a) b) 3
ACKNOWLEDGMENT of a debt Twenty paise exceeding twenty rupees in mount or value written or signed by or on behalf of a debtor in order to supply evidence of such debt in any book (other than a bankers pass book) or on a separate piece of paper when such book or paper is left in the creditors possession: Provided t hat such acknowledgement does not contain any promise to pay the debt or an stipulation to pay interest or to deliver any goods or other property. ADMINISTRATION BOND including a bond given under sec tion 291 or sect ion 375 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 ( cent ral Act, 39 of 1925) or sect ion 6 of the Government Savings Bank Act, 1873 ( central Act, 5 of 1873) Where the amount does not exceed Rs. Three-fourths the duty as a 1,000 Bond ( No: 13) for such amount in any other case Thirty rupees ADOPTION DEED: that is to say any Thirty -five rupees instrument ( other than a will) recording an adoption, or conferring or purport ing to confer an authority to adopt AFFIDAVIT including an affirmation or Ten rupees declaration in t he case of persons by law allowed affirm or declare instead of swearing. EXEMPTION Affidavit or declaration in writing when made for the sole purpose of enabling any person to receive any pension or charit able allowances. AGREEMENT OR MEMORANDUM OF AN AGREEMENT :If relating to t he sale of a bill of exchange: if relating to the sale of a Government Security or share in an incorporated company or other body corporate ;
5 (a) (b)
One rupee Subject to an maximum of seventy- five rupees, fifty paise for every Rs. 10,000 or part thereof, of the value of the security or share .
AGREEMENT OF MEMORANDUM OF AN AGREEMENT:- not other wise provided for Where the value Does not exceed Rs. 5,000/ Exceeds Rs. 5,000/ - but does not exceed Rs. 20,000/ Exceeds Rs. 20,000/ - but does not exceed Rs. 50,000/ Exceeds Rs. 50,000/ -
Five rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof on the market value or the estimat ed cost of the proposed construction / development of such property as the case may be, as mentioned in the agreement or the value arrived at in accordance with th e schedule of rat es prescribed by the Public Works Department Authorities which ever is higher. Note I : (a). T hrough the notification issue d in G.O.Ms. No. 568, Revenue (Regn-I) Dept, Dt: 1.4.2008, the stamp duty in respect of inst ruments relating to Agreements or Memoranda of Agreements of sale/Const ructions/Development of immovable properties is reduced to 1% on the market value of the property as per the Basic value Guidelines or sale consideration shown in t he document or estimated market value for land and complet e const ruction made or to be made in accordance with schedule of rates approved by t he C&IG, whichever is higher, which is not adjustable on subsequent sale deesds. This notification has been revoked through anot her notification issued in G.O.Ms. No. 1168, Rev (Regn -I) Dept, Dt: 15.9.2010, w.e.f 20.09.2010. Note II : (b).T hrough the notification issued in G.O.Ms. no. 1481, Revenue (Regn-I) Depart ment, dt: 30.11.2007, the stamp duty, in respect of instruments relating to Agreements or Memoran da of Agreements of Sale/Const ruction/Development of immovable properties combined wit h G.P.A clause, is reduced to 1% on sale consideration or market value of t he property as per Basic value guidelines or the estimated market value for land and approved b y the C&IG., whichever is higher is not adjustable on subsequent sale deeds. This notification has been partially rescinded through another not ificat ion issued in G .O.Ms. No. 1178, Rev(R egn-I) Department, Dt: 16.9.2010, w.e.f 20.9.2010, in respect of Agree ments of Sale -cum-G.P.A. only. (c ). T hrough C&IGs Circular Memo No. S1/11217/2010, Dt: 22.11.2010, it has been clarified that Agreements or Memoranda of Agreements of Sale combined with G.P.A clause attract s 5% duty for the agreement clauses and 1% duty for the G.P.A clause. The duty paid for the agreement clauses has to be adjusted on subsequent sale deeds. The net effect of t he above three reference is as follows.
In st r um e n t i)Ag re e m e n t of sa le ii) De ve l op me nt Agr e e me n t iii) Co n str u cti o n Agre e me n t iv) Ag r e e me nt o f sa le - c um - G. P.A v) De ve lo pme nt Ag re e me n t - c um - G.P .A vi) C o nst r uc tio n Ag re e me n t - c um - G.P .A Ra t e of du ty 5% 5% 5% 6% 1% 1% w he t he r a dj us ta b l e Ad j us ta bl e A d j usta ble A d j usta ble 5% o nl y is a d j us ta bl e No t a d j ust a ble N ot a d ju sta ble
If relating to construction of a house or building including a multi -unit house or building or unit of apartment / flat/ portion of multi -stored building or for development / sale of any other immovable property.
(c) 7
In any other Case AGREEMENT RELATING TO DEPOSIT OF TITLE DEEDS, PAWN OR PLEDGE, or Hypothecation that is to say, any instrument evidencing an agreement relating t o : -
The deposit of title deeds or instrument consti tuting or being evidence of the title to any property what ever ( ot her than a marketable security), where such deposit has been made by way of Security for the repayment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of Loan or an existing or fut ure debt . the pawn, pledge or Hypothecation of movable property where such pawn, pledge or Hypot hecation has been made by way of security for the repayment of money advanced or to be advanced by way of loan or an existing or future debt:If such loan or debt is repayable on demand or more than three months from t he dat e of the instrument evidencing t he agreement: If such loan or debt is re -payable not more than t hree months from the date of such inst rument
0.5% of the amount secured by such deeds, subject to maximum of Fifty Thousand Rupees.
0.5% of the amount secured, subject to a maximum of Two Lakh Rupees. Half the duty payable on a loan or debt under sub clause (i).
Explanation :- For the purpose of the clause(a) of this article, not withst anding anything contained in any judgement, decree or order of any court or order of any authority, and lett er, note, memorandum or writing relating to the deposit of title deeds whether writt en or made either before or at the time when or aft er t he deposit of title deeds is effected and whether it is in respect of the security for the first loan or any additional loan or loans taken subsequently, such letter, not e, memorandum or writing shall, in the absence of any separate agreement or memorandum of agreement relating to deposit of such title deeds, be deemed t o be an inst rument, evidencing an agreement relating to the deposit of title deeds. Exemption :1. Lett er o f h yp ot he ca ti o n a c co mpa n yi ng a bi l l of e xc ha n ge d u l y s ta m ped . 2. U na tte ste d in str u me nt o f pa w n or ple dge o f , -(a ) Fa r m e qu ipm e n t a nd T ra ct or s ; (b) An y go od s f or a l oa n s e c ure d up to o ne la k h r upe es .
a) b)
APPOINTMENT IN EXECUTION OF A POWER, whether of trustees or of property, movable or immovable, where made by any writing not being a will APPRAISEMENT OR VALUATION made otherwise than under an order of the court in the course of a suit --Where the amount does not exceed Rs. 1,000/In any other case,
Sixty rupees.
The same duty as Bottomry Bond (No. 14) for such amount. Thirty rupees
APPRENTICES-SHIP DEED, Including every writing relating to the service or tuition of any apprentice, clerk or servant placed with any master to learn any profession, trade or employment. EXEMPTION Inst ruments of apprenticeship execut ed by a Magistrate under the Apprentice Act 1961(central Act 52 of 1961) or by which a person is apprenticed by or at the charge of any public charity. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF COMPANY Where the company has no Share Capit al Where t he Company has authorised Share Capital or increased Share Capit al. AWARD, that is to say, any decision in writing by an arbitrator or umpire, not being an award directing a partition on reference made other wise than by an order of the Court in the course of a suit Where t he amount or value of the property to which the award relates, as setforth in such award, does not exceed 1000. If it exceeds Rs. 1000 but does not exceeds Rs. 5000. And for every additional Rs. 1000 or part there of in excess of Rs. 5000;
Fifteen rupees
11 (i) (ii)
One Thousand Rupees 0.15% of such aut horised Share Capital subject to a minimum of One Thousand Rupees and a maximum of Five Lakh Rupees.
The same duty as Bottomry Bond (No. 14) for such amount. Fifty rupees Two rupees subject to a maximum of two hundred rupees.
a) b)
BOND [as defined by section 2(5),] not being a debenture and not being otherwise provided for by this Act or by the Andhra Pradesh Court Fees and Suits Valuation Act, 1956( Andhra Pradesh Act VII of 1956) Where t he amount or value secured does not exceeds Rs.1000. Where it exceeds Rs. 1,000/ -.
EXEMPTION Bond, when ex ecuted by an person for t he purpose of guaranteeing that the local income derived from private subscript ions to a charitable dispensary or hospital or any other object of public utility, shall not be less t han a specified sum per mensem.
Three rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof. The same duty as under clause (a) for the firs Rs. 1000 and for every Rs 5,00 or part thereof in excess of Rs. 1,000/ fifteen rupees
a) b)
BOTTOMRY BOND , that is to say, any inst rument where by the mast er of a sea -going ship borrows money, on the secur ity of the ship to enable him to preserve the ship or prosecut e her voyage : Where amount or value secured does not exceeds Rs.1,000; Where it exceeds Rs. 1,000
a) b) c)
CANCELLATION-INSTRUMENT of (including any instrument by which any instrument previously executed is cancelled), if attested and not otherwise provided for CERTIFICATE OF SALE ( in respect of each property put up as separat e lot and sold, granted to the purchaser of any property sold by public action by a Civil or Revenue Court or the Collector or other Revenue Officer. Where t he purchase money does not exceed Rs. 10 Where t he purchase money ex ceeds Rs. 10/ - but does not exceeds Rs. 25/-. In any other case
Three rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof; The same duty as under clause (a) for the first Rs. 1000 and for every Rs. 500 or part thereof in ex cess of Rs. 1,000/- fifteen rupees. Thirty rupees
One rupees One rupees fifty paise. The same dut y as conveyance (No: 20) for a consideration or market value equal to the amount of the purchase money only. Thirty paise
CERTIFICATE OR OTHER DOCUMENT evidencing the right or title of t he holder thereof, or any other person, either to any shares, scrip or stock in or of any incorporated Company, or other body corporat e or become proprietor of shares, scrip o r stock in or of any such company or body. CHARTER PARTY, that is to say, any inst rument (except an agreement for the hire or a tug -steamer), whereby a vessel or some specified principal part thereof is let for the specified purposes of the charter, whet her it includes a penalty clause or not. A CHIT AGREEMENT, that is to say an agreement relating to a chit as defined in clause (2) of section 2 of the Andhra Pradesh Chit Funds Act, 1971, if either such agreement is execut ed or the chit is conducted in the Stat e of Andhra Pradesh where the value of t he Chit: Does not exceed rupees one lakh
Five rupees
Ten Rupees.
(ii) 19
b) c)
Exceeds rupees one lakh COMPOSITION DE ED, that is to say any instrument executed by a debtor where by he conveys his property for the benefit of his creditor, or where by payment of a composition or dividend on their debts is secured to the creditors, or whereby provision is made for the continuance of the debtors business, under the supervision of inspectors or under letters of license, for the benefit of his creditors; CONVEYANCE as defined by section 2(10), not being a sale, charged under (No.47 -A) or a transfer charged or exempted under No. 53. Where t he amount or value of the consideration for such conveyance as set-fort h therein of or the market value of the property which is the subject matt er of the conveyance whichever is higher does not ex ceed Rs. 50; Where it exceeds Rs. 50 but does not exceed Rs. 1,000 Where it exceeds Rs. 1,000 Provided that where an agreement to sell immovable property is stamped with the advalorem st amp required for a conveyance on sale under Article 47-A and a conveyance on sale in pursuance of such agreement is subsequently executed, the duty on such conveyance on sale shall be the duty payable under the article less the duty already paid under article 47-A subject to minimum of five rupees. Conveyance, so far as it related to amalgamation or merge r of companies under the order of High Court under section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956
Five rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof. The same duty as under clause (b) for the First Rs. 1000, and for every Rs. 500 or part thereof in excess of Rs. 1000/ Twenty -five rupees.
Two rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof the market value of the property, which is the subject matter of such conveyance. Explanation :- For the purpose of the clause(d) the market value of the propert y shall be deemed to the amount of total value of the shares issued or allott ed by the transferee company, eit her in exchange or otherwise, and the amount of consideration, if any, paid for s uch amalgamation or merger. 21 COPY OR EXTRACT , certified to be a true copy or extract by or by order of any public officer and not chargeable under the law for the time being in force relating to court fees---
If the original was not chargeable with duty , which it was chargeable does not exceed two rupees fifty paise In any other case. EXEMPTION a) Copy of any paper which a public officer is expressly required by law to make of furnish for record in any public office or for any public purpose. b) Copy of or extract from, any regist er relating to births, baptisms, namings, dedications, marriages, divorces, death or burials.
Ten rupees
Twenty rupees
a) b) 23 a) b) 24
COUNTERPART OR DUPLICATE of any inst rument, chargeable with duty and in respect of which the proper duty has been paid become proprietor of share, scrip or stock in or of any such company or body. If t he duty with which the original instrument is chargeable does not exceed t en rupees In any other case. CUSTOMS BOND Where the amount does not exceed Rs. 1000: In any other case DELIVERY ORDER in respect of goods that is to say, any instrument entit ling any person therein named, or his assigns or the holder thereof to the delivery of any goods lying in any dock or port or any warehouse in which goods are stored or deposited or rent or hire, or u pto any wharf, such instrument, being signed by or on behalf of the owner, of such goods upon t he sale or transfer of the property therein, when such goods ex ceed in value twenty rupees. DIVORCE: - instrument of that is to say any inst rument by which any person effects the dissolution o his marriage.
The same duty as is payable on the original. Twenty rupees The same duty as a Bottomry Bond ( No:14) for such amount. Thirty rupees Twenty rupees.
Five rupees
ENTRY AS AN ADVOCATE on to roil of the Bar Council of Andhra Pradesh under the Advocate Act, 1961. EXEMPTION Entry as an Advocate on the roll of the Bar Council of Andhra Pradesh when he has been previously enrolled as a Vakil in Andhra Pradesh High Court or as an Advocat e or Vakil in any other High Court EXCHANGE OR PROPERTY instrument of
Two hundred and fifty rupees or if previously enrolled as an Attorney in any High Court, one hundred twenty five rupees.
The same duty a a conveyance (no 20) for a consideration or market value equal to the market value of the property of greater value, which is the subject matter of exchange.
FURTHER CHARGE - instrument of that is to say any instrument imposing a further charge on mortgaged property --When t he original mortgage is one of t he descriptions referred to in clause (a) of Article 35 ( that is , with procession)
The same dut y a Conveyance ( No : 20) for a consideration or market value equal to the amount of the further charge secured by such instrument.
When such mortgagee is one of the discretion referred to in clause (b) of Art icle 35 ( that is , without possession): If at the time of execution of the instrument of further charge possession of the property is given or agreed to be given under such instrument:
GIFT Instrument of , not being a settlement ( No:49) or will or Transfer ( No: 53)
The same duty as a conveyance (No 20), for consideration or market value equal to the total amount of the charge including the original mortgage and any furt her charge already made), Less the duty already paid on such original mortg age and further charge. The same duty as a Bottomry Bond ( No: 14) for the amount of the further charge secured by such instrument The same dut y a conveyance (No: 20) for a consideration or market value, of the property which is the subject matter of gift. The same duty as a security Bond ( No: 48) for the same amount
LEASE, including an under lease or sub-lease and any agreement to let or sublet or any renewal of lease: -
5% on the value of property under lease as declared by the party or 0.8% on the total rent payable on such lease, whichever is higher. vi)b Where t he lease is granted for a fine 5% on the fine or premium or premium or for money advanced or money advance or to be or to be advanced and where no rent advanced as set forth in is reserved. the lease. vi)c Where t he lease is granted for a fine 5% on such fine or or premium or for money advanced premium or money in addit ion to rent reserved. advanced in addition to the duty which would have been payable on such lease, if no fine or premium or advance had to be paid or delivered. d Where t he lessee undertakes to 5% on the value of the effect improvements in the leased improvements property and agrees to make the contemplated to be made same to the lessor at the time of by the Lessee as set forth terminat ion of lease failing u nder in the deed in addition to clauses (a),(b) or (c ); the duty chargeable under clauses (a) or (b) or (c ) Note: T hrough the notification issued in G.O.Ms. No. 408, Revenue (Regn -I) Department, Dt: 11.5.2010, the stamp duty on lease deeds is reduced, w.e.f 14.5.2010 as mentioned above. Exemption :- Lease, execut ed in case of a cultivator and for the purpose of cultivation (including a lease of trees for the prod uction of food or drink) without the payment or delivery of any fine or premium, when a definite term is expressed and such term does not ex ceed one year, or when the average annual rent reserved does not ex ceed one thousand rupees. Explanation :- When a lessee undertakes to pay any recurring charge, such as Government revenue, the landlords share of cesses, or the owners share of municipal rat es or t axes, which is by law recoverable from the lessor, the amount so agreed to be paid by the lessee shall be deemed to be part of the rent.
Whereby such lease the rent is fixed and no premium is paid or delivered Where the lease purports to be for a term of less t han one year; Where the lease purports to be for a term of not less than one year but not more than five years. Where the lease purports to be for a term exceeding five years but not exceeding ten years Where the lease purport s to be for a term exceeding t en years, but not exceeding twenty years: Where the lease purports to be for a term exceeding twenty years, but not exceeding thirty years Where the lease purports to be for a period in excess of thirty years or in perpetuity or does not purport to be for a definite period.
0.4% on the whole amount payable on such lease. 0.4% on the total rent payable on such lease. 0.4% on the total rent payable on such lease. 0.6% on the total rent payable on such lease. 0.8% on the total rent payable on such lease.
Where the lessee undertakes to effect improvement in the leased property and agrees to make the same to the lessor at the time of terminat ion of lease falling under clauses(a),(b) or (c); LETTER OF ALLOTMENT OF SHARES in any company or proposed company, or in respect of any loan to be raised by any company or proposed company LICENSEE of immovable or movable property , t hat is to say licence grant ed by owner or authority for rent or fee or by whatev er name it is called : Whereby such licence granted for rent or fee or by what ever name it is called : Where t he licence purports to be for a t erm of less than one year
Five percent on the value of the improvements contemplated to be made by the lessee as setforth in the deed in addition to the duty chargeable by the clauses(a),(b) or (c). Thirty paise
(a) (i)
where t he licence purports to be for a term of not less that one year but not more than five years
Where t he licence purports to be for a t erm of not less than five years gut not ex ceeding ten years ;
Where t he licence is granted for a lumpsum amount advanced in addition to rent or fee or by what ever name it is called Where the licence is granted for a lumpsum amount advanced in addition to rent or fee or by what ever name it is called;
Two rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof for the first Rs. 1000/ and for every Rs.500/ - or part thereof in ex cess of Rs 1,000/ - ten rupees, for the whole amount payable , or deliverable under such licence; Two rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof for the first Rs. 1000/ and for every Rs.500/ - or part thereof in ex cess of Rs 1,000/ - ten rupees, for the amount or value of the average annual rent or fee or by whatever name it is called , Five percent on the amount or value of one and half time of the average annual rent or fee or by what ever name it is called ; Five percent on the lumpsum amount as setforth in the licence. Five percent on the lumpsum amount advanced as setforth in the licence in addition to the duty which would h ave been payable on such licence if no lumpsum amount advanced had been paid or delivered
If accompanied by Articles of Associat ion under Section 26 of the Companies Act, 1956 ( central Act of 1956) If not so accompanied
The same duty as under article 11, according to the share capital of the company
MORTGAGE DEED not being an agreement relating to Deposit of Title Deeds, Pawn or Pledge (No: 7), Bottomry Bond (no 14), Mortgage of a crop (No: 36) Respondentia Bond (No: 47) or Security Bond (No: 48). When possession of the property or any part of the property comprised in such deed is given by the mortgage or agreed to be given; When possession is not given or agreed to be given as aforesaid; Note: Through the notification issued in G.O.Ms. No. 409, Revenue (Regn-I) Department, dt: 11.5.2010, the duty chargeable on simple mortgages under Article 35(b) is reduced from 3% to 0.5% of the amount secured by such deeds, e.e.f 14.5.2010 EXPLANATION A mortgagor who gives or has given to the mortgagee a power of attorney to collect rents, or has given to t he mortgagee a lease, of the property mortgaged or part thereof, is deemed to give possession thereof within the meaning of t his article .
The same duty as a Conveyance (No:20) for a consideration or market value equal to the amount secured by such deed. The same duty as a Bottomry Bond (No: 14) for the amount secured by such deed.
When a collateral or auxiliary or additional or substituted security , by way of further assurance for the above mentioned purpose where the principal or primary security is duly stamped. For every sum secured not exceeding Rs. 1000/ -
Three rupees
and for every Rs. 100/ - or part thereof secured in excess or Rs. 1000/ EXEMPTION Inst ruments ex ecuted by persons taking advances under the Land Improvement Loans Act, 1883 (Central Act 19 of 1883) or the Agricult urists Loan Acts1884, or by the t heir sureties as security for the repayment of such advances . Mortgage of a Crop, including any instrument evidencing an agreement to secure the repayment of a loan made upon any mortgage of a crop; whet her the crop is or is not in existence at the mortgage When t he loan is repayable not more t han t hree months from the date of the instrument --For every sum secured not exceeding Rs. 200; And for every Rs. 200 or part there of secured in excess of Rs. 200; When t he loan is repayable more than three months but not more than eighteen months from the date of the instrument --For every sum secured not exceeding Rs. 100; and for every Rs. 10 or part there of secured in ex cess of Rs. 100; NOTARIAL ACT, that is to say, any instrument, endorsement , note attest ation, certificate or entry not being a protest( note .43) made or signed by a Notary in the execution of the duties of his office, or by any ot her person lawfully acting as a Not ary NOTE OR MEMORANDUM sent by a broker or agent to his principal intimating the purchase or sale on account of such principal -Of any goods exceeding in value twenty rupees Of any stock or marketable security exceeding in value twenty rupees;
Three rupees
a) b)
One rupee Subject to a maximum of fifty rupees, fifty paise for every Rs 10,000/ - or part thereof of the value of the stock or security. Two rupees
The same duty as a Bottomry Bond (No: 14) for the amount or the market value of the separat ed share or shares of the property. N.B. :- the largest share remaining after the property is part itioned ( or if there are two or more shares of equal market value and not smaller t han any of the other shares, then one of such equal share) shall be deemed to be that from which t he other shares are separated: Provided always that : a) when an instrument of partition containing an agreement to dived property in severality is executed and a part ition is effected in pursuance of such agreement, the duty chargeable upon the instrument effecting such partition shall be reduced by the amount of duty paid in respect of t he first instrument but shall not be less than five rupees; b) where land is held on Revenue sett lement for a period not exceeding thirty years and paying the full assessment , the market value for the purpose of duty shall be calculated at twenty -five times the annual revenue; c) Where a final order for effecting a partition passed by any Revenue Authority or any Civil Court, or an award by an Arbitrator directing a partition is stamped with the stamp required for an instrument of part ition in pursuance of such order or award is subsequent ly executed. The duty on such instrument shall not exceed five rupees.
41 A (a) b) B (a)
Stamp duty has been reduced to 1 % in respect of part ition deeds relating to partition of properties among Family members (vide Notification I of G.O.Ms. No: 1128 Revenue (Regn -I) Department, dated 13 -6-2005 w.e.f. 1 -7-2005 PARTNER SHIP -Instrument of Where the capital of partnership does not exceed 5,000/ In any other case the Rs. One hundred rupees Five hundred rupees
(b) C (a)
Reconst itution of -Where immovable property cont ribut ed as share by a partner or part ners remains with the firm at the time of outgoing in whatever manner by such partner or partners on reconstitution of such partnership Any other case Dissolution of : Where the property which belonged to one partner or partners when the partnership commenced is Distribut ed or allotted or given to another part ner or partners
Five percent on the market value or the immovable property remaining with the firm
Rupees five hundred Five percent on the market value equal to the market value of the property distributed or allotted Given to the partner or partners under the instrument of dissolution in addition tot he duty which would have been chargeable on such dissolution if such property had not been distributed or allotted or given; Rupees five hundred Twenty rupees
(b) 42 a)
in any other case POWER OF ATTORNEY as defined by sect ion 2 (21) not being a proxy When execut ed for the sole purpose of procuring t he registration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting executions of one or more such document; When authorising one person or more to act in a single transaction other than the case mention in classes (a) When aut horising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally When authorising more than five but more than ten persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally When given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;
Twenty rupees
Fifty rupees
The same dut y as conveyance ( No 20) for a consideration or market value equal to the amount of the consideration.
In any other case: N.B: the term Registration includes every operation incidental to registration under the Regist ration Act 1908(Central Act 16 of 1908). When given for construction or development of , or sale or transf er ( in any manner whatsoever ) of, any immovable property
Five rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof on the market value of the propert y;
EXPLANATION For the purpose of this article, more persons than one when belonging to the same firm shall be deemed to be one person. Stamp duty has be en reduced to (i) Rs 1000/ - when the GPA is given in favour of family member and (ii) to 1% when GPA is given in favour of other than family members Vide G.O.Ms. No 1128, Revenue ( Regn -I) Depart ment, dated `13 -06-2005 w.e.f. 1 -7-2005 N.B. : the t erm registration includes every operation incidental to registrat ion under Registration Act , 1908 ( central Act 16 of 1908) PROTEST OF BILL OF NOTE, that Three rupees is to say any declarat ion in writing made by a Notary or other person lawfully act ing as such attesting the dishonour of a bill of ex change or promissory note. PROTEST BY THE MASTER OF Five rupees. SHIP, that is to say, any declaration of the particulars of her voyage drawn up by him with a view to the adjust ment of losses or the calculation of averages, and every declaration in writing made by him against the charters or the consignees for not loading or unloading the ship, when such declaration is attested or certified by a Notary or other person lawfully acting as such. RECONVEYANCE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY :If t he consideration for which the The same duty as a property was mortgaged does not conveyance (No : 20) for a exceed Rs. 1000 consideration or market value equal to the amount of such consideration as setforth in the re conveyance In any other case Fifty rupees RELEASE , that is to say ,
45 a)
b) 46
Any inst rument ( not being such a release as is provided for by sect ion 23-A) whereby a person renounces a claim upon another person or against any specified property Where t he amount or value of the claim does not exceed Rs. 1000
Release of right of redemption of a mortgage wit h possession or of the right to obtain reconveyance of property already co nveyed. RESPONDENTIA BOND, that is to say, any inst rument securing a loan on the cargo laden or to be laden on board a ship and making repayment contingent on the arrival of the cargo at the port of destination. SALE as defined in section 54 of the Transfer of property Act 1882 In respect of property situated in any local area comprised in a Municipal Corporation: Where t he amount or value of the consideration for such sale as set forth in the instrument or the market value of the property which is the subject matter of the sale whichever is higher , but does not exceed Rs. 1000/ Where it exceeds Rs. 1000/ -
Three rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof on the consideration for such release as setforth therein or the market value of t he property whichever is higher, over which claim is relinquished. The Same duty as under the Clause (a) for the first Rs. 1,000 and for every Rs. 500 or part thereof in excess of Rs.1000/ - fift een rupees on the consideration or market value of the property, whichever is higher over which claim is relinquished. The same duty as a conveyance (No: 20) for a consideration equal to the value of the property as set forth in the release . The same duty as a conveyance (No: 20) for the amount of such consideration as set forth in the release. The same duty as a Bottomry Bond (No: 14) for the mount of the loan secured
47-A a) i)
The same duty as under clause (i) for the first Rs. 1000 and for every Rs. 500 or part thereof in ex cess of Rs. 1000; twenty rupees.
In respect of property situated in any local area comprised in the Selection Grade or in Special Grade Municipality Where the amount or value of the consideration for such sale as set forth in the instrument or the market value of the property which is the subject matter of the sale, whichever is higher but does not exceed Rs. 1000/ Where it exceeds Rs. 1000/ -
The same duty as under clause (i) for the first Rs. 1000, and for every Rs. 500 or part thereof in excess of Rs. 1000/ twenty rupees.
c) i)
Where the property is situated in any area other than those ment ioned in Clauses (a) and (b) Where t he amount or value of the consideration for such sale as setforth in the instrument or the property which is the subject matter of the sale, whichever is higher, but does not exceed Rs. 1000/ Where it exceeds Rs. 1000/ -
If relating to a multi -unit house or unit or apartment/ flat / portion of multi -storied building or part of such structure of which the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Apartment (promotion of Const ruction and Ownership Act, 1987, apply: Stamp duty payable on sale deed has been reduced to 4% in all areas of Andhra Pradesh under Article 47 A of Schedule I -A of Stamp Act vide G.O.Ms.No.162,Revenue (Regn -I) Department Dt: 30.03.2013
The same duty as under clause (i) for the first Rs.1000, and for every Rs 500 or part thereo f in excess of Rs. 1000/ twenty rupees. Four rupees for every one hundred or part thereof on consideration or MV which ever higher.
Note: 2
Transfer Duty/Transfer of Property Tax (TPT) has been reduced to 1.5% on sale deeds vide 1.G.O.Ms.No. 226 Panchayat Raj & Rural Development (PTS.I) Department, Dt: 06.04.2013 , 2.G.O.Ms. No. 150, Municipal Admn and Urban Development (TC) Department, Dt: 6.04.2013, 3. G.O.Ms. No. 151, Municipal Admn and Urban Development (TC) Department, Dt: 6.04.2013,4. G.O.Ms. No. 152, Municipal Admn and Urban Development (TC) Department, Dt: 6.04.2013, 5. G.O.Ms. No. 153, Municipal Admn and Urban Development (TC) Department, Dt: 6.04.2013. EXPLANATION- I An agreement to sell followed by or evidencing delivery of possession of the property agreed to be sold shall be chargeable as a sale under this article.Provided that, where subsequently a sale deed is execut ed in pursuance of an agreement of sale as aforesaid or in pursuance of an agreement referred to in clause (B) of article 6, the stamp duty, if any, already paid or recovered on the agreement of sale shall be adjusted towards the total duty leviable on the sale deed.
SECURITY BOND or MORTGAGE DEED executed by way of security for t he due execution of an officer or to account for money or other property received by virtue thereof execut ed by a surety to secure the due performance of a contract EXEMPTION Bond other instrument; when execut ed :a) by any person for the purpose of guaranteeing that the local income derived from privat e subscription to a charit able dispensary or hospit al or any other object of public utility, shall not be less than a specified sum per mensem; executed by persons taking advance under the Land improvement loan Act 1883, advance under the Land Improvement Loans Act 1983 ( Cent ral Act 19 of 1983) of the Agriculturists Loans Act 1884 ( Central Act 12 of 1884) or by their sureties as security for the repayment of such advances ; execut ed by officers of Government or their sureties to secure the due execution of an office or the due accounting for money or other property received by virtue thereof .
Three per centum of the value of the security subject to a maximum of rupees one hundred.
49 A
Settlement in favour of a member or members of a family. EXPLANATION For the purpose of this Article Family means father, mother,
The same dut y as Bottomry Bond ( No:14) for a sum equal to the amount or market value of the property settled as set forth in such settlement; Provided that where and agreement to set tle is stamped with the stamp required for an inst rument of settlement and an instrument of settlement in pursuance of such agreement is subsequent ly executed, the duty on such instrument shall be the duty as mentioned in the Article 6. Six-rupees for every hundred rupees or part thereof of the market value of the property which is the subject matter of settlement. The same duty as a Bottomry Bond ( No: 14) for a sum equal to the amount of value of the property concerned as set forth in the instrument of revocation but not exceeding ninety rupees. One and a half times duty payable on Conveyance (No: 20) for a consideration or Market value equal to the nominal amount of the shares specified in the warrant. Twenty paise.
husband, wife, brother, sister, son daughter, and includes grand-father, grandmother, grand-child, adoptive father or mothers, adopted son or daughter.
In any other case. Exemption: Deed of dower executed on occasion of a marriage between Muslims. Revocation of -
SHARE WARRANT to bearer issued under the companies Act 1956 (central Act I of 1956).
51. 52 a) b) 53 a)
SHIPPING ORDER for or relating toe the conveyance of goods on board of any vessel. SURRENDER OF LEASE ; When duty with which the lease chargeable does not exceed thirty rupees. In any other case TRANSFER ( whether with or without consideration) Of debent ures being marketable securities, whether the debenture is liable to duty or not, ex cept debentures provided for by section 8: of any int erest secured by a bond, mortgage-deed or policy of insurance --
One half of the duty payable on a conveyance (No:20)for a consideration, or market value equal to the face amount of the debenture .
ii) c) d)
If the duty on such bond, mortgaged-deed or policy of insurance does not exceed thirty rupees. In any other case Of any property under the Administration General Act, 1963, (Central Act 45 of 1963). Of any trust- property from one trust ee to another trustee or from a trust ee to a beneficiary. EXEMPTION Transfer by endorsement --of a bill of exchange, cheque or promissory note ; of a bill of lading, delivery order, warrant for goods, or other mercantile document of Of a policy of insurance; Of securit ies of the Government. TRANSFER OF LEASE by assignment and not by under -lease Central way of way of
The duty with which such bond mortgaged - deed or policy of insurance is chargeable Thirty five rupees. Thirty rupees. Thirty rupees or such smaller amount as may be chargeable under clauses (a) and (b) of the Article
a) b) c) d) 54
The same duty as a Conveyance (No: 20) for a consideration or market value equal to the amount of the consideration for the transfer. The same duty as a conveyance (No: 20) for sum equal to the amount or value of the property concerned, as setforth in the instrument but n ot exceeding two hundred rupees. The same duty as a conveyance (No: 20) for sum equal to the amount or value of the property concerned, as setforth in the instrument but not exceeding one hundred rupees. One rupee fifty paise
55 A
Trust-Declarat ion of of , or concerning any property when made by any writing, not being a will or a declaration as provided in section 2(24).
Revocation of -of, or concerning any property when made by an instrument ot her than a will.
WARRANT FOR GOODS, that us to say, any inst rument evidencing the title of any person therein named or his assign, of the holder thereof to the property in any goods lying in or upon any dock, w arehouse or wharf, such instrument being signed or certified by or on behalf of the persons in whose custody such goods may be.