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INTRODUCTION Because the magnitude of the heating load forms the basis for subsequent sizing decisions it is important to determine that load as accurately as possible When converting from conventional heating to solar heating of a pool historical energy consumption records (if available) may be used to estimate future heating requirements. When designing a solar pool heating
system for a new pool, it is often possible to use energy consumption data from a nearby pool as a basis for estimating the energy requirement of the proposed installation Energy consumption may differ significantly be tween
and protected from the wind, this is usually not the case
sumption may be calculated by using the following formula Btu/time period = 3413 x kWh/time period
in laboratory tests
energy content of commonly used liquid and gaseous fuels is given in Table 2
(Propane) Natural gas Light home heating oil
following formula may be used to calculate the energy furnished by gas- and oil-fired heaters Btu/time period = 0 . 7 x Btu contenthnit x units/time period
data may be used to estimate the heat losses from the pool during the heating season
Dedicated heat pumps (also called heat pump water heaters) are manufactured specifically for swimming pool and spa heating performance (COP Coefficients of
If the energy input of such units is separately monitored, the following formula may be used to calculate their thermal output Btu/time period = kWh/time period x 3413 x COP
In the absence of reliable, historical, energy-consumption data, it may be convenient to calculate the heat losses which may be expected t o occur from a pool under various monthly weather conditions These losses
then may be equated to the pool's average energy requirement for a given increment of time Past records of monthly average air temperatures,
humidities, and pool temperatures may yield sufficiently accurate results for some purposes For other purposes, it may be necessary to make
calculations based on daily weather data and sum them to arrive at monthly totals Weather data for eight Florida cities is contained in Appendix E
Because the calculation procedure required is somewhat tedious, tables containing loss factors for six Florida cities and several pool configurations have been developed and are presented in Appendix "G"
monthly values may be multiplied by pool areas and to arrive at total monthly losses
from "Solar Heating for Swimming Pools", published by the Environmental Information Center, Winter Park, FL.
heat, losses through the bottoms and sides of below-grade pools are usua. ly small enough to ignore. However, if pools are situated where cold
groundwater flows past them, the following formula and heat transfer coefficients may be used to estimate the losses
is the pool w a l l area in square feet (plus the area of the pool
Below Grade Pools: Even under conditions of rapid groundwater flow, the soil close to the pool shell will rise in temperature as it absorbs heat from the pool
cause it is difficult to evaluate this reduction from individual situations, the following U values for both concrete and fiberglass walls have been modified using experimental data developed by ASHRAE engineers for uninsulated cement basement floors The U values are for use with actual
main resistance to heat flow is not in the wall, but is in the soil surrounding it
wants to maintain the pool to 80F during November when the groundwater
is 70F
Calculate the conductive losses.
x (80
- 70)
= 2100 Btu/hr
If the bottoms of such pools rest f w l y on However, losses
through the walls of above-ground pools may be large enough to require consideration. The following overall coefficients include the insulating
effect of the static air film a t interface of the air and support wall For vinyl pool liners supported by uninsulated, shells : corrugated metal
fiberglass-plastic walls supported by an open framework of wood o r metal tubing, U = 1.9 (7-mph average wind speed).
ature is 80F and it is supported by an uninsulated corrugated metal wall how much heat is lost through the wall each hour? through the pool bottom may be ignored.)
- 65O)
About one half of the
= 13,565 Btu/hr
A little data interpretation is called for here.
pool wall is protected from the 7-mph wind, so the loss coefficent is nearer to 2 on the leeward side of the pool. closer to 10,OOQ Btu than 14,000 Btu The actual loss may be less than the higher calculated value, howTherefore, the actual losses are
ever, the example indicates that insulating the walls of this above-ground pool may be well worth the cost if the pool is to be heated
Convection Losses.
- hcv A At
is the convective heat loss in Btu/hr,
where :
h i n but static liquid film from the pool by convection must pass through a t
at the pool surface It then must pass through a thin but static layer of It next passes through a boundary
layer of eddy currents in the air, and finally is taken up by the main
airstream where it -is carried away from the pool by either natural or forced convection The transmission of heat through the thin fluid layers
themselves is by conduction The thickness of the static air layer affects the rate of heat loss and varies greatly with wind speed Not only is this complex process difficult
to quantify but there are additional barriers to accurate analysis convectiod, raaiation and evaporation occur simultaneously across the
of the liquid qurface because it draws virtually all of the 1050 Btu/lb of water requiredl for the phase change from the pool water, not the air above it. The convective process cools the liquid surface if the air is cooler than the surface and wanns it if the air is wanner than the surface It should] be remembered that under conditions of moderately high
wind speed, low humidity, and low air temperature, the surface of the pool
will be cooled by both evaporation of water and convection.
a tendency to reduce the temperature difference between the pool surface and the wind sweeping over it Theoretically the pool surface can be (Practically, because of the
large quantity lof heat available to the pool surface from the pool itself this w i L l almost never occur.) However, under windy, low temperature
low humidity cOnditions you may wish to utilize a compromise pool surface temperature mid-way between measured pool temperature and wet-bulb
It is
protected by 4otel buildings on the north and surrounded by a 6 f t privacy fence. to 4 mph. These reduce the effective wind speed at the pool surface Ignore surface
~adiatibn Losses .
is the lexposed surface area of the pool in it2, is the lemissivity of pool water (Z 0.90
tw is the pool temperature in ORankine (OF + 460) Without in L Oduction of serious error, the value for tw may be assumed to be mating tSky .
pool temperature.
10F below the kernperamre of the air; the pool radiates to those clouds On a very clead night, because the pool radiates both to the clear atmosphere and to 4 t e r space, the effective sky temperature may be as much as 80F below temperature
It b d i f f i a t to select the proper sky temperature for use in this formula (unless you have access to a remote sensing infrared thermometer) Many exp(rts agree that, on average, the sky temperature is about However, on very clear
Florida, remote Isensing infrared thermometers pointed skyward have indicated a temper#ure below their lower limit (-40F), or at least 80F below ambient air tehperature Florida, they While very clear nights are infrequent in
Table 2.2 Radiation Parameter vs . Temperatures (OF) t(OF) Value t(OF) Value
manager wishes1 to maintain at 80F, is exposed to clear skies on a 55OF night. The r h t i v e humidity is 50%, the cloud cover is Calculate the radiant heat loss
la, and
latitude is 30N
Because ofl a 10% cloud cover, moderate nighttime temperature (55OF), and fairly higq relative humidity, the sky temperature should be about 20F below ambknt air temperature W e w i l l try several sky temperatures
ature, tSky
1 0 F
From Table 21
= 210 @50
Assume: t sky 'air
- 400
5991 = 71.5113
tair 50
- SO0
The quantity of heat lost through evap-
- 4681 = 80,220 ~vapordtionLosses
oration from a boo1 surface usually exceeds that lost by conduction. convection, and rebadiation combined uate the loss:
where :
is the1 evaporative heat loss in Btu/ftz * h r
L ,
p a r q pressure exerted by the moisture in the air (psi) As has b+n stated in the paragraph on convective losses, the pool
surface temper+ure is between the average temperature of the entire pool and that of th( air. When windy, cool, low-humidity conditions prevail,
the use of a p e l surface pressure corresponding to a compromise temperature between pool temperature and wet-bulb air temperature may yield more accurate besults or the correction factor on Page 2-14 may be applied. Figure 2. should be examined to envision better the nature of evapoThe vertical lines represent measured air or
The horizontal lines represent partial pressures in psi The curved lines ex-
tending upwarq and to the right represent relative humidity conditions The vapor prelsure of the pool surface at a specific temperature is found from the inter*ction 100% relative +dity sented by the *es of a vertical line through that temperature with the curve. The wet-bulb temperature of air is repre-
mm Hg and
4 4
The greater
A i r that
the distance bblow that line, the more rapid the evaporation.
exerts the sam( partial pressure (for example 83OF air at 80% RH or 87OF
air at ?(Pb RH] will prevent evaporation from taking place from the pool
than 0.44 psi bay lose some of its water vapor to the pool by condensation.
I n this iairly unusual situation the pool w i l l gain 1050 Btu for each
relative humiditj sweeping over the water surface at 4 mph depression of s*face
Ignore the
= 154
(30 x 45)
= 207,900 Btu/hr
sponds to 100% belative humidity at 80F, the partial pressure of the pool water, and 0.15lpsi corresponds to 65OF air a t 50% relative humidity Strictly sp#aking, the quantity of water evaporating from an exposed surface is not a linear function of the area of that surface.
Humphreys, a noted
meteorological p# ysicis t
than those thatloccur during typical Florida weather (if average pool and
air temperature4 are used in the calculations).
Consequently, it is FSEC's
Convection: Radiation (assumed) Evaporation Total Losses conduction1 convection1 Radiation Evaporatiod
#,550 Btu/hr x 24 x 0.6 = 641,520 Btu/day $2,500 x 24 x 0.6 = 756,000 Btu/day; tSky = taip 20
= 0.6%
= 15%
= 17%
= 68%
absorbing about1 75% of the solar energy that strikes their surfaces
swimming g m f @
nearly 1/3 d u d g November i n this example). The previ(us calculations indicate that the pool cited in the example
will require th( addition of 4,421,520
The energk requirement for November w i l l average out at 3,105,170 Btu/day x 30 93 million Btu/mo. If natural gas costs $. 5l/therm, the
= $677.57
If the
pool is