Individual Combat Techniques Part III
Individual Combat Techniques Part III
Individual Combat Techniques Part III
Situation: You are a member of an assault force in an urban area and the enemy location
and strength is uncertain. You must enter the buildings with minimal exposure to enemy
fire. This situation pertains to questions 1 through 3.
Figure 1-1.
1. When throwing the grappling hook into a second floor window as illustrated above, you
stand as close to the building as possible.
throw the grappling hook directly at the windows with a slow even movement.
stand far enough away from the window for a better throwing angle.
throw the grappling hook directly at the window with a quick deliberate movement.
Figure 2-1.
2. What type of lifting procedure is being used in the above illustration?
Two-man lift unsupport.
Two-man lift push.
Two-man lift support.
Two-man lift with heels raised.
3. There is a break in the exterior wall which you plan to use to enter the building. The first thing you
do is
crawl through the breach with caution.
fire your weapon through the breach before entering.
throw a grenade through the breach before entering.
look through the breach before entering.
Situation: You must be able to identify Threat weapons and equipment for reasons of
combat intelligence. This situation pertains to question number 4.
Figure 4-1.
RPK-74 5.45-mm light machine gun.
ARMS 7.62-mm assault rifle.
PKM 7.62-mm general-purpose machine gun.
RPK-7.62-mm light machine gun.
Situation: You are in a combat situation. You are assigned a sector of search. Visibility is in
excess of 3,000 meters and binoculars are available. You are to identify and report any
Threat aircraft entering your sector. This situation pertains to questions 5 through 6.
Figure 5-1.
5. Which one of the Threat aircraft illustrated above carries armament of a cannon, missiles, rockets
and bombs?
Figure 6-1.
6. The Threat aircraft illustrated above has just entered your sector of search. It is a
Situation: Estimating range is one of the most difficult skills you, as a soldier, must learn. At
the same time it is also one of the most indispensable skills when needed. You are in a
tactical combat area where targets are stationary and either partially or fully exposed. Their
range is between 50 to 3,000 meters, and it is daytime. This situation pertains to questions 7
through 8.
Figure 7-1.
7. After you have identified the target, you must determine the range of the target after you have
identified the targets using the flash-to-bang method. In the illustration above, the range of
the target?
900 meters.
1,320 meters.
1,650 meters.
660 meters.
Figure 8-1.
8. Determine the range of the target using information provided in the illustration above.
1,125 meters
1,875 meters
750 meters.
1,500 meters
Situation: You are required to conduct day and night surveillance of an area suspected of
containing enemy combat troops without the aid of electronic devices. This situation pertains
to questions 9 through 10.
make a fast overall search of the entire area.
observe overlapping, 100-meter-deep strips of terrain in detail.
observe overlapping, 50-meter-deep strips of terrain in detail.
search suspicious spots thoroughly.
10. In preparing for night adaptation, you should
stay in a secured darkened area for 30 minutes.
stay in a secured darkened area for 5 minutes.
stay in a secured darkened area for 20 minutes.
stay in a secured darkened area for 10 minutes.
Situation: You are a member of an assault element in urban terrain and the enemy location
and strength is uncertain. You must perform a visual reconnaissance to determine your next
position. Then, use proper movement techniques to move rapidly to the next covered and/or
concealed position. Also, you must be prepared to place fire on the enemy while using
available cover. This situation pertains to questions 11 through 15.
move rapidly past the obstacle.
move along the wall as closely as possible.
move from position to position without masking your covering fires.
move in the most direct route to your selected position.
12. You have taken cover at the corner of a building. Before moving around the corner of the building,
you should
lie flat on the ground with your weapon at your side.
expose your head quickly at eye level to observe around the corner.
lie flat on the ground with your weapon in front of you.
expose your head slowly at eye level to observe around the corner.
fire around it if possible, not over it.
fire over it if possible, not around it.
fire so that you do not expose your position with the muzzle flash.
fire around it, keeping your body as far away from the wall as possible.
14. You are looking at and beyond your position for booby traps, enemy positions, and a covered and
concealed position. You are
preparing to cross an obstacle.
observing around a corner.
crossing a rooftop.
moving across an open area.
15. Before you move across an open area in urban terrain, you
select a route that will provide some cover.
check obstacles for booby traps.
make a visual reconnaissance of the area and position,ensuring it will give you concealment
before you move.
make a visual reconnaissance of the area and position, ensuring it will give you cover and
concealment before you move.
Situation: You are given the current challenge and password in a defensive position with a
sector of fire. Enemy and friendly personnel may enter your sector. You are to allow friendly
personnel to pass only if they respond with the correct password, and you are to detain
(capture) other personnel. This situation pertains to questions 16 through 17.
16. On seeing or hearing someone approaching your position and before he gets close enough to pose
a threat, you keep him covered with your weapon and
command the person to advance and be recognized.
alert others near your position.
command the person to halt.
issue the challenge.
17. Once a stranger has complied to your instructions and identified himself, you keep him covered
with your weapon and
issue the challenge.
alert others near your position.
order him to advance to be recognized.
issue the password.
Situation: You are under attack by hostile aircraft. You are armed with an M16A1 rifle and
must engage the hostile aircraft until it is destroyed or flies out of effective range of your
weapon. This situation pertains to questions 18 through 19.
Figure 18-1.
18. In the above illustration, identify the correct aiming point of a helicopter crossing in front of you.
19. In the above illustration, identify the correct aiming point of a jet coming directly at you.
Situation: You have been ordered to establish an observation post overlooking a tactical
area. You must collect and report information about the enemy, using the SALUTE method.
Your leaders need combat intelligence to help them plan operations. This situation pertains
to question number 20.
20. You should report all information quickly, completely, and accurately. The first thing you report is
any patches or clothing, distinctive signs or symbols or identification numbers on vehicles.
what the enemy was doing.
the number of personnel seen or size of object.
grid coordinates or reference from a known point including distance and direction.
21. Before you fire the TOW antitank weapon as illustrated above, you
must ensure that the floor size of the room where the weapon position is located is at least 17
by 20 feet.
must ensure that the floor size of the room where the weapon position is located is at least 17
by 24 feet.
must ensure that the floor size of the room where the weapon position is located is at least 15
by 20 feet.
must ensure that the floor size of the room where the weapon position is located is at least 15
by 15 feet.
Figure 22-1.
22. In selecting a machine gun position, you
should be employed as high as possible when using loopholes.
should use a building entrance doorway.
should avoid windows and doors.
should use a second story window.
23. As you prepare a window-firing position to fire your rifle from, you
should barricade around the window leaving a large hole to fire through.
should barricade only an area near your firing position for protection.
should barricade only around the window that you are going to fire through.
should barricade around the window leaving only a small hole to fire through.
Situation: You must be able to recognize friendly or Threat armored vehicles when in a
combat field environment for reasons of combat intelligence. This situation pertains to
question 24 through 27.
Figure 24-1.
Scorpion, Light Tank (United Kingdom).
PT 76 Light Amphibious Tank (USSR).
ASU-85 Tank (USSR).
S-Tank, Main Battle Tank (Sweden).
Figure 25-1.
25. Which one of the friendly or Threat armored vehicles illustrated above has a main gun armament
of 85-mm?
Figure 26-1.
M109A1 SP (United States).
AMX 30, Main Battle Tank (France).
SAU-122 (USSR).
Figure 27-1.
SAU-122 (USSR).
AMX-13 Light Tank (France).
JP Kanone - JPZ4-5, Self-Propelled Antitank Gun (West Germany).
ZSU 23-4 (USSR).
Figure 28-1.
RPG-7 antitank weapon.
RPG-18 antitank weapon.
SPG-9 73-mm antitank weapon.
RPG-16 antitank weapon.
Figure 29-1.
29. Which one of the Threat weapons illustrated above fires from a closed bolt and tends to "cook off"
its cartridges after prolonged firing?
Figure 30-1.
30. Which one of the Threat weapons illustrated above has an effective range of about 300 meters?
Figure 31-1.
31. Which one of the Threat infantry combat vehicles illustrated above has the capability to make its
own smoke screen?