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List of Tables ..............................................................................................................................4 List of Figures .............................................................................................................................5 Introduction .............................................................................................................................7 1.1 The Main Idea ..............................................................................................................7 1.

2 Project goals .................................................................................................................7 1.3 Project Description .......................................................................................................7 1.4 PV for sustainable agriculture and rural development in Pakistan .................................8 1.5 Scope of Project ...........................................................................................................8 1.6 Solar PV for Rural poultry farms ................................................................................ 11 1.7 Case study .................................................................................................................... 13 Chapter-2 .................................................................................................................................. 14 PV Systems and its components............................................................................................. 14 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 14 2.2 Photovoltaic system Types ........................................................................................... 14 2.2.1 Grid tie system ...................................................................................................... 14 2.2.2 Stand-alone backup system ................................................................................... 15 2.3 Types of PV Technologies ........................................................................................... 16 2.3.1 Single-crystalline or mono crystalline ................................................................... 16 2.3.2 Polycrystalline cells .............................................................................................. 16 2.3.3 Thin film panels .................................................................................................... 16 2.3.4 Amorphous Silicon ............................................................................................... 16 2.4 Component of solar PV System .................................................................................... 17 2.5 Charge Controller ......................................................................................................... 17 2.6 Batteries ....................................................................................................................... 18 2.7 Inverter ........................................................................................................................ 18 1

2.8 Application of PV ........................................................................................................ 18 Chapter-3 .................................................................................................................................. 20 Pakistans Poultry Industry .................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 20 3.2 Division of Poultry Industry ......................................................................................... 20 3.2.1 Hatchery sector ..................................................................................................... 20 3.2.2 Poultry farming sector ........................................................................................... 21 3.2.3 Feed sector............................................................................................................ 21 3.3 The Poultry Sector........................................................................................................ 21 3.3.1Commercial Poultry Farming ................................................................................. 21 3.3.2 Rural Poultry Farming .......................................................................................... 21 3.4 Rural poultry farm ........................................................................................................ 23 3.4.1 The Role of Energy in Poultry Production ........................................................... 23 3.4.2 Security of Power Supply .................................................................................... 24 3.4.3 Energy and cost of Production............................................................................. 24 3.4.4 Potential of PV Applications for Poultry Farming ............................................... 25 3.4.5 Annual sale of local poultry farm .......................................................................... 25 Chapter-4 .................................................................................................................................. 27 Load Surveys and Recommended PV system......................................................................... 27 4.1 Load survey of Local poultry farm ............................................................................... 27 4.1.1 Electrical Load ...................................................................................................... 27 4.1.2 Local poultry farm monthly energy consumption .................................................. 27 4.2 Irradiance and insulation .............................................................................................. 29 4.2.1 Insulation .............................................................................................................. 29 4.2.2 Irradiation ............................................................................................................. 29 2

4.3 Rural Local poultry farm solar PV system design ......................................................... 31 4.3.1 System configurations ........................................................................................... 31 4.3.2 Selecting the PV module ....................................................................................... 32 4.3.3 Combiner box ....................................................................................................... 34 4.3.4 Inverter selection .................................................................................................. 35 4.3.5 Batteries selection ................................................................................................. 36 4.4 Mounting ..................................................................................................................... 36 4.4.1 Pole mounting ....................................................................................................... 37 4.4.2 Ground mounting .................................................................................................. 37 4.4.3 Roof mounting ...................................................................................................... 38 4.5 Physical Stand alone system design Calculation ........................................................... 39 4.6 Cost model of standalone PV System for Rural poultry Farm ....................................... 42 Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................................. 43 Software, Simulation and Results .......................................................................................... 43 5.1 Software for simulation of photovoltaic systems ........................................................... 43 5.2 General features ........................................................................................................... 43 5.2.1 Management of the project .................................................................................... 43 5.3 Simulation parameters By PVsyst ................................................................................. 45 5.4 Simulation Report of PVsyst according to our load....................................................... 46 5.6 Main Result of our system according to solar Radiation ............................................... 47 5.7 Loss diagram over the whole year ................................................................................ 49 5.8 Economic and cost diagram of our system .................................................................... 50 5.9 Cost Comparison .......................................................................................................... 51 Results ............................................................................................................................... 52 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 53 3

List of Tables Table-2.1: Efficiency of different types of solar cell... ............................................................... 17 Table-2.2: Uses of PV system ................................................................................................... 19

Table-3.1: Domestic and commercial poultry farms surveys. .................................................... 22 Table-3.2: Annual sale of rural poultry farm. ............................................................................ 24

Table-4.1: Electrical load for Rural poultry farm.. .................................................................... 27 Table-4.2: Monthly Energy consumption of Rural poultry farm................................................ 28 Table-4.3: Total cost of Stand alone solar PV system... ............................................................ 42

Table-5.1: Used and Unused Annual Energy ............................................................................. 48 Table-5.2: Annual sale of Rural poultry farm. ........................................................................... 51 Table-5.3: Instalation cost of standalone PV system. ................................................................. 51 Table-5.4:WAPDA annual bill of Rural poultry Farm.. ............................................................. 52

List of Figures Figure-1.1: Energy mix of Pakistan ........................................................................................... 10 Figure-1.2: Peak electricity demand vs. supply projections for Pakistan .................................... 11 Figure-1.3: Solar irradiance by Pyranometer at Peshawar 2011 ................................................. 12 Figure-1.4: Case study data and poultry roof ............................................................................. 13

Figure-2.1: Grid tie System.. ..................................................................................................... 15 Figure-2.2: Standalone backup PV system. ................................................................................ 15 Figure-2.3: Block diagram of a typical solar PV system ............................................................ 17

Figure-3.1:Annual billing to WAPDA. ...................................................................................... 26

Figure-4.1: Total monthly energy consumption (kWh)... ........................................................... 28 Figure-4.2: Solar irradiance for the year 2011............................................................................ 30 Figure-4.3: Bright sunshine hours in Peshawar city. .................................................................. 30 Figure-4.4: Standalone solar PV system with battries backup. ................................................... 31 Figure-4.5: ELPS CS6P-MM Solar panel.. ................................................................................ 33 Figure-4.6: Structure of Combiner box ...................................................................................... 34 Figure-4.7: SMA SCCB-10 Combiner box... ............................................................................. 35 Figure-4.8: Solar inverter .......................................................................................................... 35 Figure-4.9: NARADA GP Series Battery. ................................................................................. 36 5

Figure-4.10: Pole mounting Solar panel..................................................................................... 37 Figure-4.11: Side of pole Solar panel......................................................................................... 37 Figure-4.12: Ground mounting Solar panel................................................................................ 38 Figure-4.13: Roof mounting Solar panel.. .................................................................................. 38 Figure-4.14: Block Diagram of Standalone system.. .................................................................. 41

Figure-5.1: PVsyst interface... ................................................................................................... 44 Figure-5.2: System Energy Graphs.. .......................................................................................... 47 Figure-5.3: Performance and solar fraction Ratio ...................................................................... 48

Chapter 1

1.1 The Main Idea
Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have shown their potential in rural electrification projects around the world, especially concerning Solar Home Systems. With continuing price decreases of PV systems, other applications are becoming economically attractive and growing experience is gained with the use of PV in such areas as social and communal services, agriculture and other productive activities, which can have a significant impact on rural development. There is still a lack of information, however, on the potential and limitations of such PV applications.

1.2 Project goals

The main aim of this study is, therefore, to contribute to a better understanding of the potential impact and of the limitations of PV systems on sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD), especially concerning income-generating activities. It is, in fact, of paramount importance to identify the potential contribution of PV to rural development in order to gain further financial and political commitment for PV projects and programmes and to design appropriate PV projects.

1.3 Project Description

Energy is an important input for the provision of basic human needs and services, such as Cooking water supply, lighting, health services, communication and education. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems have shown their potential in rural electrification projects around the world and with continuing price decreases of PV systems, other applications are becoming economically attractive and growing experience is gained with the use of PV in such areas as social and communal services, agriculture and other productive activities, which can have a significant impact on rural development. The main aim of this project is, therefore, to contribute to a better understanding of the potential impact and of the limitations of PV systems on sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD), especially concerning income-generating 7

activities. Design of PV-system and software simulation for better results will be applied as project methodology [1].


PV for sustainable agriculture and rural development

in Pakistan
Pakistan is a developing country and agriculture is the backbone of countrys economy. It is currently the seventh most populous country in the world. Its agriculture sector occupies an important position in its economy and contributes about 21 percent of the gross domestic product (Economic Survey, 2007-08). Since the end of World War II, the public institutes of developed countries have helped transfer agricultural technologies to developing countries. During this period, most of the developing countries in Latin America and Africa, as well as some countries in Asia (like India, Thailand and Pakistan), have depended heavily on agricultural production to sustain their economies (Pieiro, 2007). Robert (2004) and Thurston (1999) state that the

fertilizer supplier has been busy, oilseed rape and winter barley is both complete, leaving oats and wheat to be given the balances. Innovation and technology development has always been main source of agriculture because agricultural progress and enlargement depends upon interference of modern technology tools by agricultural scientists and experts. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have shown their potential in rural electrification projects around the world, we can directly apply this technology to improve our agriculture sector especially using for Rural poultry farm development with minimum cost of installation [2].

1.5 Scope of Project

Due to urbanization and increase in population, the global demand for energy is ever increasing. It is estimated that the global energy demand will increase at the rate of 1.7% per year and the demand will reach 16.5 billion tons of oil equivalents(TOE) by 2030 [1]. Trends suggest that fossil fuels will continue to dominate the energy mix in years to come and renewable will slowly increase their share in the energy mix of the planet. Pakistan is heavily reliant on fossil fuels for its primary energy needs and the overall energy mix is shown in Fig. 1.1. Pakistan, being a developing country, is dependent on this imported energy as around 60% of the total foreign exchange is spent on the import of fossil fuels. It imports 308.9 thousand barrels per day and the indigenous production is still less than 63,000 barrels per day. Although Pakistan has large 8

reserves of coal in Thar (175 billion tons) and other regions, it still imports 4.7 million short tons compared to 3.8 million short tons of indigenous production adding to its large fuel import bill. In addition, these conventional resources are subject to dynamic price changes which are undesirable and add to economic problems due to the ckle state of the economy. The energy demand of the country has increased by 28% over the last four years and by 2025,it is expected to increase by 85%. This will add to the nancial worries of the country and the energy problems are expected to aggravate further in future. Electricity decit of the country is increasing every year whichis evident from the demand-supply chart in Fig. 1.2. It compares the projected peak demand of electricity in the country, by Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) which is the main power regulating body in Pakistan, with the supply forecast. Apart from fossil fuels, among other energy resources, hydro contributes around 30% to the total electricity production of Pakistan and the current installed capacity of hydro is 6444 MW. The contribution due to wind is 50 MW which has recently been integrated with the national grid. The projected demand-supply decit in 2030 may have severe implications to the overall economy of the country. The driving force for Pakistans economy is electricity and due to the shortage of electricity, the industrial sector has been adversely affected and overall exports of the country have been reduced. The load shedding (unavailability of grid power) in the country is aggravating the situation as these periodic power shutdowns are severely affecting the industrial output and crippling the countrys economy. It is estimated that load shedding is costing 2.5 billion $/year to Pakistans economy which is on an average 2% dent to the countrys GDP. In addition, it has also caused a loss of employment to around 400,000 people annually within Pakistan [3]. According to a survey by World Bank [4], 66.7% of the businesses in Pakistan identify shortage of electricity as the major business obstacle ahead of corruption and crime/terrorism which are 11.7% and 5.5%, respectively. Fortunately, Pakistan has a high renewable energy potential which is elaborated in many studies on Pakistan. Renewable energy outlook along with solar perspective is discussed by Mirza et al. 2003 [4] and Sheikh 2010 [5]. The institutional set up and its limitation along with some of the broader challenges have been assessed by Sahir et al. 2008 [6] for the energy sector in Pakistan and it has shown potential of various renewable sources for electricity generation in the country. Policy constraints have also been highlighted by Khan et al. 2010 [7] in their study of solar energy in the Pakistan scenario

In all of the above mentioned studies, authors broadly summarize the potential, institutional setups, various social barriers, market related barriers and policy shortcomings. All of these studies also identify technological barriers as one of the prime deterrents for PV growth, yet no detailed account of actual technological shortcomings and bas ic design aws have been addressed for the PV sector in Pakistan. Therefore, in this work, we have identied the actual technological barriers which have deterred investors and domestic users to invest in this technology to cater for their needs. We have a lso identied optimum components and technology which is suitable for energy generation in remote locations within the country. Better planning and reliable component selection will go a long way in minimizing some of the social barriers.PV technologies can emerge as a most common and effective solution for energy crisis in Pakistan. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the rst of its kind which evaluates the technological constraints and quanties the efficiency constraints for PV systems in Paki stan. We also propose best practices which will contribute to the growth of PV generated electricity in the country [8].

Figure-1.1: Energy mix of Pakistan.


Figure-1.2: Peak electricity demand vs. supply projections for Pakistan.

1.6 Solar PV for Rural poultry farms

Renewable energy sources have enormous potential and can meet many times the present world energy demand. They can enhance diversity in energy supply markets, secure long-term sustainable energy supplies, and reduce local and global atmospheric emissions. They can also provide commercially attractive options to meet specic needs for energy services (particularly in developing countries and rural areas), create new employment opportunities, and offer possibilities for local manufacturing of equipment. Pakistan has vast potential for renewable energy development; the three provinces of Pakistan, i.e. NWFP, Balochistan and Sindh provide vast capacity and resources for solar energy [9]. PV offers a number of benefits to Pakistan rural side as an alternative energy technology. Several scattered cases have been identified in which solar systems were used to provide light for poultry (both meat and egg production). Using light extends the day and increases the growth of poultry and the production of eggs. Another important factor for poultry farms in some areas is heat to reduce the mortality rate of chicks. there is need for ventilation, which can more easily be supplied with PV powered electric fans. 11

For installing a PV system first we need to check solar irradiance on those particular rural areas. The data recorded in rural area (Peshawar), Pakistan as shown in fig 1.1 . It is located within the Latitude of 3401 N and Longitude of 7135 E. The site was made perfect for receiving maximum solar radiation and there was no shading of any structure or any object in the path of solar rays falling on the Pyranometer from dawn to dusk [10].

Figure-1.3: Solar irradiance by Pyranometer at Peshawar 2011 [10] There are several reasons why poultry farms can be considered a visible and valuable potential user of PV. Economic significance Presently turnover of Pakistan Poultry Industry is about 564 billion rupees in 2012-13. National profile of the states po ultry industry there are about 25000 Poultry Farms in the Pakistan which produce 73.65 Million poultry population. Potential for economic and environmental benefits Electricity is often a significant Cost component for poultry farming.


Use of PV on farms would provide energy services in an environmentally-friendly way, has the potential to reduce energy costs, and could Offer local economic development benefits [11].

1.7 Case study

We observed local rural poultry farm located at rural area (Peshawar) having capacity 30004000 chickens accommodation site survey is shown in the following fig(1.2). Chickens were kept with provision of 1 sq.ft / bird [12]. Total area of our poultry farm is = 3500 sq.ft

Figure-1.4: Case study data and poultry roof.



PV Systems and its components

2.1 Introduction
Solar cells convert energy from sunlight into electrical energy and are the basic components of any solar PV based system. Many of such cells constitute a solar panel. When light of appropriate wavelength falls on a semiconductor, the photons transmit their energy to the outermost (valence) electrons of the constituent atoms. For every absorbed photon, an electron is generated which is free to move in the conduction band. When it does so, it leaves behind a vacancy called a hole. It is this generation of electrons and holes that result in a current flowing through a semiconductor. This principle is utilized in the electricity generation from solar cells. The energy of the sunlight reaching earth surface is distributed from 300 nm to 2000 nm and solar cells are optimized to absorb maximum power from the sunlight. In conventional solar cells (such as crystalline-Si), the electric field is created at the junction between p - (doped with Boron) and n - (doped with Phosphorous) regions. This field separates the light-generated holes and electrons and produces a current in the external circuit along with a voltage across the cell. The maximum value of the cell voltage occurs in an open circuit mode and the maximum current flows in a short circuit mode [13].

2.2 Photovoltaic system Types

2.2.1 Grid tie system
A grid-tied PV system allows you to use the electricity generated by your PV system as well as electricity from the grid. When your PV system is producing electricity, your home will be powered by solar electricity. During the times when your PV system isn't producing electricity, such as at night, your home will receive power from the grid [14].


PV Devices

Array DC Disconnect


AC Breaker Panel

Household AC loads

Electric Meter Figure-2.1: Grid tie System

Utility Grid

2.2.2 Stand-alone backup system

Second and more relevant topology is off-grid and stand-alone solar power generation. This solution can also be utilized for rural electrification of areas where the national grid is not available. Stand-alone PV systems are designed to operate independent of the electric utility grid, and are generally designed and sized to supply certain DC and/or AC electrical loads. These types of systems may be powered by a PV array only, or may use wind, an engine-generator or utility power as an auxiliary power source in what is called a PV-hybrid system. PV Array Charge Controller DC Load



AC Load

Figure-2.2: Stand-alone backup system. 15

2.3 Types of PV Technologies

With the growing demand of solar power new technologies are being introduced and existing technologies are developing. There are four types of solar PV cells: Single crystalline or mono crystalline Multi- or poly-crystalline Thin film Amorphous silicon

2.3.1 Single-crystalline or mono crystalline

It is widely available and the most efficient cells materials among all. They produce the most power per square foot of module. Each cell is cut from a single crystal. The wafers then further cut into the shape of rectangular cells to maximize the number of cells in the solar panel.

2.3.2 Polycrystalline cells

They are made from similar silicon material except that instead of being grown into a single crystal, they are melted and poured into a mold. This forms a square block that can be cut into square wafers with less waste of space or material than round single crystal wafers.

2.3.3 Thin film panels

It is the newest technology introduced to solar cell technology. Copper indium dieseline, cadmium telluride, and gallium arsenide are all thin film materials. They are directly deposited on glass, stainless steel, or other compatible substrate materials. Some of them perform slightly better than crystalline modules under low light conditions. A thin film is very thin-a few micrometer or less.

2.3.4 Amorphous Silicon

Amorphous silicon is newest in the thin film technology. In this technology amorphous silicon vapor is deposited on a couple of micro meter thick amorphous films on stainless steel rolls [15]. Compared to the crystalline silicon, this technology uses only 1% of the material.


Cell type
Mono crystalline Polycrystalline Thin film Amorphous Silicon

Efficiency, %
12 18 12 18 8 10 68

Table-2.1: Efficiency of different types of solar cells.

2.4 Component of solar PV System

A typical solar PV system consists of solar panel, charge controller, batteries, inverter and the load. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of such a system.

Solar Panel

Charge Controlle r

Battery System


AC Power

DC Power

Figure-2.3: Block diagram of a typical solar PV system.

2.5 Charge Controller

When battery is included in a system, the necessity of charge controller comes forward. A charge controller controls the uncertain voltage build up. In a bright sunny day the solar cells produce more voltage that can lead to battery damage. A charge controller helps to maintain the balance in charging the battery.


2.6 Batteries
To store charges, batteries are used. There are different types of batteries available that can be used. However, lead-acid based batteries are primarily used for PV applications due to their low cost. Common types of these batteries are: Flooded lead acid battery Absorbent glass mat (AGM) lead-acid battery Gel-based lead-acid battery

Flooded batteries are not designed for deep discharges and require periodic maintenance and are most unsuitable for PV systems. AGM and Gel batteries both are deep discharge cycle batteries. They have longer life cycles than the flooded lead acid battery. However, AGM batteries are not suitable for high temperature operation.

2.7 Inverter
Inverter is an electrical circuit that converts DC power to AC power. Most of the electrical equipment is designed for line AC (240 V rms and 50 Hz) and therefore an inverter is required to convert the DC current of panel or battery to AC current. There are various topologies of inverters and the choice depends on the type of application and cost.

2.8 Application of PV
Table-2.1 shows an overview of the uses of PV systems in their projects or business. More than one application could be filled and therefore the uses total up to more than 100 percent. The table shows clearly that "lighting, TV, radio and other household uses" with the so-called Solar Home Systems (SHS) is the dominant use of PV systems, which is confirmed by literature. Other major applications are for retail shops, cafes and restaurants. Communal use of PV for health centers and community buildings is also a major application. Of the agricultural applications, PV pumping for livestock and irrigation dominate. The prominence of radio and cellular phone communication is confusing, because this category often includes both PV systems used for repeater stations (which do not necessarily directly benefit rural areas), and systems for radio communication by development projects, health centers, rural telecom authorities and private investors (which benefit rural areas more directly)[16]. 18

TYPE OF PV APPLICATION Lighting and cooling for poultry factory.

TYPICAL SYSTEM DESIGN 60-200 Wp, electronics, battery, Energy saver lights, fans etc


1000 Wp, electronics, small DC or AC pump and water tank

Cattle watering For preservation and drying of fruits

800 Wp, DC /AC pump, water reservoir PV/wind hybrid systems or 300-700Wp PV with DC refrigerators (up to300 lt.)

Fish Forming. Crop spraying Incubator of eggs

900 Wp, batteries (450 Ah), DC engine, paddle wheel, for pond 10-15 Wp, sprayer Solar module of 150 Wp, for heating element of 60 eggs hatching.

Table-2.2: Uses of PV systems



Pakistans Poultry Industry

3.1 Introduction
Poultry as on commercial scale in the private sector started due to pioneering effect made by PIA in 1965, when the first modern hatchery unit in Karachi was established. Export of live poultry and meat from Pakistan increased from Rs.27 million in 2009-10 to Rs 1.08 billion in 2010-11 and it decreased to Rs. 365 million in 2011- 2012. Presently (July 2013) turnover of Pakistan Poultry Industry is about 564 billion rupees. Pakistan exports poultry and meat to Afghanistan, Iran, Vietnam and Hongkong. The poultry sector is one of the most organized and vibrant segments of the agriculture industry of Pakistan. This sector generates direct and indirect employment and income for about 1.5 million people. Its contribution in agriculture and livestock is 6.4% and 11.5%, respectively. Currently the Turnover of Pakistan poultry industry is about Rs. 564 billion. Poultry meat contributes 25.8%of the total meat production in the country. The current investment in the poultry industry is about Rs 200.00 billion. The poultry sector has shown a robust growth of 8% to 10% annually, this reflects its inherent potential [17].

3.2 Division of Poultry Industry

3.2.1 Hatchery sector
This sector is a backbone of poultry industry. Eggs are placed in incubators for 21 days and day old chicks sold to the farming sector. Its establishment requires significant investment.


3.2.2 Poultry farming sector

Rearing of poultry birds / chicks for meat and eggs is classified as poultry farming. It is labor intensive and requires investment for working capital mainly for the purchase of feed, chick, vaccination, etc.

3.2.3 Feed sector

Feed sector is major expense in poultry industry. A feed mill requires huge investments for development of infrastructure. Poultry feed comprises of grains, such as; Wheat, rice, maize, sorghum etc.

3.3 The Poultry Sector

Poultry produced in Pakistan is being developed through two management systems available.

3.3.1Commercial Poultry Farming

Type of poultry farming generates Revenue commercially for the country. These sectors produce employment and income for about 1.5 million people. Controlled environment poultry farming is a type of commercial poultry farming. A Controlled Poultry Farm with a population of 30,000 birds established in a purpose-built controlled shed needs a capital investment of about Rs 10.5 million for construction and purchasing farm machinery and equipment. In addition to this, a sum of Rs 2.3 million is required as working capital, which will be used for purchasing day old chicks and raw material (feed & vaccines) etc.

3.3.2 Rural Poultry Farming

Pakistan is agricultural country most of the area and population is in rural areas in the country. Some facts about rural and commercial poultry farming is as under in table(3.1) [18].


TYPE : Domestic Poultry : Cocks Hens Chicken Eggs Meat

Units Million Nos 000 Tons

2006-07 74.02 8.84 34.84 30.34 3484 96.54

2007-08 75.11 9.08 35.47 30.57 3457 98.45

200809 76.22 9.32 36.11 30.79 3611 100.41

Commercial Poultry Layers Broilers Breeding Stock Day Chicks Eggs Meat Total Poultry : Day chicks old Million Nos 000 Tons 418 477 10197 554 456 518 10711 601 499 562 11258 651 old Million Nos 000 Tons 24.82 370.70 7.25 387.20 6682 456.95 26.56 407.77 7.61 425.92 7136 501.30 28.42 448.55 7.99 468.51 7620 550.00

Poultry Birds Eggs Poultry Meat

Table-3.1: Domestic and commercial poultry farm surveys. 22

3.4 Rural poultry farm

This type of poultry farm mostly used in rural areas of Pakistan. It produce 4000-5000 layers chicks in 45-50 days. After maturization weight (2 Kg) chicks are supplied to markets. Local poultry farm has totally C type construction having area 3200 ft2 and has capability to accommodate 4-5 thousands chicks.

3.4.1 The Role of Energy in Poultry Production

Energy plays a crucial role in poultry production. In a typical commercial poultry house, energy is used for several applications; most importantly for lighting, heating, ventilation and cooling, and running electric motors for feed lines. Many of the functions in the poultry shed are controlled by automatic systems, the parameters of which are established by the growers contract. The most significant management aspect of poultry production related to energy is climatized air (Auburn University 2001:1). Optimum temperatures and ventilation are required to

maximize productivity. Poultry house temperatures are typically controlled by thermostat and ventilation requirements are also calculated by automatic systems. Adequate air conditions are provided through heating and ventilation to attain proper temperature (ranging from 70 to 95o F, depending on the growth stage of the birds) which greatly affects how much food and water birds will consume. In houses that are too cold, chickens expend energy to keep their bodies warm which depresses their growth rate; in houses that are too warm, calories are spent on labored breathing and panting (Donald 1999). For cooling and ventilation, large electric fan units located at the end walls (tunnel ventilation) or on the sidewalls move interior air. Ventilation is critical for high productivity. Sufficient air circulation is necessary to minimize breeding of viruses, fungi and bacteria that can afflict the flock. As well, lighting plays an important role in bird growth and feeding. Producers vary the

intensity and daily hours of lighting by the age of the flock to stimulate poultry growth. There is no one standard for optimal lighting to maximize growth and there is considerable variation in lighting schedules across various poultry farms. It has been estimated that a 40-W incandescent bulb produces sufficient light for 200 ft 2 of floor space (Palmer and Odor 1985: 8).


3.4.2 Security of Power Supply

Due to the aforementioned factors, security of electricity supply is critical to poultry production; any unexpected loss of power can affect the health and growth of the flock and in extreme cases can prove fatal to the birds (such as a loss of cooling and ventilation during the summer). Birds are very sensitive to their environments and since the conditioned environment of poultry houses is completely reliant on electricity, power outages will cause changes in temperatures and increasing concentrations of ammonia and germs. Extreme heat or cold will result in greatly

increased mortality in the flock. In fact, failures of climate control in sheds under certain circumstances have eliminated entire flocks. For example, in Mississippi in 2000, power outages caused by storms resulted in the deaths of over 250,000 birds (OAC 2000). Loss of electricity to poultry farmers is a source of potential economic loss. To avoid such losses, small generators are used to supply emergency power. There is no licensing system for these units and no firm data is available on their number or hours of use. Anecdotal advice suggests that testing and maintenance ranges from one hour a week to one hour a month, giving an annual range of 230 to 260 hours of operation in Pakistan Unit size varies, but an industry benchmark for sizing of a backup power system is 1 to 1.5 kW per 1,000 birds in the flock. Anecdotal evidence suggests that generator size varies from 15 kW to 500 kW. Given an average flock size of 23,880 birds per house, average generator size is likely to be between 4-5 KW per house for local poultry farm having 4-5 thousands birds(Cunningham 2003).

3.4.3 Energy and cost of Production

As mentioned above, under a growing contract with a large poultry company, a producer receives chicks, feed, and gas for winter heating of the houses. control over many of the basic cost drivers. As such, producers have no

To maximize returns, the producers seek to

minimize those costs under their control and to produce a flock that will receive the best price. Poultry production is conducted on a cyclic basis throughout the year and energy demand (and energy expenses) varies with this cycle. In the farms studied, total daily electricity use was most highly correlated with bird age and then with outside temperature and lighting. Typically, the growth stage of the production cycle consists of 53 days (+/- a few days), starting with delivery of chicks and concluding with the removal of mature birds. After cleaning and maintenance, the 24

sheds are prepared for the next cycle. Annually, 5.5 flocks are ordinarily cycled through a poultry house (Cunningham 2003). Energy costs can be quite high for poultry production, especially during the summer and warmer months when there is a high demand for cooling the poultry sheds to maintain an even temperature optimum for production. Any opportunities to lower the contract growers expenditure on electricity will co ntribute to the overall profitability for the production of each flock for the contract grower, as this is one of the larger costs that must be met by the growers. Energy costs vary between producers, depending on such factors as the number and size of poultry sheds, electricity-consuming equipment used, and the manner of its use. There are no comprehensive data on energy use by poultry farmers in the state, but some estimates are possible for annualized electricity expenditure. A typical poultry house (4000 birds/flock, 5.5 flocks/year) with the normal lighting regime and tunnel cooling using electrical fans consumes around 4861 kWh per year. For Sanctioned Load less than 5 KW annual electricity expenditure per house is Rs 71796.9. Considering that most poultry operations consist of several houses, electricity cost for poultry farming is a significant component of annual expenditure [ 19].

3.4.4 Potential of PV Applications for Poultry Farming

There are several ways in which PV can be integrated into the routine production activities of rural poultry farming in Pakistan contract growing operations. In this study, PV systems were used as standalone power sources to meet all electricity needs.

3.4.5 Annual sale of local poultry farm

Local poultry farm produce 4000 chickens in one cycle there are 5.5 cycle per year. Chickens are supplied to Market on Trade rate Rs.180/chicken having weight approximately 2 Kilogram. Table 3.2 shows annual sale of local poultry farm.
Chicken Price Total chicken in a flock Rs.180 4000 5.5 22000 Rs.3960000 Flocks/year Total chickens Total turnover

Table-3.2: Annual Sale of local poultry farm.


According to WAPDA tariff less than 5 KW for Sanctioned Load is shown in fig (3.1) [20].
16000 14000 12000 10000 Billing Cost 8000 6000 4000 Series1


Billing Months

Figure-3.1: Annual Billing to WAPDA.



Load Surveys and Recommended PV system

4.1 Load survey of Local poultry farm
Finding out and understanding the total energy consumption of Local poultry farm is the first step through designing an Energy Program for Local poultry farm. In this part we observed the data of energy consumption figures and facts of Local poultry farm. We analyzed the monthly load from November 2012 to October 2013.

4.1.1 Electrical Load

The Local poultry farm uses electrical appliances with a maximum load of 30.892 kWh per day. Some 82% of this potential maximum load is from ventilation, 10% is lighting and 8% from feed lines (see Table 4.1).
Component Number Power (Watt) Running hours/day Side Wall Fans Tunnel Fans Lights Motors Total 2 1 10 1 580 1000 25 746 0 15 10 8 2 Watt hours (Wh) 17400 10000 2000 1492 30892 17.4 10 2 1.492 30.892 KWh/day

Table-4.1: Electrical Load for a Rural Poultry Farm.

4.1.2 Local poultry farm monthly energy consumption

By using the data of monthly electricity bill of local poultry farm, we can determine the monthly and average energy consumption by local poultry farm [case study].


Month November,2012 December,2012 January,2013 February,2013 March,2013 April,2013 May,2013 June,2013 July,2013 August,2013 September,2013 October,2013 Average

Energy (KWh) 910.5 885.8 912.1 926.7 854.9 832.4 794.0 760.5 782.5 777.4 891.9 905.2 852.825

Table-4.2: Monthly Energy consumption of Rural Poultry Farm. The energy consumption by local poultry farm is given by the bellow bar chart
1000 900 800 Energy Consumption (KWh) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0



Figure-4.1: Total monthly energy consumption (kWh). From the above Fig 4.1 we can see the variation of monthly energy consumption of local poultry farm. And we can see that the highest energy consumption in February 2013 and the lowest in June 2013.

4.2 Irradiance and insulation

4.2.1 Insulation
Insulation is the amount of solar energy that strikes a given area over a specific time and varies with latitude or the seasons [21].

4.2.2 Irradiation
Irradiance means the amount of electromagnetic energy incident on the surface per unit time per unit area. So the total solar irradiation is defined as the amount of radiant energy emitted by the sun over all wavelengths that falls each second on 1m2 outside earths atmosphere [4.2].for example, If the sun shines at a constant 1000 W/m for one hour, we say it has delivered 1 kWh/m of energy. It is very important to know the irradiation and insulation of a site when anyone is going to design a solar PV system for that site. Depending on the sun shine, irradiance and insulation varies with place to place.[22]


Month of year
Figure-4.2: Solar irradiance for the year 2011

Hour Of Day

8 6
4 2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Of Year

Figure-4.3: Bright sunshine hours in Peshawar city. The average bright sunshine hours in Peshawar city is 6.8 hours.


4.3 Rural Local poultry farm solar PV system design

4.3.1 System configurations
There are many possible configurations of solar PV system. Each of these configurations has its own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the system requirements appropriate

system configurations has to be chosen. In our work, we chose stand alone solar PV system with battery backup (Figure 4.4).

Solar panel

Charge Controller




Figure-4.4: Stand alone solar PV system with batteries backup


Figure 4.4 shows a design configuration that can both supply and store energy. When the demand is high, then the system will deliver energy from panels. But when the demand is low or in a off day the battery can store energy by solar panel through charge controller. This stored energy can be used as backup for gloomy day or at night.

4.3.2 Selecting the PV module

As we need high power supply so, we selected mono crystalline silicon panel. These solar panels are suitable for all types of solar applications from large scale solar farms to residential and commercial roof-top systems [22]. Our panel selection also depends on cost and efficiency. The capital investment of solar PV panel is very high. Approximately, 40% of the total system installation cost is the price of module cost. We should consider the cost in order to get the best output of the money spent. Cost varies on efficiency of panel and the material has been used to make the PV panel. Efficiency of solar cell depends on the technology used. Silicon solar cell has the highest efficiency. Thin film has low efficiency, but they can be ideal for some applications. Another important consideration is temperature. Panel efficiency decreases as the temperature increases. When Panel operating on roof, it heats up substantially. Cell inner temperature reaches to 50-70 degree Celsius. In high temperature areas, it is better to choose a panel with low temperature Co-efficient. Considering the above factors, we have selected a Canadian ELPS CS6P-MM solar panel.


Figure-4.5: ELPS CS6P-MM Solar panel. Figure -4.5 shows the Canadian solar panel. Its maximum output power is 240 watt, If irradiance is 1000 watts per meter square, the panel nominal power output is 200 watt if irradiance is 800 watts per meter square. The irradiance of Peshawar City is 702.94 watts per meter square. So we will get power less than 200 watts, approximately 168.7 watts. 10 years product warranty (materials and workmanship); 25 years linear solar panel power output warranty. The panel efficiency is 16.05%. Short circuit current of the panel is 8.66A at standard test condition and 6.90A at nominal condition [23].


4.3.3 Combiner box

A solar combiner box combines several solar panels into 1 DC output to connect to the charge controller.

Figure-4.6: Structure of Combiner box. The model of selected combiner box is SMA SCCB-10 The no of input circuit: 12 Maximum input fuse rating: 20 A, 600V DC Maximum output current: 240 A DC


Figure-4.7: SMA SCCB-10 Combiner box.

4.3.4 Inverter selection

We selected a PV inverter. The model is ZZ-ZB10kW. It is a product of ZONZEN of China. The MPPT voltage range: 330-820V Output power: 10kW Connection: 50Hz grid frequency and 3 phase 4 wire connection The efficiency of this inverter: 97%. AC voltage: 230 Volt

Figure-4.8: Solar inverter. 35

4.3.5 Batteries selection

We select NARADA batteries for our System. Type: Model: Voltage: Current: Dry Charged Battery NARADA GP Series 12V 100Ah

Figure-4.9: NARADA GP Series Battery.

4.4 Mounting
Mounting means placement of solar panel. There are various types of mounting of solar panel depending on the location and system. Some types of mounting are described below.


4.4.1 Pole mounting

There are 3 types of pole mounting

Top of pole: In this type of mounting with a pole and metal rack the PV module is
installed. The base of the pole is generally concrete.

Figure-4.10: Pole mounting Solar panel. Side of pole: Generally small PV modules are placed be side of electricity or Telephone pole.

Figure-4.11: Side of pole Solar panel. Tracking pole mounting: it is special type of mounting. This is done to maximize the output of the PV module by tracking with the sun path.

4.4.2 Ground mounting

Solar modules can also be mounting in the ground. In case of more power needs or insufficient space at the roof PV panels can be mounting in the ground. 37

Figure-4.12: Ground mounting Solar panel

4.4.3 Roof mounting

Roof mounting is difficult because depending in the orientation and angle, proper mounting has to done. Need to fix the tilt angle for the optimum output.

Figure-4.13: Roof mounting Solar panel We select 3rd type of mounting (Roof Mounting) making an angle of 34 because solar irradiance Is higher all over the year at a tilt angle of 34 [24].


4.5 Physical Stand alone system design Calculation

Ac Load Max Running hours Total energy per day 30% losses included Total energy required For Higher Efficiency we take total energy Average Peak Sunrise Hours Energy required from panels Wattage of single panel = = = = = = = = = 3.2 KW 15 H/day 30.892 KWH/day 30.892*0.3 = 9.26 KWH 30.892+9.26= 40.15 KWH 41 KWH 6.8 Hours 41 KWH/6.8H= 6.03 KW 235 W 6030W/235W= 26

No of panels required to meet the total load specification=

Now to arrange panels in series we will make two banks of panels. Each bank has 13 panels in series, and banks are parallel to each other. So Output current Output voltage = = 19 A 312 V DC

Next we connect Combiner box, rating of combiner box is The no of input circuit: 12 Maximum input fuse rating: 20 A, 600V DC Maximum output current: 240 A DC

Now Connect Inverter, rating of Inverter is


The MPPT voltage range: 330-820V Output power: 10kW Connection: 50Hz grid frequency and 3 phase 4 wire connection The efficiency of this inverter: 97%. AC voltage: 230 Volt

Now this system connects to Load. This system runs the Load for 7.7 hours. For remaining 7.7 hours we use batteries for backup.

Ac load Max Running hours Total energy per day 30% losses included Total energy required For Higher Efficiency we take total energy We use 100 Ah, 12V battery Energy required from batteries No of batteries required

= = = = = =

3.2 KW 15 H/day 30.892 KWH/day 30.892*0.3 = 9.26 KWH 30.892+9.26= 40.15 KWH 41 KWH

= =

41 KVAH/12V=3416.67 AH 3416.67 AH/100AH=34

Now to arrange batteries in series we will make two banks of batteries. Each bank has 17 batteries in series, and banks are parallel to each other. These batteries connect to inverter and run the Load for remaining 7.5 hours.


Combiner Box 312V, 19 A Ratting 600V,20A 312 V 9.5 A 312 V 9.5 A

Inverter MPPT 330Load

860V, 10KW

204 V, 200Ah 13 panels in series, 230W, 24V/piece

13 panels in series, 230W, 24V/piece

Combiner Box 312V, 19 A Ratting 600V, 20A




series,12V 100Ah

17 312 V 9.5 A 312 V 9.5 A



series,12V 100Ah

13 panels in series, 230W,

13 panels in series, 230W, 24V/piece


Figure-4.14: Block Diagram of Standalone system


4.6 Cost model of standalone PV System for Rural poultry Farm

We need the following basic component for the operation of electrical appliances in rural poultry farm after doing market based survey mentioned in the following table no (4.3).
Component Solar panels Combiner Box Inverter Batteries Total Cost Number 52 2 1 34 Price/piece Rs.10,700 Rs.83,492 Rs.3,21,000 Rs.15,000 Price Rs.5,56,400 Rs.1,66,984 Rs.3,21,000 Rs.5,10,000 Rs.15,54,384

Table-4.3: Total cost of Stand alone solar PV system.


Chapter 5

Software, Simulation and Results

5.1 Software for simulation of photovoltaic systems
PVsyst is designed to be used by architects, engineer, and researchers. It is also a very useful educative tool. It includes a detailed contextual Help menu that explains the procedures and models that are used, and offers a user-friendly approach with guide to develop a project. PVsyst is able to import meteo data from many different sources, as well as personal data. PVsyst presents results in the form of a full report, specific graphs and tables, and data can be exported for use in other software.

5.2 General features

5.2.1 Management of the project
For a given project (a defined site and meteo), you can construct several variations for your system (calculation versions).


Figure-5.1: PVsyst interface


5.3 Simulation parameters By PVsyst


5.4 Simulation Report of PVsyst according to our load

The above component set by Default in PVsyst software we have the following equilent components in rural poultry farm. 1 Fluorescent lamp=580 watt side wall fan. TV/Video-tape rec./PC=1 Horse power Motor 1 Domestic appliance=25 watt Energy saver light 1 Fridge/Deep-freeze=1000watt Tunnel Fan


5.6 Main Result of our system according to solar Radiation

Figure-5.2: System Energy Graphs.


Figure-5.3: Performance and solar fraction Ratio.

Table-5.1: Used and unused Annual Energy.


5.7 Loss diagram over the whole year


5.8 Economic and cost diagram of our system


5.9 Cost Comparison

Total Annual sale of rural poultry farm taken from case study.
Chicken Price Total chicken in a flock Rs.180 4000 5.5 22000 Rs.3960000 Flocks/year Total chickens Total turnover

Table-5.2: Annual sale of rural poultry farm.

Total installation cost of Standalone system.

Component Solar panels Combiner Box Inverter Batteries Total Cost Number 52 2 1 34 Price/piece Rs.10,700 Rs.83,492 Rs.3,21,000 Rs.15,000 Price Rs.5,56,400 Rs.1,66,984 Rs.3,21,000 Rs.5,10,000 Rs.15,54,384

Table-5.3: Installation cost of Standalone PV system.

Annual WAPDA billing according to tariff.


Month November,2012 December,2012 January,2013 February,2013 March,2013 April,2013 May,2013 June,2013 July,2013 August,2013 September,2013 October,2013 Annual cost

WAPDA Bill (Price) 13448 13084 13471 13688 12626 12294 11727 11232 11558 11482 13174 13370 151154

Table-5.4: WAPDA Annual bill of rural poultry farm.

Our PV standalone system have life approximately 25 years. So installation cost is less than approximate WAPDA grid Tariff. During 25 years we will pay Rs.37, 78,850 which is more than double cost of our Stand alone system. From the sale of rural poultry farm it is clear we can easily install our PV standalone systems.


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