Gcse Marking Scheme: Science - Biology SUMMER 2011
Gcse Marking Scheme: Science - Biology SUMMER 2011
Gcse Marking Scheme: Science - Biology SUMMER 2011
INTRODUCTION The marking schemes which follow were those used by WJEC for the Summer 2011 examination in GCSE SCIENCE-BIOLOGY. They were finalised after detailed discussion at examiners' conferences by all the examiners involved in the assessment. The conferences were held shortly after the papers were taken so that reference could be made to the full range of candidates' responses, with photocopied scripts forming the basis of discussion. The aim of the conferences was to ensure that the marking schemes were interpreted and applied in the same way by all examiners. It is hoped that this information will be of assistance to centres but it is recognised at the same time that, without the benefit of participation in the examiners' conferences, teachers may have different views on certain matters of detail or interpretation. WJEC regrets that it cannot enter into any discussion or correspondence about these marking schemes.
(a) (b)
Hair (allow eyes) (i) CFD A BE (1 mark per correct row) Chiroptera
(ii) (c)
Forward facing eyes/eyes at front of head for judging distance Toes/fingers holding/gripping/grasping/grabbing/clinging long arms swinging through branches/trees, reaching if qual. (not: climbing/jumping) Large eyes / large ears
1 Total 7 marks
(i) (ii)
174 152 = 22(cm) I Same age / gender / sex. Ref. same or all needed All 25 yr olds / female Measurement / repeat / increase number of participants (not: ref. include boys)
1 1
1 1 1 Total 7 marks
(a) (b)
A = sweat pore (allow: phonetic spelling) (i) hair sweat gland sweat duct muscle capillary 4 = all 5 correct (-1 per error) (i.e. 3 = 4 correct; 2 = 3 correct; 1 = 2 correct) increases i.e. ref. more not speed
(ii) (c)
generates/produces heat/gives heat/more heat 1 (allow: warmer i.e. added warmth e.g. more warmth/makes you warmer) (not: keeps you warm/warms you up/heats the body/creates/raises temp of body/releases heat) Total 7 marks
(i) (ii)
Very quickly protection (from harm)/stops you getting injured (not: prevents pain/prevention unqualified)
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 Total 7 marks
Correct plotting ( small square) (1 mark if error) Line quality (through centre of plots) (no extrapolation) from graph 2 readings from cand graph 7.8 0.5 square 5.5 consistent calculation correct answer = 1 from their graph (no mark if no graph drawn) increases/more (not: too much salt/more than they should eat)
2 1
1 1
nutrition information food/salt information on the label/packet/ingredients label i.e. ref. food/nutrition/salt/ingredients (not: look at label/on the packet unqualified/GDA/ref. traffic lights unqualified) Total 7 marks
FOUNDATION AND HIGHER TIER Q.6/1 (a) less minerals formed/released/minerals couldnt build up (not: no minerals) less (plant) plankton/less plankton/no plankton bloom/slower growth of plankton/less plants (not: no plankton) Less krill to feed chicks/less prey to feed chicks/not enough food/prey to feed the chicks (not: food/no krill) any two of the following specification statements for 1 mark each: competition for space or light; competition for nest sites/shelter (not: habitat destruction unqualified) predation; disease; pollution/ref. acid rain or global warming (2 x 1) (not: natural disasters/hunting) 1
Total 5 marks Q.7/2 answers (a) reference to diet e.g. not eating more energy rich good than the body is using/energy content of the diet is balanced/eat a low sugar/fat/carbohydrate diet/lose weight/weight reduction diet 1 (not: ref. balanced diet unqualified/eat healthily/dieting/eat less fast food/carb) being more active/keeping fit/exercise qualified e.g. play more sport / go to the gym regularly/ exercise more/plenty of exercise (b) (i) as the blood glucose rises insulin is made by the pancreas (linked to first point) (excess) glucose converted to glycogen (correct spelling) in the / stored in the liver/muscle (linked to previous point) 3/4 I. II. insulin not produced / not enough produced/no insulin made/ low insulin levels/body does not recognise insulin it produces blood glucose would fall slowly/ would stay too high / rise higher (not: person would die/would rise high)
1 1 1 1 1
1 1
Total 7 marks
(ii) (b)
1 1
the sequence of amino acids would be wrong/ the amino acids would not be in the correct order/ there may be an amino acid missing/ there may be too many amino acids/ there may be the wrong amino acid in the wrong place
Total 3 marks
Kirsty Nn John Nn (both required for 1 mark) (if other letters used, penalised here and allowed ecf) nn. ECF will be allowed from (a)(i) and (ii)
Gametes N n N NN Nn n Nn nn
Four gametes correct [as in (a)(i)] genotypes correct [ECF from gametes allowed] (not: sex chromosomes) (ii) 0.25 / / 25% (of ECF from candidate's Punnett square) 1 in 4 (not: ratio) 0.5 / / 50% (or ECF from candidate's Punnett square) 2 in 4/1 in 2 (not: ratio)
1 1
Total 6 marks
None of the Soya A (GM) crop was destroyed by the herbicide/they all survived/unaffected by the herbicide (not: ref. more/A has a higher yield) Gene for herbicide resistance was cut out / transferred/removed (from herbicide resistant plant) put into Soya bean (not: variety A/plant/ref. immune) Ref to the concern of the effect of: eating them, may be harmful to health (not: specific diseases) the escape of transferred genes into other/indigenous plant species/ creation of super weeds resistant to herbicides (not: ref. immune/ethical issues)
1 1
Total 4 marks
Influenza and pneumonia. Heart disease. Strokes. Cancer. Accidents. (all correct = 1) (i)
(ii) (iii)
More/increase in smoking / increase drinking alcohol / less or lack of exercise / more fat or salt in diet. (not: fast food/carbohydrate/obesity/stress/binge drinking) [Any 3 x 1] 3 Increase in smoking/ ref. exposure to UV or sun increased 1 (not: radiation) Increase in alcohol intake 1 (not: more binge drinking/more drinking)
Total 6 marks
(i) (ii)
10 (Km ) (i) + (ii) independent marks Sudden drop/decrease( at 10 K) then increase again (at 12 Km) Lecanora Parmelia, Xanthoria, Lecanora Indicator
1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 6 marks
(i) (ii)
Same size sample / numbers measured (not: amount/size of sample area) Same age of winkles / season / time of year / sex/ gender (not: location)
1 1
Variation Natural selection (mainland on island) or survival of the fittest to breed Lack of predators on island allows bigger size ORA mainland Lack of/no competition for food on island allows larger size ORA mainland Genes are passed on 5 Total 7 marks
GCSE SCIENCE (BIOLOGY) FOUNDATION TIER PAPER 2 No. Q.1 (a) (i) Answer vacuole cell membrane (not: membrane) cytoplasm Photosynthesis/contains chlorophyll to absorb light (not: ref (trap) light unqual) AD Mark 1 1 1 1 2 1
Total 7 marks
energy chemical enzymes (i) (ii) (iii) Thermometer shown reaching into/touching seeds
1 1 1 1
Prevents heat loss/keeping heat in i.e. ref insulation 1 (not: to insulate unqual./ref. energy) Allows air/gases/oxygen in/carbon dioxide out to pass through/rubber stopper would prevent air passing through. 1
(not: to allow respiration/them to breathe/for thermometer/ref. heat) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) 3 5 days Respiration (not: breathing) I 1 1
control/comparison 1 or to see if temp increases if the seeds are dead or to see if dead seeds respire/give out heat/increase in temp or to see if only living seeds respire/produce heat or to show that respiration produces heat or differences between living and dead.. no temp change/no temperature increase/no extra heat/ no change 1 Not: nothing happens/to see if disinfectant has an effect/ ref. bacteria respiring Total 10 marks
(i) (ii)
sun(light) 1 Not: light/sunshine energy flow / energy transfer/feeding/eaten by/what is being consumed 1 (not: what eats what/ direction of energy/what previous animal eats) leaves correct animal + food blackbird/fox/hawk Greenfly-ladybird-blackbird 1 1 1 1 Total 6 marks
oesophagus / gullet (not: food pipe) pancreas small intestine/ileum (not: duodenum) starch protein
1 1 1 1 1
build/to make protein / enzymes 1 (not: repair or growth / protein unqual) provides source of energy / for respiration (allow: gives energy) 1 (not: produces/makes energy/energy unqual./gives you energy/increase energy level) Total 7 marks
Food obtained from river/feed on fish i.e. link fish & feeding nests/perches 1200 32 years successful breeding
1 1 1 1 1
(i) (ii)
Total 5 marks
FOUNDATION AND HIGHER TIER No. Q.6/1 (a) Any two 1 mark each Calf separated from mother/calf is lost/pair are separated Noise from engine/motor/boats affects whale communication/cause stress/ disturbs or harms Boat/propellers damage whales Not: ref. pollution / disturbing environment (b) (i) biodiversity maintained/doesnt decrease wildlife numbers would not drop / not under danger of extinction (not: wildlife protected/wildlife not harmed / wildlife is cared for) Ref to money from ecotourism getting to native peoples/ brings money into area/reserve Ref to employment in ecotourism industry / business opportunity not: more tourists 1 Answer Mark 2
Total 4 marks Q.7/2 (a) proteins (made by cells / living organisms) speeds up the rate of a reaction/chemical reaction (biological (1) catalysts (1)) (i) (ii) (increasing temperature) decreases the rate of reaction (ref. 30oC neutral) (not: ref. efficiency) enzymes denatured/destroyed/broken down i.e. changes shape qual. (not: it stops working/enzymes killed) 1 1
1 1
Any one from: Mass of starch/mass of enzyme/concentration of enzyme Volume/concentration of solutions used/ pH not: ref. weight/amount (treat as neutral with vol/mass)
Total 5 marks Q.8/3 (a) Poland Baltic Sea (i) burning/combustion (ii) fossil fuels accept any named fossil fuel (could give in (i) only if (ii) blank) Any two from: Acidification of lakes/rivers Fish/Aquatic or water animals/plants are killed/harmed Damages/stripping leaves from trees Not: poison living organisms/ref. limestone or statues/ref. pollution 1 1 1 1
2 -3
Total 6 marks 9
HIGHER TIER No. Q.4 (a) Answer carbon dioxide + water (both for 1 mark) glucose + oxygen (both for 1 mark) If candidates use chemical symbols they must be correct e.g. CO2 and H20 are incorrect. (i) Mark 1 1
because carbon dioxide levels change qualified (throughout the 24hr period/day and night) 1
(ii) (I). that the plants are photosynthesising below their optimum rate/too low a rate OWTTE/plants don't have enough carbon dioxide to photosynthesise at high/max rate 1 (II) to increase the carbon dioxide levels to 5500ppm (not 6000ppm) (allow: maintain at 5500 (1)) (allow: ref. amount in this question only) 1 1
Total 6 marks
(i) (ii)
starch hydrolysed/broken down/digested by carbohydrase (amylase) 1 (not: changed) proteins digested by protease/pepsin 1
(b) Starch Glucose Fats protein All correct 2 marks One error 1 mark More than 1 error 0 marks
Total 4 marks
build up in food chain/bioaccumulation to toxic/poisonous level or to a level which reduces fertility/reproduction Kills the links in the food chain (not: otters eat insects) e.g. pesticides kill insects so fish die & otters die 2 from 3 (i) (ii) alien/exotic cause a decrease in biodiversity compete with otters will eat a variety of animals (or named animals)/eat same food as otters e.g. water voles, birds/eggs/fish etc (competition for food (2)) (not: eat all the otters food)
2 1 1 1 1
Total 6 marks
(a) (b)
Glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water. (All complete for 1.) Glucose = lactic acid. (All complete for 1.) If other chemicals given no marks.
1 1
More energy (per glucose molecule) released than in anaerobic respiration/ complete breakdown of glucose 1 not: ref. energy made or created Total 3 marks
Transport/movement of minerals/salts against a concentration gradient (allow: ions / salt) Not: things/molecules/water/particles/substances From low to high concentration needing energy / respiration (allow: ATP) (not: kinetic energy) Transports/moves/carries salts/salt/minerals out of body (not: reduces its salt level)
1 1
Water moves in from where it is in high concentration to where it is in low concentration/ down a concentration gradient via semi/partially/selectively permeable membrane (not: SPM)
1 1 1 Total 6 marks
M = excretion (not: urination) N = feeding/eating/ingestion/consumption (not: digestion) K = decay/decomposition/putrefaction (not: rotting/breakdown) L = urea (correct spelling) X = urease (correct spelling) (i) (ii) light/temperature plants die because light is blocked out decay (not: broken down) by bacteria (not: decomposers) use oxygen for respiration fish decrease/die from lack of oxygen (allow: suffocate) Any 4 x 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Total 10 marks
GCSE BIOLOGY FOUNDATION TIER PAPER 3 No. Q.1 (a) (i) Answer X aorta Y atrium DACB 3 correct lines (2 correct = 1 mark) Mark 1 1 1 2 (Total 5 marks) Q.2 (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Fungus (not: fusarium) (provides) sugar/low cost Potassium or phosphate (food) produced quickly (accept ref to consistent product; not: faster unqual./mass production/ref. quantity) Bacteria + yogurt or yeast + bread (allow: fungus) (allow: cheese+bacteria or fungus/pruteen+bacteria/quorn+fungus) 1 1 1 1
(ii) (b)
(Total 5 marks) Q.3 (a) J K N Urine Bladder Urethra (correct spelling only) urea 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Total 7 marks)
Q.4 (a)
A C B C Sterilization/kills bacteria (not: cleaning/get rid of bacteria) Prevents entry/exit of microorganisms/bacteria (not: ref. air/oxygen/dust/cross contamination)
1 1 1 1 1 1
(b) (i)
1 (Total 7 marks)
1 1 1 (Total 3 marks) 2
Q.6 (a)
plotting (+/- half small square) (-1 per error) line quality, through centre of plots
1 1 1
(b) (i)
from graph -correct readings (between 161 and 164 120) (not: 160 or 165) Calculation (correct answer 2 marks (41 to 44), if incorrect could award 1 for 2 correct readings) increase/more growth/faster growth owtte 50 minutes Slows/reduces growth of microorganisms (on food) (not: kills bacteria/stops growth/ref. food going off)
1 1 1 (Total 8 marks)
FOUNDATION AND HIGHER TIER No. Q.7/1 (a) Answer pH drops/becomes more acidic with increasing time (i.e. ref. pH + time) bacteria/Lactobacillus sp. Ferment/breakdown sugar/lactose/anaerobic respiration takes place (not: ref. digest/use/act on sugar) producing lactic acid (not: acid) Temperature (not: heat) Mark 1
1 1
1 1 (Total 5 marks) 1 1
washing powder contains enzymes or example which digest/breakdown the egg stain/protein/fat (not: ref. get rid of/dissolve/work on egg) enzymes destroyed/denatured by high temperature (not: killed/ref. bacteria) SuperBIO - because less energy/electricity is used in heating the water (not: ref. works at lower temperature/environmentally friendly/ ref. harmful to skin)
(Total 4 marks) Q.9/3 (a) non-living things could give rise to life (OWTTE) (not: from nothing/from dead things) swan necked (Louis) Pasteur to sterilise the contents/kill microbes/bacteria/ destroy any organisms living in the broth (not: get rid of/denature) to prevent (air containing) microbes from entering/prevent contamination with microbes/bacteria/microorganisms Fewer/no microbes in the flask opened on the top of the mountain (ORA) (OWTTE) allow: ref. cloudiness. Comparative statement needed (not: ref. gone off) 1
1 1 1
(Total 6 marks) 15
HIGHER TIER No. Q.4 Answer (a) (i) W - pulmonary artery X - aorta Both sides of table needed, matched statements per row. W deoxygenated/X is oxygenated (allow: ref. CO2 /less or more O2; not: no O2) W lower pressure/X higher pressure or ref. more/less comparative statements (not: ref. colour) contracting Because valves between atria and ventricles closed /valves at start of arteries or semi-lunar valves are open (not: valves are open) (linked marks) Mark 1 1 1
1 (Total 6 marks) 1
(a) (b)
arrow on guard cell (not: on stomatal pore) Leaf B it has fewer stomata (allow: fewer guard cells) therefore less water loss/transpiration or more water retained answer must be comparative there would be no gaseous exchange/oxygen/carbon dioxide couldn't enter/leave (allow: ref respiration/photosynthesis qual.)
1 1
(Total 4 marks)
A Ureter (accurate spelling) B Renal vein C Renal artery Presence of protein (not: ref. less) and glucose in urine
1 1 1 1 1
Water has been reabsorbed/removed into the blood Correct tissue match/type (not: same blood group/kidney compatibility) Anti-rejection/immunosuppressant drugs (not: ref. antibiotics)
1 1 1
(d) (i)
1 (Total 9 marks)
C Ref. to growth where there is a high concentration of antibiotic (not: ref. spreading of bacteria) Over-use/over prescription/course not completed (not: constant use) Mutants can tolerate/are immune/are resistant/a mutation occurs Natural selection takes place/survival of the fittest to breed allows mutants to survive/have advantage to pass on (mutant) gene Any 4 from 5
1 1
4 (Total 6 marks)
1 and 4 years Increase antibodies (not: memory cells/lymphocytes) Stop them dropping too low/keep them at a high level (not: not enough in first injection) Antigens introduced on microbe/virus (allow: virus acts as antigen) stimulate white blood cells/lymphocytes (not: phagocytes) to produce antibodies Memory cells remain/produced which give permanent immunity/fights future infection/in future infections antibodies are produced rapidly Any 4 x 1 Would protect large numbers of people/whole communities would prevent spread of disease/epidemic/number of cases would decrease Would eliminate certain disease (e.g. smallpox) Max 2 Against basic rights of a free society to choose Against certain cultures/religions/ethics of people Max 1
1 1 1
(c) (i)
1 1 1
1 1
(Total 10 marks)
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