Dodpi Numerical Scoring 08 2004
Dodpi Numerical Scoring 08 2004
Dodpi Numerical Scoring 08 2004
August 2004
1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
a. Respiration Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
b. Electrodermal Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
c. Cardiovascular Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4. Respiration Waveform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
b. Homeostasis Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5. Electrodermal Waveform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
b. Electrodermal Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
f. Homeostasis Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
h. Bigger-is-Better Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
i. Something-Versus-Nothing Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6. Cardiovascular Waveform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
b. Cardiovascular Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
e. Homeostasis Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
g. Bigger-is-Better Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
h. Something-Versus-Nothing Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
7. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Appendix F - Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Appendix G - Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Appendix H - References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
1.1. This document introduces you to the DoDPI Numerical Evaluation Scoring System.
There are other numerical scoring systems in existence; however, the DoDPI system is the
preferred and standardized system of evaluation used throughout the Federal government.
1.2. The information in this document only pertains to manual numerical evaluation of
physiological data. You will learn the diagnostic features and decision rules DoDPI uses in
evaluating physiological waveforms/tracings obtained by the following three polygraph
recording sensors: pneumograph (PN), electrodermal (ED), and cardiovascular (CV) sensor.
1.3. The DoDPI system consists of two numerical evaluation scales; the three- and seven-
position scale. Although the three-position scale is more conservative and objective, DoDPI
advocates use of the seven-position scale. The seven-position scale has a tendency to reduce the
number of No Opinion decisions by allowing an examiner to assign greater values to each
recording channel.
1.4. You will initially be introduced to the three-position scale and when you have acquired
the requisite proficiency with its usage you will transition to learning the seven-position scale.
The three-position scale is easier to learn than the seven-position scale because there are fewer
scoring rules and the range of potential values to assign is less. Some Federal agencies rely
principally on the three-position scale, others rely only on the seven-position scale and yet other
agencies use both scales situationally. Consequently, DoDPI teaches both evaluation scales.
1.5. The three- and seven-position numerical evaluation scales are technique or format
dependent and therefore are not applicable to all testing formats used in the psychophysiological
detection of deception (PDD) (e.g., Peak-of-Tension Test, Relevant/Irrelevant Screening Test).
The evaluation of physiological data pertaining to other testing formats that are not dependent on
manual numerical scoring are addressed in other publications and other courses of instruction
within the DoDPI Forensic Psychophysiology Program (i.e., PDD 504, Methods I and PDD 505,
Methods II).
1.6. It is absolutely critical that you dedicate yourself to mastering test data analysis for
peoples’ lives may, at times, depend upon it. As you will learn, there may be few lonelier times
in an examiner’s life than when rendering a decision outcome that is in opposition to the
expectation of others. In other words, you are going to routinely make decisions about the
veracity of an individual and the decisions you make will, at times, not be what others
1.7. There is a direct correlation between the quality and interpretability of the data collected
and your ability to defend a decision outcome. You must be able to articulate what decision rules
you applied to your analysis and which diagnostic features drove the value you assigned to each
analysis spot. Consequently, your data collection goal should be to obtain courtroom quality
charts. Irrespective of whether your examination results ever see the light of a courtroom, you
need to invest the time to obtain the most interpretable data possible for it will make your data
analysis more defensible and will ultimately enable others (i.e., SAC, commander, team leader,
quality control, administrative review boards, etc.) to better understand how you arrived at your
1.8. There is an axiom in PDD and that axiom is as applicable today as when it was first
uttered. The axiom is, “Believe in your charts!” A PDD examination under the control of a
seasoned and disciplined examiner is a well-orchestrated event from the moment you first greet
the examinee until you release him or her. Because examiners systematically approach each
examination and consistently apply the respective testing protocol, they gain a calming
confidence in the end product. Their data is interpretable, the decision rules are uniformly
applied, the diagnostic features are distinguishable and the decision outcome is defensible.
2.1. For a valid PDD examination to exist, respiration, ED, and CV activity must be
monitored and recorded.
2.1.1. At least one of the two standard respiration sensors must be operational.
2.1.2. A PDD examination is not invalidated solely because one or two of the systems
being monitored lacks diagnostic features.
2.2. A PDD examination consists of four phases: pretest, data collection, test data analysis,
and posttest. This pamphlet focuses on the pivotal third phase—test data analysis.
2.3. Test data analysis is the systematic process by which a particular set of scoring and
decision rules is applied to the evaluation of diagnostic features and other physiological data
resulting in one of three outcome decisions.
2.3.1. In specific issue testing the decision outcomes or diagnostic opinions, as they are
sometimes called, are: No Deception Indicated (NDI), Deception Indicated (DI), and No Opinion
(NO). The Zone Comparison Test (ZCT) and the Modified General Question Test
(MGQT) are two testing formats used in specific issue testing.
2.3.3. The three-position numerical evaluation scale permits a range of only one of three
values that may be assigned to an analysis spot. The range is: minus one (-1), zero (0), and plus
one (+1).
2.3.4. The seven-position numerical evaluation scale permits a range of seven values that
may be assigned to an analysis spot. The range is: minus three (-3), minus two (-2), minus one
(-1), zero (0), plus one (+1), plus two (+2), and plus three (+3). When using the seven-position
scale, a minus three (-3) is considered less than a minus two (-2) and a plus three (+3) is greater
than a plus two (+2).
2.3.5. The standard unit of measurement is a vertical chart division, with a grid setting of
one-quarter inch, appearing either on a computer screen or paper chart. Changing grid settings from one-quarter inch to some other measurement
standard can impact the assignment of weighted values under some very specific conditions
(i.e., something-versus-nothing principle).
2.4. There are some very important terms and definitions that you need to become intimately
familiar with in order to better understand the concepts and discussion that follows in this text.
The remainder of this section is dedicated to an introduction of these terms and concepts. Refer
to the Glossary, in the back of this pamphlet, for additional terms and further clarification of
2.4.1. Analysis Spot. An analysis spot refers to the specific location, or applicable
relevant question on a chart where the spot analysis concept is applied. Analysis spots are technique and format dependent. For example, in the
traditional ZCT format the relevant question analysis spots are spot five (R5), spot seven (R7),
and spot 10 (R10). In the MGQT format they are spot three (R3), spot five (R5), spot eight (R8),
and spot nine (R9). In the TES format there are three sets of two relevant question pairings or
six relevant question analysis spots comprising each Sub-test (i.e., Sub-test A: 1R1-1R2, 2R1-
2R2, & 3R1-3R2).
2.4.2. Artifact. An artifact is the cause for a change in the examinee’s physiological data
that is not attributable to an applied stimulus or recovery (i.e., movement, sensor slippage).
2.4.3. Channel. A channel refers to any one of the four sensor inputs used to monitor and
record activity of the respiration, ED, and CV systems. The term channel and component are
used interchangeably.
2.4.4. Comparison Question. A question or group of questions that are used for direct
comparison against the applicable relevant question(s). The probable-lie and directed-lie are the
two types of comparison questions utilized in the Federal government.
7 Comparison questions that use the directed lie comparison (DLC) technique,
explore minor transgressions that most people will readily admit to having engaged in at
sometime in their lifetime. However, these questions traditionally do not seek time, place, or the
traditional category separation from the relevant question (i.e., Have you ever said something
that you later regretted?).
2.4.6. Comparison Question Theory. Theory that predicts differential arousal between
relevant and comparison question pairings. The theory essentially holds that non-deceptive
examinees will meet a predetermined numerical threshold, based upon the technique and format
selected, on the positive side of zero. Deceptive examinee’s will reach a predetermined
numerical threshold on the negative side of zero. When a testing format permits use of multiple comparison questions for
evaluation against a relevant question analysis spot (i.e., TES format), utilize the comparison
question exhibiting the most significant response. In other words, each question pairing involves
an independent analysis channel by channel. It is permissible to use the ED channel from one
comparison question and the CV channel from another comparison question for comparison
against a relevant question analysis spot. It is also acceptable to use the upper respiration
waveform from one comparison question and the lower respiration from the other adjacent
comparison question for evaluation against the same relevant question analysis spot.
2.4.8. Homeostasis. Refers to a complex interactive regulatory system by which the body
strives to maintain a state of internal equilibrium. Being able to recognize an examinee’s
homeostatic signature, for each of the recording systems being monitored and recorded, is truly
essential to effective test data analysis. Examiners often use the following terms interchangeably
with homeostasis: physiological norm, pre-stimulus baseline, resting state, and tonic level.
2.4.9. Latency. Refers to the period of time between stimulus onset and response onset.
Any physiological response that begins following stimulus onset is said to display response
latency. Response latency, depending upon its consistency, may enable an otherwise untimely
response to be evaluated. Pronounced latency may be seen in all recording channels or in just
one. An effective method for assessing response latency is to look holistically at all of the
physiological data collected, channel-by-channel.
2.4.10. Question String. Refers to all of the questions posed to an examinee between test
commencement and test termination.
2.4.11. Relevant Question. A question that pertains directly to the matter under
investigation or issue that generated the request for PDD support (i.e., Did you steal any of those
missing classified documents?”) The serial positioning of the relevant questions, in a question
string, defines the applicable analysis spots for the testing format involved. Refer to course PDD
502, Analysis I, Test Question Construction, for a more comprehension discussion on question
typologies and their use in specific issue PDD testing.
2.4.12. Response Onset Window. Refers to the typical time period, from stimulus onset,
where we would predict a physiological response to occur in order for that response to be
deemed timely.
2.4.13. Serial Position. Refers to the specific location of a question within a question
2.4.14. Spot Analysis. Spot analysis is a fundamental concept for assigning weighted
values, by individual recording channel, based upon comparisons between a relevant question
and the applicable comparison question(s). The TDA decision rules for a particular testing
format, dictate which relevant and comparison question(s) to use for analysis.
2.4.15. Waveform. The term waveform and tracing are used interchangeably and refers to
the particular visual representation of the physiological data that is studied for its diagnostic
3.1. The DoDPI Numerical Evaluation Scoring System utilizes 20 primary diagnostic
features and three secondary considerations in evaluating physiological data obtained through a
PDD or polygraph instrument.
3.2. Positive values (i.e., +1, +2 and greater) are assigned to an analysis spot if the
physiological response is more significant at the applicable comparison question than at the
relevant question.
3.3. Negative values (i.e., -1, -2 and less) are assigned to an analysis spot if the physiological
response is more significant at the relevant question than at the comparison question(s).
3.4. Zero scores are assigned when there is either no response to either the relevant or
applicable comparison question(s) or the difference is indiscernible.
3.4.1. Assign a value of zero with a line through it (0) if any recording channel is unable
to be evaluated due to excessive noise or artifact.
3.5. There are preliminary steps you should consider before assigning values to particular
question parings or an analysis spot.
3.5.1. One of the most crucial steps in beginning your analysis process is to make a
holistic or global assessment of all the physiological data collected. Understanding an
examinee’s stereotypy is extremely important because examinees often display trends in the
physiological data displayed. Look for trends and note deviations from them in order to better
perform your data analysis. If the testing format permits use of either of two comparison questions
against a relevant question analysis spot (i.e., TES), and one of those two comparison questions
is unable to be evaluated, then you must use the other comparison question for evaluation. If an artifact affects two of three recording systems, do not use that analysis
spot for evaluation. Particular attention should be made to any artifact that impacts the respiration
channel. The respiration channel has a tendency to influence other recording channels. As
Holmes et al. (1980) and others (Sroufe, 1971; Leavenson, 1979; Obrist, 1981) have pointed out,
alterations in either the depth or rate of breathing is a source of variance in heart rate and heart
rate control. Because of this phenomenon, you will hear examiners refer to the PN channel as
“the effector.”
10 A significant artifact (i.e., an extremely deep breath or extended yawn)
affecting the PN channel will almost certainly render other channels non-scoreable.
3.6. Response timeliness is a critical data analysis consideration. There are defined time
windows for each recording channel (pronounced latency exceptions exist) in which we would
predict an examinee to begin to manifest some physiological response to the question (stimulus)
presented. Responses commencing beyond the standard time windows become suspect unless
the examinee consistently responds in that manner. This time window is referred to as the
response onset window.
3.6.1. The response onset window for each respiration channel, of which there are two, is
from stimulus onset to one complete respiration cycle past the examinee’s answer.
3.6.2. The response onset window for the ED and CV channel is from stimulus onset to
the examinee’s answer.
3.7. One of the difficulties during data analysis is determining when a legitimate
physiological response begins and when recovery begins. This line of demarcation may be
unclear because, at times, there is a transition period that occurs between response and full
recovery and you may not know how much residual response existed during the transition to full
3.7.1. Generally, ED and CV response ends when the waveform either returns to the pre-
stimulus level (assuming homeostasis existed) or has sufficiently stabilized at a new tonic level.
Respiratory response typically ends when homeostasis is re-established.
3.8. When you have completed your global assessment, identified idiosyncratic trends and
deviations from those trends and have a good sense for the authenticity of the data, the decision
rules can be applied to the specific testing technique and format you have employed.
3.8.1. To apply the scoring rules for the particular testing technique or format you must
know the decision rules and which diagnostic features to assess within each channel.
3.9. Respiratory Features. There are ten diagnostic features used in the evaluation of the
respiration channel. Five of these features involve some form of suppression. The features are:
3.9.6. Progressive decrease in amplitude followed by a return to homeostasis
3.10. Electrodermal Features. There are three diagnostic features used in the evaluation of the
ED channel. The features are:
3.10.1. Amplitude
3.10.3. Duration
3.11. Cardiovascular Features. There are seven principal diagnostic features used in the
evaluation of the CV channel. The features are:
3.11.1. Phasic Response: Relatively rapid increase or rise from the pre-stimulus baseline
(baseline arousal), irrespective of whether the response returns to the pre-stimulus baseline or
establishes a new baseline.
3.11.2. Tonic Response: Relatively slow increase or rise from the pre-stimulus baseline,
irrespective of whether the response returns to the pre-stimulus baseline or establishes a new
3.12. There are also three secondary evaluation considerations used in the evaluation of the
CV waveform.
3.12.1. Duration
3.12.3. Sympathetic Response versus Parasympathetic Activity
4.1. Anatomy and Physiology. The respiratory system consists of the lungs, the conducting
airways, parts of the central nervous system concerned with the control of the muscles of
respiration, and the chest wall (Levitzky, 1986).
4.2. The lungs occupy most of the thoracic cavity. They are elastic structures and their
elasticity helps with breathing movements (Bevan, 1996). According to Bevan, the main muscles
for breathing are the diaphragm and the intercostals muscles. During normal breathing (eupnea)
the diaphragm is the more dominate of the two muscles (Bevan, 1996).
4.3. The main functions of the respiratory system are: (1) to obtain oxygen from the
environment and to supply it to the cells of the body; and (2) to remove carbon dioxide from the
body produced by cellular metabolism (Comroe, 1974). The brain and heart collectively
comprise less than 3% of total body weight but account for over 30% of oxygen usage (West,
4.4. The respiration waveform that is monitored reflects either pulmonary ventilation (which
actually facilitates respiration), or the mechanics of a person’s breathing, that is obtained through
the PN sensor of a polygraph. Traditionally, whether viewing a computer screen or a printed
PDD chart, the upper two waveforms/tracings are representative of the examinee’s breathing.
4.4.1. The respiratory waveform consists of inspiration (taking in of outside air) and
expiration (removal of air carrying waste products) cycles which are more commonly refer to as
inhalation and exhalation (I&E) cycles. Bevan (1996) states, that during inspiration the
diaphragm contracts and becomes flatter than the rib cage. This expansion causes the volume of
the thorax to increase causing air to be drawn into the lungs. Expiration occurs passively by the
natural elasticity of the lung tissue and is a relatively effortless movement. The intercostal and
abdominal muscles can produce more forceful or active expiration.
4.5. Many things impact an examinee’s breathing pattern—some may be naturally occurring
(e.g., athleticism, age, & disease) while others may be forced (i.e., excessive deep breath). Most
people display a resting respiration rate or breathing pattern of between 12 to 18 breaths per
minute (Tobin et al, 1988 & J. Reicherter, personal communication, September 6, 2002).
4.6. An examiner is only concerned with within-subject comparisons and not with between-
subject comparisons. Use the term normal breathing (eupnea) to refer only to the examinee being
tested. Examinees that present a relatively fast respiration pattern (tachypnea) or a very slow
respiration pattern (bradypnea) may actually be displaying a true representation of their normal
breathing pattern. There are techniques that will be taught to enable you to gauge whether
examinees are attempting to thwart the PDD examination process by deliberately manipulating
the mechanics of their breathing.
4.6.1. Particular attention should be given to a person’s breathing pattern because, of the
physiological systems that are currently monitored, it is the respiration system over which an
examinee exercises the greatest degree of control (Abrams, 1989).
4.7. Homeostasis Considerations. Ideally, before stimulus onset, the examinee should
present a respiration waveform that is in homeostasis. Generally, if homeostasis does not exist at
stimulus onset, the applicable spot will not be used for evaluation.
4.7.1. There are occasions where the stimulus is applied prematurely yet the comparative
spot may be evaluated. This occurs when the waveform returns to homeostasis during the
response onset window with subsequent response. The following illustration depicts an example
where evaluation is permitted despite a lack of homeostasis at stimulus onset.
4.8. During the data collection phase of an examination, the examiner attaches two sensors to
the examinee to record and monitor the examinee’s respiration system.
4.8.1. Typically, the PN chest assembly consists of a convoluted tube, return mechanism
(i.e., spring or rubber band), anti-roll bars, beaded chain or Velcro fastener strips and rubber
tubing for connection to the computer sensor box or analog instrument.
4.8.2. Although the two sensors collect data from different parts of the examinee’s upper
torso, the data they obtain often mirrors each other. However, because some examinees are either
predominately thoracic or abdominal breathers and because those two areas of the body are
subject to different nerve (i.e., intercostals and phrenic) innervations, we are able to capture any
differentiation should it occur by using two sensors. Place one sensor over the examinee’s upper chest (thoracic area) and the
other over the diaphragm. Be sure you obtain adequate separation between sensor placement.
4.9. Obtain a waveform or tracing amplitude of between one-half inch and one-inch (three-
quarter inch is ideal), irrespective of grid setting, prior to going into actual operation.
4.10. Respiration Line Length (RLL). Howard Timm (1979) is credited with advancing the
concept of RLL. Respiration line length refers to the linear measurement of a waveform over a
specified period of time. It is the primary diagnostic measure used in the evaluation of the
respiration waveform. DoDPI adopted the RLL concept with some modifications to the manner
in which Timm and others (Kircher et al, 1988 ) employed it. Krapohl (2001) states that the use
of RLL reduces reliance on signature and pattern recognition. Moreover, it provides an objective
means of evaluation because all respiration waveforms share one commonality—a line length.
However, DoDPI continues to recognize non-RLL features as being diagnostic of deception.
Consequently, you will need to continue to recognize specific features and signatures that are of
diagnostic significance in the evaluation of the respiration waveform.
4.10.1. RLL Features. Five of the 10 diagnostic features applicable to the evaluation of
the respiration waveform invoke the RLL evaluation methodology. The five diagnostic features pertaining to RLL are as follows: (1) apnea—
blocking, (2) decrease in amplitude (suppression), (3) progressive decrease in amplitude
followed by a return to homeostasis, (4) decrease in cyclic rate, and (5) inhalation/exhalation
(I/E) ratio change.
4.11. There are provisions to evaluate the respiration channel when none of the RLL
diagnostic features are present at either the relevant question analysis spot or applicable
comparison question(s). This is where signature recognition and pattern matching become
4.11.1. Non-RLL Features. The five non-RLL features are as follows: (1) Increase in
amplitude, (2) progressive increase in amplitude followed by a progressive decrease, (3)
progressive increase in amplitude followed by a return to homeostasis, (4) increase in cyclic rate,
and (5) temporary baseline change.
4.12. This section will discuss the 10 respiration phenomena or diagnostic features used to
evaluate PDD data and provide a representative signature of each feature.
4.12.1. Apnea. Refers to a temporary cessation of the respiratory cycle. Some forms of
apnea are considered diagnostic of deception while others are not. If the temporary cessation of breathing (apnea) occurs at or toward the very
end of the expiration cycle, it is defined as blocking and is diagnostic of deception. When apnea
occurs at the top of the inspiration cycle, it is not considered diagnostic but is more likely
behavioral in origin. Apnea is considered the ultimate manifestation of respiratory suppression.
4.12.2. Rate Changes. Respiratory rate changes may be exhibited in the form of a
decrease or increase in cyclic rate relative to an examinee’s homeostasis. This change may also
take the form of a change in the inhalation/exhalation (I&E) ratio, where there is a more
protracted exhalation cycle than what occurs during homeostasis. Assessing rate changes
involves a three-way comparison between what transpired at the relevant question, comparison
question(s), and over the course of data collection. This is sometimes referred to as the
waveform/tracing average.
Figure F.8. Increase in Amplitude
4.12.4. Temporary Baseline Change. Not all baseline changes are diagnostic of deception.
For example, a permanent baseline change is not diagnostic of deception and is believed to be
more a by-product of behavior (i.e. sensor slippage) than physiology.
Figure F.11B. Temporary Change in Baseline
(Trough temporarily decreases relative to homeostasis)
4.14.1. When using the three-position numerical evaluation scale, only one of three
values may be assigned to an analysis spot (i.e., -1, 0, +1). If any recording channel or analysis
spot is unable to be evaluated for any reason, assign a value of zero and place a line through the
4.14.2. Employing RLL. Use the RLL evaluation method when an analysis spot or the
applicable comparison question(s) exhibits any form of suppression (e.g., decrease in amplitude
or apnea-blocking) or decrease in cyclic rate relative to homeostasis.
4.14.3. The following will enable you to employ the RLL scoring methodology: Are any of the RLL features present at the relevant question analysis spot? If
the answer is “yes”, RLL applies irrespective of whether the applicable comparison question(s)
have a RLL feature or not. Are any of the RLL features present at the applicable comparison
question(s)? If an RLL feature appears at either applicable comparison question, use the RLL
method irrespective of whether the applicable relevant question analysis spot has an RLL feature
or not. If RLL features are present at two of the applicable comparison questions,
determine which comparison question has the more significant RLL response duration? The
question with the most significant degree of response duration will be used for comparison
against the relevant question analysis spot. If the relevant question analysis spot and a comparison question each have
an RLL feature, which has the most significant response duration? The question exhibiting the
most significant response duration shall serve as the default time window. That default time
window is measured from response onset to response end. The default time window, once determined, defines or becomes what
is called the window-of-evaluation.
18 Unlike Kircher et al (1988) and Timm (1981), who always used a set
time window beginning at stimulus onset and extending out for 10 or 15 seconds respectively,
DoDPI uses response onset as the point where the window-of-evaluation begins and extends the
window to the point where response ends. The DoDPI method offers advantages over other
methods because it better considers individual differences than do fixed-window methods. If a relevant question spot has 10 seconds of response apnea and the
applicable comparison question has six seconds of response suppression, the relevant question
spot defines the default time window and that 10-second period serves as the window-of-
evaluation for the relevant and comparison question. During the comparative process, the data within each of the respective
windows of evaluation, is visually transposed to a linear line length. For example, the respiration
waveform depicted in Figure 12 below is reduced to the line length depicted on the right for
evaluation purposes. The comparative spot having the shorter line length is assigned a value
of either minus one (-1) or plus one (+1). If the line lengths are similar or no appreciable
difference exists between them, assign a value of zero.
4.15. The following examples illustrate proper implementation and evaluation of the
respiratory waveform using RLL. The waveforms to the reader’s left reflect a comparison
question while the comparative waveform on the reader’s right depicts the relevant question.
4.15.1. In the first example below, RLL applies because the comparison question (on the
left) displays one of the five RLL features—apnea (blocking). The response on the right depicts a
non-RLL feature (e.g., increase in amplitude). Each of the comparative responses coincidentally
contains 10 seconds of response. You can easily estimate the time duration of a response by
counting the inclusive number of chart divisions that are typically set at five-second increments.
It is unusual that each comparative response shares the same amount (in terms of time) of
response duration. Nevertheless, if the comparison and relevant questions each has 10 seconds of
response, a 10-second window-of-evaluation is easily applied. In the analysis process, the
comparison question is assigned a value of plus one (+1) because its line length, within its
respective window-of-evaluation, is shorter than the line length in the relevant question window.
4.15.2. In the next example, RLL applies because the comparison question displays one
of the five RLL features—decrease in amplitude (suppression) relative to homeostasis. The
relevant question serves as the default time window because it contains response duration of 15
seconds (although it is non-RLL applicable), while the comparison question contains only 10
seconds of response duration. A value of plus one (+1) is assigned because the line length of the
waveform at the comparison question is shorter than the line length of the waveform at the
relevant question. Note that while the relevant question contains 15 seconds of actual response
the comparison question contains response and one respiration cycle of homeostasis. This is
perfectly acceptable because both windows of evaluation must share identical time frames.
Moreover the relevant question defined the default time window because it contained the most
significant response duration. In Figure 14 above, notice that the window-of-evaluation may include all or
only a portion of the applicable response onset window (stimulus onset to one cycle past the
examinee’s answer). The comparison question on the left only includes a portion of the response
onset window whereas the window of evaluation for the relevant question includes the entire
response onset window. The point is that the response onset window and the window of
evaluation are two distinct concepts that apply to the evaluation of the respiration waveform.
4.15.3. In the next example, RLL applies because the comparison question displays one
of the five RLL features—inhalation/exhalation (I/E) change relative to homeostasis. Each of the
comparative reponses coincidentally contains 11 seconds of response. Because the data within
the comparison question window, when visually transposed into a straight line, results in a
shorter line length than the data contained in the relevant question window it is assigned a value
of plus one (+1).
4.15.4. In the following example, RLL applies because both comparative responses
display an RLL feature. The comparison question displays apnea while the relevant question
displays suppression. What must be determined is which of these responses has the most
significant degree of actual response duration. Because the relevant question contains 13 seconds
of response, and the comparison question contains only about four seconds of response, the
relevant question serves as the default time window. The relevant question receives the value of
minus one (-1) because its waveform when transposed to a line length is shorter than that at the
comparison question. Notice that while the window-of-evaluation at the relevant question
contained only response data (suppression) the comparison question, to the left, contained
response apnea, one cycle of respiratory recovery, and two respiration cycles reflective of
4.15.5. In the following example, RLL applies because both comparative responses
display an RLL feature. The comparison question has six seconds of progressive decrease in
amplitude and the relevant question has six seconds of suppressed respiration. Consequently, the
window-of-evaluation defaults to a time frame of six seconds. Since the data within the
respective windows of evaluation, when transposed to a linear line length, appear to be similar a
value of zero is assigned.
4.15.6. There are going to be instances where you will not be able to discern, without
use of a measuring device (i.e., planimeter, ruler, etc.), which comparative response has the
shorter line length. In such instances, assign a value of zero. Your assessment should be visual
and not based on use of a measuring device.
4.16. When RLL is not applicable, the comparative response (i.e., relevant or comparison)
exhibiting the most significant change in intensity or duration is assigned a value of either minus
one (-1) or plus one (+1). If no appreciable difference exists between comparative responses,
assign a value of zero.
4.16.1. If both comparative responses display an increase in amplitude, then the question
exhibiting the more significant amplitude change (intensity or duration) will be assigned the
value. In Figure 18 below, the comparison question, on the left, is assigned a plus one (+1)
because the amplitude change is more significant in terms of intensity and duration than is the
relevant response.
4.16.2. In the next example the comparison question displays a progressive increase in
amplitude for three cycles and the relevant question displays an increase in cyclic rate for equal
durations. If neither response appears to be more significant than another, as it appears to be the
case in this example, a value of zero is justified.
Figure F.19. Respiration Question Pairing #7
4.16.3. The last example where RLL is not applicable, depicts a comparison question that
exhibits no physiological response and a relevant question that depicts a temporary change in
baseline response that lasts for 10 seconds. Assign a value of minus one (-1) to the relevant
question because it displays a diagnostic feature whereas the comparison question does not.
4.17.1. The conventional approach to evaluating the respiration waveform has generally
been one of conservatism (J. C. Kircher, personal communication, September 11, 2002). The
seven-position numerical evaluation scale introduces more subjectivity into the evaluation
process than the three-position scale because the range of values that can be assigned to an
analysis spot increases three fold. Also, examiners typically temper their evaluation of the
respiration waveform based, in part, on the realization that examinees can exercise control over
the data displayed in the respiration channel. Moreover, the respiration channel utilizes the most
diagnostic features (i.e., 10) and is subject to a wide range of variability. When the waveform
trend is highly erratic, an examiner’s confidence in the diagnostic value of a response is less
than when the waveform is stable.
4.17.2. Under the seven-position scale any of the following values may be assigned to a
respiration analysis spot: - 3, - 2, -1, 0, + 1, + 2, + 3. While values greater than a plus one (i.e., +2 or +3) or less than a minus
one (i.e., –2 or –3) may be justified, they are seldom used. While a plus or minus two (+/-2) is
occasionally utilized, a plus or minus three (+/-3) is very rarely used.
4.17.3. There are three descriptive words that correlate to the values assigned to
evaluation of the respiration waveform. They are subtle, obvious, and dramatic. The ability to
discriminate between what is obvious from what is dramatic is a subjective and often difficult
enterprise. Notwithstanding the subjectivity in assigning values utilizing the seven-position scale,
values must be uniformly applied and consistent with the applicable testing protocol.
23 If the difference between one of the comparative spots is subtly more
significant, assign a value of plus one or minus one (+/- 1). If the difference between one of the comparative spots is obviously more
significant, a value of plus or minus two (+/- 2) is justified. If the difference between one of the comparative spots is dramatically more
significant, a value of plus or minus three (+/-3) is justified.
4.18. It is virtually impossible to identify all instances where values higher than plus one or
lower than minus one may be warranted. However, consider the points below as a general
guideline in helping you to determine whether values other than plus or minus one are warranted.
Ultimately, your respective agency, if it employs the seven-position scale, will govern when and
how to assign values using this scale. Remember, relative intensity and significance should drive
your decision and your decision process must be consistently applied.
4.18.1. When comparing two similar responses (i.e., apnea-blocking), and one
response has twice as much response as the other, a value greater than plus one or less than
minus one is justified because the difference is at least obvious.
4.18.3. When comparing one question that is devoid of response against one question
that has several diagnostic features (irrespective of whether RLL is applicable), a value greater
than plus one or less than minus one is justified because the difference is at least obvious.
4.18.4. When comparing two dissimilar responses (e.g., increase in rate for two cycles
versus progressive increase in amplitude lasting for five or more cycles), where one response is
at least twice as significant in terms of response duration, a value greater than plus or minus one
is justified.
5.1. Anatomy and Physiology. The ED waveform is a reflection of the electrical changes in
human skin (Dawson et al, 2000). Examiners are principally involved in monitoring and
recording either the examinee’s skin resistance level (SRL) or skin conductance level (SCL) and
deviations from those levels that we refer to as phasic activity. This is accomplished through the
passage of an electrical current across the skin and is termed an exosomatic ED measure.
5.1.1. Traditionally, whether viewing a computer screen or a printed PDD chart, the third
waveform/tracing from the top is representative of the examinee’s EDA. The ED channel
appears to be the most heavily relied upon measure of physiological activity.
5.2. While various theories have been postulated for what contributes to changes in the skin’s
electrical property, examiners tend to favor the secretory theory advanced by Tarchanoff (1890).
Tarchanoff believed EDA was related to sweat gland activity. Darrow’s research (1927)
supported Tarchanoff’s theory. Is it the moisture on the surface of the skin or the activity of the
sweat glands per se that is critical for EDA? Darrow found that ED activity actually began one
second before moisture appeared on the surface of the skin, so it was concluded that activity of
the sweat glands, not sweat on the skin, was critical for EDA (Dawson et al, 2000).
5.2.1. Veraguth (1907) wrote, “. . .that the electrical phenomena picked up with the
galvanometer was attributable to activity of the sweat glands.” What we know is that EDA is
highly correlated with the psychological concepts of emotion, arousal, and attention (Dawson et
al, 2000), and therefore, is of tremendous benefit to us in PDD.
5.3. The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It primarily serves as a protective
coating (Weinstein, 1994). The eccrine sweat gland is the component of skin examiners are most
interested in, not so much because of its thermoregulatory function, but because of its
responsiveness to a wide variety of external stimuli.
5.3.1. Eccrine sweat glands are generally found all over the human body. However, they
can be found in greatest concentration on the palmar surface of the hand and soles of the feet
(Weinstein, 1994). According to Weinstein, there are between 2000 to 2500 eccrine sweat
glands per square centimeter of skin surface.
5.3.2. The eccrine sweat gland constantly strives to maintain its homeostatic state of
being empty (Weinstein, 1994). Not surprisingly, the positioning of sweat constantly fluctuates
between the secretatory portion of the sweat gland and the skin’s surface. Passive re-absorption and active re-absorption are two mechanisms that help
us explain ED waveform activity that is monitored and recorded. When the sweat gland is
innervated, sweat begins to rise through the sweat duct. The sweat, as it continues its journey
toward the skin’s surface, will penetrate through a membrane and hydrate the corneum
(comprised of dead dry skin cells) through a passive process. Assuming there is a sufficient
amount of sweat, the sweat will then continue toward the skin’s pore and exit onto the skin’s
surface (Weinstein, 1994). Active re-absorption is the process by which the body attempts to return the
sweat, which is rising through the sweat duct, back to its homeostatic state of being empty.
However, sometimes there exists a competition between sweat rising through the duct and the
bodies desire to return it back to the secretory portion of the sweat gland (Weinstein, 1994). The ED tonic level is a reflection of the average moisture level of the skin’s
surface (Weinstein, 1994). We attribute an increase in baseline arousal, or change in waveform
amplitude, to sweat rising from either the sweat gland or from some other fluctuating point
between the gland and the skin’s pore at the time the stimulus was applied. Electrodermal
waveform recovery is most often attributable to active re-absorption. The time it takes for sweat
to begin rising up through the duct to the time it returns to the pre-stimulus level is a reflection of
response duration. An ED complex response is evidenced by multiple peaks (the largest peak
may be on the rise or recovery side) and suggests that as active re-absorption is occurring sweat
production increases, overcoming the sweat gland’s return to homeostasis.
5.4. During the data collection phase of an examination, the examiner attaches two sensors
(known as fingerplates or electrodes) to the underside surface of two fingers of an examinee’s
hand to record and monitor their EDA. Most examiners favor placing the fingerplates on the
volar surfaces of the distal phalanges (the pad opposite the fingernail) on the examinee’s non-
dominant hand (Dawson et al, 2000).
5.4.1. Typically, the fingerplate electrode assembly consists of two stainless steel plates
or two silver-silver chloride cup electrodes, with Velcro fastening straps and an electromagnetic
shielded cable for connection to a computer sensor box or analog instrument. The pre-stimulus tonic level refers to the waveform when it is either in
homeostasis or when a temporary leveling of the waveform occurs resulting in a newly
established baseline.
Figure F.21. Amplitude If the trough, between multiple peaks, returns to or below the pre-stimulus
tonic level, the response is not considered a complex response. In the two examples below,
the responses are not complex, even though they have multiple peaks, because the trough fell
slightly below the pre-stimulus tonic level in the example on the left, and it returned to the
pre-stimulus level in the example on the right.
Trough Trough
5.6.3. Response complexity, in part, is due to the competition that occurs between sweat
rising from the eccrine sweat gland through the duct on its way to the sweat pore and active
re-absorption where the sweat is being returned to its homeostatic state that is empty (Weinstein,
1994). Environmental conditions and other factors affect response latency, response magnitude
and other components or attributes of response complexity.
5.7. Duration. The ED response duration is the time period between response onset and
return to the pre-stimulus tonic level or establishment of a new baseline. Generally, ED response
duration is highly correlated with amplitude.
5.8.2. If a simple amplitude response is the only applicable feature used in evaluating
comparative responses (i.e., neither comparative response has complexity), the response with the
most significant amplitude (as determined by the waveform peaks) receives the value. Assigning
a value of plus or minus one (+/- 1) is justified any time there is a visually discernible amplitude
difference between competing responses.
5.8.3. When the amplitude of two simple ED responses are essentially the same but one
comparative response has more duration, the response with the more significant duration is
assigned the value. When one waveform exhibits a simple amplitude response and another
displays a complex response, amplitude is the principal physiological phenomenon or feature used
to assign a value.
28 When two dissimilar comparative responses share equivalent degrees of
amplitude, the response exhibiting complexity receives the value. Response complexity neither takes precedence over, nor does it neutralize, a
response with more amplitude.
Figure F.26. Homeostasis Exception #1
Pre-stimulus Baseline Homeostasis Exception #2. The waveform establishes a new tonic level with
subsequent response occurring within the response onset window. Generally, there is no set period of time that the ED waveform must be
stable before deeming it to have established a new tonic level. However, the longer the
stabilization of the waveform, the greater confidence the evaluator will have in the authenticity
of the response of interest. For example, the waveform depicted on the left below would not be
used for evaluation because there is no waveform stabilization separating the two peaks.
However, the waveform to the right may be used for evaluation because arguably a new tonic
level was established. Moreover, the evaluator can be reasonably more confident that the
response on the right was, more likely than not, a result of the stimulus’ content and the
examinee’s answer to the stimulus, whereas such confidence is not possible given the response
on the left. Note that the stimulus, in each case, was presented on the rise side of the non-specific
Pre-stimulus Baseline Homeostasis Exception #3. During recovery from a non-specific response, the
stimulus was presented resulting in a subsequent but distinct response that occurs within the
response onset window. In Figure 26 below, note that the recovery side of the non-specific
response falls short of the baseline before a secondary response occurs.
Figure F.28. Homeostasis Exception #3
Recovery Side of a
Non-Specific Response
Pre-stimulus Baseline Apply this last exception judiciously, as several factors will dictate
whether the response of interest is of diagnostic value. In the example above, the response
occurring within the response onset window is arguably sufficiently distinct from the preceding
non-specific response. As such, it may be reasonable to conclude that it is more likely a product
of the presented stimulus than to what generated the initial non-specific response. Global
evaluation of a subject’s response capability and pattern throughout the examination will be
helpful in assessing the diagnostic value of the response of interest.
5.9. Seven-Position Numerical Evaluation Scale. Many of the decision rules used to evaluate
EDA using the three-position scale are equally applicable using the seven-position scale. Only
differences between the two scales are identified below.
5.9.2. A ratio method was devised to assist is evaluating the ED waveform, particularly in
assigning values other than zero and plus or minus one. When using the ratio method, first determine the ratio between comparative
responses and then assign a value based on the following: If the ratio is less than 2:1, defer to the “bigger-is-better” principle. If the ratio is at least 2:1, but less than 3:1, assign a plus or minus one. If the ratio is at least 3:1, but less than 4:1, assign a plus or minus two. If the ratio is at least 4:1, or greater, assign a plus or minus three.
5.10.1. When the bigger-is-better principle is applicable, it may not result in assignment
of any value other than a plus or minus one.
5.11. When duration is the only discriminator between two similar comparative responses,
evaluation rules only permit assignment of a value of plus or minus one.
5.12. Dissimilar Responses. The following decision rules apply to evaluation of dissimilar
comparative responses:
5.12.3. Response complexity is not a decision factor once the amplitude ratio between
comparative responses reaches a 2:1 ratio. If one comparative spot is devoid of response and the other comparative spot
has a response that measures less than two chart divisions, assign a value of plus or minus
one. If one comparative spot is devoid of response and the other comparative
spot has a response that measures at least two but less than three chart divisions, assign a value
of plus or minus two. If one comparative spot is devoid of response and the other comparative
spot has a response that measures at least three chart divisions, assign a value of plus or minus
5.13.2. If a response appears to be an anomaly, a lesser value than would otherwise be
justified, under the something-versus-nothing principle, can be assigned to an analysis spot. This
conservative approach to evaluation of an analysis spot must be uniformly applied and exercised
in only the most unique circumstances.
“Though the observed actions of men hide their real thoughts and feelings,
these are revealed by the observation of their hearts.”
Gantt, W. H., 1960
6.1. Anatomy and Physiology. The CV system consists of the heart, blood vessels and blood.
The principal functions of this system are to transport nutrients, oxygen and hormones to cells
and the removal of waste products. The system also protects the body by white blood cells,
antibodies and proteins that circulate in the blood and defend the body against foreign microbes
and toxins. The CV system is also responsible for body temperature regulation, fluid pH and
water content of cells (Pack, 1997).
6.2. The heart is a muscular organ that beats about 100,000 times a day and is ultimately
responsible for all CV functions (Martini, 2000). The heart is also a four-chamber muscular
pump with an average size of a grapefruit and weighs about 300 grams (Bevan, 1996).
6.3. Polygraph examiners are interested with pulmonary and systemic circulatory pathways;
the heart itself, particularly the chambers and valves; cardiac conduction; cardiac muscle
contraction; the cardiac cycle, specifically the segments of a heart beat; cardiac output, such as
stroke volume and heart rate; and blood pressure.
6.3.1. Pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation are responsible for transporting
blood throughout the body via a 96,500-kilometer network of blood vessels (Bevan, 1996). The
pulmonary circuit transports oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium where it is
temporarily housed before entering the left ventricle for release throughout the body via the
systemic circuit. The systemic circuit then takes the deoxygenated blood from the body and
transports it to the right atrium, where it is temporarily housed before being passed into the right
ventricle. The right ventricle pumps the deoxygenated blood through the pulmonary trunk to
facilitate pulmonary circulation (Pack, 1997). With respect to the functioning and flow of blood through the heart, the
activity of the right and left atrium and the right and left ventricles of the heart are of particular
interest to examiners as are the valves (i.e., bicuspid & tricuspid) that facilitate and control blood
flow. Also of interest is the functioning and movement of blood (i.e, blood volume changes) at
particular arterial monitoring sites on the body.
6.3.2. The cardiac cycle describes all the activities of the heart through one complete
heartbeat that involves one contraction and relaxation of both the atria and ventricles (Pack,
1997). The contraction phase is known as systole and the relaxation phase is known as diastole
(Brownley et al, 2000).
6.3.3. As ventricular contraction occurs, there is an increase in pressure (ventricular
pressure exceeds arterial pressure) causing the aortic and pulmonary semi-lunar valves to open
and blood is ejected out of the ventricles (Brownley et al, 2000). As the ventricles begin to relax,
blood in the aorta and pulmonary trunk begins to flow backward, against the now-closed semi-
lunar valves. The rebounding of blood against the closed semi-lunar valves, causes a
momentary interruption in the flow of blood and a small increase in blood pressure which
appears as the dicrotic notch on the CV waveform (Abrams, 1989). At times, the presence of a
dicrotic notch may not be visible in the waveform depicted on your computer screen or printed
charts. The presence of the dicrotic notch, irrespective of its positioning along
the diastolic segment of the cardiac cycle (high, middle, or low), is of no diagnostic value with
respect to an examinee’s veracity.
6.3.4. Heart rate refers to the number of heartbeats that occur per minute (bpm). Larsen
(1986) and Abrams (1989) cite 70 bpm as the approximate normal human adult heart rate. Obrist
(1981) cites 72 bmp where as Martini (2000) cited the average heart rate ranges between 70-80
bpm. Interestingly, during sleep this heart rate may decrease by 10 to 20 bpm; during emotional
excitement it may reach 150 bpm (Larsen et al, 1986). A heart rate below 60 bpm is termed bradycardia while a heart rate above 100
bpm is termed tachycardia (Martini, 2000). While many things may contribute to bradycardia
(e.g., athleticism) or tachycardia (e.g., increased body temperature), examiners are most
interested in these conditions when they are associated with emotional excitement and behavioral
states (Larsen et al, 1986). An examinee’s heart rate can be quickly estimated by counting the number
of heartbeats occurring within a five-second period and then by multiplying that number by 12.
6.4. The primary site where we monitor and record CV activity during a PDD examination is
over the brachial artery of the upper arm. Other arterial (i.e., radial & ulnar) monitoring sites
include the forearm and wrist and in rare instances (i.e., suitable CV waveform cannot otherwise
be obtained) behind the gastrocenemius muscle (i.e., calf) of the lower legs.
6.4.1. During the data collection phase, the sensor attached to the examinee is a standard
CV blood pressure cuff. This sensor and assembly consists of a rubber bladder, covered with a
cloth or vinyl sleeve and a fastening component (velcro wrap), pump bulb assembly that includes
a sphygmomanometer and rubber tubing for connecting the sensor to the computer sensor box or
analog instrument.
6.5. Ideally, obtain a CV waveform amplitude of between one-half inch and one inch,
irrespective of grid setting, prior to going into actual operation.
6.6. CV Features: There are seven primary CV physiological phenomena or diagnostic
features used to evaluate PDD data. A representative signature of each feature will be shown.
There are also three secondary considerations used to evaluate the CV waveform that will be
introduced. Traditionally, whether viewing a polygraph computer screen or a printed chart, the
fourth waveform from the top is representative of the examinee’s CV activity.
6.6.1. Baseline Changes. CV baseline changes typically present themselves in one of two
ways: phasic and tonic. Phasic baseline changes occur as a relatively rapid increase or rise from
the pre-stimulus baseline and may or may not return to the pre-stimulus baseline. Tonic baseline
changes occur as a relatively slow increase or rise from the pre-stimulus baseline, irrespective of
whether the response returns to the pre-stimulus baseline or establishes a new baseline. For
example, in Figure 29 the phasic response reaches response peak more quickly than does the
tonic response. The fact that the tonic response resulted in establishment of a new baseline and
the phasic response did not, is not what differentiates a tonic response from a phasic response.
The difference is reflected in the speed of the waveform arousal relative to homeostasis. Most examiners believe that CV baseline arousal, whether in the form of
phasic or tonic arousal, is governed by increases in blood volume changes that occur at the
respective monitoring site (Weinstein, 1994). According to Abrams (1989), changes in baseline
arousal is likely a result of a combination of blood volume and pressure changes.
6.6.2. Amplitude Changes. Amplitude refers to the measurement or height of the actual
systolic and diastolic segments of the cardiac cycle, irrespective of whether the waveform
presents a phasic or tonic response or change. However, some research literature related to PDD,
use the term amplitude and baseline arousal interchangeably. Among examiners, it is generally held that amplitude increases and decreases
of the CV waveform segments, relative to homeostasis, represents pressure changes (Weinstein,
Figure F.30. CV Amplitude Changes
6.6.3. Pulse Rate Changes. A person’s tonic heart rate may be influenced by many factors
including age, gender, body temperature, and physical fitness. Heart rate is regulated by the
autonomic nervous system particularly when the sympathetic branch stimulates cardiac muscle
contractions, or when the parasympathetic system inhibits those contractions (Pack, 1997). Heart
rate is also impacted by the release of various chemicals within the body (Pack, 1997). The term
pulse refers to the wave of pressure with each heartbeat that can be felt in the peripheral arteries
near the surface of the skin (Bevan, 1996). Heart rate changes, occurring during the course of a PDD examination, are
typically observed as either an increase or decrease in heart rate relative to the waveform average
for a particular chart.
Figure F.32. Premature Ventricular Contraction
6.7.1. Baseline Arousal. The overriding diagnostic feature or criterion used in the
evaluation of the CV waveform is the degree of baseline arousal (i.e., phasic or tonic) one
comparative response has in relation to another. Assign the value to the comparative response that has the most significant
increase in baseline arousal. This is typically determined by looking at the diastolic portion
or points found on the underside of the waveform curve (Podlesny et al, 1999).
Figure F.34. Tonic Response Comparison
6.7.4. In those extremely rare situations when there is no CV baseline arousal at either of
the applicable comparative responses, consider the following in assigning a value: Amplitude. The comparative response displaying the most significant degree
of pulse wave amplitude change (i.e., larger or smaller) relative to homeostasis, is awarded the
value. Pulse Rate. The comparative response displaying the most significant pulse
rate change (i.e., faster or slower) relative to homeostasis, is awarded the value. Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC). PVCs are only of diagnostic value
when the examinee consistently displays PVCs at a particular question or type of question
(relevant or comparison) to the exclusion of the other. PVCs are not that uncommon; however, their diagnostic value is very
often of limited value because examinees seldom demonstrate the consistency and patterning
necessary to warrant assignment of a value.
38 When comparative responses are devoid of phasic or tonic arousal, yet
other diagnostic features are present (e.g., amplitude, pulse rate), the response with the most
significant duration may be awarded the value.
6.8. Homeostasis Considerations. Ideally, homeostasis should exist prior to stimulus onset. If
homeostasis does not exist at stimulus onset, the CV waveform may generally be evaluated if
any of the conditions listed below exist. When employing one of the exceptions to homeostasis,
the paramount consideration is whether the response you anticipate evaluating is a consequence
of the activity that preceded stimulus onset or is attributable to stimulus onset. A standard of
reasonableness should drive your decision. If you have no confidence that the response of
interest is relatively free from influence from other activity assigning a value of Ø (zero with a
line through it) to an analysis spot is appropriate.
6.8.1. The waveform returns to the pre-stimulus baseline with subsequent response
occurring within the response onset window.
6.8.2. The waveform establishes a new tonic level with subsequent response within the
response onset window.
6.8.3. During recovery from a non-specific response, the stimulus is applied resulting in a
subsequent but distinct response that occurs within the response onset window. Apply this last exception judiciously as several factors will dictate whether
the response of interest is of diagnostic value.
6.9. Seven-Position Numerical Evaluation Scale. Many of the decision rules used to evaluate
the CV waveform using the three-position scale are equally applicable to the seven-position
scale. Only differences between the two scales are identified below.
6.9.1. If a comparative response displays phasic or tonic arousal, and the other
comparative response has visually more but less than twice as much arousal, then assign a value
of plus or minus one.
6.9.2. If a comparative response displays phasic or tonic arousal, and the other
comparative response has twice, but less than three times as much arousal, then a value of plus or
minus two is justified. Generally, values more significant than plus or minus one are not assigned
when comparing CV responses that are differentiated by less than the equivalent of a standard
chart division (i.e., one quarter inch or six millimeters in height). In other words, do not
consider a situation where one CV comparative response has two millimeters of baseline arousal
and another response has four millimeters of baseline arousal as warranting assignment of a plus
two given one response is twice as significant as the other.
6.9.3. If a comparative response displays phasic or tonic arousal, and the other
comparative response has three or more times the arousal, then a value of plus or minus three is
justified. If one comparative spot is devoid of response and the other comparative
spot has either a phasic or tonic baseline response that measures less than two chart divisions,
assign a value of plus or minus one. If one comparative spot is devoid of response and the other comparative
spot has either a phasic or tonic baseline response that measures at least two but less than three
chart divisions, assign a value of plus or minus two. If one comparative spot is devoid of response and the other comparative
spot has either a phasic or tonic baseline response that measures at least three chart divisions,
assign a value of plus or minus three.
6.12. If a response appears to be an anomaly, a lesser value than would otherwise be justified
under the something-versus-nothing principle can be assigned to an analysis spot. This
conservative approach to the evaluation of an analysis spot must be uniformly applied and
exercised in only the most unique circumstances.
7.0. Conclusion. This document provides you with essential information needed to conduct
an analysis of the physiological data you obtain through the use of a PDD or polygraph
instrument. There are certainly principles or rules governing test data analysis; however, these
principles or rules must be tempered with an appreciation for the uniqueness that every
individual brings to the testing environment and the uniqueness that potentially every question
pairing holds on a given chart. Expertise is a relative term and reading this document will not
make you an expert in the field of test data analysis—time will, however!
1.1. The DoDPI provides instruction in the use of various comparison question techniques
that employ probable-lie and directed-lie formats. The principal probable-lie testing formats are
the Zone Comparison Test (ZCT) and the Modified General Question Test (MGQT). The Test
for Espionage and Sabotage (TES) is the exclusive directed-lie comparison question format
currently taught at DoDPI.
1.1. The traditional ZCT is a single-issue test consisting of ten questions. This ZCT format
contains three relevant question analysis spots that are compared to at least one of three
comparison questions.
1.2. The relevant question analysis spots are: relevant question five (R5), relevant question
seven (R7), and relevant question 10 (R10). The serial positioning of each relevant question,
within each of the respective question strings (Chart I-1 through Chart I-3), remains the same.
1.3. On Chart I-1, the serial positioning of the comparison questions is at positions four, six
and 10 within the question string. Following Chart I-1, comparison questions may be rotated at
the examiner’s discretion to ensure that the most responsive comparison from the previous chart
is aligned adjacent to the most response relevant question from the previous chart.
1.4. The irrelevant, sacrifice relevant and symptomatic questions are not evaluated and their
serial positioning generally remains unchanged from chart to chart. The following depicts the
serial positioning of each question in the question string for Chart I-1. Question one (I1) is an
irrelevant question. Question two is a sacrifice relevant (SR2) question. Questions three (S3) and
eight (S8) are symptomatic questions. Questions five, seven and ten are relevant questions and
questions four, six and nine are comparison questions.
I1 - SR2 - S3 - C4 - R5 - C6 - R7 - S8 - C9 - R10
1.4.1. Relevant question five is evaluated against either comparison question four or six.
1.4.2. Relevant question seven is evaluated only against comparison question six.
1.5. Test Data Analysis. The three ZCT decision outcomes that can be rendered are NDI, DI
and NO. The ZCT decision rules are predicated on vertical and horizontal spot analysis totals.
1.5.1. For a No Deception Indicated (NDI) opinion, there must be a plus (+) in the each
overall vertical spot with a horizontal grand total of plus six (+6) or greater.
1.5.2. For a Deception Indicated (DI) opinion, there must be either a minus three (-3) at
any overall vertical spot or a horizontal grand total of minus six (-6) or less.
1.5.3. Any numerical score not meeting the threshold for a DI or NDI decision shall be
deemed No Opinion.
1.1. There are several versions or formats related to the traditional ZCT (e.g., You-Phase,
Exploratory, S-K-Y). The You-Phase ZCT is a single-issue test consisting of nine questions. This
ZCT format contains two relevant question analysis spots that are compared to at least one of
three comparison questions.
1.2. The relevant question analysis spots are: relevant question five (R5) and relevant
question seven (R7). The serial positioning of each relevant question, within each of the
respective question strings (Chart I-1 through Chart I-3), remains the same.
1.3. On Chart I-1, the serial positioning of the comparison questions is at positions four, six
and eight. Following Chart I-1, comparison questions may be rotated at the examiner’s discretion
to ensure that the most responsive comparison from the previous chart is aligned adjacent to the
most response relevant question from the previous chart.
1.4. The irrelevant, sacrifice relevant and symptomatic questions are not evaluated and their
serial positioning generally remains unchanged from chart to chart. The following depicts the
serial positioning of each question in the question string for Chart I-1. Question one (I1) is an
irrelevant question. Question two is a sacrifice relevant (SR2) question. Questions three (S3) and
nine (S9) are symptomatic questions. Questions five and seven are relevant questions and
questions four, six and eight are comparison questions.
I1 - SR2 - S3 - C4 - R5 - C6 - R7 - C8 - S9
1.4.1. Relevant question five is evaluated against either comparison question four or six.
1.4.2. Relevant question seven is evaluated against either comparison question six or
1.5. Test Data Analysis. The three decisions that can be rendered are NDI, DI and NO. The
You-Phase ZCT decision rules are predicated on vertical and horizontal spot analysis totals.
1.5.1. For a No Deception Indicated (NDI) opinion, there must be a plus (+) in each
overall vertical spot with a horizontal grand total of plus four (+4) or greater.
1.5.2. For a Deception Indicated (DI) opinion, there must be either a minus three (-3) at
any overall vertical spot or a horizontal grand total of minus four (-4) or less.
1.5.3. Any numerical score not meeting the threshold for a DI or NDI decision shall be
deemed No Opinion.
1.1. The MGQT is multi-facet test in which the relevant questions are targeted toward
different elements of the same crime (Kraphol et al, 2002).
1.2. The MGQT format, as taught at DoDPI, contains four relevant question analysis spots
and two comparison questions (questions six and ten). The relevant question analysis spots are:
relevant question three (R3), relevant question five (R5), relevant question eight (R8), and
relevant question nine (R9). Generally, the serial positioning of each question within the question
string is identical on the first two charts (Charts I-1 and I-2). However, the third chart (Chart I-3)
is presented in a mixed order and the serial positioning of the relevant questions is at the
examiner’s discretion. (MGQT, 2004).
1.3. The MGQT format utilizes two comparison questions that are serial positioned, on Chart
I-1 and Chart I-2, at position six and ten within the question string. On Chart I-3, each of the two
comparison questions are asked twice and their serial positioning is at the examiner’s discretion.
1.4. The following depicts the serial position of each question in the question string for Chart
I-1 and Chart I-2. Questions one, two, four and seven are irrelevant questions. Questions three,
five, eight and nine are relevant questions and questions six and ten are comparison questions.
I1 - I2 - R3 - I4 - R5 - C6 - I7 - R8 - R9 - C10
1.5 The following depicts examples of the serial position of each question in the question
string for the mixed chart that is labeled I-3:
I4 - I1 - R5 – C6 - R3 - C10 - R9 - C6 - R8 - C10
I4 – I1 - R8 - C6 - R9 - C10 - R3 - C6 - R5 - C10
1.5.1. Spot I: For Charts I-1 and I-2, relevant question three is evaluated against
comparison question six. On Chart I-3, the first relevant question (which is typically the least
responsive from the previous two charts collected) is only compared against the first comparison
1.5.2. Spot 2: For Charts I-1 and I-2, relevant question five is evaluated against
comparison question six.
45 On Chart I-3, the second relevant question appearing in the question string is
compared against the adjacent comparison question that elicited the most significant response in
each of the respective recording channels.
1.5.3. Spot 3: For Charts I-1 and I-2, relevant question eight is evaluated against either
comparison question six or comparison question 10. On Chart I-3, the third relevant question appearing in the question string is
compared against the adjacent comparison question that elicited the most significant response in
each of the respective recording channels.
1.5.4. Spot 4: For Charts I-1 and I-2, relevant question nine is evaluated against
comparison question 10. On Chart I-3, the fourth relevant question appearing in the question string is
compared against the adjacent comparison question that elicited the most significant response in
each of the respective recording channels.
1.6. Test Data Analysis. The three MGQT decision outcomes that can be rendered are NDI,
DI and NO. The MGQT relies only on vertical spot totals (MGQT 2004).
1.6.1. For a NDI opinion, there must be at least a plus three (+3) or greater at each overall
vertical spot total.
1.6.2. A minus three (-3) or less at any overall vertical spot total, regardless of the scores
for the other overall vertical spot totals, will result in a DI opinion.
1.6.3. Any other combination of overall vertical spot totals is considered NO.
1.1. The TES was designed to provide a means of ensuring that the loyalty of individuals
entrusted with our Nation’s secrets is further confirmed (TES, 2004). In the TES format,
developed by DoDPI, there are three sets of two relevant question pairings or six relevant
question analysis spots comprising each of two sub-tests (i.e., Sub-test A & Sub-test B).
1.2. Sub-test A: The standard serial positioning of each question within the question string is
as follows:
I1 - I2 - SR - 1C1 - 1R1 - 1R2 - 1C2 - 2R1 - 2R2 - 2C1 - 3R1 - 3R2 - 2C2
1.3. Sub-test B: The standard serial positioning of each question within the question string is
as follows:
I1 - I2 - SR - 1C1 - 1R3 - 1R4 - 1C2 - 2R3 - 2R4 - 2C1 - 3R3 - 3R4 - 2C2
1.4. Each relevant question presentation is compared against the most responsive comparison
question positioned immediately preceding or following it. For example, for Sub-test “A” above,
relevant questions 1R1 and 1R2 may be compared against either 1C1 or 1C2. For Sub-test “B”
above, relevant questions 3R3 or 3R4 may be compared to either 2C1 or 2C2.
1.5. Test Data Analysis. The three TES decision outcomes that can be rendered are
Significant Response (SR), No Significant Response (NSR) and NO. The decision outcomes are
predicated on vertical and horizontal spot analysis totals.
1.5.1. The analysis spots for sub-test “A” are relevant questions 1R1, 1R2, 2R1, 2R2, and
3R1 and 3R2.
1.5.2. The analysis spots for sub-test “B” are relevant questions 1R3, 1R4, 2R3, 2R4, and
3R3 and 3R4.
1.5.3. For a NSR opinion, each overall relevant question score (i.e., the sum of the three
askings of each of the two relevant questions) must be positive (e.g., >0) with a combined overall
horizontal sub-test score of a plus four or greater.
1.5.4. A minus three or less (e.g., -3, -4) for any overall relevant question score or an
overall horizontal sub-test score of minus four (-4) or less will result in an opinion of SR.
1.5.5. Any other combination of scores for either the overall question score or overall
sub-test score is considered NO.
FIGURE 19: Respiration Question Pairing #7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The physiological activity reflected in a PDD waveform/tracing occurring between response
onset and response peak (highest level from pre-stimulus baseline). Magnitude of a physiological
analysis spot
The specific location, or applicable relevant question on a PDD chart, where the spot analysis
concept is employed.
An artifact is a change in a physiological pattern not attributable to stimulus (question
presentation) or recovery.
The physiological level at which an examinee’s system is during stimulus onset. The term tonic
level is often used interchangeably with the term baseline. A baseline is subject to change,
irrespective of whether a stimulus has been applied or not.
baseline arousal
Term used in PDD to characterize a marked upward shift in the respiratory, electrodermal, or
cardiovascular waveforms. These shifts represent physiological responses to sensory or cognitive
stimulation. Baseline arousals do not always occur during deception; however, when they are
observed they can be indicative of deception. Some baseline arousals are relatively short-lived,
while others can continue for much longer.
Respiration pattern wherein the examinee discontinues respiration at or near the end of the
expiratory segment of the respiration cycle.
blood pressure
The pressure blood exerts against the walls of the arteries, usually measured in millimeters of
mercury. PDD examiners evaluate relative blood volume changes, as current polygraphs are not
capable of providing absolute blood pressure measurements.
blood volume
Quantity of blood in an organ or limb, usually recorded as relative increases or decreases in the
circumference of the affected area or size of blood vessels. Changes in blood volume are
mediated by local, neural, and humeral mechanisms, such as the shunting of blood to the major
muscle groups during sympathetic nervous system activations. Traditional PDD methods use
changes in blood volume for diagnostic purposes rather than blood pressure per se.
brachial artery
Major blood vessel of the upper arm that receives blood from the aortic arch via the subclavian
and axillary arteries. Traditionally, the blood pressure cuff is placed around the upper arm and
inflated to partially occlude the brachial artery. Sensors placed over the artery transduce the
various Korotkoff sounds produced by blood flowing through the partially occluded artery. This
is the preferred placement site for the blood pressure cuff in PDD.
General term, often abbreviated cardio, applied to any recording of cardiovascular activity. In
PDD, the use of a blood pressure cuff to monitor relative arterial blood pressure and pulse wave
changes is more precisely described as sphygmography (recording arterial pulse waveforms) or
occlusion plethysmography (recording size or volume changes of a body part that is partially
occluded). While the term cardiograph is not incorrect in this context, it lacks precision in
denoting the actual phenomenon being recorded in PDD. Cardiograph in the psychophysiological
and medical literature most often denotes the electrocardiograph.
An alternate term for a device that records the pulse wave and relative blood volume waveform
used in PDD. While the term cardiosphygmograph was common parlance in the 1930s through
1950s, it is used less frequently today even though it is more precise than the current expression,
cardiograph or its abbreviated counterpart, cardio.
cardiovascular sensor
One of the three types of sensors routinely used in the conduct of a PDD examination. The
cardiovascular sensor monitors relative blood volume and pulse rate. The standard
cardiovascular sensor is the blood pressure cuff assembly, consisting of an arm cuff, manometer,
and connecting tubing (sphygmomanometer).
cardiovascular waveform
The display of physiological patterns of the examinee’s relative blood volume and pulse rate.
Any one of the four sensor inputs used to monitor and record activity of the respiration,
electrodermal and cardiovascular system.
A graphic representation containing selected physiological data generated by an examinee during
the data collection phase of a PDD examination.
comparison question
A question designed to produce a physiological response. The physiological responses of the
comparison questions are compared to the physiological responses of the applicable relevant
questions. The probable and directed lies are the two types of comparison questions utilized
within the federal government.
comparison question technique. Refers to a family of testing formats whereby values are
assigned to various analysis spots based upon comparisons between relevant and comparison
questions. The two types of comparison questions that are principally used in the Federal
government are the PLC question and the DLC question. The ZCT and MGQT employ the
comparison question technique; however, the formats (structure) are different, yet they both use
PLC questions. The TES also employs the comparison question technique; however its format is
unique and it uses DLC questions.
Capacity of a material to permit the flow of electrical current. In electrical terms, conductance
equals the current flow between two points divided by the voltage difference between those same
two points. A related measure, resistance, is the reciprocal of conductance. Skin conductance is a
common measure used in PDD.
Any action(s) taken to affect a PDD examination outcome by tactical employment of behaviors,
movements, medication, or cognitive processes.
computerized polygraph
A computerized diagnostic instrument capable of monitoring, recording, storing, and analyzing
respiratory, electrodermal, and cardiovascular activity.
data collection phase
This is the second phase of a PDD examination and begins with the collection of the first chart.
When a conclusive series is conducted, the data collection phase ends when test data analysis
(the third phase) begins.
dicrotic notch
A regular feature of the pulse wave. It is generated by the closure of the aortic valve and marks
the end of systole and the beginning of diastole. It has not been found to be a reliable diagnostic
feature in PDD.
Refers to the physiological activity that occurs between response onset and return to the pre-
stimulus baseline.
eccrine glands
One of two types of sweat glands, the eccrine glands influence electrodermal activity as
monitored in PDD. They are found throughout the skin surface of the body, but in highest
concentration on the palms, soles, and axillae (armpits). The primary function of the eccrine
glands is thermoregulation; however, emotional stressors, mainly on the palms and soles, also
produce eccrine sweat.
electrodermal response (EDR)
Reaction of skin measured by changes in its electrical properties, including skin resistance (SR),
skin conductance (SC), and skin potential (SP).
Generated from within the body. An example of an endosomatic measure is skin potential
because it reflects the voltage differences between two electrodes on the skin surface;
bioelectricity is generated by the neurons of the dermis. Similarly, bioelectricity is generated by
neurons in the brain and the heart resulting in the EEG and ECG signals, respectively.
A process that encompasses all activities that take place between a PDD examiner and an
examinee during pretest, data collection, test data analysis, and posttest phases of a PDD
Someone who has successfully completed formal education and training in conducting PDD
examinations and is either authorized or formally certified, by the examiner’s agency, to conduct
such examinations.
excessive noise
Noise in a physiologic tracing that reaches a level that disrupts or prevents the data from being
used for diagnostic purposes. Excessive noise may be isolated to a single recording channel or
all channels.
Generated from outside the body. Examples of exosomatic measures are skin conductance and
skin resistance because they are determined by the application of external electrical current to the
with the theoretical and applied psychological, physiological, and psychophysiological
fundamentals for a thorough understanding of PDD tests, and the skills and qualifications for
conducting PDD examinations. The modifier “forensic” delineates and delimits this discipline
from the broader discipline of psychophysiology.
Polygraph component responsible for producing the graphic recording of skin resistance.
heart rate
Rapidity of ventricular contractions, usually measured in beats per minute. It is one index of
physiological arousal. Recent research indicates that after stimulus onset, cardiac arousal takes
the form of an immediate decrease in heart rate. Heart rate and the interbeat interval are
reciprocals of one another.
A pattern sometimes seen in the respiration waveform in which the examinee discontinues
respiration at or near the respiratory peak. Holding is differentiated from a typical apnea in that
apnea most often occurs near the end of the expiratory segment of the respiration cycle.
Complex interactive regulatory system by which the body strives to maintain a state of internal
equilibrium. The term resting state, pre-stimulus baseline, and homeostasis are used
Increase in rate and depth of respiration. Physiologic consequences include increased pulmonary
ventilation and decreased carbon dioxide concentrations. Hyperventilation is not a diagnostic
feature used in the evaluation of the respiration waveform.
inhalation/exhalation ratio
The duration of inhalation segment of the respiratory cycle compared with that of exhalation
segment. Normally the ratio is about 1:2 in a resting human and changes during stress. Changes
in the I/E ratio are a diagnostic feature or criterion in PDD and were first reported by Benussi in
Refers to the period of time from stimulus onset to response onset. An examinee may respond
within the prescribed response onset window for each recording channel or outside of those
no opinion (NO)
An evaluation that indicates the examiner cannot render a conclusive opinion of DI or NDI based
upon the evaluation of physiological data on a given set of charts.
non-specific response
A response that occurs during the collection of PDD data that is not attributable to an applied
stimulus. The term random response is also used interchangeably with non-specific response.
overall vertical spot total
The sum of all subtotals for a specific relevant question spot in one series of a comparison
question examination.
Term used in PDD to denote a single physiological data channel (e.g., pneumograph). The term
parameter and channel are used interchangeably.
Refers to the highest point a waveform achieves following response onset.
phasic response
A relatively rapid response characterized by a change from baseline.
Device that measures changes in blood volume in a part of the body. Two common types of
plethysmographs are occlusion (use of inflatable cuff to restrict venous return while measuring
volume changes indirectly via pressure or resistance) and photoelectric (use of infrared light
emitter-collector diode pair that measures volume changes indirectly by directing light into the
skin and detecting its reflection back).
A diagnostic instrument used during a PDD examination that is capable of monitoring and
recording, at a minimum, respiratory, electrodermal, and cardiovascular activity as a response to
verbal or visual stimuli.
pulse pressure
The arithmetic difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
question string
All of the questions that appear on a PDD chart between test commencement (i.e., X) and test
termination (i.e., XX).
A recovery that drops below the pre-stimulus baseline line and subsequently returns to the pre-
stimulus baseline. Rebound may be attributable to physiology and instrumentation.
A deviation in a PDD waveform attributable to a physiological phenomenon occurring as a
compensatory action after a response or an artifact (i.e., return to homeostasis or pre-stimulus
relevant question
A relevant question pertaining directly to the matter under investigation or to the issue(s) for
which the examinee is being tested. Relevant questions consist of primary, secondary, evidence
connecting, and guilty knowledge questions.
respiration apnea
A temporary disruption of the respiratory cycle (cessation of breathing). If this temporary
cessation of breathing occurs during or near the end of the respiratory cycle, it is defined as
blocking. Apnea is the ultimate manifestation of respiratory suppression.
respiratory sensor
One of the three types of sensors routinely used in the conduct of PDD examinations.
Normally two respiratory or pneumograph chest assembly sensors monitor the mechanics of
abdominal and thoracic breathing or ventilation. The standard pneumograph chest assembly is
comprised of a convoluted rubber tube, connecting tubing, and a beaded chain or other type of
fastener that allows placement on the examinee.
(through branches of the vagus nerve) driving both respiratory and heart rate activity may be so
prominent as to induce this characteristic synchronous wave in the cardiograph tracing.
respiratory waveform
The display of physiological patterns reflective of an examinee’s breathing activity. The
respiratory waveform consists of inhalation and exhalation cycles.
The physiological change to the applied stimulus that may be either phasic or tonic.
--response (phasic)
A discrete response that is generally seen as a relatively rapid upward movement from the
--response (tonic)
A response that is generally seen as a slow movement from the pre-stimulus baseline, typically
over the course of 10’s of seconds or longer.
response onset
The first indication of physiological change from the pre-stimulus level to an applied stimulus.
For a response to be considered timely, response onset must occur within the respective response
onset windows designated for each recording channel.
resting state
An informal term that refers to an individual's homeostatic state. This term is often used
interchangeably with tonic level, homeostasis, and state of equilibrium.
rise time
The period of time from response onset to the peak of a waveform.
sacrifice relevant
A sacrifice relevant question is the first question in a question string, involving certain testing
formats, that is related to the relevant issue(s). The purpose of the sacrifice relevant question is to
prepare the examinee for introduction of the relevant questions. Sacrifice relevant questions are
not scored.
serial position
The position of a question within a question string.
seven-position scale
One of two semi-objective numerical evaluation scales taught by DoDPI. The seven-position
scale enables assigning any of the following values based upon comparisons between relevant
and comparison questions: -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3. By convention, negative values represent
greater physiological response to relevant questions, while positive values indicate greater
response to comparison questions. A zero usually indicates equal or no responses to either the
relevant or comparison questions, or that the evaluation spot does not meet minimum standards
for interpretation. Each testing format has an assigned numerical threshold that results in one of
three decision outcomes.
signal value
The perceived salience or extent to which an examinee is affected by a stimulus. External
significance is assigned to a question when it appears to differ from others based on appearance
(i.e., is much longer or is read in a louder tone of voice). Internal significance is assigned to a
question because of the examinee’s perception of the question’s scope or content. The objective
of a CQT examination is to make the external significance of relevant and comparison questions
appear equal, and for their internal significance to vary. An innocent examinee would be
expected to generate higher internal significance for the comparison questions, whereas the
relevant questions would hold higher internal significance for the deceptive individual.
A device consisting of a pressure cuff connected to a manometer (pressure sensor) that is used
for the indirect measurement of blood pressure. The pressure cuff is placed around a large artery
(i.e., brachial artery) and then inflated until the artery is completely occluded. Cuff pressure is
gradually released while sounds (Korotkoff sounds) caused by blood passing through the
partially occluded artery are monitored. The manometer is also monitored to determine the
pressures at which these sounds occurred. The pressure at which sound is first heard is termed
systolic pressure, while the pressure at which sound is last heard is termed diastolic pressure.
Typically, a stethoscope is placed distal to the occluded artery to enable a person to hear the
Korotkoff sounds. This is the ausculatory method since blood pressure is determined while
listening to sounds produced within the body.
A specific location, or applicable relevant question, within a question string where the spot
analysis concept is applied.
spot analysis
A fundamental concept for assigning values, by individual recording channel, based upon
comparisons between a relevant question and the applicable comparison questions. The test data
analysis rules, for a particular testing format, dictate which relevant and comparison question(s)
to use for analysis.
Any oral stimulus presented by the examiner to the examinee during test data collection.
Typically refers to a reviewed question that is presented to the examinee during a test.
stimulus end
During data collection, stimulus end is the last syllable spoken by the examiner when a stimulus
is presented.
stimulus onset
During data collection, stimulus onset is the first syllable spoken by the examiner when a
stimulus is presented.
symptomatic question
A question designed to test for an outside issue that could be more significant for an examinee
than the issues being tested.
test data
Physiologic recording of responses of the examinee in response to stimuli.
test data notations
Notations used to indicate events that occur during the collection of a chart.
three-position scale
Abbreviated application of the seven-position scale for PDD test data analysis. The major
difference is that the range of values for each question pairing comparison is from minus one (-1)
to plus one (+1), rather than the range of minus three (-3) to plus three (+3) in the seven-position
scoring system.
tonic change
A relatively slow adjustment in the tonic level, typically occurring over the course of 10’s of
seconds, or longer.
tonic level
An examinee’s level of physiological activity occurring prior to stimulus onset. This is
sometimes referred to as the resting or baseline activity level. Tonic level describes a person's
physiological activity when resting.
vagus roll
Undulations in the pulse wave amplitude that are 2-4 seconds after the corresponding respiratory
A term that refers to the onset and period in which data is used for evaluation purposes when
applying RLL. Comparative responses, in the respiration channel, are evaluated using identical
time windows. The default time window is predicated on the comparative response displaying
the most significant response duration. For example, if a comparison question has an RLL
response of five seconds, and the relevant question has eight seconds of response, the window-
of-evaluation for both comparative questions defaults to eight seconds.
A particular physiological pattern that is studied for its diagnostic value. A waveform is also a
mathematical representation of a wave, especially a graph of deviation at a fixed point versus
time. The terms waveform and tracing are used interchangeably in PDD.
Zone Comparison Test (ZCT)
A ZCT is a PLC question technique designed to resolve a specific incident. The ZCT uses a
sacrifice relevant question, irrelevant questions and symptomatic questions in designated
positions. Relevant questions are compared in spots to designated comparison questions.
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