EP 600 Calibration Procedure
EP 600 Calibration Procedure
EP 600 Calibration Procedure
Required Items:
- Transducer (A109S-RM) - Test Block 2214E (5-step 0.1-0.5 n) - !a"le (B!M-#4-$) - !ouplant (B-2) Initial Settings: % rst t&e user 'ust set t&e para'eters on t&e un t so t&at t&e correct (a)e*or's ( ll s&o( on screen. Basic Menu [ !" +eloc t,- 0.2-20 n./s (lon0. (a)e n steel) [ #" 1ero- 0.000/s [ $" Ran0e 2 1.000 n ulser Menu [ !" 3R% Mode- Auto [ $" Ener0,- 100+ [ %" 4a'p n0- 50 5 [ &" Mode- 3.E (pulse-ec&o) [ '" 3ulser- S6uare [ (" %re6uenc,- 5M78 Recei)er Menu [ !" % lter- 1.5 2 9.5 M78 [ #" Rect * cat on- %ull
*er+ Cali,arati+n : !#$%Set t&e :a n to 12.0dB !ouple t&e transducer to t&e 0.200 n step Set :ate 1 so t&at t surrounds t&e * rst "ack(all ec&o *ro' t&e 0.200 n step ;se Auto-<< to ad=ust t&e 0a n so t&at t&e s 0nal s at 90> %S7
&- ?n t&e Bas c 'enu@ press [.&" Aut+ Cal to "r n0 up t&e !al "rat on para'eters '- 3ress [ !" and set t&e T/0e to T1ic2ness (?* 'ore t&an =ust :ate 1 s act )e ,ou ( ll &a)e ot&er opt ons *or T,pe) (- 3ress [ $" *or CAL *er+ 3- ;se t&e ad=ust'ent kno" (or arro( ke,s) to set t&e !al 1ero para'eter to 0.200 4- 3ress [ $" to C+ntinue on to t&e )eloc t, cal "rat on
5el+cit/ Cali,rati+n: !- !ouple t&e transducer to t&e 0.500 n step #- Set :ate 1 so t&at t surrounds t&e * rst "ack(all ec&o *ro' t&e 0.500 n step $- ;se Auto-<< to ad=ust t&e 0a n so t&at t&e s 0nal s at 90> %S
Note that the previously entered value is displayed for reference during part 2 of calibration. (0.200 in) %&'(3ress [ #" *or CAL 5el+cit/ ;se t&e ad=ust'ent kno" (or arro( ke,s) to set t&e !al +eloc t, para'eter to 0.500 3ress [ #" to select 6+ne and co'plete t&e cal "rat on Ad=ust t&e Range "ack to t&e start n0 )alue o* 1.000 n
+er *, t&at ,our un t s properl, cal "rated ", c&eck n0 t&e t& ckness 'easure'ent at eac&
step on t&e "lock. 2 NOTE: Make sure to 'o)e t&e 0ate so t surrounds t&e * rst "ack(all ec&o *or eac& step ,ou are on. AAAA ..
- TRABS4;!ER C DE4:E (A4-1S-SM E ABDS-$-45) - TEST BFG!H ( TB#541-1) - !ABFE (F!B-#4-$) - !G;3FABT (B-2) Cali,rati+n Ste0s: % Ste0s 7+r an Angle Beam Cali,rati+n !. #$%Focate t&e Bea' ?ndeI 3o nt (B?3) o* t&e 3ro"e. +er *, t&e Re*racted An0le !al "rate *or 4 stance (;s n0 t&e Auto-!al %eature) !al "rate *or Sens t ) t,
Initial Settings: % rst t&e user 'ust set t&e para'eters on t&e un t so t&at t&e correct (a)e*or's ( ll s&o( on screen. Bas c Menu J31K +eloc t,- 0.1290 n./s (s&ear (a)e n steel) J32K 1ero- 0.000/s J3-K Ran0e 2 10.000 n 3ulser Menu J31K 3R% Mode- Auto J3-K Ener0,- 200+ J34K 4a'p n0- 50 5 J35K Mode- 3.E (pulse-ec&o) J3$K 3ulser- S6uare J3#K %re6uenc,- 5M78
Ste0 !8%
L+cating t1e Beam Inde9 +int: !- Al 0n t&e (ed0e ( t& t&e 8ero 'ark on t&e L??D T,pe ? BlockM #- Mo)e t&e transducer *or(ard and "ack(ard unt l t&e ec&o a'pl tude *ro' t&e 4M arc s peaked (T&e 3eak Me'or, *unct on can "e used *or t& s ", press n0 J3EAH MEMK)
$- A*ter t&e s 0nal &as "een peaked@ 'ark on t&e (ed0e d rectl, o)er t&e 8ero 'ark on t&e ??D. T& s s t&e Bea' ?ndeI 3o nt.
Ste0 #8%
5eri7/ing t1e Re7racted Angle: !- 3os t on t&e transducer o)er t&e appropr ate an0le 'ark on t&e ??D Block (?n t& s case t s t&e 45 de0 located on t&e "otto' s de o* t&e "lock). #- Mo)e t&e transducer *or(ard and "ack(ard to Lpeak upM ec&o *ro' t&e lar0e c rcular &ole n t&e "lock. 3eak Me'or, a ds n t& s process ", press n0 J3EAH MEMK.
A*ter t&e s 0nal s peaked@ &old t&e transducer stat onar,. T&e Bea' ?ndeI 3o nt on t&e (ed0e ( ll "e located a"o)e an an0le 'arker on t&e ??D "lock. - T& s s t&e RE%RA!TE4 AB:FE (Beta) *or t&e transducer and (ed0e. %- ?* t&e Beta +alue d **ers *ro' t&e one n t all, entered@ enter t&e proper an0le under t&e Trig 'enu ", press n0 [ !" Angle-
Ste0 :
Cali,rating 7+r 6istance: !- !ouple t&e transducer to t&e ??D Block so t&at t&e Bea' ?ndeI 3o nt s d rectl, o)er t&e 0 de0ree 'ark.
% = 1
! = 1
#- 3os t on :ate 1 o)er t&e 4 n. re*erence ec&o and use Aut+;<< to ad=ust to 90> screen &e 0&t. $- ?n t&e Bas c 'enu@ press [.&" Aut+ Cal to "r n0 up t&e !al "rat on para'eters %- 3ress [ !" and set t&e CAL M+de to S+und0at1 1- (?* 'ore t&an =ust :ate 1 s act )e ,ou ( ll &a)e ot&er opt ons *or !AF Mode) &- 3ress [ $" *or CAL *er+ '- ;se t&e ad=ust'ent kno" (or arro( ke,s) to set t&e !al 1ero para'eter to 4.000 n (- 3ress [ $" to C+ntinue on to t&e )eloc t, cal "rat on 9
D t&out 'o) n0 t&e pro"e@ pos t on 0ate o)er t&e 9M re*lect on ec&o. >+u ma/ 1a)e t+ increase t1e Gain 7irst in +rder t+ see t1e 4 in- ec1+ !?- ;se t&e Auto <<> *eature to "r n0 t&e 9M re*lect on to t&e des red screen &e 0&t
% = 1
! = 1
3ress [ #" *or CAL 5el+cit/ ;se t&e ad=ust'ent kno" (or arro( ke,s) to set t&e !al +eloc t, para'eter to 9.000 3ress [ #" to select 6+ne and co'plete t&e cal "rat on Ad=ust t&e Range "ack to t&e start n0 )alue o* 10.000 n
Ste0 %8%
Cali,rating 7+r Sensiti)it/:
!- %l p t&e ??D "lock o)er and *ace t&e transducer to(ard t&e 0.0$0 n. s de dr lled &ole. #- Set t&e Range to 2.000 n $- 3eak up t&e ec&o *ro' t&e s de dr lled &ole to 90> screen &e 0&t. - T&e 3eak Me'or, *unct on can "e used *or t& s ", press n0 [ EA@ MEM" %- 3ress [#nd ."A [dB" BRE. dBC to lock n t&e nstru'entNs Re*erence :a n and ena"le t&e Scann n0 :a n *unct on. &- T&e S&ear Da)e !al "rat on s no( co'plete.