Gear Calculation
Gear Calculation
Gear Calculation
9 Mar 09 Copy write, Machine Design Spreadsheet Calculations by John R Andrew, 6 July 2006 MACHINE DESIGN
This 8 PDH machine design course uses Excel's calculating and optimizing capabilities. Machine design includes: 1. A description of the needed machine in a written specification. 2. Feasibility studies comparing alternate designs and focused research. 3. Preliminary; sketches, scale CAD drawings, materials selection, appearance and styling. 4. Functional analysis; strength, stiffness, vibration, shock, fatigue, temperature, wear, lubrication. Customer endurance and maintenance cost estimate. 5. Producibility; machine tools, joining methods, material supply and handling, manual vs automated manufacture. 6. Cost to design and manufacture one or more models in small and large quantities. 7. Market place: present competition and life expectancy of the product. 8. Customer service system and facilities. 9. Outsource part or all; engineering, manufacturing, sales, warehousing, customer service.
Backhoe Above is the image in its original context on the page:
The replicable bearings have seals to keep the grease or oil lubricant in and the dust and grit out. Quick release access panels are provided for clearing jams and cutter replacement. A large, steel rod reinforced concrete pad, foundation is usually provided for absorbing dynamic shredding forces and shock loads.
Spur Gears
Below is the image in its original context on the page: Select the, "Gears" tab at the bottom of the Excel Worksheet for more information about spur gears.
The worm may have a single, double, or more thread. The axial pitch of the worm is equal to the circular pitch of the wheel. Select the, "Gears" tab at the bottom of the Excel Worksheet for more information about worm gears.
Worm gear Above is the image in its original context on the page:
Math Symbols
Spread Sheet Method: 1. Type in values for the input data. 2. Enter. 3. Answer: X = will be calculated. 4. Automatic calculations are bold type. A x B = A*B 2x3= 2*3 =6 A/B= A/B 3/2= 3/2 = 1.5 Xn = X^n 23 = 2^3 =8
A+B= A+B 2+3= 2+3 =5 When using Excel's Goal Seek, unprotect the spread sheet by selecting: Drop down menu: Tools > Protection > Unprotect Sheet > OK When Excel's Goal Seek is not needed, restore protection with: Drop down menu: Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet > OK TENSION AND COMPRESSION As shown below, + P = Tension - P = Compression
Reference: Design of Machine Elements, by V.M. Faires, published by: The Macmillan Company, New York/Collier-Macmillan Limited, London, England.
Two machine components, shown above, are subjected to loads P at each end. The force P is resisted by internal stress S which is not uniform. At the hole diameter D and the fillet radius R stress is 3 times the average value. This is true for tension +P and compression -P.
in^2 lbf/in^2 G x 10^6 5.80 6.50 10.70 4.00 10.00 11.50 11.80
Tension ( + ) Compression ( - ), P = Section Area, A = Original length, L = Original height, H = Material modulus of elasticity, E = Stress (tension +) (compression -), S = = Strain, e = = Extension (+), Compression ( - ), X = = Poisson's Ratio, Rp = 0.3 =
Transverse (contraction +) (expansion -) =
= =
Input 22000 2.00 10 3 29000000 Calculation P/A 11000 S/E 0.00038 L*e 0.0038 ((H - Ho) / H) / e (H - Ho) 0.3*e*H 0.00034
Shear Stress Distribution A stress element at the center of the beam reacts to the vertical load P with a vertical up shear stress vector at the right end and down at the other. This is balanced by horizontal right acting top and left acting bottom shear stress vectors. A stress element at the top or bottom surface of the beam cannot have a vertical stress vector. The shear stress distribution is parabolic. Reference: Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual (for the PE exam), by M.R. Lindeburg, Published by, Professional Publications, Inc. Belmont, CA. External shear force, Section height, Section width, Shear modulus, Length, P= H= B= G= L=
Section area, A = A= Shear stress concentration factor, k = Maximum shear stress, Sxy = = Shear strain, e = = Shear deflection, v = =
Input 2200 3.500 1.250 1150000 12 Calculation H*B 4.375 1.5 k*P / A 754 Fs / G 0.00066 e*L 0.0079
lbf in in lbf/in^2 in
in^2 lbf/in^2 in
lbf in in lbf/in^2 in
in^2 lbf/in^2 in
Stress Element The stress element right is at the point of interest in the machine part subjected to operating: forces, moments, and torques. Direct Stresses: Horizontal, +Fx = tension, -Fx = compression. Vertical, +Fy = tension, -Fy = compression. Shear stress: Shear stress, Sxy = normal to x and y planes.
Principal Stress Plane: The vector sum of the direct and shear stresses, called the principal stress F1, acts on the principal plane angle A degrees, see right. There is zero shear force on a principal plane. Angle A may be calculated from the equation: Tan 2A = 2 x Sxy / ( Fy - Fx)
Principal Stresses: Two principal stresses, F1 and F2 are required to balance the horizontal and vertical applied stresses, Fx, Fy, and Sxy. The maximum shear stress acts at 45 degrees to the principal stresses, shown right. The maximum shear stress is given by: Smax = ( F2 - F1 ) / 2 The principal stress equations are given below.
Principal stress, F1 = (Fx+Fy)/2 + [ ((Fx-Fy)/2)^2 + Sxy^2 )^0.5 ] Principal stress, F2 = (Fx+Fy)/2 - [ ((Fx-Fy)/2)^2 + Sxy^2 )^0.5 ] Max shear stress, Sxy = [Fn(max) - Fn(min)] / 2 Principal plane angle, A = ( ATAN(2*Sxy / (Fy - Fx) ) / 2
See Math Tab below for Excel's Goal Seek. Use Excel's, "Goal Seek" to optimize shaft diameter.
Properties at section A-B = Area, A = A= Section moment of inertia, I = I= Polar moment of inertia, J = J= AT POINT "A" Horizontal direct stress, Fd = Fd = Bending stress, Fb = Fb = Combined direct and bending, Fx = Fx = Direct stress due to, "V", Fy = Torsional shear stress, Sxy = Sxy = Max normal stress at point A, F1 = F1 = Min normal stress at point A, F2 = F2 = Max shear stress at point A, Sxy = = AT POINT "B" Horizontal direct stress, Fd = Fd = Bending stress, Fb = Fb = Combined direct and bending, Fx = Fx = Direct stress due to, "V", Fy = Torsional shear stress, Sxy = Sxy =
Calculation 3.1416 *D^2 / 4 3.142 *D^4 / 64 0.7854 *D^4 / 32 1.5708 H/A 955 M*c / I 7639 H/A + M*c / I 8594 0 T*(D / 2) / J 1273
(Fx+Fy)/2 + [ ((Fx-Fy)/2)^2 + Sxy^2 )^0.5 ] 8779 lbf/in^2 (Fx+Fy)/2 - [ ((Fx-Fy)/2)/2)^2 + Sxy^2 )^0.5 ] -185 lbf/in^2 [Fn(max) - Fn(min)] / 2 4482 lbf/in^2
H/A 955 -M*c / I -7639 H/A + M*c / I -6684 0 T*D / (2*J) 1273
Max normal stress at B, F1 = (Fx+Fy)/2 + [ ((Fx-Fy)/2)^2 + Sxy^2 )^0.5 ] F1 = 234 lbf/in^2 Min normal stress at B, F2 = (Fx+Fy)/2 - [ ((Fx-Fy)/2)^2 + Sxy^2 )^0.5 ] F2 = -6919 lbf/in^2 Max shear stress at B, Sxy(max) = [Fn(max) - Fn(min)] / 2 3577 lbf/in^2
in in lbf/in^2 lbf/in^2
in^4 in
I and C Sections
Input 1 2 3 Bn 9 1.5 6 Hn 2 7 3 A = Calculation A 18 10.5 18 46.5 Yn 11 6.5 1.5
1 2 3
Calculation A*Yn A*Yn^2 198.00 2178.00 68.25 443.63 27.00 40.50 = 293.25 2662.13
Calculation Section modulus, Ixx = A*Yn^2 + Icg = 2724.50 in^4 Center of area, C1 = A*Yn/A = 6.306 in C2 = Y1 + H1/2 = 12.000 in
Input 2200 6 2 Calculation L-a 4 P*L 13200 P * a * b^2 / L^2 1956 P*a*b/L 2933
lbf in in
Input 1 2 3 Bn 2 7 3 Hn 9 1.5 6 A =
Calculations A*Yn A*Yn^2 9.00 4.50 18.38 32.16 13.50 10.13 = 40.88 46.78
Section modulus, Ixx = A*h^2 + Icg = 224.25 in^4 Center of area, C1 = A*Yn/A = 0.879 in C2 = B1 - C1 = 1.121 in Symmetrical H Section Properties Input Bn Hn 1 2 9 2 7 1.5 3 3 6 A = Center of gravity, Ycg = = Section modulus, Ixx = = Center of area, C1 = C2 = = B1 / 2 1.000 Icg 62 B1 / 2 1.000
in in^4
Enter values for applied moment at a beam section given: C, Ixx and Ycg.
Bending stress will be calculated. Applied moment from above, MMAX = Larger of: C1 and C2 = C = Section moment of inertia, Ixx = Bending shock & fatigue factor, Kb = Shaft material elastic modulus, E = Beam length from above, L = Beam load from above, P = Max moment stress, Sm = = Cantilever deflection at A, Y = Fixed ends deflection at C, Y = Pinned ends deflection at C, Y = Input 13200 1.750 4.466 1.5 29000000 Calculation 12 1800 Kb*M*C / I 7759 P*L^3 / (3*E*I) 0.0080 P*a^3 * b^3 / (3*E*I*L^3) 0.000053 P*a^2 * b^2 / (3*E*I*L) 0.000281
DESIGN OF POWER TRANSMISSION SHAFTING The objective is to calculate the shaft size having the strength and rigidity required to transmit
an applied torque. The strength in torsion, of shafts made of ductile materials are usually calculated on the basis of the maximum shear theory. ASME Code states that for shaft made of a specified ASTM steel: Ss(allowable) = 30% of Sy but not over 18% of Sult for shafts without keyways. These values are to be reduced by 25% if the shafts have keyways. Shaft design includes the determination of shaft diameter having the strength and rigidity to transmit motor or engine power under various operating conditions. Shafts are usually round and may be solid or hollow. Shaft torsional shear stress: Ss = T*R / J Polar moment of area: J = *D^4 / 32 J = *(D^4 - d^4) / 32 Shaft bending stress: Moment of area: Sb = M*R / I I = *D^4 / 64 I = *(D^4 - d^4) / 64 for solid shafts for hollow shafts for solid shafts for hollow shafts
The ASME Code equation for shafts subjected to: torsion, bending, axial load, shock, and fatigue is: Shaft diameter cubed, D^3 = (16/*Ss(1-K^4))*[ ( (KbMb + (*F*D*(1+K^2)/8 ]^2 + (Kt*T)^2 ]^0.5 Shaft diameter cubed with no axial load, D^3 = (16/*Ss)*[ (KbMb)^2 + (Kt*T)^2 ]^0.5 K = D/d D = Shaft outside diameter, d = inside diameter
Kb = combined shock & fatigue bending factor Kt = combined shock & fatigue torsion factor
= column factor = 1 / (1 - 0.0044*(L/k)^2 for L/k < 115 L = Shaft length A = Shaft section area For rotating shafts: Kb = 1.5, Kt = 1.0 for gradually applied load Kb = 2.0, Kt = 1.5 for suddenly applied load & minor shock Kb = 3.0, Kt = 3.0 for suddenly applied load & heavy shock k = (I/A)^0.5 = Shaft radius of gyration
1. ASME Code Shaft Allowable Stress Su = Sy = Allowable stress based on Su, Sau = Allowable stress based on Sy, Say = Allowable shear stress based on Su, Ss =
Input 58000 36000 Calculate 18% * Su 10440 30% * Sy 10800 75% * Sau 7830 Input 7830 10 300 0 10 1.5
lbf/in^2 lbf/in^2
2. ASME Code Shaft Diameter Lowest of Sau, Say, & Ss: Sa = Power transmitted by shaft, HP = Shaft speed, N = Shaft vertical load, V = Shaft length, L = Kb =
Kt = Shaft torque, T = = Vertical Moment, M = ASME Code for shaft with keyway, D^3 = =
1 Calculate HP * 63000 / N 2100 in-lbf V*L 0 lbf-in (16 / (*Sa) ) * ( (Kb*Mb)^2 + ( Kt*T)^2 )^0.5 1.366 in^3
Allowable stress based on Sy, Say = Allowable shear stress based on Su, Ss =
Shaft torque, T = = in-lbf T2 / T1 = B = T1 - T2 = T2 = = lbf T1 = = lbf Vertical Forces V2 = Fs = Ft * Tan( A ) = 191 lbf V4 = ( (T1 + T2) * Sin( A ) )-Wp = 204 lbf V3 = ( (V4*(L2 + L3)) - (V2*L1) ) / L2 208 lbf V1 = V2 + V3 - V4 195 lbf
lbf-in lbf-in
(T1 + T2) * Cos( A ) 233 lbf H3 = ( (H4*(L2 + L3)) + (H2*L1) ) / L2 486 H1 = H2 - H3 + H4 272 Horizontal Moments Mh2 = H1 * L1 2722 lbf-in Mh3 = H4 * L3 2334 lbf-in Resultant Moments Mr2 = (Mv2^2 + Mh2^2)^0.5 3351 lbf-in Mr3 = (Mv3^2 + Mh3^2)^0.5 3100 lbf-in Input Larger of: Mr2 & Mr3 = Mb = 3351 lbf-in
H4 =
Calculate ASME Code for shaft with keyway, D^3 = (16 / (*Sa) ) * ( (Kb*Mb)^2 + ( Kt*T)^2 )^0.5 = 2.936 in^3
Shaft Material Ultimate & Yield Stresses Su = Sy = ASME Code Shaft Allowable Stress Allowable stress based on Su, Sau = Allowable stress based on Sy, Say =
lbf/in^2 lbf/in^2
13800 75% * Sau 9450 Input 9450 20 600 3 60 10 30 10 8 18 200 20 1.5 1 1.000 3.000 2.000 Calculate HP * 63000 / N 2100 3 T / (D2 / 2) -( T / (D2 / 2) ) / (1 - B) 117 B * T2 350
lbf/in^2 lbf/in^2
Shaft Power & Geometry Lowest of Sau, Say, & Ss: Sa = Power transmitted by V-Belt, HP = Shaft speed, N = T1 / T2 = A= L1 = L2 = L3 = D1 = D2 = V-Pulley weight, Wp = Spur gear pressure angle, (14 or 20 deg) B = Kb = Kt = Left side shaft diameter, SD1 = Center shaft diameter, SD2 = Right side shaft diameter, SD3 = Shaft torque, T = = T2 / T1 = B = T1 - T2 = T2 = = T1 = = Vertical Forces H2 =Ft = V2 = Fs = = V4 = = V3 =
lbf lbf
T / (D1 / 2) 525 lbf Ft * Tan( A ) 909 lbf ( (T1 + T2) * Sin( A ) )-Wp 204 lbf ( (V4*(L2 + L3)) - (V2*L1) ) / L2 -31 lbf
lbf-in lbf-in
Calculate ASME Code for shaft with keyway, D^3 = (16 / (*Sa) ) * ( (Kb*Mb)^2 + ( Kt*T)^2 )^0.5 = 5.567 in^3
Motor Power, HP = Shaft speed, N = Torque shock & fatigue factor, Kt = Shaft diameter, D = Shaft length, L = Shaft material shear modulus, G =
Input 7.5 1750 3 1.000 5 11500000 Calculation Shaft Design Torque, Td = Kt*12*33000*HP / (2**N) = 810
hp rpm in in psi
Section polar moment of area, J = = Shear stress due to Td, ST = = Shaft torsion deflection angle, a = = =
Calculation *D^4 / 32 0.060 Td*D / (2*J) 8000 Td*L / (J*G) 0.0158 0.90
in^4 lb/in^2
Torsion, T = Round tube shaft outside dia, Do = Round tube shaft inside dia, Di = Section polar moment of inertia, J = J= Torsion stress, Ft = =
Input 1000 2.250 1.125 Calculation *(Do^4 - Di^4) / 32 2.359 T*(Do/2) / J 477
in-lbf in in
in^4 lb/in^2
Torsion, T = Square shaft breadth = height, B = Section polar moment of inertia, J = = Torsion stress, Ft = =
in-lbf in
in^4 lb/in^2
Torsion, T = Rectangular shaft breadth, B = Height, H = Section polar moment of inertia, J = = Torsion stress, Ft = =
Input 1000 1.000 2.000 Calculation B*H*(B^2 + H^2)/ 12 0.833 T*(B/2) / J 600
in-lbf in in
in^4 lb/in^2
lbf in in in psi
Calculation *D^4 / 64 0.049 5 Km*W*x 11100 M*(D/2) / I 113063 Cantilever bend'g deflection at x, Yx = (-W*x^2/(6*E*I))*((3*L) - x) = -0.0541 Bending deflection at x = 0, Y = -W*L^3 / (3*E*I) Section moment of inertia, I = = Moment at, x = Moment at x, M = = Bending stress at x: Sb =
Section Moment of Inertia Round solid shaft diameter, D = Section moment of inertia, Izz = Answer: Izz = Section moment of Inertia Round tube shaft diameter, Do = Di = Section polar moment of inertia, Izz = Answer: Izz =
Input 1.000 Calculations *D^4 / 64 0.049 Input 1.750 1.5 Calculation *(Do^4 - Di^4) / 64 0.212
in in
Section moment of Inertia Square shaft breadth = height, B = Section moment of inertia, Izz = Answer: Izz =
BENDING STRESS Enter values for applied moment at a beam section, c, Izz and Kb. Bending stress will be calculated. Input Applied moment at x, M = 1000 in-lbf c= 1.000 in Section moment of inertia, Izz = 2.5 in^4 Bending shock & fatigue factor, Kb = 3 Calculation Max bending stress, Fb = Kb*M*c / I Answer: Fb = 1200 lb/in^2
TYPICAL BULK MATERIAL BELT CONVEYOR SHAFTING SPECIFICATION See PDHonline courses: M262 an M263 by the author of this course for more information. 1.1 Pulley Shafts: 1.2 All shafts shall have one fixed type bearing; the balance on the shaft shall be expansion type. 1.3 Pulleys and pulley shafts shall be sized for combined torsional and bending static and fatigue stresses.
1.4 Shaft keys shall be the square parallel type and keyways adjacent to bearings shall be round end, all other keyways may be the run-out type. 2.1 Pulleys: 2.2 The head pulley on the Reclaim Conveyor shall be welded 304-SS so as not to interfere with tramp metal removal by the magnet. 2.3 All pulleys shall be welded steel crown faced, selected in accordance with ratings established by the Mechanical Power Transmission Association Standard No.301-1965 and U.S.A.
2.3 All pulleys shall be welded steel crown faced, selected in accordance with ratings established by the Mechanical Power Transmission Association Standard No.301-1965 and U.S.A. Standard No.B105.1-1966. In no case shall the pulley shaft loads as listed in the rating tables of these standards be exceeded. 2.4 All pulleys shall be crowned. 2.5 All drive pulleys shall be furnished with 1/2 inch thick vulcanized herringbone grooved lagging. 2.6 Snub pulleys adjacent to drive pulleys shall have a minimum diameter of 16 inches.
Legend A B C D
Design Stress
Coupling Design Shear Stress = Design allowable average shear stress. Input Material ultimate tensile stress, Ft = 85000 lbf/in^2 Shaft material yield stress, Fy = 45000 lbf/in^2 Calculation Ultimate tensile stress design factor, ku = 0.18 Design ultimate shear stress, Ssu = ku* Ft = 15300 lbf/in^2 Yield stress factor, ky = 0.3 Design yield shear design stress factor, Ssy = ky* Ft = 13500 lbf/in^2 Use the smaller design shear stress of Fsu and Fsy above.
Input 2.000 in 0.375 in 0.25 in Calculation 0.188 0.75 Apply to graph 0.25 above. Input 60 hp 300 rpm 13500 lbf/in^2 3.00 1.38 <From above graph. Calculation 12*33000*HP / (2**N) 12603 in-lbf *D^4 / 32 1.5710 in^4 Ss*J / (Kt*Kk*Ds/2) 5123 in-lbf
Input 0.375 3.00 2.000 13500 80000 Calculation H*L 1.125 0.75 K*Fs*A 11390.625 Pk*Ds/2 11391 Sb*L*(D/2 - H/4)*(H/2) 40781
in in in lbf/in^2 lbf/in^2
Input 10.00 in 9.00 in 500 lbf 6 0.2 1 Calculation (2/3)*(Ro^3-Ri^3)/(Ro^2-Ri^2) 4.75 in P*Nb 3000 lbf Fa*f*Rf*n 2853 in-lbf
Shaft in Hub
The hub is the outer ring, Do to Dc. The shaft is the inner ring, Dc to Di
Hub outside diameter, Do = Shaft outside diameter, Dc = Shaft inside diameter, Di = Hub length, L = Max tangential stress, Ft = Hub modulus, Eh = Shaft modulus, Es = Coefficient of friction, f = Hub Poisson's ratio, h = Shaft Poisson's ratio, s =
Input 14.000 4.000 0.000 8 5000 1.50E+07 3.00E+07 0.12 0.3 0.3
Calculation Ft*((Do^2-Dc^2) / (Do^2+Dc^2)) 4245 (Dc^2+Di^2)/(Es*(Dc^2-Di^2)) 3.33333E-08 (Do^2+Dc^2)/(Eh*(Do^2-Dc^2)) 7.85185E-08 s / Es 1.00E-08 h / Eh 2.00E-08 Pc*Dc*(C1 + C2 - C3 + C4) 0.00207 in
Pitch (P) is the distance from a point on one thread to the corresponding point on the next thread. Lead (n*P) is the distance a nut advances each complete revolution. Multiple pitch number (n) refers to single (n=1), double (n=2), triple (n=3) pitch screw.
Input 3.000 3 5.86 2 0.15 0 2 500 Calculation 0.5*(1/ TPI )+0.01 0.177 (D - H) / 2 1.412
in threads/in degrees
in lbf
in in
Thread helix angle, Tan (Ah) = n*(1/ TPI ) / (2**Rm) Answer: Tan (Ah) = 0.0752 Answer: Ah = 4.31 degrees Thread normal force angle, Tan (An) = Answer: Tan (An) = Answer: An = Tan (At)*Cos (Ah) 0.0749 4.29
X = (Tan (Ah) + Ft/ Cos (An)) 0.2257 Y =(1- Ft*Tan (Ah)/ Cos (An)) 0.9887 Power screw torque, T = W*(Rm*( X / Y) + Fb*Rb) Answer: T = 161 in-lbf Force W will cause the screw to rotate (overhaul) if, (-Tan (Ah) + Ft/ Cos (An)) is negative. (-Tan (Ah) + Ft/ Cos (An)) = 0.0751
SCREW THREAD AVERAGE PRESSURE Load to be raised by power screw, W = Nut length, L = Screw thread turns per inch, TPI = Thread height, H = Thread mean radius, Rm =
Input 2000 4 3 0.18 0.9 Calculation Screw thread average pressure, P = W / (2**L*Rm*H*TPI) Answer: P = 164
lbf in threads/in in
A sectional view of a generic disc brake with calipers is .illustrated right Equal and opposite clamping forces, F lbf acting at mean .radius Rm inches provide rotation stopping torque T in-lbf
lbf in -
Braking torque, T =
stopping capacity is proportional to the normal force of brake shoe against the drum .and coefficient of friction
Calculate Brake Torque Capacity Coefficient of friction, f = Brake shoe face width, w = Drum internal radius, Rd = Shoe mean radius, Rs = Shoe heel angle, A1 = Shoe angle, A2 = Shoe mean angle, Am = Right shoe maximum shoe pressure, Pmr = Left shoe maximum shoe pressure, Pml = C=
Calculation X = (Rd - Rd*Cos(A2)) - (Rs/2)*Sin^2(A2)) X= 8.3892 Right shoe friction moment, Mr = ((f*Pm*w*Rd)/(Sin(Am))*(X) Mr = 3020 in-lbf Y = (0.5*A2) - (0.25*Sin(2*A2)) Y= 1.3806 Right normal forces moment, Mn = ((Pm*w*Rd*Rs)/(Sin(Am))*(Y) Mn = 12426 in-lbf Brake cylinder force, P = Answer: P = (Mn - Mr) / C 1045
Z = ((Cos(A1)-Cos(A2)) / Sin(Am) Z= 1.6427 Right shoe brake torque capacity, Tr = f*Pm*w*Rd^2*(Z) Tr = 3548 in-lbf
V-belts are used to transmit power from .motors to machinery Sheaves have a V-groove. Pulleys have .a flat circumference A V-belt may be used in combination with a drive sheave on a motor shaft .and a pulley on the driven shaft
Angle B
Small sheave pitch circle radius, R1 = Large sheave pitch circle radius, R2 = Center distance, C = Sin (B) Sin (B) B B = = = =
in in in
radn. degrees
V-Belt Drive
Drive power, HP = Motor speed, N = Drive sheave pitch diameter, D1 = Driven sheave pitch diameter, D2 = Center distance, C = Sheave groove angle, A = Sheave to V-belt coefficient of friction, f1 = Pulley to V-belt coefficient of friction, f2 = B1 = B2 = D = V-belt weight per cubic inch, w = Tight side V-belt allowable tension, T1 = V-belt C.G. distance, x = = Driven sheave pitch diameter, D2 = =
Input 30 1800 10 36 40 40 0.2 0.2 0.75 1.5 1 0.04 200 Calculation D*(B1+ 2*B2)/ 3(B1+B2) 0.556 D2 + 2*x 37.11 5.00 18.56 (R2-R1) / C 0.3389 0.3457 19.81 180 - 2*B 140.38 180 + 2*B 219.62 2.7183
in in in in
Angle of Wrap An
Small sheave pitch radius, R1 = Large pulley pitch radius, R2 = Sin (B) = Sin (B) = B = B = Small sheave angle of wrap, A1 = A1 = Large pulley angle of wrap, A2 = A2 = e =
Sheave capacity Cs = e^(f1*A1/ Sin(A/2)) = 4.77 Pulley capacity, Cp = e^(f2*A2/ Sin(90/2)) = 2.15
Slack side belt tension, T2 = (T1-W*V^2/g)/(Csp)+ (W*V^2/g) = 148 lbf Horsepower per belt, HPb = (T2-T1)*V / 550 = 7.4 hp Number of belts, Nb = HP / HPb = 4.1 belts Input Use 4 belts
Circular pitch (CP) is the pitch circle arc length between a point on one tooth and the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth. Diametral pitch (P) is the number of teeth per inch of pitch circle diameter.
Calculation Pitch circle diameter, D = N / Pd 2.000 in Addendum, A = 1 / Pd 0.167 in Dedendum, B = 1.157 / Pd 0.193 in Whole depth= Addendum+Dedendum, d = 2.157 / Pd 0.360 in Clearance, C = .157 / Pd 0.026 in Outside diameter, OD = D + (2*A) 2.333 in or OD = (N + 2) / Pd 2.333 in Root circle diameter, RD = D - (2*B) 1.614 in or RD = (N - 2.314) / Pd 1.614 in Base circle, BC = D*Cos(Pa*.01745) 1.936 in Circular pitch, CP = *D / N 0.524 in or CP = / Pd 0.524 in Chordal thickness, TC = D*Sin(90*.01745/N) 0.167 in Chordal addendum, AC = A + N^2 / (4*D) 18.167 in Working depth, WD = 2*A 0.333 in Note: Excel requires degrees to be converted to radians. Degrees x .01745 = Radians = 3.1416 Use the above spread sheet to calculate the dimensions of gears.
Gear Tooth Interference Base circle radius, Rbc = CP/2 = Outside radius, Ros = OD/2 =
Pressure angle, Pa =
Pinion base circle radius = Gear addendum radius = There will be no interference if, Rbc < Rbc < Rbc < Addendum radius, Ra = GEAR TEETH STRENGTH
Input 4.65 in 9.3 in 20 deg. Calculation Rbc Ra Ra (Rbc^2 + Rc^2*(Sin(Pa))^0.5 5.63 6.00
in in lbf in
Section modulus, I = b*t^3 / 12 I= 0.28125 in^3 Tooth bending stress, Sb = M*c / I Sb = 1867 lbf/in^2 The stress calculated above does not include stress concentration or dynamic loading.
Input 100 ft/min 3.13 in 1836 in-lbf 3.00 in 2950 4980 Calculation 2*T / R 1224 lbf ((0.05*V*(b*C + F)) / (0.05*V + (b*C + F)^.5)) + F 1711 Lewis Equation Form Factor Y Pressure Pressure Number of Teeth Angle 14 Angle 20 12 0.067 0.078 14 0.075 0.088 16 0.081 0.094 18 0.086 0.098 20 0.090 0.102 25 0.097 0.108 30 0.101 0.114 50 0.110 0.130 60 0.113 0.134 75 0.115 0.138 100 0.117 0.142 150 0.119 0.146 300 0.122 0.150 Rack 0.124 0.154
Lead Angle, A
Lead = Dw = Tan(A/57.2975) = A= Lead angle, A = Answer: A =
radians degrees
Calculation Gear Pitch Line Velocity, Vg = *Dp*n / 12 Vg = 837 ft/min Worm / Wheel allowable stress, So = Su / 3 So = 6667 lbf/in^2 Worm/gear design stress, Sd = So*1200 / (1200 + Vg) Sd = 3927 lbf/in^2 Input 3927 1.5 1.0473 0.094 Calculation Sd*b*Pnc*Y 580
Sd = Tooth width, b = Circular pitch, Pnc = Lewis form factor, Y = Allowable gear tooth load, F = F=
lbf/in^2 in in lbf
Input 1723 800 Calculation F*(1200+Vg) / (1200) 2872 Input 4000 1.5 0.094 5.3 Calculation Sd*b*Y* / Pnd 334 Input 5.3 1.5 60 Calculation Dg*b* 477
lbf ft/min
lbf/in^2 in in
in in -
Coefficient of friction, f = Lead angle, A = Worm gear efficiency, e = e= AGMA Worm Gear Heat Dissipation Limit Worm to wheel center distance, C = Transmission ratio, R = Maximum horse power limit, HPm = HPm =
in hp
One gallon = 231 cu in Pressure, P = Weight, W = Cylinder area, A = W / P = Cylinder diameter, D = (4*A / 3.142 )^0.5 = Input 1000 3000 Output 3.00 1.95 Input 300 2 Output 3.142 95 Input 10 2 4 0.5 Output 300 12.568 125.68 0.544 0.033 16.32 0.196 0.42 Input 20 4.20 Output 1100 Input 20 2 Output 2310 Input 20 1000 W psi lbs sq in in
Piston extends, x = Time to extend, t = Cylinder diameter, d = Hydaulic pipe internal diameter, pd = Piston speed, S = 60*x / t = Cylinder area, A = 3.142 x D^2 / 4 = Piston extention volume, v = A * x = Volume in gallons, V = v / 231 = Time in minutes to extend, T = t / 60 = Flow rate, GPM = V / T = Pipe internal area, pa = 3.142 x pd^2 / 4 = Fluid speed in pipe, fs = v / (12*t*A) =
Pump flow, GPM = Pump displacement, d = Pump speed, RPM = GPM x 231 / d =
Hydraulic motor flow, GPM = Hydraulic motor displacement, d = Hydraulic motor speed, RPM = GPM x 231 / d =
gpm psi
Pump efficiency pecent, e = Pump power, HP = 100*GPM x P / (1741 x e%) = This is the end of this spread sheet.
% hp
Undamped Vibrations
If the mass M shown above is displaced through distance x and released it will vibrate freely. Undamped vibrations are called free vibrations. Both x and g are measured in inch units. Input Weight, W = 2 lb Spring stiffness, k = 10 lb/in Calculation Gravitational Content, g = 32.2 ft/sec^2 = 3.142 Static Deflection, x = W/k = 0.20 in Mass, M = W / (g*12) = 0.005 lbm-sec^2/in Natural Frequency, fn = (1/2*)*(k*/M)^.5 Hz = 69.05 Hz Angular frequency, = 2**fn = 434 radn/sec
Input 50 1150 32.2 386.4 840 500 Calculation (k*g / W)^.5 62.2 N 1150 f*2* / 60 120.4 Fd / k 1.68000 1 / ( (1 - (fa / fn)^2) 0.363 B*(Fd / k) 0.610 Input 500 1750 32.2 386.4 20000 40 1.5 0.2 Calculation W/k 0.0250 (1 / 2*)*(g / d)^.5 19.784
in in
Disturbing force frequency, f = = Disturbing force angular frequency, fa = = Out of balance force F due to rotating mass F= =
Hz Hz rad/sec rad/sec
Forcing frequency / Natural frequency = r = f / fn = 1.474 Amplitude magnification factor, MF = 1/( (1 -r^2)+ (2*Cr)^2) = 0.761 Vibration amplitude, x = (MF)*(F / k) = 0.1986 Transmissibility, TR = (MF)*(1 + (2*r*C)^2)^.5 = 0.884 Transmissibility Force, Ftr = (TR)*F = 4611
in in
Critical Damping
Critical damping occurs when the vibration amplitude is stable: C = Damping Coefficient Ccrit = Critical Damping Coeff. Ccrit = 2*(K*M)^.5 K= System stiffness M= Vibrating Mass
Transmissibility (TR)
Transmissibility is the ratio of the force transmitted to a machine's supports due to a periodic imbalance in an; engine, pump, compressor, pulverizer, motor, etc. The amplitude of vibrations in machinery mountings can be reduced with resilient pads or springs called isolators. The isolated system must have a natural frequency less than 0.707 x the disturbing periodic imbalance force. The vibration amplitude will increase if the isolated system has a natural frequency higher than 0.707 x the disturbing frequency. Transmissibility ratio is equal to the, mass displacement amplitude / base displacement amplitude. TR = X2 / X1 The transmissibility ratio TR, is the vibration amplitude reduction. Input 16.0 12.0 Calculation Transmissibility, TR = 1/(1-(fd/fn)^2) TR = -1.286 If mounting damper pad natural frequency is known: Input Transmissibility, TR = 0.5 Disturbing force frequency, fd = 14 Calculations System natural frequency, fn = fd / (1+(1/TR))^0.5 Answer: fn = 8.1 Springs are employed as vibration isolators. Disturbing force frequency, fd = Undamped natural frequency, fn =
Hz Hz
lbf/in lbf/in
lbf/ in
Flywheel mass, W = Shaft diameter, D = Steel Shaft, E = Bearing center distance, L2 = Flywheel overhang, L1 = Gravitational constant (ft), g = Gravitational constant (in), g = Shaft radius, r = = Shaft section moment of inertia, I = =
Input 50 1.000 29000000 20 8 32.2 386.4 Calculation D/2 0.500 *r^4 / 4 0.0491
The ball bearings act as pivoting supports Flywheel static deflection is; x = W*L1^2*(L1+L2) /3*E*I = 0.021 Natural frequency, f = = (1 / 2*)*(g / x)^.5 21.6
in in Hz Hz
lbf in lb/sq in in^4 in in lbf/in lbf/in Hz lbf/in in lb/sq in in^4 in in lbf/in lbf/in Hz
Beam, Fixed Ends, Load W at Mid Span Load at Mid Span, W = Length, L = Young's Modulus, E = Moment of Inertia, I = Deflection, x = Answer: x = Stiffness, k = Answer: k = Natural frequency, f = f= Beam, Fixed ends, Uniform Load w Uniform Load, w = Length, L = Young's Modulus, E = Moment of Inertia, I = Deflection, x = Answer: x = Stiffness, k = Answer: k = Natural frequency, f = f=
Input 700 80 29000000 2.000 Calculation W*L^3 / (192*E*I) 0.032 192*E*I/L^3 21750 (1/2)*(g / x)^0.5 1911 Input 600 50 29000000 2.000 Calculation w*L^4 / (384*E*I) 0.168 384*E*I/(L^3) 178176 (1/2)*(g / x)^0.5 365
lbf in lb/sq in in^4 in in lbf/in lbf/in Hz lbf/in in lb/sq in in^4 in in lbf/in lbf/in Hz
Answer: a / b = 0.80 D = E*t^3 / (12*(1 - ^2)) Answer: D = 331960 = 3.142 Gravitational acceleration, g = 386.4 in/sec^2 Rectangular Plates, f = (K / 2*)*((D*g)/(w*a^4)) Answer: f = 3.938 Hz
Input 50 2.90E+07 0.5 0.3 36 4.99 10.2 Calculation 3.142 386.4 E*t^3 / (12*(1 - ^2)) 331960
lb/in^2 lb/in^2
Simply supported edges, f = (K / 2*)*((D*g)/(w*r^4)) Answer: f = 1.213 Fixed edges, f = (K / 2*)*((D*g)/(w*r^4)) Answer: f = 2.479
The crank (Mc) is statically and dynamically balanced by two counter weights, M1 & M2, all three masses are in the same plane. Find the masses of the two counterweights. Input 10 16 14 30 450 2.5 Calculation M2*R2*(X1+X2) Mc*E*X1 / R2*(X1+X2) 27.95031056 0 M1*R1+M2*R2-Mc*E (-M2*R2+Mc*E) / R1 73.36956522 Example only 12 18 12 36 570 3.96
Mass 1 C.G. radius, R1 = X1 = Mass 2 C.G. radius, R2 = X2 = Crank Mass, Mc = Crank Mass Eccentricity, E = Dynamic balance about mass M1: Mc*E*X1 = M2 = Answer: M2 = Condition for static balance: mi*Ri = 0= Mass required to balance Mc, M1 = Answer: M1 =
in in in in lbm in
Calculate the two spring support stiffness (k) if the horizontal vibration amplitude is to be no more than 0.25 inches. Estimated friction is 5% of the critical damping factor (Cc).
Motor speed, N = Motor+Compressor+Table Mass, W = Critical damping coefficient = Friction damping coefficient =
(Friction/ Critical) damping factor ratio, DR =
Allowable vibration amplitude, Y = Motor speed, = Answer: = g= M= Answer: M = Total spring support stiffness, Kt = Kt = Answer: Kt = K= Answer: K = Critical value of damping factor, Cc = Answer: Cc = Friction damping factor, Cf = Answer: Cf = The motor periodic imbalance force, F = The motor peak imbalance force, Fo = At resonance, Y = Fo = Answer: Fo =
Input 360 80 Cc Cf Cf / Cc 0.05 0.25 Calculation 2**N / 60 37.704 386.4 W/g 0.2070 2*K M*^2 294.3 Kt / 2 147.2 2*(Kt*M)^.5 15.61 Cc*DR 0.781 Fo*Sin(*t) Cf**Y Fo / Cc* Cf**Y 7.36
rpm lbm
lbf / in lbf / in
mounted. The loaded drum, motor, and support base . weigh 400 lbm.
Weight per isolator, w = Answer: w = Transmissibility, T = Answer: T = Answer: Fd = Transmissibility, T = System natural frequency, Fn = Answer: Fn = g= Stiffness, K = Deflection, x = Undamped natural frequency, Fn = Fn = Fn = Solving for deflection in the above, x = Answer: x =
Hz ft / sec^2
Suggested max transmissibility, Tmax = 10 Ref. "Engineered Solutions" a Barry Controls publication.
Isolator Selected: Go to the Barry Controls home page at: 4 Barry Controls vibration isolators Part No. 633A-100 Graphical Values
0.275 7.2
in Hz
The "Barry Controls" information presented here may be found on the web at: "Barry 633A Series Mounts are medium weight mounts normally used for vertically applied loads to prevent transmission of noise and vibration caused by rotation of imbalanced equipment (i.e. generators, blowers, pumps, etc...) Low-profile, low frequency elastomeric noise and vibration isolators for medium weight industrial equipment."
The above graph shows a static load of 100 lbs produces a deflection of 0.275 inches.
Shock Loads
A shock load is caused by a nearly instantaneous rise and fall of acceleration.
A typical free fall shock test is an 11 millisecond second half sine waveform with a peak acceleration of 15 g. The above graph shows a static load of 100 lbs produces a natural frequency of 7.2 Hz. Shock Impulse Deflection An electronic device is to be subjected to a 15g half sine shock lasting 11 milliseconds. The unit is mounted on a 10 Hz natural frequency isolation system. Determine the maximum shock transmission Half sine shock acceleration, a = Shock pulse time, t = g= Isolator natural frequency, Fn = Input 12 0.018 386.4 20 Calculation g sec in/ sec^2 Hz
Half sine pulse max peak velocity, Vmax = 2*g*a*t / Answer: Vmax = 53.13 in/ sec^2 Max acceleration, G = Vmax*(2**Fn)/ g Answer: G = 17.3 g's Dynamic isolator deflection: Dd = Vmax/ (2**Fn) Answer: Dd = 0.423 in Transmissibility Ratio, TR = Ftransmitted/ Fapplied TR =Bd*(1+(2*r*C)^2)^.5 Notes: Magnification factor Bd must be greater than 1.00 or vibrations will be amplified. Magnification factor, Bd = Bd = D= Fo = K=
Isolator Selection Input 13.3 4 50 0.003 1.4 0 0 133 133 10 Calculation W/N 3.317 Af / Gv 20.00 1 - (If /1000) 0.8000
Equipment Weight, W = Number of Isolators, N = Applied Vertical Shock Acceleration, Gv = Shock Half Sine Pulse time, t = Allowable sway space, Xv = Isolator Roll Stiffness, Kr = Isolator Shear Stiffness, Kh = Isolator Compression Stiffness, Kv = Isolator Combined Total Stiffness, Kt = Equipment Fragility g Limit, Af =
Load per Isolator, Wi = Answer: Wi = Required Isolation Factor, If = Answer: If = Required Transmissibility, Tr = Answer: Tr =
lbm lbm %
The spring type vibration and shock isolator information shown here may be found at: Korfund division of Baldor Motor corp.
and at the direct link above. "Effective vibration control for loads up to . Static deflections up to 1.36". Available with, or without adjustable snubbing." "Applications include: Stationary equipment, HVAC, Compressors, Pumps, Motor Generators, Fans, Blowers, etc." Vibration Damper Selection Calculations continued Gravitational constant, g = 386 in/sec^2 Isolator Vertical Natural frequency, Fn = 3.13*(Kv / Wi)^.5 Answer: Fn = 19.8 Hz Half Sine Shock Pulse Frequency, Fp = 1/ (2 * t) Answer: Fp = 166.7 Hz Shock Absorber Selection Max Vertical Shock Transmitted, Gv = Wi *(2**Fn)/ g Answer: Gv = 9.0 Required Average Spring Rate, Ks = (2**Fn)^2*(W/g) Answer: Ks = 133 Combined Isolator Vertical Frequency, Fc = Answer: Fc = 3.13*(Ks / Wi) 19.8
Maximum Dynamic Travel, Dt = Gv*g / (2**Fs)^2 Answer: Dt = 0.22 Max Half Sine Pulse Velocity, Vv = Answer: Vv = 2*g*Gv*t / 36.9
When using Excel's Goal Seek, unprotect the spread sheet by selecting: Drop down menu: Tools > Protection > Unprotect Sheet > OK When Excel's Goal Seek is not needed, restore protection with: Drop down menu: Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet > OK
What if Calculations
Excel will make a, what if calculation using, "Goal Seek" when the calculated formula value needs to be changed.
What if Calculations
Excel will make a, what if calculation when the calculated formula value needs to be changed. 1. While in Excel 2007 pick the, Data tab shown below.
2. To the right of the Data tab pick, What-If Analysis followed by, Goal Seek illustrated below.
3. Goal Seek allows you to pick the formula cell with the 5.00 result followed by entering the desired value, 7.00 in the, Goal Seek dialog box below. 4. Next pick an input number, 3.00 in this example then pick, OK.
5. Excel has iteratively changed cell B7 to 5.74 at which point cell B10 is equal to the desired result of 10.00, below.
Calculation Applied motor shaft torque, Ta = 12*33000*HP / (2**N) = 180.05 in-lbf Section polar moment of inertia, J = *D^4 / 32 J= 0.006 in^4 Answer: Design Torque, Td = Kt*Ta = 540 in-lbf Shear stress for shafts, St = Td*D / (2*J) = 22005 lbf/in^2 Shaft torsion deflection angle, a = Td*L / (J*G) a= 0.0765 radians a= 4.39 degrees
Drive Shaft Design Motor Power, HP = Shaft speed, N = Torque shock & fatigue factor, Kt = Shaft diameter, D = Shaft length, L = Material shear modulus, G =
hp rpm in in psi
Calculation Applied motor shaft torque, Ta = 12*33000*HP / (2**N) = 180.05 in*lbf Section polar moment of inertia, J = *D^4 / 32 J= 0.014 in^4 Answer: Design Torque, Td = Kt*Ta = 540 in-lbf Shear stress for shafts, St = Td*D / (2*J) = 12000 lbs/in^2 Shaft torsion deflection angle, a = Td*L / (J*G) a= 0.0341 radians a= 1.95 degrees
Max kinetic energy, K.E. = (1/2)*M1^2* ^2 + (1/2)*M2^2* ^2 Max potential energy, P.E. = (1/2)*K1*X1^2 + (1/2)*K2*(X2 - X1)^2 Neglecting friction, Max K.E. = Max P.E.
-^2 = [K1+K2*((X2/X1) - 1)^2]/ [(M1+M2*(X2/X1)^2] 1. This equation will give the first and lowest natural frequency (). 2. The solution for is by trial and error for various values of X2/X1. Input Reference: Machine Mass, M1 = 0.1 Design by A.S. Hall, Mass, M2 = 0.1 A.R. Holowenko, H.G. K1 = 20 Laughlin, Published k2 = 20 byMcGraw-Hill. X2 / X1 = 1.6180 Calculation -^2 = [K1+K2*((X2/X1) - 1)^2]/ [(M1+M2*(X2/X1)^2] -^2 = 76.3932 = 8.740 radn/sec 3. Use Excel's Solver for a trial and error solution to the above forcing function example. 4. Start above solution by typing, X2 / X1 = 0 5. Use drop down menu, Tools > Solver > Set Target Cell: > B144 > Equal to Min 6. By Changing Cell > B140 > Solve > Keep Solver Solution
logarithmic: a(logx), trigonometric: ( aSin x + bCos x), or any other function of x. Also Excel's Solver can solve multple simultaneous equations; linear, non-linear, or a mixture of the two. Excel iteratively adjusts one input value of x to cause one calculated formula cell value of y to equal a target value of y.
C 5 6 7 8 9 Guess X =
D Problem 1.4
Solver Example 1. The input value of X is 1.4 and this value of X causes Y to equal -0.1235 in the spreadsheet table above. 2. Excel's Solver will adjust the input value of X, in this case1.4 in blue cell D6, by iteration (repeatedly) until the calculated value of Y in the yellow cell D9 approaches the target value of zero, ( 0 ). 3. Select the calculated answer in yellow cell, ( D9 ) below. 4. Select: Tools > Goal Seek > Target Cell [ $D$9 ] > Equal to: > Value of: > 0 > By changing cells: Select [ $D$6 ] > Add (Constraints) > Cell Reference > $D$9 = 0 > OK. C 5 6 7 8 9 Solved X = D Solution 1.4041
5. The completed calculation above shows that if X = 1.4041 then Y = 0.0004 or 4 / 10,000 which is close enough to 0 for engineering purposes.
=E146+E147+E148+E149+E150 =E146+2*E147+E148-0.5*E149+2*E150 =2*E147+2*E148-E149-E150 =2E146-2E148-E149-E150 =E146+0.25E147+E148-E149 2. Select cells, E146 to 150 3. Click on drop down menu: Tools > Solver > 4. Delete contents of; Set Target Cell
Solution u= v= w= x= y=
Solution u= v= w= x= y=
You may use the table below to solve the 5 simultaneous equations. Equations 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Constants 5.5 22.5 30 -11 17.5 Solution u= v= w= x= y=