Accord Universal Addendum

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NWoD COMBINED: THE ACCORD UNIVERSAL ADDENDUM Effective Date: 01 May 2013 Last Updated: 24 Jul 2013 This

addendum is organized into the following sections: 0. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. THE GOLDEN RULES: A few basic rules to keep in mind at all times. OPTIONAL RULES: Handling of optional rules from the core Minds Eye Theatre book. APPROVALS: Basic rules on how approvals work. GENERAL APPROVAL LIMITATIONS: A listing of general approval levels. EXPERIENCE POINTS: How experience points are allocated in the chronicle. PLAYER CHARACTERS: Rules for creating and maintaining player characters. STORYTELLER CHARACTERS: Rules for creating and maintaining storyteller characters (aka antagonists, NPCs). VII. SYSTEMS: The core rules systems used in the chronicle. VIII. MERITS: Rules pertaining to universally-available merits. IX. ADDITIONAL BOOKS: A listing of books or excerpts sanctioned universally for the chronicle. Text in red indicates new or changed items in this addendum cycle. Text in blue indicates new or changed items from the last addendum cycle. This addendum provides the rules for the Mind's Eye Societys (MES) live-action New World of Darkness Accord chronicle and provides a level playing-field throughout the organization. Storytellers are not permitted to change or ignore approval requirements or take more than reasonable leeway to bend the rules to develop stories. Rules from this supplement and sanctioned White Wolf books must be particularly strictly observed when character death is a likely possibility. This addendum does not apply to the live-action Old World of Darkness chronicle or to the MES nWoD focused venues. Some materials are copyright 2013 and trademarked by CCP hf. All rights reserved. Errata for published materials are treated separately from the materials they reference. If published material is sanctioned in whole or in part or if is not sanctioned has no bearing on the sanctioning of the commensurate errata. 0. THE GOLDEN RULES A. The World of Darkness is a setting which deals with adult topics including, but not limited to, death, abduction, abuse and insanity. It is the responsibility of the player to notify the presiding ST if they become uncomfortable with any of the themes present in the game at any point. B. If you know that something is not the intent of the MESs interpretation of the books, departs drastically from common sense, or is otherwise wrong but appears to be technically possible due to vague wording or legal loophole, dont do it. Dont be that kind of player C. The World of Darkness utilizes extremely disturbing themes. While characters can and do commit awful acts, this is never an excuse to traumatize a player. It is the responsibility of all storytellers and players to ask if the players of PCs targeted for inclusion in traumatic acts (e.g., sexual violence, human sacrifice, etc.) are comfortable participating, and to offer options such as fade to black or alternate scene otherwise. D. If a rule in a book contradicts a rule in this addendum, this document takes precedence. E. The Accord venue is a Combined nWoD cross-venue game that focuses on the world-shattering consequences of when reality is under siege. It is a separate continuity from all other MES venues. F. The ultimate authority on rules and story lies with the aNST Accord and the US NST. i. All items marked Reserved for NST or Not Sanctioned may be used by the NST office.

All places outside the authority of an Accord VST, DST, or RST are under the authority of the ANST Accord, including locations outside the bounds of a VSS outside the United States/MES. iii. For details on the Accord, status in the organization, and other benefits, see the Accord Players Guide and the Accord Politics Guide. iv. For details on The Truth and its minions, see the Corruption Guide and the Accord Players Guide. v. For details on Reality Quotient, see the Reality Quotient Guide. vi. The Accord venue uses its own versions of the Addendums from the NWOD focused genres, including the Universal Addendum. G. The VST has the final authority on any rules call, character sheet, or special item not mentioned. H. VSTs may remove a PC from their VSS at their discretion. A PC that is not attached to a VSS is not allowed to be portrayed in the Accord chronicle until it has been accepted into a VSS. New PCs may play for a month with verbal approval from their VST. I. If a major rules issue arises during a scene, VSTs have final authority to adjudicate all questions on power interactions and usage. VSTs are encouraged to bring such issues to the attention of the aNST Accord so that errata may be added to the appropriate Addendum if necessary. J. Deviation from published rules must be noted as an Aberration in the VSS, which requires approval. See the Accord Aberration Guide for more details. K. The ST in charge of a VSS must report the VSS RQ to national each month via the reporting system available on the Accord web site. L. Due to the expansive nature of the sanctioned ruleset, ST rules calls will be handled slightly differently in the Accord Venue. i. As usual, a VST has the authority to rewind a scene to a previous point in time to redo something that has been shown to have been done incorrectly as long as this is done during the scene in question. ii. If a VST makes a rules call that is clearly and quickly provably wrong, but the VST persists in that ruling, the scene may be frozen while that ruling is appealed to the next higher ST. iii. If the criteria of clearly and quickly provably wrong is not met, the scene will continue with the ruling as it stands. iv. To have a scene rewritten after the fact by the RST requires more than showing that an incorrect rules call was made, even in the cases of PC death. The following criteria must be met for a scene rewrite to be considered after the fact: 1. The scene would not have been possible if the rules call was made correctly OR the outcome of the scene would not have been possible if the rules call had been made correctly. v. The onus of providing correct rules information is on the player who has those mechanics on their PC. They are responsible for knowing how it works, what the draw pool is, where to find the item in a book, providing access to those mechanics to any ST or player upon request, and being familiar with any Addendum changes made to it. vi. A player who knowingly or unknowingly provides incorrect information to any ST or player may be subject to disciplinary action. In the case of an honest mistake, this will often be a warning and XP loss. In the case of repeated offenses or a severe incident, more action may be taken. In all cases, the player should receive mentoring to learn how to avoid repeating the issue. (See USMH Chapter 3, Minor Offenses and Appropriate Level of Action). vii. Any player using a power or ability must reveal what it is and any effects modifying it to any other player or storyteller who asks.


I. OPTIONAL RULES A. Optional Rules from all books are not used in the sanctioned chronicle, unless specifically noted in the genre Addendums. The following are exceptions from the base WoD book: 1. Morality Derangements (pg. 103) 2. A Matter of Resolve (pg. 174), See also VII.Z.

II. APPROVALS A. How Approvals Work 1. All character sheets are Low Approval for creation and updating. Anything from sanctioned material that can be applied to a character sheet is Low Approval unless otherwise specified in this document. 2. All approvals must have comments from each storyteller in the approval chain. If an approval reaches a level without a comment from a previous storyteller, it should be moved back to said level if the previous storyteller does not provide a comment within two weeks. 3. Consolidated Approvals a. The Accord Venue does not use Consolidated Approvals. B. Notifications 1. Notifications require an acknowledgement from certain Storytellers and are usually used for tracking purposes. They don't require standard approval, although they must be added to the MES's approvals database (where available) as usual. Any additional information requested by a Storyteller in a comment on the notification must be supplied. 2. Items requiring Notifications enter play when the required Approval level has been satisfied. 3. Storytellers reserve the right to examine notification items and determine if they are appropriate for their game. C. Universal Approval Lexicon 1. Character Class: Groups or classifications that are optional to join (e.g. orders or covenants). 2. Character Type: The inherent (and usually unchangeable) classifications for supernatural beings (e.g. clan), or classifications that become unchangeable once made (e.g. bloodline). 3. Place of Power: A location where the power or presence of the supernatural is especially strong in some way (e.g. Loci, Hallows, Wyrm's Nests, Demesne, Keyed Gateway to the Hedge, etc.). 4. Player Character: a character portrayed by a player. 5. Power Stat: The measure of a supernatural creature's inner strength and affinity. In Requiem this is Blood Potency, in Forsaken it is Primal Urge, in Awakening it is Gnosis,and in Lost it is Wyrd, etc. 6. Story: While a Chapter is a single game session, a Story is considered a month of time. 7. Storyteller Character (NPC): A character created by a Storyteller as part of his venue storyline 8. Temporary: A period of time in which the listed item exists and has an effect lasting no longer than 1 plot/story. 9. Venue: A World of Darkness game based around a type of supernatural (e.g. Forsaken). 10. Malleable: This term indicates the rule has changed in this addendum cycle and the change is sufficient that the item may be refunded at Low Approval. This change must occur within one month of the effective date of the addendum. D. Universal Approval Clarifications 1. Weaknesses and Dramatic Failures a. Some character types or classes described in White Wolf material have a weakness or flaw that relies on the "dramatic failure" system. In live play these characters treat automatic failures (i.e. drawing an Ace) as a dramatic failure when that is relevant to their weakness or flaw. This is an exception to Mind's Eye Theatre not using dramatic failures. b. If Dramatic Failures are listed as in use through an Aberration on the VSS, use the book rules instead of the method listed above. 2. Probability a. Several combinations of effects deny a character the 10-again rule but allow for the 8again or 9-again. In the instance of a 9-again, but no 10-again, the effects cancel and treat the draw with the standard 10-again rules. In the instance of an 8-again but no 10again, treat it as a 9-again. b. The best permutation that can be achieved through any means is 8-again. There is no such thing as 7-again (or better). 3. Power Stats

a. Storytellers are encouraged to require extensive waiting periods (e.g. 6 months) between buying each dot of a power stat, but this is not mandatory. E. Grandfathering 1. If something was listed as a specific approval level in previous rules document has increased in approval requirement here, it will be "grandfathered". In order to keep the approval, a notification must be sent to the same level as the item's new approval level. This section will change with each addendum update to address specific changes between versions. 2. Items changed to Not Sanctioned are not grandfathered unless specifically stated otherwise. 3. Storytellers reserve the right to review grandfathered items to determine if they are appropriate for their game. F. Affiliates Without MES Approval Database Access 1. If a player is from an affiliate that does not use the approvals database they are responsible for confirmation of items requiring special approval or notification when attending a game within the Minds Eye Society. The confirmation (written or electronic) must be from the highest approval Storyteller for each item. This is in addition to any other Venue Style Sheet requirements at the game being visited. III. GENERAL APPROVAL LIMITATIONS A. Low Approval 1. Canon Materials: Antagonist storyteller character types that appear in specific books for the venue. 2. Canon Materials: Antagonist storyteller character types from venue-neutral books. 3. Canon Materials: Antagonist storyteller characters that come from character-types available for player characters in the venue. Some aspects of these characters may require higher approval, noted in the venue addenda (example: Some bloodlines). 4. Character: Sheet rewrite for members who have played the venue for less than 4 months. This may be done once per genre (not once per character) and only on the first character that member portrays in that genre. This rewrite may not change the fundamental aspects of the character, such as Clan or Seeming, but may be used as an in-character reason to leave a social group, such as Covenant or Order. 5. Character: Anything intended for your character type or class from core venue books and subgroup-specific books (e.g. it is Low Approval for a Guardian of the Veil to access mechanics from the Guardians of the Veil book), unless otherwise noted. 6. Character: Derangements and Flaws from any sanctioned material are Low Approval for all venues so long as they are appropriate for the character type. 7. Character: Virtue/Vice change of the player character. 8. Character IC Knowledge: Occult specialization in "Spirits" or Ghosts. 9. Storyteller Authority: Minor magical items, rituals and effects that are part of local storylines do not require special approval. These must be temporary, can only have effects related to the plot they are created for, and be limited to the local venue. 10. Spirits: Rank 1-4. 11. Storyteller Authority: Minor changes to a scene, e.g. reversing a mistaken rules call within the session. High Notification is required if any participant is unhappy with the results. 12. Character: Sheet rewrites to make a character game legal after an error has been made. While Low Approval, an entry must be made and approved in the Approvals Database. (e.g. a rewrite to remove Creation Only merits purchased with MC or game XP). 13. Character: Purchase or manipulation of a city specific NPC, such as a mayor or chief of police. 14. Storyteller Authority: All places of power unless otherwise specified. 15. Storyteller Authority: Use of local major NPCs, such as the mayor or chief of police. B. High Approval 1. Character Sheet: To infiltrate a different character type or class under an alternate identity (e.g. it is High Approval for a member of the Mysterium to create a fake identity and infiltrate the Free Council).

2. Spirits: Rank 5. 3. Spirits: For a spirit to possess Numina that duplicates other supernatural powers rated higher than the spirit's rank. Example spirits (such as those required listed in canon materials) are an exception to this and require no special approval. 4. Storyteller Authority: Any other objects that would kill a character despite previously perfect health (or fully paralyze them or deny opportunity to escape), or devices that would lead to immediate or inevitable death. 5. Storyteller Authority: Significant alteration or removal of scenes from continuity, particularly involving significant effects (e.g. Torpor, loss of limb). 6. Storyteller Authority: Use of state-based government agencies or officials. C. Top Approval 1. Canon Affecting: Usage of any unique magic items from source material. 2. Canon Affecting: Use of any unique (named) or Canon NPC. When in doubt about if an NPC can be used, ask up the ST chain. 3. Canon Material: Access to non-supernatural items and mechanics from another venue (e.g. it is Top Approval for a Daeva to possess the Storm Lord social Merit). 4. Storyteller Tools: Access to Military personnel or hardware - for each instance or use. 5. Storyteller Tools: Access to any kind of Storyteller "hit squad" (e.g. Moroi) called in by a player character to affect another player character 6. Changes to continuity on Minds Eye Society Accord lists. 7. IRC Based Venue Style Sheets are Top Approval, save for the National Online VSS. One time IRC events are not changed in approval level. 8. Character Background: Dark Points on the Map outside the United States and its territories: Major historical presence. Being a major historical figure (e.g., Joan of Arc, Benito Mussolini, Christopher Marlowe, etc.), having significant interactions with a historical figure (e.g., being an advisor to Catherine the Great, Rommel's aide-de-camp, being a drinking buddy to Pancho Villa), or having significant effects upon events (e.g., the secret power behind Franco's Spain, a major figure in the Petrograd Soviet). 9. Character: Access to Merits based in Dark Places on the Map (e.g., a police Contact in Egypt, a Caribbean island Haven, Resources in a Swiss bank account, etc.). 10. Character Background: Interaction with major historical figures. 11. Character Sheet: Rewrite for members who have played in the venue in excess of four months 12. Spirits: Rank 6+. 13. Spirits, etc: Use of a true Deity or divine entity from any religion is Reserved for the use of NST. 14. Storyteller Authority: Use of a dead PC as an NPC ghost. 15. Storyteller Authority: Use of Federal government agencies or officials. 16. Storyteller Authority: Events of a sufficiently extreme or unusual nature that would make the national news circuit and that have not been covered up: Top Notification. This includes things like mass murders, child abductions, possible hate crimes, successful bank robberies, and serial arson. 17. Storyteller Tools: Mobile places of power. 18. Storyteller Tools: Places of power that grant XP benefits unless otherwise noted in the venue addenda. 19. Storylines: It is Top Approval for any character (PC or NPC) to engage in any activity that causes or is any way linked to events that could be classified as: terrorism, bombings, mass murder, mass kidnappings, hijackings, WMD usage, mass destruction of property, mass sexual assault, or the destruction or theft of cultural treasures. D. Not Sanctioned 1. Canon Affecting: Significantly reshaping paradigm in one or more venues (e.g. wide scale destruction of the Masquerade). 2. Canon Affecting: Any plot where supernatural future telling powers indicate that there is a risk of paradigm being significantly reshaped, except where this is due to a published mechanic for giving false results.

3. Canon Materials: Any mechanic or system utilizing mundane Hypnotism is Not Sanctioned 4. Character: Resurrection of a dead character unless otherwise specified in the Addenda. 5. Character: PC Ghost of a dead PC. 6. Custom Items: Any custom item of any sort which mimics a published item in a current White Wolf product (sanctioned or unsanctioned). 7. New Custom Mechanics: Unique custom materials are reserved for use of the US NST office. Otherwise, see individual venue addenda. 8. Canon Materials: Access to any item not typically allowed to the character, specifically those found within books or material specific to another group (example: taking a merit or power found in a clan or covenant book that is not your own). 9. Character: Portraying an actual Person from History: Reserved for use by the NSTs office. Current Approvals are Grandfathered. 10. Character: Being the cause of or having significant influence within an event of historical significance: Not Sanctioned E. Supernatural Benefits inherent to a Character type of Class 1. Unless otherwise specified in this document or appendices, characters may never have access to supernatural mechanics or benefits inherent to another character type or class (e.g. only True Members of the Carthian Movement may learn supernatural powers from the Carthians book). 2. These rules are often superseded by venue-specific details in this document's Appendices for items and mechanics that are commonly shared. F. Altered Levels of Approval 1. Performing in-character actions affecting a large area requires approval of the principal Storyteller with the lowest approval authority over that area (e.g. affecting New York City would require approval from the city's Domain Storyteller). IV. CHARACTER CREATION AND EXPERIENCE POINTS A. Primary Characters 1. Player characters are created according to sanctioned material. 2. A player is allowed two characters only. These are both considered Primary PCs. 3. These PCs may not be on the same VSS. 4. A player may never portray a PC in a VSS where he has a different PC attached. 5. Members with multiple characters must design and play them in such a way as to never directly interact in any way, even through a secondary source. 6. Primary characters add experience points (XP) based on the Membership Class (MC) of their player. 7. Players can voluntarily take fewer than the allocated starting dots and XP. This must be recorded on the character sheet. These points are gone forever and are not available to be used later B. Allowed Templates 1. Greater Templates: Changelings, Changing Breeds, Mages, Possessed, Prometheans, Purified, Sin-Eaters, Vampires, Werewolves 2. Lesser Templates: Dampyr, Fae-Touched, Ghouls, Hunters (Tier 3), Proximi, Psychics, Thaumaturges, Wolf-blooded a. Lesser templates are built as Hunters from Vigil and have access to Hunter Professions, merits, and organizations unless otherwise restricted. b. Only Hunters without a template may be a member of a Tier 3 Conspiracy (this counts as a Lesser Template). Ghouls and Proximi may not be in Tier 2 Compacts. 3. It is Low Approval to have been a member of the Church of Ultimate Truth in a PCs background. PCs may not have gone beyond the Sixth Ray, as that requires becoming a Servant. 4. PCs may not have ever been a Servant as outlined in the Corruption Guide. 5. PCs may know someone who was obliterated in the Langley Massacre at Low Approval. Nobody and nothing survived the Massacre. C. Membership Class Experience Points 1. Primary Characters:

a. Add 20 XP per MC +30 XP at creation. The Accord venue does NOT use Milestones. i. Example: At MC 5 a Primary character receives 130 XP. 2. These XP are added after normal character creation is complete, before entering play (i.e. they cannot be spent on "creation only" merits). 3. Up to ten XP can be left unspent and saved; other unspent XP is lost when the character enters play. This includes XP from the XP floor. 4. When a player gains new MC levels, all their Primary characters add 20 XP per level gained. 5. If a player loses MC levels, all their Primary characters lose XP equal to the worth of the MC. This may cause characters to go into "XP debt" (they do not lose dots from their sheet), which must be paid off before anything else is bought for that character. D. Experience Point Earning 1. After entering play a character can earn a maximum of 14 XP per month (exceptions noted in Over-Cap Experience Awards). 2. A maximum of 10 XP per game may be awarded. 3. Storytellers can use the "After a Chapter" and "After a Story" systems described in MET if this is noted in the game's Venue Style Sheet. 4. A player's direct Storyteller can award up to 6 XP per month for activities not related to a game. a. Example: bonuses for written downtimes, character journals, end-of-story bonuses, etc. b. The award for each downtime activity is typically 3 XP and no higher than 4 xp. c. If a PC is not played at a game or in a proxy during a month, the limit is raised from 6 to 10. 5. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Addendum, no trait can be purchased if doing so would impose an XP debt. Regardless whether a given trait has been earned in play or approved at the requisite level, the character must earn the required XP prior to purchase. 6. Once per month a Primary Storyteller that reports on time may claim up to one full games worth of XP on a character in each venue they oversee. Primary Storytellers are: NST, RST, DST/ VMST and VST. All such awards must be tracked in the next months report. 7. Character Creation Document: Found on the Accord website. By completing this document, a players VST may award 10 XP to the PC for whom it was completed. These experience points are treated the same as Member Class granted Experience Points, with all the same limitations. E. Over-Cap Experience Points 1. Each of the following awards can be earned in excess of the usual 14 XP monthly maximum. 2. Multiple over-cap awards are cumulative unless noted, but may not exceed 28 over-cap XP per year on any character. 3. Activities which can earn over-cap XP: a. Each US region can sponsor twelve "Featured Game of the Month", per year. These events can award up to 4 over-cap XP. b. Official regional conventions can award up to 5 over-cap XP. c. Official national conventions can award up to 6 over-cap XP. 4. All such awards must be clearly specified in the experience log. 5. If players have portrayed multiple characters in the same game session they can split the over-cap XP between the characters (the full bonus is not applied to both characters) as they see fit. F. Experience Point Floor 1. At the beginning of each month, if a PC did not earn at least 7 XP the previous month from attending games and submitting downtimes, their earned XP for the previous month is set to 7. If XP is backdated for that month, this is recalculated. New PCs start with 7 XP per month of chronicle, starting with June, 2013. 2. XP Removed from or denied a PC due to a Disciplinary Action is not replaced by the XP floor. G. Extra XP 1. The Accord venue does not make use of extra, genre specific types of XP (Arcane, Practical, Vitriol, etc). For supernatural types with extra types of XP, a VST may award a little extra on top of a game or downtime award if the player exhibits RP or learning that would lead to said XP normally. This XP is spent per normal and subject to the normal caps.

2. Prometheans may convert normal XP into Vitriol on a 1:1 basis with VST approval. 3. No power or effect that grants XP is allowed. V. PLAYER CHARACTERS A. Character Sanctioning and Records 1. The player's direct Storyteller must approve all their characters for that particular venue. a. In order to place an existing PC on a different VSS, you must have documented permission from your old and new VSTs (both must agree) and a Low Approval in the database. b. To place a new PC on a non-local VSS, you only need the approval of the VST of the VSS. 2. Any time there is a discrepancy between the player's copy and the copy on record, the Storyteller's copy is considered accurate. 3. A complete character record includes: a. Character sheet b. Verification of any special approvals c. Experience point log. 4. The experience point log must include: a. How starting dots were spent at creation b. How XP was spent afterwards. c. A list of games attended and XP awards. d. All XP awards and expenditures must be dated. B. Retirement 1. A player can choose to retire a character. 2. Once retired, the character becomes an NPC under the control of the player's direct Storyteller (or the temporary supervision of the supervising Storyteller of a particular game or convention). 3. The character's activities are then limited to resolving unfinished business with other player characters or story elements, unless both the player and the Storyteller have agreed the character can become a recurring NPC. 4. It is Top Approval for the player of a retired PC to portray them if they have been converted to an NPC. 5. See the Reality Quotient Guide for information on how PC Death affects the RQ. 6. When taking a Heroes Walk as detailed in the Reality Quotient Guide, the PC is retired. If the next PC brought into play by that player meets the following conditions, they may start with 10XP/ month of chronicle instead of the usual 7XP/Month of chronicle. a. The new PC has an RQ less than half of the retired PCs RQ. b. The old PC must have been portrayed in at least six games. Proxies do not count. c. The player agrees not to change Templates (or acquire one if it doesn't have one) for at least six months from the new PCs creation. The VST may waive this condition if circumstances outside of the players control require it. d. The player agrees to keep the new PCs RQ below one half the RQ of the old PC for six months. The VST may waive this condition if circumstances outside of the players control require it. e. The player puts a Low Notification into the Database for the new PC which references the old PC. f. The VSTs Approves it. The VST should deny this if the player attempted pre-death RQ pumping to take advantage of this rule. 2. Resurrection: Methods that usually allow for bringing back a dead person (Child of Judas, PostMortem Embrace, Lazarus Benediction, etc.), do not work on Believers (See Accord Players Guide) in the Accord venue as The Truth devours the soul. Sin-Eaters, Purified, Changelings with a Death Pact and other methods that prevent true death are an exception and are noted in the addenda.

3. Morality 0: All PCs who reach morality zero become NPCs immediately. They do not change demeanor or make any outward sign of this change. See the Corruption Guide for more details. C. Character History 1. Characters that do not conform to the limitations in this section will be removed from play until they have been edited to come into line with these rules. If a player does not bring their character into conformance in a timely manner, the character will be permanently desanctioned. 2. The players of characters whose histories include being a noteworthy figure in mortal or supernatural affairs in an area, being tied into that area's published IC events/history, interacting with the area's local supernatural population (e.g. attending court meetings, gatherings, etc.), or who resided in an area for more than 100 years, must gain the approval of the presiding storyteller for that area. For histories that have an impact outside the USA, the US NST must be contacted for approval. 3. Players should create well-researched backgrounds with tie-ins with other player characters. 4. Player characters cannot genuinely have been real historical figures or fictional characters. 5. Any character concept that creates powerful emotional reactions and whose victims are still potentially alive in the real world cannot be portrayed. For example, Mongols, whose victims are long dead, may be portrayed. Nazis and terrorists, however, cannot. a. Storytellers are strongly encouraged to deny any backgrounds that may lead to conflict with real world authorities or civic organizations. b. Any references to real world terrorist organizations in emails or other communications must include a clear disclaimer that the communication is a prop for entertainment. 6. Players must create backgrounds for their characters that conform with the sanctioned chronicle history of an area. 7. Players must not create backgrounds for their characters that are overtly offensive or abusive. 8. Players must not use names or likenesses from current or prior White Wolf works or other copyrighted fiction (White Wolf or non-White Wolf). D. Character Knowledge 1. Characters have access to in-character (IC) information applicable to their type. E.g. a Forsaken character would usually have access to casual knowledge from Werewolf: The Forsaken and from books or portions of books specific to her character type and class. 2. Common sense should be applied. Information stated in published material to be commonly known does not require a specialty. Information stated in published material to be particularly secret or rare may be unavailable even with a specialty. E. Date of Birth 1. If your template is not naturally long-lived (requiring a merit or power) this must be purchased at creation for justifying extreme age. 2. This table is for subjective lifetime. Time spent outside the timestream through trips to Arcadia or the Time Arcana does not reduce the need for RQ increase. 3. The minimum PC age is 18. PCs may not appear to be children, nor may they have the mind of a child in an adult body. 4. If your PC goes over the Old line during play, they must then recalculate their RQ as normal. If they go over the Max Limit in play, that is allowed at Low Approval.
Template More than this requires you to select the old checkbox when calculating your RQ 200 100 500 100 200 Max Limit

Vampire Ghoul Purified Possessed (this host) Lucifuge

500 200 1000 250 300

Werewolves Prometheans Changing Breeds with Long Life Changelings with Long of Days Mages with Artificially extended lifespans Others

80 80 150 100 80 60

150 150 200 150 150 100

VI. STORYTELLER CHARACTERS (ANTAGONISTS) A. General NPC Information 1. Each NPC must be approved by a principal Storyteller. 2. NPCs are created like player characters; they are subject to the same approval limitations as PCs unless specifically noted otherwise. E.g., High Approval (Low Approval for NPCs). 3. Storyteller characters can be built with any XP value needed to support the story. This XP may be modified during the life of the NPC with the approval of the Primary ST. 4. NPCs may not be utilized either as the target of powers that would give PCs long term or permanent benefit(s) nor as the source of such powers. This limitation may be waived on an individual, case-by-case basis with Top Approval. For example, the Oath of Blood Loyalty may not give disciplines to NPCs nor used for a PC to receive them from NPCs. It is not the intent of this section to prevent characters from using Possession, powers that enhance feeding, or such powers as Stalwart Servant, which are explicitly designed to apply to retainers. Lost pledges are an exception to this rule. Storytellers must remain vigilant to ensure Pledges confer a risk/burden as well as a reward, even when made with NPCs. B. Spirits, Ghosts and Numina 1. Spirits and ghosts can spend a maximum number of Essence equal to their Rank per turn. 2. Numina: a. Grant Influence Numina [Astral Realms]: This numina is not approved for play at this time. b. Telekinesis: Damage done by this power is always Bashing. c. Blast: The type of blast is chosen when purchased. This may be purchased multiple times for different flavors of blast (fire, ice, boiling jello, etc). d. In cases where a Numina is found in a book separate from Book of Spirits (such as the Forsaken or Mage Core books), the rules from the Book of Spirits are used. e. When PCs gain access to numina, sometimes the rules are based on the Power, Finesse or Resistance of the user. Some templates provide rules on how to translate these powers for a specific character type. In cases where there are no translation rules, to determine the value to use, add the lowest two of the three attributes in that category. i. For example, a numina that has a duration based on the Resistance of the user would use the sum of the lowest two of the users Resolve, Stamina and Composure. 3. Strengthen Influence cannot provide a bonus greater than the Spirits Rank. VII. SYSTEMS A. General System Information 1. Testing for all venues is performed using systems presented in Mind's Eye Theatre, except as follows. Dice pools equate to draw bonuses (with the exception of "multi-draws" detailed below). If a tabletop source book calls for a system permutation, use the live-action version (MET p181184). a. The official resolution system for the MES Chronicle is "8 div 3". After trait pools are calculated, a success is reached if your total of pool plus card draw is eight (8). Success iterations are determined at intervals of three after that (11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32,


etc.). 2. All Morality draws (including creature type versions such as Humanity, Harmony and Wisdom) use the "multi-draw" system of pulling multiple cards (MET p101-102). Bonuses or penalties add or remove draws. 3. There is conflicting text regarding the maximum number of characters that can attack a target at the same time. MET p26 is correct four attackers maximum. Allies acting on a character to use up the available attacker slots for that character so that enemies can not attack that character do not count towards this limit, and the players should be punished for such shenanigans. 4. There is conflicting text regarding Willpower being spent to bolster a draw. A Willpower point adds +2 to a Resistance Attribute during a resisted test or to Defense (when the Willpower user is not making a draw). When used to bolster the spender's draw, including a contested resistance draw, it adds +3. B. Exceptional Success and Dramatic Failures 1. A VSS that elects to use the ES/DF Aberration uses the following rules to determine the occurrence of ES/DF instead of the usual book rules. 2. A Dramatic Failure check occurs when a player draws a natural one. a. If they have a Penalized or Advanced action for this draw, they only check if the chosen card is a one. b. To check for Dramatic Failure, draw a single card. This draw may not be modified in any way. If the result is a 3 or less, a Dramatic Failure occurs. 3. An Exceptional Success check occurs when the following conditions are met: a. A player draws a natural ten and at least an eight on the -again draw. b. If they have a Penalized or Advanced action for this draw, they only check if the card chosen is a ten. c. If they are not eligible for an -again draw on this action, make a special draw to find if they qualify for an Exceptional Success, but do not add that draw to the ten. d. The final success total is also 5 or more. If it is a contested action, subtract the defenders successes before making this determination. C. Any time the mechanic 1s subtract from successes is used, replace it with A draw of 1 or 2 is considered an automatic failure. D. Social Tests: It is important to note that mundane Social tests are valid mechanics in the Chronicle and should be treated as such. Please refer to the section on Social Skills in MET p84 for more details. It is recommended that STs and Narrators monitor the use of mundane Social tests and encourage players to make a reasonable effort to roleplay social encounters. 1. The default Influence, Dont Adjudicate rule (MET p83) is in force. Mundane Social tests do not allow for a level of control over the target comparable to supernatural mental control (e.g., Dominance Gifts, Mind Arcanum, Dominate Discipline, etc.). Targets of mundane Social tests cannot be forced to participate in acts to which the character would be adamantly opposed, nor do Social tests mundane or supernatural constitute an exception to rule 0.D. E. Specializations: You cannot specialize in supernatural powers. F. Tracking: The rules for tracking on p 178-179 of Werewolf the Forsaken (WW30000) are sanctioned for all characters. G. Durability: This cannot be applied to any PC or NPC, including animated creations (e.g., zombies). Replace each dot of Durability with two dots of Armor. H. All-Out Attack: A character can opt to execute an all-out attack as part of a close-combat attack. If so, she gains a +2 bonus to her attack pool, but cannot benefit from her Defense for the turn. An all-out attack cannot be made in the same turn as Defense has been used against an attack. I. Initiative 1. If a player lower in the initiative order is attacked by one higher in the initiative order, they may choose to move their action to immediately after their attackers. They return to the normal initiative in the next turn. VSTs should not allow fast PCs to use this mechanic to speed up their slower allies.


J. Grapple: Instead of the rule from MET pg. 218-219, use the following systems, modified from the upcoming God Machine Chronicle book. 1. To grab your opponent, roll Strength + Brawl Defense. On a success, both of you are grappling. If youve got a length of rope, a chain, or a whip, you can add its weapon bonus to your pool when grappling. 2. When grappling, each party makes a contested Strength + Brawl versus Strength + Brawl action on the higher of the two characters Initiative. The winner picks a move from the list below: a. Break Free from the grapple. You can move but do no other action. b. Control Weapon: You draw a weapon or turn the opponent's weapon against them. c. Damage: You deal damage equal to successes. If you previously succeeded at a Control Weapon action, add the weapon bonus to your pool. i. Default damage is bashing. Damage is upgraded by type depending on weapon or natural weapons involved. d. Disarm: You remove a weapon from the grapple entirely. You must first have succeeded on a Control Weapon move. e. Drop Prone: You throw both you and your opponent to the ground. You must Break Free before rising. f. Hold: You hold your opponent in place. Neither you nor your opponent can apply your Defense. g. Restrain: If you have previously achieved a Hold, you can attempt to immobilize an opponent with a piece of restraining equipment (zip cord, duct tape, handcuffs, etc). 3. If more than one person tries to grapple the same victim, count the attempt as a teamwork action. On the team side, both primary and secondary actors roll Strength + Brawl - Defense to engage. In the grapple, both primary and secondary actors roll Strength + Brawl in a contested action with their victim, with successes from the secondary actors added as a positive modifier to the primary actors draw pool. If the defender wins, any chosen moves only affect the primary actor. 4. A character can forgo resisting the grapple to activate a non-reflexive power, but it must happen on their personal initiative. K. Limitations to Attacks and Damage 1. Single Attack Limit and Loss of Action: a. If a power or effect would allow for multiple actions in the same turn, it instead makes a single action into an Advanced Action (MET: 182). b. If a power or effect would cause the loss of an action, it instead causes the player to draw again as if it was an Advanced Action, but to take the worst of the two draws instead of the best. This is known as a Penalized Action. c. Multiple Advanced Action and Penalized Action effects do not stack; the most you will ever draw is two cards. d. If an action is both Advanced and Penalized, no matter how many of each effect is applied to an action, they cancel out and one draw is done as normal. 2. Damage Limits (aka Damage Cap): a. The damage caused by a single attack is limited to 5. b. Supernatural enhancements to a Trait do not increase the Damage Cap, unless specifically listed below: i. Garou and War-Forms for Forsaken/Pure and Changing Breeds add +2 to Damage Cap, not to exceed 7 points of damage. c. Any attack which includes two or more stages of damage in the same turn includes all stages as a single attack for purposes of the Damage Cap. 3. Supernatural Weaknesses a. Any weapon which deals Aggravated Damage to a creature because of its weaknesses to the element (fire for vampires, silver for werewolves, etc) is Low Approval unless otherwise specified in the venue addenda. b. Rules for Fire and Silver based weapons can be found in Armory Reforged.








Fire and Silver based ammunition (bullets, arrows, crossbow bolts) are Low Approval. c. See the Lost Addenda for rules on Cold/Hand Forged Iron. d. Creatures who have a supernatural weakness to a certain thing are only affected by mundane, natural occurrences of that thing, except where noted in the text of the power. i. Powers specifically designed to take advantage of a weakness are an exception to this, such as the Gift Silver Jaws. ii. For example, a Vampire would take lethal, not aggravated damage from sunlight generated by a spirit with the Blast Numina. iii. For example, an iron bar conjured by a Mage with matter would not bypass a Losts contract-based defenses. Attribute Damage a. If a power deals damage to an Attribute, their effective trait total is diminished. i. For example, if a victim has a Strength of 5 and it is reduced to 2 through attribute damage, they would not be able to use a weapon with a requirement of Strength 4. b. Derived traits such as Willpower and Health are not recalculated. c. Attribute damage heals naturally at the same rate as Bashing damage, unless otherwise specified in the power inflicting it. d. For the purposes of supernatural healing (werewolf regeneration, healing contracts, vitae, etc), treat each point of Attribute damage like it is a Lethal wound. Direct Damage Adjustments a. Powers that directly add or remove levels of damage on a successful attack may add or remove at most two levels of damage per attack. Damage Immunity a. Powers that make a character immune to a certain type of damage instead downgrade qualifying damage to the next damage type. Bashing damage downgraded is instead ignored, down to a minimum of one level. Resistant Damage a. Resistant damage heals in an amount of time it would take a mundane mortal to heal the damage in the normal world in objective time. It may not be sped up by any supernatural powers, including time-dilation or natural regeneration. b. Medical treatment of Resistant damage may not downgrade more than one wound level per objective day in the real world. c. Supernatural bonuses to the Medicine skill of the person treating someone with Resistant damage work as normal. d. Vampires or other creatures who dont heal naturally must wait the usual amount of time it would take for a normal person to heal the damage. After that point it is no longer considered Resistant and can be healed as normal. e. For the purposes of Resistant Damage on a Vampire, Carthian Night Doctors may treat them like they are a normal person receiving medical care, and thus downgrade one level of damage per day. f. Mundane merits can speed the healing of Resistant damage. Sacrifices a. Mechanics that require a permanent sacrifice of something may not be powered by sacrificing a temporary version. For example, something that requires sacrificing a merit may not be powered by sacrificing a temporary merit granted from a changeling Pledge. b. Damage taken to power effects may not be downgraded, mitigated or otherwise prevented unless specified in the power. Damage taken in such a way is considered Resistant. One-Shot Kills: Any powers or mechanics that would incapacitate or completely paralyze a character with one challenge are High Approval to use. a. Vampiric staking is an exception to this rule and is sanctioned as normal.









b. The grappling maneuver "immobilize" does not place a character in a killing blow situation. 10. Power Targeting a. PCs that are supernatural creatures with a combined aspect do not count as valid targets of powers that affect just their supernatural part, unless otherwise stated. For example, a demon that is bonded to a human cannot be individually targeted as a demon. b. A Purified does not count as a spirit while they inhabit their body, however as the book states, they do count as a spirit when they have left their body. 11. Remote Power Targeting a. Any use of a power across a barrier like the Gauntlet, from twilight to the normal world, or even remotely from different locations in the real world, opens a temporary hole in reality which can only be used by the one targeted and allows them to use any appropriate offensive power or ability to target the power user until the end of the targets next action. b. Particularly subtle powers may, at VST DIscretion, require the target to pass a perception draw to notice them. 12. Effects that End Once the Target is Attacked: a. For powers or abilities that cause a penalty that ends once the target is attacked (i.e. Insomnium 4), this attack can only come from a hostile source. Allies may not mock attack to end the effect, doing so only incurs the full draw of damage and the ability continues to function. 13. Mental Commands for Suicide a. Targets under the control of any kind of mental domination do not need to follow any command to commit suicide. Temporary Power Stat Increases 1. A characters Power Stat (Blood Potency, Wyrd, etc) can never be raised by more than two from its natural level. Contested Successes 1. In a contested challenge, the defenders successes are always subtracted from the attackers to determine the final successes of the challenge as per MET p.170. Extended Actions 1. The total number of draws that can be made for any extended action is equal to the Base Pool of the action. 2. If a one is drawn in an Extended action, subtract 5 successes from the current success total. If this brings the total to zero or less, the action fails. Traits 1. No trait may have a natural rating of more than 10 dots. This does not include temporary modifiers or effects. 2. No power may bring a trait below zero dots. Cross-VSS travel 1. Any magic that allows direct travel from one VSS to another, such as teleportation, is limited. 2. All such powers take a minimum of one hour to prepare, before the resource expenditure and challenge are made. This hour must be spent dedicated to preparing the power, no other activities can be done. 3. No permanent cross-VSS pathways are sanctioned. Modifier Categories 1. A pool to take an action is separated into the 'base pool' and the 'modifiers'. Anything that increases or decreases the base pool is considered a modifier. a. Positive modifiers are applied first and cannot result in a pool higher than base pool plus 15 b. Negative modifiers are applied second and may only reduce the pool to 15 points below the Base Pool. i. A targets Resistance or Defense pools are not considered negative modifiers, more on these below. c. No pool may go below zero at any time.


d. When equipment is added to the base pool, only the unmodified bonus is added to the base. Enhanced equipment (enhanced items, hedgespun, etc.) bonuses beyond the base equipment bonus are considered a modifier to the base pool. i. Example: Joe Changeling has a +5 hedgespun sword. The unmodified +3 is part of the base pool. The extra +2 from the hedgespun is considered a modifier. 2. A 'base pool' is the unmodified Attribute + Skill + Equipment, or the relevant pool listed in the power description. Examples: a. A 'base pool' for fighting with an axe is unmodified Strength + Weaponry + Axe. b. A 'base pool' for Dominate 1: Command is unmodified Intelligence + Intimidation + Dominate. 3. Specializations that apply to a draw are always considered modifiers. 4. For a Resisted action, consider the unmodified resisting Attribute as its own base pool. a. Calculate the offence pool including all modifiers and limits. b. Calculate the resisting pool including all modifiers and limits. c. Subtract the final resisting pool from the final offence pool as usual. d. Draw. 5. Defense is slightly different than normal Resisted actions: the base pool is unmodified Attribute + Armor. a. Equipment that adds to defense includes pole-arms and shields. These add their bonus as modifiers. b. The bonus from Dodging (doubling the unmodified Attribute or adding of a skill via a Dodge merit) is considered a modifier. c. Supernatural abilities that add to Dodge (Seeming or Kith bonuses, for example) are considered modifiers. d. Armor past the first 5/5 points counts towards the modifier limit instead of base pool. For more rules on Armor, see the section below. i. Armor Piercing is considered a negative modifier to the Armor component of the Defense pool only (Armor Piercing in excess of the Armor rating provides no further benefit). e. Cover is considered a negative modifier to the Attack pool. 6. Initiative is considered a pool whose base is comprised of the unmodified Dexterity + unmodified Composure. a. Fighting Styles or other merits that add to Initiative are considered modifiers. 7. Contested Resistances are considered a pool whose base is comprised of the unmodified Resistance Attribute + unmodified Power Stat. 8. Health is considered a pool whose base is comprised of unmodified Size + unmodified Stamina. 9. Mundane equipment used in play may provide up to a +5 bonus to non-combat test pools (see MET p193). 10. Mundane equipment may not provide bonuses to supernatural challenges. 11. Any power that halves a targets pool (such as halving Defense via Darkness 5 in Lost), is still subject to the negative modifier limit of -15. a. Ignore all contributions from Armor when calculating the amount to subtract. 12. Mechanics that completely remove or ignore a targets defense do not affect contributions from Armor. R. Effect Limits 1. No single source may add or subtract more than 5 points from a pool. 2. Multiple uses of the same effect that adds a modifier, even if from different PCs, are considered a single source for this limit. 3. This per-source cap is applied before including the source in the usual pool and modifier cap calculations. 4. Unmodified Attributes, Skills and Power Stats used in a base pool are the exception to this. a. Example: a PC with natural unmodified Strength of 6 may use all 6 points in their base pool.


b. Example: a Changeling Stonebones with Wyrd 6 may only add 5 points of armor from their seeming blessing to their Defense pool. c. Example: a vampire using Feeding the Crone who manages 7 successes on their activation draw may only add 5 as a modifier to their attack pool. d. Example: a Vampire that spends 3 Vitae to add to a Strength pool only adds 5 of the possible 6 as they are all considered the same source. S. Poisons and Toxins 1. No poison or toxin inflicts its damage all at once. A minimum of one turn passes before a toxin begins to take effect. 2. Damage is inflicted at the rate of no faster than one per turn, minute or hour, depending on substance. 3. A resistance draw is made each time damage would be imposed until a number of tests equal to the poison's toxicity have been made. 4. Multiple applications of a toxin adds virulence to the total number of draws made; they do not mean multiple draws at a time. 5. Non-supernatural poisons with higher than Toxicity 5 are not sanctioned for PC use. 6. STs should limit the doses of poison one PC carries, based on the rarity and danger of carrying it on ones person. T. Weapons and Equipment 1. Rules for weapons and armor are found solely in MES Armory Reforged document. Weapons must conform to these basic rules, whatever the IC representation of the weapon is. a. Approval Levels in Reforged: Approval levels listed in Reforged are all lowered to Low Approval. However, special care, training, and time needs to be spent to get these higher quality items, especially melee based Armor Piercing. As noted in the guide, magical or high quality items are more easily created with these enhancements. It takes PCs trained in Craft downtime actions to make these items. 2. A VSS may elect to use an Aberration to allow PCs to use the Armory Aberration Guide, located at: edit?usp=sharing 3. A character can benefit from one type of protective equipment that provides armor, whether mundane or supernatural (e.g. Kevlar Vest or Hedgespun Riot Gear). All other supernatural effects that provide armor (e.g. Unseen Aegis) stack with this equipment (though equipment is not required). A character can have as much Armor as is allowed by his Defense pool (see Defense above). Up to five points count towards base pool and the rest are considered modifiers. a. All power specific limitations on the stacking of armor are removed. (e.g. Flesh of Iron may combine with protective equipment). i. The exception to this is Mage Armors, of which only one is applicable for Armor per MET Awakening. They still stack with worn with other supernatural armors as above. b. Penalties from multiple armors or armor effects stack, to maximum Initiative and Speed penalties of -5 to each. i. Published Armors that list a Defense penalty have that changed to Initiative penalty instead. c. Bulletproof armor does not downgrade crossbow bolt, arrow, or thrown weapon damage to bashing. 4. Attacks from non-firearms projectile weapons do not deny the target their Defense. 5. Blessed/Holy Items: These are now defined as a Merit (see Accord Magic Item Guide). 6. Mundane, unrestricted equipment not defined in a particular book is Low Approval as long as it represents real-world technology. The VST has final authority on the bonus provided. U. Proxy Play 1. "Proxy" refers to sending your character sheet to a Storyteller other than your own, to portray a character without your physical presence.


2. 48 hours must be given to the Storyteller supervising the scene, unless they give an exception. A Low Storyteller email approving a proxy to commence is sufficient. 3. Full character sheet, XP log with creation spending, and all Approval numbers must be provided. 4. Also include a brief description of intentions, motivations, personality and reactions to possible situations. 5. When proxying, a player grants the Storyteller all rights to the character for the duration of the proxy. 6. Storytellers may modify proxy rules further in their Venue Style Sheets. 7. Storytellers must keep players informed of proxy progress, providing updates at least on a weekly basis, and must portray proxied characters to the best of their ability and in keeping with the player's proxy instructions. 8. For live game proxies, the proxying PC must have the permission of their VST, the hosting VST, and a player who has a PC on the hosting VSS. a. Each player may only have one PC proxied to them at a time. They are responsible for managing the proxied character sheet, under the direction of the VST. b. If a player cannot find a local player to run their sheet, they may not proxy to the game. V. Exceeding Limits 1. No effect allows a character to exceed normal expenditure limits of vitae, essence, mana, pyros, glamour, willpower, etc unless otherwise stated in this addendum or a sanctioned White Wolf book. W. Pre-Game Effects 1. Activation of pre-game powers that take significant time to implement (e.g. Coil of Beast 3, specific rituals) should be worked out with the ST, who can use their judgment regarding timings and other practicalities. 2. Costs for fueling any pre-game effects, even ones done days or weeks prior, are paid at the start of game, after starting fuel is determined. The VST may allow the player to use downtime actions to pay for long-running pre-game effects, at their discretion. X. Time Rewind effects 1. Any effect that would rewind a round of combat is altered. The action is changed to reflexive. It must be used immediately after your action this turn. The cost and any drawbacks are the same. The effect is changed to undo only your action, not the entire turn. Y. Multipliers and Speed 1. When multiple multipliers or doubler effects are in use add them up, then multiply the characters speed by the result. Z. Downtimes 1. A Matter of Resolve (MET p 174) is in effect; PCs have a number of downtime actions per downtime period equal to their unmodified Resolve+1. a. A downtime period is one month, and refreshes on the first of the next month. b. Some powers and abilities might add to the total number of downtimes in a month, Please see venue specific addenda. c. Retainers and retainer-like merits (example: Familiars, Hedge Beast Companions, etc.) can be given tasks and thus also might increase available downtimes with ST permission. AA.Fuel 1. PCs may not share fuel based traits with other PCs that have a different fuel type. a. A mage with at least three dots each of Spirit and Prime may attempt to transfer essence to a being that uses it such as a Werewolf, Changing Breed, or Purified. The process is inefficient, every point of essence transferred counts as 1/4th of an Essence point. 2. Damage taken from blood loss due to a Vampire feeding on a willing target is considered Resistant. Supernaturally forced willingness does not count. Blood not taken directly from a victim only provides 1 vitae for every 8 points ingested. 3. Fuel ingested from a Servant may lead to a Minor Mutation at VST discretion. 4. Changelings may not harvest Glamour from the emotions of any PC or anything with a Greater Template.


5. Pledges may only transfer Glamour to and from characters that can naturally have Glamour, and pledges do not work with any other fuel type. 6. Willpower is considered a fuel with its own pool that is limited in the same way as supernatural fuels, even if a user has their own supernatural fuel type in addition to willpower. 7. Characters may never spend more than three times their natural, unmodified total pool worth of willpower or fuel in one session. a. Fuel spent directly from a fuel storage device without entering the characters pool does count towards this total. b. For example, Bob the vampire has a pool of 15 blood. He comes into play full. He has 15 stored on his person in Reliquaries. He spends his 15, and refuels from his stored 15. He then uses all that, so he goes out and finds a bus full of people. He gains 15 more from feeding there and spends it all healing damage. He can fill up again on the remaining passengers, but can spend no more vitae for the rest of the game session. BB. Economies of Scale in Venue Style Sheets 1. Storytellers can set up their own guidelines for starting fuel for supernatural creatures (Vitae, Essence etc). 2. These must be recorded in the Venue Style Sheet. CC.Fuel Storage 1. No PC may have more fuel available to them in storage (Glamour Goblin Fruit, Vitae Reliquaries, etc) than their natural, unmodified fuel pool. 2. Willpower is also limited in the same way, with its own pool and storage limit, even if the PC has another supernatural fuel. For example, a vampire with a blood pool of 10 and a willpower pool of 5 may store 10 blood and 5 willpower. 3. Magical powers cannot be used to transmute stored fuel into other forms, such as a mage trying to extract mana from the Vitae in a Reliquary. Attempts to do so render the stored fuel inert. 4. PCs that do not have a method of external fuel storage may not hold someone elses fuel which is stored with that method so that they may store more. For example, Vitae Reliquaries held by a vampire without the ritual to make them will count against the total available to the PC who created them as well as the stored fuel limit of the PC holding them. DD.Universal Clash of Wills 1. If a power provides some kind of supernatural concealment (invisibility, obfuscation, etc), an appropriate supernatural perception power can attempt to pierce it. a. Mundane Stealth or Investigation draws, even when receiving bonuses to the draws from supernatural powers, do not count as supernatural concealment or perception for the purposes of triggering a Clash of Wills. i. For example, a PC who gets a +1 to Investigation draws from a changeling pledge would not trigger a clash of wills against a vampire with obfuscate. b. Concealment powers with built-in methods for penetrating them are still subject to those rules, as well as being able to be penetrated by a Universal Clash of Wills draw. i. For example, a character with Auspex attempts to pierce an Obfuscated characters cloak and fails. The Obfuscated character then punches someone, drawing attention to themselves and ending their power. c. Note that vague, unfocused detection powers such as Unseen Senses dont allow for a clash of wills. 2. Clash of Wills is a contested draw with the aggressor being the person who instigated the clash. Tied clashes go to the defender as usual. a. For example, if a character activates Obfuscate and then enters a room where a PC already has Auspex active, the Obfuscate character is the aggressor. If the Auspex PC did not have it active, but subsequently activated it, they would instead be the aggressor. 3. For both the concealment power and the perception power, activation successes on the powers draw are used for the successes in the Clash of Wills.


a. If there is no draw for the concealment power, use Dexterity + Stealth + dot rating of the power. If it does not have any dot rating, then add zero. If it has multiple factors with dots (such as a vampire Devotion) use the single factor with the highest dot rating. b. If there is no draw for the perception power, use Wits + Investigation + dot rating of the power. If it does not have any dot rating, then add zero. If it has multiple factors with dots (such as a vampire Devotion) use the single factor with the highest dot rating. 4. Once pierced, the perceiving character sees through that particular stealth power for that particular character until the end of the scene, even if the power is ended and reactivated. 5. If the perceiving character fails, they may not test against that particular stealth power from that particular character until the next scene. EE. Supernatural Masquerades 1. Supernatural creatures with a Greater Template are all immune to the effects of a supernaturals defensive illusions (Disbelief, Lunacy, Disquiet, etc.) a. Effects that modify a lesser templates resistance to these illusions (Indomitable, the natural bonus of some lesser templates, etc) work in the most beneficial way possible. For Lunacy/Delirium and Disbelief they add to the Willpower charts, for Disquiet they add to resistance, and for Unraveling they subtract from the mortals resistance, etc. 2. The effects of the Changeling Masque can only be penetrated by Aura Perception/related powers (per Rites of Spring), the True Sight of Saint Abel, or being Ensorcelled. 3. The effects hiding a Prometheans Disfigurements cannot be pierced unless the Promethean is using Pyros, healing from electricity, or someone is using the True Sight of Saint Abel. FF. Character Knowledge: Insider vs Outsider 1. PCs may be specialized in other template types at Low Approval, with sufficient justification. 2. PCs may not specialize in individual, in-depth aspects of a different template, such as Covenants, Orders or Lodges. 3. There is not enough knowledge about The Truth to have a specialization in anything regarding it. 4. Such a specialization does not give instant knowledge of all matters related to the template; only basic true knowledge common to a member of the template is available. This is known as Outsider information. a. Example: A Forsaken with a specialty in Vampires would know the names of the clans and covenants, but would not know the inner workings of the the Ordo Sworn or individual Theban rituals. 5. A member of a template may take a specialization in their own template to represent scholarly level knowledge of their type. This still does not give them access to secret information. This is known as Insider information. a. Example: A Vampire specialized in Vampires may know the names of almost all the bloodlines and some general information about them, but would not know what every level of every bloodline discipline does or secret details of their founding. 6. A VST is encouraged to make a player draw to find out if a PC knows or remembers detailed information about a specific topic. This is the usual Wits + Occult roll, with successes indicating how much detail they recall. 7. PCs may remember information that they pick up in a live game session. VSTs should not allow players to divulge large amounts of Insider information and be watchful for players who attempt to contrive justification for large scale transfer of inappropriate knowledge. 8. The VST is the final arbiter of what is too esoteric to know when using a specialization. 9. The Hedge and all things Fae are considered Insider information for the Changeling template. All things Supernal and the Abyss are considered Insider information for the Mage template. See the Other Realms Knowledge Guide for more info on insider specializations for various places and entities. 10. Fae-Touched are considered insiders if they specialize in Changelings. 11. Ghouls and Dhampyr are considered insiders if they specialize in Vampires. 12. Proximi are considered insiders if they specialize in Mages. GG. Morality


1. No mechanic may grant dots of morality. Any which does instead provides some, but not guaranteed, justification for the VST to allow re-buying of morality. HH.Scope of Social Merits and the Government 1. To have a position of authority in the mortal government requires appropriate levels of Status. 2. It is an Approval level equal to the scope of the position to hold that position. a. For example, it is Low Approval to be Chief of Police, and usually High Approval to be a County Sheriff. 3. It is Top Approval to work for or be part of a Federal Government office or agency above the local level. 4. Working for a Federal Agency at the local level does not put any of their non-local resources at your disposal. It is for roleplay ONLY and has no mechanical benefits other than those listed below. a. For example, working at the local Military base would not give you access to military weaponry. Working for the local FEMA center would not allow you to declare a disaster or requisition aid. 5. It is Top Approval to acquire or use any government agency resources, including military ones. 6. For Allies, Contacts or Status in a local branch of any organization that extends outside of the local area, treat them as equal in power to a similar local-only group, but with a +2 modifier to the draw to use them. a. For example, Allies: Local FBI would work just like Allies: Police, but should be harder to acquire, have a draw modifier, and be of use in fewer and more focused situations. 7. Zero Company: a. Supernatural members of the US Military are all members of Zero Company. This is Top Notification. b. Status: Military is used to represent rank in Zero Company. c. Being in ZC does not eliminate the need for Top Approval to access Military resources. d. Fort Harmon, the original ZC HQ, was decommissioned in 2006 and all ZC soldiers were re-assigned to Base XVI by General Felix Waters, which is another alias of Senator Wells. II. The Future 1. No power that predicts the future is in any way binding or reliable. JJ. Other Realms 1. Only the established methods of entering another realm are used. Mechanics that allow a normally non-native PC to enter a realm are sanctioned. Books that handle realms are the best sources for these powers (Book of Spirits, Book of the Dead, etc). Appropriate specialties are required to know how to enter these realms. Details on who has the insider knowledge of these specialties is in the Other Realms Knowledge guide. 2. Power stats, powers, abilities, or fuel types that are noted as having an effect in a separate realm (Wyrd effects in the Hedge or plasm in the Underworld) are the only ones which do so, unless otherwise noted in the books (Blood Potency cannot be used to shape the hedge, etc.) 3. Mage Arcadia and Lost Arcadia are, for all mechanical purposes, completely unrelated. PCs are welcome to speculate or believe differently in-character. KK.States of Being 1. Any soul-removal effect used on a Believer (Spirit magic, Soul Jar Ritual, etc) immediately causes the soul to start being pulled towards The Truth. Attempts to do anything with the soul are at a 5 modifier due to this pull. The soul may spend a Willpower Dot at any time to immediately return to its own body. If the soul is not back in its original body in 1 hour, no matter if it is stored or contained in some way, it is devoured by The Truth with the usual cost in Action RQ. 2. A Believers soul may only be removed from its body once per scene. 3. If a Believers soul is devoured by The Truth, but the Believer is still alive, they immediately become a Servant. 4. Devouring the soul of a Believer results in the gaining of a permanent Minor Mutation that does not go away in the usual 6 months, but no increase in the Action RQ.


Attempts by an NPC to devour the soul of a Believer always fail. Living Greater Templates cannot be Embraced. Attempting to embrace a Greater Template fails. You cannot make a Promethean out of any parts of a Believer. Once a character is a Believer, there is no way to remove their connection to The Truth. Memory wipes and other powers can remove the knowledge of it, but they will still be a Believer. 9. Once a character is a Servant, nothing can change that state. 10. Servants never count as Sleepers. Believers may or may not depending on the individual. 11. Any step towards reaching a template end-goal (Golconda, Pilgrimage, etc) is Top Approval. LL. Aura Signifiers 1. All supernatural creatures have a definitive aura type for the purposes of any aura perception/ sight based abilities. The specific auras are defined in the Aura Signifier Guide. VIII. MERITS A. Graduated and Simple Merits 1. All venues use the simple or graduated Merit cost described in MET p32. 2. Simple cost merits have a single rating or an "or" separating listed ratings. a. Example: Fast Reflexes is a simple cost Merit as it is rated "1 or 2" rather than "1 to 2". 3. The 5th dot of a merit does not cost two creation points. B. Gaining and Losing Merits 1. If a player character acquires ownership or access to something in-game that would normally be represented by Merit dots, they must pay the requisite XP. There is a one month grace period before this is required. This can result in XP debt. a. This cannot be avoided by passing ownership of items back and forth or leaving them in convenient locations where they are not "owned" but access is easy. 2. Merit dots are never lost permanently when the things they represent are lost or destroyed (e.g. a fetish is broken, a retainer is killed). a. This does not apply to merits willingly sacrificed: these are removed from the sheet and permanently lost. b. Storytellers may temporarily remove or reduce Merits as part of a story if those Merits are later recoverable without XP expenditure. c. When a merit is destroyed, one of the following scenarios takes place: i. In the case of an item (Imbued item, etc.) or Haven-style merit, the character can go through means to replace said item (remaking the Fetish, buying a new Haven, etc.). The dots return to their sheet when the new item is cleared by the storyteller ii. In the case of social merits being attacked, the dots recover at the rate of 1 dot per month, starting the month after the merit is destroyed. 3. If a character loses dots in a shared Merit such as Haven or Totem the Storyteller should give the remaining invested characters the chance to cover the loss themselves with XP expenditure, if possible. C. Using Social Merits When Traveling 1. Allies, Contacts and other such merits are usually only of use in the PCs home VSS. 2. How effective such merits are outside their home domain is at the discretion of the VST of the game the PC is visiting. 3. Players who send downtime actions to the VST of the VSS they are visiting in order for their social merits to make local contacts should be allowed use of their merits. 4. The amount of downtimes required for full use of social merits is at the discretion of the VST of the VSS. D. Specific Item Merits 1. Characters can possess multiple versions of Merits that represent specific items, people or places. E. Merit-based Storyteller Characters

5. 6. 7. 8.


1. The Large Scale Game mechanics option is used to create Retainers (MET p146). Allies, Mentors, Retainers and similar Merit-based NPCs are created and portrayed by the Storyteller. 2. Such NPCs that represent or interact with government agencies require the special approval of the Storyteller with jurisdiction over that level of agency or body. a. Example: Having contacts in the FBI requires Top Approval from the US National Storyteller. 3. Retainers can have lesser templates specific to the character's type (e.g. ghouls for vampires, wolfblooded for werewolves, etc) at Low Approval. 4. Retainers may not ever have a Greater Template. F. Simple Retainers 1. To reduce paperwork and complexity, the Accord venue allows but does not require the use of Simple Retainers. 2. Simple retainers do not have a sheet. They are all base mortals with no template. 3. A Simple retainer is dedicated to one particular skill. 4. Record them on your PCs sheet like this: Retainer (Drive). 5. For draw pools related to their focused skill, their base pool is equal to 5+their dot rating. 6. For all other draw pools, their base pool is 5. 7. When resisting powers, use their retainer rating instead of the listed attribute. 8. Their Health is 5+their dot rating, their Willpower is their dot rating, and their Defense is their dot rating. 9. For effects that rely upon virtue or vice, Simple Retainers are not valid targets. G. Fighting Style Merits 1. Core Fighting Styles are defined in MESs Armory Reforged, and only there. No other fighting style mechanics are used, save those specific to certain venues (Hedge Dueling, Tooth and Claw, etc.) which are noted in the venue addenda. Clarifications on how to use fighting styles are provided in Armory Reforged, and are considered a corollary appendix to this addendum. 2. Other Custom Merits found in Armory Reforged are sanctioned at Low Approval. 3. A VSS may elect to use an Aberration to allow PCs to use the Armory Aberration Guide. 4. Fighting Style: Dream Combat [Rites of Spring p.90] a. Available at Low Approval to any PC that has the power to enter the dreams of another without outside assistance. b. Double Team: The characters attack becomes an Advanced Action. H. Sleepwalkers 1. Any Lesser Template, including ones with supernatural powers, may buy the 3 dot Sleepwalker merit as a Creation Only merit. 2. Only mundane mortals not in a Tier 3 Conspiracy may buy the 4 dot version. 3. Sleepwalkers gain the benefits listed in MET Awakening p.434 as well as immunity to Special Masquerades (Lunacy, Disquiet, etc.). 4. Sleepwalker PCs may also absorb any Paradox generated in their vicinity, taking one point of resistant Lethal damage per point of paradox to do so. I. Society Status Merits (Generic Rules) 1. Some source material books equate status to organizational positions. Unless otherwise noted in this document, Status levels are not requirements for in-character organizational positions described in source material as city-wide in scope. This refers to specific character type organizations (e.g. Covenant, Order) and not Storyteller run NPC groups such as City Hall, local Police etc. 2. The Status Merit in the Mind's Eye Theatre book is not available for supernatural organizations. Any status in a supernatural group not specifically detailed in the relevant venue book is not sanctioned for play. 3. Player attempts to develop large scale in-character supernatural groups/organizations which might warrant a formal status system are advised to contact the NST. 4. Any supernatural bonus to Status regardless of source is subject to the standard approval levels for the increased level of Status.


5. The first dot of status in a supernatural group is free to PCs who qualify for and officially join that group. J. Spirit Merits [Book of Spirits] 1. The following merits are Low Approval for all PCs. Mortals and Lesser Templates should have easy access to them. Greater templates should have a spirit focus, with some means of interacting with them to justify these merits. 2. Cursed Item a. See the Accord Magic Item Guide. 3. Spirit Ear a. The version of this Merit: Low approval i. Creation only. ii. Characters possessing this merit automatically understand spirits without a roll. b. The version of this Merit: Low Approval. c. The rules for a character with the version being able to to purchase the version at a discount are not sanctioned. 4. Residual Spirit Energy: Lethal damage from willing release of blood to create essence is Resistant damage. 5. Other Spirit Merits: a. Difficult to Ride b. Easy Ride c. Pleasing Aura d. Saintly e. Shadowless Chambers f. Spirits Tongue g. Hollow Soul h. Shadow Contacts K. Totem Merit: See Universal Familiar Guide L. Underworld Merits [Book of the Dead] 1. The following merits are not available PCs that do not meet the listed requirements. 2. Barrister: Low Approval for PCs with the insider Underworld Specialty 3. Beacon of Life: Low Approval for Lesser Templates. 4. Dead Reckoning: Low Approval for PCs with the insider Underworld specialty. 5. Death-Touched: Low Approval for PCs with a specific supernatural method of interaction with ghosts (Kindred Medium, Gravewight kith, Bloodline discipline, etc.). a. The 2 and 4 dot versions of this merit work on all ghosts. 6. Gatekeeper: Low Approval for mortal characters, Lesser Templates, and Greater Templates with either Underworld specialization. Not available for Retainer NPCs. a. This merit is not creation only and the mortal only prerequisite is removed. 7. Medium: Low Approval for mortal characters and Lesser Templates. Psychics may not take this merit (they should take Ghost Sight instead). 8. Mechanical Memento: Only completely mundane machines can be powered by these. 9. Mythologist: Low Approval for those with either underworld Underworld specialty. 10. Spelunker: Low Approval a. Can only be used underground or inside a building/enclosed space. M. Other Merits 1. There are many merits that are universal to all character types found in a host of books, many venue specific or technically not sanctioned. These merits are available to all character types at the following approval levels. 2. Low Approval: a. Anonymity [Blood of the Wolf, pg. 45] b. Armory [Banishers, pg. 51] c. Athletics Dodge [Dogs of War, pg. 38] d. Combat Art [Armory Reloaded, pg. 117]


Demolisher [Blood of the Wolf, pg. 62] EOD [Armory, pg. 208] Fence [Banishers, pg. 51] Fighting Style: Social Maneuvers [Night Horrors: Grim Fears, pg. 63] i. This merit cannot be used in conjunction with supernatural powers. i. Lucid Dreamer [Changeling the Lost, pg. 195] j. Luxury [Seers of the Throne, pg. 52] k. New Identity and [Changeling the Lost, pg. 98] l. Parkour [Tribes of the Moon, pg. 98] m. Seductive Grace [Signs of the Moon, pg. 144] n. Shield-bearer [War Against the Pure, pg. 89] i. This merit stacks with the Ambidexterity merit to a maximum of +0 to attack from behind a shield.. o. Small Unit Tactics [Dogs of War, pg. 39] p. Staff [Ghouls, pg. 75] q. Technophile [Armory, pg. 208] r. Territorial Familiarity [Blood of the Wolf, pg. 99] i. Use of this merit for supernatural territories requires Low Approval and the mechanics to enter said plane (Hedge, Shadow, Underworld, etc.) s. Trained Observer [Dogs of War, pg. 38) t. Tunnel Rat [Chicago, pg. 54-55] i. The city must be defined upon purchase of this merit. ii. This merit may be purchased multiple times. u. Well-Traveled [Reliquary, pg. 85] v. Architectural Attunement [Chicago Workings SAS, pg. 36] i. This merit does not allow one to see Ley Lines or places of power, only detect them as noted. ii. If purchased for multiple cities, each separate application must include the VST and DST permission if the city is outside the local domain. w. Fame [Minds Eye Theater] x. Luxury [Seers of the Throne, pg. 52] y. Sworn Officer to [Tales from the 13th Precinct, pg. 81]: Not Sanctioned, use a focused version of Status, for example Status: Police Officer. 3. High Approval a. Fame [Minds Eye Theater] b. New Identity [Changeling the Lost, pg. 98] 4. Top Approval a. Decorated [Dogs of War, pg. 39] b. Fame [Minds Eye Theater] 5. Fame [Minds Eye Theater] a. The Merit Fame is renown and recognition within the Mortal world. b. Fame in a supernatural community is not sanctioned. 6. Fighting Finesse [Minds Eye Theater] a. This merit may not be taken for any use of the Brawl Skill. 7. Gunslinger [Minds Eye Theater] a. The Gunslinger merit is not considered a Fighting Style, and thus works in conjunction with FS: Combat Marksmanship. b. This merit works with Handguns and Heavy Handguns only, whether mundane or magical. IX. ADDITIONAL BOOKS A. If a book is non-venue specific and is not found below, then it is not sanctioned. Any mechanics therein that were acceptable to the MES chronicle have been noted elsewhere in the addendum.

e. f. g. h.


B. The following books are sanctioned for play, but the history and settings in the book are not necessarily used in the chronicle. 1. World of Darkness: Chicago 2. World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK (WW30202) 3. World of Darkness: Shadows of Mexico (WW25201) C. Antagonists (WW55301) D. Armory (WW55102) 1. See Accord Armory Guide if using the Aberration. 2. For VSSs only using Armory: Reforged: a. Chapter 4 is sanctioned. Use vehicle rules found there. Military grade vehicles are Top Approval. b. Chapter 5 is sanctioned for mundane equipment only. Ignore rules for Armor and Shields (which are covered in Armory Reforged). c. The Sighting Firearms mechanic is not sanctioned. d. Only fiber-optic sights can be used on bows. E. Armory Reloaded (WW55208): Not Sanctioned unless using the Armory Aberration, in which case, See Accord Armory Guide. F. Asylum (WW55204) 1. This book is specifically sanctioned for the Merits and expanded options for the Medicine skill. G. Book of Spirits, The (WW 55202) 1. Most locations, characters, and items are used as examples and are not necessarily used in the chronicle, although the spirits and spirit-ridden in the last chapter are usable, in the same vein as the spirits in Predators. 2. The sidebar "Mythic Resonance of Fruit" is approved for use. 3. All spirit creation rules follow current approval levels (limited by Rank). 4. Items not specifically mentioned in another section of the Addendum are Not Sanctioned. H. Book of the Dead (WW 60501) 1. Methods of entering the Underworld are specifically outlined in the source material for other venues and in this book. To know about specific keys to Avernian Gates or the existence of Graveyard Gates requires an Occult specialty in the Underworld. 2. Underworld Specialty: See Other Realm Knowledge guide 3. Levels of the Underworld: A DST must coordinate what Dread Dominions are local to a domain with their VSTs planning on utilizing the Underworld, as continuity between Dominions and Rivers must be maintained. Otherwise there is no approval beyond Low for use of all levels and rivers of the Underworld unless travel through the Underworld leaves the borders of a Domain. 4. Kerberoi: a. Kerberoi are designed as per Geist the Sin-Eaters. b. Kerberoi rank and power is dependent on the depth of the Underworld 5. Specific Dominions and Kerberoi: Defined options in this book can be used as examples, but are not necessarily in existence as written (further definitions may be provided by the US NST staff). 6. Tutelage of the Dead: Not Sanctioned I. Changing Breeds (WW55103) See the Accord Combined Addendum. J. Glimpses of the Unknown (WW55107) 1. Mechanics from this book are not sanctioned unless specifically referenced in the appropriate venue addendum. K. Midnight Roads (WW55205) 1. This book is sanctioned at Low Approval except where noted below. 2. Bad Memory or Worse Cars: Top Approval in the Forsaken, Awakening Not available in other venues. 3. Shadowcross Cars: Not Sanctioned 4. Free Energy Cars: Not Sanctioned L. Second Sight (WW55100) 1. Psychics and Thaumaturges: See Accord Combined


a. Merits Not Tied to Template i. Anti-Psi: Not Sanctioned ii. Doubting Thomas: Not Sanctioned iii. Ghost Ally: See Familiar Guide 2. Access to the systems from Chapter Four: Reality-Bending Horrors: Not Sanctioned for PCs (Low Approval for NPCs) M. Skinchangers (WW30205) 1. Mechanics and items from Chapter One: Not available for PCs (Low Approval for NPCs). 2. Mechanics and items from Chapter Two: Not available for PCs (Low Approval for NPCs). 3. Mechanics and items from Chapter Three: Top Approval as NPCs


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