"Face The Music" - Planet P

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Old Vic, and after a stint with the BBC, sidetrips to film and art


Maybe because director Roger Lyons is so new to rock video, or maybe because of the art school in his airbrush work, for instance. But what I saw mostly was sort of everybody's nightmare, with a lot of my own

background." How much? Appar-ently plenty. For one thing, the background, his back-to-back clips for Planet P look far less like rock video's parental man and woman are clips and more like surrealist paint- played, Lyons says, by his own ings come to life. His end-of-world/ mother and father. Still, what rs the "Pink World"? end-of-innocence vision also has the look of Pink Floyd's The Wall, oddly According to Lyons, "[Planet P's] enough, and Lyons in fact briefly ap- Tony Carey dreamed up this concept prenticed under Wall director Alan of an album and a video and a followParker. Yet Pink World, he insists, is up. He has written down what the pink world is, and what the barrier not Pink Floyd. "My inspiration was pictorial, " and the children are. l{is thing is far says Lyons, whose work and that of more space-age than mine, which is art director Steve Addison scream more gothic-horror. When I gave my with the ghosts of Edvard Munch and presentation to him, it was nothing E.J. Sullivan. The scenario follows a like what he saw." Newcomer Lyons, whose previous Christ-like child wandering lrom initial images of home and family in the six clips include that for Yoko Ono/ first clip, to a surreal battlefield and a John Lennon's "Every Man Has a beehive-like "Zone" filled with rag- Woman", developed his ideas after ged waifs in the second. "The skull years in the theater. He started out as soldiers are taken from an American an actor, studying at the prestigious

schools, and managing the early Afro-pop group, Osibisa, he at last found his niche behind the camera. As assistant-director for such titans as Tony and Ridley Scott, Lyons helped shape Apple Computer's acclaimed "1984" commercial before spreading his own directorial wings. Despite such a big-budget background, the Planet P videos came in for less than 40,000 British pounds, partially because it was shot-ex-

quisitely-on l6mm, rather


35mm, film. Lyons may soon have a chance to explore Planet P on a bigger budget, though. "Tony Carey's idea of it all," says Lyons, "is as a

feature movie. He's negotiating for linancing. If he gets it, I'd like to convince him to have me write the script." From his tone of voice, you know he'd be sitting on top of the

pink world.




(Tony Carey)

ln the closing minutes of pre-zone time with the world hanging over the edge as the messages flew down the red-hot
lines we did the body counts in our heads and the true believers looked on and laughed as the landscape cracked and bled behind the barrier

and thq minutemen stood as we knew they would and the world went temporarily sane and the radio said "my god, cover your heads and get out of the boiling rain" get behind the barrier yayayayayaya ya behind the barrier and the minutemen stood as we knew they would and the world went temporarily sane and the radio said "my god, cover your heads and get out of the boiling rain" and the true believers looked on and laughed till the last cruise missile had flown and life goes on for the lucky ones out here in the zone behind the barrier yayayayayaya ya behind the barrier

Well I still don't know how he did it and I wonder how high it goes I only know that life goes on for the lucky ones heie in the zone and the true believers looked on and

till the last cruise missile had flown

behind the barrier .

1984 - ROCKOKO IVUSIC GMBH Administered in U.S.A. by APRIL MUSIC INC

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