Grade 6 - English
Grade 6 - English
Grade 6 - English
Grade 6
Brian Robeson stared out of the window of the irnall plane at the endless green northern wilderness below- It was a small plane, a Cessna 406 * a bushplane - and the
engine was so loud, so roaring and consuming and loud, that it ruined any chance
conversation. Not that he had much to say. He was thirteel and.the only passenger on the plane with a pilot named - what was it? - |im or lake or something, who was in his midforties and who had been silent as he worked to prepare for take-off. In fact since Brian had come to the small airport in Hampton, NewYork to meet the plane - driven by his mother
Get in the co-pilott seat.' Which Brian had done. They had taken off and that was the last of the conversation. There had been the initial excitement, of course. He had never flown in a single-ehgine plane before and to be sitting in the co-pilot's seat with a1l the controls right there in front of him, all the instruments in his face as the plane clawed for altitude, jerking and sliding on the wind currents as the pilot took off, had been interesting and exciting. But in five minutes they had levelled'off at six thousand feet and headed north-west and
from then on the pilot had been silent, staring out of the front, and the drcne of the
engine had been al! that was left. The drone and the sea of green trees that lay before the planet nose and flowed to the horizon, spread with lakes, swamps and wandering streams and rivers. Now Brian sat, looking out of the window with the roar thundering through his ears, and uied to catalogue what had led up to his taking this flight. The
was an ugly word, he thought. A tearing, ugiy word that means fights and yelling'
and tried to explain to him in legal terms how all that he lived in was coming apart and the breaking and shattering of ali the solid things' Divorce. A breaking word, an
told anybody,
what he knew about his mother that had caused the divorce, what he knew what he
the Secret.
Brian felt his eyes beginning to burn and knew there would be tears. He had cried for a time, but that was gone now, He didn't cry now Instead his eyes burned and tears
came, the seeping tears that
l. How
3. 2. Describe Brian's feelings as
once the plane had levelled off, describe the sodnds and scenery that
Brian experienced. 4. Choose one correct answer for each question and write it down: a) lthe sound of the engines ruined any chance of conversation' means: they did not want to tall< at all
. ' they wanted to talk but no-one would let them . they couldn't tall< because there was too much noise
b) The bushplane
c) 'his
eyes beginning
to burn' means:
' they were very sore . he was about to cry . something flew into his eyes and irritated them
a) Quote the line describing how Brian sees'divorce'. b) Do you feel that this is a good description? Give reasons for your
b) discussion c) make a list . d) 'driver' of a plane 8. Why do you think that Brian didnt cry properly anymorel 9- What do you think is the great'secret' that Brian refers to in this extractl 10. How do you think this story is going to continuel Try to predict what is going to happen. write about 6-10 lines to give your ideas for the ending
of this story.
(a) The cat was violent,and was aiso known to be temperamental. (b) Wildly,she began to dance around the thin reeds,which flowed in the whistling wind.
(c) The dangerous criminal shared a cell with the timid thief. (d) Craig is smart,but Christian is much smarter.
(e) "Where did that slippery fish go?," said the furious sailor.
Grade 6
Read the brief for the following activity.You may write your story on a piece of exam paper(lined paper).Read the instructions carefully.
1'You are going to write a story about a terrifying experience that you have had. 2.Your story must be one page in length.
3.Please write neatly.
Thinqs to think about (a) Who was frightened? (b) What frightened you? (c) Where did it lrappen? (di When did it happen? (e) What lesson did you learn from this experience?
Here is a sample beqinninq to help,vou with sorne ideas
I was one of the hundreds of people on the bridge trying to rush across in the rain.The bridge was cracking behind us.l wondered if I could make it across in time...
'$t/oRD PuzzLEs
-Numbled list Words
gb U'nIT
uiucros rroe
releose floor best
$ynonyms pillow
wotch bod
o Name:
Due Date:
t;x:r';:::,[;"#I;f :;tr?#.i#;"#::;:i;::#;Tl
Circle the correct word from each bracket'
{a} {b}
(rays, raise)' Paul had {moan, mown} his:lawn under the sunk hot He decided
(c) They (passed, pasr) the delicious (mussels, muscles) around the table.
(d) The King (rained, reigned) on his (throne,thrown) for years;
(quay, k*y).
{i} We (herd, heard} them singing a (him, hymn}. 0) They (rode, rowed) along the winding (rode, roadi'
(kl He (through,threw) the ball down the (stairs, stares).
ErO Challgnge!
1. Ygu may need to use your dictionary. (al Members of the (quire,choir) walked
down the (aisleisle).