Marketing Plan For An Aerofoil Shaped Alloy Rim
Marketing Plan For An Aerofoil Shaped Alloy Rim
Marketing Plan For An Aerofoil Shaped Alloy Rim
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3 The innovative technology......................................................................................................3 Marketing Mix theory 225....................................................................................................3 Marketing strategy for the aerofoil shaped alloy rim 375......................................................... !ompetence "ithin the #usiness $5%..................................................................................... &ersonal entrepreneurial traits $75......................................................................................... !onclusion.............................................................................................................................. 5 'eferences............................................................................................................................. ( )ppendix................................................................................................................................ 7
The follo"ing report represents the assessment for the ....................module. It comprises five main parts. *irstly it presents an innovative technology+ follo"ed #y a theoretical presentation of the marketing mix and the applications of the marketing mix to the innovative technology in developing a marketing strategy for it. ,ext it descri#es the "riters main competence in the #usiness developed using the innovative technology. *inally+ the report lists three entrepreneurial traits of the "riter that "ill help drive the performance of the ne" company.
1.1 Product
The product is "hat the company offers to the market. It can #e either an o#4ect or a service or intellectual properties like ideas and concepts ./otler 0 )rmstrong+ 2%$%1.
1.2 Price
&rice is the amount of money that the company receives for its products. The price has to #e in accordance "ith the target market as "ell as the positioning of the product ./otler 0 )rmstrong+ 2%$%1.
The place is the space "here the product is offered on display for the customer to #uy. This again has to #e in accordance "ith the target market+ making sure that maximum spread is possi#le ./otler 0 )rmstrong+ 2%$%1.
1.! Pro"otion
&romotion is the "ay in "hich the company transmits its message a#out the product to the customers. The use of different promotional tools is necessary to maximi5e the reach of the message .3o##er+ 2%%71. 3|&age
the next paragraphs this three main entrepreneurial traits are> capital+ creativity and commitment.
1.( Ca#ital
This first entrepreneurial trait is achieved #y the "riter trough the support of his family mem#ers. 7e has access to large amount of finances ensuring the a#ility to develop and test the product. This option gives independence to the company and reduces risk as no #ank loan is needed and there are no financial o#ligations to any other third party.
1.% Creativity
This next entrepreneurial trait+ creativity+ is a :uality of the "riter proved in many circumstances. 7is continuous strive for improvement drives him to develop ne" technologies and improve existing ones.
1.) Co""it"ent
The "riter can #e referred to as a "orkaholic. 7e is passionate a#out this ne" technology as "ell as engineering in general. The "ork environment is influenced #y this passion that sets an example of commitment.
This report proposed a simple marketing plan for an aerofoil shape alloy rim #y descri#ing the innovative technology and then+ #ased on a theoretical model of the marketing mix explained+ developed a marketing strategy. The second part of the report presented the "riters main attri#utes in the proposed #usiness and his main entrepreneurial traits.
;oyle+ &. 0 2tern+ &.+ 2%%(+ Marketing Management and Strategy, *inancial Times &rentice 7all
3o##er+ ;.+ 2%%7+ Principles and practice of Marketing, 5th ?dition+ Mc@ra"A7ill ?ducation 3o##er+ ;.+ 2%$%+ Principles and practice of Marketing, (th ?dition+ Mc@ra"A7ill ?ducation /otler+ &. 0 )rmstrong+ @.+ 2%$%+ Principles of Marketing, $3th ?dition+ &earson 6eslie 7. 8incent .2%%91+ !hapter ( Marketing strategy considerations in the commerciali5ation of ne" technologies> )n overvie" and frame"ork for strategy development+ in @ary ;. 6i#ecap+ Marie !. Thurs#y .ed.1 Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results !dvances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation " Economic Gro#th, $olume %&'+ ?merald @roup &u#lishing 6imited+ pp.$73A2%%
1., +##endix 1 - . P/s of "arketing