A biome (from the Greek "bios" life), also called bioclimatic landscape or biotic areas (and should not be confused with an ecozone or ecoregion), is a particular part of the planet that shares the climate, flora and fauna. A biome is the set of characteristic ecosystems biogeographic zone is defined from vegetation and animal species predominate. It is the expression of the ecological conditions of the place at the regional or continental climate and soil determine the ecological conditions that respond to communities of plants and animals of this biome in question.
Know the concept of biome. Know the different types and biome classification systems. Understanding some concepts used in the study of ecology.
What is a Biome? A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region. Major biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands, tundra, and several types of aquatic environments. Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the small differences in climate and the environment inside the biome. All living things are closely related to their environment. Any change in one part of an environment, like an increase or decrease of a species of animal or plant, causes a ripple effect of change in through other parts of the environment. The earth includes a huge variety of living things, from complex plants and animals to very simple, one-celled organisms. But large or small, simple or complex, no organism lives alone. Each depends in some way on other living and nonliving things in its surroundings.
Biomes are climatically and geographically defined as similar climatic conditions on the Earth, such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms, and are often referred to as ecosystems. Some parts of the earth have more or less the same kind of abiotic and biotic factors spread over a large area, creating a typical ecosystem over that area. Such major ecosystems are termed as biomes. Biomes are defined by factors such as plant structures (such as trees, shrubs, and grasses), leaf types (such as broadleaf and needleleaf), plant spacing (forest, woodland, savanna), and climate. Unlike ecozones, biomes are not defined by genetic, taxonomic, or historical similarities. Biomes are often identified with particular patterns of ecological succession and climax vegetation (quasiequilibrium state of the local ecosystem). An ecosystem has many biotopes and a biome is a major habitat type. A major habitat type, however, is a compromise, as it has an intrinsic inhomogeneity. Some examples of habitats are ponds, trees, streams, creeks, under rocks and burrows in the sand or soil. The biodiversity characteristic of each extinction, especially the diversity of fauna and subdominant plant forms, is a function of abiotic factors and the biomass productivity of the dominant vegetation. In terrestrial biomes, species diversity tends to correlate positively with net primary productivity, moisture availability, and temperature.
Ecoregions are grouped into both biomes and ecozones. A fundamental classification of biomes is: 1. Terrestrial (land) biomes 2. Aquatic biomes (including freshwater biomes and marine biomes) Sometimes an entire biome may be targeted for protection, especially under an individual nation's biodiversity action plan. Climate is a major factor determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes. Among the important climatic factors are: Latitude: Arctic, boreal, temperate, subtropical, tropical. Humidity: humid, semihumid, semiarid, and arid . seasonal variation: Rainfall may be distributed evenly throughout the year or be marked by seasonal variations. dry summer, wet winter: Most regions of the earth receive most of their rainfall during the summer months; Mediterranean climate regions receive their rainfall during the winter months. Elevation: Increasing elevation causes a distribution of habitat types similar to that of increasing latitude.
The most widely used systems of classifying biomes correspond to latitude (or temperature zoning) and humidity. Biodiversity generally increases away from the poles towards the equator and increases with humidity.
Whittaker based his representation of global biomes on both previous theoretical assertions and an ever-increasing empirical sampling of global ecosystems. He was in a unique position to make such a holistic assertion because he had previously compiled a review of biome classification.
Physiognomy: The apparent characteristics, outward features, or appearance of ecological communities or species. Biome: a grouping of terrestrial ecosystems on a given continent that are similar in vegetation structure, physiognomy, features of the environment and characteristics of their animal communities. Formation: a major kind of community of plants on a given continent. Biome-type: grouping of convergent biomes or formations of different continents, defined by physiognomy. Formation-type: a grouping of convergent formations.
Whittaker's distinction between biome and formation can be simplified: formation is used when applied to plant communities only, while biome is used when concerned with both plants and animals. Whittaker's convention of biome-type or formationtype is simply a broader method to categorize similar communities.
The gradient runs from favorable to extreme, with corresponding changes in productivity. Changes in physiognomic complexity vary with the favorability of the environment (decreasing community structure and reduction of stratal differentiation as the environment becomes less favorable). Trends in diversity of structure follow trends in species diversity; alpha and beta species diversities decrease from favorable to extreme environments.
Each growth-form (i.e. grasses, shrubs, etc.) has its characteristic place of maximum importance along the ecoclines. The same growth forms may be dominant in similar environments in widely different parts of the world.
Walter system The Heinrich Walter classification scheme, developed by Heinrich Walter, a German ecologist, differs from both the Whittaker and Holdridge schemes because it takes into account the seasonality of temperature and precipitation. The system, also based on precipitation and temperature, finds 9 major biomes, with the important climate traits and vegetation types summarized in the accompanying table. The boundaries of each biome correlate to the conditions of moisture and cold stress that are strong determinants of plant form, and therefore the vegetation that defines the region. Extreme conditions, such as flooding in a swamp, can create different kinds of communities within the same biome.
Equatorial: Always moist and lacking temperature seasonality Evergreen tropical rain forest. Tropical: Summer rainy season and cooler winter dry season. Seasonal forest, scrub, or savanna. Subtropical: Highly seasonal, arid climate. Desert vegetation with considerable exposed surface. Mediterranean: Winter rainy season and summer drought. Sclerophyllous (drought-adapted), frost-sensitive shrublands and woodlands. Warm temprate: Occasional frost, often with summer rainfall maximum. Temperate evergreen forest, somewhat frost-sensitive. Nemoral: Moderate climate with winter freezing. Frost-resistant, deciduous, temperate forest. Continental: Arid, with warm or hot summers and cold winters. Grasslands and temperate deserts. Boreal: Cold temperate with cool summers and long winters. Evergreen, frost-hardy, needle-leaved forest (taiga). Polar: Very short, cool summers and long, very cold winters. Low, evergreen vegetation, without trees, growing over permanently frozen soils.
The importance of biomes cannot be overestimated. Biomes have changed and moved many times during the history of life on Earth. More recently, human activities have drastically altered these communities. Thus, conservation and preservation of biomes should be a major concern to all. Biomes are climatically and geographically defined areas with similar ecosystems. The climate is the main factor caracteriztica of biomes, such as temperature and precipitation. Between the world's major biomes are: tundra, forests, grasslands, chaparral, desert, rainforests, tropical savannas and aquatic biomes.