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Every Homeowner With Property or Has Lost Property To Foreclosure Hear This - Land Patent

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To Attend Your Free Webinar on Land Patent Power and what it can do for you CLick and go to http://secretsolutionse

pertguidehelp!net/patron"#e#ber"ho#e/law"research" help"and"infor#ation"grounds/land"patent"power"true"land"and"property"ownership"and" rights"of"inheritance/

$i% this is &uy Te here ' $ost of http://help"to"stop"foreclosure!net/! (o#e #a)or e*ents ha*e occurred in the fa*or of people fighting foreclosure who were wrongfully foreclosed on and ha*e been put out of their ho#es% or who want to start or continue fighting foreclosure and reco*er da#ages and/or keep or get their ho#e back if possible! And also + want to talk about so#ething that can benefit e*eryone regarding their land e*en if not in foreclosure!

+n the following brief news and research report + a# going to talk a little about:

,! The down fall of -./( and a #a)or court decision and how that benefits people/you

0! The 1own fall of the (ecuriti2ation Process and a second #a)or court decision and how that benefits people/you

3! The Land Patent and and a nu#erous court decisions% and how that benefits people/you

For $elp Call #e at 444 4,5 6778 or fill out the for# on the sidebar with your na#e% phone 9 and e#ail address and + will call you back!

Also Please by all #eans if you so desire pass this site along to your friends and fa#ily )ust in case so#eone needs help to stop foreclosure or wants help to establish #ore e cellent ownership rights o*er their land and property! You can also *isit http://help"to" stop"foreclosure!net/ or http://thereluctantprophet!net/ and fill out a for# to contact #e: or e#ail guyte;desktopre*ealer!net!


(pecial =ews /eport:

+t Appears -./( is on the Way 1own fro# its $igh Position and (o#e >anks Too $int $int

,! +t appears -./( is on the Way 1own fro# its $igh Lofty (ecuriti2ation Profit Funnel Position in the banking industry and it #akes one wonder if certain banks aren?t far behind!

+n a recent court ruling by the -assachusetts (upre#e Court in @( >ank =ational Association *! +bane2 ' =o! (AC ' ,B658 et al!% CDctober E% 0B,B ' Aanuary E% 0B,,F the court held that the co##on industry practice of assigning a #ortgage Gin blank%H #eaning without specifying to who# the #ortgage would be assigned until after the fact does not constitute a proper assign#ent! +n addition the Court further held that% without proof of a proper assign#ent to a party foreclosing prior to the initiation of the foreclosure proceedings% and without proof that the party fro# who# the #ortgage was assigned is holder of the #ortgage at the ti#e of such assign#ent% such proceedings to foreclose are deficient and the trustees cannot not rely on assign#ents after the fact to cure deficiency!

You can read these news articles: http://foreclosureblues!wordpress!co#/0B,,/B,/B4/#assachusetts"supre#e"court" hands"down"ruling"in"ibane2"in*alidates"postforeclosure"assign#ents"and"assign#ents" in"blank"isaac"grad#an/

G+?# ecstatic%H &lenn /ussell% a lawyer for the La/aces% said in an inter*iew! GThe fact the

decision applies retroacti*ely could #ean thousands of ho#eowners can seek reco*ery for ho#es wrongfully foreclosed upon!H http://www!reuters!co#/article/0B,,/B,/BE/us"usa"foreclosures"ruling" id@(T/.EB63-60B,,B,BEIpage=u#berJ3

0! (econdly also% due to a Audge?s ruling where Audge /obert &ross#an found that -./( has no right to transfer #ortgages% -./( appears to ha*e proceeded with the logical ne t step to dis#antle #uch of a banks needs for its ser*ices and% therefore% it is likely on its way out of the #ortgage scene and/or e istence!

G@!(! >ankruptcy Audge /obert .! &ross#an in Central +slip% =ew York% in a decision he said he knew would ha*e a Gsignificant i#pact%H wrote that the #e#bership rules of the co#pany?s -ortgage .lectronic /egistration (yste#s% or -./(% don?t #ake it an agent of the banks that own the #ortgages!

G-./(?s theory that it can act as a Kco##on agent? for undisclosed principals is not supported by the law%H &ross#an wrote in a Feb! ,B opinion! G-./( did not ha*e authority% as Kno#inee? or agent% to assign the #ortgage absent a showing that it was gi*en specific written directions by its principal!HH http://www!bloo#berg!co#/news/0B,,"B0",8/#erscorp"has"no"right"to"transfer" #ortgages"u"s")udge"says!ht#l

/eportedly -erscorp +nc!% which operates the electronic"registration syste#% contains about half of all @!(! ho#e #ortgages% but + think it is probably significantly #ore since al#ost no GPro#issory =otesH ha*e been recorded in county records in #ost states o*er the last ten C,BF years of so% and the ones that don?t openly record -./( as part of the transaction in the docu#entCsF ha*e to be recorded so#ewhere% and likely not properly% hint% hint!

There is a -./( proposed a#end#ent to -e#bership /ule 4! The a#end#ent will reLuire -./( -e#bers not to foreclose using the -./(? na#e! There is a 5B"day co##ent period on the proposed /ule which is consistent with the -./( -e#bership /ules! 1uring this period -./( is reLuesting that -e#bers do not co##ence foreclosures in -./(? na#e!

http://www!2erohedge!co#/article/#ers"e its"stage"left"tells"#e#bers"not"foreclose" #ers"na#e

3! Lastly% Land Patent @pdates are a good way for all ho#eowners% whether going through foreclosure challenges or not to help protect their interest and possessory rights o*er their property and ho#e! +n areas across the county + ha*e heard of there being *aries possible benefits fro# properly updating a land patent into the landowners na#e for the portion of land that has been assigned/deeded to the#! 1epending on local and state laws so#e people ha*e seen property ta relief% 2oning regulations relief% pri*acy relief% and *arious types of relief fro# go*ern#ental or so#e other party?s interference with the use of ones property! These types of benefits and #ore are possible with a properly done land patent update! (o check it one online for yourself and gi*e #e a call with Luestions about how to do it right according to #y research! $ere are so#e case law that talk about land patents and there benefit to the landowner! This is what the courts ha*e said% to #y understanding and research!

Land Patents are based on treaties and the supre#acy clause of the Constitution% Article si paragraph two and with the support of paragraph three:

GThis Constitution% and the laws of the @nited (tates which shall be #ade in pursuance thereof: and all treaties #ade% or which shall be #ade% under the authority of the @nited (tates% shall be the supre#e law of the land: and the )udges in e*ery state shall be bound thereby% anything in the Constitution or laws of any (tate to the contrary notwithstanding!H

GThe (enators and /epresentati*es before #entioned% and the #e#bers of the se*eral state legislatures% and all e ecuti*e and )udicial officers% both of the @nited (tates and of the se*eral states% shall be bound by oath or affir#ation% to support this Constitution: but no religious test shall e*er be reLuired as a Lualification to any office or public trust under the @nited (tates!H

>ou*ier?s Law 1ictionary ' ,476 .dition: T/.ATY% international law! A treaty is a co#pact #ade between two or #ore

independent nations with a *iew to the public welfare treaties are for a perpetuity% or for a considerable ti#e! Those #atters which are acco#plished by a single act% and are at once perfected in their e ecution% are called agree#ents% con*entions and pactionsM! M 8! A treaty is declared to be the supre#e law of the land% and is therefore obligatory on courts: , Cranch% /! ,B3: , Wash! C! C! /! 300 , Paine% 77: whene*er it operates of itself without the aid of a legislati*e pro*ision: but when the ter#s of the stipulation i#port a contract% and either of the parties engages to perfor# a particular act% the treaty addresses itself to the polit"ical% not the )udicial depart#ent% and the legislature #ust e ecute the contract before it can beco#e a rule of the court! 0 Pet! (! C! /ep! 4,8! Nide (tory on the Constitut! +nde % h! t!: (erg! Constit! Law% +nde % h! t!: 8 $all?s Law Aournal% 86,: 6 Wheat! ,6,: 3 1all! ,55: , Oent% Co##! ,67% 048!

7! Treaties are di*ided into personal and real! The personal relate e clusi*ely to the persons of the contracting parties% such as fa#ily alliances% and treaties guarantying the throne to a particular so*ereign and his fa#ily! As they relate to the persons they e pire of course on the death of the so*"ereign or the e tinction of his fa#ily! /eal treaties relate solely to the sub)ect"#atters of the con*ention% independently of the persons of the contracting parties% and continue to bind the state% although there #ay be changes in its constitution% or in the persons of its rulers! Nattel% Law of =at! b! 0% c! ,0% ,43",5E!

Land Patent help establish a for# of allodial title% which is what A#erican land ownership is suppose to be% but this for# of ownership has be decepti*ely taken away fro# the people:

For the #eaning of Allodial >lacks Law 1ictionary say?s check the 0nd .dition! Pg! 6B% 3rd .dition! Pg! 56% 8th .dition! Pg! ,BB% 7th .dition! Pg! EB% 6th .dition Pg! E6!

GFree: not holding of any lord or superior: owned without obligation of *assalage or fealty: the opposite of feudal! >arker *! 1ayton% 04 Wis! 348: Wallace *! $ar#stad% 88 Pa! 855!H

Eth .dition! Pg!E6! G$eld in absolute ownership: pertaining to an allodiu#!H

4th .dition Pg! 43 G$eld in absolute ownership: pertaining to an allodiu#! Cf! F.@1AL! < Also spelled alodial! The ter# allodial? originally had no necessary reference to the #ode in which the ownership of land had been conferred: it si#ply #eant land held in absolute ownership% not in dependence upon any other body or person in who# the proprietary rights were supposed to reside% or to who# the possessor of land was bound to render ser*ice! +t would thus properly apply to the land which in the original settle#ent had been allotted to indi*iduals% while bookland was pri#arily applicable to land the title to which rested on a for#al grant! >efore long% howe*er% the words appear to ha*e been used synony#ously to e press land held in absolute ownership% the sub)ect of free disposition inter *i*os or by will!H Oenel# .! 1igby% An +ntroduction to the $istory of the Law of /eal Property ,,<,0 "7th ed! ,45E!H

Check one of theses ' >lack?s 0nd .dition Pg! 6B% 3rd .dition Pg! 56% 8th .dition Pg! ,BB% 7th .dition Pg! EB% 6th .dition Pg! E6:

Allodiu#! GLand held absolutely in one?s own right% and not of any lord or superior: land not sub)ect to feudal duties or burdens! An estate held by absolute ownership% Without recogni2ing any superior to who# any duty is due on account thereof! , Washb! /eal Prop! ,6! -cCartee *! Drphan Asylu#% 5 Cow!% =!Y! 7,,% ,4 A#! 1ec! 7,6!H

Check the Eth .dition pg! E6% 4th .dition Pg! 43 GAllodiu# Ca"lob"dee"a#F% n! An estate held in fee si#ple absolute and ter#ed alod: alode:

K+n this country% one who has full ownership of land is said to own it allodially < that is% free of feudal ser*ices and incidents!? Tho#as F! >ergin P Paul B! $askell% Preface to .states in Land and Future +nterests ,4 C0d ed! ,548F!H

Also Check ' >ou*ier?s 1ictionary ,476 .dition:

GAllodiu# estates! (ignifies an absolute estate of inheritance% in contradistinction to a feud! 0! +n this country the title to land is essentially allodial% and e*ery tenant in fee si#ple has an absolute and perfect title% yet in technical language his estate is called an estate in fee si#ple% and the tenure free and co##on socage! 3 Oent% Co#! 35B: Cruise% Prel! 1is! c! ,% ,3: 0 >l! Co#! 87! For the ety#ology of this word% *ide 3 Oent Co#! 354 note: 0 >ou*! +nst! n! ,650!H

The language within the Land Patent gi*es you your rights as an assign% it says so#ething to the effect of Gand assigns fore*erH! The Founding Fathers ga*e people absolute control of their property under &od% they called it (o*ereignty in nu#erous court cases also! =ow today% you as a deed holder with possessory right Catte#pts to unlawfully take away those rights notwithstandingF can update your portion of the original land patent into your na#e and e ercise the language within patents the Founding Fathers created and ga*e you by saying in the patents the rights to ownership secured the patented rights to the patent holders and their Gheirs and assigns fore*er%H or wording like or si#ilar to that!

1eed &i*e only (e#blance or Color of Title =ot True Title at Law as 1escribed by Law 1ictionary and Court Cases >elow:

>lacks Law 8th .dition:

GCDLD/ DF T+TL.! The appearance% se#blance% or si#ulacru# of title! Also ter#ed Gapparent title!H Any fact% e traneous to the act or #ere will of the clai#ant% which has the appearance% on its face% of supporting his clai# of a present title to land% but which% for so#e defect% in reality falls short of establishing it! $owth *! Farrar% C!C!A! Te !% 58 F!0d 678% 674: (alt#arsh N! Cro##elin% 08 Ala! 370!

GAny instru#ent ha*ing a grantor and grantee% and containing a description of the lands intended to be con*eyed% and apt words for their con*eyance% gi*es color of title to the lands described! (uch an instru#ent purports to be a con*eyance of the title% and because it does not% for so#e reason% ha*e that effect% it passes only color or the se#blance of a title!H >rooks *! >ruyn% 37 +ll! 350!

GColor of titleH is not synony#ous with Q Kclai# of title!H To constitute Gcolor of titleH there #ust be a paper title to gi*e color to the ad*erse possession% whereas% a Gclai# of titleH #ay be shown wholly by parol Walton N! (lkes% ,67 &a! 800% ,8, (!.! ,44% ,5B!H

The following types of deeds are color of title instru#ent: warranty deed% Luit clai# deed% sheriffs deed% trustee?s deed% )udicial deed% ta deed% wig or any other like instru#ent that purportedly con*eys the title! These docu#ents state that they con*ey ownership to

the land% but these% howe*er% are actually a color of title% see &! Tho#pson% Title to /eal Property% Preparation and e a#ination of Abstracts% Ch! 3% (ection E3% p!53 C,5,5F! A color of title is that which in appearance is title% but which in reality is not title! Wright * -attison% ,4 $ow! C@!(!F 7B C,477F!H

GA warranty deed is like any other deed of con*eyance! -ahrenhol2 * County >oard of (chool Trustees of Lawrence County, et! al!% 53 +ll% app! 3d 366 C,54,F! A warranty deed or deed of con*eyance is a color of title% as stated in 1e#osey * >urns% 04, +ll! 688% 67B C,5,EF C1eeds constitute colors of titleF: see also 1ryden * =ew#an% ,,6 ,,,! ,46 C,446F CA deed that purports to con*ey interest in the land is a color of titleF: $inckley * &reen% 70 +ll! 003 C,465F CA deed which% on its face% purportsRto con*ey a title% constitutes a clai# and color of titleF: >usch * $uston% E7 +ll! 383 C,4E8F: Chicking * Failes% 06 +ll! 7B4 C,46,F! A Luit clai# deed is a color of title as stated in (afford * (tubbs% ,,E +LL! 345 C,446F: see also $ooway * Clark% 0E +LL! 843 C,46,F and -cCellan * Oellogg% ,E +ll! 854 C,477F! Suit clai# deeds can pass the title as effecti*ely as a warrant with full co*enants! &rant * >ennett% 56 +ll! 7,3% 707 C,44BF: (ee also -organ * Clayton% 6, +ll! 37 C,4E,F: >rady * spurck% 0E +ll! 8E4 C,46,F: >utterfield * (#ith% ,, +ll! 847 C,485F! (heriffs deeds also are colors of title! Oendrick * Latha#% 07 Fla! 4,5 C,445F: as is a )udicial deed% $uls * >untin% 8E ,,,! 356 C,467F! The +llinois (upre#e Court went into detail in its deter#ination that a ta deed is only color of title! GThere the co#plainant see# to ha*e relied upon the ta deed as con*eying to hi# the fee% and to sustain such a bill% it was incu#bent of hi# to show that all the reLuire#ents of the law had been co#plied with!H A si#ple ta deed by itself is only a color of title! Fee si#ple can only be acLuired through ad*erse possession *ia pay#ent of ta es: clai# and color of title% plus se*en years of pay#ent of ta es! Thus any ta deed purports% on its face% to con*ey title is a good color of title! Walker * Con*erse% ,84 +ll! 600% 605 C,458F: see also Peadro * Carriker% ,64 +ll! 7EB C,45EF: Chicago * -iddlebrooke% ,83 +ll! 067 C,450F: Piatt County * &ooden% 5E +ll! 48 C,44BF: (tubblefield * >orders% 50 +ll! 7EB C,45EF:

Cole#an * >illings% 45 +ll! ,43 C,4E4F: Whitney * (te*ens% 45 +ll! 73 C,4E4F: Tho#as * .ckard% 44 +++! 753 C,4E4F: $ollowa* * Clarke% 0E +ll! 843 C,46,F! A will passes only a color of title! >aldwin * /atcliff% ,07 +ll! 3E6 C,444F: >radley * /ees% ,,3 +ll! 30E C,447F CA wig can pass only so #uch as the testator owns% though it #ay atte#pt to pass #oreF! A trustee?s deed% a #ortgages and strict foreclosure% ChickerinR * Failes% 06 +ll! 7B4% 7,5 C,46,F% or any docu#ent defining the e tent of a disseisor?s clai# or purported clai#% Cook * =orton% 83 +ll! 35, C,46EF% all ha*e been held to be colors of title! +n fact% GCtThere is nothing here reLuiring a deed% to establish a color of title% and under the for#er decisions of this court% color or title #ay e ist without a deed!H >aldwin * /atcliff% ,07 +ll! 3E6% 343 C,440F: County of Piatt * &oodell% 5E +ll! 48 C,44BF: (#ith * Ferguson% 5, +ll! 3B8 C,4E4F: $assett * /idgely% 85 ,,,! ,5E C,464F: >rooks *! >ruyn% 37 +ll! 350 C,468F: -cCagg * $eacock% 38 +ll! 8E6 C,468F: >ride * Watt% 03 +ll! 7BE C,46BF: and Woodward *

>lanchard% ,6,,,! 808 C,477F! All of these cases being still *alid and none being o*erruled% in effect% the state#ents in these cases are well established law! All of the docu#ents described in these cases are the #ain a*enues of clai#ed land ownership in A#erica today% yet none actually con*eys the true and allodial title! They in fact con*ey so#ething Luite different!H http://www!,0,7!org/lawnotes/lawnotes/landpatent/B4!rtf

Color of Title is si#ilar to or like a presu#ption of title% or presu#ption of real title% and Gcolor of titleH stands as good title until the contrary is pro*ed or better title is pro*en% such as with a land patent update title ownership being put in place by you! The -a i# of law is GA presu#ption will stand good until the contrary is pro*ed:H and GAll things are presu#ed to be lawfully done and duly perfor#ed until the contrary is pro*ed!H A land patent update can gi*e you superior title to what the banks and others usually ha*e in the for# of *arious deeds and gi*e you greater control and freedo# o*er your land% and your property thereon!

(pecial types of Land Patents and Land &rants are so#ething that can aid people in #aking their rightful clai# o*er their property% to help pre*ent others fro# taking it unlawfully and un)ustly! Land Patents pro*ide superior title o*er other types of title co##only used by those trying to take property unfairly% and there are ti#es when people ha*e said they found legiti#ate land patents can% in con)unction with other things% help shield against unreasonable property sei2ures There are no guarantees of this% but as they say% G=othing *entured% nothing gained!HU

With the help you get updating a land patent into your na#e the patent can possibly yield significant property ta relief and 2one regulations relief and relief fro# other go*ern#ent regulations and/or neighbor disputes% control or de#ands on your property and land% and #ore% all depending on the laws in your state and area!

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+n Christ ' as $e is so are we in this world% , Aohn 8:,E

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