Lesson Plan - Compound Words
Lesson Plan - Compound Words
Lesson Plan - Compound Words
Teacher: Ms. Haugen Subject Area: Language Grade Level: 2nd Grade Unit Title: Not a unit Lesson Title: Compound Words Objectives: 1. Students can explain how compound words are formed. 2. Students can form compound words. 3. Students can use previous knowledge of the meaning of individual words, to predict the meaning of compound words. Common Core standard- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.4d Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark ). Materials/Resources Needed: Whiteboard Reading Textbook Compound Word Worksheet Promethean Board Anticipatory Set: Letting the students know the schedule of the lesson will keep them focused. The teacher will write the activities on the board in the order they will occur. Students will know what they need to do to accomplish each step of the lesson. The opening question will be, Does anyone know what a compound word is? Objective/Purpose: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to explain how a compound word
is formed, form their own compound words, identify compound words in text, and use previous knowledge of individual words to predict the meaning of a compound word. Compound words are used every day in life, students need to recognize them and understand how to interpret them.
Input: Students should know the meaning of individual words that are presented inside compound
words. They will realize this when dividing the compound word into its parts, and then stating the meaning of the word for each part.
Model: The teacher will define what a compound word is through words and gestures. The students will model the teachers gestures. Once the students know what a compound word is, the teacher will give examples and explain why it is on the white board. Then, students will give
examples of compound words. Then the teacher will explain what not a compound word is. Students will then give some examples of their own. Lastly, the teacher will teach the students how to derive meanings from individual words inside the compound word. The teacher should then ask if there are any questions, and then check for understanding. Check for Understanding: The teacher will use the strategy Thumbs Up to determine if the students have been taught to his/her objectives. Students will lay their head on their desks with their hand flat on the desk. The teacher will ask the following questions: do you know what a compound word is, how a compound word is formed, could you form a compound word yourself, and do you know how to predict the meaning of a compound word? If a student feels comfortable and can say yes, he/she will put their thumb up. If the student doesnt feel comfortable with that question, the student will put their thumb down. Teacher should make note of the students who put thumbs down at certain points. Guided practice should be used to assist them. If there are too many thumbs down, re-teaching is necessary. Guided Practice: In the story the class is currently reading, Wilson Sat Alone, the teacher and the
students will identify compound words. Students will skim over each page. At the end of each page, the teacher will ask if any students found a compound word. He/she will call on a student if so. The student will say the word out loud and the class has to agree. The students will also have to identify what the word means. Then students go to the next page and the process is repeated. This should take no more than 5 minutes.
Closure: The teacher will review and evaluate the lesson over compound words by playing a short
game. Students will be split up into 2 teams. Two pictures will be put up on the Promethean board. The students are to discuss the 2 pictures in their groups and decide what compound word they represent. The team will then give one final answer. If the students are right, they receive one point. If the students get the answer wrong, the other team gets a chance to guess. Once the first team is done, the second team goes through the same procedure above. The game stops when all the questions are done. The team with the most points wins the game.