3.2 Software Design Specification: Student Information System (Curriculum Management System)
3.2 Software Design Specification: Student Information System (Curriculum Management System)
3.2 Software Design Specification: Student Information System (Curriculum Management System)
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Processing Functionalities
Function Memorandum of curriculum from DepEd Subject ID History of Implemented Memorandum onto system View and Update account information Print/view reports Subject teacher assign Grade level/ Set subject scheduled Set a calendar Notification message from DepEd Classroom scheduled Sectioning Maintenance Security of the system Priority
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NetBeans IDE 8.0 version, use to develop our system. NetBeans is an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing primarily with Java, but also with other languages, in particular PHP, C/C++, and HTML5. The NetBeans JavaScript editor provides extended support for JavaScript, Ajax, and CSS. The GUI design - tool enables developers to prototype and design Swing GUIs by dragging and positioning GUI components.
MySQL Version 5.6 11MySQLyog Ultimate for database connectivity. Higher transactional throughput in InnoDB, improvements to partitioning for querying and managing very large tables, improvements to replication and better performance monitoring by expanding the data available through the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA. Though MySQL began as a low-end alternative to more powerful proprietary databases, it has gradually evolved to support higher-scale needs as well. Others tool that supported to our system. O.S Windows 7 Professional Service pack 1 32 bit 1Gb(RAM) for document purposes. & O.S Windows 7 ultimate 64Bit Processor AMD ATHLON 1.60 GH,3.6 GB(RAM) XAMPP win32version 1.8.3 XCII MSWord Office 2010
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1. Front End Graphical User Interface 2. Back End Data 3. Internal Functional Procedures
3.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI): Java is being used for the development of the front end GUI. The GUI components temporarily stores in the keyboard input by the users till its being used by the functional procedures. More explanation of the overall GUI and its components is available in the other section 4 of the document. Well-designed Graphical User Interface can free the user from learning complex command languages. On the other hand, many users find that they work more effectively with a command-driven interface, especially if they already know the command language.
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3.2 Back End Data: We are using SQL database management system at the back end for storing all information in the form of tables. These tables will be globally available to all the internal procedures. JDBC Bridge is being used to establish connectivity to the Database from the application. The DBMS system will be locally available on the machine where the application is running. However the same database can be accessed remotely as well. For adding, deleting, accessing, and updating the data we are using SQL queries built in the internal procedures. Rest all the file and data management functionality is being provided by the DBMS.
Internal Functional Procedures: The internal functional procedures are the logical entities that carry out different tasks of adding, updating, deleting, viewing, or printing the database reports. These procedures have been written in Java Database Connectivity and provide a link between the GUI and the database. There are no data structure defined in any of these procedures and they utilize local variables to store intermediate information. After describing the above view of the overall system we can discuss the rest of the topics related to the data design. Internal Data Structure There are no data structures available to the internal software architecture. All the information, whether it is an update or a new information, it will inserted in the JTextfield on the GUI and it will be stored in the database of the system. The user can view the stored data from DBMS to the system. Structured data is data that resides in a fixed field within a record or file. This includes data contained in relational databases and spreadsheets like those old subject implemented its already fix cant deleted.
Page 6 Global Data Structure The whole system will be using the data saved in its database saved in MySQL. However, the database must be connected into the system to manipulate the data stored in it. After the Java Database Connectivity connection any data stored can be fetching, updated, or deleted. For more information regarding the database stored refer to section of the document. Temporary Data Structure The database will handle the data for the whole system. Hence, there will be no interim or transitional data or files will be used. The Curriculum Management system does not use any intermediate temporary files of its own. As data is being stored in a DBM system all the intermediate data it being stored by until the command commit is being executed in the SQL query by the application. Hence no intermediate files or data structures are used. Rather, the system has archive that can store online and can be recover or download in case of need.
Page 7 Database Description Below are mentioned all tables, their corresponding attributes and a small description of each. Database description Table name : School Year Attributes: School year ID, Description, Status, Registered By, Registered Date Description: This table will hold the current school year information Table name: Section Attributes: Section ID, Name, Description, Headcount, Room, Registered By, Registered Date Description: This table will hold the section where student attends. Table name: Subject Attributes: Subject ID, Code, Description, Days, Time,Room, Assigned Teacher, Registerd By, Registered Date Description: This table will hold the subject and its schedule
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Page 12 Description of Components Component Principal Component Registrar Component Student Component Teacher Component Reports Dynamic behavior for component Interaction Diagrams 3.2.4 User Interface Design Description of the User Interface Interface Design rules Components available UIDS Description
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