Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 5 - 0001
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 5 - 0001
Yearly Scheme of Work English Year 5 - 0001
English Year 5
World of Self
Skills / Specifications
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat: a. vowel 'u' and 'x' in initial position. 1.3.1 Listen to key words and phrases heard. 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have the following sound; a. vowel 'u' and 'x' in initial position. 2.2.1 Ask Wh-questions to get information. 2.7.5 Talk about oneself and family to friends. 3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: a) Vowel u and x in initial position. 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. 3 3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 4.1.2 Copy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible and cursive writing. 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, poems and other texts with the missing word(s) (with guidance given in the form of words and pictures. 4.5 2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.6.1 Spell seen words. 4.6.2 Take dictation of seen sentences.
2 JAN 30 JAN
What We Enjoy Doing
1 2 3
Grammar Item(s)
Countable Nouns
Uncountable Nouns
World of Knowledge
Skills / Specifications
1 1.1 Listen to and repeat words with : h) Silent letters 1.2 3 Listen to and repeat simple chants, tongue-twisters, nonsense rhymes and sing songs pronouncing words correctly. 1.6.1 Listen to and understand simple descriptions and answer simple Wh-questions. 1.7.2 Listen to and answer simple questions relating to the people and animals in the story and what they did. 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have the following sounds: h) Silent letters. 2.2.1 Ask "wh" questions to get information. 2.7.4 Suggest ideas to do things. 3 3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3.6.1 Make small words from big words. 3 6.2 Group words according to categories. 4.1.2 Copy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible and cursive writing.
4 5 6
Discovering Plants
Grammar Item(s)
The comparative Form er The Superlative Form est
English Year 5
4.2.2 Write words and phrases in clear and legible print. 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures. 4.3.3 Match sentences to pictures. 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts. 4.5 2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.8.3 Write simple recounts with guidance.
World of knowledge
Amazing Animals
7 8 9
Grammar Item(s)
Subject-verb agreement is and are has and have
World of self
English Year 5
following simple directions using compass points. 2.1.2 Pronounce compound words correctly. 2.2.1 Ask "wh" questions to get information. 3.1.3 Read aloud compound words with the correct stress. 3.2.1 Recognise simple compound words. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 3.6.5 Combine words to form compound words. 4.2.2 Write words and phrases in clear and legible print. 4.3.1 Match words to signs. 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, poems and other texts with the missing word(s) (with guidance given in the form of words and pictures). 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions, directions, descriptions, poems, notices, stories and other texts with the missing word(s) (with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture). 4.6 1 Spell seen word. 4.6.2 Take dictation of seen sentences. 4.7.2 Use full stop at the end of a sentence.
10 11 12
Lend A Hand
Grammar Item(s)
Simple Present Tense was and were
World of Knowledge
13 14 15
Grammar Item(s)
English Year 5
4.4.3 Complete simple instructions, directions, descriptions, poems, notices, stories and other texts with the missing word (s) ( with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture. 4.6 1 Spell seen words. 4.6.2 Take dictation of seen sentences. 4.8 1 Write for a purpose. 4.8 2 Write simple descriptions with guidance.
World of Knowledge
Skills / Specifications
1 1.1 Listen to and repeat words with d) Initial blends. 1.3.1 Listen to key words and phrases heard. 1.6.1 Listen to and understand simple descriptions and answer simple Whquestions. 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have the following sounds: d) Initial blends 2.6.1 Say whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read. 2.6.2 Give reasons why one likes or does not like the story. 3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: d) Initial blends 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3.6.1 Make small words from big words. 3.6.3 Understand words similar in meaning. 3.8.1 Scan for specific information in factual text. 4.1.1 Copy letters of the alphabet in clear and legible cursive writing. 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures. 4.3.3 Match sentences to pictures. 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words ( 3-4 words in a sentence). 4.5 2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.6.2 Take dictation of seen sentences. 4.8.3 Write simple recounts with guidance.
16 17 18
Grammar Item(s)
Conjunctions: and,because, but and so
01 MAY 17 MAY
Week Theme Sub-Theme Grammar Item(s)
19 20
English Year 5
World of Self
Skills / Specifications
1 1.1 Listen to and repeat words with g) Final diagraphs. 1.3.1 Listen to key words and phrases heard. 1 3.3 Listen to and understand compound words. 1.6.1 Listen to and understand simple descriptions and answer simple Wh-questions. 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have the following sounds: g) Final diagraphs 2.2.2 Ask questions to seek clarification. 2.3.1 respond to simple questions. 2.7.4 Suggest ideas to do things 3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: g) Silent letters 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of key words for each topic taught. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3 6.2 Group words according to categories. 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures. 4.3.3 Match sentences to pictures. 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions, directions, descriptions, poems, notices, ,stories and other texts with the missing word (s) (with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture). 4.5 2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.6.2 Take dictation of seen sentences. 4.8.3 Write simple recounts with guidance. 4.8.4 Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance.
Joyous Moment
1 2 3
Grammar Item(s)
Interrogative Pronouns (Wh-questions)
World of stories
Skills / Specifications
1 1.1 Listen to and repeat words with h) Silent letters 1.3.2 Listen to and understand the numbers Scope : 41 50 1.3 4 Listen to and understand information based on numbers Scope : 41 - 50 Numbers in tens : 10 50 - when the numbers are added and subtracted 1.3.5 Listen to and understand ordinal numbers: 6th 10th 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have the following sounds: h) Silent letters 2.3.2 Give replies pertaining to numbers 2 3.4 Give replies pertaining to numbers 41-50; and Numbers in tens: 10 50. 2.3.5 Give replies pertaining to ordinal numbers 6th 10th 3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: h) Silent letters
4 5 6
Story Time
Grammar Item(s)
Articles: a,an and the
English Year 5
3.2.3 Recognize and read aloud the numbers 21-25 in its numeral and word forms 3.7.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story (e.g. number, size) 4.2.1 Write clearly and legibly numerals 1-20 in both number and word forms 4.2.3 Write sentences in clear and legible cursive writing. 4.3.2 Match phrases to pictures. 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts. 4.8 1 Write for a purpose.
08 -12
AUG Week Theme
World of knowledge
7 8 9
Grammar Item(s)
Personal Pronouns Punctuation: i. Capital letters ii. Full Stop
22 28
English Year 5
Skills / Specifications
1 1.1 Listen to and repeat words with e) Final blend 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions with the correct stress and intonation. 1.6.1 Listen to and understand simple descriptions and answer simple Wh-questions. 1.6.2 Listen to simple texts and talk about the text. 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and fables and respond verbally by stating whether one likes or does not like the story. 1.7.3 Listen to stories and fables and tell what happens next. 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have the following sounds: e) Final blend 2.1.3 Repeat phrases and expressions with the correct intonation and stress 2.3.3 Talk about things heard, seen or read 2.4.1 Recite simple poems, tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes and sing songs by pronouncing words correctly. 2.4.2 Complete parts of a story heard before. 2.5.1 Give details about the people and animals of a story heard or read 2.5.4 Take part in teacher-guided discussions on characters and story line. 3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: e) Final blend 3 3.1 Read and understand phrases by matching simple phrases to pictures 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after 3.7.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. (e.g. number, size) 4.3.3 Match sentences to pictures. 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, poems and other texts with the missing word(s) (with guidance given in the form of words and pictures). 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words ( 3-4 words in a sentence). 4.5 2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.6.2 Take dictation of seen sentences. 4.7.2 Use a full stop at the end of a sentence.
World of knowledge
Grammar Item(s)
Prepositions: next to and behind
10 11 12
English Year 5
Skills / Specifications
1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions with the correct stress and intonation. 1.6.2 Listen to simple texts and talk about the text. 1.7.2 Listen to and answer simple questions relating to the people and animals in the story, and what they did. 1.7. 3 Listen to stories and fables and tell what happens next. 2.1.3 Repeat phrases and expressions with the correct intonation and stress. 2.3.3 Talk about things heard, seen or read. 2.4.2 Complete parts of a story heard before. 2.5.2 Talk about the actions of the people and animals in a story heard or read. 2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk a little about them. 2.6.1 Say whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read. 2.6.2 Give reasons why one likes or does not like the story. 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in simple texts observing correct stress and intonation. 3.4.3 Read aloud simple poems and stories expressively and fluently. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after 3.7.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. (e.g. number, size). 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, poems and other texts with the missing word(s) (with guidance given in the form of words and pictures) 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions, descriptions, poems, notices, stories and other texts with the missing word(s) (with a little guidance in the form of a composite picture). 4.5 2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts 4 5 3 Construct simple sentences independently (3-5 words) by looking at a picture 4.6 1 Spell seen words. 4.7.4 Use comma for lists. 4.8.5 Write simple recounts with little or no guidance.
World of Knowledge
Young Heroes
13 14 15
Grammar Item(s)
Skills / Specifications
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words with
English Year 5
a) Vowel u and x in initial position 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple chants, tongue-twisters, nonsense rhymes and sing songs pronouncing words correctly. 1.3.1 Listen to key words and phrases heard. 1.5.1 Listen to and enjoy childrens songs and rhymes. 1.6.1 Listen to and understand simple descriptions and answer simple Wh-questions. 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have the following sounds: a) Vowel u and x in initial position 2.2.1 Ask "wh" questions to get information 2.3.1 Respond to simple question. 2.4.1 Recite simple poems, tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes and sing songs by pronouncing words correctly. 2.6.3 Take part in teacher guided discussions. 3.1.1 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: a) Vowel u and x in initial position 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after. 3.6.3 Understand words similar in meaning. 3.6.4 Understand words opposite in meaning. 3.9 1 Read widely at ones own pace according to ones interest. 4.1.1 Copy letters of the alphabetical in clear and legible cursive writing: - small letters, capital letters, combination of small and capital letters. 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts 4.5.1 Form simple sentences and questions by arranging words( 3-4 words in a sentence)
Topi c
16 17 18
Grammar Item(s)
Simple Present Tense Collective Nouns Conjunctions
4 5 3 Construct simple sentences independently (3-5 words) by looking at a picture. 4.6.2 Take dictation of seen sentences. 4.8.4 Write simple descriptions with little or no guidance. 4.8.5 Write simple recounts with little or no guidance.
Skills / Specifications
19 20
Semester Examination