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10 Powerful Lottery Wheels

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10 Powerful Lottery Wheels

By Stefan Vandevelde

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If You Can't Win The Lottery, Then Change Its Rules


The Inverted Lottery System

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page 2

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You*re about to see proof that lottery wheels do !a e a lot of sense. That doesn*t !ean that this publication is a guaranteed way to hit one of the !a+or +ac pots. Yet, even the !ost sophisticated s eptics are i!pressed with the potential power of the following ,- lottery wheels. So sit bac and relax cos you*re about to witness first"hand how pure !athe!atics can easily turn losers into winners ...

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$


'ntroduction .very wee , /eorge plays six lottery tic ets. .ach tic et is a rando! set of 0 of his ,1 favorite nu!bers, and his favorite nu!bers are 1"2"3",,",4",2"1-"15"6,"66"6' and 4-.
Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic et et et et et et , 1 6 4 ' 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 -1 -3 -1 ,, -1 -3 " " " " " " -3 ,, ,4 ,4 -2 ,, " " " " " " ,4 16, ,2 -3 ,4 " " " " " " ,2 15 66 1,2 ,2 " " " " " " 15 66 6' 15 16' " " " " " " 6, 4446, 4-

$n the lottery shop around the corner, /eorge validates his tic ets, and later that evening, he*s watching the 89$V.8 lotto draw... The first winning nu!ber co!ing out of the barrel is... ...nu!ber 6, &'eor"e was (orn )uly *1+ Then follows the second lottery ball... ...and it:s nu!ber ,, &the a"e of h!s do" Pol,y -+

The disenchant!ent draws near... 8;arn...8, sighs /eorge, while he <uic ly chec s his six lottery tic ets. 8=inally, two of !y favorite nu!bers are drawn, and yet again $ failed to place the! together in one of !y ga!es. Once !ore $ can forget about winning this wee *s +ac pot...8

all this (ad Luc)* +ou,d better call this -Stupidity-!

By using a clever !athe!atical !odel, /eorge could have easily 8covered8 every possible pair of his ,1 nu!bers in +ust 0 lines. $f he did +ust that, he would have had a tic et that survived the early stages of the draw. )hy is that i!portant> Here's the Answer: ./!c,ets that surv!ve the early sta"es of the draw not only have a far (etter chance to h!t a 0ac,pot1 they are the only ones that ever d!d-.
10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page !

.ow ha#e a loo) at this S/0 of S12%0 tic)ets333

Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic Tic et et et et et et , 1 6 4 ' 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 -1 -1 -1 ,, -3 -3 " " " " " " -2 -2 -2 ,4 ,2 ,, " " " " " " ,2 ,, -3 ,2 15 ,4 " " " " " " 1,4 16, 6, 15 " " " " " " 6, 115 6' 66 66 " " " " " " 6' 466 46' 4-

?ic 1 of /eorge*s ,1 favorite nu!bers fully at rando!. &here they are a"a!n2 31 41 51 111 161 141 301 371 *11 **1 *8 and 60+ There are exactly 00 possible pairs@
A-1"-2B A-1"15B A-2",,B A-2"66B A-3"1-B A,,",4B A,,"6'B A,4"66B A,2"66B A1-"6'B A6,"66B A-1"-3B A-1"6,B A-2",4B A-2"6'B A-3"15B A,,",2B A,,"4-B A,4"6'B A,2"6'B A1-"4-B A6,"6'B A-1",,B A-1"66B A-2",2B A-2"4-B A-3"6,B A,,"1-B A,4",2B A,4"4-B A,2"4-B A15"6,B A6,"4-B A-1",4B A-1"6'B A-2"1-B A-3",,B A-3"66B A,,"15B A,4"1-B A,2"1-B A1-"15B A15"66B A66"6'B A-1",2B A-1"4-B A-2"15B A-3",4B A-3"6'B A,,"6,B A,4"15B A,2"15B A1-"6,B A15"6'B A66"4-B A-1"1-B A-2"-3B A-2"6,B A-3",2B A-3"4-B A,,"66B A,4"6,B A,2"6,B A1-"66B A15"4-B A6'"4-B

Now chec if any of those 1 nu!bers are placed together in one of !y S%&CT tic ets.

0his is 2LW2+S the case !!!

No +ac pot is won yet, BDT ... & better start than this does not exist. $t also proves that tic ets produced by a 8!athe!atical8 !odel do !a e a lot of sense. %y set of S%&CT tic ets survived the very early stages of the draw. =or /eorge, the ga!e ended pre!aturelyE

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page "

Wanna Try It Yourself?

$ have created ,- lottery wheels that relate to this !athe!atical !odel, allowing you to enter between ,1 and ,0 nu!bers The first ' wheels are perfect for pic ' lottos li e ?owerball F'('5G, %ega %illions F'('0G, .uro %illions F'('-G, or any other popular pic ' 9otto. ?ic ?ic ?ic ?ic ?ic ' ' ' ' ' lottos lottos lottos lottos lottos H H H H H ,1 ,6 ,4 ,' ,0 nu!bers nu!bers nu!bers nu!bers nu!bers

The other wheels are perfect for pic 0 lottos li e #lassic 9otto F0(45G ?ic ?ic ?ic ?ic ?ic 0 0 0 0 0 lottos lottos lottos lottos lottos H H H H H ,1 ,6 ,4 ,' ,0 nu!bers nu!bers nu!bers nu!bers nu!bers

%$portant 9ote2 %f your "a$e !nvolves an e:tra-(all drawn fro$ a separate dru$1 then these wheels only tar"et the 8 or ; $a!n nu$(ers that are drawn fro$ the f!rst dru$.

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page #

Pic) 4 lottos & 15 numbers

.nter ,1 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the ' Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.

Enter 12 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 = 08 = 09 =

Pic) 4 lottos & 16 numbers

.nter ,6 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the ' Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 13 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 = 08 = 09 = 10 =

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page $

Pic) 4 lottos & 17 numbers

.nter ,4 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the ' Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 14 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 = 08 = 09 = 10 = 11 = 12 =

Pic) 4 lottos & 14 numbers

.nter ,' nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the ' Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.

Enter 15 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 = 08 = 09 = 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 =

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page %

Pic) 4 lottos & 18 numbers

.nter ,0 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the ' Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 16 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 = 08 = 09 = 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 =

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page &

Pic) 8 lottos & 15 numbers

.nter ,1 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the 0 Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 12 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 =

Pic) 8 lottos & 16 numbers

.nter ,6 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the 0 Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 13 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 =

Pic) 8 lottos & 17 numbers

.nter ,4 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the 0 Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 14 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 =

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page 1'

Pic) 8 lottos & 14 numbers

.nter ,' nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the 0 Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 15 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 = 08 = 09 = 10 =

Pic) 8 lottos & 18 numbers

.nter ,0 nu!bers in the top yellow boxes, then replace the 0 Iyellow blan sJ fro! each tic et with the corresponding nu!ber located in the top row.
Enter 16 Numbers: Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket 01 = 02 = 03 = 04 = 05 = 06 = 07 = 08 = 09 = 10 =

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

Page 11
9i e these type of wheels> $f you do, you*re gonna love I$f You #an*t )in The 9ottery, Then #hange $ts CulesJ. $t focuses solely on ISe<uential )heelingJ. &Sa$e type of wheels l!,e the ones !n th!s report1 (ut th!s t!$e allow!n" you to enter ALL the nu$(ers+

Kave a loo at !y other lottery syste! as well@ The $nverted 9ottery Syste!. $t is the !ost effective and !ost affordable ga!e plan you*ll ever find.

.n+oy this free report Fand print itEG &nd I?9.&S.J ... do share it with your friends Fyou have !y per!issionG. /ood luc to youE Stefan Vandevelde 9ottery .xpert H 9ottery )heel ;esigner www.changelotteryrules.co! www.invertedlotterysyste!.co!

10 Powerful Lottery Wheels - Stefan Vandevelde Epacta Ltd. - All !"hts eserved #han"eLottery ules.co$ %nvertedLotterySyste$.co$

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