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JNTU Old Question Papers 2007

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Code No: RR312301 Set No.

III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Develop expressions for the estimation of flux in Gaseous systems for ‘A’ through
stagnant ‘B’. [16]

2. (a) Distinguish between Eddy and Molecular Diffusion?

(b) Explain Penetration Theory versus Two Film Theory? [8+8]

3. A solution of CCl4 and CS2 containing 50% wt each is to be continuously fraction-

ated at 1 atm at the rate of 4000 kg/hr. Distillate product is to contain 95% wt CS2
and residue 0.5%. The feed will be 30% mole vapourised before it enters the tower.
Total condenser will be used and reflux returned at bubble point. Determine

(a) Product rates.

(b) Theoretical trays for a reflux ratio of twice the minimum. The equilibrium
data is as follows. [8+8]

X 0.11 0.26 0.39 0.53 0.66 0.76 0.86

Y 0.27 0.49 0.63 0.75 0.83 0.88 0.93

4. A Blend of 50% Toluene liquid and 50% Benzene liquid volume is being separated
by fractionation into an over head product that has 10 mole percent Toluene and
a bottom product that has 0.5 mole percent Benzene. The blend is fractionated at
the rate of 10000 gal/day. How many gallons of each product is produced, if the
reflux ratio is 4. A sample of vapour from one of the trays above the feed tray was
taken and found to contain 20% Toluene. What was the composition of the liquid
from the tray along the point of which the sample of vapour was taken? [16]

5. Explain the terms constant and variable under flow conditions? [16]

6. Explain the method of leaching vegetable oil seeds for extraction of Oil? [16]

7. Explain multistage counter current adsorption. Give some applications. [10+6]

8. (a) Explain types of flow in gas permeation.

(b) In what way pervaporation is different from other membrane separations, ex-
plain. [8+8]


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Code No: RR312301 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Obtain an expression for the steady state Equimolal counter diffusion of two gases
starting from fundamentals? [16]

2. It is desired to estimate the mass transfer coefficient KG in kg mol/m2 s p.a for water
vapour in air at 338.6 k and 101.32 Kpa flowing in a large duct past different geom-
etry solids. The velocity of the duct is 3.66 m/s. The water vapour concentration
in the air is transferred to the solids. Do this for the following geometries.

(a) A single 25.4 mm - diameter sphere.

(b) A packed bed of 25.4 mm sphere with ε = 0.35 [8+8]

3. A liquid feed consisting of 1200 kg moles of mixture containing 30% Naphthalene

and 70% Dipropylene Glycol is differentially distilled at 100 mm Hg pressure and
final distillate contains 55% of Naphthalene. The VLE data are

X 8.4 11.6 2.8 50.6 68.7 80.6 88

Y 22.3 41.1 62.9 74.8 80.2 84.4 88

(a) Determine the amount of distillate.

(b) Determine the concentration of Naphthalene in residue and distillate? [8+8]

4. A rectification column is fed 100 kg mol/h of a mixture of 50 mol% Benzene and 50

mol% Toluene at 101.32 Kpa abs pressure. The feed is liquid at the boiling point.
The distillate is to contain 90 mol% Benzene and the bottoms 10 mol% Benzene.
The reflux ratio is 4.52:1. Calculate the kg mol/h distillate, kg mol/h bottoms and
the number of theoretical trays needed using Mc Cabe Thiele Method. [16]

5. (a) What is a plait point?

(b) Draw the flow diagram for continuous counter current multistage extraction
operation. [6+10]

6. Seeds containing 20 percent by weight of oil are extracted in a counter current plant
and 90 percent of the oil is recovered in a solution containing 50 percent by weight
of oil. If the seeds are extracted with fresh solvent and 1 kg of solution is removed
in the underflow in association with every 2 kg of insoluble matter, how many ideal
stages are required? [16]

7. (a) Explain in detail break through curve and its significance?

(b) Indicate how rate of adsorption in fixed beds is estimated. [8+8]

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Code No: RR312301 Set No. 2
8. Explain the Ultrafiltration, microfiltration and Reverse Osmosis with examples.



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Code No: RR312301 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Obtain an expression for the steady state Equimolal counter diffusion of two gases
starting from fundamentals? [16]

2. (a) Distinguish between Eddy and Molecular Diffusion?

(b) Explain Penetration Theory versus Two Film Theory? [8+8]

3. A solution of CCl4 and CS2 containing 50% wt each is to be continuously fraction-

ated at 1 atm at the rate of 4000 kg/hr. Distillate product is to contain 95% wt CS2
and residue 0.5%. The feed will be 30% mole vapourised before it enters the tower.
Total condenser will be used and reflux returned at bubble point. Determine

(a) Product rates.

(b) Theoretical trays for a reflux ratio of twice the minimum. The equilibrium
data is as follows. [8+8]

X 0.11 0.26 0.39 0.53 0.66 0.76 0.86

Y 0.27 0.49 0.63 0.75 0.83 0.88 0.93

4. A rectification column is fed 100 kg mol/h of a mixture of 50 mol% Benzene and 50

mol% Toluene at 101.32 Kpa abs pressure. The feed is liquid at the boiling point.
The distillate is to contain 90 mol% Benzene and the bottoms 10 mol% Benzene.
The reflux ratio is 4.52:1. Calculate the kg mol/h distillate, kg mol/h bottoms and
the number of theoretical trays needed using Mc Cabe Thiele Method. [16]

5. With the help of neat sketches, explain briefly the various types of commercial
extraction equipment. [16]

6. Soyabean flakes containing 22 wt% oil are to be leached in a counter current multi-
stage to contain 0.8 kg oil/ 100 kg inert solid. Using fresh and pure hexane solvent.
For every 1000 kg soyabeans, 1000 kg Hexane is used. Experiments give the fol-
lowing retention of solution with the solids in the underflow, where N is kg inert
solid/ kg solution retained and YA is wt. fraction of oil in solution.

N 1.73 1.52 1.43

YA 0 0.20 0.30

Calculate the exit flows and compositions and the number of theoretical stages
required? [16]

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Code No: RR312301 Set No. 3
7. Explain Freundlich equation and its application. Explain fixed bed adsorption?

8. A liquid containing solute A at a concentration C1 = 3 ×10−2 kg mol/m3 is flowing

rapidly by a membrane of thickness L=3.0×10−5 m. The distribution coefficient
K′ =1.5 and DAB = 7.0 × 10−11 m2 /s in the membrane. The solute diffuses through
the membrane and its concentration on the other side is C2 = 0.50×10−2 kgmol/m3 .
The mass transfer coefficient KC1 is large and can be considered as infinite and
KC2 =2.02 ×10−5 kmol/m2 s mol fraction. Calculate the flux and the concentrations
at the membrane interfaces? [16]


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Code No: RR312301 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Obtain an expression for the steady state Equimolal counter diffusion of two gases
starting from fundamentals? [16]

2. (a) Distinguish between Eddy and Molecular Diffusion?

(b) Explain Penetration Theory versus Two Film Theory? [8+8]

3. An equimolar mixture of A and B is flash distilled such that 65% of the feed is in
product distillate of the total moles fed. Compute the composition of the distillate
and residue. Vapour liquid equilibrium data is as follows.

X (mole) % 8 10 20 30 40 50 70 80 95
Y (mole) % 37 42 58 67 73 78 87 96 98

x and y represent the composition of A in liquid and vapour phase respectively.[16]

4. A Methanol - water solution containing 36 mole% Methanol at 26.70 C is to be

continuously rectified at 1 std atmosphere at a rate of 5000 kg/hr to provide distil-
late containing 91.5 mole% Methanol and a residue containing 99.5 mole% of water.
The feed is introduced at its boiling point. The distillation is totally condensed and
the reflux is returned at its bubble point. A reflux ratio of 1.5 times the minimum
is used. Determine using enthalpy-concentration diagram.

(a) Quantity of products in kg/hr.

(b) Minimum Reflux ratio.
(c) Number of Ideal Plates.

Mole fraction Enthalpies Saturated liquid KJ/Kmol Saturated Vapour

0 8000 48000
1 7500 39000

Mole% of Methanol in liquid X 4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95

Mole%ofMethanol invapour Y 23 42 58 66 73 78 82 87 91 96 98

5. A 25% (weight%) solution of dioxane in water is to be continuously extracted in

counter current fashion with Benzene to remove 95% of the dioxane in feed. If the
feed rate is 1000 kg/hr estimate the

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Code No: RR312301 Set No. 4
(a) Minimum solvent required and
(b) Theoretical stages needed if 900 kg/hr of solvent is used

Wt% Dioxane in water 5.1 18.9 25.2

Wt% Dioxane in Benzene 5.2 22.5 32.0

6. Seeds containing 20 percent by weight of oil are extracted in a counter current plant
and 90 percent of the oil is recovered in a solution containing 50 percent by weight
of oil. If the seeds are extracted with fresh solvent and 1 kg of solution is removed
in the underflow in association with every 2 kg of insoluble matter, how many ideal
stages are required? [16]

7. (a) Explain in detail break through curve and its significance?

(b) Indicate how rate of adsorption in fixed beds is estimated. [8+8]

8. A liquid containing solute A at a concentration C1 = 3 ×10−2 kg mol/m3 is flowing

rapidly by a membrane of thickness L=3.0×10−5 m. The distribution coefficient
K′ =1.5 and DAB = 7.0 × 10−11 m2 /s in the membrane. The solute diffuses through
the membrane and its concentration on the other side is C2 = 0.50×10−2 kgmol/m3 .
The mass transfer coefficient KC1 is large and can be considered as infinite and
KC2 =2.02 ×10−5 kmol/m2 s mol fraction. Calculate the flux and the concentrations
at the membrane interfaces? [16]


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