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Video Formats Guide

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Video Formats

A Guide to Understanding Video Containers & Codecs

I. What is a Video Format?
a. What is a container?
b. What is a codec?
c. How do they work together?
d. Why is it so complicated?
II. What video format should I use?
a. File Size & Quality
b. Transmitting the media
c. So what codec should I use?
III. How do I get it to play on a Mac and a PC?
IV. Appendix
a. List of Common Containers
b. List of Common Codecs
c. Sample Bit Rates
d. Encoding in iMovie, Final Cut Pro, and QuickTime Pro for YouTube
e. Encoding with Windows Movie Maker for YouTube
f. Recommended Compression Settings for Vimeo
g. Uploading Videos to Facebook
h. Embedding Video in Powerpoint

Disclaimer: This guide is not meant to present you with all the answers to your problems. There are
so many containers/codecs and other factors that will determine your best choice of codec. This guide
is merely meant to educate you so that you understand the terminology and will be able to select the
codec that best fits your needs.

Video Formats
I. What is a Video Format?
vldeo formaLs lnvolve Lwo dlsLlncL, and very dlfferenL Lechnology
concepLs: !"#$%&#'() (someLlmes called wrappers) & !"*'!) (shorL for coder/decoder).
Codecs are used lnslde of a conLalner and because of Lhls vldeo formaLs can be confuslng.

+, -.%$ &) % 0"#$%&#'(1
1he !"#$%&#'( descrlbes Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe flle: where Lhe varlous pleces are sLored,
how Lhey are lnLerleaved, and whlch codecs are used by whlch pleces. lL may speclfy
an audlo codec as well as vldeo. lL ls used Lo package Lhe vldeo & lLs componenLs
(audlo/meLadaLa) and ls ldenLlfled (usually) by a flle exLenslon such as .Avl, .M4 or
.MCv. 5ee AppeoJlx 8 fot llst of cootoloets

2, -.%$ &) % 0"*'!1
A !")'! (shorL for "coder/decoder") ls a way of encodlng audlo or vldeo lnLo a sLream
of byLes. lL ls Lhe meLhod used Lo encode Lhe vldeo and ls Lhe chlef deLermlner of
quallLy. 5ee AppeoJlx 8 fot llst of coJecs

0, 3"4 *" $.'5 4"(6 $"7'$.'(1
1hlnk of Lhe conLalner as Lhe flle lLself. 1hlnk of Lhe codec as lLs conLenLs. 1he
lmporLanL Lhlng Lo reallze ls LhaL mosL good conLalner formaLs can hold many codecs.
lor example a .MCv conLalner can hold almosL any klnd of codec daLa. 1he same goes
for .M4 and even .Avl flles can hold a wlde varleLy of codecs as Lhelr conLenLs. ln no
way does Lhe conLalner declde Lhe quallLy or feaLures of Lhe vldeo lLself, LhaL ls up Lo
Lhe codec. 1he proper way Lo descrlbe vldeo ls Lo lndlcaLe boLh: A .MOv flle
cootololoq n.264 Joto. Ao .Avl flle cootololoq ulv\ Joto. rofesslonals use
shorLhand's for Lhls, saylng Lhlngs llke "Clve me an P.264 CulckLlme flle (.mov)".

8, -.5 &) &$ )" !"9:;&!%$'*1
AL flrsL Lhls seems sLralghLforward, buL lL's noL. 1he problem lles ln Lhe confuslon and
lmpreclslon ln Lhe common use of Lhese Lerms. 1o make maLLers worse, sofLware
companles Lry Lo slmpllfy Lhelr documenLaLlon and lnsLrucLlons by lgnorlng Lhe
dlfference alLogeLher. 1he resulL ls LhaL people belleve LhaL phrases llke "l'll glve you a
MCv flle," or "An M4 flle wlll be flne" are leglLlmaLe ways Lo Lalk abouL vldeo.

1o make llfe even more confuslng, some names, such as "mpeg-4", descrlbe boLh a
codec and a conLalner, so lL's noL always clear from conLexL, whlch ls belng used. ?ou
could have a movle encoded wlLh an mpeg-4 codec lnslde an avl conLalner, for
example, or a movle encoded wlLh Lhe Sorenson codec lnslde an mpeg-4 conLalner.

ConLenL complled from MaLL 8uchanan of Clzmodo.com aL hLLp://glzmodo.com/3093670/glz-explalns-every-vldeo-

Video Formats

II. What Video Format Should I Use?
+, <&;' )&=' > ?@%;&$5
1. ulqltol 5totoqe 5poce - 1o calculaLe Lhe amounL of sLorage space you wlll
need for a pro[ecL, dlglLal vldeo requlres approxlmaLely 200 M8 per mlnuLe of
fooLage, or roughly 12 C8 per hour. Cf course Lhls varles accordlng Lo your
recordlng devlce and Lhe quallLy lL ls seL Lo record aL.
2. ltomes pet 5ecooJ - 1he sLandard for lS ls 29.97, lncreaslng Lhe lS allows
for more lmages per second Lhus a smooLher lmage. uecreaslng lS wlll
make Lhe vldeo a blL choppy and noL nearly as smooLh.
3. vlJeo 8lttote - 8lLraLe ls a measuremenL of Lhe number of blLs LhaL are
LransmlLLed over a seL lengLh of Llme. ?our overall blLraLe ls a comblnaLlon of
your vldeo sLream, audlo sLream & meLadaLa ln your flle wlLh Lhe ma[orlLy
comlng from your vldeo sLream. 1he hlgher Lhe blL raLe Lhe beLLer Lhe quallLy
Lhe blgger lL wlll be.
4. kesolotloo - Lhls ls Lhe number of plxels presenL ln Lhe lmages of Lhe vldeo.
1hls deLermlnes wheLher your vldeo ls sLandard deflnlLlon or hlgh deflnlLlon.
1he hlgher Lhe resoluLlon Lhe clearer Lhe lmage Lhe blgger Lhe flle.

Video Formats
2, A(%#)9&$$&#7 $.' 9'*&%: decldlng whaL codec you wanL Lo use depends on your
means of LransmlLLlng Lhe vldeo so oLhers can vlew lL. 1hls could be an exLernal hard
drlve, [ump drlve, vla emall or uploadlng Lo a soclal medla webslLe/blog.
5ee AppeoJlx fot losttoctloos lo oplooJloq vlJeo to commoo websltes.
0, B" 4.%$ !"*'! )."@;* C @)'1 (see oppeoJlx fot type of coJecs ooJ wbot tbey ote
typlcolly oseJ fot)
1. Check Lhe requlremenLs from Lhe lnLerneL slLes you wlsh Lo upload your vldeo
flle. (Much of Lhe lnLerneL supporLs a M4 conLalner wlLh a P.264 codec)
see oppeoJlx fot speclflc meJlo slte tepoltemeots
2. ls your vldeo meanL for moblle appllcaLlons? lf so, selecL a codec LhaL
supporLs all moblle devlces (ex. Apple does noL supporL flash vldeos)
3. ls your vldeo golng Lo be embedded ln anoLher appllcaLlon? WhaL oLher
appllcaLlons wlll Lyplcally do ls Lake Lhe vldeo and apply Lhelr own codec Lo
Lhe vldeo so LhaL lL wlll be playable wlLhln Lhelr appllcaLlon buL LhaL does noL
mean Lhe appllcaLlon wlll undersLand all Lypes of codec. Check Lhe
appllcaLlons help menu Lo deLermlne Lhe besL codec for lmporLlng.

III. How do I get it to play on any computer?
lL ls nearly lmposslble Lo geL lL Lo play on every compuLer b/c lL all depends on Lhe vlewer
and whaL Lype of decoder Lhelr compuLer may have. Mac and Wlndows are noLorlous for
havlng Lhelr own conLalners/codecs and vlewers have dlfflculLy waLchlng lL on Lhere
respecLlve cholce of hardware. 1o play Wlndows Medla llles (WMv) on macs you need Lo
lnsLall lllp for Mac and Lo play on a C, vLC (also avallable for Mac) ls a free vldeo player
LhaL plays almosL every klnd of vldeo codec. ?ou may also have Lo download oLher
decoders Lo play dlfferenL vldeo formaLs on a Wlndows Media Player. vlslL llnk below for
more lnformaLlon on codecs for Wlndows Medla layer.
ConLenL complled from MaLL 8uchanan of Clzmodo.com aL hLLp://glzmodo.com/3093670/glz-explalns-every-vldeo-

Video Formats

+, D&)$ "E F")$ 0"99"# 0"*'!)
MlC (Movloq llctotes xpett Ctoop): Lhree vldeo formaLs, MLC 1, 2, and 4.
MlC-1: Cld, supporLed by everyLhlng (aL leasL up Lo 332x240), reasonably efflclenL. A
good formaL for Lhe web.
MlC-2: A verslon of MLC-1, wlLh beLLer compresslon. 720x480. used ln
Pu1v, uvu, and SvCu.
MlC-4: A famlly of codecs, some of whlch are open, oLhers MlcrosofL proprleLary.
n.264: MosL commonly used codecs for vldeos uploaded Lo Lhe web. arL of Lhe MLC-4 codec.
MlC splooffs: mp3 (for muslc) and vldeoCu.
MIlC (Motloo IlC): A codec conslsLlng of a sLream of !LC lmages. Common ln
vldeo from dlglLal cameras, and a reasonable formaL for edlLlng vldeos, buL lL
doesn'L compress well, so lL's noL good for web dlsLrlbuLlon.
uv (ulqltol vlJeo): usually used for vldeo grabbed vla flrewlre off a vldeo
camera. llxed aL 720x480 [ 29.97lS, or 720x376 [ 23 lS. noL very hlghly
wMv (wloJows MeJlo vlJeo): A collecLlon of MlcrosofL proprleLary vldeo
codecs. Slnce verslon 7, lL has used a speclal verslon of MLC4.
kM (keol MeJlo): a closed codec developed by 8eal neLworks for sLreamlng vldeo and
ulv\: ln early verslons, essenLlally an ASl (lncompleLe early MLC-4) codec lnslde an
Avl conLalner, ulvx 4 and laLer are a more full MLC-4 codec.no resoluLlon
llmlL. 8equlres more horsepower Lo play Lhan mpeg1, buL less Lhan mpeg2. Pard
Lo flnd mac and wlndows players.
5oteosoo J: Apple's proprleLary codec, commonly used for dlsLrlbuLlng movle Lrallers
(lnslde a CulckLlme conLalner).
Oolcktlme 6: Apple's lmplemenLaLlon of an MLC4 codec.
kl9: a very efflclenL sLreamlng proprleLary codec from 8eal (noL MLC4).
wMv9: a proprleLary, non-MLC4 codec from MlcrosofL.
Oqq 1beoto: A relaLlvely new open formaL from xlph.org.
ultoc: A very new open formaL under developmenL by Lhe 88C.

2, D&)$ "E F")$ 0"99"# 0"#$%&#'()
Avl (AoJlo vlJeo lotetleove): a Wlndows' sLandard mulLlmedla conLalner.
MlC-4 lott 14 (koowo os .mp4): ls Lhe sLandardlzed conLalner for MLC-4.
llv (llosb vlJeo): Lhe formaL used Lo dellver MLC vldeo Lhrough llash layer.
MOv: Apple's Culck1lme conLalner formaL.
OCC, OCM & OCv: open-sLandard conLalners.
Mkv (Mosttosko): anoLher open-speclflcaLlon conLalner LhaL you've seen lf you've ever
downloaded anlme.
vO8 (uvu vlJeo Object): lL's uvu's sLandard conLalner.
A5l: a MlcrosofL formaL deslgned for WMv and WMA-flles can end ln .wmv or .asf

ConLenL provlded by hLLp://www.shallowsky.com/llnux/vldeoformaLs.hLml
Video Formats
0, B%9:;' 2&$ G%$')
16 kblt/s - vldeophone quallLy (mlnlmum necessary for a consumer-accepLable Lalklng head"
plcLure uslng varlous vldeo compresslon schemes)
128 - J84 kblt/s - buslness-orlenLed vldeoconferenclng quallLy uslng vldeo compresslon
1.5 Mblt/s mox - vCu quallLy (uslng MLC1 compresslon)
J.5 Mblt/s typ - SLandard-deflnlLlon Lelevlslon quallLy (wlLh blL-raLe reducLlon from MLC-2
9.8 Mblt/s mox - uvu (uslng MLC2 compresslon)
8 to 15 Mblt/s typ - Pu1v quallLy (wlLh blL-raLe reducLlon from MLC-4 AvC compresslon)
19 Mblt/s opptoxlmote - Puv 720p (uslng MLC2 compresslon)
24 Mblt/s mox - AvCPu (uslng MLC4 AvC compresslon)
25 Mblt/s opptoxlmote - Puv 1080l (uslng MLC2 compresslon)
29.4 Mblt/s mox - Pu uvu
40 Mblt/s mox - 8lu-ray ulsc (uslng MLC2, AvC or vC-1 compresslon)

ConLenL provlded by hLLp://en.wlklpedla.org/wlkl/8lL_raLe#vldeo

Video Formats
8, H#!"*&#7 &# &F"I&'J <&#%; 0@$ K("J %#* L@&!6A&9' K(" E"( M"@A@N'

Audlo/vldeo lssues wlLh .MCv and .M4. Pow Lo ensure proper Audlo/vldeo sync Lhrough a Culck1lme converslon.
MCv/M4 flles exporLed from programs such as lMovle, llnal CuL ro, and Culck1lme ro have cerLaln elemenLs LhaL are
noL handled well by ?ou1ube Lranscodlng. ln order Lo ensure opLlmal upload quallLy-and speclflcally LhaL Lhe Audlo and
vldeo of Lhe flle remaln ln sync-use Lhe encodlng seLLlngs ouLllned below.
HO:"($ 5"@( I&*'" @)&#7 L@&!6A&9'
ln lMovle, selecL B.%(' > HO:"($ P)&#7 L@&!6A&9'
ln llnalcuL ro, selecL <&;' > HO:"($ > P)&#7 L@&!6$&9' 0"#I'()&"# > Q:$&"#)
ln Culck1lme ro, selecL <&;' > HO:"($ > HO:"($R F"I&' $" L@&!6A&9' F"I&' > Q:$&"#)
+;$'( 5"@( I&*'" '#!"*&#7
1. LnLer a name for your flle, and selecL F"I&' $" L@&!6A&9' F"I&' from Lhe LxporL dropdown.

2. Cllck Q:$&"#) and make Lhe followlng changes Lo S&*'" seLLlngs:
o Compresslon 1ype: 3,TUV
o lrame 8aLe: WX &) :('E'(('*, 23.98, 24, 23, 29.97 are also accepLable.
o uaLa 8aLe: +@$"9%$&!
o key lrames: +@$"9%$&!
o lrame 8eorderlng: P#!.'!6'*

Video Formats
3. Make Lhe followlng changes Lo +@*&" or B"@#* seLLlngs:
o lormaL: ++0
o Cllck B."4 %*I%#!'* )'$$&#7) and choose 0"#)$%#$ 2&$ G%$' as encodlng sLraLegy.
4. SelecL B&=' and choose Lhe orlglnal slze of Lhe vldeo.
3. 1he secLlon K(':%(' E"( C#$'(#'$ B$('%9&#7 musL be seL Lo <%)$ B$%($,

6. Save your vldeo, and Lhen upload Lhe resulLlng flle Lo ?ou1ube
All users have the ability to upload videos up to 15 minutes in length. You can attain the ability to upload longer
length videos if:
?our accounL ls ln good sLandlng, as deLermlned by Lhe ?ou1ube CommunlLy Culdellnes.
?ou verlfy your accounL wlLh a moblle phone.
?our accounL has no worldwlde ConLenL lu blocks on any conLenL
On the upload page, click the link to Increase your limit to be prompted to verify your account. If you do not
have the option to verify your account, or if you lose your access to long uploads, the best first step is to
check your account for copyright claims and strikes.
ConLenL provlded by

Video Formats
H, H#!"*&#7 4&$. -&#*"4) F"I&' F%6'( E"( M"@A@N'

CY9 @)&#7 -&#*"4) F"I&' F%6'(, -.5 4"#Y$ 95 I&*'" @:;"%*1
lf you are uslng Wlndows Movle Maker or Wlndows Llve Movle Maker and experlenclng errors wlLh your
uploads, lL ls posslble LhaL you are aLLempLlng Lo upload a pro[ecL flle, whlch ls noL an acLual movle flle. ?ou
can follow Lhe slmple sLeps ouLllned below Lo converL your vldeo pro[ecL Lo a ,49I flle, whlch ls an accepLable
formaL for upload.
-&#*"4) F"I&' F%6'(R 0"#I'($&#7 ,FB-FF
lf you edlLed your vldeo uslng Wlndows Movle Maker, you may have also aLLempLed Lo upload a .MSWMM
pro[ecL flle. ?ou can converL Lhls pro[ecL Lo ,49I formaL by followlng Lhese sLeps:
Cllck <&;' and Lhen selecL B%I' F"I&' <&;' from Lhe dropdown. ln Lhe nexL sLep, selecL F5 0"9:@$'( as your
savlng desLlnaLlon, and Lhen cllck #'O$,

LnLer a name for your flle, and Lhen choose a place Lo save your movle. ln Lhe nexL sLep, cllck Z'O$ Lo sLarL
encodlng your vldeo wlLh defaulL seLLlngs. lf you would llke Lo make more advanced ad[usLmenLs Lo Lhe flle,
you may also selecL B."4 9"(' !."&!')

Video Formats
<, G'!"99'#*'* 0"9:('))&"# B'$$&#7) E"( S&9'"

Acceptable video formats include asf, asx, avi, divx, dv, dvx, m4v, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg, qt, wmv, 3g2, 3gp,
3ivx and 3vx.

3"4 *" C @:;"%* % S&*'"1
Co Lo Lhe upload page. Cr, you can cllck Lhe 'upload vldeo' buLLon on Lhe home page or flnd a llnk ln Lhe Lop navlgaLlon
bar under Lhe headlng 'upload'. 1haL wlll brlng you Lo Lhe upload page where you can upload your vldeo. Make sure you
have Lhoroughly read Lhe rules for whaL klnd of vldeos you can upload (only ones you make yourself!) and hlL Lhe 'choose
a flle Lo upload' buLLon, selecL Lhe flle you wanL Lo upload from your compuLer, and hlL 'SelecL'. ?our vldeo wlll maglcally
sLarL uploadlng Lo our servlces and you wlll see a progress bar Lelllng you how long lL wlll Lake.

noLe: slower connecLlons and large flles wlll Lake longer so please be paLlenL.

AfLer you vldeo ls flnlshed uploadlng, lL wlll go Lhrough a converslon process. ?ou can monlLor LhaL process wlLh a
progress bar as well. Whlle Lhe vldeo ls converLlng you may leave LhaL page and vlmeo wlll send you an emall when lLs
flnlshed. now LhaL's noL Loo hard, ls lL?

Video Settings
Codec H.264
A codec is the format in which your video will be encoded. Different codecs have different
features and varying quality. For best results, we recommend using H.264 (sometimes
referred to as MP4).
Frame rate 24, 25, or 30 FPS
If you know at which frame rate you shot, it is best to encode at that same frame rate.
However, if it exceeds 30 FPS (frames per second), you should encode your video at half
that frame rate. For example, if you shot 60 FPS, you should encode at 30 FPS. If you're
uncertain what frame rate you shot at, set it to either "Current" or 30 FPS. If there is an
option for keyframes, use the same value you used for frame rate.
Data rate 2000 kbps (SD), 5000 kbps (HD)
This setting controls both the visual quality of the video and the file size. In most video
editors, this is done in terms of kilobits per second (kbps). Use 2000 kbps for standard
definition or 5000 kbps for high definition video.
Resolution 640x480 (SD), 1280x720 (HD)
640x480 for 4:3 SD video, 640x360 for 16:9 SD video, and 1280x720 or 1920x1080
for HD. If you have the option to control the pixel aspect ratio (not the display aspect ratio)
make sure it's set to "1:1" or "1.00", sometimes referred to as "square pixels."
Video Formats
Deinterlacing Maybe
If you are shooting on an older camera, enable this option. Otherwise, you may get weird-
looking horizontal lines in your video. With newer camera models this won't matter, so you
can leave this option unchecked.

Audio Settings
Codec AAC (Advanced Audio Codec)
For best results, we recommend using AAC for the audio codec.
Data rate 320 kbps
320 kbps is the highest quality audio data rate we currently support.
44.1 kHz
44.1 kHz is the highest audio sample rate we currently support.

How many videos can I upload?
Basic account users can upload 500 MB a week (with a max of 10 files per day). Plus users can upload 5 GB
per week, and there is no per-day upload limit.

This quota resets weekly, and your personal reset day can be seen on the right side of the Upload Page,
along with how much space you have remaining this week. Videos that you upload remain on the site, so
you can upload 500 MB of videos this week, and another 500 MB next week, and they'll all be there for the

Are there limits on file sizes or file types for uploads?
There is a 5 GB per file limit for Plus users, which does not affect Basic account users.

We accept the following file types: asf, asx, avi, divx, dv, dvx, m4v, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpg, qt, wmv, 3g2,
3gp, 3ivx and 3vx

Please note: There are a million variables in video compression. Sometimes, even though a file type is
accepted by the Vimeo uploader, the Vimeo conversion will fail.

ConLenL provlded by hLLp://vlmeo.com/help/compresslon & hLLp://vlmeo.com/faq#recommended_seLLlngs

Video Formats
[, P:;"%*&#7 S&*'") $" <%!'N""6

3"4 *" C %** I&*'") $" <%!'N""61
1. Cllck +** K."$" \ S&*'" aL Lhe Lop of your home page.
2. lck P:;"%* K."$" \ S&*'" Lo selecL a vldeo flle you have on your compuLer. lf you wanL Lo record a vldeo from
your webcam, plck P)' -'N!%9.
3. When your vldeo ls ready, cllck osL.
-.%$ E"(9%$) "E I&*'" E&;') !%# C @:;"%*1

We supporL almosL all vldeo flle Lypes, buL you'll have Lhe besL luck wlLh LheFKV formaL. Pere's Lhe compleLe llsL:
! 3g2 (Moblle vldeo)
! 3gp (Moblle vldeo)
! 3gpp (Moblle vldeo)
! asf (Wlndows Medla
! avl (Avl vldeo)
! daL (MLC vldeo)
! dlvx (ulvx vldeo)
! dv (uv vldeo)
! f4v (llash vldeo)
! flv (llash vldeo)
! m2Ls (M21S vldeo)
! m4v (MLC-4 vldeo)
! mkv (MaLroska lormaL)
! mod (MCu vldeo)
! mov (Culck1lme Movle)
! mp4 (MLC-4 vldeo)
! mpe (MLC vldeo)
! mpeg (MLC vldeo)
! mpeg4 (MLC-4 vldeo)
! mpg (MLC vldeo)
! mLs (AvCPu vldeo)
! nsv (nullsofL vldeo)
! ogm (Cgg Medla
! ogv (Cgg vldeo lormaL)
! qL (Culck1lme Movle)
! Lod (1Cu vldeo)
! Ls (MLC 1ransporL
! vob (uvu vldeo)
! wmv (Wlndows Medla

1he aspecL raLlo of Lhe vldeo has Lo be beLween 9x16 and 16x9, and Lhe vldeo cannoL exceed Lhe flle slze or lengLh LhaL
Lhe upload page suggesLs.

3"4 !%# C ":$&9&=' $.' ?@%;&$5 "E 95 I&*'")1

Cenerally, Lhe besL formaL Lo upload ls P.264 vldeo wlLh AAC audlo ln MCv or M4 formaL. P.264 currenLly offers Lhe
besL vldeo compresslon avallable, and due Lo flle slze llmlLaLlons, Lhls formaL ls Lhe opLlmal cholce for lacebook vldeo.

1o avold Lhe rescallng of your vldeo by lacebook's encoder, use a flle wlLh Lhe larger edge of Lhe vldeo noL exceedlng
1280px. lf your vldeo ls less Lhan 1280px ln slze on Lhe larger edge, Lry Lo keep your dlmenslons Lo mulLlples of 16px for
besL compresslon.

lrame raLe of Lhe uploaded vldeo wlll be roughly malnLalned wlLh LhaL of Lhe orlglnal, wlLh a maxlmum of 30fps (frames
per second). lf Lhe orlglnal vldeo has a varlable frame raLe, we wlll Lry Lo malnLaln Lhe average frame raLe of Lhe orlglnal. lf
we cannoL deLermlne Lhe frame raLe of Lhe orlglnal flle, lL wlll be forced Lo 30fps. noLe LhaL lf a frame raLe ls Lo be
declmaLed, we wlll only ever declmaLe by whole lnLegers. 1hls may resulL ln an orlglnal vldeo wlLh a relaLlvely hlgh frame
raLe undergolng a frame raLe converslon Lo below Lhe maxlmum of 30fps. lor example, lf a vldeo has a frame raLe of
100fps, lL wlll be declmaLed by a facLor of 4, resulLlng ln 23fps.


1he number of audlo channels wlll be malnLalned for sLereo and mono sLreams. 3.1-channel audlo wlll be down-mlxed Lo
sLereo. All oLher channel conflguraLlons are currenLly unsupporLed.

Audlo wlll be re-sampled Lo elLher 22,030hz or 44,100hz (herLz), whlchever ls closer Lo Lhe sample raLe of Lhe orlglnal flle.
Content provided by https://www.facebook.com/help/videos/uploading
Video Formats
3, H9N'**&#7 S&*'" &# K"4'(:"&#$
?ou can choose from many Lypes of audlo and vldeo flles Lo embed or llnk Lo ln your owerolnL 2010
QI'(I&'4 "E '9N'**&#7 % I&*'"
WlLh MlcrosofL owerolnL 2010, you can now embed a vldeo from a flle dlrecLly lnLo your presenLaLlon.
owerolnL wlll supporL Culck1lme (.mov, .mp4) and Adobe llash (.swf) flles when you have lnsLalled Lhe
Culck1lme and Adobe llash players.
1here are some llmlLaLlons when uslng llash ln owerolnL 2010, lncludlng Lhe lnablllLy Lo use speclal effecLs
(such as shadows, reflecLlons, glow effecLs, sofL edges, bevels, and 3-u roLaLlon), Lhe fade and Lrlm capablllLles,
and Lhe ablllLy Lo compress Lhese flles for easler sharlng and dlsLrlbuLlon.
owerolnL 2010 64-blL ls noL compaLlble wlLh 32-blL verslons of Culck1lme or llash. ?ou musL lnsLall a 64-blL
verslon of Culck1lme or llash, or a 32-blL verslon of owerolnL 2010.
H9N'* % I&*'" E("9 % E&;'
1. ln Z"(9%; vlew, cllck Lhe sllde ln whlch you wanL Lo embed a vldeo.
2. Cn Lhe C#)'($ Lab, ln Lhe F'*&% group, cllck Lhe arrow under S&*'", and Lhen cllck S&*'" E("9 E&;'.
3. ln Lhe C#)'($ S&*'" dlalog box, locaLe and cllck Lhe vldeo LhaL you wanL Lo embed, and Lhen cllck C#)'($.
1l ?ou can also cllck Lhe S&*'" lcon ln a conLenL layouL Lo lnserL a vldeo.

Video Formats
QI'(I&'4 "E %@*&" %#* I&*'" E&;')

1he followlng Lables show Lhe audlo and vldeo flle formaLs LhaL you can use ln owerolnL 2010. lf you do noL
see a flle formaL llsLed below, you can converL LhaL flle Lype Lo a supporLed flle formaL by uslng programs,
uLlllLles, or add-lns oLher Lhan owerolnL 2010 such as Lhose llsLed below.
MlcrosofL Wlndows Medla Lncoder: Wlndows Medla Lncoder ls a free program LhaL makes some flles
compaLlble wlLh owerolnL.
Wlndows Medla layer: Wlndows Medla layer ls a dlglLal medla player and medla llbrary appllcaLlon used
for playlng audlo, vldeo, and vlewlng lmages on personal compuLers runnlng Lhe MlcrosofL Wlndows operaLlng
sysLem, as well as on ockeL C and Wlndows Moblle-based devlces.
lMC81An1 AlLhough your audlo or vldeo flle may have Lhe same flle exLenslon as one llsLed below, lL may
noL play correcLly lf Lhe correcL verslon of Lhe codec ls noL lnsLalled, or lf Lhe flle ls noL encoded ln a formaL
LhaL ls recognlzed by your verslon of MlcrosofL Wlndows. lor more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe mosL common
codecs, lncludlng where Lo geL Lhem, see uslng codecs or Lncodlng Audlo and vldeo wlLh Wlndows Medla

0"9:%$&N;' %@*&" E&;' E"(9%$)
nC1L 8oLh lod and Zune supporL Lhe Advanced Audlo Codlng (AAC) flle formaL. owerolnL 2010 wlll supporL Lhls flle formaL
provlded LhaL Lhe correcL codec ls lnsLalled. Lxamples of codecs for Lhe AAC flle formaL lnclude Lhe +::;' L@&!6A&9'
:;%5'( and EE8B."4.
Alll Audlo flle .alff +@*&" C#$'(!.%#7' <&;' <"(9%$ 1hls sound formaL orlglnally was used on Apple and Slllcon Craphlcs
(SCl) compuLers. 1hese waveform flles are sLored ln an 8-blL monaural (mono or one channel) formaL,
whlch ls noL compressed and can resulL ln large flles.
Au Audlo flle .au PZC] +@*&" 1hls flle formaL Lyplcally ls used Lo creaLe sound flles for unlx compuLers or Lhe Web.
Mlul flle .mld or
F@)&!%; C#)$(@9'#$ 8&7&$%; C#$'(E%!' 1hls ls a sLandard formaL for Lhe lnLerchange of muslcal
lnformaLlon beLween muslcal lnsLrumenLs, synLheslzers, and compuLers.
M3 Audlo flle .mp3 FKH[ +@*&" D%5'( W 1hls ls a sound flle LhaL has been compressed by uslng Lhe MLC Audlo Layer
3 codec.
Audlo flle
.wav -%I' <"(9 1hls audlo flle formaL sLores sounds as waveforms, whlch means LhaL one mlnuLe of
sound can occupy as llLLle as 644 kllobyLes or as much as 27 megabyLes of sLorage.
Medla Audlo
.wma -&#*"4) F'*&% +@*&" 1hls ls a sound flle LhaL has been compressed by uslng Lhe MlcrosofL
Wlndows Medla Audlo codec, a dlglLal audlo codlng scheme developed by MlcrosofL LhaL ls used Lo
dlsLrlbuLe recorded muslc, usually over Lhe lnLerneL.

Video Formats
0"9:%$&N;' I&*'" E&;' E"(9%$)
nC1L vldeos ln Lhe .mp4, .mov, and .qL formaLs can be played ln owerolnL lf Lhe Apple Culck1lme player ls lnsLalled.
Adobe llash
.swf <;%). S&*'" 1hls flle formaL ls generally used Lo dellver vldeo over Lhe lnLerneL uslng Lhe Adobe
llash layer.
Medla flle
.asf +*I%#!'* B$('%9&#7 <"(9%$ 1hls flle formaL sLores synchronlzed mulLlmedla daLa and can be used
Lo sLream audlo and vldeo conLenL, lmages, and scrlpL commands over a neLwork.
vldeo flle
.avl +@*&" S&*'" C#$'(;'%I' 1hls ls a mulLlmedla flle formaL for sLorlng sound and movlng plcLures ln
MlcrosofL 8esource lnLerchange llle lormaL (8lll) formaL. lL ls one of Lhe mosL common formaLs
because audlo or vldeo conLenL LhaL ls compressed wlLh a wlde varleLy of codecs can be sLored ln an
.avl flle.
Movle flle .mpg or
F"I&#7 K&!$@(' HO:'($) [("@: 1hls ls an evolvlng seL of sLandards for vldeo and audlo compresslon
developed by Lhe Movlng lcLure LxperLs Croup. 1hls flle formaL was deslgned speclflcally for use wlLh
vldeo-Cu and Cu-l medla.
Medla vldeo
.wmv -&#*"4) F'*&% S&*'" 1hls flle formaL compresses audlo and vldeo by uslng Lhe Wlndows Medla
vldeo codec, a LlghLly compressed formaL LhaL requlres a mlnlmal amounL of sLorage space on your
compuLer's hard dlsk.
nC1L 1he Lhlrd-parLy producLs dlscussed ln Lhls arLlcle are manufacLured by vendors lndependenL of MlcrosofL, we make no
warranLy, lmplled or oLherwlse, regardlng Lhe performance or rellablllLy of Lhese producLs.

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