Linux Programming Lab Programs-Part12
Linux Programming Lab Programs-Part12
Linux Programming Lab Programs-Part12
Introduction to Linux/Unix
commands (utilities)
General Purpose commands:
date, who, who am I, uname, cal, tty, stty, passwd ,finger
cat, head, tail, cut, paste, cmp, comm, diff, sort, more, less, pg, tr, uniq etc.
grep: ( grep,egrep,fgrep)
a) Write a grep command that selects the lines from the file1 that have exactly
three characters
b) Write a grep command that selects the lines from the file1 that have at least
three characters.
c) Write a grep command that selects the lines from the file1 that have three or
fewer characters
d) Write a grep command that count the number blank lines in the file1 e) Write a grep command that count the number nonblank lines in the file1 f)
Write a grep command that selects the lines from the file1 that have the string UNIX.
g) Write a grep command that selects the lines from the file1 that have only the
string UNIX.
h) Write a grep command that copy the file to the monitor, but delete the blank
Write a grep command that selects the lines from the file1 that have at least two digits without any other characters in between Write a grep command that selects the lines from the file1 that do not start with A to G
a) Write a sed command that print lines numbersof lines beginning with O b) Write a sed command that delete digits in the given input file. c) Write a sed command that delete lines that contain both BEGIN and END d) Write a sed command that delete lines that contain BEGIN but not END e) Write a sed command that deletes the first character in each line in a file f)
Write a sed command that deletes the last character in each line in a file
1.Write an awk command to print the lines and line number in the given input file 2. Write an awk command to print first field and second field only if third field value is >=50 in the given input file. (input field separator is : and output field separator is ,) 3 . Consider the marks.txt is a file that contains one record per line( comma separate fields) of the student data in the form of studentid, student name, Telugu marks, English marks, Maths Marks, Science marks, Social Marks. Write an awk script to generate result for every students in the form of studentid, studentname, Total Marks and result. Result is PASS if marks is >=30 in TELUGU and English, and if marks>=40 in other subjects. Result is fail otherwise. 4 Write an awk program to print the fields 1 and 4 of a file that is passed as command line argument. The file contains lines of information that is separated by , as delimeter. The awk program must print at the end the average of all 4th field data. 5. Write an awk program to demonstrate user defined functions and system command. 6. Write an awk script to count the number of lines in a file that do not contain vowels. 7. Write an awk script to find the number of characters, words and lines in a file.
5. Write a shell program to find out factorial of the given number 6. Write a shell script to find out whether the given number is prime number or not 7. Write a shell script to accept two file names and check if both exists. If the second
filename exists, then the contents of the first filename should be appended to it. If the second file name does not exist then create a new file with the contents of the first file.
8. Write a shell script that computes the gross salary of a employee according to the
following 1) if basic salary is <1500 then HRA 10% of the basic and DA =90% of the basic 2) if basic salary is >=1500 then HRA 500 and DA =98% of the basic The basic salary is entered interactively through the key board
9. . Write a shell script that accepts a file name, starting and ending line numbers as
arguments and displays all the lines between the given line numbers.
10. . Write a shell script that deletes all lines containing a specified word in one or more files
argument supplied is a file or a directory and reports accordingly. Whenever the argument is a file, the number of lines on it is also reported.
13. Write a shell script that accepts a list of file names as its arguments, counts and reports
the occurrence of each word that is present in the first argument file on other argument files.
14. . Write a shell script to list all of the directory files in a directory 15. Write a shell script to implement menu driven program to display list of users who are
currently working in the system, copying files (cp command), rename a file, list of files in the directory and quit option.( Hint: use case structure)
16. Write a shell program to simulate cat command 17. Write a shell program to simulate head command 18. Write a shell script count the number of lines and number of words in the given input file