Your Daily Energetic Expansion Attunements Channeled by Shaman Manin
Your Daily Energetic Expansion Attunements Channeled by Shaman Manin
Your Daily Energetic Expansion Attunements Channeled by Shaman Manin
The sequence is a comprehensive set covering all energy centers. Below are empowering daily affirmations and invocations, that can be practiced while looking at the vibrationaly enhanced photos:
Photo4 ! "o#alited $ %& "o#alited T' ()*)$+) %,, T-) B,)""$./" T-%T /'# %.# T-) 0.$+)(") 1%.T" T' /$+) &).
Photo42 ! )loheim $ %& 1),*'&$./ /'# $. &3 ,$4), and all the *'0.*$," '4 ,$/-T, 5)"0" *-($"T, ,'(# "-$+%, B0##-%, &0-%&&%#, my %./),", T)%*-)(", -)%,)(", ()$6$ /uides, %&)($*%. $.#$%. /uides, &)(,$., "t. /)(&%$.), %(*- %./), &$*-%),, T' /0$#) &) %.# P('T)*T &) %.# -)%, &) %.# T)%*- &) %.# T%,6 T-('0/- &) %.# 1($T) T-('0/- &) %.# -)%, T-('0/- &) %.# T)%*- T-('0/- &) 4'( &3 -$/-)"T /''# %.# T-) -$/-)" /''# '4 %,, *'.*)(.)#. 7Note: I've been adding Guides more and more as they work with me more and more; please customize this affirmation to reflect your guides and your desire8
Photo49 ! %ll(eiki"ymbols Then, drawing the (eiki "ymbols on your palms: $:m bringing in the (eiki )nergy to heal me and heal through me any physical diseases, emotional wounds and attachments, mental old patterns and spiritual debts and blockages, till $ am fully healed, shinning from within.
Photo4; ! Cleansing-Healing Thought4orm Then, $ look at the image which represents the <Cleansing-Healing Thought 4orm %ttunement=, and breathe in and out three times, inhaling ,ight spiraling through the top of my head, clockwise, and e>haling all stress and negativity in the opposite direction.
Photo44 ! "antara*usgal Then, $ look in the center of the photo above and breathe in and out through my crown chakra.
Photo4? ! QuanY$n*ubed Then, $ look at the photo representing a circle, and placing my right hand on my heart, $ say: $ %& (0..$./ T-) @0%. $. *0B)# %TT0.)&).T '. &3 -)%(T 4'( /(%*), *'&P%""$'., &)(*3, 4'(/$+).)"" %.# P)%*) $ ,'+) &3"),4A $ ,'+) &3"),4A $ ,'+) &3"),4A $ ,'+) 3'0A $ ,'+) 3'0A $ ,'+) 3'0A 7Note: ou! meaning everyone8 Manin says: I lo e mysel!" I !orgi e mysel!" I am at peace #ith mysel!"
Photo4B ! 4lood,ight Then, $ look at the yellow triangle, representing the 4,''# ,$/-T %ttunement, and say (0. 4,''# ,$/-TA
Photo4C ! #.% )>pansion #.% e>pansion: visualiDed the circle unfolding up and down through me, and also healing my eyes, as $:m using the computer too many hours a day. Then, $ say: (0. 22.22% for my *osmic, &onadic, %thmic, Budhaic, &ental, )motional and )theric BodyE (un 22.22% for my *rown, Third )ye, Throat, -eart, "olar Ple>us, "acral and (oot. (un 22.22% for my -ighest /ood. 7Note: "fter attuning myself# I$m running %%&%%" for each person in my life; if someone has health issues or any other kind of issues# run %%&%%" for each of their energy centers8 There are more attunements that can be practiced and $:m doing it according with the situation. The sequence above is a comprehensive set covering all energy centers.