Why Broadband Is Stuck: A Jobs Narrative, For Polls and The Economy
Why Broadband Is Stuck: A Jobs Narrative, For Polls and The Economy
Why Broadband Is Stuck: A Jobs Narrative, For Polls and The Economy
Target-setting without a roadmap and banking only on PSUs has made broadband a cruel joke
Spiritual Atheist
these targets with the provision of broadband access to all gram panchayats (2,50,000) by laying fibre with the help of state-owned companies by 2014, and to all villages and habitations (6,00,000) by 2017. The mai-baap government mindset perhaps does not realise that connections only do not reach broadband to millions of subscribers targeted. There have to be concrete steps enumerated in policy . We have to concentrate on the existing infrastructure first. We will need schemes to use and share the existing telecom towers first (four lakh urban and one lakh rural), 28,000 BSNL exchanges connected with fibre as backhaul to give wireless connectivity for broadband to consumers, and all fixed-line resources including the already available coaxial or optical fibre cable network for the last mile.
urban areas mainly by private operators. This was not at the cost of PSUs, as they also grew at their own pace. If we are serious about reaching the target of 175 million for 2017 and 600 million for 2020, we must first think of all-inclusive growth where business cases are built around sharing of existing and new towers, fixed telephone lines and cable TV network intensively for broadband dispersal, again through intelligently-structured schemes that are viable and attractive for private operators. Most broadband in the world is on fixed lines. In India, we have to depend on wireless, but the revised wireless usage will take time to be popular after it is connected. Cable TV networks require huge capital to upgrade to broadband networks.
If we are serious about reaching the broadband target of 600 million by 2020, we must think of all-inclusive growth where business cases are built around sharing
proposed Convergence Bill if it could become law, so that all the emerging value-added services are permissible by law, and are not at the mercy of the licensers discretion. It is also extremely important that backhaul is provided at minimal rental charges just for recovering the operations and maintenance costs. Even if all the proposed towers are connected, we will not reach the proposed numbers unless there is wide dispersal of broadband connections through wireless. The saga of missed opportunities continues in the much-hyped unified licence regime, announced recently . This too falls short of expectations, even those envisioned in the new telecom policy of 2012. It does not permit active-sharing and spectrum-sharing to facilitate unlocking the potential of existing infrastructure. Nor does it give shape to a new breed of network operators who could create infrastructure as an open access network to be exploited by the licenced service providers.
The writer is former chairman, Trai. Co-authored with Satyen Gupta, former adviser , Trai, and BT
Blinkers Off
As opposed to showpiece structural designs by grand globestraddling starchitects, Pritzker Prize winner Peter Zumthors work has been hailed as a return to the humanistic, spiritual side of contemporary architecture. In a recent interview, Zumthor described the qualities he ultimately looks for in the spaces that he creates as beautiful silence that I associate with attributes such as composure, self-evidence, durability , presence and integrity , along with a sense of warmth as well. The Swiss architect is not particularly religious, which is perhaps why his words, like his works, possess the ambience of prayer mats in a meditation hall rather than the dazzle of stained glass in a cathedral. As the New York Times Magazine says, Zumthors buildings work from the inside out, investing as much in feeling as in looking. According to Zumthor, hes looking for a harmony with wellbeing and a union with reality . Similarly , in that sense, his architecture resembles the yoga experience. For, it too is not particularly religious but is a system of discipline and control that while working from the inside out has as its goal the achievement of an altered state of consciousness where theres union with true reality . Also, like show-offy architecture, there are the more sensational physical by-products of yoga practice too ranging from the ability to eat lethal substances to being buried alive for long periods of time. All such activities pursued for their own ends are not only barriers to the building of a true yogic spirituality but can also lead to physical or mental disaster.
OECD East Europe & C Asia LatAm & Caribbean East Asia & Pacic Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia MENA
is the female labour force participation rate in economies with restrictions
is the female labour force participation rate in economies without job curbs
countries have laws that restrict jobs women can do
Theres politics, backstabbing and plotting in every ofce were looking for someone who will do the actual work
A Tragic History
I disagree with the food security and land Bills, but admire the political courage to ram them through. Polls can galvanise action, political consensus is not a prerequisite for policymaking, and the only thing worse than being wrong is being confused. But why is the jobs agenda a policy orphan? The complexity or impossibility argument does not fly; the thousands of young job seekers this writer met at a recent job mela had five problems. These problems create an opportunity for a party willing to offer a jobs narrative that is specific, finite and actionable. Lets look at each problem and a short- and long-term solution to each. I cant get a job despite my education: This does not mean she will be unemployed; it means the jobs she is getting pay her a salary she could have got without her education. The mismatch between what the education system produces and what employers want is huge. The short-term solution is setting up a national network of community colleges offering two-year associate degrees not normal degrees on a diet but vocational training on steroids. The long-run solution is to shift the focus of the Right to Education Act from enrolment to learning because we now know that you cant teach somebody in three months or three years what they should have learnt in 12 years. I cant get a job without work experience: A toxic consequence of Indias 90% informal employment is that fresher hiring is down from 50% of to-
This book is about how two of the worlds great democracies, the US and India, faced up to one of the most terrible humanitarian crises of the 20th century . The slaughter in what is now Bangladesh stands as one of the cardinal moral challenges of recent history , although it is far more familiar to south Asians than to Americans today . It had a monumental impact on India, Pakistan and Bangladesh almost a sixth of humanity in 1971. In the dark annals of modern cruelty , it ranks as bloodier than Bosnia and plausibly in the same rough league as Rwanda. For the US, as Archer Blood understood, there are a small number of atrocities so awful that they stand outside of the normal day-to-day flow of diplomacy: the Armenian genocide, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda. When we think of US leaders failing the profound tests of decency in such moments, we usually think of sins of omission: Franklin Roosevelt fighting World War II without taking serious steps to try to rescue Jews from the Nazi dragnet, or Bill Clinton standing idly by during the Rwandan genocide. But Pakistans slaughter of its Bengalis in 1971 is starkly different. Here, the US was allied with the killers. The White House was actively and knowingly supporting a murderous regime at many of the most crucial moments This stands as one of the worst moments of moral blindness in US foreign policy .
From The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide