Germination Instructions PDF

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Germination Instructions

Species Specific Instructions

All Acer - All Maple : Japanese, Trident, Ginalla (Step 1 = 48h, Step 2 = 120 days) Betula Japonica/Pendula Japan/European Birch (Surface sowing is prefered in 3rd step) Buxus Microphylla Chinese Little leaves Boxwood (Step 2 = 30 days) Carpinus Betulus European Hornbeam (Warm stratification required) Carpinus turkzaninowii Korean Hornbeam (Warm stratification required) Cedrus Libani Cedar of Lebanon ( Step 2 is not recommended ) Celtis Sinensis Japanese Hackberry Chaenomeles japonica Dwarf Japanese Flowering Quince Chamaecyparis obtusa Hinoki Cypress (Step 2 is optionnal, but improves germination) Cotoneaster Horizontal/Microphyllus/Multiflorus (Boiling water in step 1) Crataegus phaenopyrum Washington Hawthorn (Step 2 = 120 days) Cryptomeria Japonica Japanese red cedar (Step 1 = 12h) Cupressus Semperviens Italian Cypress (Step 2 = 30 days) Diospyros rhombifolia Princess Persimmon ( Step 2 = 30 days, optional ) Fagus Crenata Japanese Beech GinkGo Biloba MaidenHair Tree (Break hard coat shell before step 1, Step 2 optionnal) Juniperus Chinensis Chinese Juniper (Warm stratification required) Ilex Serrata/Verticilatta Finetooth Holly / Winterberry Larix Decidua/Kaempferi/Laricina European/Japanese/Eastern Larch ( Step 2 = 45 days ) Ligustrum japonica Japanese Privet Malus Bacatta / Floribunda / Sargentii Siberian / Japanese Flowering / Sargent crabapple Olea Europa Common European Olive ( Step 2 is not recommended ) Pinus Densiflora Japanese Red Pine ( Step 2 = 30 days ) Pinus Mugo Pumilio Dwarf mugo Pine ( Step 2 is not recommended ) Pinus Parviflora Japanese white pine Pinus Thunbergiana Japanese black Pine ( Step 2 = 60 days ) Punica Granatum nana Dwarf Pomegranate ( Step 2 is not recommended ) Pyracantha coccinea Scarlet Firethorn Ulmus Parvifolia Chinese Elm ( Keep partially most to prevent rot ) Zelkova Serrata Japanese Grey bark elm (Step 2 is optional, but improves germination)

General germination instructions

First step : Scarification Seeds need to be scarified to facilitate germination. Place seeds in hot water for 24-48hr, let water cool down. As an option, you can renew the hot water after 24hr. Second step : Stratification Optionnal : Warm stratification at room temperature for 60 days. ( See specifics instructions for requirement ) Place seeds in moist medium ( sand or peat ) in a Ziplock bag or a container. Seeds must go in dormancy for 90-120 days before being ready for germination. To achieve dormancy, you place your ziplock containing the seeds in the fridge. Third step : Sowing After the stratification period, seeds can now be sow outside or in container.

The natural way : Sow in fall As an option, you can sow the seeds in fall, leaving to nature the scarification and stratification process. These steps will achieve themselves in winter, and the next spring you should have seedlings, as soon as the weather allows it.

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