit$9 ,oing so(ething for Me #$ $our natural strength is an insult to Me9 . don;t !ant an$thing fro( $ou9 . !ant $ou and . need $ou7 #ut . do not !ant $ou to use $our natural strength and natural a#ilit$ to #ring forth the pro(ised seed9 Kou (ust #ring forth a seed #$ M$ suppl$9 Stop using $our strength7 den$ $our natural #eing7 and put aside $our natural a#ilit$9 Since . a( the all6sufficient Might$ One7 $ou should not do an$thing #$ $ourself or apart fro( Me9 part fro( Me7 it is i(possi#le for $ou to fulfill M$ purpose #ecause apart fro( Me $ou can do nothing for M$ econo($9 #raha(7 in order to fulfill M$ purpose7 $ou (ust drink of the suppl$ out of M$ udder and take Me in9 . a( not here no! as the Most -igh God or as the Possessor of heaven and earth9 Kou have learned that alread$9 . a( no! here #efore $ou as El6Shaddai7 the all6sufficient Might$ One !ith an udder out of !hich is flo!ing a rich suppl$ for $ou9 #raha(7 $ou (ust !alk #efore Me9 This (eans that $ou (ust drink of M$ udder and live #$ Me9A The ,ivine *ord is deep7 and !e cannot understand it superficiall$9 *e (ust dive into it #efore !e can see !hat is revealed there9 -o! good it is that God revealed -i(self to #raha( as the Might$ One !ith an udder full of the all6sufficient suppl$ for -is people to fulfill -is purpose9 THE CHANGING OF HUMAN NAMES .((ediatel$ after the divine title !as revealed to #raha(7 God told hi( that his na(e !as to #e changed 01I=D29 This is ver$ (eaningful9 Not onl$ (ust God;s title #e unveiled to us7 #ut our na(es need to #e changed7 (eaning that !e need to #e changed9 The na(e #ra( has to #e changed to #raha(9 s !e pointed out in the previous (essage7 #ra( (eans exalted father and #raha( (eans the father of a great (ultitude7 that is7 a (ultiplied father7 @a father of (an$ nations9A .f $ou had a choice #et!een #eing highl$ exalted and #eing (ultiplied7 !hich !ould $ou chooseG .nstead of #eing highl$ exalted to the heavens7 !ould $ou choose to #e flattened out and (ultipliedG ccording to our natural concept7 !e !ould all desire to #e exalted rather than (ultiplied9 .t is trou#leso(e to #e (ultiplied7 for the (ore children !e have7 the (ore pro#le(s !e have9 Ever$one likes to #e exalted> ho!ever7 God does not !ant to exalt us #ut to (ultipl$ us7 (aking us a father of a great (ultitude9 re $ou !illing to #e (ultipliedG .t is i(possi#le for an exalted father7 !ho is onl$ good for exhi#ition7 to fulfill God;s purpose9 %or the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose7 there (ust #e a (ultitude9 So !e need to #e (ultiplied7 not exalted9 Toda$ (ost Christians !ant to #e spiritual giants7 and religion encourages the( in this !a$9 *hen . !as $oung7 . !as taught and encouraged to #e a spiritual giant7 #ut . !as never told that . needed to #e (ultiplied9 *hile our natural tendenc$ is to #e exalted7 God !ants to change our na(e fro( the father of exaltation to the father of (ultiplication9 -o! our concept needs to #e changedJ *hat is the (ultitude that God !antsG .t is the church7 a corporate people9 God needs the church7 the (ultitude9 .f $ou re(ain #$ $ourself7 God has no !a$ of fulfilling -is purpose through $ou9 %or the
sake of the fulfill(ent of -is purpose7 !e need to forget our old na(e and #e changed fro( #eing exalted to #eing (ultiplied9 To #e (ultiplied is for the fulfilling of God;s purpose7 not for an$thing else9 .t is not (erel$ for the increase or for the expansion of our !ork> it is for God to #e expressed and represented on the earth9 To change the na(e is to change the person9 .t is not that originall$ . a( a frog and that no! $ou change ($ na(e to fish9 lthough $ou (a$ call (e a fish7 . a( still a frog9 The title has #een changed7 #ut the person has not9 The proper changing of the na(e is the changing of the person9 *hen our person has #een changed7 the change of title follo!s9 .n the church life toda$ !e do not need an$ exalted fathers> !e need (an$ (ultiplied fathers9 This is !h$ the "ord has led us to have the co((unal life in so (an$ ho(es9 .t is not eas$ for a fa(il$ to live together !ith several $oung people #ecause !e all like to have our privac$ and sta$ #$ ourselves9 .f the hus#ands are honest7 so(eti(es even living !ith their !ives is too (uch for the(7 and the$ !ould prefer to #e left alone9 But if !e all sta$ed in private7 ho! could !e take care of the $oung onesG The changing of na(es helps the co((unal life9 *h$ does the increase take place so slo!l$ in the proper church lifeG Si(pl$ #ecause !e lack the fatherhood and #ecause there are not enough ho(es to take care of the ne! ones9 *e need the (ultiplied fathers; ho(es to take care of the (ultitude9 One of the :ualifications of an elder is hospitalit$ 01 Ti(9 ?=329 .f $ou are not hospita#le7 (eaning that $ou are un!illing to take care of others #ut onl$ care to #e individuall$ hol$7 $ou are not :ualified to #e an elder9 .f !e are going to #e hospita#le7 our na(e (ust #e changed fro( the father of exaltation to the father of (ultiplication9 Onl$ a (ultiplied father is hospita#le9 The (ore !e take care of others7 the #etter it is for the church life9 This is the real changing of na(es and the real changing of our person9 Not onl$ #raha(;s na(e !as to #e changed #ut also Sarah;s9 The na(e Sarai7 !hich (eans ($ princess7 has to #e changed to Sarah7 !hich (eans princess9 @M$ princessA has to #e changed to @princess7A to @a (other of nations9A Kour particular character has to #e changed into a general one so that $ou can #e a (other of nations and take care of (an$ people9 *hile ever$ #rother likes to #e an exalted father7 ever$ sister !ants to #e a @($ princess9A *hen our na(e is Sarai !e sa$7 @M$ hus#and7 ($ ho(e7 ($ da$7 ($ children7 ($ position7 ($ function in the (eetings7 ($ ever$thing9A lthough the sisters (a$ sa$ @($ princess7A God !ants the( si(pl$ to #eco(e @princessA !ithout an$ @($7A to #e general7 not particular9 *e should not #e exalted #ut (ultiplied7 not particular #ut general9 Particularit$ al!a$s goes !ith exaltation> the$ (ake a good couple9 .n the church life7 none of us should #e for exaltation or in particularit$9 *e all have to #e (ultiplied and general7 to #e a @father of nationsA or a @(other of nationsA 01I=D7 1E29 The church life depends a great deal upon the changing of na(es9 .f the #rothers still insist on #eing exalted and if the sisters still prefer to #e particular7 ho! could !e have the church lifeG *e could onl$ have a religion !ith a Sunda$ (orning service and co(e
together once a !eek7 greet one another7 and then go our separate !a$s until the next Sunda$9 .n order to have the church life7 there (ust #e a great (ultitude of people that has #een #uilt up and co(pacted together7 a people !ho trul$ kno! and practice the co((unal life9 *hen the #rothers no longer !ant to #e exalted #ut (ultiplied and the sisters no longer !ant to #e particular #ut general7 then !e shall #e a#le to live together and have the proper church life and the (ultitude for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 Then !e shall live together da$ #$ da$ and #e a churching people all the ti(e9 Nearl$ ever$ ti(e !ill #e a (eeting ti(e9 *e shall #e (eeting together constantl$ #ecause no one !ill !ant to #e exalted #ut (ultiplied and #ecause no one !ill !ant to #e particular #ut general9 This is not (erel$ a doctrine9 The changing of na(es is not onl$ a change of ter( #ut a change of our #eing7 of our person9 Thus7 !e (a$ change the title of this (essage to @the unveiling of the divine Being and the changing of the hu(an person for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9A lthough God;s divine #eing has #een unveiled7 if !e re(ain the sa(e7 -is #eing unveiled !ill not profit us9 -is unveiling depends upon our changing9 *e need to #e changed not onl$ in na(e #ut also in person9 Then !e can en4o$ the unveiled God and drink at -is rich udder9 The changing of na(es in the sense of changing the person is also seen in the case of 5aco# and Peter9 %or the fulfilling of God;s purpose7 5aco#;s na(e !as changed to .srael 0Gen9 ?3=3I63B2> a heel6holder7 a supplanter 05aco#27 !as changed into a prince of God 0.srael29 .f 5aco# had re(ained a supplanter7 he could never have #een used #$ God in the fulfill(ent of the divine purpose9 5aco# had to #e changed into a prince of God9 %or the #uilding of the church7 Peter;s na(e7 Si(on7 !as changed to Cephas7 !hich (eans a stone 05ohn 1=<329 Peter;s natural #eing !as (udd$7 and he had to #e transfor(ed into a stone7 even a precious stone7 for God;s #uilding 01 Pet9 3=D2 to fulfill the divine purpose9 THE SUFFICIENT GRACE FOR FULFILLING GODS PURPOSE B$ the "ord;s (erc$7 !e have no confidence in ourselves or in an$one else9 *e do not have confidence in people #ecause !e have learned that no one is :ualified to fulfill God;s purpose9 *hatever !e can produce is 4ust an .sh(ael9 The proper church life is not concerned !ith an$thing hu(an or natural9 The proper church life is that !hich carries out God;s eternal purpose through #eing supplied !ith the riches of God -i(self9 *hatever !e are a#le to do (eans nothing in the fulfilling of God;s eternal purpose9 ll that is needed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose is the suppl$ of the divine udder9 So !e (ust drop ourselves7 depreciate our natural strength and a#ilit$7 and !alk #efore God7 drinking of the riches of -is udder9 .f !e do this7 spontaneousl$ so(e ele(ent of -is divine #eing !ill #e !rought into us to produce the seed for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 This is the proper church life9 *e have seen that #oth the seed and the land are Christ9 No! !e need to see that the seed and the land are not onl$ Christ #ut also !e9 fter drinking of God;s rich suppl$7 !e all shall #eco(e the seed and the land9 Eventuall$7 the seed #eco(es the land9 %or the fulfilling of -is purpose7 God needs a people to possess the land9 .n that land7 God !ill have a kingdo( to #e #uilt up !ith -is ha#itation for -is na(e9 This is God;s purpose9 Since !e are the seed7 the people to fulfill God;s purpose7 !e7 the seed7 shall also #eco(e
the land9 (ong and !ithin us God has -is do(inion7 and in this do(inion God has a kingdo( in !hich -e (a$ #uild up -is ha#itation9 *e #eco(e the seed and the land #$ en4o$ing the riches of God and #$ having God !rought into us9 God and !e7 !e and God7 are one in producing the seed and possessing the land9 This is so(ething heavenl$ on earth9 .t is Bethel7 the gate of heaven7 !ith the heavenl$ ladder 4oining earth to heaven and #ringing heaven do!n to earth9 -ere !e have God and (an7 (an and God7 4oined together to #e a (utual ha#itation9 -o! is this fulfilledG B$ the unveiling of the divine Being and the changing of the hu(an person9 Once !e have #een changed7 then !e are :ualified to en4o$ the unveiled God as our grace9 God has #een unveiled7 #ut this unveiled God needs the changed person9 /egardless of !ho or !hat !e are7 !e all need to #e changed fro( having natural character to having spiritual character7 changed fro( our source to the divine udder for the suppl$ !e need to fulfill the divine purpose9 *e need to forget ourselves7 cease fro( our natural source of suppl$7 !alk #efore God7 and drink of -is udder all da$ long9 Then the riches of the unveiled divine Being !ill #e !rought into our hu(an #eing as the all6 sufficient grace for us to fulfill the divine purpose9 The postle Paul la#ored (ore a#undantl$ than all the apostles> $et it !as not he #ut the grace of God that !as !ith hi(9 B$ the grace of God he !as !hat he !as 01 Cor9 1D=1C29 -e fulfilled God;s purpose in his (inistr$ #$ en4o$ing the "ord;s sufficient grace 03 Cor9 13=F29 Paul surel$ !as drinking of the divine udder to receive the sufficient suppl$ of grace9 -e did not exercise his natural strength to produce .sh(aels #ut en4o$ed the rich suppl$ of the sufficient grace to #ring forth (an$ .saacs9 -e lived and !orked in the !a$ of @no longer . !ho live7 #ut ChristA 0Gal9 3=3C29 The real changing of a na(e is the change fro( . to Christ)El6 Shaddai7 the all6sufficient grace Supplier9 Onl$ Christ7 not .7 can fulfill God;s purpose9
1E. 0NOWING GRACE FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE CIRCUMCISION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF GODS PURPOSE nd God said unto #raha(7 Thou shalt keep ($ covenant therefore7 thou7 and th$ seed after thee in their generations9 This is ($ covenant7 !hich $e shall keep7 #et!een (e and $ou and th$ seed after thee> Ever$ (an child a(ong $ou shall #e circu(cised9 0Genesis 1I=F61C2 .n -i( also $ou !ere circu(cised !ith a circu(cision not (ade !ith hands7 in the putting off of the #od$ of the flesh7 in the circu(cision of Christ9 0Colossians 3=112 .n the #ook of Genesis7 nearl$ all the divine truths are so!n as seeds9 .n this (essage !e co(e to a great and #asic truth in the hol$ *ord that is so!n as a seed in Genesis 1I) circu(cision9
.n order to understand circu(cision7 !e need to see t!o (ain points of the divine revelation unfolded in the Bi#le9 The first is that God;s eternal purpose is to have -i(self expressed and represented #$ (an on earth9 This (atter is revealed throughout the !hole Bi#le7 fro( the first chapter of Genesis through the last chapter of /evelation9 The second point concerns God;s !a$ of acco(plishing -is purpose9 God;s !a$ to fulfill -is purpose is to !ork -i(self into (an as (an;s life and ever$thing so that (an (a$ #eco(e -is expression and representation9 The acco(plish(ent of God;s purpose does not depend upon !hat !e can do #ut upon God;s !orking -i(self into us9 .f !e see these t!o points7 then !e can understand the #asic truths in the Bi#le9 %or the fulfill(ent of -is divine purpose7 God called #raha( out of Chaldea7 a land of de(ons and idolatr$9 s !e have seen7 #raha( did not give a clear6cut ans!er to God;s call #ut dragged his feet through (ud and !ater9 -is father #rought hi( to -aran7 the half6!a$ place9 B$ God;s (erc$7 #raha( ans!ered God;s call nearl$ in a full !a$ at -aran7 crossed the great river7 and ca(e to the ver$ place !here God !anted hi( to #e9 That place !as close to the sinful cit$ of Sodo(9 .t !as not eas$ for #raha( to re(ain in the place !here God !anted hi( to #e and not long after!ard he drifted do!n to Eg$pt9 But #$ God;s sovereignt$7 #raha(7 !ho had left de(onic Chaldea7 had forsaken half!a$ -aran7 and had overco(e sinful Sodo(7 !as delivered out of !orldl$ Eg$pt and !as #rought #ack to the place of God;s choosing9 *e need to recall the na(es of three ver$ i(portant persons related to #raha()"ot7 Elie8er7 and -agar9 #raha( took "ot !ith hi( !hen he left -aran7 and he pro#a#l$ ac:uired Elie8er at ,a(ascus and -agar in Eg$pt9 None of these three !as a help to #raha(> each one !as a pro#le(9 God re4ected all three of these persons9 #raha( used his natural strength to coordinate !ith -agar to produce his (asterpiece).sh(ael9 But .sh(ael !as a#solutel$ re4ected #$ God9 *ith this as the #ackground7 !e co(e no! to the (atter of circu(cision 01I=F61<29 t the ti(e of Genesis 1I7 #raha( had #een ro##ed of all the places !here he had #een and of all the i(portant persons he had ac:uired9 Chaldea and -aran !ere past7 and he had nothing to do !ith Eg$pt9 lthough he !as in the land that God had pro(ised to give hi(7 it had not $et #een given to hi(9 Thus7 #raha( did not have Chaldea7 -aran7 Eg$pt7 Sodo(7 or a portion of the pro(ised land9 %urther(ore7 "ot had separated fro( hi(7 and #oth Elie8er and .sh(ael had #een re4ected #$ God9 #raha( !as left alone !ith Sarah9 The$ !ere t!o old people !ho had gained nothing and !ho !ere a#le to do nothing9 Perhaps #raha( looked at Sarah and said7 @*hat shall !e doG *e don;t have an$thing and !e can;t do an$thing9A t that 4uncture God ca(e in7 revealing -i(self to #raha( as El6Shaddai7 the all6sufficient Might$ One9 .t !as then that God told #raha( that his na(e had to #e changed fro( #ra( to #raha( and that his !ife;s na(e had to #e changed fro( Sarai to Sarah9 fter that7 God told #raha( that he had to #e circu(cised9 #raha( had #een ro##ed of ever$ place and ever$ person9 The onl$ thing that still re(ained !ith hi( !as hi(self9 God ca(e in to deal !ith #raha(;s self7 !ith his flesh7 natural strength7 and natural a#ilit$9 This self7 the flesh and natural strength7 had to #e cut off7 circu(cised9 .f !e had #een #raha(7 !e pro#a#l$ !ould have said7 @God7 don;t Kou kno! that Kou have ro##ed (e of so (uchG There is no one
like (e on the !hole earth9 Ever$one else has a place of his o!n7 #ut . have nothing9 *hat !ill Kou do no!)get rid of (eGA God (ight have ans!ered7 @ #raha(7 $ou are right9 . have ro##ed $ou of Chaldea7 -aran7 Eg$pt7 "ot7 Elie8er7 -agar7 and .sh(ael9 . !ill not ro# $ou an$(ore7 #ut . !ill cut $ou9 *hat $ou have ac:uired has #een taken fro( $ou7 and !hat $ou are (ust no! #e cut9A This is circu(cision9 *h$ is there the need of circu(cisionG On the one hand7 God needs (an for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 On the other hand7 God does not !ant an$thing of (an9 -o!ever7 none of the called ones !ould sa$7 @God7 . !ant to #e for Kou7 #ut . don;t !ant an$thing of (e to #e for Kou9 . a( !illing for Kou to take all that . have and ter(inate all that . a(9A On the contrar$7 ever$one sa$s7 @Praise the "ord that -e has called (e9 %ro( no! on7 !hatever . have and !hatever . a( !ill #e for -i(9A Consider the exa(ple of Peter9 %or three and a half $ears the "ord told -is disciples that the$ had to love -i( and follo! -i(9 But none of the disciples understood that the "ord did not !ant an$thing of the(9 *hen the "ord told the disciples that the$ all !ould #e offended #ecause of -i(7 Peter said7 @.f all shall #e stu(#led in Kou7 . !ill never #e stu(#led7A and @Even if . (ust die !ith Kou7 . !ill #$ no (eans den$ KouA 0Matt9 3E=??7 ?D29 But the "ord told Peter7 @Trul$ . sa$ to $ou7 that this night7 #efore a cock cro!s7 $ou !ill den$ Me three ti(esA 0Matt9 3E=?<29 The "ord see(ed to #e sa$ing to Peter7 @Peter7 don;t #oast9 Kou have nothing to #oast in9 Tonight $ou !ill den$ Me three ti(es9A Peter did den$ the "ord three ti(es7 and those denials !ere his actual and practical circu(cision9 The proud7 self6confident Peter !as cut into pieces #$ the circu(cising knife of his denial of the "ord9 *e all (ust see that although God does need us for -is recover$7 -e does not !ant an$thing of us9 .t is difficult for us to reali8e this9 *e either sta$ a!a$ fro( the "ord or !e co(e to -i( !ith ever$thing that !e have9 5apanese #rother (a$ sa$7 @*e 5apanese are the (ost patient people on earth9 . shall serve the "ord !ith ($ 5apanese patience9A But the "ord does not need this kind of patience9 So(e sisters (a$ sa$7 @The "ord certainl$ needs us sisters7 and !e are !illing to #e for -i(9 s sisters7 !e are not rough like the #rothers> !e are :uite fine9 .n the church life7 our fineness !ill #e for the "ord9A Sisters7 it is a#solutel$ right for $ou to #e for the "ord7 #ut it is a#solutel$ !rong that an$thing of $ourselves #e for -i(9 Since God does not !ant an$thing of us7 !e all need to #e circu(cised9 The seed of circu(cision !as not so!n in Genesis 13 or 1D #ut in Genesis 1I7 after #raha( had #een ro##ed of so (uch9 Then God appeared to #raha( again7 unveiled -i(self as the all6sufficient Might$ One !ith an udder7 and told #raha( to change his na(e9 #raha( had to have a radical change9 God see(ed to sa$7 @ #raha(7 $ou (ust no! #e circu(cised9 .f $ou are not circu(cised7 there is no !a$ for Me to fulfill M$ purpose through $ou9 .n order to have a people for M$ purpose7 there (ust #e the seed9 Out of that seed !ill co(e the people !ho !ill possess the land !herein . shall have do(inion7 #uild M$ te(ple for M$ expression7 and find rest9 This is M$ purpose9 But for the fulfill(ent of M$ purpose7 . don;t need an$thing of $ou9 . !ill do ever$thing for $ou and #e ever$thing to $ou9 This is !h$ . have taken ever$ place and ever$one a!a$ fro( $ou9 No! . a( asking $ou to agree !ith Me and cooperate !ith Me to get rid of $ourself9
. !ant $our flesh to #e cut off7 #ut . don;t !ant to do it directl$9 . !ant $ou to do it for Me9 . !ant $ou to cut off $our flesh9 re $ou !illing to cooperate !ith MeGA *e (ust not take this as a doctrinal teaching or as an exposition of the stories in the Bi#le9 *e all (ust reali8e that our need toda$ is to have ourselves circu(cised9 -o! grateful . a( to the "ord that so (an$ a(ong us have left Chaldea and -aran and do not care for Sodo( or Eg$pt7 #ut re(ain in the ver$ place !here the "ord;s recover$ is9 But ho! can the "ord have the seedG -o! can -e take possession of the land so that -e (a$ have the proper church life for -is d!elling place7 do(inion7 satisfaction7 and restG .t is not #$ our doing an$thing for -i(9 .t is onl$ #$ the !a$ of -is ro##ing us of so (an$ things9 Our intelligence7 !isdo(7 natural a#ilit$7 natural strength7 and all that !e are in our natural #eing (ust #e taken a!a$ #$ the "ord9 ,o $ou agree !ith thisG .f $ou do7 then $ou (ust pick up the circu(cising knife and cut $our flesh7 $our natural #eing9 This is not a (atter of overco(ing sin or the !orld> it is a (atter of ter(inating $ourself so that the all6sufficient One (a$ have a !a$ to co(e in to #e $our life7 $our ever$thing7 and even $our ver$ self9 This is circu(cision9 Ma$ the Spirit speak this !ord into us all9 The greatest frustration to the "ord;s (ove in -is recover$ of the church life is our natural a#ilit$9 *hat frustrates the "ord;s (ove is not !hat !e cannot do> it is !hat !e can do9 #raha(;s exercise of his natural strength kept God a!a$ fro( hi( for thirteen $ears9 *hat a frustration that !asJ lthough #raha( had #een ro##ed of so (uch7 he still had his flesh7 natural a#ilit$7 and natural strength9 .t !as #$ and !ith his flesh that he produced .sh(ael !ith -agar9 B$ the ti(e of Genesis 1I the ti(e !as ripe for God to touch the frustrating ele(ent of #raha(;s flesh9 God see(ed to sa$7 @ #raha(7 . have taken so (uch a!a$ fro( $ou9 Onl$ one thing is left to frustrate M$ gracious !ork in $ou)$our flesh9 . !ant to take this a!a$ fro( $ou7 #ut since it is such a su#4ective (atter in $our #eing7 . !ill not force $ou9 . !ant $ou to cooperate !ith Me to cut $ourself7 to circu(cise $ourself for Me9 #raha(7 nothing that $ou can do #$ $ourself !ill ever please Me9 .t can onl$ offend and insult Me9 s long as $our natural strength re(ains7 . have no !a$ to co(e into $ou and #ring forth .saac9 #raha(7 $our natural strength7 $our flesh7 (ust #e cut off9A This (atter of circu(cision in Genesis 1I is (ost crucial9 *hat is the (eaning of circu(cisionG .t is to get rid of $ourself9 God has a purpose and -e has the called ones7 #ut there is a frustration to -is co(ing in to #ring forth the seed )our flesh9 Man$ a(ong us have co(e to the crucial point of dealing !ith the flesh9 Throughout the $ears7 !e have #een ro##ed of so (an$ things7 #ut our flesh7 our natural strength7 our natural a#ilit$ (a$ still re(ain9 .f !e keep using our flesh7 .saac cannot #e #rought forth fro( us or even #e conceived in us9 Our need7 then7 is to #e circu(cised and to ter(inate the self7 the flesh9 This is !hat the Bi#le calls circu(cision9 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CIRCUMCISION TO PUT OFF OUR FLESH H *hat is the significance of circu(cisionG %irstl$7 it is to put off our flesh 0Col9 3=117 1?a> ,eut9 1C=1E> 5er9 <=<a> cts I=D129 Man$ Christians toda$ talk a#out the overco(ing
of sin7 #ut that is not the #asic dealing9 The #asic dealing is to put off the flesh9 The flesh does include the sinful flesh9 -o!ever7 in the Bi#le7 the flesh includes (uch (ore than this7 for it also includes our natural strength7 a#ilit$7 po!er7 and talents9 Moreover7 the flesh includes our natural (an7 the ego7 the @.9A -ence7 to put off the flesh (eans to put off the ver$ @.A> it (eans to ter(inate the self9 Man$ $ears ago . !as seeking for the overco(ing of sin7 #ut . !as onl$ partiall$ successful until . sa! that ($ need !as not to overco(e sin #ut to ter(inate ($self9 . #egan to see that once . !as ter(inated ever$thing !ould #e all right9 This is !h$ Paul said that he !ho has died is free fro( sin 0/o(9 E=I29 The (ore !e tr$ to overco(e sin7 the (ore !e are involved !ith and trou#led #$ it9 The #est !a$ to overco(e sin is to #e dead and #uried9 Then sin !ill have nothing to do !ith us9 Thus7 the #asic dealing in the Bi#le is not to overco(e sin #ut to ter(inate ourselves9 lthough the #ook of Genesis contains nearl$ all the seeds of the #i#lical truths7 it does not contain the seed of the overco(ing of sin9 The real dealing !ith sin is not to overco(e it #ut to get rid of ourselves7 to circu(cise ourselves9 Once !e have #een circu(cised and have ourselves ter(inated7 !e shall have no pro#le( !ith sin9 .f $ou are still tr$ing to overco(e sin7 it (eans that $ou are still living9 .f $ou ter(inate $ourself7 $ou !ill #e through !ith sin9 Therefore7 it is not a (atter of dealing !ith sin or of tr$ing to overco(e it> it is a (atter of ter(inating ourselves9 This is the negative significance of circu(cision9 TO BRING US INTO RESURRECTION H The positive significance of circu(cision is to #ring us into resurrection 0Col9 3=1329 Circu(cision !as al!a$s perfor(ed on the eighth da$ 01I=1329 .n figure7 the nu(#er eight signifies resurrection9 This (eans that !e cannot have circu(cision !ithout resurrection9 Circu(cision (ust #e in resurrection7 and it !ill al!a$s usher us into resurrection7 4ust as death ushers people into resurrection9 On the one hand7 !e have #een crucified !ith Christ and have #een #uried !ith -i(9 On the other hand7 this crucifixion and #urial !ill usher us into -is resurrection9 *hen !e have #een ter(inated and ushered into resurrection7 !e #eco(e a ne! person9 *e are still !e7 #ut !e are no! another person #ecause !e have another life7 nature7 and constitution9 *e are people in resurrection9 Onl$ #$ #eing in resurrection are !e a#le to fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 .n our natural strength7 !e can do nothing to please God or to fulfill -is purpose9 Our self and our natural strength (ust #e cut off in circu(cision9 Then in resurrection !e shall #eco(e another person9 ECUAL TO BAPTISM H Circu(cision in the Old Testa(ent is the e:uivalent of #aptis( in the Ne! Testa(ent 0Col9 3=1161329 Both #aptis( and circu(cision have the sa(e purpose)to ter(inate our natural #eing and #ring us into resurrection9 *h$ are !e #apti8ed after #elieving in the "ord 5esusG Because !e reali8e that our old (an has #een crucified !ith -i( and that !e (ust #e #uried so that !e (a$ #e one !ith -i( in -is resurrection9 -ence7 #raha(;s
circu(cision has the sa(e significance as our #aptis(9 .n #oth circu(cision and #aptis( the principle is the sa(e9 lthough #raha( !as 4ustified in Genesis 1D7 he !as circu(cised in Genesis 1I9 s circu(cision !as the sign of #raha(;s #eing 4ustified7 so #aptis( is the (ark of our #eing saved9 -o! can !e prove that !e have #een savedG B$ living a life of #aptis(7 a life of one !ho has #een crucified7 #uried7 and resurrected9 .f !e live such a life7 ever$one !ill #e a#le to see upon us the (ark of our salvation9 CORRESPONDING TO THE CHANGING OF HUMAN NAMES H Circu(cision corresponds to the changing of hu(an na(es 01I=D6E7 1D61E29 s !e have seen7 to change the na(e is to change the person9 *hen #raha(;s na(e !as changed7 his person !as changed also9 This !as especiall$ true of 5aco#9 *hen 5aco#;s na(e !as changed to .srael7 his person !as changed 0?3=3I63B29 This change of na(e can onl$ #e acco(plished through circu(cision7 through having ourselves ter(inated and ushered into resurrection9 Then !e are no longer a natural person #ut a resurrected person9 Being ter(inated and ushered into resurrection is the real changing of a person9 -ence7 circu(cision corresponds to the changing of na(es9 No! !e can understand !h$ the changing of na(es and circu(cision are #oth revealed in the sa(e chapter9 These t!o things are actuall$ one9 The changing of na(es and circu(cision #oth (ean to ter(inate our old #eing and to #ring us into resurrection so that !e (a$ #e another person9 NOT OUTWARDLY IN THE FLESH, IN THE LETTER, BUT INWARDLY OF THE HEART, IN THE SPIRIT /o(ans 3=3B63F sa$s that circu(cision is not @out!ard in the flesh7A #ut @of the heart7 in the spirit7 not in the letter9A Circu(cision is not an out!ard (atter> it is an in!ard one 0Phil9 ?=?29 The sa(e is true of #aptis(9 Baptis( should not 4ust #e a for(> it (ust #e an in!ard realit$9 "et (e tell $ou a stor$ that . heard (ore than fort$ $ears ago9 .n Central (erica7 the Catholic Church accepted and #apti8ed as (e(#ers (an$ people !ho !ere not saved9 One da$7 a certain priest sprinkled a fe! drops of !ater on a #o$;s head and changed his na(e to 5ohn9 t that ti(e7 the Catholic Church insisted that on %rida$s its people eat onl$ fish7 not (eat9 One %rida$7 this 5ohn had onl$ (eat to eat9 Since the priest had sprinkled !ater on his head and had changed his na(e to 5ohn7 he thought that he could do the sa(e to the (eat9 Therefore7 he sprinkled !ater on it and called the (eat fish9 -e then proceeded to cook the (eat #$ #oiling it9 s he !as #oiling the (eat7 the priest ca(e #$9 S(elling the aro(a of #oiling (eat7 he !as angr$ !ith 5ohn and asked hi( !hat he !as doing9 5ohn replied7 @. a( doing nothing !rong9 This is not (eat> it is fish9 ,on;t $ou re(e(#er sprinkling !ater on (e and changing ($ na(e to 5ohnG . follo!ed $our !a$ and sprinkled !ater on the (eat and called it fish9A This is not real #aptis( nor the genuine changing of na(es9 Baptis( (ust #e an in!ard realit$ in the spirit7 not an out!ard for( of sprinkling a fe! drops of !ater on a person;s head9 THE CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST Colossians 3=11 speaks of @the circu(cision of Christ9A /eal circu(cision is in Christ9 The circu(cision of Christ7 like #aptis(7 (eans to ter(inate our old #eing and to (ake
us a ne! creation7 a ne! person9 Galatians E=1D sa$s7 @%or neither is circu(cision an$thing nor uncircu(cision7 #ut a ne! creation9A The #ook of Colossians reveals that Christ is our eternal portion 01=1327 our life 0?=<27 and our hope of glor$ 01=3I27 and that !e (ust live #$ -i( as the seed and !alk in -i( as the land 03=E29 .f !e aOre to !alk in Christ7 !e (ust not #e distracted #$ other things9 The !a$ to live #$ Christ and !alk in Christ is to #e #uried !ith -i(9 *e !ho have #een #uried !ith Christ have #een #rought into -is resurrection7 not #$ our effort #ut #$ the operation of God7 !hich is carried out #$ the Spirit of God9 *hen !e reali8e that !e have #een ter(inated !ith Christ7 #uried !ith -i(7 and ushered into -is resurrection7 the ind!elling Spirit !ill honor our reali8ation !ith an operation7 (inister the riches of Christ into us7 and (ake us a person in resurrection9 This is not a (atter of (ere teaching> it is the operation of God7 the exercise of the living Spirit !ithin us9 This is the circu(cision of Christ9 Colossians ?=F61C tells us that !e have put off the old (an and have put on the ne! (an9 This is the real changing of na(es7 the true significance of circu(cision7 and the genuine experience of #aptis(9 To circu(cise the flesh is to put off the old (an and to put on the ne! (an9 Then as the ne! (an7 !e shall have the seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 Moreover7 !hen !e are in the ne! (an7 !e are in the land7 the church9 This is altogether a (atter of the experience of Christ9 *hen !e see that !e have alread$ #een ter(inated !ith Christ and ushered into -is resurrection7 the ind!elling Spirit !ill honor this #$ operating !ithin us so that !e can put off the old (an and put on the ne! (an9 .n this !a$7 God has the seed and the land for the fulfill(ent of -is eternal purpose9 NOT I, BUT CHRIST Galatians 3=3C sa$s7 @. have #een crucified !ith Christ7 and it is no longer . !ho live7 #ut Christ lives in (e9A The real changing of na(es is the change fro( . to Christ9 This is the significance of circu(cision and the (eaning of #aptis(9 The circu(cision of Christ !orks out one thing)the change fro( . to Christ9 Then it is no longer .7 #ut Christ !ho lives in (e9 NOT I, BUT THE GRACE OF GOD Eventuall$7 the @not .7 #ut ChristA #eco(es @not .7 #ut the grace of GodA 01 Cor9 1D=1C29 The postle Paul said that he la#ored (ore than the other apostles> $et it !as not he7 #ut the grace of God9 *hat is graceG s !e have seen7 grace is God co(ing to us to #e ever$thing for us9 .n Genesis 1B=1C and 1< !e find a ver$ strange sa$ing= @ t the ti(e appointed . !ill return unto thee7 according to the ti(e of life7 and Sarah shall have a son9A *hat does this (eanG There !as no need for God to co(e in order for Sarah to have a son9 .f !e had #een #raha(7 !e pro#a#l$ !ould have said7 @"ord7 Kou don;t need to do that (uch9 Kou can si(pl$ sta$ in heaven and sa$ a !ord7 and Sarah !ill have a son9A But the "ord said that the #irth of .saac !ould #e -is co(ing7 -is arrival9 .t see(s that the co(ing of God !as ver$ nearl$ the #irth of .saac9 God see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @The deliver$ of .saac !ill #e M$ arrival9 .saac !ill not #e out of $ou7 #ut out of M$ co(ing9 *hen . return to
$ou7 Sarah !ill have a son9 M$ co(ing !ill #e the #irth of .saac9A . a( not sa$ing that .saac is God or that God is .saac7 #ut . do sa$ that it appears that the return of God nearl$ !as the #irth of .saac9 .saac !as an unusual person9 lthough he !as a hu(an #eing7 his #irth !as the result of a divine visitation9 *hat !as that divine visitationG .t !as grace9 -ence7 #oth #raha( and Sarah could sa$7 @.t is not .7 #ut the grace of God9A God called the ti(e of .saac;s #irth the appointed ti(e9 The appoint(ent !as (ade in 1I=317 !hen God said7 @M$ covenant !ill . esta#lish !ith .saac7 !hich Sarah shall #ear unto thee at this set ti(e in the next $ear9A God called that appointed ti(e the ti(e of life7 sa$ing that according to the ti(e of life -e !ould return and Sarah !ould have a son9 This is ver$ (eaningful9 Ever$thing !e do (ust #e according to the ti(e of life and #$ God;s visitation9 The seed that !e #ring forth (ust #e the co(ing of the "ord in -is visitation of grace9 This visitation of grace is the #irth of .saac9 This proves that onl$ the ver$ Christ !ho( God has !rought into our #eing can #e the seed to possess the land for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 This is a#solutel$ a (atter of grace9 .t is not .7 #ut Christ9 .t is not .7 #ut the grace of God9 Praise the "ord that !e do have Christ and the grace of God !orked into us so that !e can have the seed and possess the land9 *e have Christ as our seed and the church life as our land9 This is altogether the result of circu(cision9
1;. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD COMMUNION WITH GOD ON THE HUMAN LEVEL nd the "ord appeared unto hi( in the plains of Ma(re= and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the da$> and he lifted up his e$es and looked7 and7 lo7 three (en stood #$ hi(= and !hen he sa! the(7 he ran to (eet the( fro( the tent door7 and #o!ed hi(self to!ard the ground7 and said7 M$ "ord7 if no! . have found favor in th$ sight7 pass not a!a$7 . pra$ thee7 fro( th$ servant9 0Genesis 1B=16?2 nd the Scripture !as fulfilled !hich sa$s7 @ nd #raha( #elieved God7 and it !as accounted to hi( as righteousnessA> and he !as called the friend of God9 05a(es 3=3?2 .n this (essage !e co(e to Genesis 1B7 !hich contains an inti(ate record of #raha(;s experience !ith God9 .f !e take an overall vie! of #raha(;s experience !ith God as found in chapter eleven through chapter t!ent$6four7 !e shall see that his experience is in four (a4or sections9 %irstl$7 !hile he !as living in the de(onic land of Chaldea7 he !as called #$ God9 Suddenl$7 (uch to his surprise7 the God of glor$ appeared to hi( 0 cts I=329 That !as the #eginning of his experience !ith God9 Secondl$7 in chapters t!elve through fourteen7 #raha( experienced living #$ faith in God for his existence9 -e had #een called #$ God for the fulfill(ent of God;s divine purpose7 #ut7 as a hu(an #eing7 he still had to have food7 protection7 and all that !as necessar$ to (aintain his existence9 -e !as a stranger in a ne! land7 having no propert$
of his o!n9 Thus7 God trained hi( to exercise the ver$ faith !hich God had infused into hi( to trust in God for his existence9 %ollo!ing that7 in chapters fifteen through seventeen7 the third section7 God trained hi( to kno! grace for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 -ere #raha( learned not to do an$thing #$ hi(self or on his o!n #ut to do ever$thing #$ and !ith God9 lthough God needed hi(7 God did not need an$thing of hi(9 ll that #raha( had7 !as7 and could do !as a#solutel$ repudiated #$ God9 God spent at least fifteen $ears to train #raha( in this (atter9 %or thirteen $ears7 God disappeared fro( hi( #ecause he did not #ehave hi(self properl$9 #raha( !as trained7 disciplined7 and ver$ (uch in God;s favor7 #ut he did not !alk in the presence of God9 /ather7 he !alked in the presence of his !ife7 the one !ho proposed that he exercise his flesh to produce a seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 #raha( expected that .sh(ael7 his seed7 could fulfill God;s purpose9 Nevertheless7 God see(ed to sa$7 @No7 . don;t approve of .sh(ael9 -e is the issue of $our effort7 the produce of $our doing9 . re4ect hi( and $ou (ust not keep hi(9 #ra(7 $ou (ust learn that nothing that $ou can do (eans an$thing to Me9 . onl$ need $ou7 not $our a#ilit$ and strength9 . don;t need $our "ot7 Elie8er7 -agar7 or an$thing of $ou9 Kou (ust !alk #efore Me7 not doing an$thing #$ $ourself or on $our o!n9 Kou (ust #e nourished and supplied #$ the sufficienc$ of M$ divine udder9 Then $ou !ill #e a#le to produce so(ething not onl$ for Me #ut also of Me9 . onl$ accept and approve !hat is out of M$self9 . shall not produce an .saac !ithout $ou9 . shall produce an .saac through $ou7 #ut not out of $ou9 Kou are M$ channel7 not the source9 *henever $ou consider $ourself to #e the source7 $ou insult Me9 . a( the uni:ue7 all6sufficient source9 Kou have kno!n Me as the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth9 No! $ou (ust kno! Me as El6Shaddai7 as the all6sufficient Might$ One !ith an udder9 Sta$ under M$ udder and #e supplied and nourished constantl$ #$ M$ all6sufficienc$9 This is the !a$ to !alk #efore Me9A s #raha( learned to kno! grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose7 God changed hi( in #oth na(e and in nature9 God changed #raha(;s constitution #$ having hi( circu(cised9 #ra( !as ter(inated and #raha( ca(e into #eing9 This is the third (a4or section of #raha(;s experience of God9 .((ediatel$ after this7 he !as ushered into a glorious section)living in fello!ship !ith God 01B=1)3<=EI29 #raha( had #een called7 had learned to live #$ faith in God for his existence7 and had co(e to kno! grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 No! he has #een #rought into constant fello!ship !ith God9 The fourth section of his experience is found in chapters eighteen through t!ent$6four9 Ever$thing revealed in these seven chapters is an aspect of #raha(;s inti(ate fello!ship !ith God9 .n the first section of his experience7 God appeared to #raha( as the God of glor$9 .n the second section -e revealed -i(self as the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth9 .n the third section -e ca(e to #raha( as El6Shaddai7 as the all6sufficient Might$ One !ith an udder9 .n the fourth section God ca(e in a ver$ different !a$)as a (ortal (an9 s #raha( sat in the door of his tent during the heat of the da$7 he sa! three (ortal (en approaching 0vv9 16329 .n -e#re!7 the !ord translated @(enA in verse 3 (eans (ortal (en7 hu(an #eings9 God appeared to #raha( in such a for(9 t first7
#raha( did not reali8e that one of these (en !as the "ord7 5ehovah7 and that the other t!o !ere angels9 Of these for(s of God;s appearing)as the God of glor$7 as the Most -igh God7 as El6 Shaddai7 and as a (ortal (an)!hich do $ou preferG ,o $ou prefer that God appear to $ou as the God of glor$G .f -e did7 $ou !ould #e terrified9 *ould $ou like -i( to co(e as the Most -igh GodG .f the president of the +nited States !ere to co(e to (e and sa$7 @. a( the (ost high president of the +nited States co(ing to visit a little (an7A . !ould feel uneas$9 But if he !ere to co(e as a (an the sa(e as (e7 . !ould sa$7 @Sir7 ho! are $ouG Please co(e in and rest and #e refreshed9A .f he !ere to co(e in this !a$7 revealing later that he !as the president of the +nited States7 . could have a ver$ good ti(e !ith hi(9 Of these four !a$s of God;s appearing7 . prefer that -e co(e to (e in the for( of a (ortal (an7 not in -is divine glor$7 in -is (ost high position7 nor in -is all6sufficienc$9 *e all need to experience our God to such an extent9 t the #eginning of our experience7 !e sense -i( as the God of glor$9 But the (ore !e experience -i(7 the (ore !e reali8e that -e co(es in a hu(an for(7 the sa(e as !e are9 .f God had not co(e to #raha( in such a hu(an for(7 ho! could #raha( have #een called -is friendG Genesis 1B reveals that #raha( and God spoke !ith one another like friends9 #raha( said to -i(7 @M$ "ord7 if no! . have found favor in th$ sight7 pass not a!a$7 . pra$ thee7 fro( th$ servant= let a little !ater7 . pra$ $ou7 #e fetched7 and !ash $our feet7 and rest $ourselves under the treeA 0vv9 ?6<29 #raha( prepared !ater for God to !ash -is feet7 and God rested under a tree in front of #raha(;s tent9 &er$ fe! Christians think that God !ould ever co(e in the for( of a (ortal (an7 rest under the shade of a tree7 and !ash -is feet !ith the !ater that !as prepared #$ a (an9 *hich do $ou think is (ore pleasant)for God to sit on -is throne de(anding that !e #o! do!n to -i( and !orship -i(7 or for God to sit under a tree and !ash -is feetG Before the feet of the "ord 5esus !ere !ashed !ith the !o(an;s tears in the house of Si(on 0"uke I=?B7 <<27 God;s feet !ere !ashed in front of #raha(;s tent9 *hile 5esus !as in the house of Si(on having -is feet !ashed and anointed7 the priests of 5udais( !ere !orshipping God in the te(ple9 *here !as God at that ti(e)in the te(ple in 5erusale( or in the house of Si(onG Surel$ -e !as in the house of Si(on9 "ike!ise7 !here !as God in Genesis 1B) sitting on -is throne !aiting for #raha( to !orship -i(7 or !ashing -is feet #eneath the tree in front of #raha(;s tentG -o! (arvelous it !as that -e !as in the for( of a (ortal (an !ashing -is feet in front of #raha(;s tentJ *here is $our God in $our experienceG .s -e sitting on a throne in heaven or !ashing -is feet at $our tentG ,o $ou prefer to have $our God sitting on the throne7 !aiting for $ou to sa$7 @-ol$7 -ol$7 -ol$A to -i(7 or do $ou prefer to have -i( sitting at $our tent doorG God ca(e to #raha( on his level and in a hu(an for(9 Since -e ca(e in this !a$7 -e and #raha( could #e friends9 .n this chapter there is no religious !orship or fear7 4ust s!eet inti(ac$9 -o! !onderfulJ *ho is $our God toda$G .s -e onl$ the God of glor$7 the Most -igh God7 and the El6Shaddai7 or One in the for( of a (ortal (an7 the sa(e as $ou areG
. do not sa$ that God !as a (ortal (an in Genesis 1B> for -e !as 4ust in the for( of a (ortal (an9 One of the three (en !ho appeared to #raha( in Genesis 1B !as 5ehovah God9 &erse 1? (entions @the "ord9A .n -e#re!7 the "ord here is 5ehovah9 .t !as 5ehovah !ho ca(e to #raha( in the for( of a (anJ *hen . read Genesis 1B $ears ago7 . !as trou#led #$ it9 .n this chapter #raha( certainl$ sa! the "ord7 #ut the Ne! Testa(ent sa$s that no (an has ever seen God 05ohn 1=1B29 #raha( did not see God in -is divine for(7 #ut God in a hu(an for(9 God appeared to hi( as a (an9 .t !as the sa(e !hen the "ord 5esus !as on earth9 People did not see God in -is divine for(> the$ sa! God in the (an 5esus9 %irstl$7 God appeared to #raha( in -is divine glor$9 Then -e ca(e in -is (ost high position and as the El6Shaddai7 the all6 sufficient Might$ One !ith an udder9 "astl$7 -e ca(e in the for( of a (an9 #raha( did not see the for( of God #ut the for( of (an9 -e sa! three (ortal (en7 not reali8ing at first that one of the( !as 5ehovah9 God likes to appear to us in this !a$9 -e does not co(e in the for( of God #ut in the for( of (an7 !ithout (aking an$ declaration that -e is 5ehovah God9 God talked !ith #raha( as one (an talks !ith another9 Suddenl$ -e asked #raha(7 @*here is Sarah th$ !ifeGA This (ight have shocked #raha(7 and he (ight have thought7 @This (an kno!s ($ !ifeJ -o! could -e kno! herG .sn;t he a strangerGA Then the "ord said7 @. !ill certainl$ return unto thee according to the ti(e of lifeA 0v9 1C29 #raha( (ight have said7 @*ho are $ouG Kou (ust #e the ver$ El6Shaddai !ho gave (e the pro(ise of .saac;s #irthA 01I=1F7 3129 Pro#a#l$ #raha( !as still uncertain a#out this until God said7 @Sarah th$ !ife shall have a son9A Sarah laughed !hen she heard this9 No hu(an #eing could have kno!n at that ti(e that Sarah !as laughing !ithin7 #ut the "ord said7 @*herefore did Sarah laugh7 sa$ing7 Shall . of a suret$ #ear a child7 !hich a( oldGA 0v9 1?29 t this 4uncture7 the "ord clearl$ unveiled to #raha( that -e !as 5ehovah God #$ sa$ing7 @.s an$thing too (arvelous for the "ord P5ehovahQGA *hen Sarah denied laughing -e said7 @Na$> #ut thou didst laughA 0v9 1D27 indicating that -e !as the o(niscient God7 the One !ho kno!s ever$thing7 even !hat is in (an;s heart9 t this ti(e #raha( !as clear that this (an !as the l(ight$ 5ehovah7 the ver$ El6Shaddai9 .n like (anner7 the disciples of 5esus graduall$ ca(e to kno! that the (an 5esus !as God9 *e all need to experience God in this !a$9 *e should not practice a religious for( of (eeting !ith God7 sa$ing7 @No! is the ti(e to !orship God9 . (ust dress up7 co(# ($ hair7 and reverentl$ !alk into the cathedral !here . shall #e !ith God9A .f !e take this !a$7 God (a$ not appear to us9 Man$ ti(es God co(es to us !hile !e are sitting at our tent door9 lthough !e (a$ #e unprepared to !orship God7 !e (a$ see so(eone approaching and ask hi( to sta$ !ith us for a !hile9 Eventuall$ !e learn that this One is God9 -ave $ou not had this kind of experienceG ccording to religion7 God visits people in a cathedral or chapel9 But God often visits us in a ver$ nor(al !a$7 in a !a$ !hich is extraordinar$ as far as religion is concerned9 . like the God !ho appeared to #raha( in the for( of a (ortal (an at his tent door9 Man$ sisters have the experience that !hile the$ are cooking in their kitchens or doing the laundr$7 the "ord co(es to the( in a ver$ inti(ate7 hu(an !a$7 and the$ have a pleasant ti(e of s!eet fello!ship !ith the "ord7 conversing !ith -i( as !ith a friend9 Man$ #rothers have the sa(e kind of experience9
*hile the$ are !orking on their 4o#s or resting at ho(e7 the "ord co(es to the( as a dear friend7 and the$ have an inti(ate conversation !ith the "ord9 This is the experience of the "ord co(ing to visit us on our hu(an level so that !e can co((une !ith -i( as !ith an inti(ate friend9 .n !hich of the four sections of #raha(;s experience are $ouG re $ou experiencing God as the God of glor$7 as the Most -igh God7 as the El6Shaddai7 or as the One in the for( of a (ortal (anG re $ou living in inti(ate fello!ship !ith God on a hu(an levelG -o! s!eet it is !hen God co(es to us not !ith -is divine glor$ or in -is high position #ut in the for( of a (ortal (anJ AFTER ABRAHAMS CIRCUMCISION #raha(;s fello!ship !ith God #egan after he !as circu(cised and had #een ter(inated 01I=3<63I29 -e had not onl$ #een called and learned to live #$ faith in God for his existence7 #ut he had learned to re4ect and den$ his natural strength and to trust in God for ever$thing for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 fter #eco(ing such a person7 he #egan to live in fello!ship !ith God9 .n his circu(cised state7 God ca(e to visit hi(7 and as a circu(cised person #raha( had an inti(ate co((union !ith the visiting God9 -e did not need to go to God> God ca(e to visit hi(9 /eligion al!a$s charges people to go to God7 #ut Genesis 1B reveals that God ca(e to visit -is circu(cised one9 The circu(cised one did not need to go to a te(ple or cathedral> his tent #eca(e God;s ta#ernacle7 the place !here God en4o$ed -is circu(cised one;s (inistr$ of !ater and food9 .t is after our flesh has #een circu(cised and our natural (an has #een ter(inated that God co(es to visit us and !e (inister !ater and food to -i( for -is refresh(ent and satisfaction in our inti(ate fello!ship !ith -i(9 AS A FRIEND OF GOD s #raha( lived in fello!ship !ith God7 God considered hi( to #e his friend 05a(es 3=3?> .sa9 <1=B> 3 Chron9 3C=I29 The conversation #et!een #raha( and God in this chapter rese(#les that #et!een t!o friends9 This happened #$ the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron7 !here #raha( lived according to God;s pleasure 01?=1B29 The na(e -e#ron in -e#re! (eans fello!ship7 co((union7 and friendship9 .t !as at this place of fello!ship and friendship that God ca(e to visit #raha( as a friend7 and #raha( !elco(ed God as a friend7 preparing !ater for God to !ash -is feet for -is refresh(ent and feeding God !ith a rich (eal for -is satisfaction9 #raha( did all this in the inti(ate fello!ship !ith his %riend at his tent door under the shado! of the oak trees7 not in the religious !orship of @GodA in a cathedral or sanctuar$ under the service of a @priestA or @(inister9A *hen #raha( !as sitting in the tent door to cool hi(self in the heat of the da$7 God appeared to hi( !ith the t!o angels9 *hen he sa! the( approaching7 he ran to !elco(e the( and asked the( to sta$ !ith hi(9 -e prepared !ater for the( to !ash their feet and served the( a rich (eal of three cakes of fine !heat flour #aked on e(#ers7 a tender and good calf7 and #utter and (ilk 0vv9 <6B29 .n ancient ti(es7 three (easures7 or three seahs7 !ere the e:uivalent of an ephah9 ccording to 1 Sa(uel 1=3< and 5udges E=1F7 the
nor(al portion for a (eal !as an ephah of fine flour9 *h$ then does 1B=E7 like Matthe! 1?=??7 (ention three (easures7 not one ephahG Because in #oth Genesis 1B and Matthe! 1? three (easures of fine flour signif$ the resurrected Christ in -is hu(anit$9 Such a Christ is the fine flour #aked into cakes to #e food for #oth God and (an9 #raha( also prepared a tender calf9 This calf7 like the fatted calf used to feed the prodigal son in "uke 1D=3?7 !as also a figure of Christ9 #raha( also served God and the angels #utter and (ilk9 God drank the (ilk of the good land (uch earlier than the children of .srael did9 The cakes7 the calf7 and the #utter and (ilk all signif$ the riches of the all6inclusive Christ for the satisfaction of #oth God and (an9 lthough the Bi#le does not sa$ that #raha( presented this (eal to God as an offering7 in actualit$ he did so9 Kears later7 !hen the children of .srael !ent to their $earl$ feasts7 the$ offered God the produce of the good land7 offering -i( the produce of either the vegeta#le or ani(al life9 .n principle7 #raha( did the sa(e thing in Genesis 1B9 *henever !e en4o$ a good ti(e !ith God7 having inti(ate fello!ship !ith -i(7 at that ti(e Christ not onl$ is supplied to us7 #ut !e offer Christ to God7 offering -i( the riches of Christ for -is en4o$(ent9 .n other !ords7 !e offer Christ to God as three (easures of fine flour7 as a tender and good calf7 and as #utter and (ilk9 Thank the "ord that !e have had at least so(e experience of this9 *hile !e !ere en4o$ing inti(ate fello!ship !ith God7 !e not onl$ received Christ fro( God #ut also offered Christ to God as God;s food9 *e offered Christ in -is resurrected hu(anit$ as three (easures of fine flour7 !e offered Christ as the tender and good calf7 and !e presented all the riches of Christ to God for -is en4o$(ent9 good nu(#er of ti(es at the "ord;s ta#le . have not en4o$ed the "ord as (uch as !hen . have offered Christ to God for God;s en4o$(ent9 *hen guests co(e to visit $ou in $our house7 $ou do not expect the( to feed $ou9 /ather7 $ou en4o$ feeding the(9 The sisters especiall$ en4o$ serving a (eal and !atching the guests eat it9 The (ore the guests eat7 the happier the sisters are9 *e all need to #e in such an inti(ate fello!ship !ith God that !e not onl$ en4o$ Christ #ut also offer Christ to God for -is en4o$(ent9 The highest fello!ship is not !hen !e en4o$ Christ so (uch #efore God #ut !hen God en4o$s -i( in us (ore than !e do9 The highest and richest (eeting in the church is the (eeting in !hich !e offer Christ to God for -is satisfaction9 RECEIVING REVELATION FROM GOD s #raha( !as en4o$ing such s!eet fello!ship !ith God7 he received revelation fro( -i( regarding the #irth of .saac and the destruction of Sodo(9 These are the t!o #asic things concerning !hich God !ill al!a$s deal !ith us9 The #irth of .saac is related to Christ7 and the destruction of Sodo( is related to God;s 4udg(ent upon sin9 .saac (ust co(e and Sodo( (ust go9 This (eans that Christ (ust co(e in and sin (ust go out9 Toda$ God is not onl$ acco(plishing -is plan to fulfill -is purpose7 #ut as the "ord over all (en -e is also 4udging sin9 The principle is the sa(e in ever$ aspect of our lives= in our (arried life7 ho(e life7 personal life7 Christian life7 and church life9 God;s concern is to #ring Christ forth through us and to eli(inate all the sinful things9 -e intends to produce Christ and to destro$ the @Sodo(A in our ho(e life7 !ork life7 and even in our Christian and church life9 ll the revelation that !e have received and shall receive fro( God (ostl$ concerns these t!o ite(s9 .f $ou consider $our o!n experience7 $ou !ill find
that this is so9 *henever $ou have received revelation fro( God during the course of $our fello!ship !ith -i(7 it has al!a$s concerned Christ on the positive side and sin on the negative side9 Positivel$ !e see (ore of Christ and sa$7 @. have seen so(ething ne! of Christ9 -o! . hate that . have not lived (ore #$ -i(9A This is the revelation regarding the #irth of .saac7 the revelation that Christ !ill #e #rought forth in $our life9 But negativel$ !e see our sins and sa$7 @O "ord7 forgive (e9 There is still so (uch selfishness7 hatred7 and 4ealous$ in (e9 . have so (an$ failures7 shortco(ings7 and even sinful things9 "ord7 . 4udge these things and !ant the( destro$ed9A This7 in principle7 is God;s 4udg(ent upon and destruction of sin9 .n our Christian life7 Christ (ust #e #rought in and @Sodo(A (ust #e destro$ed9 "ike!ise7 in the church life7 Christ (ust increase and sin (ust #e a#olished9 CONCERNING THE BIRTH OF ISAAC THROUGH SARAH F T#! 5"&3*'! 4&(f*"3!$ -o! can Christ #e #rought forthG %irstl$7 there is the pro(ise9 The pro(ise (ade to #raha( regarding the #irth of .saac in 1I=1F and 31 !as confir(ed in 1B=1C9 Not onl$ did God pro(ise #raha( that he !ould give #irth to .saac through Sarah7 #ut in the !hole Bi#le7 especiall$ in the Ne! Testa(ent7 there is the rich pro(ise concerning Christ9 *e have the pro(ise that Christ !ill #e our life7 our suppl$7 and our ever$thing9 -o! (uch the Ne! Testa(ent pro(ises concerning ChristJ ll these pro(ises can #e fulfilled #$ the gracious visitation of God9 A #! *3! &f +*f!, #! %55&*( !$ *3! H The #irth of .saac !as at the ti(e of life7 at the appointed ti(e 01I=31> 1B=1C7 1<29 Christ al!a$s has #een and al!a$s !ill #e increased in us and #rought forth through us at the ti(e of life9 *e need to have (an$ such ti(es of life9 . !ould like to have one ever$ da$9 The ti(e of life is al!a$s the appointed ti(e7 the ti(e appointed #$ God9 God (ade the appoint(ent7 not #raha(9 .t is the sa(e !ith us toda$7 for it is God !ho (akes the appoint(ents7 not $ou and .9 Our past experiences !ill help us to understand this9 *henever God co(es to visit us to #ring forth Christ7 that ti(e is the appointed ti(e7 the ti(e of life9 A2"%#%3 2!4&3*() &+$ %' $!%$ %($ S%"%# 2!4&3*() &9 &f f9(4 *&( H The ti(e of life for #raha( and Sarah !as the ti(e !hen the$ had #eco(e nothing9 .saac !as #orn !hen #raha( had #eco(e as old as dead and Sarah had #eco(e out of function 0vv9 1161?29 "ike!ise7 !henever !e #eco(e nothing7 that is a good ti(e7 a divinel$ appointed ti(e7 for us to participate in (ore life9 A :&($!"f9+ %($ 3%"-!+&9' $&*() &f #! L&"$ .n verse 1< the "ord said7 @.s an$thing too (arvelous Por !onderfulQ for the "ordGA 0-e#929 Ever$ experience of Christ is (arvelous in our e$es> it is a !onderful doing of the "ord9 -o! could Sarah have #rought forth .saacG .t !as hu(anl$ i(possi#le9 .f that had happened to us7 it !ould have #een a !onderful and (arvelous thing in our e$es9 Christian experiences are al!a$s like this #ecause the Christian life is a life of i(possi#ilities9 -o! (arvelous it is that all the i(possi#ilities #eco(e possi#ilities !ith
ChristJ *e can do !hat other people cannot do and !e can #e !hat others cannot #e #ecause Christ is (arvelous and !onderful in our experience of -i(9 CONCERNING THE DESTRUCTION OF SODOM H A2"%#%3 :%+@*() :* # G&$ & 2"*() H*3 &( #! :%, The second revelation that #raha( received concerned the destruction of Sodo( 0vv9 1E63129 fter en4o$ing such inti(ate fello!ship !ith #raha(7 God and the t!o angels !ere satisfied7 strengthened7 and refreshed9 &erse 1E sa$s that then @the (en rose up fro( thence7 and looked to!ard Sodo(= and #raha( !ent !ith the( to #ring the( on the !a$9A #raha( !alked !ith the( for a certain distance to conduct the(7 to send the( a!a$9 Often !hen guests co(e to visit us7 !e !alk the( out to their car after their visit7 seeing the( on their !a$9 #raha(;s !alking !ith his visitors !as like one sending his friend a!a$9 G&$ (& #*$*() H*' *( !( *&( f"&3 A2"%#%3 H s #raha( !as #ringing God on -is !a$7 @The "ord said7 Shall . hide fro( #raha( that thing !hich . doGA 0v9 1I29 God could not hide -is intention fro( #raha(7 #ut told hi( of -is intention to 4udge Sodo( sa$ing7 @Because the cr$ of Sodo( and Go(orrah is great7 and #ecause their sin is ver$ grievous> . !ill go do!n no!7 and see !hether the$ have done altogether according to the cr$ of it7 !hich is co(e unto (e> and if not7 . !ill kno!A 0vv9 3C63129 God;s heart !as concerned a#out "ot7 #ut -e could do nothing for hi( !ithout an intercessor9 s !e shall see in the next (essage7 God here !as seeking for an intercessor9 lthough God did not (ention "ot;s na(e7 -e kne! !ithin -is heart that #raha( understood !hat -e !as doing9 God and #raha( spoke to one another in a ($sterious !a$7 neither of the( (entioning "ot;s na(e9 The outsiders did not understand !hat the$ (eant7 #ut the$ each understood9 REMAINING IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD &erse 33 sa$s7 @ nd the (en turned their faces fro( thence and !ent to!ards Sodo(= #ut #raha( re(ained still standing #efore the "ordA 0-e#929 *hen the t!o angels left7 #raha( did not tell the "ord good6#$e9 No7 he re(ained standing #efore the "ord9 s !e shall see7 the purpose of his standing #efore the "ord !as for intercession9 .n Genesis 1B !e see that #raha(7 a circu(cised (an7 had peace !ith God9 lthough #raha( did not expect such a visitation7 God appeared to hi( in the for( of a (ortal (an7 conversing !ith hi( as !ith a friend9 There !as nothing religious a#out such inti(ate fello!ship9 .n that fello!ship #raha( received revelation fro( God positivel$ concerning the #irth of .saac and negativel$ concerning the destruction of Sodo(9 Then7 after the angels had left for Sodo(7 #raha( re(ained in the presence of God9 God had found a (an to !ho( -e could co((it !hat !as on -is heart7 a (an to respond to -is heart;s intention and echo -is heart;s desire9 .n this chapter !e see that the s!eetest and (ost inti(ate experience of God is like !hat !e have !ith our (ost inti(ate friend9
1D. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD A GLORIOUS INTERCESSION nd the "ord said7 Shall . hide fro( #raha( that thing !hich . doG #raha( stood $et #efore the "ord9 nd #raha( dre! near7 and said7 *ilt thou also destro$ the righteous !ith the !ickedG That #e far fro( thee to do after this (anner7 to sla$ the righteous !ith the !icked> and that the righteous should #e as the !icked7 that #e far fro( thee= Shall not the 5udge of all the earth do rightG 0Genesis 1B=1I7 33#63?7 3D2 .n this (essage !e co(e to another seed of the divine revelation so!n in the #ook of Genesis)the seed of intercession9 .n the first seventeen chapters of Genesis7 there is no record of an$ intercession9 lthough !e (a$ suppose that Melchisedec !as interceding #ehind the scene for #raha(7 there is no record of this9 The first clear (ention of intercession in the Bi#le is in Genesis 1B7 !here !e see that #raha( !as the first intercessor9 This record of intercession is not si(pl$ a seed7 for it contains a certain a(ount of develop(ent9 .n Genesis 1B !e not onl$ have a stor$ of intercession #ut a clear revelation of the #asic principles of intercession9 .ntercession is a great thing in the Bi#le9 *ithout it God;s econo($ cannot #e acco(plished9 The excellent (inistr$ of Christ toda$ as our kingl$ and divine -igh Priest is a (inistr$ of intercession9 /o(ans B=?< and -e#re!s I=3D #oth tell us that Christ is interceding for us9 Since this (atter of intercession is so i(portant7 !e (ust devote an entire (essage to it7 (ainl$ considering the #asic principles of intercession9 ACCORDING TO GODS REVELATION The first #asic principle of intercession is that it (ust #e according to God;s revelation 01B=1I7 3C63129 The onl$ intercession that counts in the e$es of God is that !hich is according to -is revelation9 This (eans that proper intercession is not initiated #$ us #ut #$ God in -is revelation9 This is clearl$ portra$ed in Genesis 1B9 #raha( did not !ake up one (orning concerned for "ot and then kneel do!n to pra$ to the One on the throne in heaven regarding hi(9 No7 !hile #raha( !as sitting at his tent door to cool hi(self in the heat of the da$7 God ca(e to hi( in the for( of a (ortal (an9 Since God did not co(e to #raha( in -is glor$ !ith -is (a4est$7 #raha( did not recogni8e at first that it !as 5ehovah God !ho !as visiting hi(9 Eventuall$7 #raha( reali8ed that this One !as the ver$ God9 Nevertheless7 #raha( !as not terrified> he !as ver$ restful7 conversing !ith God as !ith an inti(ate friend9 This conversation (ust have lasted for several hours7 for it took ti(e to prepare the (eal and to eat it9 *hen God and the t!o angels !ere a#out to leave7 #raha( did not #id the( good6#$e #ut conducted the( on their !a$7 pro#a#l$ !alking !ith the( for a good distance9 -ere !e see that our God is not onl$ a loving God #ut also a testing God9 lthough -e loves us and kno!s ever$thing7 -e often tests us9 -e kno!s our heart7 the inner(ost part of our #eing7 #ut -e often sa$s nothing9 B$ testing -e dra!s out !hat is !ithin us9 *hat !as God;s purpose in co(ing to #raha( in Genesis 1BG -e surel$ did not co(e for a (eal> neither did -e co(e to confir( -is pro(ise regarding Sarah;s giving #irth to
a son9 God ca(e to #raha( #ecause -e !as seeking an intercessor9 On -is throne in heaven7 God had decided to execute -is 4udg(ent on the !icked cit$ of Sodo(9 But God !ould never forget that one of -is people7 "ot7 !as in that cit$9 "ot did not even reali8e that he had to #e rescued fro( Sodo(9 *hat could God doG -e had to find so(eone to intercede for "ot9 God kne! that there !as no one on earth !ho !as as concerned for "ot and !ho !as so (uch !ith God as #raha( !as9 -ence7 God ca(e to #raha( for the purpose of finding an intercessor9 *ithout an intercessor to intercede for -is people7 God cannot do an$thing9 God has -is divine principles9 One of the( is that !ithout intercession -e cannot save an$one9 The salvation of ever$ Christian has #een acco(plished through intercession9 God did not sta$ on -is throne in heaven !aiting for such intercession to occur9 /ather7 -e ca(e do!n to visit #raha( in the for( of a (ortal (an so that #raha( (ight easil$ talk !ith -i( and intercede for "ot9 .n Genesis 1B #raha( did not pra$ to God or call on the na(e of God> he talked to God as !ith an inti(ate friend9 Thus7 the purpose of God;s visit to #raha( in this chapter !as that #raha( (ight take up the #urden to intercede for "ot according to God;s desire9 lthough God re(ained at #raha(;s tent door for several hours7 talking a great deal to hi(7 God did not sa$ a !ord a#out -is purpose in co(ing to secure an intercessor9 *e often act in the sa(e !a$9 Perhaps $ou !ant a #rother to do a certain thing for $ou9 .f $ou are !ise7 $ou !ill not co(e to hi( and i((ediatel$ ask hi( to do !hat $ou desire9 Kou !ill first deter(ine his (ood #$ having a talk !ith hi( a#out various (atters9 t the ver$ end of $our visit7 as the #rother is seeing $ou to the door or conducting $ou on $our !a$7 $ou (a$ open $ourself to hi( and tell hi( of $our desire9 -o!ever7 if he does not linger !ith $ou #ut sa$s7 @See $ou in the (eeting tonight7A $ou !ill reali8e that his heart is too cold and that he !ould not #e interested in doing !hat $ou !ant hi( to do9 But if he sa$s7 @. !ould like to sta$ !ith $ou for a !hile longer7A then $ou !ill kno! that $ou can open $ourself to hi(9 *hen God ca(e to #raha(7 #raha( !elco(ed -i(7 providing -i( !ater and serving -i( a good (eal9 lthough God spoke to #raha( during the preparation and eating of the (eal7 -e did not disclose the purpose for !hich -e ca(e9 Onl$ !hen God rose up and !alked a!a$ fro( the tent and #raha( acco(panied and conducted -i( and the t!o angels on their !a$7 did God tell #raha( of -is intention9 *hile #raha( !alked !ith the(7 the "ord said7 @Shall . hide fro( #raha( that thing !hich . doGA 01B=1I29 God could not hide -is intention fro( #raha(7 -is dear friend and called one9 s #raha( lingered in God;s presence7 even after the t!o angels had left for Sodo(7 re(aining standing #efore -i( 01B=3327 God opened up to hi(9 God did not open to #raha( directl$ #ut in the !a$ of i(plication9 God did not sa$7 @ #raha(7 . shall soon destro$ Sodo(9 "ot is there7 and . a( ver$ concerned a#out hi(9 . have co(e to ask $ou to intercede for hi(9A God !as not that si(ple9 .nstead7 -e said7 @Because the cr$ of Sodo( and Go(orrah is great7 and #ecause their sin is ver$ grievous> . !ill go do!n no!7 and see !hether the$ have done altogether according to the cr$ of it7 !hich is co(e unto (e> and if not7 . !ill kno!A 01B=3C63129 lthough God did not sa$ a !ord a#out "ot7 -is intention in speaking a#out Sodo( !as for "ot9 These t!o friends talked a#out "ot7 #ut neither of the( (entioned his na(e9 The$ spoke a#out hi( in a ($sterious !a$7 in a
!a$ of i(plication9 #raha( kne! that God;s concern !as for "ot7 and he interceded for "ot !ithout (entioning hi( #$ na(e9 Nevertheless7 God kne! #raha(;s intention as #raha( kne! God;s intention9 ,o not think that God;s revelation regarding intercession co(es in a sudden7 (iraculous7 @PentecostalA !a$9 .n order to receive such a revelation fro( the heart of God7 !e (ust pass through a long process9 *e (ust co(e all the !a$ fro( +r of Chaldea through (an$ places to the tent door at the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron9 %irstl$ God called #raha( #$ appearing to hi( as the God of glor$9 t that ti(e #raha( !as neither prepared nor :ualified to receive a revelation fro( God;s heart9 -e !as not in inti(ate fello!ship !ith God9 Even after he had slaughtered Chedorlao(er and the other kings7 #raha( !as not read$ to converse !ith God in an inti(ate !a$9 .n chapters fifteen and sixteen !e see that although #raha( !as a (an !ho sought God and loved -i(7 he !as still so (uch in his flesh9 .n chapter seventeen he !as circu(cised and ter(inated7 his na(e !as changed fro( #ra( to #raha(7 and he #eca(e another person9 Then7 in chapter eighteen God ca(e to hi( at the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron not as the God of glor$ nor as the Most -igh God7 the Possessor of heaven and earth7 nor as the El6 Shaddai7 #ut as a (ortal (an to en4o$ a (eal !ith -is inti(ate friend9 t that ti(e God had found a (an !ho !as after -is heart9 The glorious intercession !hich #raha( (ade #efore God in Genesis 1B !as not a pra$er fro( (an on earth to God in heaven> it !as a hu(an conversation #et!een t!o friends9 God ca(e do!n fro( heaven7 lo!ering -i(self7 putting on the for( of a (ortal (an7 and conversing !ith #raha(9 Eventuall$7 -e indicated to #raha( that -e !as the l(ight$ God> $et the$ continued to talk as t!o friends9 *hen #raha( !as in this condition7 he !as prepared and :ualified to receive a revelation fro( God;s heart concerning -is desire9 .ntercession is an inti(ate talk !ith God according to the unveiling of -is heart;s desire9 This is the first principle of intercession9 .n order for God to reveal -is heart;s desire to a (an7 that (an (ust #e prepared9 lthough (illions of people #elong to the na(e of God7 ver$ fe! have #een prepared7 disciplined7 trained7 circu(cised7 and ter(inated9 lthough !e are not ver$ (uch like #raha(7 occasionall$ !e have had si(ilar experiences9 *e !ere !illing to a#andon ourselves and re4ect our flesh9 Then7 (uch to our surprise7 God ca(e to us as a hu(an friend9 *e did not pra$ to -i( or call on -is na(e> !e talked to -i( as to an inti(ate friend9 .n order to fulfill the first #asic principle of intercession)that it should #e according to an inti(ate revelation of God;s heart;s desire)!e need to pass through a long process9 *e need to #e dealt !ith7 circu(cised7 and ter(inated9 Then !e shall #e read$ for inti(ate fello!ship !ith God9 God !ill co(e to us on a hu(an level7 not on a divine level7 4ust as -e ca(e to #raha(9 Suppose God !ould co(e to $ou in this !a$ toda$ and $ou !ould serve -i( a (eal and talk !ith -i(7 speaking !ith -i( face to face9 -o! good it is to talk !ith God in this !a$J *hen !e have fello!ship !ith God like this7 !e do not have the sense that !e are talking to the al(ight$7 (a4estic God7 #ut to another hu(an #eing9 This is the (eaning of intercession #eing according to the
revelation of God9 This intercession is al!a$s inti(ate7 ($sterious7 and in the !a$ of i(plication9 APPARENTLY FOR SODOM, ACTUALLY FOR LOT *hen God revealed to #raha( !hat !as on -is heart7 #raha( i((ediatel$ understood !hat God (eant9 pparentl$ #raha( interceded for Sodo(> actuall$ he interceded for "ot9 @ #raha( dre! near7 and said7 *ilt thou also destro$ the righteous !ith the !ickedGA 01B=3?29 "ot is i(plied here9 #raha( see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @"ord7 don;t Kou kno! that in Sodo(7 the !icked cit$ !hich Kou are a#out to destro$7 there is a righteous personG There (ight also #e other righteous ones !ith hi(9 ,o Kou intend to destro$ the righteous !ith the !ickedGA God did not (ention the na(e of "ot to #raha(7 #ut #raha( understood9 "ike!ise7 #raha( did not (ention "ot to God7 #ut God kne!9 The$ spoke to one another in a ($sterious !a$9 None of the outsiders kne! !hat the$ !ere talking a#out7 #ut the$ understood each other #ecause the$ !ere inti(ate friends9 -o! can !e prove that #raha( !as actuall$ interceding for "otG The proof is in 1F=3F= @ nd it ca(e to pass7 !hen God destro$ed the cities of the plain7 that God re(e(#ered #raha(7 and sent "ot out of the (idst of the overthro!7 !hen he overthre! the cities in the !hich "ot d!elt9A *e are not told that God re(e(#ered "ot #ut that -e re(e(#ered #raha(9 This verse tells us clearl$ that God ans!ered #raha(;s intercession #$ rescuing "ot fro( Sodo(9 Thus7 #raha(;s intercession in chapter eighteen actuall$ !as not for the cit$ of Sodo( #ut for "ot9 .n principle7 #raha(;s intercession for "ot !as like the intercession in the church in the Ne! Testa(ent9 .n #raha(;s ti(e7 God;s people on earth !ere co(posed of t!o fa(ilies7 the fa(ilies of #raha( and "ot9 part of God;s people7 "ot;s fa(il$7 had drifted into the !icked cit$ of Sodo(9 .n like (anner7 so(e of the church people have drifted into the !orld9 5ust as #raha( interceded for that part of God;s people !ho had drifted into Sodo(7 so !e (ust intercede for the #rothers and sisters !ho have drifted into the !orld9 #raha(;s intercession !as the first that rese(#les the intercession in the church life9 ACCORDING TO GODS HEART Since all proper intercession is according to the revelation !hich is out of God;s heart7 it (ust also #e according to God;s heart9 .ntercession is not according to God;s !ord9 s . have alread$ pointed out7 although God did not (ention "ot #$ na(e7 #raha( reali8ed !hat !as on God;s heart9 #raha( did not intercede according to the out!ard !ord of God #ut according to the in!ard intention of God;s heart9 Proper intercession (ust al!a$s touch the heart of God9 *hile #raha( !as interceding7 God !as happ$ and could sa$ !ithin -i(self7 @-o! good it is that . have found a (an on earth !ho kno!s M$ heartJA . sa$ once again that proper intercession (ust al!a$s #e initiated #$ God;s visitation on the hu(an level9 *henever !e have the deep sense that God has co(e to us on a hu(an level7 !e shall reali8e that this is the ti(e !hen God !ill initiate an intercession for us to
carr$ out9 %or this !e (ust learn to linger in the presence of God9 .f -e !ould #egin to !alk a!a$7 !e (ust sta$ in -is presence and tell -i(7 @"ord7 . don;t !ant to lose Kour presence9 . !ant to linger here !ith Kou9A Kour lingering in -is presence !ill open up -is heart and dra! out -is desire9 *e have seen that #raha( did not a#ruptl$ sa$ good6 #$e to the "ord #ut !alked !ith -i( for a certain distance9 This reveals that7 in a certain sense7 God is ver$ hu(an9 .f !e !ould linger in -is presence7 -e !ould #e so hu(an as not to leave us9 -e !ould re(ain !ith us #ecause of our lingering !ith -i(9 . have experienced this (an$ ti(es9 . did not leave God;s presence and -e did not leave (ine9 s a result of that lingering7 God opened -is heart to (e and the proper intercession ca(e forth9 .ntercession is not (erel$ pra$er> it is an inti(ate conversation9 .n this chapter #raha( !as not pra$ing> he !as talking to his inti(ate %riend on a hu(an level7 sa$ing7 @*ilt thou also destro$ the righteous !ith the !ickedGA #raha( see(ed to #e sa$ing to God7 @.s this Kour !a$G "et (e re(ind Kou that Kou should not do it this !a$9 There (ight #e fift$ righteous people in the cit$9 *ill Kou not spare it for the fift$ righteous people !ho (ight #e thereGA This !as a conversation9 Then #raha( continued7 @That #e far fro( thee to do after this (anner7 to sla$ the righteous !ith the !icked> and that the righteous should #e as the !icked7 that #e far fro( thee= Shall not the 5udge of all the earth do rightGA 01B=3D29 This !as a strong challenge to the "ord9 -ave $ou ever had such a challenging talk !ith GodG &er$ fe! have ever done this9 But !hen $ou have co(e into inti(ate fello!ship !ith God on the hu(an level and kno! -is heart;s desire7 $ou can challenge -i(7 sa$ing7 @"ord7 is this Kour !a$GA This is neither pra$ing nor #egging> it is challenging God in a ver$ friendl$ conversation9 The "ord ans!ered #raha(7 sa$ing7 @.f . find in Sodo( fift$ righteous !ithin the cit$7 then . !ill spare all the place for their sakesA 01B=3E29 #asic principle of intercession is that intercession is a challenging talk7 not a pra$ing or a #egging9 God !ants us to challenge -i(9 *hen #raha( challenged God7 God (ight have said7 @. have found a (an on earth !ho kno!s M$ heart so !ell that he does not pra$7 ask7 or #eg> -e challenges Me9 . (ust do !hat he sa$s #ecause . have #een challenged #$ M$ dear friend9 No! . a( not as concerned for "ot as . a( for M$self9A -ave $ou ever experienced this kind of intercession7 talking !ith God in a challenging !a$7 sa$ing7 @"ord7 is this Kour !a$ of doing thingsG *ill not the 5udge of all the earth do rightG .s it Kour !a$ to sla$ the righteous !ith the !ickedG Surel$ it isn;tJA This is real intercession9 .n verses 3I through ?3 !e see that #raha( continued to talk to God a#out the nu(#er of righteous people it !ould take to spare the cit$9 fter the "ord had said7 @.f . find in Sodo( fift$ righteous !ithin the cit$7 then . !ill spare the cit$ for their sakes7A #raha( asked if -e !ould destro$ the cit$ if the nu(#er !as five less than that9 To this the "ord replied7 @.f . find there fort$ and five7 . !ill not destro$ it9A The nu(#er fort$6five !as spoken #$ the "ord7 not #$ #raha(9 The "ord see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @The nu(#er fort$6 five is all right7 #ut . can;t find that (an$ there9A Then #raha( asked a#out fort$7 and the "ord said7 @. !ill not do it for fort$;s sake9A *hen #raha( proposed that thirt$ #e the nu(#er7 the "ord said that -e !ould spare Sodo( if thirt$ !ere found there9 Then7 on #raha(;s side7 the nu(#er !as reduced to t!ent$9 Once again7 the "ord said that -e !ould not destro$ the cit$ for the sake of t!ent$9 %inall$7 reaching the #otto( nu(#er7
#raha( (ade his sixth proposal7 asking the "ord to spare the cit$ if ten righteous people !ere found there9 God said that even for the ten -e !ould not destro$ the cit$9 #raha( (ade six proposals to the "ord7 reducing the nu(#er fro( fift$ to ten9 fter that7 he did not have the #urden to (ake a seventh proposal9 -e (ight have #een led #$ God;s presence not to do so9 *hen God told #raha( that -e !ould not destro$ the cit$ for the sake of ten righteous persons 01B=?327 #raha( !as disappointed9 "ot had his !ife7 t!o un(arried daughters7 and so(e (arried daughters !ith their hus#ands9 ccording to #raha(;s figuration7 there (ust have #een at least ten people in "ot;s fa(il$7 if all his sons6in6la! !ere included9 #raha( !as surprised and disappointed to learn that there !ere not even ten righteous people in Sodo(9 ACCORDING TO GODS RIGHTEOUS WAY #raha(;s challenge to God !as according to God;s righteous !a$ 01B=3?63D29 #raha( said to the "ord7 @Kou are the 5udge of all the earth9 Shall Kou do thisG This is not Kour righteous !a$9A Proper intercession is neither according to God;s love nor according to -is grace7 #ut according to -is righteousness9 The strongest challenge to God is not to sa$ to -i(7 @God7 are Kou not a loving GodGA .f !e sa$ this7 God (ight sa$7 @Kes7 . a( a loving God7 #ut to love is up to Me9 *hen . feel happ$7 . love9 But if . don;t feel happ$7 . don;t love9 *hat;s !rong !ith M$ doing thisGA *e have nothing to sa$ to this9 *e should sa$ to God7 @God7 are Kou not the righteous OneGA .f !e challenge God according to -is righteousness7 God !ould repl$7 @. certainl$ a( righteous9A -e !ould never sa$7 @.f . a( happ$7 . shall #e righteous7 #ut if . a( unhapp$7 . !on;t #e righteous9A *hat kind of a righteous God !ould this #eG *e (ust challenge God according to -is righteousness #ecause -is righteousness #inds -i( (ore than -is love and -is grace do9 God has no o#ligation to #e loving or to sho! grace7 #ut -e is held responsi#le to #e righteous9 Nothing #inds God as fir(l$ as -is righteousness9 Ever$ good intercessor kno!s that the !a$ to #ind God effectivel$ is to challenge -i( according to -is righteousness9 *e should sa$7 @*ill the 5udge of all the earth do such a thingGA nd God !ill repl$7 @No7 as the 4ust One . !ould never do that9 But $ou (ust sho! Me the proper nu(#er that !ill 4ustif$ the cit$9 .f $ou sho! Me the 4ustif$ing nu(#er7 .;ll #e 4ustified and .;ll #e righteous9 . !ould never destro$ that cit$9A Proper intercession never #egs God according to -is love #ut challenges -i( according to -is righteous !a$9 . #elieve that (an$ in the "ord;s recover$ !ill #e #rought into this kind of intercession9 *hen God ca(e do!n to visit #raha( on a hu(an level7 -e !as seeking one intercessor9 Toda$ God has co(e do!n to the hu(an level once again7 not to seek an individual #ut a corporate people9 . #elieve that in not too long a ti(e there !ill #e a people on earth a#solutel$ like #raha(7 kno!ing the heart of God and (aking a challenging intercession in -is presence9 *e (a$ sa$ to God7 @"ord7 don;t Kou kno! that Kou have pro(ised us definitel$ in the Ne! Testa(ent to finish the good !ork that Kou have #egunGA #raha( did not cr$ and plead !ith God to spare Sodo( for "ot;s sake> he challenged -i(9 "ike!ise7 !e should not !eep and #eg #ut should challenge God9 -e does not !ant to hear our cr$ing> -e !ants to hear our challenging intercession9 E.PRESSING GODS DESIRE
#raha(;s intercession echoed the desire of God;s heart concerning "ot9 s he !as interceding according to God;s heart7 his intercession spontaneousl$ expressed God;s desire9 Proper intercession al!a$s expresses God;s desire9 This is another principle of intercession9 .f our intercession is initiated #$ our seeing of God;s revelation in our inti(ate fello!ship !ith -i(7 !hatever !e sa$ to -i( in our intercession !ill #e the expression of -is desire7 the echo of -is intention9 True intercession is not to express our desire #ut God;s desire9 .t is not to seek an$thing according to our intention #ut to seek the fulfill(ent of God;s intention9 CARRYING OUT GODS WILL .ntercession (ust also carr$ out God;s !ill9 lthough God had a !ill to rescue "ot7 !ithout #raha(;s intercession God had no !a$ to carr$ out -is !ill9 Proper intercession al!a$s paves the !a$ for the acco(plishing of God;s !ill9 .t la$s the tracks for the heavenl$ loco(otive9 God desired to rescue "ot fro( Sodo(7 #ut -e had to find a !a$ to do this9 Thus7 -e visited #raha( for the purpose that he (ight intercede on "otMs #ehalf9 #raha( !as inti(atel$ close to God;s heart7 and God !as a#le to open -is heart to hi(9 .((ediatel$ #raha( echoed #ack to God -is heart;s desire in a challenging intercession9 This intercession !as the expression of God;s desire and the carr$ing out of -is !ill9 There is the urgent need of this kind of challenging intercession in the church life toda$9 ll the (essages that the "ord has #een giving us are for the carr$ing out of -is !ill9 .n this life6stud$ !e do not care for (ere Bi#le teaching9 *e are concerned for the release of the present !ord of the "ord for -is recover$9 fter reading this (essage7 a strong echo !ill resound throughout the "ord;s recover$ as (an$ of the dear saints respond to -is !ord and are #rought into a full reali8ation of genuine intercession9 %ro( no! on7 (an$ of us !ill exercise our spirit to intercede for the church #$ challenging God according to -is heart;s desire9 *e kno! that -is heart;s desire is to save -is people out of the !icked cit$7 to rescue toda$;s "ot fro( the condition of conde(nation9 .f !e are so close to God7 fello!shipping !ith -i( in an inti(ate !a$7 !e shall #e a#le to read -is heart and echo -is heart;s desire #ack to -i( in a glorious intercession9 .n the next (essage !e shall see that #raha(;s intercession !as ver$ effective9 .n 1F=3I63F !e see that #raha( !as still !ith God;s heart9 #raha( !oke up earl$ in the (orning and looked at the cit$7 #eing ver$ concerned for "ot9 .n 1F=3F !e are told clearl$ that God re(e(#ered #raha( and @sent "ot out of the (idst of the overthro!7 !hen he overthre! the cities in the !hich "ot d!elt9A This effective intercession !ill (ore and (ore #e reali8ed and practiced a(ong us in the church life9 UNTIL THE LORD HAS FINISHED HIS SPEA0ING This chapter does not end !ith #raha(;s speaking> it ends !ith God;s speaking9 &erse ?? sa$s7 @ nd the "ord !ent his !a$7 as soon as he had finished speaking to #raha(A 0-e#929 The record here is the record of #raha(;s intercession9 But it does not sa$ that #raha( had finished his speaking> it sa$s that the "ord had finished -is speaking9
Proper intercession is al!a$s God;s speaking9 pparentl$ !e are speaking> actuall$ God is speaking in our speaking9 . like the verse !hich sa$s that the "ord !ent -is !a$ as soon as -e had finished speaking to #raha(9 Man$ ti(es in our pra$ers !e sa$7 @ (en7A after !e have finished speaking9 Our @ (enA (eans the sa(e as good6#$e9 . can testif$ that hundreds of ti(es . have said good6#$e to the "ord in this !a$ #efore -e has finished speaking to (e9 . pra$ed for a certain length of ti(e and then said7 @ (en7A (eaning good6#$e9 But deep in ($ spirit . sensed that God !as sa$ing7 @*hat are $ou doingG . haven;t finished talking to $ou9 *h$ don;t $ou sta$ for another fe! (inutesGA Man$ of us have had this kind of experience9 Our @ (en7A our good6#$e7 !as too fast9 *e need to sta$ in the presence of God until -e has finished -is speaking to us9 Our intercession (ust utter !hat God is speaking9
#ra( d!elt in the land of Canaan7 and "ot d!elt in the cities of the plain7 and pitched his tent to!ard Sodo(9 0Genesis 1?=132 nd "ot sat in the gate of Sodo(9LThen the angels hastened "ot7 sa$ing7 rise7 take th$ !ife7 and th$ t!o daughters7 !hich are here> lest thou #e consu(ed in the ini:uit$ of the cit$9 nd !hile he lingered7 the (en laid hold upon his hand9 0Genesis 1F=17 1D61E2 nd having reduced to ashes the cities of Sodo( and Go(orrah7 conde(ned the( to ruin7 having set the( as an exa(ple to those !ho intend to live an ungodl$ life7 and rescued righteous "ot7 !ho had #een oppressed #$ the licentious (anner of life of the la!less9 03 Peter 3=E6I2 The Bi#le is a (arvelous #ook9 longside of the record of #raha(7 it gives us the negative histor$ of "ot9 %or :uite a long ti(e7 . did not understand !h$ the Bi#le included such a negative record9 There are certain verses in Genesis 1F that7 hu(anl$ speaking7 . do not like to talk a#out9 But the "ord;s divine revelation is econo(ical> not one !ord is !asted9 -ence7 ever$ !ord in the -ol$ Bi#le is ver$ i(portant9 *hat then is the purpose of chapter nineteen of GenesisG .t is to give us a !arning exa(ple9 . have the strong #urden that in this (essage so (an$ of us7 especiall$ the $oung people7 need to see this !arning exa(ple9 *e need such an exa(ple #ecause toda$;s situation is no #etter than that of Sodo(9 *e thank the "ord that -is *ord gives us #oth a positive histor$ of #raha( and a negative one of "ot9 There is no record in the entire Bi#le that is as co(plete as the account of #raha(;s life9 This record sho!s ho! #raha( !as called #$ God7 ho! he
ans!ered God;s calling7 ho! he lived #$ faith in God for his existence7 ho! he !as trained to kno! grace for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose7 ho! he !as dealt !ith #$ #eing circu(cised7 and ho! he !as #rought into inti(ate fello!ship !ith God7 cooperating !ith -i( on the hu(an level9 . appreciate this record of a fallen (an !ho !as saved7 transfor(ed7 and #rought into !onderful fello!ship on the hu(an level !ith the glorious and hol$ God9 Ket alongside of this record7 !e have a #lack7 negative record of "ot9 .n this (essage !e (ust consider this record in detail7 taking it as a !arning for ourselves and for our children and relatives9 .f !e read 3 Peter 3=E6F7 !e see that Peter !as (uch in favor of "ot9 .n verse B Peter referred to hi( as a @righteous (anA !hose @righteous soulA !as vexed !ith the unla!ful deeds of the people in Sodo(9 .n verse F he descri#es "ot as godl$9 Thus7 according to Peter;s concept7 "ot !as #oth righteous and godl$9 lthough !e (a$ find it difficult to #elieve this #ecause "ot;s record in Genesis is so negative7 !e (ust #elieve it #ecause the Bi#le tells us so9 .f $ou still sa$ that "ot !as not righteous and godl$7 then . !ould ask $ou a#out $ourself9 re $ou (ore righteous and godl$ than heG .n a sense7 "ot !as (ore righteous and godl$ than (an$ of us9 But although he !as saved7 righteous7 and godl$7 he !as a defeated righteous (an9 PASSIVELY BROUGHT INTO GODS WAY BY OTHERS s !e consider "ot;s histor$7 !e see that he !as passivel$ #rought into God;s !a$ #$ others 011=?1> 13=D27 having #een #rought into God;s !a$ #$ his grandfather and his uncle9 -is grandfather #rought hi( fro( +r of Chaldea to -aran7 stopping half!a$ #ecause the grandfather !ould not go on9 *hen God took the grandfather a!a$7 #raha(7 "ot;s uncle7 took hi( fro( -aran to Canaan9 lthough it is good in the e$es of God that there are grandfathers and uncles !ho can #ring their grandchildren and nephe!s into God;s !a$7 it is not the #est to #e passivel$ #rought on #$ others9 "ot had a ver$ !eak start9 -e did not have an active7 positive #eginning in spiritual things9 Koung people7 it is not the #est to #e passive concerning hol$ things or $our follo!ing of the "ord9 "ot !as righteous and godl$7 #ut he !as defeated #ecause he had a ver$ !eak7 passive start9 -is passive #eginning !as the cause of his eventual defeat9 NEVER HAVING GODS APPEARING "ot never had God;s appearing9 s . read through the verses a#out "ot again and again7 . could not find a hint that God ever appeared to hi(9 lthough God and the t!o angels visited #raha(7 onl$ the t!o angels ca(e to "ot9 ,oes this (ean that God is unfair or a respecter of personsG Of course not9 God is fair and is no respecter of persons9 God did not appear to "ot or reveal -i(self to "ot7 #ecause "ot !as passive7 not activel$ seeking God7 and !as living in a !icked cit$9 -e did not follo! God in a direct !a$ #ut in an indirect !a$ and did not !alk in the !a$ of God9 +nlike #raha(7 "ot had no direct relationship !ith God9 God does not respect persons7 #ut -e does respect #ehavior7 respecting !hether or not !e are active or passive in seeking -i(9 .f $ou seek -i(7 -e !ill appear to $ou9 But if $ou do not seek -i(7 -e !ill not !aste -is ti(e9 That God did not appear to "ot !as not God;s fault> it !as "ot;s9 God !ants to appear to $ou7 #ut are
$ou seeking -i( and !alking in -is !a$G ,o $ou have a heart to seek God positivel$ and activel$ and !alk in the !a$ of GodG .f $ou do7 God !ill not fail $ou9 -e !ill certainl$ appear to $ou9 NEVER TA0ING THE INITIATIVE IN TA0ING GODS WAY "ot never took the initiative in taking God;s !a$9 . have #een una#le to find a verse !hich indicates that "ot ever took the initiative in this (atter9 The Bi#le sa$s that "ot;s grandfather took hi( to -aran> it does not sa$ that "ot follo!ed hi(9 There is a great difference #et!een the t!o9 . a( so(e!hat concerned for the $oung people a(ong us9 Man$ of the( are in the church life #ecause so(eone #rought the( here9 The$ did not take the initiative to co(e into the church life9 s . look #ack upon the past fift$ $ears7 . can testif$ that those !ho sho!ed initiative in taking the !a$ of the church are still strong toda$9 -o!ever7 those !ho took no initiative #ut !ho !ere passivel$ #rought into the !a$ of the church have graduall$ fallen a!a$9 . can give $ou a hundred na(es of those !ho !ere inti(ate !ith (e and !ho !ere helped #$ ($ (inistr$ !ho graduall$ fell a!a$ #ecause the$ did not have a strong start #$ activel$ taking the initiative to follo! the "ord9 "ot should have said to #raha(7 @+ncle #raha(7 !hether or not $ou take God;s !a$7 . !ill take it9 Even though . a( $ounger than $ou7 . !ould #e the leader in follo!ing God and !ould ask $ou to follo! (e9A To sa$ this is not to #e proud> it is to #e active9 HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD BEING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF OTHERS "ot;s relationship !ith God !as under the influence of others 01?=129 *hen others !ere up7 he !as up9 *hen the$ !ere do!n7 he !as do!n9 "ot !as like a piece of drift!ood9 *hen his spiritual leader drifted into Eg$pt7 he drifted there after hi(9 -e !as altogether under the influence of others9 *hen #raha( !as drifting south!ard to!ard Eg$pt and the !orld7 "ot should have !ithstood hi( and said7 @ #raha(7 if $ou go do!n!ard7 .;ll go up!ard9A But !e see no such tendenc$ in "ot;s life9 . a( concerned that in the church life toda$ there is this kind of drift!ood9 .s $our relationship !ith God under -is direct appearing or under others; influenceG ,o not think that "ot suddenl$ drifted into Sodo(9 No7 it !as a gradual develop(ent starting fro( a ver$ !eak #eginning9 .f as $ou read this (essage $ou feel that $ou have not had a strong #eginning7 #e encouraged for it is still not too late to la$ a solid foundation9 LEAVING OTHERS SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE BECAUSE OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCE "ot left others; spiritual influence #ecause of (aterial su#stance 01?=D61?29 *hen there !as onl$ the spiritual influence7 "ot kept hi(self under it9 But !hen "ot !as faced !ith the choice #et!een spiritual influence and (aterial su#stance7 he chose (aterial su#stance9 The principle is the sa(e toda$9 Material su#stance7 that is7 !orldliness7 is a test to those !ho follo! the spiritualit$ of others9 "ike "ot7 the$ (a$ #e righteous #ut still choose (aterial su#stance9
The Bi#le does not indicate that in the strife #et!een "ot and #raha( in chapter thirteen #raha( !as !rong9 -o!ever7 . #elieve that in a ver$ deep sense "ot;s feelings !ere hurt9 -ere . !ould sa$ a !ord to the leading #rothers9 .t is a ver$ difficult (atter to deal !ith the #rothers9 #raha( did nothing !rong in dealing !ith "ot7 #ut si(pl$ #ecause he dealt !ith hi(7 "ot !ould never return to hi(9 #raha( never forgot "ot9 *hen he heard that "ot had #een captured #$ Chedorlao(er7 he led the fight against the kings and rescued "ot9 *hen #raha( learned that God !as a#out to destro$ Sodo(7 he interceded for "ot9 .n 1F=3I and 3B7 #raha( rose up earl$ in the (orning and looked to!ard Sodo( and Go(orrah #ecause he !as so concerned for "ot9 Nevertheless7 #ecause of his hurt feelings7 "ot !ould not return to #raha(7 #ut could sa$7 @. have nothing to do !ith $ou9 Even though $ou #rought (e #ack fro( captivit$7 . !ill never return to $ou9A *hen "ot !as delivered fro( the cit$ of Sodo(7 he did not consider returning to #raha(9 .f he had returned7 his life !ould not have had such a pitiful ending9 . a( #urdened that the $oung #rothers and sisters !ill see that it is dangerous to dissent !ith and to leave the older generation in the "ord9 *hen as a child . !as re#uked #$ ($ (other7 . !ould turn ($ face a!a$ fro( her for several da$s9 . !as !rong and . kne! that she had re#uked (e in love7 #ut si(pl$ #ecause she re#uked (e7 . refused to see her face9 The principle is the sa(e in the church life9 lthough others (a$ love us7 !e do not like to #e re#uked #$ the(9 . have learned that re#uking others #uilds up en(it$9 . spoke a frank !ord in love to certain #rothers7 and ($ frankness offended the(9 This (ight have #een the reason !h$ "ot !ould not return to #raha(9 There is no indication in the *ord that "ot thanked #raha( for delivering hi( fro( captivit$9 .t (ight have #een that he !ould not give up his hurt feelings and hu(#le hi(self9 *e should not insist upon holding on to such hu(an feelings9 *e7 unlike "ot7 should hu(#le ourselves7 lose our face7 and return to #raha( and re(ain !ith hi(9 The sooner !e do this and the (ore !e do it7 the #etter9 DRIFTING INTO A SITUATION WHICH WAS WIC0ED AND SINFUL BEFORE GOD "ot drifted into a situation !hich !as !icked and sinful #efore God 01?=1161329 Once $ou leave the source of spiritual influence7 $ou !ill auto(aticall$ go do!nhill9 Kou !ill never go up!ard9 Never forsake the proper spiritual influence7 for it is $our protection9 .f $ou give it up7 $ou !ill lose $our protection7 and7 like "ot7 !ill drift do!n!ard into Sodo(9 .n spite of the fact that "ot kne! Sodo( !as !icked in the e$es of God7 he eventuall$ entered into that evil place and lived there9 +r of Chaldea !as a place of idols7 Eg$pt !as a place of !orldl$ riches and pleasures7 and Sodo( !as a cit$ of sin9 These three places for( a triangular #oundar$ around the land of Canaan9 *e7 God;s called ones7 live !ithin this triangle and (ust #e careful lest !e fall #ack to the cit$ of idols7 go do!n to the place of !orldl$ pleasures7 or drift into the cit$ of sin9 lthough "ot sta$ed a!a$ fro( the land of idols and the place of !orldl$ pleasures7 he drifted7 like a piece of drift!ood7 into the cit$ of sin9
SOVEREIGNLY WARNED BY BEING CAPTURED "ot !as sovereignl$ !arned #$ #eing captured 01<=1161329 God !as (erciful to hi(7 not allo!ing hi( to live in Sodo( peacefull$9 s a !arning and a discipline7 God caused "ot to #e captured9 RESCUED FROM CAPTIVITY BY THE LORDS OVERCOMER, BUT NOT HELPED TO COME BAC0 TO THE WAY OF GOD lthough "ot !as rescued fro( captivit$ #$ the "ord;s overco(er7 he !as not helped to co(e #ack to the !a$ of God 01<=1361E29 %or a long ti(e . !as trou#led #$ "ot;s not returning to the !a$ of God9 -e (ight have #een stu##orn9 ,o not think that passive people are su#(issive9 Nearl$ all the passive ones are re#ellious9 "ot did not learn the lesson and he did not return to God;s !a$9 GOING BAC0 TO LIVE IN THE WIC0ED CITY WHICH WAS CONDEMNED BY GOD AND WAS TO BE DESTROYED BY THE JUDGMENT OF GOD "ot !ent #ack to live in the !icked cit$ !hich !as conde(ned #$ God and !hich !as to #e destro$ed #$ the 4udg(ent of God 01F=161?29 "ot did not go there to visit> he !ent there to live9 *hen the t!o angels ca(e to execute God;s 4udg(ent over Sodo(7 "ot !as sitting in the gate of the cit$7 in contrast to #raha( !ho !as sitting at his tent door9 ccording to ancient custo(7 !hoever sat at the gate of the cit$ !as one of the elders7 for onl$ the$ had the privilege of sitting there9 "ot #eca(e a leader in Sodo(J Suppose the "ord or -is angels !ere to visit $ou9 *here !ould the$ find $ou)sitting at $our tent door7 or at the gate of the !icked !orldG *here $ou are sitting deter(ines !hether or not the "ord !ill co(e to $ou9 The angels refused to enter "ot;s house 01F=329 Co(pare this !ith the visit the "ord and the angels paid #raha( in the previous chapter9 *hen #raha( invited the( to sta$7 the$ i((ediatel$ agreed9 But the t!o angels did not !ant to enter into "ot;s house and sta$ there7 #ecause it !as in such a !icked cit$9 fter "ot pressed upon the( greatl$7 the$ !ent in and sta$ed !ith hi( 01F=?29 *hile the angels !ere sta$ing in "ot;s house7 the Sodo(ites ca(e to indulge in their sodo(itical lust7 co(ing fro( ever$ corner of the cit$ 01F=<61129 Sodo(ite is a ho(osexual9 Paul speaks of the( in /o(ans 1=3< and 3I9 There are (an$ Sodo(ites toda$ and (uch sodo(itical lust is expressed9 Sodo(ites see( to have no spirit> the$ are like #rutal ani(als9 "ot !as even !illing to sacrifice his t!o daughters to satisf$ the Sodo(ites; lust 01F=I6 F29 *hether he !as forced to do this or not7 he never should have done it9 This sho!s that "ot;s sense of (oralit$ had #een drugged9 *e (a$ use the s(ell of garlic as an illustration of this9 .f !e !ere to eat garlic all da$ long7 our sense of s(ell !ould eventuall$ #e drugged9 .f so(eone having a fresh sense of s(ell !ould co(e into the
(idst of the garlic eaters7 he !ould i((ediatel$ notice the scent of garlic9 "ot and his children re(ained in the garlic roo( of Sodo( for $ears7 and their sense of (oralit$ !as drugged9 "ot !ould consider sacrificing his virgin daughters to save his t!o guests9 -o! could he consider such a thingJ lthough he !as a righteous (an7 he had lost his sense of (oralit$ and sha(e9 .n order to (eet such a !icked situation7 the angels s(ote the Sodo(ites !ith #lindness 01F=1127 indicating that all the (en in Sodo( !ere #lind and in darkness9 ll Sodo(ites are #lind9 .f a (an !ere not #lind7 ho! could he #e a Sodo(iteG This sho!s that sinfulness #linds people9 HIS CHILDREN BEING CORRUPTED "ot;s children !ere corrupted #$ living in the !icked cit$9 The !ord of the angels in 1F=13 indicates that "ot (ight have had sons as !ell as daughters9 .n chapter eighteen #raha( (ight have considered that there !ere at least ten people in "ot;s fa(il$9 The angels said to "ot7 @-ast thou here an$ #esidesG son6in6la!7 and th$ sons7 and th$ daughters7 and !hatsoever thou hast in the cit$7 #ring the( out of this place= for !e !ill destro$ this place7 #ecause the cr$ of the( is !axen great #efore the face of the "ord> and the "ord has sent us to destro$ itA 01F=1361?29 "ot had to tell his sons6in6la! and his children that God !as a#out to 4udge that cit$9 But !hen "ot preached the gospel to the(7 so(e !ould not #elieve the !ord fro( the "ord7 thinking that he !as 4oking9 &erse 1< sa$s7 @"ot !ent out7 and spake unto his sons6in6la!7 !hich (arried his daughters7 and said7 +p7 get $ou out of this place> for the "ord !ill destro$ this cit$9 But he see(ed as one that 4ested unto his sons6in6la!A 0-e#929 Others of "ot;s children had no sense of (oralit$ 01F=?C6?D29 "ook at !hat his daughters did after the$ escaped fro( the cit$J fter escaping fro( Sodo(7 "ot and his daughters still had !ine !ith the( 01F=?329 .f the$ had not #rought the !ine !ith the(7 ho! else could the$ have had it in the cave !here the$ !ere d!ellingG -o! drugged the$ !ere #$ the sinful situation in Sodo(J *hen . !as visiting so(e saints in "as &egas in 1FE?7 the$ vindicated their living in that cit$7 sa$ing7 @.t is not !rong for us to sta$ in this ga(#ling cit$7 #ecause !e are here as a testi(on$ for the "ord9A . did not argue !ith the(7 #ut deep !ithin ($self . said7 @.f $ou sta$ here for so(e $ears7 $our children !ill have no sense a#out the !ickedness of ga(#ling9A Man$ of the $oung people toda$ have #een drugged9 "ook at the !a$ the$ dress= there is no sense of (oralit$ or feeling of sha(e9 Man$ ti(es !hen . a( on the street . have to shut ($ e$es9 %or $oung ladies to #e !ithout a sense of sha(e is to #e !ithout protection9 Throughout the !hole !orld the sense of sha(e and (oralit$ has #een drugged9 Because (ost of the $oung people !ere raised in a sinful at(osphere7 their senses have #een drugged9 But if the$ !ould co(e in to the church life and re(ain in its pure at(osphere for a fe! (onths7 the$ !ould never return to the sinful !orld9 The$ !ould #e una#le to stand its s(ell9 *e live in an evil age and need protection fro( it9 Our fa(il$ and our children (ust #e protected9 *e all (ust escape Sodo( and shut our doors to its evil at(osphere9 .f !e do not7 our descendants !ill #e drugged9 -o! could "ot and his children have conducted
the(selves in the !a$ the$ did after Sodo( !as destro$edG Because their sense of (oralit$ had fallen so lo!9 .f !e re(ain in the fresh air7 !e shall i((ediatel$ sense the #ad s(ell of i((oralit$9 But if !e do not discern an$ #ad s(ell7 it (eans that our sense of (oralit$ has #een drugged9 HE HIMSELF BARELY SAVED THROUGH THE OVERCOMERS INTERCESSION "ot hi(self !as #arel$ saved through the overco(er;s intercession 01F=1D63D7 3F29 Even after the angels told "ot that Sodo( !as to #e destro$ed7 he still lingered there9 -e had no !illingness to escape fro( the cit$7 #ut the angels held his hand and pulled hi( out9 &erse 1E sa$s7 @ nd !hile he lingered7 the (en laid hold upon his hand7 and upon the hand of his !ife7 and upon the hand of his t!o daughters> the "ord #eing (erciful unto hi(= and the$ #rought hi( forth7 and set hi( !ithout the cit$9A "ot !as not faithful7 #ut the "ord !as (erciful7 pulling hi( out of Sodo( as !ood plucked out of a fire9 HIS WIFE BEING SAVED FROM DESTRUCTION BUT BECOMING A PILLAR OF SALT "ot;s !ife !as saved fro( destruction7 #ut she #eca(e a pillar of salt 01F=1D61I7 3E> "uke 1I=?329 .n the for( of po!der7 salt is useful9 But !hen salt #eco(es a #lock7 it is useless9 That "ot;s !ife #eca(e a pillar of salt (eant that she had lost her usefulness in the hand of God and had #eco(e a sign of sha(e9 Toda$ Christianit$ helps people onl$ to take care of the (atter of salvation or perdition9 But the Bi#le reveals that #esides the (atter of salvation or perdition7 there is the (atter of glor$ or sha(e9 "ot;s !ife !as not lost> she !as saved fro( destruction9 Eventuall$7 ho!ever7 she #eca(e a sha(e9 -ence7 the "ord said in "uke 1I=?37 @/e(e(#er "ot;s !ife7A !arning us that7 though !e are saved7 at the "ord;s co(ing #ack !e (ight possi#l$ suffer sha(e like "ot;s !ife9 lthough !e are saved7 !e (a$ #eco(e asha(ed at the "ord;s co(ing #ack 01 5ohn 3=3B29 .n "uke 1I=3B6?? the "ord !arns us not to look #ack9 *h$ did "ot;s !ife look #ackG Because so(e of her children7 especiall$ her daughters7 !ere still in Sodo( and #ecause her house and her clothing also !ere there9 .f $ou read Genesis 1F carefull$7 $ou !ill see that she !as #ehind "ot9 s a couple7 the$ should have gone together> she should not have #een #ehind her hus#and9 But7 #eing #ehind hi(7 she looked #ack and #eca(e a pillar of salt9 She looked #ack to the place !here she loved to live and #eca(e a sign of sha(e for our !arning9 This is not (erel$ a stor$ or doctrine9 *e see fro( it that in addition to the (atter of salvation7 there is the (atter of sha(e9 *hen the da$ of 4udg(ent arrives7 !ill $ou share in the glor$ or in the sha(eG *e shall not suffer perdition7 for our salvation is assured9 -o!ever7 as this !arning exa(ple indicates7 !e (a$ #e put to sha(e9 HIS LIFE ISSUING IN BRINGING FORTH MOABITES AND AMMONITES
"ot;s life issued in #ringing forth Moa#ites and ((onites 0children of Ben6a((i27 !ho !ere re4ected #$ God even to their tenth generation 01F=?E6?B> ,eut9 3?=?29 *hat a pitiful ending to "ot;s lifeJ -e did not #ring forth an .saac #ut Moa#ites and ((onites !ho !ere re4ected #$ God9 -ere in the stor$ of "ot !e see the record of a defeated righteous (an9 longside of the !hite record of the victorious #raha(7 !e have the #lack record of the defeated "ot9 The record of "ot;s life should #e a strong !arning to us all9
1>. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD A PILLAR OF SALT nd !hen the (orning arose7 then the angels hastened "ot7 sa$ing7 rise7 take th$ !ife7 and th$ t!o daughters7 !hich are here> lest thou #e consu(ed in the ini:uit$ of the cit$9 L Then the "ord rained upon Sodo( and upon Go(orrah #ri(stone and fire fro( the "ord out of heaven> and he overthre! those cities7 and all the plain7 and all the inha#itants of the cities7 and that !hich gre! upon the ground9 But his !ife looked #ack fro( #ehind hi(7 and she #eca(e a pillar of salt9 0Genesis 1F=1D7 3<63E2 /e(e(#er "ot;s !ife9 0"uke 1I=?32 The previous (essage !as on "ot7 !ho !as a defeated righteous (an9 .n this (essage !e co(e to "ot;s !ife7 !ho #eca(e a pillar of salt 01F=3E29 Genesis 1F (ight #e the onl$ record in hu(an histor$ regarding a pillar of salt7 and !e need to consider it ver$ carefull$9 This pillar of salt !as not created #$ God9 "ot;s !ife #eca(e a pillar of salt9 .t is ver$ (eaningful that in -is heav$ !ord recorded in "uke 1I7 spoken at a ti(e !hen people !ere in:uiring a#out the co(ing of the kingdo(7 the "ord 5esus said7 @/e(e(#er "ot;s !ifeA 0"uke 1I=?329 .n a sense7 the "ord see(ed to #e sa$ing to -is disciples7 @,on;t talk a#out the kingdo(9 /ather7 $ou (ust recogni8e !hat the age !ill #e like !hen the kingdo( co(es9 .t !ill #e like the da$s of Noah and the da$s of "ot9 Both are prefigures of the da$s of M$ co(ing9A Thus7 in the "ord;s heav$7 sole(n7 and so#ering !ord7 three ages are (entioned= the age of Noah7 the age of "ot7 and the age at the ti(e of the "ord;s co(ing #ack9 *hen !e covered Noah in so(e of the foregoing (essages in this life6stud$7 !e pointed out that he lived in a #efuddled age7 and that the people of his age !ere #efuddled7 drugged7 and doped #$ their lusts and evil pleasures9 -o!ever7 in "uke 1I=3I7 !hen the "ord spoke of the da$s of Noah7 (arriage !as (entioned9 But !hen -e spoke of the da$s of "ot7 there !as no (ention of (arriage7 #ecause in Sodo( (arriage had #een co(pletel$ degraded7 and the people indulged in their sodo(itical lust9 .n "uke 1I=3B and ?C the "ord said7 @"ike!ise7 even as it happened in the da$s of "ot= the$ !ere eating7 the$ !ere drinking7 the$ !ere #u$ing7 the$ !ere selling7 the$ !ere planting7 the$ !ere #uilding9L.t !ill #e in the sa(e !a$ on the da$ in !hich the Son of Man is revealed9A fter sa$ing this and i((ediatel$ #efore telling us to re(e(#er "ot;s !ife7 the "ord said7 @.n that da$7 he !ho shall #e on the housetop and his goods in the house7 let hi( not co(e do!n to take the( a!a$> and he !ho is in the field7 like!ise7 let hi( not turn #ack to the things #ehindA 0"uke 1I=?129 .n Palestine the houses had flat roofs9 The "ord !as
sa$ing7 @.f $ou are on $our housetop at the ti(e of M$ co(ing7 do not co(e do!n into $our house to take a!a$ $our stuff9 .f $ou do7 $ou !ill #e left9 .f $ou are !orking in the field7 do not return ho(e9 Kou (ust forget ever$thing except Me9A .((ediatel$ after this !ord7 the "ord said7 @/e(e(#er "ot;s !ife9A Toda$7 like the people in the da$s of Noah and in the da$s of "ot7 (an$ Christians are doped and #efuddled7 having lost the proper sense of the things of God9 So(e even teach that #elievers (a$ #e raptured !hile the$ are pla$ing foot#all9 But according to the revelation of the -ol$ *ord7 !hen the "ord co(es #ack7 -e !ould not take an$ of -is saints !ho are still participating in !orldl$ entertain(ents9 *e Christians are the crop of God gro!ing !ith Christ as the life seed 0Matt9 1?=?6B7 1B63?29 No Christian !ho is (ature in the gro!th of life still participates in an$ !orldl$ entertain(ents9 Since the Christians !ho continue to participate in !orldl$ entertain(ents are not ripe7 #ut are green and ra!7 the "ord !ould not reap the( fro( the field9 The #efuddled Christians of toda$ need to hear such a so#ering !ord9 The record of "ot;s !ife #eco(ing a pillar of salt is found in the section on living in fello!ship !ith God9 lthough this section in Genesis covering chapters eighteen through t!ent$6four is the record of a life that !as in fello!ship !ith God7 it includes the #lack record of a defeated saved (an7 his !ife7 and his t!o daughters9 "ot had (ore than these t!o daughters7 #ut !hen the angels ca(e to Sodo(7 the$ could not find the others9 Genesis 1F=1D sa$s7 @*hen the (orning arose7 the angels hastened "ot7 sa$ing7 rise7 take th$ !ife7 and th$ t!o daughters7 !hich are found> lest thou #e consu(ed in the ini:uit$ of the cit$A 0-e#929 The angels see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @"ot7 !e can onl$ find t!o of $our children9 *e !ere sent here #$ God to rescue $ou and all $our fa(il$7 #ut onl$ these have #een found9 Our co((ission is to destro$ the cit$9 No! $ou7 $our !ife7 and $our daughters (ust escape9A The next verse sa$s that "ot lingered9 ccording to the original7 "ot not onl$ lingered> he hesitated7 #eing un!illing to leave the cit$9 Since he !as hesitating7 the angels @laid hold upon his hand7 and upon the hand of his !ife7 and upon the hand of his t!o daughters> the "ord #eing (erciful unto hi(= and the$ #rought hi( forth7 and set hi( !ithout the cit$9A *hen the angels had #rought the four of the( outside the cit$7 the$ said7 @Escape for th$ soul> look not #ehind theeA 0v9 1I7 -e#929 But verse 3E sa$s that "ot;s !ife @looked #ack fro( #ehind hi(7 and she #eca(e a pillar of salt9A "ot;s !ife !as saved7 for she !as pulled out of the cit$ and saved fro( its destruction9 But although she !as saved7 she nevertheless #eca(e a pillar of salt9 .t is certain that #eco(ing a pillar of salt is not a good thing> it is a sha(e9 s . have said (an$ ti(es7 the #ook of Genesis contains the seeds of nearl$ all the divine truths9 The pillar of salt in 1F=3E (a$ also #e considered as a seed9 The gro!th of this seed is in "uke 1I=?37 !here the "ord tells us to re(e(#er "ot;s !ife7 and in 1 5ohn 3=3B7 !here !e are told that !e (ight #e put to sha(e at the "ord;s appearing9 The harvest is in /evelation 1E=1D7 !here the "ord sa$s7 @Behold7 . co(e as a thief9 Blessed is he !ho !atches and keeps his gar(ents7 that he (a$ not !alk naked and the$ see his sha(e9A The "ord !ill co(e as a thief7 not giving an$ prior notification9 .f at that ti(e our nakedness is exposed7 !e shall #e put to sha(e9 Thus7 the seed of #eing put to sha(e !as so!n in Genesis 1F7 gro!s in "uke 1I and 1 5ohn 37 and is reaped in /evelation 1E9
M$ #urden in this (essage is to i(press $ou that the #ook of Genesis not onl$ has the seed of #raha(7 #ut also the seed of "ot and of his !ife7 !ho #eca(e a pillar of salt7 a sign of sha(e9 The #asic concept of this (essage is that a genuine saved person faces the definite possi#ilit$ of #eing put to sha(e9 ,o not listen to the #efuddling teachings of this age9 Man$ teachings in Christianit$ toda$ drug people7 and those !ho a#sor# such teachings are neither so#er in their (ind nor living in their spirit9 .n this (essage !e need to hear a so#ering !ord fro( the "ord7 a !ord that !ill so#er our (ind and :uicken our spirit9 LOTS WIFE s !e have alread$ pointed out7 there is no dou#t that "ot;s !ife !as saved fro( destruction9 This is so definitel$ and clearl$ revealed that no one can argue !ith it9 But7 as !e have seen7 she looked #ack fro( #ehind her hus#and and #eca(e a pillar of salt9 That she !alked #ehind her hus#and indicates that she !as even less !illing than her hus#and to leave Sodo( and that she !as not happ$ to follo! hi( out of the cit$9 .f she had #een happ$ to flee Sodo(7 she !ould have !alked side #$ side !ith her hus#and9 Even #efore she looked #ack and #eca(e a pillar of salt7 she !as alread$ #ehind her hus#and9 t this point7 let (e sa$ a !ord to the !ives9 .n co((itting sin7 it is good for a !ife to #e reluctant to follo! her hus#and7 #ut concerning the things of God7 it is not good for her to #e slo! in follo!ing hi(9 Concerning the things of God7 the #est thing for a !ife to do is to go along !ith and !alk together !ith her hus#and9 *ives7 in the things !ith God7 do not go #ehind $our hus#ands9 .f $ou do7 $ou7 like "ot;s !ife7 (a$ suffer and #eco(e a pillar of salt9 This is a !arning to us all9 That "ot;s !ife #eca(e a pillar of salt signifies that she had lost her function and had #eco(e a sign of sha(e9 *hen salt is in the for( of po!der7 it is ver$ useful9 The (ore that salt is ground into fine po!der7 the #etter it functions9 But no one uses salt in the for( of a pillar9 The "ord 5esus said that !e7 the saved and regenerated ones7 are the salt of the earth 0Matt9 D=1?29 Our function is to kill the ger(s of this corrupted !orld9 -o!ever7 if !e #eco(e tasteless 0"uke 1<=?<27 it (eans that !e7 like "ot;s !ife7 have lost our function9 s one of the people of God7 "ot;s !ife should have #een filled !ith the salt$ taste and #een a#le to kill the ger(s of corruption around her7 #ut she lost her taste and #eca(e functionless9 She !as a sign of sha(e9 .n !riting the #ook of Genesis7 the Spirit of God !as un!illing to give the na(e of "ot;s !ife9 lthough the na(e of #raha(;s !ife7 Sarah7 is (entioned (an$ ti(es7 there is no (ention of the na(e of "ot;s !ife9 .t is un!orth$ of (ention9 That poor saint !alked #ehind her hus#and and looked #ack to!ard the cit$ of Sodo(9 She (ight have looked #ack for her children7 her house7 and her other #elongings9 ll her goods !ere left there in Sodo(9 -er interests7 heart7 desire7 and soul !ere still there7 though her #od$ had #een pulled out of that cit$9 -ence7 at her looking #ack to that place7 the "ord caused her to #eco(e a pillar of salt as a !arning exa(ple to us all9
.n "uke 1I7 the "ord used "otMs !ife as a !arning exa(ple for -is disciples9 -o!ever7 not (an$ Christians toda$ live under this !arning9 Nevertheless7 !e (ust heed the !arning that a trul$ saved person faces the possi#ilit$ of #eing put to sha(e at the "ord;s appearing9 . certainl$ do not !ant to #eco(e a pillar of salt9 ,o $ouG To #eco(e a pillar of salt is not a glor$> it is a sha(e9 *hat a sha(e for a #eliever to #eco(e a lifeless pillar of salt standing in the open air for nothing #ut sufferingJ PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ABSOLUTE IN FOLLOWING THE LORD "uke 1<=3D6?? speaks of a#soluteness in follo!ing the "ord9 *e (ust follo! the "ord in an a#solute !a$9 lthough the Bi#le teaches us to love others7 here "uke 1<=3E7 a hol$ !ord out of the (outh of the "ord 5esus7 sa$s7 @.f an$one co(es to Me and does not hate his father and (other and !ife and children and #rothers and sisters7 and (oreover7 his o!n soul life also7 he cannot #e M$ disciple9A .t is i(possi#le for an$one to follo! the "ord in a proper !a$ !ithout #eing a#solute9 Our parents7 !ives7 children7 #rothers7 sisters7 and our o!n soul life should all #e secondar$9 Onl$ the "ord -i(self (ust #e the first7 and !e (ust follo! -i( in an a#solute !a$9 *hen the "ord speaks of hating our relatives for -is sake7 -e does not (ean a real hatred #ut a loving hatred9 .n this portion of the !ord out of the (outh of the "ord7 !e see that !e (ust follo! -i( in the !a$ of a#soluteness9 .t is not a (atter of !orshipping God on Sunda$s nor of having a ho(e Bi#le stud$ according to our pleasure9 Such a ho(e Bi#le stud$ (a$ #e another t$pe of ho##$ or entertain(ent9 .n the e$es of God7 $our ho(e Bi#le stud$ (a$ #e no different fro( a #asket#all ga(e9 Kou pla$ $our Bi#le #all in $our Bi#le stud$7 using $our living roo( as $our pla$ground9 Kou are not a#solute in follo!ing the "ord9 . a( not 4oking> . a( speaking the truth9 . a( not onl$ sa$ing this to others #ut also to ($self9 The "ord can testif$ for (e that as . !as preparing for this (essage7 the "ord asked (e7 @-o! a#out $ouG . have charged $ou to give this (essage7 #ut are $ou a#solute in follo!ing MeGA Ma$ the "ord have (erc$ on (e that . !ould not preach to others and ($self #eco(e a casta!a$9 Ma$ -e also have (erc$ on all -is dear saints9 -o! !e need a so#ering !ord that !e !ould no longer #e #efuddledJ .f !e #elieve 5ohn ?=1E7 !e (ust also #elieve "uke 1<=3E6?D9 Man$ (essages have #een given and #ooklets pu#lished on 5ohn ?=1E7 #ut !here are the (essages and #ooklets on "uke 1<=3E6?DG .n the "ord;s recover$ !e should not hide an$ truth fro( -is people9 Those !ho are not a#solute in follo!ing the "ord #eco(e useless9 Tell (e7 ho! (an$ Christians toda$ are trul$ useful in the "ord;s hand for God;s econo($G Most Christians have #eco(e useless as far as God;s econo($ is concerned9 The$ are like salt that is tasteless 0"uke 1<=?<29 Such Christians are not onl$ tasteless7 #ut according to "uke 1<=?D7 the$ are @fit neither for the soil nor for the (anure pile7A #ut to #e cast out9 The land here is the field !hich gro!s things for God that -e (ight acco(plish -is purpose9 The dunghill in the universe is the lake of fire7 !here ever$ dirt$ thing !ill #e piled up9 "uke 1<=?D (ainl$ refers to the co(ing age of the kingdo(9 .n the kingdo( age there !ill #e the earth7 the land for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose7 and there !ill also #e the lake of fire7 the dunghill9
Christianit$ al!a$s tells people that there are onl$ t!o places)heaven or hell9 But in this verse the "ord 5esus speaks of the third place7 sa$ing that tasteless salt7 #eing fit for neither the land nor for the dunghill7 is cast out9 *here !as the pillar of salt !hich "ot;s !ife #eca(eG *as it in heaven or in Sodo(G .t !as in neither place7 #ut in the third place9 lthough $ou have read through the Gospel of "uke7 have $ou ever seen that in this chapter there are three placesG *here !ill $ou #e)in the land7 in the dunghill7 or cast out to the third placeG .n Matthe! 3D=?C the "ord said that the unprofita#le servant !ould #e cast into outer darkness9 The outer darkness (ust also #e the third place9 *hat this !ill #e and !here it !ill #e7 the Bi#le does not sa$9 Nevertheless7 the Bi#le does sa$ that if $ou are a slothful servant7 at the "ord;s co(ing #ack $ou !ill #e fit neither for the land #ecause $ou !ere unprofita#le7 nor for the dunghill #ecause $ou have #een saved9 *here then !ill $ou #eG .n the third place7 a place outside #oth the glorious kingdo( and the lake of fire9 %e! Christians have ever seen that in the Bi#le there is a third place prepared for the defeated saved ones9 This is a so#ering !ord9 *e need to #e deepl$ i(pressed that in the full revelation regarding (an in the divine *ord there are three places)a place for salvation7 a place for perdition7 and a place for sha(e9 *here !as "ot;s !ifeG lthough she !as saved7 she !as in the third place7 the place of sha(e9 This is the teaching of the "ord 5esus in the Gospel of "uke9 ,o not tr$ to argue !ith it9 BELIEVERS WHO LIVE IN THE WORLD AS THE WORLDLY PEOPLE AND SEE0 TO SAVE THEIR SOUL Believers !ho live in the !orld as the !orldl$ people and seek to save their soul7 their soul6life7 !ill suffer sha(e as did "ot;s !ife7 and !ill lose their soul at the "ord;s co(ing #ack 0"uke 1I=3B6??29 Most Christians are like this9 lthough the$ are #elievers7 $et the$ live like !orldl$ people7 shopping and dressing in the sa(e !a$ as the !orldl$ people do9 Since the$ live and !alk the sa(e as the !orldlings7 there is no difference #et!een the( and the !orldl$ people9 To save the soul (eans to refuse to suffer for the "ord;s sake9 Christians !ho save their soul like to have their pleasure9 The$ sa$7 @*hat;s !rong !ith going to sporting eventsG .t;s not sinful9A lthough it (a$ not #e sinful7 it is !orldl$9 . a( not sa$ing that Christians should have no ph$sical exercise for their health9 *e certainl$ need that9 But once an$ for( of exercise #eco(es a sport or entertain(ent7 it is !orldl$9 .f $ou en4o$ it and find it pleasura#le7 it (eans that $ou are saving $our soul9 To have an$ ps$chological and !orldl$ en4o$(ent is to save the soul9 Toda$ is not the ti(e for us Christians to have ps$chological and !orldl$ pleasure or en4o$(ent> it is the ti(e for us to suffer in our soul7 in our ps$cholog$9 s long as !e can (aintain our existence7 it is sufficient9 *e should not seek ps$chological and !orldl$ pleasure9 Since *orld *ar ..7 !ho has given such a so#ering !ordG ,uring the past thirt$6one $ears7 . have #een !atching and o#serving7 #ut . have not heard a so#er !ord
or !arning telling Christians that !e are not on this earth for our ps$chological and !orldl$ en4o$(ent7 and that !e (ust suffer the loss of ever$ kind of a(use(ent and entertain(ent9 Kour en4o$(ent of certain (usic at ho(e (a$ #e a saving of $our soul9 Man$ Christians cannot overco(e their television sets9 Their !atching television (a$ #e a saving of their soul9 . a( neither religious nor legal7 #ut . do sa$ that toda$ is not the ti(e for us to have ps$chological and !orldl$ a(use(ent> it is the ti(e for us to suffer in our soul9 This suffering in the soul is for the saving of the soul9 .f $ou are not !illing to suffer in order to save $our soul7 $ou !ill suffer sha(e as "ot;s !ife did and lose $our soul at the "ord;s co(ing #ack9 .t is !rong to teach that all Christians !ill #e raptured at one ti(e at the "ord;s co(ing #ack9 That teaching #efuddles the spiritual sense of the "ord;s people9 .n "uke 1I=?< and ?D the "ord said7 @. tell $ou7 in that night there !ill #e t!o on one couch> the one !ill #e taken7 and the other !ill #e left9 There !ill #e t!o grinding at the sa(e place> the one !ill #e taken7 #ut the other !ill #e left9A Kou (a$ argue7 sa$ing7 @The one taken is a #eliever7 and the one left is an un#eliever9A But that is $our interpretation9 *hile #oth are the sa(e7 doing the sa(e thing in the sa(e place7 onl$ the "ord kno!s !ho is genuinel$ for -i(9 .f $ou read the context of "uke 1I=336?I7 $ou !ill see that this !ord is not given to un#elievers #ut to the "ord;s disciples9 .t !as a !ord given to the( concerning the ti(e of -is co(ing9 The @t!oA in verses ?< and ?D refer to t!o of the "ord;s disciples7 one of !ho( !ill #e taken and the other of !ho( !ill #e left9 The one !ho !ill #e taken !ill surel$ not #e like "ot;s !ife9 The disciple !ho !ill #e left !ill #e like "ot;s !ife9 This is a so#er !ord9 CHILDREN OF GOD WHO DO NOT ABIDE IN THE LORD AS THE ANOINTING TEACHES The children of God !ho do not a#ide in the "ord as the anointing teaches !ill #e put to sha(e at the "ord;s co(ing #ack 01 5ohn 3=3I63B29 *e !ho are in the "ord;s recover$ kno! !hat is the inner teaching of the in!ard anointing9 But do !e a#ide in the "ord according to the teaching of the living anointing !ithin usG %irst 5ohn 3=3I and 3B charge us to a#ide in the "ord according to the anointing9 %or exa(ple7 if $ou are a#out to go shopping and the anointing sa$s no7 !ill $ou sa$7 @ (en7 "ordAG .f $ou do7 that is good9 -o!ever7 if $ou sa$7 @"ord7 . !on;t #u$ an$thing #ad7A the "ord (a$ sa$7 @. don;t care !hether $ou #u$ so(ething good or #ad9 ,on;t go9A *e should si(pl$ sa$7 @ (en7 "ord7 .;( 4ust a#iding in Kou according to Kour teaching of the in!ard anointing9A *e all need to a#ide in the "ord in this !a$9 .f !e do not a#ide in the "ord according to the anointing7 !e shall @#e put to sha(e fro( -i( at -is co(ingA 01 5ohn 3=3B29 To feel sha(eful is one thing> to #e put to sha(e is another9 This verse is not sa$ing that !e shall feel sha(eful7 #ut that !e shall @#e put to sha(e9A Notice that7 according to the Greek7 it does not sa$7 like the 'ing 5a(es &ersion7 @#efore -i(A #ut @fro( -i(9A The Greek preposition here is apo7 !hich (eans @a!a$ fro(9A .f !e a#ide in the "ord according to the anointing7 !hen -e appears7 !e shall have confidence7 assurance7 #oldness7 and peace and not #e put a!a$ fro( -i(9 "iterall$7 the Greek !ords translated @at -is co(ingA (ean @in -is presence9A The Greek
!ord for presence is parousia7 !hich includes the (eaning of co(ing9 *e (a$ have -is co(ing and $et not #e in -is presence9 %or exa(ple7 the President of the +nited States (a$ co(e to nahei( tonight7 #ut onl$ a fe! people !ill enter into his presence7 that is7 into his parousia9 The "ord 5esus !ill co(e7 #ut !ill $ou #e !orth$ to #e in -is presenceG .f $ou live in a !orldl$ !a$7 loving the !orld and (aking the "ord the last in $our life7 ho! could $ou #e #rought into -is presence !hen -e co(esG *e (ust a#ide in the "ord according to the in!ard anointing so that !e (a$ have confidence7 #oldness7 and assurance #efore -i( in -is presence at -is appearing and not #e put to sha(e a!a$ fro( -i(9 t -is appearing7 the "ord !ill deal !ith -is #elievers9 .f -is #elievers follo! -i( toda$ in the !a$ of a#iding in -i( according to the in!ard anointing7 the$ !ill then have peace7 #oldness7 assurance7 and confidence and !ill #e #rought into -is parousia7 into -is presence9 .f the$ do not a#ide in -i( toda$7 at -is appearing7 the$ !ill #e put to sha(e a!a$ fro( -i(9 To #e put to sha(e a!a$ fro( -i( (ust (ean to #e put to the third place7 the place !hich is neither the field for the fulfilling of God;s purpose7 nor the dunghill in the lake of fire9 .t is the place of sha(e outside -is presence9 #eliever !ho is put to sha(e a!a$ fro( -i( is not lost9 -e is still a saved person7 #ut he (ust suffer #eing put to sha(e9 That #eing put to sha(e !ill #e for hi( a dealing and a discipline> it !ill #e the chastise(ent exercised #$ the sovereign "ord over -is defeated #elievers9 This (atter is :uite clear and is ver$ serious9 BELIEVERS WHO DO NOT WATCH FOR THE LORDS COMING BAC0 AND LIVE A PROPER LIFE The #elievers !ho do not !atch for the "ord;s co(ing #ack and live a proper life !ill suffer sha(e 0/ev9 1E=1D29 .n /evelation 1E=1D the "ord tells us to keep our gar(ents9 .n the Bi#le7 a gar(ent al!a$s signifies !hat !e are in our !alk and living9 *e (ust have a clean !alk7 and our spiritual gar(ent (ust #e pure7 !hite7 and approved #$ God9 *e (ust !atch for the "ord;s co(ing and keep our gar(ents pure9 .f !e live such a clean life7 !e shall have no nakedness !hen -e co(es and (en !ill not see our sha(e9 This verse also sa$s that the "ord is co(ing as a thief9 -e !ill not co(e as a visitor announcing -is arrival ahead of ti(e9 *hen !e do not think that the thief !ill co(e7 he co(es9 . have #een told that thieves often co(e a#out three or four o;clock in the (orning7 at the ti(e !hen people are deepl$ asleep9 *e need to #e so#er and !atching9 Other!ise7 the "ord !ill co(e as a thief and our nakedness !ill #e exposed9 Once again7 this tells us that there is the possi#ilit$ that a saved person (a$ #e put to sha(e at the "ord;s co(ing #ack9 GODS PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LIVE AND WAL0 ACCORDING TO HIS ECONOMY God;s people !ho do not live and !alk according to -is !a$7 that is7 according to -is econo($7 !ill co(e short of the fulfill(ent of -is purpose and #e put to sha(e9 s !e have seen7 this is the significance of the pillar of salt9 ,o not take this (erel$ as a Bi#le stud$7 #ut as a !arning for us all9 Even !e !ho are in the "ord;s recover$ cannot afford
to #e loose or indifferent9 *e (ust #e so#er and consider the situation to #e :uite serious9 *e need to have a life and !alk that fulfills God;s purpose9 Then at the "ord;s appearing !e shall #e in -is parousia and not #e cast out to the third place7 the place of sha(e9 &
1?. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE SEED BY INCEST Thus !ere #oth the daughters of "ot !ith child #$ their father9 nd the first#orn #are a son7 and called his na(e Moa#= the sa(e is the father of the Moa#ites unto this da$9 nd the $ounger7 she also #are a son7 and called his na(e Ben6a((i= the sa(e is the father of the children of ((on unto this da$9 0Genesis 1F=?E6?B2 n ((onite or a Moa#ite shall not enter into the congregation of 5ehovah> even to the tenth generation7 no descendent of theirs shall enter the congregation of 5ehovah forever9 0,euterono($ 3?=?2 nd the$ took !ives for the(selves fro( a(ong the Moa#ite !o(en9 One;s na(e !as Orpah7 and the second;s na(e !as /uth9L 0/uth 1=<2 s . have pointed out (an$ ti(es7 nearl$ all the seeds of the divine revelation are found in the #ook of Genesis9 seed is a pri(itive for( of so(ething9 lthough its si8e is s(all and its for( is si(ple7 once a seed has #een so!n into a field7 it !ill gro!9 s it gro!s it takes on another for(9 %irst it is a sprout and later it is full$ developed9 lthough the final for( of its develop(ent is different fro( that of the seed7 all the principles and (a4or aspects of it are found !ithin the seed9 .f !e !ould understand Genesis 1F7 !e (ust consider it as a seed !hich has its gro!th7 develop(ent7 and harvest in the follo!ing #ooks of the Bi#le9 lthough the record concerning "ot and his daughters in Genesis 1F=?C6?B is a negative seed7 concerning such an ugl$ thing as incest7 it serves the positive purpose of giving us a strong7 so#ering !arning9 .n this (essage !e (ust see the portrait of a (ost ugl$ thing)incest9 Genesis 1F=?C6?B7 pro#a#l$ the first recorded case of incest in hu(an histor$7 is part of the section on living in fello!ship !ith God9 s !e consider this (atter7 !e (ust cover six points= the fa(il$7 the father7 the (other7 the daughters7 the seed7 and the far6reaching and unsearcha#le (erc$ of God9 %irstl$7 !e have the fa(il$7 the group7 and secondl$7 !e have the father7 the leader of this group9 Thirdl$7 !e have the (other !ho !as the leader;s helper9 The leader of an$ group needs help9 The proper helper in a fa(il$ is the !ife7 and in the Bi#le a !ife is called a help(eet9 .n figure7 the !ife in a fa(il$ signifies a helper in life9 This concept is according to the principles of the Bi#le9 Consider the exa(ple of Sarah9 #raha( had a fa(il$ for God;s purpose7 for #raha( alone could do nothing for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 -e needed a helper in life9 lthough he turned to -agar for help7 she !as not a helper in life #ut a helper in the flesh9 Sarah !as the uni:ue helper7 the one !ho had the function in life9 *ithout her7 #raha( could never have #rought forth .saac for the
fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 The church toda$ is a spiritual fa(il$ in !hich there also is the need of the proper function in life to #ring forth @.saacA for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 s !e shall see7 at a certain point7 "ot;s fa(il$ group lost its function in life #ecause the !ife #eca(e a pillar of salt9 She should have #een salt$ and (aintained a good flavor7 #ut due to her !orldliness she lost the function in life9 .n figure7 #eco(ing a pillar of salt indicates the loss of the function in life9 lthough there !as a group !ith a leader7 there !as no !ife !ith the function in life7 onl$ a pillar of sha(e9 This is true of (an$ Christian groups toda$9 lthough these groups have leaders7 the$ do not have the proper !ife !ith the genuine function in life9 Because "ot;s fa(il$ had lost its function in life7 it had i(proper (e(#ers)the daughters9 . a( not happ$ to call the (e(#ers of "ot;s group daughters7 for the !ord daughters is a good ter(9 *hat kind of people !ere the$G *ere the$ daughters or !ives or (othersG . si(pl$ do not kno! !hat to call the(9 .f $ou call the( daughters7 $ou (ust sa$ that the$ !ere incestuous daughters9 lthough the$ (ight have #een (others7 the$ !ere incestuous (others9 . feel asha(ed to even speak of !hat the$ did9 fter l$ing !ith their father7 the first daughter encouraged the second to do the sa(e thing9 -o! sha(efulJ These !ere the (e(#ers of "ot;s group9 Man$ Christian groups toda$ also have such i(proper (e(#ers9 The$7 like "ot;s daughters7 desire to have the seed #ut do not care for the proper (eans9 The$ (a$ sa$7 @"et us go to !in souls7A #ut the$ !in souls through the !a$ of spiritual incest9 .n 1F=?C6?B !e have the group7 the leader7 the helper in life7 the (e(#ers7 and the seed #$ incest9 But praise the "ord that eventuall$ the far6reaching and unsearcha#le (erc$ of God is seen in one of the descendants !ho ca(e out of this incest9 /uth7 a Moa#itess7 a descendant of "ot through his daughter7 #eca(e the great grand(other of ,avid and an ancestress of Christ9 .s this not the far6reaching and unsearcha#le (erc$ of GodG -o!ever7 !hen !e hear of this7 !e should not sa$7 @"et us do evil that good (a$ co(e9A THE FAMILY1THE GROUP "et us no! consider these six points in (ore detail9 Based upon the principle that ever$thing in the #ook of Genesis is a seed7 !e (a$ sa$ that #raha(;s tent7 in !hich he had inti(ate fello!ship !ith God on the hu(an level7 !as a (iniature of the ta#ernacle !hich God co((anded #raha(;s descendants to #uild as -is d!elling place on earth9 #raha(;s tent !as the seed7 and the ta#ernacle erected in the !ilderness #$ the children of .srael !as the gro!th9 The te(ple #uilt in the good land of Canaan !as a further develop(ent of this seed9 Toda$;s church7 as the real d!elling of God on earth7 is the fulfill(ent of !hat has #een portra$ed in the Old Testa(ent #$ #raha(;s tent7 the ta#ernacle7 and the te(ple9 Eventuall$7 the Ne! 5erusale( !ill #e the ulti(ate harvest of this seed9 /evelation 31=? sa$s that @the ta#ernacle of God is !ith (en7 and -e shall ta#ernacle !ith the(9A Thus7 in Genesis 1B !e have the seed7 and in /evelation 31 !e have the harvest9 .n the sa(e principle7 during the ti(e of #raha( and "ot7 God had a people on earth9 -is people !ere co(posed of t!o fa(ilies7 the fa(ilies of #raha( and of "ot9 This !as
a seed7 a (iniature7 of God;s people in the follo!ing ages9 %irstl$7 the children of .srael !ere the develop(ent of the seed of God;s people7 and no! the church toda$ is the continuation of this develop(ent9 Eventuall$7 in the Ne! 5erusale( !e shall see that all the redee(ed ones throughout the generations !ill #e the full harvest of God;s people on earth9 Once again !e have the seed7 the develop(ent7 and the harvest9 B$ this !e see that !hat is present !ith the seed should also #e found !ith the develop(ent9 t the #eginning7 #raha(;s fa(il$ and "ot;s fa(il$7 #eing God;s people7 !ere one9 t a certain ti(e7 ho!ever7 division ca(e in and the$ !ere divided9 *hen the$ !ere one7 the$ !ere not a group> the$ !ere the people of God7 God;s one people9 *hen division ca(e in7 it produced a free group9 That ancient free group !as the seed and the (iniature of toda$;s free groups9 The free groups a(ong God;s people toda$ are actuall$ a further develop(ent of this seed9 The division !hich !as so!n #$ "ot !as developed after the ti(e of Solo(on !hen the children of .srael !ere divided and a free group !as produced9 That free group7 the nation of .srael7 !as never recogni8ed #$ God9 God onl$ recogni8ed 5udah #ecause 5udah !as on the proper ground9 The principle is the sa(e in the church age9 The !hole church should #e God;s one people9 .n the earl$ da$s7 the church !as uni:uel$ one9 But division after division ca(e in7 producing (an$ free groups9 *e praise the "ord that this division !ill not continue into the ne! heaven and ne! earth9 .t !ill #e ter(inated #$ the "ord;s co(ing #ack9 APART FROM GODS WITNESS AND TESTIMONY H *e have seen that "ot;s separation fro( #raha( !as the seed #oth of division and of toda$;s free groups9 *ho !as the cause of that divisionG The fault !as not on #raha(;s side> it !as on "ot;s side9 The (e(#ers of "ot;s fa(il$ (ight have argued7 @ ren;t !e also God;s peopleG *h$ do $ou7 the (e(#ers of #raha(;s fa(il$7 al!a$s sa$ that $ou are the people of GodGA Kes7 "ot;s fa(il$ !as a part of the people of God7 #ut the$ had left God;s !itness and testi(on$7 !hich !ere #raha( and !hat he !as testif$ing9 God;s !itness and testi(on$ !ere at the tent of #raha( #$ the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron7 not !ith "ot in the cit$ of Sodo(9 .n chapters eighteen and nineteen !e see that God and the t!o angels !ere happ$ to sta$ !ith #raha(7 en4o$ing dinner and inti(ate fello!ship !ith hi(9 But !hen the angels !ent to the !icked cit$ of Sodo(7 God did not go !ith the(> -e re(ained !ith #raha(9 *hile #oth groups !ere God;s people7 !here !as God;s presenceG Onl$ !ith #raha(;s fa(il$9 God;s presence !as !ith #raha(;s fa(il$ #ecause his fa(il$ !as the t$pical people of God and had the proper standing of God;s testi(on$9 lthough "ot !as one of God;s people7 he !as not on the proper ground #$ the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron> he !as in Sodo(7 on the ground of division and free groups9 ll God;s people7 #eing -is fa(il$7 should d!ell #$ the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron7 !here God can pa$ the( a friendl$ and inti(ate visit9 -ere !e can see the difference #et!een the church and the free groups= all the free groups are God;s people7 #ut the church is #$ the @oaks of Ma(reA in @-e#ron7A continuall$ en4o$ing God;s inti(ate presence9 *hat then a#out the free groupsG s it !as !ith the case of "ot;s fa(il$7 God does not (eet !ith the(9 The$ are -is people7 and -e cares for the( and does not forget the(7 #ut -is presence is not !ith the(9 fter the angels left for Sodo(
to rescue "ot and his fa(il$7 God;s presence !as !ith #raha(7 -is dear friend9 *here are $ou)!ith #raha(;s fa(il$ in -e#ron or !ith "ot;s free group in Sodo(G ,oes not the Bi#le sa$ that "ot !as a righteous (anG Kes7 !e are clearl$ told in 3 Peter 3=I and B that "ot !as righteous9 re not the people in the free groups savedG Certainl$ the$ are9 But look at the situation= the people in the free groups are in a place !hich is under God;s conde(nation9 This is clear in the enlighten(ent of the divine revelation9 Suppose $ou !ere alive during the da$s of #raha( and "ot9 *ith !hich group !ould $ou have #eenG Perhaps $ou !ould have said7 @Kou sa$ that "ot;s group is a division9 .sn;t #raha(;s group also a divisionG Neither #raha(;s group nor "ot;s group is the !hole #od$9 The$ #oth are the sa(e9 *h$ do $ou (ake so (uch of the difference #et!een #raha(;s fa(il$ and "ot;s fa(il$ !hen #oth of the( are God;s peopleG Since #oth are God;s people7 toda$ . !ill #e !ith "ot and to(orro! . !ill visit #raha(9A lthough $ou (ight sta$ !ith "ot7 God !ould not9 This (akes a great difference9 Besides the fa(il$ !hich !as on the ground !here the$ could have inti(ate fello!ship !ith God7 there !as a free group9 Toda$;s situation is a further develop(ent of this seed9 Be honest and fair a#out the free groups9 .s there the testi(on$ of God a(ong the(G No7 God is not expressed in the free groups9 The$ do !hatever the$ like7 and there is no !itness or testi(on$ !ith the(9 "ot;s fa(il$ #eca(e such a free group #ecause it !as apart fro( #raha( and !hat he !as testif$ing9 .f . had #een "ot7 having the light !hich !e have toda$7 . !ould have said7 @+ncle #raha(7 even if $ou force (e to leave $ou7 . !ould refuse to go9 .f $ou don;t like (e7 . !ould still e(#race and kiss $ou9 . !ould sta$ !ith $ou #ecause $ou are God;s !itness and #ecause the testi(on$ of God is !ith $ou9 . !ill never forsake this testi(on$9A *e should have this attitude toda$9 lthough !e (a$ not #e happ$ !ith the #rothers in the church7 !e should sa$7 @Brothers7 although . don;t feel happ$ !ith $ou and although $ou (a$ (istreat (e7 . !ill never leave God;s testi(on$9A The source7 the root7 of the pro#le( of the ancient free group !as its departing fro( God;s !itness and testi(on$9 s (an$ of us can testif$7 !hen !e departed fro( the deno(inations7 !e !ere happ$ and felt as though !e !ere in the heavens9 But it is :uite a different (atter to leave the church9 .f $ou forsake the church7 $our 4o$ !ill disappear and !ill not return until $ou return to God;s testi(on$9 . do not sa$ this lightl$9 *ithout exception7 those !ho have left the church have lost their 4o$9 Once a person leaves the church7 it is ver$ difficult for hi( to co(e #ack9 "ook at "ot= although he !as rescued after the slaughter of the kings7 he refused to return to #raha(9 Even after he had #een delivered fro( the destruction of Sodo(7 he still did not go #ack to hi(9 "ater on7 !e shall see that "ot still had his self6 choice9 That !e are 4o$ful after leaving the deno(inations #ut 4o$less after leaving the church proves !hat is the church7 !hich has God;s presence7 and !hat is a deno(ination7 !hich does not have God;s presence9 lthough !e (a$ not #e a#le to discern the difference #et!een the( #$ our thought7 !e can discern it #$ the sense of life deep in our spirit9 DRIFTED INTO THE WIC0ED CITY
H fter "ot;s group had left God;s !itness and testi(on$7 the$ drifted into the !icked cit$ of Sodo( 01?=1361?> 1F=129 .f $ou leave the church life7 $ou !ill #e defeated9 "ike a piece of drift!ood that cannot control its direction #ut is carried along #$ the current7 $ou !ill drift !ith the tide of this age and float do!n!ard until $ou find $ourself in a !icked cit$9 RESCUED YET STILL HAVING SELFDPREFERENCE H fter "ot !as rescued fro( the destruction of Sodo(7 he still had his self6preference 01F=3C63?29 -e #egged the rescuing angels to allo! hi( to go to a little cit$ na(ed Roar9 God !as (erciful7 and the angels granted "ot his re:uest9 .f $ou trace the histor$ of (an$ dissenting groups7 $ou !ill see that it is the sa(e9 t first7 the$ !ere in a #ig cit$7 and God gave the( no #lessing9 Then7 after God intervened7 the$ (oved to a Roar7 a little cit$ far a!a$ fro( God;s testi(on$9 The$ firstl$ left God;s testi(on$ and drifted into a God6conde(ned situation7 and then7 still having their o!n choice7 !ent to a little place9 ISOLATED FARTHER OFF FROM GODS WITNESS AND TESTIMONY H Eventuall$ "ot !ent to d!ell in a cave 01F=?C29 "ike "ot7 so(e free groups7 after leaving a large cit$ and going to a s(all one7 have gone to live in a cave9 The$ have isolated the(selves fro( the rest of God;s people7 refusing to have fello!ship !ith the(9 The$ (a$ sa$7 @*h$ do $ou sa$ that $ou are the church and that !e are notGA .f the$ are the church7 the$ should not d!ell in a cave #ut co(e out to fello!ship !ith God;s people9 But the$ onl$ care for their little group in that cave9 *hat the$ have is the cave life7 not the church life9 THE FATHER1THE LEADER BEING DRUN0 WITH WORLDLY WINE BY THE DESIRE OF SECURING SEED H No! !e co(e to the father7 the leader9 .n the cave7 "ot #eca(e drunk !ith !ine 01F=?36 ?D29 s . have pointed out previousl$7 it !as ver$ strange that these escapees had !ine !ith the( in the cave9 The$ !ere so addicted to !ine that the$ (ust have #rought it !ith the( !hen the$ fled Sodo(9 *ine !as the drug that #efuddled the(9 *hen the$ !ere in the cave7 "ot;s daughters did not have proper fello!ship !ith hi(7 sa$ing7 @%ather7 our (other has #eco(e a pillar of salt7 and !e don;t have hus#ands9 -o! can !e have seedG *e (ust do so(ething a#out it9 Ma$ !e all pra$ togetherGA .f the$ had done this7 there !ould have #een no incest9 But the$ did not fello!ship in the spirit7 nor pra$ to the "ord9 The older daughter7 the one !ho !as (ore experienced !ith the drugs of Sodo( and !ho had #een (ore #efuddled #$ the(7 proposed to the other that the$ (ake their father drunk !ith !ine and lie !ith hi( that the$ (ight have seed #$ hi(9 .f $ou exa(ine toda$;s situation7 $ou !ill find that the leader of nearl$ ever$ free group has #een drugged and #efuddled !ith so(e !ine9 proper leader (ust #e so#er9 "ot should have said to the daughter !ho ca(e to hi( !ith !ine7 @*hat are $ou doingG Thro! that a!a$9A But "ot !as not a so#er person> he drank7 and he even drank !ithout self6control9 -e #eca(e drunk to such an extent that his daughters laid !ith hi( and he had no a!areness of it9 Most of the leaders of the free groups7 #eing drunk !ith so(e !ine7 sa$7 do7 and decide
things in a #efuddled !a$9 Because of the #efuddled condition of so (an$ leaders7 (ost of the (e(#ers of their groups have #een drugged9 SLUMBERING AND SLEEPING H fter "ot #eca(e drunk7 he slu(#ered and slept9 The sa(e condition prevails a(ong the free groups toda$9 Concerning the testi(on$ of God7 the leaders are slu(#ering and sleeping9 The$ (a$ #e ver$ active in the things !hich the$ are pursuing7 #ut the$ are asleep as far as God;s testi(on$ is concerned9 BEING BEFUDDLED H %urther(ore7 "ot !as #efuddled7 having lost the sense of life 01F=??#7 ?D#29 *hen the first daughter ca(e in to lie !ith hi(7 @he perceived not !hen she la$ do!n7 nor !hen she arose9A The sa(e occurred !ith the second daughter the next night9 *hat sin can surpass thisG -e even had no sense a#out his daughters; l$ing !ith hi(J The leaders of (an$ free groups toda$ have also lost the sense of life9 The$ are not a!are of the violation of so(e of the governing principles ordained #$ God9 THE MOTHER1THE HELPER IN LIFE *e have seen that the (other7 !ho7 as the !ife7 should have #een the helper in life7 #eca(e a pillar of salt #ecause of her !orldliness 01F=3E29 *hen "ot;s fa(il$ ca(e into the cave7 there !as no function of life7 for there !as no function of the proper !ife9 s a result7 the$ turned to incest7 using such a sinful thing to replace the lost function of life9 This is also the situation a(ong (an$ so6called Christian groups9 The$ have lost the function of the Bod$ of Christ7 the proper function of life7 and use !orldl$ (ethods to fill the gap9 "ike "ot;s group7 the$ cannot produce the proper @.saacA for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 Because the$ use incest to secure seed7 the$ produce @Moa#itesA and @ ((onites9A THE DAUGHTERS1THE MEMBERS *e have seen that the leader !as drugged and #efuddled and that the function of life !as lost9 But the daughters7 the (e(#ers of this free group7 still !anted to #ear fruit and have the increase9 lthough the$ had neither the proper leadership nor the function of life7 the$ had an evil !a$ of ac:uiring the seed9 The sa(e is true a(ong (an$ free groups toda$9 .n order to #ear fruit7 !e should live #$ Christ7 live out Christ7 pra$7 and help people to receive the living !ord of God so that the$ (ight #e re#orn9 This is the !a$ to #ring forth the proper fruit to #e the @.saacA for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 But look at toda$;s situation= so(e groups use rock (usic7 dancing7 dra(a7 (ovies7 and ga(es to satisf$ their desire of securing the increase9 .n the e$es of God7 this is spiritual incest9 The free groups adopt these (ethods #ecause the !ife7 #eing !orldl$7 has lost her function9 .n the churches !e need the function of life to produce seed9 Once people have lost the proper !ife !ith the function in life7 the$ use ugl$ and !orldl$ (eans for securing the increase9 This is the !a$ of @incestA !hich #rings forth @Moa#itesA and @ ((onites9A
HAVING LOST THE SENSE OF MORALITY H "ot;s daughters had lost their sense of (oralit$7 having #een drugged !ith the !icked current of the evil !orld9 .f the$ had had an$ sense of (oralit$7 the$ never !ould have considered l$ing !ith their father9 The first daughter laid !ith her father !ithout an$ sense of sha(e and encouraged her sister to do the sa(e9 The$ talked peacefull$ !ith one another a#out this !ithout an$ feeling of guilt9 *hen the$ !ere all in Sodo(7 "ot even proposed sacrificing his daughters to satisf$ the Sodo(ites !ho !ere indulging in their sodo(itical lust9 -o! could a (an !ith a proper sense of spiritual (oralit$ have proposed such a thingG -e should have said7 @"et the( kill (e and ($ guests7 #ut . !ill never do this to ($ virgin daughters9A *here !as "ot;s sense of (oralit$G "ot had #een drugged9 The result !as that his daughters had no sense of (oralit$ and that their hu(anit$ !as degraded to the lo!est level9 So(e free groups toda$ have also #een drugged !ith the !icked current of the evil !orld and onl$ care for success7 not for the (eans9 The$ need the de6drugging of God;s so#ering !ord9 DESIRING TO HAVE THE SEED REGARDLESS OF THE MEANS H "ot;s drugged daughters !ere desirous of having seed regardless of the (eans 01F=?16 ?D29 The$ cared onl$ for the goal7 not for the !a$9 Man$ Christian groups are like this9 The$ sa$7 @*hat is !rong !ith preaching the gospel in this !a$ as long as !e #ring people to ChristG *e have !on a great (an$ people9 -o! (an$ souls have $ou !onGA The$ care for soul6!inning7 #ut the$ do not care for the proper !a$ of doing it9 HAVING COMMITTED INCEST H "ot;s daughters co((itted incest7 #reaking the governing principle ordained #$ God 01F=?E29 -ere !e need to refer to Matthe! I=3163?9 The "ord said that !hen -e co(es #ack7 so(e so6called Christian !orkers !ill sa$7 @"ord7 "ord7 did !e not prophes$ in Kour na(e7 and in Kour na(e cast out de(ons7 and in Kour na(e do (an$ !orks of po!erGA 0Matt9 I=3329 .f the$ had not done these things7 the$ !ould #e una#le to talk like this9 The "ord !ill not den$ that the$ did such !orks9 But in Matthe! I=3? the "ord said that -e !ill @declare to the(7 . never kne! $ou> depart fro( Me7 !orkers of la!lessness9A %or the "ord to sa$7 @. never kne! $ouA (eans @. never approved of $ou #ecause $ou are a !orker of la!lessness9A The runners in a race (ust sta$ in their lane9 -o!ever fast the$ run7 the$ are not per(itted to run la!lessl$ outside the #oundaries of their lane9 "ike!ise7 !e need a governing principle for our spiritual activit$9 .t is not a (atter of prophes$ing7 casting out de(ons7 or !orking (iracles9 .t is a (atter of the %ather;s !ill 0Matt9 I=3129 Our spiritual activities (ust #e the doing of the %ather;s !ill9 Our preaching7 loving one another7 and all !e do (ust #e the %ather;s !ill9 .f !e lack the assurance deep in our spirit that !hat !e are doing is the %ather;s !ill7 !e should not do it9 .f !e do things !ithout this assurance7 !e shall #reak the governing principle and co((it spiritual incest9 This is la!lessness in the e$es of God9 The "ord !ill never approve of such la!less !orkers9
THE SEED BY INCEST The daughters of "ot produced seed #$ incest9 The na(es of their t!o sons are ver$ (eaningful9 The first7 Moa#7 (eans @fro( fatherA 01F=?I29 *hen the first sister na(ed her #o$ @fro( father7A she !as sa$ing7 @. have a child fro( ($ father9A She even gave her child a na(e to re(ind her of this9 The second daughter gave #irth to a #o$ na(ed Ben6a((i7 !hich (eans @son of ($ kinA 01F=?B29 s far as these daughters !ere concerned7 as long as the$ had seed for their race7 ever$thing !as all right9 .f the$ had had no seed7 their free group !ould have #een ter(inated9 Toda$;s situation is a#solutel$ the sa(e9 Man$ free groups onl$ care for the continuation of their kin7 that is7 of their group9 The$ do not care for God;s !ill nor for the proper !a$7 #ut #ring forth seed #$ incestuous activities9 The seed produced #$ incest #eca(e a great da(age to the people of God through fornication 0Nu(9 3D=16D29 s God;s people !ere !andering in the !ilderness7 the Moa#ites ca(e in9 %irstl$7 the$ hired the Gentile prophet Balaa( to curse God;s people 0Nu(9 33=36I27 #ut God turned that curse into #lessing 0Nu(9 3?=11> 3<=1C29 Secondl$7 Balaa( counseled the Moa#ites to seduce the children of .srael to !orship idols and co((it fornication 0Nu(9 ?1=1E29 .dolatr$ al!a$s #rings in fornication7 for these t!o evil @sistersA go together9 .n Christianit$ toda$ there are the teachings of Balaa( (entioned in /evelation 3=1<9 The "ord told the church in Perga(os7 a degraded7 !orldl$ church7 that so(e a(ong the( held the teachings of Balaa(7 the teachings !hich da(aged God;s people through idolatr$ and fornication9 God severel$ 4udged the .sraelites for their idolatr$ and fornication !ith the Moa#ites7 telling Moses to @take all the heads of the people7 and hang the( up #efore the "ord against the sun7 that the fierce anger of the "ord (a$ #e turned a!a$ fro( .sraelA 0Nu(9 3D=<29 %urther(ore7 God re4ected the Moa#ites and the ((onites !ith a hol$ and divine hatred7 co((anding the .sraelites not to @seek their peace nor their prosperit$ all th$ da$s foreverA and declaring that no @ ((onite or Moa#ite shall enter into the congregation of the "ord> even to their tenth generation shall the$ not enter into the congregation of the "ord for everA 0,eut9 3?=?6E29 Ever$thing relating to the Moa#ites and ((onites !as under God;s conde(nation7 and the children of .srael !ere for#idden to seek their peace or prosperit$9 .n Genesis 1E through 317 there are three kinds of #irths= the #irth of .sh(ael7 the #irth of Moa# and Ben6a((i7 and the #irth of .saac9 The #irth of .sh(ael !as #$ fleshl$ effort7 and the #irth of Moa# and Ben6a((i !as #$ incest9 But the #irth of .saac !as #$ the grace of God9 .sh(ael7 #rought forth #$ fleshl$ effort7 !as re4ected #$ God9 Moa# and Ben6a((i7 #rought forth #$ incest7 !ere a sha(e in histor$9 Onl$ .saac7 #rought forth #$ God;s grace7 !as used to fulfill the purpose of God9 *e all (ust test ourselves to see !hat kind of seed !e are #ringing forth).sh(ael7 Moa#7 or .saac9 *e (a$ have so(e increase7 so(e fruit7 #ut are the$ .sh(aelites7 Moa#ites7 or .saacsG THE FARDREACHING AND UNSEARCHABLE MERCY OF GOD
lthough the Moa#ites !ere re4ected to the tenth generation7 in the case of /uth !e see the far6reaching and unsearcha#le (erc$ of God 0/uth 1=37 <6D7 B7 1D61F7 33> <=1?7 1I29 Eli(elech7 the hus#and of Nao(i7 #rought his fa(il$ fro( 5udah to seek the peace and prosperit$ of the Moa#ites9 fter Eli(elech died7 his t!o sons @took the( !ives of the !o(en of Moa#A 0/uth 1=<29 *hen the t!o sons died7 Nao(i !as left in Moa# !ith her t!o daughters6in6la!9 s Nao(i !as returning to 5udah7 /uth7 refusing to depart fro( her7 said7 @Entreat (e not to leave thee7 or to return fro( follo!ing after thee= for !hither thou goest7 . !ill go> and !here thou lodgest7 . !ill lodge= th$ people shall #e ($ people7 and th$ God ($ GodA 0/uth 1=1E29 Through seeking God a#solutel$7 /uth7 a !ido! Moa#itess7 entered into the hol$ congregation of God;s people7 (arried Boa87 and #eca(e the great grand(other of 'ing ,avid9 Eventuall$7 she not onl$ entered into the hol$ congregation of God;s people7 #ut also entered into the genealog$ of Christ7 #eco(ing an ancestress of Christ and having a part in -is incarnation 0Matt9 1=17 D29 This is the far6reaching and unsearcha#le (erc$ of God9 God;s (erc$ is !aiting for us to seek -i( and -is people9 ,o not sta$ in Moa#)co(e to 5udah9 God;s congregation and Christ;s incarnation are !ith -is people in 5udah9 The right standing (eans a great deal9 Kou (ust change $our standing and $our ground9 .f $ou !ould #e in the hol$ congregation and have a part in the incarnation of Christ7 $ou (ust co(e out of Moa# and #e !ith the people of God in 5udah9 "ot7 !ho !as one of God;s people7 and his fa(il$ left God;s !itness and testi(on$9 The issue of his life !as the #ringing forth of Moa#ites and ((onites9 /uth7 a !ido! Moa#itess !ho !as seeking after God7 ca(e to God;s people and God;s testi(on$9 The issue of her life !as the #ringing forth of Christ9 *hat a !onderful (erc$ of God is availa#le to -is seekersJ Even a descendant of Moa#7 a (an #orn through incest7 could participate7 through rede(ption7 in the incarnation of Christ9
1A. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE HIDDEN WEA0NESS AND A SHAMEFUL INTERCESSION nd #raha( 4ourne$ed fro( thence to!ard the south countr$9 0Genesis 3C=12 Beautiful in elevation7 The 4o$ of the !hole earth7 .s Mount Rion7 the sides of the north7 The cit$ of the great 'ing9 0Psal( <B=32 So #raha( pra$ed unto God= and God healed #i(elech7 and his !ife7 and his (aidservants> and the$ #are children9 0Genesis 3C=1I2 The Bi#le is an honest #ook9 fter Genesis 1B and 1F7 in !hich !e see #raha(;s high attain(ent in his experience of God7 there is a record of his !eakness in Genesis 3C9 Can $ou #elieve that after having such inti(ate fello!ship !ith God and after (aking such a glorious intercession7 #raha( could have the experience recorded in chapter t!ent$G .t is difficult to #elieve and understand ho! #raha( could have sho!n such !eakness9 Once again !e see that the Bi#le is not (an6(ade9 .f it !ere of hu(an (anufacture7 the
!riter !ould not have included this record of #raha(;s !eakness and shortco(ings9 But the Bi#le is honest and it has Genesis 3C as part of the divine record9 *hen . !as $oung7 . appreciated chapters eighteen7 t!ent$6one7 t!ent$6t!o7 and t!ent$6 four7 #ut . had no interest in chapter t!ent$9 .n this chapter t!o (ain things are recorded= the hidden !eakness and a sha(eful intercession9 #raha(7 a (an of God7 had a !eakness hidden deep !ithin hi(9 *hile in chapter eighteen he (ade a glorious intercession7 in chapter t!ent$ !e find the record of a sha(eful one9 THE HIDDEN WEA0NESS JOURNEYING TOWARD THE SOUTH H "et us first consider #raha(;s hidden !eakness 03C=161E29 .n verse 1 !e are told that @ #raha( 4ourne$ed fro( thence to!ard the south countr$9A #raha(;s 4ourne$ing to!ard the south (eant that he had left the standing of fello!ship at the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron9 -e should have re(ained in -e#ron #ecause there he had inti(ate fello!ship !ith God9 Nothing is #etter than this9 .t !as not too long after he had inti(ate fello!ship !ith God that he left -e#ron and 4ourne$ed south!ard9 Bet!een the ti(e the "ord spoke to #raha( regarding the #irth of .saac in 1I=31 and 1B=1< and the ti(e of .saac;s #irth in chapter t!ent$6one7 there could not have #een (ore than a $ear9 *h$ did #raha( suddenl$ leave -e#ron and 4ourne$ to!ard the south during that $earG .n figure7 south signifies easiness and north hardships9 The south is !ar( and the north is cold7 #ut God d!ells in the north 0Psa9 <B=3> ID=E6I> E8ek9 1=<29 .n the north !e have hardships !ith God;s presence9 .n the south !e have easiness7 #ut !ithout God;s presence9 There is no hint in Genesis 3C that God told #raha( to 4ourne$ south!ard9 .n (aking this 4ourne$7 #raha( acted on his o!n9 #raha( (ight have !anted to have a change and take a vacation9 lthough $ou (a$ #e en4o$ing the church life in nahei(7 one da$ $ou (a$ feel that $ou need a change and desire to 4ourne$ south!ard to Mexico Cit$9 The church life is (arvelous and !e all en4o$ it ver$ (uch9 But so(e (a$ #eco(e a little #ored and !ant to take a trip to "as &egas9 .f $ou go to "as &egas and (eet so(eone there !ho asks a#out !hat $ou do at ho(e7 $ou !ill find it difficult to give hi( an honest ans!er9 On t!o occasions7 !hen #raha( !as in such a situation7 he !as not truthful 0cf9 13=F61329 .n chapter t!elve #raha( 4ourne$ed south!ard #ecause there !as a fa(ine in the land9 That fa(ine gave hi( an excuse for going south!ard to Eg$pt9 But in this chapter #raha( had no excuse9 -e and his !ife (ight have #een #ored and !anted a vacation9 .f the$ had re(ained #$ the oaks of Ma(re in -e#ron7 #raha( !ould have had no need to lie9 -is l$ing !as due to his !rong position9 *e see #$ this that the proper standing (eans a great deal9 . do not #elieve that an$ #rother can pra$6read or give a living testi(on$ in a casino in "as &egas9 -e !ould not have the standing there to do such a thing9 .n order to do an$thing for God7 !e (ust have the proper standing9 *hen #raha( left the standing of inti(ate fello!ship !ith God and 4ourne$ed south!ard7 he lost God;s presence9 The Bi#le does not sa$ that in the south countr$ God appeared to #raha(7 nor that #raha( erected an altar and called on the na(e of the "ord9 -e had altogether lost the proper standing on !hich he could have fello!ship !ith God9 Koung people7 $ou (ust see that $ou need to
sta$ in the right position9 .f $ou sta$ in the church7 $ou !ill #e kept and preserved9 But if $ou 4ourne$ south!ard7 $ou !ill forsake the proper standing and lose God;s presence9 Spontaneousl$7 $our old (an !ill return9 Before chapter t!ent$ #raha( !as circu(cised9 .n chapter t!ent$7 he should have #een a circu(cised person7 not a natural person7 for he had trul$ #een dealt !ith #$ God9 So(e Christians clai( that once the$ have experienced a certain #lessing7 the$ can no longer #e in the flesh9 But look at the exa(ple of #raha(9 lthough he had #een circu(cised #oth ph$sicall$ and spirituall$7 !hen he left the proper standing of fello!ship !ith God7 he !as in the flesh again9 fter having such a high attain(ent in his experience !ith God7 #raha(7 the father of faith7 acted the sa(e as he did in Genesis 137 (ore than t!ent$ $ears #efore9 B$ this !e see that as long as !e are still in the old creation !e are capa#le of doing an$thing in the flesh9 .f !e do not re(ain in fello!ship !ith God7 !e can do the sa(e things that the !orldl$ people do9 ,o not sa$ that #ecause $ou have #een regenerated7 have experienced the #aptis( of the Spirit7 or have had a second #lessing7 $ou can no longer #e in the flesh9 -o!ever (an$ are the #lessings that $ou have received fro( God7 if $ou do not re(ain in fello!ship !ith -i(7 $ou !ill #e in the flesh9 Kour experience proves that this is true9 *e should never have an$ confidence in our self9 The self is a#solutel$ untrust!orth$9 *e (ust put our trust in the presence of the "ord7 telling -i(7 @"ord7 if Kou take Kour presence a!a$ fro( (e7 . a( 4ust a dog9 But . praise Kou that in Kour presence .;( a saint7 one of the people of God9A -o! (uch God;s presence (eans to usJ *hen #raha( !as #ringing God on -is !a$ in chapter eighteen7 he !as a !onderful saint7 a (an !ho could stand #efore God and talk face to face !ith -i( as !ith an inti(ate friend9 But in chapter t!ent$ this !onderful person #eca(e ver$ (ean9 fter he had left the standing of fello!ship !ith God7 he could lie at the sacrifice of his !ife9 .t see(s un#elieva#le7 #ut he did it9 .f !e consider our past experience7 !e shall find that at least a fe! ti(es !e have done the sa(e kind of thing9 This sho!s us the i(portance of re(aining in the presence of God9 Our protection is not our self> it is -is presence9 REPEATING THE OLD FAILURE H fter #raha( had left God;s presence and had 4ourne$ed to!ard the south7 he repeated an old failure)l$ing #$ sacrificing his !ife 03C=3> cf9 13=1161?29 To lie is one thing7 and to sacrifice our !ife is another9 lthough (an$ #rothers (a$ lie7 perhaps none of the( !ould sacrifice his !ife9 But #raha( did it9 . ad(ire Sarah for #eing such a good !ife9 She did not co(plain #ut !as agreea#le !ith her hus#and;s lie9 THE HIDDEN WEA0NESS E.POSED H .n 3C=B61? !e see #raha(;s hidden !eakness exposed9 #raha( did not lie accidentall$> it !as planned fro( the da$ he first #egan to follo! the !a$ of God9 #raha( told #i(elech7 @.t ca(e to pass7 !hen God caused (e to !ander fro( ($ father;s house7 that . said unto her7 This is th$ kindness !hich thou shalt she! unto (e> at ever$ place !hither !e shall co(e7 sa$ of (e7 -e is ($ #rotherA 0v9 1?29 This hidden
!eakness !as kept !ithin #raha( even after he had #een circu(cised9 .n principle7 (ost of us are the sa(e toda$9 On the one hand7 !e are follo!ing the "ord in the church> on the other hand7 !e have a reserve9 .n case a certain thing happens7 !e have a reserve plan to deal !ith it9 ,o $ou (ean to #e a#solute !ith the "ordG .f $ou do7 ask -i( !hether $ou still hold on to so(e hidden reserve9 lthough $ou (a$ not #elieve that $ou have a reserve7 !hen $ou take a vacation fro( the church life7 it !ill #e exposed9 Man$ $oung sisters !ho are follo!ing the "ord in the church have a reserve deep !ithin the(9 The$ sa$ to the(selves7 @Ma$#e so(e da$ a certain thing !ill happen9 .f it does7 . kno! 4ust !hat . !ill do a#out it9A This is the reserve planned fro( the ti(e the$ first #egan to follo! the "ord9 Kes7 !e are living #$ faith in the church life9 But !hat do !e do !hen our faith failsG *e use our reserve9 Perhaps after a short !hile $our !eakness !ill #e exposed9 This !ill prove that in spite of $our clai( to #e a#solute7 $ou are still not one hundred percent a#solute9 . #elieve that the purpose of this record in chapter t!ent$ is to sho! us that sooner or later our hidden reserve !ill #e exposed9 The Bi#le is different fro( an$ !orldl$ #ook7 for it is a genuine and honest record of a God6seeking people9 -o!ever (uch !e seek after God7 !e still have a reserve9 . fear and tre(#le that perhaps there is still deep !ithin (e a hidden reserve that one da$ !ill #e exposed9 PRESERVED BY GODS SOVEREIGN CARE H .n the Bi#le7 #raha(7 in figure7 stands for faith and Sarah stands for grace9 .n other !ords7 in the presence of God7 a (an al!a$s stands for faith and the !ife al!a$s stands for God;s grace9 #raha( !as the father of faith7 and his life !as a life of faith9 Since Sarah is the figure of God;s grace7 for .saac to #e #orn of her (eant that he !as #orn of grace9 .sh(ael7 on the contrar$7 !as #orn of -agar7 of the la!7 of #ondage9 .n figure7 !henever faith #eco(es a failure7 grace is da(aged9 This (eans that !hen faith fails on our side7 grace suffers on the "ord;s side9 Each ti(e #raha( failed7 Sarah suffered7 and !hen Sarah suffered7 grace suffered9 %urther(ore7 grace and testi(on$ go together9 *henever !e have grace7 !e have the testi(on$9 *hen #raha( lied7 he did not have the en4o$(ent of grace9 Therefore7 he lost his testi(on$9 *henever faith fails7 grace suffers7 and the testi(on$ of grace is lost9 God ca(e in to rescue Sarah and to restore her9 .n figure7 this (eans that God ca(e in to take care of -is grace and -is testi(on$9 God kno!s ho! to sovereignl$ protect -is grace and preserve -is testi(on$9 *e do not kno! ho! (an$ ti(es !e have #een in danger of da(aging grace and losing the testi(on$ #ecause !e have left the proper standing9 But at a certain 4uncture7 God ca(e in to deal !ith the circu(stances so that the testi(on$ of -is grace (ight #e preserved9 .f this had #een clear to #raha(7 he !ould not have lied> he !ould have #elieved that God !ould care for -is grace and -is testi(on$9 lthough #raha(;s faith failed7 God still preserved hi( #$ -is sovereign care 0vv9 ?6I7 1<61E29 Because #raha(;s experience had #eco(e a#nor(al7 God did not appear to
hi(9 .n chapters eighteen and nineteen7 God appeared to #raha( #ut not to "ot9 -ere in chapter t!ent$7 -e did not appear to #raha(> -e appeared to #i(elech in a drea( 0v9 ?29 .n a sense7 #raha(;s standing in chapter t!ent$ !as nearl$ the sa(e as "ot;s in chapter nineteen9 Therefore7 God appeared to #i(elech7 a Gentile king7 telling hi( that the one !ho had lied to hi( !as -is prophet9 #i(elech !as surprised to hear that one of God;s prophets had lied to hi( at the sacrifice of his !ife9 .n this chapter7 !e see God;s !isdo(7 sovereignt$7 fairness7 and care9 "eaving #raha(7 the one !ho had lied7 God spoke to #i(elech7 the one !ho had #een cheated7 sa$ing7 @Behold7 thou art #ut a dead (an7 for the !o(an !hich thou hast taken> for she is a (an;s !ifeA 0v9 ?29 #i(elech !as shocked9 Then God told hi( that he (ust restore #raha(;s !ife and that #raha( !ould pra$ for hi( 0v9 I29 God did not inspire #raha( to pra$ for #i(elech> rather7 -e indicated to #i(elech that #raha( !as a prophet and had the position to pra$ for the king and his fa(il$9 .n doing this7 God did not re#uke #raha(9 lthough #raha( !as outside God;s presence7 God still preserved -is testi(on$ and gave #raha( (an$ riches 0vv9 1<61E29 *hen #raha( defeated Chedorlao(er and the other kings and rescued "ot7 he refused to accept an$thing fro( the king of Sodo( #ecause he had the Most -igh God 01<=3163<29 -o!ever7 !hen #i(elech gave #raha( sheep7 oxen7 servants7 and silver7 #raha( did not dare to sa$7 @. don;t need $our help9 . have the Most -igh God9A -e did not have the position to sa$ this7 and his (outh !as shut9 . do not #elieve that #raha( thanked #i(elech for his gifts or !as happ$ to receive the(9 *hen he received all those gifts fro( #i(elech in front of Sarah7 he (ust have #een asha(ed9 God !isel$ and sovereignl$ restored Sarah7 taking care of -is grace and -is testi(on$7 and at the sa(e ti(e -e disciplined #raha(9 A SHAMEFUL INTERCESSION fter receiving the gifts fro( #i(elech7 #raha( pra$ed for hi( 0vv9 1I61B29 #i(elech needed #raha(;s intercession #ecause the "ord had closed up all the !o(#s of the house of #i(elech9 ,o $ou think that $ou !ould #e a#le to pra$ in such a sha(eful situationG #i(elech (ight have said to #raha(7 @*h$ did $ou7 a prophet of God7 lie to (eG "ook at !hat has happenedJ No! that ever$thing has #een settled and . have returned $our !ife7 . !ant $ou to pra$ for (e9A Man$ ti(es7 after !e have failed the "ord7 !e are una#le to pra$ for da$s7 even though no one kno!s a#out our failure9 -o! (uch (ore difficult it !as for #raha( to pra$ in the presence of #i(elechJ Nevertheless7 #raha( pra$ed7 and @God healed #i(elech7 and his !ife7 and his (aidservants> and the$ #are childrenA 0v9 1I29 .n order to intercede for #i(elech7 #raha( had to overco(e t!o things= his (e(or$ of his failure #efore #i(elech and his consideration of his !ife;s #arrenness9 -e had to forget his failure #efore #i(elech and not consider his !ife;s #arrenness9 .f . had #een #raha(7 . !ould have said7 @.;( sorr$7 #i(elech7 #ut . have failed the "ord and no! . don;t have the faith to pra$ for $ou9A *e all (ust learn that interceding for others does not depend upon our success> it depends upon the need9 Once a need has #een designated #$ God7 !e (ust intercede for it9 #raha( (ight have said to the "ord7 @. have failed9 . lied to #i(elech and he has re#uked (e9 -o! can . intercede for hi(GA *hen !e
intercede for others7 !e (ust forget a#out ourselves7 our surroundings7 and our circu(stances and intercede as if there !ere no one on earth except us and God9 .n spite of our failures7 !e (ust exercise our spirit and pra$ !ith #oldness9 lthough God !as forced to leave #raha( and go to #i(elech7 #raha( !as higher than #i(elech9 lthough he had failed7 #i(elech !as far #elo! hi(9 The Bi#le sa$s that the greater al!a$s #lesses the lesser 0-e#9 I=I29 Because #raha( !as higher than #i(elech7 he could intercede for hi(9 %urther(ore7 !e should not think that #ecause God has not ans!ered our pra$ers for our o!n needs !e cannot pra$ for others9 .f . had #een #raha(7 . (ight have said7 @ #i(elech7 $ou ask (e to pra$ for $ou9 . have #een pra$ing for ($ !ife for $ears !ithout receiving an ans!er9 Because of this7 .;( not sure that God !ill ans!er ($ pra$er for $ou and . don;t have the #oldness to pra$9A *e need to forget a#out our unans!ered pra$ers and pra$ for others9 .f !e !ould not pra$ for others7 God !ill pro#a#l$ not ans!er our pra$ers for our o!n needs9 ,o not sa$ that since $our o!n need has not #een (et7 $ou cannot pra$ for others9 *hen #raha( forgot his need and interceded for #i(elech and his house7 not onl$ !ere their needs (et #ut also his9 .f $ou forget $our need and pra$ for the needs of others7 God !ill not onl$ ans!er $our pra$er for the( #ut also $our pra$er for $ourself9 -e !ill take care of $our needs9 #raha(;s intercession for #i(elech !as a sha(eful one9 .n such a sha(eful situation it is difficult for an$one to intercede9 The Bi#le does not give us a full record of #raha(;s intercession for #i(elech like it does of his intercession for "ot9 Perhaps #raha( !as not #old or strong in spirit9 Nevertheless7 he interceded for #i(elech and his pra$er !as ans!ered9 B$ this !e see that although !e (a$ not #e #old in our spirit7 as long as !e intercede for others according to God;s designation7 our intercession !ill #e ans!ered9 . can testif$ to this fro( ($ experience9 nu(#er of ti(es . !as in difficult$ and pra$ed a#out it9 But . received no ans!er9 Suddenl$ people ca(e to (e !ho had the sa(e difficult$ and asked (e to pra$ for the(9 fter . pra$ed for the(7 God not onl$ ans!ered ($ pra$er for their need #ut also ($ pra$er for ($ o!n situation9 *e all (ust learn not to pra$ according to our victor$9 .t is eas$ to pra$ after !e have #een victorious7 #ut not after !e have failed9 lthough . do not encourage an$one to fail7 . do sa$ that !e should not #e #othered #$ our failures9 God does not count on our failures> -e counts on !hat !e are9 .n the presence of God7 !e are the ne! (an9 This is !hat !e are7 and !e (ust pra$ according to it9 Because !e are still in this old creation7 !e (a$ fall #ack and fail9 But !e can forget that failure in the old creation and stand upon our position in the ne! creation9 *hen #raha( stood on his position of #eing God;s prophet7 he could pra$ for #i(elech9 Genesis 3C is a ver$ dear chapter7 and !e need to spend ti(e to consider all its (ain points= the hidden !eakness of God;s seeking one> the !a$ he !as re#uked #$ #i(elech and !as te(poraril$ set aside #$ God> his intercession for #i(elech and his fa(il$> and the !a$ God ans!ered his pra$er9 .f $ou d!ell on this chapter for a fe! hours7 $our spirit !ill #e richl$ nourished9 s . consider this chapter toda$7 . find it (ore
needful than chapter eighteen9 lthough chapter eighteen is s!eet7 chapter t!ent$ is precious7 teaching us so(e precious lessons9 .t teaches us that interceding for others does not depend upon our condition9 .t depends upon our standing9 .t depends upon !ho !e are9 *e are the prophet of God7 the ne! creation7 the (e(#ers of the Bod$ of Christ9 Being in the church life as a (e(#er of the Bod$ of Christ gives us the standing to intercede for others9 %orget a#out $our environ(ent and $our failures9 .f $ou hold on to $our feelings7 $our (outh !ill #e shut7 Satan !ill #e victorious over $ou7 and $ou !ill #e deadened for da$s9 This is ver$ serious9 *e (ust forget our failures and our needs and take the proper standing to intercede for others according to God;s designation and #elieve in God for others9 *e also (ust learn to kno! ourselves9 ,o not think that if $ou have attain(ents as high as those recorded in Genesis 1B and 1F7 $ou !ill have no pro#le(s9 *e cannot afford to take a vacation fro( our fello!ship !ith God9 ,o not have an$ confidence in $our old self9 lthough $our old self has #een dealt !ith #$ God7 it is still untrust!orth$7 even if it has #een full$ circu(cised9 *hether !e are a!are of it or not7 deep !ithin us there is a certain reservation in follo!ing the "ord9 One da$ this reservation7 this reserve of our natural !eakness7 !ill #e exposed9 ,o not #e surprised !hen it happens9 Be prepared to take grace7 forget $our failures and $our needs7 and intercede for others9 Stand on $our position as a (e(#er of the Bod$ of Christ7 as a part of the ne! (an7 and as a saint in the "ord;s recover$ and pra$7 even if $ou pra$ !ith a sense of sha(e9 Kour intercession (a$ #e sha(eful and there (a$ #e no glor$ in it7 #ut God !ill still ans!er it9 long !ith -is ans!er to $our sha(eful intercession7 -e !ill also ans!er $our previousl$ unans!ered pra$ers for $our o!n needs9 -o! !onderful this isJ *hen7 as God;s prophet7 #raha( lied to others7 the$ #eca(e deadened9 But !hen he forgot his failure #efore the( and interceded for the(7 the$ received life and he hi(self !as revived9 "ike!ise7 if !e forget our failures and intercede for the needs of those #efore !ho( !e have failed7 !e shall not onl$ (inister life to the( #ut also to ourselves9 Ma$ !e all learn the lessons contained in this chapter9
/B. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE BIRTH AND GROWTH OF ISAAC nd #raha( called the na(e of his son that !as #orn unto hi(7 !ho( Sarah #are to hi(7 .saac9L nd Sarah sa! the son of -agar the Eg$ptian7 !hich she had #orne unto #raha(7 (ocking9 0Genesis 31=?7 F2 nd #raha( planted a grove in Beer6she#a7 and called there on the na(e of the "ord7 the everlasting God9 0Genesis 31=??2 But 4ust as at that ti(e he !ho !as #orn according to the flesh persecuted hi( !ho !as #orn according to the Spirit7 so also it is no!9 But !hat does the Scripture sa$G @Cast out
the (aidservant and her son7 for the son of the (aidservant shall #$ no (eans inherit !ith the son of the free !o(an9A 0Galatians <=3F6?C2 .n the foregoing (essages !e have covered nearl$ ten chapters in Genesis regarding #raha(;s experience !ith God9 .n those chapters !e sa! that #raha(7 God;s called one7 had co(e to (an$ stations and had passed through (an$ stages9 No! in Genesis 31 #raha( co(es to a !onderful and (arvelous station9 -ere .saac is #orn9 The goal of God;s calling of #raha( !as to #ring forth a seed9 This (atter of the seed !as first (entioned in 13=I and is referred to (an$ ti(es in the follo!ing chapters9 .n nearl$ ever$ chapter God touched #raha( concerning the seed9 *h$ !as it so difficult for #raha( to have a seedG -e !as called7 at the latest7 at the age of sevent$6five7 #ut t!ent$6five $ears later he still did not have the seed7 although God had called hi( for that ver$ purpose9 Because he had difficult$ producing the seed7 #raha( first relied upon Elie8er7 !ho( God re4ected9 Then7 hearkening to his !ife;s proposal7 #raha( produced .sh(ael #$ -agar9 -o!ever7 God also re4ected .sh(ael7 sa$ing that -e did not !ant a seed out of an Eg$ptian (aid #ut out of Sarah9 God see(ed to sa$ to #raha(7 @Kes7 $ou have produced a seed7 #ut it is out of the !rong source9 . !ill never approve that source9 . have nothing to do !ith it9 Kou (a$ love .sh(ael and care for hi(7 #ut . do not9A fter the #irth of .sh(ael7 God ca(e in to tell #raha( that he had to #e circu(cised9 t that ti(e7 God also strengthened and confir(ed -is pro(ise to #raha(9 fter his circu(cision7 #raha( had inti(ate fello!ship !ith God7 en4o$ing the highest experience !ith God of an$one in histor$ up to that ti(e9 *hen7 at the ti(e of chapter t!ent$7 the seed still had not co(e7 even such a giant of faith as #raha( could not stand the test9 s !e sa! in the last (essage7 he !as apparentl$ #ored in his experience of God and took a vacation9 #raha( (ight have said to God7 @God7 Kou have pro(ised again and again to give (e a seed9 Kou have dealt !ith (e a#out this and that until . have nothing left9 Kou have said no to ever$thing . have done9 No! . a( #ored and !ould like a change9 . !ant to take a vacation9A #raha( 4ourne$ed south!ard7 that is7 do!n!ard9 "ike ever$one !ho takes a vacation after !orking hard7 #raha( !as seeking easiness9 Because of this7 he repeated an old failure9 But God preserved hi(7 creating a situation in !hich7 in spite of his failure7 circu(stances7 and environ(ent7 he had to intercede for #i(elech and his house9 Not one thing !as an encourage(ent to #raha( in this (atter9 Ket7 #eing the giant of faith7 he interceded7 not !ith #oldness or the release of the spirit7 #ut in a sha(eful !a$9 Nevertheless7 his sha(eful intercession !as ans!ered9 Not onl$ did #i(elech;s !ife and (aidservants #ear children7 #ut Sarah also gave #irth to .saac9 One pra$er of intercession received t!o ans!ers9 *hen !e co(e to Genesis 31 !e see that #raha( has returned fro( his vacation and is #ack in #usiness again9 .n chapter t!ent$ he tried to take a vacation and sta$ a!a$ fro( his divine 4o#7 #ut he did not succeed and God forced hi( to (ake an intercession9 That intercession #rought hi( #ack fro( vacation to his divine e(plo$(ent9 No!7 in chapter t!ent$6one7 #raha( is #ack in his @office9A Genesis 31 has t!o sections9 The first section7 verses 1 through 1?7 is thoroughl$ covered #$ the postle Paul in Galatians <=336?17 !here he allegori8es this portion of Genesis9 B$
(eans of Paul;s allegori8ation7 seeking Christians throughout the centuries have #een a#le to learn the true significance of the first part of Genesis 319 . !ish that Paul had allegori8ed the re(ainder of that chapter7 #ut he kept silent a#out it9 Most Christians onl$ consider 31=1<6?< as a stor$ of .sh(ael;s d!elling in the !ilderness and #eco(ing an archer and of #raha(;s dealing !ith #i(elech over the !ell at Beer6she#a7 not thinking that this portion of the *ord has (uch spiritual significance9 But if the first section of Genesis 31 has a spiritual significance7 then the second section (ust also have a spiritual significance9 .n this (essage !e need to cover the significance of #oth sections9 ISAAC BORN1CHRIST BROUGHT FORTH THROUGH US .n the first section !e see the #irth of .saac 0vv9 16I29 .saac7 !hose na(e (eans @laughterA or @he !ill laughA 0vv9 ?7 E27 !as #orn according to God;s pro(ise 0v9 12 at the appointed ti(e7 the ti(e of life 0v9 3> 1I=31> 1B=1C7 1<29 s far as #raha( and Sarah !ere concerned7 the #irth of .saac !as a great (atter9 *hat is the spiritual significance of .saac;s #irthG This is eas$ to see fro( Paul;s allegor$ in Galatians <9 s #raha( !as called #$ God7 so !e are God;s called ones toda$9 .n God;s calling us there is a goal7 the sa(e goal as there !as !ith -is calling #raha()to #ring forth the seed9 God has called us to #ring forth Christ9 .f $ou consider the experience of #raha( as recorded in chapters eleven through t!ent$ and co(pare it !ith $our o!n7 $ou (a$ #e surprised to see that his experience is the sa(e as $ours and that his life is $our #iograph$9 Our #iograph$ !as !ritten long #efore !e !ere #orn9 *hatever our age or generation (a$ #e7 !e all have the sa(e #iograph$9 s #raha( !as called to #ring forth .saac7 so !e have #een called to #ring forth Christ9 *e have not #een called to produce good #ehavior9 God;s goal is that !e #ring forth Christ9 ll the difficulties #raha( encountered in #ringing forth .saac !ere on his side7 not on .saac;s9 .n like (anner7 it is eas$ for Christ to co(e through and out of us7 #ut !e have (an$ pro#le(s9 .n fact7 !e ourselves are the pro#le(9 *e si(pl$ are not the right persons to #ring forth Christ9 lthough !e can produce (an$ things and have done so ever since !e !ere saved7 it is ver$ difficult for us to #ring forth Christ9 . !as a Christian for (an$ $ears and still did not kno! ho! to #ring forth Christ9 . did not even kno! !hat it (eant to #ring -i( forth9 . a( concerned that so (an$ of us do not have the thought of #ringing forth Christ9 So(e (ight even ask7 @-asn;t Christ #een #rought forth alread$G *h$ (ust !e #ring -i( forth againGA Kes7 Christ has #een #rought forth7 #ut ever$ saved person (ust still #ring -i( forth9 .n order to #ring Christ forth7 !e (ust #e circu(cised9 Our natural life and strength and our self (ust #e ter(inated9 This ter(ination opens the !a$ for the ver$ El6Shaddai7 the all6sufficient One7 to co(e into our #eing as the all6sufficient grace to #ring forth Christ9 #raha( experienced this9 .n Genesis 317 #raha( reached his goal and .saac !as #orn7 having #een #rought forth through #raha(9 Toda$ Christ7 the real .saac7 needs us to #ring -i( forth9 Both the Christian life and the church life are si(pl$ the #ringing forth of Christ9 *e (ust #ring Christ forth in our (eetings7 dail$ life7 ho(e life7 and on our 4o#s9
.saac;s #irth !as not #$ #raha(;s natural strength nor according to #raha(;s ti(e9 .t !as #$ God;s !ork of grace and it !as according to God;s ti(e7 the ti(e of life appointed #$ God9 #raha( !as tested #$ this9 -is natural strength !ent ahead of God7 tr$ing to #ring forth the seed God had pro(ised9 ccording to his natural strength7 he had a ti(e of expectation9 But all that his natural strength produced !as re4ected #$ God9 Before #raha(;s natural strength !as dealt !ith and ter(inated7 God !ould not and could not do an$thing to #ring forth through hi( the ver$ seed -e desired to have for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 -ence7 God had to !ait9 *hile God !as !aiting7 #raha( !as tested9 .t is the sa(e !ith us in the (atter of #ringing forth Christ9 Our natural strength al!a$s causes God to !ait9 God;s !a$ and -is ti(ing are al!a$s a hard test to our natural life9 God;s grace !ill never do an$thing to help our natural life to #ring forth Christ9 -e (ust !ait until our natural life has #een dealt !ith and ter(inated9 Then7 according to -is ti(ing7 -e !ill co(e in as the strength of grace to #ring forth through us !hat -e desires to have9 .f !e !ould fulfill the divine purpose of God;s calling7 !e all (ust learn this #asic lesson9 Never tr$ to fulfill God;s purpose #$ $our natural strength and according to the ti(e of $our expectation9 God has -is !a$ and -is ti(e9 Onl$ #$ -is !a$ and at -is ti(e can !e #ring forth Christ for the fulfilling of -is purpose9 ISAAC GROWN UP1CHRIST FORMED IN US fter the #irth7 there is the need of gro!th9 &erse B sa$s that @the child gre!7 and !as !eaned= and #raha( (ade a great feast the sa(e da$ that .saac !as !eaned9A .t is not sufficient si(pl$ to #ring Christ forth9 The ver$ Christ !ho( !e have #rought forth (ust gro!9 .n the past fe! $ears7 (an$ of us have #rought forth Christ7 #ut . !onder !hether this Christ has gro!n up9 -as there #een the ti(e of !eaningG .saac gre! up and !as !eaned a!a$ fro( his (other;s nourish(ent7 (eaning that he !as no longer a $oung child #ut had #eco(e a $oung #o$9 On the da$ of his !eaning7 #raha( (ade a great feast9 *e can understand the significance of this according to our experience9 *hen in the church life !e see that Christ has gro!n up in certain #rothers and sisters7 !e all !ill #e happ$ and have a great feast7 a great en4o$(ent9 .t is not eas$ to have either the #irth of .saac or his gro!th9 "ike!ise7 it is not eas$ to have Christ #rought forth7 nor to have -i( gro!n up9 .n the church life !e need to have #oth the #ringing forth and the gro!th of Christ9 . thank God that Christ has #een #rought forth a(ong us7 #ut . hesitate to sa$ that !e have had (uch of the gro!th of Christ9 .t is !onderful to see that Christ has #een #rought forth in a particular $oung #rother7 #ut !e are still !aiting to see in hi( the gro!th of Christ9 *e !ant to see that the Christ in hi( has #een !eaned and is no longer a #a#$9 lthough the Christ in that #rother (a$ not $et #e a full6gro!n (an7 !e !ant to see -i( as a strong #o$9 Christ (ust #e for(ed not onl$ in us #ut also a(ong us 0Gal9 <=1F29 .n #oth our dail$ life and the church life !e need the expression of a for(ed Christ9 Then !e (a$ have a great feast for the en4o$(ent of God;s grace9 ISHMAELS MOC0ING OF ISAAC
ccording to Genesis 317 it !as not the #irth of .saac that stirred up trou#le> it !as his gro!th9 *hen .saac !as #orn7 -agar and her son .sh(ael !ere not #othered ver$ (uch9 But after .saac had gro!n up7 .sh(ael #egan to (ock hi( 0v9 F29 .n the #i#lical sense7 this (eans that .sh(ael !as persecuting .saac9 God even counted .sh(ael;s persecution of .saac as the #eginning of the four6hundred6$ear persecution of -is people 01D=1?> cts I=E29 .sh(ael;s (ocking !as a serious thing #ecause .saac !as God;s ordained seed and .sh(ael !as the counterfeit9 The counterfeit al!a$s hates the ordained9 *e7 the ordained seed7 are hated #$ the counterfeit9 s Paul sa$s in Galatians <=3F7 @But as then he that !as #orn according to flesh persecuted hi( that !as #orn according to Spirit7 so also it is no!9A The gro!th of .saac stirred up that persecution9 HAGAR AND ISHMAEL CAST OUT Sarah7 the one !ho represented grace7 !ould not tolerate .sh(ael;s (ocking of .saac and said7 @Cast out this #ond!o(an and her son= for the son of this #ond!o(an shall not #e heir !ith ($ son7 even !ith .saacA 0v9 1C29 *hen . read this verse as a $outh7 . did not agree !ith Sarah7 thinking that she !as 4ealous and unfair9 .t !as she !ho proposed to #raha( that he have a son #$ -agar and no! she tells hi( to cast -agar and .sh(ael out9 ccording to ($ $outhful understanding7 . !ould have cast Sarah out9 But one da$7 as . !as thinking in this !a$7 God re#uked (e9 That da$ . !as arguing in favor of -agar and .sh(ael and s$(pathi8ing !ith #raha(7 for @the thing !as ver$ grievous in #raha(;s sight #ecause of his sonA 0v9 1129 lthough . thought that #raha( should have ans!ered Sarah7 telling her that she !as cruel7 he said nothing to her9 /ather7 God ca(e in and told #raha(7 @"et it not #e grievous in th$ sight #ecause of the lad7 and #ecause of th$ #ond!o(an> in all that Sarah hath said unto thee7 hearken unto her voice> for in .saac shall th$ seed #e calledA 0v9 1329 The heavenl$ 5udge (ade the final decision7 telling hi( to do !hat Sarah re:uested9 Onl$ .saac7 not .sh(ael7 !as to #e counted as the seed9 lthough #raha( had failed God in chapter t!ent$7 he !as :uick to o#e$ -i( in chapter t!ent$6one9 &erse 1< sa$s that #raha( rose up earl$ in the (orning and sent -agar and .sh(ael on their !a$9 *e need to see the spiritual significance of the casting out of -agar and .sh(ael9 "ike all Christians7 $ou have #een tr$ing to do good since the da$ $ou !ere saved9 But God has dealt !ith $ou7 and (an$ ti(es $ou have #een disciplined and cut9 .f $ou are a (arried #rother7 God has undou#tedl$ used $our !ife as the knife to cut $our natural life9 Ever$ !ife is such a sharp knife in the divine hand9 Man$ Christian hus#ands can onl$ #e thoroughl$ dealt !ith and disciplined #$ the cutting of the !ife6knife9 No hus#and can escape it9 . a( happ$ to see that in the local churches God has used the !ife6knives to deal !ith the natural life of the #rothers9 .n this !a$7 !e #rothers learn the lesson of hating our natural life and all the good things !e can produce out of ourselves9 lthough !e (a$ hate our natural life and all that it produces7 !e do not hate it a#solutel$9 ,eep !ithin7 !e still appreciate it and sa$7 @This .sh(ael !ho( . have produced is :uite good9 -e !as #orn of (e9A Such a concept al!a$s dela$s .saac;s #irth9 .t !as onl$ after #raha( had undergone dealing after dealing and failure after failure that .saac finall$ ca(e forth9
Christ has #een #orn in our Christian life7 #ut !e still keep our .sh(ael7 hesitating to give up our good #ehavior9 Man$ of us still #oast in our natural goodness7 sa$ing7 @. a( not as proud as so(e of the #rothers and sisters are9 . thank God that . !as #orn hu(#le9A The sisters (ight critici8e others7 sa$ing7 @. !ould never gossip the !a$ Sister So6and6so does9 . !as not #orn that !a$9A Even so(e elders and so6called (inisters of the *ord cannot keep fro( #oasting of their natural attri#utes9 Perhaps the$ sa$ to the(selves7 @Brother So6and6so is so :uick to lose his te(per9 But . thank God that ($ natural #irth is (uch #etter than his9A lthough $ou (a$ not utter this7 it is nevertheless hidden deep !ithin $ou9 *hen the Christ !ho has #een #orn in our Christian life has #egun to gro! up7 our natural goodness !ill (ock -i(9 Then the grace !ithin us !ill sa$7 @Cast out the la!J Cast out the #ond!o(an and !hat $ou have produced !ith her #$ $our fleshl$ effort9A *ill $ou do thisG Kou (a$ do it apparentl$7 #ut secretl$ $ou still hold on to -agar and .sh(ael7 to the la! and to $our natural attri#utes and goodness9 Not (an$ Christians toda$ have the #oldness to sa$ as Sarah did7 @Cast out this #ond!o(an and her son9A Not (an$ !ould sa$7 @Cast out the la!7 the effort of the flesh7 and all the success of ($ effort9A /ather7 !e cling to our success and hold on to our natural goodness9 But sooner or later God !ill force us to a#andon the la!7 our self6effort7 and all !e have produced9 The #rothers and sisters !ill then #egin to rise up and sa$7 @%ro( no! on there !ill #e no (ore -agar and .sh(ael9 The$ (ust go9A "ike #raha(7 the$ !ill send the( a!a$ !ith onl$ #read and !ater 0v9 1<29 Sooner or later !e all (ust do this9 *e (ust rise up one (orning7 give the la! a skin of !ater7 and sa$7 @"a!7 go $our !a$7 and take !ith $ou the one $ou helped (e to produce9 ,on;t leave hi( !ith (e7 #ecause . don;t !ant hi( an$(ore9 . loved .sh(ael in the past7 #ut no! . give hi( up9A The la! and the result of the effort of the flesh (ust #e full$ a#andoned9 TWO WELLS1TWO SOURCES OF LIVING .n the first section of this chapter7 !e have t!o seeds7 t!o kinds of persons7 and t!o lives9 *ithout the second section7 ho!ever7 !e can see neither the source nor the result of their living9 .n the second section !e have t!o !ells7 one for .sh(ael 0vv9 1<6312 and one for .saac 0vv9 336?<29 Since the Bi#le does not !aste an$ !ords7 this record of t!o !ells for t!o kinds of lives (ust #e ver$ (eaningful and full of spiritual significance9 THE WELL FOR ISHMAEL H .n the !ilderness close to Eg$pt H .sh(ael;s !ell7 the source of his living7 !as in the !ilderness close to Eg$pt 0vv9 1F631> 3D=137 1B29 .n the Bi#le7 the !ilderness al!a$s represents a place re4ected #$ God9 God never accepts the !ilderness9 s long as !e are in the !ilderness7 !e are re4ected #$ -i(9 The #est illustration of this is the !andering in the !ilderness #$ the children of .srael9 .n figure7 the !ilderness also signifies our soul9 .f !e live in our soul7 !e are stra$ing in the !ilderness that is re4ected #$ God9 The !ilderness !here .sh(ael;s !ell !as located !as close to Eg$pt9 -e could easil$ drift fro( there into Eg$pt9 This (eans
that !hen !e are in our soul7 in our natural #eing7 !e are !andering in the !ilderness and can easil$ drift into the !orld9 M%@*() I'#3%!+ %( %"4#!" H .sh(ael;s source of living (ade hi( an archer 0v9 3C29 The difference #et!een an archer and a planter is that a planter gro!s life and an archer kills it9 n archer is a !ild hunter like Ni(rod in 1C=B6137 a killer in the !ilderness9 This section of the *ord even uses the !ord @#o!shotA to descri#e the distance #et!een the place !here -agar !as sitting and the place !here she had cast her child 0vv9 1D61E29 Thus7 in this portion of the *ord7 it is revealed that if !e sta$ in the !ilderness of our soul and drink !ater out of the !ell for .sh(ael7 the source of his living7 !e shall #e (ade an archer using the #o! to kill life for #uilding up our o!n kingdo(7 not a planter gro!ing life for the #uilding up of God;s kingdo(9 L!%$*() & #! G&*(*() & E),5 .sh(ael;s source of living eventuall$ 4oined hi( to Eg$pt7 that is7 to the !orld 0v9 3129 *hen -agar took a !ife for .sh(ael7 she took a !ife fro( Eg$pt7 fro( her o!n source9 Being an Eg$ptian7 she desired to have an Eg$ptian !o(an as her daughter6in6la!9 B$ taking a !ife out of the land of Eg$pt for .sh(ael7 -agar sealed hi( !ith the things of Eg$pt9 *e see fro( all this that there is a !ell7 a source of living7 !hich can (ake us a !ild hunter !ho kills life and can 4oin us to the !orld9 THE WELL FOR ISAAC H Praise the "ord that there is another !ell)the !ell for .saac 0vv9 336?<29 Man$ verses in the Bi#le speak of this positive !ell9 Psal( ?E=B sa$s7 @Thou shalt (ake the( drink of the river of th$ pleasures9A The "ord likes to (ake us drink of -is river of pleasures9 .n 5ohn <=1< the "ord 5esus said7 @*hoever drinks of the !ater that . shall give hi( shall #$ no (eans thirst forever> #ut the !ater that . shall give hi( shall #eco(e in hi( a spring of !ater !elling up into eternal life9A This (eans that God -i(self !ill #e our life9 .n 5ohn I=?I and ?B the "ord 5esus also spoke of drinking= @.f an$one thirst7 let hi( co(e to Me and drink9 -e !ho #elieves in Me7 as the Scripture said7 out of his inner(ost #eing shall flo! rivers of living !ater9A Moreover7 in 1 Corinthians 13=1?7 the postle Paul sa$s that !e have all #een (ade to drink of one Spirit7 that is7 of one !ell of !ater9 Even the last chapter of the Bi#le contains a !ord a#out drinking= @ nd the Spirit and the #ride sa$7 Co(eJL"et hi( !ho is thirst$ also co(e> he !ho !ills7 let hi( take the !ater of life freel$A 0/ev9 33=1I29 This divine !ell (ust #e the source of our living9 lthough Christ has #een #rought forth and has gro!n up7 in the church life !e still (ust learn that there are t!o sources or t!o kinds of living9 *hat kind of living do $ou have) the living of .sh(ael or the living of .saacG .t is insufficient (erel$ to sa$ that $ou have the living of .saac9 Kou (ust exa(ine the kind of !ater $ou are drinking da$ #$ da$9 re $ou drinking of the !ell for .sh(aelG .f $ou are7 that !ell !ill (ake $ou an .sh(ael and !ill cause $ou to drift into the !orld9 re $ou drinking of the !ell for .saac7 the !ell !hich signifies the divine !ell7 the !ell of Christ7 the !ell of the SpiritG .f $ou are drinking of this !ell7 the divine !ater !hich flo!s out of it !ill acco(plish a great deal9
I( B!!"D'#!2% 4+&'! & #! +%($ &f #! P#*+*' *(!' H The !ell for .saac !as in Beer6she#a7 close to the land of the Philistines 0vv9 3D6?329 This !ell7 unlike the !ell for .sh(ael7 is not near Eg$pt #ut at the #order of the land of the Philistines and the good land of Canaan9 Beer6she#a !as in the land of the Philistines and later #eca(e the southern(ost part of the -ol$ "and9 *hen descri#ing the geograph$ of the -ol$ "and7 the Bi#le even uses the phrase @fro( ,an to Beer6she#aA 01 Sa(9 ?=3C27 #ecause the distance fro( ,an in the north to Beer6she#a in the south includes the !hole land of Canaan9 .n the Bi#le the land of the Philistines has a peculiar significance9 .t is not a place !hich re4ects God a#solutel$> it is a place !hich accepts God #ut handles the things of God according to hu(an cleverness7 not according to God;s econo($9 Consider as an illustration the !a$ in !hich the Philistines handled the ark 01 Sa(9 E=16F29 The$ did not re4ect it> the$ received it7 #ut the$ handled it in a natural !a$ according to their cleverness9 "ike!ise7 in Genesis 3C and 31 !e see that #i(elech7 the king of the Philistines7 did not re4ect God #ut accepted -i( in his o!n clever !a$9 #raha( took God according to -is econo($> #i(elech took -i( according to the !a$ of hu(an cleverness9 This is the significance of the land of the Philistines9 A #! 4&' &f '!-!( !:! +%32'1C#"*' ' 4&35+! ! "!$!35 *&( H The !ell for .saac !as a redee(ed !ell 0vv9 3B6?C29 This !ell7 !hich #raha( had dug7 !as lost7 having #een violentl$ taken a!a$ #$ #i(elech;s servants 0v9 3D29 Then #raha( redee(ed it at the cost of seven e!e la(#s9 .n t$polog$7 these la(#s signif$ the full rede(ption of Christ7 indicating that the divine living !ater has #een redee(ed7 #ought #ack7 #$ Christ;s full rede(ption9 Toda$7 !hile the !hole hu(an race is living #$ a source !hich is !ithout rede(ption7 !e are living #$ a redee(ed source9 The living !ater !hich !e are drinking toda$ is not natural> it has #een redee(ed at the cost of Christ;s co(plete rede(ption9 B, % 4&-!(%( 1 #! (!: 4&-!(%( H The !ell for .saac also needed a covenant 0vv9 ?16?329 The covenant here is a seed of the ne! covenant9 Our living !ater toda$ is not onl$ redee(ed !ater #ut also covenanted !ater9 .sh(ael drank of !ild !ater7 !ater that !as !ithout rede(ption and covenant9 But all the !ater !hich .saac drank !as redee(ed !ater7 the !ater of the covenant9 Since !e have #egun to kno! Christ7 the source of our living has also #een the redee(ed and covenanted !ater9 F&" 5+%( *() H .n Beer6she#a #raha( planted a ta(arisk tree 0v9 ??7 -e#929 ta(arisk7 a t$pe of !illo! tree7 has ver$ fine leaves7 often gro!s near !ater7 and gives the i(pression of the flo!ing of the riches of life9 That #raha( planted a ta(arisk after (aking the covenant for the !ell at Beer6she#a indicates that the !ater of !hich he drank !as flo!ing in a rich !a$9 The "ord 5esus said that !hoever #elieves in -i( !ill have rivers of living !ater flo!ing out of his inner(ost #eing9
The church life toda$ is #$ the !ell in Beer6she#a9 *hen $ou drink of this !ell and live #$ it7 $ou !ill #e like a ta(arisk flo!ing !ith the riches of life9 *henever people co(e to $ou7 the$ !ill never sense dr$ness #ut !ill #e refreshed #$ the !ater of life9 Beer6 she#a7 !hich (eans @the !ell of an oath7A is the place !here the church should #e9 The church should #e at the !ell of an oath !ith a covenant7 and should also #e full of ta(arisk trees9 *e all need to #e a flo!ing ta(arisk9 .f $ou look at the #ranches of a ta(arisk tree7 the$ !ill re(ind $ou of the flo!ing of the riches of life9 Praise the "ord that there are so(e real ta(arisks in the local churchesJ -ere7 at Beer6she#a7 there is the planting7 #ut !ith .sh(ael in the !ilderness there is !ildness9 Man$ Christian groups toda$ are like a !ilderness9 The$ onl$ (ake people !ild9 But the proper church life causes people to #e planted9 -ave $ou #een plantedG Once $ou have #een planted7 $ou can no longer #e !ild9 .n this section of the *ord it is clearl$ revealed that there are t!o sources of living9 One is the natural source in the !ilderness of our soul7 !hereas the other is the redee(ed source in the garden of our spirit9 t Beer6she#a7 #raha( !as contending for the !ell !hich had #een so violentl$ taken a!a$9 Toda$ !e also need to fight for the divine !ell that !e (a$ have it for #oth the Christian life and the proper church life9 W* # #! 4%++*() &( #! (%3! &f J!#&-%#, #! E !"(%+ M*)# , O(! H &erse ??7 !hich tells us that #raha( planted a ta(arisk tree in Beer6she#a7 also sa$s that he @called there on the na(e of the "ord7 the Eternal GodA 0-e#929 -ere !e see another special title of God)5ehovah7 El Ola(9 .n chapter seventeen !e sa! El6Shaddai7 the all6sufficient Might$ One9 -ere !e see El Ola(9 The -e#re! !ord ola( (eans eternit$ or eternal9 -o!ever7 the root of this -e#re! !ord (eans to conceal7 hide7 or veil fro( sight9 n$thing !hich is veiled spontaneousl$ #eco(es secret9 #raha( eventuall$ experienced God as the Eternal One7 as the secret and ($sterious One9 *e cannot see or touch -i(7 $et -e is so real9 -is existence is eternal7 for -e has neither #eginning nor ending9 -e is the Eternal God 0Psa9 FC=3> .sa9 <C=3B29 -ere !e find another seed !hich is developed in the Ne! Testa(ent9 The God !ho( #raha( experienced in chapter t!ent$6one is the sa(e as the One revealed in 5ohn 1=17 <= @.n the #eginning !as the *ordLand the *ord !as GodLin -i( !as life9A This life is the ver$ El Ola(9 The ($sterious God in eternit$ is our eternal life9 Eternal life is a divine Person !ho is so concealed7 veiled7 hidden7 ($sterious7 secret7 and $et so real7 ever6existing7 and ever6living7 !ithout #eginning or ending9 The title El Ola( i(plies eternal life9 -ere God !as not revealed to #raha( #ut !as experienced #$ hi( as the ever6living7 secret7 ($sterious One !ho is the eternal life9 .n other !ords7 in Genesis 31 #raha( experienced God as the eternal life9 B$ the ta(arisk tree in Beer6she#a7 #raha( could testif$ to the !hole universe that he !as experiencing the hidden7 ever6 living One as his ($sterious life9 There7 at Beer6she#a7 he called on the na(e of 5ehovah7 El Ola(9 .n chapter t!elve he onl$ called upon the na(e of 5ehovah7 not $et experiencing -i( as the God !ho is the ($sterious7 ever6living One9 But here in chapter t!ent$6one7 after having so (uch experience7 !ith .saac at Beer6she#a under the ta(arisk tree he experienced the ever6living7 ($sterious One as his inner life and called7 @O
5ehovah7 El Ola(JA lthough no one could see this ($sterious One7 -e !as real to #raha( in his experience9 The One !e have !ithin us toda$ is the ver$ El Ola(7 the hidden7 secret7 concealed7 ($sterious7 ever6living One9 -e is our life9 *e (a$ have the sa(e en4o$(ent #raha( had si(pl$ #$ calling7 @O "ord 5esus9A *hile #raha( !as so4ourning in Beer6she#a7 he (ust have done (an$ things9 But here the Scripture onl$ tells us of one thing)that #raha( planted a ta(arisk tree at Beer6 she#a and called on the na(e of 5ehovah7 El Ola(9 B$ this #rief record !e can see t!o things9 One is that the planting of the ta(arisk tree (ust have #een ver$ significant> the other is that this planting of the ta(arisk tree is connected !ith calling on the na(e of 5ehovah7 El Ola(9 s !e have pointed out7 Genesis 1 and 3 are not (erel$ a record of God;s creation #ut a record of life7 !ith the tree of life as its center9 "ike!ise this section of the *ord is not (erel$ a record of #raha(;s histor$> it also is a record of life7 sho!ing #$ !hat source #raha( !as living9 -e lived #$ calling on 5ehovah7 El Ola(7 #$ experiencing the eternal7 hidden God as his life9 .n Ne! Testa(ent ter(s7 he !as experiencing the eternal life flo!ing !ith all its riches like a ta(arisk tree !hich expresses the riches of the !ell #$ !hich it lives9 s the tree of life is the center of the record in chapters one and t!o7 the ta(arisk tree is the center of the record here9 *e (a$ sa$ that the ta(arisk tree is the tree of life experienced #$ us9 .t is the expression of the tree of life9 Our Christian life and the proper church life are #oth a ta(arisk tree7 expressing the tree of life #$ !hich !e live9 This goes together !ith the calling on the "ord !ho is our eternal life7 our 5ehovah7 El Ola(9 M%@*() I'%%4 % 29"( &ff!"*() H This source of living !ater (akes .saac a #urnt offering 033=37 F29 The source fro( !hich .sh(ael drank (ade hi( an archer7 one !ho lived !ildl$ for hi(self9 But .saac;s source of living (ade hi( a #urnt offering7 one !ho !as offered to God for -is satisfaction9 L!%$*() & #! &ff!"*() & G&$ &( #! 3&9( %*( *( M&"*%# H This source of living led .saac up to Moriah7 not do!n to Eg$pt 033=329 .sh(ael;s source of living leads people do!n!ard7 #ut .saac;s source leads people up!ard to the (ountain in Moriah !here 5erusale( !as later #uilt9 This going up to Moriah kept God;s people fro( the Philistines9 *e also need to go up fro( Beer6she#a to 5erusale(7 not onl$ having the church life at Beer6she#a #ut also in 5erusale(9 +lti(atel$7 this proper source of life !ill (ake all of us .saacs and !ill lead us to the Ne! 5erusale(9 -ere !e have another seed of the divine revelation9 .sh(ael lived in the !ilderness and !as 4oined to Eg$pt7 #ut .saac lived in a planted place and !as led to Moriah9 The (ountain in Moriah eventuall$ #eca(e Mount Rion upon !hich God;s te(ple !as #uilt 03 Chron9 ?=127 thus #eco(ing the center of the good land !hich God gave to #raha( and his descendants9 fter his descendants follo!ed the !a$ of .sh(ael and !ent do!n to Eg$pt7 God #rought the( out of that land !ith the intention of #ringing the( into the good land of Canaan9 But their un#elief kept the( !andering in the !ilderness !here .sh(ael lived9 Eventuall$7 God #rought their children into the good land and chose 5erusale(7 !hich !as #uilt on Mount Moriah7 as the uni:ue center for the( to !orship
-i(9 s a result of this7 all the children of .srael !ere #rought7 three ti(es ever$ $ear7 to the ver$ (ountain in Moriah to !hich .saac !as #rought9 Thus7 .saac;s #eing #rought to Mount Moriah !as a seed !hich !as developed in the going up to Mount Rion of all the children of .srael9 Out of #raha( t!o kinds of people ca(e into existence9 One is represented #$ .sh(ael !ho lived in the !ilderness and !ho !as 4oined to Eg$pt> the other is represented #$ .saac !ho lived at Beer6she#a and !ho !as #rought to Mount Moriah9 Toda$ there are also t!o kinds of Christians9 One kind is like .sh(ael7 living for the(selves in the !ilderness of their soul and #eing 4oined to the !orld9 The other kind is like .saac7 living for God in their spirit and in the church and #eing #rought to Rion9 Even !e7 the real Christians7 (a$ #e like .sh(ael7 living in and for ourselves and #eing 4oined to the !orld7 unless7 as t$pified #$ .saac7 !e live in our spirit and in the church that !e (ight reach God;s goal9
/1. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE OFFERING OF ISAAC (1) nd he said7 Take no! th$ son7 thine onl$ son .saac7 !ho( thou lovest7 and get thee into the land of Moriah> and offer hi( there for a #urnt offering upon one of the (ountains !hich . !ill tell thee of9 0Genesis 33=32 B$ faith #raha(7 #eing tested7 offered up .saac> indeed he !ho gladl$ received the pro(ises !as offering up his onl$ #egotten7 of !ho( it !as said7 @.n .saac shall $our seed #e calledA> counting that God !as a#le to raise (en even fro( the dead7 fro( !hich he also received hi( #ack in figure9 0-e#re!s 11=1I61F2 .n this (essage !e co(e to Genesis 337 !here !e see the cli(ax of #raha(;s experience !ith God9 This chapter is the continuation of chapter t!ent$6one9 These t!o chapters7 giving the record of the #irth and offering of .saac7 cover a period of at least t!ent$ $ears9 So(e scholars #elieve that !hen .saac !as offered he !as at least t!ent$ $ears old9 Thus7 he !as a full6gro!n (an #$ then9 Ever$thing recorded in these t!o chapters is ver$ (eaningful9 s !e pointed out in the last (essage7 in 31=??7 @ #raha( planted a ta(arisk tree in Beer6she#a7 and called there on the na(e of the "ord7 the Eternal GodA 0-e#929 This planting of the ta(arisk tree !as not an insignificant thing9 lthough #raha( (ust have done (an$ things !hile he !as living in Beer6she#a7 the Bi#le onl$ records that he contended for the !ell7 #ought it #ack at a cost7 planted a ta(arisk tree7 and called on the na(e of the "ord7 the Eternal God9 .f these !ere insignificant things7 the #i#lical record7 !hich is ver$ econo(ical7 !ould not have included the( as part of the divine revelation9 The fact that the divine revelation excludes (an$ other things #ut includes the record of the planting of a ta(arisk tree sho!s its i(portance9
The center of the revelation in Genesis 3 is the tree of life9 "ike!ise7 the center of the revelation in the second part of Genesis 31 is the ta(arisk tree9 .f !e have the spiritual reali8ation !ith the divine light7 !e shall see that the ta(arisk tree here is the tree of life experienced and expressed9 *hen the tree of life is not experienced or expressed #$ us7 it is si(pl$ the tree of life9 But once !e experience and express it7 it #eco(es a ta(arisk tree9 ta(arisk tree has slender #ranches and ver$ fine leaves sho!ing the flo! of the riches of life9 Thus7 the ta(arisk tree planted #$ the !ell of an oath in Beer6she#a pictures the flo! of the riches of life7 the issue of the experience of the tree of life9 .s the tree of life a ta(arisk tree in $our experienceG *henever !e co(e to the (eetings7 the tree of life (ust #eco(e a ta(arisk tree9 *ith .sh(ael there !as not a tree flo!ing !ith the riches of life> there !as a #o!9 *hile the sign of .sh(ael;s life !as a life6killing #o!7 the sign of .saac;s life !as a life6flo!ing tree9 s a Christian7 a child of God and a descendant of #raha(7 !hat is $our sign)a #o! or a ta(arisk treeG re $ou killing life7 or is life !ith all its riches flo!ing in $ouG .f the tree of life in Genesis 3 is i(portant7 then the ta(arisk tree in Genesis 31 (ust also #e i(portant9 &er$ fe! Christians7 if an$7 have seen the i(portance of the ta(arisk tree at Beer6she#a9 lthough so(e have paid a little attention to the tree of life7 the$ have not paid attention to the ta(arisk tree9 .n the past !e did see the tree of life7 #ut !e did not see the ta(arisk tree9 Thank the "ord that in these da$s -e has given us the vision of the ta(arisk tree9 One da$7 the in!ard stirring told (e that . had to kno! the significance of the ta(arisk tree in chapter t!ent$6one9 lthough this chapter does not !aste a !ord7 ignoring the other things that #raha( (ust have done7 it specificall$ sa$s that he planted a ta(arisk tree in Beer6she#a9 ccording to our opinion7 the planting of a ta(arisk tree (a$ #e insignificant7 perhaps #eing onl$ an ancient t$pe of landscaping9 But the Bi#le connects the planting of the ta(arisk tree !ith calling on a ne! title of the "ord7 the Eternal God9 Notice ho! the con4unction @andA is used to connect these t!o ite(s in 31=??9 #raha( planted a ta(arisk tree and there called on the na(e of 5ehovah7 El Ola(9 ccording to our hu(an thought7 planting a tree is unrelated to calling on the na(e of the "ord7 especiall$ to such a ne! and recentl$ revealed title9 But in the Bi#le here it gives us the ground for the proper calling on the "ord9 .f !e !ould call on the na(e of the "ord7 !e need a ta(arisk tree9 .f !e do not have this ta(arisk tree experience7 !e can onl$ call on the old title of God7 5ehovah7 not on -is ne!l$ unveiled title7 El Ola(9 .n chapter t!ent$6one7 #raha( called on a ne! title of God)El Ola(7 the ($sterious7 hidden7 secret7 $et so real7 living7 and ever6existing God9 This title of God i(plies the ter( eternal life7 for the eternal God (eans the eternal life9 #raha( experienced the eternal life7 #ut he did not have this ter(9 The people in ancient ti(es ate vita(ins7 #ut the$ had no scientific kno!ledge of the( nor scientific ter(s to descri#e the(9 Because !e !ere #orn after the !riting of the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e have the ter( eternal life9 But #raha(7 !ho lived in ancient ti(es7 did not have such a divine ter(9 Nevertheless7 !hen he called on the na(e of 5ehovah7 El Ola(7 it is i(plied that he experienced God as the ever6existing and ever6living life7 as the One !ho is real and living7 $et so ($sterious and secret9
*e need to consider our o!n experience9 *henever !e have had the flo! of the riches of the divine life7 that !as the ti(e !hen !e called on the na(e of the "ord 5esus !ith a ne! reali8ation9 *e called on the sa(e "ord7 #ut in our calling !e had a fresh sense9 ,o $ou think that if $ou held the life6killing #o! in $our hand $ou !ould #e a#le to call on the "ord;s na(eG No7 rather $ou !ould go to find an Eg$ptian !ife9 ABRAHAM TESTED BY GOD .n the original text of the Bi#le7 there are no chapters7 verses7 or paragraphs9 Chapter t!ent$6t!o is the i((ediate continuation of chapter t!ent$6one9 fter the (ention of #raha(;s planting a ta(arisk tree and calling on the na(e of the "ord7 God ca(e in to test hi( 0v9 17 -e#929 God7 unlike Satan7 never te(pts an$one9 But -e does test us like -e tested #raha(9 . sa$ again that after #raha( redee(ed the !ell in Beer6she#a7 he undou#tedl$ did (an$ things7 #ut7 except for the planting of the ta(arisk and calling on the na(e of the "ord7 the Bi#le does not (ention the(9 /ather7 it i((ediatel$ speaks of God;s testing #raha(9 TO OFFER TO GOD WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN HIM IN GRACE H Often after !e have had the #est en4o$(ent of the "ord7 -e !ill not ask us to do so(ething for -i(> rather7 -e !ill tell us to offer #ack to -i( !hat -e has given us9 t such a ti(e the "ord (a$ sa$7 @Kou have received a gift fro( and of Me9 No! . ask $ou to return it9A *e al!a$s expect that after having a good ti(e !ith the "ord -e !ill co((and us to do so(ething for -i(9 *e never i(agine that -e (a$ ask us to give #ack to -i( that !hich -e has given us9 s #raha( !as en4o$ing inti(ate fello!ship !ith God7 he !as not co((anded to !ork for -i(9 -e received the highest de(and fro( God)to give #ack to God !hat God had given hi(9 %ro( the ver$ #eginning7 God never accepted an$thing that #raha( had9 -e did not care for "ot7 re4ected Elie8er7 and told hi( to cast out .sh(ael9 No!7 after Elie8er7 "ot7 and .sh(ael had all #een re4ected7 #raha( had ac:uired .saac7 the seed pro(ised #$ God7 and !as at peace9 Ever$thing concerning .saac !as of God and #$ God9 Never again !ould God sa$ no to !hat #raha( had9 But suddenl$ God ca(e in and see(ed to sa$7 @. !ould never refuse .saac9 -e !as #orn of and fro( Me9 But7 #raha(7 no! $ou (ust give hi( #ack to Me9A #raha( !as (arvelous9 .f . had #een he7 . !ould have said7 @"ord7 !hat are Kou doingG Kou did not care for "ot7 and Kou have refused Elie8er and .sh(ael9 No! Kou !ant .saac7 the one !ho !as of Kou7 to #e given #ack to Kou9 *ill Kou ro# (e to such an extentGA .f . had #een #raha(7 . !ould not have offered .saac9 . !ould have shook ($ head and said7 @No7 this certainl$ is not of the "ord9 .t !ould have #een logical for -i( to !ant Elie8er7 and reasona#le to de(and .sh(ael9 But ho! could God !ant (e to give .saac #ack to -i(G God is not purposeless9 -e pro(ised to give (e a seed7 and -is pro(ise has #een confir(ed and fulfilled9 *h$ !ould -e no! !aste all that -e has #een doing !ith (eGA Kes7 God is a God of purpose7 and -e certainl$ had a purpose in asking #raha( to give .saac #ack to -i(9
Man$ Christians7 including so(e Christian !orkers7 have never learned the lesson of offering #ack to God !hat -e has given the(9 -ave $ou received a giftG ,o not hold on to it9 Sooner or later God !ill co(e in and sa$7 @Offer #ack to Me the gift !hich . have given $ou9A -as God given $ou a successful !orkG t a certain ti(e7 God (a$ sa$7 @This !ork is the .saac !hich . have given to $ou9 No! . !ant $ou to offer it #ack to Me9A -o!ever7 (an$ Christian !orkers !ill not take their hands off the !ork !hich God has given the(9 Nevertheless7 all that God has given us7 even !hat -e has !rought in and through us7 (ust #e offered #ack to -i(9 TO OFFER TO GOD HIS ONLY SON WHOM HE LOVES H .n verse 3 God said to #raha(7 @Take no! th$ son7 thine onl$ son .saac7 !ho( thou lovest7 and get thee into the land of Moriah> and offer hi( there for a #urnt offering upon one of the (ountains !hich . !ill tell thee of9A God told #raha( to offer .saac7 his onl$ son !ho( he loved9 -o! hard it (ust have #een for #raha( to do thisJ .f !e had #een he7 !e !ould have said7 @"ord7 . a( (ore than a hundred t!ent$ $ears of age7 and Sarah is a#out to die9 -o! can Kou ask (e to offer #ack to Kou !hat Kou have given (eGA .f $ou have not had this experience7 $ou !ill have it so(e da$9 *e can testif$ that :uite a nu(#er of ti(es in the past God asked us to give #ack to -i( !hat -e had given us9 The gifts7 po!er7 !ork7 and success !hich -e gives us (ust #e offered #ack to -i(9 This is a real test9 .t !ould have #een eas$ for #raha( to give up "ot or Elie8er9 Even casting out .sh(ael !as not that difficult9 But for hi( to offer his onl$ son !ho( he loved !as a ver$ difficult thing9 One da$7 after our having a good en4o$(ent of the "ord7 -e !ill ask us to give #ack to -i( the gift7 !ork7 or success -e has given us9 -e (a$ sa$7 @No! is the ti(e for Me to ask $ou for so(ething9 . don;t ask $ou to !ork for Me or to go to the (ission field9 . ask $ou to offer #ack !hat . have given $ou9A This is the !a$ !e all (ust take toda$9 A +*f! )"&:( 95 2, #! :!++ &f #! &% # :* # #! 4%++*() &( #! (%3! &f #! E !"(%+ G&$ H God did not tell #raha( to offer up a #a#$ or even a little #o$7 #ut a full6gro!n (an9 .saac;s life !as a life gro!n up #$ the !ell of the oath !ith the calling on the na(e of the Eternal God 031=??6?<29 Genesis 31=?<7 the last verse of chapter t!ent$6one7 sa$s7 @ #raha( so4ourned in the Philistines; land (an$ da$s9A This (eans that #raha( re(ained there for a good nu(#er of $ears9 ,uring that ti(e7 .saac gre! up #$ the !ell of Beer6she#a7 gro!ing up #$ a life of planting and calling on the na(e of the "ord7 the Eternal God9 The one !ho( #raha( !as told to offer up !as a gro!n6up son7 one !ho had lived !ith hi( in a life of planting and calling9 The life in Beer6she#a #uilt .saac up to #e a #urnt offering7 not an archer9 Off!"!$ & G&$ &( M&9( M&"*%# :#!"! G&$' !35+! :%' 29*+ H *hen God told #raha( to offer .saac7 -e told hi( to go to the land of Moriah and to offer hi( upon one of the (ountains there 0v9 329 The land of Moriah !as a t!o6da$ 4ourne$ fro( Beer6she#a9 The (ountain on !hich .saac !as offered !as later called Mount Moriah7 eventuall$ #eco(ing Mount Rion7 the place !here the te(ple !as #uilt 03 Chron9 ?=129
*hen . read 33=3 as a $outh7 . !as #othered9 . !ondered !h$ God !as so trou#leso(e7 sa$ing7 @"ord7 Kou gave #raha( a son and asked hi( to offer his son #ack to Kou9 That !as all right7 #ut it !as not reasona#le for hi( to go to such a far6off place9 ren;t Kou o(nipresentG *ere Kou not there in Beer6she#aG *h$ did Kou ask #raha( to 4ourne$ to a (ountain so far a!a$GA t first7 God did not even tell #raha( on !hich (ountain he !as to offer .saac7 sa$ing onl$ that it !ould #e @one of the (ountains !hich . !ill tell thee of9A .n asking #raha( to 4ourne$ far a!a$ for the offering of .saac7 God !as not #eing trou#leso(e9 -e is never trou#leso(e> -e is al!a$s (eaningful9 Eventuall$ Mount Moriah #eca(e the center of the good land7 and #raha(;s descendants had to go to that (ountain three ti(es a $ear to offer the #urnt offering to God 0,eut9 1E=1E> Psa9 1?3=1?29 Thus7 !e see that chapter t!ent$6t!o of Genesis is a seed9 *e cannot and should not offer to God the #urnt offering !hich -e desires in the place of our choosing9 *e (ust leave our place and go to the place of God;s choice9 .sh(ael7 the archer7 the #o!(an7 !ent south!ard to!ard Eg$pt and (arried an Eg$ptian !o(an9 But .saac7 the #urnt offering7 !as a different kind of person9 -e did not go do!n!ard to Eg$pt> he !ent up!ard to Moriah9 .f $ou consult a (ap7 $ou !ill see that Moriah is north fro( Beer6she#a9 -ere !e have a picture of t!o t$pes of persons)an archer and a #urnt offering9 *hich !ill $ou #eG F&" % 29"( &ff!"*() f&" G&$' '% *'f%4 *&( H The picture in Genesis 33 is ver$ vivid9 .n his hand #raha( held the fire and the knife9 .saac7 !ho !as carr$ing the !ood for the #urnt offering7 said7 @Behold the fire and the !ood= #ut !here is the la(# for a #urnt offeringGA -e did not kno! that he hi(self !as to #e the offering9 ,o $ou kno! that $our destin$ is to #e a #urnt offeringG To #e a #urnt offering is to #e killed and #urned9 The gro!ing7 living7 and calling on the na(e of El Ola( at Beer6she#a are all for the #uilding up of a #urnt offering that !e (ight #e #urned on the altar on Mount Moriah9 The !ater at Beer6she#a is for the fire on Mount Moriah9 The (ore !e drink the !ater fro( the !ell of Beer6she#a7 the (ore !e shall gro!7 and the (ore !e gro!7 the (ore !e shall #e prepared for the fire on Mount Moriah9 Because of this7 the "ord;s recover$ !ill never #e a (ass (ove(ent> it is a narro! !a$9 t the ti(e of Genesis 337 .saac !as the onl$ person living and !alking in this narro! !a$9 ,o not expect that (an$ !ill take the !a$ of the church9 Man$ are happ$ to #e a #o!(an7 for that is a sport9 But living at Beer6she#a and calling on the na(e of the "ord (a$ see(7 in a sense7 to #e #oring9 Eventuall$7 after !e en4o$ a good ti(e !ith the "ord7 -e !ill ask us to offer our .saac to -i(9 -e !ill not allo! us to offer .saac at Beer6she#a9 *e shall have to travel a long distance and cli(# Mount Moriah9 The proper church life does not produce #o!(en> it produces #urnt offerings9 *e all (ust #eco(e a #urnt offering9 lthough this is a narro! !a$7 it is prevailing9 lthough it is a long 4ourne$ fro( Beer6she#a to Mount Moriah and it is a 4ourne$ !hich causes so(e suffering7 it results in #lessing9 .n the follo!ing (essage !e shall see the #lessing !hich co(es fro( the life that gro!s up #$ the !ell of Beer6she#a and is offered
to God on Mount Moriah9 . kno! of a good nu(#er of ver$ #rilliant $oung #rothers !ho ca(e into the church life !ith an honest heart9 lthough their heart !as honest7 the$ expected that one da$7 after having all the necessar$ experiences and receiving all the visions7 the$ !ould #eco(e so(ething in the "ord;s recover$9 .n other !ords7 the$ expected to #e spiritual giants9 Graduall$7 as the $ears !ent #$7 . learned !hat !as on their heart7 for the$ ca(e to (e and told (e their stor$9 One #rother said7 @*hen . ca(e into the church life7 . ca(e in honestl$7 #ut . expected that one da$7 after . had #een perfected7 e:uipped7 :ualified7 experienced7 and had seen all the visions7 . !ould #e so useful in the "ord;s hand9 But no! the "ord has told (e that -e intends to #urn (e up9A ,o $ou expect that so(eda$ $ou !ill #eco(e a strong #o!(anG .f $ou do7 one da$ the "ord !ill sa$ to $ou7 @. don;t !ant an .sh(ael7 a #o!(an9 . !ant an .saac7 a #urnt offering9 ,on;t tr$ to do an$thing for Me9 . can do an$thing . !ant9 . 4ust !ant $ou to #e a #urnt offering9A The life at Beer6she#a onl$ produces a #urnt offering9 The (ore !e sta$ in the church life7 the (ore it !ill #ring us fro( Beer6she#a to Moriah7 fro( the gro!ing !ater to the #urning fire9 re $ou gro!ingG Thank God for this9 But $our gro!th is a preparation for $our #eing #urned9 One da$ !e all (ust pass through the process of #eing #urned as a #urnt offering9 .n -e#re! the #urnt offering (eans the ascending offering9 fter the #urnt offering has #een #urned7 its s!eet odor ascends to God for -is satisfaction9 .t is ascending and not spreading9 s a #urnt offering7 !e (ust not #e spreading #ut ascending to God #$ #eing #urned9 The experience of Genesis 33 cannot co(e i((ediatel$ after that of Genesis 139 There (ust #e a long 4ourne$ fro( Genesis 13 through Genesis 319 *hen (an$ of us ca(e into the church life7 that !as our chapter t!elve7 not our chapter t!ent$6t!o9 #raha( had to pass through the separation of "ot7 the re4ection of Elie8er7 the casting out of .sh(ael7 and the #irth of .saac9 lthough God had pro(ised #raha( a seed7 -e did not give it to hi( until #raha( had (ade a thorough clearance of "ot7 Elie8er7 and .sh(ael9 Onl$ then !as .saac #orn9 But not even .saac;s #irth !as the end9 .saac needed to gro! and #e offered9 s !e have seen7 .saac did not gro! up in the !ilderness #ut in Beer6she#a7 properl$ gro!ing #$ the life of calling on the "ord9 t a certain point7 God ca(e in and asked #raha( to offer .saac9 .t see(ed that God !as #eing so(e!hat trou#leso(e9 -o!ever7 God !ould never have trou#led #raha( in that !a$ if #raha( had not #een :ualified9 *hen God co(es to trou#le $ou like this7 it is an honor7 #ecause it testifies that $ou are :ualified9 God did not ask #raha( to offer "ot as a #urnt offering9 Neither did -e re:uest that #raha( offer Elie8er or .sh(ael9 /ather7 God told #raha( to cast .sh(ael out9 Onl$ the seed !ho !as pro(ised7 confir(ed7 and #rought into #eing #$ God !as the right person9 -e !as the one !ho gre! up #$ the !ell of Beer6she#a and !ho called on the na(e of the "ord9 God see(ed to sa$ to #raha(7 @Kou love .saac7 and . love hi( too9 No! $ou (ust give hi( to Me9A Eventuall$7 .saac #eca(e the forefather of the entire chosen race9 -e also #eca(e a forefather of Christ9 God;s eternal purpose can never #e fulfilled #$ an$one other than .saac7 the one !ho !as #rought up under the care of #raha( and offered to God9
R! 9"(!$ *( "!'9""!4 *&( f&" #! f9+f*++3!( &f G&$' ! !"(%+ 59"5&'! H fter .saac !as offered7 he !as returned in resurrection for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose 0vv9 <7 1361?7 1E7 1B29 fter #eing returned in resurrection7 .saac !as another person9 -e !as no longer the natural .saac7 #ut the resurrected .saac9 This is ver$ encouraging9 fter !e have offered to God !hat !e have received of -i(7 -e !ill then return it to us in resurrection9 Ever$ gift7 spiritual #lessing7 !ork7 and success !e have received of God (ust undergo the test of death9 Eventuall$7 it !ill co(e #ack to us in resurrection9 The "ord 5esus said7 @Trul$7 trul$7 . sa$ to $ou7 unless a grain of !heat falls into the ground and dies7 it a#ides alone> #ut if it dies7 it #ears (uch fruitA 05ohn 13=3<29 Suppose God gives $ou a certain natural gift9 That is one grain of !heat9 .f $ou keep this natural gift7 never offering it to God7 it !ill re(ain as one grain9 But if $ou offer it #ack to God7 after it has passed through death7 it !ill #e returned to $ou in resurrection and #eco(e a #lessing9 .t does not depend on !hat !e can do or intend to do for God9 .t all depends on our gro!ing up to #e offered to God as a #urnt offering and then #eing raised up fro( the dead to #e a resurrected gift9 .t is not a (atter of #eing useful to God #ut of #eing under -is #lessing9 God;s #lessing al!a$s co(es in resurrection9 %or one grain to #e (ultiplied into a hundred grains is God;s #lessing9 .f $ou offer $our one grain to God and allo! -i( to put it into death7 it !ill #e returned to $ou in resurrection9 Then $ou !ill see (ultiplication and great #lessing9 This is God;s !a$9 ABRAHAMS OBEDIENCE BY FAITH .n Genesis 33 !e see #raha(;s o#edience #$ faith9 *hen . read this chapter as a $oung (an7 . could not understand ho! #raha( as a hu(an #eing and a father could have #een so #old9 *hen God asked hi( to offer to -i( his #eloved son .saac7 he did it i((ediatel$9 .n this chapter there is no (ention of #raha(;s !ife9 ccording to the record here7 !e are not told that #raha( talked !ith his !ife a#out offering .saac9 *e are onl$ sho!n that he responded :uickl$ and #oldl$ to God;s co((and7 rising up earl$ in the (orning and going to the place of !hich God had spoken9 BELIEVING IN THE RESURRECTING GOD H .n the Old Testa(ent !e cannot see !h$ #raha( o#e$ed God so :uickl$ and #oldl$9 But in the Ne! Testa(ent !e see that #raha( #elieved in the resurrecting God 0-e#9 11=1I61F> 5a(es 3=3163329 -e had the faith !hich counted on God to raise up the ver$ .saac !ho( he !as a#out to sla$9 -e had received the fir( and even confir(ed pro(ise that God;s covenant !ould #e esta#lished !ith .saac and that he !ould #eco(e a great nation 01I=1F63129 .f #raha( had offered .saac on the altar7 sla$ing hi( and #urning hi( as an offering to God7 and God did not raise hi( fro( the dead7 then God;s !ord !ould have #een in vain9 #raha(;s faith !as #ased upon God;s confir(ed pro(ise9 #raha( could have said7 @.f God !ants .saac7 . !ill 4ust sla$ hi(9 God !ill raise hi( up for the fulfill(ent of -is pro(ise9A /o(ans <=1I7 speaking of #raha(7 sa$s that the God in !ho( he #elieved is the One !ho @gives life to the dead and calls the things not #eing as #eing9A -ere !e see that
#raha( #elieved in God for t!o things= for giving life to the dead and for calling things not #eing as #eing9 The #irth of .saac !as related to God;s calling things not #eing as #eing7 and his #eing returned !as related to God;s giving life to the dead9 Because #raha( had such faith7 he o#e$ed God;s co((and(ent i((ediatel$9 -e#re!s 11=1I6 1F sa$s that !hen #raha( !as tried7 he offered up .saac #$ faith7 @counting that God !as a#le to raise hi( even fro( a(ong the dead7 fro( !hence he also received hi( #ack in a figure9A ACTING ACCORDING TO GODS REVELATION H .n o#e$ing God #$ faith7 #raha( acted according to God;s revelation 0vv9 ?6<7 F61C29 Ever$thing #raha( did in this chapter !as a#solutel$ of God9 #raha( did not initiate an$thing nor do an$thing according to his concept9 Nothing !as done #$ his desire or understanding9 God told #raha( !hat to do7 ho! to do it7 and !here to do it9 .n ever$ aspect of his action in offering .saac7 #raha( acted according to God;s revelation and instructions9 Going to Mount Moriah7 the place of God;s choice H #raha( !ent to Mount Moriah7 the place of God;s choice9 .n verse 3 God told #raha( to go into the land of Moriah and offer .saac on one of the (ountains of !hich -e !ould tell hi(9 .n the next verse !e are told that #raha( @rose up and !ent to the place of !hich God had told hi(9A Before #raha( #egan his 4ourne$7 God (ust have told hi( !hich (ountain -e had chosen9 .n verse < !e are told that @on the third da$ #raha( lifted up his e$es7 and sa! the place afar off9A #raha( did nothing according to his concept or choice> he did ever$thing according to God;s revelation9 *hat #raha( did in Genesis 33 is an i(portant seed in the Bi#le9 s . have alread$ pointed out7 #raha(;s descendants7 the children of .srael7 !ere co((anded #$ God to go three ti(es a $ear to Mount Moriah to !orship God and there to offer to -i( their #urnt offerings9 *e have seen that Mount Moriah #eca(e Mount Rion7 the ver$ center of the good land9 #raha( !as the first to !orship God !ith the #urnt offering on Mount Rion9 Eventuall$7 !e all shall #e on Mount Rion !orshipping God9 On the one hand7 in the church life toda$7 as true descendants of #raha(7 !e are on Mount Rion> on the other hand7 !e are on our !a$ there9 *hat #raha( did in chapter t!ent$6t!o !as the seed9 -is descendants7 the .sraelites7 !ere the develop(ent of this seed7 and !e toda$ are the further develop(ent of the seed9 *e all7 including #raha(7 shall #e in the harvest of the seed9 Perhaps one da$ !e shall shake hands !ith #raha( on the eternal Mount Rion and sa$ to hi(7 @Kou !ere on the ancient Mount Rion7 !e !ere on the ne! testa(ent Mount Rion7 and no! !e are all together here on the eternal Mount Rion9A T"%-!+*() f&" #"!! $%,' H &erse < indicates that #raha( traveled for three da$s7 for !e are told that on the third da$ he sa! the appointed place afar off9 .n the e$es of God and according to #raha(;s feeling7 .saac had #een killed for three da$s9 On the third da$ #raha( not onl$ offered .saac> he also received hi( #ack9 -ence7 the third da$ is surel$ a sign of resurrection9 .t is ver$ (eaningful that the Bi#le does not call it the second or fourth da$9 .f $ou look at a
(ap7 $ou !ill see that the distance #et!een Beer6she#a and Moriah is approxi(atel$ fift$6five (iles9 ccording to the ancient (ethod of travel7 it !ould have taken t!o da$s to 4ourne$ fro( Beer6she#a to Moriah9 On the third da$ #raha( put .saac on the altar7 and then !hat he offered to God !as given #ack to hi( in resurrection9 This is (arvelous9 *e all (ust see the seed here9 Praise the "ord that toda$ !e are .saacs7 not .sh(aels9 *e are not 4ourne$ing south!ard to!ard Eg$pt> !e are traveling north!ard to Mount Rion9 .n order to see this7 !e (ust have the life at Beer6she#a7 #ecause onl$ this life #uilds us up and :ualifies us to #e the #urnt offering for God;s satisfaction and to receive the vision9 The na(e Moriah (eans @the vision of 5ah7A that is7 the vision of 5ehovah7 the vision of the "ord9 This has t!o (eanings)that !e see the "ord and that the "ord sees us9 On Mount Moriah #raha( undou#tedl$ sa! God and God sa! hi(9 "ike!ise7 on toda$;s Mount Rion !e have a vision9 There is no cloud here9 *e are not in darkness> !e are in the vision9 The church life is a vision in !hich !e see God and God sees us9 The translators are trou#led a#out ho! to render verse 1<7 uncertain !hether it should #e @in the (ount of the "ord it shall #e seenA or @it shall #e provided9A ccording to the 'ing 5a(es &ersion7 verse 1< sa$s7 @ nd #raha( called the na(e of that place 5ehovah64ireh= as it is said to this da$7 .n the (ount of the "ord it shall #e seen9A Other versions sa$7 @.n the (ount of the "ord it shall #e provided9A So(e versions even sa$7 @On the (ount of the "ord he !ill see9A lthough this verse is difficult to translate7 it is eas$ to understand according to our experience9 God;s provision is al!a$s -is vision9 *henever !e participate in and en4o$ God;s provision7 !e have a vision9 *e see God and -e sees us9 Because !e are in -is provision and have the vision7 ever$thing is clear7 nothing is opa:ue7 and there is no separation #et!een us and -i(9 *here is God;s provision toda$G .t is in the church life on Mount Rion9 *e all can testif$ !hat a provision there is in the church life9 s !e are en4o$ing the provision7 !hat a vision !e haveJ *e see God9 *e see eternit$9 -ere in the church life ever$thing is cr$stal clear and transparent in God;s e$es and in ours7 and nothing is opa:ue9 *e did not have this experience in Christianit$9 *hen !e !ere there7 !e !ere in a lo! dungeon that !as opa:ue on ever$ side9 But toda$ in the church life on Mount Rion !e have the full provision !ith the full vision9 *e see God and are seen #$ -i(> God sees us and is seen #$ us9 .n God;s provision7 ever$thing is transparent9 B9*+$*() %( %+ %" %($ &ff!"*() I'%%4 H #raha( !ent to a pri(itive region7 #uilt an altar on a (ountain7 and there offered his onl$ son .saac 0vv9 F61C29 To #uild an altar there !as not eas$7 and to offer his onl$ son #$ killing hi( !as even (ore difficult9 But he did this9 -e trul$ (eant #usiness !ith the "ord9 *e also (ust #uild an altar and offer !hat God de(ands9 This surel$ !ill cost us so(ething9 *e have seen the record of #raha(;s o#edience #$ faith9 The faith !ith !hich he !as thoroughl$ infused #$ God gave hi( this o#edience9 .t !as this infused faith that #rought hi( to Mount Moriah !here he en4o$ed God;s provision and had a thoroughl$
transparent vision fro( God9 t that ti(e there !as no one on earth nor in the !hole universe !ho !as as clear a#out divine things as #raha( !as9 There7 on Mount Moriah7 #raha( experienced God;s provision and received a clear vision9 Ever$thing !as clear in his e$es9 *e (ust not read Genesis 33 (erel$ as a stor$9 *e (ust receive divine light fro( it and see that #raha(;s experience is #eing repeated in us toda$9 Praise the "ord that !e have toda$;s Beer6she#a and Moriah9 *e are not going do!n!ard to Eg$pt> !e are traveling up!ard to Mount Moriah7 !here !e shall en4o$ God;s provision and have a transparent vision9
//. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE OFFERING OF ISAAC (/) nd #raha( took the !ood of the #urnt offering7 and laid it upon .saac his son> and he took the fire in his hand7 and a knife> and the$ !ent #oth of the( together9 nd .saac spake unto #raha( his father7 and said7 M$ father= and he said7 -ere a( .7 ($ son9 nd he said7 Behold the fire and the !ood= #ut !here is the la(# for a #urnt offeringG nd #raha( said7 M$ son7 God !ill provide hi(self a la(# for a #urnt offering= so the$ !ent #oth of the( together9 0Genesis 33=E6B2 %or God so loved the !orld that -e gave -is onl$ #egotten Son9L 05ohn ?=1E2 .n the last (essage !e sa! ho! #raha( offered his son .saac according to God;s de(and9 That stor$7 recorded in Genesis 337 is not onl$ a (eaningful histor$ #ut also has an i(plied significance7 for it is a vivid picture of Christ in several aspects9 lthough !e cannot find the title of Christ nor the na(e of 5esus in this chapter7 (an$ aspects of Christ are signified in the !a$ of i(plication9 .n this (essage !e need to see the aspects of Christ depicted in this chapter9 ISAAC TYPIFYING CHRIST .saac t$pified Christ9 *e have seen that #raha( ans!ered God;s call to go to Mount Moriah to offer .saac9 This is histor$9 -o!ever7 if !e vie! this (atter fro( the perspective of God;s revelation7 !e shall see that !hat #raha( did to .saac is a vivid picture of !hat the %ather did to -is #eloved Son9 *hen #raha( 4ourne$ed to Mount Moriah !ith .saac7 t!o $oung servants acco(panied hi(9 On the third da$7 #raha( put the t!o servants aside7 sa$ing7 @. and the lad !ill go $onder and !orship7 and co(e again to $ouA 0v9 D29 %ro( that point on7 the stor$ !as different9 .t !as no longer a stor$ of four people)the father7 the son7 and the t!o servants> it !as no! a stor$ of #raha( and his son .saac9 #raha( took the !ood for the #urnt offering and laid it upon .saac7 !ho #ore it to the top of Mount Moriah9 Co(pare this !ith 5ohn 1F=1I7 !hich sa$s7 @ nd #earing the cross -i(self7 -e !ent out to the place called the Place of a Skull7 !hich is called in -e#re!7 Golgotha9A .saac !alked the sa(e path on the !a$ to Mount Moriah that the "ord 5esus later !alked on the !a$ to Golgotha9 Before Christ #ore the cross and !alked to Calvar$7 Golgotha7 .saac #ore the !ood for the #urnt offering and !alked along the sa(e !a$9 nd 5esus !as crucified on the sa(e (ount !here .saac !as laid on the altar9
Thus7 !e see that #raha( !as a t$pe of the %ather7 and .saac7 !ith the !ood upon hi(7 !as a t$pe of the Onl$ Begotten Son of God9 .saac !as #rought as a la(# to the altar9 5esus !as also @#rought as a la(# to the slaughterA 0.sa9 D?=I29 s #raha( and .saac !ere cli(#ing Mount Moriah7 .saac said7 @Behold the fire and the !ood= #ut !here is the la(# for a #urnt offeringGA 0v9 I29 #raha( replied7 @M$ son7 God !ill provide hi(self a la(# for a #urnt offeringA 0v9 B29 -ere !e see that the son fello!shipped !ith the father9 ,o $ou not #elieve that !hile 5esus !as #earing the cross on the !a$ to Calvar$ -e fello!shipped !ith the %atherG nd do $ou not #elieve that the %ather talked !ith -is SonG . do9 .f $ou sa$ that the Bi#le does not tell us of this7 . !ould sa$ that Genesis 33 tells us so9 *e need to have the sight and the listening ear to hear the heavenl$ conversation on the !a$ to Mount Moriah9 #raha( and .saac t$pified the %ather and the Son7 and their fello!ship on the !a$ to Mount Moriah !as a vivid picture depicting ho! 5esus the Son fello!shipped !ith the %ather as -e !as #earing the cross to Calvar$9 lthough !e do not have a clear explanation of this in plain !ords in the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e do have the picture in the Old Testa(ent7 and a picture is #etter than a thousand !ords9 The picture in Genesis 33 portra$s so(ething !hich !ords cannot explain9 lthough the !riters of the Ne! Testa(ent did not descri#e the loving fello!ship #et!een the %ather and the Son on the !a$ to Calvar$7 it is clearl$ portra$ed in the picture in Genesis 339 -o! !e all need to see this picture9 s !e shall see7 nearl$ ever$ point regarding the t$pe in Genesis 33 is covered in 5ohn 19 "et us consider no! so(e details of .saac as a t$pe of Christ9 .saac !as #raha(;s onl$ son 0vv9 37 137 1E29 This t$pifies Christ as God;s onl$ Son 05ohn ?=1E29 .saac !as #raha(;s #eloved son 0v9 327 and Christ !as the %ather;s #eloved Son in !ho( -e delighted 0Matt9 ?=1I29 .n 33=D !e see that .saac took his father;s !ill7 and in Matthe! 3E=?F !e see that Christ chose the %ather;s !ill9 .n the picture in Genesis 337 !e see that .saac7 a full6gro!n (an7 !as o#edient unto death 0vv9 F61C29 ccording to the record of this chapter7 in the (atter of offering .saac7 #raha( consulted neither !ith his !ife Sarah nor !ith his son .saac9 #raha( took his son7 put the !ood upon hi(7 led hi( up the (ountain7 #ound hi(7 and laid hi( on the altar9 -e did not give .saac the opportunit$ to sa$ an$thing9 But .saac took his father;s !ill and !as o#edient to death9 "ike!ise7 !hen the "ord 5esus !as a#out to die7 -e said7 @Not as . !ill7 #ut as Kou !illA 0Matt9 3E=?F29 .n Philippians 3=B !e are told that Christ !as o#edient unto death9 "ook again at the picture= .saac !as o#edient unto the altar9 -e not onl$ follo!ed the father to the foot of the (ount> he also o#e$ed hi( in taking up the !ood and in #eing #ound9 -e did not resist9 Even !hen the father laid hi( on the altar7 took the knife7 and stretched out his hand to sla$ hi(7 he did not re#el9 -e !as o#edient unto death9 .f !e consider all these aspects of .saac as a t$pe of Christ as portra$ed in the Old Testa(ent7 !e shall see that the$ !ere sovereignl$ arranged7 (atching the clear !ord of the Ne! Testa(ent revelation9 .n God;s e$es7 .saac !as killed9 5ust as #raha( !as a#out to sla$ his son7 the angel of the "ord intervened fro( heaven7 sa$ing7 @"a$ not thine hand upon the lad7 neither do thou an$ thing unto hi(9A The angel of the "ord here is actuall$ God -i(self9 This is proved #$ verse 13 in !hich the angel of the "ord said to #raha(7 @. kno! that thou
fearest God7 seeing thou hast not !ithheld th$ son7 thine onl$ son fro( (e9A The @(eA here is God -i(self9 Notice that the angel of the "ord did not sa$ @fro( hi(7A #ut @fro( (e9A #raha(7 the father7 put his son to death7 #ut the angel of the "ord raised hi( up fro( the dead9 .n like (anner7 cts 3=3< sa$s that God has raised up Christ fro( the dead9 ISAAC REPLACED BY A RAM .saac !as replaced #$ a ra(7 that is7 #$ a la(#9 &erse 1? sa$s7 @ #raha( lifted up his e$es7 and looked7 and #ehold #ehind hi( a ra( caught in a thicket #$ his horns= and #raha( !ent and took the ra(7 and offered hi( up for a #urnt offering in the stead of his son9A -ere !e see that the son !as not killed7 #ut the ra(7 the la(#7 !as9 *ho !as killed on the cross)the Son of God or the "a(# of GodG .t !as the "a(# of God !ho !as killed9 Christ is the Son of God7 #ut !hen -e !as killed on the cross7 -e !as replaced #$ the "a(# of God9 5ohn 1=1<7 speaking of the Son of God7 sa$s7 @*e #eheld -is glor$7 glor$ as of an onl$ #egotten fro( a father9A But 5ohn 1=3F sa$s7 @Behold7 the "a(# of God !ho takes a!a$ the sin of the !orldJA -ere !e see that the Son of God !as replaced #$ the "a(# of God9 The "a(# of God7 not the Son of God7 !as crucified9 .n crucifixion7 the Son !as replaced #$ a ra(9 .n 33=B #raha( prophesied that God !ould provide a la(# for a #urnt offering9 The eternal "a(# !as ordained #$ God fro( eternit$ 01 Pet9 1=1F63C29 .n 33=1? !e see @a ra( caught in a thicket #$ his horns9A .n the Bi#le horns signif$ fighting po!er9 Christ has the fighting po!er7 #ut it !as caught #$ a thicket9 The thicket signifies hu(anit$9 *e are the thicket7 and Christ7 the "a(# of God7 has #een caught in us and cannot escape9 -e has #een caught #$ -is hu(an nature that -e (ight #e offered as our su#stitute9 Christ as the "a(# of God !as !illing to have -is horns caught #$ hu(anit$9 *hen !e see this clear picture7 !e all (ust sa$7 @"ord7 thank Kou9 Kou !ere !illing to #e caught #$ us9A The Son of God !as replaced on the cross #$ the "a(# of God9 .n a positive7 divine sense7 the Son of God !as never crucified9 The "a(# of God !as crucified9 No one could crucif$ the Son of God9 Praise -i( that -e !as !illing to #e a little la(# putting -is horns a(ong hu(an #eings and #eing caught #$ us9 Thus7 !e see that not onl$ did this Son of God #eco(e the "a(# of God7 #ut that -e !as replaced #$ the "a(# of God9 lthough !e do not have such a picture in the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e see it in the Old Testa(ent9 long !ith the clear !ords in the four Gospels7 !e need the pictures in the Old Testa(ent9 PROVIDED BY JEHOVAHDJIREH H The ra( !ho replaced the son on the altar !as provided #$ 5ehovah64ireh 0v9 1<29 The title 5ehovah64ireh has t!o (eanings= 5ehovah !ill provide and 5ehovah !ill see9 There is not onl$ a provision #ut also a vision9 *ithin the provision7 !e have the vision9 "ook at the cross= !hat provision and vision !e have there9 . can testif$ that at the cross . have received #oth the provision and the vision9 Before the cross7 . !as lacking7 #ut at the cross . o#tained the divine provision9 Before the cross7 . !as #lind7 having no vision7 #ut
at the cross7 through the provision7 . can see9 No! ($ sight is so clear9 . have not onl$ #een provided for #ut also enlightened9 Even (an$ of the $oung people can testif$ that #efore the$ ca(e to the cross7 the$ !ere poor and #lind9 But one da$ the$ ca(e to the cross and found the provision and the vision9 Ma$ the Spirit of !isdo( help us to reali8e the depth of the significance that is in the fact that the Son of God !as replaced #$ the "a(# of God !hose horns !ere caught #$ hu(anit$9 TYPIFYING CHRIST AS OUR SUBSTITUTE H The "a(# of God !ho replaced the Son of God !as our su#stitute 01 Pet9 ?=1B29 s the ra( !as killed instead of .saac7 so the "a(# of God suffered crucifixion for us9 *hen as a #o$ . heard the preaching of the gospel in !hich !e !ere told that Christ suffered death on our #ehalf7 . could not understand it full$9 Onl$ !hen . sa! the clear picture in Genesis 33 !as . a#le to understand ho! Christ !as our su#stitute9 The ra( !as killed for .saac9 This is a picture sho!ing that Christ7 the "a(# of God7 !as crucified on the cross for us9 *e all should have gone to the cross7 #ut God replaced us !ith the "a(# of God9 To this !e all (ust sa$7 @Praise the "ordJ The "a(# of God7 !ho is the Son of God7 !as our su#stitute9A Because the "a(# of God #eca(e our su#stitute7 -e #eca(e great and significant9 .n /evelation the uni:ue title of Christ is the "a(#9 *hen in /evelation D the postle 5ohn sa! the scroll !hich no one in heaven or on earth !as !orth$ to open7 he !ept9 Then one of the elders said to hi(7 @,o not !eep> #ehold7 the "ion of the tri#e of 5udah7 the /oot of ,avid7 has overco(e to open the scroll and its seven seals9A .((ediatel$ after this7 5ohn sa! the "a(#= @. sa! in the (idst of the throne and of the four living creatures7 and in the (idst of the elders7 a "a(# standing9A .n Genesis 33 !e have the seed of that "a(#9 This seed gre! up in 5ohn 1=3F and is harvested in the #ook of /evelation9 Eventuall$7 the throne of God #eco(es the throne of God and of the "a(# out of !hich proceeds the river of !ater of life !ith the tree of life gro!ing in it 0/ev9 33=16329 ll this proves that the Bi#le is not a (an(ade #ook9 .t certainl$ is the divine revelation9 *hat a picture of Christ is revealed in Genesis 33J ABRAHAM BLESSED BY GOD WITH THE SEED MULTIPLIED H #raha( !as #lessed #$ God9 The #lessing here is not that of (aterial things9 Man$ of us have had the !rong i(pression in the past7 sa$ing that receiving a good 4o# or (aterial #enefit (eans that the "ord has #lessed us9 *e have all #een told to count our #lessings one #$ one7 counting such things as our degree7 pro(otion7 !ife7 house7 and children9 lthough . do not sa$ that such things are not #lessings7 . do sa$ that the$ are not golden #lessings7 #ut (udd$ #lessings9 .n Genesis 337 God did not #less #raha( in this !a$9 /ather7 -e #lessed hi( !ith the (ultiplied seed7 sa$ing7 @.n #lessing . !ill #less thee7 and in (ultipl$ing . !ill (ultipl$ th$ seed as the stars of the heaven7 and as the sand !hich is upon the seashoreA 0v9 1I29 . do not care for (aterial #lessing9 . care for (ultiplication9 . !ould firstl$ like to see fift$ churches in the +nited States7 then a hundred7 and then a thousand9 . !ould also like to see that fro( the +nited States the
(ultiplication !ould spread to frica7 ustralasia7 Europe7 and even #ack to 5erusale(9 This is the #lessing . !ant to see9 #raha( !as #lessed !ith t!o categories of people7 one likened to the stars of the heaven 0v9 1I> 1D=D2 and the other to the sand upon the seashore 0v9 1I27 !hich is also likened to the dust of the earth 01?=1E29 .f $ou kno! histor$ and the prophecies regarding #raha(;s descendants7 $ou !ill see that the$ are of t!o categories7 one heavenl$ and the other earthl$9 *e7 the Christians7 are the stars7 the heavenl$ descendants of #raha(> and the genuine 5e!s7 God;s earthl$ people7 are the sand7 the dust9 Eventuall$7 the 5e!ish people !ill #e God;s priests on earth and !ill teach all the nations9 This is prophesied clearl$ in Rechariah B=3C63?9 *h$ are the 5e!s descri#ed #oth as the sand and as the dustG The sea signifies the !orld corrupted #$ Satan7 and the dust is of the earth created #$ God9 The 5e!s have #een restored to God;s creation9 -ence7 the$ are signified #$ the sand !hich is the dust #eside the sea9 lthough the$ are an earthl$ people7 the$ are not the dust under the sea7 #ut the dust7 the sand7 #$ the seashore9 The$ are separated fro( the corrupted sea7 Satan;s corrupted !orld9 -o!ever7 the stars are not onl$ separated fro( the corrupted !orld #ut are also heavenl$9 ccording to /evelation 3C=B and F7 at the end of the (illenniu( Gog and Magog !ill fight against the ca(p of the saints and the #eloved cit$9 The ca(p of the saints is the ca(p of all the heavenl$ stars7 and the #eloved cit$7 5erusale(7 is the cit$ of the separated sand9 The t!o categories of #raha(;s descendants7 !ho at that ti(e !ill #e caring for God;s interests in the universe7 !ill #e attacked #$ Gog and Magog under Satan;s instigation9 That !ill #e the last !ar in the universe7 a !ar #et!een the devilish people and #raha(;s descendants9 The star is so!n as a seed in Genesis 33 and !ill #e harvested in /evelation 3C and 319 The Ne! 5erusale( is co(posed of the t!elve tri#es of .srael7 representing the Old Testa(ent saints7 and the t!elve postles7 representing the Ne! Testa(ent #elievers9 Those represented #$ the postles are the heavenl$ stars7 and those represented #$ the t!elve tri#es are the sand of the seashore9 These t!o peoples eventuall$ !ill #e #uilt together into the eternal Ne! 5erusale(9 -ence7 the eternal Ne! 5erusale( !ill #e the ulti(ate consu((ation of #raha(;s seed9 This is God;s #lessing to #raha(9 fter seeing this7 !e need to sa$7 @Praise the "ord7 God;s #lessing is not a good house7 car7 degree7 pro(otion7 !ife7 or child9 .t is the (ultiplication of the saints in God;s recover$ and the (ultiplication of the churches9A . hope that one da$ a part of the Ne! 5erusale( !ill #e our (ultiplication as God;s #lessing to us9 t that ti(e7 all the cars and houses !ill #e gone9 Onl$ the (ultiplication in God;s #lessing !ill re(ain forever9 *e shall see the #lessing in God;s (ultiplication in the Ne! 5erusale( for eternit$9 -ere in Genesis 33 !e see a #asic principle7 that is7 !hatever God gives us !ill #e (ultiplied9 God gave #raha( one .saac7 and #raha( offered hi( #ack to God9 Then this one .saac !as (ultiplied into nu(#erless stars and sand9 .f #raha( !ould not have offered .saac #ack to God7 he (ight have had onl$ one .saac9 But having #een offered
#ack to God #$ #raha(7 .saac !as (ultiplied into the Ne! 5erusale(9 This is the !a$ to have God;s gift (ultiplied in us)offer #ack to God !hat -e has given us9 WITH CHRIST AS HIS UNICUE SEED H God;s #lessing of #raha( eventuall$ issues in Christ as the uni:ue seed in !ho( all the nations of the earth shall #e #lessed 0v9 1B> Gal9 ?=1E29 .n Galatians ?=1E Paul speaks of onl$ one seed)Christ9 *e all are included in this one seed9 re !e not all in ChristG ,o $ou kno! the true significance of the short phrase @in ChristAG This phrase is used (an$ ti(es in the Ne! Testa(ent9 .n Christ !e have #een 4ustified9 .n Christ !e are sanctified9 .n Christ !e have the sonship9 Ever$thing concerning us is in Christ9 -allelu4ah7 !e are in ChristJ *e are actuall$ a part of Christ9 +lti(atel$7 all the heavenl$ stars and the earthl$ sand !ill #e in Christ9 s !e have pointed out in the past7 the Ne! 5erusale( !ill #e a great7 corporate Christ9 .n the four Gospels !e have the individual Christ7 #ut at the end of /evelation !e have the corporate Christ including all true #elievers9 .n this one seed7 Christ7 all the nations of the earth shall #e #lessed9 -ave not the +nited States7 Ger(an$7 5apan7 China7 and Great Britain #een #lessedG This is God;s #lessing9 Ma$ !e all expect that the #lessing !hich !e shall receive of God !ill #e the (ultiplication that !ill issue in Christ7 the uni:ue seed9 The (ultiplication that !ill spread to Europe7 frica7 and throughout the earth (ust si(pl$ #e Christ9 ll the churches on earth !ill 4ust #e the (ultiplication of Christ9 CHRIST REVEALED IN THREE WAYS .n Genesis 33 Christ is revealed in three !a$s= as the angel of the "ord 0vv9 116137 1D61B> Exo9 ?=36E27 as the ra( 0v9 1?> 5ohn 1=3F27 and as the seed of #raha( 0v9 1B> Gal9 ?=1E29 *hen #raha( stretched forth his hand to kill .saac7 the angel of the "ord prevented hi(9 Then #raha( sa! a ra( and killed it7 offering it in .saac;s place9 fter!ard7 it #eca(e a #lessing in (ultiplication9 This (ultiplication issues in Christ as the uni:ue seed9 -ere !e see the angel of the "ord stopping7 the ra( replacing7 and the seed #ringing the #lessing9 ll three are Christ9 This is too ($sterious #ecause Christ is ever$thing9 Christ !as the One !ho told #raha( not to kill his son9 Then -e i((ediatel$ #eca(e the ra( caught in a thicket to replace his son9 fter the crucifixion7 -e #eca(e his uni:ue seed in God;s #lessing9 The angel of the "ord7 !ho !as Christ7 provided the ra(7 a t$pe of Christ7 !hich eventuall$ issued in the seed7 !ho is also Christ9 Christ is ever$thing9 *e do not have a s(all7 li(ited Christ9 *e have a great and unli(ited Christ !ho is ever$thing9 Praise the "ordJ
/E. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE DEATH AND BURIAL OF SARAH #raha( ca(e to (ourn for Sarah7 and to !eep for her9 nd #raha( stood up fro( #efore his dead7 and spake unto the sons of -eth7 sa$ing7 . a( a stranger and a so4ourner !ith $ou= give (e a possession of a #ur$ingplace !ith $ouL9 0Genesis 3?=36<2 B$ faith #raha(Ld!elt as a foreigner in the land of pro(ise as in a foreign land7 (aking his ho(e in tents !ith .saac and 5aco#7 the fello! heirs of the sa(e pro(ise> for he eagerl$ !aited for the cit$ !hich has the foundations7 !hose rchitect and Builder is God9L But as it is7 the$ long after a #etter countr$7 that is7 a heavenl$ one9 Therefore God is not asha(ed of the(7 to #e called their God7 for -e has prepared a cit$ for the(9 0-e#re!s 11=B61C7 1E2 .n this (essage !e co(e to Genesis 3?7 a chapter !hich records the death and #urial of Sarah9 *hen . !as $oung7 . did not see !h$ this chapter !as included in the #ook of Genesis9 . could not understand !h$7 !hen #raha( (ust have done (an$ great things !hich are not recorded7 t!ent$ verses !ere used to descri#e ho! he spent his ti(e7 energ$7 (one$7 and even his politeness to ac:uire a #ur$ing place9 But the Bi#le does not !aste an$ !ords9 Since ever$ !ord of the Bi#le is God;s #reath7 Genesis 3? (ust #e ver$ significant9 .f !e consider Genesis 1 and 3 as #eing i(portant7 !e (ust also consider Genesis 3? as #eing i(portant9 Ever$ Christian appreciates Genesis 1 #ecause it gives a record of God;s creation9 *e appreciate Genesis 1 not (erel$ as a record of creation #ut also as a record of life9 .t speaks of God;s i(age and do(inion as related to the (an created #$ God9 *e also appreciate Genesis 3 #ecause it tells us of the tree of life9 -o!ever7 fe! of us appreciate a sepulcher9 But Genesis 3? is focused on the (atter of a #ur$ing place and gives us a detailed account of the purchase of a sepulcher9 More details are included in this stor$ than in an$ other record in the #ook of Genesis9 *hile ever$ other record is :uite #rief7 this one gives a full and clear account of !here the to(# !as located7 !ho o!ned it7 ho! it !as purchased7 and the a(ount #raha( paid for it9 This sepulcher is (entioned in a ver$ significant !a$7 for !e are told that not onl$ !as Sarah #uried there7 #ut that #raha(7 .saac7 /e#ekah7 5aco#7 and "eah !ere #uried there also9 .t is ver$ significant that the na(es of #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are the co(ponents of the divine title of God !ho is the God of resurrection 0Matt9 33=?329 Genesis 3? is a !indo! through !hich !e can see the Ne! 5erusale(9 The Ne! 5erusale( is not found in this chapter7 #ut it can #e seen through it9 This chapter is like a telescope= through it !e can see the eternal ta#ernacle that is far off in the future9 Genesis 31 gives us the record of the #irth of .saac9 This !as certainl$ !orth (entioning9 %ollo!ing this7 in the sa(e chapter !e are told that #raha( redee(ed a !ell7 planted a ta(arisk tree7 and called on the na(e of 5ehovah7 El Ola(9 s !e have seen7 in chapter t!ent$6t!o !e have the offering of .saac9 Then7 in chapter t!ent$6three7 !e have the death and #urial of Sarah9 These three chapters cover at least thirt$6seven $ears9 lthough
a great (an$ things (ust have happened !ith #raha( during these thirt$6seven $ears7 onl$ four things are (entioned= the #irth of .saac7 the living in Beer6she#a7 the offering of .saac7 and the death and #urial of Sarah9 These three chapters exclude (an$ things !hich7 according to our hu(an concept7 are i(portant7 #ut include a detailed record of the death and #urial of Sarah9 Because of this7 !e (ust pa$ close attention to Genesis 3?9 IN HEBRON1THE PLACE OF FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD t the end of chapter t!ent$6t!o7 #raha(7 Sarah7 and .saac !ere d!elling at Beer6 she#a7 undou#tedl$ living near the covenanted !ell and the ta(arisk tree9 This !as a (iniature of the church life7 for the church life is al!a$s #$ a !ell of living !ater and a ta(arisk tree9 Suddenl$7 at the #eginning of chapter t!ent$6three !e are told of Sarah;s death9 lthough #raha(7 Sarah7 and .saac !ere living at Beer6she#a7 she died and !as #uried in -e#ron7 the place of fello!ship !ith God9 Sarah !ent on fro( Beer6she#a to -e#ron9 .n like (anner7 if the "ord dela$s -is co(ing #ack7 . !ould like to live in the church life and die in the fello!ship !ith God9 ccording to the (ap7 -e#ron is #et!een Beer6she#a on the south and 5erusale( on the north9 .t is on the !a$ fro( Beer6she#a to Moriah7 !here 5erusale( is9 .f the "ord dela$s -is co(ing #ack7 . !ould like to #e #uried in a place !hich is on the !a$ to the Ne! 5erusale(9 *here are $ou living toda$G *e all (ust ans!er that !e are living in Beer6 she#a7 in the church #$ the !ell of living !ater and the ta(arisk tree9 Our church life is toda$;s Beer6she#a9 Before the "ord co(es #ack7 so(e of the older ones (a$ leave Beer6 she#a7 the church life7 die in -e#ron7 and !ait there for the Ne! 5erusale(9 -e#ron is not onl$ a place of fello!ship !ith God> it is also a !a$ to 5erusale(9 The cave of Machpelah in -e#ron is the gate!a$ to the Ne! 5erusale(9 Perhaps so(e da$ !e shall hear Sarah testif$7 @*hen . entered into the cave of Machpelah7 . entered into the gate !hich leads into the Ne! 5erusale(9A Sarah !as not si(pl$ #uried in the cave of Machpelah> she is no! sleeping there7 !aiting for the da$ !hen she !ill !ake up and find herself in the Ne! 5erusale(9 SARAHS EARLY DEATH Sarah died at the age of one hundred t!ent$6seven 0vv9 16329 lthough this (a$ see( to #e ver$ old toda$7 at that ti(e it !as an earl$ age to die9 #raha( lived one hundred sevent$6five $ears 03D=I27 living thirt$6eight $ears after Sarah died9 Sarah should not have died at such an earl$ age9 -er death7 thirt$6seven $ears after .saac;s #irth 01I=17 1I> 31=D27 !as a#nor(al9 ABRAHAMS SUFFERING #raha( and Sarah !ere the #est couple in the !hole universe9 The$ trul$ loved one another7 never having an$ consideration of divorce or separation9 *hen #raha( !as ro##ed of his !ife7 it !as a great loss to #oth #raha( and .saac9 .saac !as a dear son to his (other7 and she undou#tedl$ loved hi( ver$ (uch9 t the age of thirt$6seven7 he !as still un(arried and lived !ith his (other9 *hen he did (arr$ at the age of fort$ 03D=3C27
the Bi#le even tells us that .saac !as (arried in his (other;s tent 03<=EI29 Suddenl$7 the love #et!een #raha( and Sarah and #et!een Sarah and .saac !as #roken7 for Sarah7 the !ife and (other7 !as taken a!a$ #$ an a#nor(al death9 Because of this7 #raha( suffered greatl$9 .f $ou read #raha(;s histor$7 $ou !ill see that God !as al!a$s taking things a!a$ fro( hi(9 "ot separated fro( hi(7 Elie8er !as re4ected7 .sh(ael !as cast out7 and .saac !as offered to God on the altar9 Then his dear !ife !as taken a!a$ in death9 *hat trials and sufferings #raha( passed throughJ ccording to our natural concept7 #raha(7 one !ho !as so good !ith God7 should not have suffered all these things9 .n chapter t!ent$6 t!o .saac !as offered to God and returned to #raha( in resurrection9 Suddenl$7 !hile #raha( !as en4o$ing a happ$ life !ith his !ife Sarah and his son .saac7 Sarah7 the factor of his happiness7 !as taken a!a$9 The happiness in this fa(il$ !as dependent upon Sarah7 the !ife and the (other9 *hen Sarah died7 the at(osphere7 life7 and happiness of this fa(il$ !ere all taken a!a$7 and the fa(il$ itself !as gone9 *hat a suffering that !as to #raha(J s God;s called ones7 !e should not expect to have a happ$ life here on earth9 *e (ust follo! the steps of #raha( looking for a #etter countr$7 for a cit$ !ith foundations 0-e#9 11=1C7 1E29 Our te(porar$ life on earth is the life of a traveler9 ,ue to this7 #raha( paid little attention to his d!elling place and si(pl$ erected a tent9 -e !as a so4ourner7 a stranger7 !ho !as looking for a per(anent d!elling place9 #raha( lived for thirt$6eight $ears !ithout Sarah;s help 03D=B29 .n the Bi#le7 the nu(#er thirt$6eight is the nu(#er of sufferings7 trials7 and tests9 The children of .srael suffered trials and tests in the !ilderness for a period of thirt$6eight $ears9 s !e have seen7 .saac !as fort$ $ears old !hen he (arried9 .n the Bi#le7 the nu(#er fort$ also (eans trials7 te(ptations7 and tests9 *e also have another nu(#er in this chapter)four hundred) !hich is ten ti(es fort$9 The first ti(e the nu(#er four hundred is used in the Bi#le is in Genesis 1D=1?7 !here #raha( !as told that his descendants !ould suffer affliction for four hundred $ears9 -ere in 3?=1E !e read that #raha( #ought the sepulcher at the cost of four hundred shekels of silver9 This indicates that it !as a test7 trial7 and suffering9 s $ou read this chapter in the past7 perhaps $ou did not have the feeling that #raha( !as suffering9 But notice t!o !ords in verse 3)@(ournA and @!eep9A #raha( (ourned and !ept for Sarah #ecause he had lost his happiness and his fa(il$ life9 The -e#re! !ords translated @(ournA and @!eepA indicate (uch (ore than 4ust (ourning and !eeping9 #raha( suffered intensel$ at losing his !ife in his old age> he !as deepl$ hurt9 -is great suffering is indicated #$ the nu(#ers thirt$6eight7 fort$7 and four hundred9 ABRAHAMS TESTIMONY #raha(7 one !ho had suffered the loss of his dear !ife7 had a ver$ strong testi(on$9 The -ittites addressed hi( as lord and called hi( @a (ight$ princeA 0v9 E29 The -e#re! !ords translated @(ight$ princeA (a$ also #e rendered @a prince of God9A .n -e#re!7 the !ord for @(ight$A is the !ord for God9 #raha( expressed God as a prince of God and
!as respecta#le as a (ight$ prince9 .n his o!n e$es7 he !as a stranger7 #ut in the e$es of the people7 he !as a (ight$ prince and a prince of God9 -e !as trul$ a !eight$ (an9 *e all need to #e !eight$ and have the sa(e kind of testi(on$ that #raha( had9 .n our neigh#orhoods7 occupations7 and schools7 !e (ust not #e light and allo! others to look do!n on us9 *e (ust #e !eight$7 and others (ust esti(ate us ver$ highl$9 lthough !e should not esti(ate ourselves so highl$7 !e (ust #e high in the e$es of others9 . hope that the teachers in the 4unior high schools !ill sa$ that the $oung #rothers fro( the church !ho are students in their class are (ight$ princes9 Koung #rothers7 do not 4ust pra$ #oldl$ in the (eetings9 Kou (ust also #e !eight$ in school9 Si(pl$ having good #ehavior does not (ean ver$ (uch9 *e (ust have !eight9 Gold and dia(onds are !eight$7 #ut popcorn and cotton cand$ are light9 .f $ou are gold or dia(ond7 $ou !ill have !eight9 s God;s called ones7 !e Christians should #e so !eight$ that people are surprised and sa$7 @*h$ is this $oung (an so !eight$G -e is neither co((on nor a#nor(al9 lthough he is a nor(al $oung (an7 there is no lightness !ith hi(9 -e (ust #e a prince9A *e are !eight$ #ecause !e have God in us9 The called ones need to call on the na(e of 5ehovah7 El Ola(9 The (ore #raha( called on this title of the divine Being7 the (ore !eight$ he #eca(e9 God is gold9 .f !e call on -i(7 !e shall #eco(e golden9 The (ore !e call on the golden God7 the (ore of -is golden ele(ent !ill #e infused into our #eing9 Consider the difference #et!een !ood and petrified !ood9 *ood is light7 #ut petrified !ood is !eight$9 .t is even (ore !eight$ than stone7 #ecause !eight$ (inerals have #een !rought into it9 *e all !ere #orn light7 #ut !e have #een re#orn to #e !eight$9 .n addition to our re#irth7 !e have the process of transfor(ation9 The !a$ in !hich !ood #eco(es petrified is through the continuous flo! of !ater9 This flo! of !ater carries a!a$ the ele(ent of !ood and adds in its place the ele(ent of various (inerals7 transfor(ing the !ood into a !eight$7 precious stone9 .t is insufficient for us (erel$ to #e good neigh#ors9 *e (ust #e !eight$ children of God9 s God;s called ones7 !e are no! under -is infusion9 *e (ust #e so strong and !eight$ that people !ill sa$ that !e are a (ight$ prince7 a prince of God9 s a (ight$ prince7 #raha( !as respecta#le 0v9 E29 -e respected others and received their respect in return9 -e !as also !ise 0vv9 ?61?29 .n this chapter !e see that #raha( had a !ise !a$ of co((uning !ith people7 speaking to the( in a ver$ tasteful and !ise (anner9 %urther(ore7 #raha( !as honest and did not take advantage of an$one 0vv9 1<6 1E29 -is intention !as to purchase the sepulcher9 *hen it !as politel$ offered to hi( as a gift7 #raha(7 after learning that its value !as four hundred shekels of silver7 agreed to pa$ the full a(ount9 -e did not sei8e the opportunit$ to take advantage of others7 and he did not #argain a#out the price9 -e gave Ephron the price he asked7 pa$ing the full a(ount7 the full (one$9 "ike!ise7 !e should not i(press people !ith our scarcit$> !e (ust sho! our riches9 This is our testi(on$9 . feel #adl$ a#out the lo! level of (oralit$ in toda$;s Christianit$9 *hat a poor standard of #ehavior there isJ *e (ust express God sho!ing that !e7 as the children of God7 are !eight$7 respecta#le7 and honest9 *e should #e !illing to suffer loss7 #ut not to take advantage of others9 *hether !e lose or gain
(eans nothing9 .f !e lose7 !e shall still live> if !e gain7 !e cannot live an$ longer9 -o! !e (ust learn to #e honest and respecta#le7 expressing God in a !eight$ (anner9 A SEPULCHER OF CHOICE &erse E speaks of the @choiceA sepulcher7 referring to the #est sepulcher9 *hen the "ord 5esus !as on earth7 -e did not have a good d!elling place9 But after -e died7 -e !as put into a ver$ good #ur$ing place 0Matt9 3I=DI6EC29 -e lived in a poor ho(e7 #ut -e !as #uried in a rich to(#9 .n the Bi#le7 this is a principle9 *e should not live in a good ho(e7 #ut !e should prepare the #est to(#9 #raha( paid (ore attention to the sepulcher than to the tent9 Genesis does not sa$ a !ord regarding ho! #raha( put up his tent7 ho! (uch he paid for it7 or exactl$ !here he erected it9 -e pitched his tent like so(eone !ho goes ca(ping in the (ountains for a fe! da$s9 #raha(7 a true ca(per7 !as ca(ping throughout his entire life9 lthough he did not care ver$ (uch a#out the tent7 he !as ver$ concerned for the sepulcher9 .n this chapter !e find a full description in detail of the cave of Machpelah in the field of Ephron9 Not even the Old Testa(ent cit$ of 5erusale( is descri#ed in such a detailed !a$9 "et us no! consider the (eaning of this9 .n the light of the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e can see that #raha( !as called #$ God and reali8ed that he !as a stranger7 a so4ourner7 looking for a per(anent cit$ and a #etter countr$ 0-e#9 11=F61C7 1E29 s he !as looking for this #etter countr$7 his dear !ife suddenl$ died9 But #raha( did not give up his faith9 Neither did he sa$ to .saac7 @.saac7 $our (other and . have #een looking for a cit$ !ith foundations and for the #etter countr$ !hich God has pro(ised us9 *e have al!a$s had this expectation9 No! $our (other is dead9 -o! !ill she ever get thereG *hat should !e doG Pro#a#l$ our God is not trust!orth$ and !e should not #elieve in -i( an$(ore9A #raha( did not speak in this !a$9 s !e exa(ine the record in -e#re!s7 !e see that #raha( !as not disappointed and did not lose his faith9 /ather7 he had strong faith in the God of resurrection7 #elieving that his dear !ife !ould #e in that cit$ and in that #etter countr$9 This #elief i(plies resurrection9 Genesis 3? is not a chapter on resurrection> it is a chapter on the gate into resurrection9 .n Genesis 3? Sarah did not enter into resurrection> she entered into the gate9 ccording to #raha(;s reali8ation7 Sarah;s death !as the entering into the gate of resurrection9 #raha( did not take this (atter lightl$9 lthough he (ight have #een so(e!hat light !ith his tent7 he !as not light concerning the #ur$ing place of his !ife9 -is intention in purchasing the cave of Machpelah !as not onl$ to #ur$ Sarah there7 #ut also to #ur$ hi(self there9 The !ord Machpelah in -e#re! (eans dou#le or dou#ling9 Ever$one !ho !as #uried in this cave !as #uried as one of a couple= #raha( and Sarah7 .saac and /e#ekah7 5aco# and "eah 0v9 1F> 3D=F> <F=3F6?3> DC=1?29 ,eep !ithin7 #raha( !as filled !ith the expectation that one da$ his !ife !ould #e in the cit$ of foundations9 This i(plies resurrection9 Shortl$ #efore his death7 5aco# charged his sons to #ur$ hi( in the cave of Machpelah9 lthough in ancient ti(es it !as not a s(all thing to take 5aco# fro( Eg$pt to Canaan to #e #uried7 5aco#;s sons did it for hi( 0DC=1?29 B$ this !e can reali8e that7 as he !as a#out to die7 5aco# did not consider death as a ter(ination #ut as a station7 as the gate into the #etter countr$9
#raha( !as filled !ith the hope of resurrection9 -e (ight have even loved the dead #od$ of his !ife (ore than he loved Sarah !hen she !as living9 .f Sarah could have spoken to #raha(7 she (ight have said7 @ #raha(7 !h$ are $ou so good to (e after . have diedG *hen . !as living $ou never prepared a good tent for (e9 No! that . a( dead7 $ou have paid so (uch (one$ to #u$ a cave in !hich to #ur$ (e9 *h$ did $ou #u$ a cave !ith a field and treesG *hat are $ou doingGA #raha( (ight have said7 @Sarah7 $ou (ust reali8e that $ou are not #eing #uried here9 Kou !ill 4ust rest here9 . have prepared the #est #edroo( for $ou in !hich $ou (a$ rest as $ou !ait for that da$9 .f that da$ is far off7 . !ill co(e to #e one !ith $ou and !e shall rest together9 This is !h$ . have purchased the field as !ell as the cave9 "ook at the life in the field9 .t is not a place of death)it is a place of life9A .n the Bi#le7 a field signifies the gro!th of life7 that is7 resurrection9 This is true even toda$9 .f $ou do not #elieve in resurrection7 . !ould ask $ou to consider a !heat field9 Not long after the grains of !heat are planted7 the$ rise up again9 .n 1F?E7 . !as preaching the gospel to a group of students at Ching6-ua +niversit$ in China9 One evening7 after . had preached7 a $oung student ca(e up to (e and7 !anting (e to explain the (atter of resurrection7 said7 @. have no pro#le( !ith Christianit$7 #ut . cannot #elieve in the resurrection9 -o! can !e7 in our (odern7 scientific age7 #elieve in such a superstitious thing as resurrectionG -o! can a dead person #e resurrectedG Ket7 this is one of the (ain teachings in the Bi#le9A . said to hi( that this !as eas$ to explain9 Through the !indo! of the roo( in !hich !e !ere sitting !e could see !heat fields9 . said7 @"ook at the !heat fields9 ,o $ou see the !heat that is gro!ing thereG Can;t $ou see resurrection in these fieldsG The seed is so!n into the soil7 dies7 and eventuall$ the !heat co(es forth9 This is resurrection9A This si(ple illustration convinced hi(7 and he !as saved9 No! he is one of the leading co6!orkers on the island of Tai!an9 gro!ing field signifies resurrection7 #ut drift!ood signifies death9 #raha( did not put Sarah into a place of death7 #ut into a place of life7 a place full of resurrection9 The cave in !hich she !as #uried !as in the end of the field 0v9 F27 and there !ere (an$ trees near#$ 0v9 1I29 Suppose the cave of Machpelah !as surrounded #$ piles of drift!ood9 *henever an$one sa! this7 he !ould i((ediatel$ have had the sense that it !as a place of death7 a place of ter(ination9 But the cave of Machpelah is not the place of ter(ination> it is a place full of the expectation of resurrection9 .t is on the !a$ to resurrection9 .n this place7 Sarah could restfull$ sleep as she !aited for that da$ to co(e9 .f she could speak7 she (ight sa$7 @. a( not !aiting in a place of death9 . a( in a living place9 "ook at the field and the trees9 So(eda$7 .;ll #e in resurrection9A Sarah;s death did not disappoint #raha( in his search for a #etter countr$ and for a cit$ !ith foundations9 On the contrar$7 it stirred up his expectation of the co(ing da$9 Therefore7 he devoted (uch attention and spent a large a(ount of (one$ to purchase the #ur$ing place for Sarah7 hi(self7 and his descendants9 .f !e have the light fro( the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e shall reali8e that this indicates the expectation of resurrection9 Once again . sa$ that the sepulcher is the passage!a$7 the gate!a$7 into the expected cit$7 the Ne! 5erusale(9 -allelu4ah7 the cave of Machpelah is on the !a$ to 5erusale(J
*e kno! that Genesis 3? indicates the expectation of resurrection #ecause the "ord 5esus said that the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco# is not the God of the dead #ut of the living 0Matt9 33=?16?329 .n our e$es7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are dead7 #ut in God;s e$es7 the$ are living9 Our forefather7 #raha(7 God;s called one7 did not care ver$ (uch for the present7 #ut he did pa$ attention to the future9 The choice sepulcher !as for the future9 .n principle7 !e also should not prepare a #etter ho(e for the present #ut a gate!a$ for the future9 *e are not here for toda$ #ut for to(orro!9 .f the "ord dela$s -is co(ing #ack7 !e all shall enter into this gate!a$9 *e should not pa$ too (uch attention to the present #ut rather to the future9 *e should live in a tent looking for the cit$ !hich has foundations9
/;. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE MARRIAGE OF ISAAC A PRACTICAL LIVING IN ONENESS WITH THE LORD nd #raha( said unto his eldest servant of his house7 that ruled over all that he had7 Put7 . pra$ thee7 th$ hand under ($ thigh= and . !ill (ake thee s!ear #$ the "ord7 the God of heaven7 and the God of the earth7 that thou shalt not take a !ife unto ($ son of the daughters of the Canaanites7 a(ong !ho( . d!ell= #ut thou shalt go unto ($ countr$7 and to ($ kindred7 and take a !ife unto ($ son .saac9 0Genesis 3<=36<2 The Bi#le reveals that God;s eternal purpose is to express -i(self through a corporate Bod$ and that this purpose is fulfilled #$ the divine life9 .f !e !ould pro#e into the depths of the #ook of Genesis7 !e (ust see these t!o things9 .n Genesis 1=3E !e see that (an !as (ade in God;s i(age9 The (an here is not an individual (an #ut a corporate (an9 *e (a$ sa$ that it is (ankind7 a corporate Bod$ that can express God;s i(age9 .n Genesis 3 !e see that for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose !e (ust have the divine life signified #$ the tree of life9 .n these t!o chapters !e have t!o crucial !ords)i(age and life9 .(age reveals God;s eternal purpose7 and life unfolds God;s !a$ of fulfilling -is purpose9 Never consider Genesis as (erel$ the record of God;s creation and the histor$ of so(e patriarchs9 This vie! is too superficial9 *hen !e plunge into the depths of this #ook7 !e see that it is not (erel$ a record of creation and histor$7 #ut that it is a revelation of God;s eternal purpose and -is !a$ of fulfilling it9 *ith these t!o points in (ind7 let us no! co(e to Genesis 3<9 Ever$one !ho reads Genesis thinks of this chapter as the record of a (arriage9 -o!ever7 the i(portant thing here is not the (arriage #ut !hat the (arriage indicates7 i(plies7 and t$pifies9 *hen !e !ere on Genesis 1 and 37 !e sa! that those chapters are not onl$ a record of God;s creation #ut a record of life9 Ever$thing found in those chapters is related to life9 n$thing that is not related to life is excluded9 .f $ou read those chapters carefull$7 $ou !ill see that (an$ aspects of God;s creation are o(itted #ecause the$ are not related to
life9 .n the sa(e principle7 onl$ those aspects of #raha(;s histor$ !hich are related to life are recorded in chapters t!ent$6one through t!ent$6four9 The entire #ook of Genesis7 a #ook of onl$ fift$ chapters7 covers over t!ent$6three hundred $ears7 the first t!ent$6three centuries of hu(an histor$9 .f Genesis !ere a record of histor$7 it !ould need hundreds of chapters to cover this span of ti(e9 The fact that such a long period is covered in 4ust fift$ chapters proves that Genesis is not a record of histor$9 . sa$ again that although Genesis apparentl$ is a record of histor$7 it actuall$ is a record sho!ing God;s eternal purpose and the !a$ of fulfilling it #$ life9 n$thing !hich is not related to God;s purpose and its fulfill(ent #$ life is not recorded in this #ook9 Chapters t!ent$6one through t!ent$6four7 covering fort$ $ears 03D=3C27 (ention five (ain things= the #irth of .saac7 the gro!th of .saac7 the offering of .saac7 the death and #urial of Sarah7 and the (arriage of .saac9 lthough this record is #rief7 it is ver$ (eaningful9 -ere !e see a proper #irth and the proper gro!th9 This #irth and gro!th produced a #urnt offering for God;s satisfaction9 fter the #irth and gro!th in chapter t!ent$6one7 !e have the #urnt offering in chapter t!ent$6t!o9 Then7 as !e have seen7 in chapter t!ent$6three !e have the death of Sarah and a detailed account of her #urial9 %ollo!ing this7 in chapter t!ent$6four7 !e see a !onderful (arriage9 But this chapter is not (erel$ the record of a (arriage> it is a stor$ !hich has a deep (eaning and significance in life9 ccording to the co((on understanding of (ost Christians7 the (ain point of this chapter is that .saac is a t$pe of Christ as the Bridegroo( and that /e#ekah is a t$pe of the church as the #ride9 -o!ever7 this is not the (ain point9 The pri(ar$ point is the practical living in oneness !ith the "ord for the fulfilling of God;s purpose9 *e should not understand the Bi#le according to our co((on kno!ledge or tradition7 #ut co(e #ack to the pure *ord9 *henever !e read an$ portion of the Scriptures7 !e (ust forget all !e have learned in the past and look to the "ord for so(ething ne!9 %ift$ $ears ago . read Genesis 3< carefull$7 doing ($ #est to re(e(#er ever$ point9 Nevertheless7 !hen . co(e to this chapter no!7 . do not care for !hat . had in the past9 . like to co(e to this portion of the *ord as if . !ere reading it for the first ti(e9 . can testif$ that 4ust recentl$ . have seen so(ething ne! in this chapter9 -ave $ou ever reali8ed that in Genesis 3< !e can see a practical living in oneness !ith the "ordG s !e have seen7 God has a purpose7 and the !a$ to fulfill -is purpose is #$ life9 These are the t!o governing points in understanding the Bi#le9 .f !e !ould understand Genesis 3<7 !e (ust appl$ these t!o governing points9 *h$ does Genesis 3< give us such a record of .saac;s (arriageG .f !e onl$ read chapter t!ent$6four !e cannot see the purpose of this record9 .n order to ans!er this :uestion !e (ust read the three foregoing chapters9 Genesis 31=13 sa$s7 @.n .saac shall th$ seed #e called9A God called #raha( !ith a purpose9 %or the fulfill(ent of this purpose7 God pro(ised to give #raha( the good land and the seed !hich !ould inherit the land9 God;s eternal purpose is to express -i(self in a corporate !a$9 .n order to have this corporate expression7 God (ust have a people9 This people is the seed of #raha(9 %urther(ore7 in order to have the people to express God corporatel$ there is the need of the land9 *hat then is the
purpose of the (arriage in Genesis 3<G .s it si(pl$ that a single (an (ight have a happ$7 co(forta#le lifeG No9 .f $ou consider the Bi#le as a !hole7 $ou !ill see that .saac;s (arriage !as altogether for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 *ithout (arriage7 ho! could .saac have #rought forth the seedG .f this single (an !as to have seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose7 he had to get (arried9 fter #raha( had #een tested in chapter t!ent$6t!o7 God said7 @.n #lessing . !ill #less thee7 and in (ultipl$ing . !ill (ultipl$ th$ seed as the stars of the heaven7 and as the sand !hich is upon the sea shore> and th$ seed shall possess the gate of his ene(ies> and in th$ seed shall all the nations of the earth #e #lessedA 033=1I61B29 -ere !e also have the seed for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 Thus7 .saac;s (arriage !as not co((on nor (erel$ for his hu(an living> it !as for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 ABRAHAM #raha(;s living !as a practical living in oneness !ith the "ord9 #raha( did not suddenl$ have a vision in !hich God told hi( that -e had a high purpose to carr$ out on earth7 that -e needed hi(7 and that .saac had to #e (arried in order for God;s purpose to #e fulfilled9 There is no such vision in chapter t!ent$6four9 /ather7 the record in Genesis is co((on and hu(an9 ccording to this record7 a (an had a son in his old age9 *hen this son !as thirt$6seven $ears old7 the !ife and (other died7 and the father #uried her in a ver$ (eaningful !a$9 The father and the son7 #oth of !ho( !ere no! un(arried7 !ere left alone7 living together in that sad condition for three $ears9 The son (ight have said7 @%ather7 !here is ($ (otherGA and the father (ight have replied7 @Son7 !here is $our !ifeGA The father !as #urdened to take care of his son9 Perhaps he said7 @. have lost ($ !ife7 and ($ son is no! fort$ $ears of age9 This surel$ is the right ti(e for hi( to get (arried9 But !e are surrounded #$ Canaanites7 none of !ho( !ould ever #e accepted #$ God9A There is no record that God said7 @ #raha(7 let Me charge $ou to send so(eone to $our o!n countr$ to get a !ife for .saac9 . !ill never allo! $ou to take a Canaanite !o(an as a !ife for $our son9A lthough there is no record of God;s sa$ing this7 #raha( did have this understanding9 %ro( !here did he derive itG .t ca(e fro( his living in accordance !ith God;s concept9 #raha( !as a (an !ho lived in oneness !ith God9 .f . live in oneness !ith a certain #rother da$ after da$7 there !ill #e no need for hi( to tell (e of (an$ things9 . !ill alread$ kno! !hat he likes and !hat he does not like7 !hat pleases hi( and !hat offends hi(9 .f . love hi( and live in oneness !ith hi(7 !hatever . sa$ and do !ill #e in accordance !ith his likes or dislikes9 . a( sorr$ to sa$ that (an$ Christians do not live in oneness !ith God9 *hen i(portant (atters arise7 the$ kneel do!n and pra$7 @O "ord7 !hat is Kour !illGA Eventuall$7 the$ do not follo! God;s !ill #ut their o!n concept9 *e do not kno! God;s !ill #$ pra$ing in such a !a$9 .f !e !ould kno! God;s !ill7 !e (ust live in oneness !ith -i(9 .f !e live in oneness !ith -i(7 -e !ill not need to tell us !hat -e desires7 #ecause !e shall alread$ kno! it #$ #eing one !ith -i(9 lthough #raha( !as desperate to take care of his son;s (arriage7 he !ould not accept a Canaanite as .saac;s !ife9 .f !e had #een #raha(7 !e (ight have taken the eas$ !a$ and said7 @There are (an$ girls here in the land of Canaan9 *h$ can;t . choose one of
the( as the !ife for ($ sonG There (a$ #e one ver$ near#$9A #raha( did not think this !a$7 #ut sent his oldest servant far a!a$7 #ack to the countr$ fro( !here he ca(e7 to find a !ife for .saac9 lthough God never told #raha( to do this7 !hat #raha( did !as according to God;s inner !ill and concept9 s !e have seen7 #raha( kne! God;s !ill and (ind #ecause he !as living in practical oneness !ith -i(9 #raha( !as not the onl$ person !ho had such a living9 ll those (entioned in this chapter !ere living in an at(osphere of oneness !ith God9 #raha(7 the oldest servant7 /e#ekah7 "a#an7 Bethuel7 and .saac !ere all living in oneness !ith God9 . hope that ever$one in the churches !ill see that !e need such a living for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose toda$9 *e do not need to pra$ and seek after God;s !ill> !e need to live in oneness !ith God9 *hen !e live in oneness !ith -i(7 !e shall share -is concept7 and !hatever !e think and do !ill #e in accordance !ith -is feeling9 God !ill not need to sa$ an$thing7 for !e shall sense !hat -e senses7 kno!ing -is inner feeling #ecause !e live in oneness !ith -i(9 MOVING IN ACCORDANCE WITH GODS ECONOMY H #raha( (oved in accordance !ith God;s econo($ 0vv9 ?6B29 *hat he did in o#taining a !ife for .saac !as for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 *e long to see that all the (arriages in the churches !ill #e for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 This kind of (arriage re:uires a dail$ living in oneness !ith God9 Koung #rothers7 if ever$thing $ou do is in accordance !ith God;s econo($7 even $our (arriage !ill #e the carr$ing out of -is econo($9 Kou need to sa$7 @"ord7 !hat . a( doing here toda$ (ust #e in accordance !ith Kour econo($9 . a( single no!7 #ut one da$ . !ill #e (arried9 Ma$ ($ (arriage #e for Kour econo($9A This is the (ain revelation in Genesis 3<9 The pri(ar$ thing in this chapter is not that .saac is a t$pe of Christ as the Bridegroo( and that /e#ekah is a t$pe of the church as the #ride9 . sa$ again that the pri(ar$ thing revealed here is the practical living in accordance !ith God;s econo($ for the carr$ing out of -is eternal purpose9 *e need a life !hich rese(#les that of #raha(9 -is (otive7 action7 and ever$thing he did !ere in accordance !ith God;s econo($9 . dou#t that #raha( !as as clear a#out God;s econo($ as !e are toda$9 Nevertheless7 he told his servant that God had called hi(7 had pro(ised to give the land to his seed7 and that the servant had to go to his countr$ to find a !ife for .saac9 .n the light of the !hole Bi#le7 !e can see that this !as the carr$ing out of God;s econo($9 -o! !e need such a life toda$J Our (otive7 action7 and all !e do (ust #e the carr$ing out of God;s econo($9 This does not si(pl$ re:uire that !e kno! God;s !ill and then do certain things9 No7 !e need a dail$ living that is in oneness !ith God9 *e (ust #e this kind of person9 .f !e are such a person7 !hatever !e sa$ !ill #e God;s expression7 and !hatever !e do !ill #e for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 This is the life that !e need for the church life toda$9 ,o not sa$7 @Oh7 . don;t kno! the "ord;s !ill concerning ($ (arriage or ($ schooling9 . (ust fast and pra$ for three da$s and nights9A "et (e tell $ou honestl$ that although . tried this for $ears7 it never !orked ver$ !ell9
Consider the exa(ple of #raha(7 the first of God;s called ones9 Since he !as the first called one7 !e see in his case the principle of the first (ention9 #raha( did not act in toda$;s traditional7 religious !a$7 fasting and pra$ing to seek the "ord;s !ill9 -e did not suddenl$ have a drea( in !hich he sa! /e#ekah in the land of Chaldea !aiting for #raha(;s servant9 s verse <C indicates7 #raha( !alked #efore the "ord9 s a person !alking in the presence of the "ord7 he did not need to fast or pra$ in order to kno! God;s !ill9 Since he !alked in the "ord;s presence7 !hatever he did !as God;s !ill and according to God;s econo($9 CHARGING HIS SERVANT WITH THE LORD H #raha( did not charge his servant to #e faithful7 honest7 or to do a good !ork> he charged hi( !ith and #$ the "ord 0vv9 36?7 F7 <C6<129 -ere !e see that the at(osphere in !hich #raha( lived !as the "ord -i(self9 B$ charging his servant !ith the "ord7 he #rought hi( deep into the "ord9 "ike!ise7 !e should not charge people !ith our !isdo( or even !ith our love7 #ut !ith the "ord9 BELIEVING IN THE SOVEREIGN LORD H #raha( #elieved in the sovereign "ord7 telling his servant that the "ord !ould send -is angel !ith hi( and prosper his !a$ 0v9 <C29 #raha( see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @God !ill send -is angel #efore $ou9 lthough . a( sending $ou to do the 4o#7 . #elieve in God9 .n a sense7 . don;t #elieve that $ou can acco(plish this !ork7 #ut . trust in the living God9 Kou don;t need to #e #urdened or to !orr$9 5ust go and do the 4o#7 for ($ God !ill send -is angel to do the !ork for $ou9A *hat a life #raha( hadJ .f !e had #een #raha(7 !e (ight have said7 @M$ servant7 $ou (ust reali8e that . have passed through (an$ experiences9 "et (e no! give $ou a (ap and tell $ou of the people and their custo(s9A #raha( did not do this9 /ather7 he onl$ charged his servant to serve #$ the "ord7 assuring hi( that God !ould send -is angel #efore hi( and prosper his !a$9 -ere !e see #raha(;s living faith9 THE OLDEST SERVANT FAITHFUL IN RESPONSIBILITY #raha(;s oldest servant !as faithful in responsi#ilit$ 0vv9 D7 F7 ??7 D<7 DE29 -e follo!ed #raha(;s footsteps in #eing faithful9 . #elieve that he !as infused #$ and !ith #raha(;s life7 seeing ho! #raha( did ever$thing #$ trusting in the "ord9 s a result7 the servant also trusted in -i(9 TRUSTING IN THE LORD FOR HIS RESPONSIBILITY H #raha(;s servant trusted in the "ord for his responsi#ilit$ 0vv9 137 317 <329 -e pra$ed to the "ord in a clear7 hu(#le7 $et si(ple !a$9 Ever$one !ho trul$ #elieves in God is si(ple9 *hen he ca(e to the !ell near the cit$ of Nahor7 he pra$ed7 sa$ing7 @O "ord God of ($ (aster #raha(7 . pra$ thee7 send (e good success this da$7 and she! kindness unto ($ (aster #raha(9 Behold7 . stand here #$ the !ell of !ater> and the daughters of the (en of the cit$ co(e out to dra! !ater= and let it co(e to pass7 that the da(sel to
!ho( . shall sa$7 "et do!n th$ pitcher7 . pra$ thee7 that . (a$ drink> and she shall sa$7 ,rink7 and . !ill give th$ ca(els drink also> let the sa(e #e she that thou hast appointed for th$ servant .saac> and there#$ shall . kno! that thou hast she!ed kindness unto ($ (asterA 0vv9 1361<7 -e#929 -is pra$er !as ans!ered i((ediatel$9 Before he had even finished speaking7 /e#ekah ca(e !ith her pitcher upon her shoulder9 *hen he asked her for a drink7 she not onl$ gave hi( a drink #ut also dre! !ater for all his ca(els9 fter she had done this7 the servant !as clear that /e#ekah !as the one and he gave her a ring and t!o #racelets9 LOO0ING FOR THE LORDS LEADING IN THE ENVIRONMENT H The servant kne! the "ord;s !ill #$ looking for -is leading in the environ(ent 0vv9 1?6 317 3E63I7 <B6<F29 *e also can see God;s sovereignt$ in our environ(ent9 No one told the servant to go to the cit$ of Nahor7 the cit$ of #raha(;s #rother9 -e 4ust !ent there and at the !ell he (et /e#ekah7 Nahor;s granddaughter9 Nothing !as accidental> ever$thing !as ordained #efore the foundation of the !orld and !as carried out through #raha(;s servant7 a (an !ho trusted in God9 /EBE' CHASTE, 0IND, AND DILIGENT H .n verse 1E !e are told that /e#ekah !as @ver$ fair to look upon7 a virgin9A /e#ekah !as chaste and pure9 She !as also kind and diligent 0vv9 1B63C29 *hen #raha(;s servant asked for a drink7 she i((ediatel$ gave it to hi(9 She also dre! !ater for his ca(els9 .t !as hard !ork for a $oung !o(an to dra! !ater out of the !ell and pour it into the trough for ten ca(els to drink7 #ut she did it9 .f the $oung sisters !ant to #e under God;s sovereignt$7 especiall$ !ith respect to their (arriage7 the$ need to #e kind and diligent9 n$ $oung !o(an !ho is unkind and slopp$ should re(ain single9 *hen people ask $ou to do one thing7 $ou (ust do t!o things for the(9 nd the second thing should far surpass the first thing9 Kou should not onl$ give a (an !ater to drink7 #ut should also dra! !ater for his ten ca(els9 .f $ou do this7 $ou !ill #e :ualified to o#tain $our hus#and7 $our .saac9 This is so(e advice to all the $oung single sisters9 ABSOLUTE H /e#ekah !as a#solute 0vv9 DI6DB7 E129 lthough /e#ekah had never seen .saac7 she !as !illing to go to hi( !ithout hesitation9 She did not sa$ to her (other7 @Mother7 . have never seen .saac9 Perhaps . should correspond !ith hi( first and after!ard have hi( pa$ us a visit9 Then . could decide !hether or not to (arr$ hi(9A /e#ekah did not talk in this !a$9 lthough her #rother and (other !ere hesitating7 !anting her to sta$ for at least ten da$s7 she said7 @. !ill go9A She !as a#solute9 ,uring the past fort$ $ears7 . have seen a nu(#er of $oung sisters !ho developed (ental pro#le(s as a result of considering (arriage9 So(e spent da$s7 !eeks7 (onths7 and even $ears considering !hether a particular #rother !as the one !ho( God had prepared for the(9 *hen such sisters ca(e to (e7 . said7 !ith a re#uking tone7 @.f $ou feel he is the #rother7 (arr$ hi( #lindl$9 But if he is not the one7 forget a#out hi( and don;t talk a#out it9 The (ore $ou consider7 the (ore $ou #other God7 $ourself7 and (e9 -o! can . tell $ou
$es or noG .f . sa$ $es7 $ou !ill sa$ that . do not kno! hi( !ell9 .f . sa$ no7 $ou !ill feel unhapp$ #ecause $ou have alread$ fallen in love !ith hi(9 ,on;t think a#out it an$(ore9 Either (arr$ hi( or forget a#out hi(9A . !as serious in telling the( this9 Koung sisters7 if $ou !ant to #e (arried7 $ou (ust learn to #e kind7 diligent7 and a#solute9 SUBMISSIVE H /e#ekah !as also su#(issive 0vv9 E<6ED29 *hen she sa! .saac and reali8ed !ho he !as7 @she took a veil7 and covered herself9A Sisters7 do not put a piece of cloth on $our head as a decoration or orna(ent9 .t (ust #e a sign of $our su#(ission9 Once $ou are (arried7 $ou are no longer $our o!n head9 Kour hus#and is $our head7 and $our head (ust #e covered9 This is the true (eaning of (arriage9 LABAN AND BETHUEL "a#an and Bethuel !ere in the fear of the "ord 0vv9 3F6?129 The$ !ere also ver$ hospita#le 0vv9 ?16??29 -ospitalit$ often #rings in the greatest #lessing9 %or /e#ekah7 the daughter of Bethuel and the sister of "a#an7 to #eco(e .saac;s !ife !as a great #lessing9 That #lessing !as secured #$ their #eing hospita#le9 .f the$ had not #een hospita#le #ut rather had re4ected #raha(;s servant7 that !onderful (arriage !ould never have taken place9 %urther(ore7 the$ accepted the "ord;s sovereignt$7 sa$ing7 @The thing proceedeth fro( the "ord= !e cannot speak unto thee #ad or goodA 0vv9 DC6D17 DD6EC29 "a#an and Bethuel recogni8ed that this !as the "ord;s doing and that the$ had no right to sa$ an$thing a#out it9 -ere !e see the at(osphere of their life7 a life in oneness !ith God9 ISAAC .saac !as not a (an of activit$7 for he did not do an$thing9 -e si(pl$ d!elt #$ a !ell7 #$ a place of living !ater9 &erse E? sa$s7 @.saac !ent out to (editate in the field at the eventide9A Translators of the Bi#le are #othered a#out the rendering of the -e#re! in this verse9 So(e versions interpret it as (eaning that .saac !ent to the field to pra$7 and others sa$ that he !ent to the field to !orship9 .t (ight have #een that .saac !as (editating in the presence of the "ord7 possi#l$ considering his (arriage9 -e had lost his (other7 did not have a !ife7 and the (ost trust!orth$ servant had gone on a 4ourne$9 .saac did not kno! if the servant !ould ever co(e #ack9 The fa(il$ had no safet$ or securit$7 and he !as in a desperate situation9 -ence7 he !ent out to the field to seek the "ord and (editate #efore God9 *hile he !as (editating7 /e#ekah ca(e9 fter the servant had told .saac all that had happened7 .saac took !hat his father had done for hi( and (arried /e#ekah 0vv9 EE6EI29 -is (arriage !as an inheritance7 not a strife9 -e did not strive for a !ife> he inherited !hat his father had done for hi(9 -e did not do a thing to get a !ife9 -e onl$ took !hat the father had secured for hi(9 cting in this !a$7 he !as one !ith the "ord that the purpose of God (ight #e fulfilled in hi(9 -e had a real and solid (arriage !ithout a !edding cere(on$9 FULFILLING THE PURPOSE OF GOD .saac;s (arriage eventuall$ fulfilled the purpose of God 031=13#> 33=1I61B29 The life of those in this chapter !as not (erel$ for their o!n hu(an living> it !as a life that issued
in the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose7 a life !hich #rought forth Christ and produced the kingdo( of God for God;s econo($9
/<. LIVING IN FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD THE MARRIAGE OF ISAAC A TYPE OF CHRIST MARRYING THE CHURCH nd .saac !ent out to (editate in the field at the eventide= and he lifted up his e$es7 and sa!7 and7 #ehold7 the ca(els !ere co(ing9 nd /e#ekah lifted up her e$es7 and !hen she sa! .saac7 she lighted off the ca(el9 0Genesis 3<=E?6E<2 "et us re4oice and exult7 and let us give the glor$ to -i(7 for the (arriage of the "a(# has co(e7 and -is !ife has (ade herself read$9 0/evelation 1F=I2 The Bi#le is a divine #ook co(posed !ith the divine concepts9 Because of this7 it contains (an$ !onderful records7 of !hich Genesis 3< is one9 This chapter not onl$ unfolds a living in oneness !ith God> it also i(plies so(ething deeper than hu(an living9 This is the reason that it is difficult for the hu(an (ind to fatho( the depths of the Bi#le9 On the surface of Genesis 3<7 !e have a record of hu(an living7 #ut in its depths there lies so(ething divine9 lthough it is eas$ to vie! the surface7 it is difficult to pro#e into the depths9 .n Genesis 3< !e see a (arriage !hich is a t$pe of Christ (arr$ing the church9 .n the Ne! Testa(ent !e cannot find a verse !hich sa$s that this (arriage is a t$pe of Christ (arr$ing the church9 -o!ever7 the Ne! Testa(ent clearl$ reveals that .saac7 the son of #raha(7 !as a t$pe of Christ #eing #raha(;s uni:ue seed 0Gal9 ?=1E29 Based upon the fact that .saac !as a t$pe of Christ7 !e (a$ infer that .saac;s (arriage !as a t$pe of the (arriage of Christ9 Because the Bi#le is a divine #ook co(posed !ith the divine concepts7 !e can see these concepts in the various #i#lical records9 %or exa(ple7 !e are all fa(iliar !ith the stor$ of 5oseph9 lthough there is no !ord in the Ne! Testa(ent sa$ing that 5oseph !as a t$pe of Christ7 an$ reader of the Bi#le can recogni8e that 5oseph;s stor$ closel$ rese(#les that of Christ9 So(e Bi#le teachers sa$ that !e should not allegori8e an$thing in the Scriptures unless the Ne! Testa(ent indicates that it is an allegor$ or a t$pe of certain spiritual things9 But !e should not insist on this7 for although the Ne! Testa(ent does not sa$ that 5oseph !as a t$pe of Christ7 ever$ Bi#le teacher recogni8es that 5oseph !as an excellent t$pe of Christ9 s !e read the stor$ of 5oseph7 !e see that it depicts the life of Christ9 Man$ incidents in 5oseph;s life7 such as his #etra$al7 are si(ilar to those in the life of Christ9 .n the sa(e principle7 #ecause .saac is a t$pe of Christ and #ecause the (arriage of .saac rese(#les the (arriage of Christ7 !e (a$ sa$ that the (arriage recorded in Genesis 3< is a t$pe of the (arriage of Christ9
.n Genesis 3< !e have four (ain persons= the father7 the son7 the servant7 and the #ride9 This is ver$ (eaningful9 s !e co(e to the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e see that the Triune God is !orking together to o#tain a #ride for the Son9 *hat is the su#4ect of the Ne! Testa(entG .f $ou sa$ that the su#4ect of the Ne! Testa(ent is 4ust 5esus as our Savior7 . !ould sa$ that this is good7 #ut that it is not all6inclusive9 The su#4ect of the Ne! Testa(ent is the Triune God7 the %ather7 the Son7 and the Spirit7 !orking together to o#tain the #ride for the Son9 The %ather (ade the plan7 the Spirit carries out the %ather;s plan7 and the Son en4o$s !hat the %ather has planned and !hat the Spirit carries out9 *ho is the #rideG The #ride is a part of the hu(an race !hich !ill (arr$ the Son and #eco(e -is counterpart9 Matthe! 3B=1F speaks of the %ather7 the Son7 and the Spirit9 .n the cts and Epistles !e see ho! the Spirit !orks according to the %ather;s plan to o#tain the #ride for the Son9 t the end of the Ne! Testa(ent7 in the #ook of /evelation7 !e see the #ride9 /evelation 1F=I sa$s7 @The (arriage of the "a(# is co(e7 and -is !ife has (ade herself read$9A +lti(atel$7 the !hole Ne! 5erusale(7 a cit$6lad$7 !ill #e the #ride 0/ev9 31=37 F61C29 lthough such a ter( as cit$6lad$ (a$ sound strange7 there is nothing !rong !ith using it7 #ecause the Ne! 5erusale( !ill #e a fe(ale7 the !ife of the "a(#7 the counterpart of the Son of God9 The entire Ne! Testa(ent is si(pl$ a record of the Triune God !orking together to gain a part of the hu(an race to #e the #ride7 the counterpart7 of the Son9 THE FATHERS PLAN %irstl$7 !e have the %ather;s plan9 ccording to the 'ing 5a(es &ersion7 Ephesians ?=11 speaks of @the eternal purpose !hich he purposed in Christ 5esus our "ord9A The !ord purpose is an archaic ter( for the (odern !ord plan9 *hen !e speak of God;s plan !e are referring to God;s purpose9 .n eternit$ past God (ade a plan7 a plan to have the church for Christ 0Eph9 ?=B61129 God;s plan is not 4ust to have a group of sinners7 nor to have a group of redee(ed ones9 Such a concept is too lo!9 God;s plan is to have a #ride for -is Son9 *e have heard ti(e and ti(e again that Christ ca(e to save sinners9 But have $ou ever heard a (essage telling $ou that Christ ca(e to have the #rideG 5ohn ?=3F sa$s7 @-e !ho has the #ride is the #ridegroo(9A .n the four Gospels the "ord 5esus told -is disciples that -e !as the Bridegroo( 0Matt9 F=1D29 -e ca(e not onl$ to save sinners #ut to have the #ride9 re !e still sinnersG No7 !e are the #rideJ Praise the "ord that !e are no longer sinners)!e are the #rideJ Should !e still co(e to God confessing our sins in a #egging !a$G No7 !e (ust co(e to -i( 4o$full$7 sa$ing7 @Praise the "ordJ . a( so happ$ that . a( no longer a sinner9 .;( a part of the #rideJA Christ ca(e not (erel$ to #e our Savior and /edee(er> -e also ca(e to #e the Bridegroo(9 God did not plan to save a group of poor sinners and #ring the( all into heaven9 God planned to take a part of the hu(an race and (ake the( the counterpart of -is dear Son9 Eventuall$7 in the ne! heaven and the ne! earth7 !e shall not have a group of pitiful sinners> !e shall have the #ride7 the Ne! 5erusale(7 the !ife of the "a(#9 s !e have seen7 God the %ather planned to take a #ride for -is Son out of the hu(an race9 #raha(7 a t$pe of the %ather7 charged his servant7 a t$pe of the -ol$ Spirit7 not to
take a !ife for his son fro( the daughters of the Canaanites #ut fro( #raha(;s kindred 03<=<7 I29 .n t$polog$7 this indicates that the counterpart of Christ (ust co(e fro( Christ;s race7 not fro( the angels nor fro( an$ other creatures9 Since Christ !as incarnated as a (an7 hu(anit$ has #eco(e -is race9 ,o not al!a$s think of hu(anit$ as #eing so poor9 -u(anit$ is not poor9 Because hu(anit$ is the race of Christ7 it is dear and precious to God9 Onl$ out of hu(anit$ can God o#tain the counterpart for -is Son9 Therefore7 !e all (ust #e proud of #eing a part of hu(anit$ and (ust sa$7 @Praise the "ord that . a( a (anJ Thank -i( that . !as not created as a part of the angelic race #ut as part of the hu(an race9A .n Genesis 3 !e see that God #rought the living creatures to da( to #e na(ed #$ hi(9 da( said7 @This is a dog7 and this is a cat9 This is a (onke$7 and this is a donke$9A s he looked at all those creatures7 he did not find his counterpart a(ong the(9 Thus7 God caused a deep sleep to fall upon da(7 took one of his ri#s7 and #uilt it into a !o(an as his counterpart 03=3163329 -ence7 da( and Eve !ere of the sa(e race9 This indicates that Christ;s counterpart (ust co(e fro( -is race7 the hu(an race9 *e all have #een created as the hu(an race7 and as a part of the hu(an race !e all have #een re#orn9 Onl$ the hu(an race is :ualified to #e the counterpart of Christ9 THE SPIRITS ERRAND *hile the father had a plan7 the servant received a co((ission7 an errand 0v9 ??29 #raha( co((issioned hi( to go to his race and take a !ife for his son9 This signifies that God the %ather has co((issioned God the Spirit9 The Ne! Testa(ent reveals such a divine co((ission9 TO REACH THE CHOSEN BRIDE H s #raha( co((issioned his servant to reach the chosen #ride 0vv9 1C63127 so God the %ather co((issioned God the Spirit to reach the hu(an race9 *e all can testif$ that at a certain ti(e the Spirit of God ca(e to us9 Perhaps $ou !ould sa$7 @. didn;t reali8e that God the Spirit ca(e to (e9 . onl$ kno! that so(eone preached the gospel to (e9A s that person !as preaching the gospel to $ou7 $ou !ere attracted #$ !hat he said and !ere !illing to receive it9 lthough $ou did not understand ever$thing he !as sa$ing7 so(ething deep !ithin $ou !as responding9 .n our (entalit$7 (an$ of us said7 @. don;t like this7A #ut deep !ithin our spirit !e said7 @This is ver$ good9A .n ($ earl$ (inistr$ in China . did a great deal of gospel preaching9 *hen the learned Chinese7 !ho thought of Christianit$ as a foreign religion7 heard our preaching7 the$ said in their (entalit$7 @This is a foreign religion> . don;t like it9A But7 as (an$ of the( later testified7 !hile the$ !ere sa$ing this7 so(ething deep !ithin the( said7 @This is !hat . need9A *hat !as it that caused the( to respond in this !a$ deep !ithinG .t !as the -ol$ Spirit reaching the(9 /e#ekah never drea(ed that she !ould #e selected to #e .saac;s !ife9 ccording to the custo( of the ti(e7 she si(pl$ !ent to dra! !ater late in the afternoon9 But on this da$ so(ething special happened9 Before she ca(e to the !ell7 #raha(;s servant !as alread$ there9 This indicates the Spirit;s co(ing to the hu(an race 0v9 1C29 Before !e ever heard
the preaching of the gospel or ca(e to a gospel (eeting7 the -ol$ Spirit !as alread$ there !aiting9 .n Genesis 3<7 #raha(;s servant7 !ho had co(e to a !ell 0v9 1127 asked a !o(an to give hi( a drink of !ater 0v9 1I29 .n 5ohn <7 the "ord 5esus7 !ho had co(e to 5aco#;s !ell 05ohn <=E27 also asked a !o(an for a drink9 Preachers often sa$ that !e are thirst$ and need the living !ater to :uench our thirst9 But have $ou ever heard that the -ol$ Spirit is thirst$ and needs $ou to :uench -is thirstG .n Genesis 3< !e see a servant !ho !as thirst$ after his long 4ourne$7 and in 5ohn < !e see a Savior !ho !as thirst$ after -is tiring 4ourne$9 *ho !as (ore thirst$ in Genesis 3<7 the servant or /e#ekahG The servant !as9 "ike!ise7 !ho !as (ore thirst$ in 5ohn <7 the "ord 5esus or the Sa(aritan !o(anG The "ord 5esus !as9 -ence7 as !e preach the gospel7 !e (ust tell people that the %ather7 Son7 and Spirit are thirst$ for the(9 /e#ekah did not have the sense that she !as thirst$> neither did she feel the need for a hus#and9 .t !as the servant !ho !as thirst$9 B$ the ti(e he had reached the cit$ of Nahor7 he !as thirst$ #oth ph$sicall$ and spirituall$7 thirsting for the !o(an !ho !ould #e the proper !ife for his (aster;s son9 .n 5ohn <7 the "ord 5esus also !as thirst$ #oth ph$sicall$ and spirituall$9 s $ou are reading this (essage7 the -ol$ Spirit is even no! thirst$ for $ou9 *ill $ou give -i( a drink and :uench -is thirstG *hen !e heard the preaching of the gospel in the past7 !e did not reali8e that the -ol$ Spirit !as thirst$ for us9 *e (ight have thought7 @*h$ is this preacher so a(#itious to convince (eGA But that !as not the a(#ition of the preacher> it !as the thirst of the Spirit9 s $ou !ere listening to the preaching of the gospel7 did $ou not sense that so(eone !as desirous of having $ouG t the ti(e $ou !ere saved7 $ou felt that so(eone !as chasing $ou9 On the one hand7 $ou said7 @. don;t like thisA> on the other hand7 so(ething deep !ithin $ou said7 @Kou cannot run a!a$9A s /e#ekah !ent to dra! !ater fro( the !ell that da$7 she !as co(pletel$ innocent7 having no idea of !hat !as to happen to her9 She did not reali8e that #$ giving a (an a drink of !ater and #$ dra!ing !ater for his ca(els she !ould #e caught9 But the father far a!a$ had (ade a plan to take a !o(an fro( her race as the !ife for his son and had co((issioned his servant to carr$ out this plan9 Thus7 the servant ca(e to the cit$ of Nahor and purposel$ !aited there #$ the !ell9 -e !as a real hunter hunting for a !ife for .saac9 .f /e#ekah had never spoken to the servant7 she !ould not have #een caught9 But7 as !e have seen7 !hat happened did not depend on her9 The servant had alread$ pra$ed that the "ord !ould give hi( success7 sa$ing7 @"et it co(e to pass7 that the da(sel to !ho( . shall sa$7 "et do!n th$ pitcher7 . pra$ thee7 that . (a$ drink> and she shall sa$7 ,rink7 and . !ill give th$ ca(els drink also= let the sa(e #e she that thou hast appointed for th$ servant .saac> and there#$ shall . kno! that thou hast sho!ed kindness unto ($ (asterA 0v9 1<29 *hile he !as still speaking in this !a$7 /e#ekah ca(e9 *hen he asked her for a drink of !ater7 she not onl$ gave hi( a drink7 #ut said7 @. !ill dra! !ater for th$ ca(els also7 until the$ have done drinkingA 0vv9 1B61F29 lthough /e#ekah did not reali8e it7 in doing this7 she !as caught9
Man$ of us can testif$ that7 at the #eginning7 !e did not think !ell of Christ9 But at a certain ti(e so(ething deep !ithin #egan to love -i(9 *hen . !as a $outh7 . did not understand ver$ (uch a#out Christ7 #ut . did love -i(9 lthough . could not explain it then7 . si(pl$ #egan to love -i(9 But no! . kno! the reason= in eternit$7 the %ather had planned to catch (e9 lthough . a( 4ust a little (an7 . a( (ore than !orth$ of #eing caught #$ God9 *e all have #een caught #$ -i( according to -is plan9 "et (e ask $ou7 did $ou desire to #e saved or to #e a ChristianG None of us did9 But one da$ !e heard the na(e of 5esus and responded to it in love9 This is the sign that !e have #een chosen9 *ho #rought the servant to the cit$ of Nahor !here /e#ekah d!eltG nd !ho #rought /e#ekah to the !ell !here the servant !as !aitingG +ndou#tedl$7 it !as the Spirit of God9 Our #eing saved did not depend on us9 .t !as the result of the %ather;s plan and the Spirit;s co((ission9 #raha(;s servant eventuall$ reached /e#ekah through the satisf$ing !ater 0v9 1<29 God;s chosen ones are the satisf$ing !ater to the -ol$ Spirit9 Toda$ the -ol$ Spirit co(es to seek God;s chosen ones as Christ did at the !ell of S$char 05ohn <=I29 .f an$one responds to -i( and satisfies -is desire7 this is a sign that he is one of those chosen for Christ and that he !ill #e gained #$ the -ol$ Spirit for Christ9 TO BRING THE RICHES OF CHRIST TO THE BRIDE H The Spirit also #rings the riches of Christ to the #ride 0vv9 1C7 337 <I7 D?29 fter the ca(els had finished drinking7 the servant put a golden ring on /e#ekah;s nose and t!o #racelets upon her hands 0v9 337 -e#929 The #est !a$ to catch a person is to catch his nose9 That /e#ekah had a ring on her nose and #racelets upon her hands (eant that she had #een caught9 fter giving her these things7 the servant asked her7 @*hose daughter art thouG tell (e7 . pra$ thee= is there roo( in th$ father;s house for us to lodge inGA 0v9 3?29 Once the servant !as #rought into /e#ekah;s ho(e7 he testified of .saac;s riches9 fter /e#ekah;s #rother "a#an and father Bethuel accepted the servant;s proposal7 he gave /e#ekah (ore of .saac;s riches7 articles of silver7 articles of gold7 and rai(ent 0v9 D?29 -e also gave precious things to her #rother and her (other9 This is exactl$ !hat 5ohn 1E=1?61D reveals concerning the Spirit9 .n these verses7 the "ord 5esus said that the Spirit !ill not speak of -i(self7 #ut that -e !ill glorif$ the Son9 ll that the %ather has is -is7 and the Spirit receives of -is and discloses it to the disciples9 Suppose #raha(;s servant had said to "a#an7 @.t is difficult for #raha( to earn a living in Canaan7 and his son .saac is not health$9 . have #een sent to get a helper for hi(9A ,o $ou think that after hearing such a thing /e#ekah !ould have said7 @. !ill goAG No7 she !ould have run a!a$ instead9 But the testi(on$ of #raha(;s servant !as not poor> rather7 it !as ver$ rich9 The servant said that the "ord had #lessed his (aster #raha(7 that he had #eco(e great7 that he had given all things to his son .saac7 and that his (aster had charged hi( to find a !ife for his son9 s /e#ekah !as listening to this testi(on$7 she !as attracted to .saac and !as !illing to go to hi(9 This is a picture of ho! the -ol$ Spirit co(es to us testif$ing of the riches of Christ9 Toda$ Christ is the One appointed to inherit all the riches of the %ather9 *e kno! this #ecause the Spirit has told us of it through the Scriptures9 Because of the Spirit;s
testi(on$7 !e have all #een attracted to Christ9 Ever$ saved one !ho loves and seeks the "ord has #een attracted in this !a$9 *e do not care for the things that the !orldlings are seeking9 *e en4o$ co(ing to the church (eetings and telling the "ord 5esus ho! (uch !e love -i(9 Oh7 !e love -i(7 !e seek -i(7 and !e praise -i(J Over and over !e sa$7 @"ord 5esus7 . love Kou9A /e#ekah reali8ed the riches of .saac through the gifts !hich #raha(;s servant #rought forth to her9 Toda$ !e reali8e the riches of Christ7 !hich -e has received of the %ather7 through the gifts that the Spirit has dispensed to us9 Before /e#ekah (et .saac in the good land7 she had participated in and en4o$ed .saac;s inheritance9 .t is the sa(e !ith us in partaking of Christ;s inheritance9 Before !e (eet -i(7 !e en4o$ the gifts of the Spirit as a foretaste of the full taste of -is riches9 TO CONVINCE THE BRIDE H The Spirit also convinces the #ride 0vv9 D<6DB29 fter the servant7 t$pif$ing the Spirit7 #rought /e#ekah the riches7 she !as convinced and !as !illing to (arr$ .saac9 lthough her relatives !anted her to linger7 /e#ekah7 upon hearing the servant;s testi(on$ of .saac7 said7 @. !ill goA 0v9 DB29 She !as !illing to go to .saac in the land of Canaan9 "ike!ise7 !e are !illing to go to Christ9 lthough !e have never seen -i(7 !e have #een attracted #$ -i( and !e love -i( 01 Pet9 1=B29 lthough /e#ekah had never (et .saac7 she loved hi(9 *hen she heard a#out hi(7 she si(pl$ loved hi( and !anted to go to a land far off to #e !ith hi(9 s long as !e have the !illingness to go to Christ7 it is a sign that !e are the chosen /e#ekah9 s . have !atched the $oung people loving 5esus7 . have said7 @*hat are all these $oung people doing hereG *h$ don;t the$ seek the things of the !orldGA But deep !ithin7 . kno! the reason9 *e have all #een convinced that Christ is the !onderful One9 -e is the (ost lova#le One in the !hole universe9 -o! !e love -i(J s /e#ekah !as riding on the ca(el to #e !ith .saac7 she (ust have said (an$ ti(es7 @.saac7 . love $ouJ .saac7 . !ant to see $ou and #e !ith $ouJA .t is the sa(e !ith us toda$9 s !e are traveling on our long 4ourne$7 !e sa$ over and over again7 @5esus7 . love Kou9 5esus7 . long to (eet Kou and #e in Kour presence9A TO BRING THE BRIDE TO CHRIST H Eventuall$7 the servant #rought /e#ekah to .saac 0vv9 D17 E16EI29 lthough it !as a long 4ourne$7 he #rought her through and presented her to .saac as his #ride9 The -ol$ Spirit has convinced us and no! -e is #ringing us to Christ9 lthough it is a long 4ourne$7 eventuall$ -e !ill #ring us through and present us to Christ as -is lovel$ #ride9 THE CHURCHS RESPONSE No! !e (ust see the church;s response9 s !e have seen7 /e#ekah responded i((ediatel$7 #eing !illing to go !ith the servant to .saac9 lthough there is !ithin our old7 fallen nature a reluctance to follo! the "ord i((ediatel$7 !e cannot den$ that there is also !ithin us the !illingness to follo! -i(9 lthough !e are still in this old nature7 it is nevertheless eas$ for us to follo! the "ord9 .t is (uch easier to follo! -i( than not to
follo! -i(9 ,o not #elieve the lie of the ene($ that $ou can easil$ #e frustrated in follo!ing the "ord9 Tell the ene($7 @Nothing can frustrate ($ desire to follo! the "ord9 ,eep !ithin (e there is the longing to follo! -i(9A Satan is a liar9 So(eti(es he even lies to us through preachers !ho speak negative things and tell us that !e cannot love the "ord 5esus9 ,o not #elieve the lies7 #ut declare7 @NoJ . can and . do love the "ord 5esusJA *e (a$ even lie to ourselves7 sa$ing7 @.;( so !eak9 . 4ust can;t follo! the "ord9 .;d #etter turn around and go #ack9A *e (ust re4ect this lie and sa$7 @. !ill never go #ack9 . !ill follo! the "ord 5esus9A Never #elieve the lie that $ou do not love the "ord9 Tell the ene($7 @. love the "ord 5esus9 M$ loving -i( does not depend upon ($ a#ilit$ to love9 .t depends on -is #eing so lova#le9 Because -e is lova#le7 . cannot help loving -i(9A .f . gave $ou a pair of old shoes7 $ou !ould re4ect the(7 sa$ing7 @. don;t care for thoseJA But if . gave $ou so(e dia(onds7 $ou !ould easil$ love the(7 not #ecause $ou have the a#ilit$ to love #ut #ecause the dia(onds are lova#le9 "ike!ise7 !e do not love the "ord 5esus #ecause !e are a#le to love> !e love -i( #ecause -e is so lova#le9 .n Genesis 3<7 it !as not /e#ekah !ho !as a#le to love .saac and respond to hi(> it !as .saac !ho !as lova#le9 DOING WHAT THE SPIRIT E.PECTS H Our response to the -ol$ Spirit is that !e al!a$s do !hat -e expects9 #raha(;s servant expected that /e#ekah !ould give hi( a drink of !ater and then dra! !ater for his ten ca(els7 and /e#ekah did exactl$ !hat he expected 0vv9 1B63C27 satisf$ing the servant;s thirst9 Often !e have unconsciousl$ done !hat the -ol$ Spirit expected7 satisf$ing -is desire7 doing it !ithout kno!ing !hat -e expected9 Our doing this !as a sign that !e !ere under the (oving of the Spirit9 RECEIVING THE GIFTS H fter doing !hat the servant expected7 /e#ekah received the gifts9 %irstl$7 the servant put a golden ring on her nose9 lthough ladies toda$ like to put rings on their ears7 here the ring is put on /e#ekah;s nose9 .n reading the Song of Songs7 . !as surprised to see that the "ord does not appraise the ears of the seeking one9 .nstead7 -e appraises her nose7 sa$ing7 @Th$ nose is as the to!er of "e#anon !hich looketh to!ard ,a(ascus7A and7 @The s(ell of th$ nose like applesA 0I=<7 B29 .n Song of Songs 3=?7 the seeker sa$s7 @ s the apple tree a(ong the trees of the !ood7 so is ($ #eloved a(ong the sons9 . sat under his shado! !ith great delight7 and his fruit !as s!eet to ($ taste9A Because she had #een en4o$ing the apples7 her nose had the s(ell of apples9 *hat is the significance of thisG The function of the nose is to s(ell9 Putting a golden ring on /e#ekah;s nose (eant that her s(elling function had #een caught #$ the divine nature9 Once !e have this ring on our nose7 !e have the divine s(ell and taste9 s the #ook of -e#re!s sa$s7 !e have tasted of the heavenl$ gift7 the good !ord of God7 and the !orks of po!er of the co(ing age 0-e#9 E=<6E29 Before . !as saved7 . had a particular taste9 -o!ever7 after . received the "ord7 ($ taste changed9 . had received the divine taste9 .s there a golden ring on $our noseG .s $our nose like the high to!er of "e#anonG ccording to "eviticus 31=1B7 no one !ith a flat nose could serve as a priest9 *e all (ust have a high nose7 not a flat one9
*e7 the saved ones7 have the divine s(elling function !ith the divine taste9 Since !e have this taste7 there are (an$ things in the depart(ent stores !hich !e cannot #u$9 *hat tells us not to #u$ these thingsG The golden ring on our nose9 B$ our nose !ith the golden ring !e s(ell that so(ething is !rong !ith certain ite(s in the stores9 Because !e have such a nose7 !e do not need others to tell us !hat to do or !hat not to do9 The function of our s(elling and tasting organ tells us !hat (atches God;s taste and !hat does not9 *e (ust have a high6to!er nose and a nose !ith the s(ell of apples9 Our spiritual nose (ust #e a high to!er in the Spirit9 Our spiritual nose (ust #e !ith the s(ell of Christ9 The (ore !e en4o$ Christ as the apple tree7 the (ore !e have a nose full of -is apple s(ell9 The servant also put t!o #racelets on /e#ekah;s hands 0vv9 337 <I29 .n a sense7 she !as handcuffed9 ccording to the Ne! Testa(ent concept7 this (eans that !e have received the divine function 0/o(9 13=<29 The (ore !e are handcuffed #$ the Spirit7 the (ore gift !e receive of -i(9 *e have not onl$ received the divine taste> !e have also ac:uired the divine function9 The t!o #racelets given to /e#ekah !ere ten shekels in !eight and thus could fulfill the re:uire(ents of God;s co((and(ents9 The !eight of the golden ring on her nose7 on the contrar$7 !as 4ust a half shekel9 This half shekel signifies the first taste7 the foretaste9 The half !e have tasted indicates that another half7 the full taste7 is co(ing9 *hile the taste is onl$ in part7 the functions are in full9 ,o not sa$ that $ou have onl$ half a function9 No7 $our function7 $our talent7 is co(plete9 Ever$one has at least one full talent9 The taste !hich !e have received of the -ol$ Spirit is onl$ partial7 #ut the divine function !hich !e have received of -i( is co(plete9 /e#ekah also received articles of silver7 articles of gold7 and rai(ent 0v9 D?27 all of !hich indicate the riches of Christ9 t first7 /e#ekah received a golden ring on her nose and t!o #racelets on her hands9 fter the acceptance of the servant;s errand7 (ore riches !ere #rought forth9 "ike!ise7 after !e ca(e into the church life and accepted the Spirit;s co((ission7 the riches of Christ7 the articles of silver7 the articles of gold7 and the rai(ent7 !ere #rought forth for our en4o$(ent9 B$ all these details !e can reali8e that the record in Genesis 3< is altogether divine and i(plies the divine concept9 This is not ($ allegori8ation> it is recorded in this !a$9 *h$ !as the golden ring 4ust half a shekel and not three :uarters of a shekelG *h$ !ere the #racelets ten shekels and not nine or eleven shekelsG *h$ did the servant not #ring forth all the other riches until his errand had #een acceptedG ll this (atches the revelation in the Ne! Testa(ent9 Toda$ !e are not onl$ en4o$ing the golden ring on our nose and the #racelets on our hands> !e are also en4o$ing the articles of silver and of gold and the rai(ent9 .n the church life all the riches of Christ are ours9 FOLLOWING THE SPIRIT H fter receiving and en4o$ing all these riches7 /e#ekah follo!ed the servant7 traveling through the desert on a ca(el until she (et .saac 0vv9 DB7 E16ED29 "ike!ise7 !e are follo!ing the Spirit7 traveling a long 4ourne$ on a @ca(el9A *hen !e (eet Christ7 !e
shall dis(ount fro( our @ca(el9A ll the (odern conveniences7 such as telephones7 auto(o#iles7 etc97 are our @ca(elsA toda$9 /e#ekah traveled through the desert on top of a ca(el7 and !e are traveling through the desert on toda$;s (odern @ca(els9A ccording to "eviticus 117 a ca(el is unclean> $et it is useful9 Man$ of toda$;s conveniences are not clean in the e$es of God9 Nevertheless7 the$ ena#le us to travel through the desert9 *hen !e (eet -i(7 !e shall leave the @ca(els9A THE SONS MARRIAGE .n a good sense7 the son7 .saac7 did nothing9 This indicates that ever$thing is planned #$ the %ather and carried out #$ the Spirit9 ll the Son does is receive the #ride9 .saac received /e#ekah at eventide 0vv9 E?6E<29 This i(plies that the (arriage of Christ !ill #e at the eventide of the age9 t the close of this age7 Christ !ill co(e to (eet -is #ride9 .saac #rought /e#ekah into his (other Sarah;s tent and loved her 0v9 EI29 s !e have seen7 Sarah t$pifies grace9 -ence7 this (eans that Christ !ill (eet us in grace as !ell as in love9 This chapter ends !ith the !ords7 @.saac !as co(forted after his (other;s death9A .f . had #een the !riter7 . !ould have said that /e#ekah !as co(forted after her long 4ourne$9 But the Bi#le does not sa$ this9 ,o not consider $our co(fort7 $our satisfaction> rather7 consider Christ;s co(fort7 Christ;s satisfaction9 .f Christ has no co(fort and satisfaction7 !e cannot have an$ co(fort and satisfaction either9 Our satisfaction depends on -is9 Our co(fort is -is co(fort7 and -is satisfaction is ours9 Christ is no! !aiting for -is co(fort9 *hen !ill -e have itG On the da$ of -is (arriage9 That da$ !ill co(e9
/=. HAVING NO MATURITY IN LIFE No! Sarai7 #ra(;s !ife7 #are hi( no children= and she had a hand(aid7 an Eg$ptian7 !hose na(e !as -agar9 nd Sarai said unto #ra(7 Behold no!7 the "ord hath restrained (e fro( #earing= . pra$ thee7 go in unto ($ (aid> it (a$ #e that . (a$ o#tain children #$ her9 nd #ra( hearkened to the voice of Sarai9L nd -agar #are #ra( a son= and #ra( called his son;s na(e7 !hich -agar #are7 .sh(ael9 0Genesis 1E=1637 1D2 nd the "ord visited Sarah as he had said7 and the "ord did unto Sarah as he had spoken9 %or Sarah conceived7 and #are #raha( a son in his old age7 at the set ti(e of !hich God had spoken to hi(9 nd #raha( called the na(e of his son that !as #orn unto hi(7 !ho( Sarah #are to hi(7 .saac9 0Genesis 31=16?2
Then again #raha( took a !ife7 and her na(e !as 'eturah9 nd she #are hi( Ri(ran7 and 5okshan7 and Medan7 and Midian7 and .sh#ak7 and Shuah9 0Genesis 3D=1632 The Bi#le is a co(plete revelation9 The content of this revelation is God;s eternal purpose9 s !e have pointed out (an$ ti(es7 God;s eternal purpose is to !ork -i(self into a corporate (an so that -e (a$ have a corporate expression in the universe9 .f !e !ould understand an$ portion of the Bi#le in a proper !a$7 !e (ust keep this (atter in (ind9 .n this (essage !e co(e to Genesis 3D9 Man$ $ears ago7 . did not like the first part of this chapter9 But since there are no !asted !ords in the Bi#le7 this portion of Genesis 3D (ust #e ver$ significant9 .f !e do not keep #efore us the purpose of the revelation in the hol$ *ord7 !e shall #e una#le to see the significance of this part of Genesis 3D9 B$ -is (erc$7 the "ord has sho!n us the depth of this portion of the *ord9 .n #oth Genesis and /o(ans !e are told clearl$ that #raha( !as ver$ old !hen he #egat .saac9 /o(ans <=1F sa$s that #raha( considered his #od$ as good as dead9 Ket7 fort$ $ears after .saac;s #irth7 #raha( (arried again 03D=127 and !hen he #eca(e one hundred fort$ $ears of age7 he still #egat six sons 03D=329 -o! can !e explain thisG .f he !as as old as a dead person !hen he !as a hundred $ears of age7 he certainl$ (ust have #een (ore like a dead person !hen he re(arried at the age of one hundred fort$9 .n chapter t!ent$6three Sarah died and !as #uried7 in chapter t!ent$6four #raha( o#tained a !ife for .saac7 and in chapter t!ent$6five he hi(self (arried again9 *hat does this (eanG Genesis 3D also includes a record of the #irth of 5aco# and Esau9 *h$ is such a !onderful record included in the sa(e chapter !hich na(es the six sons of #raha(;s concu#ineG The record of #raha(;s six sons is negative7 !hereas the record of the #irth of 5aco# and Esau is positive9 .f $ou !ere co(posing this chapter7 !ould $ou put these t!o records togetherG None of us !ould have !ritten this chapter in such a !a$9 Nevertheless7 according to the inspiration of the -ol$ Spirit7 it (ust #e ver$ significant9 HAVING NO MATURITY IN LIFE .f !e consider all these (atters7 deep in our spirit !e shall reali8e that the -ol$ Spirit;s intention in this chapter is to sho! that #raha( !as not a person (atured in life9 lthough he !as old in his ph$sical life7 he !as not (atured in his spiritual life9 s !e have seen7 God;s purpose is to !ork -i(self into a corporate person that -e (ight have a corporate expression9 .n order to acco(plish this7 God created the heavens7 the earth7 and (an !ith a spirit as his receiving organ 0Rech9 13=129 This (an !as created in God;s i(age to express -i( and !ith -is do(inion to represent -i( in -is authorit$9 .n Genesis ? !e see that Satan in4ected hi(self into (an7 and (an #eca(e fallen9 .n chapters three through eleven (an had at least four falls9 fter the fourth fall7 God ca(e in to call #raha( out of the fallen race and esta#lish hi( as the father of the called race9 God;s intention in (aking #raha( the father of the called race !as to !ork -i(self
into that race for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 lthough God did not have the opportunit$ to !ork -i(self into the created race7 the da(ic race7 -e no! had an opportunit$ to !ork -i(self into the called race7 the #raha(ic race9 The record fro( the last half of chapter eleven through the first part of chapter t!ent$6five sho!s ho! (uch God !orked !ith this person9 -o!ever7 !hen !e co(e to the end of the record of #raha(;s life7 do !e see a person !ho !as (atured in life and !ho expressed God in ever$ !a$G No9 #raha( !as not $et such a person9 Man$ Christians appreciate #raha( too (uch9 lthough . respect #raha( and . do not #elittle hi(7 . (ust point out that7 as the record of Genesis indicates7 he !as not (atured in the divine life9 Chapter t!ent$6four is !onderful7 #ut it is not !onderful !ith respect to #raha(;s life #ut !ith respect to his activit$9 #raha( did a !onderful thing in choosing a proper !ife for his son> $et7 i((ediatel$ after this7 he re(arried9 Genesis 3D does not sa$7 @ fter #raha( had found a good !ife for .saac7 he lived !ith the( in the presence of the "ord for (ore than thirt$ $ears9 One da$7 he called .saac and /e#ekah to hi(7 laid his hands upon the(7 #lessed the(7 and then !ent to #e !ith the "ord9A .f the record !ere like this7 !e !ould all appreciate it7 sa$ing7 @-ere is a saint !ho !as (atured in life9A *hat is the proof of the (aturit$ in lifeG .t is #lessing others9 *hen !e are $oung7 !e receive #lessings fro( others9 But !hen !e are (ature7 !e pass on #lessings to others9 lthough #raha( !as old7 he did not #less an$one9 This proves that he did not have the (aturit$ in life9 MARRYING 0ETURAH AFTER SARAH DIED H The record in Genesis 3D is not a record of #lessing> rather7 it is a record of re(arriage9 #raha( (arried 'eturah after Sarah died9 .s re(arriage a sign of the (aturit$ in lifeG Certainl$ notJ BEGETTING ANOTHER SI. SONS AFTER ISAAC H #raha(;s life (a$ #e divided into three sections= the section !ith .sh(ael7 the section !ith .saac7 and the section !ith the six sons9 .sh(ael !as produced #$ #raha(;s flesh7 and .saac !as produced #$ God;s grace9 *hat a#out the six sonsG The$ !ere produced #$ even (ore flesh9 fter the #irth of .sh(ael7 #raha(;s flesh !as dealt !ith7 and grace ca(e in to replace it9 But after the #irth and gro!th of .saac7 #raha(;s flesh #eca(e active again9 .n the first section7 the section !ith .sh(ael7 #raha(;s flesh !as onefold7 #ut in the third section7 the section !ith the six sons7 his flesh !as sixfold7 having #een intensified six ti(es9 *hile the $ounger flesh produced one .sh(ael7 the older flesh produced six sons9 The Bi#le is honest7 telling us that #raha( (arried 'eturah and #egat six sons #$ her9 But #raha( kne! God;s !ill9 &erse D sa$s7 @ #raha( gave all that he had unto .saac9A .saac !as the uni:ue heir7 the heir chosen7 designated7 and esta#lished #$ God9 None of the other sons !ere reckoned as heirs 0v9 E27 for the$ !ere all sons of the concu#ine and7 like .sh(ael7 !ere re4ected #$ God9 #raha( had t!o concu#ines9 The first gave #irth to .sh(ael7 and the second gave #irth to six sons9 But God did not !ant an$ of the(9 Both #efore and after the #irth of .saac7 #raha( did so(ething !hich God did not !ant9 -o! can !e sa$ that such a life is (atureG
DIED WITHOUT MATURITY IN LIFE H The intention of Genesis 3D is to sho! that #raha( did not have the (aturit$ in life9 -e died !ithout this7 for as !e have seen7 he died !ithout #lessing an$one9 lthough #raha( !as good7 he !as not (ature in the divine life9 .t is right that !e appreciate hi(7 #ut !e (ust reali8e that he had a great lack9 -e !as called7 had faith7 and lived in fello!ship !ith God7 #ut7 to use a Ne! Testa(ent ter(7 he did not have sufficient transfor(ation9 *hat is transfor(ationG Once again . !ould like to use the exa(ple of petrified !ood9 s !ater flo!s through the !ood7 the ele(ent of !ood is carried a!a$ and the ele(ents of (inerals are added in its place9 s the (ineral ele(ents are !rought into the !ood7 the !ood is transfor(ed into stone9 This is petrification9 *e are !ood7 and the flo! of living !ater (ust carr$ a!a$ our natural ele(ent and #ring into our #eing all the divine7 heavenl$7 hol$7 and spiritual ele(ents9 .n this !a$ !e are transfor(ed9 .f $ou read chapters t!ent$6three through t!ent$6five again7 $ou !ill see that #raha( !as not a full$ transfor(ed person9 -e !as a (an !ho lived in fello!ship !ith God and !ho acted according to -is leading7 #ut he !as not transfor(ed in full9 /ather7 he re(arried and exercised the flesh !hich had #een dealt !ith #$ God to #ring forth six (ore @.sh(aels9A lthough !e (ust #e like #raha(7 !e need to see that in hi(self he !as not a co(plete pattern9 BURIED WITH SARAH IN THE CAVE OF MACHPELAH H +ndou#tedl$ #raha( died in faith9 -is t!o sons .saac and .sh(ael #uried hi( in the cave of Machpelah 0vv9 F61C27 !hich he had o#tained for Sarah in chapter t!ent$6three9 .t (ust #e that his sons #uried hi( according to his desire9 NEEDING JACOB AND ISAAC FOR HIS COMPLETION lthough #raha( !as good7 he !as not co(plete9 -e had to #e co(pleted and perfected #$ the lives of 5aco# and .saac9 ccording to the i(plication of the divine record7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are not three separate individuals9 .n like (anner7 their God7 the God of #raha(7 the God of .saac7 and the God of 5aco#7 is not three gods #ut the one Triune God9 .n #raha(7 !e see God the %ather> in .saac7 !e see God the Son> and in 5aco#7 !e see God the Spirit9 The %ather7 the Son7 and the Spirit7 the three6in6one7 are the uni:ue Triune God9 .n the sa(e principle7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are a triune person9 Being three6in6one7 the$ are a co(plete person in the experience of life9 JACOBS BEING CHOSEN H .n #raha(;s record !e see the (atter of calling9 ccording to the divine revelation7 ho!ever7 calling is not the first ite(9 God;s selection co(es #efore God;s calling9 *hen #raha( !as in Chaldea !orshipping idols7 that !as the ti(e of God;s calling7 not the ti(e of -is selection9 The ti(e of God;s selection !as #efore the foundation of the !orld9 .n eternit$ past #raha( !as chosen7 and in Chaldea he !as called9 But !here is the record of #raha(;s selectionG .t is in Genesis 3D in the record of 5aco#;s selection9
.n hi(self7 #raha( had no selection> his selection !as in 5aco#;s selection9 #raha(;s life had neither a full #eginning nor a co(plete ending7 for he had neither selection nor (aturit$ in life7 #oth of !hich are !ith 5aco#9 .n other !ords7 as far as the experience of life is concerned7 #$ hi(self #raha( cannot stand as a co(plete person in the e$es of God9 -e needs 5aco# and .saac9 These three persons7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco#7 represent the spiritual experience of a co(plete (an9 .n the record of 5aco#;s life7 there is no (ention of #eing called9 *here and !hen !as 5aco# calledG -e !as called !ith #raha( in Genesis 117 4ust as #raha( !as selected in 5aco#9 .n #raha( !e clearl$ see God;s calling7 #ut !e do not see selection nor the (aturit$ in life9 .n Genesis 3D !e have three genealogies= the genealog$ of the children of 'eturah 0vv9 36 <27 the genealog$ of the sons of .sh(ael 0vv9 1?61E27 and the genealog$ of .saac 0vv9 1F6 3E29 .n the first t!o genealogies no one is selected #$ God9 None of the sons of 'eturah nor the sons of .sh(ael !ere chosen #$ -i(9 Even Esau7 one #orn of .saac7 !as not chosen9 Of all those na(ed in this chapter7 onl$ one is chosen)5aco#9 These three genealogies are put together in one chapter for a definite purpose)to sho! the kind of person God re4ects and the kind of person -e chooses9 God chose the (ost naught$ one7 5aco#7 !hose na(e (eans a supplanter7 a heel holder9 .f !e !ere God7 !e !ould never have chosen such a naught$7 supplanting one9 Nevertheless7 5aco# !as God;s choice9 *e see in this chapter that !hat #raha( produced !as not !hat God !anted9 None of his six sons !as God;s choice9 .n producing the(7 all he did !as in vain9 "ike!ise7 none of .sh(ael;s descendants !ere chosen #$ God9 fter .saac had #een (arried for t!ent$ $ears7 he @entreated the "ord for his !ife7 #ecause she !as #arren= and the "ord !as entreated of hi(7 and /e#ekah his !ife conceivedA 0v9 3129 /e#ekah gave #irth to t!ins7 the second of !ho( !as God;s choice9 Of the (ore than t!ent$ #irths recorded in this chapter7 all !ere in vain except one9 .n this chapter God see(ed to #e sa$ing to #raha(7 @Kou have #rought forth (an$ children #$ $our flesh7 #ut all is in vain9 Not one !ho is the result of $our flesh is M$ choice9A This chapter reveals that the life !hich lacks (aturit$ !ill al!a$s la#or in vain9 .f !e are not (atured in life7 although !e (a$ #e :uite active7 doing (an$ things7 all our la#or !ill #e in vain9 None of it is according to God;s selection9 #raha( !as a dear saint !ith a ver$ good life7 #ut his life !as not (ature and he did (uch !hich !as in vain9 Nothing that ca(e out of his flesh !as God;s choice9 ,o $ou !ant to have a life like thisG B$ the record of #raha(;s life !e see that he !as not co(plete9 -e needed 5aco# and .saac to co(plete and perfect hi(9 s this chapter reveals7 for his co(pletion and perfection he needed 5aco#;s #eing chosen9 JACOBS MATURITY IN LIFE H #raha( also needed 5aco#;s (aturit$ in life9 ccording to the #ook of Genesis7 the first person to #less others !as Melchisedec 01<=1B61F29 s the #ook of -e#re!s reveals7 Melchisedec !as a t$pe of Christ9 But even !hen #raha( !as ver$ old7 (uch older than 5aco# lived to #e7 he never #lessed an$one9 lthough he received the #lessing7 he never passed on #lessings to others9 fter Melchisedec7 the next person to #less others !as .saac9 But .saac #lessed #lindl$> he !as cheated and did not #less in a clear !a$9 /ather7 he #lessed the !rong person7 giving the #irthright to 5aco# instead of to Esau 0ch9
3I29 -o!ever7 as the record at the end of Genesis reveals7 5aco#7 although he could not see !ell7 #lessed in a ver$ clear !a$9 fter 5aco# #eca(e (ature7 he #lessed !ho(ever he (et9 *herever he !ent7 he did nothing except #less others9 *hen 5aco# !as #rought #efore Pharaoh7 the first thing he did !as #less hi( 0<I=I29 fter talking a !hile !ith Pharaoh7 5aco# #lessed hi( again 0<I=1C29 5aco# !as not onl$ a #lessed person> he !as also a #lessing person9 *hile it is eas$ to receive a #lessing7 it is not eas$ to #less others9 grandson cannot #less his grandfather7 #ecause the grandson lacks the (aturit$ in life9 Because 5aco# !as (ature7 he #lessed ever$one he (et7 including Pharaoh7 !ho !as an un#eliever7 a Gentile king9 5aco# did not feel that he had to do an$thing for an$one9 -is #urden !as si(pl$ to #less others9 Consider the case of 5aco#;s #lessing the t!o sons of 5oseph 0<B=B63C29 *hen 5aco# laid his right hand upon Ephrai( instead of upon Manasseh7 the first#orn7 5oseph !as displeased and atte(pted to (ove his father;s right hand to Manasseh;s head7 sa$ing7 @Not so7 ($ father= for this is the first#orn> put th$ right hand upon his headA 0<B=1B29 But 5aco# refused and said7 @. kno! it7 ($ son7 . kno! itA 0<B=1F29 5aco# see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @. (a$ #e #lind ph$sicall$7 #ut . a( ver$ clear spirituall$9 Kou don;t kno! !hat . a( doing7 #ut . kno!9A -ere !e see that 5aco# #lessed 5oseph;s t!o sons !ith a clear7 full7 and rich #lessing9 5aco# also #lessed his t!elve sons in a ver$ clear !a$9 These #lessings are the foundation of the #asic prophecies in the Bi#le9 .f !e !ould kno! the prophecies in the Bi#le7 !e (ust go #ack to their foundation7 to their #asic ele(ents7 as seen in the #lessings rendered #$ 5aco# to his t!elve sons9 5aco# could #less his sons in a !a$ that !as full of divine revelation #ecause he !as full$ (atured in the divine life9 -e !as #orn a 5aco#7 #ut he !as transfor(ed into .srael9 -e !as #orn a supplanter7 a heel6holder7 #ut he !as transfor(ed into a prince of God9 -e had #eco(e so clear and full of life9 *hen !e are clear and full of life7 !e can do nothing #ut #less9 This is a sign of (aturit$9 s !e have seen7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# for( one co(plete person in the experience of life9 #raha( did not #less7 #ecause he did not have the (aturit$ in life9 .saac7 having so(e (aturit$ #ut lacking the richness of the (aturit$ of life7 #lessed in a #lind !a$9 5aco#7 !ho !as (ature in life7 #lessed in a full and clear !a$9 *hatever he spoke !as the divine !ord7 and !hatever he #lessed !as a prophec$ concerning God;s econo($ !ith all -is children9 Eventuall$7 5aco# #eca(e .srael7 the expression of God9 .f !e have the light fro( the Scriptures as a !hole7 !e shall see that the #ook of Genesis is a (iniature of the co(plete revelation of the entire Bi#le9 t the end of Genesis !e see a (an called .srael7 a transfor(ed person !ho is transparent7 clear7 and full of life9 The transfor(ed .srael is a seed7 a (iniature7 of the Ne! 5erusale(9 t the #eginning of Genesis !e have (an created in God;s i(age9 t the end of Genesis !e have a transfor(ed person7 a (an not onl$ out!ardl$ in the i(age of God7 #ut a (an in !ho(
God has !rought -i(self7 (aking hi( -is expression9 lthough (an$ Christians appreciate #raha(7 his life !as not high enough9 .srael;s life !as (uch higher9 ISAACS ENJOYMENT OF THE INHERITANCE H %or his co(pletion7 #raha( also needed .saac;s en4o$(ent of the inheritance 03<=?E> 3D=D29 %ro( the da$ #raha( !as called #$ God7 God #egan to ro# hi( of things9 %irstl$7 God took a!a$ his #rother and then his father9 "ater7 God re4ected Elie8er7 co((anded #raha( to cast out .sh(ael7 and told hi( to offer .saac on the altar9 fter .saac had #een returned7 Sarah died9 #raha(;s life !as not a life of en4o$(ent> it !as a life of #eing ro##ed9 .saac;s life7 on the contrar$7 !as a life full of en4o$(ent9 .saac did not do an$thing> he si(pl$ inherited all his father had9 .n our Christian life !e have the experiences of #oth #raha( and .saac9 On one hand !e are al!a$s #eing ro##ed9 God re4ects !hatever !e have9 -e see(s to sa$7 @Kou like it7 #ut . don;t like it9 Kou !ant to give it7 #ut . !on;t take it9 Kou !ant to preserve it7 #ut . re4ect it9A .n a ver$ good sense7 God al!a$s acts contrar$ to our !ishes and intentions9 #raha( !anted to take his father !ith hi(7 #ut the father !as taken a!a$9 -e !anted to have "ot7 #ut "ot separated fro( hi(9 -e !anted Elie8er to #e his heir7 #ut Elie8er !as re4ected9 -e !anted to keep .sh(ael7 #ut God co((anded hi( to cast out the son of the #ond!o(an9 #raha( loved his son .saac7 #ut God re:uired that he #e offered to -i( upon the altar9 !hile later7 Sarah7 #raha(;s dear !ife7 !as taken9 . dou#t that #raha( had (uch ti(e for en4o$(ent9 But there is another side to our Christian life9 *hile !e are suffering the ro##ing7 !e are en4o$ing our inheritance9 This is !h$ the records of #raha( and .saac overlap7 !hereas the records of those !ho preceded the(7 such as #el7 Enoch7 and Noah7 do not9 The record of .saac is (ixed together !ith that of #raha(9 *hile #raha( !as suffering7 .saac !as en4o$ing9 *hile #raha( !as !eeping7 .saac !as re4oicing9 This indicates that our Christian life is a life of night and (orning9 Night is at our left hand and (orning is at our right hand9 .n the Christian life7 night and (orning go together9 Man$ ti(es . have #een una#le to deter(ine !hether . !as in the night or in the (orning9 *hile . !as in the (orning . !as in the night7 and !hile . !as in the night7 . !as in the (orning9 On the one hand7 . !as #raha( #eing ro##ed of ever$thing7 and on the other hand7 . !as .saac en4o$ing the inheritance9 *e all have #een selected !ith 5aco# and have #een called and have #elieved !ith #raha(9 s !e have #een ro##ed !ith #raha( and have #een en4o$ing !ith .saac7 one da$ !e all shall #e (atured !ith 5aco#9 *e should not sa$ that a certain #rother is a 5aco# or #raha( or .saac9 *e should call hi( a 5aco#6 #raha(6.saac9 -e is 5aco# at the #eginning and at the ending7 and he is #raha( !ith .saac in the (iddle9 These three are one co(plete person9 s !e have seen7 the (aturit$ in life is neither !ith #raha( nor .saac #ut !ith 5aco#9 The sign of the (aturit$ of life is #lessing9 . have seen thousands of Christians9 Nearl$ ever$ one has #een either supplanting or co(plaining9 So(e saints co(plain a#out the elders7 the #rothers7 and all the churches9 .t see(s that the onl$ church the$ like is the
Ne! 5erusale(9 Co(plaining is a sign of i((aturit$9 *hen $ou have (atured7 $ou !ill not co(plain> $ou !ill #less7 sa$ing7 @O God7 #less all the #rothers and all the churches9A %or the one !ho is (atured in life7 the supplanting hand has #eco(e the #lessing hand9 The (ore (ature $ou are7 the (ore $ou !ill #less others9 Kou !ill not onl$ #less the good ones7 #ut the #ad ones and even the !orst ones9 #raha(;s life !as !onderful and has #een appreciated #$ Christians throughout the centuries9 But7 as !e have seen7 he !as not (ature in the divine life9 Our God is not onl$ God the %ather7 #ut also God the Son and God the Spirit9 -e is not onl$ the God of #raha(7 #ut also the God of .saac and the God of 5aco#9 Ma$ !e all see that !e need all three aspects7 the life of #raha( plus the lives of .saac and 5aco#9 The Triune God is !orking !ithin us as the %ather7 the Son7 and the Spirit to (ake us the full expression of -i(self9 -e is the Triune God7 and !e (ust #e a person of three aspects in the spiritual experiences of the divine life9 *e need to #e transfor(ed in full9 *hen !e have #een full$ transfor(ed7 God !ill have the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9
/>. INHERITING GRACE The grace of the "ord 5esus #e !ith all the saints9 (en9 0/evelation 33=312
Through !ho( also !e have o#tained access #$ faith into this grace in !hich !e stand9 0/o(ans D=32 B$ the grace of God . a( !hat . a(> and -is grace unto (e did not turn out to #e in vain7 #ut7 on the contrar$7 . la#ored (ore a#undantl$ than all of the(7 $et not . #ut the grace of God !hich is !ith (e9 01 Corinthians 1D=1C2 . a( crucified !ith Christ> and it is no longer . !ho live7 #ut it is Christ !ho lives in (e> and the life !hich . no! live in the flesh . live in faith7 the faith of the Son of God7 !ho loved (e and gave -i(self up for (e9 0Galatians 3=32 The grace of the "ord 5esus Christ and the love of God and the fello!ship of the -ol$ Spirit #e !ith $ou all9 03 Corinthians 1?=1<2 *e have pointed out in previous (essages that7 according to the experience of life7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are three parts of one co(plete person and that !e should not consider the( as three separate individuals9 .f !e kno! the life in the #ook of Genesis7 !e shall see that7 in the e$es of God7 these three persons are one co(plete unit in the experience of life9 .n this (essage !e co(e to the second aspect of the experience of the called)the experience of .saac 031=1)3B=F> ?D=3B63F29 .t is not eas$ for Christians to understand the experience of .saac9 .t is :uite eas$7 on the contrar$7 to understand the three (ain aspects
of #raha(;s experience= #eing called #$ God7 living #$ faith in God7 and living in fello!ship !ith God9 But !hat shall !e sa$ a#out .saacG s !e read the record of his life in chapters t!ent$6one through t!ent$6eight7 !hat do !e see of the experience of lifeG *e do not see that he !as called7 lived #$ faith in God7 or lived in fello!ship !ith God9 ccording to Genesis7 !e see ho! .saac !as #orn7 !as (arried7 and #egat t!o sons9 But it is difficult to sa$ !hat experience of life !e find in the record of .saac9 .n the record of .saac;s life the experience of grace is i(plied9 *hat .saac experienced !as the inheriting of God;s grace9 The grace of God !as not as full$ revealed in the Old Testa(ent as it is in the Ne! Testa(ent7 #ecause grace actuall$ ca(e through 5esus Christ 05ohn 1=1I29 fter Christ ca(e7 there is a full and thorough revelation of grace7 and in the Ne! Testa(ent the !ord grace is used again and again9 The Ne! Testa(ent even closes !ith the (ention of grace= @The grace of the "ord 5esus #e !ith all the saints9 (enA 0/ev9 33=3129 The Bi#le #egins in the Old Testa(ent !ith the !ord7 @.n the #eginning God created the heaven and the earth7A and it ends in the Ne! Testa(ent !ith the !ord7 @The grace of the "ord 5esus #e !ith all the saints9A lthough the record in Genesis concerning .saac does not have the ter( grace7 nevertheless such a thing is i(plied there9 This is the reason that it is :uite difficult for (an$ to understand the Bi#le9 .n the Bi#le7 there (a$ #e a certain thing #ut not the ter( to descri#e it9 lthough .saac;s experience is recorded in Genesis7 it is difficult to designate the experience he had as the experience of grace9 ccording to the Ne! Testa(ent revelation7 as far as the experience of life is concerned7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# should not #e considered as three separate individuals7 #ut as aspects of one co(plete person;s experience of life9 #raha( represents the aspect of #eing called7 of living #$ faith in God7 and of living in fello!ship !ith God9 .saac represents the aspect of inheriting grace and en4o$ing the inheritance of grace9 5aco# represents the aspect of #eing chosen7 #eing dealt !ith #$ the "ord7 and #eing transfor(ed into a prince of God9 .n the experience of life7 there is the aspect of en4o$(ent7 the en4o$(ent of grace9 Most of us have heard (essages sa$ing that the Christian life should #e a suffering life7 a life of #earing the cross and groaning in pra$er9 -ave $ou not heard (essages telling $ou that toda$ is not the ti(e of en4o$(ent #ut the ti(e of suffering and of #earing the cross7 and that our en4o$(ent !ill #egin at the ti(e of the "ord;s co(ing #ackG . do not sa$ that this is !rong7 #ut . do sa$ that it is onl$ one aspect of the Christian life9 There is another aspect)the aspect of en4o$(ent9 .n the #i#lical and experiential sense7 grace (eans en4o$(ent9 Grace is the en4o$(ent in our Christian life9 Our Christian life has three aspects= the aspect of #raha(7 the aspect of .saac7 and the aspect of 5aco#9 .n the aspect of #raha( !e cannot see (uch en4o$(ent9 lthough #raha( !as #lessed and !as enlarged7 he did not have ver$ (uch en4o$(ent9 -e lost his father7 and "ot #eca(e a grief to hi(9 Elie8er7 in !ho( he trusted7 !as re4ected7 and .sh(ael7 the son he #egat #$ his o!n endeavor !ith his concu#ine7 !as cast out9 fter .saac !as #orn7 God re:uired that #raha( offer hi( up as a #urnt offering9 Not too long after .saac !as returned7 #raha( lost his dear !ife9 Throughout his !hole life !e can see the aspect of loss9 lthough the Bi#le does not sho! that #raha( suffered ver$ (uch7 he lost al(ost ever$thing9 .s this all the Christian life isG .f
it is7 then the Christian life is onl$ a life of losses9 The (atter of loss is 4ust one aspect of the Christian life9 /o(ans D=3 does not sa$7 @*e have access into this loss in !hich !e stand9A No7 it sa$s7 @*e have the access #$ faith into this grace in !hich !e stand9A God has no intention of keeping us in loss9 -is intention is to #ring us into grace7 into the en4o$(ent9 God !ants to #ring us into the en4o$(ent of grace7 #ut there is a frustration to this grace )the self9 *e ourselves are the frustration9 lthough Christ has co(e and grace has co(e !ith -i(7 and although !e have #een #rought into the grace in !hich !e stand7 the greatest frustration to this grace is $ou and .9 -ence7 #efore !e can have the experience of .saac7 !e need #raha( !ho represents the first aspect of the experience of life9 #raha(;s life reveals that if !e !ould en4o$ God;s grace and have the full en4o$(ent of God;s riches7 !e (ust #e dealt !ith7 circu(cised7 and cut off9 .f #raha( had not #een circu(cised7 .saac !ould never have #een #orn9 .saac ca(e after #raha(;s circu(cision9 fter #raha( !as circu(cised in Genesis 1I7 God told hi( that .saac !ould #e #orn 01I=1F29 Eventuall$7 in chapter t!ent$6one7 .saac !as #orn9 .saac ca(e !ith God;s visitation9 -e !as #orn #$ God;s visitation9 God;s visitation e:uals the #irth of .saac9 God visited Sarah and that visitation #eca(e the #irth of .saac9 This is grace9 God has co(e to #e en4o$ed #$ -is called ones9 But if !e !ould have this en4o$(ent7 the self (ust go9 Once the self has gone7 .saac co(es9 This (eans that grace co(es9 .t is not eas$ to lose the self9 .n order for the self to go7 !e (ust suffer loss9 re $ou !illing to lose $ourselfG . do not #elieve that an$one is !illing to lose hi(self9 Nevertheless7 !e (ust lose ourselves #efore grace can co(e9 To lose the self is to lose our face9 *hen !e keep our face !e lose grace9 .f !e !ant to receive grace7 !e (ust lose our face9 Brothers7 as $ou deal !ith $our !ife in $our dail$ living7 $ou (ust #e prepared to lose $ourself9 .f $ou do this7 grace !ill co(e9 fter #raha( !as circu(cised7 .saac ca(e9 This is the principle9 *ith us7 the self (ust go and then grace !ill co(e9 *e (ust firstl$ #e #raha( and then !e #eco(e .saac9 .t !as not eas$ for #raha( to lose hi(self9 .n a good sense7 God forced hi( to lose hi(self9 *hen God called #raha(7 -e did not sa$7 @ #raha(7 $ou (ust lose $ourself and then . !ill co(e in to #e $our grace and en4o$(ent9A No7 !hen God called hi(7 -e pro(ised to #less hi(9 The #lessing in the Old Testa(ent so(e!hat e:uals the grace in the Ne! Testa(ent9 *hat is the difference #et!een #lessing and graceG *hen God gives us so(ething free7 that is a #lessing9 But !hen this #lessing is !rought into our #eing7 it #eco(es grace9 God pro(ised #raha( that -e !ould #less hi(9 *hen the #lessing !as !rought into #raha(7 it #eca(e grace9 #raha(;s self and natural (an !ere the strongest frustration to God;s #lessing and forced God to deal !ith hi(9 The sa(e is true in our experience9 *e all have #een called7 and God has given us the #lessings in Christ 0Eph9 1=?29 -o!ever7 after #eing called7 !e are still in ourselves and exercise our self6effort to o#tain God;s #lessing9 *hen . !as $oung7 . reali8ed that ($ flesh !as not good9 *hen . !as told that the flesh had #een crucified on the cross7 . !as ver$ happ$9 Then . #egan to exercise ($ o!n effort to put the flesh on the cross9 But in exercising ($ o!n effort7 . frustrated God;s grace9 The crossing out of the flesh had
alread$ #een acco(plished> it did not need the exercise of ($ effort9 Ket .7 the self7 !as tr$ing to put ($ flesh on the cross9 That self !as the greatest frustration to God;s grace9 .t separated (e fro( grace9 .f !e consider our past experience7 !e shall see that after hearing the good ne!s7 !e tried (an$ ti(es #$ ourselves to o#tain the things !e heard in the good ne!s9 Our self6effort has #een a frustration to God;s grace9 Because of this7 God has #een forced to deal !ith us9 Being called #$ God7 living #$ faith in God7 and living in fello!ship !ith God are all for the en4o$(ent of God9 *e have #een called to the en4o$(ent of God7 !e (ust learn to live #$ faith in God that !e (a$ have the en4o$(ent of God7 and !e need to live in fello!ship !ith God that !e (a$ participate in all -is riches9 ll this is for one thing) the en4o$(ent of God9 But !e do not see this en4o$(ent !ith #raha(> !e see it !ith .saac9 *e all have had at least so(e experience of #eing called #$ God7 living #$ faith in God7 living in fello!ship !ith God7 and suffering loss9 *e are real #raha(s toda$9 But !e can also testif$ that7 (uch to our surprise7 in the (idst of our loss there has #een so(e en4o$(ent9 *hile !e !ere suffering a loss7 unconsciousl$ !e !ere en4o$ing so(ething9 *henever !e suffered a dealing fro( God7 !e si(ultaneousl$ had so(e en4o$(ent9 *hile !e !ere the suffering #raha(7 !e !ere also the en4o$ing .saac9 %or this reason7 the record of .saac does not i((ediatel$ follo! the record of #raha(9 /ather7 it is (ingled !ith the record of #raha(;s life9 *hile #raha( !as still there7 .saac ca(e in7 for the$ !ere not t!o separate individuals in the experience of life7 #ut t!o aspects of the experience of a co(plete person9 *e need the experiences of #oth #raha( and .saac9 Perhaps even toda$ $ou had a certain experience and said7 @. don;t kno! !h$ this has happened to (e9A But deep !ithin $ou do kno!9 .n the (idst of $our loss7 $ou gain and en4o$ Christ9 This is the experience of .saac9 .f !e onl$ had #raha( !ithout .saac7 !e !ould #e ver$ disappointed !ith #raha(;s record9 *e !ould sa$7 @*hat is the good of #eing the father of faith if it is onl$ a (atter of suffering lossGA But once !e see the experience of .saac7 !e shall sa$7 @No! . understand !h$ #raha( suffered the loss of so (uch9 ll the negative experiences of #raha( !ere for the positive en4o$(ent !ith .saac9A #raha( !as for .saac9 #raha( ac:uired a great deal7 having #een #lessed and having #eco(e enlarged7 #ut he gave all that he had to .saac 03<=?E> 3D=D29 #raha( suffered for .saac;s gain9 The (ore #raha( suffered7 the (ore .saac gained9 . !ould sa$7 @Poor #raha(7 $ou are 4ust a suffering person9 ll that $ou have gained through $our suffering is not for $ou #ut for .saac9A *e all (ust reali8e that toda$ !e are not onl$ #raha(s #ut also .saacs9 .f $ou sa$ to (e7 @Brother7 $ou are a poor #raha( al!a$s suffering7A . !ould repl$7 @,on;t $ou kno! that .;( also an .saacG . have suffered loss that . (ight gain9 . lose as #raha( and . gain as .saac9 .;( not 4ust #raha(9 M$ na(e is #raha(6.saac9 On the loss side7 . a( #raha(> on the gain side7 . a( .saac9A *e are #oth #raha( and .saac9 s #raha(7 !e have #een called #$ God7 have learned to live #$ faith in God7 and have learned to live in fello!ship !ith God9 t the sa(e ti(e7 as .saac7 !e do nothing except en4o$ all !e have gained fro( #raha(;s experience9 *hich kind of experience do $ou appreciate (ore) #raha(;s or .saac;sG *ithout
#raha(;s experience !e cannot have .saac;s9 God is dealing !ith us as -e dealt !ith #raha( that !e (ight have the experience of .saac9 The (atter of grace has #een hidden7 concealed7 and veiled throughout the $ears9 *hat is graceG Grace is so(ething of God !hich is !rought into our #eing and !hich !orks in us and does things for us9 .t is nothing out!ard9 Grace is God in Christ !rought into our #eing to live7 !ork7 and do things for us9 .n 1 Corinthians 1D=1C Paul sa$s7 @B$ the grace of God . a( !hat . a(> and -is grace unto (e !as not in vain7 #ut . la#ored (ore a#undantl$ than all of the(7 $et not .7 #ut the grace of God !ith (e9A This !ord is :uite deep9 Paul did not sa$7 @B$ the grace of God . have !hat . have9 . have a good car7 a good 4o#7 and a good !ife #$ the grace of God9A -e did not even sa$7 @B$ the grace of God . do !hat . do9A .t is not a (atter of doing7 having7 or !orking> it is a#solutel$ a (atter of #eing9 -ence7 Paul sa$s7 @B$ the grace of God . a( !hat . a(9A This (eans that the ver$ grace of God had #een !rought into his #eing7 (aking hi( that kind of person9 .n Galatians 3=3C Paul sa$s7 @No longer . !ho live7 #ut Christ lives in (e9A .f !e put this verse together !ith 1 Corinthians 1D=1C7 !e see that grace is si(pl$ Christ living in us9 .t is @not .7 #ut the grace of God7A @no longer .7 #ut Christ9A Grace is not outside of us or #eside us9 .t is a divine Person7 God -i(self in Christ7 !rought into our #eing to #e the constituent of our #eing9 Because of the lack of revelation7 Christians have (isunderstood and (isinterpreted grace7 thinking of it as so(ething outside of the(9 But grace is 4ust the Triune God !rought into our #eing to #e !hat !e should #e and to live7 !ork7 and do things for us so that !e (a$ sa$7 @. a( !hat . a( #$ the grace of God9 .t is not .7 #ut the grace of God9A *e all have #een taught to have good #ehavior and to love one another9 s a result7 !e tr$ to #ehave ourselves and to love others9 But it does not (atter !hether !e can love others or not7 for God !ill never recogni8e our love9 #raha( succeeded in #ringing forth .sh(ael7 #ut God re4ected hi(9 God see(ed to sa$7 @No7 #raha(7 that is not !hat . !ant9 . !ant so(ething that has #een !rought into $ou and !orked out fro( $ou9 Kou #rought forth .sh(ael !ithout M$ visitation9 . !as in heaven and $ou !ere on earth #ringing forth .sh(ael9 Because he !as unrelated to Me and to M$ visitation7 . !ill never recogni8e hi(9 One da$7 . shall visit Sarah and M$ visitation !ill #ring forth .saac9 . !ill recogni8e onl$ hi(9A .f !e love others in ourselves7 God !ill never recogni8e that love7 #ecause it does not co(e fro( -is visitation9 God !ants to visit us7 get into us7 live for us7 and even love others for us9 -e !ill onl$ recogni8e that kind of love9 Kour love is an .sh(ael> the love #$ God;s visitation is an .saac9 *hether $ou are hu(#le or proud7 crooked or straight7 (eans nothing9 God does not recogni8e an$thing !hich co(es out of $ou apart fro( -is visitation9 *hatever is not of grace is not recogni8ed7 not counted7 #$ God9 *e all (ust sa$7 @O "ord7 . !ill not do an$thing !ithout Kour visitation9 "ord7 if Kou !ill not visit (e and !ork so(ething through (e and out of (e7 . !ill do nothing9 . !ill neither hate nor love7 #e proud nor #e hu(#le9 . !ant to #e #lank9 "ord7 !ithout Kour visitation7 . a( nothing9A God;s visitation is the practical grace9 *hen . love others and a( hu(#le #$ God;s visitation7 not #$ ($ self6effort7 that is the en4o$(ent of grace9 s !e have seen7 God;s intention is to !ork -i(self into a corporate (an that -e (ight have a corporate expression9 This is the #asic concept of the divine revelation in the
Bi#le9 This is God;s eternal purpose9 God called #raha( !ith the purpose of !orking -i(self into hi(7 #ut #raha( had a strong self9 This natural self !as the strongest frustration to God;s purpose9 The sa(e is true !ith us toda$9 God;s purpose is to !ork -i(self into us to #e our life and even to #e our living7 #ut our natural self frustrates this9 Therefore7 God (ust cut us and deal !ith us that -e (a$ get into us to #e ever$thing to us9 God does not need us to love others and to #e hu(#le that societ$ (ight #e i(proved9 .f God !ants a #etter societ$7 -e onl$ needs to sa$7 @Better societ$7A and it !ill co(e into #eing9 -e calls things not #eing as #eing 0/o(9 <=1I2 and does not need our help9 God !ants to !ork -i(self into us to #e our hu(ilit$ and our ever$thing9 -e !ants us to sa$7 @"ord7 . a( nothing and !ill not do an$thing9 . 4ust open up to Kou that Kou (ight co(e in7 (ake Kour ho(e in (e7 live in (e7 and do ever$thing for (e9 "ord7 Kou live and .;ll en4o$ Kour living9 *henever Kou do so(ething in (e7 .;ll sa$7 MPraise Kou7 "ord9 This is !onderfulJ . a( not the doer> . a( an en4o$er7 appreciating all Kou are doing for (e9;A God;s intention toda$ is to deal !ith #raha( that .saac (a$ co(e9 -is intention is to deal !ith our natural #eing that !e (a$ have the full experience of -i(self in Christ !rought into us as our en4o$(ent9 . have #een experiencing (arried life for close to fift$ $ears7 experiencing (uch en4o$(ent and (uch suffering9 Before . !as (arried7 . trul$ loved the "ord7 and . often told -i( ho! (uch . loved -i(9 fter . !as (arried7 . !ent to the "ord and assured -i(7 sa$ing7 @"ord #ecause . love Kou7 . !ant to #e the #est hus#and9A Eventuall$7 . failed9 . !ent to the "ord and confessed all ($ failures9 fter experiencing the anointing7 . !as happ$ and . (ade up ($ (ind to tr$ again to #e the #est hus#and9 But . failed once (ore7 and this experience of ups and do!ns !as repeated again and again9 "ater7 . even gave a (essage in !hich . said7 @The Christian life has (an$ nights and (ornings9 Never #e disappointed over $our failures9 5ust !ait for several hours and $ou !ill #e in the (orning9A %or $ears and $ears . !ent through da$s and nights7 nights and da$s9 One da$7 . received the revelation and said7 @Stupid (an7 !ho told $ou to do soG Christ is here !aiting to #e $our grace9 Kou (ust sa$7 M"ord7 . a( nothing and . can do nothing9 Even if . could do so(ething7 it !ould never #e recogni8ed #$ Kou9 Co(e7 "ord7 and do Kour 4o# and #e the #est hus#and for (e9 This is Kour 4o#7 not (ine9 Kou charge (e7 and . return the charge to Kou and ask Kou to fulfill it9 "ord7 Kou #e the #est hus#and and . !ill praise Kou for it9;A *henever . pra$ed like this7 the "ord al!a$s did the #est 4o#9 This is grace9 Grace is God !orking -i(self into our #eing as our en4o$(ent9 The ver$ God toda$ is not onl$ God the %ather7 #ut also God the Son and God the Spirit9 Moreover7 God the Spirit is the Spirit of grace 0-e#9 1C=3F27 and this grace is the grace of life 01 Pet9 ?=I27 !hich is @the varied graceA 01 Pet9 <=1C27 the @all graceA 01 Pet9 D=1C27 and the @sufficient graceA 03 Cor9 13=F29 The Triune God is such a grace7 and this grace is no! !ith our spirit 0Gal9 E=1B29 Grace is the divine Person of the Triune God as the Spirit ind!elling our spirit9 .t is the Spirit of grace ind!elling our spirit to #e our en4o$(ent that !e (a$ en4o$ God as our life and our ever$thing7 even as our living9 This is !h$ ever$ one of Paul;s Epistles ends !ith the !ords7 @Grace #e !ith $ou9A %or exa(ple7 3 Corinthians 1?=1< sa$s7 @The grace of the "ord 5esus Christ7 and the love of God7 and the fello!ship of the -ol$ Spirit #e !ith $ou all9A Grace is not outside of us> it is in us9 *hatever !e call it7
the Spirit of grace or the grace of life7 it is so(ething living and divine in our spirit9 *e do have such a divine realit$7 the Triune God -i(self7 in our spirit as our grace and en4o$(ent9 *hen -e loves others through us7 this love is our en4o$(ent9 *hen -e lives -i(self out through us7 this living is also our en4o$(ent9 ,a$ and night !e (a$ en4o$ -is living through us9 *h$ then do !e sufferG Because the self7 the ego7 the natural (an7 is still here and (ust #e dealt !ith9 Praise -i( that no dealing is in vain9 Ever$ dealing fro( God is a #reaking of our natural (an that !e (a$ en4o$ (ore of -i( as our grace9 Thus7 !e have #raha( and .saac> !e have the suffering of the loss and the en4o$(ent of the gain9 This gain is not the gain of out!ard things> it is the gain of the ind!elling One7 that is7 the Spirit of grace and the grace of life9 gain . sa$7 !hatever God gives as a gift outside of us is7 at the (ost7 a #lessing9 *hen this gift is !rought into our #eing7 #eco(ing the life ele(ent !ithin us7 it is grace9 The #lessing (ust #eco(e the grace9 .n the Old Testa(ent7 God gave (an$ things to -is people as #lessings7 #ut all those things !ere (erel$ out!ard #lessings9 Before Christ ca(e7 none of those #lessings had #een !rought into God;s people9 Christ ca(e not onl$ to die on the cross for us7 #ut7 after -is death7 to #eco(e the life6giving Spirit to enter into our #eing9 Thus7 in the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e have the ter(s @in ChristA and @Christ in $ou9A No! -e is in us and !e are in -i(9 *hatever God gives us in Christ has #een !rought into our #eing and has #eco(e grace7 our en4o$(ent9 No! !e are not (erel$ under -is #lessing> !e are in -is grace and -is grace is in us9 *hat are $ou en4o$ing toda$)#lessing or graceG The Ne! Testa(ent never sa$s7 @Blessing #e !ith $ou9A /ather7 it sa$s repeatedl$7 @Grace #e !ith $ou9A BORN OF GRACE fter #raha(;s natural strength and self6effort !ere dealt !ith #$ God7 .saac !as #orn 01I=1D61F> 1B=1C61<> 31=16I29 This i(plies that .saac !as #orn of grace7 !hich is represented #$ Sarah 0Gal9 <=3<63B7 ?129 The record of Genesis sa$s this transpired at @the ti(e of lifeA 01B=1C7 1<29 *henever the effort of the natural life ceases7 that is the ti(e of life9 t the ti(e of life so(ething is #orn in grace9 Grace is related to life7 and life goes !ith grace9 -ence7 grace is called @the grace of lifeA 01 Pet9 ?=I29 GROWN IN GRACE .saac !as gro!n up in grace 031=B29 B$ his histor$ !e see that he did not do an$thing9 -e !as #orn and he !as gro!n up9 . do not sa$ that he gre! up7 #ut that he !as gro!n up9 "ike a far(er !ho gro!s apples in his orchard7 God gre! .saac like a tree in -is orchard9 .saac !as gro!n up #$ God in grace9 Second Peter ?=1B tells us to @gro! in grace9A This indicates that to gro! is the feeding and !atering as revealed #$ Peter in 1 Peter 3=3 and #$ Paul in 1 Corinthians ?=3 and E9 To gro! in grace is to gro! in the en4o$(ent of all that Christ is to us as our spiritual food and living !ater9 ll the riches of !hat Christ is to us are for our gro!th in life9 The (ore !e en4o$ the riches of Christ 0Eph9 ?=B27 the (ore !e gro! in life 0Eph9 <=1D29
BEING THE HEIR IN GRACE .saac also #eca(e the heir in grace 031=F61329 ll that his father had !as his7 for #raha( gave all his riches to this uni:ue heir9 "ike!ise7 !e should have no en4o$(ent in ourselves9 ll the en4o$(ent of the inheritance (ust #e in grace9 OBEYING IN GRACE .saac also o#e$ed in grace 033=D61C29 .n ($ reading of Genesis 33 in the past7 . could not understand ho! .saac7 a $oung (an7 could have #een so o#edient9 Eventuall$7 . sa! that he !as o#edient #ecause he !as saturated !ith grace9 -e !as a#solutel$ in grace7 and his o#edience !as also in grace9 That o#edience #rought in God;s provision9 .t is the sa(e !ith us toda$9 *henever !e o#e$ in grace7 !e shall (eet the provision of God9 God;s grace is po!erful7 ena#ling us to #ear an$thing9 Paul told Ti(oth$ to @#e e(po!ered in the graceA of Christ 03 Ti(9 3=129 Grace can even reign over all things 0/o(9 D=3129 *e should not fall fro( grace 0Gal9 D=<2 #ut rather #e confir(ed #$ it 0-e#9 1?=F29 The (ore !e #ear in grace7 the (ore provision of grace !e (eet and participate in9 INHERITING ALL FROM THE FATHER .saac inherited all things fro( his father 03<=?E> 3D=D29 .t !as #$ grace7 not #$ his effort7 that he #eca(e the heir of the father;s riches9 -e !as not re:uired to do an$thing that he (ight inherit the father;s riches and he did not do an$thing for the inheritance9 .t !as a#solutel$ and unconditionall$ of grace9 .n the Ne! Testa(ent7 all the called #elievers are heirs of God;s a#solute and unconditional grace9 God has called us and has #lessed us !ith all the spiritual #lessings in Christ 0Eph9 1=?29 .n Christ -e has put us into grace that !e (ight #eco(e the heirs of grace7 inheriting all the riches of the divine fullness as our en4o$(ent9 Our Christian life (ust #e like .saac;s7 doing nothing #$ hi(self7 #ut inheriting and en4o$ing all that the father has9 .n the inheriting of grace7 !e (ust cease fro( the effort of our natural life that !e (a$ keep ourselves open and availa#le for the en4o$(ent of grace9 INHERITING THE PROMISE GIVEN TO HIS FATHER .saac inherited not onl$ all that his father had7 #ut also the pro(ise !hich God had given to his father concerning the good land and the uni:ue seed7 !hich is Christ in !ho( all the nations of the earth !ill #e #lessed 03E=?6D29 This pro(ise !as actuall$ for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose that God (ight have a kingdo( on the earth in !hich to express -i(self through a corporate people9 Both the good land and the seed are for the for(ation of a kingdo( for God on the earth9 .n this kingdo( God can #e full$ expressed in the seed7 into !hich -e !ill !ork -i(self and !hich !ill #e transfor(ed into -is i(age9 This !as a pro(ise given to #raha( and inherited #$ .saac9 But it is a fulfill(ent !ith us toda$9 Toda$ !e are en4o$ing the Triune God as our grace9 Through
our en4o$(ent of grace the kingdo( of God !ill #e reali8ed and God in Christ !ill #e full$ expressed for eternit$9
/?. RESTING AND ENJOYING .saac !ent out to (editate in the field at the eventide= and he lifted up his e$es7 and sa!7 and7 #ehold7 the ca(els !ere co(ing9 nd /e#ekah lifted up her e$es7 and !hen she sa! .saac7 she lighted off the ca(el9 0Genesis 3<=E?6E<2 nd it ca(e to pass after the death of #raha(7 that God #lessed his son .saac> and .saac d!elt #$ the !ell "ahai6roi9 0Genesis 3D=112 .saac !as fort$ $ears old !hen he took /e#ekah to !ife9L nd .saac entreated the "ord for his !ife7 #ecause she !as #arren= and the "ord !as entreated of hi(7 and /e#ekah his !ife conceived9L nd !hen her da$s to #e delivered !ere fulfilled7 #ehold7 there !ere t!ins in her !o(#9 0Genesis 3D=3C6317 3<2 nd the "ord appeared unto hi( the sa(e night7 and said7 . a( the God of #raha( th$ father= fear not7 for . a( !ith thee7 and !ill #less thee7 and (ultipl$ th$ seed for ($ servant #raha(;s sake9 nd he #uilded an altar there7 and called upon the na(e of the "ord7 and pitched his tent there= and there .saac;s servants digged a !ell9 0Genesis 3E=3<63D2 *e thank the "ord that in the Old Testa(ent -e has given us a !onderful and clear picture of the experience of life9 .n the Ne! Testa(ent !e have the revelation of the experience of life7 #ut !e do not have as clear a picture of it as !e have in the Old Testa(ent9 *e are all fa(iliar !ith the prover# !hich sa$s that a picture is #etter than a thousand !ords9 lthough !e have spent (an$ $ears considering the experience of life as revealed in the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e cannot #e certain a#out it onl$ #$ the !ords in the Ne! Testa(ent9 *e also need the pictures in the Old Testa(ent9 B$ the "ord;s (erc$7 !e have seen through the $ears that all the stories in the Old Testa(ent depict the various aspects of the experience of life9 ,eep !ithin7 . feel that the "ord has sho!n us the full picture and has ena#led us to understand its real significance9 s !e have alread$ pointed out7 there are three aspects to ever$ Christian;s experience of life)the aspect of #raha(7 the aspect of .saac7 and the aspect of 5aco#9 .f !e did not have this clear vie!7 !e !ould onl$ consider #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# as three separate individuals9 But7 after receiving the revelation and understanding it in the light of the Ne! Testa(ent7 !e reali8e that these three (en are not three separate individuals7 #ut three aspects of one co(plete person in the experience of life9 So(e7 finding it difficult to #elieve that #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# represent three aspects of one co(plete person7 (a$ sa$7 @-o! can $ou sa$ that #raha( is not a co(plete personG #raha( is 4ust #raha(7 and the sa(e is true for #oth .saac and 5aco#9A .f $ou do not #elieve that these three people are three aspects of the co(plete experience of one person7 . !ould ask $ou this :uestion= Can $ou see God;s selection in #raha(G The first ite( in our experience
of God is -is selection7 -is choice7 !hich !as (ade #efore the foundation of the !orld9 *e see this clearl$ in the Ne! Testa(ent 0Eph9 1=<27 #ut !e cannot see it in the experience of #raha(9 Thus7 as far as God;s selection is concerned7 #raha( needs so(eone else to perfect hi(9 The selection !hich !e cannot find in #raha(;s life is revealed in 5aco#;s9 .n addition to #eing selected7 !e Christians are also called9 .n .saac !e see neither selection nor calling9 -ence7 in hi(self7 .saac is not co(plete9 .saac;s calling is in #raha( 4ust as #raha(;s selection is in 5aco#9 B$ these t!o exa(ples !e should all #e convinced that #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# depict three aspects of one co(plete person in the experience of life9 .n a sense7 !e are all #raha(s7 for !e have #een called and have learned to live #$ faith in God and in fello!ship !ith -i(9 Since !e have also #een put into the position of grace7 !e are also .saacs9 s !e shall see in later (essages7 !e are 5aco#s as !ell9 The aspect of .saac unfolds the (atter of grace9 *e have not onl$ #een called and have learned to live #$ faith in God and in fello!ship !ith -i(7 #ut !e are dail$ en4o$ing so(ething of God9 .f !e do not have an$ en4o$(ent in our Christian life7 !e !ill not #e a#le to live the Christian life9 /ather7 !e !ould #e ver$ (isera#le9 Praise the "ord that !e not onl$ have the aspect of #raha( #ut also the aspect of .saac7 !hich is the aspect of grace9 Grace si(pl$ (eans the en4o$(ent of God9 .t is God -i(self #eco(ing our en4o$(ent in our spirit9 Man$ ti(es !e have difficulties !hich trou#le us (entall$ and e(otionall$9 Nevertheless7 !hile !e are suffering in our (ind and e(otion7 there is a s!eet sense deep !ithin our spirit9 .t see(s that if !e did not have this suffering7 !e !ould not have this en4o$(ent9 The Christian suffering #rings us the Christian en4o$(ent9 %ro( the (o(ent !e called on the na(e of the "ord 5esus and received -i( as our Savior7 !e #egan to have these t!o aspects in our experience9 Perhaps the ver$ night $ou received the "ord 5esus $our !ife gave $ou a difficult ti(e7 disagreeing !ith $our #eco(ing a Christian and calling it sill$9 She i((ediatel$ #egan to persecute $ou7 and $ou suffered in $our (ind7 e(otion7 and senses9 But !hile $ou !ere suffering7 deep !ithin $ou sensed so(ething s!eet !hich caused $ou to #e happ$9 Thus7 even at the #eginning of $our Christian life $ou had #oth the aspect of suffering7 !hich is the aspect of #raha(7 and the aspect of en4o$(ent7 !hich is the aspect of .saac9 .n the previous (essage !e sa! that .saac inherited grace9 *ith hi(7 ever$thing !as a (atter of grace9 -e !as #orn in grace7 !as gro!n up in grace7 and !as (ade an heir of grace9 .n this (essage !e need to see that !ith .saac there !as also the (atter of en4o$(ent9 -is life !as a resting and en4o$ing life9 The record of .saac;s life does not indicate that he suffered (uch9 /ather7 it reveals that he !as al!a$s resting9 This is proved #$ his (editating in the field 03<=E?29 Could .saac have (editated if he had not #een :uiet and restfulG No9 .n order to (editate !e (ust #e restful9 *henever !e are trou#led7 !e are una#le to rest9 .saac !as al!a$s resting9 .n Genesis 3<7 he had lost his (other7 did not have a !ife7 and his servant had gone a!a$ fro( hi(9 Ket7 he !as not trou#led9 -e !ent to the field to (editate7 not to cr$ out to the "ord9 -e did not sa$7 @O "ord7 !hat should . doG . have lost ($ (other7 . do not have a !ife7 and ($ servant has gone a!a$9 "ord7 have (erc$ upon (eJA .saac did not cr$ out in that !a$9 .nstead7 he (editated9
lthough !e cannot find the !ord resting in the record of .saac;s life7 the fact is there nonetheless9 .saac !as a ver$ restful person9 .n spite of the trou#les he encountered !ith the Philistines over the !ells7 he !as al!a$s at rest9 lthough .saac faced so(e trou#les7 he hi(self !as not trou#led9 *hile the Philistines !ere contending for the !ells7 he re(ained restful9 .saac see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @.f $ou don;t !ant (e to sta$ here at this !ell7 then .;ll go else!here9 *hen $ou co(e to #other (e there7 .;ll go to still another place9A B$ this !e see that .saac !as trul$ a restful person9 re $ou al!a$s restfulG Consider $our experience during the past t!ent$6four hours9 ,id an$thing #other $ou and cause $ou to lose $our restG Most of us !ould have to ad(it that !e have #een trou#led9 This sho!s that although !e are .saacs7 !e are not al!a$s resting9 /ecentl$ . !as doing so(e difficult and exhausting !ork on the #ook of /evelation9 But . can praise the "ord that as . !as !orking7 . !as ver$ restful and . could sa$7 @. have nothing and . can do nothing9 There is no need for (e to do an$thing7 #ecause the "ord is doing it all9A *e all need to #e restful people9 .saac !as not onl$ resting> he !as also en4o$ing9 -is entire life !as a life of en4o$(ent9 *hen he !as old7 he still had the taste for @savour$ (eatA and asked Esau to go out to the field and prepare hi( the (eat !hich he loved 03I=16<29 *hen /e#ekah heard this7 she called 5aco# to fetch her t!o kids of the goats that she (ight prepare the (eat for .saac 03I=D61C29 Eventuall$7 after #oth 5aco# and Esau had co(e !ith (eat for their father7 .saac got a dou#le portion9 Esau7 /e#ekah7 and 5aco# !ere #us$7 #ut .saac 4ust sat there en4o$ing the (eat9 B$ this !e see that .saac !as an en4o$ing person7 al!a$s en4o$ing the provision of grace9 This en4o$(ent !as his destin$9 En4o$(ent is also our destin$9 Koung #rothers7 do not !orr$ a#out finding a !ife9 .f $ou re(ain restful and full of en4o$(ent7 the #est !ife !ill co(e to $ou9 .n our Christian life there is the aspect of en4o$(ent9 . have #een striving since . !as t!elve $ears of age9 No!7 after al(ost sixt$ $ears7 . can testif$ that (an$ ti(es ($ striving has frustrated the co(ing of the en4o$(ent9 .f . had not striven7 the en4o$(ent !ould have co(e (uch earlier and in a richer !a$9 *h$ does striving frustrate the en4o$(entG Because en4o$(ent is our destin$9 *e all have #een predestinated for it9 Koung #rothers7 forget a#out $our striving9 Si(pl$ go ho(e7 pra$7 praise7 and sleep9 The next (orning rise up7 have a good (orning !atch7 and eat a heart$ #reakfast9 ,o not !orr$ a#out finding a !ife9 /e#ekah !ill co(e to $ou9 This is the en4o$(ent !hich is our destin$9 re !e not the sons of GodG -o! can the sons of God #e pitiful peopleG *e (ust declare7 @Praise the "ord that . a( a son of GodJ The al(ight$7 all6sufficient God is ($ %atherJA The !ord father denotes a rich provision9 s long as !e have a rich father7 !e have the provision and have no need to !orr$9 *e should si(pl$ en4o$ this #ountiful provision9 This is our destin$9 LIVING IN BEERDLAHAIDROI lthough en4o$(ent is our destin$7 !e (ust still take care of the place !here !e have the en4o$(ent9 "et us consider the na(es of the places !here .saac had en4o$(ent9 %irstl$7 !e have Beer6lahai6roi7 !hich (eans @the !ell of the living One !ho sees (eA or @the One !ho reveals -i(selfA 03<=E3> 3D=1129 t Beer6lahai6roi God visits us and reveals
-i(self to us9 Secondl$7 .saac had so(e en4o$(ent at the !ell na(ed Esek7 !hich (eans contention9 Esek !as a place of contention7 fighting7 and :uarreling9 The third place !as Sitnah 03E=3129 Sitnah (eans en(it$7 hatred7 or opposition9 The fourth place !as called /eho#oth9 /eho#oth has a positive (eaning)@#road placesA or @#road !a$s9A The last place !as called She#a7 !hich (eans an oath 03E=336??29 -ence7 Beer6she#a (eans the !ell of an oath9 .saac en4o$ed grace at each of these five places9 Before !e consider the significance of these places7 !e (ust see !here .saac !as gro!n up9 -e !as gro!n up in Beer6she#a #eside the !ell and the ta(arisk tree9 Before he !as (arried7 he left Beer6she#a and !ent to the south countr$ 03<=E329 s !e have seen7 in the Bi#le to go south!ard (eans to go do!n!ard9 . do not #elieve that #raha( left Beer6she#a or -e#ron !hen .saac did9 -e re(ained either in Beer6she#a or in -e#ron9 fter his (other had died and his servant had left7 .saac !ent do!n!ard to the south countr$9 Then he returned9 The 'ing 5a(es &ersion sa$s7 he @ca(e fro( the !a$ of "ahai6roi9A .n -e#re!7 it sa$s he @ca(e fro( going to "ahai6roi7A (eaning that he returned fro( "ahai6roi9 s he returned fro( going to "ahai6roi7 he gained a !ife9 .f he had sta$ed in "ahai6roi7 not returning to Beer6she#a or -e#ron7 he !ould have (issed that (eeting !ith /e#ekah9 *hen he ca(e #ack fro( going to "ahai6roi7 /e#ekah ca(e9 #raha(;s servant did not kno! that .saac had left the place !here #raha( !as9 .t !as of the "ord that .saac return fro( his do!n!ard !a$9 -e returned #ecause he !as destined for the en4o$(ent9 *e all have had si(ilar experiences9 fter going do!n!ard7 !e suddenl$ said7 @Oh7 . (ust go #ack9A The ti(e of our return !as the exact ti(e that /e#ekah ca(e9 . have experienced this a nu(#er of ti(es9 . have gone do!n!ard and then suddenl$ said to ($self7 @. (ust go #ack9A s soon as . returned7 the en4o$(ent ca(e9 s soon as .saac had returned fro( going a!a$7 the en4o$(ent ca(e9 B$ co(ing #ack to the proper standing7 he o#tained a !ife9 -o!ever7 after his (arriage7 he and his !ife 4ourne$ed south!ard again9 Genesis 3D=11 sa$s that after the death of #raha(7 .saac d!elt #$ the !ell "ahai6roi9 s a result of going do!n!ard7 he found hi(self at en(it$ !ith the Philistines9 *e need to see a clear picture of .saac;s record9 -e did not go do!n!ard as far as Eg$pt9 -e !ent south!ard to Philistia7 to the land of the Philistines9 ccording to the record in Genesis7 God;s people have difficulties !henever the$ go south!ard9 #raha( had trou#le in Eg$pt and in the land of the Philistines9 -is son .saac also had trou#le !hen he !ent to Philistia7 for he had contention and en(it$ !ith the Philistines9 lthough he en4o$ed the #road !a$s7 the !idening7 at /eho#oth7 he did not have the "ord;s appearing there9 .n "ahai6roi7 Esek7 Sitnah7 and /eho#oth there !as no appearing of the "ord9 The "ord did not appear to .saac until he !ent up to Beer6she#a9 The ver$ night that .saac !ent up fro( /eho#oth to Beer6she#a the "ord appeared unto hi( 03E=3?63<29 -ere !e (ust see a crucial point7 a point a#out !hich (an$ Christians are not clear9 s Christians7 !e are destined for so(e en4o$(ent9 *herever !e are and !hether or not !e are right or !rong7 !e have #een destined for en4o$(ent9 Even !hen .saac !ent
do!n!ard to "ahai6roi7 he still en4o$ed a !ell7 the !ell of the living One !ho sees us and reveals -i(self to us9 So(e (ight sa$7 @This is !onderful9 s long as . have the living One and -e sees (e and reveals -i(self to (e7 that is good enough9A .n reading the Bi#le7 ho!ever7 !e (ust keep the principle of the first (ention9 "ahai6roi7 !hich is first (entioned in 1E=1<7 !as the place !here -agar !ent after fleeing fro( Sarah9 Since Sarah represents grace7 -agar;s fleeing fro( her (eant that she had left the standing of grace9 .n the !ilderness7 in a place of suffering7 God visited her9 -ence7 "ahai6roi !as a place !here one !ho had left the standing of grace could still have so(e en4o$(ent of God;s visitation9 .n the past !e (ight have :uestioned !hether our standing !as right7 feeling that !e !ere so(e!hat re(oved fro( the standing of grace9 lthough !e had this dou#t !ithin us7 !e still had so(e en4o$(ent and !e co(forted ourselves7 sa$ing7 @.f . !ere !rong7 . !ould not have this en4o$(ent9 But here . have the !ell of the living One !ho visits (e9 Since . have such an en4o$(ent7 this place (ust #e all right9A But it is not all right9 On the one hand7 !e are destined for en4o$(ent7 and !herever !e are !e shall have so(e (easure of it9 On the other hand7 !e (a$ have this en4o$(ent on the !rong standing7 not in the place !here #raha( planted the ta(arisk tree7 #ut in the place !here -agar escaped fro( grace9 "ahai6roi !as the place of one !ho had escaped fro( grace #ut !ho still en4o$ed so(ething of God;s visitation9 Nearl$ all of us have had this experience9 *e dou#ted our position7 #ut !e still had so(e en4o$(ent and felt confir(ed #$ it9 ,o not take this en4o$(ent as a confir(ation9 lthough the en4o$(ent is our destin$7 !e (a$ have it on an i(proper ground7 at Beer6lahai6roi7 not at Beer6she#a9 !ell signifies en4o$(ent and satisfaction9 Throughout his entire life7 .saac never suffered thirst9 *herever he !ent7 to a !rong place or to a right one7 there !as a !ell9 -is life !as (arked !ith a !ell9 So(e (a$ argue !ith us7 sa$ing7 @Kou sa$ that . a( !rong in ($ position7 in ($ standing9 *h$ then do . have a !ell hereGA Kour en4o$(ent of a !ell does not 4ustif$ $our standing7 for the en4o$(ent is $our destin$9 .n the past7 (an$ of us held the religious concept that if !e are !rong7 God !ill give us up and !e shall not have an$ (ore en4o$(ent9 But ho!ever !rong !e (a$ #e7 !e are still children of our %ather7 and -e !ill never give us up9 . (a$ #e the (ost naught$ child7 #ut each da$ . continue to en4o$ ($ father;s provision9 This en4o$(ent is our destin$7 our portion9 *hen so(e hear that .saac had a !ell !herever he !ent7 the$ (a$ think that7 since this en4o$(ent is also their destin$7 the$ (a$ go !herever the$ !ant9 ,o not think like this9 Kou (a$ have a !ell for $our en4o$(ent7 #ut $ou !ill (iss the "ord;s appearing and #e una#le to fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 "ater !e shall see that God;s purpose can never #e fulfilled in "ahai6roi7 Esek7 Sitnah7 or even in /eho#oth9 .t can onl$ #e fulfilled in Beer6she#a7 and !e (ust re(ain there9 .f !e do7 !e shall experience the "ord;s appearing and have the ground to inherit the pro(ises to fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 lthough !e (a$ have !ells7 even @a !ell of living !aterA 03E=1F7 -e#927 in other places7 those !ells cannot ena#le us to fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 -is purpose can onl$ #e fulfilled at the !ell near the ta(arisk tree in Beer6she#a9
lthough .saac had so(e en4o$(ent at ever$ place !here there !as a !ell7 God !as not satisfied and used the environ(ent to force .saac to return to Beer6she#a9 God see(ed to sa$7 @.saac7 $ou are settled7 #ut $ou are not settled in the right place9 . shall stir up contention that !ill force $ou to go #ack to Beer6she#a9A .saac had #een going do!n7 #ut God used the circu(stances to force hi( to co(e up fro( Beer6lahai6roi to Beer6she#a9 Since .saac did not have the heart to return7 God had to force hi( to return to -is place9 So(e Christian teachers have encouraged the #elievers to follo! the exa(ple of .saac and not to strive !ith others9 ccording to this teaching7 !hen !e dig a !ell and others take it7 !e should si(pl$ tolerate it and give it to the(9 .f !e go to another place and dig another !ell and others take it over7 !e should not fight for it #ut go to still another place9 Eventuall$7 !e shall co(e to the third place7 the place of #road !a$s9 But this teaching does not see God;s purpose7 !hich !as to #ring .saac #ack to Beer6she#a7 the place !here God appeared to hi(9 t Beer6she#a7 after the "ord;s appearing7 .saac #uilt an altar7 called upon the na(e of the "ord7 and pitched his tent 03E=3<7 3D29 .saac did not #uild an altar in an$ other place9 The "ord;s appearing !ith -is pro(ise and the testi(on$ !ere all at Beer6she#a9 Onl$ at this place did .saac receive the pro(ise for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 -e did not receive it at Beer6lahai6roi7 the place of the living One !ho sees and reveals -i(self> nor at Esek7 the !ell of contention> nor at Sitnah7 the !ell of en(it$> nor even at /eho#oth7 the !ell of the #road !a$s9 lthough .saac had the en4o$(ent ever$!here7 he onl$ had the "ord;s appearing 0!hich is different fro( God;s (ere visitation2 in Beer6she#a9 Onl$ in the uni:ue place7 in Beer6she#a7 could he inherit the pro(ise and have a life of testi(on$ for the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose9 .t is onl$ at Beer6she#a7 the !ell of the oath7 that !e can have the "ord;s appearing7 inherit the pro(ise7 #uild an altar7 call upon the na(e of the "ord7 and pitch a tent as a testi(on$9 -ere and onl$ here can !e fulfill God;s eternal purpose9 The en4o$(ent !hich !e (a$ have ever$!here #ecause it is our destin$ is not a confir(ation or a 4ustification of our standing9 The correctness of our standing can onl$ #e deter(ined #$ the "ord;s appearing7 not (erel$ #$ the en4o$(ent9 .n (an$ places !e have had the en4o$(ent7 #ut !hen !e !ere there7 !e had the deep sense that !e did not have the "ord;s appearing9 Moreover7 in those places !e did not have an altar or a tent7 and !e did not call upon the "ord;s na(e fro( deep !ithin our spirit9 lthough !e (a$ have so(e en4o$(ent else!here7 onl$ in Beer6she#a can !e fulfill God;s purpose9 SECURING A CHOICE BRIDE *e have seen that .saac en4o$ed all the !ells9 *herever he !ent there !as a !ell for his en4o$(ent9 This reveals that !hether !e are right or !rong in our standing there is a !ell for our satisfaction9 .n addition to en4o$ing the !ells7 .saac secured a choice #ride 03<=E16 EI29 -e gained her !ithout doing an$thing9 s he !as (editating in the field7 she ca(e to hi(9 .saac !as not a doing person> he !as an en4o$ing person9 -is father and his servant did ever$thing to secure a #ride for hi(9 .saac did not even go to /e#ekah> /e#ekah ca(e to hi(9 .n all of histor$ . have never heard of another case in !hich the #ride ca(e to the groo(9 ll Christian natural doings are 4ust a t$pe of supplanting7 a t$pe of heel holding9 Never supplant or hold the heel of others9 /e#ekah is $our portion and she !ill
co(e9 Before the foundation of the !orld7 it !as destined that /e#ekah !ould #e $ours9 ,o $ou #elieve thisG ,o $ou dare to clai( itG .saac received his /e#ekah si(pl$ #$ (editating in the field7 not #$ doing an$thing9 This is en4o$(ent9 GAINING TWIN SONS fter t!ent$ $ears !ithout having a child7 .saac gained t!in sons 03D=3C6317 3E#29 ,id God not sa$ in -is pro(ise that .saac7 the onl$ seed of #raha(7 !ould #e the one in !ho( all the nations of the earth !ould #e #lessedG Suppose .saac never had a son9 -o! then could this pro(ise #e fulfilledG nd if this pro(ise !ere not fulfilled7 ho! could God;s purpose #e acco(plishedG Thus7 it !as not onl$ .saac !ho needed a son7 #ut also God !ho needed a seed out of .saac9 Because .saac did not reali8e this for t!ent$ $ears7 God did not do an$thing9 God had a need and intended to do so(ething a#out it7 #ut -e re:uired the cooperation fro( the hu(an side9 %or t!ent$ $ears .saac !as onl$ en4o$ing7 not caring a#out his need for a son9 But after t!ent$ $ears7 he reali8ed that he had such a need and that his need corresponded to God;s need9 Once he reali8ed this7 he pra$ed and God ans!ered his pra$er9 The sa(e is true !ith us toda$9 *hen !e reali8e that our need corresponds to God;s need and then pra$ accordingl$7 God !ill ans!er our pra$er9 ctuall$7 -is ans!er to our pra$er is the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 Our need (ust #e God;s need7 and the pra$er for our need should also #e the pra$er for God;s need9 *hen our need corresponds !ith God;s and !hen !e then pra$ for our need7 God;s need !ill #e (et also9 *hen .saac pra$ed for a child7 !hose need !as greater).saac;s or God;sG Surel$ God;s need !as greater9 Nevertheless7 the greater need of God could onl$ #e fulfilled in the s(aller need of .saac9 Onl$ !hen (an reali8es his need and pra$s for it does God have the !a$ to co(e in to fulfill -is need9 God has a purpose7 and !e have a need !hich corresponds to God;s purpose9 But God cannot do an$thing until !e reali8e our need and pra$ a#out it9 Then God !ill ans!er our pra$er to (eet our need for the fulfill(ent of -is purpose9 Eventuall$7 .saac had a son7 5aco#7 !ho not onl$ fulfilled .saac;s need #ut also fulfilled God;s eternal purpose9 Out of 5aco# ca(e Christ7 !ho #rings in the church7 the kingdo(7 and the Ne! 5erusale(9 ll these eternal things ca(e a#out through the (eeting of .saac;s need7 a need !hich corresponded !ith God;s need9 En4o$(ent is our destin$7 and !herever !e go there !ill #e a !ell9 But in the en4o$(ent of God;s grace7 !e (ust render -i( our hu(an coordination that -e (a$ fulfill -is eternal purpose through us9 This (eans that our en4o$(ent of grace !ill never #e in vain7 for the en4o$(ent of grace on our side eventuall$ #eco(es the fulfill(ent of God;s purpose on -is side9 RECEIVING A HUNDREDFOLD HARVEST AND BECOMING GREAT .saac received a hundredfold harvest and #eca(e great 03E=1361<29 The !ord great in 3E=1? (eans rich9 .saac @#eca(e great and continued to gro! great until he #eca(e ver$ greatA 0-e#929 -e #eca(e rich #$ fulfilling the regular dut$ of so!ing and through the "ord;s #lessing9 This also !as a (atter of en4o$(ent7 #ut this en4o$(ent !as not on the
proper standing9 .saac (ight have said to hi(self7 @M$ standing (ust #e right9 .f it !ere not right7 ho! could the "ord have #lessed (e !ith all these richesGA But God (ight have said7 @.saac7 $ou are settled here and have gained great riches7 #ut . do not agree !ith $our standing9 . shall raise up the circu(stances to force $ou to leave this place9A Ma$ the -ol$ Spirit sho! us such a vivid picture here9 On the one hand7 there is the proper en4o$(ent> on the other hand7 there is the i(proper standing9 Even if !e lack the proper standing7 !e (a$ continue to have the en4o$(ent9 But do not think that this en4o$(ent 4ustifies $our standing9 s long as !e have the en4o$(ent7 our need is (et9 But for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose7 !e need to get on the proper standing9 Nevertheless7 even if !e are not on the proper standing7 God still grants us -is rich provision9 This is !onderful9 *hat a !onderful GodJ *hat a !onderful provisionJ *e have #een destined for the en4o$(ent9 Even !hen !e are !rong in our standing7 !e (a$ still have the rich en4o$(ent9 But God !ill not let us go9 -e !ill use our circu(stances to #ring us #ack to the proper standing that the fulfill(ent of -is purpose (ight #e reali8ed9 FINDING THE 7WELL OF LIVING WATER8 Before .saac ca(e #ack to Beer6she#a7 he had en4o$(ent after en4o$(ent7 grace upon grace9 fter receiving the hundredfold harvest7 he found the @!ell of living !aterA and ca(e into the @#road places7A the @#road !a$sA 0/eho#oth7 3E=1D63329 lthough he had en4o$(ent in such a rich !a$7 his standing !as not right and he !as forced to leave the #road !a$s and to co(e #ack to Beer6she#a9 COMING BAC0 TO BEERDSHEBA *hen .saac returned to Beer6she#a 03E=3?6??27 the "ord i((ediatel$ appeared to hi(7 speaking to hi( and confir(ing -is pro(ise7 sa$ing7 @. a( the God of #raha( th$ father= fear not7 for . a( !ith thee7 and !ill #less thee7 and (ultipl$ th$ seed for ($ servant #raha(;s sakeA 03E=3<29 Then7 here in Beer6she#a .saac #egan to have the proper testi(on$9 -e #uilt an altar7 called upon the na(e of the "ord7 and pitched his tent 03E=3D29 -ere in Beer6she#a he had a life for the fulfill(ent of God;s eternal purpose9 Eventuall$7 here in Beer6she#a the opposers !ere su#dued 03E=3E6?129 Beer6she#a is the right place7 the place !here !e can have the proper standing7 and the proper standing (eans a great deal #oth to God and to us9
3F9 - &.NG N T+/ " *E 'NESS S B/ - M N, ".&.NG .N T-E N T+/ " ".%E S 5 COB #raha( 4ourne$ed fro( there to!ard the south countr$7 and d!elt #et!een 'adesh and Shur7 and so4ourned in Gerar9 nd #raha( said of Sarah his !ife7 She is ($ sister9L 0Genesis 3C=1632 nd .saac d!elt in Gerar9 nd the (en of the place asked hi( of his !ife> and he said7 She is ($ sisterL 0Genesis 3E=E6I2 nd the #o$s gre!= and Esau !as a cunning hunter7 a (an of the field> and 5aco# !as a plain (an7 d!elling in tents9 nd .saac loved Esau7 #ecause he did eat of his venison= #ut /e#ekah loved 5aco#9 0Genesis 3D=3I63B2 No! .srael loved 5oseph (ore than all his childrenL9 nd !hen his #rethren sa! that their father loved hi( (ore than all his #rethren7 the$ hated hi(9 0Genesis ?I=?6<2 .n the past t!o (essages concerning .saac7 !e have seen that he !as the heir of grace and that he rested and en4o$ed throughout his entire life9 No! !e (ust see that !ith this grace6en4o$ing person there !ere still the natural !eakness and the natural life9 .t is difficult for us to understand this point9 ccording to our natural7 religious concept7 !e al!a$s think that if !e are natural7 !e cannot have the en4o$(ent of grace9 ccording to our religious concept7 the en4o$(ent of grace depends upon ho! spiritual !e are9 .n our teachings and exhortations7 especiall$ to our relatives and children7 !e sa$ that in order to en4o$ the grace of God !e (ust #e good7 and that if !e are not good7 !e are through !ith God;s grace9 Pro#a#l$ none of us has ever thought that participating in the grace of God does not depend upon our #eing spiritual9 On the contrar$7 !e all have thought that !e (ust #e spiritual in order to en4o$ the grace of God9 .saac !as a (odel7 a pattern7 of the en4o$(ent of God;s grace9 .n the !hole Bi#le there is hardl$ another person !ho en4o$ed grace as (uch as .saac did9 Throughout his entire life .saac did nothing except en4o$ the grace of God9 -is life !as a grace6en4o$ing life9 Nevertheless7 in .saac !e see exactl$ the sa(e natural !eakness as !e sa! in #raha(9 %urther(ore7 in .saac !e also see the natural life of 5aco#9 "ike 5aco#7 .saac lived in a natural !a$9 5aco# loved his son 5oseph according to his natural taste 0?I=?6<27 and this caused trou#le in the fa(il$9 5oseph;s #rothers hated hi( #ecause of his father;s partial love for hi(9 .saac also loved Esau partiall$7 loving hi( #ecause he !as a skillful hunter and could o#tain the venison !hich .saac loved 03D=3I63B29 Thus7 Esau !as a father;s #o$9 B$ this !e see that .saac and 5aco# !ere the sa(e as far as the natural life is concerned9 .f $ou sa$ that .saac did not cheat an$one7 . !ould point out that his !ife /e#ekah !as his cheating helper9 .n a sense7 .saac differed fro( 5aco# in the (atter of supplanting7 #ut this gap !as filled #$ /e#ekah9 Ever$ !ife is a part of her hus#and> she is her hus#and;s co(pletion and perfection9 *ithout /e#ekah7 .saac pro#a#l$ !ould not have #een an
expert at cheating9 But !ith /e#ekah7 he certainl$ #eca(e the sa(e as 5aco#9 5aco# learned ho! to supplant fro( his supplanting (other7 and his supplanting (other !as the supplanting co(pletion to his father .saac9 Therefore7 in .saac !e see the natural life of 5aco#9 .saac !as a grace6en4o$ing person9 ccording to our natural concept7 a person !ho has a natural !eakness and !ho lives in the natural life can never en4o$ the grace of God9 This is our concept> it is not God;s !ord9 .n the Bi#le7 !e cannot see that .saac !as ver$ spiritual9 -e !as a (an !ho still had a natural !eakness and !ho still lived in the natural life9 *h$ then did he have such an en4o$(ent of God;s graceG Si(pl$ #ecause God had ordained it that !a$9 *ith us Christians7 there is the aspect of God;s ordination9 s !e have alread$ pointed out7 it is our destin$ to en4o$ the grace of God9 This destin$ !as preordained #efore the foundation of the !orld9 ,o not think that if $ou are spiritual7 $ou are privileged to en4o$ God;s grace and that if $ou are not spiritual7 $ou cannot en4o$ -is grace9 This is a religious concept7 and the Bi#le does not teach this9 fter hearing that en4o$ing grace does not depend upon our #eing spiritual7 so(e (a$ sa$7 @.f !e don;t need to #e spiritual to en4o$ God;s grace7 then let us #e unspiritual9A ,o not sa$ this9 Neither #eing spiritual nor #eing unspiritual !ill help us to en4o$ God;s grace9 .t is entirel$ a (atter of God;s ordination7 and it does not depend on !hat !e are nor on !hat !e can do9 *ith us7 there is the aspect of .saac9 *e have #een ordained #$ God to the en4o$(ent of grace9 .f !e are spiritual7 !e shall not en4o$ grace (ore7 and if !e are unspiritual !e shall not (iss the grace of God9 But !e should not sa$7 @"et us do evil that good (a$ co(e9A ,o not !aste $our ti(e tr$ing to #e spiritual or tr$ing to #e unspiritual9 Si(pl$ sa$7 @O "ord7 . !orship Kou for Kour ordination9 Kou have ordained (e to the en4o$(ent of grace9A t the least7 !e all are a part of .saac9 .n our #eing there is the aspect of having #een ordained #$ God to the en4o$(ent of -is grace9 *hen do $ou en4o$ grace (ore)!hen $ou feel that $ou are spiritual and good in the e$es of God7 or !hen $ou are do!n and feel that $ou are a#solutel$ un!orth$G . have en4o$ed grace the (ost !hen . have #een do!n9 But !e should not sa$7 @"et us #e do!n that !e (a$ en4o$ grace the (ost9A .f $ou tr$ to do this7 it !ill not !ork9 gain . sa$ that it does not depend upon us #ut upon God;s ordination9 . hope that ($ !ord !ill encourage $ou neither to #e spiritual nor to #e unspiritual9 /ather7 . hope that it !ill encourage $ou to #e nothing9 But do not tr$ to #e nothing7 for $our tr$ing is still so(ething9 .f $ou could sa$7 @.;ll go ho(e and forget ever$thing7A that !ould #e !onderful9 .n the record of .saac;s life !e see a person !ho en4o$ed God;s grace in ever$ !a$9 ,o $ou #elieve that a (an !ho had such an en4o$(ent of God;s grace could still have the natural !eakness of l$ing in a su#stantial !a$G -e lied in the !a$ of sacrificing his !ife9 Perhaps !e !ould sa$7 @.f . !ere such a person7 . !ould never lie in that !a$9A ,o not sa$ this9 *e (a$ en4o$ even (ore grace and then lie (ore su#stantiall$ than .saac did9 Consider $our experience9 lthough $ou have never lied in sacrificing $our !ife7 $ou have lied su#stantiall$ to $our !ife9 .n ($ earl$ $ears7 . !as (uch affected #$ religious concepts7 #elieving that Christians7 especiall$ the so6called spiritual Christians7 !ould
never lie9 Eventuall$7 . discovered that Christians7 including the so6called spiritual ones7 also lie9 Not onl$ the !orldl$ people lie> the Christians and the spiritual people also lie9 This is the condition of the fallen race9 *hat then shall !e doG *e should not do an$thing9 God has selected us out of this fallen race7 and -is ordination has co(e to us9 This does not (ean that !hen !e #ehave ourselves or #eco(e spiritual in the e$es of God7 !e shall then receive (ore grace9 lthough .saac never tried to #ehave hi(self or to #e spiritual7 he continuall$ en4o$ed grace9 . do not encourage $ou to #e religious or to #e unreligious9 . do not encourage $ou to #e an$thing7 for the en4o$(ent of God;s grace does not depend upon our #eing spiritual9 .saac !anted to #less his son Esau9 -o!ever7 he (ixed the #lessing !ith his natural taste9 .n 3I=? and <7 .saac said to Esau7 @No! therefore take7 . pra$ thee7 th$ !eapons7 th$ :uiver and th$ #o!7 and go out to the field7 and take (e so(e venison> and (ake (e savour$ (eat7 such as . love7 and #ring it to (e7 that . (a$ eat> that ($ soul (a$ #less thee #efore . die9A .saac see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @Esau7 #efore . die7 . !ould like to eat venison one (ore ti(e9 .f $ou get so(e venison for (e7 then . shall #less $ou9A -ere !e see that .saac (ixed up God;s #lessing !ith his natural taste9 lthough !e (a$ !onder ho! such a person could #less others7 .saac did #less9 .saac7 !ho !as not religious like !e are7 !as not conscious of #eing unspiritual9 Suppose $ou are a father !ho !ants to give a #lessing to one of his sons9 . #elieve that $ou !ould #e ver$ cautious and alert7 pra$ing7 fasting7 and daring not to speak in the flesh nor according to $our natural taste9 .f $ou !ere a Chinese #rother7 $ou certainl$ !ould not sa$ to the son !ho( $ou are a#out to #less7 @Son7 go to Chinato!n and get so(e Chinese food for (e and then .;ll #less $ou9A No Chinese #rother !ould dare to do this7 #ecause !e are all so religiousl$ conscious of #eing spiritual9 *e all !ould sa$7 @No! that . a( a#out to #less ($ son . (ust #e !ith the "ord and not have ($ natural taste9A .saac7 ho!ever7 !as #old7 telling Esau7 @Before . die . !ould like to eat venison once (ore9 Get (e the venison that . love and .;ll #less $ou9A .saac !as honest7 sa$ing7 @M$ soul (a$ #less theeA 03I=<29 *hat a (ixtureJ .saac7 !ho continuall$ en4o$ed the grace of God7 #lessed #lindl$9 But he #lessed in faith7 and his #lessing !as honored #$ God 0-e#9 11=3C29 *hen . read this portion of the *ord as a $oung (an7 . !as una#le to understand ho! there could #e so (uch (ixture here9 . said7 @.saac7 !hat are $ou doingG .f $ou !ant to eat venison7 then don;t talk a#out #lessing9 Kou shouldn;t (ix $our natural taste !ith God;s #lessing9 -o! can God honor a #lessing that is (ixed !ith $our natural tasteGA *hen .saac plainl$ told Esau that if he !ould prepare venison for hi( he !ould #less hi(7 he !as not conscious of #eing religious9 -e !as altogether outside of religion9 There !as no religion in his concept9 .f !e had #een there7 !e !ould have said7 @.saac7 don;t talk this !a$9 .f $ou !ant to have $our natural taste7 don;t talk a#out God;s #lessing9 God !ill never honor $our #lessing9 .saac7 $ou are a#solutel$ !rong9A But .saac !ould have said7 @*hat are $ou talking a#outG . have never heard such religious talk9 . don;t have this concept9 . have no religious consciousness !hatsoever9 . onl$ kno! t!o things)that . !ant to satisf$ ($ taste and that . !ant to #less ($ son9 fter . eat so(e (eat7 . shall #less ($ son9 . don;t kno! !hat it (eans to #e spiritual or religious9 . onl$ kno! that .
a( the father7 that he is ($ son7 and that the greater al!a$s #lesses the lesser9A *hen . !as $oung7 . !as (uch trou#led a#out this7 #eing una#le to understand ho! .saac7 !ho en4o$ed so (uch of God;s grace7 could still have the sa(e natural !eakness as #raha( and the sa(e natural life as 5aco#9 *e need to see t!o points ver$ clearl$9 %irstl$7 grace is not #ased upon !hat !e are9 *hether !e are good or #ad7 spiritual or unspiritual7 (eans nothing9 Because God has ordained us to #e the o#4ect of -is grace7 grace co(es to us7 and !e cannot re4ect it9 Secondl$7 as !e have (entioned several ti(es7 #raha(7 .saac7 and 5aco# are not three separate persons in the experience of life #ut represent three aspects of the experience of one co(plete person9 This is !h$ in .saac !e can see #oth #raha( and 5aco#9 .saac had the natural !eakness of #raha( and the natural life of 5aco#9 - &.NG N T+/ " *E 'NESS S B/ - M s !e have seen7 .saac had the sa(e natural !eakness as #raha( 0cf9 3C=1637 1161?29 ,o $ou not have a natural !eaknessG Even the (ost spirituall$ conscious person has so(e natural !eakness9 *hat kind of !eakness do $ou haveG lthough !e all have so(e natural !eakness7 none of us can designate it9 *e kno! that !e have such a !eakness7 #ut !e do not kno! !hat it is9 .f $ou are certain that a particular (atter is $our natural !eakness7 that is not $our !eakness9 Before .saac !as exposed in chapter t!ent$6six7 he pro#a#l$ never reali8ed that his natural !eakness !as the sa(e as #raha(;s9 -e (ight have thought that his !eakness !as one of (an$ other things9 But one da$ he !ent south!ard and his natural !eakness !as exposed9 B$ ourselves !e can never kno! our natural !eakness> it (ust #e exposed9 None of us is a#le to understand his o!n !eakness9 Kou $ourself (a$ not kno! $our o!n natural !eakness7 #ut it is clear to ever$one else #ecause it has #een exposed to the(9 *hoever !ould sta$ !ith $ou for a ti(e !ould see $our natural !eakness9 ccording to $our religious concept7 if $ou have so(e natural !eakness7 $ou should #e through !ith grace9 But God;s grace is still !ith $ou9 .n the earl$ da$s . also had this thought9 But . have learned that grace does not depend upon !hat !e are9 Ever$ o#4ect of divine grace has a !eak point9 ,o not think that the postle Paul had no !eakness9 Peter7 5ohn7 and Paul all had their !eaknesses7 #ut their !eak points did not frustrate the( fro( en4o$ing God;s grace9 Ever$ one of us has his natural !eakness9 There has #een onl$ one person in histor$ !ho had no natural !eakness)5esus Christ9 . a( not encouraging $ou to #e either spiritual or unspiritual7 #ut . a( encouraging $ou to #e #old in the en4o$(ent of grace9 ,o not #e deprived of the en4o$(ent of grace #$ $our religious concept9 ,rop $our concept and praise the "ord that $ou are the o#4ect of divine grace9 lthough !e are una#le to designate our natural !eakness7 !e do kno! that !e have so(e9 Others7 such as our !ife7 hus#and7 or roo((ates7 kno! !hat our !eakness is9 *hile others kno!7 it is difficult for us to kno!9 So(e of us (a$ not kno! our natural !eakness until !e see the "ord face to face9 Praise the "ord that !e are #lind to our natural !eakness9 .f !e !ere not #lind to our !eakness7 !e !ould #e frustrated fro( en4o$ing grace9 *hile . a( not encouraging $ou to keep $our natural !eakness7 . a( sa$ing that it is good that !e are una!are of it9 *hen !e are conscious of a certain
!eakness7 our religious concepts frustrate us fro( the en4o$(ent of grace9 But !hen !e do not kno! our !eakness7 !e onl$ kno! to en4o$ the grace of the "ord9 .n Genesis 3E7 .saac;s natural !eakness !as suddenl$ exposed9 That exposure7 ho!ever7 did not frustrate hi( fro( the en4o$(ent of God;s grace9 .n other !ords7 the exposure of .saac;s natural !eakness did not hinder hi( fro( trusting in God9 .saac7 leaving Beer6she#a7 4ourne$ed do!n!ard7 south!ard7 not to Eg$pt #ut to a place close to Eg$pt 03E=16329 God;s intention !as that -is chosen people sta$ in the good land9 *henever the natural !eakness of -is people arose7 the$ al!a$s !ent do!n!ard9 *e cannot find one instance in !hich God;s people !ent up!ard7 north!ard7 !hen the$ !ere !eak9 The !orst thing to do !as to go do!n!ard to Eg$pt9 This is !hat #raha( did 013=1C29 The second ti(e #raha( !ent south!ard he onl$ !ent as far as Philistia7 the land of the Philistines 03C=129 s .saac7 !ho !as repeating #raha(;s do!n!ard stor$7 !as going south!ard7 God intervened and !arned hi(7 sa$ing7 @Go not do!n into Eg$pt> d!ell in the land !hich . shall tell thee ofA 03E=329 .saac;s intention (ight have #een to go do!n into Eg$pt7 #ut God co((anded hi( to d!ell in the land of !hich -e !ould tell hi(9 lthough .saac did not sta$ in exactl$ the right place7 he still had peace in en4o$ing God;s grace9 -e !as a#solutel$ unconscious of #eing religious9 -o! good it is to have no sense of #eing religiousJ -o!ever7 once the ene($ has in4ected so(ething into our kno!ledge7 it is ver$ difficult to extract it9 M$ #urden in this (essage is to tell $ou that the en4o$(ent of God;s grace does not depend upon our #eing religious9 .n .saac !e see a person !ho !as not at all religious> $et he en4o$ed the grace of God all the ti(e9 .saac not onl$ did not sta$ in the right place> he also lied at the sacrifice of his !ife 03E=E6 I2 4ust as #raha( did9 -o!ever7 he and his !ife !ere preserved #$ God;s sovereign care 03E=B61129 .t !as God;s grace that kept hi( fro( the sacrifice of his !ife9 LIVING IN THE NATURAL LIFE AS JACOB .n .saac there !as not onl$ the natural !eakness #ut also the natural life9 -e still lived in the natural life9 -e did not live a so6called spiritual life all the ti(e9 fter .saac pra$ed7 God gave hi( t!o sons7 Esau and 5aco#9 .saac loved Esau #ecause he !as a skillful hunter and .saac @did eat of his venisonA 03D=3I63B29 .saac;s love for his first#orn son !as altogether in the natural life according to his natural taste7 as !as 5aco#;s love for 5oseph 0?I=?6<29 Since the hus#and took the lead to have a partial love7 the !ife follo!ed9 Esau7 a @skillful hunterA 0-e#927 !as a father;s #o$7 and 5aco#7 a @:uiet (anA !ho d!elt in tents 0-e#927 !as a (other;s #o$9 Ever$ (other loves a child !ho :uietl$ sta$s around her9 No (other !ould love a !ild child !ho en4o$s sports all da$ long9 .n .saac;s fa(il$7 the father had a partial love for Esau7 and the (other had a partial love for 5aco#9 *hat kind of life !as thisG *as it a spiritual life7 a resurrection lifeG No7 although it !as not a sinful life7 it !as a natural life9 *e should not think that !e are different7 for ever$ parent has so(e partial love9 .f $ou have several children7 $ou !ill love one of the( (ore than the others according to $our taste7 and all $our children !ill kno! !ho is the o#4ect of $our partial love9 This partial love is not according to our spirit> it is according to our natural taste9 *e love a particular #o$ or girl #ecause he or she suits our natural taste9 This is the natural life9
The natural life al!a$s causes trou#le9 Out of this partial love in .saac;s fa(il$ ca(e the need of supplanting9 /e#ekah !anted her #eloved son to receive the #lessing9 .n chapter t!ent$6seven !e see that she !as ver$ capa#le of supplanting 0vv9 D6I29 She taught 5aco# ho! to supplant9 .n chapter thirt$ 5aco# tricked his uncle "a#an in the (atter of the cattle 0vv9 ?16<?29 The principle is the sa(e in chapter t!ent$6seven9 /e#ekah prepared savor$ (eat and put goat skins on 5aco#;s hands and neck9 *hen .saac felt hi(7 this caused hi( to sa$7 @The voice is 5aco#;s voice7 #ut the hands are the hands of EsauA 03I=3329 -ere !e see that 5aco# !as taught the supplanting skill #$ his (other7 !ho !as a part of his father9 .n a sense7 the (other cheated the father7 (eaning that the second part of a person cheated the first part of the sa(e person9 ll such fa(il$ cheating is self6cheating9 Eventuall$7 ever$one in the fa(il$ !as cheated9 *hen . !as reading this chapter7 . said7 @/e#ekah7 $ou thought $ou !ere s(art9 ctuall$ $ou !ere stupid9 ,idn;t $ou kno! that God had ordained 5aco# to #e the firstG There !as no need for $ou to help9A /e#ekah7 !ho tried to help her son7 lost hi(9 Genesis does not tell us ho! long /e#ekah lived9 She (ight have died #efore 5aco# returned fro( "a#an;s ho(e9 This (eans that /e#ekah lost her son #$ cheating9 /e#ekah pro#a#l$ did not live to see her son 5aco# again9 She thought that she !as helping hi(> actuall$7 #ecause of her supplanting7 she lost hi(9 .t is difficult to #elieve that a person like .saac could still have such a natural !eakness and still live in such a natural life9 .saac suffered #ecause of his natural life 03E=?<6?D> 3I=<16<E> 3B=E6F29 lthough .saac !as al!a$s en4o$ing grace7 there !as an aspect of suffering in his life9 Both .saac and /e#ekah suffered #ecause the$ lived in a natural !a$7 for Esau;s !ives !ere @a #itterness of spiritA to the( 03E=?<6?D7 -e#929 Because of the partial love in this fa(il$7 Esau hated 5aco# and !anted to kill hi(9 *hen /e#ekah heard of this7 she told 5aco# to flee to her #rother "a#an and to sta$ !ith hi( until Esau;s anger had turned a!a$9 But /e#ekah told .saac another stor$ 03I=<E29 She see(ed to #e sa$ing7 @The !ives of Esau have caused us so (uch #itterness of spirit that . could not #ear to live if 5aco# took such a !ife9 *e should send hi( a!a$ to get a !ife9A /e#ekah told the sa(e thing in t!o different !a$s9 Ever$ !ise !ife does this7 telling one stor$ in t!o !a$s9 "ike (an$ !ives toda$7 /e#ekah lied to .saac #$ telling the truth9 -er intention !as to send 5aco# a!a$7 protecting hi( fro( Esau7 #ut she did not tell .saac of this9 /ather7 she said that she !as tired of her Gentile daughters6in6la! and that she did not !ant 5aco# to have such a !ife7 suggesting to .saac that the$ send 5aco# a!a$ to take a !ife fro( their o!n race9 ccording to her intention7 this !as a lie> according to her speaking7 ho!ever7 it !as the truth9 This caused suffering9 *hile .saac !as en4o$ing grace7 he !as also suffering #ecause of his living in the natural life9 The natural life !ill not frustrate grace7 #ut it !ill cause us to suffer9 .t !ill not decrease the a(ount of our grace7 #ut it !ill increase our (easure of suffering9 s long as $ou have one aspect of $our natural life7 it !ill cause $ou to suffer9 .f $ou do not !ant to suffer7 $ou should not live in the natural life9 ,o not practice $our cleverness7 exercise $our !isdo( to help God7 or do an$thing in $our natural life9 This !ill onl$ add to $our suffering9 .t is #etter for us not to live in our natural life9
lthough .saac lived in his natural life7 God !as sovereign over all9 .n a sense7 the natural life helped God;s sovereignt$9 God had predestinated 5aco# to have the #irthright and to participate in the #lessing of the first#orn9 *hile /e#ekah;s supplanting caused her to suffer7 it !as sovereignl$ used #$ God to fulfill -is purpose9 Ever$thing !as under God;s sovereignt$ for the acco(plish(ent of -is purpose9 Therefore7 !e all can sa$7 @Praise the "ord7 !hether . a( good or #ad7 spiritual or unspiritual7 God;s purpose is #eing fulfilled9 No (atter !hat happens7 . a( under grace and in the en4o$(ent of grace9A Nothing should frustrate us fro( the en4o$(ent of grace9 Nevertheless7 if !e !ould avoid suffering7 !e should not live in the natural life9 NOT HAVING MUCH MATURITY IN LIFE .saac had so(e (aturit$ in life7 #ut not ver$ (uch9 lthough he #lessed7 he #lessed #lindl$ 03I=3163F29 -is #lessing !as according to his natural taste 03I=16<29 -e #lessed #lindl$7 not onl$ ph$sicall$ #ut also spirituall$7 #ecause he had #een #linded #$ his natural taste9 -o!ever7 he did #less #$ faith 0-e#9 11=3C29 -e had said that his soul !ould #less7 #ut eventuall$ it !as not his soul that #lessed> it !as his spirit that #esto!ed the #lessing7 and his #lessing #eca(e a prophec$9 No one can prophes$ in the soul9 .f !e !ould prophes$7 !e (ust #e in our spirit9 Thus7 .saac did #less in the spirit #$ faith9 %aith does not depend upon !hat !e are> it depends upon !hat !e see9 *henever $ou !ant to exercise faith7 $ou should not look at $ourself7 at !hat $ou are7 nor at $our environ(ent9 Kou (ust look at !hat God is and to !hat -e sa$s9 Then $ou !ill #e a#le to exercise $our faith in God and in -is !ord9 .saac #lessed #$ faith in this !a$9 ccording to his situation7 he !as not :ualified to have faith9 But he did not consider !hat he !as> he looked a!a$ to God and to God;s pro(ise7 #lessing his son #$ faith and in the spirit9 .f !e !ould have faith7 !e (ust look a!a$ fro( ourselves7 for if !e look at ourselves7 faith !ill disappear9 "ook unto God and see !hat -e has spoken in -is !ord9 Then si(pl$ utter !hat God has alread$ spoken9 This is faith9 .saac #lessed his son in this !a$9 DIED IN FAITH AT THE FULLNESS OF DAYS lthough there is no hint in the Bi#le that .saac !as ver$ spiritual7 he did not die in a (isera#le condition9 -e died in faith at the fullness of da$s 0?D=3B63F29 This is proved #$ the fact that his sons #uried hi(7 along !ith his !ife /e#ekah7 in the cave of Machpelah 0<F=?C6?329 Before he died7 he (ust have charged his sons to #ur$ hi( in the cave of Machpelah7 !here #raha( and Sarah !ere #uried9 This proves that .saac had the faith of #raha(9