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Checklist - Bedbath

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Pines City Colleges

Magsaysay Ave. Baguio City 2600 Tel. nos.: (074) 445-2210, 445220 !a": (074) 445-220# $$$.%&&.e'u.%(

SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST FOR BEDBATH PROCEDURE 1. Inform patient and explain the procedure. 2. Prepare environment. Provide time for elimination and privacy. 3. Do hand washing. 4. Prepare articles over the bed table within reach. Arrange them according to use. 5. Raise the bed to an appropriate working level. 6. Assist patient to the side of the bed where the nurse will work. Have him lie on his back semi!fowler"s position. 7. #ntuck linens$ remove blanket and refold is re!usable. Place it at the back of chair. 8. Remove pillow$ if patient can tolerate. Place it on the head rail. Place bath towel under the head$ then remove patient"s gown. 9. %oak washcloth in lukewarm water$ s&uee'e and make a mitt. (ash) a. *ace + %!stroke b. ,yes + inner to outer cantus c. ,ars + inner to outer and back d. -eck + use downward stroke .hange water if too cloudy 10. Place bath towel lengthwise under the arm farther from you. #sing long$ firm strokes toward the center of the body$ wash the hands and the axilla /from distal to proximal0. 11. .over the arm with half of the towel while rinsing out the washcloth. Pat dry the arm thoroughly. Do the same with the other arm near you. 12. %oak both hands in a basin. Pat particular attention to the spaces in between the fingers$ rub gently the washcloth. #se orange wood stick to clean the subungual area of the fingernails if needed. %oap and rinse hands thoroughly. 13. Pat dry hands with the towel. 14. *old bath blanket down to the waist. Place over the chest. *or female patient) wash the chest using the figure of 1. Pay attention to the folds under the breast. *or male patient) wash chest in a long firm stroke far from your shoulder to waist$ towards you. Repeat if needed. 15. *old the bath blanket down to the public bone$ leaving the towel over the chest 2 extend it over the abdomen. (ash the abdomen in a circular motion$ from the umbilicus going outwardly. Pay particular attention to the umbilicus. Remove the towel 2 replace the bath blanket over the chest 2 abdomen. 16. Place the towel lengthwise under the far leg. (ash 2 rinse the leg thoroughly using long firm strokes toward the center of the body. Do not rub the muscle. Pat dry the legs with the bath towel. 17. %oak the foot carefully with water in the basin$ soap the foot$ and wash each toe separately 2 in between the toes. 18. (ash$ rinse 2 dry the near leg 2 foot in the same way. PERFORME D NOT PERFORME D

.hange the water. (ash the washcloth 2 rinse thoroughly. 19. Put the patient in a lateral position facing you. ,xpose the back of the patient till the buttocks. (ash$ rinse$ and dry the back of the neck 2 the back using long firm strokes. 20. At this point$ a back rib is rendered3 use lotion or powder the other dry parts of the body could also be applied with lotion like the heels$ elbows and feet. 21. Help the patient put on a clean gown or pa4amas. .omb or brush the hair. Do care for fingernails 2 toenails. 22. 5ake the occupied bed. Do aftercare of e&uipments and perform second hand washing. 23. Document the following) a. Ability to participate during the procedure. b. .onditions of the skin. c. ,ducational needs regarding hygienic measure or care.


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