Why Global Investors Aren't Making Inroads Into Infrastructure Funding In Asia
Primary Credit Analyst: Ian R Greer, Melbourne (61) 3-9631-2032; [email protected]
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Back To The Future Lower Credit Standards Limit The Number Of Investable Projects State Funding Takes Several Forms Access To International Bond Markets Is Constrained Developing A Credit Market For Infrastructure Is Key In Asia Related Research
Sector Review:
Why Global Investors Aren't Making Inroads Into Infrastructure Funding In Asia
Pension funds, and other non-traditional lenders, are eagerly eyeing investment opportunities in Asia's booming infrastructure sector. On paper, it looks a good fit. Mega-projects are underway across this developing region, including road-building and electricity programs. Traditionally, global pension funds have favored infrastructure sectors, given the probability of stable, long-term returns. But that isn't as certain in Asia. Economic and sovereign risks can vary enormously among Asian countries, and potential lenders may conclude the risk-rewards aren't high enough. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services also believes the stranglehold of Asian banks on infrastructure funding may prove hard to break. For those reasons, global investors aren't making the same headway into infrastructure financing as they are in the U.S. and Europe. Asian banks are highly liquid, given large savings deposits, and they have become the dominant infrastructure debt financiers in Asia's emerging economies. The banks' desire to expand their balance sheets--in contrast to counterparts in the U.S.--means they are highly motivated to keep out foreign and non-traditional lenders. At least for the time being, debt financing for Asian infrastructure remains the preserve of the Asian banks. Some banks' lending terms fall short of the credit standards that most international lenders would require, and the low cost of funds is also pricing out potential competitors. Asia's doors aren't closed to institutional investors, but success is dependent on understanding each economy in this inhomogeneous region. Clearly, opportunities exist. According to consultant McKinsey & Co., as a percentage of GDP, China (8.5%) has overtaken the U.S. (2.6%) and the E.U. (2.6%) to become the world's largest investor in infrastructure. In addition to domestic spending, much of this investment is not at home. China State Grid, for example, owns electricity transmission assets in Portugal, the Philippines, and Australia. Overview Asian banks dominate infrastructure lending, as lower credit standards and the low cost of funds push out potential competitors. Economic and sovereign risks can vary enormously among Asian countries, and potential lenders may conclude the risk-rewards aren't high enough. Infrastructure-related issuance is likely to remain muted in Asia for some time. Reducing risks will require the greater development of a credit culture and supportive framework. Most Asian governments are committed to creating a viable domestic bond market, which will also benefit from better lending practices.
Sector Review: Why Global Investors Aren't Making Inroads Into Infrastructure Funding In Asia
Sector Review: Why Global Investors Aren't Making Inroads Into Infrastructure Funding In Asia
of favor. The key criteria for a project to be investable are: A reliable, predictable revenue stream--the funding; A creditworthy counterparty to deliver the cash flow; and A fair and reliable legal system that is enforced in a timely manner to protect the investors' rights.
Sector Review: Why Global Investors Aren't Making Inroads Into Infrastructure Funding In Asia
Infrastructure projects are domestically based and in many cases reliant on a government-owned entity for cash flows. Consequently, sovereign ratings can influence access to international markets. Hong Kong, China, Japan, and Korea are relatively highly rated, increasing the opportunities for issuance for companies there. Country risk assessments can also influence bond ratings, given variations in legal systems and economic conditions across the region. We wouldn't expect to rate a debt issue above the sovereign rating unless an external party guaranteed the issuance.
Sector Review: Why Global Investors Aren't Making Inroads Into Infrastructure Funding In Asia
happened in China (see "How Big A Worry Are Chinese Local Government Debts," March 14, 2010). For now, state investment and bank financing looks likely to remain the main funding source for many Asian infrastructure projects.
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