S-72.245 Transmission Methods in Telecommunication Systems: A N A N

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245 Transmission Methods in Telecommunication Systems Tutorial 5 Objectives To investigate and model analog CW communications with AWGN noise Getting familiar with analytical presentations of linear and e ponential CW modulation in noisy channels! "nderstanding some of the respective detection principles #ui$$es #5!% Collect from lecture handouts &uadrature lowpass e pressions of bandpass channel noise in polar and rectangular form and the e pressions for the pre'detection and post'detection (N) for *(+ and ,-! #5!% . press received /pre'detection0 (N) for ,- in case of narrowband modulation in terms of 1 and compare it to the respective e pression of wideband ,- modulation! What are your conclusions2 #5!3 4rove the definitions of mean and variance of bandpass noise envelope An = N R / 2 and An2 = 2 N R by starting from the definition of )ayleigh distributed 4*, of the noise envelope! #5!5 A communication system has the average modulating signal power of
x 2 = 1/ 2 1

message bandwidth W = 10 kHz 1 channel noise power spectral

density of h = 10- 15 W/ Hz and the transmission loss of L 6 %7 d+! *etermine the average received signal power S T re&uired to get post detection (N) ( S / N ) D 6 87 d+ when the modulation is /a0 ((+ and /b0 A- with the modulation inde es = 1 1 and = 0.5 !

#5!8 (ignal x(t ) = cos(2 200t ) is sent via ,- without preemphasis! Calculate ( S / N ) D when fD = 1kHz, SR = 500 h, and the post'detection filter is an ideal +4, passing fre&uencies in the range of 100 f 300 Hz !

.rror9 )eference source not found

-atlab assignments -5!% Generate a set of random numbers /set:si$e 6 ;%7 n1n 6 % !!! <=0 by using two independent1 $ero mean Gaussian random variables with 1 = 1 and
2 2 2 = 2 to e perimentally investigate the e pression 12 + 2 = tot ! 4lot your

result in a diagram showing simulated variances as a function of set:si$e! Comment your plot> -5!3 4eriodic message m(t) with the period T = t0 = 0.15sec is defined by 1, m(t ) = 2, 0, t0 3 t0 2t <t 0 3 3 otherwise 0t

This message *(+ modulates the carrier1 c(t ) = cos ( 2 f c t ) , f c = 250 Hz 1 resulting the signal uDSB(t)! 4lot the modulated signal with /(N) 6 %7 d+0 and without additive noise! -5!5 ,igures below show waveforms encountered in a $ero'crossing ,-' detector that is based on estimating instantaneous fre&uency changes of the carrier by calculating number of carrier voltage $ero crossing in a time unit!

Assume that the message is a periodic signal with the period of T 6 3 sec described by t , m(t ) = t + 2, 0, 0 t <1 1 t < 2 otherwise

that fre&uency modulates a %777 ?$ carrier with the modulation constant of f = 10 and that the signal is applied then to an AWGN channel! ,re&uency demodulate the signal by using the $ero'crossing detector and plot the ,-' signal and the message signal before and after detector when the ratio of noise power to the modulated signal power is 7!75! )eferences %! A! +ruce Carlson9 Communication (ystems @A ed1 chapter 9 and chapter 10 3! +! 4! Bahti9 -odern *igital and Analog Communication (ystems third ed1 chapter 12

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