Flight and Capture: The Crisis of The Family in The Great Depression and Wild Boys of The
Flight and Capture: The Crisis of The Family in The Great Depression and Wild Boys of The
Flight and Capture: The Crisis of The Family in The Great Depression and Wild Boys of The
Flight and Capture: The Crisis of the Family in the Great Depression and Wild Boys of the Road
America's Great Depression !"ic" #egan in $929 an% &aste% 'nti& (or&% (ar )) !as not on&y an economic an% po&itica& emergency #'t a time of crisis for tra%itiona& fami&y *a&'es+ ,"e $9-- fi&m Wild Boys of the Road, %irecte% #y (i&&iam (e&&man an% starring .ran/ie Darro is in part a response to t"is perio% of socia& #rea/%o!n an% t"e !i%esprea% fear t"at &i/e t"e tit'&ar 0!i&% #oys1 t"e nation's c"i&%ren co'&% "it t"e roa% an% a#an%on t"e fami&y str'ct're permanent&y+ ,"is intersection of capita&ism an% t"e fami&y resonates !it" Gi&&es De&e'2e an% .3&i4 G'attari's t!o *o&'me !or/ Capitalism and Schizophrenia comprise% of Anti-Oedipus an% A Thousand Plateaus+ ,"e #asic metap"ysica& premise in t"ese #oo/s is t"at e*eryt"ing inc&'%ing "'mans is an assem#&age of "eterogeneo's e&ements !"ose 'n%er&ying po!er is an 0a#so&'te &ine of f&ig"t1 or contin'a& stri*ing to!ar%s free%om+ 5o!e*er assem#&ages rare&y e4ist in t"is a#so&'te state an% are stratifie% #y societa& or 6tate co%es 7gro'ps of meanings as t"ey re&ate to a #o%y8 an% territories 7t"e gro'ping of t"ese co%es8+ M'c" &i/e Lo'is A&t"'sser's %efinition of 6tate apparat'ses DG's %efinition of t"e 6tate consists of territories s'c" as t"e sc"oo& t"e c"'rc" t"e co'rts t"e fami&y t"e po&ice an% t"e mi&itary+ 9apita&ism is a pec'&iar sit'ation in "istory #eca'se rat"er t"an operating t"ro'g" t"ese aforementione% co%es an%
territories it f'nctions t"ro'g" persistent %eco%ing an% %eterritoria&i2ation+ (or/ers are seen as 0any:!or/er:!"ate*er1; a&& t"at matters to t"e capita&ist is t"e !or/er's capacity for &a#o'r+ <eca'se t"is process of %eco%ing=%eterritoria&i2ation #rings capita&ism 'ncomforta#&y c&ose to an a#so&'te &ine of f&ig"t t"ere is a compensatory imp&ementation of a4iomatics+ ,"ese are p're&y f'nctiona& an% a#stract 0co%es1 !"ic" a&&o! capita&ism to repeate%&y interna&i2e an% %isp&ace its o!n &imits an% a%apt to crisis 7e+g+ money cre%it re&ief agencies8+ ("en capita&ism &ac/s a%e>'ate a4iomatics its ten%ency to!ar%s &imit&essness pro%'ces a crisis !"ic" in t'rn %eman%s an a4iomatic !"ic" is effecti*e+ ,"is in t"e most genera& ana&ysis %escri#es Presi%ent .ran/&in D+ ?oose*e&t's Ne! Dea&+ 6ti&& t"e preeminence of capita&ist a4iomatics %oes not negate t"e *a&'e of 6tate co%es an% territories+ )n%ee% t"e persistence of instit'tions &i/e t"e fami&y pro%'ce t"e matter necessary for t"e a4iomatics #y containing energies an% %esires in@to 'se DG's AntiOedipus termino&ogy @t"e Ae%ipa&i2e% triang&e of fat"er mot"er an% c"i&%+ America's re&iance on t"e myt"ic 0o*erco%es1 of r'gge% in%i*i%'a&ism "ar% !or/ an% patriarc"a& fami&y *a&'es is a partic'&ar&y strong case of capita&ist an% 6tate=fami&ia& resonance+ ,"o'g" Wild Boys of the Road affirms many of t"ese *a&'es it a&so enacts instances of cinematic %eco%ing an% %eterritoria&i2ation+ M'c" of t"is can #e trace% to t"e mi&ie' of 0t"e roa%1 an% t"e free%om it a&&o!s from fami&ia& an% gen%er ro&es+ E%%ie an% ,ommy t"e t!o !i&% #oy protagonists can &ea*e "ome an% #ecome somet"ing ot"er t"an 0sons1 !"i&e 6a&&y t"e t"ir% protagonist can %eco%e "er femininity an% e*en #ecome 0one of t"e #oys+1 5o!e*er t"ings are m'c" more comp&icate% t"an t"is an% for e*ery %eterritoria&i2ation t"ere is t"e potentia& for a reterritoria&i2ation+ ,"e roa% is not in"erent&y a %eco%e% or 0smoot"1 space nor is t"e "ome tota&&y imm'ne from resistance; !"at ma/es t"e %ifference is t"e nat're of t"e specific assem#&age+ (it" t"is in min% ,o%% DePastino's %isc'ssion of t"e %ifferences #et!een t"e
#o4car an% a'tomo#i&e as t"ey re&ate to &a#o'r in Citizen Ho o! Ho" a Century of Homelessness Shaped America is in*a&'a#&e+ ,"e #oo/'s contrasting of t"e migratory !or/er's fami&ia& a'tomo#i&e !it" t"e rai&roa% an% t"e &i#eratory tra%ition of t"e "o#o &ife is 'sef'& in t"in/ing a#o't t"ese *e"ic&es as #ot" spaces an% mo%es of mo*ement+ ,"e fi&m #rings 'p many of t"e same iss'es as DePastino name&y t"e conception of t"e #o4car as a contaminating inf&'ence on fami&ia& ro&es an% t"e s'#se>'ent 6tate reg'&ation !"ic" res'&ts+ <'t !"at ma/es t"e fi&m interesting is its %isc&os're of t"e potentia& for smoot"ness or striation t"at is to say co%ings an% reg'&ations in any mi&ie'+ ,"e roa% can #e a p&ace of free%om an% oppression B'st as t"e "ome in spite of its patriarc"a& stratification can faci&itate a &ine of f&ig"t+ ,"e %isaffecte% yo't" can form a noma%ic socia& assem#&age !"at DG ca&& a 0!ar mac"ine1 #'t e*en t"is is open to 6tate appropriation+ .'rt"ermore !e m'st not forget t"at o'r concerns "ere are primari&y cinematic an% fi&m &i/e any assem#&age is s'scepti#&e to "a#its of repetition an% centra&i2ation+ )n%ee% 5o&&y!oo% cinema !it" its 0&ea%ing1 c"aracters an% c&ic"3s often fo&&o!s t"is traBectory+ ,"is pro#&em of t"e action:oriente% fi&m is somet"ing De&e'2e a%%resses in "is t!o #oo/s on cinema "o!e*er it is t"e goa& of t"is essay to 'se t"e non:cinema:specific !riting of Capitalism and Schizophrenia to t"in/ a#o't cinema an% De&e'2e in a s&ig"t&y %ifferent !ay+ ,"e #enefit of an e4p&icit engagement !it" Capitalism and Schizophrenia for t"e p'rposes of fi&m ana&ysis is t"e c"ance to !rite trans*ersa&&y a#o't cinema economics po&itics an% fami&y %ynamics+ A&t"o'g" t"e Wild Boys of the Road is preocc'pie% !it" Depression:era fears of societa& c"aos it sti&& offers a comp&e4 *ie! of fami&ia& an% 0roa%1 &ife !"ic" is attenti*e to t"e *aci&&ations of societa& co%es an% territories an% in%icates t"e primacy of resistance in cinema an% #eyon%+ )t is first necessary to intro%'ce DG's metap"ysics of stratification+ E*eryt"ing is an assem#&ageC a mi4t're of "eterogeneo's e&ements !"ic" %epen%ing on t"e partic'&arities of t"e
assem#&age "as a *aria#&e capacity to c"ange+ At t"e ris/ of simp&ification !e can say t"at t"ere are t!o si%es to eac" assem#&age+ Ane si%e faces mac"ines of organi2ation ca&&e% 0strata1 !"ic" ca'se t"e assem#&age to #ecome a 0signifying tota&ity1 7ATP 408+,"e ot"er si%e faces 0t"e p&ane of consistency1 !"ic" 0contin'a&&y %ismant&DesE t"e organism17ATP 408 an% resists t"e signification an% repetition of e&ements+ 6trata consist of co%es 7#its of meaning8 an% territories 7sta#&e co&&ections of t"ose co%es8 an% operates t"ro'g" a %o'#&e artic'&ation+ ,"e first artic'&ation is simp&y t"e process of co%ing an% territoria&i2ation in !"ic" 0'nsta#&e partic&e: f&o!s metasta#&e mo&ec'&ar or >'asi:mo&ec'&ar 'nits1 7ATP 408 form into 0a statistica& or%er of connections an% s'ccessions1 7ATP 408+ ,"e secon% artic'&ation ta/es t"e content forme% #y t"e first artic'&ation an% gi*es it e4pression !"ic" f'rt"er sta#i&i2es t"e strata+ ,"o'g" e4pression is capa#&e of entering ne! affecti*e assem#&ages 0it is in t"e secon% artic'&ation in partic'&ar t"at p"enomena constit'ting an o*erco%ing are pro%'ce% p"enomena of centering 'nification tota&i2ation integration "ierarc"i2ation an% fina&i2ation1 7ATP 4$8+ DG often %escri#e o*erco%ing in terms of a %espotic signifier !"ic" sta#i&i2es meaning+ ,"eir rec'rrent e4amp&e partic'&ar&y in Anti-Oedipus is t"at of t"e mommyF%a%%yFc"i&% fami&y %ynamic in !"ic" a&& interactions are e4p&aine% t"ro'g" t"e fami&iar .re'%ian tropes+ )n ATP t"ey e4p&icit&y e4pan% t"e scope of o*erco%ing #eyon% psyc"oana&ysis an% %escri#e% it as a 0stoppage1 7ATP 2208 or 0point of acc'm'&ation t"at p&'gs or sea&s t"e &ines of f&ig"t+++ an% #rings t"e f&o!s 'n%er t"e %ominance of a sing&e f&o!1 7ATP 2208+ 6pace !"ic" is o*erco%e% an% stratifie% is 0striate%1 !"i&e space !"ic" is constant&y %eterritoria&i2ing an% %eco%ing !it"o't reterritoria&i2ation is 0smoot"+1 )n spite of t"e pre*a&ence of stratification DG conten% t"at it is t"e p&ane of consistency is primary to t"e pro%'ction of assem#&ages+ ,"o'g" !"at often fo&&o!s is a compensatory reco%ing or reterritoria&i2ation t"e strata are 0contin'a&&y #eing s"a/en #y p"enomena of crac/ing an%
r'pt're1 7ATP 558 an% if t"e >'a&ity of t"e strata #ecomes %ominate% #y %eterritoria&i2ation=%eco%ing t"ere is a %estratification+ )n e*ery assem#&age t"e strata are 0a&!ays resi%'e1 an% resistance is a&!ays potentia&&y present+ ,"o'g" capita&ism is #ase% on a 0freeing1 of i%entities socia& #on%s an% mar/ets its &i#eratory potentia& an% ten%ency to!ar%s #rea/%o!ns is "arnesse% #y !"at DG ca&& 0a4iomatics+1 ("ereas pre:capita&ist societies f'nctione% t"ro'g" co%ing:o*erco%ing an% fi4e% territories capita&ism effects an 'nprece%ente% process of %eco%ing an% %eterritoria&i2ation+ ,"e primary %eco%e% f&o!s !"ic" #egin capita&ism are 0t"e %eco%e% f&o!s of pro%'ction in t"e form of money:capita& an% t"e %eco%e% f&o!s of &a#or in t"e form of t"e 'free !or/er' 1 7AO ##8 ,"o'g" DG %o not refer to it e4p&icit&y t"is is a reference to Mar4's i%ea of primiti*e acc'm'&ation+ Mar4's %escription of 0t"e "istorica& process of %i*orcing t"e pro%'cer from t"e means of pro%'ction1 744G8 is in DG's terms a process of %eco%ing+ <eca'se t"e pro%'cer or &a#o'rer no &onger 0formDsE part an% parce& of t"e means of pro%'ction1 744G8 an% is 0free1 to Boin in ne! assem#&ages 0attac"e% to t"e soi&1 744G8+ At first g&ance t"is process %eco%ing an% %eterritoria&i2ation specific to capita&ism seems emancipatory an% in%ee% t"e on&y !ay to reac" t"e p&ane of consistency is t"ro'g" ra%ica& %eco%ing an% %eterritoria&i2ation+ DG e4p&ain t"e e4istence of emancipate% f&o!s in t"e a#sence of a reco%ing mac"ine t"ro'g" t"e i%ea of t"e a4iomatic+ Hn&i/e co%ing t"e a4iomatic is a#&e to %isregar% specific >'a&ities an% operate on 0p're&y f'nctiona& e&ements an% re&ations !"ose nat're is not specifie%1 7ATP 4548+ ,"e pragmatic c"aracter of t"e a4iomatic is necessary #eca'se t"e capita&ist system is 0incapa#&e of pro*i%ing a co%e t"at !i&& app&y to t"e !"o&e of t"e socia& fie&%1 7AO --8 an% m'st #e a&&o!e% to %isp&ace its o!n temporary &imits t"ro'g" t"e e4perimenta& a%%ition an% s'#traction of a4iomatic in t"e a#sence of an interna& &imit+ ,"e most #asic e4amp&e of an a4iomatic is moneyC p're&y
f'nction an% a&!ays open to re*a&'ation+ ,"e %eco%ings an% %eterritoria&i2ations of primiti*e acc'm'&ation are re%'ce% to an 0a4iomatic of a#stract >'antities in t"e form of money1 7AO $-98 in !"ic" 0a&&iances an% fi&iations no &onger pass t"ro'g" peop&e #'t t"ro'g" money1 7AO 2648+ ,"e capita&ist mac"ine is a#&e to "arness free f&o!s in a pre%icta#&e !ay !it"o't reco'rse to transcen%ent co%es+ ,"e %omination of t"e capita&ist a4iomatic %oes not prec&'%e t"e nee% for an effecti*e 6tate mo%e& in fact t"e con%itions nee%e% for capita&ism are repro%'ce% #y 6tate territories partic'&ar&y t"e fami&y+ 9apita&ism an% t"e 6tate e4ist as t!o po&es an% mo%ern societies are 0ca'g"t #et!een Dt"emE+++constant&y osci&&ating from one po&e to t"e ot"er1 7AO 2608+ ,"e 6tate po&e 0!o'&% &i/e to res'scitate an o*erco%ing an% reterritoria&i2ing 'nity1 7AO 2608 !"i&e t"e capita&ist po&e ten%s 0to!ar% an a#so&'te t"res"o&%1 7AO 2608 of %eco%e% f&o!s+ <'t #eca'se 0t"e mo%ern socia& a4iomatic can f'nction on&y #y res'scitating1 7AO 26$8 t"e arc"aic Hrstaat an% reinstating it as an interna& &imit of capita&ism t"ere is sti&& a nee% for an o*erco%ing apparat's+ As DG arg'e in AO t"e fami&y@ no! o'tsi%e t"e socia& fie&% an% 0pri*ati2e%1@ #ecomes t"e most effecti*e &oc's of repro%'ction for t"e con%itions of capita&ism+ ,"e pri*ate person is not"ing more t"an "is="er &a#o'r po!er yet t"e image of fat"er mot"er c"i&% is retaine% an% ser*es as materia& for capita&ist app&ication+ ,"e fami&y 0ceases to gi*e its socia& form to economic repro%'ction1 7AO 26-8 an% e4ists on&y as matter for t"e a4iomatics+ )n t'rn t"e socia& fie&% is re%'ce% to e4pressing on&y t"e pri*ate fami&ia& territoriesC #osses B'%ges presi%ents a&& #ecome fat"ers+ ,"is re%'ction "as t!o imme%iate effectsC t"e o#f'scation of t"e materia& rea&ity of socia& pro%'ction t"ro'g" t"e repro%'ction an% app&ication of fami&ia& representations an% t"e pro%'ction of an interna& &imit !"ic" 0repe&DsE t"e a#so&'te e4terior &imit1 7AO 2668 of capita&ism !"ic" co'&% &ea% to a re*o&'tionary act'a&i2ation of %esire free of
a4iomatics+ (it" t"e con%itions of repro%'ction iso&ate% an% sec're% in t"e o*erco%e% 6tate territories t"e capita&ist a4iomatic is free to regar% &a#o'rers as *aria#&e matter+ ?oose*e&t's Ne! Dea& is a perfect e4amp&e of t"e capita&ist %ep&oyment of a4iomatic in t"e face of crisis+ A #asic c"aracteristic of t"e Ne! Dea& !"ic" points to its a4iomatic nat're is its 0spirit of pragmatic e4perimentation1 7?a'c"!ay 28+ ?a'c"!ay repeate%&y emp"asi2es t"at 0t"e ?oose*e&t agen%a gre! #y e4periment1 7568 an% &i/e any proper a4iomatic meas're% its s'ccess #y its f'nctiona&ity+ ,"ere !as a constant a%%ition an% s'#traction of programs an% inter*entions an% 0t"e parts t"at !or/e% st'c/ no matter t"eir origin1 7568+ ?oose*e&t's first a4iomatic concerne% t"e &imits of t"e #an/s+ ,"e Emergency <an/ing Act 0a&&o!e% t"e .e%era& ?eser*e 6ystem greater &atit'%e in iss'ing c'rrency1 7578 an% as a res'&t a&&o!e% "a&f of t"e co'ntry's #an/s to reopen+ ?at"er t"an re:e4amine t"e #an/ing system in toto t"e go*ernment ga*e t"e #an/s ne! &ife+ ,"o'g" t"e #an/ "o&i%ays !ere a goo% start ?oose*e&t's tr'e a4iomatic generators !ere t"e 0#e!i&%ering a&p"a#et so'p of #'rea'cracies1 7668+ .rom .E?A 7.e%era& Emergency ?e&ief A%ministration8 an% its state:%irecte% grants to t"e 9(A 79i*i& (or/s A%ministration8 an% it's 0"iring DofE fo'r mi&&ion Americans1 7658 t"e goa& of t"ese of socia& programs an% agencies !as to res'scitate capita&ism e*en if it meant e4treme spen%ing+ ,"e s"eer n'm#er of t"ese programs an% in partic'&ar t"eir ten%ency to m'tate into ne! more effecti*e programs spea/s to t"eir pragmatic an% a4iomatic c"aracter+ .E?A !as in fact a retoo&ing of 5oo*er's E?A 7Emergency ?e&ief A%ministration8 an offs"oot of t"e Emergency ?e&ief an% 9onstr'ction act of $9-2 !"ic" ga*e states &oans rat"er t"an grants an% 'n&i/e .E?A 0accomp&is"e% &itt&e1 76-8+ ,"e P(A 7 P'#&ic (or/s A%ministration8 &ea% to t"e 9(A 79i*i& (or/s A%ministration8 !"ic" morp"e% into t"e (PA 7(or/s Progress A%ministration8 an% on an% on+ More t"an B'st a rearranging of &etters in a #'rea'cratic a&p"a#et so'p t"is strategy of
constant reca&i#ration !"ic" c"aracteri2es t"e !"o&e of t"e Ne! Dea& i&&'strates t"e a4iomatic c"aracter of t"e ne! %ea& programs; t"e on&y &imit for capita&ism is t"e ne4t one+ ,"e Ne! Dea& %i% not B'st foc's e4c&'si*e&y on capita&ist a4iomatics an% re&ie% on t"e 6tate's a#i&ity to o*erco%e t"e f&oo% of %eco%e% an% %eterritoria&i2e% f&o!s set free #y 'ntramme&&e% capita&ism+ ("i&e t"e fami&y is a primary &oc's for 6tate repro%'ction an% a pro*i%er of images=e4pressions t"e *ery i%ea of 0Americanism1 is a po!erf'& signifier set !"ic" can a&so #e trace% onto t"e #o%y of t"e fami&y+ ,"e rec'rrent %espotic signifiers fo'n% in t"e Great Depression are t"ose fami&iar to t"e American myt"osC r'gge% in%i*i%'a&ism sma&& go*ernment an% t"e %i*ine imperati*e to rea&i2e America's %estiny as "'manity's &ast c"ance+ Presi%ent 5oo*er's 'n#a&ance% emp"asis on o*erco%ing !as a maBor contri#'ting factor in "is a%ministrationIs fai&'re to ma/e any impro*ement in t"e economy+ 5e !as against any form of go*ernment re&ief 0on princip&e1 7-28 an% #e&ie*e% t"at t"e 0comm'nity spirit in t"e American peop&e1 7-$8 co'&% fig"t t"e %epression+ )f go*ernment inter*ention s'perse%e% t"e *o&'ntary actions of free citi2ens American %emocracy !o'&% gi*e !ay to 0socia&ism an% co&&ecti*ism1 7-28 an% for 5oo*er it !as more important to "ono'r t"e &i#era& sma&& go*ernment spirit 'pon !"ic" t"e co'ntry !as fo'n%e%+ E*ent'a&&y 5oo*er "a% no a&ternati*e #'t to offer fe%era& re&ief t"o'g" "e s'pporte% t"ese acts 0re&'ctant&y1 7--8+ ?oose*e&t !as m'c" more open to inter*ention t"ro'g" a4iomatics yet "e ma%e s're to offer o*erco%e% B'stifications+ ,"is !as cr'cia& #eca'se t"e *ery act of go*ernment inter*ention contra%icts t"e #asic American tenant of t"e se&f:re&iant in%i*i%'a&+ ?oose*e&t !as a#&e to act ra%ica&&y an% o*erstep t"e #o'n%aries of t"e 9onstit'tion as &ong as "e ass're% t"e peop&e in one of "is firesi%e c"ats t"at "is actions !ere not ra%ica& #'t in &ine !it" American *a&'es+ A&t"o'g" o*erco%ing !as often p't to 'se #y capita&ism t"ere !ere instances in !"ic" t"e re&ations"ip !as antagonistic+ .or e4amp&e m'c" of ?oose*e&t's
%issatisfaction !it" t"e 9(A res'&te% from a mora&istic opposition to go*ernment "an%o'ts+ Direct re&ief !as in fact &ess e4pensi*e t"an !or/ re&ief #'t 0pri%e an%+++ mora&ity &e% t"em to prefer t"e cost&ier co'rse1 7678+ ,"is is !"at DG mean t"ey arg'e t"at t"ere is a constant *aci&&ation #et!een t"e 6tate an% capita&ist po&es !"ic" %oes not necessari&y fa*o'r t"e &atter po&e %espite its preeminence+ .ort'nate&y for peop&e s'c" as ?oose*e&t t"e myt"ic co%es of Americanism %o often coinci%e !it" t"e fami&ia&:capita&ist mo%e& an% repro%'ce a%e>'ate re&ations for t"e a4iomatics+ A %efinitiona& aspect of t"e capita&ist e4pression of patriarc"y is t"e a#i&ity to #e a pro%'cti*e !or/er an% a pro*i%er for one's fami&y+ )n t"is sense mass 'nemp&oyment &ea%s to mass emasc'&ation+ As one contemporaneo's o't:of:!or/ man p't it so s'ccinct&y 0a man is not a man !it"o't !or/1 74-8+ ,"'s it !as not on&y t"e &ea%ers !"o nee%e% to preser*e t"eir American pri%e an% mora&ityC t"e a*erage 'nemp&oye% !or/er nee%e% to pro*e t"eir citi2ens"ip t"ro'g" t"e type of 0meaningf'& !or/1 7678 s'ita#&e to t"e fami&ia& 'nit+ )n%ee% o*erco%ing is not a top:%o!n operation #eginning !it" t"e go*ernment an% sprea%ing to t"e fami&y sc"oo&s c"'rc"es etc+ A*erco%ing operates as a 0resonance c"am#er1 7ATP 2248 !"ic" ca'ses 0a&& t"e centers17ATP 2248 of t"e 6tate Apparat'ses to repeat t"e same refrain+ ?oose*e&t's %iscomfort an% am#i*a&ence to!ar%s re&ief mirrore% t"e p'#&ic's attit'%e an% for t"e same reasons of pri%e %istr'st of c"arity an% fait" in t"e resi&iency of America+ )t !as a#o't more t"an se&f:respect; one m'st respect onese&f as an American a !or/er an% a fat"er+ ,"o'g" capita&ism nee%s t"e patriarc"a& fami&y to f'nction its o!n *icissit'%es can ca'se a %eco%ing of t"e fat"er:!or/er+ An e*ent s'c" as t"e Great Depression re*ea&s t"e "i%%en %ifference #et!een t"e t"e fat"er !"o m'st #e o*erco%e% an% t"e !or/er !"o is f'nctiona& an% at t"e mercy of t"e mar/et+ 9apita&ism is a%ept at 'sing o*erco%ing for its o!n p'rposes a&t"o'g" t"e re&ations"ip is not a&!ays
"armonio's an% occasiona&&y o*erco%ing o*erta/es capita&ism s'c" as ?oose*e&t's treatment of t"e 9(A+ 5o!e*er t"e primary mo%e of go*ernmenta& operation %'ring t"e Great Depression fa*o're% a co&&'sion !it" in%'stry !"ic" &e% to t"e %ominance of capita&ist a4iomatics+ Agencies &i/e t"e Agric'&t'ra& A%B'stment A%ministration 7AAA8 an% t"e Nationa& ?eco*ery A%ministration 7N?A8 inter*ene% in t"e mar/et %irect&y t"ro'g" t"e manip'&ation of competition an% prices+ )n s'c" instances of go*ernment an% mar/et co&&'sion t"e go*ernment's ten%ency to o*erco%e American *a&'es !"ic" co'&% "in%er t"e effecti*e operation of t"e a4iomatics fa&&s a!ay+ Accor%ing&y t"e p&ace of state o*erco%ing #ecomes e*en more foc'se% on t"e fami&y+ (it" o*erco%ing concentrate% in t"e %omestic rea&m t"is state #ecomes an e*en more efficient mo%e& of rea&i2ation for capita&ism+ ,"ere is sti&& a socia& imperati*e for t"e patriarc" to e4press t"ese co%es of Americani2e% masc'&inity t"ro'g" "is &a#o'r "o!e*er it is mere&y an e4pression concentrate% in t"e fami&y an% not representati*e of "is tr'e co%e&ess re&ation to capita&+ Mo%es of transportation in t"e ear&y t!entiet" cent'ry name&y t"e a'tomo#i&e an% t"e train "o&% a significant p&ace in t"e re&ations #et!een &a#o'r an% fami&ia& co%es+ ,o%% DePastino in "is #oo/ Citizen Ho o! Ho" a Century of Homelessness Shaped America, notes t"e transition of t"e tra*e&&ing &a#o'rer from t"e "o#o to t"e 0a'tomo#i&e to'rists1 7DePastino $778 in t"e years &ea%ing 'p to t"e Great Depression+ (or/ers !"o tra*e&&e% #y a'tomo#i&e !ere more appea&ing to emp&oyers for a n'm#er of reasons+ 5ar*ests too/ &ess time an% t"erefore ma%e more profit #eca'se !or/ers co'&% #e mo*e% 0>'ic/&y in more %irect ro'tes1 7$778+ ,"e &imite% capacity an% %i*i%'a& c"aracter of t"e a'tomo#i&e ma%e !or/ers 0easier to manage1 7$778 for emp&oyers an% "ar%er to organi2e for ra%ica& 'nions &i/e t"e (o##&ies+ <esi%es t"ese >'antitati*e reasons emp&oyers fo'n% a'tomo#i&e:#o'n% !or/ers more attracti*e t"an "o#oes #eca'se t"ey !ere free of t"e 0contaminating inf&'ences of t"e #o4car1 7$778+ Not s'rprising&y
t"e t"reat of 'nc"ec/e% %eco%ing=%eterritoria&i2ation ca'se% t"e rai& yar%s to #e 0*igoro's&y po&ice%1 7$778 !"ere "o#oes !ere reterritoria&i2e% to 'nemp&oyment offices an% or%ere% to 0ta/e Bo#s or imme%iate&y &ea*e to!n1 7$778+ Many emp&oyers preferre% migratory fami&ies o*er sing&e transients in part #eca'se t"ey &ac/e% t"e negati*e attri#'tes of t"e "o#oes+ <'t at t"e same time t"eir %ra! "a% &itt&e to %o !it" t"eir pri*ate fami&ia& co%es; t"eir appea& !as t"eir 0e4traor%inary capacity for ma/ing t"emse&*es inconspic'o's1 7$7G8+ ,"is am#i*a&ence s"o!s t"e %'a& nat're of t"e a4iomati2e% fami&y+ )t !as important for t"e fami&ies to at &east /eep t"emse&*es in c"ec/ #'t #eyon% t"at t"eir strengt" is t"eir a#i&ity to #e t"e attri#'te&ess any:!or/er:!"ate*er !"ose %esiring:pro%'ction !as a&rea%y containe% #y t"e interna& &imit of t"e Ae%ipa& fami&y+ )n%ee% t"e "o#o !it" "is temporary an% *aria#&e 0'se !"en nee%e%1 c"aracter a&rea%y !as t"e any:!or/er: !"ate*er !"ic" capita&ism nee%e%+ 5o!e*er t"e "o#o's ten%ency to organi2e against emp&oyers an% ca'se conf&ict %emonstrate% t"at t"e &a#o'rer nee%e% Ae%ipa&i2e% &imits+ ,"e mass 'nemp&oyment of t"e Great Depression re&ease% a ne! f&oo% of transients !"ose greater n'm#ers an% !i%e:ranging an% %i*erse ma/e:'p@!"ic" inc&'%e% teenagers@presente% a rea& t"reat to t"e socia& or%er+ A&t"o'g" t"ey statistica&&y acco'nte% for a *ery sma&& percentage of t"e transient pop'&ation &a%y "o#oes an% !i&% #oys !ere symptomatic of #rea/ing %o!n of t"e socia& a4iomatic+ (it"o't a f'nctioning a4iomatic t"e %eco%ings of gen%er fami&y an% comm'nity co'&% 0go too far1 for capita&ism+ Again t"e capita&ist preference !as t"e migratory fami&y !"o !ere &a#e&&e% 0transients1 rat"er t"an 0migrants1 an% 0seeme% to retain t"e "a#its an% *a&'es of "ome &ife Dan%E reaffirmDe%E tra%itiona& fami&y str'ct're1 72$68 !"ere*er t"ey roame%+ ,"is %istinction reca&&s t"e one ma%e in ATP #et!een noma% an% migrant+ ,"e noma% tra*e&s an% creates smoot" space !"i&e t"e migrant striates an% co%es space+ ,"e noma% can tra*e& t"o'g" it is not necessary; mo*ement is >'a&itati*e=intensi*e an% concerne% !it" #rea/ing "a#its+ )n
contrast t"e migrant mo*es e4tensi*e&y ne*er intensi*e&y an% sett&es+ )n t"e !or%s of a ,ransient Program a%ministrator t"e migrantIs mo*ement is 0a %esira#&e an% necessary p"enomenon if o'r present %ay economy is to f'nction smoot"&y an% efficient&y1 72$68+ .or t"e capita&ist a4iomatic t"e migratory fami&y not t"e noma%ic assem#&age is t"e more %esira#&e form of mo*ement+ )n t"e fi&m Wild Boys of the Road t"e financia& crisis of t"e !i&% #oys correspon%s to t"e %isor%er in t"eir fami&ies specifica&&y t"eir non:f'nctiona& fat"ers+ ,ommy's fat"er is %ea% an% "is mot"er is o't of !or/+ ,"o'g" t"ere is not a one to one re&ations"ip #et!een t"ese t!o pro#&ems t"e a#sence of "is fat"er e4poses capita&ism's re&iance on t"e mot"er:fat"er:c"i&% 'nit+ ,"is is partic'&ar&y e*i%ent !"en ,ommy spea/s 'neasi&y a#o't a ma&e #oar%er !"o pro*i%es some income for "is mot"er+ 5is presence is 'ncannyC a paro%ic s'ggestion of a pro*i%er:fat"er !"ic" 'n!itting&y %isc&oses t"at t"e tr'e p&ace of fi&iation no! &ies in t"e re&ations of capita&+ E%%ie's fat"er is in a sense a&so %ea%C "e "as &ost "is Bo# an% cannot pro*i%e for "is fami&y+ ,o "e&p o't E%%ie se&&s "is car an% gi*es t"e money to "is fat"er+ Ane mig"t anticipate t"at t"e fat"er !o'&% fee& t"reatene% #y "is son's 's'rping of po!er #'t E%%ie's fat"er te&&s "im 0Jo''&& ne*er ma/e me fee& as pro'% as yo' %i% t"is min'te+1 As o%% as t"e fat"er's reaction may seem it is in fact an assertion of t"e fami&y 'nit+ As DG arg'e !"en trans&ate% into t"e 0images of capita&1 7AO 2648 t"e fat"er mot"er an% c"i&% correspon% to 0Mister 9apita& Ma%ame Eart" an%+++ t"e (or/er1 7AO 2648+ ,"'s E%%ie t"ro'g" earning money is not rep&acing "is fat"er #'t !or/ing for "im+ )n%ee% t"is is e4act&y t"e re&ations"ip s"o!n in t"e fi&mC E%%ie %oes a&& of t"e !or/ !"i&e "is fat"er sits #ac/ an% co&&ects t"e profit+ 5o!e*er E%%ie's se&&ing of "is car is not somet"ing "e can repeat an% in or%er to fin% stea%y !or/ "e %eci%es "it t"e roa% a&ong !it" t"e fat"er&ess ,ommy+ ,"o'g" t"ey cannot imme%iate&y repair t"eir fat"er's #ro/en stat's t"ey can
amen% t"eir o!n ro&e as t"e son:!or/er+ )n t"is !ay t"ey can at &east res'scitate part of t"e Ae%ipa&i2e% fami&y !it" an aim to &ater re*i*e t"e !"o&e 'nit+ ,"is fig're of t"e fat"er ret'rns in t!o cr'cia& instances of %omination !"ic" %emonstrate t"e ten%ency to p't e4tra:fami&ia& sit'ations into Ae%ipa&i2e% categories+ ,"e first occ'rs !"en t"e po&ice attac/ t"e !i&% #oys' #ase+ As t!o po&icemen rea%y a fire "ose one says to t"e ot"er 0,"is is a rotten tric/ yo' as/ me1 to !"ic" t"e ot"er respon%s 05o! %o yo' t"in/ ) fee& !it" t!o /i%s of my o!n at "omeK1 <ot" men are portraye% sympat"etica&&y; t"ey regret "a*ing to %iscip&ine t"e #oys #'t it is t"eir Bo#+ Essentia&&y t"ey are fat"ers an% t"e !i&% #oys are t"eir mis#e"a*ing c"i&%ren+ ,"is app&ication sim'&taneo's&y infanti&i2es an% tri*ia&i2es t"e re*o&'tionary potentia& of t"e !i&% #oys an% o#f'scates t"e t"e rea&ity of t"e po&ice's actions+ ,"e po&ice are not simp&y %iscip&ining c"i&%ren t"ey are stopping a riot+ <'t in t"e Ae%ipa&i2e% territories 0t"e foreman t"e priest t"e ta4 co&&ector the cop1 7AO 2658 a&& #ecome t"e fat"er an% rea&ity #ecomes t"e 'nto'c"a#&e imaginary+ ,"is %'p&icity ret'rns at t"e en% of t"e fi&m !"en t"e !i&% #oys face t"e B'%ge+ ,"e scene is recogni2a#&y a co'rt procee%ing #'t it a&so resem#&es a fat"er&y sco&%ing+ 5is fat"er&y %emeano'r is reinforce% !"en "e ret'rns to "is office an% smi&es &o*ing&y at a pict're of "is son+ Li/e t"e po&ice "e is remin%e% of "is o!n c"i&%ren an% "is preeminent ro&e as a fat"er in "is %ea&ings !it" t"e !i&% #oys+ Again t"e rea& &ega& an% financia& tro'#&es !"ic" face t"e !i&% #oys are re%'ce% to imaginary fami&ia& re&ations an% are o#sc're%+ ,"e roa% in partic'&ar t"e space of t"e #o4car is a site of %eco%ing=%eterritoria&i2ation in !"ic" fami&ia& an% gen%er ro&es co'&% #e reconfig're%+ As DePastino notes t"e rai&s "a% a rep'tation as a contaminating inf&'ence !"ic" is to say t"ey co'&% 0contaminate1 t"ey p'rity of socia&&y accepta#&e re&ations+ E%%ie an% ,ommy %eterritoria&i2e from t"eir "omes onto t"e
#o4car "o!e*er t"eir %eco%ing is a&!ays re&ati*e+ (e m'st remem#er t"at t"e impet's for t"e f&ig"t onto t"e roa% !as an attempt to preser*e t"e fami&y 'nit+ ,"eir initia& intentions are not to re#e& #'t to strengt"en t"e #on% #et!een c"i&% an% parents an% fami&y an% capita&+ 5o!e*er %espite t"eir intentions t"e a#an%onment of t"e "ome in fa*o'r of t"e roa% necessitates some %eco%ing of t"eir ro&es as sons+ ,"ey escape t"e ro'tines an% re>'irements of "ome &ife for t"e insta#i&ity of ri%ing t"e rai&s+ Per"aps t"e #est e4amp&e of t"e %eco%ing of ro&es is not E%%ie or ,ommy #'t 6a&&y !"o in or%er to s'r*i*e on t"e rai&s %resses as a #oy+ <'t t"is is not >'ite !"at "appens; s"e %oes not ecome a #oy at &east not in t"e or%inary sense of t"e !or%+ )f it !ere t"is simp&e 6a&&y's transformation !o'&% #e a case of re&ati*e %eterritoria&i2ation an% reterritoria&i2ationC a mo*ement from one sta#&e i%entity to anot"er+ 5o!e*er !"at res'&ts is act'a&&y somet"ing ne!C an a#so&'te %eterritoria&i2ation+ ,"is comp&e4 i%entity is e*i%ent in t"e scene !"en E%%ie an% 6a&&y first meet an% get into a fig"t+ L'%ging #y E%%ie's #&oo%y nose an% "is s'#se>'ent f&inc"ing at "er e*ery mo*ement it is fair to say t"at s"e is t"e p"ysica&&y %ominant one+ At t"e same time s"e is not rea&&y trying to #e a #oy+ ("en E%%ie acts s'rprise% t"at s"e is a 0s"e1 6a&&y says 06're )'m a s"eM ("at %i% yo' t"in/K1 6"e is not trying to ass'me a&& of t"e sta#&e co%es of masc'&inity rat"er s"e pic/s an% c"ooses from a&& gen%er co%es to create a persona&i2e% i%entity for "er o!n p'rposes+ Af co'rse t"is is s'#Bect to striations in &ater scenes #'t at t"is moment it is a tr'e %eco%ing+ ,"e rape scene is a te&&ing contrast to t"e impercepti#i&ity an% canniness !"ic" 6a&&y fin%s in "er %eco%e% i%entity+ ("en Grace is rape% #y a rai&roa% g'ar% s"e is e4pose% as 0feminine1; s"e is !it"o't "er masc'&ine c&ot"es spotte% on&y !earing a #ra+ ,"e g'ar% is a#&e to co%e "er as a !oman 7t"erefore someone !"o is 0e4pose%1 to rape8 #'t "e can on&y %o so in t"e %eco%e% &oose&y reg'&ate% space of t"e roa%+ ,"e contrast #et!een 6a&&y an% Grace p'ts into >'estion t"e meaning of 0t"e #o4car as a
contaminating space+1 6a&&y is 0contaminate%1 in t"e sense t"at s"e is %i*orce% from a sta#&e gen%er ro&e !"ereas Grace is 0contaminate%1 t"ro'g" an a%"erence to t"e same ro&e+ 6a&&y's contamination is &i#erating rat"er t"an %angero's an% on&y registers as a 0contamination1 from t"e perspecti*e of t"e po!er regime !"ic" *a&'es sta#&e gen%er ro&es+ ("en critics of t"e #o4car spea/ of contamination t"ey &'mp toget"er t"ese t!o occ'rences an% ignore t"e fact t"at one act'a&&y participates in t"e gen%er co%es !"ic" c"aracteri2e t"e ostensi#&y p're society o'tsi%e of t"e #o4car+ ,"'s in a te&&ing %isc&os're t"e #o4car's contamination is re*ea&e% to #e tr'&y %angero's on&y !"en t"e %eco%ing of t"is space is 'se% as a s'pport for t"e repressi*e co%e% i%entity of 0!oman+1 ,"ere are %ifferent types of %eco%ing; some are 'sef'& an% emancipatory !"i&e ot"ers faci&itate a#'se+ ,"e #o4car t"o'g" not a perpet'a&&y smoot" space %oes present E%%ie ,ommy an% 6a&&y !it" opport'nities to %eco%e t"eir fami&ia& ro&es+ ,"e a'tomo#i&e "eretofore associate% !it" t"e striate% mo*ement of t"e migratory fami&ies %isp&ays its o!n smoot"ing capa#i&ities+ E%%ie's Ba&opy affectionate&y name% 0Leapin' Lena1 is >'ite %ifferent from t"e a'tomo#i&e of t"e migratory fami&ies+ A&t"o'g" t"e car of t"e 0a'tomo#i&e to'rist1 !as a %eterritoria&i2ing agent !"ic" mo*e% t"e fami&y from farm to farm an% Leapin' Lena %eterritoria&i2es t"e teenagers from t"eir fami&ies t"e nat're of t"e %eterritoria&i2ation is c"ange% #y t"e correspon%ing act of %eco%ing+ ("ereas t"e migratory fami&y's car %eco%ing is &imite% an% a4iomati2e% #y t"e &a#o'r process an% t"e maintenance of fami&ia& ro&es E%%ie's car is a smoot" space+ )ts *ery appearance !it" its graffiti an% #ro/en %oors in%icates t"at it "as #een remo%e&e% or %eco%e% #y E%%ie an% "is frien%s+ <'t t"e rea& c"ange can #e seen in t"e acti*ities !"ic" go on in an% !it" t"e car+ ,"e car's remo*a& of t"e teens from t"e !atc"f'& eyes of t"eir parents an% gi*es t"em re&ati*e a'tonomy !"ic" &ea%s to se4'a& e4p&oration or at &east "ea*y petting in t"e #ac/ seat+ 5o!e*er t"e t"reat of
reterritoria&i2ation is a&!ays rea& an% t"e car !it" a&& of its s'#*ersi*e potentia& can easi&y t'rn into a 0fami&y a'tomo#i&e1 as seen #y Agnes' mot"er's interr'pti*e %eman% t"at s"e comes in t"e "o'se+ ,"'s smoot"ness is not %epen%ant on t"e *e"ic&e or space #'t t"e nat're of t"e assem#&ages into !"ic" it enters+ ,"e car an% t"e #o4car #ot" "a*e t"e potentia& for %eco%ing or reco%ing=o*erco%ing an% t"ese processes t"emse&*es can #e "e&pf'& or "armf'& %epen%ing on t"eir 'ses an% com#inations+ ?eca&& t"at t"e #o4car rape e4ists in a p&ace !"ic" is %ereg'&ate% yet oppressi*e&y gen%ere%+ ,"e same princip&e app&ies to mo*ement+ ,"e migratory fami&y car is striate% in a&& of its mo*ements #ringing its 0fami&y *a&'es1 a&ong for t"e ri%e !"i&e t"e stationary Leapin' Lena par/e% in Lo*er's Lane is t"e p&ace of rea& intensi*e mo*ement+ )n t"e case of t"e #o4car it is t"e e4act oppositeC stasis a&&o!s t"e g'ar% to fin% Grace an% rape "er !"i&e e4tensi*e an% intensi*e mo*ement empo!ers t"e #oys to easi&y get ri% of t"e rapist an% t"ro! "im from t"e mo*ing train+ DePastino's e4p&anation of t"e opposition #et!een a'tomo#i&e an% train is "e&pf'& in t"at it in%icates pop'&ar attit'%es to!ar% t"ese t!o mo%es an% t"eir mi&ie's+ ,"e fi&m's strengt" is to s"o! t"at t"e c"aracter of mo*ement an% space@!"et"er it is smoot" or striate%@is not %epen%ent on a partic'&ar *e"ic&e an% can occ'r in a *ariety of assem#&ages+ )n t"eir greatest moments t"e fi&m's tra*e&&ers constit'te !"at DG ca&& a !ar mac"ine+ ,"is is a socia& assem#&age !"ic" is e4terior to t"e 6tate an% it's segmente% centra&i2e% organi2ation; it is t"e noma%'s mac"ine+ ,"e !ar mac"ine's tas/ is to create smoot" space t"ro'g" t"e 0occ'pation of t"is space %isp&acement !it"in t"is space an% t"e correspon%ing composition of peop&e1 7ATP 4$78+ )t is on&y !"en t"e 6tate appropriates t"e !ar mac"ine t"at 0it ta/es !ar as its o#Bect1 7ATP 4$68 an% t"e &ine of f&ig"t #ecomes segmente% an% s'#Bect to state contro&+ ("en it is free of t"e 6tate t"e !ar mac"ine #ecomes 0%irecte% against t"e 6tate
an% against t"e !or&%!i%e a4iomatic e4presse% #y 6tates1 7ATP 4228+ ,"is !ar mac"ine 'n&i/e t"e 6tate:r'n iteration ta/es !ar as its o#Bect #'t on&y as a 0s'pp&ementary1 7ATP 4228 o#Bect+ ,"e essentia& f'nction of t"e !ar mac"ine is t"e creation of smoot" space; !ar is a #ypro%'ct+ ,"e !ar mac"ine of t"e !i&% #oys procee%s t"ro'g" fits an% starts interr'pte% #y o*erco%ings an% reterritoria&i2ations+ ("en it is noma%ic t"e !ar mac"ine is !it"o't a centre or &ea%ing agent !"o %etermines an o#Becti*e+ ,"'s c&assic 5o&&y!oo% cinema !it" its ten%ency to!ar%s a centra& c"aracter !"o %irects action an% o*ercomes sit'ations seems &i/e an o%% p&ace to fin% a tr'&y noma%ic !ar mac"ine+ 5o!e*er t"e %eterritoria&i2ing imp'&se of any assem#&age !"et"er it is a !ar mac"ine cinema or a cinematic !ar mac"ine is primary; stratification an% segmentarity are resi%'a&+ ,"erefore e*en in a c&assica& fi&m &i/e Wild Boys of the Road one can fin% mo&ec'&arityC moments of escape+ A rec'rring %eterritoria&i2ation of t"e protagonist:action sc"ema "appens !"en t"e mass of !i&% #oys enter an% e4it t"e train+ )n one partic'&ar scene in !"ic" t"e !i&% #oys "op a train E%%ie #egins as t"e %irector=&ea%er an% is s"o!n saying 09ome on gang+ Let's go+1 5o!e*er !"en t"e action occ'rs E%%ie an% t"e ot"er t!o protagonists #ecome &ost among t"e ot"ers !"o sc'rry to #oar% t"e train+ (e temporari&y &ose o'r centra& actors an% are gi*en a g&impse of a se&f:%irecte% non:"ierarc"ica& assem#&age+ ("en t"e !i&% #oys "op off t"e train t"ey are confronte% #y 6tate officia&s an% &ine% 'p for interrogation+ ,"e transition from fren2ie% mass to segmente% &ine s"o!s t"e *aci&&ation #et!een t"e t!o po&es of t"e !ar mac"ine+ ,"e e4it from t"e train initia&&y resem#&es t"e entrance@se&f:%irecte% an% 'npre%icta#&e@#'t as t"e officia&s #egin to ta/e "o&% t"eir gro'ping #ecomes more or%er&y+ ,"is segmentarity is carrie% o*er to t"e camera's framing of t"e action+ ,"e e4it #egins !it" an acentere% !i%e frame !"ic" %oes not pri*i&ege any one c"aracter+ <'t as action procee%s an% t"e &ine #egins to form eac" c"aracter is gi*en "is="er o!n frame+ ,"o'g" t"is co'&% #e interprete%
as an instance of po&yp"ony@a c"ance to &et e*ery man spea/ for "imse&f@ it is act'a&&y an oppressi*e instance of segmentarityC t"e %i*i%ing of t"e !i&% #oys a&&o!s for interrogation an% p&acement+ Eac" #oy an% gir& gi*es t"eir story an% inten%e% %estination to t"e officia& !"o assigns eac" person to a pre:e4isting gro'p 7B'*eni&e "a&& t"e "ospita& or a re&ati*e's "ome8 an% in cinematic:narrati*e terms an action+ 9ertain&y !e meet perip"era& c"aracters #'t t"ey are a&!ays co%e% as 0s'pporting cast1; t"e traBectory is to!ar%s t"e fate of o'r main c"aracters+ ,e&&ing&y t"e a'%ience is to&% t"e %estination of a n'm#er of t"e s'pporting c"aracters !it" t"e e4ception of t!o #&ac/ #oys+ ,"is %'o 's'a&&y no more t"an comic re&ief are p&ace% at t"e en% of t"e &ine after t"e protagonists+ ("en t"e a'%ience is gi*en t"e ne4t point of action for t"e protagonists t"e #&ac/ #oys' story is a#an%one%+ ,"is is t"e f&ip si%e of co%ing a c"aracter gi*ing it a specific actionC %enying t"e importance of t"at action+ 6ti&& t"is %enia& of t"e *oice is "ar%&y a %emotion from t"eir segmente% an% o*erco%e% 0come%ic1 *oice+ )t seems t"at in t"is fi&m t"e on&y moments of escape for t"ese t!o an% often times for t"e ot"ers as !e&& comes in moments &i/e t"e instances of train: "opping !"en t"ey are free from %irection #ot" in terms of c"aracteri2ation narrati*e action an% t"e camera's framing+ ,"is &imitation %oes not app&y to a&& fi&ms an% certain&y t"ey are cinematic !ar mac"ines !"ic" re&y on c"aracteri2ations an% actions+ 5o!e*er t"e ten%ency to!ar%s &imite% c"aracteri2ations in t"is case racist or infanta&i2ing is so &i/e&y t"at t"ese moments of %isperse% action an% &ong s"ots are !"en t"is fi&m can create a tr'&y noma%ic !ar mac"ine+ ,"ere are a "an%f'& of moments !"en t"e !i&% #oysI !ar mac"ine is %irecte% against t"e 6tate+ Ane e4amp&e is t"e 0foo% fig"t1 scene in !"ic" t"e !i&% #oys force t"emse&*es #ac/ onto t"e train after #eing t"ro!n off #y t"e rai&roa% %ic/s+ ,"e action of t"e se>'ence &i/e t"e pre*io's train "opping scenes *aci&&ates #et!een striation an% smoot"ness+ E%%ie is t"e &ea%er
an% spo/esman !"o incites t"e action yet !"en t"e action #egins t"e acentere% an% protagonist: &ess cro!% enacts a "an%f'& of sim'&taneo's actions+ After t"is initia& #'rst t"e se>'ence #ecome striate% again t"ro'g" its ret'rn to o*erco%e% c"aracteri2ations; t"e t!o #&ac/ #oys eat !aterme&on an% are re&ati*e&y inacti*e e*en co!ar%&y an% E%%ie is s"o!n &ea%ing t"e resistance egg in "an%+ .'rt"ermore t"e genera& c"aracteri2ation of t"e scene as a foo% fig"t is an infanti&i2ing o*erco%ing of t"e !ar mac"ine's potentia&+ ,"e !i&% #oys are reterritoria&i2e% #ac/ onto t"e "omeC t"ey are 'nr'&y c"i&%ren !"o ca'se temporary %isor%er #'t in t"e en% are sti&& c"i&%ren+ ,"e faci&ity !it" !"ic" t"is is re%'ce% to a fami&ia& s>'a##&e %emonstrates t"e a#i&ities of t"e Ae%ipa& o*erco%ing:mac"ine an% its effect on !ar mac"ines %irecte% against t"e 6tate+ ,"e !i&% #oys' !ar mac"ine fa&&s apart in Ne! Jor/ !"en at t"e "an%s of a fat"er&y B'%ge t"ey are reterritoria&2e% on t"e fami&y 'nit+ A&& of t"e s'pporting c"aracters %isappear an% t"e action centres on t"e t"ree protagonists+ ,"o'g" 'p 'nti& t"is point E%%ie's tra*e&s on t"e roa% "a*e #een peripatetic "e %eci%es to stay in Ne! Jor/ an% "o&% a stea%y Bo#+ ,"is is "ar%&y s'rprising !"en one remem#ers t"at fin%ing !or/ !as t"e impet's #e"in% E%%ie's f&ig"t+ 5e first m'st pan"an%&e #'t "is arrest ma/es it c&ear t"at t"is is not t"e 0rig"t1 /in% of !or/+ ,"eir margina& acti*ity %oes not &ast for &ong an% t"e t"ree fin% t"emse&*es in front of a B'%ge+ ,"e co'rtroom scene reca&&s t"e pre*io's &ine'p=interrogation an% "as a simi&ar segmenting f'nction yet t"is time t"e /i%s %esire t"eir o!n capt're+ E%%ie reno'nces any &i#eratory potentia& of t"e roa% 70yo' %on't t"in/ !e &i/e t"e roa% %o yo'K18 an% cries a#o't "is &ac/ of a norma& fami&y &ife an% &egitimate emp&oyment+ ,"e B'%ge %ismisses t"eir cases #'t sti&& enforces a segmentation=p&acement+ ,"e t"ree &ine 'p an% t"eir ro&es are reinstate%+ E%%ie is promise% a Bo# #'t on&y on t"e con%ition t"at "e ret'rns "ome to "is fami&y an% res'mes "is ro&e as a
son=!or/er=sc"oo& p'pi&; in t"e !or%s of t"e B'%ge it is 0!"ere DE%%ieE #e&ongs+1 ,"e B'%ge f'rt"er promises E%%ie t"at "is fat"er !i&& soon fin% !or/ !it"o't any reasons or e*i%ence to #ac/ 'p t"e c&aim+ ,"is reasoning fits into t"e &ogic t"at once one part of t"e fami&y 'nit is re*i*e%@in t"is case t"e son@t"e rest !i&& fo&&o!+ 6a&&y's ra%ica& %eco%ing an% se&f sty&ing of "er gen%er is reterritoria&i2e% an% o*erco%e% !"en s"e accepts t"e B'%ge's promise t"at !i&& p&ace "er in 0some pri*ate "ome !"ere s"e can %o a &itt&e "o'se!or/+1 <eca'se ,ommy "as &ost a &eg on t"e roa% "is sit'ation is a &ess c&ear+ <'t t"e capita&ist a4iomatic is a&!ays open to ne! c"a&&enges an% t"e incorporation of anoma&ies+ 6pea/ing as a tr'e a4iomatician t"e B'%ge ass'res ,ommy 0(e'&& fin% a spot for yo'+1 No matter !"at c"anges ta/e p&ace !"et"er it is t"e !i&% #oy's &oss of innocence or &oss of &im# t"e a4iomatic a&!ays a#&e to ma/e ne! territories no &ess oppressi*e #eca'se of t"eir no*e&ty+ Wild Boys of the Road is certain&y a fi&m of t"e Ne! Dea& an% t"e Depression:era+ )t participates in many of t"e same co%ing an% territoria& processes !"ic" energi2e ?oose*e&t's a4iomatics+ A&t"o'g" t"e a#stract mo%e& of t"e Ae%ipa&i2e% fami&y 'nit is app&ica#&e to any capita&ist state it is especia&&y s'ite% to t"e American myt"os of t"e se&f:re&iant "ar%:!or/ing in%i*i%'a&+ A!ing to t"e scope of t"e proBect t"e foc's of t"is essay's fi&m ana&ysis "as #een on fami&ia& re&ations"ips #'t t"is is not to say t"at t"e crisis is strict&y pri*ate; t"is !o'&% #e a profo'n% misstep a/in to .re'%ian tracings+ .or it is %iffic'&t to t"in/ of c"aracters s'c" as E%%ie an% "is fat"er !it"o't consi%ering "o! t"is crisis of fat"er"oo% connects to t"e crisis of a capita&ist America !"ic" re&ies on t"e sta#i&ity of paterna& co%es an% t"ere po!ers of &imitation in o#f'scation +,"e "istorica& moment of t"e Great Depression re*ea&s t"e comp&e4 re&ations"ip #et!een t"e arc"aic co%es of t"e *ario's 6tate appart'ses an% t"e a4iomatic f'nctions of capita&ism+ ,"ro'g" t"e ostensi#&y 'n:American re&ief programs an% mar/et inter*entions of t"e
Ne! Dea& it is apparent t"at especia&&y in times of crisis t"e a4iomatic %ominates+ Jet as !e can see from Roose$elt%s fireside chats these actions rely on the supplemental functions of the mythic o$ercodes& By mappin' the film%s de$iations from the Oedipalized family, as "ell as its moments of adherence, "e see the potential for resistance a'ainst capitalist models& (oments such as Sally%s 'ender decodin')deterritorialization and *ddie%s creation of su ur an smooth space in his +alopy point oth to the oppressi$e strata specific to ,epression America and the possi ility to challen'e these striations, ho"e$er rief it may last& -n some respect "e can lame the limitation of ./#0s Holly"ood cinema for the riefness of the "ild oys% "ar machine1seen in those fe" aforementioned lon' shots1 ut "e should not dou t cinema as a "hole& The $ery fact that they do e2ist at all testifies to ,3%s contention that, as in all assem la'es, the destratifyin' force is primary& While Wild Boys of the Road may "a*e a &ot of stratic residue its fleetin' moments of escape, sometimes found in the most une2pected places, reminds us that "hen cinema is 'ood its po"ers of desta ilization and resistance are considera le&
(or/s 9ite% De&e'2e Gi&&es and 4e5li2 3uattari& Anti-oedipus! Capitalism and Schizophrenia+ Ne! Jor/C Ni/ing Press ./66& Print& @+ A Thousand Plateaus! Capitalism and Schizophrenia+ Minneapo&isC Hni*ersity of Minnesota Press $9G7+ Print+ DePastino ,o%%+ Citizen Ho o! Ho" a Century of Homelessness Shaped America+ 9"icagoC Hni*ersity of 9"icago Press 200-+ Print+ Mar4 Oar& an% 9 L+ Art"'r+ (ar2%s Capital+ Lon%onC La!rence P (is"art $992+ Print+ ?a'c"!ay Eric+ The 3reat ,epression 7 the 8e" ,eal! A 9ery Short -ntroduction+ A4for%C A4for% Hni*ersity Press 200G+ Print+ Wild Boys of the Road+ Dir+ (i&&iam (e&&man+ (arner <ros $9--+ .i&m+