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Standard Bidding Document: Jammu Development Authority

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Name of the work: Illumination of complete outer periphery from all the sides of Bahu Fort with LED Flood lights, along with cabling and panels etc.

Advertised cost of work: Cost of tender :

Rs. 52.64 lacs. Rs. 3000/-( non-refundable).


e-NIT No: JDA-I/E-NIT/13-14/51 Dated: 27 - 01-2014

1. Name of work:- Illumination of complete outer periphery from all the

sides of Bahu Fort with LED Flood lights, along with cabling and panels etc.
2.1 Completion period for construction: 3. Date of Issue of Notice Inviting Bid 4. Period of downloading Tender Documents :60 days Date 27 Month 01 Year 2014

From Date 31 Month 01 Year 2014 Time 10 00 Hours To Date: 17 Month 02 Year 2014 Time: 16 00 Hours 5. Time, date and Place of pre-bid Meeting Date 00 Month 00 Year 00 6. Deadline for Receiving Bids From Date 01 Month 02 Year 2014 Time 10 00 Hours To Date 17 Month 02 Year 2014 Up to 16 00 Hrs 7. Time and date for opening Technical Date 20 Month 02 Year 2014 Bid/Bids Time 1200 Hours 8. Time and Date of opening Financial Bid Shall be communicated 9. Place of opening Bids Place Office of the Superintending Engineer JDA, Vikas Bhawan, Jammu. 90 Days R.L.Angurana
Designation: Executive Engineer Address.-

10. Bid validity 11. Officer Inviting Bids

JDA Division No.I, RHC,Jammu.


Tenders to be submitted under two cover system a) i) ii) Cover Ist: (Technical cover)

Scanned copy of tender fees. Scanned copy of EMD.

Scanned copies of below mentioned documents shall be attached from My Document area for bidders. i) ii) iii) iv) b) i) PAN COPY: Registration certificate required renewed up to date. Latest Sales Tax clearance. Residence proof. Cover 2nd: ( Financial cover). Rates to be submitted by the bidders in the BOQ only.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1/- The contractor shall have to deposit 5% as performance security in additions to his earnest money who shall quoted his/her rates below 15% against the advertised amount. 2/- The tender (the original instruments in respect of cost of documents, EMD ) received after expiry of due date and time shall not be entertained,. In case of holiday the same shall be received on next working date. 3/- In the event of due date of opening of e-tender declared as holiday, the tenders shall be opened on next working day or any other convenient date. 3/- The date of start of work shall be reckoned from the 7th day from the date of issue of allotment. 4/- The opening authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. 5/- The quantities of work as advertised are tentative and may increased or decreased during actual execution of the work upto 25%. 6/- In case of delay in completion of the work, penalty @ Rs.1500/- per day shall be imposed for the delayed period. 7/- The intending tenderers are advised to inspect the site so as to acquaint themselves with the nature of job involved. 8/- The tenderer shall be responsible for any settlement of claims arising, due to accident during the execution of the work and all the labour claims of this work shall be settled by the contractor at his own risk and cost. 9/- JDA shall be liberty to terminate the contract before the expiry of the contract period, if contractor violates any of the contractors obligations. In such case penalty as warranted under rules shall be imposed upon the contractor, which includes forfeiture of his security deposit/CDR. 10/-JDA discourages stipulation of additional conditions by the tenderer. 11/-The conditional tenders shall be liable for rejection by the opening authority. 12/-The tenderer shall quote his/her rates both in words and figures. 13/-The allottee shall be bound by all labour laws in force with amendments made thereof from time to time. 14/-Income Tax, Service Tax, Cess and other taxes as admissible under rules shall be deducted on gross amount of the bill as per prevalent scale. 15/-No extra lead, lift or carriages of any material and water charges shall be paid other than the advertised in the rate list, even if involved at site, the intending tenerers are advised to inspect the site and kept in mind the actual carriage involved before tendering for the work. 16/- In case of any typographical error if found in the rate list or in the agreement in respect of rates, quantities or units etc. the same shall be corrected and paid as per CPWD/LMR certified by the Engineer Incharge as the case may be. 17/-The intending tenderer are advised to inspect the site so as to acquaint themselves with the nature of job involved. 18/-INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE: The contractor shall keep indemnified the JDA against all the losses and claims or injuries or damages to any persons or property which may arise out of or in consequences of this contract. 19/-ARBITRACTIONS: The contractor shall not ( except with the consent in writing of JDA) refer any matter for arbitration. In case of arbitration, the Vice-Chairman, JDA shall be sole arbitrator and decision of the Vice-Chairman, JDA shall be binding on both the parties. The venue of the arbitration shall be at Jammu. 20/-LEGAL DISPUTES: The jurisdiction for all legal disputes if any shall be of Jammu courts. 21/-FORCE MAJURE:If during the currency of the contract, there is any out break of war, which whether financially or otherwise effect the execution/running of the contract, the allottee unless contract is terminated under provision of this clause shall make his best efforts to complete/carry out the contract. However after out break of such war, JDA shall be entitled to terminate the contract at any time by giving notice in writing. Force Majure is hereby defined any clause which is beyond the control of JDA/allottee and which consequently affects the performance of the contract. 22/-The rate will cover all transportation charges and local taxes including loading and un-loading at the site of work. 23/-The work shall be deemed to be completed, only after the site has been cleared of all dismantled useable/un-useable materials. 24/-If during the currency of contract, the price of any material increased, no claim on this account shall be entertained. 25/-Earnest money and 50% deposit of the contractor shall be released on the virtual completion of the work, the remaining 50% deposit shall be released after six months from the date of completion of the work on the report of the AEE Incharge on the settle of penalty case if any, and any repair if required to be got executed for defective work shall be done by the contractor within stipulated time period mentioned above in case of his failure penalty to the extent of 10% of the total value of the work shall be imposed upon the contractor at the discretion of next higher authority. 26/-Any item of the work found necessary during the execution but not covered within the advertised schedule of quantities shall have to be executed by the contractor as per the instructions of the Engineer Incharge and the same shall be paid in the following manners in order of performance. i) At the allotted appreciation/depreciation on CPWD Electrical schedlule. ii) As per the analysis of rates prepared by the Engineer Incharge and approved by the competent authority. iii) As per actual duly authenticated by the Engineer Incharge. 27/-It will be presumed that contractor has given correct address on the tender. In case the notice/letters do not reach or are delivered at his address, because of incomplete or wrong address given by him the contractor will be held responsible for non-delivery of notice, any correspondence sent at address at the given in the offer shall be deemed to be received. 28/-The rates are inclusive of hire charges of special tools, plants, machinery if any required for completion of the work. 29/-The rates are inclusive of tool tax, sales tax, octroi charges and other local taxes to be paid by the contractor in bringing the material at the site of work. 30/-The intending tenderer will examine carefully the general conditions of the contract, the specifications from the office of the undersigned on any working day during office working hours before the last date of issue of tender form. He will visit the site and inspect the site at his own expenses/responsibility and obtain all the information which may be necessary for purpose for making the tender. No excuse of ignorance of any conditions of the tenderer shall be accepted. 31/-If any error/omission if found in the rate list or in the agreement due to typing, oversight or otherwise, the same shall be corrected and allowed in accordance with the J&K S-R 2008 with the contractors appreciation/depreciation. 32/-In case of any item is not required to be executed, the same shall be deleted and no claim on this account shall be entertained.

33/-In case of construction material dumped at site by the contractor during the execution of the work is damaged or washed away due to torrential rains, floods or any other reasons what so ever, no claims/compensation on this account shall be paid to the contactor. 34/-The contractor is bound to start the work with in the time stipulated in the allotment, after drawal of agreement with the department, In case of failure on part of the contractor to execute the work in part or full shall amount to breach of the contact. 35/-All terms and conditions of the NIT/agreement shall be binding upon the contractor. The terms and conditions contained in the general conditions of the contract shall also be applicable to the contractor. 36/-In case of contractor fails to start the work within stipulated time a Registered notice or notice through special messenger sent to the contractor for non-compliance of this work shall be served upon the contractor for such breach of contract forming subsential/sufficient reasons for annulment of the contract. 37/-The accepting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders before or after their opening assigning any reason thereof, the allotting authority in exceptional circumstances reserved the right or granting the contract to any of the tenderer if deemed proper in the interest of the work, of course at the lowest rates received without assigning any reason thereof. 38/-In case of contractor/agency/firm has failed to execute the work, action will be taken against him according to the following conditions:a) In case of failure of the contractor to execute the work that amount to be breach of the contract. b) His CDR/FDR will be forfeited and he will be debarred from tendering for the works in future. c) His case will be recommended for black listing for breach of the contract. d) A registered notice sent through special messenger to the contractor for non-start of the work that amount to breach of the contract will be sufficient to wind up or cancel his contract. e) In case of failure to start of the work within seven days from the issue of the allotment letter his Contract will be cancelled and allotted to the 2nd lowest tenderer at the risk and cost of the tenderer. f) The department may execute the work left over by the contractor and any additional amount involved for execution of the work will be recovered from other claims/resources of the contractor. 39/- The department may execute the work left over by the contractor at his risk and cost, any additional amount is involved for execution of such work shall be recovered from the contractor. 40/- The contractor/firm shall be personally liable for civil and criminal persecution under law, if at any stage during the execution of the work or even after completion of the work specifications of the work/material used are found contravention to the prescribed specifications. 41/- The contractor/firm will provide all the necessary assistance to the Engineer-Incharge for inspection of his plant/work and will be responsible for any indiscipline by him or his agent at the site of work. 42/- The rates are inclusive of hire charges of special tools, plants, machinery, scaffolding if any required for completion of the work. 43/- The accepting authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders before or after their opening assigning any reason thereof, the allotting authority in exceptional circumstances reserved the right or granting the contract to any of the tenderer if deemed proper in the interest of the work, of course at the lowest rates received without assigning any reason thereof. 44/- Nothing extra shall be paid on account of dewatering even if required at site, contractor should quote his rates accordingly after site inspection. 45/- For any disputes between the contractor and the department, the Vice-Chairman, JDA shall be at an arbitrator whose decision shall be final and binding upon both the parties. Provision of J&K Arbitrations Act with latest amendments shall be applicable. 46/- Payment shall be made on the basis of satisfactorily test report of samples. The contractor/firm either should have its own arrangements of testing or he shall have to bear the cost of test in the laboratory to be chosen by the department. 47/- All other terms and conditions as are in vogue in this office shall form a part of this NIT. 48/- Watch and ward of the premises shall be responsibility of the contractor. 49/- The contractor/firm shall to ensure that before up-loading of tender/rates, that scanned copies of required documents also be uploaded and further hard copies of required documents shall also be deposited in the office of the Superintending Engineer, JDA Vikas Bhawan, RHC, Jammu before the closing the last date and time of up-loaded bids, for any delay or missing documents/document in both format, no claim shall be entertained. 50/All the electrical works shall strictly conform to CPWD technical specifications of 1994 amended upto date. 51/- The Engineer Incharge reserves the right to:i) Have any or all random samples of materials checked and tested and the contractor will have bear all such charges. ii) Material shall be brought to the site in original packages, manufacturers test certificate and invoice of all materials shall he handed over to the site Engineer on demand. iii) A documentary proof of the Excise duty/gate pass of the above material shall be produced at time of verifications of the material at site. 52/-The contractor shall provide junction boxes/looping boxes of all required sizes as per conduit wiring without any extra cost. 53/-The department is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept the whole or portion of the tender as it may fit without assigning any reason thereof. The contract shall be consider as the contract as per the J&K contractors Act. As soon as acceptance of the tender is communicated to the successful tenderer, the contractor shall execute an agreement with the department within a period of seven days from date of issue of allotment. a) The contractor shall make his own arrangement for water, electricity, storing facility, watch and ward of the material till handing over the system to the department. b) Before releasing the payment the contractor shall provide the following documents:i) Original invoice from the manufacture/Authorised Dealer. ii) Test certificate of the electrical material used. iii) Inspection clearance for the system fitness issued by the J&K Inspection Agency of the Power Development Department. 54/-All repair and patch work shall be neatly carried out to match the original finish. 55/-Works shall be carried out as CPWD General Specifications for electrical works internal-94) and Part-II internal -95) amended upto date as per instructions of the Engineer Incharge. 56/-The work shall be treated as completed when the installation is handed over to the department, all the defects are removed to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer Incharge.

57/-All the material to be used on the work shall have to be got approved from the Engineer Incharge before the same are used. 58/-All electric works shall be executed in stick conformity to the CPWD schedule of technical specifications for electric works 1994 amended upto date where-ever the same is not available as per relevant I.S viz guide for electrical layout in the building/site of work, Indian Standard Code of practice for interior/exterior illumination ( I:S: 3546-1992) amended upto date etc.However following technical specifications shall be noted. 59/-The scope of work comprised of supply, laying/installation/testing and commissioning of electrical wiring PVC recess/surface conduit for lighting, heating, Air-conditioning points etc. including providing of main, sub main control panels as and where required as per design parameters provided by the department setting up of sub-station and other allied works. 60/-Watch and ward of the material shall be responsibility of the contractor. 61/-All other terms and conditions as are in vogue in this office shall form a part of this NIT. SPECIAL CONDITIONS:62/- The successful bidder has to furnish original documents at the time of issuance of allotment. 63/- The contractor/firm shall to ensure that before up-loading of tender/rates, that scanned copies of required documents also be uploaded and further hard copies of required documents shall also be deposited in the office of the Superintending Engineer, JDA, RHC, Jammu, for any delay or missing document in both format no claim shall be entertained. 64/- The defect liability period for the work executed shall be two years.

NO: JDA-I/5766-76 Dated:- 27-01-2014

( Er. R.L.Angurana) Executive Engineer, Jammu Dev. Authority Division No. I, Jammu.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Singh Sudan Amardeep Date: 2014.01.27 18:42:58 IST Location: Jammu and Kashmir

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