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_ Bank Deposits--How They Expand or Contract

Let us assume that expansion in the money stock is desired by the Federal Reserve to achieve its policy objectives. One way the central bank can initiate such an expan~ sion is through purchases of securities in the opcn market. Payment for the securities adds to bank reserves. Such purchases (and sales) are called open market operations. How du Lal-en market purchases add to bank reserves and deposits? Suppose the Federal Reserve System, through its trading desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, buys $10,000 of Tasury bills from a dealer in U5 government seounitjes.3 In todays world of computerized transactions, the Federal Reserve Bank pays for the securities with an "electronic" check drawn on Via its transfer network, the Federal Reserve noif ies the dcalcs designated bank (Bank A) that payment for the securities should be credited to (de~ posited in) the dealefs account at Bank A At the same time, Bank As reserve account at the Federal Reserve is credited for the amount of the securities purchase. '111e Federal Reserve System has added $10,000 of securilies lo its assets, which it has paid for, in effect, by treating a liability on itself in the form nf bank reserve balances. 'Ihese reserves on Bank As books are matched by $10,000 ofthe dealers deposits that did not exist before. See illustration 1. How the Multiple Expansion Process Works If the process ended here, there would be no ple expansion, Le., deposits and bank reserves would have changed by the same amount However, banks are required to maintain reservas equal to only a fraction of their deposits. Reserves in excess of this amount may be used to increase eaming assets loans and investments. Unused or excess reserves earn no interest. Under current regulations, the reserve requirement against most transaction accounts is 10 percent.5 Assuming, for simplicity, a uniform 10 percent reserve requirement against all UansacLion deposits, and further assuming that all banks attempt. to remain fully invested, we can now tmce the process of expansion in deposits which can take place on the basis of the additiunal reserves provided by the Federal Reserve Systcms purchase of U.S. government securities. The expansion process may or may not begin with Bank A, depending on what the dealer does with the moncy received from the sale of sccurilies. If the dealer immediately writes checks for $10,000 and all of them are (lemsited n other banks, Bank A loses both deposits and reserves and shows no net change as a result ofthe Sys tems open market pur chase. However, other banks have received them. Most likely, a part ofthe initial deposit will remain with Bank A, and a parl will be shifted to other BS the dealcs Checks clear. Modem Mnney Mechanics It does not really matter where this money is at any given time. The komt fact is that these deeasits do not dabbear. rIhev am in some deposit accounts at times. that thgx did not have before. However. they are not required to keep $10,000 of mservcs against the $10.000 of deposits. All they need to retain, under a 10 percent reserve requirement, is $1,000. rIh@ remaining $9,000 is excess reserves. This mount can be loaned nr invested. See illustmtlm 2. If business is active, the banks with excess reserves probably will have opportunities to loan the $9,000. mursel thez do not realli out loans from the moncz thev recexvc as cnosxts. If cv 1 this. no a nuo ma? i If they did this, no addilo money would Be What thg do when thg! make lags is to accent Eromisnnu notes in exchangg for c its to the borrowers transaction accounts. Loans (assets) and depoit (liabilities) both rise by $9,000. Reserves are unchanged by the loan transactions. But the deposit cnedits constitute new additions to the total deposits of thc banking system See illustration 3. aDollar amnums used in the various illustrations do not necessarily bear any msemblance tu actual lransactions. For example, open marker opera Indcech many trunsacu'nns today are accomplished through an electronic transfer of funds between accounts rather than thr ough issuance of a paper check. Apart from the ming of posting. the accounting entries are the same whethera transfer is made with a paper check or elemronicany. The tenu checkf' thorcfo, is usud fur buth lypus uf transfers.

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